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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Kara3 on September 28, 2023, 11:10:12 PM

Title: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Kara3 on September 28, 2023, 11:10:12 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Stepstowealth on September 29, 2023, 01:41:49 PM
We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
Nobody will put pressure on you, the pressure comes with age and responsibilities that follow it. Men are meant to be providers for themselves first, siblings, parents, friends and others as it is believed in the community, so when a man cannot provide even for himself first the basic needs, it puts a lot of pressure on him, when he then has a lot of people who look up to him, the pressure doubles. Men are not easily giving money freely by people because they are not women who people can assist. A man is expected to be tough and have all the solutions to his problem. Men should also learn to help their fellow men as much as they help women.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gaza13 on September 29, 2023, 04:01:28 PM
Not only in your country, friends, even in one world the government cannot provide jobs for all of its citizens. It's true that not having money doesn't feel good, I've felt that too. In my country there are also many teenagers who have finished school and are determined to steal car and motorbike mirrors, etc., to fulfill their stomach needs. I understand what they feel but this is not good, if you are caught by the police at a young age you will be wasted in prison. It's better to avoid things like this, do work that doesn't involve a criminal act, for example picking up plastic bottles or cardboard and then reselling them, or working as a market worker, for example carrying fruit or vegetables and rice at the market, this job is much better. Don't pay attention to what other people say, just ignore them, after all they can't help our lives, do whatever you can to earn money in your country, even though the work is dirty, but the results you get are clean and blessed.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: dockrun on September 29, 2023, 04:57:24 PM
Yes, that's how men are made, they have to withstand the pressures of the world, we are made like that, we have to accept, we are loved for what we have. and we are thrown away we lose what we have, life is hard so get used to it.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gozie51 on September 29, 2023, 05:42:59 PM
Unfortunately the government has worsened the ordeal of being a male ;D because right there in the bible was the genesis of it all for man hehe. It was the punishment that God gave to the male through Adam for allowing Eve to deceive him. If you read the bible from genesis then you can trace some other punishment according to bible account, both the serpent, the woman and man.

Looking at KJV, Genesis 3:14/15, God caused serpent for deceiving Eve " And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: it shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise his heel.

The woman through Eve was given the punishment of child bearing in Genesis 3:16 " Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception: in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children: and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

Genesis 3:17, And unto Adam he said, ...... cursed is the ground for thy sake: in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.

So the government only intensified the punishment of a male child by not creating enabling environment for survival and taking care of the family as the head. It is unfortunate indeed.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Wiwo on September 29, 2023, 06:07:10 PM
Hey mate brace up develop a thick skin about life pressure and move on,  regardless of your gender be it male or female the fact is that,  as a human, your chances of escaping life pressure are limited regardless of your gender,  there is no doubt that in some society the male child I made the breadwinner meaning he has to earn a living for both himself and the family respectfully and the inability to meet that demand makes you irresponsible.

That is not how it ought to have been but the older generations have set this limitation,  but now is left for us the new generation to change the societal norms that give and train the male child to bear all the loads of the family by providing the basic needs of every other member of the family.

Now the training in the home has shifted to both genders,  now you see a boy child doing so well in the kitchen while handling other tasks allocated to them by the parent, The same goes for the female child whose father gives her all the training needed to survive life pressure where she need to play the role of a man because we have some single mothers who are 100% responsible for the kids so the financial burden falls on the woman who is a girl child,  so society is changing and the world is beginning to view things in a different dimension.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Zlantann on September 29, 2023, 07:23:25 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

This pressure on the male child is prevalent in poor nations where their are high rates of unemployment. Most unemployed family members depend on employed male relatives. They don't want to know what such an individual is going through as they put him under unnecessary pressure. It is common to see relatives forcing employed members of the family to give them money to meet their basic needs.

I have faced such kind of pressure that nearly resulted in depression but I have also learned some good lessons. Nobody in this world can make me engage in any kind of criminal activity because I want to assist or render help. I have seen criminals claim that the reason they engage in crime is because of pressure from the family. I see it as a high level of stupidity. If they go to jail or get killed the same family members will be okay. They will look for other means to solve their problems.

The government is to blame for not providing jobs and enabling an environment for businesses to strive this should not deter citizens from putting effort to survive. You can only do your best and won't kill yourself because of people's bills. If you think I am useless because I don't have money to waste or spend on you, that's your own business because I don't need anybody's approval to be content, proud and enjoy what I am privileged to earn.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gozie51 on September 29, 2023, 07:32:12 PM

Now the training in the home has shifted to both genders,  now you see a boy child doing so well in the kitchen while handling other tasks allocated to them by the parent, The same goes for the female child whose father gives her all the training needed to survive life pressure where she need to play the role of a man because we have some single mothers who are 100% responsible for the kids so the financial burden falls on the woman who is a girl child,  so society is changing and the world is beginning to view things in a different dimension.

Yeah quite alot have changed in societies and countries because the only thing that is permanent is change and because change is transient, the forces of change must act upon it and modernity as one of the agent has really changed the gender and even duties based on sex. These days women are bread winners and even feeding the men or supporting them to take care of the home front. We don't need to be stagnant and gnash our teach on the hardship from the government, we need to give equal opportunity to both the boy child and the girl child because roles have really been altered and a female can turn out to be a bread winner. In the past in Africa, you only see male that are professionals in career like engineering, medicine, law etc but today the female are even more in all those professional fields of life . So the only thing that is constant is change, we can change our lives to the angle we want it to be driven to if we believe and make effort towards it.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: pixie85 on September 29, 2023, 08:20:33 PM
They say we face the millennial problem where people who are in their 30s can't afford their own apartment or a house, while their parents were often able to do that in their 20s. I know that because my parents had their own homes before 30, but I've managed to get one only because my partner had it. I wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise.

I also agree that males have more on their heads because they're expected to provide for the family. You have to be much smarter than you needed to be 30 years ago to achieve the same position at work and have the same wage.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: blockman on September 29, 2023, 09:28:59 PM
Here in ours, it's not just all about the male child but it is about being the firstborn. When you're family and life aren't as fortunate as the others, as firstborn, it's like you're carrying the burden of your parents that you need to do the best. Yes, the best and not better. Like being successful in your career at a young age when the opportunities are very limited and you should have a house, a car, a good savings all those stuff that can say someone's well in life. It's like part of being in a sandwich generation and just as what your society tells you there, this should end from us.
Luckily, we understand things better as we're in the middle of these two generations where adults and young adults are collaborating and we understand the past, present and the future scenarios of family matters and societal issues and taboos.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Wiwo on September 29, 2023, 11:01:44 PM

Now the training in the home has shifted to both genders,  now you see a boy child doing so well in the kitchen while handling other tasks allocated to them by the parent, The same goes for the female child whose father gives her all the training needed to survive life pressure where she need to play the role of a man because we have some single mothers who are 100% responsible for the kids so the financial burden falls on the woman who is a girl child,  so society is changing and the world is beginning to view things in a different dimension.

