Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Spaceman1000$ on September 04, 2023, 03:26:53 PM

Title: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on September 04, 2023, 03:26:53 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?


Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Faisal2202 on September 04, 2023, 04:12:40 PM
As far as I knew, China was facing deflation. And we all know high deflation has bad impact like inflation (of course not at the same level but to emphasize the fact that they both have bad impacts). I have read many posts from stompix about china and the conditions are not good there. Prices of things are made so cheap, a gold bar is gifted to those who wanted to buy house (which in reality is just to fake the actual price) well that's another thing.

The point is people are not buying and the production level has increased so much in china but consumption is lower which caused deflation. Of course there are other factors involved too.

Well, I think you are generally comparing the economy of China with other and I think in that comparison China might be doing better than others. Like for example better than Canada and to be honest Canada really is facing situations but people still are going there for educational purposes or on work visa.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: avikz on September 04, 2023, 04:16:39 PM
These numbers are manipulated! The main aim of the communist party is to maintain a great image of China infront of the world. But the reality is very different that what you are seeing here.

A good read:

I personally work with 17 Chinese colleagues who are doing the same job since last 18 years without changing the company and with only one promotion. They are afraid of changing jobs as there's not much opportunities available outside the metro cities and it's extremely costly to live in metro cities. Do not believe things coming out of China glorifying themselves.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: uneng on September 04, 2023, 04:38:35 PM
China is a mechanistic nation which reduces its citizens to human labor. It's totally different from the occident where emotions and feelings are valued and people are sensitive and butthurted for minor reasons. It's much simpler to manage an economy composed by robotized humans instead of unstable and demanding humans.

Then you have people working more, receiving inferior payrates, producing more goods and services, without complaining about anything in the end. For the government and other people on the top of the pyramid it's great.

Moreover, the whole world consumes huge volumes of chinese exports. I believe the combination of those factors make China be the economical potency it is.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: lockingbay on September 04, 2023, 04:39:02 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people to heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

China is world's larger exporter with multiple resources and also very opportunistic and also it has highest earnings in all the world. And they are leading in anything.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: romero121 on September 04, 2023, 04:40:33 PM
China doesn't disclose clear data to the outer world. The manipulated data or data gathered by the agencies weren't that perfect. The calculation made based on the data revealed shows China's economy is strong. The small scale industries in the country were the key for the development of the country's economy. For China population served as a big issue and now different policies to control population have given effective result.

Soon after the COVID, the country hit hard in all sectors. But no clear information gets revealed to the outer world. China's economy needs to be kept aside, because the way they create export and import market is different from other countries.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: BIT-BENDER on September 04, 2023, 04:58:54 PM
China is an industrial country and they have found ways to make use of their human resources to their favor, so far this move has worked out very well for them. Also they have strict laws unlike most Western country and this laws allows the government detect majorly how This are ran in the country with the willing or unwilling cooperation of their citizens.

Also china is a country that has invested in lots of countries especially in the developing countries mostly through loans or building/purchase of industries in those countries this gives china revenues and long term profits

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: tabas on September 04, 2023, 05:01:59 PM
I want you to think outside the box. Maybe they're able to maintain their status afloat even if it's known that the majority is suffering from the global crisis. But it's possible that even with the side motion of their economy, they're able to control what's going to come in and out with the media since their government is controlled by the CCP. So, data and numbers can be modified and they're only allowed to project what's good inside and outside the country.


That incident surely have a big impact to their economy and probably they're tailoring it as if nothing is negatively happening to them and they're in control. But it can't also be denied that during the covid-19 pandemic height, they're able to spread their investments since majority of the stocks from that time were low. Well, go back to the first sentence of what I've said.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Bananington on September 04, 2023, 05:26:03 PM
If you take time to study the history of many of these powerful countries like China, you would understand that their success and growth dates back to previous monarchs or leaders. They have many of their citizens migrate to Europe and the Western countries to study and develop their knowledge. They come back home and use the knowledge to better their economy.
Their growth is a result of long term plan followed consistently, intentionally and with great discipline.
Anyone wondering how they just happen to have a good economy should care much to know about its history, wars, natural disasters and outbreaks it has had to fight through as a country to be where it is today.
Still it remains one of the best commercial hubs in the world.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on September 04, 2023, 05:29:42 PM
I want you to think outside the box. Maybe they're able to maintain their status afloat even if it's known that the majority is suffering from the global crisis. But it's possible that even with the side motion of their economy, they're able to control what's going to come in and out with the media since their government is controlled by the CCP. So, data and numbers can be modified and they're only allowed to project what's good inside and outside the country.


That incident surely have a big impact to their economy and probably they're tailoring it as if nothing is negatively happening to them and they're in control. But it can't also be denied that during the covid-19 pandemic height, they're able to spread their investments since majority of the stocks from that time were low. Well, go back to the first sentence of what I've said.

I can agree with you about the fact that, china would want to control whatever that is going out on the media space, but you can as well point out to the fact that, they have lots of companies owned by Chinese in other countries that are doing very well, in my country for instance, there are lot's of Chinese companies doing very well, for instance is EECC, a frontline construction giant in my country, that is just one out of a lot, some are also into oil and gas. So to large extent, this investments are generating a lot to the growth of their GDP,

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: so98nn on September 04, 2023, 05:48:42 PM
China is a mechanistic nation which reduces its citizens to human labor. It's totally different from the occident where emotions and feelings are valued and people are sensitive and butthurted for minor reasons. It's much simpler to manage an economy composed by robotized humans instead of unstable and demanding humans.

Though it is true that human labor is the key for China, there is the other side where automation also runs at full capacity within China. Another important aspect is outsourcing. This is not done by China but the entire global network depends on China's power of acting as a contract-based entity meaning everyone manufactures from China and they assemble within China. Imagine the amount of money they get from other nations. They produce cheap and other nations need to pay the tax toll all the time. No wonder why they also turned into deflation this time.

Things are getting worse for ever nation out there. China is one mysterious country with the truth hidden all the time.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: franky1 on September 04, 2023, 06:05:14 PM
GDP means nothing to people. its a useless stat that is made by using debt as an asset to project any countries "power" in the world rankings

here is the thing. if 2 countries never changed its PRODUCTION of goods and services.. the numbers can change upto 15% just by having the numbers calculated different by simply seeing a different forex rate

to add to this
when countries own bonds of other countries and are receiving 1-5% interest. again doing nothing adds 1-5%
then adding more 'money print' cash into circulation adds a few percent on too.. all without any goods or service production increase

so in short. stop caring about GDP it means nothing is not based on anything meaningful and can be manipulated on many factors that dont affect real life tangible change

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Doan9269 on September 04, 2023, 06:35:31 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people to heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?


China us a country that is well disciplined and principled, they control their own system from within and also try to manage themselves without depending on any other country for sustainability, they encourage their local production and develope nee inventions, their productivity is very high and competitive, all these are part of what constitute to the growth of their economy and they make their law very strict against any importation of foreign items than what they locally produced from their own country, we can also see their population growth as part of what make their economy boom because they plan and control their population, as you can see the massive growth from their GDP.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: ZAINmalik75 on September 04, 2023, 06:44:59 PM
China is world's larger exporter with multiple resources and also very opportunistic and also it has highest earnings in all the world. And they are leading in anything.
I agreed with your point as if we see at the bigger picture and try to compare the GDP of China with all other countries besides the fact that China is facing deflationary situation and other countries are facing inflationary situation then if we would compare the numbers and stats then we will definitely find China as the biggest  seller or exporter. China is famous for making all kinds of thing at any cost. For example if we say we need a memory card at the cost of only $2 then they will make that for you and if we ask them to make a memory card for $20 then they will also make that for you. People are so hard working that home industries has grown so much in china that now products are more and consumer are less in the market. Which is causing yuan to lose value and now they are trying hard to maintain that. And I think it will be manages easily.

I personally work with 17 Chinese colleagues who are doing the same job since last 18 years without changing the company and with only one promotion. They are afraid of changing jobs as there's not much opportunities available outside the metro cities and it's extremely costly to live in metro cities. Do not believe things coming out of China glorifying themselves.
Thanks for the verification as I was also confused to read this because from pat few days I have reading that China is facing some severe financial problems like deflation, no buying of things. And people of there are trying hard to sell there products which are in abundant form. Yuan will slowly lose its value. And still OP was saying the GDP of China has improved in compared to Canada or some other country. He might having this discussion from some another angle but things are really not so go there roo because where inflation could put the financial status of a country at risk there deflation also has bad impact and it could effect the import and export plus selling will be lesser then before.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: tabas on September 04, 2023, 06:46:18 PM
I want you to think outside the box. Maybe they're able to maintain their status afloat even if it's known that the majority is suffering from the global crisis. But it's possible that even with the side motion of their economy, they're able to control what's going to come in and out with the media since their government is controlled by the CCP. So, data and numbers can be modified and they're only allowed to project what's good inside and outside the country.


That incident surely have a big impact to their economy and probably they're tailoring it as if nothing is negatively happening to them and they're in control. But it can't also be denied that during the covid-19 pandemic height, they're able to spread their investments since majority of the stocks from that time were low. Well, go back to the first sentence of what I've said.

I can agree with you about the fact that, china would want to control whatever that is going out on the media space, but you can as well point out to the fact that, they have lots of companies owned by Chinese in other countries that are doing very well, in my country for instance, there are lot's of Chinese companies doing very well, for instance is EECC, a frontline construction giant in my country, that is just one out of a lot, some are also into oil and gas. So to large extent, this investments are generating a lot to the growth of their GDP,
Yes, there's no denying with those successful companies outside China that are doing well and contributes to China's GDP and growth. And for sure that they're also backed by the CCP and they have their share back to the mainland. But with all of the stuff that's going outside their country, if we're going to talk about things inside, there's a lot that could have been manipulated already when reported to the mass media.
Another incident are the following below, I wouldn't go into detail but there's something that's happening there that we'll never know.

  • Why Chinese can't withdraw their money deposited in banks (
  • Chinese depositors left in dark as three local banks freeze deposits (
  • Small banks in China are running into trouble. Savers could lose everything (

Although that news was from last year, it's not that far and I'm still trying to look for some updates.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: cabron on September 04, 2023, 06:55:18 PM

Rich countries do have debts in China. If China falls all the rest will fall as well just as the US will fall, the rest of the West may also crumble.

So many reports that are not really accurate as we are in economic warfare and sanctions are getting out of hand but the real things are happening right there. Diplomats visiting China to ask China to buy their treasury bonds so why are they asking China to buy their debts? France and Germany are about to flip to China.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 04, 2023, 07:02:51 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?


To get the answer - just read up on China, over the last 50 years. I will tell you very primitively and simplistically :)
In the beginning - a huge but backward, agrarian-oriented country. No offense, there's nothing wrong with that. But they managed to become almost the second economy of the world.
So what went wrong in China, like other third world countries?
China started offering its territory as a site for manufacturing. That was the first stage, and it started to work. Yes, the country had a communist dictatorship (no, not at the level of North Korea, of course), but they realized that they could make money and develop their economy. Many western manufacturers came to the country, built their factories, and got good labor, and cheap labor.
Then manufacturers realized that it is possible to produce not only primitive goods, but also high-tech products. Plus - the AMAZING position for reducing logistics costs in the Africa-Asia-Oceania region.
And so it began - everyone who could not help themselves came to China and brought technology! And the technological revolution in China began. New technologies, whole production facilities were brought to China for decades, local specialists were trained.....
And that's what jump-started all other sectors of the economy. China from resource-agrarian China became a technological giant with a well-developed industry.
But this is very simplistic :)

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: mu_enrico on September 04, 2023, 07:41:15 PM
First of all, echoing the previous comments, you can't trust data from CCP. Then, you can search the following keywords "Why GDP is not a good measure of economic growth" and you'll find a lot of articles explaining the problem with GDP as a metric. Anyway, it doesn't mean the China economy is so bad that it would lead to revolution or whatever. I'm just saying that they got hit hard by COVID and they aren't superpower like their propaganda as well. They have a big economy, but the fact that they also have the #1 population, will scream a poor GDP per capita. So most people are still poor by 1st world standards.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Hispo on September 04, 2023, 11:03:44 PM
Well, I am not an expert in Asian economics or geopolitics but if anyone asked me what is behind China´s success I would say it is about production, education and development of technologies.

They are major producers of almost every product I can think of, I am sure you all have stumbled with the fact many things have the "Made in China" phrase engraved on them, they remain to be highly competitive which only helps them economically. Perhaps that competition exist in detriment of the life style of workers, but that is a different topic.

On the other hand, they have fairly good education programs, if we ignore that those are probably politicized so the youth would obey and respect the CCP, they are seemly also quite competent when comes to development of science.

Also, Canada & USA are quite vulnerable to drug trafficking and the entrance of fentanyl and other synthetic drugs, in China there are harsh penalties against traffickers, usually death. Keeping drugs as far as the streets seems to be a priority for them.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: avikz on September 05, 2023, 03:13:34 AM
I personally work with 17 Chinese colleagues who are doing the same job since last 18 years without changing the company and with only one promotion. They are afraid of changing jobs as there's not much opportunities available outside the metro cities and it's extremely costly to live in metro cities. Do not believe things coming out of China glorifying themselves.
Thanks for the verification as I was also confused to read this because from pat few days I have reading that China is facing some severe financial problems like deflation, no buying of things. And people of there are trying hard to sell there products which are in abundant form. Yuan will slowly lose its value. And still OP was saying the GDP of China has improved in compared to Canada or some other country. He might having this discussion from some another angle but things are really not so go there roo because where inflation could put the financial status of a country at risk there deflation also has bad impact and it could effect the import and export plus selling will be lesser then before.

GDP calculation and market cap calculation are same things and means very little. For example -

A country has 999 residents living in poverty and one billionaire. So as per the GDP calculation, their per capita income is 1 million.

Similarly, a cryptocurrency has 1000 units in the market and one unit got sold at 1 million. The market cap of that cryptocurrency becomes 1 billion.

Both are flawed!

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: jrrsparkles on September 05, 2023, 05:19:21 AM
The answer is simple, China is the manufacturing hub of the world right now so they are managing to keep it that way as long as possible We can't deny that fact most countries are still dependent on China for products which includes big tech giants like Apple so I can get the clear picture why they are ahead of other countries. And for the record surely they are going to surpass every nation as soon as possible.

And China is no different from other countries where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer so GDP growth doesn't reflect on the entire 1.4 billion people but it definitely the reflection of the top 1% or whatever it is.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Latviand on September 05, 2023, 05:35:23 AM
  • Lying, there's a report already that they've lied about their statistics in their population so what's stopping them from lying about other things, they're secretive and they keep denying stuff that's already proven by multiple sources and censor their Internet, what kind of country who is honest about the stuff going on in their country have to hide that they censor their social media platforms heavily?
  • Currying favors through bullying, China uses their large population and their production capabilities to make brands submit to their ideals, no celebrity or brand can talk shit about China without ever apologizing the next day.
  • Corruption, no need to elaborate on this too much, Chinese buildings that they reported can be built in a day or weeks are held together by substandard products and expedited processes to skimp on the building funds so they can pocket more.
  • Real estate in China is a good economic booster but at the same time their demise because people are buying properties in advance even though they don't exactly have any physical houses yet to be given to those buyers.
  • Their currency yuan is exclusive iirc, meaning that it only circulates in the country and so it shows that their economy is actually growing.

These are not the facts, they're all the stuff that I've read and watched about economics throughout the years so I could be entirely wrong about all of these. I welcome any corrections :).

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: dothebeats on September 05, 2023, 05:56:19 AM
The thing with China is that they do not disclose information regarding their country and government fully. I believe there are some articles stating that some, if not most, of the statistics produced pertaining to China and its economy were all made up (I would probably go back here and cite some sources myself). However, I think what's keeping China ahead of other countries is that China is serving as the manufacturing hub of the world. Most of the parts needed by big companies like Apple are sourced from China. For some who are not aware, despite some products stating that they are made in the US or other Western countries, you will see if you search that the majority of the parts needed for that specific product were made and gotten from China, it was just assembled in the US or the country it claimed to be made in. Moreover, education in China is really good and they are very strict in ensuring that children there are given more than what they need in terms of academics, I'm sure a lot of us have already heard how strict they are with academic achievements.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Kakmakr on September 05, 2023, 06:34:06 AM
I think I will rather stay in a country where my civil rights are protected and where I can still strike, if my employer abuse those rights. The Chinese government and their leaders that country with an iron fist... and the citizens have very little freedom.

The economic data that are released are not verified and not transparent at all.... so the little bit of information that are released are most probably manipulated.

The sad part is that the Chinese people are happy with that.... and it works for them, but I do not want to live there for all the money in the world.  ;)

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 05, 2023, 06:57:35 AM
The thing with China is that they do not disclose information regarding their country and government fully. I believe there are some articles stating that some, if not most, of the statistics produced pertaining to China and its economy were all made up (I would probably go back here and cite some sources myself). However, I think what's keeping China ahead of other countries is that China is serving as the manufacturing hub of the world. Most of the parts needed by big companies like Apple are sourced from China. For some who are not aware, despite some products stating that they are made in the US or other Western countries, you will see if you search that the majority of the parts needed for that specific product were made and gotten from China, it was just assembled in the US or the country it claimed to be made in. Moreover, education in China is really good and they are very strict in ensuring that children there are given more than what they need in terms of academics, I'm sure a lot of us have already heard how strict they are with academic achievements.

