Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Agbamoni on August 18, 2023, 05:02:21 PM

Title: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Agbamoni on August 18, 2023, 05:02:21 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: usekevin on August 18, 2023, 05:16:56 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Bitcoin had a capacity to make the poor to rich,So the old people will have a good savings in their old ages.So they can multiple the money by using the cryptocurrency investment.Now the bitcoin price was in the bear market,So the old people can inverse in the bitcoin for the good profit.The old people can adapt the market changes because of the experience due to their ages.Some old people will not accept any new investments using their money and try to hold money in term of fiat.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: qwertyup23 on August 18, 2023, 05:19:50 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

I think it is worthwhile to teach anyone about BTC but it is as important to NOT compel them.

The problem with most is that they tend to compel and force people to listen about something that is somehow technical. With this, people tend to lose their focus and they also tend to show no attention at all. Again, it is better to teach someone who is already interested in a subject; compared to someone who is not interested at all though they may show signs of being attentive.

Let us face it- cryptocurrencies and BTC is a complex process which will take some time in order for its foundation to be grasped. If people are showing signs of curiosity, then by all means teach them. But if you force them into something that they are not interested in the first place, then better avoid forcing them to learn it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Nwada001 on August 18, 2023, 05:40:19 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

No knowledge is wasted, no matter who the information is shared with, but most times we just need to know who we actually want to educate about a particular thing, be it bitcoin or whatever. If the person finds what you are sharing with him or her interesting and wants to know more, then age should not be a barrier. I still believe that no matter what age someone is, they are still entitled to learn about bitcoin and make their own decision about it; it's just a matter of what they plan to do with the information that will be provided. If it's on the aspect of using it to get wealthy, then bitcoin might be out of reach for older people, as they might not be alive when their investment will yield a good profit.

But aside from the fast profit-making aspect, the older people can still use bitcoin as a means of reserving funds for their children and grannies; they can still equally get involved in setting up some mining farms or rigs, which can benefit them depending on the cost of electricity in their base area; and they can also implement accepting bitcoin as a means of payment in their businesses if they have any. So if you have the opportunity to teach any older person who has an interest in learning, do it with an open hand and don't mind what people might say about that. It costs nothing to teach, as it's just some of your time you are sacrificing and the knowledge you are transferring.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Adbitco on August 18, 2023, 05:42:49 PM
Bitcoin doesn't have any age restriction and limitation in as much as they are open to learn anything that is of bitcoin then they are good to go provided that they wants to acquire the knowledge. Some people thought that teaching old people about bitcoin is a waste of knowledge but to me I can term it to be a kind of widespread because involving them also helps to promotes the progression of bitcoin, which I know too well that after they might have finished learning they don't mind ventured into holding some bitcoin.

Let us try our best to make sure everyone around that has the interest about bitcoin should be thought since we are the representatives and this forum is another cool place for one to learn and get routed into bitcoin knowledge and all that concerns bitcoin advancement.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Yatsan on August 18, 2023, 05:49:52 PM
Yes, as long as they have the will to learn about it. But if it is just because this industry is on trend, and they are only focused with the possible outcome, then it's a no for me. If the case is old people having monthly pensions to invest without any other means of income, then don't. This industry or technology is indeed a profitable asset but let us help them prioritize things first. They're old and mostly are having medicinal maintenance, they should not take the risk in exchange for a chance to earn profit and rather just focus on their health expenses. Also, they would be more likely just waiting for profit afterwards and since this market is full of inconsistencies, then they might eventually fall with false hopes.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: lousie9 on August 18, 2023, 06:13:03 PM
whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
I don't think there is anything wrong with teaching or educating the older generation about Bitcoin. Even though they are from the older generation, that doesn't mean they don't have the right to be taught and follow developments in this all-digital world.
The older generation doesn't mean they can't understand the development, right? Even though it is possible to teach the older generation it will require more patience but as long as we teach Bitcoin to someone who is interested or someone who is not against Bitcoin, even if they belong to the older generation it will not be in vain, because sharing knowledge that is well it will never go to waste.
In this era of all-digital development, whoever they are and from whatever background they come from, young or old, all have the right to learn or even be taught about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: btcchamp88 on August 18, 2023, 06:28:21 PM
Yes, I think it's good to learn something from older people,
but I think for many (including younger people) bitcoin
and cryptocurrency is a very complicated topic.
I would only recommend this if someone is already familiar with computers and the internet :)BTC

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Coin_trader on August 18, 2023, 06:38:47 PM
does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

If they are interested then why not. It’s not about the age but rather the interest and willingness of someone to learn because a person that doesn’t have any bits of interest on Bitcoin no matter what his age is useless because he will never cherish what was taught to him. On the other hand, It’s easy to teach someone that show interests to learn because they will always find way to manage on learning it.

I have a 75 year old grandma that ask me to teach her how to use phone so that he can call us whenever we are away. She manage to learn even after a long time of practice because she really wants to connect with us when we are away. I get this ideology base on my own experience on dealing with old age.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: panganib999 on August 18, 2023, 06:42:07 PM
It's worth to teach bitcoin to people who are ready to hear it. Regardless of the age or the status. You can teach and preach about bitcoin all day long but if people aren't keen on hearing what you say, let alone following what you want them to do so they can set themselves up for success through bitcoin, your efforts will be for nothing. That's why I don't advocate for "teaching a specific demographic about bitcoin", since it limits the amount of people who would be willing to learn about bitcoin altogether. Instead push for campaigns and education programs that are free for everyone, regardless of race, age, or status so people who want to get on it could invest their time without being blocked off by limitations.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Marykeller on August 18, 2023, 06:50:16 PM
Yes, it is. There is nowhere it is specified in the white paper of Bitcoin that, Bitcoin is meant for the younger generation, not for the older generation. It was made clear that Bitcoin has no barriers or age restrictions to it. Everyone is free to utilize it in their daily lives(another means of payment), have it as a store of value, or invest in it as the case may be if they are ready to take the risk involved.

Getting the old generation into bitcoin is what is to be handled intellectually, knowing the level of intelligence and the emotional balance of the old person you want to bring into bitcoin investment. Does he understand the digital era we are in now, that everything is been digitalized? That you can now transact and run your business from your home and make gains.

If he or she does understand the digital era we are in now, I think it will be worthwhile to tell the old individual the need to invest in bitcoin so that they can have some of their assets stored in bitcoin for the next generation to come

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Ndabagi01 on August 18, 2023, 06:52:44 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

There's nothing wrong with teaching older people about bitcoin technology. What is wrong is trying to persuade or compel them to learn about it when they have no interest. You can only counsel them about it and give them the benefits and drawbacks until they decide to join voluntarily; you cannot force them to join. People believe that older people have a shallow brain and cannot understand things easily because their brains are no longer sharp, but little do they know that if you don't want to mine bitcoin, having a basic understanding of it and paying attention to your privacy and security is sufficient.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Mr.suevie on August 18, 2023, 06:58:50 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Why not I think we have lots of guys here who are also Bitcoin enthusiast that age wise they are advance and a perfect example will be one of the forum most active member @jetcash.
For me I would teach and enlighten anyone who has interest on Bitcoin not minding the generation because Bitcoin is actually for all being that it's main purpose it's to create financial freedom for all @ decentralization

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Hatchy on August 18, 2023, 06:59:01 PM
I would only recommend this if someone is already familiar with computers and the internet :)BTC

I agree with you. This whole idea could become quite complicated if you attempt to teach someone who isn't familiar with the internet or anything related to online business. As you mentioned, Bitcoin technology is quite complex, and teaching an older person about Bitcoin might take a significant amount of time, especially since older individuals might face challenges in learning due to physical limitations. And yes, there are many older people, like @JetCash, in the Bitcoin community who have made substantial contributions. So, I believe that teaching older people is not a problem, as long as they can read and understand. Bitcoin doesn't have age restrictions and anyone, regardless of age, can embrace it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: NeuroticFish on August 18, 2023, 07:04:42 PM
It depends greatly on what you mean by elderly (45 yo, 85 yo?), on that person's background (should have some computer related knowledge or at least not be afraid of them) and the willingness to learn about all this.

This being said, there's no definitive yes/no answer to OP question.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: SatoPrincess on August 18, 2023, 07:08:55 PM
It shouldn’t be a problem as long as it is not you shoving it down their throats and that they have interest in cryptocurrency. It will be much easier to communicate the subject with someone who is tech savvy and is open to exploring new ideas. Truth be told, we have had so many discussions about teaching bitcoin to children, and it seems now we are moving to teaching bitcoin to elderly people. Bitcoin has no age restrictions, everyone that uses money can learn about bitcoin. Bitcoin is a form of money, even though people mostly see the investment opportunity in bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Bushdark on August 18, 2023, 07:09:50 PM
Teaching other people about what Bitcoin is all about is not bad idea for me but not when they are getting to there extinct age which I see no reason for that because even there ability to learn faster might not worth it at all. Those adults that are still in there mid 40s and late 50s cam still learn what Bitcoin is all about which there is nothing bad with that.

 All we could do is to teach in a way they will be able to comprehend because there learning faculty might be that small and one will need to use more of videos to do that thma reading through several pages.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: cabron on August 18, 2023, 07:13:53 PM
Why not? Saylor is already old. Cuban is already old.
The old people are the ones who have money, they own properties and own businesses. Once they see it's beneficially necessary to use BTC then there is no reason for them not to learn it even just to send transactions. They don't even need to learn the technology itself but only learn how to use the wallet.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: jossiel on August 18, 2023, 07:16:03 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Some elderly don't wanna touch new technology because they're in belief that it's not going to work for them. Like Warren Buffett, we all knew that he's a great investor and talks shit about Bitcoin. Thus, even if someone influential talks and convinces him about Bitcoin. He wouldn't mind to get to know more about it.

But for some that's open on it, then the worth is there. The value is there and you just have to find someone that do have the interest in it. Maybe that's rare for some of the older people but what's the old age for you?

We've got jet here and he's one of the rare people out there that set no boundaries of ages getting on Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Wimex on August 18, 2023, 07:24:24 PM
The question of whether or not it is worth educating older generations about Bitcoin is one that I am sure many would say no to… But I would say that we should not automatically dismiss the idea of educating older people about new technologies financial.. Teaching seniors about Bitcoin can contribute to greater inclusion and understanding of these technologies. As the world moves towards digital, I think it is essential that all generations have at least a basic level of knowledge about current trends and future in the financial field on the other hand, as some commented, older people tend to have a saved capital of their life's work, therefore, they might be interested in diversifying their investments, so providing them with information about Bitcoin and its underlying technology would allow them to make informed decisions about if they want to participate in this constantly evolving market.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Issa56 on August 18, 2023, 07:26:11 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
I don't see anything bad in older people investing in bitcoin, and I do encourage both young and old people to invest in bitcoin if they have the financial capacity. The old are not really interested in bitcoin just because they know nothing about it, and due to what they do hear in public about it, they already lose interest in it even before knowing what it's really all about. That's why whenever we see any old person that has little interest in bitcoin, we can enlighten them more about it, or whenever we see anyone that we think might be interested in bitcoin, I see no reason why we shouldn't guide them. As long as the older generation can make investments in other sectors, they can definitely invest in bitcoin as well, if any of them are interested.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Fiatless on August 18, 2023, 07:30:29 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Bitcoin is for everybody interested. The reason why many people are reluctant in teaching the elderly is because most of them don't understand technology. Some of them are not conversant with blockchain or other online investments. The youths are open to learning and embracing innovation. But anybody can learn about Bitcoin if they are interested. We shouldn't restrict Bitcoin education to youth because it is a currency that is for everybody. But I am just visualizing teaching my mother about bitcoin, it will be a hard task. Some of the elderly in my area can't even use ATMs for financial transactions. My mother will learn absolutely nothing about Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on August 18, 2023, 07:31:45 PM
Bitcoin is not for everyone, it requires its users to have very high standards of online safety, and old people are a typical target for scammers and hackers. So think twice before preaching Bitcoin to an old person - maybe they would put their life savings into it only to lose it to some scam or malware. If this is your relative, you could manage their coins for them.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: milewilda on August 18, 2023, 07:42:46 PM
Bitcoin is not for everyone, it requires its users to have very high standards of online safety, and old people are a typical target for scammers and hackers. So think twice before preaching Bitcoin to an old person - maybe they would put their life savings into it only to lose it to some scam or malware. If this is your relative, you could manage their coins for them.
This is why its really that important that you should really be speaking to them about the risks involved on dealing with crypto.Yes, i do agree that elderly or to those old ones are really that really prone to hacking and being scammed knowing that their senses isnt really that just as good into those people who are young. If you do see that a certain person is really that still capable on doing things then it wont really be that a problem
just always assure that you do lead them on the right way and not really just tending to explain up about its pros and forgetting the cons but if you do see that a certain person is old enough and do really easily do forget things then it would really be just that better that you should know on how to see their situation and skip out if you do see that they arent really that good enough on handling out their money. Better to make them
safe rather than on forcing out other people to know about it and invest and put their money into it. Just let them be but if you do see the opposite then you do have the choice on explaining to them but never ever
make out that kind of guarantees.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Nheer on August 18, 2023, 07:45:54 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
There is no age restriction in bitcoin adoption and anyone regardless of their age can learn about bitcoin. Sorry OP but if you have done a proper research before posting you would have gotten your answers because i can remember sharing my opinion on a similar post made few months ago.

It is not a bad idea to educate elderly people about bitcoin if they express an interest in it, but forcing them to do so would be a grave mistake.  Understanding Bitcoin can be challenging due to its complexity, but if they are intelligent enough to do so, I believe it is right to teach them about it. However, you should also warn them about cryptocurrency scams and provide them with the necessary knowledge to avoid being taken advantage of.

The word is advancing in technology and teaching children and old people about bitcoin can come in handy because we might get to a point where using bitcoin will become normal and everyone may begin to transact using bitcoin in place of fiat

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on August 18, 2023, 07:50:21 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
If older people can have money/investment saved in the bank and use it conveniently, why do you think they shouldn't be allowed to explode Bitcoin, which is a decentralized digital currency which gives people control over their funds (i.e for those who can learn the basis, such as how to buy, send & receive BTC from others). Because as much as those old people still care about investment and control over funds, then they should be allowed to explore the use of BTC, as BTC itself has no restrictions.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Victorik on August 18, 2023, 07:54:04 PM
The question is: are these old person in question interested in learning about Bitcoin? If they have the interest, why not? I don't think it's a waste of time. But, if they are not interested in learning, you can't really force it on them.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: nakamura12 on August 18, 2023, 07:57:19 PM
Teaching someone about the Bitcoin technology is not base on age, it is all about the person if he/she is interested to learn or not. As you hwve known, there are some people who doesn't believe in cryptocurrency which means they are not interested in it. To tell you honestly, there's a forum member here who isn't young but if you ask me about him is that he have some knowledge about crypto that explains he is interested. Before starting teaching them, you must ask them if they are interested or not. It is not a good choice to force people learn about cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Stalker22 on August 18, 2023, 08:22:04 PM
Whether it is worthwhile depends on how you define "worthwhile." Personally, I find it worthwhile to educate anyone who is genuinely curious about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. Age does not matter,  whether they are from a younger or older generation.

But that doesn't mean I am gonna tell anyone to throw their retirement or life savings into Bitcoin. Back where I am from, we have seen plenty of cases where older folks got scammed, thinking they were "investing in cryptocurrencies," and ended up losing big. So, I feel it is important to educate the older generations about crypto, so they don't fall for these scams.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on August 18, 2023, 08:26:41 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

If Bitcoin is created as an alternative to fiat currency, that shows that everyone can make use of it. So nothing is wrong for anyone of any age to learn about Bitcoin, but the only thing that is wrong is that we should not force anyone to learn about it, so if people of any age are interested in learning about Bitcoin, I will encourage people to teach them. It is not even a good idea not to carry old age and children along with the system, old age can also play a very important role in bitcoin adoption. But the truth is that many old people nowadays are not used to the internet, and when someone tries to teach them, it is always hard for them to understand the development of technology easily.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: TimeTeller on August 18, 2023, 08:33:18 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

If Bitcoin is created as an alternative to fiat currency, that shows that everyone can make use of it. So nothing is wrong for anyone of any age to learn about Bitcoin, but the only thing that is wrong is that we should not force anyone to learn about it, so if people of any age are interested in learning about Bitcoin, I will encourage people to teach them. It is not even a good idea not to carry old age and children along with the system, old age can also play a very important role in bitcoin adoption. But the truth is that many old people nowadays are not used to the internet, and when someone tries to teach them, it is always hard for them to understand the development of technology easily.

The good thing about this market is everyone is welcome, and they can learn how to deal or make their first transaction just by self-study online.
There are so many online tutorials now, so if you happen that you don't want to teach anyone, you are not the only source on this market.
This is the advantage of this digital age, you can practically find anything over the net. Just make sure use small funds when you are testing something.
This is why the older generation can always find a way how to learn this market just by hitting the search button. This is no rocket science.
Every user here is important, young or old, as the more people will participate on this market, the better for the demand factor of this crypto market.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: The Cryptovator on August 18, 2023, 08:55:45 PM
Bitcoin isn't suitable for everyone; if you lack the necessary funds, it might not be the right fit. However, if you're short on funds, you can explore different ways to earn and invest in it. Learning about Bitcoin has no age limit, as both the older and younger generations can grasp its concepts. Older individuals can invest in Bitcoin with sufficient funds, provided they educate themselves thoroughly to avoid future regrets.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: taufik123 on August 18, 2023, 09:30:28 PM
Bitcoin isn't suitable for everyone; if you lack the necessary funds, it might not be the right fit. However, if you're short on funds, you can explore different ways to earn and invest in it. Learning about Bitcoin has no age limit, as both the older and younger generations can grasp its concepts. Older individuals can invest in Bitcoin with sufficient funds, provided they educate themselves thoroughly to avoid future regrets.
What is called regret in the future?
Is it a kind of regret for not investing from the start so that it doesn't provide a good enough income or in terms of missing a train with many passengers?

