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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: RioBlemz on September 21, 2023, 05:42:58 PM

Title: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: RioBlemz on September 21, 2023, 05:42:58 PM

I have doubt if Joe Biden is ok . This is not a case of Republican or Democrat. The US President recent appearance can be liken to be his worst so far. His forgetfulness and cognitive decline are in an all time high. Will president Joe Biden have the strength to tackle the campaign trail in 2024?

In Joe Biden recent appearance a case study of diplomatic visit to Vietnam and now in UN shows that he is acting on a script. In my own bias I think he is told what to do and if you watch closes no carriage as a lead man in his outing. The big question is Joe Biden running the country or someone behind the scene is in control?     

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Gozie51 on September 21, 2023, 07:34:45 PM
I think I have noticed some slip on him lately and that could be a sign that he is not really on his best this time around, maybe old age is coming faster for him. Joe Biden is going to turn 80 years in two months time, so it is understandable if he is experiencing symptoms that comes with old age. He is the American oldest president for now and my concern is how he would contest again in 2024, I think that will tell on him and he may not be very active to run the American economy.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 22, 2023, 10:18:08 AM
You do not need to guess whether Joe is being aided during his public appareances or not, OP. It has already been proven. Don't you recall that several months ago, it was discovered that during a political appareance the President has holding a sheet with instructions on what to do during such event?

To me it is obvious he is getting help from his staff to keep the image of a fully aware and functioning president, even though it is a uphill task.

If these things continue to happen,.then they will only help Trump to get into the Oval Office.

Biden may not be okey, but he is okey enough.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Pingrapole on September 22, 2023, 12:33:18 PM
I noticed one thing In the current American presidential power, the internal conflicts are less in many parts He would have been impeached after he became president.One of the areas where he seems weak to me is that in terms of foreign policy, America is having a very bad time right now in terms of foreign policymaking His rival states continue to pursue diplomatic activities with one success after another.Those who can control their people are smart. The current president is a smart person because I think he is still right, and I think he will be a candidate in the next election.Due to his age he looks unwell, but he is not well he is kept well he is now the president as a passerby actually his loved ones run the state Considering this aspect of governance is definitely ok and will take his success forward, but there is a conflict whether he will win the election.Because they understand America's own interests, they don't want people who hurt their interests. If America can protect their interests, which candidate will win.
Finally, old age can never hold a man back because if there is youthful energy in the mind then he is young even though he is old and the current president is such a person.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Gozie51 on September 22, 2023, 02:18:50 PM

Finally, old age can never hold a man back because if there is youthful energy in the mind then he is young even though he is old and the current president is such a person.

Old age does cause laspes in administration especially the countries image in public. Apart from laxity in policy formulation and implementation, the presence of a president in public with audacity speaks volume. We can't compare Biden's public appearance to that of Obama, triumph is also better IMO. I watched Biden today whilst giving support to Ukrainian president, (zelensky), he was looking frail to me. So in real terms, there is no youthful age in the mind that the body is already weak.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Gyfts on September 22, 2023, 04:36:02 PM
He's on the verge of senility. He isn't doing too well.

It's been the case that his handlers have ran things behind the scenes for quite some time, probably immediately as he stepped into office. Between the notecards, scripts, abrupt ending to press conferences and all, it's quite sad to see the leader of the world in such poor shape.

Americans voted for it too, can you believe it!

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 22, 2023, 04:57:43 PM

Americans voted for it too, can you believe it!

I can believe it, yes. Because if you have paid attention to American politics lately, you would realize than presidential elections and campaigns are not about choosing the best alternative for the country and its progress, but rather choosing the lesser of an evil; or choosing the less of a bad candidate.

If Trump behaved in a more moderated way during his first term, then we could have exploited his foe during the 2020 campaign and eventually he could have ended up winning the election.

So Biden is not the perfect candidate and he may be older than the ideal age for a president to be, but the fact he got elected is also Trumps fault to some extend.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Nerdy doctor on September 22, 2023, 05:23:03 PM

If Trump behaved in a more moderated way during his first term, then we could have exploited his foe during the 2020 campaign and eventually he could have ended up winning the election.

So Biden is not the perfect candidate and he may be older than the ideal age for a president to be, but the fact he got elected is also Trumps fault to some extend.

