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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: robelneo on September 11, 2023, 10:36:47 PM

Title: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: robelneo on September 11, 2023, 10:36:47 PM
I'm sure all of you have experienced the adrenaline rush when playing. You may not notice it but it is there and has a big impact on how you play.

So, What Is Adrenaline?
Adrenaline is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body. It is also a type of medication used to help people who are in significant pain. When adrenaline is produced, it has several effects on the body. These effects are an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, dilated pupils, increased blood glucose levels in the brain, and growing air passages leading to the lungs
An adrenaline rush is a sudden experience of these symptoms and can make us feel more alert, somewhat like having a cup of coffee. An adrenaline rush can also heighten our emotions, whether they be excitement, anger, or something else.

So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

In my case, I stopped drinking energy drinks or coffee this is one of the contributing factors why I have an adrenaline rush and it took to long to subside.

Note: I'll be monitoring every reply and include the best reply and will become a reference

if you are gambling and you are very excited about it and jump up and rejoicing over your winning, your body adrenaline level will increase also.

I just reduced my stake to the minimal because at that moment thinking straight is very hard so when I reduce the loses start looking small so as to remove that flow or rush of anxiety all over my body.

Limiting my bankroll. This usually is enough since my adrenaline rush cools down really fast due to my thinking while I'm trying to deposit more into my account lmao.

Five to 10 minutes of a cold shower will do the trick for me I feel relaxed and there is no need to come back to gamble.

Stepping away from PC and doing physical activities is usually more than enough to keep losses at a minimum.

I'd keep myself distracted and do something else that'll keep my mind away from gambling because it's not good to immediately go back after losing my bankroll.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Oshosondy on September 11, 2023, 10:44:49 PM
Adrenaline is also called flight or fight hormones. When the body not in the resting and relaxing state, more adrenaline will be produced. What I am saying is that if you are gambling and you are very excited about it and jump up and rejoicing over your winning, your body adrenaline level will increase also.

What you are saying is that what makes someone to gamble responsibly in a way that if losing, the person will stop. I have experienced it countless number of times that if I lose and continue to lose, that I have to stop. If I do not stop, my money will all be spent on gambling. That is enough to stop me. Past experience is enough to stop me.

Even if I have won, I stop.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: DaNNy001 on September 11, 2023, 10:52:05 PM
I don't know if this actually works for others but I think it's sometimes does for me because when gambling is not something you can be sure of when playing so most times when the loses start coming I do feel this anxiety that's overwhelmed my body telling me to continue that I will get it right soon and I must tell you at that time nothing feels alright anymore because you can even feel hot in a room full air-conditioning so what do I do? Well for most times I just reduced my stake to the minimal because at that moment thinking straight is very hard so when I reduce the loses start looking small so as to remove that flow or rush of anxiety all over my body.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Captain Corporate on September 11, 2023, 11:01:26 PM
That is precisely the reason why we gamble. I mean I do not gamble with a lot of money because I do not have that much money, its basically just "fun" money for some people, think of very small, but the idea is to get some adrenaline rush while gambling and that's what happens. Its the act itself that makes me excited and that's why I like to keep doing it as much as I can for as long as I can. There is no reason to try to block that out, try to learn to live with it, in fact try to enjoy it if you can. That is how you do very well and you are going to end up doing much better on the long run. It will be a big help for a lot of people in the end and should be considered improvement on their betting.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Wexnident on September 11, 2023, 11:05:22 PM
So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

In my case, I stopped drinking energy drinks or coffee this is one of the contributing factors why I have an adrenaline rush and it took to long to subside.
Limiting my bankroll. This usually is enough since my adrenaline rush cools down really fast due to my thinking while I'm trying to deposit more into my account lmao. It might also be due to my habit, it's more of for my eye kind of practice, I usually look away from my monitor after say, 20, 30 minutes of using it for like 20, 30s. Now if I happen to lose my funds, that's usually my call to do this (regardless of the time I've spent looking at my monitor), just to take a break maybe due to winning or losing much. If I do get that adrenaline while I still have money to bet, then I just continue

I used to have these kinds of moments in the past though. I couldn't stop it so I just prepared to like run in my bathroom (pretty close to my spot) and wash my face with cold water to wake myself. While it did work sometimes, I also had instances where I forgot to do so.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: coin-investor on September 11, 2023, 11:15:22 PM
I just made up my mind and be firm that whatever happens if I lose my bankroll I'm going to stop and that's that if the adrenaline is still high I'll just go for a cold shower, I did this several times whenever I have the feeling or the urge to continue.

Five to 10 minutes of a cold shower will do the trick for me I feel relaxed and there is no need to come back to gamble when you're adrenaline rush is too high and you still have the effect of your gambling you need something to cool you down, there's always anxiety if you failed to cool down.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: arwin100 on September 11, 2023, 11:28:33 PM
So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

How do I manage? Simple by not expecting to much on gambling like winning more profit since the more you wanted to gain to more you lose. There are instances that you became greedy when you want that and that's when frenzy mode start so for me or us not to be in that situation better set your expectation low and target to have fun since this is more fulfilling feeling when you enjoy playing those games.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Yogee on September 12, 2023, 12:17:13 AM
It's not easy but when you've been gambling for a while and you haven't run into financial troubles because of it then you must be doing something good. What I'm trying to say is that it comes with experience to control and divert all that urge or adrenaline rush. Stepping away from PC and doing physical activities is usually more than enough to keep losses at a minimum.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: ralle14 on September 12, 2023, 01:42:45 AM
I'd keep myself distracted and do something else that'll keep my mind away from gambling because it's not good to immediately go back after losing my bankroll when it's only going to feed your desire to chase your losses and possibly develop an addiction.

It's good that you're willing to stop consuming drinks that would give you an adrenaline rush while gambling. But in my case, it's the other way around i'd rather sacrifice my gambling time or move my session to another day when I need coffee and other drinks to always boost me up in the morning.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: bittraffic on September 12, 2023, 02:58:15 AM
Does energy drink contributes to have high adrenaline? I thought its only for those who are in extreme sports like jumping cliffs.

Adrenaline is too high that I don't sometimes realized I rushing things. Its why I stopped betting on casino games because whenever I'm about to lose the coins I deposited, I've already doubled down to max bet and then crossing my fingers for the last bet. Sometimes it work but mostly don't. Stopping myself from playing those dice and slot helped me managed the adrenaline and at the same time lose money.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on September 12, 2023, 03:33:39 AM
I don't know about other gamblers but whenever I lose in gambling, the excitement decreases a bit. When my losses are already happening one after another, I might not enjoy anymore. I think losing takes away this adrenaline effect.

If there are times when I still continue to bet despite a series of losses, that's not out of excitement anymore. That's probably just out of the desire to get back or of frustration. But it's oftentimes not fun anymore. The adrenaline has already subsided.

I think winning is the thing that boosts this adrenaline rush. So it's possible that instead of having made a good profit already, since you didn't stop because you are still excited, you go home with nothing.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Iroh on September 12, 2023, 03:59:28 AM
Whenever i play and I’m lucky enough to have a winning streak, that’s when adrenaline kicks in and I feel enthusiastic and confident about playing more having only positive thoughts of more wins. When that happens, I know it’s time to stop playing and head home with my winnings.
On the other hand, nothing dampens an adrenaline rush in me like being on a losing streak and ultimately losing all your bankroll. The confidence fades and at that point, I’ll not be so enthusiastic as before about playing anymore. Losing out takes all the excitement away.
With very little motivation to go on, I wouldn't wait till I’m cleaned out before heading home.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Reatim on September 12, 2023, 04:03:32 AM
I'm sure all of you have experienced the adrenaline rush when playing. You may not notice it but it is there and has a big impact on how you play.