Seeing how Bitcoin has developed to date, of course, it shouldn't be ignored anymore.
Even today's parents are more enthusiastic about investing their retirement money.

Getting into Bitcoin investing can be a good reason to grow future profits.
It will be an investment in the future and can also be a legacy for their children and grandchildren.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: serjent05 on August 18, 2023, 09:33:56 PM
I am also inclined to think that teaching everyone except kids that suppose to be enjoying their younger days should be informed about Bitcoin.  People at their old age have savings that can be used to invest in Bitcoin and give them the opportunity to make their money grow without doing much labor.  It is also a positive note for Bitcoin if the funds from these seniors will flow towards Bitcoin, adding liquidity and stability to the Bitcoin market.

Bitcoin isn't suitable for everyone; if you lack the necessary funds, it might not be the right fit. However, if you're short on funds, you can explore different ways to earn and invest in it. Learning about Bitcoin has no age limit, as both the older and younger generations can grasp its concepts. Older individuals can invest in Bitcoin with sufficient funds, provided they educate themselves thoroughly to avoid future regrets.

True that, bitcoin is not for everyone especially those innocent kids that has been a topic of some threads in this forum.  Old people as I stated have savings from their retirement benefits, so they are capable to invest and take advantage of the opportunity the Bitcoin market gives.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: jeraldskie11 on August 18, 2023, 11:43:08 PM
We all know, in my opinion, that youth is the future because they are capable of accomplishing many things in life. However, in terms of investing, it is also worthwhile to teach the elderly about Bitcoin because the majority of them have a lot of money and little time to create profitable businesses. If they learn about Bitcoin and realize how valuable it is as an investment, they will undoubtedly invest in it. They may make money while wasting minimal energy, which is exactly what the elderly desire. Old individuals also contribute to Bitcoin's success.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: n0ne on August 18, 2023, 11:48:52 PM
It is able to see technology wise interested people among the old ones. This means better the technology taught better will be the goodness from the users happening around. Technology is life changing and majority of the people realise it. Age used to be a constraint that lets them stay away. It is good to identify such people and educate them about the good of bitcoin and the need in the future.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Faisal2202 on August 18, 2023, 11:50:30 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
That's depend on the definition of older people you are talking about there are not so many octogenarian (80+ year old) here on this forum but there is this one dude I think he is from UK who is an octogenarian (Jet Cash). Point is, we can learn from other people's life. And in my opinion, we should teach them about BTC at least give them some idea of BTC that they know BTC exists.

Then it depends on them either to adopt it or not because just like we have many discussions here before on the topic of either should we teach btc to kids or not and in those discussions we have the same outcomes as of here. Which is:

Teach them but not force them to adopt it because it is their right to praise it or not but manipulating words and not telling them the whole ups and downs like investing etc. just to lure them into this side is not advice able.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Asuspawer09 on August 18, 2023, 11:58:48 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

I mean yes for sure it is going to be worth it they actually like Bitcoin technology or they are open to this kind of thing but I guess when it comes to older people it's kinda like they are even harder to convince to this kind of thing I guess it is just because they just already have there own mindset and know already what they need to do so opening their mind or just being open minded to this kind of new thing is going to be difficult for them. Also there are always opportunity in the market so its always open for anybody, its a good time actually since the market drop and we could buy cryptocurrency in a discount.

It is worth making conversation since they already have the capabilities to just jump right on to the cryptocurrency investment or could be the opposite as well so it probably depends on who you're talking to. I mean its a little late actually for them to actually invest because they are already old still they could probably still invest for there next generation but for themself its probably too late since they are already old.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: ralle14 on August 19, 2023, 12:18:03 AM
I'd say it's a hit or miss because some people can't be bothered about learning Bitcoin and the technology behind it. At the very least, it's better to inform them (if they're the ones to start the initiative) in the simplest way possible because there are people who always have the wrong idea about Bitcoin now that it's only getting more and more popular.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Agbamoni on August 19, 2023, 12:37:47 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

I think it is worthwhile to teach anyone about BTC but it is as important to NOT compel them.

The problem with most is that they tend to compel and force people to listen about something that is somehow technical. With this, people tend to lose their focus and they also tend to show no attention at all. Again, it is better to teach someone who is already interested in a subject; compared to someone who is not interested at all though they may show signs of being attentive.

Let us face it- cryptocurrencies and BTC is a complex process which will take some time in order for its foundation to be grasped. If people are showing signs of curiosity, then by all means teach them. But if you force them into something that they are not interested in the first place, then better avoid forcing them to learn it.

Usually, it's not a good idea to force people to do things, because if they're not interested, they won't enjoy it. I wanted to talk about this because of something my dad did. He noticed that I spend a lot of time online learning about bitcoin trading. And that led me to learn how to make crypto apps, which I do now as a developer.

One day, he asked me how I do all this. All he sees on my screen are these red and green candles. He wondered how those candles turn into real money. I don't really go out, but I can pay my bills and take care of stuff. He was really curious to know how it all works.

I thought it might be a waste of time to explain because I thought he wouldn't understand. But I tried anyway, and he was actually getting it. Now, he spends about 5 hours every day in my room, just learning more about it.

Also, they would be more likely just waiting for profit afterwards and since this market is full of inconsistencies, then they might eventually fall with false hopes.

I'm glad you made such a helpful contribution. You're absolutely right on this. For older individuals who are on medication or may have health concerns, getting into bitcoin trading might not be a good idea. The ups and downs of trading can be stressful, and not everyone can handle the risk of losing their investment. It's kind of like putting their health at risk, because even a small shock or stress could have negative effects on them. So, it's important for them to consider their health before jumping into something like bitcoin trading.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: michellee on August 19, 2023, 12:51:09 AM
Yes, actually it's worth doing so that the older generation can know and try to wear it. But that depends on whether they want to learn something different from what they know. And the older generation, on average, will think they don't need it given their age and not think about such complicated things.

But sometimes there is someone who is older but wants to know what's going on in the world and tries to find out more. So it depends on the willingness of each of them and we shouldn't force them to learn about Bitcoin if they don't want to.

Besides that, we already have @JetCash as one of the oldest members of the forum. ;D ;D

He is willing to accept something new about Bitcoin. So it's back to each person.

Well I've hit another birthday, and it's lonely in the old fogie team.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Ale88 on August 19, 2023, 01:38:26 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
It depends who are these "older people": if it's someone you know from, for example, the gym or the bar, probably I wouldn't waste my time; if it's your dad or uncle then it's different and I would say it's worth giving it a try: maybe they'll understand, maybe not, but they're family and for me it would be nice to share a little bit of our knowledge.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Stella Mese on August 19, 2023, 02:07:02 AM
I think in this case it depends on a person's interest, whether he is willing to accept bitcoin lessons or not, so we shouldn't force parents to invest in bitcoin, but of course there's nothing wrong with teaching parents about bitcoin so they understand. about bitcoin as long as there is no coercion. .

and in my opinion there will be many benefits if parents know about btc, because btc is for old, young and all.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Pandu Geddon on August 19, 2023, 02:11:15 AM
I think in this case it depends on a person's interest, whether he is willing to accept bitcoin lessons or not, so we shouldn't force parents to invest in bitcoin, but of course there's nothing wrong with teaching parents about bitcoin so they understand. about bitcoin as long as there is no coercion. .

and in my opinion there will be many benefits if parents know about btc, because btc is for old, young and all.

parents who are interested in Bitcoin are probably those who like to invest. there are old people who really liked investing when they were young and now in their old age, they are already enjoying the results. Investments can be in the form of gold, stocks, or even property.
such parents who may be interested in blockchain or just simply invest in Bitcoin.
but I'm sure young people will be more interested here. and they are easy to understand.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Bitcoin_people on August 19, 2023, 02:38:32 AM
Today's young generation has developed the most interest in Bitcoin and is the most interested in advancing the technology. However, if the elderly people in the society today are taught about Bitcoin or technology, they will not be interested in learning it at all. Today, older people trust the technology a little bit, but they don't want to trust Bitcoin too much because they don't know about the virtual currency and they don't have experience. Due to which most of the society thinks about Bitcoin in absolute negative rather than positive way so no matter how many people are educated in Bitcoin education they will never gain knowledge. But there is a younger generation than the present age they are most interested in earning online and they are able to earn online through technology from different places. So if the current young generation people can be educated about Bitcoin then they will easily adopt it and think about moving forward in the future.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Kaliandra on August 19, 2023, 03:07:13 AM
in my area, most parents rarely understand about bitcoin, but I also explained about bitcoin to parents because he asked me and was curious about what bitcoin is, and finally I explained it and finally I was able to explain btc to the parent. but I think in this case we can explain btc to parents as long as he has the will to learn it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Sim_card on August 19, 2023, 03:08:10 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Of course yes,anybody can be taught bitcoin as long as the person shows interest of learning because bit coin is for everyone. It is when you are trying to force people to learn bitcoin that it isn't a good idea. If the old person is open minded and wants to learn about the new technology, why should you deprive him. These old ones can afford to buy bitcoin at lump and use it as a store of value for their pension so that they can benefit more from it. Age is not a barrier to bitcoin knowledge, the old people do have money that they don't use but they prefer to keep it in the bank which makes it wiser for  them to invest in bitcoin because they will be a good hodler..

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: dmamigo on August 19, 2023, 03:21:56 AM
Today or tomorrow, they have to be familiar with the bitcoin and blockchain technology so the fast we teach them the better it will be for them. There are many older people who love new technologies so teaching them will be better if you have one or find one because they will try to teach other people o their aged and also a study says that people of the same generation or same aged understand each other better. The future is these technologies, so every people who want to ease their life in the future should be knowledgable about it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Ayers on August 19, 2023, 04:09:20 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
It depends who are these "older people": if it's someone you know from, for example, the gym or the bar, probably I wouldn't waste my time; if it's your dad or uncle then it's different and I would say it's worth giving it a try: maybe they'll understand, maybe not, but they're family and for me it would be nice to share a little bit of our knowledge.

Why waste time when we introduce bitcoin to people we know outside? I think if those people are interested in bitcoin and want to learn about it, then we should give them a chance, not just ignore them. I remember, I was introduced to bitcoin by a stranger on the internet, so as long as someone is interested in bitcoin, I am willing to teach bitcoin to them, not necessarily my relatives.

We often say that bitcoin is for everyone, so if you get a chance recommend bitcoin to them. And of course, what I'm talking about is with people who care about bitcoin, not those who are negative about bitcoin. For those people, it's just a real waste of time.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Best-mary on August 19, 2023, 04:30:00 AM
The beauty of knowledge is that it doesn't have an age-specific or cohort. The most important is, how determined the person you're teaching eager to learn or understand what you're teaching.

If an older person wants to learn or know more about Bitcoin, why not. Give them the knowledge you've. Don't be surprised if Bitcoin was introduced in their era, it would have been showing us the rightful part in understanding it

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: blockman on August 19, 2023, 04:43:52 AM
This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
What's your goal? To educate everyone including the older people? Just as how you will educate the younger ones, there will be those that won't like the way you teach or have no complete interest in the topic if it's Bitcoin, cryptos, or blockchain technology. The same goes for the older gens, there could be some of them that will fully commit but the majority of them are good at the beginning and then will lie low in the long run. That's when you talk about money, many ears will like to listen but only a few will like to follow the path that you're going to teach them. It applies for both young and old gens but you'll also find some genuine people that even are struggling, they're going to try hard as much as they can since I've met a couple of those people and have progressed.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bussybuddy on August 19, 2023, 05:06:26 AM
The fact is that if we try to force a person to learn about a topic they are not interested in, then the chances of them not being able to concentrate and understand the lesson are very high.

Learning about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency is indeed a complex and challenging process. It requires time, patience and curiosity. If people show interest and curiosity about the topic, it's better to provide information, materials, and resources for them to learn on their own. But one should not be forced or persuaded if they cannot find the inner motivation to do so.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Solokan on August 19, 2023, 05:43:07 AM
the government in my country allows people to invest in btc but the government in my area prohibits people from using btc as a means of payment.

so in my opinion there is nothing wrong if we are interested in explaining btc to parents as long as in that country the government allows its people to invest in btc.

but usually old people were always interested in investing in gold because the price of gold always had the potential to rise from time to time. so even if we want to explain btc to our parents, of course we have to be wise and not have an element of coercion.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Helena Yu on August 19, 2023, 05:54:53 AM
If they're over 40, luddites, and have to learn from the beginning, forget it; it's a waste of time. Let them find out for themselves.
When it talks about teaching someone, either he's a young, mature or old person, it doesn't matter because it's all about consistency and interest. A young person who's working in bank obviously will think fiat is everything and if you teach him about Bitcoin, privacy and centralization, they will argue with your opinion.

This guy Jet Cash (;u=698159) is 81 years old and yet he understand about Bitcoin, age is just a number.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: OrangeII on August 19, 2023, 06:13:29 AM
if we teach this technology to older people, then I'm pretty sure that everyone will have their own views. it could be they are interested, it could be they are not. We know that older people prefer real estate or real business, but it would be wise for them to learn about and be interested in this technology as well. My suggestion is, if they are really interested in technological developments, and are looking for a place to invest, we can introduce bitcoin technology to them, but if not, then I don't think we need to explain it any further.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: WatChe on August 19, 2023, 07:03:50 AM
Yes, actually it's worth doing so that the older generation can know and try to wear it. But that depends on whether they want to learn something different from what they know. And the older generation, on average, will think they don't need it given their age and not think about such complicated things.

But sometimes there is someone who is older but wants to know what's going on in the world and tries to find out more. So it depends on the willingness of each of them and we shouldn't force them to learn about Bitcoin if they don't want to.

Besides that, we already have @JetCash as one of the oldest members of the forum. ;D ;D

He is willing to accept something new about Bitcoin. So it's back to each person.

Its always good to take old people with us in tech world (keep in mind we too have to grow old at some point :) ). My mother is 60+ and I gave her smartphone few years back and now she is good in using smartphone along with apps like WhatsApp, facebook etc. Likewise if we teach Bitcoin to old people they will be proficient in using it with time. Moreover old people have experience with them and there experience can contribute positively in the Bitcoin Eco-system.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: terrific on August 19, 2023, 07:27:35 AM
If they're over 40, luddites, and have to learn from the beginning, forget it; it's a waste of time. Let them find out for themselves.
I think that's still manageable if their age is around 40-50. But more than 50+ then I think that should be a waste of time. Anyway, yeah, these ages could really be wasting the time of someone who's going to teach them Bitcoin.
If they're curious and it keeps on ticking on them then they should be the one to start to realize and understand what Bitcoin is and if they can attain to take the risk that they are having with it.
Because if they can't, there's no age gap on this one. Someone who can risk will have to take risk and those that can't even the younger ones, they'll have to flee the market and ignore it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Uruhara on August 19, 2023, 10:22:04 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
I think this will depend on what kind of older people we meet. Because not everyone who is old has an interest in Bitcoin and things that lead to renewable technologies. If they are interested in learning about bitcoin and digital assets it will be very beneficial if we can teach them. But if they have no interest then there is no use for us to teach them. Because they probably won't take our explanations seriously. So the answer will indeed depend on whether the older person is interested or not.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Latviand on August 19, 2023, 11:50:30 AM
It's not a matter of worth, everyone should have the access to knowledge and we shouldn't weigh in on how eligible they are to know something, if they permit to do so we should be able to give/impart them the knowledge that we have, education should be inclusive and not something that's prejudiced because of age or skin or race or ethnicity or social standing. If you think about it, the right old people that is curious and knows the risk of this technology will be a good help to the bitcoin community, in a PR standpoint, bitcoin will show that it's inclusive and that it's not just the millennials and Gen Z that can benefit from bitcoin but also the older generation.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 19, 2023, 11:52:24 AM
Keep in mind that getting older does not make something obsolete. Even merely suggesting that older generations shouldnt learn about bitcoin is to undervalue their capacity for comprehension and development.

Everyone may free themselves from the constraints of established financial institutions thanks to bitcoin, the exact embodiment of decentralized power. The kids are involved in a revolutionary movement, not a passing fad! We can learn from history that ignoring important changes in society systems only results in stagnation. Do you want to leave this movement unnoticed by an entire generation?

For the record, more of these "older people" have experienced revolutions and technological advancements than the majority of us do! Dismissing them is not simply rude; it also demonstrates narrow-mindedness. Embrace change. Embrace knowledge. Embrace EVERYONE in the march towards a decentralized future

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: GigaBit on August 19, 2023, 12:08:42 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Bitcoin had a capacity to make the poor to rich,So the old people will have a good savings in their old ages.So they can multiple the money by using the cryptocurrency investment.Now the bitcoin price was in the bear market,So the old people can inverse in the bitcoin for the good profit.The old people can adapt the market changes because of the experience due to their ages.Some old people will not accept any new investments using their money and try to hold money in term of fiat.
The new generation has come a long way with Bitcoin but it can also be an opportunity for those who are older. But if older don't know about Bitcoin well then, they won't be interested in investing in this platform. In order to encourage them to invest in Bitcoin, they must have a good knowledge of Bitcoin. This is the most risky and profitable investment platform those things have to understand. As they can make good profit from investing in this platform, they will have a difficult moment if they lose money. I think if they invest a small part of their savings, it will definitely bring good results for them.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Lorence.xD on August 19, 2023, 12:23:17 PM
I think in this case it worth a shot to teach them, because some of the older people who have a lot of savings plus their pension that could provide their needs are finding to get use of their money. Bitcoin is actually open to anyone it's just depends and differ on their knowledge about it so age doesn't really matter. As a person you would already know if you are suitable to learn something and your really eager to understand complicated system such as the crypto. It's really depend on the person already if he/she are willing to learn.