Yeah quite alot have changed in societies and countries because the only thing that is permanent is change and because change is transient, the forces of change must act upon it and modernity as one of the agent has really changed the gender and even duties based on sex. These days women are bread winners and even feeding the men or supporting them to take care of the home front. We don't need to be stagnant and gnash our teach on the hardship from the government, we need to give equal opportunity to both the boy child and the girl child because roles have really been altered and a female can turn out to be a bread winner. In the past in Africa, you only see male that are professionals in career like engineering, medicine, law etc but today the female are even more in all those professional fields of life . So the only thing that is constant is change, we can change our lives to the angle we want it to be driven to if we believe and make an effort towards it.
Yes, so many people are beginning to have a different perspective on things and beginning to also start thinking out of the box,  this is most important if really we want to realise our individual part in prosperity and self-discovery,  because, in the past,  a lot of people believe is a line and pattern of thoughts,  believes and acts that have really not been fair on some set of the gender of species of human,  which some time degenerates into discrimination and pressure from the society.

But in the contemporary society,  people are beginning to know their rights and also giving their observations on matters that concern their well-being be it as a male child or a female child,  the parents also have a significant role also to play in the role allocation to the kids and at the same time teach them values instead of prejudice.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Broly46 on September 30, 2023, 07:21:06 AM
Why you want to blame? Nobody force you to be responsible, nobody force you to pay taxes too, nobody force you must have two kids, you do it at your own discretion, and you even knowingly agree to it to the point you willing to be bond in a contract for many years. You want to blame me for you wanna kys??? Despite there is enough warning all over the internet to warn you about the danger of modern setup, school didn't mention it, ohhhhhh, I can see dozen of my friends are still haven't wake up and they are still taking jew jabs and trying to save the job market, that is lmao, there isn't even a pension or retirement plan or big fat salary to be expected but being wage earner do not really have much choice but to work at minima wage while risking their life to pay taxes and take obligations, I am enjoying every last minute seeing them being as gullible as stock investors. :)

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gallar on September 30, 2023, 07:21:30 AM
Basically, if we look at boys now from a general perspective, when they grow up they will definitely become leaders. Whether it's as a family leader or a leader in another field. Therefore, boys will experience a more stressful life journey than girls. Because one day they will become family leaders and must be able to support their children and wives well. So like it or not, they (men) have to fight extra hard to become truly great adult men.

But if I look at the story you describe. All these problems exist in the government sector. Because it is certain and clear that the reason many young people in a country commit crimes is because of poverty. Meanwhile, what regulates and can alleviate poverty in a country is a good government system. Because the government's task is to regulate and manage society and the country, so that it becomes a prosperous and developed country. Including making the young generation in their country have good morals and morals.

However, in reality, there are quite a few governments in a country that are more selfish and only enrich themselves. They also forget their obligations and they also close their eyes and close their ears to the suffering experienced by their people. So many people are destitute and do not have a good future.
Although not everyone who works in government is like that, but I'm sure many people in government are like that.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: uchegod-21 on September 30, 2023, 03:24:41 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

A typical African male child is expected to be strong and brave. He is expected to protect his family, ensure no hurt comes close to his women. He is expected to provide his basic needs and that of those around him. He is not expected to weep or complain because he will be tagged a weakling.  An African male must be a problem solver. Where he cannot  solve problems,  then he is of no use. An African male child should have money ....plenty money or else he will not be regarded in the gatherings of men.

Let the male child breath! Enough of all this pressure on the male child.
The society is all about survival...survival of the fittest and only those who can survive the pressure will scale through. Those who cannot meet up fall out.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: LucyFurr on September 30, 2023, 03:48:00 PM
Why you want to blame? Nobody force you to be responsible, nobody force you to pay taxes too, nobody force you must have two kids, you do it at your own discretion,

Because every culture, tradition and everything kept told them to do be the man of their family, if that is wrong then I am okay to be wrong my entire life. :)

OP never expect someone to bear your burden, you have to figure it out in one way or another. It's a personal journey of responsibility and self-discovery, and while societal expectations may play a role, ultimately, the choices and decisions we make are our own. Embracing those responsibilities, whether it's providing for a family, paying taxes, or making choices about family size, is a part of growing and navigating life's challenges.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Hewlet on September 30, 2023, 07:58:25 PM

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

I think you have to understand that your life is first, your responsibility, and whatever comes from the outside is a help you should be grateful for. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get rid of that sense of entitlement that the government owes you anything - it will help you a lot.

As for the pressure on the first child, I chose to use it to my advantage. It encourages me to work hard knowing the responsibility i carry on my shoulder.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: OgNasty on September 30, 2023, 08:27:24 PM
I think the big problem is that too many young boys grow up without a father figure in their lives to show them how to act like a man. Instead they learn what their friends laugh at or think is cool and they try to be that person. The destruction of the family unit seems to be happening as fast as ever these days, which won’t lead to good things for society down the road.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gozie51 on September 30, 2023, 09:01:14 PM
Why you want to blame? Nobody force you to be responsible, nobody force you to pay taxes too, nobody force you must have two kids, you do it at your own discretion, and you even knowingly agree to it to the point you willing to be bond in a contract for many years.

There is a lot that government is responsible for these points you raised. It is the government that force someone to be responsible. Whether you are married or not, the government does not permit you to become a nuisance to the state and so you would find yourself behind bars if you don't conform to the societal norms, values and laws . If you evade tax is already a crime that you can be punished on.

There are roles that government should take in supporting the family system like giving out scholarships and other social responsibilities, it is important and that is why governance is a social contract.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on September 30, 2023, 09:39:33 PM
I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

I believe in any country we found ourselves in today. It's very hard to see all the citizens get jobs from their government. The government today did not provide jobs to all citizens in a particular country, so we are the ones to use this mineral resource that is naturally produced to feed ourselves. We don't have to wait for the government to do anything for us; we need to put in more effort to see our success. There is no reason that will keep us waiting for government jobs before we start our earning. Let us use the skills we have in our hands to get what we want.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

Once you are a man, expectations get high every day depending on your age, and that is why they pressure men. However, men are made to provide for the family, mother, father, and other siblings, and that is why you will see a young boy looking for a way to make money. Most of these things are due to pressure. Maybe when you leave, in a family where father is not more You are the one to take on all responsibilities in the family. You can see you really need to hustle because there are people who are expecting from you, and you won’t want to disappoint them.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Wiwo on September 30, 2023, 10:16:40 PM
Why you want to blame? Nobody force you to be responsible, nobody force you to pay taxes too, nobody force you must have two kids, you do it at your own discretion, and you even knowingly agree to it to the point you willing to be bond in a contract for many years.

There is a lot that government is responsible for these points you raised. It is the government that force someone to be responsible. Whether you are married or not, the government does not permit you to become a nuisance to the state and so you would find yourself behind bars if you don't conform to the societal norms, values and laws . If you evade tax is already a crime that you can be punished on.

There are roles that government should take in supporting the family system like giving out scholarships and other social responsibilities, it is important and that is why governance is a social contract.
Yes social contract between the citizens and the state,  but in as much as citizens have a great role to play in the up bringing of the child,  the government who is the larger society is also responsible for making provisions for the integration of the child into the society as a responsible citizen of the states.