This is a problem inherent in all totalitarian or near-totalitarian countries. The fact is that in such countries information is used mostly for manipulation and propaganda. Take North Korea for example - there they flew on the sun and won all Olympics and world championships in all disciplines. Well, how else to keep the starving population in inhuman conditions in their hands - they must be restrained by such positive lies. And of course - their economic indicators are also "the highest in the world", and the whole world "lives much worse than North Korea" :)
Of course, China has not sunk to such a level, but it uses some of the "techniques" of information manipulation. For example, gold and currency reserves - were and remain completely closed information.... Once in the 20s they published it more or less openly, and that's it, the information is no longer available. But there is a lot of "beautiful data" about the economy and "the strong hand of Deng Xiaoning, leading China to world domination". By the way - the next term of Deng Xiaoping became possibly fatal for China.  Now the government has begun to restrict private business, total control is being introduced, freedoms that have not had time to fully develop are being curtailed, and all this is unlikely to benefit China, given its current critical problems in the economy.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Yamane_Keto on September 05, 2023, 07:00:08 AM
There is difficulty in verifying the validity of the data coming from China, and we cannot consider that GDP is the only measure to say that the country is in an economic problem or not, but what is certain is that the Chinese economy is easy to control compared to the economies of the West, and the long-term vision and planning make the country have a cash reserve that enables it to The consequences of any financial crisis have exceeded, and if we note that China's reserves of the dollar and treasury bonds have decreased significantly during the last 3 years.

We need to wait several years to judge the impact of COVID-19 on the economies of countries and whether a country has succeeded in doing so or not, but it is wrong to compare China with Canada due to the large differences in the structure of the economy between both countries.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: @sriyan on September 05, 2023, 07:15:22 AM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

They are producing everything in China. Even the US manufacturers are going to China for the production due to lower production costs. Also, they are giving loans to every country. If you check country-wise bitcoin holdings, China has higher bitcoin holdings. Other things are they can create any virus and control the world population. They can create the medication for that as well. So they can be the next powerful country in the world.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Fiatless on September 05, 2023, 07:27:54 AM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
A few decades ago China was a developing nation but they were later blessed with good leadership. Their leaders saw the population as an advantage and took advantage of it. They invested heavily in education and made many citizens skillful. Many Chinese students were sponsored to study in US universities where they were exposed to American technology. They began to copy American technology and created cheap labor and products. In a few years, they became the cheapest place to produce many products and many nations moved their industries to China. China gradually became the major trading partner of the most powerful nations and built their influence.

Currently, China is facing several problems due to its aging population because of bad birth control policies. Donald Trump made some policies that made many US companies sever ties with China. And the Covid 19 also affected the economy. But China is an example of a country that turned a problem to an opportunity and it is also an example of how good political leadership can change a country positively.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: bluebit25 on September 05, 2023, 09:15:18 AM
I think here everyone must admit the fact that China is good at diversity and innovation. It's clear that the difficult global context has caused many areas to limit development, leading to problems economy. I've only seen data from the press for a long time as a source of what they want us to pay attention to, and in terms of economics, we have to observe many other issues that they are concerned about, from policies their changes, their position internationally all demonstrate that success cannot be denied.

I know that many people don't like China (or rather the government) but they obviously can't please everyone, and the truth is they are also trying to do well. In addition, I also heard about domestic consumption recovering quickly in China. Chinese people have a strong propensity to consume, and the rapid recovery of the consumer market has helped drive economic development.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Fortify on September 05, 2023, 03:53:26 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.

I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

There's no doubt that the Chinese government had brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the last few decades. In the early years they achieved this by creating many millions of factory jobs which had rather "basic' conditions with health and working hour conditions that would never be accepted in developed countries. However lately they face the typical problem that new generations of workers are wanting to gravitate towards less menial tasks but there does not seem to be capacity to support them. Combined with older generations using property as their main investment/retirement vehicle it creates a rather chaotic situation which may unravel the whole economy.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: slapper on September 05, 2023, 04:30:11 PM
  • Lying, there's a report already that they've lied about their statistics in their population so what's stopping them from lying about other things, they're secretive and they keep denying stuff that's already proven by multiple sources and censor their Internet, what kind of country who is honest about the stuff going on in their country have to hide that they censor their social media platforms heavily?
  • Currying favors through bullying, China uses their large population and their production capabilities to make brands submit to their ideals, no celebrity or brand can talk shit about China without ever apologizing the next day.
  • Corruption, no need to elaborate on this too much, Chinese buildings that they reported can be built in a day or weeks are held together by substandard products and expedited processes to skimp on the building funds so they can pocket more.
  • Real estate in China is a good economic booster but at the same time their demise because people are buying properties in advance even though they don't exactly have any physical houses yet to be given to those buyers.
  • Their currency yuan is exclusive iirc, meaning that it only circulates in the country and so it shows that their economy is actually growing.

These are not the facts, they're all the stuff that I've read and watched about economics throughout the years so I could be entirely wrong about all of these. I welcome any corrections :).
First off, the art of understanding statistics requires an appreciation for nuances. Yes, there are certain discrepancies between how things are reported in Western and Eastern media that I have looked at. Let's not, however, pretend that this exclusively occurs in China. With regard to the assertion that the Internet is controlled, numerous nations employ various facets of information control. I'm not suggesting we should be cruel to them; rather, I'm just saying let's not.

How about using "bullying" to achieve your goals? To influence global brands and decisions, all nations employ both soft power and hard power. Geopolitics at its most fundamental. The Chinese yuan is a concern. Is it utilized solely in China? This is incorrect. On foreign markets, the yuan has performed well. Even the IMF included it in its SDR basket. Ever ponder why?

Isn't this the case for many developing nations when it comes to real estate and alleged construction shortcuts?

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: MFahad on September 05, 2023, 05:21:27 PM
They are producing everything in China. Even the US manufacturers are going to China for the production due to lower production costs. Also, they are giving loans to every country. If you check country-wise bitcoin holdings, China has higher bitcoin holdings. Other things are they can create any virus and control the world population. They can create the medication for that as well. So they can be the next powerful country in the world.

First of all China is a producing countries and many other countries are dependent on China for the purpose of importing useful material so this is the main reason that economy of China is high.

The people of China are creative so whenever hard situations arises there they does not depends on others but work for the development of equipments that are suitable for handling such situations.

There are lots of electronic material which other countries imports from China which increases its economy so its clear that if people of a country are creative and larger import they make then the economy of that country will be increasing.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 05, 2023, 05:36:51 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.

I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

There's no doubt that the Chinese government had brought hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in the last few decades. In the early years they achieved this by creating many millions of factory jobs which had rather "basic' conditions with health and working hour conditions that would never be accepted in developed countries. However lately they face the typical problem that new generations of workers are wanting to gravitate towards less menial tasks but there does not seem to be capacity to support them. Combined with older generations using property as their main investment/retirement vehicle it creates a rather chaotic situation which may unravel the whole economy.

The new vector of Deng Xiaoping is usurpation of power, curtailment of freedoms, control of the state over private business. This is a new turn in the history of China, but not upward, but downward - i.e. degradation.
The problem is that in China, over the previous decades, people got new opportunities and got used to "almost Western" governance in China. It is silly to deny that over the last 2-3 decades both investor countries and the Chinese leadership from an agrarian country of the third world made China - in fact, the second economy of the world !  But now the process is turning backwards... Investments are leaving, laws are tightening, control and influence of the state on citizens and private business, very much intensified. Plus - COWID and world destabilization have created huge problems for the Chinese economy. And we have yet to hear the "rumblings of China's falling economy" because China is very closed, in terms of inside and critical information. But it is a matter of time. Although, if China manages to "pull the yuan over the heads" of the BRICS members - as the currency of internal settlements in BRICS, and China manages to "dedollarize" their economies - China will be able to save its economy. But the truth - at the expense of the economies of the unfortunate BRICS members.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: poodle63 on September 06, 2023, 12:04:49 AM
The answer is simple, China is the manufacturing hub of the world right now so they are managing to keep it that way as long as possible We can't deny that fact most countries are still dependent on China for products which includes big tech giants like Apple so I can get the clear picture why they are ahead of other countries. And for the record surely they are going to surpass every nation as soon as possible.

And China is no different from other countries where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer so GDP growth doesn't reflect on the entire 1.4 billion people but it definitely the reflection of the top 1% or whatever it is.
agreed with this one, the thing with china is that their manufcaturing facilities are already too advanced that many companies that have put their manufacturing in china are hesitant to move to other countries even though there are alternatives like south east asia mainly vietnam that have as low manufacturing fee as china but the facilities surrounding it are still in development even though it took that development rapidly.
the other thing might be the fact that many of these company are already getting used to manufactures their goods in china so they just went with it.
the reason their gdp is ever growing is because these manufacturing of goods that took place in china I assume is always rising so fast.
things might change when vietnam and the other south east asian countries finished developing their infrastructure for manufacturing.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 06, 2023, 07:00:08 AM
The answer is simple, China is the manufacturing hub of the world right now so they are managing to keep it that way as long as possible We can't deny that fact most countries are still dependent on China for products which includes big tech giants like Apple so I can get the clear picture why they are ahead of other countries. And for the record surely they are going to surpass every nation as soon as possible.

And China is no different from other countries where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer so GDP growth doesn't reflect on the entire 1.4 billion people but it definitely the reflection of the top 1% or whatever it is.
agreed with this one, the thing with china is that their manufcaturing facilities are already too advanced that many companies that have put their manufacturing in china are hesitant to move to other countries even though there are alternatives like south east asia mainly vietnam that have as low manufacturing fee as china but the facilities surrounding it are still in development even though it took that development rapidly.
the other thing might be the fact that many of these company are already getting used to manufactures their goods in china so they just went with it.
the reason their gdp is ever growing is because these manufacturing of goods that took place in china I assume is always rising so fast.
things might change when vietnam and the other south east asian countries finished developing their infrastructure for manufacturing.

An alternative to China as a "world producer" could emerge at any moment. For the sake of objectivity, it should be said that the most competitive and so far difficult to replace and in demand are high-tech products. They are produced in factories built by Western investors and companies, using Western technologies. All the rest, China's nearest neighbors produce no worse, and maybe even better - Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand - this is what I personally observed, and perhaps other countries in the region. And there are already technological centers in some of them. I think diversification of risks and the current situation of confrontation between China and the Western world will lead to the fact that alternative production will be in these countries, and they will become the "largest producers". Yes, it will take time, but it is a well-considered and correct move.
Yes, and don't forget about India - a powerful country with a more stable economy than China, plus a full-fledged regional leader and a country occupying a worthy position in the world hierarchy !

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: kryptqnick on September 06, 2023, 11:58:32 AM
A big population isn't always a downside because lots of people also means a lot of workforce. China's a manufacturing country, lots of things are made there, both by off-brand companies and by big international brands. That's because people there are more used to working a lot, working hard, but getting paid less than workers in, say, Western countries. By producing tons of stuff for export and engaging in a very active trade both with Asian countries and with the West, China can maintain a powerful economy, although that by no means results in a lack of struggling people or that the wealth China accumulates is distributed reasonably and fairly.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: icalical on September 06, 2023, 12:03:21 PM
In my opinion that many people is actually a benefit instead of obstacle. With that many people the competition for job is very tight and people are more willing to take lower salary, with generally low salary it will boost production and thus the Industry will be much easier to develop, expand and scale. I think the same will/are happening in India.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: |MINER| on September 06, 2023, 05:06:25 PM
China is a strong and orderly country.  They have manpower and by utilizing this manpower they are making great progress.  China is putting a lot of emphasis on technical education which is increasing their skills and as a result they are making various new innovations.  Although they do not tell the secret of their improvement.  Yet we can say that productivity, manpower, discipline among them are the keys to their financial success. I will add one more thing to this, they mainly emphasize technical education, they get more hands-on education.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 06, 2023, 05:46:23 PM
A big population isn't always a downside because lots of people also means a lot of workforce. China's a manufacturing country, lots of things are made there, both by off-brand companies and by big international brands. That's because people there are more used to working a lot, working hard, but getting paid less than workers in, say, Western countries. By producing tons of stuff for export and engaging in a very active trade both with Asian countries and with the West, China can maintain a powerful economy, although that by no means results in a lack of struggling people or that the wealth China accumulates is distributed reasonably and fairly.

Yes and no :)
It all depends on the balance of the economy and the amount of population.
In fact, China has more population relative to the number of normal paying jobs than necessary. So we have a well-developed industrial coast south/east of the country, and inland - unemployment rises, incomes fall.
Low population is also bad. For example, in some European developed countries, there is on the contrary a lack of population. This is a "brake" for both development and support of the current economy of the country. No growth - population grows old - social burden grows - taxes decrease. Which is also bad.
In a word - balance is needed in everything !

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Unbunplease on September 06, 2023, 08:38:21 PM
It should be taken into account that China is a certain kind of regime country ruled by communists. There are not a lot of freedoms there. Therefore, it is not so difficult to manage the economy. The common people actually do not benefit from economic development at all

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Cling18 on September 06, 2023, 09:51:25 PM
China is a strong and orderly country.  They have manpower and by utilizing this manpower they are making great progress.  China is putting a lot of emphasis on technical education which is increasing their skills and as a result they are making various new innovations.  Although they do not tell the secret of their improvement.  Yet we can say that productivity, manpower, discipline among them are the keys to their financial success. I will add one more thing to this, they mainly emphasize technical education, they get more hands-on education.

I certainly agree, they focus on nurturing their education system and make sure that more people focus on putting up businesses. They always focus on making money and they know how to deal with every economic crisis. They have a firm foundation as they aren't just putting up businesses in their own country but other countries as well and they are also into exporting their products.
They are wise enough to handle their finances individually or even in corporate businesses. They are the type of people who won't feel contented and satisfied with what they currently have but rather always up to creating strategies and techniques to grow what they have.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: flyingcarpet on September 06, 2023, 10:15:46 PM
China is a strong and orderly country.  They have manpower and by utilizing this manpower they are making great progress.  China is putting a lot of emphasis on technical education which is increasing their skills and as a result they are making various new innovations.  Although they do not tell the secret of their improvement.  Yet we can say that productivity, manpower, discipline among them are the keys to their financial success. I will add one more thing to this, they mainly emphasize technical education, they get more hands-on education.

I certainly agree, they focus on nurturing their education system and make sure that more people focus on putting up businesses. They always focus on making money and they know how to deal with every economic crisis. They have a firm foundation as they aren't just putting up businesses in their own country but other countries as well and they are also into exporting their products.
They are wise enough to handle their finances individually or even in corporate businesses. They are the type of people who won't feel contented and satisfied with what they currently have but rather always up to creating strategies and techniques to grow what they have.

When I was educated, even long ago, examples were given from the Chinese economy. Their good economy is due to the fact that they have a solid education system. When you give the training in the best way, the quality of other things automatically increases. This is exactly the system we see in China.

The fact that they can produce the goods they export cheaply makes it difficult to find alternatives. They have a very large export product market. Being one of the biggest shareholders of this market for years shows that China is successful.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Pingrapole on September 07, 2023, 04:30:04 AM
Socialist countries don't let outsiders know their internal situation, so we have to accept what they say China's inflation rate is very high, their brothers are very high and their real rate of GDP is very low, and because of good relations with Russia, Western countries buy much less of their goods buying.The main reason for China's economy is that their products are technical products, agricultural products and other products. They earn a large part of their economy by exporting these products to foreign countries. Clothing industry is considered as one of their major industries is USA and western world countries are China's main market there they earn their income by trading products like aluminum steel etc. along with electronic products, and they are different They also earn huge interest through loans to underdeveloped and developing countries investing in those countries and putting them in huge debt trap like Sri Lanka with their Hambantota Tota The seaport has been leased, there may be a similar situation in Pakistan.Currently, we know that the most prosperous country in the world is the United States of America, but according to the purchasing power of the annual GDP, it is the most powerful country. China is the most powerful country.China, North Korea and the socialist states have their own privates Does not disclose information and about their economy or and about their economy or that The information is almost all given by them in fact their economic condition is not very good their economy is currently standing with the help of various products selling interest and electronic products.And Chinese people work hard Because many of their population do not want to leave once they get a job, they are afraid of not getting a job later and because of their large population, their economy is already strong because everyone is in some kind of work Being employed is one of the tools to boost their economy, and they keep the economy strong through the income of this population and their various policies in the outside world.
The main reason why their economy is strong is that they have a lot of industries. Where there is a lot of manpower and their biggest source of income is their investment they make a lot of money from investment Earnings and abroad are different Industries export a lot of products Industries export a lot of products Various Sustaining China's economic market sustaining region is South Asia twenty-two regions in these regions they sell a lot of their goods and force different countries to sell because of their debt A pressure is on those states.
Finally, I can say that Chinese citizens are very skilled, and their technical knowledge is much more industries and factories they work hard and struggle after covid 99 has made their economy stronger They and there are many reasons behind it. They are orderly nations. They obey the head of the state and all economic activities are disobedient to his orders.
Likewise, they and there are many reasons behind it. They are orderly nations. They obey the head of the state and all economic activities are disobedient to his order Key tool.China's large investors from various countries are the main tool to sustain China's economy This is the main reason.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: karabiber on September 07, 2023, 09:36:26 AM
China is a strong and orderly country.  They have manpower and by utilizing this manpower they are making great progress.  China is putting a lot of emphasis on technical education which is increasing their skills and as a result they are making various new innovations.  Although they do not tell the secret of their improvement.  Yet we can say that productivity, manpower, discipline among them are the keys to their financial success. I will add one more thing to this, they mainly emphasize technical education, they get more hands-on education.

When artificial intelligence and robotics technology become cheaper in the next fifty years, American and European industry will become less dependent on manpower. I wonder how China will feed its billions of unskilled workers and citizens as a result. China is a cheap labor economy based entirely on cheap manufacturing. Although they have recently come to the forefront with automobile technology, this does not mean that they are not cheap labor.
It is the United States and Europe that are growing China. These countries were looking for cheap production zones outside their borders and for many years China was their production base. Now as technology becomes cheaper, people are being replaced by machines.