New generation or what we called "Gen Z" nowadays might have an advantage to learn earlier Bitcoin due to we're already living in the era of technology, still older people have ideas on how technology works plus they have the money to enter the market. Maybe we just confuse "older people" that might not catch up to technology nowadays, that's actually true but I think it's on the apps already such as TikTok, Youtube and etc.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: icalical on August 19, 2023, 01:04:17 PM
I don't think it's ever about the age, it's more about their own willingness, even if the person you are trying to guide is still young but if the person doesn't actually want to learn about bitcoin, then it's not worth it, no matter how hard you try to teach those kind of person they will not understand because they don't want to understand. And on the other side, even 50 or 60 years old could learn about bitcoin if they are willing to learn.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: LDL on August 19, 2023, 01:34:23 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Of course Bitcoin is equally important among all walks of life because you can't just limit Bitcoin to the young generation. Bitcoin is a decentralized coin where it is not controlled by any one class of people but is limited by all the people of the world. Bitcoin is equally important for rich-poor, educated-uneducated, young-old. Not only should the young generation become experts on Bitcoin technology but it should be brought to the entire class of people.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: posi on August 19, 2023, 02:11:59 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

The younger generation is more interested in bitcoin because their mentality today is to want to get rich quick and not to do manual labor. Don't make the mistake of thinking that all young people are looking for financial freedom or looking for an asset to give them privacy or that they are driving the advancement of technology. Many scam projects are released and damage to the reputation of bitcoin is mostly caused by the younger generation. So don't think that only young people bring benefits and value to the growth of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on August 19, 2023, 02:22:38 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Well, personally, I see nothing wrong in teaching older generations about bitcoin, for example, if Hal finney(may God rest his soul) at his old age was a key part of the team that developed bitcoin, source has it that he was the first Person to directly receive bitcoin from Satoshi, so if as his age, he was still part of the team that brought bitcoin to live, I don't see why it's not ideal to teach our older generations about bitcoin, the only thing I would say is that, we should not try to force or cajole them in any way, to invest in bitcoin, so let their decision to buy bitcoin or not to buy bitcoin be their decision and theirs alone.
There are actually, alot of old forks who are into bitcoin and doing very well, so the truth is, not everyone of them will accept, possibly due to lack of proper understanding, but then, it's not out place to tell or teach them, it's not a wasted effort.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: puloweh555 on August 19, 2023, 02:34:04 PM
I don't think it's ever about the age, it's more about their own willingness, even if the person you are trying to guide is still young but if the person doesn't actually want to learn about bitcoin, then it's not worth it, no matter how hard you try to teach those kind of person they will not understand because they don't want to understand. And on the other side, even 50 or 60 years old could learn about bitcoin if they are willing to learn.
That's right, teaching Bitcoin to anyone who is prepared to face these consequences and has a will of their own is a must for us to teach it. It is very important for us to understand that teaching bitcoin does not look at age either young or old, if they are interested there is nothing wrong with teaching them. What is not allowed is that we force them with our will to get to know bitcoin. Currently Bitcoin has experienced very rapid growth in all parts of the world. Along with this phenomenon, even some parents in this world believe that teaching their children about crypto from an early age is a brilliant idea.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on August 19, 2023, 02:54:47 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Bitcoin (or any other online business) isn't age restricted. It's a matter of interest. Since it doesn't require physical strength, anyone can get involved in it if they've its interest. We've an octogenarian here who's well into Bitcoin and he's doing very well from what I read about him. I've come across youngsters who've heard about Bitcoin but aren't interested in pushing it forward. How do you teach such people, even with their young age? I would say, if the elderly (old people) show interest to learn it, teach them. If not, leave them alone. Not everyone will get into Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on August 19, 2023, 03:12:14 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Well, personally, I see nothing wrong in teaching older generations about bitcoin, for example, if Hal finney(may God rest his soul) at his old age was a key part of the team that developed bitcoin, source has it that he was the first Person to directly receive bitcoin from Satoshi, so if as his age, he was still part of the team that brought bitcoin to live, I don't see why it's not ideal to teach our older generations about bitcoin, the only thing I would say is that, we should not try to force or cajole them in any way, to invest in bitcoin, so let their decision to buy bitcoin or not to buy bitcoin be their decision and theirs alone.
There are actually, alot of old forks who are into bitcoin and doing very well, so the truth is, not everyone of them will accept, possibly due to lack of proper understanding, but then, it's not out place to tell or teach them, it's not a wasted effort.
It's indeed not a wasted effort to teach older people about BTC technology, after all, only those who stop learning have become dead. 
We are expected to learn at any age, in the subject that we are interested in before we get too old to learn anything.

I have seen older people who go back to school to complete a degree or have one, in same vain, any older person who wants to learn about the crypto technology is doing so to fulfil the human need of enlightenment and financial freedom.
We should teach the older people if they have an interest to learn not just only BTC technology, but any other subject they think would benefit them, instead of letting them think BTC is for scammers and criminality and only reserved for the young.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Sanitough on August 19, 2023, 03:58:00 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
I believe bitcoin is for everyone, although not all of them are capable to make it work and be successful. So it’s an edge if you are teaching those who show eager interest in the first place, particularly those who are very open on the newest technology that brings new innovations to the lives of the people. However, I don’t say that the older people are exempted for that. As long as they remain motivated to adopt new things and learn from it, then they should be given priority to be taught about bitcoin. After all, age does not matter in bitcoin, what matters more is how you comprehend to it and embrace it for good. And I don’t think older people are hard to teach about the basics of bitcoin. Learning will always be possible if there is passion and dedication to grasp the idea of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: dothebeats on August 19, 2023, 04:23:39 PM
I'd say it's a hit or miss because some people can't be bothered about learning Bitcoin and the technology behind it. At the very least, it's better to inform them (if they're the ones to start the initiative) in the simplest way possible because there are people who always have the wrong idea about Bitcoin now that it's only getting more and more popular.
I agree with you. It either goes red light or green light, meaning it depends on how willing they are to learn and know. Moreover, it is better to teach older people who are already aware and have little knowledge about bitcoin technology, it says a lot as they are already interested and curious so it assures you that you are not wasting time and effort. Additionally, it will also be better if they already have knowledge on how to use technology that goes beyond the scope of using social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: shivansps on August 19, 2023, 04:37:55 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

And who says that the older generation is not worth learning about bitcoin and about cryptocurrency in general. Do you mean ordinary people or some influencer.
There are different types of older people. Someone is able to perceive such information, someone is not. It's all individual
I think that of course it is worth teaching any people, including people at an older age, but the main thing is that the person himself wants this and not force him or not impose it. The person himself should be interested

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: letteredhub on August 19, 2023, 04:51:11 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Direct to your question; I wouldn't say it is not worthwhile but the turnaround for bitcoin won't be so bright compared to using those time on educating the younger generation about bitcoin. The future is a  digital asset future and bitcoin as a digital asset should be more focused on those under the ages of the future that's ahead, that's the only way a rapid adoption will flow. Am not saying the older generation doesn't count with bitcoin obviously they're an added bonus in the adoption but more enticing would be with the younger generation.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: SamReomo on August 19, 2023, 04:58:40 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

There are many people whom we call older generation like our parents and our grand parents. If you're pointing out our parents as older generation than in that case they can be taught the concepts of Bitcoin and its working state without much effort, but if you want such concept to be learned and grasped by someone whom we may call grand parents then it would be a little bit difficult to teach such age group people about the value and importance of Bitcoin. The older people also deserve to get knowledge about Bitcoin and if someone convince them that the Bitcoin is a safe thing and a great asset for investors then they will most probably try to learn about it and invest some money into it.

There are many older people on this forum who are much more knowledgeable about Bitcoin than the younger ones. And, only that single thing proves that older people can also get knowledge about Bitcoin and can invest in it without any worries. Once the older people grasp the concept of Bitcoin then they will try their best to invest their savings into Bitcoin so that they could have a better future for themselves and also for their heirs. The older people are mostly financially strong and they can invest that money into Bitcoin to secure their future. I believe that it carries a lot of value to tell our parents and the older generation about Bitcoin and the changes it has gone through, it may be little difficult to make them invest in it, but if they get the concept of the thing then they will invest more eagerly than the young generation.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on August 19, 2023, 05:52:43 PM
This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Bitcoin doesn’t restrict any age from learning it; everyone can come to cryptocurrency and acquire the knowledge he or she wants. It is a wise decision if older ones even learn about bitcoin, and teaching them is not wasting your time because even now, many people are on the forum and they are old. Those people have the knowledge we younger ones do not have in the crypto space today. My reason is that those older ones came into crypto since the early years of bitcoin, and at that time they were minor people who adopted bitcoin, which made them learn about it quickly, and those who are yet to know about it can also use bitcoin as their investment, as many of the older ones now do not have where to invest. The only thing we can avoid when teaching them is that we shouldn't force anyone.

If they're over 40, luddites, and have to learn from the beginning, forget it; it's a waste of time. Let them find out for themselves.
I think that's still manageable if their age is around 40-50. But more than 50+ then I think that should be a waste of time. Anyway, yeah, these ages could really be wasting the time of someone who's going to teach them Bitcoin.
If they're curious and it keeps on ticking on them then they should be the one to start to realize and understand what Bitcoin is and if they can attain to take the risk that they are having with it.
Because if they can't, there's no age gap on this one. Someone who can risk will have to take risk and those that can't even the younger ones, they'll have to flee the market and ignore it.

I don’t know why you both point out a specific age at which they will not acquire the knowledge correctly. I hope you know that even someone who is less than 20 years old may not even understand what someone this age will understand quickly. This is a matter of interest. Whatever age you are, as long as you are ready to learn, why can’t they learn it? We have many people who are 50 or older, and these people are still going to school to get more knowledge or maybe looking for another qualification. What are you going to say about these people? Will you say they will not understand what they will teach there or what? So anyone of any age can come and learn, as long as they are ready to take the risk. It’s simple, and they will get to understand it. Normally, we need more people to adopt bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: tjtonmoy on August 19, 2023, 06:33:27 PM
Old is gold. Haven't you heard of this? They have walked the earth more than the younger ones. They may understand things differently than we do. In some cases, because of their experiences, they leave us behind. So if you bring those together, both Bitcoin's technology and their experience, you can get the best result. But they need to be supportive of learning. Curiosity and a curious mind is the key to learning anything. If they are interested, then we can teach them quite easily. But if not, then it will surely be a waste of time. Many old guys are just relaxing in their old age and don't want to get involved in learning new things. So teaching them will be so much more challenging. Starting the process with them will be tough let alone teach them the full thing.

This is not only for the old people. Younger ones are the same too. So don't waste your time on people who are not interested. Also on those who are here to only make profits from Bitcoin. They are just pure waste of time. If you teach interested ones, even if they are unable to achieve something from it, it's an inner peace to teach them. So I would say, it depends on the person.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: darkangel11 on August 19, 2023, 06:43:11 PM
If you can make a change it's always worth it. Even if out of 10 old people you try to teach about bitcoin 1 learns something and decides to get some, it's a success. Maybe they won't buy themselves but instead tell their children or grandchildren about it. It's important to spread the word and let people decide for themselves. This is how bitcoin is different from all the sects and schemes. You don't try to sell anything to these people, just tell them to do their own research because people who learn what bitcoin offers usually love it. It's just that it feels complicated at first and many people underestimate their abilities and think it's not for them because using a bank app is easier.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: anjiitem on August 19, 2023, 06:50:28 PM
If they're over 40, luddites, and have to learn from the beginning, forget it; it's a waste of time. Let them find out for themselves.
I think that's still manageable if their age is around 40-50. But more than 50+ then I think that should be a waste of time. Anyway, yeah, these ages could really be wasting the time of someone who's going to teach them Bitcoin.
If they're curious and it keeps on ticking on them then they should be the one to start to realize and understand what Bitcoin is and if they can attain to take the risk that they are having with it.
Because if they can't, there's no age gap on this one. Someone who can risk will have to take risk and those that can't even the younger ones, they'll have to flee the market and ignore it.
I don’t know why you both point out a specific age at which they will not acquire the knowledge correctly. I hope you know that even someone who is less than 20 years old may not even understand what someone this age will understand quickly. This is a matter of interest. Whatever age you are, as long as you are ready to learn, why can’t they learn it? We have many people who are 50 or older, and these people are still going to school to get more knowledge or maybe looking for another qualification. What are you going to say about these people? Will you say they will not understand what they will teach there or what? So anyone of any age can come and learn, as long as they are ready to take the risk. It’s simple, and they will get to understand it. Normally, we need more people to adopt bitcoin.
I agree with your opinion that age cannot limit someone's interest in learning what they want to know, including learning about crypto and Bitcoin.
I don't know, maybe according to them someone who is over 50 years old is old-fashioned and doesn't want to keep up with technological developments and maybe according to them people who are over 50 years old experience a setback in thinking because of their health and physical factors. But we can't generalize that everything is like that, in fact there are many people who are over 50 years old who are still thirsty for learning and knowledge and many are still following technological developments.
I think teaching someone from the older generation has several advantages, namely they have a more mature understanding and mindset. And I think it's worth it to teach the older generation about Bitcoin as long as they have the will to learn and as long as they are not seriously ill.
Because someone who is experiencing illness or health problems in my opinion is better not to give them much thought so as not to affect their health condition.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Onyeeze on August 19, 2023, 07:07:20 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Nobody that is using Internet bitcoin have not captured it eye, bitcoin is a digital currency that have to deal with privacy and that is why people like investing with bitcoin, I have passion on bitcoin and that is why I did my business or include my physical business with bitcoin, its difficult before you will see somebody who is using Internet that will tell you that doesn't have passions on bitcoin investment, many people  I know love bitcoin and since they started investing in bitcoin they are making their profits because they know of bitcoin very well and that is why they are progressing, when you see people who invest in bitcoin now you will notice that some of them like to pass the knowledge of bitcoin to their children

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: eightdots on August 19, 2023, 07:46:14 PM
Keep in mind that getting older does not make something obsolete. Even merely suggesting that older generations shouldnt learn about bitcoin is to undervalue their capacity for comprehension and development.

Everyone may free themselves from the constraints of established financial institutions thanks to bitcoin, the exact embodiment of decentralized power. The kids are involved in a revolutionary movement, not a passing fad! We can learn from history that ignoring important changes in society systems only results in stagnation. Do you want to leave this movement unnoticed by an entire generation?

For the record, more of these "older people" have experienced revolutions and technological advancements than the majority of us do! Dismissing them is not simply rude; it also demonstrates narrow-mindedness. Embrace change. Embrace knowledge. Embrace EVERYONE in the march towards a decentralized future

Sometimes we see ourselves as if we know everything. In fact, experience is more important than many things in this life. Most older people have witnessed and adapted to many differences. We cannot claim that the elderly have never known or will learn about Bitcoin. I agree with you on this.

There are many threads on the forum saying they want to teach kids about bitcoin. As much as we care about children's understanding of Bitcoin, we should take care to explain it to the elderly. Bitcoin exists for all of us. Regardless of whether it is a child, young or old, we must move Bitcoin forward.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Russlenat on August 19, 2023, 08:30:24 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
For me, age won’t matter if you are interested to learn about bitcoin. I don’t believe that if you’re old, bitcoin will never be good enough for you because of your level of understanding. Yes, bitcoin is quite complex but if you have the will and interest to learn, you are doing your due diligence to learn about bitcoin, then you are still worthy to learn about bitcoin and how it will be useful in our lives. Always remember that bitcoin is never limited to its learners, everyone is fair when it comes to bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Distinctin on August 19, 2023, 09:18:40 PM
Keep in mind that getting older does not make something obsolete. Even merely suggesting that older generations shouldnt learn about bitcoin is to undervalue their capacity for comprehension and development.

Everyone may free themselves from the constraints of established financial institutions thanks to bitcoin, the exact embodiment of decentralized power. The kids are involved in a revolutionary movement, not a passing fad! We can learn from history that ignoring important changes in society systems only results in stagnation. Do you want to leave this movement unnoticed by an entire generation?

For the record, more of these "older people" have experienced revolutions and technological advancements than the majority of us do! Dismissing them is not simply rude; it also demonstrates narrow-mindedness. Embrace change. Embrace knowledge. Embrace EVERYONE in the march towards a decentralized future
You’re right indeed. Being old does not mean that your knowledge or level of understanding also become less valuable. In fact, a lot of older people have been more successful when it comes to new innovation like bitcoin because they understand more its process and that it really takes time, unlike those new emerged millennials that are used to instant and only see bitcoin as another get rich quick scheme. They only want shortcuts to success and we can’t also blame them for that since they were born at a computer age wherein everything is done fast and instant with the use of technology.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Ziskinberg on August 19, 2023, 09:43:12 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Isn't that wise for me because they might have no little to no interest in crypto. However, given the fact that they are still alive, they have also the right to be aware of this technology. Getting into the situation that Bitcoin is more technical, we can never expect they would easily understand it, but the most possibility they will still forget it and ignore it. Yes, teaching them is not necessary because their responses are something that couldn't help to grow adoption and increase the spread of information but it can be just a waste of time.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: nurilham on August 19, 2023, 09:50:31 PM
Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value?
Personally, I teach everyone who wants to know seriously about Bitcoin. I don't mind the age, I just teach people who are interested/curious about Bitcoin. Older people sometime are more curious than the young people, so why we refuse to teach them. As long as we only teach them about Bitcoin and don't force them to invest/trade Bitcoin, I think we do the right way. Let them decide themselves whether to invest or not!

IMHO, sharing knowledge to others always carries the value. We don't focus on the young generation only, older people deserve to get the knowledge as well. Who knows if the older people really want to involve in Bitcoin. They also can help much to spread Bitcoin adoption around the world.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: serjent05 on August 19, 2023, 11:16:48 PM
Keep in mind that getting older does not make something obsolete. Even merely suggesting that older generations shouldnt learn about bitcoin is to undervalue their capacity for comprehension and development.

Everyone may free themselves from the constraints of established financial institutions thanks to bitcoin, the exact embodiment of decentralized power. The kids are involved in a revolutionary movement, not a passing fad! We can learn from history that ignoring important changes in society systems only results in stagnation. Do you want to leave this movement unnoticed by an entire generation?

For the record, more of these "older people" have experienced revolutions and technological advancements than the majority of us do! Dismissing them is not simply rude; it also demonstrates narrow-mindedness. Embrace change. Embrace knowledge. Embrace EVERYONE in the march towards a decentralized future

Sometimes we see ourselves as if we know everything. In fact, experience is more important than many things in this life. Most older people have witnessed and adapted to many differences. We cannot claim that the elderly have never known or will learn about Bitcoin. I agree with you on this.