The point of forcing a responsibility on the male child all in the name of just being the male without adequate provisions of support line is what we call abuse on the male child,  and that is the situation in most third world countries.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: mu_enrico on October 01, 2023, 02:03:37 AM
If you want to put pressure on your son, then you should be okay with him saying "fuck off" and live his life as he wants. You know, everyone has different priorities and different life purposes, so it's up to them what they want to become in the future. You only need to put competitive traits, basic education, and a bit of wisdom to make him a fine gentleman. If he is a born or made winner, he will challenge himself without needing you to put some pressure. But the end game isn't about being rich or poor, it's about him supporting his own family and being a fine father for his family.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Ndabagi01 on October 01, 2023, 08:57:53 PM
This is not limited to Africa, and I believe it happens throughout the world. Expectations from a male child are excessive, and when they become unbearable, they engage in unlawful acts or do anything possible to get favour and be appreciated in society more than others.
It is also crucial to understand that the increased expectations placed on the male child causes them to work harder in order to provide for themselves and those who are most important to them. It is acceptable to urge a male child to seek a source of wealth, but not at the risk of pushing them beyond certain bounds that will have an impact on their future.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Pingrapole on October 02, 2023, 12:13:57 AM
Today, men are being used as a means of making money in the society because society has forgotten that men are men It has become limited, there is nothing of its own, everything is for the family, the family is using it for its needs gone Men are now being exploited in every country, we have forgotten that when we talk about women's rule, we are unwittingly ruling men.The pressure on men is increasing, and we are only using men as a key to earn money Nowadays men are being ruled by women, but there is nothing to say on the contrary women are saying that they are being exploited by men it is so wrong now the concept is reversed and men are in different directions Victimization is happening day after day. Nowadays, the culture of the West has become such that women are part of everything and men are only acting in the scene.Gender equality was earlier used for girls, but now it should be used for men, the pressure is reduced, their secrets are asked, they should be considered as members of the society Attention should be given to create a balance system then our society can run smoothly I am not talking against women, but the position of men is now much worse than women only with them There is nothing else in relation to money

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Miles2006 on October 02, 2023, 12:45:50 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
I don't think anyone should pressure a male child, sometimes peer pressure and influence should be blamed.
Everyone deserves a better life and everyone is suppose to work hard, sometimes you will ask a male child why working so hard and there response will be I deserve a better life, response like I owe myself a better life.
In my own opinion nobody is putting pressure on anyone, sometimes society will say he is useless, he can't take care of himself, people will definitely talk because we are all humans. Most billionaires today they face challenges like this, people talking bad at them but now they are billionaires.
I think we should stop putting much pressure on a male child, both gender deserves equal treatment

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: X com - Musk on October 02, 2023, 05:36:57 PM

The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
about the pressure you talk about, maybe not all pressure has a bad effect, but very often men grow up tough through heavy pressure. this happens in every family, boys who grow up with enough will be mentally weaker than those who are full of struggles in life.

not that it weakens, but this is enough to make me concerned. the article today is quite a lot of talk about equality which in my opinion will weaken the nature of a man. it's okay for a boy not to think too much and put too much pressure on himself just because of the talk and stigmas of his environment, but that doesn't mean that men should be pampered or reduced pressure, because in this case I understand that the pressure given by the environment is a responsibility. so it's only natural that boys are always required to be able to do this and that.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Ruttoshi on October 02, 2023, 07:22:39 PM
I believe that God made men that way and strong to be able to carter for any burden on them. It is the government that made it look as if a man is not strong enough to face the responsibilities on his shoulders. High rate of unemployment has made a lot that is expected from a male child not possible because it is someone that has a good job that will be able to carter for his family and extended family.

Being a male child, you are faced with so many challenges especially when you are the first child of your family, everyone will be looking up to you and when you are the lazy type, your siblings might even become better than you. This is the reason why a male child needs to leave his parent house early do that he can start learning how to fend for himself, in other for him to be able to see the inside of life early, so that he can be used to whatever situation he finds himself in life and to coupe with it.

God was the one that gave us all those responsibilities since he made man the head of the family, this means that man is to do whatever it takes to see that his family is okay in life.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gozie51 on October 03, 2023, 07:34:55 PM
Why you want to blame? Nobody force you to be responsible, nobody force you to pay taxes too, nobody force you must have two kids, you do it at your own discretion, and you even knowingly agree to it to the point you willing to be bond in a contract for many years.

There is a lot that government is responsible for these points you raised. It is the government that force someone to be responsible. Whether you are married or not, the government does not permit you to become a nuisance to the state and so you would find yourself behind bars if you don't conform to the societal norms, values and laws . If you evade tax is already a crime that you can be punished on.

There are roles that government should take in supporting the family system like giving out scholarships and other social responsibilities, it is important and that is why governance is a social contract.
Yes social contract between the citizens and the state,  but in as much as citizens have a great role to play in the up bringing of the child,  the government who is the larger society is also responsible for making provisions for the integration of the child into the society as a responsible citizen of the states.

The point of forcing a responsibility on the male child all in the name of just being the male without adequate provisions of support line is what we call abuse on the male child,  and that is the situation in most third world countries.

I understand your point and that is appropriate but the last of your statement of abuse on the child, it doesn't constitute an abuse if the child is made to be responsible. It is a role that has naturally come on the shoulder of a man to take care of a family. Although the government has a lot to do to help support the male child because most of the earlier opportunities have been given to the female gender and they are having more access to jobs etc.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Wiwo on October 03, 2023, 07:54:30 PM

I understand your point and that is appropriate but the last of your statement of abuse on the child, it doesn't constitute an abuse if the child is made to be responsible. It is a role that has naturally come on the shoulder of a man to take care of a family. Although the government has a lot to do to help support the male child because most of the earlier opportunities have been given to the female gender and they are having more access to jobs etc.
Yes although even though is the responsibility pf the family to bring up their child in the most possible responsible manner it very important also for the casinos to have rules in place that will protect the underage children who may want to try gambling for the first time,  this kind of cases mostly happens in sport betting and since most other casino games are not popular in most of the world unless online so fhs child could easily gamble without anyone knowing within the family and at that stage could easily escape the family guidance.

So the casino should be the one to ask the lad for verification if it is a centralized licensed casino,  but if not then the case is going to result in so many other factors of during the investigation.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Baki202 on October 03, 2023, 10:09:25 PM
This is not limited to Africa, and I believe it happens throughout the world. Expectations from a male child are excessive, and when they become unbearable, they engage in unlawful acts or do anything possible to get favour and be appreciated in society more than others.
It is also crucial to understand that the increased expectations placed on the male child causes them to work harder in order to provide for themselves and those who are most important to them. It is acceptable to urge a male child to seek a source of wealth, but not at the risk of pushing them beyond certain bounds that will have an impact on their future.
They put too much pressure on men, yet by nature even in the Stone Age, when males were expected to hunt and farm—guys are meant to provide at any costs. But even at that there is time for everything there is particularly time for everything is not even a do or die affairs And because of the high expectations placed on male children in our society today, young male children are under a lot of pressure to follow the latest fashions. Fraud is growing every day, whether it be through wearables or phones. When you clock a certain age as a male your responsibility will increase and when it comes to that you need to work harder.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: DaNNy001 on October 03, 2023, 10:16:03 PM
This is not limited to Africa, and I believe it happens throughout the world. Expectations from a male child are excessive, and when they become unbearable, they engage in unlawful acts or do anything possible to get favour and be appreciated in society more than others.
It is also crucial to understand that the increased expectations placed on the male child causes them to work harder in order to provide for themselves and those who are most important to them. It is acceptable to urge a male child to seek a source of wealth, but not at the risk of pushing them beyond certain bounds that will have an impact on their future.
They put too much pressure on men, yet by nature even in the Stone Age, when males were expected to hunt and farm—guys are meant to provide at any costs. But even at that there is time for everything there is particularly time for everything is not even a do or die affairs And because of the high expectations placed on male children in our society today, young male children are under a lot of pressure to follow the latest fashions. Fraud is growing every day, whether it be through wearables or phones. When you clock a certain age as a male your responsibility will increase and when it comes to that you need to work harder.
Sometimes pressure can be and it's good but not when it's too much because too much of everything is actually not good. Well it's the system of the society for men to face such pressure because the whole responsibility of the family rest on the male and although these generation it tends to be reducing because women are actually failing their responsibility and also the standard of life has cahnge alot because women now have a fair share in their participation in almost every field in life .

