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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: covfefe_ on September 05, 2023, 02:34:15 AM

Title: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: covfefe_ on September 05, 2023, 02:34:15 AM
“Population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming.” - Elon Musk

People have stopped breeding.
Here's a list of 10 largely populated nation and their fertility rate in brackets. Fertility rate is the average number of children a couple breeds. A fertility rate below 2.1 indicates a declining trend.

1. India has entered the phase for decrease (2.06).
2. China's population is already decreasing (1.28).
3. US population is increasing just because of immigration (1.6).
4. Indonesian being muslim majority would keep breeding for a while but the rate has decreased significantly over time (2.19).
5. Pakistan another muslim nation is still a good exporter of immigrants but the fertility rate is decreasing rapidly (3.56).
6. Nigeria with over 50% muslim population is growing (5.31).
7. Brazil's on verge of population decline (1.65).
8. Bangladesh, even a muslim nation's population going stagnant (2.0).
9. Russian's were getting fewer even without war (1.5).
10. Mexico won't grow for too long. (1.9)

Only 3 of them are above the replacement rate and all of them muslim majority. Unlike claims from some, the fertility rate on muslim nations too are on decline.
The population decrease is already affecting eastern Europe and East Asia. Aging population means lower economic growth and decreased quality of life. The largest threat to mankind is the lack of modern values and extremism in growing population group. Humankind could go in backward direction if they are not properly integrated.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: aoluain on September 05, 2023, 06:23:09 AM
I suppose from an economics point of view a declining lopulation is not ideal, it means
in the future there will be less people to consume what we produce and feed the capitalist
and commercial agenda.

But as regards the health if the planet and natural world - it is a good thing because more
people means more consumption of everything.

I agree that if it continues the vast majority of the population will be affected but
not everyone though.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Dunamisx on September 05, 2023, 08:07:02 AM
“Population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming.” - Elon Musk

The wrong thoughts we mist have about the instability of the economy is in thinking that poor economy growth is as a result of over population of the human and many have wrongfully thought about this by reducing the number of children they are giving birth to, i don't think the solution is in reducing the birth rate, infact we need a higher population to help boost the economy because there will be enough division of labour and work force in every aspect of production and services delivery in the economy and as we know the impact a population has towards the economy, it boost and increase it's activities and development, if the population is reduced, that does not assure a positive end results in economy activities, but adequate planning is what is needed to organize the people into a unified structure.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: blockman on September 05, 2023, 01:58:45 PM
I have watched videos from South Korea and Japan that many of the people there don't consider having a child. They can consider being married but the majority of them just wanna work forever and don't want to cope with the high expenses of owning a child. The cost is one reason why many don't even want to have their own child. That's why you'll see reports from these two countries in Asia that have a decline in population and consider this as a huge problem that their respective countries have to deal with in the future. Well, if we're going to sum up everything, it's about the hardship of growing and taking care of one but mostly, all about the cost.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Pingrapole on September 05, 2023, 03:26:30 PM
Population means existence without population our earth would be like Mars or Jupiter, so population stands everything we know is because of population we understand it But at the current rate of population decline there are states whose population rate is below 0% and this poses a major challenge for the dire future.If this continues, there will come a time when the major task of the people will be to increase the population. For example, China abandoned the one-child policy in favor of a two-child policy Japan is taking many innovative measures to increase the population in their country Because they want to increase their population, there are many provinces in Japan where there is almost no population, and in those areas, Japan has arranged puppets or other things to make people In fact they are not human beings they are puppets they are taking different forms to take people from different countries to their country like they have good friendship with Bangladesh the people of this country are there The Japanese government is providing good facilities and facilities, whose one goal is to increase the population. The same is the case in America. The population growth rate is very low. Of course, these reasons are our own.Artificial birth control methods, food adulteration, modernization, everything can be considered because of population size They think that if they want to improve their career, there is no need for children or dreams. If they take these things, they will waste time and their career will increase and their beauty and other problems will appear. They are one of the obstacles to population growth Currently, the population growth rate in Muslim countries like Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria, etc. is about 50%.The population growth rate of these regions in Europe and America is relatively low, but Asia Africa, especially South Asia, has a fairly high population growth rate.We should now make the whole world aware of the rate of population growth because it should increase because we are doing so much for the people, if there are no people then they will be of no use to us.I think that the idea of ​​increasing the economy by reducing the population is wrong in my opinion because the more the population in the country, the more the productive capacity and the labor of the country, then when the labor is more, the production will be more It is a normal process to improve
I think it is a good decision to take this issue of low population as a big challenge in the present world otherwise we may have to face big problems in the near future.There are many people in the society who think that having more children is more expensive or a burden. In fact, it is not right. Allah said that you have children. It is my responsibility to take care of them, and it is my responsibility to provide for them should think.If we want to see human progress, success, expansion, etc., if we don't want to wipe out human civilization, we have to increase the population, it can be faced as a big challenge which can later fail.The word globalization we use must be centered on the population because without the population these steps will be of no use to us so through various big plans Population growth like other countries in Japan or China Such steps should be taken because they understand the danger ahead. China is one of the most populous countries in the world, yet they have come out on their own because of their manpower Nothing can be achieved without Population can be compared to a tree like if a tree is strong its branches or other things will not break down just as if the population is high then it will not topple the country.Therefore, this aspect should be considered by organizing a special convention in the United Nations and various steps should be taken looking at the world population report because the rate at which the population is decreasing has a big impact on the world To be considered as a challenge so that going forward it should be addressed now. Population may be a problem in many countries but 90% of the world's countries are underpopulated which is a big problem now.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: BADecker on September 05, 2023, 04:21:03 PM
^^^ Two countries where the population rate is below zero, are Russia and Ukraine. Russia is a little below zero. Ukraine is so far below zero... and that will be a benefit for them if they survive. How? If the population gets down to one married couple in Ukraine, just two kids from this couple will bring the population increase rate to 100%. If they have 3 kids, it will be 150%.

