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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Negotiation on October 02, 2023, 03:54:59 AM

Title: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Negotiation on October 02, 2023, 03:54:59 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

I listed some advices with Quotes.

No matter how low a person's income is, even if it is difficult, people are able to run their family with that small amount of income.
That is quite an optimistic view, but no one can run a family on an income of $1 per day or less. There are basuc necessities that has to be paid for, of which the most important is food and shelter, if you cannot provide these 2 basic needs, there is no family

The higher your income the higher your expenses the lower your income the lower your expenses.
The lower your income, the more necessities you have to let go off. Your expenses does not reduce, but you adjust (by letting go of some things) to make it work. For example, you can forfeit an education for shelter, even though both are important, you opt for the most basic need.

The first thing to do is to plan how to use your income. You should have a budget that guides your financial endeavors. You should also take note of the following.

1. Focus on only basic needs and reduce luxury to a large extent. Seek for a cheap alternative for the thing you buy.
2. Search for alternatives for making additional income. You might need to learn a new skill or get a certification.
3. Invest in durable products, don't be enticed by flashy but fragile products. You don't need to change any of your belongings when they are still in good shape.
4. Cut the cost of living by reducing your expenses. You can decide to use public transport instead of driving or moving to a cheaper accommodation. 
5. Pay attention to your health. Don't joke with exercise, healthy food, and hygiene. It is cheaper to maintain your health than to seek medical attention when ill.

This is a very difficult situation. Even if you give up your personal expenses and spend your income for your family, in some cases you may not be able to afford everything. In such situations, one needs to have a strong mental structure. He needs to find additional income to manage his difficult situation. If he cannot earn additional income, he should make the best use of the money he earns.

They should get their needs in the cheapest way and avoid additional expenses. There are many people living in difficult conditions and they somehow survive. Everyone needs to plan for their financial situation and find the best solution.

Who are them? it's your friend? your cousin? people you see in social media? your neighbor? if you haven't live with them at least for a week, you can't say they can manage their family very well because you're only see the "cover", you don't know about the inside of their family.

Haven't you heard "fake it, until you make it"? I don't believe someone can manage their family "very well" when their income are low range.

There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
It starts by knowing how much the family uses in a month that's from utility bills(water, electricity, phone & data),  food, your transport or fuel Bills and if kids are in the picture school fees need to be worked into the calculations then draw up your budget to know how to use available resources.

If one finds themselves in a budget deficit then a side hustle or second job needs to be considered  as these bills won't pay themselves...

This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives.
Mature advice right here !!!

Communication is the key to solving these problems, if both husband and wife need to get a job, then let it be so until husband finds a well paying job to get wife off work duty.

The expression “very well even though their income is very low in their personal life” is not entirely true. Maybe these people and families are well-fed; maybe they are clothed, but we don’t know their real needs. Most likely, they deprive themselves and their children of the most ordinary things, such as what we provide for ourselves and our children. Yes, many people have different levels of happiness. And not everyone’s happiness is measured precisely by money. However, for you to feel good, you first need health, and maintaining it is becoming very expensive these days. But be that as it may, people should not kill themselves with suffering because they are not getting something in life. As harsh as it may be, the fact that someone is poor is always their fault. The fact that people agree to be poor is the biggest problem for them.

There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy?
If your income is not enough to manage a family and you do not have a family yet, Do not start one.

There is already a high rate of crime, do not bring children into this world when you know you cannot yet carter for them, that is just adding more to the problems of the society. You should be able to take good care of yourself first before you start a family, do not fall into that trap where you are advised that you can start a family first, that money will come to take care of them, that is a lie!

There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Planning is the word that explains it all.

There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Though to me it is very simple to manage a family according to my income, if my income is low, then definitely there are things I will let them go for the main time. No condition is permanent. So people who have a low income will know how to manage their families. For example, if you earn $50 a month and plan for $80 in expenses, that is not a good plan. Cut your cut according to your size. You need to let some things go while you want to have other things. So as a responsible man who wants to manage his family in a good way and has a low income, you will know what kind of expenses you will bring up.
Another solution for less people who have little to survive is to ensure that they do family planning, stop giving birth to kids that you cannot control, you cannot control the economy but you can control your family to your budget so as to live without pressures.
Exactly. The way the world economy is moving now, family planning is very important, and I think it will be the only way to reduce our expenses if we really want to make our family happy financially because things are getting high every day and the income is low. But when this family planning is implemented, you will definitely manage your family's financial status well.

If there’s no other way to earn more then the only option left is to make adjustment with your expenses. Average salary would still give you chances to make it bigger but lower salary on the other hand will be a real problem wherein most of the time, people are the ones who adjust in order for your daily income to be enough for the rest of the day. Managing finances means you should be aware of the amount of money which is circulating with your family’s environment. However one should not settle with low salary especially if you have the skill and knowledge to know more and to earn more. Tough times would indeed push you to adjust your lifestyle for the meantime but that would be for your own good. To those who are saying investment is the key; keep in mind that ot all people has the capability to do so.

A man should always provide. This is what we have learned as we grew up. So doesn't matter what your income is, a man can find ways to provide for his family. I live alone so I may not know about it, but when there is a responsibility on my shoulders, I will find a way somehow. Maybe I will have to suffer, or my family will suffer too, but that's the push that I will need to expand my way of earning.
Here's an interesting fact. As a Muslim, I believe in it. So here it is.
The word Rizq is mentioned 123 times in the Quran and most of which essentially addresses how it comes from Allah the Exalted. It is He who determines what a person will obtain in this life. It is Allah who gives us happiness and Allah who sets the events for sadness. He is Allah Ar-Raziq and Ar-Razzaq
Source (,and%20Ar%2DRazzaq)

So you have to do what you can to earn but Allah is the one who will provide for you. But the thing is you need to try and keep on working. When you are providing for your family, their rizq(Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. ) will also come from your hand. So somehow everything will be alright. All you need to do is work in order to get it.

Some people find great value from family and manage to scrape through life very happy in these situations. Sure, they would gladly like the have more money but I have encountered plenty of families who have a very strong bond in comparison to others after going through this lifestyle. There are all sorts of ways to save money in a family, like sharing clothes across the generations - especially for younger kids. Making meals go further with lots of cheaper vegetables. They really have to think creatively and always be on the hustle where they can. Taking advantage of benefits available to them should also be a top priority because in some ways large families are supporting future generations so should be encouraged or at least helped.

Live by your means
Live according into your capability
Live a life which you dont make yourself too lavish on spending
Choose first your priorities
Proper money management

People do really differ on this aspect on which there are ones who do really that ending up on devastated just because of wrong budgeting or spending out of their income which they are
going into those borderline without even thinking on whats tomorrow but there are those people who are really that having that good financial planning on which despite of having not that
sufficient number of their salary but still they do able to partition it out well and able to compensate somehow. Yes, its hard but its not impossible. It would really just depending
or would really be entirely be basing up on how well you do handle yourself when it comes to this matter.

Some cant really just be able to realize that living within their means does give out that kind of advantage. Dont make yourself chasing on being on the trend and buying
shit things along the way because it would really be derailing you out if you are really that making a budget.

If your income is low, you have an extra work to do in order to sustain your family. You must first be smart to detect that your present income is not enough to cater for your family. You have to do the following;
  • Try and handle more jobs in order to earn more in order to sustain your family.
  • You have to learn to spend less. Deprive yourself some luxuries because of your family. 
  • Plan to relocate with your family in the case you are living in a very advance area. 
  • Endure you do not lose money carelessly
  • The most important is to train your child to leave according to what you have 

I would suggest try to find more money is the only thing that you can do. Trying to learn to live with a small amount is not acceptable and you are going to end up with something that would be a lot worse. If you go from 1000 dollars to 500 dollars and get used to it, then you will get used to 300 and then to 200. Don't do that, find a way to grow your income, I do not know what OP can do or anyone else that can read this can do, we all have our own separate lives so always try to find something that fits you personally but I believe that unless you try to make some more money than you are not going to do a lot better.

I think it should be important to remember that we are going to end up with a better life not by cutting down on our expenses but get better life by earning a lot more money by finding something we love doing.

I will also record some more advice in my diary....

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Litzki1990 on October 02, 2023, 04:05:28 AM
No matter how low a person's income is, even if it is difficult, people are able to run their family with that small amount of income. The higher the income, the higher the cost of running a household, that is, the cost of running a household depends entirely on your income. The higher your income the higher your expenses the lower your income the lower your expenses.

A person earning $10 a day and a person earning $3 a day must think differently about managing a family. Those who earn $10 will try to live a little better and market a little better, but those who earn $3 a day will market once or twice a week, and spend a limited amount of money. It is definitely possible to manage a family if the income is low or high and can be calculated.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: YUriy1991 on October 02, 2023, 04:11:38 AM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Upgrade00 on October 02, 2023, 04:19:22 AM
No matter how low a person's income is, even if it is difficult, people are able to run their family with that small amount of income.
That is quite an optimistic view, but no one can run a family on an income of $1 per day or less. There are basuc necessities that has to be paid for, of which the most important is food and shelter, if you cannot provide these 2 basic needs, there is no family

The higher your income the higher your expenses the lower your income the lower your expenses.
The lower your income, the more necessities you have to let go off. Your expenses does not reduce, but you adjust (by letting go of some things) to make it work. For example, you can forfeit an education for shelter, even though both are important, you opt for the most basic need.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Ben Barubal on October 02, 2023, 04:33:47 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

       Proper management is all that is needed to maintain your responsibility to your family. It's not a question of whether the salary or income you earn at work is big or small. What is important is how you support your family properly. And there are many who do it even in the present time.
        This is a matter of proper knowledge, because if you know what you should know, it is not sure that it will lead to improper management of the family you have. You can definitely manage your financial status correctly in the life you have now.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: JunaidAzizi on October 02, 2023, 05:20:11 AM
There are many people around us, whose their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

This is not a new one as already many families in the world are passing such an issue. I have seen many people in my country where their income is less but still, they are serving. If a person has a $10 income per day and his necessities are $15 per day then they need to reduce their consumption level up to $7 per day, let me explain, In our daily life food is not the only thing for survival you need clothes, shelters, education, and medications. If you use all the $10 on food then how you will treat the others in case of any illness how you can take medication from doctors, how to buy clothes, and if you want any investment then how you can do it? By saving the $3 you can up to some extent manage these things.

The above is just a rough estimate for your understanding. If you have a small income you need to tell your family not because of sympathy but for the reason to reduce their unnecessary things yeah do not tell them the actual income you are earning tell them the lower one so they will manage their needs in it and save the rest of money for investment in somethings like in bitcoin because form this problem you need to come out and the only path is to do investment.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Kakmakr on October 02, 2023, 05:41:26 AM
You do what millions of people are doing..... you adapt your lifestyle towards the income that you receive. You first start by cutting the luxuries from your budget and strip it down to the bare necessities and then you find cheaper alternatives for the bare necessities.

You also look for ways to supplement your primary income, so that you can pay off most of your debt. Also try not to incur more debt, because that puts you in a worst situation.  :P

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Zlantann on October 02, 2023, 06:04:10 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
The first thing to do is to plan how to use your income. You should have a budget that guides your financial endeavors. You should also take note of the following.

1. Focus on only basic needs and reduce luxury to a large extent. Seek for a cheap alternative for the thing you buy.
2. Search for alternatives for making additional income. You might need to learn a new skill or get a certification.
3. Invest in durable products, don't be enticed by flashy but fragile products. You don't need to change any of your belongings when they are still in good shape.
4. Cut the cost of living by reducing your expenses. You can decide to use public transport instead of driving or moving to a cheaper accommodation. 
5. Pay attention to your health. Don't joke with exercise, healthy food, and hygiene. It is cheaper to maintain your health than to seek medical attention when ill.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: eightdots on October 02, 2023, 06:13:33 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

This is a very difficult situation. Even if you give up your personal expenses and spend your income for your family, in some cases you may not be able to afford everything. In such situations, one needs to have a strong mental structure. He needs to find additional income to manage his difficult situation. If he cannot earn additional income, he should make the best use of the money he earns.

They should get their needs in the cheapest way and avoid additional expenses. There are many people living in difficult conditions and they somehow survive. Everyone needs to plan for their financial situation and find the best solution.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: xSkylarx on October 02, 2023, 07:01:28 AM
Ive been in that situation where the biggest problem is your food and those other expenses like medical if someone got sick and if there are expenses in school. This strategy that you will do really is that you need to cook food that will last the 2 or 3 meals like you will cook breakfast that you will eat still at dinner. I know others may say that they cant do that but that is the way you can save if you have low income and you cant have another meal when we eat. Also we rarely do snacks if we do only bread and juice but this is really rare. Lastly we won't be taking any vitamins because they are very expensive.

There are other strategies but this is really what I noticed before with my parents, it is difficult as you will get jealous that other of your friends can eat at those restaurants but you can't do it you just smell their cooking as you pass by as you can't afford it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DrBeer on October 02, 2023, 07:13:00 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

I have one question and one answer :)
Question : and why did you decide that family/money management is only applicable if you have a small income ?
Answer: family budget management is ALWAYS necessary !
You should plan your income, expenses and even your payment calendar, so that you don't get what is called "cash flow gap" at one moment - when you should have money in the nearest time, but at the moment when you need to pay, you don't have it.
At the same time, you have to take into account everything on the cost side - utilities, school fees for the kids, parking fees, food costs, loans and obligations, etc.
The same goes for income.  Otherwise, the picture will not be very accurate, which means you may have an erroneous assessment of the situation.

And then you will see the real picture - what you need to do - where to save, where you can postpone, and where you need to start looking for additional income! Good luck and profit to you !

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on October 02, 2023, 07:48:52 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Life has dealt many of us with its cards. The difference between the two narratives in the story is that one person decides to play it the best way he can.

If you are a low income earner who has family responsibilities, to manage you well your resources doesn't happen by chance but through conscious effort. Planning and the right strategy. If you do not live in your own house, you know that the most important thing is your shelter. So you have to pay your rent. Next is feeding. You need to be able to either stock up the most essential stable food through bulk buying and you can have a small garden in your yard where you grow vegetables. Schooling. You can home-school your kids if you don't have the means or rather put them in a good school where the fees is affordable and supplement it with teaching them too. Next is clothing. There are thrift stores where you can get durable clothes for less than a dollar.

Basically, live below you means and strategically plan.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Yamane_Keto on October 02, 2023, 07:57:37 AM
The solution to all these problems is through more learning and thinking outside the box, and starting financial education before finishing university so that you have more ideas about trading and how to make money than how to look for a good job.
I see that most of us believe that the ideal solution is to find more high-income jobs or try to work in another country so that there are better opportunities to live or to immigrate to another country where tax levels are low, but unless you have knowledge of trade and how to create your own business, large market variables will force you You have to give up your job or have a lower annual income over time. We should not forget that pension and retirement funds and the security they provide have become much less than before.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Xcode7 on October 02, 2023, 08:00:07 AM
Ive been in that situation where the biggest problem is your food and those other expenses like medical if someone got sick and if there are expenses in school. This strategy that you will do really is that you need to cook food that will last the 2 or 3 meals like you will cook breakfast that you will eat still at dinner. I know others may say that they cant do that but that is the way you can save if you have low income and you cant have another meal when we eat. Also we rarely do snacks if we do only bread and juice but this is really rare. Lastly we won't be taking any vitamins because they are very expensive.

There are other strategies but this is really what I noticed before with my parents, it is difficult as you will get jealous that other of your friends can eat at those restaurants but you can't do it you just smell their cooking as you pass by as you can't afford it.
In fact, if you are in such a position, it is not how to save money or manage your small finances that you need to think about, but how to get more money to get out of this situation of economic difficulty.
Many people have experienced this kind of thing, and personally I have also felt this way, but I never thought about how I could save, instead I would go out harder to find more money to be able to meet my needs.

It's all about mindset, we have to be able to take responsibility for all our needs and those of our families.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: fadhilz123 on October 02, 2023, 08:06:02 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

In my neighborhood there are also many families whose lives are not very luxurious or rich but they are all still quite harmonious and comfortable in living their own lives. And I also asked one of the heads of the families here about how they can continue to live in harmony and comfort even though their income is not that much. The person answered that he only used the money he got for his basic needs and never spent excessively on sectors that were not important and not useful for him and his family.

Sometimes they only eat twice a day to be able to cover their children's school snacks and their children are even willing to go to school without considering whether they have pocket money or not. So what I learned from the answer of the head of the family was about our own self-awareness in using money and spending money in more important places when we already know that our income is not enough to have fun like other people do. And it still amazes me that they can survive in such conditions until now without complaining to many people or their neighbors.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Findingnemo on October 02, 2023, 08:22:15 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

I can relate to the situation very well because I was in that situation 2016-17 period where the business went broke and left me with nothing so I had to work for a job which is just enough to feed my family.

I had to take swift action by clearing my debt by selling the assets so I don't feel the pressure on my head then I could think about what I should do further and even if you start from zero you can do multiple works to increase the source of revenue then only you can survive which means if you are earning low and isn't enough to meet your needs then you need to increase the source of income by doing side hustle or whatever it takes.

If you try to settle for low income and try to minimize your lifestyle then it is never going to be enough cause as far as I remember the inflation rate has just been overkill with salary appraisal all these years so unless you break the hurdle you will never cross the hanging bridge for entire life.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: yhiaali3 on October 02, 2023, 08:37:45 AM
Eating, drinking, housing, and clothing, these are the basic components of human life that cannot be dispensed with. These basics must be the responsibility of the state to provide for all its citizens. This happens in developed countries, but it never happens in poor countries.

Therefore, living requirements vary according to the country in which you live. You and your family must adapt to the economic reality, creating a balance between expenses and the source of income, otherwise you will enter into debt and may not be able to get out of it easily.

Simply focus first on the basics and then if you have enough money you can buy luxuries or other minor things.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Solosanz on October 02, 2023, 08:46:06 AM
There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Who are them? it's your friend? your cousin? people you see in social media? your neighbor? if you haven't live with them at least for a week, you can't say they can manage their family very well because you're only see the "cover", you don't know about the inside of their family.

Haven't you heard "fake it, until you make it"? I don't believe someone can manage their family "very well" when their income are low range.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on October 02, 2023, 08:50:49 AM
You do what millions of people are doing..... you adapt your lifestyle towards the income that you receive. You first start by cutting the luxuries from your budget and strip it down to the bare necessities and then you find cheaper alternatives for the bare necessities.

You also look for ways to supplement your primary income, so that you can pay off most of your debt. Also try not to incur more debt, because that puts you in a worst situation.
Your points are very good as they are part of the necessary measures to take in this situation, but the OP referred to those who are low-income earners. Meaning that they do not even have the power for luxuries, the situation could only worsen as the family progresses over time. Anyone who receives low pay and lives a luxury lifestyle might end the money before the 2nd week of a monthly payment and that is foolishness. So, there can't be a luxury for this kind of people, they might only try to live at their average or below it if they are wise.

My advice is for them to continue to live the average lifestyle depending on the category fall and find a way to increase their stream of income. That is the only way their lives could be better.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Renampun on October 02, 2023, 08:57:35 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

I admit that my monthly income is not large, so it is to cover the costs of daily needs, our family lives frugally and only eats at restaurants on important days. From what I've noticed, if it's just to survive then there are many people who are able to do it, but often the desire to have luxury goods and live a hedonistic life makes people forget how much they earn each month, don't let your lifestyle damage your family's finances, think again about how difficult it is for you to make money now (I'm also thinking about that).

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Texac on October 02, 2023, 09:27:24 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Although it may sound difficult for someone with a low income and a large family, actually when we are in that situation, we will always have a solution that suits our situation.  I was also in that phase, when I didn't have much money, I would stop spending on everything like coffee, beer, buying new clothes... I just focused on providing enough food for my children.  whenever I think back, it was really extremely difficult but I was able to maintain it for 2 consecutive years before my life got better. Depending on each person's situation, we will have our own solution, it's difficult to give good advice because everyone is different.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Woodie on October 02, 2023, 09:32:04 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
It starts by knowing how much the family uses in a month that's from utility bills(water, electricity, phone & data),  food, your transport or fuel Bills and if kids are in the picture school fees need to be worked into the calculations then draw up your budget to know how to use available resources.