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Wiwo on October 03, 2023, 10:43:05 PM
This is not limited to Africa, and I believe it happens throughout the world. Expectations from a male child are excessive, and when they become unbearable, they engage in unlawful acts or do anything possible to get favour and be appreciated in society more than others.
It is also crucial to understand that the increased expectations placed on the male child causes them to work harder in order to provide for themselves and those who are most important to them. It is acceptable to urge a male child to seek a source of wealth, but not at the risk of pushing them beyond certain bounds that will have an impact on their future.
They put too much pressure on men, yet by nature even in the Stone Age, when males were expected to hunt and farm—guys are meant to provide at any costs. But even at that there is time for everything there is particularly time for everything is not even a do or die affair And because of the high expectations placed on male children in our society today, young male children are under a lot of pressure to follow the latest fashions. Fraud is growing every day, whether it be through wearables or phones. When you clock a certain age as a male your responsibility will increase and when it comes to that you need to work harder.
This pressure have activated both the bad and good aspect of the male child,  because of the level of responsibility and risk exposure of the male child a lot of things are activated in the ops and at that I we have to point out both the good and the bad aspect of this,  there is no doubt that there have been increase in the level of crime in the society but that is not peculiar to only the male child alone even the female child are also getting into crime also,  because the last robbery attack on a commercial bank in my area was carried out by female gang.

But then the male child should accept this responsibility of being the one to provide for the family in terms of financial supplies,  but then also we must train all our children to be self sufficient in their ways to be able to atay ahead of the time when the need be because the world is becoming a survival of the fittest so we need to build the survival quality in all our children's.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Jessie2121 on October 04, 2023, 03:40:19 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

I don't think it happens in other European countries but only in Africa and is really disturbing to see a young man who's trying his best to do something for himself and all he'll get is bad watering mouth not only from friends but from the family members. I don't think the government have anything to do with this issue from the start but the parents are the first to blame, they just have this mentality that a male child must be at the top like others but they forget that everybody have their own time to be at the top. And the government should be the second to blame for this because they don't even try to help the situation at hand, like after a male child finishes his education and he's done serving there won't be job and it will look like the child doesn't have a future. If such a thing happens I don't blame some who engage on ritual and other crazy things to make money like the OP said.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: yazher on October 05, 2023, 12:30:24 PM
In our culture, especially here in our community, males are the ones who provide for their families and they do any hard work just to take home some food and what their family needs. this is actually a praise-worthy trait and it should be passed to other generations as well. Only those people who have drug addictions are always going beyond the limit whether they are males or females because of their addictions they end up committing criminal acts. If the male is a man, that kind of thing won't pressure him because that's his responsibility as a man and he shouldn't be pressured to work and provide more than what he is capable of in order to preserve his dignity and pride as a man.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Agbamoni on October 05, 2023, 04:32:30 PM
There is an African saying that says "One man for himself". Yes, most people would say what completes a man is the ability to commit himself to the responsibility of his family. And when we talk about family, we are refereeing to both his own family, nuclear and extended family in general. If we look at things the burden to carry such responsibility is too much for just one man. Only a man knows what he is going through and no one truly cares all they want is to take from and not contribute. I think a man should be focused on achieving what the goal he wants in life because too much of responsibilities can make you deviate from your visions in life. I want all the men here to know that the burden of a man is the burden of his dreams anything that will make you deviate should be avoided or be taking care of.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Usasauki2004 on October 05, 2023, 11:11:49 PM
Don't tell me you are just noticing it. As a male child, indirectly you are already taking care of alot of duties and responsibilities.
Just imagine you belonging to a family where you are the only male child and still the first with female siblings (the burden will be unbearable). Automatically you will shoulder the responsibilities as the man of house and that's why it advisable as a male child you should try as much as possible to hustle so that you can take care of yourself, parents and siblings.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Smartgoat on October 07, 2023, 02:30:32 AM
yes. I totally agree with you. there are much pressure on a male child, but, it is not everywhere in the world. this is very much here in Africa. and if you can ask me, I will tell you that government is responsible for all this pressures. because they have failed to provide job for the youth. some male child who are into illegal things today, is not because they like it, just that the government has failed to provide job. as a male child, you need to fight for your survival by all means.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: bocyaj on February 01, 2024, 09:23:36 PM
The male child living their hardest part from the younger age,because at the younger age his mother guide him to study till their school days.The male child will read without any deviation and no girlfriends.They also don’t involve in any of the entertainment,but after they join the graduation.His mother ask him not to do any love during their graduation and ask to get the good job at the end of the graduation.The same will be followed by the male child,but the mother guide him to the male child at the workplace also.When the male child becomes 30 or 30+ years,the mother of the male child ask his son.If he had any lover ask him to share,So the mother can marry the girl for his male child.But due to family pressure,the male child never love till his graduation.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Wiwo on February 01, 2024, 09:57:58 PM
The pressure has made the male child to become stronger and independent at some point because being a man myself I have realised the importance of taking up the responsibility as a man and that has helped me a lot in this life since I have been building with that understanding that I must be the head of the family and whatever I want I will have to go out and work for it,  this mindset gave been what have to push me never to give up.

Well lately not all male child accepts the responsibility of the family,  some will just choose to become useless and with such mindset, they end up unproductive,  so the tho g I have noticed is that a child be it male or female can perform the same and it all depends on the training you give to them that will determine the level of responsibility at some point,  because I have seen some female children becoming the pillar of the family and the male being so useless.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Churchillvv on February 01, 2024, 10:40:31 PM
It's more like a norm that every man should be strong enough to face any kind of challenge in life even from childhood we are all expect to remain calm when situations get too tough and try as much as possible to be strong without crying out for help and this is killing some young men inside.

Although I have grow to see that society decides almost everything in life, if society say as a man you must have kids at this age and if you fail to have kids at that age you seem to be awkward or not belonging to the society. and this notion has to change everyone has a role to play in live let's not make it a big deal for men that they most be at the top every time and met up with our own failed expectations. some fathers couldn't make it to a certain level so they decided to force their male children to meet up with that goal and this has the biggest pressure on the male children.

Parents have to stop the difference in male children and let them live a free live not one filled with so much expectations.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Silver005 on February 03, 2024, 11:57:23 AM
Yes ooooh, it's never been easy for a male child,man is born to face Many challenges in life, and that is why every man needs to be very strong and focus in life, most especially if you are the only male child in your family,you are to face everything All alone and that is why we have man no rest , the pressure mounted on a man doesn't start today it has been right from the creation man was created in the image and likeness of God,, and after the creations of everything man was given to authorities over all other creatures,, meaning that man is the head in everything, meaning that man is independent rather every other depends on man,both responsible is upon the male child as a man.