So, What Is Adrenaline?
Adrenaline is a hormone that is naturally produced by the body. It is also a type of medication used to help people who are in significant pain. When adrenaline is produced, it has several effects on the body. These effects are an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, dilated pupils, increased blood glucose levels in the brain, and growing air passages leading to the lungs
An adrenaline rush is a sudden experience of these symptoms and can make us feel more alert, somewhat like having a cup of coffee. An adrenaline rush can also heighten our emotions, whether they be excitement, anger, or something else.

So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

In my case, I stopped drinking energy drinks or coffee this is one of the contributing factors why I have an adrenaline rush and it took to long to subside.

Lucky for me because I have my limitation mate, yes I only play with specific budget or allotted funds each game, so whether the adrenaline rush is there or not? I will stop when my limit attained .
But I love your way mate, not drinking energy drinks and coffee will help you lessen that one.
because me myself is not a coffee lover nor drinking .

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Hirose UK on September 12, 2023, 04:28:23 AM
I'm sure all of you have experienced the adrenaline rush when playing. You may not notice it but it is there and has a big impact on how you play.
Adrenaline always appears and is felt by everyone not only in gambling because several activities that have risks can trigger adrenaline to become even greater.
Regarding gambling adrenaline can provide a sense of satisfaction when gamblers can feel and beat it but on the other hand adrenaline satisfaction from gambling also has an addictive effect where gamblers always want to come back to get that feeling of satisfaction until in the end gambling addiction becomes the final point that cannot be avoided.

So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

In my case, I stopped drinking energy drinks or coffee this is one of the contributing factors why I have an adrenaline rush and it took to long to subside.
It seems that there is no truly effective way to control adrenaline because this is a feeling that always arises and is human in nature just like greed and emotional attitudes these three attitudes are always a perfect combination in every gambling activity.
What worse is that following your passion or following the adrenaline you feel can make a gambler forget financial limits and always use what they have to gamble without thinking about the long term.

Maybe stopping drinking coffee or energy drinks can reduce excessive adrenaline because such drinks will only improve the performance of the heart and brain so that a person feels more enthusiastic and forgets the fear of existing risks.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: retreat on September 12, 2023, 04:54:03 AM
In the past, usually when I lost or won I would tend to be more excited or panicked, but now since I have practiced controlling myself and my emotions, I am more normal when this happens. It's true that sometimes I can't hide my annoyance or happiness when I lose or win, but that's only occasionally and usually I immediately stop and don't continue, because my experience tells me that if I keep playing I could lose more money.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: romero121 on September 12, 2023, 05:00:09 AM
Adrenaline rush can be experienced with adventurous events like skydiving, rollercoaster rides, and when there is fear associated with the event. To me the adrenaline rush happens when my bets were keep on losing. I want the amount to be recovered, and the chance for the same is low. Whenever I double the bet value to recover the loss my adrenaline rush keeps increasing. At times my loss gets recovered, but being nervousness makes me loss it further going for high value bets. The adrenaline rush can't be kept in control, when our minds doesn't have control on our activities.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: zuzie on September 12, 2023, 05:05:11 AM
In my opinion, adrenaline is a challenge where someone can achieve something they want. Just like in gambling, everyone definitely has their own adrenaline when it comes to winning, some have strong adrenaline and some have weak ones.
If a gambler has strong adrenaline then he is always optimistic about winning, whatever other people's advice he ignores because he doesn't judge how much money he will bet because he is confident and optimistic that he will win.
Meanwhile, someone whose adrenaline is weak then he still has doubts about gambling and he can still think that one day defeat will happen to him, he even still looks for professional gamblers to gain knowledge in gambling so that he doesn't lose and avoids the possibility. risk. will happen to him.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Saisher on September 12, 2023, 07:04:10 AM
Not only on gambling but we have it on almost all things where we are motivated to complete the task. The adrenaline rush is heightened depending on the interest we've had In the case of gambling since it involves money the adrenaline is too high and it is a challenge trying to control it but it is something that you need to control if you don't want to lose a lot of money, one way to control is to have a strong mindset or do something that will slow down your adrenaline rush.

Adrenaline is part of gambling and controlling it is important if you want to become a moderate gambler.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: bitbollo on September 12, 2023, 07:31:31 AM
you must always have some limits in gambling. if you are not able to comply with it... try to force it.
basic example: use just some funds. if you're not able to save enough... just switch to a cold wallet + multi signatures!

by the way I think that the "serious" gambler "has no feeling".
ok he is happy or he is sad (in base of results), yes he has fun, but there are not "too much emotions" in case of a large win or loss since it's part of the game.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Cryptmuster on September 12, 2023, 07:31:42 AM
So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

In my case, I stopped drinking energy drinks or coffee this is one of the contributing factors why I have an adrenaline rush and it took to long to subside.

Actually, adrenaline is what a player comes to gambling for, perhaps not even consciously, and I doubt that he will look for a way to reduce it. I can get enough adrenaline even without betting when I watch my team's match. Coffee and especially energy drinks won't do you any good, even without bets, so it's worth thinking about if you value your health. Adrenaline is good as long as you don't let it drive your decisions, especially in financial matters.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: danherbias07 on September 12, 2023, 08:02:24 AM
In the past week after hitting the VIP program, I have not won anything good in all my regular games per day. I don't know if it's adrenaline or the will to get back all the losses that I experienced. $20 dollars deposit, then a big tip from a challenge, then another $16 in Ethereum, and more. All of those were gone and my final deposit was the will to claim it all back thinking RTP would hit. Sadly, it didn't so I am back to zero and now asking myself if I should continue it.
Anyway, in that mode I felt like I would get it back no matter what because that is what happened to me when I was a non-VIP. It gives back even if it takes long but this time it didn't end that well. I tried thinking positive but still bad luck was coming, switched to a different game, and had the same ending.
Adrenaline or not, it's an unexplainable moment and it's difficult to stop. Took only 3 hours until I got rekt.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: robelneo on September 12, 2023, 08:33:22 AM
Thank you for all the replies so far I'm reading all the replies and extracting the best response and including them in the main post maybe we'll limit the reply to 40 replies I'm sure there are imaginative ways to manage your adrenaline rush in gambling that could result losing a lot of money based on members' experience I've already some and will include more.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: benalexis12 on September 12, 2023, 08:59:22 AM
What do you want to emphasize on the topic that you have already covered? What you want to convey is that our adrenalin helps us win at gambling. It's like the way you've done this topic before. Our adrenalin, in my opinion, provides a reason for us as gamblers to be more excited to play gambling. But this does not give us a chance to win at gambling. Our adrenaline has nothing to do with winning at a casino here in crypto gambling. Adrenaline can motivate us to have a positive or negative response. This is how I see how we manage our adrenaline.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Jawhead999 on September 12, 2023, 09:07:02 AM
As simple as expect nothing in gambling.

If someone is really looking to make money through gambling, this is wrong because that's the reason why you feel adrenaline rush. You're under pressure and want to see it wouldn't goes wrong, so you're always hope you will win in the end.

Just use money you can afford to lose and gamble for fun, you will be safe.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: robelneo on September 12, 2023, 09:29:42 AM
What do you want to emphasize on the topic that you have already covered? What you want to convey is that our adrenalin helps us win at gambling. It's like the way you've done this topic before. Our adrenalin, in my opinion, provides a reason for us as gamblers to be more excited to play gambling. But this does not give us a chance to win at gambling. Our adrenaline has nothing to do with winning at a casino here in crypto gambling. Adrenaline can motivate us to have a positive or negative response. This is how I see how we manage our adrenaline.

