Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: KiaKia on August 18, 2023, 11:15:18 AM

Title: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: KiaKia on August 18, 2023, 11:15:18 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: jackg on August 18, 2023, 11:26:40 AM
I think faucets worked really well to advertise other parts of websites other companies (of they held a stake in the faucet). I think it's hard to get returning visitors on faucets now that'll think it's worthwhile and a lot of the free to play defi gaming space might take over from faucets in the next few years too if they haven't already.

There used to be a site (either called faucetbox of faucethub - both might've existed that had premade scripts and an integrated API).

I still think it's best to have a prepaid advertisement or somewhere you can direct people to from your site (that you also own).

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: icalical on August 18, 2023, 02:08:58 PM
If you want to add faucet into your website as part of it, I mean not like the main feature of your website then I would say go for it. But if you want to make website that specifically for faucet, I also think it is still possible, but there won't be much visitor in this market condition I doubt people will spend their time closing/skipping some ads for just a few sat that worth only few cent. Maybe waiting for the market to get better.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: FatFork on August 18, 2023, 02:51:08 PM
Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

You have to consider how will you monetize your new faucet site.

Get a good plan together. Thinking about putting up ads for your visitors? If yes, what kind? Also, are you thinking of using affiliate links? It's all stuff to consider as you work on your faucet site. Once you've got that sorted, then you can start thinking about the technical and other details.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: avikz on August 18, 2023, 03:00:35 PM
Faucet businesses can be profitable only if you run with some cheap but known coins. With Bitcoin, you won't make any money for sure. Also a lot depends on what kind of advertisements you want to show. Nowadays, you won't find a lot of advertising companies who pays out in Bitcoin. Also I don't think goggle adsense will give you approval for a faucet website. Also a lot of scripts can be found in the market which will run faucet websites for the users but no view will be counted due to strong as blocker. In long term, faucet is not a business you will prefer running.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Coin_trader on August 18, 2023, 03:02:06 PM
Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

This business is not profitable anymore since no one is interested to do captcha in exchange for a penny reward. The reason for this is because there’s a lot of cryptocurrency choices now and cryptocurrency is already grow a lot in price compared before when crypto is still on the early syage and everyone is optimistic that the price will grow someday even though we are just claiming a penny before. Cryptocurrency already reached the stage which it’s price is already discovered.

You might spend more on your faucet setup especially the hosting fees compared to the amount of profit you can get on your captcha and banner ads posted on your website. There’s no harm in trying though. I will gladly use your faucet when it’s already out but as a businessman, I don’t see any good profit on this plan.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: jossiel on August 18, 2023, 03:35:18 PM
I'd like to hear it as well from someone who has ran and keeps on running it. But since there are still ones that's existing, maybe it is but not that much.

I guess that the reason for that is that it's still fun to operate it and owners of it have other sources of income which they're not dependent to the faucet website that they won.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 18, 2023, 03:48:02 PM
This business is not profitable anymore since no one is interested to do captcha in exchange for a penny reward. The reason for this is because there’s a lot of cryptocurrency choices now
Oh but man, if only you were able to claim a little bitcoin like you used to back in the day....I should be a millionaire for all the time I spent on faucets and buying cheap bitcoin (seriously) but instead I'm a fucking loser with nothing.

Coin_trader is probably right, though I'm guessing that it just became unprofitable for faucet owners, not because there weren't enough users.  I have no idea what the profits were ever like, but they had to have been minimal.  Faucets would come and go like the wind, so that should tell you something.

From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.
Props to you if you saved whatever you claimed from those faucets.  If you did, you were a true believer where I was a doubting Thomas.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: lizarder on August 18, 2023, 05:44:44 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.
And believe me for now the faucet has no more hope of making a profit because things that are free and small gifts will not last long in conditions of coins that have gained fundamentals and most of it is done on certain coins that are not so valuable.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?  
Apart from faucets there is also another method known as an airdrop, both of which have almost the same function to complete a few steps to get a prize. Now why aren't many people talking about it anymore because the potential profit from these two methods is quite small, so people prefer to find ways to invest or trade even if they use their own funds which are a little limited. For investments, we know the DCA term that can be applied and we can take advantage of small financial conditions to collect it.

If you intend to develop a faucet, maybe what you need to do is try to monetize the faucet site and after that place advertisements or videos that have user interest. Lastly you have to make sure that your site doesn't look like a scam so that people don't feel worried about joining and other things you might be able to learn with experienced people because there are lots of suggestions they can give you.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: panganib999 on August 18, 2023, 05:54:51 PM
They are pretty much considered gimmicks now since the sats they give out, are so negligible you're better off just buying bitcoins yourself or purchasing a mining rig than depend on these sites for free stuff. Years ago they were the best ways for you to earn bitcoin since not only are the reward blocks higher, but at the same time bitcoin is lower in value they can just give out money willy-nilly. 2016-18 is what I would consider the golden era of faucets as these were the times when bitcoin faucets are still relatively generous when it comes to rewards, but at the same time there's real value and relevance in bitcoin's part already, which makes it even more enticing to push for faucets like this.

Not saying  you should avoid faucets outright, but saying that you shouldn't expect so much from these sites anymore.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Eternad on August 18, 2023, 06:01:40 PM
They are pretty much considered gimmicks now since the sats they give out, are so negligible you're better off just buying bitcoins yourself or purchasing a mining rig than depend on these sites for free stuff.

The rewards is still the same in fiat value because I remember claiming sats back then that is totally negligible too. The price of Bitcoin just explode now that’s why the value in sats is very low while the fiat value is still the same low amount.

Faucet is just a micro earning even before. People nowadays is just very lazy to claim very they knew that there’s a slim chance for the Bitcoin price pump hard to make their little satoshi valuable.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: lionheart78 on August 18, 2023, 06:33:39 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.
The faucet owner earns through adverts.  Every round that a  person claim from the faucet, there is an advertisement running and the person has to finish it to claim from the faucet.  Unless the faucet is for airdrop purpose.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it?
Because faucet is not worth it anymore.  It needs a very long time before a person can meet the cashout requirement so people got bored and think it is not worth their time anymore.

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
@FatFork have good advice on this, I think you should follow his suggestion.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Wimex on August 18, 2023, 08:06:57 PM
The issue that most businesses work on, whether they are cryptographic or not, is mainly based on whether they are well executed ideas.. a faucet is not a bad idea and as other contributions say, the considerations you should make is what kind of advertising you expect show, what additional tasks it will involve, how much projection you hope to have and what cryptocurrency you hope to work or promote yourself with, achieving a good set in these aspects considered beforehand and throughout the time of the project you are considering, I can say with almost complete certainty that it will ensure the success of your venture is more a question of basic management notions.. now, if what you want is to generate money from a faucet, I can assure you that you will have to find many and put a lot of effort into them and even so the results they will not be very satisfying..

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: vv181 on August 18, 2023, 08:17:22 PM
Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Claiming a faucet requires the user to wait for an x amount of time and complete a captcha. The reason for that is that the faucet site inserts an advertisement on the claim page or the whole site. Since that advertising is usually paid by views, the amount the owner receives might be used to pay the claimant.

With that in mind, you should calculate how much you can get paid per view, and estimate how many users you may be able to get. Also, you should also remember to make an anti-bot or cheat system. I believe it is a kind of complex project, yet, the profit opportunity is minuscule.