China, no matter how much it invests in research and development, no matter how many high tech moves it makes, draws its economic strength from cheap labor and its billion strong workforce.
European and American economies are making moves to reduce human dependency in industry
The unit cost of a fully robotic factory will be cheaper than human labor in the coming years. This will be a big test for economies like China and India, which rely entirely on cheap unskilled labor.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Sayeds56 on September 07, 2023, 10:12:43 AM
First of all China is a producing countries and many other countries are dependent on China for the purpose of importing useful material so this is the main reason that economy of China is high.

The people of China are creative so whenever hard situations arises there they does not depends on others but work for the development of equipment's that are suitable for handling such situations.

There are lots of electronic material which other countries imports from China which increases its economy so its clear that if people of a country are creative and larger import they make then the economy of that country will be increasing.

Certainly, China has established itself as a global manufacturing powerhouse, producing wide range of products for the whole world, in short it is known as "the factory of the world" capable of manufacture everything from consumable goods to ight and heavy machinery for agriculture and industrial use.

However,  economy of China is slowing down due to deflationary pressures, in particular the real estate sector is facing liquidity challenges, and real estate giant corporations like Evergrande has filed bankruptcy.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Doan9269 on September 07, 2023, 10:14:39 AM
China is a strong and orderly country.  They have manpower and by utilizing this manpower they are making great progress.  China is putting a lot of emphasis on technical education which is increasing their skills and as a result they are making various new innovations.  Although they do not tell the secret of their improvement.  Yet we can say that productivity, manpower, discipline among them are the keys to their financial success. I will add one more thing to this, they mainly emphasize technical education, they get more hands-on education.

I certainly agree, they focus on nurturing their education system and make sure that more people focus on putting up businesses. They always focus on making money and they know how to deal with every economic crisis. They have a firm foundation as they aren't just putting up businesses in their own country but other countries as well and they are also into exporting their products.
They are wise enough to handle their finances individually or even in corporate businesses. They are the type of people who won't feel contented and satisfied with what they currently have but rather always up to creating strategies and techniques to grow what they have.

China is one of the countries that doesn't play with their economy development at all, they hold strict well the way they handles it and monitor every part of its innovations, they also go against any thing that could tarnish their development and therefore strictly work on their law enforcement and regulations with their citizens, there's a low level of corruption in China because of the impending judgement that awaits anyone found in such menace, wll these are what constitutes their wholesome economy among other top developed countries in the world.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: khiholangkang on September 07, 2023, 12:02:02 PM
The average Chinese person is disciplined and saves money. Of all the Chinese people I have met, they have strong life principles in the economic world, so I think that is the background to all real economic activity. If you look at it from the perspective of China as the largest manufacturing producer, on average in my country spare parts, children's toys, home furnishings and other things are written "made in China". And as we know, many countries are already dependent on products from China, even America itself, including its consumers. Apart from that, products that want to enter China are quite difficult and have many requirements, so that MSMEs in China do not have many competitors from outside, and that is one thing that the background to which China's economy remains strong.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Latviand on September 08, 2023, 12:22:52 PM
First off, the art of understanding statistics requires an appreciation for nuances. Yes, there are certain discrepancies between how things are reported in Western and Eastern media that I have looked at.
What art? Margin of error in statistics is different from lying, margin of errors don't cause miscount in the total population of a country it's supposed to be an adjustment so it indicates that there's no absolute number. Check out this link (, talks about the lies on China's statistics.
Let's not, however, pretend that this exclusively occurs in China. With regard to the assertion that the Internet is controlled, numerous nations employ various facets of information control. I'm not suggesting we should be cruel to them; rather, I'm just saying let's not.
I am not pretending or anything, I'm just telling the truth about what's really out there, this lines sounds too much like you bootlick too much about China, yes there are various forms of control on other parts of the world when it comes to the Internet but if you try at least once to look at the big picture, you'll see the difference in freedom that you and I have on the Internet compared to those who are in China. Here's some more links to help you understand why your claim is false at best.
How about using "bullying" to achieve your goals? To influence global brands and decisions, all nations employ both soft power and hard power. Geopolitics at its most fundamental.
I don't know about your moral standards but if your definition of achieving a goal means you try and restrict someone's freedom of speech and being an insensitive asshole like China, I don't think that many would be saying you're right.
The Chinese yuan is a concern. Is it utilized solely in China? This is incorrect. On foreign markets, the yuan has performed well. Even the IMF included it in its SDR basket. Ever ponder why?
I admit, I don't have the data for the RMB utilized only on China but you could've at least back that up with an article or something. Regarding RMB performing well, this article ( and this video ( says otherwise. Just because it's added in the SDR basket doesn't mean that it's good or performing well, China is still a big economic powerhouse so it's only natural that they're going to be eventually added on that besides the other stuff I don't know about why it's there.
Isn't this the case for many developing nations when it comes to real estate and alleged construction shortcuts?
Not a lot of countries create fake windows to disguise under construction buildings to look like they're finished so they can save face in an upcoming event.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: justdimin on September 09, 2023, 02:45:59 PM
The average Chinese person is disciplined and saves money. Of all the Chinese people I have met, they have strong life principles in the economic world, so I think that is the background to all real economic activity. If you look at it from the perspective of China as the largest manufacturing producer, on average in my country spare parts, children's toys, home furnishings and other things are written "made in China". And as we know, many countries are already dependent on products from China, even America itself, including its consumers. Apart from that, products that want to enter China are quite difficult and have many requirements, so that MSMEs in China do not have many competitors from outside, and that is one thing that the background to which China's economy remains strong.
Yeah this is culture sort of thing I think, there are situations where they are very good but also I could name a lot of things that they are not that good as well. Like a Chinese visitor is not something nations want from tourism, have you seen a group of Chinese people going to a hotel? Or a restaurant? In another nation of course, not in their own homeland.

I could tell you that since I worked in tourism before, there was absolutely no other nation we would not prefer, they were worst kind of tourists, does that mean they are bad people? Of course not, individually they were all great people, but culturally they thought that it is HOW you act when you are another nation, they just didn't know any better and wasn't show the true ways.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: JunaidAzizi on September 09, 2023, 04:45:37 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.

Well, you are confused about how China maintains that its growth is low but still sustains its economy. there are many factors behind it. let's talk about some factors, The govt makes an investment in education, infrastructure, and health which helps to increase to improve productivity, They have a strong manufacturing sector which increases the opportunity for jobs and a high number of labourers.

The population of China is very large instead of making it difficult for them they take benefit of it as it provides large domestic markets. The Chinese government has brought numerous reforms in recent years which attracted the foreigners to invest there. And due to the strong manufacturing sector, their export ratio is high.

In my view, These are some other factors from the above that stabilize their economy, After the covid 19 the economy of the whole world was disturbed but China has covered it faster than others.  

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: iv4n on September 10, 2023, 07:50:29 AM
Not a lot of countries create fake windows to disguise under construction buildings to look like they're finished so they can save face in an upcoming event.

Slapper got an argument slap! :)

Well, my country is one of the countries that like to disguise almost everything... so by some government officials "Serbia is an economic tiger and in almost everything, we are better than the others..." with an average salary of $700. A country that "seemed to have come out of communism and socialism"... and where are we now I really wouldn't know what to say about that.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: jostorres on September 10, 2023, 05:16:15 PM
First of all, echoing the previous comments, you can't trust data from CCP. Then, you can search the following keywords "Why GDP is not a good measure of economic growth" and you'll find a lot of articles explaining the problem with GDP as a metric. Anyway, it doesn't mean the China economy is so bad that it would lead to revolution or whatever. I'm just saying that they got hit hard by COVID and they aren't superpower like their propaganda as well. They have a big economy, but the fact that they also have the #1 population, will scream a poor GDP per capita. So most people are still poor by 1st world standards.
GDP might only be an estimation use to measure the countries performance so they may not be accurate but I think it was still being used until now when we check the countries ranking if who is the richest or the poorest. China's economy is not bad but actually it was very good.

I think they are next to US. They are the first country to hit by Covid-19 and the said virus originated on them. They are being blamed by any other people/countries but later on our views change about them because they made a cure for it and they help other by supplying medical equipment. They don't have a real super power like on what we see in the fictional movies but they have a super power in a way that they can provide a solution and technological advancements.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: molsewid on September 10, 2023, 08:56:22 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.

Well, you are confused about how China maintains that its growth is low but still sustains its economy. there are many factors behind it. let's talk about some factors, The govt makes an investment in education, infrastructure, and health which helps to increase to improve productivity, They have a strong manufacturing sector which increases the opportunity for jobs and a high number of labourers.

The population of China is very large instead of making it difficult for them they take benefit of it as it provides large domestic markets. The Chinese government has brought numerous reforms in recent years which attracted the foreigners to invest there. And due to the strong manufacturing sector, their export ratio is high.

In my view, These are some other factors from the above that stabilize their economy, After the covid 19 the economy of the whole world was disturbed but China has covered it faster than others.  
I agree, as someone who has a friends in China I know how strong government funded all of the things that will benefit the country in the long run. They put education as one or maybe the top priority among all other things, they even have a good structures and education facility in their country. I know that some of the people only knew China for their replicated products but the thing is most of the global companies are in China for cheaper resources and we cannot deny how patriotism China have.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: usekevin on September 10, 2023, 09:31:23 PM

Certainly, China has established itself as a global manufacturing powerhouse, producing wide range of products for the whole world, in short it is known as "the factory of the world" capable of manufacture everything from consumable goods to ight and heavy machinery for agriculture and industrial use.

However,  economy of China is slowing down due to deflationary pressures, in particular the real estate sector is facing liquidity challenges, and real estate giant corporations like Evergrande has filed bankruptcy.

The China had the product for the world population at the cheap cost,China also not the big economy like other Asian Nation.They had start to use their population in the good way,because China was the top of the world population.Using the population their had manufactured the product which will competition with the domestic product of any country.Actually the China product will be half the price of the domestic product,So the people buy the China product compared to their own domestic product.This was the cause of the China become the powerful economy.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 10, 2023, 09:51:10 PM
I can also recommend to read the topic of what is "China's shadow banking". It will become clear how the "internal kitchen" of the Chinese economy is organized, about real debts and real problems. Real problems that the Chinese government is very careful to hide and conceal. This is the case with Evergrande Group and the little-known Country Garden Holdings.  To be clear, the risk of this shadow banking market is more than 3 trillion dollars.

Beijing has started to "close" the official statistics on unemployment, especially among the young population

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: mu_enrico on September 10, 2023, 10:48:40 PM
GDP might only be an estimation use to measure the countries performance so they may not be accurate but I think it was still being used until now when we check the countries ranking if who is the richest or the poorest. China's economy is not bad but actually it was very good.

I think they are next to US. They are the first country to hit by Covid-19 and the said virus originated on them. They are being blamed by any other people/countries but later on our views change about them because they made a cure for it and they help other by supplying medical equipment. They don't have a real super power like on what we see in the fictional movies but they have a super power in a way that they can provide a solution and technological advancements.
The total GDP is one thing and the GDP per capita is the other thing. For example:
China GDP: #2
China GDP/capita: #72

To make it easy, which one do you choose: (1) $5000 monthly income with 2 children, and (2) $10,000 monthly income with 100 children. The option (2) isn't "very good" IMO

Not sure how you came up with the idea of "provide a solution and technological advancements" while they steal intellectual properties from other countries. Also, they weren't as helpful as the propaganda says when COVID hits.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: xSkylarx on September 11, 2023, 04:10:46 AM
Or it must be because they are claiming lands that aren't theirs? oops  ;D

Anyways, they are one of the biggest exporters of microchips, computers, and other materials that are used all over the world, so meaning of that, they are really earning hugely as most of the country gets those items to them, and also, as you can see, most of the cheap products or even the expensive ones are made in China, so they are really hustling hard in exporting.

The problem with other countries is that they are only relying on investors from other countries, and mostly they are prioritizing local, which is always good for citizens, but the income of the country is not great.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Strongkored on September 11, 2023, 04:42:31 AM
The fact that they can produce the goods they export cheaply makes it difficult to find alternatives. They have a very large export product market. Being one of the biggest shareholders of this market for years shows that China is successful.
They can continue to produce cheap goods because the aim of making these goods is sustainable production, the cheaper an item is, the lower the quality, so the more often people will buy the product because they still need the product.
China's economy is extraordinary, but if we talk about the data, it could be manipulated by them because China always tries to make the image of their country good but actually it's not completely like that. Its citizens are still migrant workers in several countries, even for low wages, which proves that their economy is not as great as is reported. China succeeded in colonizing many countries with their cheap products but their economy remains the state's.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: jeha2015 on September 11, 2023, 05:13:00 AM
The China had the product for the world population at the cheap cost,China also not the big economy like other Asian Nation.They had start to use their population in the good way,because China was the top of the world population.Using the population their had manufactured the product which will competition with the domestic product of any country.Actually the China product will be half the price of the domestic product,So the people buy the China product compared to their own domestic product.This was the cause of the China become the powerful economy.
China's technological and economic progress has greatly benefited developing countries. So that high-tech products become affordable, and raw materials are purchased by China at reasonable prices, China even builds raw material processing factories in developing countries, thus opening up job opportunities.

In the past, before China's progress, developing countries were exploited by developing countries selling their technological products at very high prices while raw materials from developing countries were bought very cheaply. This was a form of neo-colonialism (a new style of colonization using technology instead of weapons). So, countries such as the United States, Japan and other developed countries are disadvantaged by China's progress. now they can no longer monopolize their technology because they cannot compete with high-tech Chinese products at affordable prices. China's progress has improved human welfare. Products that used to be expensive are now affordable so that people with low incomes can buy the goods they need because the prices are cheaper. Maybe this is what makes China's economic strength strong.

I really hope that my country, as a developing country, can take advantage of China's rise for the progress of my country. Now many countries can buy machines and capital goods at affordable prices from China to advance the business world and increase people's productivity instead of buying consumer goods from China.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 11, 2023, 08:18:50 AM
First of all, echoing the previous comments, you can't trust data from CCP. Then, you can search the following keywords "Why GDP is not a good measure of economic growth" and you'll find a lot of articles explaining the problem with GDP as a metric. Anyway, it doesn't mean the China economy is so bad that it would lead to revolution or whatever. I'm just saying that they got hit hard by COVID and they aren't superpower like their propaganda as well. They have a big economy, but the fact that they also have the #1 population, will scream a poor GDP per capita. So most people are still poor by 1st world standards.
GDP might only be an estimation use to measure the countries performance so they may not be accurate but I think it was still being used until now when we check the countries ranking if who is the richest or the poorest. China's economy is not bad but actually it was very good.

I think they are next to US. They are the first country to hit by Covid-19 and the said virus originated on them. They are being blamed by any other people/countries but later on our views change about them because they made a cure for it and they help other by supplying medical equipment. They don't have a real super power like on what we see in the fictional movies but they have a super power in a way that they can provide a solution and technological advancements.

I'm sorry to disappoint you...
And about the "vaccine" - they are neither the first nor the best, and about the technologies - they are Western/borrowed/stolen. And about the assessment of the power of the economy - no matter how you "spin" the numbers - China is far from the quality of the economy, compared to the US, Germany and other advanced Western countries. Plus the huge dependence on exports plays a cruel joke on them. And the current state of the Chinese economy is the best proof of my words.
Although I would like to add - I give China credit and respect them for their efforts, due to which they have made a difficult way from an agrarian country of the third world to a TOP position in the world economy. Unlike, for example, their northern neighbor, which has 40% of the world's resources, but from year to year degrades, and not reversibly. China was able, over the previous decades, to defeat communist kleptomania and give freedom to people and business.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Synchronice on September 11, 2023, 09:59:32 AM
GDP means nothing to people. its a useless stat that is made by using debt as an asset to project any countries "power" in the world rankings

here is the thing. if 2 countries never changed its PRODUCTION of goods and services.. the numbers can change upto 15% just by having the numbers calculated different by simply seeing a different forex rate

to add to this
when countries own bonds of other countries and are receiving 1-5% interest. again doing nothing adds 1-5%
then adding more 'money print' cash into circulation adds a few percent on too.. all without any goods or service production increase

so in short. stop caring about GDP it means nothing is not based on anything meaningful and can be manipulated on many factors that dont affect real life tangible change
This is true! Ireland is a perfect example of why GDP doesn't mean anything. Ireland is number 3 country by GDP per capita. Does this mean that average Irish person is richer or earns more than average Danish? Definitely not. The GDP per capita in Ireland is so high because big US corporations have headquarters in Ireland to avoid taxes and this significantly increases numbers in statistics and if anything, in Ireland, money goes in Dublin. Also, I know people who earn up to 6 figures but still can't afford to live in Dublin because of enormously increased rent prices and life outside of Dublin is rarely good.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Renampun on September 11, 2023, 11:38:39 AM
- Per-capita GDP
- Shares of the three industries' value added of GDP
- Newly added employment in urban areas
- Total energy output
- Total retail sales of consumer goods
- Year-end foreign exchange reserve
- Foreign trade
- Imports and exports of goods
- Fiscal revenue
- Earnings from international tourism
- Foreign direct investment
- Crude steel output
- Output of grain
- Total investment in fixed assets of China
- etc

if you have a little time then read the article above, China's achievements in the last few decades are truly beyond expectations, they were able to rise from adversity and succeeded in becoming one of the countries with the strongest economy and military in the world, to be honest the population in China makes the economy they strengthen because demand for food increases, so many business opportunities are created. It is predicted that the Chinese economy will continue to be strong for the next few decades, their government's policy is very good in maintaining the consistency of the Chinese economy, other countries like it must be able to imitate the tricks that China uses in managing their economy.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Osinachinancy on September 13, 2023, 10:10:04 AM
China's economy There are many factors that have contributed to the country's rapid economic growth in recent decades, including a huge workforce, strong manufacturing sector, and large-scale infrastructure projects. But there are also some challenges and concerns, such as a growing debt burden, aging population, and trade tensions with the United States.