There are many threads on the forum saying they want to teach kids about bitcoin. As much as we care about children's understanding of Bitcoin, we should take care to explain it to the elderly. Bitcoin exists for all of us. Regardless of whether it is a child, young or old, we must move Bitcoin forward.

Between kids and the elderly, I would love to teach the elderly because if they get a grasp of Bitcoin and its technology, they have the money to put in the ecosystem making the Bitcoin economy stronger, while teaching kids about Bitcoin will not only create pressure to the brains of these poor kids, they also don't have the financial capability to participate in the economy.  It is a negative output if the effort of teaching is pointed toward kids.

It is different matter for young adults and those late teenagers because they are about to engage in world economics.  It won't take time before they starter looking for jobs to feed themselves and be independent.

We should let the kids enjoy their young moments.  There is always the right time for these young people to engage in economics specifically Bitcoin economics.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: rikybrosh on August 20, 2023, 01:20:43 AM
I think although bitcoin price is so volatile, it is still good for old people to save some amount of btc. elders's physical body maybe not as strong as young people to works and having some btc in their wallet can useful. but we still need to tell them about bitcoin technology so they can understand. it don't have to be fully understand but at least they know what they need to know.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bitzizzix on August 20, 2023, 01:54:30 AM
I think older people should be involved with bitcoin especially those who have savings or their money for retirement, and even though it's not easy to do because they also need to be knowledgeable about bitcoin and its future. But at least we try to do it for our own parents, because we as children already know and understand that bitcoin is very good for our parents because it is profitable, especially in the long term.
and I suggest you do this for the peace of our parents and also for us as children so that our parents don't bother us too much about financial problems in the future.
there is no need to suggest other parents if we still have parents, because our parents already know that we are involved with bitcoin and see our changes because that is an example that will make it easier for them to believe.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Iranus on August 20, 2023, 02:26:41 AM
I think older people should be involved with bitcoin especially those who have savings or their money for retirement, and even though it's not easy to do because they also need to be knowledgeable about bitcoin and its future. But at least we try to do it for our own parents, because we as children already know and understand that bitcoin is very good for our parents because it is profitable, especially in the long term.
and I suggest you do this for the peace of our parents and also for us as children so that our parents don't bother us too much about financial problems in the future.
there is no need to suggest other parents if we still have parents, because our parents already know that we are involved with bitcoin and see our changes because that is an example that will make it easier for them to believe.

I am not against introducing bitcoin and encouraging our parents to invest in bitcoin because it is truly the best asset we have. But the biggest barrier for parents or elders is time. I mean to be able to profit from bitcoin, we need to hold for many years or more, and for older adults can they wait that long? Moreover, the elderly are the time when they need to rest and enjoy life, not the time to rush to earn more money. So we still recommend Bitcoin to them but don't force them but let them decide for themselves, and we should respect their decision.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bitzizzix on August 20, 2023, 02:51:49 AM
I think older people should be involved with bitcoin especially those who have savings or their money for retirement, and even though it's not easy to do because they also need to be knowledgeable about bitcoin and its future. But at least we try to do it for our own parents, because we as children already know and understand that bitcoin is very good for our parents because it is profitable, especially in the long term.
and I suggest you do this for the peace of our parents and also for us as children so that our parents don't bother us too much about financial problems in the future.
there is no need to suggest other parents if we still have parents, because our parents already know that we are involved with bitcoin and see our changes because that is an example that will make it easier for them to believe.

I am not against introducing bitcoin and encouraging our parents to invest in bitcoin because it is truly the best asset we have. But the biggest barrier for parents or elders is time. I mean to be able to profit from bitcoin, we need to hold for many years or more, and for older adults can they wait that long? Moreover, the elderly are the time when they need to rest and enjoy life, not the time to rush to earn more money. So we still recommend Bitcoin to them but don't force them but let them decide for themselves, and we should respect their decision.
You are right, and this is where I mean to see how old our parents are and also bitcoin analysis for the next few years, because this discussion is still new. So my advice for the next few years I think it's still possible, even very possible to turn a profit, because a lot of people are saying the next halving might just be a few years away.
and I don't need to explain about the age of our parents because we know how old our own parents are and it's easy for us to predict, and also bitcoin investment doesn't interfere with old age health because money works. And also don't have to invest all the money, and stay under the supervision of the child.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Gyfts on August 20, 2023, 03:05:43 AM
Older folks are generally reluctant to use Bitcoin, even when you set aside the technology learning curve. You're talking about a group of people that are close to retirement and have little incentive to change assets in their portfolio. That's if the pitch of Bitcoin is an investment vessel. I don't expect they would bother fumbling with crypto for day-to-day transactions either.

Is it worth it? Depends on how you value your time.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: xSkylarx on August 20, 2023, 03:33:14 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Age doesn't matter if the people want to learn it, and we've been teaching those kids, even if they don't like it, how much more those old people will like it if they are really interested in it. As long as they are capable of it, then why not? But again, this needs patience because it will take time. But again, there are tons of old people who are not technically inclined but who can easily understand that technical stuff because of their experience.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: wxa7115 on August 20, 2023, 04:22:57 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
For a long time I have carried a hands-off approach when it comes to teaching others about bitcoin, if they want to learn then they can make an effort to do it by themselves, after all it is not as if bitcoin is some sort of secret technology or anything like that.

So whatever that you may want to learn about it is online and the only thing necessary for people to learn more about it is the desire to do so, now if they have taken the first steps already and they ask me questions about bitcoin I will be happy to help them out, but I wont incite them if they had not done so as otherwise if they invest in bitcoin and they lose they may blame about it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Negotiation on August 20, 2023, 06:08:42 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Teaching older people about bitcoin technology is worth it but it's usually up to the individual. A lot of older people are less tech savvy and generally show less interest but the younger generation is more inclined towards bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is a highly speculative investment, requires a lot of patience an elderly person may not have the patience, so it is best to avoid it if you are retired or close to retirement. The risk of sudden devaluation can be detrimental to the financial security of your retirement savings.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: KiaKia on August 20, 2023, 07:43:34 AM
I have no luck teaching any old men anything technology, and Bitcoin is more complex for them, many old men believe that such things are meant for the gen z, not them, and even if you try forcing it on them you will fail because there is no reason for them to learn it, all the days of their lives they are used to the old ways of making money and investing.

Been old or not, if you don't have the will to learn about Bitcoin I won't be ready to teach you either, you have to show that you really have an interest, I don't understand people these days, now that things are getting extremely harder I expect people to work even harder than they used to, but people still want to find the easier way to make money, when easy things like BTC looks hard to them it's because they are still new to it, instead they will in no time give up and believe that they can't understand it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 20, 2023, 08:28:39 AM
I have no luck teaching any old men anything technology, and Bitcoin is more complex for them, many old men believe that such things are meant for the gen z, not them, and even if you try forcing it on them you will fail because there is no reason for them to learn it, all the days of their lives they are used to the old ways of making money and investing.

Been old or not, if you don't have the will to learn about Bitcoin I won't be ready to teach you either, you have to show that you really have an interest, I don't understand people these days, now that things are getting extremely harder I expect people to work even harder than they used to, but people still want to find the easier way to make money, when easy things like BTC looks hard to them it's because they are still new to it, instead they will in no time give up and believe that they can't understand it.

People's unwillingness to adapt to the fast changes in our society is shown by the fact that older generations stick to their old ways of getting money.

Some people's arrogance in rejecting Bitcoin because it seems "hard" is funny. It doesnt matter how old you are; what matters is your willingness to learn and change. Its stupid to think that Bitcoin is only for Gen Z. History has taught us that people who dont change end up falling behind. So, yes, you are correct. Why waste your time trying to teach someone about the next big thing if they dont want to learn about it?

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on August 20, 2023, 08:31:00 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
I was expecting to see the age range of people whom the OP have categorized as old people. You can teach sexagenarian and septuagenarians and it won't be a waste of time if they have worked in finance, sales, tech, education. These are the fields that I  think that based on their experiences cryptocurrency concepts would be easy for them to catch on due to certain similarities in career jargons. Teaching Octogenarians about Bitcoin is not worth the time. There is already a decline in cognitive ability at that time. Any new knowledge will be difficult for them to comphrend. An Octogenarians will look at you as schmuck when they ask you to show them physical Bitcoin and you can't. They've known physical money all their lives.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Nrcewker on August 20, 2023, 08:38:45 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

If the older generation is showing interest, then yes we should teach them how Bitcoins work. Bitcoins always provide a scope to earn more. So if any old people wants to make money from it, then definitely we should teach them how to do it so. On the other hand if any people wants to just relax then definitely we should allow them to rest and relax freely. It completely depends on them whether to invest or not.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: legendbtc on August 20, 2023, 08:55:50 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Bitcoin is for everyone, why are we skipping recommending it to the elderly? Are they not part of our world? Similarly, not only the elderly but also the poor, we should recommend bitcoin to them if they show interest in bitcoin. Everyone is equal and has the right to benefit from bitcoin, not only the young or the rich have access to bitcoin. I would rather teach bitcoin to older people who are passionate about it than waste time teaching bitcoin to young people who have doubts about it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Kasabus on August 20, 2023, 09:26:03 AM
It’s sad to say that majority of the older people don’t know anything about bitcoin. But that never means that they were not good enough to learn about it as bitcoin has no age limit when it comes to learning its idea and its bitcoin usage. That’s why it’s still worthy to teach older people about bitcoin technology and how it would be beneficial to an individual’s life.

Know that bitcoin is never limited to young ones, nor older people around. The fact that you are being receptive and show the eagerness to learn, then it’s safe to say that you’ll eventually learn bitcoin as long as you do your own diligence through research and studies.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: ZeeshanTrade on August 20, 2023, 10:14:19 AM
It’s sad to say that majority of the older people don’t know anything about bitcoin. But that never means that they were not good enough to learn about it as bitcoin has no age limit when it comes to learning its idea and its bitcoin usage. That’s why it’s still worthy to teach older people about bitcoin technology and how it would be beneficial to an individual’s life.

Know that bitcoin is never limited to young ones, nor older people around. The fact that you are being receptive and show the eagerness to learn, then it’s safe to say that you’ll eventually learn bitcoin as long as you do your own diligence through research and studies.

Yeah!! we cannot teach about Bitcoin to older people because they can't understand if we want that older people know about Bitcoin so this is a task for us this is too much difficult to teach Bitcoin to older people because they do not have the age to learn about BTC.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: kryptqnick on August 20, 2023, 10:33:45 AM
A lot of people mentioned that it should depend on the interest of older people in Bitcoin, and I agree with that. Age shouldn't be held against a person, and there are some old people who want nothing to do with tech, which is their choice to make. If the situation is different and a person want to learn stuff, it's good to teach them. But similar things can be said about young people: if someone doesn't want to learn about Bitcoin, there isn't much sense in trying to teach them.
When it comes to old people, I think it's also very important to focus on scam prevention: what sort of strategies scammers in general and crypto scammers specifically employ, how to avoid getting scammed, etc. Young people can be more aware and/or less financially capable than old people in this regard, and unfortunately, scammers often try to target old people, relying on their lack of basic knowledge of those things and access to money.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Weawant on August 20, 2023, 11:31:25 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Bitcoin is for everyone and it doesn't matter the age of the person, if they come to you to teach them about bitcoin then you're obligated to do so as to help them learn about the freedom that comes from owning and using bitcoin for transaction instead of depending on fiats.

When you teach older people about bitcoin they can in return teach their children, nephews, niece, grandkids and others relating to them which will help spread the knowledge of Bitcoin to everyone. Nobody should be denied the opportunity of learning about Bitcoin.

It might be difficult to teach older people as they're very skeptical about new technology but that's why you don't have to force yourself on them but allow them to pick interest before you start teaching them and they'll be willing to learn since they're the ones that approach you.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: cheezcarls on August 20, 2023, 11:40:43 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Regardless of age if I see that person has the willingness to know more and dig deeper about Bitcoin and not just after for profit, then I say that it’s going to be worth the time teaching them.

Ever since I got into Bitcoin, I never taught my parents about it. I’ve known them for having a career-oriented and traditional mindset. No way they would be interested enough to know more about Bitcoin because their interests are different than mine, so I did not force or beg them to buy Bitcoin or such.

I just let my actions and results do the talking.

I was heavily criticized for years because of the uncertain direction that I am going which is to be a work-at-home freelancer than working in a real traditional office. But I stood by my decision and hanged on to that.

Fast forward to where I am having great results in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies plus getting involved to several Web3-related opportunities, they no longer criticize me.

There’s one time that my dad asked me about how to buy Bitcoin. I did educated him about the risks and asked him honestly on how much extra money he can afford to lose. He committed to an amount that he wanted to lose, so I just helped him buy Bitcoin in Binance. I also encouraged him to store BTC in a non-custodial wallet, but he just wanted it in Binance. I respected his decision though and I do not want to argue with him because he’s a guy who easily gets angry.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: wallet4bitcoin on August 20, 2023, 12:08:36 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Just yesterday night, I sat at table with one of the millenials that I just met, You wouldn't believe what their concerns were and the reasons why they don't indulge in the technology of the season.

She said it was too complex and complicated for her to comprehend and that she doesn't think its what she want to commit time and resources to, I then "brough her up to speed" on the tech and explained the basics for her and why she has to subscribe and also transact using bitcoin and other altcoins. After the session, she was happy about it and even applauded the tech for the laudible innovation.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Honyek on August 20, 2023, 12:17:51 PM
Older people are part of our society, so it is good to teach them about bitcoin technology. By doing so, those of them who have interest in the investment can make a meaningful investment, while those that have interest in the casual use it, for example buy products and services, can also use it. The better understanding of it that they will get, will make things better for them in that area.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: ScamViruS on August 20, 2023, 12:29:18 PM
Bitcoin has no limitations and there is no age limit that anyone can learn about Bitcoin. I think it's a good idea to try to teach the old people about bitcoin, because if the old people know about bitcoin, he can encourage more of his family members to learn about bitcoin, which will definitely be good for bitcoin. People value the advice of old people much more than others, so teaching them will accelerate the progress of Bitcoin. But I think old people should be more interested in learning about bitcoin technology than attracted to profit.

Because this will have a good effect among crypto users. I had a discussion with some old people I know about Bitcoin a few days ago because they had a bad idea about Bitcoin. They are now trying to get to know Bitcoin better and have already seen a lot of changes in them. So old people should be taught about Bitcoin, which will directly affect the Bitcoin market.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on August 20, 2023, 05:05:33 PM
Older people that I know of shows no interest in Bitcoin more than the youths and a few students that I have taught about Bitcoin, it's true that Bitcoin has no limitations but it can't be forced on anyone young or old people, The truth be told, not everyone in this life will have interest in Bitcoin even if it start changing the lives if your neighbor and families, I know someone who described Bitcoin as the biggest scam that ever existed, he claimed that's why it is very hard to kill Bitcoin, because it favours many when it's still cheap, I know he lacks and I do tried to correct him but he won't let me.

There is nothing anyone can do to change the mind of such people, and honestly, not all Bitcoin investors will make a lot of money because they invest into Bitcoin, some will lose their private keys and some will fall into hackers trap, some will even decide to sell before Bitcoin makes a new all time high, I believe that Bitcoin is fine without anyone promoting ot teaching people about it, those who really need something like Bitcoin will find Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Gladitorcomeback on August 20, 2023, 05:42:11 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

If i talk about my country then old age users are not aware about btc and they have kept their all saving in bank. As far I know, teaching old people about btc is very tough task because they considered themselves experience and intelligent and whenever we talk about btc they saying that all online money making is just fraud. Actually many ponzi schemes scammed lot of people in our country therefore they are considering btc like these Ponzi scheme also.

anyway old age people have lot of savings and if they keep their half money in btc then i think it will be more profitable from just holding in banks where everyday its value decreases with doller rate. we should spread awareness about the benefits and the people who succeeded with holding btc for a time. I hope if we continue our work, then nothing is impossible. Our work is to spread awareness, whether they accept or not. we cannot force someone to do this. so far i am able to convince more than ten relative about btc and all are below 40 age.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: jostorres on August 20, 2023, 06:34:19 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
I don't understand why it wouldn't be worth it to teach older people about Bitcoin or blockchain technology as long as they are showing some interest themselves and you are not forcing it on them. There are some people who might be old-school but they totally understand the worth and importance of new technologies and they also often have some interest in getting involved but they might lack the necessary knowledge to achieve that and we can provide them with that.

When someone gets old, all they have is experience and that experience is important, they can see Bitcoin from a different perspective than us, they know how investments work, and they know how to mitigate the risks involved with an investment in a volatile asset such as Bitcoin since they had gold in their times.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Lida93 on August 20, 2023, 10:14:24 PM
There's no age bracket in the adoption of bitcoin for what should be most important to beam our search light on is the interest of people towards bitcoin  and how willing they are to learn, adapt and  understand the technology. Many of these old people have the money to purchase and hold bitcoin in same way they do with their fiat money as savings in the bank that doesn't give bank profit to their money.
If they are well enlightened about bitcoin  a good number of them can augment with the number of the youths that are already investing in bitcoin and that can have a significant bullish effect on the price of bitcoin as buyers increases.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Ever-young on August 20, 2023, 10:17:14 PM
In my opinion, it's not a bad idea to teach anyone about Bitcoin, no matter the age range. unless the person is not even interested at all. Some people despite that they are old, they still have the zeel to aquire knowledge about current technology and opportunity and Bitcoin can give them the opportunity to even invest on their own, they don't need to stress themselves going from one place to another to make investment, but with Bitcoin they can do it on their own right in their house .