You're out of topic Is there anywhere in my thread that I posted that adrenaline helps us to win in gambling, can you please check all the other replies to get the idea of the topic and don't just rely on the title of the topic or at least read my thread, it's not a very long thread and  I also included the best replies.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on September 12, 2023, 09:43:35 AM
Aside from stopping myself before reaching my bankroll limit which I always set (depending on my budget) prior I start gambling; I play sports or simply do other things to avoid losing more money. Anything to keep me busy. Well, if I don't, I will surely see myself gambling again, and probably cause me to more losing streaks.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: piebeyb on September 12, 2023, 09:51:07 AM
Usually when I experience a losing streak, I will enjoy the adrenaline by betting All in all the remaining budget money even though the chance of winning is not very big, but I am still confident and enjoy the game, as long as I still limit my gambling budget, I think it is a good thing It's normal as long as you don't use other money and take your savings to make another deposit to recover your losses. If the All In bet loses then I will just sleep to get rid of the adrenaline feeling.

I am not a person who is happy with chasing money and recovering the losses I experienced because that is part of the risk that I have to accept and understand, I have a certain budget limit for gambling every weekend, so don't make it difficult for yourself to calm those adrenaline feelings by resting or sleeping I think that's enough and forget about the defeat.  ;D

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on September 12, 2023, 10:04:20 AM
As simple as expect nothing in gambling.

If someone is really looking to make money through gambling, this is wrong because that's the reason why you feel adrenaline rush. You're under pressure and want to see it wouldn't goes wrong, so you're always hope you will win in the end.

Just use money you can afford to lose and gamble for fun, you will be safe.

Yes that's exactly right, people like very complicated in gambling, there are those who prepare many strategies, suggest a way to win and others, but do you believe that it will be useful / yes I think that statement will not enter if our minds are healthy, how can you think that there will always be a victory from something that is only based on luck? of course not and it's ridiculous.

Well you're right, it's actually very simple as long as they (gamblers) know in advance the big risks that are there and with that I think maybe they won't overdo it. It will not always be in accordance with your expectations, if you put too much hope there then let's see how some cases occur where they lose all their valuable assets, it hurts, but yes it is true that defeat is indirectly like making their adrenaline rush and they continue to pursue that defeat because of the emotion of not accepting the previous defeat. So the point is please be smarter, this is not the main job that can always produce, as you said above you can go there with the purpose of fun - just fun is better my friend.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Wapfika on September 12, 2023, 10:16:22 AM
So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

I usually secured all my funds away from easily deposit on the casino before I start gambling. I isolate my gamblings funds earlier then deposit to the casino so that I can’t chase loss by depositing more since my other funds is inaccessible at the moment.

When I lose all my bankroll and I’m still on adrenaline, I usually go outside to catch fresh air and clear my mind. This mehod makes me calm after lossing badly on gambling. Redirecting my attention away from gambling by appreciating my environment beauty helps me a lot to relax when I’m on adrenaline rush.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: stomachgrowls on September 12, 2023, 10:34:52 AM
So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.
Im pretty much sure and i could really say that im really that kind of person who is really having that kind of discipline on which i could really say that i could stop on point if ever i would really be telling myself on doing so.
Adrenaline rush could come out whether you are in a winning situation or losing one on which it would really be creating that kind of emotion which causes for you to make further actions which isnt even that right anymore but since that kind of boost up will really be that pushing you on doing it. This is why outcomes or results on certain actions would really be able to experience since you have done thing.

On my part, if ever i do lost a certain amount and im still really that eager on playing because hoping that the next roll might be a win then i do simply close entire browser (online) or walk away (physical/offline)
which it would really be causing for me to completely cut-off that session on that particular time which i do really avoid on spending up more most of  the time or simply i did make the right call.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: TopTort777 on September 12, 2023, 10:53:39 AM
If I understand correctly, by adrenaline rush, OP meant desire to place more bets, desire to do it as fast as possible and to play back what was already lost. I think the only possible way to manage such behaviour is to make deposit limits and force teach yourself to make a deposit only once a day, week or month. For instance, when I am in a mood for gambling, I deposit 50 bucks. That is my limit. This is the amount that I have already subconsciously lost. Once deposited, I freak out with it whatever I want. I think I am used to allowing myself to lose 50 bucks a week without hurting family budget. Sometimes being busy helps. If I had more free time at work or home, maybe I would gamble more. So my answer to OP is - set limits and be busy IRL.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Cantsay on September 12, 2023, 11:04:09 AM
Most times when I experience some losing streaks and my bankroll gets finished and the thought of "if I should just deposit more and place a bet I would be able to win back my money" I just switch games from using my real money to playing demo games.

Sometimes it's difficult to resist because you might regretting why you didn't deposit and win back your money but if you're disciplined it will just be a walk over for you, but if you're not then distracting yourself with other activities could work as well, as it will be you remove the thought that you just lost your entire bankroll in a single session.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 12, 2023, 11:16:04 AM
If that happened to me, I would immediately stop gambling and close my browser and if necessary, I would turn off the computer or laptop. And I will rest by drinking coffee or water to reduce the adrenaline. So far, that's what I've always done if my adrenaline starts to rise but thankfully, that doesn't happen too often to me.

After resting, I will sleep to forget what I experienced in gambling. And usually, when I wake up, I completely forget about my defeat last night and it doesn't affect me at all. Maybe it was a bit difficult to do in the past, but I still tried because I didn't want gambling to influence me and tempt me to continue gambling.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Fiatless on September 12, 2023, 11:35:50 AM
So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.
The feeling to over gamble always reoccurs especially when you have the drive to chase losses. I control my adrenaline rush by looking at my gambling plan. My financial plan will make me control this drive because channeling funds budgeted for another reason to gambling will lead to lack and want. The plan will also put me in check and help me control the urge to bet more. I also channel my attention to other areas that interest me to kill the drive to go beyond my gambling budget. Playing computer games is a good alternative to gambling for me.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: AicecreaME on September 12, 2023, 11:40:44 AM
That is precisely the reason why we gamble. I mean I do not gamble with a lot of money because I do not have that much money, its basically just "fun" money for some people, think of very small, but the idea is to get some adrenaline rush while gambling and that's what happens. Its the act itself that makes me excited and that's why I like to keep doing it as much as I can for as long as I can. There is no reason to try to block that out, try to learn to live with it, in fact try to enjoy it if you can. That is how you do very well and you are going to end up doing much better on the long run. It will be a big help for a lot of people in the end and should be considered improvement on their betting.

That explains why people like to gamble. Some really like the adrenaline rush it gives because they are living for the thrill. Some prefer the spontaneity and the excitement it bring, hence, they do gamble and bet without calculations and just automatically take the risks. However, not everyone can afford that. Some are playing with a limited budget and just wants to profit even a little on the side. It's really a case to case basis. But regardless, still, the best way to gamble is to do it responsibly and moderately. Because seeking for fun can cost you a lot if not controlled.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Queentoshi on September 12, 2023, 12:20:39 PM
I'm sure all of you have experienced the adrenaline rush when playing. You may not notice it but it is there and has a big impact on how you play.
I am not the everyday gambler, but talking about Adrenaline rush, it feels like something that every gambler who plays for the fun of the game experiences as the first compensation for either gain or the loss of money. It is the first compensation, and the other one being that the gambler wins.
A gambler who losses will experience Adrenaline rush that will trigger anxiety, a gambler who wins can experience adrenaline rush that can trigger the excitement to play more. For any of the kinds of adrenaline, there is a need to familiarize yourself with controlling it.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: CODE200 on September 12, 2023, 12:32:57 PM

I think we all felt adrenaline rush at some point and it's typically a body response due to excitement or anxiety. I don't know if it's only me, but I rarely experience adrenaline when I am losing, I often experience it when I am constantly winning because the excitement is building up. But if ever I experience adrenaline rush due to constant lose, I always make sure to distract myself to avoid chasing all my loss. I actually have a stress ball beside me and it helps me to calm my nerves. Sometimes I distract myself through playing online games or having cold showers and these helps me a lot.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Nerdy doctor on September 12, 2023, 01:19:56 PM
I think having little to no expectations when gambling is a good way to prevent chasing your losses after losing all funds set aside for such purposes.

