Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Service Discussion => Topic started by: cafter on September 16, 2023, 04:54:17 AM

Title: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: cafter on September 16, 2023, 04:54:17 AM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?
I lived yomix avatar campaign at their last date do I with get the payment of that week?
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: TryNinja on September 16, 2023, 04:59:47 AM
It’s usually a good idea to let the manager know you’re leaving the campaign beforehand, specially if you’re worried about getting the week’s payment.

If you remove your signature/avatar before the manager does his weekly duties, he’ll probably skip your payment since there is no way of knowing that you stayed the full term. Remember that different time zones are a thing.

Now, why isn’t this a PM?

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: pakhitheboss on September 16, 2023, 05:29:29 AM
One of the basic rule of Signature Campaign is to never remove the signature + avatar until you have received your weekly payment. If you haven't received your weekly payment then contact the BM. He would give you the answer to your question. Asking here won't help you and in getting paid.

Remember: Always read the rules carefully on the campaign announcement page, before you apply for any signature campaign.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Nwada001 on September 16, 2023, 05:30:32 AM
To me, this is just an unnecessary issue brought out to the public; this is what you should have asked your campaign manager in private and known what they think first.
Just as the above member has pointed out, it's always important to let your manager know that you exist in his or her campaign. It really helps a lot, as you can both iron things out. Removing your signature when the weekly count has not been done yet reduces your chances of getting paid for that week. Your new campaign, which you joined, could also have given you a few bucks until your last campaign post is counted.
Although Loycev has made things easier for managers to know when you remove your signature code, that does not mean your campaign manager will go through that just in the name of figuring out when you existed.
Sometimes it's just good for you to hold on till the next day after your campaign day ends before you move over to the next campaign, even when the countdown has not yet been done. It's understandable that way.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: BenCodie on September 16, 2023, 05:31:17 AM
Now, why isn’t this a PM?

It's not a PM either because cafter may believe that multiple people have the same question, so it feels useful posting here...or, he's just inflating for post count. I feel the latter, as cafter has been making mediocre quality posts since he joined, I've seen him around since a newbie. Sometimes he has his good moments, as you do when you vomit posts that at least follow the rules...though most of the time, post quality and post intentions are questionable.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Plaguedeath on September 16, 2023, 05:34:43 AM
Why this is in Meta section? move this thread to service discussion section.

AFAIK some campaign managers do paid the participants in such case, but since each campaign manager has different opinion and perspective, then it's up to the campaign manager.

Remember: Always read the rules carefully on the campaign announcement page, before you apply for any signature campaign.
He do read the rules carefully because he wore the avatar until the week ended, can you pointed out is there any rule "jumping into other campaign will result no payment regardless the cycle end or not"?

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: cafter on September 16, 2023, 05:42:12 AM

I asked in public because some newbie also may have this question in their mind.
and I know this is a simple question which is easily solved by asking the manager but i wanted to know by members who lived signature campaign and still got the payment.
I read the rules carefully and didn't found the rules about what if i lived campaign in the middle of the week.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: pakhitheboss on September 16, 2023, 05:42:56 AM

Remember: Always read the rules carefully on the campaign announcement page, before you apply for any signature campaign.
He do read the rules carefully because he wore the avatar until the week ended, can you pointed out is there any rule "jumping into other campaign will result no payment regardless the cycle end or not"?

The below is what he wrote on Yomix signature campaign thread to the BM. He has himself did the post count. That is the reason I asked him to read the rules of a signature campaign before doing anything.
I got accepted in another campaign. My last post count is 675. Thanks Royse for the opportunity of working with you.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: noorman0 on September 16, 2023, 05:44:28 AM
As long as your posts for the current week have been counted in the spreadsheet, you can actually leave the current campaign. You need to pay attention to this if your CM usually makes calculations a little later than the week's deadline itself.

Someone who is very careful will usually report his move to another campaign in the thread of the campaign he left. If necessary, use an archive site to record the profile attributes.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: dzungmobile on September 16, 2023, 06:52:55 AM
It takes time for managers to read, assess your post quality and count eligible posts; and not only you but other participants too. It can be different time zone and manager can in sleep so if he wakes up, count posts and see you removed your avatar and signature, you are disqualified for that week payment.