To start, one of the biggest drivers of China's economic growth has been its massive labor force. The country has a large population of more than 1.4 billion people, and a significant portion of them are of working age. This has allowed China to become a manufacturing powerhouse, producing a wide range of goods and exporting them around the world. In addition to labor, another important factor has been China's investment in infrastructure. The government has invested heavily in things like roads, railways, and airports, which has helped to boost economic activity and facilitate trade

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: hyudien on September 13, 2023, 12:20:22 PM
if you have a little time then read the article above, China's achievements in the last few decades are truly beyond expectations, they were able to rise from adversity and succeeded in becoming one of the countries with the strongest economy and military in the world, to be honest the population in China makes the economy they strengthen because demand for food increases, so many business opportunities are created. It is predicted that the Chinese economy will continue to be strong for the next few decades, their government's policy is very good in maintaining the consistency of the Chinese economy, other countries like it must be able to imitate the tricks that China uses in managing their economy.

The point is ideal human resource productivity. There are many factors behind China's success in the eyes of the world economy, including business principles, strong politics and the economic system it adheres to that has been tested for decades. All thanks to China's productive society which creates innovation in every industrial sector, including clothing, food and shelter, because that is the only key for the world economy to move in a better and more stable direction. Plus, the government is focused on providing facilities that suit demand and talent. Without needing to look at statistics, China can guess what economic resources the world needs.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: slapper on September 13, 2023, 01:28:30 PM
if you have a little time then read the article above, China's achievements in the last few decades are truly beyond expectations, they were able to rise from adversity and succeeded in becoming one of the countries with the strongest economy and military in the world, to be honest the population in China makes the economy they strengthen because demand for food increases, so many business opportunities are created. It is predicted that the Chinese economy will continue to be strong for the next few decades, their government's policy is very good in maintaining the consistency of the Chinese economy, other countries like it must be able to imitate the tricks that China uses in managing their economy.

The point is ideal human resource productivity. There are many factors behind China's success in the eyes of the world economy, including business principles, strong politics and the economic system it adheres to that has been tested for decades. All thanks to China's productive society which creates innovation in every industrial sector, including clothing, food and shelter, because that is the only key for the world economy to move in a better and more stable direction. Plus, the government is focused on providing facilities that suit demand and talent. Without needing to look at statistics, China can guess what economic resources the world needs.
You're touching on a very important point here: how the efficiency of human resources drives economic growth. China’s success is more than just a stroke of luck. Progress is made due to the coordinated efforts of political leaders, market forces, and astute entrepreneurs. I think China looks at the big view whereas other countries sometimes change their minds based on what's beneficial for them in the short term

They have channeled the energy of their large people into innovation. It's easy to forget how far they've come in areas like food and clothing while the rest of the world is amazed by their expertise in subjects like electronics. It's incredible how well they project requirements for global trade. Is this merely common sense, or is there a robust data analytics mechanism at work here?

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 13, 2023, 05:14:04 PM
China's economy There are many factors that have contributed to the country's rapid economic growth in recent decades, including a huge workforce, strong manufacturing sector, and large-scale infrastructure projects. But there are also some challenges and concerns, such as a growing debt burden, aging population, and trade tensions with the United States.

To start, one of the biggest drivers of China's economic growth has been its massive labor force. The country has a large population of more than 1.4 billion people, and a significant portion of them are of working age. This has allowed China to become a manufacturing powerhouse, producing a wide range of goods and exporting them around the world. In addition to labor, another important factor has been China's investment in infrastructure. The government has invested heavily in things like roads, railways, and airports, which has helped to boost economic activity and facilitate trade

If you reverse the order of factors, the picture is quite correct! First came the technology, so mass production began. If you read the history of China before this "acceleration" of the economy - you will learn that in 60-80 years in China there was more population than in any other country. But they produced primitive and, to put it mildly, not very high quality goods.  It was Western investments, equipment, technology, and knowledge that made China a modern China from an agrarian country in the third world.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Broly46 on September 14, 2023, 11:53:13 PM
The nations has only recently come to the spotlight in just a few years, it was a quick raising to the top unexpectedly, that is why it kinda remind me of japan renaissance, back in 2000, it was nothing but famine land with high crime rate, and many of them are farmers just after the revolution, where they completely distrusted paper cash by focus their life to farm their own food insteads of work for money, they are absolutely and perfectly fine to just afford beans and rice for every lunch, no fancy internet or gadget or English lesson, can they sustain themselves? I can safely say nearly everyone of them could just cut down their expense greatly by quickly adopting to beans and rices again, while there might be some exceptions, there is minority megarich who got rich doing their shady biz during the booming period, would have troubles to frugal bean and rice lifestyle, that they are gonna leave the wasteland with their massive cash heists too, they are all greedy bastard and they would never leave any money behind to the communist scum too. I wouldn't dare say to the younger gen btw, they seem to be highly internet addicts, it is very tedious to estimate, a 50/50 chance that is also why the ccp are now trying to damage control and introducing all sort of nationalizing measures, think of pointless social credit scores etc, they can't have good rest until they can finally get all of their unrest rebels in full control all over again.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: AmoreJaz on September 14, 2023, 11:59:09 PM
if you have a little time then read the article above, China's achievements in the last few decades are truly beyond expectations, they were able to rise from adversity and succeeded in becoming one of the countries with the strongest economy and military in the world, to be honest the population in China makes the economy they strengthen because demand for food increases, so many business opportunities are created. It is predicted that the Chinese economy will continue to be strong for the next few decades, their government's policy is very good in maintaining the consistency of the Chinese economy, other countries like it must be able to imitate the tricks that China uses in managing their economy.

The point is ideal human resource productivity. There are many factors behind China's success in the eyes of the world economy, including business principles, strong politics and the economic system it adheres to that has been tested for decades. All thanks to China's productive society which creates innovation in every industrial sector, including clothing, food and shelter, because that is the only key for the world economy to move in a better and more stable direction. Plus, the government is focused on providing facilities that suit demand and talent. Without needing to look at statistics, China can guess what economic resources the world needs.

just look at how big the Chinese population is, and you will understand where they are coming from in terms of workforce. they have their own world when it comes to service of its people. but i believe some are suffering with the strict protocols of their government. it is good that they already phased out their one-child policy. i guess, a lot of families are mentally tortured on this policy.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: STT on September 14, 2023, 11:59:15 PM
China exports in the majority, maybe its comparable to somewhere like Germany or Japan some country led by global demand.   The determining factor is efficiency and China has alot to gain still from moving away from its quite retro agrarian style economy that didn't employ machinery till fairly recently.  They have moved a great distance in just twenty years so far.  Other things like the large building programs seem quite a failure in comparison, corrupt and badly done in many cases so theres alot to learn still.    Just the industrialization of their farming despite many challenges has been massive, its visible on sat images just how massive the alterations are.  

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: philipma1957 on September 15, 2023, 02:09:10 AM
These numbers are manipulated! The main aim of the communist party is to maintain a great image of China infront of the world. But the reality is very different that what you are seeing here.

A good read:

I personally work with 17 Chinese colleagues who are doing the same job since last 18 years without changing the company and with only one promotion. They are afraid of changing jobs as there's not much opportunities available outside the metro cities and it's extremely costly to live in metro cities. Do not believe things coming out of China glorifying themselves.

Well in a country with 1,400,000,000 people all under very strict rules of behavior a successful worker always knows he is easy to replace.

So workers are underpaid in general and abused by the upper class via low wages hard long hours etc.

Foxconn had suicide nets in place due to excessive worker suicide attempts.

Here in the Wonderfull USA we get great freedoms anther are actually about 750,000,000 guns available to  about 330,000,000 million people includes little kid as they watch where Daddy puts the gun.

be shot to death is the most common way for a kid to die in the USA.

So the gun freedom slows crazy nut job government rules to turn the workers in to semi slaves. But the workers shoot way too many people.  You would think there was a happy in-between .  But I do not think so.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Mauser on September 16, 2023, 12:18:59 PM
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

First of all China is not a democracy, it's really hard to compare them to other countries that free markets and open election. In China everything is controlled, over the last 2 years several economic indicators turned bad and the communist party decided to stop publishing them. I expect the Chinese economic picture to be highly skewed, only positive data is bringw broadcasted and everything else is pushed under the carpet. The second issue is that China is starting from a very different level to the developed countries in the world, average wages are lower, safety standards and environmental regulations are very different. That is why it's much easier for Chinese firms to compete globally during times of crisis. Also the Chinese government has a lot of money at hand to step in and boost certain sectors to survive the covid pandemic. China even managed to profit from the pandemic, I remember that almost all the masked in my country where produced in China. In my opinion the biggest threat for China is the trade wars with USA and if it intensifies it could spilt over to Europe as well. If most of the western countries would boycott China their economy is doomed, because the rest of the world can't take over all these exports. China is trying hard to expand into Africa and Asia to create more consumers, but they don't have enough money and China has to help out with loans.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Negotiation on September 16, 2023, 01:56:27 PM
China's main strength is its confucian system of administration through which it effectively operates its state apparatus and implements sound policies. China's economy is also full of potential but despite some damage from the global economy China has achieved the world's first manufacturing recovery and the first economic growth despite the pandemic. It has an important role to play in deeply implementing innovation driven development strategies the role of digitization and intellectualization is also immense. China's economic structure is able to maintain consistent order China's capabilities continue to advance by leveraging the advantages of talent and human resources to continuously strengthen the training of creative talent.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: kingvirtus09 on September 16, 2023, 02:39:40 PM
As far as I know, there are many disasters facing China this year of 2023, the kind that seem like their country is cursed if I just observe them in my opinion. The calamities faced by the nation of China are severe, and recently they have faced another disaster.

Therefore, the state of their economy has fallen greatly due to the calamities they have experienced because, to be honest, many establishments have been affected by these things. So they have a bit of a problem with the inflation rate at the moment because they have had declining exports, and the percentage of their unemployment rate has increased even more due to the market crisis.


Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on September 22, 2023, 01:04:14 PM
China's main strength is its confucian system of administration through which it effectively operates its state apparatus and implements sound policies. China's economy is also full of potential but despite some damage from the global economy China has achieved the world's first manufacturing recovery and the first economic growth despite the pandemic. It has an important role to play in deeply implementing innovation driven development strategies the role of digitization and intellectualization is also immense. China's economic structure is able to maintain consistent order China's capabilities continue to advance by leveraging the advantages of talent and human resources to continuously strengthen the training of creative talent.
I see how strict the education system is in China, they really seem to create people who are very disciplined and prepared for China's important goals, so don't be surprised, even though China has a lot of population, their education level is very good and also quite evenly distributed.

Good knowledge creates good human resources, and automatically this also boosts China's economy. In the next few decades, it is predicted that China's economy will continue to strengthen.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Gyfts on September 22, 2023, 07:03:29 PM
So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

Foreign investments, manufacturing capacity and exports, and IP theft is what the Chinese economy has bred over the last 30 years. They used their large population to prop up their economy and it doesn't actually lead to sustainable growth -- expect an eventual crash. Their GDP is not sustainable and the one party state hasn't led to much new innovation over the last few decades.

And keep in mind the real estate sector in China is abysmal as of late:

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: on September 22, 2023, 09:55:42 PM
I have read many posts from stompix about china and the conditions are not good there.

Read several of his posts and the guy looks biased to me for some reason. Can't take his posts seriously.

The point is people are not buying and the production level has increased so much in china but consumption is lower which caused deflation. Of course there are other factors involved too.

Here I must agree, the US and EU are trying to protect their markets from cheap Chinese goods. They would prefer big international brands ordering goods in China and then selling in the US/EU. Most of the profit goes to the corporations, Chinese economy doesn't benefit from such a scenario much. China used to sell directly using eBay, Aliexpress, Alibaba etc but taxes were introduced and existing tax exemptions were cancelled making such business not very profitable. 

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: WillyAp on September 22, 2023, 10:33:58 PM
In China there surely is a lot of control for the outside world.
There is still crime though and the countryside is different from city live.
As for now they have a disappointed youth having studied a lot and not getting (well paid) jobs.  
In the end the Chinese people are as human as anyone else. They like to have kids and a quite live, mostly.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on September 23, 2023, 10:17:52 AM
- Per-capita GDP
- Shares of the three industries' value added of GDP
- Newly added employment in urban areas
- Total energy output
- Total retail sales of consumer goods
- Year-end foreign exchange reserve
- Foreign trade
- Imports and exports of goods
- Fiscal revenue
- Earnings from international tourism
- Foreign direct investment
- Crude steel output
- Output of grain
- Total investment in fixed assets of China
- etc

if you have a little time then read the article above, China's achievements in the last few decades are truly beyond expectations, they were able to rise from adversity and succeeded in becoming one of the countries with the strongest economy and military in the world, to be honest the population in China makes the economy they strengthen because demand for food increases, so many business opportunities are created. It is predicted that the Chinese economy will continue to be strong for the next few decades, their government's policy is very good in maintaining the consistency of the Chinese economy, other countries like it must be able to imitate the tricks that China uses in managing their economy.

My point exactly, they've created an economy that has sustained a population of over a billion people. That achievement is not cheap in any form.
They've greatly used their population to their own advantage.
They don't only have industries in China that are highly productive, they also have them outside the shores of china, even here in my home country, the Chinese companies have a strong stake in my country's economy.
So the prediction of Chinese economy going to be strong in the next decade is likely possible, because what you see is what you get(GIGO).

I think they had to study more on their economic policies and where able to come up different formulations to that best suits there society, by investing more on science and technology and also giving grand's to small scale medium enterprises to help them have a capital base.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: puloweh555 on September 25, 2023, 05:03:32 PM
If you reverse the order of factors, the picture is quite correct! First came the technology, so mass production began. If you read the history of China before this "acceleration" of the economy - you will learn that in 60-80 years in China there was more population than in any other country. But they produced primitive and, to put it mildly, not very high quality goods.  It was Western investments, equipment, technology, and knowledge that made China a modern China from an agrarian country in the third world.
The most important thing that is fundamental to China's economic growth is the very consistent legal force in the country which is strictly obeyed by its people. This was formed from the authoritarian communist government under the leadership of Mao Tse Tung.

China is now a superpower, even America's "big enemy", but remember it took them ±40 years to become what they are now. Yes, of course this happens because the vision and mission of the government may be in line between one leader and another, yes of course it is followed by the will of the people as well. Now China is very independent, just look at the quality of human resources, education and health, which they export a lot.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: EluguHcman on September 25, 2023, 09:40:29 PM
China capitalizes its source of economy booster on investments with the visions of creativities and essential consumable produces that is globally in demand for consumptions without relying on just its natural resources of coal and rare earth metals

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: South Park on September 25, 2023, 10:03:12 PM
My point exactly, they've created an economy that has sustained a population of over a billion people. That achievement is not cheap in any form.
They've greatly used their population to their own advantage.
They don't only have industries in China that are highly productive, they also have them outside the shores of china, even here in my home country, the Chinese companies have a strong stake in my country's economy.
So the prediction of Chinese economy going to be strong in the next decade is likely possible, because what you see is what you get(GIGO).

I think they had to study more on their economic policies and where able to come up different formulations to that best suits there society, by investing more on science and technology and also giving grand's to small scale medium enterprises to help them have a capital base.
Without a doubt what China has achieved since the government decided to be more lenient and open the economy is a great feat, however it was achieved by massively restricting the freedoms of their citizens, so it should not really be a model we should look up to, besides the greatest challenge for China right now is to keep what they have gained so far, and with a population crisis way worse than what we are seeing in the western countries this is going to be very difficult to achieve.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: kingvirtus09 on September 26, 2023, 08:27:26 AM
China exports in the majority, maybe its comparable to somewhere like Germany or Japan some country led by global demand.   The determining factor is efficiency and China has alot to gain still from moving away from its quite retro agrarian style economy that didn't employ machinery till fairly recently.  They have moved a great distance in just twenty years so far.  Other things like the large building programs seem quite a failure in comparison, corrupt and badly done in many cases so theres alot to learn still.    Just the industrialization of their farming despite many challenges has been massive, its visible on sat images just how massive the alterations are.  

Recently, China's economy has collapsed due to the series of calamities that have passed through their country, one of which is a new series that has damaged a lot of affected private sector businesses. Because of your concern, many people in this country are really trying to get up.

But despite all the events, they continue to export to different countries for their recovery from the calamities. Even the inflation they are facing is not good, as far as I know. In addition, the population of China, which is a very large population, has also been affected in the past short period of time.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on September 26, 2023, 08:41:37 AM
As far as I understand, china's economy is boosted by export tech products and the loan service they provide. China's loan interest is higher than that of other international institutes. Still, most countries take loans from China because of their friendly terms and conditions. China extend loan duration multiple times. China offers loans, and they work at the same time. For example, What is the purpose of your loan? If it's because you want to build something, china will give you a loan with the condition that they will work on that project. By doing these tactics, they are getting profit from two sides. One is from lending, and the other one is from the construction work. Here are the countries that are mostly in debt to China

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: slapper on September 26, 2023, 09:54:11 AM
My point exactly, they've created an economy that has sustained a population of over a billion people. That achievement is not cheap in any form.
They've greatly used their population to their own advantage.
They don't only have industries in China that are highly productive, they also have them outside the shores of china, even here in my home country, the Chinese companies have a strong stake in my country's economy.
So the prediction of Chinese economy going to be strong in the next decade is likely possible, because what you see is what you get(GIGO).

