Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: Tigerbill on September 03, 2023, 10:02:05 AM

Title: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 03, 2023, 10:02:05 AM
Hi, I sent a bitcoin transaction from my son's Armoury wallet on his PC, the bitcoin was redeemed from a cold wallet to his wallet & I sent it to my own personal Armoury wallet on my PC last night, both are Armoury (0.96). It still remains unconfirmed in my wallet after 95 confirmations now.
I marked it as RBF when it was sent & it is flagged in the received transactions in my wallet as: ***RBF Flagged*... The maximum funds reads correct but the spendable funds reads zero & the balance is red & unconfirmed, my wallet is connected & I can right click on the transaction & view it on the blockchain.

Did I do something wrong checking the RBF box on sending & how can I get the transaction to confirm?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: hosseinimr93 on September 03, 2023, 10:54:41 AM
A transaction can't be confirmed and unconfirmed at the same time.

I guess your transaction has been already confirmed and included in the blockchain, but your wallet doesn't show it as a confirmed transaction because it's not fully synced.
What's the number of blocks shown at the bottom right corner of the window? Till now, 806032 blocks have been mined and if you see a smaller number, it means that your wallet is not fully synced.

Can you share the transaction ID here? (Note that you may harm your privacy if you share the transaction ID. Don't do that, if you care about your privacy.)

Did I do something wrong checking the RBF box on sending

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: hopenotlate on September 03, 2023, 11:08:10 AM
Not sure if it's the case but is there the possibility you have another unconfirmed transaction linked to this one (for example, a change transaction)? If so you can try to spend that unconfirmed output with a higher fee, and this might encourage miners to confirm both transactions (CPFP). But I'm more inclined to believe hosseinimr is correct and the issue could be related to your wallet synch.

On bottom left of this page you can see "move topic" button : try movig this thread into armory dedicated board here

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 03, 2023, 11:16:22 AM
Ok thanks to you both for your quick responses, it's a relief to know I didn't do anything wrong this time.. I am rescanning the transactions to see it that sorts it.
I wonder if the box in the settings in Armoury needs to be checked to let Armoury run bitcoind in the background?

I have moved the topic.  :)

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: BitMaxz on September 03, 2023, 11:19:02 PM
How did you broadcast the transaction since you said you created the transaction or redeemed BTC from a cold wallet?

You didn't mention if you have Bitcoin core installed on your PC or if your Bitcoin core is fully synced or pruned.

The Armory wallet does not work without a fully synced Bitcoin core(i.e.: nearly full hard disk) or if it's pruned it won't also work. You need to provide more details about your issue like adding armory logs here to analyze the issue and why it's stuck.

This Armory wallet is not newbie-friendly if you want ease of use I suggest switch to Electrum it doesn't need to be fully synced and you can also make an offline or cold wallet.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: nc50lc on September 06, 2023, 05:05:43 AM
it's a relief to know I didn't do anything wrong this time.. I am rescanning the transactions to see it that sorts it.
-snip- both are Armoury (0.96).
I'm surprised that it's connected since you've been using an outdated version of Armory which other users typically encounter connection/sync issues.
The latest version is actually version 0.96.5 which has a link in the first sticky thread in this board.
If it failed to scan, perhaps it's time for an update.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Yamane_Keto on September 07, 2023, 02:56:21 PM
Hi, I sent a bitcoin transaction from my son's Armoury wallet on his PC, the bitcoin was redeemed from a cold wallet to his wallet & I sent it to my own personal Armoury wallet on my PC last night, both are Armoury (0.96).
Whatever appears to you in the block explorer is the real thing. Check the wallet address and your son’s wallet address (recipient’s address). If the transaction is confirmed, this means that the sending was successful. Otherwise, it is still in your wallet and there are synchronization problems.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 10, 2023, 07:26:57 PM
Hello, yes I am having big problems with the Armory wallet, I could not get the wallet to sync on my machine that he sent the transaction to & ended up messing up the installation. I made a backup of my wallet that my son sent the transaction to & I reinstated the backup to his machine with a working Armory installation. His wallet fully synced to the network, over 806k blocks & now that I have my wallet on his Armory install, strangely the wallet says it unexpected closed due to something unexpected in the hash rate, or something like that right at 99%.