You can PM both managers, current campaign you are waiting for payment and new campaign you are going to join. But the must condition is don't remove avatar and signature before manager counts your posts.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Upgrade00 on September 16, 2023, 07:03:36 AM
I read the rules carefully and didn't found the rules about what if i lived campaign in the middle of the week.
There is already a contractual agreement to wear the signature and avatar for the duration of a week inorder to get the payment, so leaving in the middle of the week already breaks that agreement and means you will likely not be getting any payment for that campaign.

If you do stay till the end of the week and have already gotten another campaign which you need to wear their signature, you should notify the manageryo know if he can check your post history first and clear you for the week's payment so you can change your signature, this should not be an issue for most managers.

In the end it's all about communication between all parties to ensure everyone is on the same page

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Pmalek on September 16, 2023, 07:05:41 AM

I read the rules carefully and didn't found the rules about what if i lived campaign in the middle of the week.
It's pretty obvious that if you leave in the middle of the week that you won't get paid. The payment cycle is usually a 7-day one, meaning you need to wear the signature the whole week. Monday until Sunday, and probably even the following Monday because the campaign manager needs time to count all the posts.

After you got accepted in a new campaign, you were to quick in changing the signature details. That's what got you in trouble. This is something that you should have discussed with Royse777, and he is the one that must give you the green light if you want to get paid.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: LoyceV on September 16, 2023, 07:16:37 AM
I asked in public because some newbie also may have this question in their mind.
Some Newbie can't have a signature or avatar.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: FatFork on September 16, 2023, 07:37:59 AM
I asked in public because some newbie also may have this question in their mind.
and I know this is a simple question which is easily solved by asking the manager but i wanted to know by members who lived signature campaign and still got the payment.

This is a simple issue that could have been easily avoided if you had contacted your manager privately. You've made a mistake, and it's understandable that you may be feeling upset, but publicly venting your frustration won't help you. Quite the opposite,actually.

I read the rules carefully and didn't found the rules about what if i lived campaign in the middle of the week.

That was the Yo!Mix campaign, right?

▶️ If I find campaign members breaching these terms, I will remove them from the campaign immediately.
▶️ Wear the appropriate signature, avatar and personal text during the campaign
▶️ Week starts from Saturday and ends on Friday UTC

You seem to have a misunderstanding of the campaign rules.

Why did you post this in Meta? This has nothing to do with the forum.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Pmalek on September 16, 2023, 08:49:44 AM
Some Newbie can't have a signature or avatar.
I am sure he meant a newbie in the sense they don't know much about the forum system. Or maybe even a newbie that at one point wants to be in a signature campaign after ranking up.

Why did you post this in Meta? This has nothing to do with the forum.
There are more eyes in Meta than in many other forum boards. Probably because to get more views and attention. Maybe he even thought there are rules to how a signature campaign should be run set forth by the forum. But like many other things, that's also not moderated on Bitcointalk. 

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: jokers10 on September 16, 2023, 08:50:05 AM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?
I lived yomix avatar campaign at their last date do I with get the payment of that week?
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?

If you consider your pastime on the forum as a waste time if you are not being paid for a signature or an avatar you'll get many unpleasant surprises in the future.

When you join a campaign you make a deal. This deal is between you and a campaign manager. If you do something unilaterally, why do you expect that the other side agreed with the changes in a deal? Did you ask about it before what you've done?

You had some obligations for wearing an avatar for the week which is counted in exact way, you have not fulfilled these obligations and didn't agree with the manager before you quit. Why did you expect any reward?

If there are any changes in a deal you should get an approval from the other party, otherwise the other party has no obligations for you.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: yahoo62278 on September 16, 2023, 09:06:48 AM

I asked in public because some newbie also may have this question in their mind.
and I know this is a simple question which is easily solved by asking the manager but i wanted to know by members who lived signature campaign and still got the payment.
I read the rules carefully and didn't found the rules about what if i lived campaign in the middle of the week.

Are you 1 of those users that a manager has to spell out every little thing so that there aren't a billion questions with obvious answers? The point of a signature campaign is for people to post throughout the forum all through the week. If a company hires 20 people to make 25 posts in the week, and all those people posted 25 posts in 1 day and removed their signatures, how much good do you think that did the company? Signatures are only seen while a person has the code on, if a person changes to a different code then the new code is displayed.