Despite feeling the rush of adrenaline run through your body, urging and motivating you to again, fund your account so as to continue playing, it would be beneficial to your financial health if you could ignore the urge to continue. The adrenaline rush would fuel you with motivation and renewed confidence to play and try to recoup your losses.

But If you’re playing with little to no expectations and having lost out, you won’t be feel bad enough to start to conceive thoughts about playing some more. Expectation in most cases and not just gambling, brings about disappointments

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: rahmad2nd on September 12, 2023, 02:11:00 PM
Interesting, "How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?".
In certain cases, I prefer to let adrenaline trigger the sensations that occur in my body. for example, when I bet on football, and when the match is about to start, the adrenaline rushes within me and surrounds my feelings. the feeling that comes, like tension, excitement, and all kinds, is the part that I like the most. I enjoy it, let it be an encouragement to the times I enjoy a football match. especially, big matches, or my favorite clubs.

Talking about adrenaline, we can turn it into pleasure which becomes a challenge or a strong attraction for us to enjoy, including gambling. However, not many people really feel that adrenaline can make us enjoy something we are experiencing or doing.
Well, now we return to the topic of your question.
This is interesting, "Andrenaline" when we feel an uncomfortable or stressful situation, the information is sent to a part of the brain called the amygdala, this area of ​​the brain plays a role in processing emotions. The problem is, it is no longer adrenaline that is responsible for our desire to chase losses or want to make a deposit again. However, it is more the emotion of anger that starts to take over for us to chase losses.
IMO, actually there are many theories that we can use to manage or control it. However, it all depends on each individual or each gambler. There are various ways we can do it, but the most effective one for me is thinking sanely. without it, whatever we do, a strong urge to chase back losses will arise.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Majestic-milf on September 12, 2023, 02:28:06 PM
 There's this pump to your heart when you are about to stake a game, especially when you're confident of winning. The best way to manage it for me is to not allow it overwhelm or control me, else I might bet with more than I've bargained to use. Sometimes when I feel that rush, I channel it into something else other than betting. I'm the kind of person that goes with my gut so if I feel this game will not be the one for me, I sit it out and let the rush calm down.
Most gamblers do not have control of their emotions and as such, riding on the high of adrenaline especially after loosing hugely, they make stupid decisions. Some even go as far as betting their houses after the monies in their banks must have been exhausted.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Slow death on September 12, 2023, 02:45:16 PM
The only time I used my money to try a game that relies on luck was on a plinko game. When I started playing, I was fine, 30 minutes playing and I had some wins and losses, the problem started when I increased the multiplier, man I clicked the button and I see that little ball going down, down and going in the direction that would allow me to win a lot, my heart felt like it was going to come out of my body from beating so much, and when I saw that I got it right, I celebrated because my balance increased 3x, I didn't stop playing, and every time I clicked the button and that little ball started going down, I got My heart beats a lot, I played for 3 hours

with victories and defeats, but it was a fact that I was winning because my balance was increasing, so I decided to increase the multiplier, my emotional situation got worse, because with an increase in multiplier if I lost, I saw my balance reducing more, that's why each every time I clicked on that button and I saw that bologna coming down, my heart beat faster, I became more anxious and when I lost I became more irritated, more than 4 hours of playing and there were 4 hours of psychological torture, that's because I kept clicking on that little ball and Seeing my heart beat a lot waiting for the ball to land on some number that would make me win was a terrible situation.

after more than 4 hours playing I lost everything, I got up, took a deep breath and thought: I lost my 5$ which had already become more than 13X and I was very angry and wondering why the hell I didn't stop when I was already in profit, to be honest I don't even know why I didn't stop when I was in profit, it was as if I was enjoying that situation of seeing the little ball going down and my heart beating fast. At that moment I decided that I would not play gambling games that depend on luck again and I didn't play anymore. I only place sports bets and I have a rule: I do not add emotions to any of my bets, even when I win or lose and even when I increase the value of the bet. so I can say that the solution to stop the adrenaline rush I got from gambling that depends on luck, was to stop playing any gambling game that depends on luck.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Outhue on September 12, 2023, 03:19:50 PM
I don't expect you to still have some adrenaline rush in you after you lose your BankRoll, what type of adrenaline rush is that?  ;D...

The amount of your bank roll is what will determine how you plan to gamble, the risks you want to expose yourself into, I expect anyone to stop gambling the moment they lost their money, and rethink about their strategy before they come back into gambling.

Adrenaline Rush in gambling sounds like addiction to me, this is not an investment where you can learn from your lessons if it goes wrong, with gambling Everything was meant to go wrong with you, and the only solution you have left is to take risks if you can afford to lose that bankroll.

Don't turn your head down after you lose, you already saw it coming, There is no magic behind gambling, it's why it's named gambling.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Gozie51 on September 12, 2023, 03:55:43 PM
The reason that adrenaline will be high is if you have taken the risk too high for you. Such high risk is not that you can't afford to lose the money but because you hate to lose it then you feel bad about it.

Why taking such high risk if you want your adrenaline not to be high? So to take lower risk is just fine to keep your adrenaline moderate.

But incase I trigger my adrenaline by taking so high risk, I only try to keep myself happy and that will help to distract me. So I go watch some comedy and that will make me laugh either comedy movies or comedy skit and forget the sorrow.

However, a friend said he tries to reduce the adrenaline by being with a woman which is a recipe to quick sleep  ;D. Yeah maybe trying to sleep can help. Sleep if you can.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: tjtonmoy on September 12, 2023, 04:23:12 PM
In that kind of situation, I will move my main funds to somewhere else and gamble with only the amount I've got from my profits. Also, I'll make sure not to overdo it. Because when you are in an adrenaline rush, your mind won't work the same. Setting a budget and not going over it helps too. And it's all about diverting your mind from one thing to another.

Dopamine detox is a thing. You can search that up on the internet and learn how to do it. I've learned from my research that splashing your face with ice-cold water does the same thing and gives you a rush. It's the same feeling that you get after using cocaine. (I haven't tried any drugs so can't tell the feelings). It quickly boosts the dopamine release and cools down fast. So you get the rush but not for long. This helps to focus your brain on something else. One good thing that I have is ADHD. So I keep something that I need to do later. If there is any situation in which I need to redirect my mind, I look around and try to focus my mind on something else. This helps too LOL.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: maydna on September 12, 2023, 04:34:46 PM
When the adrenaline comes, your emotions will also increase. This is shown by the desire to get something, but we know it is not easy. We can accept it and try anyway. And if everything comes up suddenly and you can feel it, you should take a moment to breathe and think about whether it is worth it or not if you continue gambling for another round or two. If it's not worth it, you should stop immediately and never think about gambling again. Otherwise, your emotions will escalate, and you can lose control. When the emotion comes, and you realize it, you actually have two choices where many gamblers will choose to continue gambling because they still hope to win.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Yatsan on September 12, 2023, 05:15:52 PM
In that kind of situation, I will move my main funds to somewhere else and gamble with only the amount I've got from my profits. Also, I'll make sure not to overdo it. Because when you are in an adrenaline rush, your mind won't work the same. Setting a budget and not going over it helps too. And it's all about diverting your mind from one thing to another.