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

Given the reason I said above, you should consider looking for another business opportunity. Nowayads is truly different compared back then when you still claiming a faucet.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: teosanru on August 18, 2023, 08:27:38 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
I don't think faucet today makes sense. Faucet earning is actually really simple. You earn very small amount of popular currencies in faucets and then if you are lucky enough one day those coins will get pumped and reach at a decent level and obviously at that time you'll feel that faucet was actually worth it. Unfortunately such a thing isn't really practical for top cryptos now because even faucet providers know how far can bitcoin go so actually they will give you peanuts which can never really become big money. Your best bet is to receive faucet money in a hidden gem of a crypto which tomorrow becomes a big blockbuster.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Ultegra134 on August 18, 2023, 08:44:40 PM
Faucets used to be extremely popular during the early days of Bitcoin because, for the majority of us, it was the starting point. On top of that, Bitcoin was worth way less back then, and it wasn't seen as an investment as much as it is now. Thus, they were paying tremendous amounts of BTC, which were then worth a few pennies at most. It was actually my starting point for cryptocurrencies as well, from which I managed to accumulate a relatively decent amount of BTC for today's standards, some of which I held until a few years ago.

Nowadays, the majority of Bitcoin faucets have shut down because people lost interest in them because the payout was extremely insignificant. On top of that, most faucets were kept running through donations and advertisements, and since Bitcoin was considered a valuable asset, people stopped donating, and as I've mentioned earlier, people lost interest in them; thus, ad revenue was pretty much nonexistent. is still functioning but paying as little as 2 satoshi per roll; thus, it's a waste of time.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: yhiaali3 on August 18, 2023, 08:52:34 PM
I guess faucets are not that profitable anymore, not many people are interested in them now and it's hard to find enough users who are interested in faucets so that they can get enough advertising revenue to keep the faucets alive.

There was a golden period for faucets but these days it is gone, now there is a lot of work and time wasted for the sake of a little frivolous profit that is not worth it. I worked on faucets for a long time when I started but gave it up a long time ago.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: coupable on August 18, 2023, 08:52:44 PM
Certainly, this is still possible today and may have become much easier compared to the early years of crypto, but the most important question is whether this is still profitable for the business owner or not. Certainly, the faucets are no longer useful to users, and the time they will spend following the faucets will be much more important than what they can get as a few satoshis, so do not expect a significant percentage of traffic. And even if it happens and you succeed in marketing your site, the traffic will be among the beginners who will not be affected by the ads on the site.
According to my expectation, the matter is no longer profitable for all parties.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: AmoreJaz on August 18, 2023, 11:27:10 PM
I guess faucets are not that profitable anymore, not many people are interested in them now and it's hard to find enough users who are interested in faucets so that they can get enough advertising revenue to keep the faucets alive.

There was a golden period for faucets but these days it is gone, now there is a lot of work and time wasted for the sake of a little frivolous profit that is not worth it. I worked on faucets for a long time when I started but gave it up a long time ago.

no they are not. though there are still some people who are wasting their time on this, very few can survive. maybe hard to find ad companies which will advertise on your site. unless, you have other services other than faucets. because right now, you need to be innovative to survive.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: blockman on August 18, 2023, 11:38:31 PM
Not anymore but if you wanna do it for fun, and you have the idea that you can still get banner ads and advertisers then that's what it means to be profitable.

no they are not. though there are still some people who are wasting their time on this, very few can survive. maybe hard to find ad companies which will advertise on your site. unless, you have other services other than faucets. because right now, you need to be innovative to survive.
Those that still remember the time how they started probably made their own faucets so that they can pass onto the other people on how they've known Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Stellarcast on August 19, 2023, 01:13:45 AM
Certainly, this is still possible today and may have become much easier compared to the early years of crypto, but the most important question is whether this is still profitable for the business owner or not. Certainly, the faucets are no longer useful to users, and the time they will spend following the faucets will be much more important than what they can get as a few satoshis, so do not expect a significant percentage of traffic. And even if it happens and you succeed in marketing your site, the traffic will be among the beginners who will not be affected by the ads on the site.
According to my expectation, the matter is no longer profitable for all parties.

I don't think a website with a faucet on its own can bring enough traffic for decent revenue. Sure, the owner can adjust the payout so that they will always have substantial profit from ad revenue after user payouts but nowadays who even clicks through faucet sites? 10 years ago you can find faucets paying 500-3000 satoshis per hour and per captcha with a low withdrawal fee with help from a central online wallet like microwallet that has shut down. Now sites give single digit satoshis per claim and requires thousands of claims to reach the threshold and cover the transaction fee. Sad to say the days of micro faucets are past, at least for BTC. Altcoins may still be viable but the audience will be too small to justify your project.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: adaseb on August 19, 2023, 04:17:02 AM
Faucets were around for many many years and if it wasn’t for the abuse in 2017, many would still be around today.

Back in 2015 or so you could go to a gambling dice site and get like 1000 sats for free. If you lost it all then claim it again and again and again, basically all you had to do was wait a few minutes between the claiming.

From 1000 sats to 100,000 sats was easy to do with a few lucky rolls and no risk. Many did this in 2015-16 until they had to put an end to it in 2017 due to the abuse.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: someone703 on August 19, 2023, 05:06:21 AM
Indeed, doing business in this field is not always easy to make a profit.

The issue regarding the use of Bitcoin as a means of payment in advertising is also truly remarkable. Restrictions on Bitcoin acceptance in day-to-day transactions and growing ad blockers are really affecting the ability of faucet sites to generate traffic and revenue.

Moreover, the competition in this field is increasing day by day, especially as many different faucet websites appear and try to attract users. This poses the challenge of having to create engaging and creative content to capture the user's attention.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: 8rch7 on August 19, 2023, 05:37:05 AM
Running faucet for advertising your project is still profitable and you hot thousand hundred traffic every day because many people active with hunting coins trough faucet. Right now many still faucet website available and you can promote your business trough faucet claiming by using Litecoin, Doge coin or coins with small price. But not profitable or worth when your project advertising with faucet claiming by using Bitcoin payment.
You have change payment way and focus with shit or meme coin actually with new shit coin not listed yet on exchange market will make many airdrop hunter interested for claiming faucet every day. Make limit faucet claiming with one hour duration and not worth when you use 24 hour in daily day for claiming faucet.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Silberman on August 19, 2023, 06:14:36 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
You will have two main problems when running a faucet, how to make money with it and how to avoid abusers from claiming more than what you are willing to pay, if I am not wrong back in those days you could still use adwords and this allowed those faucets to keep themselves in business, but once Google changed their policies faucets could not find another source of income that was as good, and when it comes to stopping bots you will have a lot of problems as well as I am sure they are way more advanced than what they were back then.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Helena Yu on August 19, 2023, 06:16:39 AM
You need a bankroll if you want to run a faucet business, usually a faucet business has their own mining, so they're making stable income from mining and give small amount of their profit as faucet to grow their sites and make more money through ads or pay per click.

Even you create Bitcoin faucet site, it's still possible even the reward is less than 10 Satoshi per hour, it just depends is people are still interested or not, I believe isn't.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Kakmakr on August 19, 2023, 07:32:16 AM
I was one of those "faucet suckers" back in the day..... and I regret every second that I wasted on there. It was big back then, until the advertisers realized that the people they are targeting are not people with money.

Those faucets were funded by advertising companies and when the advertising companies stopped paying for faucet traffic, they dried up and went away. ( quickly saw what was happening and they switched from advertisement income to gambling income) ...and they are still around and the faucet are still running to this day.  :D

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Outhue on August 19, 2023, 08:00:21 AM
This reminds me of the good old days, faucet always get me busy when I was learning about cryptocurrency and Bitcoin, I claimed some free Bitcoin on and I was able to withdraw, I played some HI and LoW gambling rollers and I earned some and lose some, it was a good experience.