Could it be the bitcoin didn't leave the wallet to mine?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: hosseinimr93 on September 10, 2023, 07:59:11 PM
Could it be the bitcoin didn't leave the wallet to mine?
What do block explorers say?
If you see a transaction from the address owned by your son to an address owned by you in block explorers, it means that the transaction has been made.

A solution for you is to export your private key(s) from Armory and import it into a SPV wallet like electrum.
In SPV wallets, you don't have to download the blockchain and you won't have such troubles.

Take note that if you use a SPV wallet and you don't want to download the blockchain, you have to connect to servers provides by third parties and that may harm your privacy.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 10, 2023, 08:17:57 PM
I can't see the 'transactions tab' now because since I imported my backup wallet to my son's machine, the wallet will not update past the block where the transaction was at approx 805, 000 blocks. The transaction no longer appears in the wallet that he sent to on my machine.
Should I delete my restored wallet?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: goatpig on September 11, 2023, 07:02:14 AM
Hi, I sent a bitcoin transaction from my son's Armoury wallet on his PC, the bitcoin was redeemed from a cold wallet to his wallet & I sent it to my own personal Armoury wallet on my PC last night, both are Armoury (0.96). It still remains unconfirmed in my wallet after 95 confirmations now.
I marked it as RBF when it was sent & it is flagged in the received transactions in my wallet as: ***RBF Flagged*... The maximum funds reads correct but the spendable funds reads zero & the balance is red & unconfirmed, my wallet is connected & I can right click on the transaction & view it on the blockchain.

Did I do something wrong checking the RBF box on sending & how can I get the transaction to confirm?

This means the transaction is yet to confirm. What fee did you pay?

I can't see the 'transactions tab' now because since I imported my backup wallet to my son's machine, the wallet will not update past the block where the transaction was at approx 805, 000 blocks. The transaction no longer appears in the wallet that he sent to on my machine.
Should I delete my restored wallet?

Take it easy with the deletions. Please elaborate on the state of your system, or better, post logs from that machine.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 11, 2023, 11:35:02 AM
My system will not run Armoury or on my other machine, the only version 0.96 on my son's PC has the ability to count through the blocks & fully update. My original installation with the original transaction is borked & will not get past 403k blocks. So I decided to restore my wallet on his working Armory installation & now his does not work either, stopping at the block where the transaction is at about 805k blocks. The ArmoryDB.exe disappears as it did on my machine. Please advise.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: goatpig on September 11, 2023, 12:38:09 PM
My system will not run Armoury or on my other machine, the only version 0.96 on my son's PC has the ability to count through the blocks & fully update. My original installation with the original transaction is borked & will not get past 403k blocks. So I decided to restore my wallet on his working Armory installation & now his does not work either, stopping at the block where the transaction is at about 805k blocks. The ArmoryDB.exe disappears as it did on my machine. Please advise.

Start Bitcoin Core, what's the top block?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 11, 2023, 02:00:54 PM
I have also remembered I was getting an error that stated something like stopblockingthread error on my PC, that's when the DB.exe would crash in Armory.

Bitcoin Core is reading 807187 blocks.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: goatpig on September 12, 2023, 07:25:19 AM
I have also remembered I was getting an error that stated something like stopblockingthread error on my PC, that's when the DB.exe would crash in Armory.

Bitcoin Core is reading 807187 blocks.

1. You should update to Armory 0.96.5:

2. I would still like to see a log file, would help with the debugging

3. Your best path forward is to empty your "databases" folder. You'll find it in the Armory datadir then start Armory. On Windows, the default path is:


Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 12, 2023, 12:54:08 PM
Hi, firstly thank you for your quick reply & I have downloaded the latest Armoury, deleted the databases folder, booted Armory & it says all wallets are consistent & just sits there no database updates.
This is where I get confused with the settings.. I have the box checked to let Armory run bitcoind in the background. My Bitcoin Core (not running) is on my D: drive, I do have it running atm with bitcond unchecked. I have tried to point the Armory software to my D: drive Bitcoin installation after leaving both the install directories blank & then pointing to the directories to my Bitcoin app data on D: & my drive C: for Armory installation.
I am sat at preparing databases & the boxes greyed out in Armory, how do I send a log file? is that from Bitcoin Core or Armory?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: BitMaxz on September 12, 2023, 03:55:04 PM
Would you mind to try "Rebuild and Rescan Databases" you can find it on "Help".

I am sat at preparing databases & the boxes greyed out in Armory, how do I send a log file? is that from Bitcoin Core or Armory?