Dopamine detox is a thing. You can search that up on the internet and learn how to do it. I've learned from my research that splashing your face with ice-cold water does the same thing and gives you a rush. It's the same feeling that you get after using cocaine. (I haven't tried any drugs so can't tell the feelings). It quickly boosts the dopamine release and cools down fast. So you get the rush but not for long. This helps to focus your brain on something else. One good thing that I have is ADHD. So I keep something that I need to do later. If there is any situation in which I need to redirect my mind, I look around and try to focus my mind on something else. This helps too LOL.
Cold water indeed works but on my end, I am just turning off my device and just doing other things to calm me down. I never experienced an increase in andrenaline and ending up with huge win 'coz most of the time whenever emotions are taking over your gambling habits, you'd be too eager and frustrated to win, pushing you to your limits and disregarding how huge your losses already. I often play basketball just to keep me away from my PC (where I gamble) or cook something to divert my attention. I regret before winning the jackpot and having a 'rush' which just burnt all of those winnings. This is something we cannot simply control but starting little by little would help you or us to be more mindful of gambling  habits and player's limitation.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on September 12, 2023, 06:16:29 PM
I sometimes just laugh at people, because when it comes to making money they expect it to be easy, many people don't know what they are getting themselves into when they are introduced to online gambling.

The addiction is like no other, you just want the Money money money, but once you start losing your funds your brain won't start working, You will think things will get better, and then it will keep getting worse.

Online casinos are very smart at throwing winnings to your door to trap your mind, you will think that a good turn deserves another, and you will still lose everything you've once won before.

Becoming a good gambler comes with a price, and that's been smart with online casinos, be careful of every bets you win, you are expected to come back looking for more.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: coolcoinz on September 12, 2023, 06:35:49 PM
I have a mild one when playing and it isn't hard to cope with. It's just a little feeling of excitement, so I don't gamble before going to bed as it would make it hard for me to fall asleep, but it can really wake you up when you feel tired and sleepy in the afternoon.

I felt a real rush only a few times and this is that feeling you get when you think you sent money to a wrong address, or forgot your wallet password. You can also feel it when you check your pockets for car keys and they're not there, but you are out somewhere and know that you can't go back without the car.
This type of fearful rush is impossible to conquer, it just takes over, makes you sweat and feel like a nerve wreck.

Personally, I find alcohol useful in these cases. That's why people drink it for courage, because it makes you ignore some of the warning signs and distance yourself from problems.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Webetcoins on September 12, 2023, 06:45:09 PM
I always recommend people to take breaks in between the gambling sessions, especially if they are losing constantly, simply just leave the screen where it is, go out, get some fresh air and take deep breaths. You will definitely feel so much better when you are back in front of the screen after about 15 to 20 minutes that you have spent away from it, and that can greatly help someone regain productivity and being able to make the right decisions then.

This relaxation will help the gambler gain control over their emotions so that they can stop gambling when they need to instead of getting angry or frustrated and trying to recover all the losses which basically makes them lose even more and they regret it later which is to no avail at all.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on September 12, 2023, 07:07:17 PM
Well, I get this feeling much more with sporting betting, the adrenaline rush starts running in my system as soon I place a bet and the casino confirms that my bet is accepted, I start feeling this anxiety or unrest like "I better be right with this bet, I don't wanna lose this one too", and some times, it makes wish there was a cancel button to bets that the match has not started playing yet .

What I usually do is try as much as possible to ignore, that is, tell myself I am very ok with whatever be the outcome of my bet, be it a loss or win, and also try as much to act like indeed I'm ok.

I get busy with some other activities that is not gambling related, it helps me get my mind off gambling and that bet completely, so I don't have to keep thinking about it and feeling anxious.

And for the record, I don't usually get much of adrenaline rush when playing games like slot or casino games, where I get the adrenaline rush mostly is in sports betting and lotteries, games that will take while before I know if I won or lost.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: jrrsparkles on September 12, 2023, 07:09:29 PM
I don't expect you to still have some adrenaline rush in you after you lose your BankRoll, what type of adrenaline rush is that?  ;D...
Yup, cause nobody is going to feed well when they are losing their money but you know in some cases it can be a bluff to make the opponent to bet more and engage in the game and then drain their pockets which we can usually see at the high stake poker tables but those people may not worry about their financial status even if they lose their bankroll but as an average joe it differs.

Adrenaline from gambling is short-lived so it may not affect our decision-making ability on the losing occasions and if they still try to chase their loss then it means the individual is so desperate to get the lost money back which is not a good sign.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Wakate on September 12, 2023, 07:20:41 PM
I don't know if this actually works for others but I think it's sometimes does for me because when gambling is not something you can be sure of when playing so most times when the loses start coming I do feel this anxiety that's overwhelmed my body telling me to continue that I will get it right soon and I must tell you at that time nothing feels alright anymore because you can even feel hot in a room full air-conditioning so what do I do? Well for most times I just reduced my stake to the minimal because at that moment thinking straight is very hard so when I reduce the loses start looking small so as to remove that flow or rush of anxiety all over my body.
Gaming and gambling is an activity that need relaxation or else we might be force to emotionally do things which can result in unexpected results that could cause us loses. It is good for us to cool our mind when involved in gambling activities so that we can calmly make bet based on our analysis or strategy without putting any emotions. Sometimes when we are making losing, it might look like we are not going to make any winnings again based on the results we are seeing. We need to work on ourselves to have a better winning with all resources we are having.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on September 12, 2023, 07:24:15 PM
I do not believe that it is possible to actually control such things as adrenaline, as they are part of the human experience and therefore exist in us, whether we like that fact or not. The only thing we can control is how we react in times in which we get that amazing rush of adrenaline when losing or even winning.

But then again, I doubt anyone here has the discipline and patience of a Tibetan monk.

Although even a monk ia human and has his own limits.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Aikidoka on September 12, 2023, 07:25:42 PM
It’s hard to manage your adrenaline rush when it comes to gambling but you have to try your best so you won’t fall into a gambling addiction and you’ll end up losing a lot of money!

Personally, sometimes I feel like I would win a lot since the luck is on my side so I gamble a lot of times in a day and I’ll end up usually losing a lot of money doing that; so it’s for the better to control this kind of behavior.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Obari on September 12, 2023, 09:56:32 PM
I don't know how best to simplify all you've written but I think one of the best way to put this is, HOW DO YOU MANAGE YOUR BP LEVEL WHEN BETTING? which will also make it more easier to talk on the topic especially for people  who English isn't their first language.
I think adhering to all the simple regulations for gaming will save us from adrenaline rise for instance, betting will only money we are willing to lose and in my case, when I place a bet, I always have 80% hope that the games might win even though he doesn't always happen so I already know that is either I lose or I game.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Casdinyard on September 12, 2023, 11:02:41 PM
I personally chase that even. I know it's a little stupid coming from someone who proclaims himself as "responsible when it comes to gambling" but hear me out. I only gamble on a budget, I never go beyond my means and when I gamble, I only do it for fun. If I end up with a net win I usually just treat myself to something nice and nothing else. So when I say I chase the adrenaline when I am gambling, I say that with a positive outlook given the fact that all I'm looking for when gambling is entertainment.