Odds are that the whole of Ukraine will be absorbed into other countries. So, how will this affect their population rate. Lol.

Of course, the bad point is the negative population rate that is happening, right now, long before an increase can begin to happen.


Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: LTU_btc on September 06, 2023, 07:27:20 PM
I'm wondering from where you took this data? Everything looks understandable, except China. How their fertility rate can be decreasing if they lifted one children policy just back in 2015. So, logically, in these 8 years it went from 1.0 to 1.2 and probably have potential to continue in future.
Population decline is long term issue, but I think it's too early to worry about it much. Much bigger issue is crazy increase of population. Just less than 2 years ago world population reached 8 billions and it continue to increase. Just in one day there is about 200k more births than deaths.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Wiwo on September 06, 2023, 08:09:58 PM
“Population collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming.” - Elon Musk

The wrong thoughts we mist have about the instability of the economy is in thinking that poor economy growth is as a result of over population of the human and many have wrongfully thought about this by reducing the number of children they are giving birth to, i don't think the solution is in reducing the birth rate, infact we need a higher population to help boost the economy because there will be enough division of labour and work force in every aspect of production and services delivery in the economy and as we know the impact a population has towards the economy, it boost and increase it's activities and development, if the population is reduced, that does not assure a positive end results in economy activities, but adequate planning is what is needed to organize the people into a unified structure.
High population density could possibly trigger the worst trend in the society most especially in countries that lack the infrastructure to accommodate and properly integrate people to effectively manage their intellectual and economic values into the society otherwise it will breed insecurity if the large majority of the population are left unchecked and unattended to,  worst case in the example of the current situation of the countries that have higher population like Nigeria who's the population in on a rapid increase without government plans to accommodate the growing populations.