Biden is not the perfect Candidate but he’s way better than the former guy and that’s why he was voted in. The fact that Biden got elected is majorly due to Trump himself. His words(including tweets) and actions can be unhinged most of the time putting aside for a moment all the lies he spews.
Trump lost and in true fashion, blamed everyone for his incompetence and not willing to take into consideration for a moment the fact that he is not wanted anymore as president.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: RioBlemz on September 23, 2023, 08:04:09 AM

If Trump behaved in a more moderated way during his first term, then we could have exploited his foe during the 2020 campaign and eventually he could have ended up winning the election.

So Biden is not the perfect candidate and he may be older than the ideal age for a president to be, but the fact he got elected is also Trumps fault to some extend.

Biden is not the perfect Candidate but he’s way better than the former guy and that’s why he was voted in. The fact that Biden got elected is majorly due to Trump himself. His words(including tweets) and actions can be unhinged most of the time putting aside for a moment all the lies he spews.
Trump lost and in true fashion, blamed everyone for his incompetence and not willing to take into consideration for a moment the fact that he is not wanted anymore as president.

How can you say Donald Trump is not wanted. I mean he has strong support base and they still believe the last elections that saw Joe Biden to power was rigged in favour of him especially considering the roles of the tech giants, media and top business associates who influenced the outcome of the elections.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 23, 2023, 06:03:06 PM

If Trump behaved in a more moderated way during his first term, then we could have exploited his foe during the 2020 campaign and eventually he could have ended up winning the election.

So Biden is not the perfect candidate and he may be older than the ideal age for a president to be, but the fact he got elected is also Trumps fault to some extend.

Biden is not the perfect Candidate but he’s way better than the former guy and that’s why he was voted in. The fact that Biden got elected is majorly due to Trump himself. His words(including tweets) and actions can be unhinged most of the time putting aside for a moment all the lies he spews.
Trump lost and in true fashion, blamed everyone for his incompetence and not willing to take into consideration for a moment the fact that he is not wanted anymore as president.

How can you say Donald Trump is not wanted. I mean he has strong support base and they still believe the last elections that saw Joe Biden to power was rigged in favour of him especially considering the roles of the tech giants, media and top business associates who influenced the outcome of the elections.

Well,if we gonna talk about the influence of the big technological companies on the outcome of elections, then we should also keep in mind that during elections and also for the rest of the year all they try to do is to enforce their Term of service and usually those contracts have much to do with the control of disinformation, illegal content and also deceitful techniques of marketing.

On the other hand, there are also cases where governments use their own infrastructure and intelligence to try to influence on the outcome of the elections in far away sovereign countries, Russia being the most clear case.  If you ask me, having a government to try to interfere directly on other that way is more serious than a private company enforcing their own rules; do not misunderstand me though, ideally it would be nice to have more freedom speech on internet, but bad things are also supposed to be controlled...

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: edmundduke on September 23, 2023, 07:04:52 PM
The real question shouldnt even be if he is ok or not, its how to stop people from clinging to power. Age of the President and the age of people in congress is getting absurd, at some point the body and mind just are not that sharp anymore.
As for Joe Biden himself, i think it he has been deteriorating from the start of his presidency, there shouldnt even be debate about this. The question would rather be, whos a good candidate to replace him.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: royalfestus on September 23, 2023, 07:37:01 PM

Finally, old age can never hold a man back because if there is youthful energy in the mind then he is young even though he is old and the current president is such a person.

Old age does cause laspes in administration especially the countries image in public. Apart from laxity in policy formulation and implementation, the presence of a president in public with audacity speaks volume. We can't compare Biden's public appearance to that of Obama, triumph is also better IMO. I watched Biden today whilst giving support to Ukrainian president, (zelensky), he was looking frail to me. So in real terms, there is no youthful age in the mind that the body is already weak.
If a president is advanced in age or their health is compromised to the extent that they cannot effectively lead a country like the USA, they should consider stepping down. It is important to recognize that there are numerous capable individuals within the country who can effectively lead the nation. It is unfortunate that many countries worldwide are led by elderly and frail leaders when there are younger and more capable individuals available. The current state of politics in recent times is concerning due to its perceived lack of wisdom and effectiveness.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on September 23, 2023, 08:24:34 PM
Is any politician over the age of 80 okay? Have you seen Mitch McConnell or Diane Feinstein recently? There is a great argument to be made in favor of having an age limit for serving in congress or the presidency. They are not capable of serving their constituents effectively. This would not really be a problem if Americans didn't keep electing them for whatever reason.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: o48o on September 23, 2023, 09:07:44 PM
So Biden is not the perfect candidate and he may be older than the ideal age for a president to be, but the fact he got elected is also Trumps fault to some extend.
If an used Panasonic toaster would run instead of Biden, it would still be better president then Trump.
For some reason that country has set a very low bar for republican candinates, meaning you need to have low standards to get people behind you. They are openly showing it by defending a traitorous criminal who is facing a total of 91 charges against him.