So yeah, some people manage it, some people don't. Nothing wrong about it really, as long as you don't go beyond the limits you have set upon yourself when gambling like how many hours you should gamble, or how much you're allowed to gamble for that matter, you should be good to go.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: dothebeats on September 12, 2023, 11:44:19 PM
Adrenaline doesn't hit me that much anymore, given that I've been doing this thing for years. Excitement still arises in me when I'm on a roll, but the adrenaline? It's something I no longer feel. I consider myself lucky already when I manage to feel the thrill of excitement, but that's just about it. Before, when I am literally shaking due to the adrenaline rush a relatively huge win gives me, I just stop playing and think of other things. It's hard to continue playing when you're in that state tbh, that it's best to stop and just do other things to get the rush to pass.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: lionheart78 on September 12, 2023, 11:58:51 PM
So How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling when you lose your bankroll but the adrenaline rush is still too high, people who cannot control their Adrenaline Rush are often people who commit the mistake of chasing their losses and adding more funds to their account, amount that usually they cannot afford to lose.

In my case, I stopped drinking energy drinks or coffee this is one of the contributing factors why I have an adrenaline rush and it took to long to subside.

I do not know if I ever experience an adrenaline rush when I am losing my bankroll.  I get this adrenaline rush when I am hitting a huge multiplier because it excites me and makes me feel more alive.  Since I already accept the fact that gambling has more possibility of losing, I do not react much if I am losing my bankroll.

When the adrenaline rush hits me, I just drink some water and take a deep breath to calm myself down and it is somehow effective.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: michellee on September 13, 2023, 09:14:43 AM
When the adrenaline rush hits me, I just drink some water and take a deep breath to calm myself down and it is somehow effective.
At least, this will give us freshness and can reduce adrenaline and emotions. Many gamblers forget to take a break because they have found the pleasure they seek, so they don't think about taking a break.

If they can gamble moderately, they will not experience increased emotions or adrenaline and will be conscious enough to stop gambling. I also did the same thing as you because I needed to calm myself down due to the loss.

And if I can't calm down, maybe I'll leave the house to see the situation. I thought I could find something else to help me lower my emotions there.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: mirakal on September 13, 2023, 09:49:16 AM
Every time I go to physical casinos, I usually have my preferred budget to gamble. That is my way to manage my finances especially when I feel the height of my urge to gamble again despite of consistent losing. That way, if ever I have used up all my funds, then I have no reason to stay in the casino longer knowing my budget has all used up. I’ll just call it a day and then just hope to win the next time I decide to bet again.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: madnessteat on September 13, 2023, 10:10:30 AM

I'm not quite sure why we have to fight the adrenaline rush when it's a perfectly normal body response to external stimuli. I agree that you need to be able to hold back during a loss, but adrenaline has nothing to do with it, because this hormone is aimed at mobilizing all the forces of man to do something important, and is not designed to make you gamble. If you think that during an adrenaline surge the probability of winning increases, you are deeply mistaken. The adrenaline rush is very good during a fight because it dulls the feeling of pain. 

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on September 13, 2023, 11:59:50 AM
Every time I go to physical casinos, I usually have my preferred budget to gamble. That is my way to manage my finances especially when I feel the height of my urge to gamble again despite of consistent losing. That way, if ever I have used up all my funds, then I have no reason to stay in the casino longer knowing my budget has all used up. I’ll just call it a day and then just hope to win the next time I decide to bet again.

Well that's right guys, with you only bringing a small budget to a physical casino then if you end up losing for example until your money is completely gone then there is no other choice but you decide to get out of there. I will honestly say that you have a good strategy or limit by only bringing a small budget to gamble in physical casinos, because yes as I said above there is no other choice but to leave from there even though for example you really want to gamble again but what can make, maybe if you really want to gamble again then maybe you will borrow money from the casino agent there, but if that happens then your struggle by bringing only a little money there will be in vain.

That's very doable if you gamble in a physical casino, but for online casinos such as slot machines I don't really know if that method will be effective to reduce the number of losses with no reason to return to gambling, I think maybe you will spend all your savings or even borrow from one of your colleagues around.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: ethereumhunter on September 13, 2023, 02:18:20 PM

I'm not quite sure why we have to fight the adrenaline rush when it's a perfectly normal body response to external stimuli. I agree that you need to be able to hold back during a loss, but adrenaline has nothing to do with it, because this hormone is aimed at mobilizing all the forces of man to do something important, and is not designed to make you gamble. If you think that during an adrenaline surge the probability of winning increases, you are deeply mistaken. The adrenaline rush is very good during a fight because it dulls the feeling of pain. 
There is no need to fight the flow of adrenaline, but we try to control it so that it does not harm us in gambling. We have to be able to restrain ourselves when we lose and suppress those hormones so they don't grow and dominate us. We have been given the ability to control it; we just need to train it to get used to controlling that adrenaline so that it doesn't make us want to continue gambling. This hormone will peak when you have various experiences while gambling. If you are not careful in managing it, you may not realize you have continued gambling. When adrenaline peaks, it will invite you to accept the challenge but the chances of winning that we will get will not be better than the previous round.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: gunhell16 on September 13, 2023, 02:33:39 PM
What do you want to emphasize on the topic that you have already covered? What you want to convey is that our adrenalin helps us win at gambling. It's like the way you've done this topic before. Our adrenalin, in my opinion, provides a reason for us as gamblers to be more excited to play gambling. But this does not give us a chance to win at gambling. Our adrenaline has nothing to do with winning at a casino here in crypto gambling. Adrenaline can motivate us to have a positive or negative response. This is how I see how we manage our adrenaline.

You're out of topic Is there anywhere in my thread that I posted that adrenaline helps us to win in gambling, can you please check all the other replies to get the idea of the topic and don't just rely on the title of the topic or at least read my thread, it's not a very long thread and  I also included the best replies.

I think what he said is still connected. You just said that he is off topic because he thinks that you might think that adrenaline has a connection when we gamble. Although you didn't say anything about your subject saying that winning has a connection of adrenaline, But what he said is correct: our adrenaline rush from gambling drives anticipation and excitement, and at this point, it is valid.

Anyway, for me, when I gamble here in crypto gambling, when I feel like I'm being watched for playing and I'm doing it, I stop for 1 hour. There's also a time when I feel like I'm stressed, and I stop because It can't help me out. But when I win, I stop and leave a balance in my wallet before I withdraw what I won, and lastly we must not chase our losses.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: tjtonmoy on September 13, 2023, 02:51:42 PM
Yeah, it's a process that needs to be followed. One step at a time. If we try to do it all at once, nothing will be done and in the end, we will be in a situation where we will be unable to control it. Emotion control is a great thing to have in terms of gambling. Even if we get influenced by the adrenaline rush, it will help us to make decisions based on the situation we are in. Our minds won't let us make the right decision when are in an adrenaline rush, but having control over our emotions will let us decide whether to go on or take a break.

I like the idea of playing and cooking. Not complicated stuff but those things give us entertainment which helps us to focus or mind from one thing to another. And you are able to do it, that makes you a great gambler. Cheers mate!

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Odohu on September 13, 2023, 03:56:00 PM
I'm not quite sure why we have to fight the adrenaline rush when it's a perfectly normal body response to external stimuli.
This is very correct, adrenaline rush is a natural way our body responds to external stimuli... it can happene when we receive a yes from a girl we love, when facing a panel for interview, when writing exams or just anything that bring so much excitement or fear.

The unique thing about gambling is that you experience adrenaline rush both when you win huge amount of money and when you loose big amount too. Like I told someone in another response, since money is involved in gambling, emotions will always be involved and active; the best we can do is to manage our risk properly to avoid depression.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Blitzboy on September 13, 2023, 03:56:19 PM
Every time I go to physical casinos, I usually have my preferred budget to gamble. That is my way to manage my finances especially when I feel the height of my urge to gamble again despite of consistent losing. That way, if ever I have used up all my funds, then I have no reason to stay in the casino longer knowing my budget has all used up. I’ll just call it a day and then just hope to win the next time I decide to bet again.

