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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: sesterceshop on August 24, 2023, 05:41:58 AM

Title: Meta breaks privacy rules... AGAIN
Post by: sesterceshop on August 24, 2023, 05:41:58 AM
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is facing accusations of violating European data privacy regulations in Norway. Norway's data regulator, Datatilsynet, has taken legal action against Meta, claiming the company harvested user data without proper consent for targeted advertising. This incident could potentially impact data privacy rules across Europe. As of August 14, Meta has been fined one million crowns (around $790,920 USD) per day in relation to this matter.

If I had a dollar for every user's data Zuckerberg illegally collected, I'd have almost as much as he does!

Title: Re: Meta breaks privacy rules... AGAIN
Post by: Hispo on August 24, 2023, 11:12:39 AM
Meta is quite desperate for increased revenue, so does not surprise me they are pushing the boundaries of law in Europe and other markets where user data is precious to advertisers.

They lost a mountain of money with their Metaverse, which they now need to recover somehow and also there is the factor of the new Iphones featuring a privacy option to block unwanted trackers (which Meta mostly uses). So now users are aware of those trackers and easily block them with their Apple products.

If a feature like that was to become widespread in Android, it would certainly be a huge blow to Mark and his company.

Title: Re: Meta breaks privacy rules... AGAIN
Post by: blockman on August 24, 2023, 11:52:56 AM
Meta lost a lot and that's why they're not going through the process of informing the data regulator of Norway or any country because they'll earn more. And remember the virtual reality/Libra and other projects that they've worked on and spent a lot of money with. Now, because of that action they're losing billions of money and with this, there could be other countries that will be more concern with how they've managed to harvest the data of their citizens without them being informed. Well, Meta will just have to pay the fine and they're all good again.

Title: Re: Meta breaks privacy rules... AGAIN
Post by: yazher on August 24, 2023, 01:30:33 PM
This kind of war has been going on for a while now and I just can't understand how they really want to get those people's data. Now that they are caught red-handed once again, other countries will surely check their privacy as well and they will just make some investigations as to whether their data has been breached as well. Meta has been accused lately of stealing their user data without consent and I'm really afraid if they have everything saved in their storage and they have all our data as well. If that's really true, then using social media is not safe anymore.

Title: Re: Meta breaks privacy rules... AGAIN
Post by: paxmao on August 24, 2023, 04:50:28 PM
I believe most of the Meta users are old to be honest, the new generation is crazy on Snapchat and instagram which are even less substantial and more ephemeral. If you ask any 12 to 25 year old about Facebook the answer may be from a "what is that" to "that is what my granny uses". I think that either Meta delivers the "Meta-verse" or is a thing of the past.

I personally quitted after the Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Title: Re: Meta breaks privacy rules... AGAIN
Post by: OgNasty on August 24, 2023, 05:03:18 PM
Obviously farming your data is what Meta does. It’s been said a million times that Facebook uses the user as the product. Even if Facebook wasn’t the one stealing your data, they’re surely collecting it and that means there’s the chance someone else can hack that information. I’m not sure what the solution is in a time when people no longer value their privacy, so I guess the best thing to do is probably just not participate.

Title: Re: Meta breaks privacy rules... AGAIN
Post by: Gyfts on August 26, 2023, 01:30:50 AM
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is facing accusations of violating European data privacy regulations in Norway. Norway's data regulator, Datatilsynet, has taken legal action against Meta, claiming the company harvested user data without proper consent for targeted advertising.

Lack of consent in this context being the user did not read the terms of service, agreed to them anyways to sign up on the platform, and then got upset when their information is mined and stored for advertisers or nefarious activity.

And in fact this happens all the time. The average consumer cares little about privacy. So who's fault is it in actuality?