If one finds themselves in a budget deficit then a side hustle or second job needs to be considered  as these bills won't pay themselves...

This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives.
Mature advice right here !!!

Communication is the key to solving these problems, if both husband and wife need to get a job, then let it be so until husband finds a well paying job to get wife off work duty.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: 0t3p0t on October 02, 2023, 09:36:04 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Income management in a family is really important, given the fact that basic needs right now is quiet high in prices. I myself only buy something that I needed the most, no wants just  literally needs. Though the government here in my country provides poorest of the poor financial assistance. On my part, I don't have an income yet but yeah election time here is like christmas time you know what I mean. 😆 Since I am single and I'm living in the province, I think $100 would last like 5 months or less depending on the necessity. 😁

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Accardo on October 02, 2023, 09:51:08 AM
Running a family is not one sided. In most part of the world people stay together with extended families to cut cost for individuals. The most difficulty, falls on a household where only the husband or wife makes the income. If they do, they'll need to calculate every expenses before buying a product. Money management is crucial, when running a family. Although, people's idea differ, the best answer is being contented. Get punctual to work and improve the quality of your skills. With good plans a person can manage a family despite earning low income and have extra funds to save. A lot of high income earners trying to impress the society, struggle to manage their family financially. Most times they get help from the low income earner, who manage his money. I've experienced or seen cases, where a low income earner complains about lending a high income earner some money. yet has not been paid. So, I expect advises that centers at running a family, regardless of the income range. Inexperienced people lose out lots of resources, while trying to maintain a quality family standard of living. Which lifestyle, weighs their finances down and lead them to take loans. You'd notice that without proper management anybody fails in running a conducive family. A low income earner, shouldn't rent an expensive house or eat in restaurants. They must depend on home made foods. Then invest time on the growth of their kids. It's a good job that can generate more income to the family in future. Chasing for extra income, terminates the time meant for the kid's growth. Parents who don't spend time to teach their children, underestimate the value of children. The next few years that child may not depend on you completely. Teaching them will enable financial freedom in their lives as adults. Reducing expenses and maximizing profits, for the family. If a parent makes so much money, but has less time and in future their kids run low on income, such a parent will lose lots of money. What is certain is that the family growth will move, but the direction it points, rich or poor, must be mastered.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bitLeap on October 02, 2023, 10:03:26 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Although it may sound difficult for someone with a low income and a large family, actually when we are in that situation, we will always have a solution that suits our situation.  I was also in that phase, when I didn't have much money, I would stop spending on everything like coffee, beer, buying new clothes... I just focused on providing enough food for my children.  whenever I think back, it was really extremely difficult but I was able to maintain it for 2 consecutive years before my life got better. Depending on each person's situation, we will have our own solution, it's difficult to give good advice because everyone is different.
Well it's true what you said, sometimes we can have a solution when something comes to us, for some reason the way our brain works may be faster at certain times, at times of difficulty for example. Or indeed we only want to think when the difficulty comes to us. I'm sure it's not just 1 or 2 people who have experienced this (limited income, but a lot to fulfill), but not a few people can get through that difficult phase.
Therefore we must have good planning about our financial future, lest when something bad happens to us, we are in a condition that is not prepared at all.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bayu7adi on October 02, 2023, 10:09:36 AM
Buy something that saves you from death first and foremost. They will always have a chance as long as they are alive, so the lifestyle they adopt is highly cost-effective.

Living frugally doesn't mean consuming nutritionally deficient foods. In fact, individuals with lower incomes often learn which foods are most suitable for their nutritional needs. Even if it's not every day, it's better than the daily consumption of junk food by the affluent.

Lastly, never consider yourself the lowest of the low. There are still many people whose lives are more challenging simply because they are not ahead of you; you should never lose hope.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: TheSpiral on October 02, 2023, 10:39:31 AM
reducing your personal expenses is the first way to manage your family with little income. If your income is not enough to handle all the things well then you should either increase your earning or minimize your expenses.

Nothing is difficult but once a person decide to do it like if you have 100k$ of income then you should save at least 10$ per month as if you don't have concept of saving amount then you cannot manage your family. It is my personal experience that your expenses will increase as your earning increases because there arises specific situations in which your money will use according to your income.

Wealthy people have more money but their desires are also very big on the contrary poor people have small income and their desires are not more than their earning so a person can do anything if he wants and have interest to do.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on October 02, 2023, 10:54:28 AM
The expression “very well even though their income is very low in their personal life” is not entirely true. Maybe these people and families are well-fed; maybe they are clothed, but we don’t know their real needs. Most likely, they deprive themselves and their children of the most ordinary things, such as what we provide for ourselves and our children. Yes, many people have different levels of happiness. And not everyone’s happiness is measured precisely by money. However, for you to feel good, you first need health, and maintaining it is becoming very expensive these days. But be that as it may, people should not kill themselves with suffering because they are not getting something in life. As harsh as it may be, the fact that someone is poor is always their fault. The fact that people agree to be poor is the biggest problem for them.

Nothing is difficult but once a person decide to do it like if you have 100k$ of income then you should save at least 10$ per month 

Ten dollars a month, with an annual salary of one hundred thousand? ??? ??? ??? ::)

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: knowngunman on October 02, 2023, 10:55:13 AM
Managing a family is all about proper planning. If you have good planing, despite the low income you will succeed in running your family. Know your basic needs such as food, rents and children school fees. Food is the number one on the list when it comes to expenditures. Buy food as much as you that'll cover for a month or at least for up to 20th of the month, divide your rent in to twelve and save money for your rent on a monthly basis, children school fees should also be a priority because giving them quality education prepare them for future. Keep a little amount as a reserve for emergencies like sickness and shortage of foods. Do not live above your means or imitate your friends/neighbors who earn higher.

That is quite an optimistic view, but no one can run a family on an income of $1 per day or less. There are basuc necessities that has to be paid for, of which the most important is food and shelter, if you cannot provide these 2 basic needs, there is no family

Things are drastically high in price now but there are still people who earn $1 or less here and they're still managing a family with at least 4 people. A father, mother and two children. The concern is focus on food alone as they're living in a large family house. People are really struggling and adding burden to themselves. I see no reason to start a family no matter the pressure with that kind of earning honestly.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: lombok on October 02, 2023, 11:00:23 AM
It is a blessing for me to have a wife and children who are willing to live a simple life with me. This carried over when I was still getting low pay. It's not that I limit their desires, I just teach them what they need to buy for their needs and what they shouldn't buy because it's not a necessity/prestige. And I am grateful that what I teach is always applied by my wife and children.

Small or large payments will not feel enough if we are wasteful or unable to apply finances correctly/according to needs. We also need to avoid prestige, prioritize health and only necessary needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: demonica on October 02, 2023, 11:07:08 AM
This kind of situation is very common but we all can agree that it's hard to manage your finances if you're a low or middle wage earner. Especially nowadays where basic needs and everything is getting more expensive due to inflation. But if you really have a strong mindset when it comes to budgeting, you can allocate your income properly. Also, I'd suggest to find other sources of income since if you know that your salary isn't enough, you can't just settle for that.
It's not easy but knowing your priorities and having self control with how you spend your money is a great attitude in order to manage your finances properly. Also, always try to look for an opportunity (even if it's a small one) on things or events around you. It might help with your income and finances.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Baki202 on October 02, 2023, 11:12:49 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
It depends on the type of wife you have. Some wives are good managers, even in terms of spending, and others are not. If your wife spends a lot of money, it will be difficult for you to maintain financial stability because of her demands and household demands. There are many people I know that make little money yet are nonetheless highly successful. And if someone does not feel that everything is difficult at this point, they will also face financial difficulties.  Knowing what to accomplish at a specific time and having a solid plan are both advantages over trying to address every problem at once.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: webzuka on October 02, 2023, 11:49:17 AM
This kind of situation is very common but we all can agree that it's hard to manage your finances if you're a low or middle wage earner. Especially nowadays where basic needs and everything is getting more expensive due to inflation.

This is one is good. Globally this is very hard. Read many articles on global scale that they increase payment for some small percentage but they increase food for double that amount.

How this is one example me and m wife both work I have 2 jobs one is part time. And only like this we manage. Paying bills and private university (dont get me wrong but my older kid was not bright in high school and he could not pass exams). How he is final year younger is having activities besides school just not to sit on pc playing games r with phone in hands.

We also have house outside of town. We manage all that together, yes there were hard times but nice ass well. But in every family wife is the one that keep balance man work for that balance.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dothebeats on October 02, 2023, 12:13:13 PM
Manage your money well. No matter how big of an income an individual gets if they choose to be reckless at spending it then it will all come down to nothing. Hence, being smart with handling money (no matter how big or small it is) is the answer. If you live within your means and carefully planned on how you are going to spend and divide your income, then sooner or later you'll find yourself at ease in facing financial situations. You have to be smart and learn from your mistakes, always be critical of the things you spend your money on, think if you really need to buy somethning or it's just a quick desire for simple pleasure that will cost a dent on your savings.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: retreat on October 02, 2023, 01:08:23 PM
It's very simple, by cutting expenses for non-essential needs and lifestyle we can actually manage our finances well, even when our income is below average. Because from what I see, why many people cannot manage their finances is because their needs and lifestyle are higher than their income and that is what is the problem. Because the root of someone's financial chaos is that they spend too much money on unimportant things and don't plan their finances well, which makes them unable to manage their finances even when their income is above average.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: AmoreJaz on October 02, 2023, 01:24:31 PM
Manage your money well. No matter how big of an income an individual gets if they choose to be reckless at spending it then it will all come down to nothing. Hence, being smart with handling money (no matter how big or small it is) is the answer. If you live within your means and carefully planned on how you are going to spend and divide your income, then sooner or later you'll find yourself at ease in facing financial situations. You have to be smart and learn from your mistakes, always be critical of the things you spend your money on, think if you really need to buy somethning or it's just a quick desire for simple pleasure that will cost a dent on your savings.

your lifestyle should be according to how much income or how much money you can generate in a month. of course, if you are a low earner, do you think is it good to visit coffee shop regularly? i don't think so. what am trying to say here is that live within your means. budget your expenses to basic necessities first, so you won't be in trouble with loan sharks.
you will always find a way how to fit your budget with your food and other bills for what you have. don't aim for extra if your funds are tight.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Rruchi man on October 02, 2023, 01:55:54 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy?
If your income is not enough to manage a family and you do not have a family yet, Do not start one.

There is already a high rate of crime, do not bring children into this world when you know you cannot yet carter for them, that is just adding more to the problems of the society. You should be able to take good care of yourself first before you start a family, do not fall into that trap where you are advised that you can start a family first, that money will come to take care of them, that is a lie!

There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Planning is the word that explains it all.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: gunhell16 on October 02, 2023, 01:58:36 PM
Of course, if you only earn a little and have a family, you will only use the money you have for your family; you will really prioritize what should be for them. You won't buy much, which is not that important because the important thing is that your family can survive with the profit you have.

And it's really not easy to do, especially if you have a large family to support just to survive. Despite all this, this is still a challenge for us if we can go through it, and many of you are experiencing these times.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: uswa56 on October 02, 2023, 02:02:15 PM
This is very important to be able to control so that our lives are sufficient even though our income is small.
the most important thing is not to be wasteful and be able to prioritize what is important to buy and what is not, and there are also some things that must be restrained so as not to overdo it and try to live at our own standards, perhaps the details are that we have to save money in buying basic necessities and Minimizing desires, but this does sound sad when we hold ourselves back, but if we get used to it, it is a good thing in life that needs to be taught to our future generations.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: coupable on October 02, 2023, 02:24:40 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
In practice, adopting the principle of austerity is the only solution, which depends on matching needs with incomes in a way that needs should not exceed incomes. This is considered one of the harshest plans that can be followed because it is subject to many fluctuations that can disrupt it overnight. Any urgent circumstance that occurs may cause this system to collapse in such a way that balance can never be restored: for example, the illness of a family member, which requires additional expenses for treatment, this will lead directly to debt.
When needs are many, especially within a family, diversifying sources of income is the ideal solution. And employing the idea of partial saving to confront emergency circumstances.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Antotena on October 02, 2023, 02:27:07 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Things are not smiling, prices are skyrocketed and in some countries are more worse because the inflation are unbearable because I can speak for mine. The only way to come out of this is to start another way to have a stream of income. If you don't find a way where different incomes come from, the way the economies are going will make you cry.

Another solution for less people who have little to survive is to ensure that they do family planning, stop giving birth to kids that you cannot control, you cannot control the economy but you can control your family to your budget so as to live without pressures.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: CODE200 on October 02, 2023, 02:27:21 PM

There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

This is a common problem of families and even people with huge income still experiences this. Especially for countries we have, where there is a staggering inflation in which the prices of goods are climbing day by day.
So if you know that you only generate meager income, you have to align you expenses with your money. Because what is happening sometimes is people tend to spend more from what they are earning. One of the ways to manage your expenses is to have a budgeting plan or a checklist, so that you will be able to monitor your expenses.
But sometimes, even if we set our budget there are still instances where we encounter budgeting problems as there can be unexpected expenses like for emergency purposes, which is not included on the budget that we set. So as much as possible, include everything on your budget and allocate funds for emergencies.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Negotiation on October 02, 2023, 02:32:25 PM
There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Who are them? it's your friend? your cousin? people you see in social media? your neighbor? if you haven't live with them at least for a week, you can't say they can manage their family very well because you're only see the "cover", you don't know about the inside of their family.

Haven't you heard "fake it, until you make it"? I don't believe someone can manage their family "very well" when their income are low range.

Every human life and family will have problems no matter how hard you try to solve them, but if you think that all problems will remain problems, it is a little wrong. You should always think of solving every problem to the best of your ability then you will stand out from others in your personal life and be considered successful.  Solving family issues and any kind of family problems is not same, and trying to be successful in personal life  two things are different but you have to remember to try to solve family problems.

Finally you ultimately want to be with family.  But here the family and economic problem is definitely a bit more complex and it is more to solve it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: rat03gopoh on October 02, 2023, 02:52:37 PM
There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life
Low for you, doesn't mean it's not enough for someone with an economy like that. A guy wouldn't maintain their low income unless it was at least enough to support his family.
The answer is I don't know, even if you want to ask them, they have the answer and it will sound unreasonable because your lifestyle preferences are different.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Negotiation on October 02, 2023, 03:24:20 PM
There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life
Low for you, doesn't mean it's not enough for someone with an economy like that. A guy wouldn't maintain their low income unless it was at least enough to support his family.
The answer is I don't know, even if you want to ask them, they have the answer and it will sound unreasonable because your lifestyle preferences are different.

You are right that my lifestyle is different from others, but when there are many opinions available, it is much easier to make personal decisions because everyone benefits to some extent by taking advice from many.

Each person finds a place of comfort, so I look for it because if a solution that has been solved in someone else's life works in my life, then surely it can be a good example.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: KiaKia on October 02, 2023, 03:53:38 PM
My family situation is ten times better than before, I remember where we have ni choice but to eat twice daily because my parents are earning small amount of money, and the bills took a ton on them, after my brother got sick we are forced to eat once daily and it is a bad memory that lives inside me today.

When you make less money you have no choice than to limit your spending in every way, food, items and bills, we moved out of a three bedroom apartment because of the bills and moved into a smaller apartment, I was already into crypto at the time and later the bull market started, this was in 2017 and I ended up lessen the weight on my parents with the money I made from crypto.

Today they no longer have doubts about whatever I want to do, they believe me now more than ever and in the past, they always doubted, I guess it's normal for parents to doubt their kids if they have no idea what the kids are doing with their time.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: barisbilgili on October 02, 2023, 04:11:03 PM
There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life
Low for you, doesn't mean it's not enough for someone with an economy like that. A guy wouldn't maintain their low income unless it was at least enough to support his family.
The answer is I don't know, even if you want to ask them, they have the answer and it will sound unreasonable because your lifestyle preferences are different.

You are right that my lifestyle is different from others, but when there are many opinions available, it is much easier to make personal decisions because everyone benefits to some extent by taking advice from many.

Each person finds a place of comfort, so I look for it because if a solution that has been solved in someone else's life works in my life, then surely it can be a good example.
Each person's lifestyle will of course be very different as well as their income, but for those who have a high income, of course they have a different lifestyle from those who earn a small income, so it would be better for us to have a lifestyle that suits our income, not let our income we have cannot be enough to meet our daily needs. In my opinion, it will be very difficult for us to imitate other people's lives, this really depends on how we see the life we live and if we have a modest income, it is better than not having anything to give to their family.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DrBeer on October 02, 2023, 04:14:50 PM
Eating, drinking, housing, and clothing, these are the basic components of human life that cannot be dispensed with. These basics must be the responsibility of the state to provide for all its citizens. This happens in developed countries, but it never happens in poor countries.

Therefore, living requirements vary according to the country in which you live. You and your family must adapt to the economic reality, creating a balance between expenses and the source of income, otherwise you will enter into debt and may not be able to get out of it easily.

Simply focus first on the basics and then if you have enough money you can buy luxuries or other minor things.

I absolutely agree with you, but I would add: it's still worth keeping a record of costs and income.
First of all, you will understand the balance of your funds. And the second is very important - you will understand where you spend excessively. This is very important.

Let me give you a very simple example. Suppose you regularly consume:
- mineral water
- orange juice
- cigarettes

You can see from the statistics that:
- mineral water - 30 bottles per month
- orange juice - 10 liters
- cigarettes 20 packs

You make these purchases almost daily. Among the costs you have are the retail price, and the time to buy. Solution:
You go to a wholesale store and buy:
- 3 blocks of 10 bottles of water
- 6 x 1.5 liters of orange juice.
- 2x10 cartons of cigarettes

- You spend only 60 minutes per month on this purchase
- save up to 20% on wholesale prices

Multiply by 12 and you will see the savings for 1 year !

PS I will warn you right away - this scheme is not suitable for all groups of goods, but for many - it is quite realistic to reduce both costs and time.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: topbitcoin on October 02, 2023, 04:45:09 PM
a little story about the things that I have experienced and hopefully colleagues can all learn a little from this short story where in the past few years I have experienced financial problems that are indeed where the wages I get can only fulfill a need and sometimes worse than that where my income is not able to meet my daily needs. So what I did was to immediately spend all the money I got to fulfill my basic daily needs and this I did to prevent myself from being reckless by spending the mediocre money to just fulfill my personal desires and passions. And the other thing I did to answer this problem was to continue to improve my knowledge, skills and creativity so that I would not only depend on a job and could give me the opportunity to start an independent business. And indeed the results do not replace the process and at this time thank God I can fulfill all my needs and can make an investment and can also save a little money in case of all unexpected things that do have to spend money to solve these problems.

And indeed "the result will never betray the process" and at this time thank God I can fulfill all my needs and can make an investment and also be able to save a little money just in case of all the unexpected things that do have to spend money to solve these problems.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Abu-Naim on October 02, 2023, 05:10:56 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Though to me it is very simple to manage a family according to my income, if my income is low, then definitely there are things I will let them go for the main time. No condition is permanent. So people who have a low income will know how to manage their families. For example, if you earn $50 a month and plan for $80 in expenses, that is not a good plan. Cut your cut according to your size. You need to let some things go while you want to have other things. So as a responsible man who wants to manage his family in a good way and has a low income, you will know what kind of expenses you will bring up.
Another solution for less people who have little to survive is to ensure that they do family planning, stop giving birth to kids that you cannot control, you cannot control the economy but you can control your family to your budget so as to live without pressures.
Exactly. The way the world economy is moving now, family planning is very important, and I think it will be the only way to reduce our expenses if we really want to make our family happy financially because things are getting high every day and the income is low. But when this family planning is implemented, you will definitely manage your family's financial status well.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Yatsan on October 02, 2023, 05:15:30 PM
If there’s no other way to earn more then the only option left is to make adjustment with your expenses. Average salary would still give you chances to make it bigger but lower salary on the other hand will be a real problem wherein most of the time, people are the ones who adjust in order for your daily income to be enough for the rest of the day. Managing finances means you should be aware of the amount of money which is circulating with your family’s environment. However one should not settle with low salary especially if you have the skill and knowledge to know more and to earn more. Tough times would indeed push you to adjust your lifestyle for the meantime but that would be for your own good. To those who are saying investment is the key; keep in mind that ot all people has the capability to do so.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Casdinyard on October 02, 2023, 05:47:15 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
When you’re a minimum wage earner your finances will go towards ensuring your survival is taken care of. You won’t put anything to savings, since making sure you guys eat today and the lights and water is on is much more important than ensuring you have money tomorrow. Which is why a lot of poor families out there give survival more importance than any other thing that they may put more focus on.