You can post the logs here or and it should be the armorylog.txt

You can get it by opening the armory wallet then file --> export log file.

I don't know what OS you are using but alternatively, if you are using Windows here's the folder location below

For Linux:

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 12, 2023, 04:31:51 PM
I am Running Windows 10 Pro on all 3 PC's that we own. I tried to rescan & rebuild the database, but the same greyed out boxes are there.
Do I have to have Bitcoin Core running to use Armory or do I leave it off & check the box to have bitcoind running in the background from Armory?
I will have to look at sending the log later.
I am guessing the data directories that I need to point Armory to are wrong but I do not know what is right in the settings.
My son's installation does not need anything & it just worked until I loaded my wallet to his Armory.

I note the ArmoryDB.exe does not load with the QT, I can load it manually/separately & it says 'running on 8 threads, RAM usage level: 50, listening on port 9001'

How do I post an image on here?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: BitMaxz on September 12, 2023, 06:53:37 PM
Well, we don't know yet if the reason is the data directory without the armorylogs.txt but if the Bitcoin core is installed on a different hard drive then Armory can't find it without pointing it to the right Bitcoin data directory.

How do I post an image on here?

Since you are a newbie you can't able to post images here but you can post the URL of the image you want to share here.

This is what I use to upload images below

Copy the URL after you upload and then post the URL here.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 12, 2023, 07:41:13 PM
With run Bitcond in the background checked & with & without Bitcoin Core running.

I have pointed the top Armory Bitcoin install directory to D:\Program Files\Bitcoin

Blockchain & Database Paths
Bitcoin Home Dir to D:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin

Armory Database Dir to C:\Users\anotherusername\AppData\Roaming\Armory\databases

The username is different on the C: drive, I thought to point that out, will that be a problem? Thanks for the heads up with the images :)

In the image the circular loading icon is stuck, not spinning & there is no ArmoryDB.exe loading with ArmoryQt & it says connected but at 0 blocks.

I tried restarting 0.96.0 to no avail, the program just shuts down & then I restarted 0.96.5 & the top bar started to pulse.

I note the 0% in the Scanning Transactions History bottom bar has appeared but still no ArmoryDB.exe.
I have a log file, what is the best way to send it?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: goatpig on September 13, 2023, 07:44:11 AM
Do I have to have Bitcoin Core running to use Armory or do I leave it off & check the box to have bitcoind running in the background from Armory?

With 0.96.5 you can start the various binaries on your own, as long as you respect the order:

1st: bitcoind/bitcoin-qt
2nd: ArmoryDB
3rd: ArmoryQt

The other binaries will pick on existing instances.

I have pointed the top Armory Bitcoin install directory to D:\Program Files\Bitcoin

This isn't your Bitcoin binaries installation folder (where bitcoind/bitcoin-qt reside). ArmoryDB needs to know where your blockchain data lives instead. This page explains to you how to set paths for the blockain data:

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 13, 2023, 09:32:51 PM
Thank you again & this is where I am kind of lost, I know very little about the use of commands & how to specify these paths. I take it is done in command prompt & does it need to be elevated?

Please would you walk me through the exact steps like I am a 2 year old..?

I am guessing I need to specify the D:\Program Files\Bitcoin directory the same as the paths in the QT?

Is there a way to do this where I just download the program & it works without any messing about like this? I am a noob when it comes to this stuff & I really am struggling here.

The strange thing being my son's installation didn't need any of this & it worked until I loaded my wallet on his machine, I just can't understand what is going on.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: BitMaxz on September 13, 2023, 11:48:49 PM
The strange thing being my son's installation didn't need any of this & it worked until I loaded my wallet on his machine, I just can't understand what is going on.

Well without the armorylogs.txt and armorydb.txt we don't know exactly what happen to your wallet that is why we can't give you the right solution for your problem.

Sharing what inside from armorylogs.txt is safe to post here just make sure to use insert code tag before you post the whole armory logs.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: nc50lc on September 14, 2023, 08:26:41 AM
Is there a way to do this where I just download the program & it works without any messing about like this? I am a noob when it comes to this stuff & I really am struggling here.
If everything is installed and using the default directories, you wouldn't have to set those paths since Armory knows the defaults.
But since your Bitcoin Core is installed in D: and its data directory is in D: as well, you'll have to manually set those paths for Armory to find them.