This will intimately affect the economy there is no doubt about that since that has already been reflected in the number of unemployed youths and those are the working age,  who are now left to either cater for themselves or left at the mercy of the private sector who is now modern slavery with many of them paying below the minimum wage at salaries.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Gyfts on September 06, 2023, 08:22:38 PM
Western countries are adopting hedonistic lifestyles from what I've seen, it means less children. The Muslim majority countries are too, but they still reproduce at a rate at or above maintenance so it isn't inherently an issue.

Aging population means lower economic growth and decreased quality of life. The largest threat to mankind is the lack of modern values and extremism in growing population group. Humankind could go in backward direction if they are not properly integrated.

Lower population means less economic growth, but it also means more available resources per capita. At some point, population becomes oversaturated.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Alpha Marine on September 06, 2023, 09:51:08 PM
The wrong thoughts we mist have about the instability of the economy is in thinking that poor economy growth is as a result of over population of the human and many have wrongfully thought about this by reducing the number of children they are giving birth to, i don't think the solution is in reducing the birth rate, infact we need a higher population to help boost the economy because there will be enough division of labour and work force in every aspect of production and services delivery in the economy and as we know the impact a population has towards the economy, it boost and increase it's activities and development, if the population is reduced, that does not assure a positive end results in economy activities, but adequate planning is what is needed to organize the people into a unified structure.

I may be wrong, but I don't think there's any country that has not been able to develop further because of low population. Like I said, I might be wrong. I feel like we're at that stage where we can't be truly underpopulated.
One thing people mistake for underpopulation is an uneven distribution of people in the towns and cities of countries. In most countries today people flood to the urban areas. People want to live and work in the relatively more developed cities. This makes the rural areas and less developed places to be less populated.
There are countries where over 20 million people are crowded in a small region while there are vast places occupied by only 300,000 people.

This is no fault of the residents who relocate, it's because they're in search of a better life. There are better opportunities in the bigger cities.

On a personal note, I'll take under-population over over-population.

I disagree that population collapse is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming.
There is a higher risk of flooding these days. Farmer take out loans for their farms and the farms get destroyed by floods. What's worse is that there is a high probability that this will happen every year.
Some places don't see rain much often before, now they even see less amount of rain. So many irregularities in the weather.

If we can be able to make life better, and train people in different areas that they want to get trained in then we won't have an issue of under-population at this stage.
Why would people give birth if they think or know they can't provide for their kids?
I don't believe the labor force has reduced, but if it truly has, did it reduce due to low population or due to low-skilled workers?

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: DeathAngel on September 07, 2023, 08:49:58 AM
Population collapse due to low birth rates can pose significant risks to civilisation. A decline in birth rates can lead to an aging population which can strain healthcare & social security systems. It can also result in labor shortages, hinder economic growth & affect the sustainability of various industries. A shrinking population can impact cultural diversity & alter social dynamics. It’s important to consider various factors such as immigration, advancements in technology & socioeconomic policies as they can influence the overall impact of low birth rates on civilisation.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Gozie51 on September 07, 2023, 10:00:32 AM

6. Nigeria with over 50% muslim population is growing (5.31).

Hey where did you get your statistics from? I was beginning to give attention to your post until I saw this unproven stats from Nigeria. I didn't see any link attached to your post to read up your information and I believe this is based on guessing post for other stats for different countries and now I know better not to believe this write up. Please you have to provide link to such post that has more of statistics to avoid misleading people and I wonder no user pointed out the right thing to do .

It is still debated that Nigeria is not a dominant Muslim country even if you have seen that in Google, it is subjective.

For the records you have to provide the link that capture the statistical post you made.

The buttom line is your post should be backed up by reference.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Die_empty on September 07, 2023, 01:07:02 PM
Only 3 of them are above the replacement rate and all of them muslim majority. Unlike claims from some, the fertility rate on muslim nations too are on decline.
The population decrease is already affecting eastern Europe and East Asia.
Islam favors the increase in population because it encourages faithfuls to marry more than one wife and have many children. In some parts of Africa, it is common to see a Muslim marrying up to three wives and having over ten children. Islamic nations are not also supporters of the LGBTQ community, gay marriage is banned in most of these nations. Considering the economic implications, population growth can be useful if the people are educated and skillful. But when the bulk of them don't have any productive skills, it becomes a problem.