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on August 20, 2023, 10:40:54 PM
First, I want to tell a story that one of my relatives told me. During the period that the Nigerian government changed their local currency, they asked all citizens to go to the bank and deposit all their old local currency so they could get the new bank notes. During the process of exchanging the local currency, the grandma of my relative brought out about $5k worth of Nigerian local currency that she had just saved in her room, right under her bed. This woman is over 70 years old. So, as I saw this topic, I just wondered how long that woman might have been saving that money in her house, and had she had any idea about Bitcoin, she probably would have invested the money in Bitcoin because, from the look of things, she receives all the financial assistance she needs from her children. With that being said, I think we can teach anyone about Bitcoin, whether teenagers, youths, or old people. Example: My own grandma is very old, but she still active on social media and watches videos on TikTok. She is always ready to learn anything you want to teach her, and she will disturb you with a lot of questions if she doesn't understand what you are teaching.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: n0ne on August 20, 2023, 11:59:20 PM
There's no age bracket in the adoption of bitcoin for what should be most important to beam our search light on is the interest of people towards bitcoin  and how willing they are to learn, adapt and  understand the technology. Many of these old people have the money to purchase and hold bitcoin in same way they do with their fiat money as savings in the bank that doesn't give bank profit to their money.
If they are well enlightened about bitcoin  a good number of them can augment with the number of the youths that are already investing in bitcoin and that can have a significant bullish effect on the price of bitcoin as buyers increases.
As said it all depends on the person's interest to know and be part of the growing technology. There'll be people who stand in support of technology and people who don't understand about the goodness technology provides. It is our responsibility to find the right person and enlighten them with the knowledge. It is possible to see good number of people interested into bitcoin considering the inflation happening around the world. Even the small contribution from the interested people around the world unlike their age will surely have its contribution to the bitcoin market.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Lida93 on August 21, 2023, 06:57:53 AM
There's no age bracket in the adoption of bitcoin for what should be most important to beam our search light on is the interest of people towards bitcoin  and how willing they are to learn, adapt and  understand the technology. Many of these old people have the money to purchase and hold bitcoin in same way they do with their fiat money as savings in the bank that doesn't give bank profit to their money.
If they are well enlightened about bitcoin  a good number of them can augment with the number of the youths that are already investing in bitcoin and that can have a significant bullish effect on the price of bitcoin as buyers increases.
As said it all depends on the person's interest to know and be part of the growing technology. There'll be people who stand in support of technology and people who don't understand about the goodness technology provides. It is our responsibility to find the right person and enlighten them with the knowledge. It is possible to see good number of people interested into bitcoin considering the inflation happening around the world. Even the small contribution from the interested people around the world unlike their age will surely have its contribution to the bitcoin market.
That's just the idea, finding the right people that would be interested in the technology! There can be a right set of old people that may even pioneer the bitcoin campaign of a wider adoption beyond what so many young people can achieve in terms of both educating novice about BTC and in also making optimal use of the digital tech to elevate their financial standard.  The inflation globally has been a form of catalyst increasing the interest of many people towards bitcoin, you hear these persons giving an account of how they were told about bitcoin years ago but never took interest not until now. That's because they are looking for an alternative to cushion the effect of the inflation on their money.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: retreat on August 21, 2023, 07:18:38 AM
A conversation will be meaningful if one party is interested in the topic being discussed. So if these older people are interested in Bitcoin and want to learn about this technology, why don't we teach them? it would be great if these older people are interested in this technology and we as young people who understand Bitcoin should be able to teach them.
Because after all one day we will become older people and how would we feel if young people were reluctant to teach us about a technology that we are interested in? so let's teach them if they are interested in learning Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: mr_jk on August 21, 2023, 07:27:46 AM
It's worth teaching older people about Bitcoin technology depends on their individual circumstances and willingness to learn. It's important to provide balanced information and encourage them to make informed decisions. 

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: awik p on August 21, 2023, 07:37:40 AM
A conversation will be meaningful if one party is interested in the topic being discussed. So if these older people are interested in Bitcoin and want to learn about this technology, why don't we teach them? it would be great if these older people are interested in this technology and we as young people who understand Bitcoin should be able to teach them.
Because after all one day we will become older people and how would we feel if young people were reluctant to teach us about a technology that we are interested in? so let's teach them if they are interested in learning Bitcoin.
to teach them they should understand first, on the other hand as parents they should have broad insight to teach something useful, and have a good view of changing times, but we cannot fully blame them because everyone certainly has a different mindset. different and for that that's why we as the younger generation should also respect the times, and there are many sources and it's easy to learn as long as there is a will, while at school it is certainly difficult to serve as an official curriculum, of course we already understand it, but a little knowledge expressed might be better

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Y3shot on August 21, 2023, 08:02:11 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
It depends on the kind of person,  if it is an elderly person that may find bitcoin interesting it is not a waste to share knowledge of bitcoin.  You know some of this old people during their young age they had ideas monetary system,  banking system and economy, and computer technology so I don't think it will be a total waste of sharing knowledge about bitcoin with age people in general.  As bitcoin is about money getting the knowledge is not bad even if it won't be practiced. I have come across age people who are into bitcoin,  this means if their are people like this , teaching old people is not a waste.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: reagansimms on August 21, 2023, 08:07:58 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Why not, there is no age limit for teaching Bitcoin even to older people. The capacity of Bitcoin is not only for certain circles, as long as these people are willing to accept Bitcoin in their life, they can receive knowledge about Bitcoin and then get involved in it. The openness of Bitcoin to anyone will make it easier for people who are interested to become part of the investors who have been involved in Bitcoin investment for a long time. As long as they are able to take the time to learn how to invest in Bitcoin there will be no useless knowledge.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: rachael9385 on August 21, 2023, 10:34:49 AM
At some point those that are not yet an investor that will get older in future they can still invest in Bitcoin because Bitcoin he no rules like gambling that says 18+ year are eligible but under 28+ years are not so which means even if an individual is up to 99 years or 10 years you can still invest in Bitcoin as long as you understand the meaning of bitcoin and you can differentiate between bitcoin and altcoins.
Parents these day invest in Bitcoin for  their children sake so they can will their investigations to the children when they are gone, like @victorybit1 shared already did in her thread early bitcoin investment for my baby ( so is not a bad idea for elderly ones to know about Bitcoin because even their children benefits from it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Vaskiy on August 21, 2023, 10:48:07 AM
Based on the survey taken among the older people(50+ years of age), 25% have shown interest upon the young generations investment choice. Bitcoin is on the list and they are much concerned to have it on their early retirement plans. This is not based on the entire old generation, the data is based on people from the western nation. There is interest among the older people and wherever it is possible we need to find the interested person's and teach them what we know about bitcoin. Someday what we taught could help in contributing to bitcoin investment.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: WillyAp on August 21, 2023, 11:55:02 AM

Bitcoin had a capacity to make the poor to rich,So the old people will have a good savings in their old ages.So they can multiple the money by using the cryptocurrency investment.Now the bitcoin price was in the bear market,So the old people can inverse in the bitcoin for the good profit.The old people can adapt the market changes because of the experience due to their ages.Some old people will not accept any new investments using their money and try to hold money in term of fiat.

Who knows where Bitcoin stands in 20 years?
Its wise not to be too unflexible in all things money :)

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 21, 2023, 11:58:42 AM
Based on the survey taken among the older people(50+ years of age), 25% have shown interest upon the young generations investment choice. Bitcoin is on the list and they are much concerned to have it on their early retirement plans. This is not based on the entire old generation, the data is based on people from the western nation. There is interest among the older people and wherever it is possible we need to find the interested person's and teach them what we know about bitcoin. Someday what we taught could help in contributing to bitcoin investment.
25% of Western seniors are awakening? So intriguing. They should have realized how drastically the economy has changed. Bitcoin is the future of our financial systems, not just a trend! Its humorous and sad that they needed a survey to figure this out.

Older individuals are only now learning about Bitcoin because they've been ignorant for so long. What will you instruct? We should; not out of sympathy, but because is important. The digital age is coming, and anyone who doesnt know about it is at risk, regardless of age.

Find interested folks and teach them without spoiling them. Repeat Bitcoin's importance and position in the financial system. What about the rest? Let them keep their old money beliefs. Their error.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Questat on August 21, 2023, 12:33:58 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Why not, there is no age limit for teaching Bitcoin even to older people. The capacity of Bitcoin is not only for certain circles, as long as these people are willing to accept Bitcoin in their life, they can receive knowledge about Bitcoin and then get involved in it. The openness of Bitcoin to anyone will make it easier for people who are interested to become part of the investors who have been involved in Bitcoin investment for a long time. As long as they are able to take the time to learn how to invest in Bitcoin there will be no useless knowledge.
Learning and teaching Bitcoin is not just a trend but we are spreading the right information in order to correct wrong information that has spread mostly in the social. Although teaching oldies was not really important but we also let them gain knowledge about Bitcoin because it was their right as well. As long as they have an interest in Bitcoin, the more we have to spend time teaching them because this would give a huge impact on the community and could also be shared with their family. Maybe it was a big challenge for them because of the technology use but I see how helpful it was to promote Bitcoin when these oldies are already believe it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on August 21, 2023, 02:47:54 PM
Learning and teaching Bitcoin is not just a trend; we are spreading the right information to correct wrong information that has spread mostly in the social. Although teaching oldies was not really important but we also let them gain knowledge about Bitcoin because it was their right as well. As long as they have an interest in Bitcoin, the more we have to spend time teaching them because this would give a huge impact on the community and could also be shared with their family. Maybe it was a big challenge for them because of the technology use but I see how helpful it was to promote Bitcoin when these oldies are already believe it.
We should spread the correct information about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, not just in the old generation but in every generation, to prevent the misconception that Bitcoin is only used for money laundering, investment scams, and other fraudulent information. Teaching them is not mandatory, and we should open it up to everyone whenever we converse with older adults or other generations. We should also limit ourselves from always talking about bitcoin investment because you will only look like it is shilling bitcoin to them. We should only make conversations about Bitcoin for those interested in learning more about it so that it would be a good use of our time explaining it to them without getting ignored.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Agbe on August 21, 2023, 03:32:36 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
The younger generation have the interest more than the older ones. When you look around in your locality, you will find out that old people are not interested and some of them even hate the technology. So if you want to teach them, you have to ask them if they are interested and also tell them the risk involved so when they come in to the new technology, then they will not panic when the goes below their investment line. Teaching elders on bitcoin is very good, because their campaign on bitcoin will have much effect than the youth. The government might listen to them faster than the youth.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: serjent05 on August 21, 2023, 04:02:46 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
The younger generation have the interest more than the older ones. When you look around in your locality, you will find out that old people are not interested and some of them even hate the technology. So if you want to teach them, you have to ask them if they are interested and also tell them the risk involved so when they come in to the new technology, then they will not panic when the goes below their investment line. Teaching elders on bitcoin is very good, because their campaign on bitcoin will have much effect than the youth. The government might listen to them faster than the youth.

In my circle of activity, the majority of the first ones to hop into Bitcoin investment are the older people that have money to invest in Bitcoin.  While young adults are busy playing and preparing themselves to be independent by looking for and acquiring jobs, these old people are pouring their wealth into Bitcoin investments. 

Teaching youth is for Bitcoin to be established in the next generation, it still needs to take time for these youth to flourish, but the need for Bitcoin economic activity is now and people who have funds will be a great help in strengthening the economy and liquidity of the Bitcoin market and to be able to fulfill these needs people who had established themselves and have funds to invest.

It may be harder to convince conservative adults but once they become interested, they will surely inject funds to the market.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: MJSO22 on August 22, 2023, 07:55:06 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
The younger generation have the interest more than the older ones. When you look around in your locality, you will find out that old people are not interested and some of them even hate the technology. So if you want to teach them, you have to ask them if they are interested and also tell them the risk involved so when they come in to the new technology, then they will not panic when the goes below their investment line. Teaching elders on bitcoin is very good, because their campaign on bitcoin will have much effect than the youth. The government might listen to them faster than the youth.

In my circle of activity, the majority of the first ones to hop into Bitcoin investment are the older people that have money to invest in Bitcoin.  While young adults are busy playing and preparing themselves to be independent by looking for and acquiring jobs, these old people are pouring their wealth into Bitcoin investments. 

It may be harder to convince conservative adults but once they become interested, they will surely inject funds to the market.

Older people know more about Bitcoin because older people already know about Bitcoin, while young people are learning more about Bitcoin.  Today's youth are also becoming very interested and are starting to invest in Bitcoin.  As time goes on the youth will become more and more interested, a day will come when the youth will not understand anything about money and all lending will be through Bitcoin.  All kinds of things will be bought and sold through Bitcoin. 

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Bazzu on August 22, 2023, 08:09:37 AM
Teaching the old about Bitcoin Technology is a great idea,with that it make them enjoy their oldage more, and their children and Grandchildren will also benefit from it ☺

Yes, I agree with your opinion, and indeed there is nothing wrong if we teach parents about BTC, as long as the person who teaches BTC must explain to parents about the benefits of investing in BTC and also the risks of investing in BTC and teaching must be patient and wise. and in my opinion, parents of course have to tell their children that he invested in btc and if he dies his children will certainly know that his parents invested in btc. so basically if parents invest in btc in my opinion it will be even better if they are guided by their children.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: laurenB7742 on August 22, 2023, 08:31:39 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
The younger generation have the interest more than the older ones. When you look around in your locality, you will find out that old people are not interested and some of them even hate the technology. So if you want to teach them, you have to ask them if they are interested and also tell them the risk involved so when they come in to the new technology, then they will not panic when the goes below their investment line. Teaching elders on bitcoin is very good, because their campaign on bitcoin will have much effect than the youth. The government might listen to them faster than the youth.

In my circle of activity, the majority of the first ones to hop into Bitcoin investment are the older people that have money to invest in Bitcoin.  While young adults are busy playing and preparing themselves to be independent by looking for and acquiring jobs, these old people are pouring their wealth into Bitcoin investments. 

Teaching youth is for Bitcoin to be established in the next generation, it still needs to take time for these youth to flourish, but the need for Bitcoin economic activity is now and people who have funds will be a great help in strengthening the economy and liquidity of the Bitcoin market and to be able to fulfill these needs people who had established themselves and have funds to invest.

It may be harder to convince conservative adults but once they become interested, they will surely inject funds to the market.

The opposite is happening in my area, young people are more interested in bitcoin because they also want to make money and become rich and they like to take risks to discover new things. Meanwhile, the elderly have money but do not like to take risks and are not ready to accept new things, especially those that have not been recognized by the government.

But I agree with you, convincing older people is a bit difficult but once they are interested they are more enthusiastic than young people. And their words will be worth more than young people who don't have much money yet, so we shouldn't neglect to introduce bitcoin to older people. They will also be the ones who contribute to the popularity of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 22, 2023, 08:38:00 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
The younger generation have the interest more than the older ones. When you look around in your locality, you will find out that old people are not interested and some of them even hate the technology. So if you want to teach them, you have to ask them if they are interested and also tell them the risk involved so when they come in to the new technology, then they will not panic when the goes below their investment line. Teaching elders on bitcoin is very good, because their campaign on bitcoin will have much effect than the youth. The government might listen to them faster than the youth.

In my circle of activity, the majority of the first ones to hop into Bitcoin investment are the older people that have money to invest in Bitcoin.  While young adults are busy playing and preparing themselves to be independent by looking for and acquiring jobs, these old people are pouring their wealth into Bitcoin investments. 

Teaching youth is for Bitcoin to be established in the next generation, it still needs to take time for these youth to flourish, but the need for Bitcoin economic activity is now and people who have funds will be a great help in strengthening the economy and liquidity of the Bitcoin market and to be able to fulfill these needs people who had established themselves and have funds to invest.

It may be harder to convince conservative adults but once they become interested, they will surely inject funds to the market.
Even if those "elderly" people may be wealthy, they are simply putting their money where their mouth is at this point because they have had the opportunity to amass fortune rather than necessarily knowledge. Do you believe that the elderly hold Bitcoin's foundation in tenuous hands? Reconsider your position

The youth will lead this movement, despite the fact that they are distracted. Being "established" is not important; what matters is being fearless, creative, and eager to adapt. When one rides the wild wave of volatility and acknowledges hazards, one is playing the real game. So, the true winners in elder investment are merely a sideshow? still outside the ring

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bayu7adi on August 22, 2023, 08:38:31 AM
As one matures, their ability to make wiser decisions tends to grow. There's absolutely nothing amiss about imparting knowledge of Bitcoin to individuals aged 50 or above; they still have the potential to spring surprises despite the advancing years.

In fact, you might even come across someone akin to a superior version of John McAfee. Individuals as senior as he was have demonstrated the capacity to send shockwaves through the market and wield significant influence over its fluctuations. Let's not dwell on the negatives associated with his actions; rather, let's contemplate the prowess of the older generation in stirring things up within the realm of crypto. This signifies their possession of substantial power.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on August 22, 2023, 09:19:40 AM
Teaching the old about Bitcoin Technology is a great idea,with that it make them enjoy their oldage more, and their children and Grandchildren will also benefit from it ☺
Yes, the idea could be great, and most times not be great, depending on the individual (i.e vice versa), but however, age is never be a barrier when it comes to investing (i.e be it BTC, Gold or Real Estate), and as such should be encouraged at all levels, since nobody knows when he/she is gonna kick-the-bucket for good. Because Bitcoin has proven to be an asset whose value grow over time, and as that, makes it a better option than investing in fiat currencies whose value pro to depreciate over time due to government's non-favourable policies. So the old should never be discourage in as much as they have the fund to invest.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: LittleBitFunny on August 22, 2023, 09:43:43 AM
As one matures, their ability to make wiser decisions tends to grow. There's absolutely nothing amiss about imparting knowledge of Bitcoin to individuals aged 50 or above; they still have the potential to spring surprises despite the advancing years.

In fact, you might even come across someone akin to a superior version of John McAfee. Individuals as senior as he was have demonstrated the capacity to send shockwaves through the market and wield significant influence over its fluctuations. Let's not dwell on the negatives associated with his actions; rather, let's contemplate the prowess of the older generation in stirring things up within the realm of crypto. This signifies their possession of substantial power.