If you’re living alone the same thing also applies, you just have more wiggle room since you’re only financing yourself so perhaps you can squeeze in a few bucks to save money or whatever but you’d definitely have a lot more freedom than if you’re financing a family,

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: romero121 on October 02, 2023, 05:50:25 PM
It is the lifestyle of people that decides the spending. We need to learn to move our life within the amount we earn. Spending beyond our ability gonna lead life into debts. Just because we're on the low earning range we should not feel bad of it. What needs to be done is focus on making our earnings better. Maybe this can take time, but one should continue working on it. However our plans shouldn't affect our savings, we should limit the unwanted expenses and spend on must need things. Whenever there arises a need, we should postpone it for two days. If we were able to pass the two days then it is an unwanted thing. This way more unwanted expenses can be cut and the same can be invested for better future.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: tjtonmoy on October 02, 2023, 05:51:06 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
A man should always provide. This is what we have learned as we grew up. So doesn't matter what your income is, a man can find ways to provide for his family. I live alone so I may not know about it, but when there is a responsibility on my shoulders, I will find a way somehow. Maybe I will have to suffer, or my family will suffer too, but that's the push that I will need to expand my way of earning.
Here's an interesting fact. As a Muslim, I believe in it. So here it is.
The word Rizq is mentioned 123 times in the Quran and most of which essentially addresses how it comes from Allah the Exalted. It is He who determines what a person will obtain in this life. It is Allah who gives us happiness and Allah who sets the events for sadness. He is Allah Ar-Raziq and Ar-Razzaq
Source (,and%20Ar%2DRazzaq)

So you have to do what you can to earn but Allah is the one who will provide for you. But the thing is you need to try and keep on working. When you are providing for your family, their rizq(Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. ) will also come from your hand. So somehow everything will be alright. All you need to do is work in order to get it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 02, 2023, 05:58:15 PM
There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life
Low for you, doesn't mean it's not enough for someone with an economy like that. A guy wouldn't maintain their low income unless it was at least enough to support his family.
The answer is I don't know, even if you want to ask them, they have the answer and it will sound unreasonable because your lifestyle preferences are different.

yes it is true that nowadays most people prioritize lifestyle to meet the requirements of the current trending, of course with the current high lifestyle most people will prioritize their lifestyle over their basic needs. few people today prioritize basic needs for themselves and their families, it is important for us to be aware of the income we get to balance which basic needs which lifestyle of course there is also a future that must be prepared for people who think about their future will save or invest for their future who do not prioritize excessive lifestyle or current trends. and for a man who has a big responsibility to his family of course must think about the future to come few people dare to open a small business to increase their income every day.

But everyone has different principles, there are those who prioritize a lifestyle following today's trends, there are those who prioritize the future by appearing sober and adequate in the present.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MusaPk on October 02, 2023, 06:34:11 PM
A man should always provide. This is what we have learned as we grew up. So doesn't matter what your income is, a man can find ways to provide for his family. I live alone so I may not know about it, but when there is a responsibility on my shoulders, I will find a way somehow. Maybe I will have to suffer, or my family will suffer too, but that's the push that I will need to expand my way of earning.
Here's an interesting fact. As a Muslim, I believe in it. So here it is.
The word Rizq is mentioned 123 times in the Quran and most of which essentially addresses how it comes from Allah the Exalted. It is He who determines what a person will obtain in this life. It is Allah who gives us happiness and Allah who sets the events for sadness. He is Allah Ar-Raziq and Ar-Razzaq
Source (,and%20Ar%2DRazzaq)

So you have to do what you can to earn but Allah is the one who will provide for you. But the thing is you need to try and keep on working. When you are providing for your family, their rizq(Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. ) will also come from your hand. So somehow everything will be alright. All you need to do is work in order to get it.

As a human our job is to do our best for our survival and then leave results on God. Of course there will be no help if we keep sitting in our home idle.
Things are getting tougher and tougher in almost every country due to increased inflation. But there are also ways that let you increase your income. Like as a member we have the opportunity to earn bitcoins every week which is very handy if you have a job or a business.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: erep on October 02, 2023, 06:37:17 PM
It is the lifestyle of people that decides the spending. We need to learn to move our life within the amount we earn.
I agree with you, the important thing is that all aspects of your lifestyle must be adjusted to the amount of salary you earn, try not to have monthly expenses higher than your salary and not leave debts every month. If your salary is low it will not be enough to allocate savings because the current cost of living is very expensive due to the influence of inflation which increases the prices of all goods and services, so we have to use our free time to look for other additional work to increase our monthly salary for future savings needs.

Actually, managing living costs with a low salary is very simple, prioritize using 60% of your salary for basic needs and the rest for other needs and also for emergency needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Sanugarid on October 02, 2023, 06:40:30 PM
We also went through this situation, we reached the point where we were looking for wire (Scrap Copper Wire) in the house just to have something to eat. It used to be sold, I just don't know now if it's still like that. And thanks to my parents because they really worked hard so that we wouldn't be in that situation again.

I saw how mom and dad overcame that. They didn't give up or were just satisfied with their work, they tried to do many things like business etc. Until they had savings little by little. Don't ever give up. Just work hard and be patient, you'll get through it too

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Fortify on October 02, 2023, 06:46:32 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Some people find great value from family and manage to scrape through life very happy in these situations. Sure, they would gladly like the have more money but I have encountered plenty of families who have a very strong bond in comparison to others after going through this lifestyle. There are all sorts of ways to save money in a family, like sharing clothes across the generations - especially for younger kids. Making meals go further with lots of cheaper vegetables. They really have to think creatively and always be on the hustle where they can. Taking advantage of benefits available to them should also be a top priority because in some ways large families are supporting future generations so should be encouraged or at least helped.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: carlfebz2 on October 02, 2023, 07:23:41 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Live by your means
Live according into your capability
Live a life which you dont make yourself too lavish on spending
Choose first your priorities
Proper money management

People do really differ on this aspect on which there are ones who do really that ending up on devastated just because of wrong budgeting or spending out of their income which they are
going into those borderline without even thinking on whats tomorrow but there are those people who are really that having that good financial planning on which despite of having not that
sufficient number of their salary but still they do able to partition it out well and able to compensate somehow. Yes, its hard but its not impossible. It would really just depending
or would really be entirely be basing up on how well you do handle yourself when it comes to this matter.

Some cant really just be able to realize that living within their means does give out that kind of advantage. Dont make yourself chasing on being on the trend and buying
shit things along the way because it would really be derailing you out if you are really that making a budget.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: KingsDen on October 02, 2023, 11:23:25 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

If your income is low, you have an extra work to do in order to sustain your family. You must first be smart to detect that your present income is not enough to cater for your family. You have to do the following;
  • Try and handle more jobs in order to earn more in order to sustain your family.
  • You have to learn to spend less. Deprive yourself some luxuries because of your family. 
  • Plan to relocate with your family in the case you are living in a very advance area. 
  • Endure you do not lose money carelessly
  • The most important is to train your child to leave according to what you have 

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: poodle63 on October 03, 2023, 12:32:33 AM
income low means you need to increase it somehow, you just can't stuck with low income forever right?
not to mention that there's no workaround to make your family financially sufficient when you are having low income.
therefore the only logical solution would be increasing income whether through having second job or something like that.
indeed its gonna be difficult, exhausting both physically and mentally but there's nothing you can do about it really.
work hard and get a better life, or just stuck like this forever. after all, earning money is indeed hard, many people also experiencing the same thing, really hard to earn money, but its the only way.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on October 03, 2023, 12:34:11 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

First of all, I would like to state that I am commenting as someone who lives alone and doesn't have any financial responsibilities regarding my family. When checking my personal financial situation, I first calculate my fixed expenses for each month. Then, I calculate the amount I can spend for that month and list my possible expenses in line with this budget. In this way, I use my income efficiently and move on to the next month without going out of my budget unless there is an unexpected expense.

The most important point to consider when planning your financial situation is to accurately determine the amount of fixed expenses compared to monthly income and to follow the budget plan in a disciplined manner.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Strongkored on October 03, 2023, 02:10:35 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
People who have a small income that is not enough to meet their family's living needs will start to get involved in debt and slowly when they are no longer able to get debt and are also unable to pay it, they will be involved in crime, at least that is what we see in poor and developing countries, whereas Developed countries' citizens will always have the opportunity to get a job with a large salary and also have double jobs.
If that happens to us, the first way is to get additional income and improve your skills to be able to get a bigger income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: el kaka22 on October 03, 2023, 03:22:00 AM
I would suggest try to find more money is the only thing that you can do. Trying to learn to live with a small amount is not acceptable and you are going to end up with something that would be a lot worse. If you go from 1000 dollars to 500 dollars and get used to it, then you will get used to 300 and then to 200. Don't do that, find a way to grow your income, I do not know what OP can do or anyone else that can read this can do, we all have our own separate lives so always try to find something that fits you personally but I believe that unless you try to make some more money than you are not going to do a lot better.

I think it should be important to remember that we are going to end up with a better life not by cutting down on our expenses but get better life by earning a lot more money by finding something we love doing.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: slapper on October 03, 2023, 11:14:21 AM
Isn't managing finances, especially on a low income, like playing chess in the modern economy? Your seemingly simple question has numerous layers that many don't understand or overlook. Low-income families use many tactics, each of which is incorrect. It goes beyond budgeting and thrift. It requires managing economic issues, comprehending financial management, and making judgements that often conflict with personal wishes and requirements.

Those who survive such conditions are not just “managing” their finances; they are fighting economic forces and making decisions that affect their future. Think it's a tireless endeavour that requires sacrifice, smart preparation, and a profound understanding of the economy?

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dothebeats on October 03, 2023, 11:23:49 AM
I would suggest try to find more money is the only thing that you can do. Trying to learn to live with a small amount is not acceptable and you are going to end up with something that would be a lot worse. If you go from 1000 dollars to 500 dollars and get used to it, then you will get used to 300 and then to 200. Don't do that, find a way to grow your income, I do not know what OP can do or anyone else that can read this can do, we all have our own separate lives so always try to find something that fits you personally but I believe that unless you try to make some more money than you are not going to do a lot better.

I think it should be important to remember that we are going to end up with a better life not by cutting down on our expenses but get better life by earning a lot more money by finding something we love doing.
I agree with you, finding additional source of income is the best way to ensure that we have enough to provide for our family and even save up for the future (and possibly unseen circumstances too). It is hard to just get by and make do of what we are currently getting as we can never be too sure that things will always go smoothly, in such situation if an emegency or sudden changes happen we will surely find ourselves at our lowest and with no way to go. Hence, while it is still early, it is best to find a way to prevent this from happening and much like you have stated it can be answered through finding additional source/s of income. In line with that, developing and learning skills are a must to help us in our path as we find opportunities to earn.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Razmirraz on October 03, 2023, 12:39:04 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Managing household finances is an additional job for each head of the family so that it is in accordance with what was planned at the beginning of the month. People who manage their families very well even though their personal income is very low always look at their financial conditions realistically before spending. Every individual always has desires and goals that he wants to realize immediately, this is where you as the head of the family must be wise in determining priorities between desires and needs. Your decision will really determine your financial condition, so you have to be wise in deciding what to achieve and postpone for next month.

Spend something according to your budget planning in each monthly period. You also need to record your expenses regularly so that it can help you know where the money is spent in that period. Expenditure records really help you in finding financial problems and it is also easier to find solutions if monthly expenses balance with income. Apart from that, you can immediately evaluate the goals you want to achieve in the future so that you can leave a little money to save or invest elsewhere.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Dimitri94 on October 03, 2023, 12:55:17 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
There is a proverb that “cut your cloth according to your cloth” no matter how little or small our income we have to live within it. Many may be struggle to manage life but still have to continue struggle to survive. In recent times, we have seen that due to global inflation, the prices of all kinds of goods have increased to a large extent, while people's incomes have not increased. But even in this situation we have to survive so the necessary expenses have to be reduced. Spend as little as you can just to survive and have to find ways to increase our income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: wallet4bitcoin on October 03, 2023, 01:00:23 PM
In one sentence:


Everything you have to do to maintain a balance in the finances of both your family and your personal life is hinged on the above statement. If you can uphold it at every point in time, it guarantees a balance. If you consume less than you earn and don't increase it while you keep increasing your income, its best for you as you will have been at the very extreme of abundance.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: livingfree on October 03, 2023, 01:05:29 PM
I know it's tough when you don't get that much income for your family. But starting to breakdown your expenses and list them will make you see the picture out of it.

You'll be able to find what are the unnecessary things that you need to cut down because it's just a waste of money when you spend and include it to your tight budgeting.

Also, if budgeting is still not enough, you need to find more source of income or if anyone in your family is already allowed to work too. Tell the situation so that you get to have a team work for your ease.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Bitco55 on October 03, 2023, 02:38:43 PM
Having a low income with many bills can be stressful, and managing the family, bills, and income all comes down to two things ;
         Plan and expand.
Plan your expenses very well. Even with low income, you can get through bills when you make a proper budget and allocate funds to each pressing need.
Expanding may be in the form of getting a side hustle, and probably getting an extra hand from a member of the family.  One very important thing to note when it comes to expanding and trying to manage your family's needs would be to save up.

I know this may sound like a bad idea since" the money's not enough" and so on, but this is important. Trying to plan your expenses and getting an extra job is just a short-term solution. To make sure you're not struggling in the next 5 years waiting for some kind of destiny helper, you'll need to save. It could be 10% of income, $1 every day/ every week, however it best works for just as long as you do it periodically.
And of course, don't leave your saved money idle, invest it in something sure and less risky.

It may be hard trying to manage a family now, but trust me you don't want it to still be hard everyday till

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: topbitcoin on October 03, 2023, 03:16:20 PM

There is a proverb that “cut your cloth according to your cloth” no matter how little or small our income we have to live within it.
If you are a mouse then never apply human standards of living later you will be disgusted if you have to live in a coberan and if you are a freshwater fish then never go to the sea even though it is wide because it will make it difficult for yourself and could kill yourself, better stay in the river or in the pond which even though it is narrow but it is your environment. which means if your finances are still below average then don't ever try to apply the standard of living of the rich which in the end this will only make it more difficult for yourself and always complain about a situation that you experience.


how can we possibly reduce the need for a need that exists, the name of a need is increasing day by day and not to mention the addition of commodity prices that continue to increase. In responding to this, we still have to increase our income and not depend on just one job. It would be better if you create an independent business opportunity through the knowledge and creativity you have. And don't forget for now to put aside first a desire to live luxuriously which only says prestige alone. So I agree that what we should do is to "increase income without having to reduce an obligation."

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DrBeer on October 03, 2023, 03:32:47 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
A man should always provide. This is what we have learned as we grew up. So doesn't matter what your income is, a man can find ways to provide for his family. I live alone so I may not know about it, but when there is a responsibility on my shoulders, I will find a way somehow. Maybe I will have to suffer, or my family will suffer too, but that's the push that I will need to expand my way of earning.
Here's an interesting fact. As a Muslim, I believe in it. So here it is.
The word Rizq is mentioned 123 times in the Quran and most of which essentially addresses how it comes from Allah the Exalted. It is He who determines what a person will obtain in this life. It is Allah who gives us happiness and Allah who sets the events for sadness. He is Allah Ar-Raziq and Ar-Razzaq
Source (,and%20Ar%2DRazzaq)

So you have to do what you can to earn but Allah is the one who will provide for you. But the thing is you need to try and keep on working. When you are providing for your family, their rizq(Some scholars translate Rizq as ‘sustenance’, ‘provision’ and some call it ‘blessings’. ) will also come from your hand. So somehow everything will be alright. All you need to do is work in order to get it.

I don't want to stir up religious animosity or controversy, it's a pointless endeavor. BUT. Referring to someone controlling your destiny is a very convenient and comfortable concept to absolve oneself of responsibility. If a person does nothing, he will have nothing. If a person works, has goals and the desire to achieve - he achieves them. Environment - imposes some difficulties/comfort. But external circumstances also shape ordinary people. Faith is for the soul, but not for business, wealth, and prosperity. Let's not try to mix reality and religion !

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Poker Player on October 03, 2023, 03:47:43 PM
What you have to do is to increase to income. I have been following personal finance for a long time, not only theory but experiences of people who paid off their debts and subsequently got rich. Each and every one of them increased their income. You can see many cases in the Ramsey show, in the debt free screams for example, especially to get rid of debt. Once people achieve this step they can take their foot off the gas and allow themselves to earn less, although many still earn the same or more.

When people start to get interested in this, what they think about is saving, but the second and very necessary step is to increase your income. When you have been saving and investing for a while and you manage to increase your income, your finances skyrocket.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on October 03, 2023, 04:22:40 PM
Cut your coat according to your size, have budget for every of your needs and prioritize your needs from wants, then look into the value of your income level and guage the rate of how you spend from what you earn, you can also think about doing other things that could help increase your income level, one has to be diversified in making provisions for an additional increase on the source of income, we have to be dynamic and always seek to seize opportunities in whatever thing we done as long as they will serve us as source of income to our own profitability.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Mpamaegbu on October 03, 2023, 04:31:15 PM
Eating, drinking, housing, and clothing, these are the basic components of human life that cannot be dispensed with.
I saw what you did there by adding, "drinking" 🤔. Drinking should be seen as a luxury. I was given to understand in my formative years that the basic were Food, Shelter and Clothing; but it's ok if you want to indulge your cravings. We're going to call for an amendment then 🤗.

Joking apart, and back to the issue at hand, I think the easiest way to manage a family on a meagre income is to tailor one's expenses to suit one's earnings. Discourage anything that will weigh on one's income. If one is married with kids, one shouldn't be in competition with others on what school one's kids attend. If one can't afford private schools, one should place the kids in public or government owned schools. At least, school is school. The kids all get to be taught the same syllabus and alphabets. Close your eyes to the environment, put extra time in teaching your kids when they're back from school. Pick what you eat to stay healthy. Hangout less so you won't spend more. Be quiet at parties, and don't spray cash because others are doing so. Cook at home more and minimize eating out. Then, finally, work on getting a side hustle.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: safar1980 on October 03, 2023, 04:40:15 PM
There is a very large difference in salaries in Russia. For example, my mining farms are located in the village because electricity is the cheapest there. The average salary in the village is 70-120 dollars, for physically demanding work such as wood cutting it is 200-300 dollars. In the city you can find a job as a courier or food delivery person for $600 or more, and there are always vacancies, because the work is also not easy and you need to move around a lot.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: tjtonmoy on October 03, 2023, 04:48:51 PM
I don't want to stir up religious animosity or controversy, it's a pointless endeavor. BUT. Referring to someone controlling your destiny is a very convenient and comfortable concept to absolve oneself of responsibility. If a person does nothing, he will have nothing. If a person works, has goals and the desire to achieve - he achieves them. Environment - imposes some difficulties/comfort. But external circumstances also shape ordinary people. Faith is for the soul, but not for business, wealth, and prosperity. Let's not try to mix reality and religion !
Well, let me explain it a bit more for better understanding. It is said that you need to work for what you want. And you need to work hard. But what you get comes from Allah in the form of Rizq. It could be anything from food to clothes to drinking water. The concept here is to keep on working, but when it comes to getting value for what you have worked for, that's in the hands of Allah. To a religious person, it is something you should believe without any question. But to those who are not from the same religion, you can take it as a form of motivation. There's someone always to give you, so all you need to do is work in order to earn it. That's it.