Joe is doing ok for his age. And speaking of age, trump is three years younger and has gone totally mental ages ago. And is now saying Biden could cause 'World War II'. How lucid is that?

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: OgNasty on September 23, 2023, 10:51:03 PM
Obviously Joe Biden is suffering from a severe mental and physical decline. It has gotten so bad that people are sick of it. Today at his rally he was interrupted and unable to continue because of people chanting “F*%# Joe Biden!” It’s hard to believe this is the new normal, but for people trying to buy a home or barely able to afford groceries, Joe Biden is their biggest enemy.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on September 23, 2023, 11:43:17 PM
Joe is doing ok for his age. And speaking of age, trump is three years younger and has gone totally mental ages ago. And is now saying Biden could cause 'World War II'. How lucid is that?

So your problem is that Trump said WW2 instead of WW3 and not that Biden continues to escalate America's proxy war against a nuclear power which is Russia and has dramatically increased US military presence in China's vicinity — which is something that would not be tolerated if it were the other way around and China had military bases and warships surrounding the US. Americans will bicker over completely insignificant things while their leaders continue bombing, looting and destabilizing countless nations.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: iBaba on September 24, 2023, 07:32:50 AM
What the American cabals are more interested in right now is a stooge, someone that will stand in for them and their interest since he can dance into their own tunes and he is part of the game. But come to think of it, Joe Biden is already old and feeble. His old age is a reflection of his recent metal and physical derailment. It's only normal of his age, especially when one is suffering from Alzheimer's disease (Dementia). Although that of President Biden is not confirmed, but Biden is yet the oldest president of America.

Do you mean to say, America cannot practice a more younger and strong president in the population of about 400 million people?

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: DeathAngel on September 24, 2023, 12:38:08 PM
There should be an age limit on all politicians, congress & President. It’s ridiculous we have people in their 70’s & 80’s shaping the future for younger people with big decisions when they won’t be around to see it. As for Biden he clearly has some sort of dementia or cognitive issues, he is not fit for office.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 24, 2023, 06:43:17 PM
So Biden is not the perfect candidate and he may be older than the ideal age for a president to be, but the fact he got elected is also Trumps fault to some extend.
If an used Panasonic toaster would run instead of Biden, it would still be better president then Trump.
For some reason that country has set a very low bar for republican candinates, meaning you need to have low standards to get people behind you. They are openly showing it by defending a traitorous criminal who is facing a total of 91 charges against him.

Joe is doing ok for his age. And speaking of age, trump is three years younger and has gone totally mental ages ago. And is now saying Biden could cause 'World War II'. How lucid is that?

If we are going to talk about how low the bar on Republican politicians has been set in these latest, then we should not completely throw the blame at the average Republican voter, to be honest. Because I have read and listened on internet that the Trump movement or the "MAGA" movement has some cult characteristics, we could argue whether that is true or not. But we cannot deny that anyone, even intelligent and self-aware people can fall victim of a cult and a charismatic leader.

There has been many examples of it through history and Trump is very aware of the power he has over the Republican base, to the point other politicians he is running against, do not dare to openly criticize him.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: MetaTeraX1 on September 26, 2023, 04:27:07 AM
no 80 year old grandfather is fine, he should retire soon and enjoy the beautiful days with his grandchildren lol  ;D

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 26, 2023, 10:13:11 AM
no 80 year old grandfather is fine, he should retire soon and enjoy the beautiful days with his grandchildren lol  ;D

You may be saying that ironically, but it is a very valid point and I am sure there must be millions of people who are citizens of the United States, who share such opinion of yours.

After all, if civilians at his age are already retired. Why is he an exception?  Even if it is a personal decision of his, it is obvious that politics lately have a trend towards keeping people in power up to their 80s and 90s.

Whether that is positive of not, depends on the personal point of view of each of us.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: OgNasty on September 26, 2023, 07:16:49 PM
no 80 year old grandfather is fine, he should retire soon and enjoy the beautiful days with his grandchildren lol  ;D

You may be saying that ironically, but it is a very valid point and I am sure there must be millions of people who are citizens of the United States, who share such opinion of yours.