What about 70-80 year olds? I remember there was a member on our forum with the username @Jet Cash and he was over 80 years old but still a passionate bitcoin investor. He even inspires young investors with his great bitcoin knowledge. So I think bitcoin is for everyone, regardless of skin color, rich or poor, young or long as they also have a passion for bitcoin. All have a right to know about bitcoin.

Moreover, older people are usually more serious in their decisions, once they have liked bitcoin, they will be more enthusiastic than younger people, young people are adventurous, but sometimes their stance is uncertain.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: TheUltraElite on August 22, 2023, 09:48:04 AM
Teaching the old about Bitcoin Technology is a great idea,with that it make them enjoy their oldage more, and their children and Grandchildren will also benefit from it ☺
And when they being tech-poor lose the money, then who is to blame? I dont disagree that the same cannot happen with fiat money, but seeing the trust issues and paranoia that hovers on bitcoin and the market price changes that happen, I dont think an older person with multiple diseases and a failing heart and brain would be able to play along for long.

If they are themselves interested in it and have some tech background, it might be worth it. Hence it is personalized approach, not every grandparent is suited for it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Vaculin on August 22, 2023, 09:54:11 AM
Everyone deserves to learn about bitcoin. Regardless if they have the deep interest to acquire bitcoin learning, or not, at least they will be aware that bitcoin exists. I think it’s not really a must that people should actually learn bitcoin intensively, as long as they will know the basics about bitcoin and how to use it as a currency or as a tool for investment, that would be enough. After all, success is not measured how well you learned about its technology, but how did you make use of it with the right mindset and attitude that are crucial for success.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: WillyAp on August 22, 2023, 12:56:56 PM

What about 70-80 year olds? I remember there was a member on our forum with the username @Jet Cash and he was over 80 years old but still a passionate bitcoin investor. He even inspires young investors with his great bitcoin knowledge. So I think bitcoin is for everyone, regardless of skin color, rich or poor, young or long as they also have a passion for bitcoin. All have a right to know about bitcoin.

I think once you open your mind, age stops being a factor.
Sure you need to do more to halt decay but still your mind keeps you young. Maturity also has the benefit of experience. A plus in credibility, so to say.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Solokan on August 22, 2023, 01:48:25 PM

What about 70-80 year olds? I remember there was a member on our forum with the username @Jet Cash and he was over 80 years old but still a passionate bitcoin investor. He even inspires young investors with his great bitcoin knowledge. So I think bitcoin is for everyone, regardless of skin color, rich or poor, young or long as they also have a passion for bitcoin. All have a right to know about bitcoin.

I think once you open your mind, age stops being a factor.
Sure you need to do more to halt decay but still your mind keeps you young. Maturity also has the benefit of experience. A plus in credibility, so to say.

yes indeed there are times when maturity is formed from experience, and I'm sure there must be many btc investors who fail and eventually get back up and become successful
for learning from experience.
so investing in btc is of course for everyone, namely for those who are interested in investing in btc. so giving lessons about btc to old people is of course a good thing, as long as those people are willing to listen to people who teach about btc. so teaching btc lessons to young and old alike is a good thing.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: coinerer on August 22, 2023, 02:37:36 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Bitcoin certainly carries a value, but its value is never stable.  And since older people have very little knowledge about technology, they will not be interested in Bitcoin very easily. If you tell older people about the benefits of Bitcoin, they might be interested in investing here, but they can't afford the losses. So I don't think it would be very logical to educate older people about Bitcoin.  It would be better if the youth get more knowledge about Bitcoin then Bitcoin will automatically spread to the next generation.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: synchronym on August 22, 2023, 02:51:00 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Bitcoin has become very popular day by day especially among the new generation. When you see the younger generations keeping themselves busy with bitcoin and being successful with it, some of the older people are showing interest in bitcoin. If he wants to invest in Bitcoin, keeping in mind the risk that Bitcoin carries, he can certainly do so. I think an older man has seen both failure and success in his life so it can be said that he can find success in Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bangjoe on August 22, 2023, 03:44:30 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Bitcoin has become very popular day by day especially among the new generation. When you see the younger generations keeping themselves busy with bitcoin and being successful with it, some of the older people are showing interest in bitcoin. If he wants to invest in Bitcoin, keeping in mind the risk that Bitcoin carries, he can certainly do so. I think an older man has seen both failure and success in his life so it can be said that he can find success in Bitcoin.
It depends on the position of the old man you mean, if he has a passive income from his assets I think he will prefer not to take the risk of generating profits from Bitcoin, however young people around him benefit from Bitcoin. Usually people who are old and understand the economy he prefers his assets in real estate from most parents who meet, they prefer land, other properties that can be rented, because the average parent is not interested in the frenetic world with wealth, Most of them prefer calm in their old age.

And again explaining Bitcoin to parents is very difficult because they are usually technological stuttering, and they will not be easy to believe, except the old man who is still greedy about the world.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Tony116 on August 22, 2023, 03:58:27 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Bitcoin certainly carries a value, but its value is never stable.  And since older people have very little knowledge about technology, they will not be interested in Bitcoin very easily. If you tell older people about the benefits of Bitcoin, they might be interested in investing here, but they can't afford the losses. So I don't think it would be very logical to educate older people about Bitcoin.  It would be better if the youth get more knowledge about Bitcoin then Bitcoin will automatically spread to the next generation.

I disagree with what you say. Even our forum has some older people and they are still investing bitcoin, they are even more active than young people. Did you know Jet Cash, an 80+ year old investor on our forum?

I don't deny that young people have more advantages when it comes to technology and bitcoin. But that doesn't mean we should remove the elderly from bitcoin because they are still part of our world. One more thing, not all young people love bitcoin, I have a few friends who even hate bitcoin and doubt it. Don't look down on the old and overestimate the young, even though I'm a young person too but I don't think this notion is correct.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on August 22, 2023, 04:07:32 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Bitcoin is for all ages, not only the youths, the person that introduced me to bitcoin was not too much of a young person per say but was somebody that was interested in innovation and new ideology.
The youths are at the centre of it all today, because they are the present young people of this generation hence they will be prone to the activities of their generation which bitcoin is one of it.
So there are lots of older people that have the technical know-how of bitcoin, the inventor of bitcoin as well, is not too much of a young person, so it then means, members of his age range knows a thing or two about bitcoin and the Geographical location of the old person too is also a plays a key factor too.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Bd officer on August 22, 2023, 04:21:34 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Actually teaching Bitcoin to older people is very difficult, because they will not understand Bitcoin easily. Those who are educated may be able to understand easily if explained well. Investing Bitcoin is risky, if older people invest in Bitcoin it will be more risky. If an elderly person loses money by investing in Bitcoin, he or she may have a heart attack. If you are trying to teach bitcoin to older people, be sure to discuss the risks with them first. And teaching Bitcoin to older people should be taught over a long period of time.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: uneng on August 22, 2023, 04:23:23 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
Bitcoin has become very popular day by day especially among the new generation. When you see the younger generations keeping themselves busy with bitcoin and being successful with it, some of the older people are showing interest in bitcoin. If he wants to invest in Bitcoin, keeping in mind the risk that Bitcoin carries, he can certainly do so. I think an older man has seen both failure and success in his life so it can be said that he can find success in Bitcoin.
It depends on the position of the old man you mean, if he has a passive income from his assets I think he will prefer not to take the risk of generating profits from Bitcoin, however young people around him benefit from Bitcoin. Usually people who are old and understand the economy he prefers his assets in real estate from most parents who meet, they prefer land, other properties that can be rented, because the average parent is not interested in the frenetic world with wealth, Most of them prefer calm in their old age.

And again explaining Bitcoin to parents is very difficult because they are usually technological stuttering, and they will not be easy to believe, except the old man who is still greedy about the world.
An issue for old people can be the fact they may not wait the so called long term until their Bitcoin investments bear fruits, due to their advanced age. Elders should be more concerned regards enjoying life and spending money they achieved along the decades than focusing in investments. After all, money is useless after life, so we have to make use of it before it's too late.

An old person investing in BTC must be aware about the possibility he may not be doing this exactly for himself, but thinking on his family: sons, grandchildren and so on...

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Dunamisx on August 22, 2023, 05:18:23 PM
If the young children were not exempted from learning bitcoin then the old also must be included in the opportunity, bitcoin is for everyone as long as there's willingness with a desiring heart for it adoption, what may only be the little challenge is the way it will be taught on this specific senior citizens, how fast can they learn and assimilate, how many people will develop interest in learning, if all these can be taken care of, there's nothing stopping the old ones from using bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Mame89 on August 22, 2023, 05:57:03 PM
Bitcoin certainly carries a value, but its value is never stable.  And since older people have very little knowledge about technology, they will not be interested in Bitcoin very easily. If you tell older people about the benefits of Bitcoin, they might be interested in investing here, but they can't afford the losses. So I don't think it would be very logical to educate older people about Bitcoin.  It would be better if the youth get more knowledge about Bitcoin then Bitcoin will automatically spread to the next generation.
Kinda agree with you that it is very dangerous to teach parents about bitcoin because parents are computer illiterate and this technology it would be funny to invest in bitcoin, because it is funny to see them confused and helpless later on. Because as you said, bitcoin does have a high value and its value is not stable. And parents are not necessarily ready to invest in bitcoin with the risks involved. It is better to educate the younger generation than the parents, because educating the younger generation is easier and this will be passed on to the next generation.

Moreover, elderly parents will be very at risk, because most parents become forgetful. Of course it will be very dangerous if you save bitcoins, because we know that if you store bitcoins it is not safe, then the bitcoins will be lost.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Agbe on August 22, 2023, 10:12:26 PM
Older people know more about Bitcoin because older people already know about Bitcoin, while young people are learning more about Bitcoin.  Today's youth are also becoming very interested and are starting to invest in Bitcoin.  As time goes on the youth will become more and more interested, a day will come when the youth will not understand anything about money and all lending will be through Bitcoin.  All kinds of things will be bought and sold through Bitcoin. 
Which of the older people are you taking about, is the age ones or the average ones. As for me I was talking about the age ones and I know that they don't know what is bitcoin and I am telling you the experience I have in my locality. And the people that are very good cryptocurrency activities are the teens, the youths and the average adult from 30 to 60. And those who are 70 and above are not really conversant with bitcoin but just few of 1% know bitcoin so it left for the youth and the average adult to teach these old people about bitcoin. The older people are the retired category of people and they have money to invest so we are to tell them about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: G_Besar on August 23, 2023, 12:18:15 AM
I think once you open your mind, age stops being a factor.
Sure you need to do more to halt decay but still your mind keeps you young. Maturity also has the benefit of experience. A plus in credibility, so to say.
Actually, nowadays, age is not a barrier for everyone who still wants to work without relying on the power of their own bodies. Because as long as someone is still able to think clearly and wisely and is still able to see opportunities to be exploited, I think that kind of person can still work in the market and also in the investment space which does not require manpower like laborers. So don't be surprised if people who are old are still able to invest like young people do nowadays, because Bitcoin and any technology don't see a user from the perspective of the user's age.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: CryptoBuds on August 23, 2023, 03:18:42 AM
I think once you open your mind, age stops being a factor.
Sure you need to do more to halt decay but still your mind keeps you young. Maturity also has the benefit of experience. A plus in credibility, so to say.
Actually, nowadays, age is not a barrier for everyone who still wants to work without relying on the power of their own bodies. Because as long as someone is still able to think clearly and wisely and is still able to see opportunities to be exploited, I think that kind of person can still work in the market and also in the investment space which does not require manpower like laborers. So don't be surprised if people who are old are still able to invest like young people do nowadays, because Bitcoin and any technology don't see a user from the perspective of the user's age.

Age is indeed a barrier when it comes to manual jobs, but when it comes to lighter jobs, age is clearly not a big deal. In my opinion, as long as anyone shows an interest in bitcoin whether it is technology or profit, there is a right to know about bitcoin, and we should not look down on anyone.

Honestly, when it comes to work and socializing, I prefer older people because they are more mature and make more assertive decisions. Unlike young people, they have health and enthusiasm but sometimes indecisive and inexperienced.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bitterguy28 on August 23, 2023, 07:09:36 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
why making it an issue or having some trouble teaching older generation while youngsters are not? because they are more involved in computer and internet?

for me , indeed that the young might be showing interest in bitcoin now , but once the older generation understand its value? for sure they are the one who will truly invest and not just to show interests.

lets help older to have better understanding even if this took harder for them.

if I am to decide? I will teach all of them , from very young to very old humans because this is what crypto needs to be explored and advertised .

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Hanadawa on August 23, 2023, 07:58:01 AM
Age is indeed a barrier when it comes to manual jobs, but when it comes to lighter jobs, age is clearly not a big deal. In my opinion, as long as anyone shows an interest in bitcoin whether it is technology or profit, there is a right to know about bitcoin, and we should not look down on anyone.

Honestly, when it comes to work and socializing, I prefer older people because they are more mature and make more assertive decisions. Unlike young people, they have health and enthusiasm but sometimes indecisive and inexperienced.

I think realistically. There's nothing wrong with teaching older people about the crypto world and blockchain. Parents in their 30s and 40s tend to learn new things easily. Not a few of us see that at that age a person has reached the peak of maturity psychologically, which means if they are curious and willing to learn, we can accept it and teach them.

However, I think a little differently for those who are 60 years old or older. Indeed, some of them serve as an example that age is just a number, but you need to know that the probability of an old person learning something new is very small, even close to impossible. Unless they know more or less about the internet. So it can't be applied to everyone.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: RockBell on August 23, 2023, 08:25:29 AM
If the young children were not exempted from learning bitcoin then the old also must be included in the opportunity, bitcoin is for everyone as long as there's willingness with a desiring heart for it adoption, what may only be the little challenge is the way it will be taught on this specific senior citizens, how fast can they learn and assimilate, how many people will develop interest in learning, if all these can be taken care of, there's nothing stopping the old ones from using bitcoin.

I don't actually argue the fact that Bitcoin is for everyone but I feel age is also to be considered very old people are always having one health challenge or the other, and we don't expect them o worry about themselves and start worrying about Bitcoin and we all know what investing in bitcoin entails, to me they should, should be resting and eating well when I get old I would like to rest and take proper care of my self and my health, for me that has the idea of bicoin is a plus but old people at there memory is getting weaker and they tend to forget things quickly, I would not be old and sill be stressing my brain ;D.  and even teaching them also is hard work, bro

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Litzki1990 on August 23, 2023, 08:33:12 AM
Age is sometimes a big factor in learning about Bitcoin. If we try to make a very poor person experienced in bitcoin, we will never succeed because after a certain age our brains stop working, so no matter how hard we try, we will never succeed in our task. If the age range is between 50 to 60 years and they have a good understanding of technology then we can be successful in getting them experienced about Bitcoin but we need to spend a lot of time there. We can easily introduce Bitcoin to senior citizens who are already involved in technology related jobs but teaching Bitcoin to those who have no idea about technology will be very challenging.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bitzizzix on August 23, 2023, 08:45:46 AM
If the young children were not exempted from learning bitcoin then the old also must be included in the opportunity, bitcoin is for everyone as long as there's willingness with a desiring heart for it adoption, what may only be the little challenge is the way it will be taught on this specific senior citizens, how fast can they learn and assimilate, how many people will develop interest in learning, if all these can be taken care of, there's nothing stopping the old ones from using bitcoin.

I don't actually argue the fact that Bitcoin is for everyone but I feel age is also to be considered very old people are always having one health challenge or the other, and we don't expect them o worry about themselves and start worrying about Bitcoin and we all know what investing in bitcoin entails, to me they should, should be resting and eating well when I get old I would like to rest and take proper care of my self and my health, for me that has the idea of bicoin is a plus but old people at there memory is getting weaker and they tend to forget things quickly, I would not be old and sill be stressing my brain ;D.  and even teaching them also is hard work, bro
It all depends, old or very old if they are serious and want to learn about Bitcoin why not. Getting involved with Bitcoin does not put their health at risk or stress them out, the most important thing is that they understand Bitcoin and can afford it for whatever money they can afford to lose.
owning Bitcoin would not be a burden, very old people only buy Bitcoin when the price is low and keep it long term. And I think in a year or two, the Bitcoin price will definitely go up and surpass the previous buy price and that's an opportunity to sell it without waiting years.
So Bitcoin is for everyone regardless of age, and as long as they want it and are willing to learn about it, they are eligible to get involved.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: inthelongrun on August 23, 2023, 08:49:30 AM
Yes of course. But it is actually on a case to cases basis. Older people with less interest in technology are the hardest to teach. My father is interested in investing but is not into technology and the internet except Youtube and Facebook. Until now he still did not understand what bitcoin is about. So I also explain to him a bit if he asks. I am managing some of his investments in stocks which he understands a little since those companies with stocks are tangible like banks, food companies, real estate, and the telecommunication industry.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: rojan on August 23, 2023, 08:58:27 AM
Bitcoin has become very popular day by day especially among the new generation. When you see the younger generations keeping themselves busy with bitcoin and being successful with it, some of the older people are showing interest in bitcoin. If he wants to invest in Bitcoin, keeping in mind the risk that Bitcoin carries, he can certainly do so. I think an older man has seen both failure and success in his life so it can be said that he can find success in Bitcoin.
What I can notice is that this new generation from boys to girls are more interested than older people. But if any older person wants to know about Bitcoin or invest, we explain to them how inclined they are to invest in Bitcoin and then advise them to invest.It will be good. Because if an old man loses all the money after investing, he may not be able to bear the pain of losing such a huge amount. So he should be advised to invest after telling all the words.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: flyingcarpet on August 23, 2023, 12:06:24 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Older people have certain habits that have been going on for years. It is difficult to change a person's investment habits. Because he must first trust what he will invest in. Establishing this trust is not easy.