Today faucets are not worth running that's why you don't see many people doing it, if it's still profitable there will be many in 2023 as we speak, I would rather run a online casino instead of a faucet.

You can learn about how to run a casino online and still add few faucets as part of free earning on the casino, this will be attractive to those that visits the website for gambling and those that have no money to gamble can still claim free coins via the faucet engine.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Yamane_Keto on August 19, 2023, 08:13:39 AM
Faucets are the closest place where advertisers meet and those looking for ads. ideal faucet provide high-quality traffic to advertisers and people looking for ads who want more effort without effort.

Faucets were great in the past because dozens of bitcoins could be mined easily and they were hard to sell or use, so faucets were the answer.
At the moment, Bitcoin has value and to make succeed faucet, your idea must be creative, in the sense of getting advertisers to pay you and maintaining a high view history. The idea of the taps may have developed to be an application like the idea of TikTok or like signature campaigns. Here, you need a good marketing team.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on August 19, 2023, 09:38:41 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.
Those were the good o' days. I remember this and the excitement that came with during the point in time. I miss 'em. It was the beginning of being crypto aware.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .
Claiming faucets is no longer as popular as it used to be. The rewards are now very small. It doesn't match the amount of effort that is put in. I think that faucets evolved into airdrops.

I don't know how to help you run your faucet but I'll recommend that you start from YouTube. There are many videos explainers there that would be very helpful.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: flyingcarpet on August 19, 2023, 09:48:31 AM
Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

There are many details and you have to put these details in order and get started. What kind of ads will be for visitors to the site. There is also the possibility that the profit you will get from your captcha and banner ads will be less than the expense you make. So I don't think it will be a very profitable business at this time. You need to think about whether the amount of profit you will get, rather than the technical details, will be enough for you. I think the expense may be more than income in this process.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: gunhell16 on August 19, 2023, 09:58:15 AM
In my opinion, faucets are a good addition to the business you have online. I'm just not familiar with how to do it on the online business platform you have if you actually have one dude. That is also an added attraction to attract even more clients to your platform.

As for crypto, that's also good if it's just a proper hobby, and I've seen many downloadable faucets on the play store that can directly transfer the crypto you collect to I tried it anyway and it was transferred to my faucetspay account in seconds.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Marvell1 on August 19, 2023, 10:01:19 AM

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

I think there is one thing you need to pay more attention to before thinking about the faucet business. That is, how many people will still be interested and interested in collecting free coins through the faucet? What I see is that even newbies are no longer interested in faucets entering the market, let alone old investors. In 2016, people are interested in faucets because there are not many ways to earn free bitcoins, but so far we have bounty, airdrop, testnet...There are many ways to earn free money and they can even accumulate a significant amount of capital to invest. But can you do it for your faucet?

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: michellee on August 19, 2023, 10:17:48 AM
As far as I've heard from my friend, some people buy the faucet site script and then run it after they have finished checking the codes. The important thing is that you already have a domain and hosting and upload the script to that domain.

I haven't figured out how to run a faucet but it's the same as you run a site. The difference is that your site is a faucet site where there must be other additional codes that you should check. You must choose what coins to display and fill the wallet so users can claim their coins from the faucet.

You can visit the sites below to learn about faucet sites and search through search engines to find other sites.


Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Dave1 on August 19, 2023, 10:22:55 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Perhaps the reason why people are not talking about today because it's no longer effective to run this kind of business of advertisement. And most of the team it's not worth the time anymore, just saying.

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

Well if you have some website to advertise that is related to crypto or altcoin in general then maybe you can used this as part of your marketing. Just make sure though that it can be withdrawable after members reach something or at least amounts that can be reach.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: sokani on August 19, 2023, 02:12:57 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
Years back, I did some bitcoin faucet for a couple of weeks and gave up because I felt it wasn't worth my time and I didn't think my earnings would amount to anything tangible. I can't even remember some of the faucet sites I visited and my login details, but look how profiting those faucets could have worth in today's price if I had continued and kept it still this moment. There's a story of a teenager who claimed he made a fortune from bitcoin faucets back in the days but I can't find the link I would have shared it.

I don't think it's a bad idea if you want to use faucets in your site, I believe we've not seen the last of Bitcoin or other coins you mentioned so some persons are still going be interested in getting the faucets no matter how small they might be.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on August 19, 2023, 03:33:56 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Maybe those that runs the faucet are the ones this has been a benefit to and not the users, though some users as well have managed to earn little from some since the early days but not anymore than a waste of time for people but highly recommended for newbies to start from somewhere while learning, if people are doing it then it profitable for them as long as they can pull out traffic.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it?

I will advise you not to even try wasting your time on it because faucets are no more invoke, there's high rate of scam it doing it and people no longer trust the whole process again.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: doomloop on August 19, 2023, 06:23:01 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
I don't really think that's a good idea, people barely use faucet sites these days, it was the good old days when all of us used to claim free Bitcoins from faucets but it was the time when Bitcoin wasn't this high and it was worth doing it but most people know they will be getting peanuts from these sites and it is just a waste of time. All faucet sites I used to know have closed down except which is still running but has evolved now and is very much popular.

Faucet sites used to earn money through the ads they used to display on their websites and since they used to get a lot of visitors every day, it used to be enough for them to fund the faucet and keep it running, they also used to collect donations. Getting that many visitors on a faucet site today will be a big challenge.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Ultegra134 on August 19, 2023, 07:24:42 PM
Faucets were around for many many years and if it wasn’t for the abuse in 2017, many would still be around today.

Back in 2015 or so you could go to a gambling dice site and get like 1000 sats for free. If you lost it all then claim it again and again and again, basically all you had to do was wait a few minutes between the claiming.

From 1000 sats to 100,000 sats was easy to do with a few lucky rolls and no risk. Many did this in 2015-16 until they had to put an end to it in 2017 due to the abuse.
They were abused, and it certainly didn't help their sustainability. However, I don't believe that it was what caused them to shut down as an "industry". People simply lost interest, I believe mainly due to the payout amounts, which were a few satoshi at best, and, as others have already mentioned, a large number of the users who were frequent users of faucets were people with low purchasing power; thus, advertisers were pretty much at a loss. The only one that's still going is, which has turned into a gambling platform. I highly doubt that anyone uses their platform solely as a faucet anymore.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Unbunplease on August 19, 2023, 08:19:05 PM
They were abused, and it certainly didn't help their sustainability. However, I don't believe that it was what caused them to shut down as an "industry". People simply lost interest, I believe mainly due to the payout amounts, which were a few satoshi at best, and, as others have already mentioned, a large number of the users who were frequent users of faucets were people with low purchasing power; thus, advertisers were pretty much at a loss. The only one that's still going is, which has turned into a gambling platform. I highly doubt that anyone uses their platform solely as a faucet anymore. - this platform has problems with withdrawals. The withdrawal threshold is quite high. In general, I agree that the faucet is no longer relevant. To get coins, you have to solve a captcha, click on something, etc. That is, the funds received do not actually correspond to the time spent.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Russlenat on August 19, 2023, 09:55:52 PM
I'd like to hear it as well from someone who has ran and keeps on running it. But since there are still ones that's existing, maybe it is but not that much.