This is why managers like to implement a max number of posts sometimes to slow the spammers down so the company they represent gets a little more exposure on the forum. It's also a general rule that users wear the sig code the whole week and do not remove it unless the manager says it's ok.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: nutildah on September 16, 2023, 09:59:41 AM
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?

A couple of major things wrong with this statement:

- if you don't enjoy any other aspect of the forum other than getting paid for posting, you shouldn't be here.
- think of it from the business owner's perspective: your signature isn't visible because you changed it, ergo your posts won't direct any traffic to the business' website.. so what good do your posts do for the entity from which you want to collect payment?

If you consider your pastime on the forum as a waste time if you are not being paid for a signature or an avatar you'll get many unpleasant surprises in the future.

This exactly. Well said.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: hugeblack on September 16, 2023, 10:25:14 AM
I read the rules carefully and didn't found the rules about what if i lived campaign in the middle of the week.
You must inform the managers as tracking signatures or avatars is difficult and it is difficult to confirm that you were in the campaign until the last day, or at least you can wait until the end of the week in your previous campaign before moving on to a new campaign.
There is a disclaimer in most campaigns, so even if you are not paid, you cannot do anything as the campaign manager can accept or reject any post.

I don't see your name in the signature campaign spreadsheet so you probably won't get paid.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: JeromeTash on September 16, 2023, 10:59:07 AM
I guess you didn't bother reading the campaign rules, let alone read a few comments up the thread before you replied. I remember warning another member about the same thing, and I am pretty sure he did get paid as well

I got accepted in another campaign. My last post is 1660. Thanks Royse
Should have waited until the manager counts your posts on pay day before you can change a new signature if you really wanted the payment from the previous campaign.

Which manager is going to give you payment when you remove the signature before he counts the posts?

Blame yourself, not the campaign manager.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: LoyceV on September 16, 2023, 11:19:49 AM
Some Newbie can't have a signature or avatar.
I am sure he meant a newbie in the sense they don't know much about the forum system. Or maybe even a newbie that at one point wants to be in a signature campaign after ranking up.
Said Newbie can just read the campaign rules. And even if he's not going to read the rules (like OP :-\), he sure as hell won't read this topic.

I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?
- if you don't enjoy any other aspect of the forum other than getting paid for posting, you shouldn't be here.
So that's why OP asked if stealing is a good idea ( Those damn post quota :P

tracking signatures or avatars is difficult
I'm working on that ( :)

Which manager is going to give you payment when you remove the signature before he counts the posts?
Boss, I put up the billboard you ask to advertise for the week. I put another poster on top of yours, but I did my job so you have to pay me!

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Saisher on September 16, 2023, 01:20:59 PM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?
I lived yomix avatar campaign at their last date do I with get the payment of that week?
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?

Bounty managers are so busy managing their campaigns that they cannot track all the participants they are managing so you have to understand their situation and respect them by letting them know that you are leaving the campaign, if you want your post counted you should let both the managers the present and incoming campaign manager to let you finish the campaign before transferring and respect their decision.
Being accepted in a campaign is a privilege so give them respect and be thankful because they believe in your capability to be part of the campaign.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: rhomelmabini on September 16, 2023, 01:34:32 PM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?
I lived yomix avatar campaign at their last date do I with get the payment of that week?
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?
No, unless your paid for that week. You'll get it when your manager posted it that it's paid not because the week ended, most managers has lot of errands to do so better keep the avatar and signature hanging until it's fully paid.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Little Mouse on September 16, 2023, 03:45:48 PM
No, unless your paid for that week. You'll get it when your manager posted it that it's paid not because the week ended, most managers has lot of errands to do so better keep the avatar and signature hanging until it's fully paid.
Well, technically a user has the right to leave a campaign exactly after the week ends regardless of whether the manager counted the post or not, keeping things aside mentioned by yahoo62278. It just requires a PM from the user to the campaign manager and let the manager know that he has left the campaign after the week ends. But without informing, doing so will result in missing the payment from all the managers. No one has the time travel power to go and check back lol.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: rhomelmabini on September 16, 2023, 03:55:06 PM
No, unless your paid for that week. You'll get it when your manager posted it that it's paid not because the week ended, most managers has lot of errands to do so better keep the avatar and signature hanging until it's fully paid.
Well, technically a user has the right to leave a campaign exactly after the week ends regardless of whether the manager counted the post or not, keeping things aside mentioned by yahoo62278. It just requires a PM from the user to the campaign manager and let the manager know that he has left the campaign after the week ends. But without informing, doing so will result in missing the payment from all the managers. No one has the time travel power to go and check back lol.
Exactly what I'm trying to say but lack that DM'ing the manager. To OP, it's not that automatic, you have to do whatever it takes to prove that you've done your work/s or else you have just wasted really that time wearing anything. Thanks for clarifying @Little Mouse!