Everything will work out somehow, that's the thing that keeps us going in life right? So you can take this as you want. But the results will always be positive in the end. Never give up and just keep on working. Ups and downs are just a part of life. But only the end results matter.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DrBeer on October 03, 2023, 05:08:40 PM
I don't want to stir up religious animosity or controversy, it's a pointless endeavor. BUT. Referring to someone controlling your destiny is a very convenient and comfortable concept to absolve oneself of responsibility. If a person does nothing, he will have nothing. If a person works, has goals and the desire to achieve - he achieves them. Environment - imposes some difficulties/comfort. But external circumstances also shape ordinary people. Faith is for the soul, but not for business, wealth, and prosperity. Let's not try to mix reality and religion !
Well, let me explain it a bit more for better understanding. It is said that you need to work for what you want. And you need to work hard. But what you get comes from Allah in the form of Rizq. It could be anything from food to clothes to drinking water. The concept here is to keep on working, but when it comes to getting value for what you have worked for, that's in the hands of Allah. To a religious person, it is something you should believe without any question. But to those who are not from the same religion, you can take it as a form of motivation. There's someone always to give you, so all you need to do is work in order to earn it. That's it.

Everything will work out somehow, that's the thing that keeps us going in life right? So you can take this as you want. But the results will always be positive in the end. Never give up and just keep on working. Ups and downs are just a part of life. But only the end results matter.

Agreed :) If you evaluate the situation from the perspective of your Faith. Some believe Cthulhu is helping. Someone - that Zeus or Poseidon, and someone believes that it is the Great Tree. I believe that everyone has the right to believe whatever they want. It's everyone's personal business, it's freedom of religion... It's the rights of people in a free society!
I, as a pragmatist and atheist, am more inclined to a practical explanation of events, and this is also normal. If it is more convenient for you to attribute these events or the management of your life to your chosen faith, that is your right too!
But try to look at life through the eyes of a realist, and you will realize that between "religious explanations" and reality, there are a lot of nuances that "holy scriptures" do not correspond in any way.
And I hope you will not prove to me from the point of view of religious canons that being lazy, untalented, you can be happy, successful, and live in wealth and quality of life ? Once again I will return to the argument - you can believe in anyone or anything, but if you are a bum, have no goals, don't want to work - there will be no result !

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bitzizzix on October 03, 2023, 05:08:47 PM
Having a family with a low income in managing finances is very troublesome, because we have to really manage it well so that our living needs are still met.
However, in reality it is not that easy and the best way to overcome this is to have a side job or side income to help meet life's needs without having to reduce important needs.
What I mean by important needs are primary needs, the main or basic and first human needs which in my opinion cannot be postponed or reduced so that all aspects of life can run well and must be nutritious and healthy. If one of these primary needs is not met, then a person will experience difficulties.
And secondary needs must be minimized or if they are not very important, just ignore them or look for other alternatives.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: tjtonmoy on October 03, 2023, 05:45:04 PM
Once again I will return to the argument - you can believe in anyone or anything, but if you are a bum, have no goals, don't want to work - there will be no result !
That's not the point I was trying to make. I already said that you need to work for it in order to get the reward. If you have no goals or you don't want to work then you will get nothing in return. Let's keep the religious part to a side. Let's talk with logic. Why do you get paid? Because you work for it. So someone is giving you money for your work. If you keep on working, you will get the reward sooner or later.

Now let me connect the dots to a religious perspective. Imagine you are working day and night to get the reward(salary) from your employer. But something happens and you are kicked out of your work before you can get the salary. This is an incident that could happen to anyone. But should you give up? No, you need to move on and find a new way to earn. And the way that you will get a new way to earn comes in the form of Rizq. That's what we Muslims believe. If not this then something else. But someone is out there to give us, and we just have to find a way to take it.

So working is the way to earn. It could be explained through the religious or non-religious point of view. But the thing is, you need to work in order to get it. Even the bums could get a meal if is it their fate. But in order to get the best result, you need to work for it. That's all. I don't think any further argument is needed for this. If you think you can tell me something more, then you can. I am not the all-knowing. So I would like to learn.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DrBeer on October 03, 2023, 06:44:48 PM
Once again I will return to the argument - you can believe in anyone or anything, but if you are a bum, have no goals, don't want to work - there will be no result !
That's not the point I was trying to make. I already said that you need to work for it in order to get the reward. If you have no goals or you don't want to work then you will get nothing in return. Let's keep the religious part to a side. Let's talk with logic. Why do you get paid? Because you work for it. So someone is giving you money for your work. If you keep on working, you will get the reward sooner or later.

Now let me connect the dots to a religious perspective. Imagine you are working day and night to get the reward(salary) from your employer. But something happens and you are kicked out of your work before you can get the salary. This is an incident that could happen to anyone. But should you give up? No, you need to move on and find a new way to earn. And the way that you will get a new way to earn comes in the form of Rizq. That's what we Muslims believe. If not this then something else. But someone is out there to give us, and we just have to find a way to take it.

So working is the way to earn. It could be explained through the religious or non-religious point of view. But the thing is, you need to work in order to get it. Even the bums could get a meal if is it their fate. But in order to get the best result, you need to work for it. That's all. I don't think any further argument is needed for this. If you think you can tell me something more, then you can. I am not the all-knowing. So I would like to learn.

That's the logic I like better, thanks :)
But I'll add a correction too. For some reason you have chosen a model where someone works for someone else, i.e. for an employer. But this is one of the models. For example you can be an investor who just invests money, or you can work "for yourself" by creating your own business. Therefore, you are considering only one scenario. Not the best, but I agree - mass for the majority of the population. But in this option - disposes of remuneration ... the employer! And it depends only on him - what working conditions she offered you, and when he paid the money. Which in turn (we'll dismiss negative scenarios) may depend on the actions or inactions of other people. For example, you work in a furniture factory, you are a cabinetmaker. You are a master of your craft, you make wonderful, beautiful and high quality furniture..... But, there is a global problem in the country, and only a few people buy furniture produced at the enterprise where you work. And it all depends on the market. And your employer can say "sorry dear employee, but I have nothing to pay you - no one is now buying our products" ....  And no COUNTRY will give your employer MONEY to pay YOU....  More precisely in this case it all depends on the purchasing power of the people in your country... Doesn't reality look more logical ?

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: abel1337 on October 03, 2023, 06:59:22 PM
It will be hard to manage but there are things to utilize every penny that you have. There are a lot of these tips in the internet but the famous once are utilize every penny that you have, make a budget in short. Be strict and focus on your family needs. Talk to your family about the income you only have, don't pretend that you have the luxury to buy the wants. Look for other source of income, explore and experience something that don't include paying on something to achieve that. Having low income doesn't mean it's the worst thing, it can easily changed with the right discipline.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: yhiaali3 on October 03, 2023, 07:21:40 PM
Eating, drinking, housing, and clothing, these are the basic components of human life that cannot be dispensed with.
I saw what you did there by adding, "drinking" 🤔. Drinking should be seen as a luxury. I was given to understand in my formative years that the basic were Food, Shelter and Clothing; but it's ok if you want to indulge your cravings. We're going to call for an amendment then 🤗.
Well, I may have made a mistake in my expression. I used the word “drinking” instead of water, but in fact, I did not mean alcoholic beverages. I meant water. In any case, alcohol can be added because some people consider drinking one of the basics of life, even though I am not like that, but that’s okay. ;)

Some people may think that this is not a problem, because in most countries water is available and obtaining it is very easy, but some countries suffer from a real water shortage and obtaining water is a big problem for the people there. In some villages, people sometimes need to walk miles to get water and perhaps It is not (clean), so I pointed out that (drinking) water should be one of the basic rights of any citizen and it is the government’s duty to provide water to people in such areas.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Juse14 on October 03, 2023, 07:23:49 PM
Having a family with a low income in managing finances is very troublesome, because we have to really manage it well so that our living needs are still met.

If I could choose, I would choose to be born to someone who is financially capable, but this talks about destiny that we cannot change and if we just complain about this problem, it is useless and will not change anything. Maybe God just wants me to be more patient and try extra hard to get through all of this. We are born from people who are not financially well off, so there is no reason why I should be lazy because if I have to expect mercy from other people, it seems impossible because I also still have self-respect that I have to maintain. Other people will never care about all the things I experience, so immediately rise from all this adversity, build a paradigm and keep trying which can make us go even further. We are all born covered in blood, so life is about struggle. And I believe that with strong belief and effort we can all achieve financial freedom.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Quidat on October 03, 2023, 07:39:29 PM
I know it's tough when you don't get that much income for your family. But starting to breakdown your expenses and list them will make you see the picture out of it.

You'll be able to find what are the unnecessary things that you need to cut down because it's just a waste of money when you spend and include it to your tight budgeting.

Also, if budgeting is still not enough, you need to find more source of income or if anyone in your family is already allowed to work too. Tell the situation so that you get to have a team work for your ease.
Really tough i should say, recommendations and suggestions been given here on this thread by most members might really that sounds easy but on the time that you are on such condition and living
on a country or place on which opportunities and benefits arent something that easily be attained then for sure it would really be so tough on getting out on such situation or condition.If you are really just that someone whose really that have that limited skillset and having that only one kind of expertise in regarding towards your job then going into other extent would really be something a risks.
You cant really just make out some actions or decisions that would really be costing up you money or putting up yourself on such risks on losing  your job because you had focused into other venture
on which focus and time might really be that greatly affected. Lets say that you have decided to take up some business which causes on compromising your priorities specially with your job
then you are really that putting yourself on danger on which you dont really have no choice but to ignore that kind of idea and would be sticking on something that gives you
that sure money or salary. You cant really just simply make out such decision.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: South Park on October 03, 2023, 08:00:14 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
When your income is on the low side you only have three options, you either drop your expenses as much as possible, increase your income or both, when it comes to decreasing your expenses you really need to reduce or eliminate any luxuries you may be using, an example of this are streaming apps or cable television, people now considered them a need but this is a lie, you could eliminate them and then use free apps that stream content or youtube and still get entertainment and do so for free, you will also need to go out of your way to reduce your expenses on food and change your diet depending on what is the cheapest items you can find, instead of eating exactly what you want.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: uchegod-21 on October 03, 2023, 09:07:08 PM
I hear people say do not start up a family if your income is low but this is not applicable in all cases. A low income earner should as a matter of necessity order his wants according to their order of priority. Why spend things you do not need? Scale of preference is the solution here.
 A family who earns a very low income should not be in a competition with the next family. Go for good products and services but at affordable prices.  All expenses should be within the family's budget and not to impress anyone.
And while managing the family's scarce resources,  an alternative source of income should also be looked into.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Xampeuu on October 04, 2023, 03:17:24 AM
I hear people say do not start up a family if your income is low but this is not applicable in all cases. A low income earner should as a matter of necessity order his wants according to their order of priority. Why spend things you do not need? Scale of preference is the solution here.
 A family who earns a very low income should not be in a competition with the next family. Go for good products and services but at affordable prices.  All expenses should be within the family's budget and not to impress anyone.
And while managing the family's scarce resources,  an alternative source of income should also be looked into.
Basically, we have to live a lifestyle that is in accordance with our income and of course we can enjoy it, sometimes what makes things difficult for us is a lifestyle that is not in accordance with our income. However, we can change the economic situation, as long as we can manage our income and expenses well. When income rises, expenses should not follow so that there will be a lot of remaining income that can be allocated to invest so that we can improve our lives in the future.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Sebas.tian on October 04, 2023, 03:56:48 AM
Since we entered this massive inflation that is affecting the global economy has made many people to strategize on how to manage their resources and family in a way they can sustain through out the season. When your income is in a low range, you don't need to go above some things that is above your account or money because it will make you not to feel comfortable. The way I used to spend money on somethings when my income was high has reduced to enable me to economize the new low range income am receiving from my new job so that I will be able to do some things that will encourage me and my family to survive.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Xcode7 on October 04, 2023, 05:56:25 AM
Since we entered this massive inflation that is affecting the global economy has made many people to strategize on how to manage their resources and family in a way they can sustain through out the season. When your income is in a low range, you don't need to go above some things that is above your account or money because it will make you not to feel comfortable. The way I used to spend money on somethings when my income was high has reduced to enable me to economize the new low range income am receiving from my new job so that I will be able to do some things that will encourage me and my family to survive.
This is a step that must be taken when there is a price spike like now which has quite an impact on the economy where when prices of basic necessities increase but income does not increase, I just realized this and this has quite a high impact.
And regarding strategy, we have different strategies with the same goal, of course we have different standards for what we have to do in responding to this for survival or survival in a family in a difficult situation, but what is very important is slowly we have to find a way to quickly get out of this.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Chilwell on October 04, 2023, 08:02:26 AM
I hear people say do not start up a family if your income is low but this is not applicable in all cases. A low income earner should as a matter of necessity order his wants according to their order of priority. Why spend things you do not need? Scale of preference is the solution here.
 A family who earns a very low income should not be in a competition with the next family. Go for good products and services but at affordable prices.  All expenses should be within the family's budget and not to impress anyone.
And while managing the family's scarce resources,  an alternative source of income should also be looked into.

What I mean by low income earning is that persons in this class must exercise caution when establishing families because their needs will often outweigh their resources. Most individuals are unfair because, if they can manage their income, it will be sufficient for them and their families. However, some people have allowed their wives or families to control them. I'm not blaming those who keep their financial affairs private from their families; in my own manner, my family will be kept out of the picture when I'm making money. My own excuse is that I oversimplified the situation to put myself on the safe side. someone who doesn't no how to make money sent it anyhow, I will only allowed them to know only 50% and the remaining for future purposes.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Taskford on October 04, 2023, 09:45:41 AM
I hear people say do not start up a family if your income is low but this is not applicable in all cases. A low income earner should as a matter of necessity order his wants according to their order of priority. Why spend things you do not need? Scale of preference is the solution here.
 A family who earns a very low income should not be in a competition with the next family. Go for good products and services but at affordable prices.  All expenses should be within the family's budget and not to impress anyone.
And while managing the family's scarce resources,  an alternative source of income should also be looked into.
Basically, we have to live a lifestyle that is in accordance with our income and of course we can enjoy it, sometimes what makes things difficult for us is a lifestyle that is not in accordance with our income. However, we can change the economic situation, as long as we can manage our income and expenses well. When income rises, expenses should not follow so that there will be a lot of remaining income that can be allocated to invest so that we can improve our lives in the future.

If we succeed to live that lifestyle where we are away on luxurious things then provably we can survive even if we only earn low. Its just we need to settle up according to our needs and ignore our wants for awhile if no budget excess comes to our wallet.

Its just proper financial handling since if you are good on budgeting for sure we will never get a problem on finances. This also needs a proper cooperation to other family members and they should learn to settle according to the family income so that they can help in budgeting.

I know budgeting is hard but for current economic and high inflation we need to settle on what we can afford so that we will not decide to take a loan and buried by the interest rate asked by this corporations.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Negotiation on October 04, 2023, 10:13:02 AM
It will be hard to manage but there are things to utilize every penny that you have. There are a lot of these tips in the internet but the famous once are utilize every penny that you have, make a budget in short. Be strict and focus on your family needs. Talk to your family about the income you only have, don't pretend that you have the luxury to buy the wants. Look for other source of income, explore and experience something that don't include paying on something to achieve that. Having low income doesn't mean it's the worst thing, it can easily changed with the right discipline.

As every person's life is different, the problems in people's lives are also different, in this case, there are some things that you can never exclude. Now many people advise that if you do as needed and do nothing outside of necessity, you can save much money and avoid many problems..  Many people have faced such problems like me many people have trouble meeting the total need of money to run a family. Now we all should plan ahead because future days will be worse and economic problems will be created worldwide as it happened during COVID-19.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Fara Chan on October 04, 2023, 10:41:09 AM
Basically, we have to live a lifestyle that is in accordance with our income and of course we can enjoy it, sometimes what makes things difficult for us is a lifestyle that is not in accordance with our income. However, we can change the economic situation, as long as we can manage our income and expenses well. When income rises, expenses should not follow so that there will be a lot of remaining income that can be allocated to invest so that we can improve our lives in the future.

It's actually very simple to live life even though your income is very uncertain, because suggestions like what you said can also be very reasonable for everyone who wants to live a comfortable life without excessive burdens. Examples include establishing a simple lifestyle even though the income is large and sufficient to continue following a modern lifestyle.

But people who are smart in managing their finances will definitely not easily spend all their money into their lifestyle continuously if they know to put that money into more useful things such as investment and business aspects. This means that those who are smart in looking after their money will always make considerations when they want to spend their money on something so that they can continue to live more comfortably without feeling the burden of excessive difficulties in their own lives.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: icalical on October 04, 2023, 11:56:47 AM
Talking from an experience, there are some things that I think I did right and other things that I did wrong. The first thing that I did right, the first thing that I did right is that I focused on developing my skills that will make me earn more. Some people told me to invest and such thing, but I don't have enough money to do both investing and develop my skills, so choose to focus to develop my skills and I didn't do any investment, then when I have good enough skills that make me earn more money I started to learn about investment.

Other thing is that I safe money, but I don't buy cheap stuff with low quality, I don't buy overprice stuff either, I bought a good stuff with good quality with fairly higher price but it's durable and actually useful. It actually safe more money than buying low quality stuff even though it has lower price.

Things that I did wrong is that I was rushing to start a business that I actually not really understand. This really harmed my financial condition.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Ayers on October 04, 2023, 12:13:58 PM
Basically, we have to live a lifestyle that is in accordance with our income and of course we can enjoy it, sometimes what makes things difficult for us is a lifestyle that is not in accordance with our income. However, we can change the economic situation, as long as we can manage our income and expenses well. When income rises, expenses should not follow so that there will be a lot of remaining income that can be allocated to invest so that we can improve our lives in the future.

It's actually very simple to live life even though your income is very uncertain, because suggestions like what you said can also be very reasonable for everyone who wants to live a comfortable life without excessive burdens. Examples include establishing a simple lifestyle even though the income is large and sufficient to continue following a modern lifestyle.

But people who are smart in managing their finances will definitely not easily spend all their money into their lifestyle continuously if they know to put that money into more useful things such as investment and business aspects. This means that those who are smart in looking after their money will always make considerations when they want to spend their money on something so that they can continue to live more comfortably without feeling the burden of excessive difficulties in their own lives.

How do you have a life when income is very uncertain? I don't think it's that simple even if you have set up all the solutions you think you should because commodity prices are increasing day by day because of inflation. Not to mention there will be unexpected things happening in life that we cannot predict, if you have a very unstable income, how can you deal with that? There is no effective solution other than finding ways to increase income, but increasing income is not easy. Everyone wants to have more jobs to earn more income, but when the economy is in recession, finding a job is not easy. It's easy to say, but when you're in that situation, you'll see how difficult it is.
But of course everything has its solution but it's not as simple as what you say.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: tygeade on October 04, 2023, 05:03:10 PM
how can we possibly reduce the need for a need that exists, the name of a need is increasing day by day and not to mention the addition of commodity prices that continue to increase. In responding to this, we still have to increase our income and not depend on just one job. It would be better if you create an independent business opportunity through the knowledge and creativity you have. And don't forget for now to put aside first a desire to live luxuriously which only says prestige alone. So I agree that what we should do is to "increase income without having to reduce an obligation."
Decreasing your spending is not all that possible, do not let people who think that is possible to fool you, inflation will make sure that you can't live all that easily. I have seen plenty of people who try to argue that if they had 1 million dollars today, they could live off that for 50 years if they can live that long.

If you do not use it and turn that into an asset that gains value, just putting it in the bank may not be enough depending on where you live. Most people end up with something that would hurt you for a long time. I get that it may not be simple but you should be trying to do something that can help you one way or another. I believe that we are not going to end up with something that should not be doing anything special, I believe you could end up with a greater return whenever you can.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: so98nn on October 04, 2023, 05:34:19 PM
That's easy, you don't spend too much on the lifestyle and stay within the limits. I have learned this trick from a family that stays very close to us and is almost like a second family. In India, the neighborhood is always at its peak and there is a lot of sharing of thoughts, festival reunions, and bonding. I have seen that family living on minimum wage for many years. The condition is due to uneducated father and mother who is doing laborious work every day and if they earn something for that day then they would eat otherwise they would just let go of the dinner or lunch. They have a daughter who is doing her graduate studies. Her father made tremendous efforts by applying for the scholarship and then only it was possible for her to take admission in college. But he succeeded and finally, she is pursuing her dream education.

Fact though they have (almost) no money, still she takes care of her family by not being burdened with extra expenses. She would generally walk to college, do a part-time job, and survive on that money for her college needs.

The only thing they would avoid is going to any entertainment stuff (movies, concerts, paid trips, long tours etc), or they would use public transport for almost everyday and every commute. They avoid eating outside since that could eat up their days of ration in a single go! They would not go shopping where you have to flaunt fancy clothes and pay 10x the cost.