So therefore every male child should hustle and ever ready to face anything that comes to his way anytime anymoment..and it's not good for man to be lazy knowing too well that they're alot of responsibilities waiting for you,what makes you a man is the ability to face and conquer your responsibilities in life..

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Y3shot on February 03, 2024, 12:23:19 PM
In the africa and Asia world the society is expecting a lot from the male child, even in the neighbourhood their is an amount of money you will have the people around will be looking up to you when their is a problem in the neighbourhood.  This is something that we can't escape from. In Africa it is the Duty of a man to take care of his parent and younger ones who still need support.  It is the duty for a man to  provide for his family,  when is unable to provide for his family the society won't give him the respect he deserves. Men are being respected based on how much they can bring to the table.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gozie51 on February 03, 2024, 03:34:24 PM
In the africa and Asia world the society is expecting a lot from the male child, even in the neighbourhood their is an amount of money you will have the people around will be looking up to you when their is a problem in the neighbourhood.  This is something that we can't escape from. In Africa it is the Duty of a man to take care of his parent and younger ones who still need support.  It is the duty for a man to  provide for his family,  when is unable to provide for his family the society won't give him the respect he deserves. Men are being respected based on how much they can bring to the table.

This way of thinking on the responsibility of the male child in third world countries is now changing. I think globalization is having an effect on these countries. Before now, the female hardly will receive inherited properties from the family but that has changed because they are now inheriting from their parents just like the male child. This is an evidence that the male role in the family is gradually changing and currently the women support their husbands at home financially, some women are also bread winners. If you go to the academic environment, the female folks have flooded it and a testament that things have changed because in the past they say the place of the woman is in the kitchen but that is not happening anymore.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Hispo on February 03, 2024, 04:39:26 PM
In general, there has been some discussion on this matter in the recent years, about how society treats men and the expectations society has on men.
Nowadays, because feminism and the female oriented education and ideas, I believe men and male children are being put to a second order of priorities. I don't try to negate society has been very unfair against women or people of color in the past, but that is not an excuse to make half of the western society not as visible as they need to be in order to ensure they have what they need to face problems.

In the case of developing countries it may also have something to do with men having more chances to get education or study or getting a better job than women, so men have a more clear set of expectations on them which are to be complied.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: GxSTxV on February 03, 2024, 05:30:17 PM
This subject you just talked about is actually true and it reflects the reality we are living in today especially in third world countries. As an african too, I totally agree with you and i think that this matter is very important and not a lot of people talk about it, it needs to be discussed.

The male in general is seen in society as the main provider for the family, so the idea of making money is always put into a male's mind since his very early ages. For a male child who comes from a poor family it's even worse, the lack of money, pressure and envies all push him to try anything to get money from, which explains crimes and frauds in third world countries.

Fortunately, now even an African male child can easily learn a lot of interesting things from the Internet in order to find money sources and have an income. One of them is CRYPTO

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: |MINER| on February 03, 2024, 07:44:07 PM
Everyone has to earn after a certain age limit. One should earn money at least for one's livelihood.  But if he fails for some reason after trying, then he should not be subjected to mental torture.  Because he is trying.  And if someone wants to be unemployed then it is definitely not desirable because everyone has to take responsibility for himself and his family.  Do not run away from responsibility.  And the government job is not the only one to do. Many people are doing good business after studying. If a well-educated person does business, there is more chance of improvement.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: kentrolla on February 03, 2024, 08:27:49 PM
Everyone has to earn after a certain age limit. One should earn money at least for one's livelihood.  But if he fails for some reason after trying, then he should not be subjected to mental torture.  Because he is trying.  And if someone wants to be unemployed then it is definitely not desirable because everyone has to take responsibility for himself and his family.  Do not run away from responsibility.  And the government job is not the only one to do. Many people are doing good business after studying. If a well-educated person does business, there is more chance of improvement.

The reason why there is more burden on male child is because there are countries I would say the geographical region like West Asia, Middle East, Central and South Asia wherein women are not allowed to work as they are being fed with thoughts that male member of family has to earn and female has to take care of household work and take care of the kids though this doesn't apply to the whole region I have mentioned but there are instances where this happens more often thus entire responsibility of earning and providing a better life falls on male members of the family and I have seen people looks down at a man whose female members has to do the job and earn in order to feed the family as they look at the male as someone who is not capable of feeding his family which is forcing his female households to work.

Sad but truth.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: letteredhub on February 03, 2024, 09:14:26 PM
In the africa and Asia world the society is expecting a lot from the male child, even in the neighbourhood their is an amount of money you will have the people around will be looking up to you when their is a problem in the neighbourhood.  This is something that we can't escape from. In Africa it is the Duty of a man to take care of his parent and younger ones who still need support.  It is the duty for a man to  provide for his family,  when is unable to provide for his family the society won't give him the respect he deserves. Men are being respected based on how much they can bring to the table.
It is for the reason of such pressure of responsibilities from different angles on the male child in continent like Africa that's why the men hardly live to a longevity of age. It is out of this wrong  belief system by majority of persons in the society that the respect deserving of a man is to be measured by the amount of material wealth he posseses that have forced a lot of young men to indulge into immoral and criminal activities to make money in order to retain their respect and dignity in the environment they find themselves. A narrative that's very bad and need to be squashed with a a radical orientation about how a true respect should be earned. 

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: DeathAngel on February 03, 2024, 09:17:23 PM
Male children can face more pressure due to societal expectations & gender norms. From a young age they are often encouraged to be strong, assertive & successful. This can create added pressure to conform to traditional masculine roles & excel academically, physically & socially. There can be pressure on males to hide emotions & appear tough which can be challenging. These expectations vary across cultures & societies, efforts are being made to promote gender equality & challenge these stereotypes.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Asiska02 on February 03, 2024, 11:50:37 PM
The male gender is already designed to be the provider for the people under him, this is not even about the societal beliefs but it’s just nature. The society a male child grows in has a significant part of his life and how he feels and react to things in the society. The pressure and the zeal to make it by all means can also come from the societal pressure peer groups and not from the lack of government not providing for them when they are denied their provisions even after studying. The male child is suppose to withstand all pressures directed to him and be able to come out successful in whatever they put their minds to do. It is really something of pity for a male child not to become productive in the society, it kills them inside and the society review is not always encouraging to help them out when in such state of mind.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Bushdark on February 04, 2024, 07:43:55 AM
Male children can face more pressure due to societal expectations & gender norms. From a young age they are often encouraged to be strong, assertive & successful. This can create added pressure to conform to traditional masculine roles & excel academically, physically & socially. There can be pressure on males to hide emotions & appear tough which can be challenging. These expectations vary across cultures & societies, efforts are being made to promote gender equality & challenge these stereotypes.
In some regions, having a male child is very important because they are seen as the heard of the family.
Make child has some many obligations to handle acting like the next father to the family. Every male children need to be equipped with the necessary information and maturity that would help him to succeed in life. There is more pressure on a child taking the mantle of building a strong home in the future.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Barikui1 on February 04, 2024, 09:31:35 AM
To me it's quite normal that  as a male child, expecially in Africa and Asia, it comes with it's own added pressure. In my country male children go through a lot just to live up to the expectations of the society, just imagine that even in the bible, it is written that any man that cannot feed his family is worst than an infidel, that alone put men in a very difficult situation whereby as a male, you can't cry out loud for help due to the fact that you don't want anyone to start looking down on you, some even go as far as venturing into something dangerous just to be able to provide for their needs and family, let them not be seen as failure.
Today's society See's male children as providers and protector, so anything less of that is practically not accepted in the society.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Zoomic on February 04, 2024, 03:52:25 PM

Today's society See's male children as providers and protector, so anything less of that is practically not accepted in the society.