After all, if civilians at his age are already retired. Why is he an exception?  Even if it is a personal decision of his, it is obvious that politics lately have a trend towards keeping people in power up to their 80s and 90s.

Whether that is positive of not, depends on the personal point of view of each of us.

I hate grouping everyone like this. There are certainly 80 year old individuals out there that are mentally as sharp as a tack. However, Joe Biden certainly isn’t one of them. It may not even just be his age. He was lying through his teeth 30 years ago to the point people thought his political career was done. In reality he likely has had mental problems like the onset of dementia for decades, which made him a perfect puppet to thrust into power.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Marykeller on September 26, 2023, 08:45:21 PM

Americans voted for it too, can you believe it!
Given how forgetful he has become with age, it would be a horrible idea for Americans to support Biden for a second term. Because of what they stand for in the world, America as a superpower doesn't need a president like him. They require a president who is energetic and young and who can stand and bring about enduring peace between Russia and Ukraine.

By 2024, Republicans need to have a more suitable Joe Biden replacement before the next presidential election in the United States. They should not be shocked if Democrats win the election if they refuse to do so.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Xal0lex on September 26, 2023, 09:14:51 PM
Given how forgetful he has become with age, it would be a horrible idea for Americans to support Biden for a second term. Because of what they stand for in the world, America as a superpower doesn't need a president like him. They require a president who is energetic and young and who can stand and bring about enduring peace between Russia and Ukraine.

By 2024, Republicans need to have a more suitable Joe Biden replacement before the next presidential election in the United States. They should not be shocked if Democrats win the election if they refuse to do so.

I read somewhere that a lot of young people in the US don't want to see such an old president. They want to see a younger leader of the country. So I think Biden has little chance of winning the next election. Because the young population of the country is unlikely to vote for him.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: pixie85 on September 26, 2023, 10:25:51 PM
The real question shouldnt even be if he is ok or not, its how to stop people from clinging to power. Age of the President and the age of people in congress is getting absurd, at some point the body and mind just are not that sharp anymore.
As for Joe Biden himself, i think it he has been deteriorating from the start of his presidency, there shouldnt even be debate about this. The question would rather be, whos a good candidate to replace him.

Is any politician over the age of 80 okay? Have you seen Mitch McConnell or Diane Feinstein recently? There is a great argument to be made in favor of having an age limit for serving in congress or the presidency. They are not capable of serving their constituents effectively. This would not really be a problem if Americans didn't keep electing them for whatever reason.

I agree with you guys, there should be age limits, not to mention that these old people often don't understand new technologies. They talk like they still live in the past.
Recently I've seen an 85 year old member of Congress Maxine Waters say that the US should accept CBDCs as fast as possible because China is doing it and we don't want to lose the race!
It's like a race to prove who's dumber, the US must to do what it can to win...

Elizabeth Warren who knows nothing about bitcoin but tries hard to ban it is 74.

These people should retire.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Joeyp on September 26, 2023, 10:49:54 PM
The big question is Joe Biden running the country or someone behind the scene is in control? - his wife I think is behind the scene.     

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 27, 2023, 10:24:17 AM
The big question is Joe Biden running the country or someone behind the scene is in control? - his wife I think is behind the scene.     

But why his wife?
If there was actually someone aid him with the direction of the country, then it would make more sense it was a select group within the democrat party, who have more experience on politics and obviously more interest in Joe Biden to do well in his first administration, so they can keep Trump out the Oval office.

Though, even though many believe that Biden is not capable of govern, one is not supposed to understimste a president, regardless of their political affiliation or origin.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Kavelj22 on September 27, 2023, 12:56:31 PM
Interest in the issue of Joe Biden's health eligibility is no longer just a matter that the opposition at home cares about. It has become clear that the American President suffers from health problems due to his advanced age, which hinders him from performing many basic functions.

The last time Biden appeared in public, it was clear that he was finding it difficult to communicate and convey information with sufficient clarity, as we have experienced with all previous presidents in the White House. Surely there is someone stirring the scene in the background. This will have a direct impact on the course of the upcoming elections, and I believe that Trump will use this card.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 29, 2023, 12:50:59 AM
Interest in the issue of Joe Biden's health eligibility is no longer just a matter that the opposition at home cares about. It has become clear that the American President suffers from health problems due to his advanced age, which hinders him from performing many basic functions.