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Stalker22 on September 16, 2023, 06:15:47 PM
No, unless your paid for that week. You'll get it when your manager posted it that it's paid not because the week ended, most managers has lot of errands to do so better keep the avatar and signature hanging until it's fully paid.
Well, technically a user has the right to leave a campaign exactly after the week ends regardless of whether the manager counted the post or not, keeping things aside mentioned by yahoo62278. It just requires a PM from the user to the campaign manager and let the manager know that he has left the campaign after the week ends. But without informing, doing so will result in missing the payment from all the managers. No one has the time travel power to go and check back lol.

Well, he posted in both the Yo!Mix ( and Zenland ( campaign threads that he was leaving after you accepted him into your campaign and told him to put a new signature. (So it's actually your fault! ;D) However, the issue here is that he did not wait for the week end and the post count verification; he probably assumed that he had already met the required number of posts for the current week. And now, he is blaming the manager for removing him from the spreadsheet and cutting him off.

I am honestly baffled by the logic of some members here. He was earning $0.75/post for signature and $1/post for avatar, but that wasn't enough for him so he switched to a new campaign to get $1.6 per post? It doesn't make much sense. Not sure why he did it, but it sure looks like a dick move.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: PX-Z on September 16, 2023, 10:57:40 PM
Tried that and learned my lesson — never get my pay in the whole week earning for signature campaign that was a year ago. That's why lesson learned, always ask the manager if its alright to remove the campaign on specific date, until there's no response, don't remove your avatar or signature to move another campaign. It works on any manager.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: yahoo62278 on September 17, 2023, 05:31:23 AM
Tried that and learned my lesson — never get my pay in the whole week earning for signature campaign that was a year ago. That's why lesson learned, always ask the manager if its alright to remove the campaign on specific date, until there's no response, don't remove your avatar or signature to move another campaign. It works on any manager.
Users wouldn't need to worry about it if they weren't jumping from campaign to campaign chasing that extra 25c. If you are in a long term campaign, why leave? People see a campaign with a higher rate(usually not a ton) and are quick to want in, but they have no idea if it is a long term or 1 week campaign.

If someone is leaving or planning on leaving a campaign it is common courtesy to pm the manager and let them know. If it's something like hey this campaign is over in 2 hours, can I remove my sig then? The manager will likely say it's fine, but make sure you have permission before leaving or risk losing the payment for the week.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: nutildah on September 17, 2023, 08:04:48 AM
Users wouldn't need to worry about it if they weren't jumping from campaign to campaign chasing that extra 25c. If you are in a long term campaign, why leave? People see a campaign with a higher rate(usually not a ton) and are quick to want in, but they have no idea if it is a long term or 1 week campaign.

I for one believe in the idea of campaign loyalty -- if I apply for a campaign, it means I plan on being part of it for a long time, possibly until it ends. If the manager sees fit to accept me into it, I feel they deserve for me to stick around for at least a while. Sometimes managers of campaigns I'm in have offered other campaigns they have available to me, in which case they are the ones suggesting that I move; in that case its fine.

But I know its just additional work for them if you move around a lot, and then old posts no longer carry the signature, which means no new traffic can be directed to the sponsor's webpage.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: cafter on September 17, 2023, 12:19:56 PM
I am not very good in english and i use wrong tense wrong synonyms which cause you to misunderstand my posts, Sometimes i forget to add question mark which make huge difference.
sometimes i add too many commas, etc.
I don't know why i write and speak very less words to complete a sentence which causes others to misunderstand me, will try to improve my english and writing.

so please give me time to understand the mistake and edit that posts with right words,