These are really small things that they keep doing but they are still happy in small bubbles. They still make it up to every function and cultural programs and festivals with everyone else. It feels no difference and they are happy about it.

I would say a simple life with a smile on your face all the time.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: |MINER| on October 04, 2023, 05:46:44 PM
Yes it is true that no matter how low class a person is he can support his family. Some live a very luxurious life and some live a very poor life.  But in this case, it can be seen that everyone is happy from their place. It is not possible to measure the happiness of people with money. However, money is an inevitable thing to fulfill basic needs.  Food, shelter, health or treatment are three very important elements. No class of people can live without these three.  It is possible to live without education but it is not possible to live without food. Even a minimum income person cannot live without these three.  You have presented the issues very nicely.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Negotiation on October 04, 2023, 06:30:49 PM
I would say a simple life with a smile on your face all the time.

I try to maximum time live in a very simple life with limited expenses but sometimes there are some problems is make difficult situations, I try to be happy and smile maximum the time. I want people around me to be good. What I have come to realize is that people who live very ordinary lives and are always happy are the ones who are most restless and even though physically they seem to be really happy. But on the side of danger, trouble always surrounds them.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: tjtonmoy on October 04, 2023, 06:34:34 PM
That's the logic I like better, thanks :)
But I'll add a correction too. For some reason you have chosen a model where someone works for someone else, i.e. for an employer. But this is one of the models. For example you can be an investor who just invests money, or you can work "for yourself" by creating your own business. Therefore, you are considering only one scenario. Not the best, but I agree - mass for the majority of the population. But in this option - disposes of remuneration ... the employer! And it depends only on him - what working conditions she offered you, and when he paid the money. Which in turn (we'll dismiss negative scenarios) may depend on the actions or inactions of other people.
Well here's the thing, either you are an employee or an employer. When you work for others, you are getting paid from them. And as you said about business, some other people are getting paid by you because they are working for you. Their living is coming through your hand. Or if you doing the whole business on your own, then you are selling things to get paid by others(buyers). The main focus is work. If you work, you get paid. I just used that example to prove this point.

More precisely in this case it all depends on the purchasing power of the people in your country... Doesn't reality look more logical ?
People like logical statements better. Because whether you are religious or not, it will make sense. But the logical things could be manipulated. Imagine someone talking total BS but he is able to explain that with some logic. People will believe that. This is what politicians do. Well, that's just another topic. But yeah, if something can be proven from every perspective, then we are bound to believe it. And work to earn is an eternal truth. So no doubt in that.

EDIT: I enjoyed this conversation a lot. Thanks for your time. 

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dothebeats on October 04, 2023, 07:05:35 PM
Yes it is true that no matter how low class a person is he can support his family. Some live a very luxurious life and some live a very poor life.  But in this case, it can be seen that everyone is happy from their place. It is not possible to measure the happiness of people with money. However, money is an inevitable thing to fulfill basic needs.  Food, shelter, health or treatment are three very important elements. No class of people can live without these three.  It is possible to live without education but it is not possible to live without food. Even a minimum income person cannot live without these three.  You have presented the issues very nicely.
While it is true that some people can live without education, we can't ignore the reality that such a thing makes life more difficult for them. In today's world, competition is everywhere and if you want to have an advantage education is always the way hence education is now seen as essential much like food, shelter, and health.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: livingfree on October 04, 2023, 11:06:54 PM
I know it's tough when you don't get that much income for your family. But starting to breakdown your expenses and list them will make you see the picture out of it.

You'll be able to find what are the unnecessary things that you need to cut down because it's just a waste of money when you spend and include it to your tight budgeting.

Also, if budgeting is still not enough, you need to find more source of income or if anyone in your family is already allowed to work too. Tell the situation so that you get to have a team work for your ease.
Really tough i should say, recommendations and suggestions been given here on this thread by most members might really that sounds easy but on the time that you are on such condition and living
on a country or place on which opportunities and benefits arent something that easily be attained then for sure it would really be so tough on getting out on such situation or condition.If you are really just that someone whose really that have that limited skillset and having that only one kind of expertise in regarding towards your job then going into other extent would really be something a risks.
You cant really just make out some actions or decisions that would really be costing up you money or putting up yourself on such risks on losing  your job because you had focused into other venture
on which focus and time might really be that greatly affected. Lets say that you have decided to take up some business which causes on compromising your priorities specially with your job
then you are really that putting yourself on danger on which you dont really have no choice but to ignore that kind of idea and would be sticking on something that gives you
that sure money or salary. You cant really just simply make out such decision.
It is a mistake when someone who's still employed and started his/her own business and then you're not performing well on your job. That's not what the company signed you for and you don't have to compromise your job just because you are having your own business.

From there, your professionalism is also at stake because you're showing to the company that you're not capable with that. It's hard as we've said but you need to show that you're eager in doing things on your own without compromising and sacrificing what you're up because you're paid there for your salary.

We've got ways of dealing this problem but make sure that you don't have to compromise what you're committed to.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: poodle63 on October 05, 2023, 12:17:15 AM
Yes it is true that no matter how low class a person is he can support his family. Some live a very luxurious life and some live a very poor life.  But in this case, it can be seen that everyone is happy from their place. It is not possible to measure the happiness of people with money. However, money is an inevitable thing to fulfill basic needs.  Food, shelter, health or treatment are three very important elements. No class of people can live without these three.  It is possible to live without education but it is not possible to live without food. Even a minimum income person cannot live without these three.  You have presented the issues very nicely.
While it is true that some people can live without education, we can't ignore the reality that such a thing makes life more difficult for them. In today's world, competition is everywhere and if you want to have an advantage education is always the way hence education is now seen as essential much like food, shelter, and health.
well having education is one way to make earning money for food become easier, i can't bother elaborating about how essential it is to have proper education in this modern world.
quite literally everything is based on education, even more so if you are ivy league graduate, you're literally gonna be accepted anywhere where the salary is proper for you.
you want to get into big fortune 100 company even FAANG its piece of cake for those ivy league graduates, but its definitely impossible for those without education, so basically by not getting education you isolate yourself from all the opportunity in this world to put it bluntly.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: slapper on October 05, 2023, 12:35:16 AM
That's easy, you don't spend too much on the lifestyle and stay within the limits. I have learned this trick from a family that stays very close to us and is almost like a second family. In India, the neighborhood is always at its peak and there is a lot of sharing of thoughts, festival reunions, and bonding. I have seen that family living on minimum wage for many years. The condition is due to uneducated father and mother who is doing laborious work every day and if they earn something for that day then they would eat otherwise they would just let go of the dinner or lunch. They have a daughter who is doing her graduate studies. Her father made tremendous efforts by applying for the scholarship and then only it was possible for her to take admission in college. But he succeeded and finally, she is pursuing her dream education.

Fact though they have (almost) no money, still she takes care of her family by not being burdened with extra expenses. She would generally walk to college, do a part-time job, and survive on that money for her college needs.

The only thing they would avoid is going to any entertainment stuff (movies, concerts, paid trips, long tours etc), or they would use public transport for almost everyday and every commute. They avoid eating outside since that could eat up their days of ration in a single go! They would not go shopping where you have to flaunt fancy clothes and pay 10x the cost.

These are really small things that they keep doing but they are still happy in small bubbles. They still make it up to every function and cultural programs and festivals with everyone else. It feels no difference and they are happy about it.

I would say a simple life with a smile on your face all the time.
Such stories are heartwarming. In today's fast-paced, consumerism-driven society, this family's approach to life reminds us what matters. This family's effort to live within their means and enjoy the simple things is admirable in a time when the economy encourages excess

Would our economy collapse if everyone practised minimalism? Or would it become more sustainable?

Material possessions don't guarantee happiness. Prefering public transport to pricey outings shows the family's strength and adaptability. They inspire by their dedication to education despite financial limits. Though basic, it was full of purpose and delight

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: wiss19 on October 05, 2023, 07:01:48 PM
There is one thing that I can say from my personal experience, and it is that you actually spend money based on how much you earn, which means that when you are earning a lot of money, you will see that there is a lot of money being spent, but if you are suddenly downgraded and now you are earning way less than before, you will see a considerable drop in your expenses in that period, you and the family will obviously start spending more carefully in that situation so things start to become manageable after a short while.

It happened to me in the last couple of years when I saw very bad times, I lost my job that was paying me very well and then I struggled to find a good job, and the jobs that I did in between were paying me way less than what I used to earn, maybe about 3x less, however, we used to manage as a family and we went through the hardships and things started to become good after that.

When you go from very good to bad, you actually learn a lot of things, and the main thing among them is that you start to understand the value of money that you might have not realized before when you had a lot of it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on October 05, 2023, 07:04:48 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

I would start by saying, if you don't have a stable income to take care of a family don't start one. Alot of problems can be avoided by not doing this because when you start a family that you can't take care of them you'll begin having problems like Feeding problem, education problem, housing problems and other problems. Also don't get married to a liability, don't marry a girl that you'll have to provide everything, for the rest of her life. You're getting a partner and not a entering into a sponsorships. You'll love your wife and provide for her but it shouldn't be a situation that if you don't have she can't take care of herself. Before marrying make sure she has something doing so the both of you can put food on the table as you can never know what the future holds for your current job.

In a circumstance that something unfortunate happens and you were comfortable when you go married but now your income and that of you wife isn't sufficient to take care of your family, here are some suggestions of mind, adding to what others have said;
  • Equip yourself and your wife with skills that's based online so you can apply for a job that you can use as your side hustle to take care of some bills that would had removed money from your income. Instantaneously when income isn't enough, the first thing to do is to get another job or do something to add more income.
  • As you get more income coming in, you reduced your expenses so you can have enough to take care of your family. You can change schools for your kids from private to government, change house to a less costly one to maintain and get rid of many liability that you have in the house.
  • You can then use the money which you'll get as extra after doing the second advice to invest in assets, you can invest in business that'll give you passive income or in assets like Bitcoin that gives capital gains. You can also pick interest in building a business that gives you cash flow to increase your income.
  • When you do all this and it goes as planned you can easily bounce back to your former self, and not to forget to plan your money before it comes as that helps you to live on the minimum budget but to other it seems you have enough but all you're doing is living on a budget.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: BitDane on October 05, 2023, 07:35:58 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

If the incoming fund does not suffice to meet the basic needs of 3x meal a day, then the family need to adjust by reducing the meal, or the provider looking for an additional source of income.  Very low does not necessarily means it is not enough for the basic needs.  These families manage well because they do plans and budgeting in order to make their income fit the budget.  The family is probably does not engage in extra spending and mostly each penny in their hands is smartly budgeted and allocate to needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: ice098 on October 05, 2023, 07:51:41 PM
If the incoming fund does not suffice to meet the basic needs of 3x meal a day, then the family need to adjust by reducing the meal, or the provider looking for an additional source of income.  Very low does not necessarily means it is not enough for the basic needs.  These families manage well because they do plans and budgeting in order to make their income fit the budget.  The family is probably does not engage in extra spending and mostly each penny in their hands is smartly budgeted and allocate to needs.

In our case, we did not reduce the number of meals per day but rather we decrease the amount per serving and also some ingredients for it. In that way we can still have the good number of meals per day and we can manage our finances so well. We are avoiding spending in house deliveries of foods and other items , maybe we will only by those things if there's special occasion. We prioritize things that we need over our necessities, inflation is hard here.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 05, 2023, 08:02:05 PM
In our case, we did not reduce the number of meals per day but rather we decrease the amount per serving and also some ingredients for it. In that way we can still have the good number of meals per day and we can manage our finances so well. We are avoiding spending in house deliveries of foods and other items , maybe we will only by those things if there's special occasion. We prioritize things that we need over our necessities, inflation is hard here.

It's the same thing, whether you reduce the number of servings or just the amount per serving - you eat less food. Good, nutritious food is an absolute basic need and you shouldn't be looking to save on that, unless you're out of any other saving options. Especially when you have kids - the amount and quality of food will have a huge effect on their development. Many people don't fully realise that.
If possible, try eat as close to the nature as possible, avoid processed foods, grow your own fruits/vegetables and hunt/fish yourself, if you have such possibility.
Ordering takeaways is the worst option possible: it's hardly ever fresh (usually get saggy in the transport), almost always unhealthy (produced with cheapest ingredients/fried in an old oil etc) and much more expensive than cooking yourself. I'd drop that completely.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: terrific on October 05, 2023, 08:04:43 PM
It happened to me in the last couple of years when I saw very bad times, I lost my job that was paying me very well and then I struggled to find a good job, and the jobs that I did in between were paying me way less than what I used to earn, maybe about 3x less, however, we used to manage as a family and we went through the hardships and things started to become good after that.
Many can relate to you. It is what happened to the most in the labor markets where most jobs were gone and many employees were laid offs by their companies.
That's the need that they're seeing and did it for the sake of their companies. While the competition is very tough, many does have to accept those low offers because of survival while waiting for a better opportunity.
Maybe this or by next years, things will be better for the employees that are earning in the minimum wage or even lower than that when most opportunities comes again to the majorty of us.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: panganib999 on October 05, 2023, 08:40:32 PM
When you're living under low wages, you really have no choice but to work with what you have, that includes budgeting, making sure that you don't fall out of line when it comes to your expenses, watching how much you spend over what you earn and what you are able to save, and all that stuff. You could look at applying for another job but understand that this comes with the consequences of not being able to have much time for yourself moving forward, since it's going to eat up on whatever time you have for yourself and for your family for the sake of money.

I say it's best to be low-earning and not have a family, you have better options and you can easily make decisions without taking the other person's feelings into account, but I understand that not everyone here has that liberty, to which I loop back with we should really work with what we have.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: blockman on October 05, 2023, 10:57:08 PM
In our case, we did not reduce the number of meals per day but rather we decrease the amount per serving and also some ingredients for it. In that way we can still have the good number of meals per day and we can manage our finances so well. We are avoiding spending in house deliveries of foods and other items , maybe we will only by those things if there's special occasion. We prioritize things that we need over our necessities, inflation is hard here.
Inflation sucks and we're all having hard time getting on the recovery for each of our lives just because of the effect of the covid pandemic. Before I was also into food deliveries as it saves me a lot of time in meal preparation and I just have to do what I have to do while waiting for the food to come. But with inflation, meal prices have also increased and I can feel already the regret if I do order a food for myself and for my family. It's best to cook on our own and just as you have said, one way is to decrease the serving if you are trying to save. And we're all economical and what we do is we cook for lunch and then whatever is the left over, we try to maximize it and reheat that for our snack or even in dinner. We just got to do whatever it takes for us to save money despite living with not a lot from our sources of income. Avoiding extensive spending habits should start and don't go with your friends that are pushing to spend a lot of money just to be in and be with them, they're not going to feed you and your family with their gimmicks and hang outs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: shinratensei_ on October 05, 2023, 11:07:38 PM
I would say a simple life with a smile on your face all the time.

I try to maximum time live in a very simple life with limited expenses but sometimes there are some problems is make difficult situations, I try to be happy and smile maximum the time. I want people around me to be good. What I have come to realize is that people who live very ordinary lives and are always happy are the ones who are most restless and even though physically they seem to be really happy. But on the side of danger, trouble always surrounds them.
thats true, people really don't show if they strangled in debts, most people under minimum wage might like happy but honestly they always have something going on that become fleething thoughts in their minds.
its still undeniable that having high income brings more happiness, the pressure of having debts alone is already nerve wracking sometime stressing out but there's nothing for people with minimum wage can do except slowly paying off their debts.
having more and more income as the time goes still the key but the question is how can we increase our income? since its easier said than done.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: alastantiger on October 05, 2023, 11:50:03 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

You have a lot of work to do to be able to avoid issues. This is a problem with a improper planning. I see no other way around this on. If your income is low then it is time to increase your certificate,.skillet so be more employable

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: HONDACD125 on October 06, 2023, 03:53:19 AM
When you're living under low wages, you really have no choice but to work with what you have, that includes budgeting, making sure that you don't fall out of line when it comes to your expenses, watching how much you spend over what you earn and what you are able to save, and all that stuff. You could look at applying for another job but understand that this comes with the consequences of not being able to have much time for yourself moving forward, since it's going to eat up on whatever time you have for yourself and for your family for the sake of money.

I say it's best to be low-earning and not have a family, you have better options and you can easily make decisions without taking the other person's feelings into account, but I understand that not everyone here has that liberty, to which I loop back with we should really work with what we have.

It is difficult for people who have low monthly salary or people with low income to meet their budget. Of course, we should not increase our expenses with our income, but there are some things that we need in every situation. So we cannot ignore these basic things. Time is a precious thing, which is very important for you and your family, but when the economic conditions are bad, instead of prioritizing time, you should prioritize improving your economic conditions.

In my opinion, family is very important in human life. It is not necessary if we cannot give more time to our family, but it is more important to give our family a better life and facilities. I think it is better to do two jobs than one, but having a family is very important, because the happiness of the family includes our happiness. Limiting your life to yourself can be a very difficult life.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: red4slash on October 06, 2023, 04:32:02 AM
In our case, we did not reduce the number of meals per day but rather we decrease the amount per serving and also some ingredients for it. In that way we can still have the good number of meals per day and we can manage our finances so well. We are avoiding spending in house deliveries of foods and other items , maybe we will only by those things if there's special occasion. We prioritize things that we need over our necessities, inflation is hard here.

It's the same thing, whether you reduce the number of servings or just the amount per serving - you eat less food. Good, nutritious food is an absolute basic need and you shouldn't be looking to save on that, unless you're out of any other saving options. Especially when you have kids - the amount and quality of food will have a huge effect on their development. Many people don't fully realise that.
If possible, try eat as close to the nature as possible, avoid processed foods, grow your own fruits/vegetables and hunt/fish yourself, if you have such possibility.
Ordering takeaways is the worst option possible: it's hardly ever fresh (usually get saggy in the transport), almost always unhealthy (produced with cheapest ingredients/fried in an old oil etc) and much more expensive than cooking yourself. I'd drop that completely.
It is not wise to reduce the number of servings or whatever it is per day, because it is a basic need that we cannot reduce in my opinion. You see, we have to stay healthy and one of the ways to achieve that is by eating enough and being nutritious, health has to be prioritized because it affects everything, for example, working has to be healthy, right?
I agree with you that taking food in nature is a very good thing. You can start by growing your own vegetables, after all it's now easy to garden with modern farming methods. I think it's possible, it just depends on whether we want to do it or not.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: uchegod-21 on October 06, 2023, 05:37:33 AM
I hear people say do not start up a family if your income is low but this is not applicable in all cases. A low income earner should as a matter of necessity order his wants according to their order of priority. Why spend things you do not need? Scale of preference is the solution here.
 A family who earns a very low income should not be in a competition with the next family. Go for good products and services but at affordable prices.  All expenses should be within the family's budget and not to impress anyone.
And while managing the family's scarce resources,  an alternative source of income should also be looked into.
Basically, we have to live a lifestyle that is in accordance with our income and of course we can enjoy it, sometimes what makes things difficult for us is a lifestyle that is not in accordance with our income. However, we can change the economic situation, as long as we can manage our income and expenses well. When income rises, expenses should not follow so that there will be a lot of remaining income that can be allocated to invest so that we can improve our lives in the future.
Yea, many will overlook this. They believe in "the higher the income,  the higher my expenses". Most times we make things difficult for ourselves. Once income rises, they go for expensive houses, cars, schools and many other expensive stuffs thereby giving little room for little or no investment. All this will only increase the suffering and hardship the more.
I am not saying we should still struggle financially even when we have more income,  live comfortably but spend wisely and save for the future, invest for the future.  Just make plans for the future so you don't need to run your family with low income for ages.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Lida93 on October 06, 2023, 07:02:14 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
When you know your income isn't enough to cover the whole needs of your family there are certain needs you'll have to drop and just like in a scale of preference the family only need those things that are very important that you can't do without. Just as @Abu-Naim said you cut the family expenses, there's no need trying to live a stupendous life to impress anyone. You don't choose what you want you allow your income do the choosing. The most reason people are in debt is because they are servicing a lifestyle that is above their paycheck and that's not a kind of lifestyle a family should keep under this economic hardship that's getting worsening by the day.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 06, 2023, 04:01:27 PM
When you're living under low wages, you really have no choice but to work with what you have, that includes budgeting, making sure that you don't fall out of line when it comes to your expenses, watching how much you spend over what you earn and what you are able to save, and all that stuff. You could look at applying for another job but understand that this comes with the consequences of not being able to have much time for yourself moving forward, since it's going to eat up on whatever time you have for yourself and for your family for the sake of money.