I guess that the reason for that is that it's still fun to operate it and owners of it have other sources of income which they're not dependent to the faucet website that they won.
Well, if there are proofs from those who are doing well with faucets until now, maybe that could guarantee profitability. But you’re right, I supposed there’s no one here that is still making reliable profits from faucets. Gone are the golden days for faucets. However, if you really want to try on it, then go and do the planning to make it work. But never expect for a 100% that it will work same as before. Faucets earning has been considered an old trend already, and you can’t do nothing to change it.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Oilacris on August 19, 2023, 09:58:22 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
I do remember those days where i do able to get Byteball and Rai (now NANO) claimed on those faucets, i do even remember to those times where i do claim out ETH on a faucet.

For those dedicated faucets sites on how they would be able to make money then for sure it would really be something that talks about traffic. Website could be monetize and we know that
it could be placed out with some ads and other things which you could really be able to apply on as long it could potentially bring out clicks as for you an owner of a faucet site.
Just like the rest been saying that today it isnt really that possible anymore. Why? crypto coins arent cheap anymore, there might be some altcoin faucet sites that might be existing as of today
but people would be just simply ignoring it out, they would be always preferred on seeing to those top coins which are available which might really that getting that attention once again.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: uneng on August 19, 2023, 10:03:05 PM
Possible? It's always possible.

Profitable? Definitely not. Neither for faucet owner, neither for users.

You don't have any decent source to make an income for yourself and to pay your users. Ads pay too low nowadays and you will have to fill your website with lots of pop-ups and short links which take more than 1 minute to be completed. It totally make users lose interest for your website, as they will be spending a long time for tiny rewards.

Faucets were good because they were instant. You could use several of them in short time periods making a very decent amount of satoshis directly to your micro wallet.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Marvell1 on August 20, 2023, 09:38:52 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
I don't really think that's a good idea, people barely use faucet sites these days, it was the good old days when all of us used to claim free Bitcoins from faucets but it was the time when Bitcoin wasn't this high and it was worth doing it but most people know they will be getting peanuts from these sites and it is just a waste of time. All faucet sites I used to know have closed down except which is still running but has evolved now and is very much popular.

Faucet sites used to earn money through the ads they used to display on their websites and since they used to get a lot of visitors every day, it used to be enough for them to fund the faucet and keep it running, they also used to collect donations. Getting that many visitors on a faucet site today will be a big challenge.

I also don't want to disappoint OP with his plan but running a faucet business nowadays is a bad idea just wasting our time. Think twice and ask the question, if the faucet business is still attracting users and still profitable, why are people no longer doing business with it? Just like bounty campaigns were a hugely profitable business in 2017, but why haven't more people talked about and participated in it until now? Those things are outdated and people have abandoned it, let's not be foolish to rush back in. still exists but it has evolved into a gambling site, and people are using it for gambling rather than faucets.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Bitcoin_people on August 21, 2023, 04:41:02 AM
If you want to start a business from these cheap coins then you must know about their advertising. First of all you need to be well versed with the coin and know in detail when it will be profitable to invest in it. Also if you are trading for profit then I think it is better not to invest in such coins but find much better crypto that will give you profit from there. But if you use such calls then I can see you won't get much profit from here but some amount of profit but it won't be good for you at all.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Yatsan on August 21, 2023, 06:42:21 PM
If you want to start a business from these cheap coins then you must know about their advertising. First of all you need to be well versed with the coin and know in detail when it will be profitable to invest in it. Also if you are trading for profit then I think it is better not to invest in such coins but find much better crypto that will give you profit from there. But if you use such calls then I can see you won't get much profit from here but some amount of profit but it won't be good for you at all.
Unfortunately, faucets are no longer as profitable as it was before. You'd manage to get some points but not all are having market price increase and many projects are not even paying. With this, I doubt it would still be a good thing to start a business with. If you manage to earn huge from fucet then that's great but not all has the luck to do so. Indeed these tokens can be traded to other pair but  there are also instances faucet tokens are even being listed to exchanger for such reson. Much better if you would engage to sources such as this forum or with NFTs. Those are more profitable thn to wait for "free money". There are other businesses and OP shouldn't be limiting himself to one bucket alone.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Casdinyard on August 21, 2023, 06:56:11 PM
It could still be profitable if you're the one that's facilitating the faucet. Just integrate adsense and the traffic into your site's going to basically pay for itself. You could also urge some of your users to accept a higher earning framework for a subscription basis that allows them to earn more than the regular bloke but with the caveat that they'd have to pay you first. It's all a matter of making sure that you're using everything you have and what's available.

On the other hand, if you're someone who's looking for faucets, I hate to break it to you but the thing is that these sites are more of a gimmick now than something that could actually yield you profits. Bitcoin's excessively pricey now and harder to mine, no wonder the possible earnings for faucet users are just exceptionally low.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: PeRo on August 21, 2023, 07:20:00 PM
I think it would be doable but you probably wouldn't have users like others had back in the day. I remember that you could find faucets on every corner on the web, but now I almost even forgot that was a thing until I saw this thread.

You would have to roughly calculate is it even worth building, will it be profitable for your time spent? From making a website to hosting and then advertising it, you are going to spend money and time. You would also have to make a deal with those advertising companies to supply you with offers for participants. Also, you would need to make it so someone could actually earn something, which is a rarity so your website would probably gain traffic but you would profit less.

I think you should find something else to invest in, since you were thinking about this, you could find something similar but more profitable and worth your time.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on August 21, 2023, 07:22:36 PM
Faucets were around for many many years and if it wasn’t for the abuse in 2017
Many did this in 2015-16 until they had to put an end to it in 2017 due to the abuse.
What abuse are you referring to?  If I recall correctly there were a lot of people using bots to claim from faucets, but I didn't think that was still an issue as late as 2017 when you had to jump through all sorts of captcha hoops in order to claim anything.  That's the only abuse I can think of aside from people using multiple accounts on the same faucet site.

And the fact that there was abuse like that ought to tell you something about how popular these things were and how much people valued even a small amount of bitcoin--and they were right to do so, as I've already said.

Not for nothing, but if you're really, really into shitcoins and want to instantly get very small amounts of them, there's always this not-very-well-publicized faucet (  Note: I've got no financial interest in linking to that site, just sharing it for those who might be interested. 

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: molsewid on August 21, 2023, 08:22:44 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
Way back that time, in order for me to get that Satoshi and directed to my wallet I need to solve some captcha so many times a day so that I can get little amount of money everyday. Sometimes I earn that time 3-5$ a day in Satoshi for me it is good because it is free and it helps me to finance my study that's why even though it is quiet time consuming because of cool down still I worked for it. Captcha is a kind of PPC in third party website.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Gozie51 on August 21, 2023, 09:27:30 PM

Way back that time, in order for me to get that Satoshi and directed to my wallet I need to solve some captcha so many times a day so that I can get little amount of money everyday. Sometimes I earn that time 3-5$ a day in Satoshi for me it is good because it is free and it helps me to finance my study that's why even though it is quiet time consuming because of cool down still I worked for it. Captcha is a kind of PPC in third party website.

You must have started earlier for your earnings in faucet to see you through study. As at the time I knew about faucet, it was already worhless especially bitcoin faucet because you earn was you can't imagine will make any meaning except you keep playing for more time before you can make a withdrawal of yet insignificant amount. However, dogecoin benefitted more people because it gave a lot more unit of doge at a time.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Vaculin on August 21, 2023, 09:53:37 PM
I'd like to hear it as well from someone who has ran and keeps on running it. But since there are still ones that's existing, maybe it is but not that much.