It wasn't the dick move but leaving the both campaign without waiting to weekend was the dick move,
the payroll is more in coingame campaign then that of both campaigns combined.
here the calculation if you want:
yomix $1/post for 20posts= $20/week
zenland $0.75/post for 20posts= $15/week
$20+$15= $35 and current campaign have $40/week

I learned from mistake that; do not leave the campaign until the week ends, and this is not written in any signature campaign clearly like
"do not leave or remove your signature or avatar until the week ends"
"if you leaved the campaign in the middle of week you will not get the payment"
"inform everything you do to manager by PMing and wait for their reply for confirmation"

So I started the thread in meta to save any new full member who participated first time do not make this type of mistake.
I made an stupid move to learn a small lesson which may have cleared by texting the manager on telegram.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Jawhead999 on September 17, 2023, 01:17:44 PM
I learned from mistake that; do not leave the campaign until the week ends, and this is not written in any signature campaign clearly like
Honestly it's not a mistake, there's nothing wrong if someone leave the previous campaign in the middle of week, you just not get paid. After all it's not make you get red tagged or any punishment that will ruin your reputation. Of course for capitalist, it's a mistake.

yomix $1/post for 20posts= $20/week
zenland $0.75/post for 20posts= $15/week
$20+$15= $35 and current campaign have $40/week
You need to create 5 more posts to earn $40 (assuming all of your posts are counted).

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 17, 2023, 02:18:54 PM
OP, the rules were simple; if you had followed the rules, there would be no need for this thread. In all the signature campaigns on this forum, the quarter is usually 7 days, and until the spreadsheet has been marked and your post counted, you don't have to remove your signature or avatar. Even if you must remove your avatar or signature, you have to contact the campaign manager first.

To cut a long story short, unless your posts for that campaign week have been counted, never change your avatar or signature because if you do, the manager might not really know the actual date that your avatar was changed, and that gives you reason to send them a DM.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Stalker22 on September 17, 2023, 10:49:31 PM
I wasn't the dick move but living the both campaign without waiting to weekend was the dick move,

That is exactly what I said.
By the way, the word you are looking for is "leaving", not "living".

I learned from mistake that; do not leave the campaign until the week ends, and this is not written in any signature campaign clearly like

Yes it is! You just have a hard time understanding the rules.

So I started the thread in meta to save any new full member who participated first time do not make this type of mistake.

That is not true. You started the thread with three questions (you used the question mark three times, so it cannot be a typo), and in the last question, you basically accused the manager, Royse777, for kicking you out from the spreadsheet and wasting your week's worth of posting. And since you did it publicly, before you asked him about it, that was a dick move too.

@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: robelneo on September 18, 2023, 06:39:24 AM
OP, the rules were simple; if you had followed the rules, there would be no need for this thread. In all the signature campaigns on this forum, the quarter is usually 7 days, and until the spreadsheet has been marked and your post counted, you don't have to remove your signature or avatar. Even if you must remove your avatar or signature, you have to contact the campaign manager first.

Yeah, I agree with you bro OP failed to follow good bounty hunters' practices which are

  • Always remembering when the new week will start and when it will end
  • Check the spreadsheet if the manager counted all the participants' posts
  • Practice courteousness by asking or sending PM that you are leaving the campaign

OP should understand that a signature campaign is a freelancer job so you should practice professionalism.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: examplens on September 18, 2023, 09:14:39 AM
I wasn't the dick move but living the both campaign without waiting to weekend was the dick move,
the payroll is more in coingame campaign then that of both campaigns combined.
here the calculation if you want:
yomix $1/post for 20posts= $20/week
zenland $0.75/post for 20posts= $15/week
$20+$15= $35 and current campaign have $40/week

Switching from one campaign to another is not a dick move, it happens and there are several reasons for it. But this complaint of yours about not being paid for wearing an avatar for two or three days is a dick move. Especially if you did not ask for or receive approval from the manager to remove the avatar.
I assume that if you asked the manager of the new campaign if you could keep the old avatar until the counting day, you would have received a positive answer.

Also, you really risked two long-established campaigns for one just launched for $5 more per week?

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on September 18, 2023, 02:30:09 PM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?
I lived yomix avatar campaign at their last date do I with get the payment of that week?
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?
You and the campaign manager have rights to the terms offered and the terms accepted by you. This is why you should read carefully what kind of campaigns you are signing up for. There are some that define their payment per post with a specific payment value, and will still further define the minimum you must post to qualify for it. And there are some that you must complete the whole week task before any payment is due, just like the one I'm working under now.