I think the major problem here is people accepting being "low-paid worker" as their identity, as something that cannot be changed. If you find yourself in a situation where your job is hardly earning you enough to survive, and there's no opportunity to move up internally, your priority should be finding a better-paid job. There are always some options.
Working minimum-wage jobs should be seen as temporary by default, but when people stay in them for too long, they get drained out of energy and they just accept it as something normal.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Gaza13 on October 06, 2023, 05:02:55 PM
One of the difficulties of managing finances with a low (small) salary requires extra commitment and patience, always thinking positively and focusing on the goals you have planned. There are times when we need to manage our expenses. Note down all the smallest things in our expenses And get used to the daily needs of the family. Build a habit of living frugally in any case. the solution in my opinion is to improve your skills and look for additional income,

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Egii Nna on October 06, 2023, 05:32:59 PM
Managing your household needs is simple if you can differentiate between what is very important in your life and those things that are just for the sake of a luxurious life and expensive things. When you, as the head of the family, have identified all these things and can differentiate them, then you will have to consider your income, whether it is daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. You can then create a budget for your income. With that, I think you can manage your life and provide the best possible for your family members. Even though it is low, you can still use the process.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MFahad on October 06, 2023, 06:10:54 PM
The first thing to do is to plan how to use your income. You should have a budget that guides your financial endeavors. You should also take note of the following.

1. Focus on only basic needs and reduce luxury to a large extent. Seek for a cheap alternative for the thing you buy.
2. Search for alternatives for making additional income. You might need to learn a new skill or get a certification.
3. Invest in durable products, don't be enticed by flashy but fragile products. You don't need to change any of your belongings when they are still in good shape.
4. Cut the cost of living by reducing your expenses. You can decide to use public transport instead of driving or moving to a cheaper accommodation. 
5. Pay attention to your health. Don't joke with exercise, healthy food, and hygiene. It is cheaper to maintain your health than to seek medical attention when ill.

Try to know about your spending that on which things you are spending money if you find out something that is not necessary then leave spending on it. This will make you more economical so you can manage your income in right way.

Presently you cannot get the additional job because finding a single job is very difficult for a person so if you fail to find alternative way of earning then just stop using money in unnecessary things so you will have no need to worry about your expenses.

Investment in risky asset is not wise decision therefore don't try to alter your investment into gambling and thing positively as your active mind will help you more than you luck.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on October 06, 2023, 06:47:29 PM
Managing your household needs is simple if you can differentiate between what is very important in your life and those things that are just for the sake of a luxurious life and expensive things. When you, as the head of the family, have identified all these things and can differentiate them, then you will have to consider your income, whether it is daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. You can then create a budget for your income. With that, I think you can manage your life and provide the best possible for your family members. Even though it is low, you can still use the process.

Yes, it’s true that identifying what is necessary for your family is very important and will help you to manage your family needs without any worry. However, when your income is low, you will definitely need to have a low budget that will suit your income so that you will not be running around owing people money and collecting loans, because that is what affects people now. They don’t consider their ways of income before making a decision to purchase something, which is very bad.

However, many people today like competition. When a friend gets something, they also have the intention of getting the same thing, forgetting that our destiny is not the same, and competition always results in bad things like stealing, rituals, and other things that cannot help our lives.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Pingrapole on October 08, 2023, 12:31:22 AM
We should really focus on the basics first, and then we should look at the expenses if I don't have any problem removing myself from those expenses firstly it will be very difficult But if possible, remove yourself from those needs that seem luxurious or socially uncomfortable because society will not support you with money only insults so don't look at society look at your own good then you will see when you are good then society will judge you well then you will like that i was right.Personal income may be less today may be less tomorrow may be more so wait and patiently ask God then you will see that you are happy with less money if you have more money you will see more danger This is normal so learn to make the best use of little money like if you use a car don't use it now use other vehicles where you Eat with your family when you're eating and drinking in a better place.The last thing is to save little by little, people never have crores of rupees saved for work needs, so learn to save little by little, then you will see that one day you will Owners of property are tiny little girls, not dots of water, seas, oceans. Look at this saying. People may have very little income from your income, but they are happy and you If you don't fulfill the basic needs, maybe there will be some problems, but You will see the solution to your problem gradually. At last, I can say you go well, and your problem will be solved, and you will be back to your previous position.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dothebeats on October 08, 2023, 01:31:42 AM
One of the difficulties of managing finances with a low (small) salary requires extra commitment and patience, always thinking positively and focusing on the goals you have planned. There are times when we need to manage our expenses. Note down all the smallest things in our expenses And get used to the daily needs of the family. Build a habit of living frugally in any case. the solution in my opinion is to improve your skills and look for additional income,
I completely agree with you. The ultimate answer to the problem is to find additional sources of income while ensuring that we are spending our money smartly. You see the problem with people who think that once they get an additional source of income everything will start playing out well for them is that they also start spending money more as they feel like they have more money now, what they fail to see is that additional income doesn't mean more money to spend but money to save.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: mamesso on October 08, 2023, 04:47:31 AM
Very low personal income to meet life's needs is a challenge in itself, requiring hard work and effective strategies to manage finances so that needs can be met. Managing finances with a small salary is not easy, but that doesn't mean you can't do it. As long as you are disciplined in implementing financial management strategies, your financial condition will remain well maintained. The first step so that the strategy for managing finances continues to run is to record expenses to find out which expenses are important and which are not important.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Peanutswar on October 08, 2023, 05:17:56 AM
One of my major concerns first is to pay all the possible debts because you can't repeat seeking money to other people if they didn't pay those debts, I consider this as one of the important, next is to have the daily needs, and bills so you don't need to check it every time if you paid on time most of us right now these is a must so you don't need to forget it included this are the food and clothes for the remaining is the savings and needs its ideal if the savings is higher than needs this save you up for your emergency funds, I know not all people have this possible routine and afraid to take a risk to find another job or sideline but this is life there's no luck on it, better to make more strategy than you don't eat for a whole day. Also, the government can't already cater to the number of people seeking financial assistance. One another burden part is you are the eldest among siblings you are the responsible for your families needs too so you need to grind more than before unlike you are alone living.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on October 09, 2023, 03:06:47 PM
One of my major concerns first is to pay all the possible debts because you can't repeat seeking money to other people if they didn't pay those debts, I consider this as one of the important, next is to have the daily needs, and bills so you don't need to check it every time if you paid on time most of us right now these is a must so you don't need to forget it included this are the food and clothes for the remaining is the savings and needs its ideal if the savings is higher than needs this save you up for your emergency funds, I know not all people have this possible routine and afraid to take a risk to find another job or sideline but this is life there's no luck on it, better to make more strategy than you don't eat for a whole day. Also, the government can't already cater to the number of people seeking financial assistance. One another burden part is you are the eldest among siblings you are the responsible for your families needs too so you need to grind more than before unlike you are alone living.
Many people can relate to what you have said including myself. I do listing of all my needs and expenses to keep on track with every amount of money that was spend. Excluding to buy the unnecessary things and focus only to the needs likes food, rent, utilities, vitamins, emergency fund and savings. For utilities, I always try to keep the use to minimum. If unused, better to unplug the appliances.

Trying to have another source of income for instances or if ever there's unexpected thing that happen would be better. This is to avoid having debts that will make our life even harder as having debts really destroy how we manage our finances in a monthly basis.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dothebeats on October 09, 2023, 05:08:41 PM
One of my major concerns first is to pay all the possible debts because you can't repeat seeking money to other people if they didn't pay those debts, I consider this as one of the important, next is to have the daily needs, and bills so you don't need to check it every time if you paid on time most of us right now these is a must so you don't need to forget it included this are the food and clothes for the remaining is the savings and needs its ideal if the savings is higher than needs this save you up for your emergency funds, I know not all people have this possible routine and afraid to take a risk to find another job or sideline but this is life there's no luck on it, better to make more strategy than you don't eat for a whole day. Also, the government can't already cater to the number of people seeking financial assistance. One another burden part is you are the eldest among siblings you are the responsible for your families needs too so you need to grind more than before unlike you are alone living.
Many people can relate to what you have said including myself. I do listing of all my needs and expenses to keep on track with every amount of money that was spend. Excluding to buy the unnecessary things and focus only to the needs likes food, rent, utilities, vitamins, emergency fund and savings. For utilities, I always try to keep the use to minimum. If unused, better to unplug the appliances.

Trying to have another source of income for instances or if ever there's unexpected thing that happen would be better. This is to avoid having debts that will make our life even harder as having debts really destroy how we manage our finances in a monthly basis.

Same here! I always keep track of all the expenses I had during the week, I also ensure to keep track of every cent I gain to ensure that I am informed of just how much I can allocate for the week's food and utilities needed. Additionally, I also started meal planning so I have a general idea of what ingredients I'll be needing to buy and just how much I can spend on food. Takeouts can only be done once a week, either Saturday or Sunday as a reward for my long week of working (I usually go for the cheapest fastfoods I can find). Although some may think that it takes a lot of effort and time to list down everything, the effort is worth it for me as it keeps me on track with my budget.

I also agree with you with finding additional source of income as you can never go wrong with that as long as it is legal.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: GxSTxV on October 09, 2023, 05:24:55 PM
I would like to discuss my own personal experience and how I learned from my dad who managed to keep us filled even with a low income. I must say that I have learned a lot from him as I have grown up and responsibilities increase with age. My father with three children and a wife, was the only provider for our family on a limited income as he held the same stable job for over 15 years. He ensured that we focus in our studies and taught us that money isn't everything in life. He also showed us how to find happiness in simple things without being fancy.

As I started working and earning money by myself, I came across many experiences that made me realize that with the same salary my dad had when I was young, he could feed us and cover all our expenses for a month without any issues. But I faced financial difficulties with the same income, only to discover that money management is more important than the amount of income itself.
I learned the importance of saving for unexpected emergencies, such as medical conditions and accidents, and when to invest.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: EluguHcman on October 09, 2023, 05:53:19 PM
First I would say the ability to hold the family stance is capitalized on the providers capacity and ability to manage a home before considering the rate of his income.
There are people who receives high and higher incomes and yet it seems not enough to run the family and not even on the fact that he has other necessity to tackle or he is saving to realize capital for an investment other than governing a family.

Talking about managing a family with a low income is depends on the impression the provider has invested on the family such as nurturing the family on extravagant or complex lifestyle living.
Hence... You can manage your low income with family my living according to your income rate of possible a minimal to your income because there is surely of other issues arising that is gazed at financial problem.
So the family must live a low cost rate as to befit the low income without exceeding the rate of the of the providers income.
There is no acceptable advice to watch your family crawling on hunger and shelterless or even facing health issues all in the name of financial economization (savings).

There are terms to overlook or minimize considering a low rate income such as>>>
* Mindful of quality of food and the squares of meal and other consumptions.
* Quality of the family's engagement pertaining bills.
* Conciousness of health as not to trigger unnecessary expenses or escalation of expensive expenses as to manage health care.
* Eliminations of self pleasures.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Vaskiy on October 09, 2023, 05:59:54 PM
Live with what is available. There is a common statement used by the older generation, "born poor is not our mistake, but dying poor is our mistake". We can continue our life, making calculation based on what we save and what all the expenses need to be met in that particular month. Through the traditional statement I would like to suggest to extend the connections and make yourself better earning person. This is possible, when we're ready to work on it.

If a single person is earning and the family is suffering low income, maybe the other can also find some job. One person's earning can be kept for savings and investment. Another person's earning can be used for all the life needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: cabron on October 09, 2023, 06:37:37 PM
Live with what is available. There is a common statement used by the older generation, "born poor is not our mistake, but dying poor is our mistake". We can continue our life, making calculation based on what we save and what all the expenses need to be met in that particular month. Through the traditional statement I would like to suggest to extend the connections and make yourself better earning person. This is possible, when we're ready to work on it.

If a single person is earning and the family is suffering low income, maybe the other can also find some job. One person's earning can be kept for savings and investment. Another person's earning can be used for all the life needs.

You're in the family together so there must be expected cooperation to contribute to the earnings of the family.  If some people take second jobs to survive, someone else in the family contributes to pay the bills will be a relief for the father who already has a hard time earning a few dollars a day.

But while the money is not flowing well, it's best to just control the spending. People today already are in this situation, living paycheck to paycheck and it's hard to see children today will not go to school because of the economy.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Lanatsa on October 09, 2023, 06:56:45 PM
Live with what is available. There is a common statement used by the older generation, "born poor is not our mistake, but dying poor is our mistake". We can continue our life, making calculation based on what we save and what all the expenses need to be met in that particular month. Through the traditional statement I would like to suggest to extend the connections and make yourself better earning person. This is possible, when we're ready to work on it.

If a single person is earning and the family is suffering low income, maybe the other can also find some job. One person's earning can be kept for savings and investment. Another person's earning can be used for all the life needs.

You're in the family together so there must be expected cooperation to contribute to the earnings of the family.  If some people take second jobs to survive, someone else in the family contributes to pay the bills will be a relief for the father who already has a hard time earning a few dollars a day.

But while the money is not flowing well, it's best to just control the spending. People today already are in this situation, living paycheck to paycheck and it's hard to see children today will not go to school because of the economy.
Lucky for you as a Father who do have a children that really having those kind of concern when it comes to family income and supporting whenever someone in need because we know that not all  sons/daughters would really be having those kind of concern or thoughts specially inside the family but rather on the time that they would really be able to get their job then they would really be likely on being that going solo and wont really be minding about giving some help or support to other family members on which this is indeed the fact or reality of this world. This is why as a Father then it would really be always on setting out aside some savings which are really that intended solely for emergencies or into those situations on which you would really be needing up that kind of funding to support whenever there's a hardship.

Never ever make yourself that anticipating on getting some help from your children because you cant really be that so sure that you would really be getting any help from them when time comes. This is why before you would really be making yourself getting involved or attached with married life then its always been that suggested or recommendable that you should really be that save up as much as you can and having that proper financial planning so that you wont really be struggling when the time comes. After that on which on the time that you are already running on your own then it would be always ideal on living
by your means and not with your wants then you would be finding yourself that having a good financial life on which you wont really be having that headache.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on October 09, 2023, 07:06:07 PM
Sharing this photo that might help you to reflect on your current life status
Photo from facebook

The key takeaway here is to get yourself out of debt, in all honesty, I'm in debt to various people, friends, and relatives. I got in debt from my previous situations where I really needed money for some emergencies that I have not been prepared for. Having a low income sucks, especially when you don't really have an option, or trying to get other options, but do yourself a favor to no borrow or loan because this where the most problem will start. Try to save as much as you can, may not be that much but small savings could help. Be debt free, or pay your debts first before anything else without sacrificing your daily needs. Once you got out take a portion, even not 15%, just take time to know what you are investing on and you're investment will be worth.

I've been thinking a lot after seeing this photo, reflecting on my next steps in life, hopefully I'll be able to follow these baby steps and live out a happy and contented life.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 09, 2023, 10:14:36 PM
The key takeaway here is to get yourself out of debt, in all honesty, I'm in debt to various people, friends, and relatives. I got in debt from my previous situations where I really needed money for some emergencies that I have not been prepared for. Having a low income sucks, especially when you don't really have an option, or trying to get other options, but do yourself a favor to no borrow or loan because this where the most problem will start. Try to save as much as you can, may not be that much but small savings could help. Be debt free, or pay your debts first before anything else without sacrificing your daily needs. Once you got out take a portion, even not 15%, just take time to know what you are investing on and you're investment will be worth.

I've been thinking a lot after seeing this photo, reflecting on my next steps in life, hopefully I'll be able to follow these baby steps and live out a happy and contented life.

If that image has helped you change your mindset, that's fine. But it's more of a general, common-sense advice rather than a plan. If you have a massive debt, i.e. a student loan, then you should probably focus on: 1) graduating; and 2) use your degree to put yourself on the right career track that will earn you serious money eventually.
Times are changing and what was a good advice 10 or 20 years ago, might not work as well in the current day.
Focusing on being debt-free at a young age is not always the best way to go. It's usually better to take some risk, go into debt to get solid qualifications and increase your income, rather than be stuck in a dead-end job for decades.
Also, the $1,000 emergency fund is way too small. The general rule of thumb says it should be at least x6 times your monthly wages. I suspect that image is from quite some time ago.

But best of luck in getting out of debt and improving your life. Don't give up on yourself.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Pejoh Asu on October 10, 2023, 09:54:07 AM
The cost of living is very much determined by location or place, as we know that the cost of living in cities is certainly greater than in villages, almost everything has to be purchased from water, gas, electricity and so on, in most villages in my country there are still many houses that don't want to have electricity and living. It's still traditional so the cost of living is very low, of course I can do this when I have a low income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: ShowOff on October 10, 2023, 10:12:40 AM
I know that everyone has different ways of managing their living needs according to their income. About me, of course I just try my best and try my best not to disturb each other.

So far I have 3 parts that I have to fulfill from my total monthly income. The first 40% is for living expenses and family needs, the second 30% is for investments, while the other 30% is for the reserve budget including unexpected costs and charity. Of course this is a percentage that I can't always maintain consistently, but it is a reflection of how I have managed my finances over the years. It doesn't matter if you and I have different ways, but as long as it's good for ourselves then I don't find a problem in how to manage it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: doomloop on October 10, 2023, 03:11:30 PM
One of the difficulties of managing finances with a low (small) salary requires extra commitment and patience, always thinking positively and focusing on the goals you have planned. There are times when we need to manage our expenses. Note down all the smallest things in our expenses And get used to the daily needs of the family. Build a habit of living frugally in any case. the solution in my opinion is to improve your skills and look for additional income,
The solution is cutting down your expenses, getting another job or source of income is a different topic and we are talking about how one can manage their finances if they have a low range income, so though it's true that one should try and get another source of income on the side to make things easier but what if one isn't able to do that? They will also need to manage somehow, right? I believe spending money more carefully should do the job and make one able to manage things even with a low-range income.

I've been through it. I had a high-paying remote job that used to pay me more than what I needed for my monthly expenses, I was able to save some money and buy everything we needed for the house, and then unfortunately, I lost that job, and then I struggled for about a year, having to manage with a low-income job which was obviously difficult but it thought me how one can manage with the little they have.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: NewRanger on October 10, 2023, 04:07:29 PM
The solution is cutting down your expenses, getting another job or source of income is a different topic and we are talking about how one can manage their finances if they have a low range income, so though it's true that one should try and get another source of income on the side to make things easier but what if one isn't able to do that? They will also need to manage somehow, right? I believe spending money more carefully should do the job and make one able to manage things even with a low-range income.

I've been through it. I had a high-paying remote job that used to pay me more than what I needed for my monthly expenses, I was able to save some money and buy everything we needed for the house, and then unfortunately, I lost that job, and then I struggled for about a year, having to manage with a low-income job which was obviously difficult but it thought me how one can manage with the little they have.

That's right, and I think it's our job to take it easy, whether we can afford it or not, circumstances will tell us.

Maybe, something similar has also been felt, not only by you, but certainly by other people. This is indeed undesirable and there are many important reasons why things change and it is definitely not our will.

This will be a challenge in itself because if you are able to manage it well and survive with limited financial conditions where all daily primary and secondary needs are increasing at this time.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Y3shot on October 10, 2023, 05:37:00 PM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things. When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: batang_bitcoin on October 10, 2023, 11:48:56 PM
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things.
Yes, talks can be done to make everyone understand what your financial situation is. Because if someone keeps on demanding or asking for more but you can't give it anymore, it's visible what the problem is.