The last time Biden appeared in public, it was clear that he was finding it difficult to communicate and convey information with sufficient clarity, as we have experienced with all previous presidents in the White House. Surely there is someone stirring the scene in the background. This will have a direct impact on the course of the upcoming elections, and I believe that Trump will use this card.

No question about it, Trump will and that is one of the things the Democrat party could feel afraid of.

To me using someone else's health or cognitive disfunction in order to get political advantage is a very low end when comes to politics. It would have been frown upon a few decades in the past, just another signal on how politics have devolved and turned into a circus.

Ironically enough, Trump himself has committed some mistakes in lastest speeches, messing up names of presidents and mixing up Obama with Hillary Clinton. Hope someday we can see younger people in charge.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Kavelj22 on September 29, 2023, 06:34:09 PM
Interest in the issue of Joe Biden's health eligibility is no longer just a matter that the opposition at home cares about. It has become clear that the American President suffers from health problems due to his advanced age, which hinders him from performing many basic functions.

The last time Biden appeared in public, it was clear that he was finding it difficult to communicate and convey information with sufficient clarity, as we have experienced with all previous presidents in the White House. Surely there is someone stirring the scene in the background. This will have a direct impact on the course of the upcoming elections, and I believe that Trump will use this card.

No question about it, Trump will and that is one of the things the Democrat party could feel afraid of.

To me using someone else's health or cognitive disfunction in order to get political advantage is a very low end when comes to politics. It would have been frown upon a few decades in the past, just another signal on how politics have devolved and turned into a circus.

From an objective point of view, the Democratic Party should have taken this factor into consideration when selecting its presidential candidate. It is true that the presidential law allows candidates to be of advanced age, but it does not take into account the health condition that elderly people may fall into after years of sitting in the presidential chair. Today, after confirming the deteriorating health condition of the president, it is certain that there is someone managing the affairs of the presidency behind the scenes, so the president is just a puppet who carries out what they dictate to him.

Ironically enough, Trump himself has committed some mistakes in lastest speeches, messing up names of presidents and mixing up Obama with Hillary Clinton. Hope someday we can see younger people in charge.
The same thing must be taken into consideration by Republicans if they intend to play the card of the president's health condition, because it would not be reasonable to replace a president who is incapable of health with another president in a similar condition.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Hispo on September 30, 2023, 10:31:16 AM
Interest in the issue of Joe Biden's health eligibility is no longer just a matter that the opposition at home cares about. It has become clear that the American President suffers from health problems due to his advanced age, which hinders him from performing many basic functions.

The last time Biden appeared in public, it was clear that he was finding it difficult to communicate and convey information with sufficient clarity, as we have experienced with all previous presidents in the White House. Surely there is someone stirring the scene in the background. This will have a direct impact on the course of the upcoming elections, and I believe that Trump will use this card.

No question about it, Trump will and that is one of the things the Democrat party could feel afraid of.

To me using someone else's health or cognitive disfunction in order to get political advantage is a very low end when comes to politics. It would have been frown upon a few decades in the past, just another signal on how politics have devolved and turned into a circus.

From an objective point of view, the Democratic Party should have taken this factor into consideration when selecting its presidential candidate. It is true that the presidential law allows candidates to be of advanced age, but it does not take into account the health condition that elderly people may fall into after years of sitting in the presidential chair. Today, after confirming the deteriorating health condition of the president, it is certain that there is someone managing the affairs of the presidency behind the scenes, so the president is just a puppet who carries out what they dictate to him.

Ironically enough, Trump himself has committed some mistakes in lastest speeches, messing up names of presidents and mixing up Obama with Hillary Clinton. Hope someday we can see younger people in charge.
The same thing must be taken into consideration by Republicans if they intend to play the card of the president's health condition, because it would not be reasonable to replace a president who is incapable of health with another president in a similar condition.

I personally do not agree with calling him a puppet, I still believe he has willpower over his actions and thoughts, though he definitely could be getting help from aides and honestly, a president getting help from aides and the party should not be a negative thing nowadays. But since health has become a talking point in politics, sadly a new stigma has been born out of it.