Well that's right guys, with you only bringing a small budget to a physical casino then if you end up losing for example until your money is completely gone then there is no other choice but you decide to get out of there. I will honestly say that you have a good strategy or limit by only bringing a small budget to gamble in physical casinos, because yes as I said above there is no other choice but to leave from there even though for example you really want to gamble again but what can make, maybe if you really want to gamble again then maybe you will borrow money from the casino agent there, but if that happens then your struggle by bringing only a little money there will be in vain.

That's very doable if you gamble in a physical casino, but for online casinos such as slot machines I don't really know if that method will be effective to reduce the number of losses with no reason to return to gambling, I think maybe you will spend all your savings or even borrow from one of your colleagues around.
you've touched on a classic tactic – limiting access to capital when gambling, a.k.a the "thin wallet strategy". No cash, no splash, right? Now, for physical casinos, thats a solid move. Nothing says "time to leave" like an empty pocket. And I must chuckle, imagining someone trying to chase their losses with a lint-covered coin they found in their pocket.

However, online casinos are a whole new beast! Theres no physical barrier. One could, in theory, go from spinning slots to spinning out of control with just a few clicks. The temptation is real! Therefore, its wise to set a digital budget, maybe even use a separate account with limited funds. That way, the worst-case scenario is just virtual lint.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: uneng on September 13, 2023, 04:26:43 PM
However, online casinos are a whole new beast! Theres no physical barrier. One could, in theory, go from spinning slots to spinning out of control with just a few clicks. The temptation is real! Therefore, its wise to set a digital budget, maybe even use a separate account with limited funds. That way, the worst-case scenario is just virtual lint.
To limit bankroll is very hard when gambling online. As you said, money is just a few clicks distant from you. Your bankroll might have been depleted on the casino account, but your crypto wallet still has funds, and all you have to do is a new deposit which may take some minutes. So, you are ready for another session. Due to being high on adrenaline, it's not uncommon to make that happen for real only through impulses, and without rational thinking.

I believe there must be a superior strategy to deal with adrenaline and gambling. A defense mechanism to restrain the effects of adrenaline in your body. Maybe to instantly close the website page or casino app after a sudden loss, to immediately share your experience with someone else who is close to you, so they will help preventing you to continue gambling on that moment, to take a deep breath and have conscious you have already seen that situation before, therefore it's time to stop at once.

With practice, focus and training, it's possible to use triggers in your favour to manage adrenaline flux in your organism.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: kamvreto on September 13, 2023, 06:00:04 PM
I'm not quite sure why we have to fight the adrenaline rush when it's a perfectly normal body response to external stimuli.
This is very correct, adrenaline rush is a natural way our body responds to external stimuli... it can happene when we receive a yes from a girl we love, when facing a panel for interview, when writing exams or just anything that bring so much excitement or fear.

The unique thing about gambling is that you experience adrenaline rush both when you win huge amount of money and when you loose big amount too. Like I told someone in another response, since money is involved in gambling, emotions will always be involved and active; the best we can do is to manage our risk properly to avoid depression.

Managing risk well in gambling must be done consciously and correctly. Many gamblers just play and continue playing without any management. So the adrenaline will increase higher by risking a lot of money and can profit or suffer a lot of losses. It is very depressing when gambling becomes the cause of many losses because there is no full management on how to do it. Emotions will always be involved and making decisions based on unstable emotions will not be good. This will be an adrenaline rush that is extreme enough to make people depressed.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Mahanton on September 13, 2023, 06:24:09 PM
I'm not quite sure why we have to fight the adrenaline rush when it's a perfectly normal body response to external stimuli.
This is very correct, adrenaline rush is a natural way our body responds to external stimuli... it can happene when we receive a yes from a girl we love, when facing a panel for interview, when writing exams or just anything that bring so much excitement or fear.

The unique thing about gambling is that you experience adrenaline rush both when you win huge amount of money and when you loose big amount too. Like I told someone in another response, since money is involved in gambling, emotions will always be involved and active; the best we can do is to manage our risk properly to avoid depression.

Managing risk well in gambling must be done consciously and correctly. Many gamblers just play and continue playing without any management. So the adrenaline will increase higher by risking a lot of money and can profit or suffer a lot of losses. It is very depressing when gambling becomes the cause of many losses because there is no full management on how to do it. Emotions will always be involved and making decisions based on unstable emotions will not be good. This will be an adrenaline rush that is extreme enough to make people depressed.
You wont really be thinking about management if you are that someone who do set out those particular budget or allocation with gambling on a certain session or you are simply that spending those funds on that particular time which means that you wont really be bothering yourself about those management of funds but well not all would really be able to stick out with this kind of behavior on which majority of them would really be that impulsive and would really be tending to increase out their spending even it it means on spending their savings or taking up some loans and this is where shit condition or situation will happen. Adrenaline rush could really give out those kind of cons if you arent wary about your actions which it is a really that a must thing to be done by someone because if you are really that careless and not mindful about your actions then you are really just simply putting yourself on harm. Doing or engaging with gambling could really give out those kind of emotions which would really be making you not able to mind that much on what are the most sensible or wise thing to be done and since each person does have that different level of tolerance on various things then decisions would really be that totally different to each other which whether they could stop completely or on point
or would really just decide to play further more just because they wanted to.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: CarnagexD on September 13, 2023, 07:48:25 PM
I don't know how best to simplify all you've written but I think one of the best way to put this is, HOW DO YOU MANAGE YOUR BP LEVEL WHEN BETTING? which will also make it more easier to talk on the topic especially for people  who English isn't their first language.
I think adhering to all the simple regulations for gaming will save us from adrenaline rise for instance, betting will only money we are willing to lose and in my case, when I place a bet, I always have 80% hope that the games might win even though he doesn't always happen so I already know that is either I lose or I game.

You just can't. It's very easy to have that kind of excitement in the beginning of your career gambling. I think the only key is experience and time. When you have these both, you have now so much experience that you already know what to do next. You're not panicking and you're relaxed. You just need to enjoy it for now. NO rush, no pressure at all. That is all normal in the start.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Davidvictorson on September 13, 2023, 08:11:58 PM
Adrenaline rush in my opinion starts the moment when you think or start contemplating gambling. And it heightens the longer you stay gambling, the bigger your wager, and and your reason for gambling at that point in time. I do think that somewhere in the human biology this adrenaline rush is mixed with dopamine. Adrenaline rush is well handled with proper planning. Having a plan and sticking with it will bring it under control.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Oasisman on September 13, 2023, 09:25:34 PM
How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?

I think adrenaline rush is like a normal reaction when you're either winning or lossing and I guess controlling that thing when you're lossing is the hardest part, because of the mixed negative emotions one is going through, like being upset and frustrated causing you to place more bets increasing the risk of lossing more than what supposed to be just the amount if you decided to cool off a little bit.
So, yeah the best thing to do is to step out and let your head cool off. When you're playing in an online casino, you should stand away from your computer go out and have a breather drink something to cool down that hormone triggering that adrenaline.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on September 13, 2023, 09:38:27 PM
Exactly my point of concern for every gambler... How do y'all cope?? Cause Seriously, I'd barely be comfortable if I spent the least cash over uncertain things - so I'm thinking how someone could be very Comfortable by staking and losing at the same time, without even having plans to put a stop to it.  ... Or does that have anything to do with gender-base inequality over the gambling space???... I seriously dunno.
I'll guess they just try to suppress the heat by creating possibilities in Thier minds??? Cause wtf?