When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.
And if they can't really adjust by all means then there's only one way of doing it and that's to help each other, find jobs or other source of income. A lot of families does this and helping each other to keep up with the bills and to make ends meet.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on October 11, 2023, 12:26:54 AM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things. When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.
that might works sometime but you know sometime there is some people that really lack of responsibility doesn't understand the consequences, but at least everyone in the family knows that there's something needs to be fixed since the budgeting already disclosed and properly managed.
still i would honestly say that its better to increase the income so that some problems gets automatically fixed.
therefore its essential to keep learning and learning to have skills and therefore increase the income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: xSkylarx on October 11, 2023, 01:58:05 AM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things. When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.
that might works sometime but you know sometime there is some people that really lack of responsibility doesn't understand the consequences, but at least everyone in the family knows that there's something needs to be fixed since the budgeting already disclosed and properly managed.
still i would honestly say that its better to increase the income so that some problems gets automatically fixed.
therefore its essential to keep learning and learning to have skills and therefore increase the income.

By telling your partner or your family about your financial status it can ease the burden on your mind which can be good for you mentally. Though it won't solve the problem it is a short-term solution so that when you are still looking for another source of income or even finding a new job they can still help you by budgeting money and lessening their expenses. Even myself I will open up about this because they can still support and help me in this kind of situation and then after that find another source of income for fixing that problem.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: NewRanger on October 11, 2023, 03:47:03 PM
I know that everyone has different ways of managing their living needs according to their income. About me, of course I just try my best and try my best not to disturb each other.

So far I have 3 parts that I have to fulfill from my total monthly income. The first 40% is for living expenses and family needs, the second 30% is for investments, while the other 30% is for the reserve budget including unexpected costs and charity. Of course this is a percentage that I can't always maintain consistently, but it is a reflection of how I have managed my finances over the years. It doesn't matter if you and I have different ways, but as long as it's good for ourselves then I don't find a problem in how to manage it.

I personally find the figures you give quite interesting and my assumption is that if you have a family, 40% feels right for a small family, but the figures above, if there are 6 members in the mass family, there must be additional subsidies because the price of primary needs is currently at the cost of everyone.

That's right, variations definitely exist and I myself usually plot 80% of my salary at home, 15% for my operations and sometimes I also slot savings funds and set aside 5% of my income per month for social activities in community life, especially since it is part of our extended family, for example visiting someone who is sick or going to an invitation to a family party.

Even myself I will open up about this because they can still support and help me in this kind of situation and then after that find another source of income for fixing that problem.

If you are open to each other and understand each other's financial conditions, especially your wife, this is the most effective medicine in maintaining family integrity as well as encouragement to seek additional income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Inwestour on October 11, 2023, 07:34:34 PM
I know that everyone has different ways of managing their living needs according to their income. About me, of course I just try my best and try my best not to disturb each other.

So far I have 3 parts that I have to fulfill from my total monthly income. The first 40% is for living expenses and family needs, the second 30% is for investments, while the other 30% is for the reserve budget including unexpected costs and charity. Of course this is a percentage that I can't always maintain consistently, but it is a reflection of how I have managed my finances over the years. It doesn't matter if you and I have different ways, but as long as it's good for ourselves then I don't find a problem in how to manage it.
The ability to manage finances needs to be developed at a very early stage, even when you have a very small income, which is only enough for the essentials, learn to save even in the most difficult times. As you increase your income, the amount you save will increase and this will allow you to invest more, but at the same time your standard of living will also improve. The most important thing is to maintain the habit of saving and investing when it becomes possible.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: cafter on October 11, 2023, 08:22:56 PM
Here is how my father handles our family's finances: My father's salary is 70% less than that of other people in our category because he has no formal education and works as a manual laborer.
Because of this, we have to be very frugal and watch every penny we spend. Each purchase is carefully thought out and everyone in the family is aware of the financial situation.
We don't spend on luxuries because we have to make ends meet.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: xSkylarx on October 12, 2023, 02:09:42 AM
I know that everyone has different ways of managing their living needs according to their income. About me, of course I just try my best and try my best not to disturb each other.

So far I have 3 parts that I have to fulfill from my total monthly income. The first 40% is for living expenses and family needs, the second 30% is for investments, while the other 30% is for the reserve budget including unexpected costs and charity. Of course this is a percentage that I can't always maintain consistently, but it is a reflection of how I have managed my finances over the years. It doesn't matter if you and I have different ways, but as long as it's good for ourselves then I don't find a problem in how to manage it.
The ability to manage finances needs to be developed at a very early stage, even when you have a very small income, which is only enough for the essentials, learn to save even in the most difficult times. As you increase your income, the amount you save will increase and this will allow you to invest more, but at the same time your standard of living will also improve. The most important thing is to maintain the habit of saving and investing when it becomes possible.

Just simply owning a piggy bank when you are a child means that if you have coins you will put them there because you know you can buy a toy if it is already full. Even in small amounts you can save it because later on it will accumulate. The problem right now is that the mindset of saving is that you'll be putting bigger than a penny into it which is why others got discouraged from saving a penny. So if we practice it then for sure even in hard times we can still save so it really depends on our discipline and mindset.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bitterguy28 on October 12, 2023, 03:21:44 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

I listed some advices with Quotes.

I will also record some more advice in my diary....
I also experienced something like this in the past years when everything that I gain was disposed in gambling so i come to the point that almost every expenses comes from credits and debits.
then the time comes of payment and yes I need to give almost every monthly work payment to those credit.

What I did to survive? i Let my wife do Business online specially in pandemic days when the demand  for food online is truly that high.

and yes until now we are doing the business and yes this gives us almost half of our investments now.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 12, 2023, 05:53:15 AM
I know that everyone has different ways of managing their living needs according to their income. About me, of course I just try my best and try my best not to disturb each other.

So far I have 3 parts that I have to fulfill from my total monthly income. The first 40% is for living expenses and family needs, the second 30% is for investments, while the other 30% is for the reserve budget including unexpected costs and charity. Of course this is a percentage that I can't always maintain consistently, but it is a reflection of how I have managed my finances over the years. It doesn't matter if you and I have different ways, but as long as it's good for ourselves then I don't find a problem in how to manage it.
The ability to manage finances needs to be developed at a very early stage, even when you have a very small income, which is only enough for the essentials, learn to save even in the most difficult times. As you increase your income, the amount you save will increase and this will allow you to invest more, but at the same time your standard of living will also improve. The most important thing is to maintain the habit of saving and investing when it becomes possible.

Just simply owning a piggy bank when you are a child means that if you have coins you will put them there because you know you can buy a toy if it is already full. Even in small amounts you can save it because later on it will accumulate. The problem right now is that the mindset of saving is that you'll be putting bigger than a penny into it which is why others got discouraged from saving a penny. So if we practice it then for sure even in hard times we can still save so it really depends on our discipline and mindset.

Yes that's right, in my opinion when people have money they only prioritize the current lifestyle with a luxurious style followed by branded items such as clothing vehicles and gadgets only a few people who when they have money they prioritize saving or investing, indeed there is nothing wrong with following the current lifestyle but there will be a future that must be prepared for themselves even they will have their own families who will be their responsibility.

The mindset that exists in young people may indeed be to follow the current luxurious lifestyle as expensive as the current lifestyle if they can afford it they will fulfill it but they should also think about saving for their future or opening a long-term business with a good income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: AicecreaME on October 12, 2023, 09:45:24 AM
It's amazing how people with low income made it, like they gave their children education and finished college with a degree.

I came from a poor family where my only mom raised us with my sister and finished our college with only earning $3 per day. If I'm not mistaken she always borrow money in advance to support our needs in our home and school. She never bought anything for herself, she prioritize our needs above all else. So the key here I think is never spend more than what you can afford, be contented and never gave up on your dreams.

Always budget the money no matter how little it is. Spend the money wisely and ignore the wants but always prioritize your needs first.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 12, 2023, 11:55:45 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Living frugally in unstable financial conditions is the best way to avoid excessive spending. The concept of having a family is to minimize expenses for clothing, food and shelter, this is deemed necessary to avoid excessive spending in uncertain economic conditions like now. If someone cannot manage their life well then whatever level of income we get will not be enough to fulfill our lifestyle. If the income we get is below our daily needs, it will be very problematic if we cannot manage it properly and this is where someone needs to be precise in managing finances.

A simple lifestyle must be adopted in unstable economic conditions and as much as possible we must spend money only on what is needed. Managing finances may be very difficult and not as easy as we are talking about, but everyone must have a strategy to avoid this problem if they want to live a calm and fulfilled life.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: terrific on October 12, 2023, 12:00:49 PM
It's amazing how people with low income made it, like they gave their children education and finished college with a degree.

I came from a poor family where my only mom raised us with my sister and finished our college with only earning $3 per day. If I'm not mistaken she always borrow money in advance to support our needs in our home and school. She never bought anything for herself, she prioritize our needs above all else. So the key here I think is never spend more than what you can afford, be contented and never gave up on your dreams.

Always budget the money no matter how little it is. Spend the money wisely and ignore the wants but always prioritize your needs first.
I can relate.
They're like the real heroes of lives and most of them are just silent heroes that don't discuss their struggles as they provide our needs.
I don't know how things became possible but they're the greatest providers despite the struggles that they've dealt.
So if someone who's still looking for some tips, maybe the first one to ask are their parents.  8)

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Questat on October 12, 2023, 12:08:03 PM
We'd rather not think big and add more unnecessary stuff.
 - because at the moment we aim high, being jealous of others for their luxurious life, and the tendency to compromise our finances.

That is why we should be certain of our expenses and keep them low. It was very difficult honestly and many things could be sacrificed. A reason why we shouldn't make our life too easy and contented with having that situation if we know that there is a way to help it out and live even better.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Cookdata on October 12, 2023, 12:24:31 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

I will also record some more advice in my diary....

Here is the thing.
Family is a group of people father, mother and children, in some cases extended families all leave together and this is first started by two people. Now, my problem is not about how they start the family but the question is, do you have what it takes to start a family? Why marry in the first place when yiu are not financially buoyant and capable, don't dare bring a child in this world to come and suffocate them with the hardship of this economy. If you must be ready to start a family, the two must be financially stable to start and if you must born, do it on the budget you have at hand, don't litter everywhere with offsprings and come and blame the government for your own choice, that been said.

However, on average about hardship we are all facing, it is indisputable to say that things are right, inflation is worst right now, they are about to announce the new CPI in some minutes as I'm writing this( in 6 minutes) but we even we complain all days, we can't wait for government solution, you are the solution and you need to fix the main thing.

The solution to this finances is to increase your income, double where your income comes from and if you must do extra job to live upto a good standard of living, that is what you must do.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Bushdark on October 12, 2023, 06:45:55 PM
We'd rather not think big and add more unnecessary stuff.
 - because at the moment we aim high, being jealous of others for their luxurious life, and the tendency to compromise our finances.

That is why we should be certain of our expenses and keep them low. It was very difficult honestly and many things could be sacrificed. A reason why we shouldn't make our life too easy and contented with having that situation if we know that there is a way to help it out and live even better.

Some if the ways we can meet to our income standard is to reduce the rate on how we spend on whether we have family or not. There are people that spend more than there income and it is very bad of us if we indulge in that kind of lifestyle. We need to always weigh how often we spend our money to avoid unnecessary insult or having to go and borrow from people around us. There is need for us to make a plan for all our expenses so we can know which one and how we ought to spend our money. Those do not make plan, plan to fail and we need to always put everything we do on plan.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 13, 2023, 01:34:09 PM
We'd rather not think big and add more unnecessary stuff.
 - because at the moment we aim high, being jealous of others for their luxurious life, and the tendency to compromise our finances.

That is why we should be certain of our expenses and keep them low. It was very difficult honestly and many things could be sacrificed. A reason why we shouldn't make our life too easy and contented with having that situation if we know that there is a way to help it out and live even better.

Some if the ways we can meet to our income standard is to reduce the rate on how we spend on whether we have family or not. There are people that spend more than there income and it is very bad of us if we indulge in that kind of lifestyle. We need to always weigh how often we spend our money to avoid unnecessary insult or having to go and borrow from people around us. There is need for us to make a plan for all our expenses so we can know which one and how we ought to spend our money. Those do not make plan, plan to fail and we need to always put everything we do on plan.

Yes, it is true but not everyone can be like that but most of them are bigger expenses than the income they get. this is what must be addressed by considering the expenditure of basic needs and the need to meet the current lifestyle, they must limit the current trend of lifestyle spending with luxury items or brands. and right as you said to avoid borrowing from others.

Some people only prioritize the need to meet the current lifestyle compared to their basic needs, precisely when we don't have a family, this is our chance to prepare it, it can be by saving or investing, it can even be by having your own business, no matter how small the business is, as long as it produces it, do it well.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Dickiy on October 13, 2023, 03:33:46 PM
Some if the ways we can meet to our income standard is to reduce the rate on how we spend on whether we have family or not. There are people that spend more than there income and it is very bad of us if we indulge in that kind of lifestyle. We need to always weigh how often we spend our money to avoid unnecessary insult or having to go and borrow from people around us. There is need for us to make a plan for all our expenses so we can know which one and how we ought to spend our money. Those do not make plan, plan to fail and we need to always put everything we do on plan.

Well that's right one of the ways that we can still balance between expenses and income is by managing our own finances, management will always be the best way to balance. True, no matter if you are married or not but certainly management, especially in terms of finance, must be formed from an early age, sometimes there are already some of them who are still confused about what is meant by "wants and needs", not infrequently the two things are confused, which is where they really want the item when in fact it will not provide any benefit or reciprocity for their lives, they assume that it is a necessity, but I honestly say they cannot distinguish which is meant by wants and needs, obviously if you want something just for lifestyle then it is your desire to always look perfect.

That's right, as I mentioned above, management is very important in any case especially in finance, allocate money only for something we really need and don't let you misinterpret between needs and wants, after that if you have money left over from needs then it's better to save it for future needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on October 13, 2023, 03:52:31 PM
As a member of the family, when things are not working as expected, then it's high time to restrategize and make new moves, first of all, i will engage every member on doing something that could bring in an opportunity for independency for them, they can learn trade, develop skills, or look for menial jobs to do and earn from them, everyone cannot continue sitting down at home expecting a change to come up, we will take steps and act upon them, there won't be any form of overdependency on one single person, everyone will have to go out and look for opportunities and be independent.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bestcoins1 on October 13, 2023, 03:53:01 PM
Yes, it is true but not everyone can be like that but most of them are bigger expenses than the income they get. this is what must be addressed by considering the expenditure of basic needs and the need to meet the current lifestyle, they must limit the current trend of lifestyle spending with luxury items or brands. and right as you said to avoid borrowing from others.
Avoiding borrowing from other people can start by not following too much of a luxurious lifestyle which you may not need to fulfill if your income is very limited. I also agree with your opinion because consideration of spending money on basic needs should be the main basis for everyone in spending money on what they need, but I exclude people whose income is greater. Because those with large incomes can easily follow the lifestyle trends they want.

Some people only prioritize the need to meet the current lifestyle compared to their basic needs, precisely when we don't have a family, this is our chance to prepare it, it can be by saving or investing, it can even be by having your own business, no matter how small the business is, as long as it produces it, do it well.
For some people who still live alone or don't have a family to support, of course they have to be smart enough to take advantage of opportunities to build a brighter future. Even though everyone must continue to work and hope for good luck with their discipline in managing the money and income they get through their work, because if during their single years someone is still quite generous in using money, of course they will find it very difficult to organize their future for the better.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Litzki1990 on October 13, 2023, 05:14:53 PM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things. When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.
We have to spend according to our income every month. If the amount of money we earn every month, at the end of the month, if it is seen that the monthly expenses are more than our monthly income, but it is not possible to manage the family with additional expenses. The best plan would be to try to meet the monthly needs of the family by taking a portion of the total amount of money coming in monthly. To avoid overspending, make a list of how much money you spend every day or where you can spend money in a month. It is possible to manage a family well with relatively less money if you plan properly.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Mahanton on October 13, 2023, 05:59:26 PM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things. When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.
We have to spend according to our income every month. If the amount of money we earn every month, at the end of the month, if it is seen that the monthly expenses are more than our monthly income, but it is not possible to manage the family with additional expenses. The best plan would be to try to meet the monthly needs of the family by taking a portion of the total amount of money coming in monthly. To avoid overspending, make a list of how much money you spend every day or where you can spend money in a month. It is possible to manage a family well with relatively less money if you plan properly.
Live by your means
Live on something that would be focused on wants
Live according into your income
Spend on something which is important
Not to spend too much on leisure or wants
Dont try to reach things if you cant realistically be able to do so.

If you are the husband or father of said family then it would really be that responsibility that you would really be needing to manage your finances and budget management.
If you do find out that it is really that lacking or not enough then it would be smart that you should really be looking for another side income on which it would really be
patching up on whats lacking..

Just dont make yourself do spend on things which arent really that important. Always set and prior those necessary things rather than on making yourself
involving on something on which arent really that in necessary because if you do or you are a fan of it then most likely you would really be messing up
things later on.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: cabron on October 13, 2023, 07:09:21 PM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things. When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.
We have to spend according to our income every month. If the amount of money we earn every month, at the end of the month, if it is seen that the monthly expenses are more than our monthly income, but it is not possible to manage the family with additional expenses. The best plan would be to try to meet the monthly needs of the family by taking a portion of the total amount of money coming in monthly. To avoid overspending, make a list of how much money you spend every day or where you can spend money in a month. It is possible to manage a family well with relatively less money if you plan properly.
Live by your means
Live on something that would be focused on wants
Live according into your income
Spend on something which is important
Not to spend too much on leisure or wants
Dont try to reach things if you cant realistically be able to do so.

If you are the husband or father of said family then it would really be that responsibility that you would really be needing to manage your finances and budget management.
If you do find out that it is really that lacking or not enough then it would be smart that you should really be looking for another side income on which it would really be
patching up on whats lacking..

Just dont make yourself do spend on things which arent really that important. Always set and prior those necessary things rather than on making yourself
involving on something on which arent really that in necessary because if you do or you are a fan of it then most likely you would really be messing up
things later on.

Oftentimes, it's always the mother who manages the household economy from utility bills to finances involving food and kids' school fees. She will go the extra mile to submit a promissory note to the school for the kids to be able to go to school up until she can save money through the husband's salary. The father usually works and maybe even gets 2 full-time jobs for them to survive.

Sometimes the mother will make veggies to save money. If they are knowledgeable in planting crops and animal farming right in their backyard, she will do it. I've seen one mother do this actually.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: GiftedMAN on October 13, 2023, 07:42:36 PM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest and I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions because the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for other.
The best thing to make things easy is to open up to the partner to know how much money that comes in for the month,  communication and understanding can help families manage no matter how small that comes in as their allowance and it will make them to manage money well not unnecessary things. When every member of a family understands what is the income that is keeping the family for the month they have no choice of adjusting every budget and standard just to meet up with bills that is very important for the family.
We have to spend according to our income every month. If the amount of money we earn every month, at the end of the month, if it is seen that the monthly expenses are more than our monthly income, but it is not possible to manage the family with additional expenses. The best plan would be to try to meet the monthly needs of the family by taking a portion of the total amount of money coming in monthly. To avoid overspending, make a list of how much money you spend every day or where you can spend money in a month. It is possible to manage a family well with relatively less money if you plan properly.
The income we do get from different jobs is something that we need to plan on how we use it and spend to pay our bills. There are people that earn weekly and also workers that earn monthly, this is kindly different and if the salary is not huge enough, it can be very difficult for monthly workers on taking care of there bills. When the capital we get or profits we get fr different jobs we offer can not handle our budget, it is very important for us to cut some of our expenses so that we are not going to be spending more than our budget at the end of the month or week when we get paid for work done.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: kawetsriyanto on October 13, 2023, 09:07:43 PM
We have to spend according to our income every month.
Sure. We mustn't have bigger spending than our income. If it happens, we probably take the option of borrowing money. When we have a debt, it will burden your expenses every month. So, we must avoid it, never think to take a loan money if it isn't for an urgent need.

To avoid overspending, make a list of how much money you spend every day or where you can spend money in a month.
Yep. Making a list of all our spending daily/weekly is needed. It will make easier to allocate how much money to spend daily/weekly. So, we spend the money on the right things. We can avoid something that isn't really needed. It is an effective way to optimize the use of money (minimize excessive spending).