Aging population means lower economic growth and decreased quality of life. The largest threat to mankind is the lack of modern values and extremism in growing population group. Humankind could go in backward direction if they are not properly integrated.
Europe and other developed nations are using technology and immigration to curb this underpopulation problem. In China and Japan, the government is encouraging its citizens to have more children by giving them some incentives. But this has had little effect on the population growth because their past policies of controlling the population have harmed the youths. Most of them don't have an interest in having children and the economic conditions of some countries are not also encouraging having children.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Hispo on September 07, 2023, 05:27:58 PM
Western countries are adopting hedonistic lifestyles from what I've seen, it means less children. The Muslim majority countries are too, but they still reproduce at a rate at or above maintenance so it isn't inherently an issue.

Aging population means lower economic growth and decreased quality of life. The largest threat to mankind is the lack of modern values and extremism in growing population group. Humankind could go in backward direction if they are not properly integrated.

Lower population means less economic growth, but it also means more available resources per capita. At some point, population becomes oversaturated.

It is only positive if you keep in mind that the demand of products are services will continue to be satisfied by automated processes and robots, otherwise the increase of population would also require an increase of jobs and productive positions.
Though, I honestly think that in the future population growth will stop and it will become increasingly difficult to find jobs which do not require technical formation or education. That is one of the dangers of the advance of technology, for those who believe such change will be unnatural.

Automation is another topic which we could continue to debate about for days... 

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: BADecker on September 07, 2023, 05:47:16 PM
Western countries are adopting hedonistic lifestyles from what I've seen, it means less children. The Muslim majority countries are too, but they still reproduce at a rate at or above maintenance so it isn't inherently an issue.

Aging population means lower economic growth and decreased quality of life. The largest threat to mankind is the lack of modern values and extremism in growing population group. Humankind could go in backward direction if they are not properly integrated.

Lower population means less economic growth, but it also means more available resources per capita. At some point, population becomes oversaturated.

It is only positive if you keep in mind that the demand of products are services will continue to be satisfied by automated processes and robots, otherwise the increase of population would also require an increase of jobs and productive positions. - If all the jobs are taken by robots, nobody will have any money to buy products and services. This whole idea is a big topic that has a lot of considerations.

The best way might be for robots to do ALL the manufacturing and services for free. Everybody could go on welfare, and travel the world for free.

Though, I honestly think that in the future population growth will stop and it will become increasingly difficult to find jobs which do not require technical formation or education. That is one of the dangers of the advance of technology, for those who believe such change will be unnatural. - Population growth hasn't shown any signs of stopping. The closest we are seeing is the covid plandemic, where the medial and governments are murdering people by giving them faulty advice. Peruse to see that millions have died from the vaccines... which really aren't vaccines.

Automation is another topic which we could continue to debate about for days... 

The same thing will happen with automation that is going to happen with governments. A rebellion is a government that is shutting down a different oppressive government. As long as automation is beneficial, the people will keep it.


Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: uchegod-21 on September 07, 2023, 10:34:24 PM
It seems that the rich and smart guys have something they gain from the world population or simply they want to dominate and conquer. I don't know why they are so interested in the population of the one and now with different and contradicting opinions.
For instance, Bill Gates is worried about the population of the world and through his foundation is pushing to reduce world's population . Now, Elon is concerned that there might be no man in the world again  ;D.  It seems there is something they are not telling us.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: yazher on September 08, 2023, 12:47:46 AM
I am more likely interested in how much population they have increased in the last years because that will tell how much the rate declined this year and if it's alarming or not. I wonder if this will go towards a good ending because we all know too much population will not bring any goodness except for them all become good human beings but obviously, we know that that's not the case at all, so to see the human population decline is a sign of good news.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Alpha Marine on September 08, 2023, 11:54:53 PM

6. Nigeria with over 50% muslim population is growing (5.31).

It is still debated that Nigeria is not a dominant Muslim country even if you have seen that in Google, it is subjective.