Maybe this is only applicable to the African society. The world  is revolving , so also are the things we hold of value. Nobody necessarily needs to pressure anyone to work hard and stand strong in the jungle, as you grow older you realise you have to step up your game to be able to meet up with your personal responsibilities and maybe responsibilities to your friends and loved ones.

Women too ain't left out on this. Women are even becoming more competitive than the men in most industries. We are now in an era where gender equality is being preached, both the men and the women all have thesame capacity to provide and protect.  I am yet to see a society in this present day where Women are not striving to make names for themselves. Things have changed a lot and the practice of seeing only men as providers is a mere old tradition.

The believe that men should be pressured more to see to the wellbeing of his family is merely a thing of the mindset. Those who have tied themselves down with this negative mindset will eventually get exhausted because of too much pressure.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: encryptogon on February 05, 2024, 03:38:12 PM
We are living in a society where a male is considered a provider and everyone has higher expectations from them. Parents want their male kids to be responsible and earn a good amount of money so that they live in peace. In our subcontinent settings, a male child is responsible for all the household work. He is even responsible for marrying his younger siblings as well. He continuously works hard so that he can get a good life partner. After marriage, he will be taking care of his parents and wife along with effectively managing his home and office. Life is tough for a male child because of the huge burden of expectations. 

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 08, 2024, 05:39:33 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

In the part of the world where I come from, what's expected of male child is too much, that's why we experience a lot things, the load on male child is one of the reason why you experience more bp in men than women, it too bad that a woman that's rich most times does not deem it necessary to take full responsibility of the family if the man doesn't have anything doing at the time being, is a problem.
Men engage in different things to make money just because of family pressure and what people will think about them and this leads to depresion if this man does not handle it well, may God help men, though money has to be made but why the pressure, let's do it gently and legitimately.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Chilwell on February 09, 2024, 07:32:02 AM
In the africa and Asia world the society is expecting a lot from the male child, even in the neighbourhood their is an amount of money you will have the people around will be looking up to you when their is a problem in the neighbourhood.  This is something that we can't escape from. In Africa it is the Duty of a man to take care of his parent and younger ones who still need support.  It is the duty for a man to  provide for his family,  when is unable to provide for his family the society won't give him the respect he deserves. Men are being respected based on how much they can bring to the table.
Restricting this topic to only Africa and Asia I think is under statement rather you say all over the world. I remember when ever they born in our community people with age first asked what kind of baby did she born, is it she/he, when they said she, they will said congratulations for coming to the world but when they said he, they smiled and said welcome to the world of hustle and suffering, then I couldn't understand that until I grew up and I started to see things on my own.

Men are born with a lot of responsibility right from the date of birth, almost every religion speak about men responsibility over people around him, I will say men are in really pressure and we can live without because we alone get ourselves closer to that pressure, first men have to marry and have children, apart from this if you are found the first man in the family the responsibility are double because you will be the one to take care of yourself, your parents, your younger ones and all this need to be done for him to earn respect from the people around him for fulfilling their need, and again all this responsibility are compulsory for man that if he failed to do it he will be punish by God,

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: blckhawk on February 09, 2024, 08:50:09 AM
That's cause we live in a patriarchy, what did you expect? Probably even worse if we live in a matriarchal society if I'm being honest, I mean look at it this way, being a male has privileges, when we need work, we almost always have more chances of finding a job as most works involve manual labor and stuff, I think that pressure is different in each household so it's a matter of who your parents are.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Bravut on February 13, 2024, 06:38:53 PM
Valid point.
The pressure is much,no doubt the increasing rate of this fraudulent activities is as a result of the over demand been placed on the male child but not only limited to them but also the female.
Both genders are affected,even the family tend to compare and push her children to carry load and think about what would have been a collective effort rather than a single-man business.
I would also advice our youths to put efforts in what's productive and avoid bad influences...
Trusting and believing in the process,long term view than short term enjoyment should be encouraged.
The fight for significance should be accompany with productive efforts .

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: NicNacCoin on February 13, 2024, 10:08:33 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
The situation in my country is worse than your country Juvenile crime is increasing in my country Juveniles are getting involved in various criminal activities from a young age. It is not because there is no such good mineral resources in my country, the government of this country cannot take better steps. But it is true that every person wants to move forward with the dream of living well. If the government takes some good steps and tries to bring all these people to the good path, then I think every person will come to the good path and no crimes will be committed in the country.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Misslotfunds on March 10, 2024, 09:54:23 PM
The male child is born with this natural yearning for independence, not much of the male gender is pressured. They boy child suddenly begins to crave for independence and liberty from the control of parents at a very tender age.

This yearning makes them start seeing themselves as a full fledged man making them to indulge in all manner of things just to feel like a man and this in turn makes them start handling responsibilities way bigger than them.

It all starts when they leave home, naturally no family pressure their man child it's the man child that puts himself under pressure trying to prove the point that he is grown.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Kelward on March 11, 2024, 08:34:59 AM
Man was created to work, and for him to get money to take care of his responsibilities he must engage himself in work that will provide the money, that's why it's said that there's no food for a lazy man. Too many expectations are imposed on men, when they get married and starts their own family, naturally their responsibilities becomes his, and the burden will become more pronounced if he doesn't have a source of income or if the money he earns is not enough to cater for the basic needs of his family, the stress can lead to health challenges like heart attack and stroke. This is why in this age it's very important to marry an industrious woman, who can also make money and support the man to take care of the family, because if the responsibilities of a family is left alone for a man who is an average income earner, it can lead to his untimely death.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Jawhead999 on March 11, 2024, 09:50:03 AM
Man was created to work, and for him to get money to take care of his responsibilities he must engage himself in work that will provide the money, that's why it's said that there's no food for a lazy man. Too many expectations are imposed on men, when they get married and starts their own family, naturally their responsibilities becomes his, and the burden will become more pronounced if he doesn't have a source of income or if the money he earns is not enough to cater for the basic needs of his family, the stress can lead to health challenges like heart attack and stroke. This is why in this age it's very important to marry an industrious woman, who can also make money and support the man to take care of the family, because if the responsibilities of a family is left alone for a man who is an average income earner, it can lead to his untimely death.
And there's no food for ugly woman. ;)

Rich man will have a good life, handsome man can also a good life.
Pretty woman will have a good life, rich woman isn't always will have a good life because if she's ugly, man that wants her only want to get her money.

You need to look at the bigger scale, don't only focus with the outliers (pretty girls).