By this, you should be able to know if you or your campaign manager is guilty. Also, for moral sake, it's good to tell your CM before you leave the campaign.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: KingsDen on September 18, 2023, 10:07:06 PM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?
I lived yomix avatar campaign at their last date do I with get the payment of that week?
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?
I haven't seen this being an issue in the forum provided there is a good communication. I think Op believed he informed Royse777 about leaving the campaign, but he did it in a wrong way. You wrote that you are leaving a particular campaign that your post count as of when you made the post of leaving the campaign was 1000, then you removed the signature. Let's say the manager wasn't online and managed to come online after 12hrs, saw your post and noticed you are wearing another signature. How do you want the manager to believe that it was excat 1000 posts you made wearing the signature of your previous campaign?

As good as I know, the burden of agreement always lie on the new manager who will decide to give you sometime to end your present campaign. And I have seen countless times managers allow people some days to end their current campaign and get paid.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: joniboini on September 19, 2023, 12:53:29 AM
I wasn't the dick move but living the both campaign without waiting to weekend was the dick move,
You might be referring to campaign hopping, where a user registers to a new campaign or another campaign so quickly that it might be a hassle for the manager to keep changing the sheet. Sure, some managers dislike it and even temporarily ban you from participating in their campaign for a while, but there is nothing wrong with switching campaigns after you've participated for a month or so. After all, you're the one risking yourself if the new campaign turns out to be short-term, not getting paid on time, etc.

Btw, I suggest not moving from one campaign to another just for a slight payment increase, especially if the campaign is new with a manager that has no track records in the future.

I learned from mistake that; do not leave the campaign until the week ends, and this is not written in any signature campaign clearly like
Some rules don't have to be written. You can always use some common sense to decide if you can leave you out of payment or not.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: yhiaali3 on September 19, 2023, 05:22:11 AM
In the first place, I do not see any problem with posting in the forum without receiving payment. Suppose you are not participating in any campaign, will you stop writing in the forum until you get a new campaign?

In addition to everything mentioned above, this relates to the minimum posts in the terms of the campaign. If there is no minimum posts you must complete the week to receive payment. If there is a minimum, you must achieve the minimum and then tell the campaign manager in the thread that you want Leave the campaign until he can do his job to the fullest.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: AB de Royse777 on September 19, 2023, 07:01:40 AM
I regularly check my campaign threads and spreadsheets several times a day to ensure that everything is in order. In a typical week, I may occasionally miss a day or two of checking, but that's exceptional.

I haven't seen this being an issue in the forum provided there is a good communication. I think Op believed he informed Royse777 about leaving the campaign, but he did it in a wrong way. You wrote that you are leaving a particular campaign that your post count as of when you made the post of leaving the campaign was 1000, then you removed the signature. Let's say the manager wasn't online and managed to come online after 12hrs, saw your post and noticed you are wearing another signature. How do you want the manager to believe that it was excat 1000 posts you made wearing the signature of your previous campaign?
The user removed the signature more than a day before the campaign week ended. If this occurred one or two hours before the week's end and was accompanied by a post confirming the change in status, it could be considered somewhat acceptable. However, missing for over a day out of a 7-day week is not acceptable.

A member might mistakenly remove their signature, but if they realize it was a mistake within a few hours and I trust that the incident was genuine, then I have no problem with it. This situation has already occurred with one of the signature campaign participants in a campaign I managed. All these situations are assessed on a case-by-case basis; there are no set rules, but it is always advisable to review the campaign rules. One of the important rules is as follows:-

▶️ You are not allowed to change anything on the signature code, if found then you will be disqualified without prior notice.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on September 19, 2023, 07:39:38 AM
The user removed the signature more than a day before the campaign week ended.