I guess that the reason for that is that it's still fun to operate it and owners of it have other sources of income which they're not dependent to the faucet website that they won.
Well, the fact that there are still some of us here manage to run a business for faucets, probably that would still work until now. However, I believe this type of business is not making the same profits anymore as it was the old times, that’s why a lot of us here are not seeing it as a reliable source of income but maybe a pastime especially if there are new faces of tokens that serve as rewards. While it may be an old trend for most of us here, but probably few of us here are still making a decent income from faucets.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: rikybrosh on August 22, 2023, 01:47:20 AM
I think faucet is for advertisement purpose, if you want to make money from it then you have to choose what kind of business that you want to build. if you are not sure about how to build a good business then may be you can create a website that have google ads that build in it. so you can earn from your website visitors activity that related to google ads such as ads view or ads click. I think it is the easiest way. few years ago I played a game that pay some amount of satoshi for every activity that I do and during the activity  I watch so many ads in it.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: xSkylarx on August 22, 2023, 03:30:13 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

You can earn profit by its advertisements that are all over the website, though comparing the website traffic right now to before, it is really only a few people who will visit your website for sure as they are aware that it is just a waste of their time and also that only the owner of it got rich, which is true, but still, you can run it on your own right now as there will be still new people that are visiting your website and claiming some sats, which is where they start to learn Bitcoin. You can try to run a faucet site and advertise it everywhere to see if it is still worth it. Capital is not that huge on this, so take the risk.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: bayu7adi on August 22, 2023, 09:24:03 AM
I have yet to come across a faucet that aligns with the compensation earned through the tasks accomplished thus far. Incidentally, I find a greater inclination towards delving into the realm of acquiring knowledge as opposed to allocating my time to faucets.

For those among you who find themselves in dire need of swift finances, experimenting with faucets might be an option. However, I have a more promising suggestion to offer – venturing into the realm of selling food in bustling locales rather than engaging in faucet activities.

Nurturing a business mindset is of paramount importance for the present generation.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: ultrloa on August 22, 2023, 10:21:30 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

Yeah its still possible to run a faucet and earn from advertisement but don't expect any huge profit upon running that one since to many people now are not seeing those faucet as good platform to spend their time with, so you need to became more creative on marketing your created platform to newbies so that they will try and engage to the site you created.

My advice to you is to try since you might earn little success with that especially if people knows that your site is legit and paying those people who do their effort on your faucet.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: gunhell16 on August 22, 2023, 11:12:37 AM
If you want to start a business from these cheap coins then you must know about their advertising. First of all you need to be well versed with the coin and know in detail when it will be profitable to invest in it. Also if you are trading for profit then I think it is better not to invest in such coins but find much better crypto that will give you profit from there. But if you use such calls then I can see you won't get much profit from here but some amount of profit but it won't be good for you at all.

Faucets way back 2017 are very much profitable during this time, because I remembered these days I experienced to received Bitcoin from faucets amounting 500-1000 sats and into other crypto faucets just dogecoin I encountered to received 500-1000 doge.

But nowadays I think doing faucet business  will not become like what we had before,it will become a waste of time especially to those who are here for a couple of years already, maybe for the newbie it will be fine but for other's like me I won't spend much time for this matter for sure.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Smack That Ace on August 22, 2023, 12:14:15 PM
If you want to start a business from these cheap coins then you must know about their advertising. First of all you need to be well versed with the coin and know in detail when it will be profitable to invest in it. Also if you are trading for profit then I think it is better not to invest in such coins but find much better crypto that will give you profit from there. But if you use such calls then I can see you won't get much profit from here but some amount of profit but it won't be good for you at all.

Faucets way back 2017 are very much profitable during this time, because I remembered these days I experienced to received Bitcoin from faucets amounting 500-1000 sats and into other crypto faucets just dogecoin I encountered to received 500-1000 doge.

But nowadays I think doing faucet business  will not become like what we had before,it will become a waste of time especially to those who are here for a couple of years already, maybe for the newbie it will be fine but for other's like me I won't spend much time for this matter for sure.

Faucet is also a waste for newbies as we already have many ways to earn free money in this market. Newbies should focus on those things rather than looking for faucets with negligible and almost useless rewards. Every era will have different ways of making money, faucet business is no longer profitable but instead airdrop, testnet, retroactive...why don't we focus on new ways? Just like when we talk about investing, why are we criticizing investors in traditional assets and ignoring bitcoin? We should keep up with the trend and the times, not go against the evolution.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Doan9269 on August 22, 2023, 12:25:24 PM
If you want to start a business from these cheap coins then you must know about their advertising.

Both the advertisement and every other efforts rendered in doing this kind of business resulted to wasted efforts, in most cases it doesn't work any longer as before as a means of making money online, maybe you could get yourself more technical skills in other aspects because faucets now is just a recommendation for those coming newly to the technology of cryptocurrency to learn from doing something by starting somewhere.

First of all you need to be well versed with the coin and know in detail when it will be profitable to invest in it.

What else do you want to research or make enquiry on when it's all about scam in most of the cases from the ones existing, presently, faucet should be treated as a learning ground and not a means to make business and make money because it isn't working as before as people have lost trust in them.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: crwth on August 22, 2023, 12:52:49 PM
The irony with this is people who have experienced faucets back in the day and are saying that it's a waste of time, have probably changed their minds when it increased in value now. You could've got a lot of money if you managed to do it religiously.

For business purposes, maybe you can do it with research of it first and see if there are still existing faucets that run their business now.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: traderethereum on August 22, 2023, 01:10:45 PM
If you want to create a faucet site, you can give the Shiba faucet a go because Shiba has a lot of fans and they will be happy to see another Shiba faucet.
But it's not easy because you must keep an eye on people who want to earn more Shiba by using multiple accounts.
And usually the faucet site has advertisements on the site so that the site owner can also get additional income.
But I don't know where you can start learning to make faucets because I've never tried to make one.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: DanWalker on August 22, 2023, 02:26:45 PM
If you want to create a faucet site, you can give the Shiba faucet a go because Shiba has a lot of fans and they will be happy to see another Shiba faucet.
But it's not easy because you must keep an eye on people who want to earn more Shiba by using multiple accounts.
And usually the faucet site has advertisements on the site so that the site owner can also get additional income.
But I don't know where you can start learning to make faucets because I've never tried to make one.

Why Shiba and not other coins? Any coin has fans and investors, and we have more potential, quality coins than Shiba. Why choose the memecoin for your faucet business, and not the top coins? Furthermore, I think the faucet business is no longer relevant to today's market. Let's take a real example of ourselves, are you currently earning free coins from any faucet? Almost no one is interested in it even newbies. That's why the bitcoin faucet has been defunct for years now.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on August 23, 2023, 12:46:26 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

I think it depends on the cost of living in a country or place, if the monthly cost of living is less than $100 and with a faucet they can make more than $100 of course it's still ideal, but where I am currently it costs at least $300 and I think it's very difficult to rely on faucets to live.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Silberman on August 23, 2023, 04:43:42 AM
The irony with this is people who have experienced faucets back in the day and are saying that it's a waste of time, have probably changed their minds when it increased in value now. You could've got a lot of money if you managed to do it religiously.

For business purposes, maybe you can do it with research of it first and see if there are still existing faucets that run their business now.
Without a doubt we were wrong about it, there were many faucets and someone that mindlessly clicked the many ads to claim from a faucet and was smart enough to not spend it and did so for at least a year would have accumulated a decent amount of bitcoin, this is why some people are trying to replicate that success and want to claim from faucets as well, however the circumstances have changed since then and it seems that this time faucets are really a waste of time for everyone involved.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: lixer on August 23, 2023, 07:41:29 AM
If you want to start a business from these cheap coins then you must know about their advertising. First of all you need to be well versed with the coin and know in detail when it will be profitable to invest in it. Also if you are trading for profit then I think it is better not to invest in such coins but find much better crypto that will give you profit from there. But if you use such calls then I can see you won't get much profit from here but some amount of profit but it won't be good for you at all.
This is not about trading, it is about starting a faucet, do you even know what a faucet is? I bet you don't because you sound like you are not very old in this industry. Let me tell you what a faucet is, it is a website where you go, either sign up or enter your public address for the coin that the faucet is for, if it's a Bitcoin faucet, you will enter your Bitcoin address and claim a small amount of Bitcoin for free for a specific period, once that period resets, you can claim again.