A generation that grew up with technology knows and invests in bitcoin. Not all seniors, but many, are hesitant to invest in bitcoin because they are not used to investing in a digital environment. It's really hard to change these habits. At least that's the case for those around me.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Promocodeudo on August 23, 2023, 06:26:25 PM
Bitcoin is a center of attraction now, to me, it doesn't matter who is involved, what matters is the individual interest, the interested audience should be carried along, but on contrary the younger generation should be the most target ones, because Bitcoin is a technology that needs sustainability, the future of this digital information and asset will perfectly be guaranteed, if the younger ones are been introduced to the system. But in all everyone is needed, because the more popular it becomes, the more investors it attracts.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Finestream on August 23, 2023, 09:51:31 PM
Well everyone deserves to learn about bitcoin regardless of its age and condition. It does not matter whether you’re inclined or not in technology, but as long as you’ll gain basic ideas from bitcoin, I think that will still be useful in the future. Remember that bitcoin could be our future so it’s an advantage if we learn bitcoin today so we can make use of it as early as now. And older people are not an exception. They can be late in their age, but with bitcoin there’s no early or late, you’re just in time to learn about bitcoin.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Lanatsa on August 23, 2023, 09:57:36 PM
Well everyone deserves to learn about bitcoin regardless of its age and condition. It does not matter whether you’re inclined or not in technology, but as long as you’ll gain basic ideas from bitcoin, I think that will still be useful in the future. Remember that bitcoin could be our future so it’s an advantage if we learn bitcoin today so we can make use of it as early as now. And older people are not an exception. They can be late in their age, but with bitcoin there’s no early or late, you’re just in time to learn about bitcoin.
True,how the hell someone would really be having that kind of restriction about a certain age for someone to be able to know about Bitcoin or in overall crypto space? There's no such thing about age restriction or requirement and just like you do say that everyone deserves to learn but it would be eventually be depending on some factors because these aged people wont really be that mindful about on things that happening recently but rather they would be mindful on things which are supposed to be that in their standard way of living or things that they do know. Opening up some new opportunities or changes wont really be a bad thing but of course not all would really be that accepting this new type of idea or whatsoever we do call about Bitcoin.

Also, i do understand on why some people would really be that skeptical on making out explanations on elderly because of having that slow process or understanding on how this new tech works
but simply speaking about the basic principles and ideas then it wont really be that something that too technical to understand which i do believe that they could easily be able to adopt.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Smartvirus on August 23, 2023, 10:22:54 PM

One thing the OP failed to point out is, the age range being referred to as old and even with that, it’s of great importance that the old or aged persons be thought what is and how to use bitcoin. This might not be for the purpose of them having to invest but to secure them from the dangers logging around on the internet.

We all know how scammers prioritize or centers their scam schemes on the old, they prey on them for their fading senses and ignorance to the science around us. Hence, an aged individual with an internet enabled device is a dangerous person to himself or herself.

This backs the reason why you need to sensitize them if they are still capable of comprehension, what is and what ought to be. To protect them from those who might want to prey on any ignorance in their continued existence. There isn’t any limitation to knowledge except where you place it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 24, 2023, 04:46:02 PM
Well everyone deserves to learn about bitcoin regardless of its age and condition. It does not matter whether you’re inclined or not in technology, but as long as you’ll gain basic ideas from bitcoin, I think that will still be useful in the future. Remember that bitcoin could be our future so it’s an advantage if we learn bitcoin today so we can make use of it as early as now. And older people are not an exception. They can be late in their age, but with bitcoin there’s no early or late, you’re just in time to learn about bitcoin.
True,how the hell someone would really be having that kind of restriction about a certain age for someone to be able to know about Bitcoin or in overall crypto space? There's no such thing about age restriction or requirement and just like you do say that everyone deserves to learn but it would be eventually be depending on some factors because these aged people wont really be that mindful about on things that happening recently but rather they would be mindful on things which are supposed to be that in their standard way of living or things that they do know. Opening up some new opportunities or changes wont really be a bad thing but of course not all would really be that accepting this new type of idea or whatsoever we do call about Bitcoin.

Also, i do understand on why some people would really be that skeptical on making out explanations on elderly because of having that slow process or understanding on how this new tech works
but simply speaking about the basic principles and ideas then it wont really be that something that too technical to understand which i do believe that they could easily be able to adopt.
Age is not, and should never be, a deterrent for understanding concepts as groundbreaking as Bitcoin.

Yes, the elderly might have a different perspective on life due to their vast experience. Still, to outright dismiss their ability to grasp technological advances is not just shortsighted but an affront to the human intellect. These are the same individuals who've witnessed transformations from telegrams to instant messaging, from analog televisions to smart ones. And you think Bitcoin is too much for them?

Furthermore, the onus falls on us, the crypto enthusiasts, to elucidate this brave new world in a language that resonates with them. If they're skeptical, it's merely because they've not been introduced to it in a manner they can relate to. We talk about the future of money here. If Bitcoin is indeed the revolution we claim it to be, shouldn't it be accessible to all?

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bayu7adi on August 24, 2023, 06:59:43 PM
Well older people have the money, prolly want to invite them to the game!
Moreover, they won't just confine themselves to this space, but their potential to amplify the prowess of the crypto realm will only grow stronger. It takes resources, at the very least, to promote Bitcoin through diverse means. And truth be told, parents do indeed possess those resources.

I'm highly convinced that you won't feel any regret once you manage to persuade your parents to delve into crypto. Skip the talk about trading gains, instead focus on the potential for adopting cryptographic technology or other aspects. That's when the positive vibes will tag along with you.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Svoboda1 on August 24, 2023, 07:18:42 PM
Well older people have the money, prolly want to invite them to the game!

Yes, but most of that money is invested in paywalled accounts like a 401k, pension, etc.

This is why the Spot ETFs are important. They are product market fit for the trillions boomers are sitting on.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Viscore on August 24, 2023, 08:54:56 PM
It’s like we are talking of our parents here. I don’t think they’re worthless to teach because first, they’re capable to invest because they have stable income. And second, they don’t have to dwell deeply in bitcoin. As long as they’ll understand the basics about bitcoin, and how to invest in it with patience because it’s a long term investment, then for sure they won’t keep losing either. Bitcoin as a currency will be easier to taught by then once they’ll be exposed about bitcoin as an investment first.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Raflesia on August 24, 2023, 09:00:14 PM
It’s like we are talking of our parents here. I don’t think they’re worthless to teach because first, they’re capable to invest because they have stable income. And second, they don’t have to dwell deeply in bitcoin. As long as they’ll understand the basics about bitcoin, and how to invest in it with patience because it’s a long term investment, then for sure they won’t keep losing either. Bitcoin as a currency will be easier to taught by then once they’ll be exposed about bitcoin as an investment first.
I think when it comes down to it and the context is learning then it's not wrong to teach older people about bitcoin because at the end of the day it's not leading them to investment but just teaching regardless of whether they're going to be here or not that's for them to decide for themselves.
Remember, bitcoin has no limits and anyone who wants to learn then do it because it is individual freedom even in this case we also have many parents who are even older than we imagine to be in bitcoin and in this forum there are also some people who are even older but can still contribute and discuss about renewable technology such as bitcoin which is very worthy of appreciation.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Humblevirus on August 24, 2023, 09:07:07 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Everyone can use bitcoin, regardless of age, gender, or sexual orientation, depending on their interests. This makes it possible for everyone to learn about Bitcoin and its blockchain technology. I think getting older people involved in the cryptocurrency sector will significantly boost the rate of adoption of Bitcoin. Let's remember that Bitcoin was developed as an alternative to fiat currency, not as a vehicle for investment, therefore if elderly people are making purchases, I think Bitcoin will be extremely helpful to them. As a result, we need to bring them along so they can also utilize it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: famososMuertos on August 24, 2023, 09:53:28 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Seriously! Any effort of the type to help another is always worth it.

On the other hand, the elderly, who we could well say are around 55+ years of age, are quite prepared to address any technological situation that arises, I think that this stage of the 80s, 90s were quite brilliant in technologies and you can see how they have been easily adopted, to the day of all the technological growth that we live.

It is a myth, to believe that older people do not understand bitcoin, perhaps they do not share the idea of decentralization, but you have to understand that if you have spent 50 years in a traditional method, change is not easy.

Hence, understanding bitcoin is easy, It is accepting that you have to make a radical change in the management of your assets, that is why we have so many people in centralized exchanges, that is not understanding bitcoin.

#TBT topic

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: spectre71 on August 24, 2023, 10:47:02 PM
Well older people have the money, prolly want to invite them to the game!

Yes, but most of that money is invested in paywalled accounts like a 401k, pension, etc.

This is why the Spot ETFs are important. They are product market fit for the trillions boomers are sitting on.


Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: suzanne5223 on August 24, 2023, 11:44:41 PM
It’s like we are talking of our parents here. I don’t think they’re worthless to teach because first, they’re capable to invest because they have stable income. And second, they don’t have to dwell deeply in bitcoin. As long as they’ll understand the basics about bitcoin, and how to invest in it with patience because it’s a long term investment, then for sure they won’t keep losing either. Bitcoin as a currency will be easier to taught by then once they’ll be exposed about bitcoin as an investment first.
I think when it comes down to it and the context is learning then it's not wrong to teach older people about bitcoin because at the end of the day it's not leading them to investment but just teaching regardless of whether they're going to be here or not that's for them to decide for themselves.
Remember, bitcoin has no limits and anyone who wants to learn then do it because it is individual freedom even in this case we also have many parents who are even older than we imagine to be in bitcoin and in this forum there are also some people who are even older but can still contribute and discuss about renewable technology such as bitcoin which is very worthy of appreciation.

Bitcoin is for everybody and does not have an age boundary. However, older people shouldn't be forced to invest in Bitcoin. In the UK there are a lot of older cryptocurrency investors who invested in their retirement funds but later became a victim of crypto scammers, if they were taught about the safety aspect or how to secure their investment in BTC I believe they won't be victims of crypto scammer.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Peanutswar on August 24, 2023, 11:55:53 PM
If they are willing to risk some people or the older doesn't want this kind of changes they want to stick to the things they grow with some of them of course afraid to lose their savings with hard earn through the work but if they are willing to risk there's no age limit in investment with cryptocurrency so if they have an extra income and would like to risk what they have teach them so you can have an exchange of ideas to make both of you benefits to the crypto.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: dothebeats on August 25, 2023, 08:43:12 AM
If they are willing to risk some people or the older doesn't want this kind of changes they want to stick to the things they grow with some of them of course afraid to lose their savings with hard earn through the work but if they are willing to risk there's no age limit in investment with cryptocurrency so if they have an extra income and would like to risk what they have teach them so you can have an exchange of ideas to make both of you benefits to the crypto.

I agree. It's not about the age but the willingness of the person. No matter how old they are, if they are not willing and are really closed off about Bitcoin then that is already a resounding answer. However, even if they are old, young, a teenager or a retiring adult but you are willing and very invested to learn about Bitcoin then that's it, no need for other factors.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: fuguebtc on August 25, 2023, 08:59:21 AM
It’s like we are talking of our parents here. I don’t think they’re worthless to teach because first, they’re capable to invest because they have stable income. And second, they don’t have to dwell deeply in bitcoin. As long as they’ll understand the basics about bitcoin, and how to invest in it with patience because it’s a long term investment, then for sure they won’t keep losing either. Bitcoin as a currency will be easier to taught by then once they’ll be exposed about bitcoin as an investment first.
I think when it comes down to it and the context is learning then it's not wrong to teach older people about bitcoin because at the end of the day it's not leading them to investment but just teaching regardless of whether they're going to be here or not that's for them to decide for themselves.
Remember, bitcoin has no limits and anyone who wants to learn then do it because it is individual freedom even in this case we also have many parents who are even older than we imagine to be in bitcoin and in this forum there are also some people who are even older but can still contribute and discuss about renewable technology such as bitcoin which is very worthy of appreciation.

Bitcoin is for everybody and does not have an age boundary. However, older people shouldn't be forced to invest in Bitcoin. In the UK there are a lot of older cryptocurrency investors who invested in their retirement funds but later became a victim of crypto scammers, if they were taught about the safety aspect or how to secure their investment in BTC I believe they won't be victims of crypto scammer.

Not only old people but even young people or anyone, if they really don't like to invest in bitcoin then we shouldn't force them. In my opinion, as long as anyone is interested and willing to invest in bitcoin, we should recommend it to them, there is no distinction between rich and poor, old or young when it comes to bitcoin.

But the elders have an age barrier as bitcoin is not a get-rich-quick investment and it takes a long time to generate returns. So we need to explain clearly and emphasize for them to understand.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: WillyAp on August 25, 2023, 03:03:16 PM

Not only old people but even young people or anyone, if they really don't like to invest in bitcoin then we shouldn't force them. In my opinion, as long as anyone is interested and willing to invest in bitcoin, we should recommend it to them, there is no distinction between rich and poor, old or young when it comes to bitcoin.

The times that you became rich over Bitcoin is long gone. Wake up.
With 26.000 invested in a shop, with 20 000 put in marketing, gets you a higher chance for better return.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: spectre71 on August 25, 2023, 06:05:22 PM
Bitcoin is a TERRIBLE choice for anyone nearing or in retirement. You simply don't have the time or income to recover. I think a number of no more than 5% of portfolio tops on a good day. If it gets rowdy and jumps up move the money into more secure positions. I have alot of friends who lost their asses on "sure things" in retirement. I had a friend go into retirement from an airline and he had his investments in the airline too, company man. Company folded along with his pension and stock. Don't get greedy in retirement portfolios as you age, ever.

If you young sure play with it, don't make it you only thing.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: MFahad on August 25, 2023, 06:16:32 PM
You can share your idea with older generation and its up to them that how they react according to it. It it seems profitable for them then they will accept it easily otherwise you will teach them again and again but they will never accept because the decision of older people is firm and they cannot change it easily.

I think older generation have more experience than us and they can understand the things more easily so we cannot blame them because may be in their opinion there is some other investment opportunities which are more better than cryptocurrency.

Old generation does not believe on new technologies and they work for those technologies which were used by their parents and follow that path always.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: bayu7adi on August 25, 2023, 06:47:02 PM
Old generation does not believe on new technologies and they work for those technologies which were used by their parents and follow that path always.
Yet, there are at least a few older generations who possess an open mindset towards the evolution of time. We all grasp that prosperous individuals consistently adapt themselves to this technological era. Hence, there remains a possibility that wealthy older generations might venture into the realm of novel technologies. Although I perceive this likelihood to be slim.

Nonetheless, their wealth wields influence and has the power to reshape whatever they desire. It's entirely reasonable to hold hope for the older generation, who have amassed a wealth of life experiences.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Renampun on August 25, 2023, 07:20:51 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

if asked is it useful? of course teaching the older generation about bitcoin is very useful, especially now that there are many scam crypto projects out there in the name of bitcoin investment that can attract and trap the older generation. but the rejection of bitcoin will certainly always exist because not all older generations have an interest in being taught, especially when they believe more in the FUD that is spread about bitcoin out there, that is a wall that limits them from being able to be taught about what bitcoin is, its function and also the benefits for the future.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Falconer on August 25, 2023, 07:49:47 PM

if asked is it useful? of course teaching the older generation about bitcoin is very useful, especially now that there are many scam crypto projects out there in the name of bitcoin investment that can attract and trap the older generation. but the rejection of bitcoin will certainly always exist because not all older generations have an interest in being taught, especially when they believe more in the FUD that is spread about bitcoin out there, that is a wall that limits them from being able to be taught about what bitcoin is, its function and also the benefits for the future.
It all depends on the age of the client you are teaching and how knowledgeable they are about technology. To be honest, 8 out of 10 people I meet in my area who are over 60 years old don't care anymore about technological developments and can't even take advantage of it. But of course these things might be useful in developing countries where most of the population is already tech-savvy.

I'm not going to be a part of this idea, but if someone comes to me and asks about bitcoin, then I'll do my best to try to explain it to them. Despite its age, I still think bitcoin is a great idea to spread around.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Raflesia on August 25, 2023, 08:08:48 PM
It’s like we are talking of our parents here. I don’t think they’re worthless to teach because first, they’re capable to invest because they have stable income. And second, they don’t have to dwell deeply in bitcoin. As long as they’ll understand the basics about bitcoin, and how to invest in it with patience because it’s a long term investment, then for sure they won’t keep losing either. Bitcoin as a currency will be easier to taught by then once they’ll be exposed about bitcoin as an investment first.
I think when it comes down to it and the context is learning then it's not wrong to teach older people about bitcoin because at the end of the day it's not leading them to investment but just teaching regardless of whether they're going to be here or not that's for them to decide for themselves.
Remember, bitcoin has no limits and anyone who wants to learn then do it because it is individual freedom even in this case we also have many parents who are even older than we imagine to be in bitcoin and in this forum there are also some people who are even older but can still contribute and discuss about renewable technology such as bitcoin which is very worthy of appreciation.

Bitcoin is for everybody and does not have an age boundary. However, older people shouldn't be forced to invest in Bitcoin. In the UK there are a lot of older cryptocurrency investors who invested in their retirement funds but later became a victim of crypto scammers, if they were taught about the safety aspect or how to secure their investment in BTC I believe they won't be victims of crypto scammer.
The initial context is teaching not forcing investing in bitcoin and it is also clear when looking at the title that the discussion is teaching so that with conditions like this I still agree with teaching even if it is parents if they are interested in learning in bitcoin.
It will be a different story if indeed the goal is to force because we are also aware that things like this must come from self-awareness and understanding to be comfortable being and investing without any element of coercion and pressure from other parties.
On the other hand, this also applies not only to parents but all new people because we are free to determine our own destiny but never determine the fate of others by coercion just because bitcoin adoption wants to increase. I will oppose when coercion exists but when the context is to teach the older ones (if they are interested in learning bitcoin) then I strongly agree.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: suzanne5223 on August 25, 2023, 08:22:18 PM
It’s like we are talking of our parents here. I don’t think they’re worthless to teach because first, they’re capable to invest because they have stable income. And second, they don’t have to dwell deeply in bitcoin. As long as they’ll understand the basics about bitcoin, and how to invest in it with patience because it’s a long term investment, then for sure they won’t keep losing either. Bitcoin as a currency will be easier to taught by then once they’ll be exposed about bitcoin as an investment first.
I think when it comes down to it and the context is learning then it's not wrong to teach older people about bitcoin because at the end of the day it's not leading them to investment but just teaching regardless of whether they're going to be here or not that's for them to decide for themselves.
Remember, bitcoin has no limits and anyone who wants to learn then do it because it is individual freedom even in this case we also have many parents who are even older than we imagine to be in bitcoin and in this forum there are also some people who are even older but can still contribute and discuss about renewable technology such as bitcoin which is very worthy of appreciation.