I think they had to study more on their economic policies and where able to come up different formulations to that best suits there society, by investing more on science and technology and also giving grand's to small scale medium enterprises to help them have a capital base.
Without a doubt what China has achieved since the government decided to be more lenient and open the economy is a great feat, however it was achieved by massively restricting the freedoms of their citizens, so it should not really be a model we should look up to, besides the greatest challenge for China right now is to keep what they have gained so far, and with a population crisis way worse than what we are seeing in the western countries this is going to be very difficult to achieve.
You're on to something. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to ignore China's economic growth since its economy was opened up. It is obvious that there has been a considerable improvement in living conditions, technological developments, and major infrastructure construction. However, you correctly highlighted the other side of the coin. Huge sacrifices are made in the name of individual liberties. Similar to a scale, it has civil liberties on one side and economic progress on the other. You have excellent understanding into the demographic crisis. It's a ticking time bomb that makes maintaining the economic development they've attained even more difficult. There are many economic and social puzzles in this scenario, each of which is crucial to the broader picture of sustainable growth and progress.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: davis196 on September 26, 2023, 10:57:12 AM
What has really been behind China's economy:
1.Real estate bubbles(Evergrande and other construction giants). Lots of apartments that were built in the past, but nobody wants to buy them.
2.Lots of debt. The Chinese provinces have several trillion USD worth of debt.
3.China is still underdeveloped and it's easier for the underdeveloped economies to growth with 5-10% nominal GDP per year. The developed economies can grow with maximum 2.5% nominal GDP per year.
4.Lots of underpaid labor. Around 1 billion people in China live with approximately 140 USD per month.
5.Lots of manipulated statistics and hidden data. The communists like to lie and deceive. ;D

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Cfntif on September 26, 2023, 11:30:16 AM
Let me answer this question as a Chinese.

China's economy was indeed very strong at one time. Growth is also rapid. Miracles happened in those years.
But everything changed when China's top brass got into the game of harvesting leeks.

It seems that China's economy has been growing, and that's because currency has been issued. The prices of medical care, education, and housing necessary for life are increasing year by year, and the prices are sky-high.

Even the price of pork once increased by 300% in two months

The end result is that assets have been increasing, but extremely unevenly. Factors such as bank loans and repayment pressure have led to a reduction in consumption power. So this year the Chinese government is forcing consumption. For example, using an officially hired romance scam to help you buy a house with zero down payment and make it look like it's for you. Then the lover disappears, and then you have to pay back the money.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: BigBos on September 26, 2023, 12:51:12 PM
Similar to a scale, it has civil liberties on one side and economic progress on the other. You have excellent understanding into the demographic crisis. It's a ticking time bomb that makes maintaining the economic development they've attained even more difficult. There are many economic and social puzzles in this scenario, each of which is crucial to the broader picture of sustainable growth and progress.
All factors that support economic growth include population, ideal human productivity and availability of resources. It can be seen from the supply of facilities that are fulfilled. This is based on ideal factors that will very quickly encourage economic growth in developed and developing countries. So, for China itself, there is a kind of strong principle of trust that results in cooperation as adhered to. Why is this important? because to unite principles, one belief is needed that unites various elements of society, both culturally, religiously, and racially. So here I look at China economic growth based on history and I think it should not be missed. remembering that the growth and development of a nation is seen from recorded history to awaken social feelings and help the country achieve ideal conditions of prosperity.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: gunhell16 on September 26, 2023, 02:06:13 PM
Similar to a scale, it has civil liberties on one side and economic progress on the other. You have excellent understanding into the demographic crisis. It's a ticking time bomb that makes maintaining the economic development they've attained even more difficult. There are many economic and social puzzles in this scenario, each of which is crucial to the broader picture of sustainable growth and progress.
All factors that support economic growth include population, ideal human productivity and availability of resources. It can be seen from the supply of facilities that are fulfilled. This is based on ideal factors that will very quickly encourage economic growth in developed and developing countries. So, for China itself, there is a kind of strong principle of trust that results in cooperation as adhered to. Why is this important? because to unite principles, one belief is needed that unites various elements of society, both culturally, religiously, and racially. So here I look at China economic growth based on history and I think it should not be missed. remembering that the growth and development of a nation is seen from recorded history to awaken social feelings and help the country achieve ideal conditions of prosperity.

I saw news on a social media platform on YouTube where China recently built artificial rice terraces, spent a lot of money on a mountain, and destroyed Mother Nature. Then there was a new one, and what was done was that their rice terraces were just damaged by a land slide, which also caused widespread flooding in various parts of China.

And I think that because of this incident, it has caused a lot of damage to their economy. Apart from many of their citizens who have been damaged by micro businesses, their agriculture has also been affected, which is also the reason for the increase in prices. in their country.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: WillyAp on September 26, 2023, 02:08:55 PM

Even the price of pork once increased by 300% in two months

tripple price in 2 months that is hefty,
Is China copying Venezuela?

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: justdimin on September 27, 2023, 08:49:14 AM
I saw news on a social media platform on YouTube where China recently built artificial rice terraces, spent a lot of money on a mountain, and destroyed Mother Nature. Then there was a new one, and what was done was that their rice terraces were just damaged by a land slide, which also caused widespread flooding in various parts of China.

And I think that because of this incident, it has caused a lot of damage to their economy. Apart from many of their citizens who have been damaged by micro businesses, their agriculture has also been affected, which is also the reason for the increase in prices. in their country.
Growth, and non-stop version of growth is not something you can technically get. Because if you grow to a point, eventually there will not be a place left to grow. Imagine a nation making 1 trillion dollars in deficit, now imagine one that makes 1 trillion in profit, and think about 10 trillion in profit, think of 100 trillion, think of 1 quadrillion. At some point it became stupid and unrealistic right? There isn't even that much money, you can't grow that much.

So what does that tell us? China grew, from those 90's places where they had horrible products and cheap manufacturing where products broke easily, and "made in china" meant shitty product, they turned into one of the strongest economies in the world, but how can they grow even bigger? Not possible, so they are trying their best to ruin the nature and everything else to find and ounce more growth.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on September 27, 2023, 03:06:30 PM
As far as I understand, china's economy is boosted by export tech products and the loan service they provide. China's loan interest is higher than that of other international institutes. Still, most countries take loans from China because of their friendly terms and conditions. China extend loan duration multiple times. China offers loans, and they work at the same time. For example, What is the purpose of your loan? If it's because you want to build something, china will give you a loan with the condition that they will work on that project. By doing these tactics, they are getting profit from two sides. One is from lending, and the other one is from the construction work. Here are the countries that are mostly in debt to China

"Friendly terms" terms, that's like a black meme. In order to understand how "friendly" lending and investment conditions are for these "friendship victims", it is worth looking at some absolutely real examples of "friendship with China". The most "recent" example is Sri Lanka. I will not tell you what happened there, I may have a personal subjective opinion and assessment. Therefore, I strongly recommend you to study this example, conditions, peculiarities of Chinese friendship, and how it all ended in the end. At the same time, the example of Sri Lanka is not a rare case, if you search, you will find many more victims of "friendship with China". So I would highly recommend to avoid Chinese investments, loans and joint projects.....

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: South Park on October 02, 2023, 07:55:28 PM
Without a doubt what China has achieved since the government decided to be more lenient and open the economy is a great feat, however it was achieved by massively restricting the freedoms of their citizens, so it should not really be a model we should look up to, besides the greatest challenge for China right now is to keep what they have gained so far, and with a population crisis way worse than what we are seeing in the western countries this is going to be very difficult to achieve.
You're on to something. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to ignore China's economic growth since its economy was opened up. It is obvious that there has been a considerable improvement in living conditions, technological developments, and major infrastructure construction. However, you correctly highlighted the other side of the coin. Huge sacrifices are made in the name of individual liberties. Similar to a scale, it has civil liberties on one side and economic progress on the other. You have excellent understanding into the demographic crisis. It's a ticking time bomb that makes maintaining the economic development they've attained even more difficult. There are many economic and social puzzles in this scenario, each of which is crucial to the broader picture of sustainable growth and progress.
The issue with their population growth is at the top of the worries of the Chinese government, after all you cannot have a country without people, and in order to counter this they have relaxed their one-child policy and now they are encouraging people to have more children, but after decades of propaganda the Chinese government is finding out that it is way more difficult to convince people of having more children than the reverse, and it is likely their efforts will fail, and as such a decline on the Chinese economy could be just a matter of time.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Fortify on October 02, 2023, 08:14:23 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.

I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

It's not that difficult to work out how they made such epic growth if you understand where they started. Only a few decades ago Mao had reduced the country to economic ruin with his terrible policies and they had a huge population that was barely above subsistence levels. It only took very limited, but also progressive, steps to put them on the right track to the success that we see today. Just a couple generations ago it became the workshop of the world, which basically consisted of very low wages and very tough conditions while they earned enough financial capacity to reinvest. They paid a very high price in terms of human labor and having very lax laws allows for you to compete at a certain level against other countries. Centralized power has also been able to rein in too much corruption from happening, or at least it has to be favorable to the leadership polices at the time. It's bizarre that you think recession is a bad thing, it's normal in all capitalism based countries - including China - but the government in power there is just very restrictive about the information they release which prevents it from being identified anyway.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Biznesmen on November 05, 2023, 10:59:20 AM
China is purely a mysterious country; there is nothing we don't know about them until they decide to say so. But one of my friends is starting a business in China, and he said that China is a good country to do business in, and you can do whatever you want. But you can't be against politics and can't question authority. But it's an economically highly ambitious country, even though we only know the half truth. Still, at least in the town areas, they promote the economy; there is no doubt that otherwise, they haven't had the highest GDP growth. Even the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for China to expand its influence.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: WillyAp on November 05, 2023, 02:06:46 PM
But one of my friends is starting a business in China, and he said that China is a good country to do business in, and you can do whatever you want

What does he say about inflation?
Living costs etc.. Any Changes over the years?

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 08, 2023, 10:32:17 AM
China's trade surplus narrows as exports fall and imports rise unexpectedly
Chinese exports fall, imports rise, trade surplus falls to 17-month low.
Imports will increase by 3%, exports will decline, which will worsen demand for the Chinese economy...

Chinese exports fall for fourth month in a row
At the end of August, exports from China decreased by 8.8% compared to the same period last year. This marked the fourth consecutive month of decline. Imports to China also decreased in August - by 7.3%. Thus, the negative dynamics of imports, established at the beginning of the year, continues to persist - since January, imports on an annualized basis have never shown growth.
Economists see the reason for the decline in both exports and imports as a reduction in demand for Chinese goods in the world, as well as a slowdown in the Chinese economy and consumer demand, which causes a decrease in demand for raw materials and goods from abroad.

Taking into account the “economic inertia,” if this process is not stopped, it will pick up speed and simply crush the Chinese economy. But the question is - how to stop? China's games of "yuanization" of BRICS apparently did not work out. This means that the attempt to make many BRICS members “slaves of the Chinese economy” in order to support Chinese exports (purely the economy) also failed.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: benalexis12 on November 08, 2023, 12:34:13 PM
Without a doubt what China has achieved since the government decided to be more lenient and open the economy is a great feat, however it was achieved by massively restricting the freedoms of their citizens, so it should not really be a model we should look up to, besides the greatest challenge for China right now is to keep what they have gained so far, and with a population crisis way worse than what we are seeing in the western countries this is going to be very difficult to achieve.
You're on to something. Undoubtedly, it is difficult to ignore China's economic growth since its economy was opened up. It is obvious that there has been a considerable improvement in living conditions, technological developments, and major infrastructure construction. However, you correctly highlighted the other side of the coin. Huge sacrifices are made in the name of individual liberties. Similar to a scale, it has civil liberties on one side and economic progress on the other. You have excellent understanding into the demographic crisis. It's a ticking time bomb that makes maintaining the economic development they've attained even more difficult. There are many economic and social puzzles in this scenario, each of which is crucial to the broader picture of sustainable growth and progress.
The issue with their population growth is at the top of the worries of the Chinese government, after all you cannot have a country without people, and in order to counter this they have relaxed their one-child policy and now they are encouraging people to have more children, but after decades of propaganda the Chinese government is finding out that it is way more difficult to convince people of having more children than the reverse, and it is likely their efforts will fail, and as such a decline on the Chinese economy could be just a matter of time.

At that point, you are quite right. The population in China is very large; if I think about how small our country is, it is only 1/4 the size of China. So, it's no wonder that there are so many people in China.

The number of unemployed residents there is also likely to be large. Even so, the Chinese races are resourceful enough to survive. But recently, the country of China was really affected by a series of calamities, which caused their economy to collapse and also caused the majority of their subjects to suffer.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 11, 2023, 03:53:16 PM
China's economic problems seem to be intensifying:

China continues to lose attractiveness for capital. Over the past few weeks, this trend, which has been going on since the beginning of 2023, has only intensified. Moreover, it has hit the Chinese yuan.

It is reported that the rate of capital outflow from China reached a record monthly figure since the beginning of 2016. We are talking about the amount of 53.9 billion dollars that were transferred out of the country Recall that in August, 49 billion dollars were withdrawn from China, which was the peak since 2015.

At the same time, the yuan is losing ground due to capital outflow
Against this background, the exchange rate is trading at 7.30 yuan against the US dollar. The currency's position is weakening despite official Beijing's efforts to support it. Interestingly, these efforts were complicated by the aggressive monetary policy of the US central bank. The fact is that this has caused the spread between U.S. and Chinese government bond yields to reach the widest gap in 20 years.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: arimamib on November 11, 2023, 04:15:43 PM
China is purely a mysterious country; there is nothing we don't know about them until they decide to say so. But one of my friends is starting a business in China, and he said that China is a good country to do business in, and you can do whatever you want. But you can't be against politics and can't question authority. But it's an economically highly ambitious country, even though we only know the half truth. Still, at least in the town areas, they promote the economy; there is no doubt that otherwise, they haven't had the highest GDP growth. Even the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for China to expand its influence.

China is a big country that, in economic aspect, provide big market and many low paid workers. their culture is so competitive at trading in their own country and with other countries. despite being in so far east, China have long history in trading with Egypt and even Europe.

to start business in china or with china is something can be said easiest compared to other countries in the world, because they biggest human resource in the world. their work ethic at trading is the best thing they have that makes china is economically powerful. Their GDP throughout years is up and down, but never been in worrying situation. 

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: CageMabok on November 11, 2023, 05:24:05 PM
At that point, you are quite right. The population in China is very large; if I think about how small our country is, it is only 1/4 the size of China. So, it's no wonder that there are so many people in China.
China is indeed a large country and has quite a large population, but the Chinese people always understand more about the trade sector so that they can adapt themselves to any environment and conditions when they are in another place or in another country. We can see this in almost all countries in the world where Chinese people can develop through the work they do in other countries.

The number of unemployed residents there is also likely to be large. Even so, the Chinese races are resourceful enough to survive. But recently, the country of China was really affected by a series of calamities, which caused their economy to collapse and also caused the majority of their subjects to suffer.
The cause of disasters such as the decline of the economy in a large country like China, is because there is no new land that can be utilized by the residents there to create new jobs that can give them better results. I am not surprised to see that the Chinese people are quite clever in developing the economy in their own lives, but currently almost all countries are experiencing difficulties in the economic sector, so this causes the people to need new land to work in order to earn income.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Bushdark on November 11, 2023, 06:45:33 PM
As far as I understand, china's economy is boosted by export tech products and the loan service they provide. China's loan interest is higher than that of other international institutes. Still, most countries take loans from China because of their friendly terms and conditions. China extend loan duration multiple times. China offers loans, and they work at the same time. For example, What is the purpose of your loan? If it's because you want to build something, china will give you a loan with the condition that they will work on that project. By doing these tactics, they are getting profit from two sides. One is from lending, and the other one is from the construction work. Here are the countries that are mostly in debt to China

China is a wise country and if you have a relationship with them as a country, they are ready to give you loan to help grow your country without much interest but what I noticed is that many country take the opportunity to keep borrowing money from them and mostly lavish the money without using it to grow there country.

China may have a bigger economy that the United States some day because even the United States depend on China for some certain raw materials to grow there assets. In the next 20 years China might become the world biggest economy so far.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 11, 2023, 07:16:22 PM
China is a wise country and if you have a relationship with them as a country, they are ready to give you loan to help grow your country without much interest but what I noticed is that many country take the opportunity to keep borrowing money from them and mostly lavish the money without using it to grow there country.

China may have a bigger economy that the United States some day because even the United States depend on China for some certain raw materials to grow there assets. In the next 20 years China might become the world biggest economy so far.

It has been cited many times that China is not an investor, China is an enslaver of the economies of countries that dare to engage with it. The "best" example is China's investment in Sri Lanka, which ended up causing huge problems, mounting debts, and dashed hopes. And this is not the only example. You can very easily find documented information on what "partnering with China" leads to. All of China's investments are to absorb the economies of "friends" and generate huge debts for them....

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Captain Corporate on November 11, 2023, 07:22:37 PM
First of all, we need to remember that it is a party nation, which means that they may have a chance where they did not grow that much, and just informed the world that they grew that much. Remember, this is the same nation that inflated the number of rice and so forth general crops to make it look like they are doing amazing and taxed people so much that the people died, in tens of millions, literally killed their own citizens in tens of millions just to make themselves look they are doing alright, this is their true history, this is how their nation was founded. So the potential that they are not actually doing this well, and that is why they had all that many bankrupted companies just recently, could be a very real thing.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DVlog on November 11, 2023, 07:31:41 PM
China is a wise country and if you have a relationship with them as a country, they are ready to give you loan to help grow your country without much interest but what I noticed is that many country take the opportunity to keep borrowing money from them and mostly lavish the money without using it to grow there country.