This isn't acceptable, you're right with your decision. We forget that when it comes to campaign management, everything done on that specific campaign is determined by the manager and not how other feels. When you switch campaign before the week ends you aren't entitled to any reward because you didn't complete the weeks duration for the campaign. It doesn't matter if you completed the post quota or not, don't leave a campaign before it ends and expect the manager to pay you. Those campaign managers that pay you when you do this are doing it out of kindness because they don't want your time spent in the campaign to be wasted, as others have contributes to the discussion, it's best you have a good communication with your manager and get the proper approval before leaving a campaign (and removing the signature code/avatar)

Well, technically a user has the right to leave a campaign exactly after the week ends regardless of whether the manager counted the post or not,

Immediately the weeks ends a users is free to leave a campaign and is entitled to his payment provided he can prove he had the signature code/avatar on at the time of the week ending. Not all users leave campaign immediately the week ends because they want to do so but some managers demand accepted users to changed signature/avatar ASAP or you're likely to lose your slots which is why they do this. Just for advice sake, if anyone find himself in this kind of scenario and there isn't any rule that go against you removing your signature code/avatar before the manager reviews your week work (after the campaign has ended) then keep a record screenshot or archive) to prove you have completed the promotion for the week especially when you're unable to reach the manager before changing campaign to avoid misunderstanding.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on September 19, 2023, 02:16:58 PM
Users wouldn't need to worry about it if they weren't jumping from campaign to campaign chasing that extra 25c. If you are in a long term campaign, why leave? People see a campaign with a higher rate(usually not a ton) and are quick to want in, but they have no idea if it is a long term or 1 week campaign.

I for one believe in the idea of campaign loyalty -- if I apply for a campaign, it means I plan on being part of it for a long time, possibly until it ends. If the manager sees fit to accept me into it, I feel they deserve for me to stick around for at least a while. Sometimes managers of campaigns I'm in have offered other campaigns they have available to me, in which case they are the ones suggesting that I move; in that case its fine.

But I know its just additional work for them if you move around a lot, and then old posts no longer carry the signature, which means no new traffic can be directed to the sponsor's webpage.
Good point! But one thing that is certain is that loyalty is relative, and how we view and relate it might vary. I like payment to quantify my work as I pride myself on doing more work in any campaign I join than any other campaigners, that's what I call loyalty. And I believe lower pay will amount to cheating myself if I can be that committed.

Not that I have the rose of time but I believe that when I'm being paid, I need to commit myself as though we run the company together. However, my loyalty to advertise for a company can be bought since I don't know them personally, but when it comes to the work, I do my best. I at times work more than twice the needed. This is not because I do have much time but interested in the success of the company I campaign for (loyalty).

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: yahoo62278 on September 19, 2023, 08:59:10 PM
Users wouldn't need to worry about it if they weren't jumping from campaign to campaign chasing that extra 25c. If you are in a long term campaign, why leave? People see a campaign with a higher rate(usually not a ton) and are quick to want in, but they have no idea if it is a long term or 1 week campaign.

I for one believe in the idea of campaign loyalty -- if I apply for a campaign, it means I plan on being part of it for a long time, possibly until it ends. If the manager sees fit to accept me into it, I feel they deserve for me to stick around for at least a while. Sometimes managers of campaigns I'm in have offered other campaigns they have available to me, in which case they are the ones suggesting that I move; in that case its fine.

But I know its just additional work for them if you move around a lot, and then old posts no longer carry the signature, which means no new traffic can be directed to the sponsor's webpage.
Good point! But one thing that is certain is that loyalty is relative, and how we view and relate it might vary. I like payment to quantify my work as I pride myself on doing more work in any campaign I join than any other campaigners, that's what I call loyalty. And I believe lower pay will amount to cheating myself if I can be that committed.

Not that I have the rose of time but I believe that when I'm being paid, I need to commit myself as though we run the company together. However, my loyalty to advertise for a company can be bought since I don't know them personally, but when it comes to the work, I do my best. I at times work more than twice the needed. This is not because I do have much time but interested in the success of the company I campaign for (loyalty).
I would have to look at your weekly post stats to see whether you are being true about doing nearly double the work or not, but for years now I have noticed that most users do exactly the amount of posts needed. I always advise users to at a minimum do 1 -3 extra just in case something gets reported and deleted.