Faucets used to be a trend when Bitcoin wasn't this popular, I still remember using several faucet rotators and claiming free satoshis from a bunch of different faucet sites, the amount used to be small even then when the price of Bitcoin was hardly around $400 or something but it used to be fun.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: traderethereum on August 23, 2023, 08:07:30 AM
If you want to create a faucet site, you can give the Shiba faucet a go because Shiba has a lot of fans and they will be happy to see another Shiba faucet.
But it's not easy because you must keep an eye on people who want to earn more Shiba by using multiple accounts.
And usually the faucet site has advertisements on the site so that the site owner can also get additional income.
But I don't know where you can start learning to make faucets because I've never tried to make one.

Why Shiba and not other coins? Any coin has fans and investors, and we have more potential, quality coins than Shiba. Why choose the memecoin for your faucet business, and not the top coins? Furthermore, I think the faucet business is no longer relevant to today's market. Let's take a real example of ourselves, are you currently earning free coins from any faucet? Almost no one is interested in it even newbies. That's why the bitcoin faucet has been defunct for years now.
That's just an example but trying it with the Shiba faucet site is fine too, to see how much interest there is from the visitors.
Choosing a top coin like bitcoin as a faucet might not give good results because the reward they are receiving now is already very small.
They have to try for a long time before collecting a lot of satoshi.
But many people would be interested if it were a faucet for coins like Shiba or others where the price was still low.
That's why @OP must do research before making his choice in making a faucet site.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: xSkylarx on August 23, 2023, 08:13:26 AM
The irony with this is people who have experienced faucets back in the day and are saying that it's a waste of time, have probably changed their minds when it increased in value now. You could've got a lot of money if you managed to do it religiously.

For business purposes, maybe you can do it with research of it first and see if there are still existing faucets that run their business now.
Without a doubt we were wrong about it, there were many faucets and someone that mindlessly clicked the many ads to claim from a faucet and was smart enough to not spend it and did so for at least a year would have accumulated a decent amount of bitcoin, this is why some people are trying to replicate that success and want to claim from faucets as well, however the circumstances have changed since then and it seems that this time faucets are really a waste of time for everyone involved.

When the price of Bitcoin jumps, the sats that you are claiming every hour are too few, and we know that before it is also a waste of time because you can't get enough sats if you don't claim at least a year on them, which is also the problem as others tend to close down when they see that there are people that have already accumulated Bitcoins, so it is still a waste of time, and always you are just making the owner rich because he is earning per unique visits on the website and also by accidently clicking the ads.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: dansus021 on August 24, 2023, 01:41:44 AM
Adsense is very hard to get nor the 3rd party app I dont think the faucet business is profitable business unless you made a site like gambling site or news site with faucet to gain user maybe it could turn profit Faucet that I know is freebitcoin that turned into a gambling site.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Ayers on August 24, 2023, 07:22:05 AM
The irony with this is people who have experienced faucets back in the day and are saying that it's a waste of time, have probably changed their minds when it increased in value now. You could've got a lot of money if you managed to do it religiously.

For business purposes, maybe you can do it with research of it first and see if there are still existing faucets that run their business now.
Without a doubt we were wrong about it, there were many faucets and someone that mindlessly clicked the many ads to claim from a faucet and was smart enough to not spend it and did so for at least a year would have accumulated a decent amount of bitcoin, this is why some people are trying to replicate that success and want to claim from faucets as well, however the circumstances have changed since then and it seems that this time faucets are really a waste of time for everyone involved.

When the price of Bitcoin jumps, the sats that you are claiming every hour are too few, and we know that before it is also a waste of time because you can't get enough sats if you don't claim at least a year on them, which is also the problem as others tend to close down when they see that there are people that have already accumulated Bitcoins, so it is still a waste of time, and always you are just making the owner rich because he is earning per unique visits on the website and also by accidently clicking the ads.
Indeed, collecting bitcoins from the faucet would really be a waste of our time these days. Things are not what they were in years past and we need to accept that fact. @crwth, if you think bitcoin income through faucet still works. I really want to know, are you still doing that? Or did you yourself stop looking for bitcoin that way? No one denies that faucets used to bring us a lot of bitcoin, but today that is outdated and no longer relevant.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: armanda90 on August 24, 2023, 07:59:33 AM
Adsense is very hard to get nor the 3rd party app I dont think the faucet business is profitable business unless you made a site like gambling site or news site with faucet to gain user maybe it could turn profit Faucet that I know is freebitcoin that turned into a gambling site.
Advertising faucet to earn adsense is not worth yet because possibility with your adsense account suspend due the same IP access and looks your ads clicked trough cheat, but advertising website or our business to make popular still worth trough faucet claiming. Its difference thing with
freebitcoin still exist until right now and becoming most oldest website faucet because their website linked with gambling platform, not only focus with faucet claiming but also in freebitcoin you can find high and low betting games.

OP want to ask about worth or not advertising some project trough faucet claiming, during not spent much money for faucet reward I think keep worth and project advertising trough faucet will faster become popular than have to paid advertising.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: crwth on August 25, 2023, 07:19:58 AM
Indeed, collecting bitcoins from the faucet would really be a waste of our time these days. Things are not what they were in years past and we need to accept that fact. @crwth, if you think bitcoin income through faucet still works. I really want to know, are you still doing that? Or did you yourself stop looking for bitcoin that way? No one denies that faucets used to bring us a lot of bitcoin, but today that is outdated and no longer relevant.
I'm not sure how it came up on how I think it still works, I just said that the people back then who don't believe in faucets have probably believed now because of how high the BTC value is now compared to back then. Anyway, to answer your question, I don't do that anymore. I don't see Bitcoin that way anymore. It was just a few months when I first discovered Bitcoin and I have read here that it is a waste of time but looking at it now, you could have made significant money if you just continued to do it.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Ayers on August 25, 2023, 10:04:32 AM
Indeed, collecting bitcoins from the faucet would really be a waste of our time these days. Things are not what they were in years past and we need to accept that fact. @crwth, if you think bitcoin income through faucet still works. I really want to know, are you still doing that? Or did you yourself stop looking for bitcoin that way? No one denies that faucets used to bring us a lot of bitcoin, but today that is outdated and no longer relevant.
I'm not sure how it came up on how I think it still works, I just said that the people back then who don't believe in faucets have probably believed now because of how high the BTC value is now compared to back then. Anyway, to answer your question, I don't do that anymore. I don't see Bitcoin that way anymore. It was just a few months when I first discovered Bitcoin and I have read here that it is a waste of time but looking at it now, you could have made significant money if you just continued to do it.

If so, I will be luckier than you as I am someone who used to collect satoshi from various faucets as well as play games to get satoshi at a time when bitcoin price was very cheap. Can't say I got great rewards from it but also got some profit from faucet. But to be honest, many times I have gone back to my account on to try to collect bitcoins but things are very different. I feel that is no longer efficient and just a waste of time if we just focus on faucets to collect bitcoins.