China may have a bigger economy that the United States some day because even the United States depend on China for some certain raw materials to grow there assets. In the next 20 years China might become the world biggest economy so far.

It has been cited many times that China is not an investor, China is an enslaver of the economies of countries that dare to engage with it. The "best" example is China's investment in Sri Lanka, which ended up causing huge problems, mounting debts, and dashed hopes. And this is not the only example. You can very easily find documented information on what "partnering with China" leads to. All of China's investments are to absorb the economies of "friends" and generate huge debts for them....

It is true that china uses its economic power to get influence over a country but we can not blame only them for a countries financial instability. China didn't force any countries to take loan from them and they do something similar that the IMF and world bank do. They charge interest over their loan and if that country can not pay off their debt then they use it as a soft power to control that country's geopolitical decisions.

What happens with Sri Lanka is because of their corrupt government. Their loan was for a sea port that can not generate enough profit to pay off its debt. Corrupt government and politicians have done this and there can be chinease influence as well. But what I can see is china has a great contribution to many 3rd world countries infrastructure development like bridge, school, port, road and many others. They don't do it for free nor the western power. So it is the countries responsibility to use the money in the best way possible so that it can generate enough money to pay off the debt taken from china or other country or institutions.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on November 11, 2023, 08:42:50 PM
China is a wise country and if you have a relationship with them as a country, they are ready to give you loan to help grow your country without much interest but what I noticed is that many country take the opportunity to keep borrowing money from them and mostly lavish the money without using it to grow there country.

China may have a bigger economy that the United States some day because even the United States depend on China for some certain raw materials to grow there assets. In the next 20 years China might become the world biggest economy so far.

It has been cited many times that China is not an investor, China is an enslaver of the economies of countries that dare to engage with it. The "best" example is China's investment in Sri Lanka, which ended up causing huge problems, mounting debts, and dashed hopes. And this is not the only example. You can very easily find documented information on what "partnering with China" leads to. All of China's investments are to absorb the economies of "friends" and generate huge debts for them....

It is true that china uses its economic power to get influence over a country but we can not blame only them for a countries financial instability. China didn't force any countries to take loan from them and they do something similar that the IMF and world bank do. They charge interest over their loan and if that country can not pay off their debt then they use it as a soft power to control that country's geopolitical decisions.

What happens with Sri Lanka is because of their corrupt government. Their loan was for a sea port that can not generate enough profit to pay off its debt. Corrupt government and politicians have done this and there can be chinease influence as well. But what I can see is china has a great contribution to many 3rd world countries infrastructure development like bridge, school, port, road and many others. They don't do it for free nor the western power. So it is the countries responsibility to use the money in the best way possible so that it can generate enough money to pay off the debt taken from china or other country or institutions.
Of course China didn't force anybody to collect loan from them, and it's true that, if as a country you collect loan from them, and your unable to pay back, they will float a critical section of your country's economy that generates revenue to the Chinese government to generate money to repay that loan.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 12, 2023, 06:01:33 AM
China is a wise country and if you have a relationship with them as a country, they are ready to give you loan to help grow your country without much interest but what I noticed is that many country take the opportunity to keep borrowing money from them and mostly lavish the money without using it to grow there country.

I agree. But as I said in my previous post, they are not giving loans just because they want to help other countries and take a small part of interest from it. They gain additional benefits, too, which I have already mentioned in my previous post. You have to sign an agreement that they will build your structure with their money, and you will have to pay the loan with interest.

Did you get how they benefited by building your structure? They use their workforce and technology to repay most of the loan. Rest remained as an investment. This is not illegal at all. They are doing the same thing as others but in a more innovative way.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 12, 2023, 11:07:33 AM
China is a wise country and if you have a relationship with them as a country, they are ready to give you loan to help grow your country without much interest but what I noticed is that many country take the opportunity to keep borrowing money from them and mostly lavish the money without using it to grow there country.

China may have a bigger economy that the United States some day because even the United States depend on China for some certain raw materials to grow there assets. In the next 20 years China might become the world biggest economy so far.

It has been cited many times that China is not an investor, China is an enslaver of the economies of countries that dare to engage with it. The "best" example is China's investment in Sri Lanka, which ended up causing huge problems, mounting debts, and dashed hopes. And this is not the only example. You can very easily find documented information on what "partnering with China" leads to. All of China's investments are to absorb the economies of "friends" and generate huge debts for them....

It is true that china uses its economic power to get influence over a country but we can not blame only them for a countries financial instability. China didn't force any countries to take loan from them and they do something similar that the IMF and world bank do. They charge interest over their loan and if that country can not pay off their debt then they use it as a soft power to control that country's geopolitical decisions.

What happens with Sri Lanka is because of their corrupt government. Their loan was for a sea port that can not generate enough profit to pay off its debt. Corrupt government and politicians have done this and there can be chinease influence as well. But what I can see is china has a great contribution to many 3rd world countries infrastructure development like bridge, school, port, road and many others. They don't do it for free nor the western power. So it is the countries responsibility to use the money in the best way possible so that it can generate enough money to pay off the debt taken from china or other country or institutions.

I will assume that you do not quite understand what China is doing and how it is supposedly “investing” in other countries. About the port - thanks for reminding me, and this will be the best example. Let me now tell you how this “project” happened in reality? And then you take this scheme and compare it with other “investment projects in China.” You will be surprised - “everything is like a tracing paper”...
So, what does the scheme of Chinese “friendship” and “investment” look like, using the example of a port:

China is offering Sri Lanka a major international project: a large cargo port, similar to the Singapore maritime cargo hub. Everything looks logical - a good geographical location - located at the intersection of sea routes between Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Oceania... Yes, the project is complex and expensive and requires attracting investments. Now let's watch our fingers!
1. China says - dear friend Sri Lanka, we are ready to help you and make such a project and invest in it. When the port starts operating, we will all get rich, both you and us! OK ? Let's sign the contract!
2. And this is where the nuances begin. Yes, we will give cheap loans, but there are some conditions. For example: development of project documentation will be done by Chinese companies. OK ? OK ! Oh, and one more small request - will the main contractors, construction and engineering companies, also be Chinese? Well, what's the difference? Well, stop it, we have experience, everything will be fine! Oh, and one more thing, just a trifle - will Chinese companies also supply construction materials and equipment? No, why are you going to strain yourself? We will bring everything, everything will be fine, just sew bags for the money that we will soon earn!
3. Very soon all documents are signed. Let's pay attention to what:
- economic feasibility study/business plan, from a Chinese company
- technical documentation, from a Chinese design company
- contracts for work and supplies with Chinese companies
- an investment agreement with specified obligations. Of course, a separate section is the obligations of the country receiving the investment, financial obligations, as well as the creation of all conditions for launching the project,
4. And the “great construction” begins. where Sri Lanka finds itself in the role of an “auxiliary worker”, i.e. provides only land and labor. At the same time, the volume of Sri Lanka's financial obligations amounts to, for example, $10 billion. This is a loan that China gives them. Let's remember this.
And then it turns out that a significant part of the CREDIT goes to pay for the services of... yes, Chinese contractors.
And then events develop like this:
- suddenly some nuances emerge that increase the cost of the work and require urgent decisions, because “Sri Lanka did not provide some information” or something similar.... And if you decide quickly, then this can only be done... Yes, yes, yes! Only Chinese contractors! :)
And another part of the CREDIT goes... back to China.
- but the project is nearing completion, everything is fine, if you do not pay attention to the nuances mentioned above. But this is not the end yet...

Final: the project is finished, the port is built, the “red ribbon has been cut”, and everyone is standing on the shore and trying to hear the “clink of coins”... But, as you begin to guess, it is NOT HEARD!

And then the country that received such assistance begins to ask questions - where is the income? Where is the implementation of the business plan? Why doesn't anyone come to the port??? What's happening ???

And the Chinese representatives, hiding a smile, say - “oh... well, you understand... there are probably some external factors, or YOUR MISTAKES, that do not allow you to reach the calculated indicators.” At the same time, they are silent that service contracts are deliberately delayed, and “recommendations” like “do not interact with the facility at the moment” are sent (this is where corruption and whatever you like).
After 6-12 months, China turns to Sri Lanka with the words “friends! We have fulfilled our obligations, but you have not. The project looks like you are to blame for everything that is happening. And by the way - when will you repay the loans, and most importantly HOW, if the project only brings losses for maintenance!?".

Do you feel where the dialogue is going? No ? Then let's listen to what happens next:
China says “guys, we need you OUR money” (most of which didn’t even leave China), let’s either pay, or read the contract - there are fines, and you pay them too! For some time, Sri Lanka has been frantically searching for a solution. But no one will help someone who is “stuck” in Chinese investments. NO ONE WILL HELP, because... They understand perfectly well what kind of project this is!

And when the “hour of reckoning” comes with money that does NOT exist, China says, “we are friends! Why are we going to bankrupt you? Let’s do it this way - we don’t charge interest. The body of the loan remains, and you ... sell the port to us for 10% of the its cost? If not, then tomorrow you will pay with interest, and we will block the port through international courts until everything is paid in full, and you will bear huge costs for its maintenance, by the way, this is spelled out in the contract."

Sri Lanka has $10 billion in debt.
From China:
- 10 billion in income over 3-5-10 years.
- 5 billion went to Chinese companies (salaries/taxes/business development/...)
- “Investor-friendly” status.

This is what the real picture of “Chinese investment” looks like

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Huppercase on November 12, 2023, 11:38:29 AM
China is a wise country and if you have a relationship with them as a country, they are ready to give you loan to help grow your country without much interest but what I noticed is that many country take the opportunity to keep borrowing money from them and mostly lavish the money without using it to grow there country.

Lately, I love how African countries have started to dissociate their natural resources from China and other slavery countries because they have more funds to give. In the past years, China are free givers, as what people use to think but they don't know that any time they give free interest loan, there is a bilateral agreement between the country that borrowed money and China thag lend the funds. They don't give without taking from you, if you ask for road for loan for infrastructures and they agreed to give you, th country will b selling mineral resources to them at affordable price, more like discount, these are the things they are good at in other to help developed their own country.

However, I love them. Yes, the world is all about survival, even US, France, UK and many more are guilty of this. That was how France was milking Niger of her mineral resources but when a coup happened, all were stop and all effort to force them in continuity of the exploiting wasn't successful. Other African countries have all wake up from there slumber to eradicate this madness of loan and other benefits from these developed countries.

China may have a bigger economy that the United States some day because even the United States depend on China for some certain raw materials to grow there assets. In the next 20 years China might become the world biggest economy so far.

Is this even possible, I think colonization might not allow this to happen. Check half of the world and people that English speaking countries helped in the late 80s, they were English speaking countries, even China was colonized to some extent. Language barrier is one the reason why I think this might not allow China to dominate the world.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Negotiation on November 12, 2023, 12:00:11 PM
China is purely a mysterious country; there is nothing we don't know about them until they decide to say so. But one of my friends is starting a business in China, and he said that China is a good country to do business in, and you can do whatever you want. But you can't be against politics and can't question authority. But it's an economically highly ambitious country, even though we only know the half truth. Still, at least in the town areas, they promote the economy; there is no doubt that otherwise, they haven't had the highest GDP growth. Even the global spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has opened up opportunities for China to expand its influence.
It is really difficult to know the real secret of China. They can usually handle all situations easily. Even after coming out of the strict restrictions of the pandemic, there is also talk of the government taking effective steps to boost the economy. In various developed countries, the government has provided financial benefits to the people during the pandemic, but China has taken care of everything by itself. The benefits allocated by the country's government were mainly for the manufacturing sector. Temporarily price compression has positive effect of lowering prices for people but it was good in long term.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: lizarder on November 12, 2023, 07:06:49 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
China's economic growth is increasing so rapidly and what I know is that they are currently very strong in terms of the economy. China controls the Asian market which is much wider than the European market or the American continent. Their products are marketed to Asia at prices that are much cheaper and more affordable than other products, even though the quality of their products is not much better than products made in America or other countries. The Chinese state is much more secretive in any case and as some people have previously commented they try to manipulate to appear strong in the eyes of other countries.

But apart from that I want to highlight the marketing techniques carried out by their government to control the largest market on the Asian continent and if I'm not mistaken most of their products sell very quickly on the Asian continent. I also like the way they approach both exports and imports and that's why their economy is much better than before. This country is truly extraordinary in terms of population and they always have ways to make their economy better.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: topbitcoin on November 12, 2023, 10:47:01 PM
We need to know that China is a country that has people who really appreciate and love domestic products. And this allows local companies in China to continue operating even though the products they produce are less popular with the global market. They have quite a lot of people who will always support their country's economy by always using and buying products that are available domestically. This is one of the factors why China's economy is so strong.

Never mind products such as food, personal items and furniture for daily life. Even for vehicles, electronics and even applications on smartphones, they prefer domestically produced products, compared to foreign products. And this is something that cannot be implemented in other countries, especially my country. Because in my country, people prefer foreign products compared to domestic products. So local companies and factories in my country cannot survive for long, because the products produced cannot compete with products produced from abroad.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Fortify on November 12, 2023, 10:51:33 PM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.

I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

It's actually pretty straight forward and simple, there's no need to overthink it. For many years they had the biggest population on the planet. After Mao's disastrous policies were overturned and the current government (although a much more progressive form) positioned the country on a path away from basic subsistence into manufacturing. Before "Made in China" there was "Made in Taiwan" and probably other countries before that. They dragged hundreds of millions up by improving education, housing, production standards and enforcing laws to a certain degree. They could build on a much bigger scale than was ever imagined because the government helped drive it forward. It's just a shame Xi Jinping is choosing to drag it back down again now.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: panganib999 on November 12, 2023, 11:07:12 PM
I saw from some Chinese Business explainer vid way back then that China's economy is on the shoulders of their elites. Money is literally pooled within their circle only and that's where China's getting their flourishing economy from. As for the industries, I don't think there's a particular industry that China is specializing in since they tend to dip their toes on everything that would make them money. Going back to the source of their GDP, it's quite possibl that this is truly the case since China's not allowing anyone that's rich enough to just cash their money out and transfer it into an international bank account willy-nilly. They are requiring Chinese Rich people to actually hold some yuan on their end every year or else their assets will be seized by the country. If this is the case, then that just means that the country is in a massive bubble economy and anytime it could pop.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 13, 2023, 08:46:03 AM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
China's economic growth is increasing so rapidly and what I know is that they are currently very strong in terms of the economy. China controls the Asian market which is much wider than the European market or the American continent. Their products are marketed to Asia at prices that are much cheaper and more affordable than other products, even though the quality of their products is not much better than products made in America or other countries. The Chinese state is much more secretive in any case and as some people have previously commented they try to manipulate to appear strong in the eyes of other countries.

But apart from that I want to highlight the marketing techniques carried out by their government to control the largest market on the Asian continent and if I'm not mistaken most of their products sell very quickly on the Asian continent. I also like the way they approach both exports and imports and that's why their economy is much better than before. This country is truly extraordinary in terms of population and they always have ways to make their economy better.

the growth of China's economy IS. An export-oriented economy cannot actively develop and grow with shrinking markets. And China's economy basically lives by exporting EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING. And the key role is played by Western consumers, who bring revenue in liquid currency. And it is them that China is losing today. Plus the internal crisis, which will lead to lower incomes and taxes, and therefore lower purchasing power inside China, which will also prevent the economy from not only growing, but will force it to reduce turnover, which will worsen the situation. The government cannot subsidize business long and massively to create a pretty picture....

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Kelward on November 14, 2023, 08:42:35 AM
These numbers are manipulated! The main aim of the communist party is to maintain a great image of China infront of the world. But the reality is very different that what you are seeing here.

A good read:

I personally work with 17 Chinese colleagues who are doing the same job since last 18 years without changing the company and with only one promotion. They are afraid of changing jobs as there's not much opportunities available outside the metro cities and it's extremely costly to live in metro cities. Do not believe things coming out of China glorifying themselves.

If China, is maintaining a great image it itself in front of the world but have a different reality inside, then they're doing a great job in concealing what really happens in their country. I say this because, the impact of China, to the whole world in terms of manufacturing can not be overemphasized. I believe that there is hardly a home in the whole world where you will not see a Chinese product inside. China, is among the world power and has a robust economy as far as I can see, although I've not been to the country before, but I feel the impact of their economy because of there massive exports to other countries.

I must applaud China, because it's not easy for a country of over one billion people to sustain it's economy and still have surplus to export  to other countries. So with that kind of population explosion, it's to be expected that it won't be easy to switch jobs, in fact if not for their industrialization, they're supposed to have the highest number of unemployed and restitutes in the world, because of their explosive population.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: knowngunman on November 14, 2023, 10:20:06 AM
China doesn't disclose clear data to the outer world. The manipulated data or data gathered by the agencies weren't that perfect. The calculation made based on the data revealed shows China's economy is strong. The small scale industries in the country were the key for the development of the country's economy. For China population served as a big issue and now different policies to control population have given effective result.

Soon after the COVID, the country hit hard in all sectors. But no clear information gets revealed to the outer world. China's economy needs to be kept aside, because the way they create export and import market is different from other countries.

This is the exact situation and the truth is that Chinese government has a strong interest in projecting a positive image to the world and it has been successful in doing so through its economic development and its hosting of major events. The Chinese government also has a strong influence on the media and there are limits on freedom of expression. As a result, it can be difficult to get an accurate data of life in China from within the country. However, one thing that sets China's economic apart from other countries in the Op post is due to her top-down and centralized decision making. The government has been able to enact sweeping economic reforms because it doesn't have to go through the same kind of legislative process that exists in democratic countries. China has been able to ramp up infrastructure investment quickly because the government can simply decide to build new roads or whatever policies without having to seek approval from a legislature.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Uruhara on November 14, 2023, 10:57:30 AM
I may not know the big picture of what China or China is doing to keep their economy on a pretty good trend. But I tried to understand it from individual residents there who I happen to have many acquaintances with who are also Chinese. And what I see from them is that they are tenacious, hardworking and disciplined people. They are not greedy to get big profits at once. But they carry out a series of very systematic plans starting from small things which in the long term can change big things.