In a sense you are correct on the assumption that it feels like you run the company together. I think it would do a lot of people good to think like that. Basically, it comes down to you are advertising to help that company get more exposure on the forum. Without gaining exposure and or clients, the company will close the campaign and your work ends. So rather than post everything in 1 discussion section, it's in a users best interest to post in many different sections of the forum so as many people as possible are reached.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on September 20, 2023, 11:09:07 PM
Yeah, I agree with you bro OP failed to follow good bounty hunters' practices which are

  • Always remembering when the new week will start and when it will end

Well, yeah, I think the same thing is applicable in the bounty section, but it's not only for bounty; even here on the service board, I think unless a campaign manager has counted your posts for that week, the participant is not supposed to remove their signature without the instructions of the manager. All these signature managers have different campaigns that they are managing, and in each campaign, they have not less than 5 and more than 10 participants, so there is no way they can keep monitoring and knowing the time a participant has removed their signature unless they (the managers) were told by the participant. Even after you rank up, you will still need to mention it on the campaign thread; if not, they might not be aware because they already have a lot of profiles they are looking at.

In this case, it was really the OP's fault, and I think he already learned from it.[/list]

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: 2double0 on September 21, 2023, 08:53:10 PM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?
I lived yomix avatar campaign at their last date do I with get the payment of that week?
@royse777 you removed my name from spreadsheet means I wasted my week by posting wearing you managed campaign's avatar?

It's stupid to leave a signature campaign before either letting the manager know that you're leaving and wait for his approval, or at least wait for the post count to be done.
All the managers here have a great understanding and if you ask the manager of your upcoming (joined) campaign for which you left your older one, that you need some time till the post count is done and you are allowed to remove your signature and avatar, I am sure he will understand your position and will reserve your spot till your week ends in your (old) current signature and allow you to join once you get paid there.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: cafter on September 22, 2023, 12:04:28 PM
It's stupid to leave a signature campaign before either letting the manager know that you're leaving and wait for his approval, or at least wait for the post count to be done.
I know it was my stupid mistake and i am guilty of it.
All the managers here have a great understanding and if you ask the manager of your upcoming (joined) campaign for which you left your older one, that you need some time till the post count is done and you are allowed to remove your signature and avatar, I am sure he will understand your position and will reserve your spot till your week ends in your (old) current signature and allow you to join once you get paid there.
That's why I see 'reserved' frequently appears in many signature campaign spreadsheets in the list of participant names.
I done this type of mistake because many campaign mangers says in their reply "wear your signature and avatar within 24 hours" I think it's a deadline after this i cannot allowed to participate.
but now i know how it works it was simple but i was unlucky to not getting paid for 2 campaign because of my simple mistakes.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: coin-investor on September 22, 2023, 05:24:36 PM

That's why I see 'reserved' frequently appears in many signature campaign spreadsheets in the list of participant names.
I done this type of mistake because many campaign mangers says in their reply "wear your signature and avatar within 24 hours" I think it's a deadline after this i cannot allowed to participate.
but now i know how it works it was simple but i was unlucky to not getting paid for 2 campaign because of my simple mistakes.

Communication is very important between participants and bounty managers you have good managers who can understand your situation if you communicate it, instead of letting them guess.

 I also experienced this in the past when I needed to wear the signature in the next 24 hours but I still needed 48 hours before the manager counted my post I ended up wearing the signature and just forgot the days I am active on my current campaign.

Sometimes you have to decide what's best for you in case your managers deny your request or you have no choice but to decide which is a better campaign, when it comes to bounty campaigns communication is very important.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: The Cryptovator on September 22, 2023, 07:12:32 PM
Is it necessary to create a thread for this? Why can't you talk with manager personally about your questions? Because it's about a specific campaign, you should discuss it with the person in charge of the campaign. Unless something went wrong and you aren't happy with the manager's answer, you may raise a public question. However, you won't get payments if you remove your signature before counting the post. In a special case, you must inform your manager regarding removing your signature or avatar. Always keep reading the signature campaign rules where you are going to APK. If you can't comply with the campaign rules, it's better to avoid them.

Title: Re: Do we get the completed posts payment.
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on September 23, 2023, 12:17:39 PM
Do we get the payment after completing the post count and living the signature campaign when week ended?

Why not as long as you're perfectly inline with the campaign rules and regulations and also carry your campaign manager along with every latest development or steps you're taking, once you're within the coverage of what their campaign rules say and still within the week, you're free to leave but before leaving, it's very important to inform your manager, nobody is tied to a particular campaign to stay there for long or by all means except we wish to and same also apllies to the campaign managers in accepting their participants, they make decision on whom to select and not.