Like I said, I don't deny that it used to be very profitable, but things are much different now, and that's why we no longer see many working faucets nor no one mention it.

Here's my remaining bitcoins, LOL. I think if someone wants to earn bitcoin these days, there are other more efficient ways.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Synchronice on August 25, 2023, 11:22:50 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
You have to keep in mind how you are going to monetize your website. Can you run google adsense or any other high paying ads network? How much will be your pay per click, cost per 1000 impression. You have to keep in mind that you shouldn't give away more than you earn via ads and at the same time, you shouldn't give away amount that won't be attractive for people.
Personally, I wouldn't run a faucet business simply because I know my audience wouldn't be wealthy people since they are looking for some free satoshis that doesn't even worth 1 cent. Also, keep in mind that you have a competitor freebitco that not only is well-established company that runs faucet but it also offers dice and other casino games with interest on deposit.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Doan9269 on August 25, 2023, 11:55:32 AM
Adsense is very hard to get nor the 3rd party app I dont think the faucet business is profitable business unless you made a site like gambling site or news site with faucet to gain user maybe it could turn profit Faucet that I know is freebitcoin that turned into a gambling site.

Maybe some can spare their own time in creating faucet if their main target is not for making business from it but wanted to offer something quality enough for the newbies to start upon for their learning, in other words as you've mentioned above, if there's a plan already on ground to make business a big way, one can go into gambling casino as an establishement to start with or do other businesses that could bring in money through the use of advanced digital technology, we must also consider the trust people will have in whatever we want to start that will increase their patronage.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: xSkylarx on August 25, 2023, 12:02:30 PM
Adsense is very hard to get nor the 3rd party app I dont think the faucet business is profitable business unless you made a site like gambling site or news site with faucet to gain user maybe it could turn profit Faucet that I know is freebitcoin that turned into a gambling site.

Getting approved in Google AdSense is really difficult, and if so, you should be careful as they are very strict and not sure if faucets are allowed on it, so you'll still have difficulty on this. You don't have a choice but to take those low-paying ads, but still, it is worth it over nothing. Again, only a few people will be visiting faucets these days because they know it is just a waste of time. But again, we can try it, and if it is not profitable, then close it down.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: DanWalker on August 25, 2023, 02:01:54 PM
If you want to create a faucet site, you can give the Shiba faucet a go because Shiba has a lot of fans and they will be happy to see another Shiba faucet.
But it's not easy because you must keep an eye on people who want to earn more Shiba by using multiple accounts.
And usually the faucet site has advertisements on the site so that the site owner can also get additional income.
But I don't know where you can start learning to make faucets because I've never tried to make one.

Why Shiba and not other coins? Any coin has fans and investors, and we have more potential, quality coins than Shiba. Why choose the memecoin for your faucet business, and not the top coins? Furthermore, I think the faucet business is no longer relevant to today's market. Let's take a real example of ourselves, are you currently earning free coins from any faucet? Almost no one is interested in it even newbies. That's why the bitcoin faucet has been defunct for years now.
That's just an example but trying it with the Shiba faucet site is fine too, to see how much interest there is from the visitors.
Choosing a top coin like bitcoin as a faucet might not give good results because the reward they are receiving now is already very small.
They have to try for a long time before collecting a lot of satoshi.
But many people would be interested if it were a faucet for coins like Shiba or others where the price was still low.
That's why @OP must do research before making his choice in making a faucet site.

But bitcoin will have more value and potential than shitcoin with a supply of hundreds of billions of coins and an uncertain future. One reason people prefer bitcoin faucets over other faucets is because they don't want to waste their effort and time with uncertain future coins. Similar to when you invest, will you invest in bitcoin or shitcoin?

Honestly, I don't support this OP's idea as I think faucets are outdated, but if OP still decides to do faucet business then I think bitcoin should still be an option instead of shitcoin.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: TopTort777 on August 25, 2023, 02:12:16 PM
I have never understand the idea of running a faucet. I would understand if before claiming, a visitor was obliged to click on a link or watch a short add. But most faucet I've faced were passing captcha the be able to click claim. The cost of passing 1000 captcha was always lower than the amount users claimed after 1000 captcha solutions. So for me it was a unprofitable business. Placing hundreds of banners also was never a profitable solution for me. Almost nobody click on them. I understand faucets only in casinos. They force gamblers to visit casinos everytime they want to get a faucet claim. So what is the point of faucets? Hidden miner?

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Plaguedeath on August 25, 2023, 02:17:43 PM
It's possible, but I don't think it's profitable anymore.

Most of people want to claim faucet when Bitcoin price is still cheap, now if you claim faucet it only give less than 100 Satoshi per hour, ask yourself, do you will claim it every hour if you were the people who looking to earn free Bitcoin?

Many people already know faucet is wasting time, so they will not do it again.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: legendbtc on August 25, 2023, 03:04:58 PM
in the past, faucets really did provide a lot of profit for people who used them. However, nowadays, I've rarely heard of people using faucets. This is proof that faucets are no longer as profitable as they used to be. Some of the ways to make money from faucets are by taking advantage of agency advertising. However, right now I think the faucet won't attract that many visitors anymore.

That's the point OP should note. Faucets are out of favor these days, many faucet sites have also closed for this reason. So why are we in business that people no longer need? Just like we sell, we should sell what the customer needs, not what we have. That would only lead to our business failing quickly.

This is a pretty old business model, so I hope OP considers it carefully before making a decision to avoid wasting your time. The market is growing very fast and we need to keep up with the trend rather than going against the trend of the market.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Unbunplease on August 25, 2023, 04:05:40 PM
Of course, if a person has no money at all, the pennies he earns on faucets are not bad money for him. But I think that there are other ways to earn money - for example, solving captcha. And cranes - it's just a waste of time now - it used to be different, but the time has already passed

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: dansus021 on August 26, 2023, 01:47:20 AM
Getting approved in Google AdSense is really difficult, and if so, you should be careful as they are very strict and not sure if faucets are allowed on it, so you'll still have difficulty on this. You don't have a choice but to take those low-paying ads, but still, it is worth it over nothing. Again, only a few people will be visiting faucets these days because they know it is just a waste of time. But again, we can try it, and if it is not profitable, then close it down.

Yes there is nothing wrong with trying :) and I do agree with you that nowadays people just rarely visit faucet

Maybe some can spare their own time in creating faucet if their main target is not for making business from it but wanted to offer something quality enough for the newbies to start upon for their learning, in other words as you've mentioned above, if there's a plan already on ground to make business a big way, one can go into gambling casino as an establishement to start with or do other businesses that could bring in money through the use of advanced digital technology, we must also consider the trust people will have in whatever we want to start that will increase their patronage.

Some of Faucet that I know today is for education purposes and usually the site has multiple faucet from different coin and some of it has testnet coin for learning purposes

and yes some site use faucet to gain traffic from lot of user

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Silberman on August 26, 2023, 05:06:12 AM
in the past, faucets really did provide a lot of profit for people who used them. However, nowadays, I've rarely heard of people using faucets. This is proof that faucets are no longer as profitable as they used to be. Some of the ways to make money from faucets are by taking advantage of agency advertising. However, right now I think the faucet won't attract that many visitors anymore.

That's the point OP should note. Faucets are out of favor these days, many faucet sites have also closed for this reason. So why are we in business that people no longer need? Just like we sell, we should sell what the customer needs, not what we have. That would only lead to our business failing quickly.