I'd say it's easy to find an industrious woman, but it won't be easy if "pretty" and "virgin" is your standards.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 11, 2024, 04:56:15 PM
I know that life does not require a lot of money to live but minimum money is very necessary by which people meet their basic needs. In a male-dominated society, since every man has to take charge of the whole family, it is very natural for every male child to be under too much pressure. The main reason for this is that every country has to have a certain number of boys or people unemployed because it is not at all possible for the government to provide employment for every boy. At such a time great pressure comes on a male child. A common problem of every person in the world is that if there is no money in the pocket, human pressure is created whether it is a boy or a girl.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Gozie51 on March 11, 2024, 05:30:14 PM

A common problem of every person in the world is that if there is no money in the pocket, human pressure is created whether it is a boy or a girl.

That is the point. Everyone wants a better life and the need to make money. The bulk of financial burden is being taking away from the male folks with the feminist movement that has emancipated the female folks to be independent from men and so at the moment, that male dominance/financial responsibility is now played down on making that importance of a male child not so important even in third world countries. In the past, such communities hardly adopt children and when they do, they go for male but the situation has changed now. Families who don't have children easily adopt and they now choose to have female adopted.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Ever-young on March 11, 2024, 10:49:24 PM
The heaviness of the expectations of society can be breaking, especially when they maintain prejudices based on gender. But don't forget that masculine youngsters face pressures beyond conventional the roles of gender and destructive masculinity. They can also appear in more harmful ways.

1. Mental health: The pressure to succeed can cause anxiety, sadness, and other mental health concerns, and men are typically reluctant to seek help because of social expectations.

2. Risky conduct: Male children may engage in risky activity to demonstrate their manhood, which can lead to substance misuse, sexual risk-taking, and deadly physical accomplishments. Pressure on male children might influence them in various ways as well.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Zanab247 on March 15, 2024, 04:15:15 PM
Many male child are in the graveyard and some have concluded that they are nothing to their family because, they don't have anything to provide for the family, be sure that you are the owner of your life and always wish yourself good things ahead no matter the pressure your family are releasing to you in the house, I believe you will surely become what God want you to become in the future.

If you accommodate the pressure from your family as a male child, you will not live long to fulfill your destiny because the pressure can make you to start doing wrong things that will lead you to life in prison and nobody will listen to you that it is the pressure that lead you to such crime in the society.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Y3shot on March 16, 2024, 06:37:05 PM
Nan can not solve all his problems,  problems will always be their if people don't understand this they will just stress themselves trying to solve all the problems of life. Men should learn not to be worried so much because of problems because when you try to solve all your problems you may end up getting depressed,  it is just better to do the ones you solve and leave the rest for another time, I think with this life  will be very easy.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Troytech on March 17, 2024, 06:27:53 AM
The problem is that male children are born with responsibilities cause the society sees them as potential bread winners and when they are up to an age without showing any signs of progress by providing for themselves they are seen as useless and as tho they won't make it, and worst of all the life of a youth us now wreaked, you would see a lot of your mates doing well and you know damn right that they did something bad to get there and you end up with no choice but to either follow suite or find your own way which would often take longer, surviving with a lot of pressure is not easy and male children have the worst burden to bear.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Negotiation on March 17, 2024, 07:57:59 AM
A male child is subjected to many family pressures and external pressures. Such as psychological stress, economic stress and other environmental management and some social stress. We should all refrain from creating too much pressure on men. It can be either in the family sphere or in the social sphere. If these should be avoided then a person will not have to face any obstacle in living his normal life. Nowadays mental problems are the biggest problem.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Oiravon96 on March 19, 2024, 03:53:04 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

More precisely, it is not pressure that should be given to boys, but rather education and learning to be able to live in the future. I act as the head of the family and I have 2 children, 1 boy and 1 girl. My wife and I compromised to educate and provide learning to my children from an early age. Boys are my job and girls are my wife's job. I believe that educating and nurturing children from an early age is the right thing to do nowadays considering the social interactions that are becoming more and more disturbing. The nature of a man is that once he is an adult, he has a vital role in determining the direction of his life and success. how is it not vital? In the future, a man will have to work hard to meet all the needs of his future children and wife. So in my view it is not right that boys should be given pressure but should be given education and learning from an early age. The pressure will definitely be there when he grows up and matures. It's really heartbreaking when a boy is put under pressure when he is young and in the future he is also pressured by the demands of life as the head of the family. It would be better to educate and teach boys lessons about life from an early age, rather than putting pressure or demanding that he be what we want him to be...

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Dunamisx on April 19, 2024, 05:11:13 AM
If we are going to consider by the way of virtue, a female child will grow and leave her parent house to marry another man and then this has always been the custom, while a male child will be the one to receive in a wife into the family, so they believe that the female child who marry to another man and family entirely has joined with her husband family and she will be bearing his surname henceforth while a male child will maintain his father name through his generation and remain, all these are the olden days customs some of our parents follows and the male child will be the bread winner of the family.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: ferida504 on April 19, 2024, 08:26:31 PM
Yes, that's how men are made, they have to withstand the pressures of the world, we are made like that, we have to accept, we are loved for what we have. and we are thrown away we lose what we have, life is hard so get used to it.

As a result of the government's lack of concern, the victims are boys, they are sometimes forced to commit crimes to maintain their lives. World institutions that deal with children should draft special laws for their welfare through the development of skills training, so that they each have their own expertise and creativity. That way they can open independent businesses without having to do things that are violated by the state. This result can at least reduce the crime rate

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: oktana on April 19, 2024, 10:57:31 PM
That’s what society has put in people’s head. Male children can be broke but not when they are in their mid twenties and above. And female children can be single but should be married before they are in their early thirties. An ideology that limit individual freedom. I think everyone should have the right to define their success and happiness irrespective of what society has to say. You may just want to train your mind to not accept such ideologies so it doesn’t influence your personal choices.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Sexylizzy2813 on April 22, 2024, 10:59:04 AM
If we are going to consider by the way of virtue, a female child will grow and leave her parent house to marry another man and then this has always been the custom, while a male child will be the one to receive in a wife into the family, so they believe that the female child who marry to another man and family entirely has joined with her husband family and she will be bearing his surname henceforth while a male child will maintain his father name through his generation and remain, all these are the olden days customs some of our parents follows and the male child will be the bread winner of the family.

This is why in some tradition (especially in Africa) they prefer to have many sons than daughters to carry the name of the father (to me is just a name nothing more) and I don't think nothing is wrong to have a girl, in as much as she'll marry amd leave the house it still doesn't change the fact that she can't help out the family who raised her or it doesn't stop her from calling her father dad or mother mom.
If the girl child will marry and go out it still doesn't mean the boy child won't marry and start his family outsider his biological home, so for the family to grow and not to impose the pressure on "only the boy child" is bether to have a collective efforts from both the girl and the boy child, with that I don't see the pressure on the male child.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: passwordnow on April 22, 2024, 12:58:48 PM
We all deserve to live, good thing that my parents didn't put pressure on me and I've done a lot of crazy stuff on my teenage days. There were not that much words of encouragement on how successful I should be when I grow up and become a family man. But, it's all natural when I've come to realize them all because I've seen the truth and situation of my life and that's why it made me realize that I need to work my ass of and become successful. I think that I am still far from that actual success but I am happy with my life and that can be considered as a success right?