And if I remember the word China then what comes to my mind is cheap products whose quality is not so bad. Sometimes even very good. There, workers' wages may be low, but this is also what makes the prices of goods from that country always cheap and makes them very popular and sell well on the market. Even in the market in my country, products from China always fill the market. And many consumers like it. Because the price is really cheap. Especially in the current economic crisis, there will be more people looking for cheap products but with standard quality. it's about quantity vs quality.

And globally, China is now even starting to have its own stage. And the name of this country is now starting to become a strong name when talking about the international economy, especially in Asia. They build their image slowly and then develop it patiently. Sometimes I personally have my own worries when our country has business relations with that country.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 14, 2023, 11:13:31 AM
I may not know the big picture of what China or China is doing to keep their economy on a pretty good trend. But I tried to understand it from individual residents there who I happen to have many acquaintances with who are also Chinese. And what I see from them is that they are tenacious, hardworking and disciplined people. They are not greedy to get big profits at once. But they carry out a series of very systematic plans starting from small things which in the long term can change big things.

And if I remember the word China then what comes to my mind is cheap products whose quality is not so bad. Sometimes even very good. There, workers' wages may be low, but this is also what makes the prices of goods from that country always cheap and makes them very popular and sell well on the market. Even in the market in my country, products from China always fill the market. And many consumers like it. Because the price is really cheap. Especially in the current economic crisis, there will be more people looking for cheap products but with standard quality. it's about quantity vs quality.

And globally, China is now even starting to have its own stage. And the name of this country is now starting to become a strong name when talking about the international economy, especially in Asia. They build their image slowly and then develop it patiently. Sometimes I personally have my own worries when our country has business relations with that country.

You're describing a situation that happened recently.
The key points - the income level of the Chinese, working in factories producing quality goods - has increased markedly. This has made them less competitive, which used to be the main "thing" of the Chinese industry.

Yes, Chinese people are very hard-working, persistent, and forward-looking. It's silly to argue here, I completely agree ! But there is a nuance - until recently, they invested in study, work, development - they understood what they can achieve in a fairly free country. I will not touch on politics and nuances, but economic freedom in China was ! Now the trends are changing. and not for the better - free economy is starting to be squeezed by the state. And this will be a negative factor that will negatively affect at least the desire to work for the future, which may not be....

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: slapper on November 14, 2023, 01:27:57 PM
China doesn't disclose clear data to the outer world. The manipulated data or data gathered by the agencies weren't that perfect. The calculation made based on the data revealed shows China's economy is strong. The small scale industries in the country were the key for the development of the country's economy. For China population served as a big issue and now different policies to control population have given effective result.

Soon after the COVID, the country hit hard in all sectors. But no clear information gets revealed to the outer world. China's economy needs to be kept aside, because the way they create export and import market is different from other countries.

This is the exact situation and the truth is that Chinese government has a strong interest in projecting a positive image to the world and it has been successful in doing so through its economic development and its hosting of major events. The Chinese government also has a strong influence on the media and there are limits on freedom of expression. As a result, it can be difficult to get an accurate data of life in China from within the country. However, one thing that sets China's economic apart from other countries in the Op post is due to her top-down and centralized decision making. The government has been able to enact sweeping economic reforms because it doesn't have to go through the same kind of legislative process that exists in democratic countries. China has been able to ramp up infrastructure investment quickly because the government can simply decide to build new roads or whatever policies without having to seek approval from a legislature.
China's economy has grown very quickly because its government can quickly put policies into place, without having to go through the complicated voting process that happens in democracies. Even though this method is controversial, it does make things more efficient, especially when it comes to big infrastructure projects. But it's not all good; this system can miss local needs or make it hard to divide up resources. It's great for going places quickly, but it comes with some risk

Now, if you want to really "get" China, you need to enter into their online world. If you switch from Instagram to TikTok (Douyin if you will), you'll see a creative and lively side of Chinese society that the media doesn't usually show. Trade Amazon or eBay for Taobao, and you're not just shopping; you're experiencing China's dynamic e-commerce ecosystem, where speed and innovation are the names of the game. What about Alipay vs. PayPal? It's like stepping into the future of digital payments. It's interesting to see how these platforms reflect the different aspects of Chinese culture, often being ahead of the curve when it comes to new ideas and how they fit into everyday life.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 15, 2023, 10:38:52 AM
China doesn't disclose clear data to the outer world. The manipulated data or data gathered by the agencies weren't that perfect. The calculation made based on the data revealed shows China's economy is strong. The small scale industries in the country were the key for the development of the country's economy. For China population served as a big issue and now different policies to control population have given effective result.

Soon after the COVID, the country hit hard in all sectors. But no clear information gets revealed to the outer world. China's economy needs to be kept aside, because the way they create export and import market is different from other countries.

This is the exact situation and the truth is that Chinese government has a strong interest in projecting a positive image to the world and it has been successful in doing so through its economic development and its hosting of major events. The Chinese government also has a strong influence on the media and there are limits on freedom of expression. As a result, it can be difficult to get an accurate data of life in China from within the country. However, one thing that sets China's economic apart from other countries in the Op post is due to her top-down and centralized decision making. The government has been able to enact sweeping economic reforms because it doesn't have to go through the same kind of legislative process that exists in democratic countries. China has been able to ramp up infrastructure investment quickly because the government can simply decide to build new roads or whatever policies without having to seek approval from a legislature.
China's economy has grown very quickly because its government can quickly put policies into place, without having to go through the complicated voting process that happens in democracies. Even though this method is controversial, it does make things more efficient, especially when it comes to big infrastructure projects. But it's not all good; this system can miss local needs or make it hard to divide up resources. It's great for going places quickly, but it comes with some risk

Now, if you want to really "get" China, you need to enter into their online world. If you switch from Instagram to TikTok (Douyin if you will), you'll see a creative and lively side of Chinese society that the media doesn't usually show. Trade Amazon or eBay for Taobao, and you're not just shopping; you're experiencing China's dynamic e-commerce ecosystem, where speed and innovation are the names of the game. What about Alipay vs. PayPal? It's like stepping into the future of digital payments. It's interesting to see how these platforms reflect the different aspects of Chinese culture, often being ahead of the curve when it comes to new ideas and how they fit into everyday life.

The only thing I would add to your answer is the fact that virtually all Chinese services are based on Western models, reworked and rethought with the mistakes of the original Western services - marketplaces, payment services, social networks..... This is also, in a sense, borrowing, and taking into account the mistakes experienced by Western companies....

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: lizarder on November 15, 2023, 01:58:18 PM
the growth of China's economy IS. An export-oriented economy cannot actively develop and grow with shrinking markets. And China's economy basically lives by exporting EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING. And the key role is played by Western consumers, who bring revenue in liquid currency. And it is them that China is losing today. Plus the internal crisis, which will lead to lower incomes and taxes, and therefore lower purchasing power inside China, which will also prevent the economy from not only growing, but will force it to reduce turnover, which will worsen the situation. The government cannot subsidize business long and massively to create a pretty picture....
If China can maintain comprehensive exports to markets other than Asia as a new plan they are developing, then I believe China will become one of the strongest countries financially. Of the many products they make, they are generally marketed to Asia because that region is the source of their strength to dominate the market. China is a country that is strong in trade relations and especially its influence on the Asian market which has controlled many sectors and China is also a country that is developing innovation in the field of technology which is now starting to be taken into account by Western countries

The crisis that has occurred in recent years has not only hit China and other countries have also been affected. But their economic strength is much better compared to several countries which are starting to face much bigger problems and their ability to solve the recession problem should be appreciated in the midst of a large population, they are able to provide solutions.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: slapper on November 15, 2023, 03:01:41 PM
the growth of China's economy IS. An export-oriented economy cannot actively develop and grow with shrinking markets. And China's economy basically lives by exporting EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING. And the key role is played by Western consumers, who bring revenue in liquid currency. And it is them that China is losing today. Plus the internal crisis, which will lead to lower incomes and taxes, and therefore lower purchasing power inside China, which will also prevent the economy from not only growing, but will force it to reduce turnover, which will worsen the situation. The government cannot subsidize business long and massively to create a pretty picture....
If China can maintain comprehensive exports to markets other than Asia as a new plan they are developing, then I believe China will become one of the strongest countries financially. Of the many products they make, they are generally marketed to Asia because that region is the source of their strength to dominate the market. China is a country that is strong in trade relations and especially its influence on the Asian market which has controlled many sectors and China is also a country that is developing innovation in the field of technology which is now starting to be taken into account by Western countries

The crisis that has occurred in recent years has not only hit China and other countries have also been affected. But their economic strength is much better compared to several countries which are starting to face much bigger problems and their ability to solve the recession problem should be appreciated in the midst of a large population, they are able to provide solutions.
China leads the world's Eastward shift, no doubt. Their export diversification strategy beyond Asia? Genius. The Asian market is theirs to rule, and that's just the start. Their goods? Highly skilled, diversified, and innovative. They're altering the game, not simply playing. The West is finally paying attention. Chinese technological expand? It's here and changing the global economy

How about crisis management? China's economic downturn management? Amazing. They've faced hardships, but who hasn't? With a huge population, they've handled these situations admirably. Like constructing a financial empire with style and smarts. They can recover and keep going? That distinguishes them. Folks, things are changing. China is speeding toward becoming the world's largest economy. They're playing their cards right. The Eastern wind is blowing, and it's bringing change

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: tygeade on November 16, 2023, 06:55:11 AM
China's economy has grown very quickly because its government can quickly put policies into place, without having to go through the complicated voting process that happens in democracies. Even though this method is controversial, it does make things more efficient, especially when it comes to big infrastructure projects. But it's not all good; this system can miss local needs or make it hard to divide up resources. It's great for going places quickly, but it comes with some risk

Now, if you want to really "get" China, you need to enter into their online world. If you switch from Instagram to TikTok (Douyin if you will), you'll see a creative and lively side of Chinese society that the media doesn't usually show. Trade Amazon or eBay for Taobao, and you're not just shopping; you're experiencing China's dynamic e-commerce ecosystem, where speed and innovation are the names of the game. What about Alipay vs. PayPal? It's like stepping into the future of digital payments. It's interesting to see how these platforms reflect the different aspects of Chinese culture, often being ahead of the curve when it comes to new ideas and how they fit into everyday life.
The only thing I would add to your answer is the fact that virtually all Chinese services are based on Western models, reworked and rethought with the mistakes of the original Western services - marketplaces, payment services, social networks..... This is also, in a sense, borrowing, and taking into account the mistakes experienced by Western companies....
I understand your red blooded 'murica! approach, and I dislike China as much as the next person, but I do dislike USA too. China enslaves nations by giving them debt, USA enslaves them by invading and stealing their resources, neither are good nations. You can't be from USA and expect anyone in a poor nation like from Latin America or middle east and expect people to like the USA, you guys have invaded and ruined dozens of nations just to get richer yourself.

However, you are right that China has ruined plenty of nations themselves, they are famous for giving "free" money for a while until the whole nation is swallowed whole as a debt ridden country that needs to work forever just to appeal to China, that is a less vicious and less murderous way of business, so I would prefer that to be honest. I mean on one hand a nation will invade and murder everyone you love and control your resources, on the other they will give you money to grow you and feed you and then enslave you, I rather not die to be fair.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 16, 2023, 10:10:26 AM
China's economy has grown very quickly because its government can quickly put policies into place, without having to go through the complicated voting process that happens in democracies. Even though this method is controversial, it does make things more efficient, especially when it comes to big infrastructure projects. But it's not all good; this system can miss local needs or make it hard to divide up resources. It's great for going places quickly, but it comes with some risk

Now, if you want to really "get" China, you need to enter into their online world. If you switch from Instagram to TikTok (Douyin if you will), you'll see a creative and lively side of Chinese society that the media doesn't usually show. Trade Amazon or eBay for Taobao, and you're not just shopping; you're experiencing China's dynamic e-commerce ecosystem, where speed and innovation are the names of the game. What about Alipay vs. PayPal? It's like stepping into the future of digital payments. It's interesting to see how these platforms reflect the different aspects of Chinese culture, often being ahead of the curve when it comes to new ideas and how they fit into everyday life.
The only thing I would add to your answer is the fact that virtually all Chinese services are based on Western models, reworked and rethought with the mistakes of the original Western services - marketplaces, payment services, social networks..... This is also, in a sense, borrowing, and taking into account the mistakes experienced by Western companies....
I understand your red blooded 'murica! approach, and I dislike China as much as the next person, but I do dislike USA too. China enslaves nations by giving them debt, USA enslaves them by invading and stealing their resources, neither are good nations. You can't be from USA and expect anyone in a poor nation like from Latin America or middle east and expect people to like the USA, you guys have invaded and ruined dozens of nations just to get richer yourself.

However, you are right that China has ruined plenty of nations themselves, they are famous for giving "free" money for a while until the whole nation is swallowed whole as a debt ridden country that needs to work forever just to appeal to China, that is a less vicious and less murderous way of business, so I would prefer that to be honest. I mean on one hand a nation will invade and murder everyone you love and control your resources, on the other they will give you money to grow you and feed you and then enslave you, I rather not die to be fair.

Let me start by saying that I didn't call for loving the US :)
I simply explained that the "success of Chinese business" is based on Western technologies, concepts, ideas, businesses. The West is not only the USA, at least in my understanding.

I already wrote above about China's investment - it is a real evil, as well as yuanization of the economies of some countries that succumbed to Chinese influence.

The topic here is about Chinese economy, and political problems of China, USA, Germany, Spain, Iran, Egypt, and others who have "skeletons in the closet" - I think we should discuss it in another thread :).

PS. Could you please tell me, I didn't quite understand your phrase "I understand your red blooded 'murica! approach" - English is not my native language, is it some slang turn of phrase ?

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: so98nn on November 16, 2023, 12:03:00 PM
Cheap labor = Cheap Manufacturing = High exports. I am not sure why nobody talks about it. China is known to manage their automation and labor usage at very high throughput rate. No other country can beat it except couple of newly originating ones.

They are able to manage their economy (until now) through their population itself. Most of the peeps are working in the mega factories where they mass produce almost everything. If you checkout alibaba then you will see whether it is medicinal equipment’s or some engineering jobs or clothes, hell they got it for you at cheapest level no one can beat.

For me that’s biggest factor China maintaining their charisma.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: lizarder on November 16, 2023, 01:48:03 PM
China leads the world's Eastward shift, no doubt. Their export diversification strategy beyond Asia? Genius. The Asian market is theirs to rule, and that's just the start. Their goods? Highly skilled, diversified, and innovative. They're altering the game, not simply playing. The West is finally paying attention. Chinese technological expand? It's here and changing the global economy

How about crisis management? China's economic downturn management? Amazing. They've faced hardships, but who hasn't? With a huge population, they've handled these situations admirably. Like constructing a financial empire with style and smarts. They can recover and keep going? That distinguishes them. Folks, things are changing. China is speeding toward becoming the world's largest economy. They're playing their cards right. The Eastern wind is blowing, and it's bringing change
The ability of China in developing the global economic potential is now increasingly calculated to Western countries because they begin to control many infrastructure, industrial and technology sectors. Asia is the largest market for China in marketing its products and now they are starting to explore other countries as an effort to cooperate they are building. Besides imitation products, China also makes their own products at a fairly cheap price so that for developing countries their products are considered to meet their needs because the price standards are quite affordable.

China's economic power has progressed since they headed for the threshold of change and now China has become one of the countries that is strong enough in the economic field. I once read a number of articles that China keeps Yuan's exchange rate in a stable threshold in the middle so that export costs become cheaper. This strategy is considered quite successful so that it brings China to become one of the countries that succeeded in carrying out export and import cooperation to the market in Asia.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: NewRanger on November 16, 2023, 03:15:19 PM
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point,  with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China,  are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.

Why is that even though we know that the beginning of the tragedy was there . If we look at it economically, China was quick and responsive in implementing a series of stimulus policies to support their economy after the pandemic and In general China is very important to the direction of the dollar and yuan and recent changes in trends or price movements in the Bitcoin market because they are in the form of their ownership or actions towards Bitcoin so they are wary of inadequate financial market infrastructure and basic supervision of exchanges exists for digital currency.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on November 16, 2023, 04:03:55 PM
the growth of China's economy IS. An export-oriented economy cannot actively develop and grow with shrinking markets. And China's economy basically lives by exporting EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING. And the key role is played by Western consumers, who bring revenue in liquid currency. And it is them that China is losing today. Plus the internal crisis, which will lead to lower incomes and taxes, and therefore lower purchasing power inside China, which will also prevent the economy from not only growing, but will force it to reduce turnover, which will worsen the situation. The government cannot subsidize business long and massively to create a pretty picture....
If China can maintain comprehensive exports to markets other than Asia as a new plan they are developing, then I believe China will become one of the strongest countries financially. Of the many products they make, they are generally marketed to Asia because that region is the source of their strength to dominate the market. China is a country that is strong in trade relations and especially its influence on the Asian market which has controlled many sectors and China is also a country that is developing innovation in the field of technology which is now starting to be taken into account by Western countries

The crisis that has occurred in recent years has not only hit China and other countries have also been affected. But their economic strength is much better compared to several countries which are starting to face much bigger problems and their ability to solve the recession problem should be appreciated in the midst of a large population, they are able to provide solutions.
I think at this point you need to understand that China as I speak to you, has been exploring the African Market, majority of the gadgets that are used in Africa from cell phones, laptops, electricity generator just name it, is all been made from china. So Asian alone is not there stronghold, china has diversified into many continents across the globe.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: coupable on November 16, 2023, 04:41:50 PM

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

The strength of the Chinese economy cannot be explained without returning to its historical process since its liberation from Japanese colonialism during World War II. Under Mao's leadership, China adopted many economic models that were inappropriate for the country's specificities. These policies were a blind imitation of the policies of the Soviet Union, and when Brezhnev tried to dissuade them from implementing them, they accused him of revisionism and continued with a policy that relied solely on agriculture and steel production, which led to a famine that killed more than 50 million people. This is only one example of the decline that the Chinese economy suffered from for decades before it realized the best way to build a solid economy based on diversifying resources and encouraging free productivity under planning by the state (the ruling party), which transformed communism from a closed theory into an open policy resembling imperialism. . This is since China is interested in opening new markets, but not in military policies.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: MFahad on November 16, 2023, 06:01:10 PM
The Chinese are very hard working therefore they create different technologies and utilise their own technologies and materials in their country. The exporting material of China are more but they have less import therefore the economy of a country can also be determined through the value of their exports.