Ideally, people won't see the age of a president to attack him, but just wish him good, a speedy recovery and only focus on the political standings. Trump is already introducing mocking people appearance and weight into politics, so I would not be surprised (but sad) if in 5 years, mocking others body became politically correct in America

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Kavelj22 on September 30, 2023, 04:56:33 PM
Interest in the issue of Joe Biden's health eligibility is no longer just a matter that the opposition at home cares about. It has become clear that the American President suffers from health problems due to his advanced age, which hinders him from performing many basic functions.

The last time Biden appeared in public, it was clear that he was finding it difficult to communicate and convey information with sufficient clarity, as we have experienced with all previous presidents in the White House. Surely there is someone stirring the scene in the background. This will have a direct impact on the course of the upcoming elections, and I believe that Trump will use this card.

No question about it, Trump will and that is one of the things the Democrat party could feel afraid of.

To me using someone else's health or cognitive disfunction in order to get political advantage is a very low end when comes to politics. It would have been frown upon a few decades in the past, just another signal on how politics have devolved and turned into a circus.

From an objective point of view, the Democratic Party should have taken this factor into consideration when selecting its presidential candidate. It is true that the presidential law allows candidates to be of advanced age, but it does not take into account the health condition that elderly people may fall into after years of sitting in the presidential chair. Today, after confirming the deteriorating health condition of the president, it is certain that there is someone managing the affairs of the presidency behind the scenes, so the president is just a puppet who carries out what they dictate to him.

Ironically enough, Trump himself has committed some mistakes in lastest speeches, messing up names of presidents and mixing up Obama with Hillary Clinton. Hope someday we can see younger people in charge.
The same thing must be taken into consideration by Republicans if they intend to play the card of the president's health condition, because it would not be reasonable to replace a president who is incapable of health with another president in a similar condition.

I personally do not agree with calling him a puppet, I still believe he has willpower over his actions and thoughts, though he definitely could be getting help from aides and honestly, a president getting help from aides and the party should not be a negative thing nowadays. But since health has become a talking point in politics, sadly a new stigma has been born out of it.

Ideally, people won't see the age of a president to attack him, but just wish him good, a speedy recovery and only focus on the political standings. Trump is already introducing mocking people appearance and weight into politics, so I would not be surprised (but sad) if in 5 years, mocking others body became politically correct in America

As a neutral American citizen, I will wish my president the best of health regardless of my ideological beliefs. But the president must be in good health, so I wish that for him, and if a health defect occurs that leads to a defect in his performance of his duties, then I should be worried. This point of view has nothing to do with political positions, but the best interest of the state requires it.

On this same basis, we cannot blame the opposition if it exploits the president’s health condition as a pressure card, especially since the elections are approaching. The same thing could become the opposite, and the Democrats will not hesitate to bet on all possible cards to win. This is politics, it is the "art of the possible."

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: RioBlemz on October 02, 2023, 04:08:36 PM
Interest in the issue of Joe Biden's health eligibility is no longer just a matter that the opposition at home cares about. It has become clear that the American President suffers from health problems due to his advanced age, which hinders him from performing many basic functions.

The last time Biden appeared in public, it was clear that he was finding it difficult to communicate and convey information with sufficient clarity, as we have experienced with all previous presidents in the White House. Surely there is someone stirring the scene in the background. This will have a direct impact on the course of the upcoming elections, and I believe that Trump will use this card.

No question about it, Trump will and that is one of the things the Democrat party could feel afraid of.

To me using someone else's health or cognitive disfunction in order to get political advantage is a very low end when comes to politics. It would have been frown upon a few decades in the past, just another signal on how politics have devolved and turned into a circus.

From an objective point of view, the Democratic Party should have taken this factor into consideration when selecting its presidential candidate. It is true that the presidential law allows candidates to be of advanced age, but it does not take into account the health condition that elderly people may fall into after years of sitting in the presidential chair. Today, after confirming the deteriorating health condition of the president, it is certain that there is someone managing the affairs of the presidency behind the scenes, so the president is just a puppet who carries out what they dictate to him.

Ironically enough, Trump himself has committed some mistakes in lastest speeches, messing up names of presidents and mixing up Obama with Hillary Clinton. Hope someday we can see younger people in charge.
The same thing must be taken into consideration by Republicans if they intend to play the card of the president's health condition, because it would not be reasonable to replace a president who is incapable of health with another president in a similar condition.

I personally do not agree with calling him a puppet, I still believe he has willpower over his actions and thoughts, though he definitely could be getting help from aides and honestly, a president getting help from aides and the party should not be a negative thing nowadays. But since health has become a talking point in politics, sadly a new stigma has been born out of it.