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Cling18 on September 13, 2023, 09:40:39 PM
Adrenaline rush in my opinion starts the moment when you think or start contemplating gambling. And it heightens the longer you stay gambling, the bigger your wager, and and your reason for gambling at that point in time. I do think that somewhere in the human biology this adrenaline rush is mixed with dopamine. The adrenaline rush is well handled with proper planning. Having a plan and sticking with it will bring it under control.

It's the normal reaction of our body especially if we feel overwhelmed by what's happening around us especially if we got unexpected results in gambling. To control it, we should have the proper mind conditioning right from the beginning and we should be aware of the possibilities so we'll know how to handle our emotions wisely.
When gambling, there will always be a roller coaster like ride so we must be ready for it as the results are unpredictable and might be surprising on our end, either we feel glad or disappointed but we must know how to manage our emotions or else it will be the one to control our journey.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Josefjix on September 13, 2023, 10:45:27 PM
Adrenaline rush in my opinion starts the moment when you think or start contemplating gambling. And it heightens the longer you stay gambling, the bigger your wager, and and your reason for gambling at that point in time. I do think that somewhere in the human biology this adrenaline rush is mixed with dopamine. Adrenaline rush is well handled with proper planning. Having a plan and sticking with it will bring it under control.
Self-control is the priority attribute that have saved me from major losses. With proper planning, there's absolutely nothing we can't achieved from the system, we just have to stick to a disciplinary profitable strategy that's comfortable for us. We gamble at our free time and not under pressure of making money, even though we're keen on making more money, gambling is not reliable and there's slim opportunities of in the system. Adrenaline rush triggered the importance of our gambling setups and making us to desperately place wagers on games inother to achieve significant results from the system. 

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: Westinhome on September 13, 2023, 11:13:55 PM

Yeah, it's a process that needs to be followed. One step at a time. If we try to do it all at once, nothing will be done and in the end, we will be in a situation where we will be unable to control it. Emotion control is a great thing to have in terms of gambling. Even if we get influenced by the adrenaline rush, it will help us to make decisions based on the situation we are in. Our minds won't let us make the right decision when are in an adrenaline rush, but having control over our emotions will let us decide whether to go on or take a break.

I like the idea of playing and cooking. Not complicated stuff but those things give us entertainment which helps us to focus or mind from one thing to another. And you are able to do it, that makes you a great gambler. Cheers mate!

The process is the important thing in everything,the people who execute the many things at the same time will not work at all.Their will be confusion at the end,So use one step at the time to make a self control on such thing.The self control and emotion control was the important thing to get away from the gambling addiction.When you also get affected in very huge manner,that situation itself create you one decision from that easy to quit gambling addiction.Keep try to control your emotion in all the game,So it help to get away from the addiction.

Some people will do like you said,the cooking will make them concentrate on one thing as compared to other things.Every time you need to spend huge time on cooking,So you may forgot the gambling at the time of cooking.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: harizen on September 13, 2023, 11:44:17 PM

It's honestly tough for me to deal with especially when prior to reaching that adrenaline rush status, I'm winning mostly on the early phase of that said gambling session. Simple to say to others that "I will do this and this or this" but in reality, and I'm sure hardcore slots enthusiasts will understand this, we will contradict ourselves to take a break or stop and just continue playing until....... we don't know.

What to do? There is really no accurate answer to this but in my case, I will just go with the flow even losing.

Of course, I remain responsible as much as possible and force myself to just stop no matter what when all my set limit on losing is reaching every now and then with no signs of getting big wins, free spins, scatters, etc. for several tries. Will switch to my online gaming activity and play those current online games I'm addicted with (MMORPG and MOBA) and that's it, already shifted my interest.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on September 14, 2023, 04:28:44 AM
Can you please elaborate more on what you mean by house edge as regarding to this your comment? I have rack my brain a little bit and couldn't grab the meaning. Trust and credibility has a role to play as far as I am concern despite the fact I am yet to know what house edge means. Numerous gambling sites out there and one needs to be careful and chose the trusted ones to play with. In this forum, we have read a case of gambling site confiscating user's funds without any reason or explanation, while some processes transaction at a very pace. Gambling on such sites is inimical and should be discouraged unless they improve.

You can see how 1xbit has earned a bad reputation for itself and it promoter in the forum for their dishonesty and how people are warned to stay away from their site at all cost. Credibility and trust really matters.
The house edge is a mathematical or statistical advantage that the casino has over the players in any game that they play. It is a percentage of the total bets made on a game that is taken by the casino as profit, even if a gambler manages to win a bet, the house edge takes a small percentage of that win and keeps it for the house. A house edge gives the casino an advantage over the gamblers in the long run since it will always be getting something out of a bet.

Trust, reputation, community feedback, all these things are important when choosing a gambling platform, but the house edge is also one of the important things that you need to check before you get into a gambling platform and start gambling because it takes a part of your total winnings as well in the long run.
You're right, I personally know that things when it comes to playing in casinos there is a clear advantage, and yes, since I was a newbie it was easy to realize that things were like that, whenever I played in a short period of time I tended to win in the game but later when I started playing for a long time, it was incredible, I could have a very good advantage and things turned out well for me, but the longer I was playing the more time the player would have to lose ,  and that Was what what Bothered me then, what I did was keep making strategies, searching more online for ways to win, but the house advantage was clear, and it also happened that when I had a losing streak it was that I didn't win at all. , it was as if the algorithm was configured only to lose, so that seemed to me, in fact I studied a lot the ways that when I started losing that often I didn't play anymore, I played on other devices, to see if I saw a change, then that topp I predicted some things, because I thought that the casino was actually cheating on me, and no, it's clearly something that casinos always have.

The house edge is usually obtained from everything that a casino has its infrastructure, and clearly it is a business model, and all that it does is also to give something to it , a Percentage so this is Legal and is well accepted , in fact The fact that in some games one has such a bad streak is normal in the casino, because just as one has such a fatal losing streak, sometimes the same games make one win, that is why the player who takes advantage of his potential and Watching at the right time is when the biggest wins are made, of course this is clearly seen in the slot Machines , When they Make big Bets, some people bet 200usd, wow that is a big bet for me, others make bets of 700usd wow and they have won, at least in the sake.ciom thread I have seen them and it is Something worth Admiring , so Despite the advantage of a casino it is possible to Win.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: summonerrk on September 14, 2023, 04:40:26 AM

I am sure that there is no need to limit your emotions in gambling. Many people come to gamble just for adrenaline and to experience great excitement. It is not necessary that the result of the game should be only the final score on the balance sheet. You just need to limit yourself in advance in the amount of the deposit that you can afford to lose. For example, when I play slots, I do not restrain myself - I laugh and express emotions vividly, but at the same time I have everything under control - because if I lose the deposit that I have previously determined for the game, I will simply finish playing.

Title: Re: How Do You Manage Your Adrenaline Rush In Gambling?
Post by: tjtonmoy on September 14, 2023, 03:42:08 PM
Some people will do like you said,the cooking will make them concentrate on one thing as compared to other things.Every time you need to spend huge time on cooking,So you may forgot the gambling at the time of cooking.

It's not about spending more time on one thing in order to forget about another. That will make you focus less on other things in the long run. It's about enjoying what you are doing for the time being. If you are just doing other stuff to avoid something, when the work is done, you may come back to the thing you were trying to avoid.

Instead, try to find something that gives you pleasure and the same feeling as gambling. When we are in an adrenaline rush, things that we don't like will eventually become boring, and trying to do it forcefully will trigger our minds to go back to feel the same rush again. So think this through and try to find something that best suites you. That will help you a lot. Don't just stick to others' ideas. Create your own.