Because with what we know, success is being defined by money, career and wealth. But on these days, life is tougher and even you've got those but if your mental health isn't doing well then it all means nothing to your life even you're the wealthiest person in world. I've got peace, health, a happy family and whatever I can wish for. So, the younger ones that are also here, do not pressure your life. Find your purposes and work for your dreams.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: JMBitcointernational on April 26, 2024, 10:35:24 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
Well said Op most times I usually ask myself if there is any law that stipulates that all male children should be rich, even in our different families there is this expectations that your Family wants from you as a make child not consisering the stress or source of income. I have seen So many male children depressed as a result of pressure arising from parents or what the Society expects from them .
This pressure on the male child always Make some of our youths To die prematurely By either committing suicide or involving in illegal acts just To survive And Care for his Family . But for me the  whole idea is baseless because any body can be rich And any body can take of his or her Family wether male or female . So let the younger boys Live their normal life And pray for God’s blessing instead of engaging theirselves in any form of illegal act just to peovw a stupid point.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: SmartCharpa on April 29, 2024, 09:15:31 PM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!

You're saying the fact mate, the pressure is getting too much on male children, if you are a male child without making money there's no way you will be respected by others, how are they going to make money to live the life they want when the government have refuse to provide a job in the societies? No even peace of mind when you move around with your friends because if they buy something nice for themselves, you might feel like getting it for yourself and you won't be able to afford it. The pressure on male children has led them to commit crimes, they join bad gangs because the pressure is getting too much on them.

In my country, I have seen news where a male child killed his younger brother only because his mother had been pressuring him to make money at a young age and he decided to use his younger brother for money. Many parents have led their children in a bad way because they also want to be a mother of a rich son and enjoy life. If you're a male child, don't let anything pressure you to commit suicide, work hard there's always time for everything.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: uneng on April 29, 2024, 11:27:00 PM
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
The human being without money is useless. That is how society measures the worth of their citizens, which goes beyong beind a man, as we can also include women on this situation and every other categorizations such as age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and so on... The pressure is over everyone! And each person finds their own way to try raising their personal value through another means, when they don't have money to do so. Then we have the political agendas pushing the rights of their respective groups upside, while denigrating and underestimating the other ones which don't fit their agendas.

And ironically, such movements end becoming only methods for the people leading them to earn considerable sums of the money they couldn't achieve through another means along their lives. :D

With money comes influence, popularity and the worth they have been looking for so long in vain, although nothing really changes for the people who aren't in prominent positions inside such groups. Personally, I highly suggest you that instead of complaining about reality, you should do your best to overcome its obstacles and your personal challenges. Money is attached to autonomy, independency and access to quality material things in this world.

If you just complain, nothing will improve in your life. So don't conform yourself with the fact you don't have money and that it can remain like this forever without any issues. There are a lot of issues implicit on it, and you are the main prejudiced one if you keep this mindset you have.

Besides God, nobody is going to save you from your misfortune... And God doesn't act in our favour when we don't do our part of the job!

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Mrcool75 on April 30, 2024, 04:57:43 AM
Now days there are many families who are middle class.  It becomes difficult for them to run all the expenses of the family.  So family members put that pressure on their son.  For that, boys have to work at a young age.  As a result, their education is also affected.  And he can do good things in future too.  Because making him work at a young age is wasting his valuable time.  By doing this he is not able to make his career.  Lack of family is the main reason for putting pressure on boys.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Volimack on April 30, 2024, 05:26:10 AM
Most of the families depend more on boys to fulfill their needs and hence the stress on them is high. As boys grow older they may take on responsibilities within the family such as helping with household chores or assisting elderly parents. Maintaining connections It is important to stay connected with family members including parents and siblings and to nurture those relationships a man has only the responsibility to lead protect and provide for his family.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Hewlet on May 01, 2024, 06:34:31 AM
We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
this is the more reason why young men die too fast and end up getting involved in bad activities that damns them in the long run because of the pressure that's coming from different angles on them. No one wants to understand that you're just as human as your female counterpart. You just have to make money if not you've lost your place in the society.

It's the stage the society has gotten to and every man has hard to adopt to this reality with massive battles going on in Thier life's and yet no one cares to give a listening hear to him. He has to prove to people that he is strong regardless of what he is currently going through and it gets even worse for most persons from Africans descend that have to carry out extended responsibility that makes life very deficult for the average man.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Fiasem20 on May 01, 2024, 05:02:17 PM
The pressure of a male child starts from adulthood.A male child grows up to become a man and carter for his family as a breadwinner of the family.A male child can only be pressured by family members and the society only when he fails to provide the basic needs.Some male children are craving to get a job in other to provide the basic needs of life while some are lazy to work even when they have the opportunity to,and those set of lazy male children who have the opportunity to work but refuse to face pressures from different angles of life.
Exactly in African we are blessed with natural resources but the government fail to utilize these resources to create job opportunity for the youths to work. And when government fail to utilize these resources to create job opportunity it then becomes a problem to the society.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Riginac111 on May 03, 2024, 09:11:10 AM
Our expectations from the male child is killing them gradually, a man without money is not just a problem to others, but to himself.

when I see young men engaging into things they ought not to due to lack of money, my heart bleeds.
Our society today have made the male child without money useless, and that have push them to their early grave and most of them engaging into criminal or fraudulent activities just to make a living which have brought them to their untimely end.

I am a proud African, I know how blessed we are with different mineral resources but our government is not helping matters by providing good jobs.

We should stop putting too much pressure on the male child, because they also feel pain.
The male child without money is not useless, they also deserve to live without being pressured!
we are supposed to know that I male child have a responsibility more than the female child on earth because each of the male child in each family is seeing itself as a liberation to their family that is why the male child work responsibly to make sure that it has accumulated number of things that will make him to be a successful person on Earth

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Zackz5000 on May 03, 2024, 01:49:32 PM
Most of this pressure do come from parents, some parents mostly put pressure on there male children may be when they see that other children around them are doing well in life they start putting pressure on there male child using all kinds of abusive words on them making most male child to do what they are not suppose to do, some time this pressure make them to go into doing anything that will make them be successful, some involving there self in ritual act, kidnapping, arm robbery, and so on.
And also as a male child you have a bigger responsibility expecially here in Africa it is expected for a male child to take care of there parents, pay bills, also as a male child you will get married, born children rise them up, send them to school, build house and so on and these things come with a lot of pressure.

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Tahid12 on May 17, 2024, 11:46:42 PM
Job problem seems turn into a major problem not into your country but also lots of countries. People can't manage any good job even they are qualify enough. But as a man he need to take responsibility for his family and that's why he have to do something to maintain and manage his family. So pressure will automatically come in that situation. And if a family is poor enough then they don't have any option without pressureing their male children for do any job for money. That's very common problem, what is not going to solve easily

Title: Re: Too much pressure on the male child
Post by: Jonyshake71 on May 31, 2024, 11:42:22 PM
Now i use to believe that, man are sent to this world for taking all responsibilities. They Work harder and harder to earn money so that he could be able to do his responsibility for his family. in my country, man have to work alone for his parents, his siblings, wife and children alone. That's too much responsibility and pressure which is created by society where we are living. when a male have no money to live with, then his situation force him involve himself in negative sides. And unemployment plays vital role cause no government fail to give you a job space, then what Will you do? It isn't easy to start business without money. Although somehow man manage his job.