Please would you walk me through the exact steps like I am a 2 year old..?
The first part of his post is the simplest (band-aid) solution since you'll only need to open the applications in that particular order.
That way, you don't have to point to Armory where to find those binaries.
But the correct datadir should still be set. (you've already set those in the GUI)

  • First, close Armory if it's running, open your Task Manager and check any Armory and Bitcoin Core related processes
    since sometimes, it lingers in the background. Alternatively, restart the PC.
  • Now Open Bitcoin Core and let it sync to the tip, just let it running after syncing. (you may skip ArmoryDB)
  • Lastly, Open 'ArmoryQt.exe' and it should be able to detect that Bitcoin Core is already running.

I have pointed the top Armory Bitcoin install directory to D:\Program Files\Bitcoin

Blockchain & Database Paths
Bitcoin Home Dir to D:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin

Armory Database Dir to C:\Users\anotherusername\AppData\Roaming\Armory\databases

The username is different on the C: drive, I thought to point that out, will that be a problem?
The strange thing being my son's installation didn't need any of this & it worked until I loaded my wallet on his machine, I just can't understand what is going on.
Wait, the file folder structure in D: is suspiciously similar to a Windows system directory.
It sounds like you've plugged your previous C: drive from your machine to your son's machine, then it's set to D: since it already has C:
If so, that not how you load your Armory wallet to your son's machine with a functional Armory installation.

You should've kept everything as is then just imported your wallet backup via "Import of Restore Wallet".
It accepts exported wallet/printed backups from "Wallet Properties->Backup This Wallet".

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: goatpig on September 15, 2023, 08:14:45 AM
Thank you again & this is where I am kind of lost, I know very little about the use of commands & how to specify these paths. I take it is done in command prompt & does it need to be elevated?

You can achieve this with config files. Read the "Config Files" section of, it's pretty straight forward.

Please would you walk me through the exact steps like I am a 2 year old..?

I can try to hand hold you but you have to tell me about your setup first:

- Do you have a custom datadir for Core? Where is your blockchain data if so?
- Do you have a custom dbdir for Armory? Where is it if so?
- Do you want Armory to automate bitcoind or do you want to control it yourself?

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 15, 2023, 05:48:58 PM
Thank you for all the help & since I posted last, I decided to install Bitcoin Core on my C: drive, I have had to prune the blockchain. It is already updated & I have an install of Armory now on my C: drive also.

Today I loaded the Armory QT & it has started to update the blocks, currently 7% 444939 blocks & counting down.

If this fails I will go through everything you have all advised I do from here.

Thank you all again for your swift replies.  8)

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: nc50lc on September 16, 2023, 03:44:12 AM
Thank you for all the help & since I posted last, I decided to install Bitcoin Core on my C: drive, I have had to prune the blockchain. It is already updated & I have an install of Armory now on my C: drive also.
Armory doesn't support pruned blockchain, it wont sync properly since you're missing some blocks.

If this fails I will go through everything you have all advised I do from here.
You wouldn't have to if you set the correct paths and checked if those directories actually contain the necessary files.

Alternatively, share the log so that we can check what's causing the issue.
You can find it inside Armory's data directory (Yours is set in: C:\Users\anotherusername\AppData\Roaming\Armory),
"armorylog.txt" file, paste it in ( (remove usernames if you have to) and share the permalink here.

For example (the directories that you've set):
  • Your  "D:\Program Files\Bitcoin" should have bitcoind.exe inside 'daemon' or 'bin' folder.
  • Your "D:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin" should have blocks folder with more or less 600GB size.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 16, 2023, 08:30:07 PM
Oh wow ok, I am going to order a 2TB SSD for delivery next week & I will install Bitcoin Core (no prune) that's likely all my issues.

I ran out of space on this drive today & the wallet still had 30k blocks to go. I will make a clone & use the extra space for Bitcoin Core & Armory.

Thanks to you all for helping me try to understand this.

Title: Re: BTC transaction unconfirmed after 92 confirmations
Post by: Tigerbill on September 20, 2023, 05:49:03 PM
Hello, I have installed the new drive, downloaded Bitcoin Core to my 2TB C: drive & I can happily tell you all the transaction is there, in both Armory 0.96 & 0.96.5.

I will read back through the help in regards to the order of the programs & using command prompt.

I am happy to say I didn't need to use it  8)