For the records you have to provide the link that capture the statistical post you made.

The buttom line is your post should be backed up by reference.

What you should have done is bring proof to show that OP is wrong. If you have nothing to disprove his claim then you have nothing to question him with.

A simple Google search shows that Nigeria has 52% Muslims.
The northern part of Nigeria is the most populated and they have about 95% Muslims, the western part have 55% Muslims.
It's very possible easy for Nigeria to be above 50% Muslims like OP stated.'s%20major,Ijaw%20(south)%20were%2098%25,-Main%20article%3A%20Islam&text=Nigeria%20has%20one%20of%20the,in%20Nigeria%20continues%20to%20grow.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Gallar on September 09, 2023, 08:46:17 AM
Yes, you are right. In several countries, the population or more precisely the birth rate is decreasing. If this continues, in a few decades, the human population will most likely decrease, and the workforce will also decrease. For this reason, problems like this must be resolved quickly.
And in my opinion, there are actually many reasons for the population decline that is occurring in several countries. One of the most common is the implementation of a family planning system. Well, nowadays this factor is widely used by several countries, one of which is my country. In fact, if this rule is implemented for a long time, the result will definitely have an impact on reducing the population or birth rate.

The second factor, currently women's roles are almost the same as men's. In this modern era, many women do not want to be inferior to men, one of which is in the field of work or career. Well, the cause of this women's revolution, ultimately caused many women to marry at a slightly older age. So logically it can be seen that at a fairly old age, fertility and readiness to take care of children will definitely not be as good as at a young age. Given this, most couples who marry at a fairly old age are likely to only be able to take care of one child, and may also decide not to have children.

The third factor is financial. In Japan, even though it is a developed country, quite a few young people there decide not to get married.
There are many reasons why young people in Japan decide this, but the most basic one is financial.

Social norms in Japan require men to take care of their wives and families financially, which many feel they are unable to do.

So with this problem, it is certain that the population and birth rate in Japan will definitely decrease.

But for now, it seems like all countries are not having big problems because of this population decline. But if this problem continues, and is not resolved, the consequences will definitely be felt decades from now.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Hispo on September 11, 2023, 01:46:23 AM
It seems that the rich and smart guys have something they gain from the world population or simply they want to dominate and conquer. I don't know why they are so interested in the population of the one and now with different and contradicting opinions.
For instance, Bill Gates is worried about the population of the world and through his foundation is pushing to reduce world's population . Now, Elon is concerned that there might be no man in the world again  ;D.  It seems there is something they are not telling us.

Some may try to make money off robots and automation and also others are aware that the more people is on the planet, more resources are required to keep all of us fed and living in relatively acceptable conditions.

The plan for the future in the eyes of corporations would be to use machines and artificial intelligence to keep the production of goods high (without the need of basic workers) while at the same time discourage people to have many children (if any at all), in that escenario, assuming the transition from fossil fuels to green energy happens, it could mean that the existence of humanity could be prolonged thousands of years without having to rely of scarce oil, gas and other raw materials.

The challenge for them is obviously the fact that enforcing rules on reproduction would be against the law of most of western countries, so there is where the indirect discouragement to have children comes in.

Title: Re: Population decline - The largest challange ahead
Post by: Text on September 11, 2023, 02:34:45 AM
I don't agree that a declining population is a greater risk to civilization than global warming. Elon Musk's suggestion is neither accurate nor favorable. In my view, global warming deserves more attention and thoughtful solutions. To effectively address this challenge, requires international cooperation.

I would prefer to have a decline in the population rather than overpopulation.

Here in our area, it seems that the economically disadvantaged are the ones who are more inclined to have many children. How can you possibly provide for and meet all their needs if you don't have the means to support them from the beginning? It's just irresponsible.