Ideally, people won't see the age of a president to attack him, but just wish him good, a speedy recovery and only focus on the political standings. Trump is already introducing mocking people appearance and weight into politics, so I would not be surprised (but sad) if in 5 years, mocking others body became politically correct in America

As a neutral American citizen, I will wish my president the best of health regardless of my ideological beliefs. But the president must be in good health, so I wish that for him, and if a health defect occurs that leads to a defect in his performance of his duties, then I should be worried. This point of view has nothing to do with political positions, but the best interest of the state requires it.

On this same basis, we cannot blame the opposition if it exploits the president’s health condition as a pressure card, especially since the elections are approaching. The same thing could become the opposite, and the Democrats will not hesitate to bet on all possible cards to win. This is politics, it is the "art of the possible."

As you said the "art of the possible". Well I wish him good health but I would want to prefer a much younger person with good reputation, competence and capacity to govern the people.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: OgNasty on October 02, 2023, 07:57:52 PM
This story is absolutely insane… I don’t think people are zooming out enough to see just how insane this Biden administration has been. The fact there are so many stories like this in the news and people are worried about Ukraine is absolutely mind blowing to me.

Title: Re: Is Joe Biden Ok
Post by: Kavelj22 on October 04, 2023, 05:09:54 PM
Interest in the issue of Joe Biden's health eligibility is no longer just a matter that the opposition at home cares about. It has become clear that the American President suffers from health problems due to his advanced age, which hinders him from performing many basic functions.

The last time Biden appeared in public, it was clear that he was finding it difficult to communicate and convey information with sufficient clarity, as we have experienced with all previous presidents in the White House. Surely there is someone stirring the scene in the background. This will have a direct impact on the course of the upcoming elections, and I believe that Trump will use this card.

No question about it, Trump will and that is one of the things the Democrat party could feel afraid of.

To me using someone else's health or cognitive disfunction in order to get political advantage is a very low end when comes to politics. It would have been frown upon a few decades in the past, just another signal on how politics have devolved and turned into a circus.

From an objective point of view, the Democratic Party should have taken this factor into consideration when selecting its presidential candidate. It is true that the presidential law allows candidates to be of advanced age, but it does not take into account the health condition that elderly people may fall into after years of sitting in the presidential chair. Today, after confirming the deteriorating health condition of the president, it is certain that there is someone managing the affairs of the presidency behind the scenes, so the president is just a puppet who carries out what they dictate to him.

Ironically enough, Trump himself has committed some mistakes in lastest speeches, messing up names of presidents and mixing up Obama with Hillary Clinton. Hope someday we can see younger people in charge.
The same thing must be taken into consideration by Republicans if they intend to play the card of the president's health condition, because it would not be reasonable to replace a president who is incapable of health with another president in a similar condition.

I personally do not agree with calling him a puppet, I still believe he has willpower over his actions and thoughts, though he definitely could be getting help from aides and honestly, a president getting help from aides and the party should not be a negative thing nowadays. But since health has become a talking point in politics, sadly a new stigma has been born out of it.

Ideally, people won't see the age of a president to attack him, but just wish him good, a speedy recovery and only focus on the political standings. Trump is already introducing mocking people appearance and weight into politics, so I would not be surprised (but sad) if in 5 years, mocking others body became politically correct in America

As a neutral American citizen, I will wish my president the best of health regardless of my ideological beliefs. But the president must be in good health, so I wish that for him, and if a health defect occurs that leads to a defect in his performance of his duties, then I should be worried. This point of view has nothing to do with political positions, but the best interest of the state requires it.

On this same basis, we cannot blame the opposition if it exploits the president’s health condition as a pressure card, especially since the elections are approaching. The same thing could become the opposite, and the Democrats will not hesitate to bet on all possible cards to win. This is politics, it is the "art of the possible."

As you said the "art of the possible". Well I wish him good health but I would want to prefer a much younger person with good reputation, competence and capacity to govern the people.

This is actually what any rational person who thinks about who is qualified to lead a country the size of the United States would hope for. But the process of selecting presidents is always subject to political logic that is promoted in a populist manner through media channels targeting simple minds. According to the US presidential candidacy laws, it is important for the candidate to be in good health, as confirmed by medical experts, but there is no guarantee that he will remain in the best of health over time, especially if he is old at the time of his candidacy.