This is a pretty old business model, so I hope OP considers it carefully before making a decision to avoid wasting your time. The market is growing very fast and we need to keep up with the trend rather than going against the trend of the market.
Business models change all the time since what worked on the past does not work anymore, that is natural, faucets stayed on business for a long time, but now there are simply too many points against them, as no one wants to pay for the traffic they generate, advertisers do not want their ads on those websites, bots are way more prevalent now than back then and finally while the price of bitcoin can still continue to grow, even our more positive predictions about the upcoming bull run still make claiming from faucets a waste of time.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: mindrust on August 26, 2023, 05:13:08 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

Faucets are done for. The biggest one shut down their partner freedogecoin years ago and is more like casino than a faucet and it happened years ago. Trying to revive a dead business is a futile attempt. Facuets used to make good money when they could get ads from google but then google banned these websites from adsense. That's exactly when most of them died or became crypto casinos. Tbh I don't even know a survivor other than All the others are dead. You should look elsewhere, there is no money in that business anymore.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: darewaller on August 27, 2023, 05:50:40 PM
If you want to create a faucet site, you can give the Shiba faucet a go because Shiba has a lot of fans and they will be happy to see another Shiba faucet.
But it's not easy because you must keep an eye on people who want to earn more Shiba by using multiple accounts.
And usually the faucet site has advertisements on the site so that the site owner can also get additional income.
But I don't know where you can start learning to make faucets because I've never tried to make one.
You're a meme coin fan aren't you? Because I see that you also wear a meme coin's signature and avatar which are some kind of a pepe coin. I ask because why would you recommend a Shiba faucet when I think there are other/more better coins than it and most of them are non-meme coins. Each website must have a detector to know if an abuse or hacks are going on. So don't worry.

There are so many ways for a faucet site to earn and one of it is like you said, they can display ads from a third party. Another is they can add some mini-games, and premium features which allow user to deposit their own funds. Creating a faucet site seems easier than a regular website because they are only small. There are tutorials in Google or in Youtube for this. We can also hire someone to build one for us if we are lazy and if we have a lot of capital.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Fortify on August 27, 2023, 06:06:41 PM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

Faucets were basically a gimmick that existed in the earlier stages of bitcoin, long before the prices started spiking and drawing in so much interest across the world. I don't know the situation with all the altcoins out there, so maybe they are still a thing for some of the newer and lower trafficked coins, but you're not likely to see them with any semi popular coin. Simply because it is just giving away free money, you'll have a certain set of people who abuse them as well and make it unfeasible to keep going. Besides that the amounts they were giving away at the time were worth fractions of a penny, which the owner had hoped to offset by getting people to do certain tasks or just displaying advertising towards visitors.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: poodle63 on August 27, 2023, 11:27:03 PM
faucets aren't lucrative business anymore, the only faucet that still gets frequently claimed are those faucet used for testing the blockchain, basically in test blockchain.
they are frequently claimed not because people are seeking money but because people are trying to test their smart contract application.
its really different with the faucet which purpose is for people to make money off it, most of the time the rewards is too low otherwise the faucet owner will become bankrupt and then people aren't really interested in it since
the task of solving captcha usually just simply not worth the rewards, so basically its already bad business and most of the faucets out there already died anyway.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: posi on August 28, 2023, 10:52:49 AM
Faucet used to be considered as an effective place to accumulate free bitcoins and also brought significant profits to faucet users as well as faucet business. But today it has worked and we should not go against the development of the market. Nowadays, to earn free money, we have other forms that are much more effective than faucets. So I think the business will not attract players and will waste our time.

Consider our case, is anyone here still accumulating bitcoins from the faucet? With that result, you will know whether to start a faucet business or find another form of business.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: doomloop on August 29, 2023, 06:55:59 PM
Of course, if a person has no money at all, the pennies he earns on faucets are not bad money for him. But I think that there are other ways to earn money - for example, solving captcha. And cranes - it's just a waste of time now - it used to be different, but the time has already passed
You don't even earn pennies from faucets these days. The most popular faucet right now is, and the minimum it gives to a claimer per hour is 2 Satoshis which is about $0.00026, so I don't think that anyone would waste their time claiming dust from a website even if it requires just 10 seconds for a single claim it still requires you to open the website and claim the reward every time, so I don't find this to be a viable business solution at all.

The times when faucet websites were used heavily by users was when Bitcoin wasn't this popular and wasn't priced this high, so people used to claim Bitcoin from multiple faucets only to get a dollar or maybe 50 cents per day which was at least something which isn't possible these days.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Gallar on August 30, 2023, 03:11:47 AM
Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
If you say it's possible, I think it's still possible. But it seems that lately many people are no longer interested in faucets. Because from my experience, maybe it's all because the per-click prizes given by the owner of the faucet site are very few. Because I've also tried faucets before, and I'm targeting the cheapest coins, but still the income I can get is still small. Within a week I played, I did not get a single dollar. So maybe it's because of this that faucet enthusiasts are becoming quite less.

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?
If you really want to make a faucet business. I will only give a few suggestions, namely if you make a faucet business, you have to slightly increase the prize per click. Because if it weren't, I'm sure most people wouldn't be too interested. Because in my opinion the important point to become the attraction of a faucet business is about the prize. So that's my suggestion
Big prizes (per click) = Lots of enthusiasts.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: Silberman on August 30, 2023, 05:37:16 AM
From someone who have claimed faucets almost all his days in 2016-2018 and managed to make some good money from just faucet claiming, I can't help but thinking how those running faucets at that time making money from it.

Since I don't see many people talking about this today I will like to ask for your help if any one knows of any places that I can learn about how to run my own faucet and how to make money out of it? .

Running Doge coin and few other old cheap coins like Litecoin Faucet is still doable, I can even add the likes of Shiba too,  where do you think I should start from? What do I need to learn about?

Lastly, what advice do you have for my goal?

Faucets are done for. The biggest one shut down their partner freedogecoin years ago and is more like casino than a faucet and it happened years ago. Trying to revive a dead business is a futile attempt. Facuets used to make good money when they could get ads from google but then google banned these websites from adsense. That's exactly when most of them died or became crypto casinos. Tbh I don't even know a survivor other than All the others are dead. You should look elsewhere, there is no money in that business anymore.
Sometimes it is worth it to try to see if a business model can be revived in some way or form, but if after thinking about it you instead get convinced the model is truly dead then there is no point in wasting any more time with it, faucets had their golden age, but it is over, it is time people simply accept it and move on, as I doubt that even the faucets giving away shitcoins can be profitable at all, since you will have to waste your time claiming those coins and then hoping for a miracle to happen.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: iv4n on August 30, 2023, 05:53:48 AM
Just faucets are boring, and sooner or later (after the first withdrawal if someone gets there) people just quit visiting the site. I think that Freebitcoin is a good example of how faucet business can last, only if you add more interesting stuff on the site. There must be something interesting other than just faucet that will keep us coming back.

Title: Re: Running faucet business in 2023 still possible?
Post by: kro55 on August 30, 2023, 08:09:21 AM
Just faucets are boring, and sooner or later (after the first withdrawal if someone gets there) people just quit visiting the site. I think that Freebitcoin is a good example of how faucet business can last, only if you add more interesting stuff on the site. There must be something interesting other than just faucet that will keep us coming back.

Freebitcoin is a faucet that still exists today. However, the question is whether people are still interested in accumulating bitcoin through the faucet or do they use it for other purposes. We all know Freebitcoin is known as an online casino and I think so far, people still use it for gambling and not for faucets.
As many others have said, the faucet business has really become obsolete and people hardly want to earn bitcoins that way. Besides Freebitcoin, we have almost no working faucets left, which shows that the demand for them is gone, so the idea of running a faucet business today is really unwise.