Most of electronic materials are made by China and also it is possible that worth of material is not higher in China as that of in other countries. Most important point is that the population of China is not much higher and the present number of population are all involved in working so therefore they aid in the economy of a country. I never  heard that China borrowed money from any country but China allow money to offer to others countries so this is also a positive point for its economy.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on November 16, 2023, 06:29:40 PM

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

The strength of the Chinese economy cannot be explained without returning to its historical process since its liberation from Japanese colonialism during World War II. Under Mao's leadership, China adopted many economic models that were inappropriate for the country's specificities. These policies were a blind imitation of the policies of the Soviet Union, and when Brezhnev tried to dissuade them from implementing them, they accused him of revisionism and continued with a policy that relied solely on agriculture and steel production, which led to a famine that killed more than 50 million people. This is only one example of the decline that the Chinese economy suffered from for decades before it realized the best way to build a solid economy based on diversifying resources and encouraging free productivity under planning by the state (the ruling party), which transformed communism from a closed theory into an open policy resembling imperialism. . This is since China is interested in opening new markets, but not in military policies.
You've outlined the historically trajectory of the social political activities that has enveloped overtime in china, however a policy looks like in the theory, if it is not physically manifesting then that theory is just existing in the papers, from what you just outlined, it shows how they've overtime develop policies that are human oriented and that can expand their economic base to what we currently see in this present time.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: electronicash on November 16, 2023, 06:45:41 PM

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

The strength of the Chinese economy cannot be explained without returning to its historical process since its liberation from Japanese colonialism during World War II. Under Mao's leadership, China adopted many economic models that were inappropriate for the country's specificities. These policies were a blind imitation of the policies of the Soviet Union, and when Brezhnev tried to dissuade them from implementing them, they accused him of revisionism and continued with a policy that relied solely on agriculture and steel production, which led to a famine that killed more than 50 million people. This is only one example of the decline that the Chinese economy suffered from for decades before it realized the best way to build a solid economy based on diversifying resources and encouraging free productivity under planning by the state (the ruling party), which transformed communism from a closed theory into an open policy resembling imperialism. . This is since China is interested in opening new markets, but not in military policies.
You've outlined the historically trajectory of the social political activities that has enveloped overtime in china, however a policy looks like in the theory, if it is not physically manifesting then that theory is just existing in the papers, from what you just outlined, it shows how they've overtime develop policies that are human oriented and that can expand their economic base to what we currently see in this present time.

the economy of China will not grow if they just manufacture different kinds of products that the companies owned by other countries like Apple or Samsung. growing rich means that people will also demand something more. thus the introduction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). they invest not just inside their country but expand. they invest in countries where they build their trains from China to the West.

they grew their influence from Kazakhstan going to Turkey and will probably reach to UK if no resistance from other parties. they mean business with their policies that why there was no resistance against them in Africa and even in the Middle East so they also improve the lives of those countries they expand.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: coupable on November 16, 2023, 09:37:46 PM

The other day,  Pawal7777 ( was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?

The strength of the Chinese economy cannot be explained without returning to its historical process since its liberation from Japanese colonialism during World War II. Under Mao's leadership, China adopted many economic models that were inappropriate for the country's specificities. These policies were a blind imitation of the policies of the Soviet Union, and when Brezhnev tried to dissuade them from implementing them, they accused him of revisionism and continued with a policy that relied solely on agriculture and steel production, which led to a famine that killed more than 50 million people. This is only one example of the decline that the Chinese economy suffered from for decades before it realized the best way to build a solid economy based on diversifying resources and encouraging free productivity under planning by the state (the ruling party), which transformed communism from a closed theory into an open policy resembling imperialism. . This is since China is interested in opening new markets, but not in military policies.
You've outlined the historically trajectory of the social political activities that has enveloped overtime in china, however a policy looks like in the theory, if it is not physically manifesting then that theory is just existing in the papers, from what you just outlined, it shows how they've overtime develop policies that are human oriented and that can expand their economic base to what we currently see in this present time.

the economy of China will not grow if they just manufacture different kinds of products that the companies owned by other countries like Apple or Samsung. growing rich means that people will also demand something more. thus the introduction of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). they invest not just inside their country but expand. they invest in countries where they build their trains from China to the West.

they grew their influence from Kazakhstan going to Turkey and will probably reach to UK if no resistance from other parties. they mean business with their policies that why there was no resistance against them in Africa and even in the Middle East so they also improve the lives of those countries they expand.

All of this falls within China's policies to open up to new markets capable of meeting the needs it asks for in order to secure coherent internal production.  At the same time, to impose economic hegemony, given that winning markets in the new world is based on an economic base, and military intervention is no longer effective in securing new markets.
This strategy was not adopted by China alone, but by almost all non-colonial powers that cannot abandon the policy of openness and at the same time do not have the qualifications to fight military wars whose losses may be greater than their profits, and in the end nothing is guaranteed.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 17, 2023, 09:31:02 AM
the growth of China's economy IS. An export-oriented economy cannot actively develop and grow with shrinking markets. And China's economy basically lives by exporting EVERYTHING and EVERYTHING. And the key role is played by Western consumers, who bring revenue in liquid currency. And it is them that China is losing today. Plus the internal crisis, which will lead to lower incomes and taxes, and therefore lower purchasing power inside China, which will also prevent the economy from not only growing, but will force it to reduce turnover, which will worsen the situation. The government cannot subsidize business long and massively to create a pretty picture....
If China can maintain comprehensive exports to markets other than Asia as a new plan they are developing, then I believe China will become one of the strongest countries financially. Of the many products they make, they are generally marketed to Asia because that region is the source of their strength to dominate the market. China is a country that is strong in trade relations and especially its influence on the Asian market which has controlled many sectors and China is also a country that is developing innovation in the field of technology which is now starting to be taken into account by Western countries

The crisis that has occurred in recent years has not only hit China and other countries have also been affected. But their economic strength is much better compared to several countries which are starting to face much bigger problems and their ability to solve the recession problem should be appreciated in the midst of a large population, they are able to provide solutions.

You see what the problem is - Asian, African market of course is good. BUT ! This market is not ready to buy a lot, expensive and for a stable currency like dollar or euro. In addition, neither Asian nor African markets will bring investment and technology to the Chinese economy! That is why the Chinese economy is dependent on the Western market.
I think it is not for nothing that the head of China flew to the US to negotiate a reduction in the degree of economic (and political) confrontation - the internal problems in China are growing like a snowball rolling down a snowy mountain, and without US help they cannot solve the problem. The idea of yuanized BRICS did not work out, and it was the last chance to save the yuan and the economy, without the Western market.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: WillyAp on November 17, 2023, 02:11:05 PM

You see what the problem is - Asian, African market of course is good. BUT ! This market is not ready to buy a lot, expensive and for a stable currency like dollar or euro. In addition, neither Asian nor African markets will bring investment and technology to the Chinese economy! That is why the Chinese economy is dependent on the Western market.

Exactly, due to the root of all problems, wages are too low.
Sad is that the EU seems to be blind in that regard.

Few countries try to counter those cash problems in offering schooling to the working class.
Scandinavia, the Baltic States go that way. China in parts but their economy is still more export driven.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 17, 2023, 07:16:16 PM

You see what the problem is - Asian, African market of course is good. BUT ! This market is not ready to buy a lot, expensive and for a stable currency like dollar or euro. In addition, neither Asian nor African markets will bring investment and technology to the Chinese economy! That is why the Chinese economy is dependent on the Western market.

Exactly, due to the root of all problems, wages are too low.
Sad is that the EU seems to be blind in that regard.

Few countries try to counter those cash problems in offering schooling to the working class.
Scandinavia, the Baltic States go that way. China in parts but their economy is still more export driven.

I apologize but you are wrong, if I understood your answer correctly. if I did not understand correctly - correct me, maybe I really misunderstood you....
But... One of the problems with China is that just in the last decade China has seen a rise in incomes and living standards. That has led to some changes. Starting with the fact that population growth has gone down - both the impact of the "one family, one child" program and the actual rise in the standard of living of the Chinese. And as you know, the higher the standard of living, the lower the number of children in families. 1-2 children is normal, but not 5-10 children. And this is a resource for cheap labor.
Rising incomes, also raised the level of labor force demands. And hence the cost of the final product also rises. I'm sure you understand where this leads.
At the same time, the internal crisis has led to an increase in unemployment. Now they are already talking about almost 30% unemployment among the young population. And the issue is not only that there are no jobs, but there is a problem - people are not ready to work for pennies..... because they're already used to a good income. So the low wages of the Chinese population - 20-30 years ago - was really an advantage... But now it's lost...

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: WillyAp on November 18, 2023, 12:48:54 AM

I apologize but you are wrong, if I understood your answer correctly. if I did not understand correctly - correct me, maybe I really misunderstood you....
But... One of the problems with China is that just in the last decade China has seen a rise in incomes and living standards. That has led to some changes. Starting with the fact that population growth has gone down - both the impact of the "one family, one child" program and the actual rise in the standard of living of the Chinese. And as you know, the higher the standard of living, the lower the number of children in families. 1-2 children is normal, but not 5-10 children. And this is a resource for cheap labor.

Oh yes we live in different environments, and just because income of some is higher that does not mean there are no issues. China has huge issues with overeducated people finding jobs in their profession. Still millions have huge debts or credits running for apartments which have been demolished. 

Quote from: WillAP
Few countries try to counter those cash problems in offering schooling to the working class.
Scandinavia, the Baltic States go that way. China in parts but their economy is still more export driven.

That was not an answer directed towards you actually, it was meant towards all. Wages are too low. Most countries have greedy politicians. Specially Africa has a lot of them. The still US is a rich country. People flogg into the US as they believe that 1500 US$ is a huge wage compared to the 150 they would make in Ecuador or elsewhere. But in the US they lower classes suffer most, under the pressure of a mass inmigration.

That apart the US neither seems to believe in Education.

Back to China, I don't think they can survive without selling their goods into the West.
The EU will be poor just as the US as lower classes will get less $ for more work, which will lead to revolution.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: ChiBitCTy on November 18, 2023, 01:26:41 AM
The truth is that we really can't believe the economic data that is coming out of China.  China is notorious for falsifying their numbers for just about anything and everything, not to say that most other nations don't do the same to an extent, but being that it's such a tightly ran nation that doesn't allow for much of "outside eyes" looking in, it's very hard for anyone to prove whatever they are reporting as factual or not.  Just looking a a communistic dictatorship governmental set-up standpoint...hard to trust them

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: franky1 on November 18, 2023, 02:36:46 AM
Sometimes as a rational thinker,  I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL  GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.

the answer is simple
when public services like hospitals, road maintenance is done in-house by government contractors. the costs are actually done "at cost" rather than giving funds to private companies where  there is a 2-3x charge which private companies add on. so they do not have to "print" as much money during covid to be syphoned off by private business at 3x profit.

when they build the hospitals for covid they built them far cheaper then the US gov budget handed out to medical corporations to handle covid

instead of handing citizens $1xk per quarter. they instead employed people to do shopping deliveries and welness checks thus people did not have extra out of pocket expense staying home

when you look how much fraud happened in america about the covid grants. you soon start to see who wasted more money

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 18, 2023, 01:59:48 PM
The truth is that we really can't believe the economic data that is coming out of China.  China is notorious for falsifying their numbers for just about anything and everything, not to say that most other nations don't do the same to an extent, but being that it's such a tightly ran nation that doesn't allow for much of "outside eyes" looking in, it's very hard for anyone to prove whatever they are reporting as factual or not.  Just looking a a communistic dictatorship governmental set-up standpoint...hard to trust them

That's one of the problems - the insularity of the real data on the Chinese economy. If we, for example, can roughly calculate the volume of foreign trade by secondary data (from importers and exporters of China), the internal "kitchen" is closed from the whole world. For example, there is absolutely no information about the real stock of foreign exchange reserves. Yes, we can, for example, know from the U.S. side how much China buys U.S. government bonds, but... that's ALL, the rest of the information is not verifiable and is not available not only to the outside world but also inside China. Therefore, it is possible that the strength of the Chinese economy put it mildly, far from the public picture.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on November 18, 2023, 05:52:21 PM
The truth is that we really can't believe the economic data that is coming out of China.  China is notorious for falsifying their numbers for just about anything and everything, not to say that most other nations don't do the same to an extent, but being that it's such a tightly ran nation that doesn't allow for much of "outside eyes" looking in, it's very hard for anyone to prove whatever they are reporting as factual or not.  Just looking a a communistic dictatorship governmental set-up standpoint...hard to trust them

That's one of the problems - the insularity of the real data on the Chinese economy. If we, for example, can roughly calculate the volume of foreign trade by secondary data (from importers and exporters of China), the internal "kitchen" is closed from the whole world. For example, there is absolutely no information about the real stock of foreign exchange reserves. Yes, we can, for example, know from the U.S. side how much China buys U.S. government bonds, but... that's ALL, the rest of the information is not verifiable and is not available not only to the outside world but also inside China. Therefore, it is possible that the strength of the Chinese economy put it mildly, far from the public picture.

Even if i try to agree a little bit with your assertion, china has been giving out loans to various countries across the globe, there infrastructural and construction company are all over Africa, and they are doing very well with their productivity. China might try to hide some statistics about the internal infractions about their country, but having a country with over a billion people and they are not in extreme poverty situation, then trust me, china is doing well.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: el kaka22 on November 23, 2023, 04:42:45 AM
They have used slave labor conditions to build stuff for other nations and make cheap products and get all the manufacturing, once again (not first in their history) ignoring all the damage they are doing to their own citizens and to the world (pollution) and they just cared about their power, which allowed them to have enough money to just fund other nations and get them under their control.

Do you think a nation that has 30%+ of their gdp indebted to China would end up with going against China? They would have two reasons not to, first of all they are getting money from them so why would they stop, secondly if China comes asking for their money back, it would be very hard to say no, it would be dangerous for sure.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: Learn Bitcoin on November 23, 2023, 09:02:33 AM
Do you think a nation that has 30%+ of their gdp indebted to China would end up with going against China? They would have two reasons not to, first of all they are getting money from them so why would they stop, secondly if China comes asking for their money back, it would be very hard to say no, it would be dangerous for sure.

I wonder what the punishment is for a country that won't be able to pay a debt or, let's say, they don't want to pay the debt at once as most of their contract is they will pay the debt in installments. Who will solve that issue? Internation court? I don't see anything else how it could be dangerous for a country. Or is there any chance China may attack them?

I don't think a country will attack another country just because they could not pay the debt. Instead, if they stop exporting products to those countries and they ask other countries not to help, that could create a real mess.

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: slapper on November 23, 2023, 11:44:29 AM
They have used slave labor conditions to build stuff for other nations and make cheap products and get all the manufacturing, once again (not first in their history) ignoring all the damage they are doing to their own citizens and to the world (pollution) and they just cared about their power, which allowed them to have enough money to just fund other nations and get them under their control.

Do you think a nation that has 30%+ of their gdp indebted to China would end up with going against China? They would have two reasons not to, first of all they are getting money from them so why would they stop, secondly if China comes asking for their money back, it would be very hard to say no, it would be dangerous for sure.
It seems like a bit of selective memory to only criticise China for problems with labour and the environment. Let's not forget that Western countries have generally become industrialised in ways that were not good for the environment or moral. Similar things happened in the West on its way to progress, like taking advantage of people and damaging the environment. Do we not have two different standards here? Now let's talk about how we count on and owe money to China. It's a complicated web of interdependence. Yes, countries may be hesitant to stand up to China because of their debts, but it's too simple to think that debt-ridden countries are just tools. International politics is not a simple case of a debtor owing money to a creditor

Title: Re: What has really been behind china's economy
Post by: DrBeer on November 25, 2023, 03:44:01 PM
SHANGHAI, Nov 24 (Reuters) - Chinese stocks closed in negative territory on Friday as investors remained cautious given the sluggish economic recovery and strong foreign investment outflows further dampened risk appetite.
The Shanghai Composite index fell 0.68 percent to 3,040.97 points, while the blue-chip CSI300 index fell 0.66 percent to 3,538.01 points.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng index fell 1.96% to 17,559.42 points and the China Enterprises index fell 2.1% to 6,041.15 points.
Mainland blue chips lost 0.8% for the week, their worst weekly performance in a month, while the Hang Seng Index climbed 0.6%.
Net sales of Chinese stocks by foreign investors through the Stock Connect system totaled 6.2 billion yuan ($859.79 million) on Friday, the biggest daily outflow in more than a month.

Looks like "economic recovery" is hiding over the horizon....