Bitcoin is for everybody and does not have an age boundary. However, older people shouldn't be forced to invest in Bitcoin. In the UK there are a lot of older cryptocurrency investors who invested in their retirement funds but later became a victim of crypto scammers, if they were taught about the safety aspect or how to secure their investment in BTC I believe they won't be victims of crypto scammer.
The initial context is teaching not forcing investing in bitcoin and it is also clear when looking at the title that the discussion is teaching so that with conditions like this I still agree with teaching even if it is parents if they are interested in learning in bitcoin.
Yes, the topic was about teaching older people about BTC but I mentioned the word forcing people to invest in BTC due to the passion surrounding people most newbies that are joining the market after learning about BTC, and from my understanding people are interested in learning about BTC last year are the newbie we have in this year market.

It will be a different story if indeed the goal is to force because we are also aware that things like this must come from self-awareness and understanding to be comfortable being and investing without any element of coercion and pressure from other parties.
I guess you don't understand what I mean when I say force. There are different of forcing people to do something either by action or through hype words which will literally tease the person into doing what she wants through the use of the person's weaknesses.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Uruhara on August 26, 2023, 01:20:07 AM
Bitcoin is a TERRIBLE choice for anyone nearing or in retirement. You simply don't have the time or income to recover. I think a number of no more than 5% of portfolio tops on a good day. If it gets rowdy and jumps up move the money into more secure positions. I have alot of friends who lost their asses on "sure things" in retirement. I had a friend go into retirement from an airline and he had his investments in the airline too, company man. Company folded along with his pension and stock. Don't get greedy in retirement portfolios as you age, ever.

If you young sure play with it, don't make it you only thing.
Well we have to take lessons from every story and experience that happens to the people around us. And related to investing in retirement is quite risky. Because at that age it is already not a productive age in making money. In retirement, we just have to enjoy more time with our family and do any hobbies that were delayed when we were young because when we were young, sometimes we were too busy working. But in the world of investment do not know the young and young. It's just the portion that must be regulated. And never invest in one area. Because we don't know which areas will really give us an advantage. So investing in a lot of things is much better at this.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Ale88 on August 26, 2023, 01:35:02 AM
Bitcoin is a TERRIBLE choice for anyone nearing or in retirement. You simply don't have the time or income to recover. I think a number of no more than 5% of portfolio tops on a good day. If it gets rowdy and jumps up move the money into more secure positions. I have alot of friends who lost their asses on "sure things" in retirement. I had a friend go into retirement from an airline and he had his investments in the airline too, company man. Company folded along with his pension and stock. Don't get greedy in retirement portfolios as you age, ever.

If you young sure play with it, don't make it you only thing.
As always, it depends on your financial situation: if you have a decent amount of money then investing in bitcoin, especially now that is more than 50% below its previous ATH with the halving in less than 1 year, it could really turn out very well. You are worried about the time, if you retire in your 60s potentially you have other 20 years of life, that means other 5 halvings, I would say that there is plenty of time because 1 halving is more than enough.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: radjie on August 26, 2023, 07:01:48 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.

Bitcoin has freedom for anyone who uses it, the age factor certainly won't affect it.  But providing knowledge to elderly people will certainly have many obstacles, lack of internet-based knowledge is certainly the main factor. For the middle to lower class, the average elderly person doesn't really care about internet-based technology, they prefer the real life around it. One of them by way of real investment or trade

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 26, 2023, 07:23:05 AM
It’s like we are talking of our parents here. I don’t think they’re worthless to teach because first, they’re capable to invest because they have stable income. And second, they don’t have to dwell deeply in bitcoin. As long as they’ll understand the basics about bitcoin, and how to invest in it with patience because it’s a long term investment, then for sure they won’t keep losing either. Bitcoin as a currency will be easier to taught by then once they’ll be exposed about bitcoin as an investment first.
I think when it comes down to it and the context is learning then it's not wrong to teach older people about bitcoin because at the end of the day it's not leading them to investment but just teaching regardless of whether they're going to be here or not that's for them to decide for themselves.
Remember, bitcoin has no limits and anyone who wants to learn then do it because it is individual freedom even in this case we also have many parents who are even older than we imagine to be in bitcoin and in this forum there are also some people who are even older but can still contribute and discuss about renewable technology such as bitcoin which is very worthy of appreciation.

Bitcoin is for everybody and does not have an age boundary. However, older people shouldn't be forced to invest in Bitcoin. In the UK there are a lot of older cryptocurrency investors who invested in their retirement funds but later became a victim of crypto scammers, if they were taught about the safety aspect or how to secure their investment in BTC I believe they won't be victims of crypto scammer.
The initial context is teaching not forcing investing in bitcoin and it is also clear when looking at the title that the discussion is teaching so that with conditions like this I still agree with teaching even if it is parents if they are interested in learning in bitcoin.
It will be a different story if indeed the goal is to force because we are also aware that things like this must come from self-awareness and understanding to be comfortable being and investing without any element of coercion and pressure from other parties.
On the other hand, this also applies not only to parents but all new people because we are free to determine our own destiny but never determine the fate of others by coercion just because bitcoin adoption wants to increase. I will oppose when coercion exists but when the context is to teach the older ones (if they are interested in learning bitcoin) then I strongly agree.
Bitcoin's a new chapter in our tale, a blip on the timeline. Lets treat it that way.

I cannot overstate the importance of education. As you noted, knowledge should never be forced. Seek, embrace, and share it freely. Shoving ideas down someone's throat, whether about Bitcoin or anything else, always backfires. Its Digital Age 101!

Cant agree more about parents and novices. Coercion wont help people understand and use Bitcoin. By providing facts, setting the stage, and letting curiosity work. If we press too hard, we risk becoming evangelists for a cause people distrust. You should be commended for promoting education without coercion!

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Lorence.xD on August 26, 2023, 08:22:54 AM

if asked is it useful? of course teaching the older generation about bitcoin is very useful, especially now that there are many scam crypto projects out there in the name of bitcoin investment that can attract and trap the older generation. but the rejection of bitcoin will certainly always exist because not all older generations have an interest in being taught, especially when they believe more in the FUD that is spread about bitcoin out there, that is a wall that limits them from being able to be taught about what bitcoin is, its function and also the benefits for the future.
It all depends on the age of the client you are teaching and how knowledgeable they are about technology. To be honest, 8 out of 10 people I meet in my area who are over 60 years old don't care anymore about technological developments and can't even take advantage of it. But of course these things might be useful in developing countries where most of the population is already tech-savvy.

I'm not going to be a part of this idea, but if someone comes to me and asks about bitcoin, then I'll do my best to try to explain it to them. Despite its age, I still think bitcoin is a great idea to spread around.

Still from your 8 out of 10 people there's still people who would like to learn new technology just for them to keep up on the new generation. Also maybe it would literally depends on the country or the environment of those old people. Cause here in my country in PH, you could still see some old people especially in the urban area, where they are aware on technology and they use it. I think environment has a big factor for them to learn new tech, since almost everything and everywhere they could see a lot of technology so they are trying to have knowledge about it.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: adzino on August 26, 2023, 08:39:56 AM
Of course it is worth teaching older people about bitcoin technology. I mean not how it works or the technical aspects behind them, but how to use them as a regular currency for making day to day transaction or how to keep your wallet secure and safe when investing and holding for long term. Not sure how old you mean when you say "older people" but age shouldn't matter. If you want bitcoin to be a global currency and adopted by everyone, then each and everyone should know how to use it. Would bitcoin be considered a global currency if the older people doesn't know how to use it?

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: CageMabok on August 26, 2023, 10:15:50 AM
Bitcoin has freedom for anyone who uses it, the age factor certainly won't affect it.  But providing knowledge to elderly people will certainly have many obstacles, lack of internet-based knowledge is certainly the main factor. For the middle to lower class, the average elderly person doesn't really care about internet-based technology, they prefer the real life around it. One of them by way of real investment or trade

Matters or knowledge related to technology and the internet are indeed not for the elderly who generally do not have basic knowledge about it, because technological knowledge related to the internet is more suitable for young children whose learning period is still there and also want to develop themselves to be able to start any business they like. So someone who wants to become a teacher of something must also see how the condition of his students is so that he knows what is more needed by a student whose age is very different from most children at school.

And of course it will never be the same for those who have learned a lot about Bitcoin and the internet in their youth, because those who are elderly with more knowledge in their heads can of course still continue to invest in Bitcoin as long as they are still able to maintain their own assets. Well, this is clearly different from the elderly who still don't know anything about the internet and Bitcoin so they prefer real investment or trading as you said.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Yamifoud on August 26, 2023, 10:36:58 AM
Of course it is worth teaching older people about bitcoin technology. I mean not how it works or the technical aspects behind them, but how to use them as a regular currency for making day to day transaction or how to keep your wallet secure and safe when investing and holding for long term. Not sure how old you mean when you say "older people" but age shouldn't matter. If you want bitcoin to be a global currency and adopted by everyone, then each and everyone should know how to use it. Would bitcoin be considered a global currency if the older people doesn't know how to use it?
As long as they have interest and are still capable enough to understand how this works, it was good to go. But yes, we can't assure that everything went so well after teaching as they can't still remember all the lectures and teaching that we made. It was very important that there is someone who could assist or accompany them if ever they invest just to make sure that they are - using the right wallet, the right site, and of course, if they keep the private keys safely.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Raflesia on August 26, 2023, 07:51:05 PM
The initial context is teaching not forcing investing in bitcoin and it is also clear when looking at the title that the discussion is teaching so that with conditions like this I still agree with teaching even if it is parents if they are interested in learning in bitcoin.
It will be a different story if indeed the goal is to force because we are also aware that things like this must come from self-awareness and understanding to be comfortable being and investing without any element of coercion and pressure from other parties.
On the other hand, this also applies not only to parents but all new people because we are free to determine our own destiny but never determine the fate of others by coercion just because bitcoin adoption wants to increase. I will oppose when coercion exists but when the context is to teach the older ones (if they are interested in learning bitcoin) then I strongly agree.
Bitcoin's a new chapter in our tale, a blip on the timeline. Lets treat it that way.

I cannot overstate the importance of education. As you noted, knowledge should never be forced. Seek, embrace, and share it freely. Shoving ideas down someone's throat, whether about Bitcoin or anything else, always backfires. Its Digital Age 101!

Cant agree more about parents and novices. Coercion wont help people understand and use Bitcoin. By providing facts, setting the stage, and letting curiosity work. If we press too hard, we risk becoming evangelists for a cause people distrust. You should be commended for promoting education without coercion!
This is the point because in the end we only have to focus on what we do and what contributions we build to make us comfortable being in bitcoin as for other people when they want the same thing it is not wrong to just exchange thoughts so that we become someone who is not wrong to be in bitcoin because not all who are in bitcoin also think right.

As for when imposing our will on others there is actually no benefit for us to do something like that so as to provide teaching when there are people who need it then do it but don't make them seem as if they are carried away because of coercion because in the end this depends on your own thoughts whether you want to be in bitcoin or not.

It will be a different story if indeed the goal is to force because we are also aware that things like this must come from self-awareness and understanding to be comfortable being and investing without any element of coercion and pressure from other parties.
I guess you don't understand what I mean when I say force. There are different of forcing people to do something either by action or through hype words which will literally tease the person into doing what she wants through the use of the person's weaknesses.
Even if what you say is true because understanding is not only about verbal but on the other hand when someone's choice is made isn't there no coercion there because the decision is in your own hands whether you want to be in bitcoin with all the risks or not.

On the other hand, this is also a reminder for those of us who are trying to teach others not to only say good things about bitcoin because in the proof we are in bitcoin is not always good because there are many risks and processes that we have to accept so that with that we have to provide understanding from the beginning even with the worst possibilities so that new people or beginners do not think about things from the positive side but from the negative side as well.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: lalabotax on August 26, 2023, 09:09:16 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
In my opinion, whatever it is, as long as it's a good thing, there won't be a problem and it doesn't have to be measured whether it's worth it or not when we teach something new to someone, even if it's older people. At least, we have tried to share knowledge. We may be surprised by their various responses. Some might consider it a passing wind and not be interested at all because of their mindset. but there are also those who are open minded and can or are able to relate to Bitcoin. But on the other hand, there are also those who are open minded, but they are unable to operate with technology because of their limitations or indeed their abilities in the field of technology. This can happen. but what is certain is, there is no bad in spreading good things like this Bitcoin to anyone at any time.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Smartgoat on August 27, 2023, 04:35:16 AM
I think is yes for me. if it's old people who are interested to know and invest as well. but if it's old once who can not do anything about teaching them, I think it's no. because you are passing a knowledge that can not yield any fruit.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: WatChe on August 27, 2023, 05:06:05 AM
It all depends on the age of the client you are teaching and how knowledgeable they are about technology. To be honest, 8 out of 10 people I meet in my area who are over 60 years old don't care anymore about technological developments and can't even take advantage of it. But of course these things might be useful in developing countries where most of the population is already tech-savvy.

I'm not going to be a part of this idea, but if someone comes to me and asks about bitcoin, then I'll do my best to try to explain it to them. Despite its age, I still think bitcoin is a great idea to spread around.

If we want to take Bitcoin to global adoption level then yes we have to tech elderly guys about Bitcoin. They can ignore the core technological aspect of Bitcoin and may focus on Bitcoin from adoption or investment perspective. In developed countries like USA and EU elderly people do have necessary tech knowledge to have basic understanding to Bitcoin but in underdeveloped regions like South Asia it will be challenging for older people to understand Bitcoin.   

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: dothebeats on August 27, 2023, 06:16:27 AM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
In my opinion, whatever it is, as long as it's a good thing, there won't be a problem and it doesn't have to be measured whether it's worth it or not when we teach something new to someone, even if it's older people. At least, we have tried to share knowledge. We may be surprised by their various responses. Some might consider it a passing wind and not be interested at all because of their mindset. but there are also those who are open minded and can or are able to relate to Bitcoin. But on the other hand, there are also those who are open minded, but they are unable to operate with technology because of their limitations or indeed their abilities in the field of technology. This can happen. but what is certain is, there is no bad in spreading good things like this Bitcoin to anyone at any time.
Well, there is still a bad thing, especially if you share it with someone you are not so familiar with and you do not 100% trust. Sharing information about Bitcoin gives people the idea that you have Bitcoin and investments, which means money, and sometimes it is dangerous to let other people know you have money. What I'm saying is that it is better to still be careful and aware of who you are sharing information and ideas with.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Dimitri94 on August 27, 2023, 06:18:52 AM
Of course it is worth teaching older people about bitcoin technology. I mean not how it works or the technical aspects behind them, but how to use them as a regular currency for making day to day transaction or how to keep your wallet secure and safe when investing and holding for long term. Not sure how old you mean when you say "older people" but age shouldn't matter. If you want bitcoin to be a global currency and adopted by everyone, then each and everyone should know how to use it. Would bitcoin be considered a global currency if the older people doesn't know how to use it?
As long as they have interest and are still capable enough to understand how this works, it was good to go. But yes, we can't assure that everything went so well after teaching as they can't still remember all the lectures and teaching that we made. It was very important that there is someone who could assist or accompany them if ever they invest just to make sure that they are - using the right wallet, the right site, and of course, if they keep the private keys safely.
There is no age restriction to learn about Bitcoin. People of any age can learn about Bitcoin. In various surveys have shown that adults (18-40) are the fastest adopters of Bitcoin. They believe that Bitcoin will gain more adoption in the coming days. A large part of them think that it is possible to own a lot of wealth in a short period of time by adopting Bitcoin. But some of them think that it is possible to get the desired result in 10 years from investment. But for those who are older, it will be hard to believe at first but those who are familiar with the technology will definitely take this issue positively. There are many seniors who have adopted Bitcoin as an invaluable asset in their lives.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: 3kpk3 on August 27, 2023, 08:45:43 AM
It depends op. Some old people aren't really interested in cryptocurrencies and related technologies which is why trying to teach them is a fruitless endeavour if you ask me.

On the other hand, some old people are open to learning about them which is why it would be worth teaching them.

Title: Re: Is it worth it to teach older people about bitcoin technology?
Post by: Blitzboy on August 27, 2023, 12:51:45 PM
Bitcoin has captured the center of attention, especially with the younger generations showing keen interest in it. Yet, there are those who believe that teaching older individuals about it might not be a wise investment of time. However, we must ponder: does it carry value? This conversation revolves around the question of whether it's worthwhile to educate older generations about bitcoin.
In my opinion, whatever it is, as long as it's a good thing, there won't be a problem and it doesn't have to be measured whether it's worth it or not when we teach something new to someone, even if it's older people. At least, we have tried to share knowledge. We may be surprised by their various responses. Some might consider it a passing wind and not be interested at all because of their mindset. but there are also those who are open minded and can or are able to relate to Bitcoin. But on the other hand, there are also those who are open minded, but they are unable to operate with technology because of their limitations or indeed their abilities in the field of technology. This can happen. but what is certain is, there is no bad in spreading good things like this Bitcoin to anyone at any time.
True, disseminating knowledge is like releasing a mixtape: some will enjoy it, while others will not. Similar to the time I attempted to teach Uncle Joe how to use an iPad. That was quite the adventure... Then Bitcoin? Wow, that's on an entirely different level.

Even if some members of the elder generation view it as "just another trend," others may view it as the future. Who could possibly blame them? Bitcoin is comparable to the interesting, unpredictable party guest that everyone wants to hang out with. But Im not going to lie, the technical aspect can be difficult for some. Its all fine, nonetheless. Nobody was destined to be a technologist.

However, spreading Bitcoin affection is analogous to sharing my favourite playlist. Others will not be able to get into the rhythm. However, at least we tried, correct?