It is possible to manage a family well with relatively less money if you plan properly.
Indeed. A good plan will make easier to manage the money.  ;)

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Franctoshi on October 13, 2023, 09:12:52 PM
Managing your finances and family when your income is low can be very challenging and sometimes It can even lead to brain stress in the sense that the expenses you do at the end of the day, weeks, and month outweigh the amount of income, and with the current economic situation in place, people with low-income range tend to suffer and feel the heat the most, and to curb this, multiple streams of income are highly encouraged.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bhadz on October 13, 2023, 10:16:17 PM
Stop eating outside, cooking your food is a better option than going outside. If you're a family and you've got a limited budget, that's one lifesaver that one has to remember. Obviously, that's what gonna work for a family that's consuming food because you'll not even be able to afford to eat outside because of how expensive food is nowadays. And do not settle that you're just the sole provider to the family if there are some of you that can work just as you, you need to convince them that they also need to work and provide for everyone.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Lorence.xD on October 13, 2023, 10:51:14 PM
Stop eating outside, cooking your food is a better option than going outside. If you're a family and you've got a limited budget, that's one lifesaver that one has to remember. Obviously, that's what gonna work for a family that's consuming food because you'll not even be able to afford to eat outside because of how expensive food is nowadays. And do not settle that you're just the sole provider to the family if there are some of you that can work just as you, you need to convince them that they also need to work and provide for everyone.

Also if you have leftover food that you can still use like reheat and to add, like for hams that can go along to anything like sandwich and part of the recipe. I think that way you can also saved up money, cause my mother is good at recooking foods that could last for a week. Whenever you're going to grocery, always have a list to follow cause for sure you would see everything that will led you to buy as well the unnecessary things. Don't also forget the discounts like the buy one take one, it's actually also good as saver, cause I always buy a lot to have stock at home with the same price but double product so it's a win situation. Well, I started to give some money for the needs in the house early at 16, any part time and side hustles would do as long as it's legal.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: poodle63 on October 13, 2023, 11:39:58 PM
Managing your finances and family when your income is low can be very challenging and sometimes It can even lead to brain stress in the sense that the expenses you do at the end of the day, weeks, and month outweigh the amount of income, and with the current economic situation in place, people with low-income range tend to suffer and feel the heat the most, and to curb this, multiple streams of income are highly encouraged.

thats the only key to solving this problem in my opinion, if someone isn't skilled enough that their income are really small, then they should seek 2 jobs, even better if they can hone their skills or learn a new ones.
might seem so difficult to do, even though it is, but really there's no other way, money aren't gonna just fall from sky solving the financial problems.
other than that, I can't really think of life turning solution.
overall, as you said managing low income is really stressing and mentally exhausting, its just not worth it thinking too much of managing the low income when really if the price of basic needs are high, then there's really no way to save money.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bhadz on October 13, 2023, 11:44:42 PM
Stop eating outside, cooking your food is a better option than going outside. If you're a family and you've got a limited budget, that's one lifesaver that one has to remember. Obviously, that's what gonna work for a family that's consuming food because you'll not even be able to afford to eat outside because of how expensive food is nowadays. And do not settle that you're just the sole provider to the family if there are some of you that can work just as you, you need to convince them that they also need to work and provide for everyone.

Also if you have leftover food that you can still use like reheat and to add, like for hams that can go along to anything like sandwich and part of the recipe. I think that way you can also saved up money, cause my mother is good at recooking foods that could last for a week. Whenever you're going to grocery, always have a list to follow cause for sure you would see everything that will led you to buy as well the unnecessary things.
Yes, that's a wise move whenever you've got left overs. As long as it is editable, do not throw it, you'll be able to understand the importance of having these foods that you can still eat by just reheating them. It doesn't have to be a few days old, maybe if you're too delicate and sensitive with food, you can just try to reheat that and test if your stomach will intake it. Otherwise, you're not for this food so you have no option but to cook for another meal and dish that you want to have.

Don't also forget the discounts like the buy one take one, it's actually also good as saver, cause I always buy a lot to have stock at home with the same price but double product so it's a win situation. Well, I started to give some money for the needs in the house early at 16, any part time and side hustles would do as long as it's legal.
Bargaining too, if you're the one does the groceries and buying it in market, not supermarket, you can also bargain with a few bucks from the total amount of your purchase which we usually do too aside from the discounts.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 14, 2023, 05:23:47 PM
Stop eating outside, cooking your food is a better option than going outside.

Absolutely. Cooking yourself and eating unprocessed food is not only cheaper but, with the right quality ingredients, is much healthier too. Some link eating low-nutritious food with obesity - when you don't provide your body with what it needs, this results in craving more food despite eating large amount of calories. Makes sense to me.

And do not settle that you're just the sole provider to the family if there are some of you that can work just as you, you need to convince them that they also need to work and provide for everyone.

A man should be the provider, especially when a woman takes care of little children. Sending a woman to work and children to a daycare (which is often quite expensive) makes little sense from the economic point of view and will cause damage to family dynamics (see the decay of family values in the West). A man should focus on increasing his skills and income, and forcing his spouse to work should be the last resort (unless for childless couples or when children are old enough to take care of themselves).

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: darkangel11 on October 14, 2023, 07:14:52 PM
I used to be in that situation long time ago, during my studies.
I had a very low income, couldn't get a good job because unemployment was high and nobody wanted to hire a student for a part-time job, when there were so many unemployed people that could work full time. Anyway, I had a few sources of income, but they were all small and I was forced to take money from my parents, which they were happy to give, but that made me take the least I could and try to survive somehow by cutting all expenses.

That involved living with my girlfriend, because it was much easier when we combined incomes. We'd cook a lot of the same type of food and freeze the leftovers. Many dishes are very tasty when reheated, even after a month in the freezer.
I also had much smaller needs than I do now. I could do without so many things that just lie around.
I'm doing some construction work at the moment and I use a lot of tools that I don't really need but they speed things up, make work more convenient. Its the same with basic appliances. I used to have a corded vacuum cleaner, but now I have a cordless one that is twice more expensive, but light and easy to use. I sued to keep a mobile phone for up to 4 years, but now I change it every 2 years.
When your income is low you don't look for new things to buy and you're still happy. I used to be happier when I had less money, to be honest.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 15, 2023, 12:28:29 PM
thats the only key to solving this problem in my opinion, if someone isn't skilled enough that their income are really small, then they should seek 2 jobs, even better if they can hone their skills or learn a new ones.
might seem so difficult to do, even though it is, but really there's no other way, money aren't gonna just fall from sky solving the financial problems.
Any skill if you don't have a permanent job will make it difficult for people to manage budget expenditures and finding two jobs in conditions like today is impossible and many people have even lost their permanent jobs in uncertain economic conditions like now. So trying to live frugally must also be accompanied by the extent to which we make money each month and if this is not balanced there is no way to get out of this problem.

other than that, I can't really think of life turning solution.
overall, as you said managing low income is really stressing and mentally exhausting, its just not worth it thinking too much of managing the low income when really if the price of basic needs are high, then there's really no way to save money.
The problem is that the increase in basic needs is not accompanied by an increase in workers' wages, giving rise to an imbalance between the wages of any worker and these goods, which continues to increase significantly. This is just talking about the match between wages and rising prices of goods, not to mention if people lose their jobs due to layoffs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: uswa56 on October 15, 2023, 12:57:05 PM
Any skill if you don't have a permanent job will make it difficult for people to manage budget expenditures and finding two jobs in conditions like today is impossible and many people have even lost their permanent jobs in uncertain economic conditions like now. So trying to live frugally must also be accompanied by the extent to which we make money each month and if this is not balanced there is no way to get out of this problem.
At least with your existing skills you can open up employment opportunities for yourself so you can earn extra money. It's not easy to find additional income, but that doesn't mean it's impossible, there are many things you can still do and to manage your finances so that they are stable we don't always have to have a steady job, there are many ways to make money as long as we are willing to do/look for them.

The problem is that the increase in basic needs is not accompanied by an increase in workers' wages, giving rise to an imbalance between the wages of any worker and these goods, which continues to increase significantly. This is just talking about the match between wages and rising prices of goods, not to mention if people lose their jobs due to layoffs.
This is currently a problem in various countries, the increase in prices of basic commodities due to global conditions is not accompanied by increasing wages, so many people are having difficulty stabilizing their finances to meet their daily needs.
There really is no other way than to save money and also earn extra money.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DeathAngel on October 15, 2023, 01:37:50 PM
To be able to manage finances and family with a low income requires careful budgeting and prioritisation. Look to start by creating a realistic budget that accounts for essential expenses like housing, food & your transportation. Look for ways to reduce costs such as cutting back on non essential expenses or finding cheaper alternatives. Take advantage of government assistance programs & community resources that can help with food, healthcare or childcare costs. Communicate openly with your family about the financial situation & involve them in finding creative solutions. Consider seeking additional income through a second job or exploring opportunities to improve your earning potential through education or training.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bhadz on October 15, 2023, 11:45:23 PM
Stop eating outside, cooking your food is a better option than going outside.

Absolutely. Cooking yourself and eating unprocessed food is not only cheaper but, with the right quality ingredients, is much healthier too. Some link eating low-nutritious food with obesity - when you don't provide your body with what it needs, this results in craving more food despite eating large amount of calories. Makes sense to me.
Yup, it's healthier and people think that healthy foods are more expensive than processed and fast foods. Some gotta be but if you do it yourself, you'll see that it's much healthier and cheaper. I understand people becomes easily crave with the food ads that they see on social medias, don't get along with those as most of them are made to be attractive but when you get the meal, they're expensive and yet far from images provided.

And do not settle that you're just the sole provider to the family if there are some of you that can work just as you, you need to convince them that they also need to work and provide for everyone.

A man should be the provider, especially when a woman takes care of little children. Sending a woman to work and children to a daycare (which is often quite expensive) makes little sense from the economic point of view and will cause damage to family dynamics (see the decay of family values in the West). A man should focus on increasing his skills and income, and forcing his spouse to work should be the last resort (unless for childless couples or when children are old enough to take care of themselves).
Well, you're right about that. But it's not literally I am pointing out to the love of your life as it's the toughest job to become a mom. I haven't just mentioned how big the family is, because in our country. A big family and only one man supports everyone while the other members of the family(not mom) are capable of working and helping with other needs but they just don't and are too lazy. This isn't particular to only one family but too many to say.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: TimeTeller on October 15, 2023, 11:49:53 PM
To be able to manage finances and family with a low income requires careful budgeting and prioritisation. Look to start by creating a realistic budget that accounts for essential expenses like housing, food & your transportation. Look for ways to reduce costs such as cutting back on non essential expenses or finding cheaper alternatives. Take advantage of government assistance programs & community resources that can help with food, healthcare or childcare costs. Communicate openly with your family about the financial situation & involve them in finding creative solutions. Consider seeking additional income through a second job or exploring opportunities to improve your earning potential through education or training.

For one, you need to list all your basic needs for a month and see where you can reduce some of your expenses.
Like for example, your electricity bill, what do you think are the major contributors in your bill and how to lessen it?
When it comes to rent, maybe, if you are renting, assess how much you are currently paying as compared to other cheaper options around your area.
And when you talk about food, how often are you buying from restaurants? Can you make your own food which will incur you lesser expenses?
Those basic necessities alone, will already give you idea how much you can save if you opt to some saving tips.
Afterwards, that's when you look at your daily activities where you are spending extra funds and how to trim it down.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: mirakal on October 15, 2023, 11:59:45 PM
You do what millions of people are doing..... you adapt your lifestyle towards the income that you receive. You first start by cutting the luxuries from your budget and strip it down to the bare necessities and then you find cheaper alternatives for the bare necessities.

You also look for ways to supplement your primary income, so that you can pay off most of your debt. Also try not to incur more debt, because that puts you in a worst situation.  :P
Yes. Live within your means. Do not live with life’s luxuries, but chose to live a simple life. If you do that, your life will be more at peace. And stay focus to yourself and your family, do not entertain destructions that will only lead you to ruin your set limits. And as much as possible, be grateful for what you have, but always encourage yourself to never limit yourself to only single skill and single job. Develop more skills so that you can also increase your sources of income. If that happens, you will never be drown into debt but will even make your life more meaningful and progressive.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: armanda90 on October 16, 2023, 02:51:12 AM
Yes. Live within your means. Do not live with life’s luxuries, but chose to live a simple life. If you do that, your life will be more at peace. And stay focus to yourself and your family, do not entertain destructions that will only lead you to ruin your set limits. And as much as possible, be grateful for what you have, but always encourage yourself to never limit yourself to only single skill and single job. Develop more skills so that you can also increase your sources of income. If that happens, you will never be drown into debt but will even make your life more meaningful and progressive.
Its looks simple, life based on how much your income and not push your self with luxuries life if your income low range, regarding with many kinds of loan interested from debit card until online place for taking loan its not good ideas have to push up luxuries life with low range and have take much loan. I think when having low range financial condition try to make effective with all outcome and balance with passive income receiving, don't be shy around environment when they have luxuries life but make balance between income and life condition. One thing when you have low range income under $500 each month don't try to buy car with credit way, better use motor bike with lower range based on lower financial income than have to pay loan interested every month for showing to the other about luxuries life when having car.

"Make life more meaningful without have loan interest".

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 16, 2023, 03:07:55 AM
At least with your existing skills you can open up employment opportunities for yourself so you can earn extra money. It's not easy to find additional income, but that doesn't mean it's impossible, there are many things you can still do and to manage your finances so that they are stable we don't always have to have a steady job, there are many ways to make money as long as we are willing to do/look for them.
That's true and by having skills we can develop our own business potential even if it is small and in this way our income can increase slightly. If someone wants to try, there must be a way to make money, but because their prestige is greater they prefer to be unemployed rather than trying to find a solution. I also see that the circulation of money in the market is very large and if we just want to sell vegetables we can definitely make money because the market is never empty even if people don't have money.

This is currently a problem in various countries, the increase in prices of basic commodities due to global conditions is not accompanied by increasing wages, so many people are having difficulty stabilizing their finances to meet their daily needs.
There really is no other way than to save money and also earn extra money.
Creating a program to grow vegetables in your yard could also be a solution amidst the ever-increasing prices of basic commodities, at least so that these needs can be met and you are not completely dependent on produce sold in the market. If these needs can be met, it will be easy for people to face these problems, because if salaries are not commensurate with the increase in prices of goods, it will certainly make it difficult for people to meet their family's living needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dothebeats on October 16, 2023, 09:09:06 AM
At least with your existing skills you can open up employment opportunities for yourself so you can earn extra money. It's not easy to find additional income, but that doesn't mean it's impossible, there are many things you can still do and to manage your finances so that they are stable we don't always have to have a steady job, there are many ways to make money as long as we are willing to do/look for them.
That's true and by having skills we can develop our own business potential even if it is small and in this way our income can increase slightly. If someone wants to try, there must be a way to make money, but because their prestige is greater they prefer to be unemployed rather than trying to find a solution. I also see that the circulation of money in the market is very large and if we just want to sell vegetables we can definitely make money because the market is never empty even if people don't have money.
I understand your point and I honestly agree with you. If an individual really has the drive to find a way to make (additional) income they will somehow find a way to do so despite any discouragement they may get from others. Moreover, small income is still income and there are always available ways to increase it as long as we know how to critically analyze, plan, and put the plans we have into action. The economy is not favorable for most of us due to inflation and we can't really do anything about that state but what we can do is to adjust and find ways to constantly survive. We cannot let ourselves be stuck and just continuously cry and complain as that will obviously take us nowhere.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Pierre 2 on October 16, 2023, 11:29:52 AM
It must be very hard to save money when your income is already too low. There are couple of different methods that can be followed focusing on saving money first. To be able to invest money, you need to have money. So you should cut expenses so hard. Especially when you are young it's easier to cut expenses. Then when you have money you can basically try to buy flat with low rate fixed credit from banks. I think there's no better investment than a flat/house.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: GigaBit on October 16, 2023, 11:45:30 AM
Yes. Live within your means. Do not live with life’s luxuries, but chose to live a simple life. If you do that, your life will be more at peace. And stay focus to yourself and your family, do not entertain destructions that will only lead you to ruin your set limits. And as much as possible, be grateful for what you have, but always encourage yourself to never limit yourself to only single skill and single job. Develop more skills so that you can also increase your sources of income. If that happens, you will never be drown into debt but will even make your life more meaningful and progressive.
Its looks simple, life based on how much your income and not push your self with luxuries life if your income low range, regarding with many kinds of loan interested from debit card until online place for taking loan its not good ideas have to push up luxuries life with low range and have take much loan. I think when having low range financial condition try to make effective with all outcome and balance with passive income receiving, don't be shy around environment when they have luxuries life but make balance between income and life condition. One thing when you have low range income under $500 each month don't try to buy car with credit way, better use motor bike with lower range based on lower financial income than have to pay loan interested every month for showing to the other about luxuries life when having car.
Nowadays a tendency works in our mind where a person cannot afford to buy a thing but he does so with various loan facilities. As a result, when he continues to pay monthly installments, he tries very hard to reduce the expenses of his family to pay the monthly payment. But here, if he had saved some money instead of taking any kind of loan, he would not have been under too much pressure. It is a suicidal decision when we think of purchasing various expensive products to adapt ourselves to our environment. If I start borrowing once with bank loan or credit card then it will continue which can be life threatening. We should do whatever we can. If we follow others, we will invite our own disaster.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dezoel on October 16, 2023, 06:01:00 PM
First of all, if we think our capacity is not enough, we shouldn't attempt and create a family because it's not only us is the ones that are going to struggle but also the innocent kids and then our wife. I know this is hard because people are selfish and only push their deserves. They can only regret at the end but if ever we are there on the situation, all we need to do is budget properly.

We shouldn't be afraid to tell it to our family and I'm sure they will understand us. We can also try to look for another source of income if our time and body still permits. Lastly, if we have extra income, maybe we can save it or invest. Cryptos are a good option because a small amount is welcome here.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: SmartCharpa on October 16, 2023, 09:15:37 PM
You do what millions of people are doing..... you adapt your lifestyle towards the income that you receive. You first start by cutting the luxuries from your budget and strip it down to the bare necessities and then you find cheaper alternatives for the bare necessities.

You also look for ways to supplement your primary income, so that you can pay off most of your debt. Also try not to incur more debt, because that puts you in a worst situation.  :P
Yes. Live within your means. Do not live with life’s luxuries, but chose to live a simple life. If you do that, your life will be more at peace. And stay focus to yourself and your family, do not entertain destructions that will only lead you to ruin your set limits. And as much as possible, be grateful for what you have, but always encourage yourself to never limit yourself to only single skill and single job. Develop more skills so that you can also increase your sources of income. If that happens, you will never be drown into debt but will even make your life more meaningful and progressive.

You're right; we should live within our means so that we can take care of our families. However, some people can never imagine that. There are many people who prefer to pursue a luxurious lifestyle to leaving a simple one so that outsiders should know that they have the money. As for me, we concentrate on a way that will bring us money so that we can be able to take care of our families. All they need to do is leave their current situation; we need to help them no matter how little money we make. It is okay to even tell them how much money we make, especially if we are still supporting our wives or other family members. A simple life is all we ask for; it should be simple to leave.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 16, 2023, 09:47:57 PM
It must be very hard to save money when your income is already too low. There are couple of different methods that can be followed focusing on saving money first. To be able to invest money, you need to have money. So you should cut expenses so hard. Especially when you are young it's easier to cut expenses. Then when you have money you can basically try to buy flat with low rate fixed credit from banks. I think there's no better investment than a flat/house.

That way at least we have savings even though it is small in value, but it's okay to save with even a small value because no matter how small we save if we have a strong determination there will be good results later, saving yourself in the bank or investing in anything that will provide positive value for ourselves. This is what should be applied to people with low income, even with the low income they get at least they save or invest to prepare for the future, because if they have a low income and only prioritize lifestyle it will not last long and there will be no end if we follow the lifestyle seen from the lifestyle that now people style with luxury to get praise from others. There is nothing wrong with following a lifestyle, but the other side that we must see will be the future that we will face ourselves.

Only some people can save with a low income but they don't hesitate to save in order to have savings for their future, people like this usually don't prioritize lifestyle but think about what their future will be like if they don't save from now on even though it's hard to save but we have to be able to at least set aside our income to be saved and can be used if there is an urgent need because basically no one knows when the disaster will come.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Mahanton on October 16, 2023, 09:52:50 PM
You do what millions of people are doing..... you adapt your lifestyle towards the income that you receive. You first start by cutting the luxuries from your budget and strip it down to the bare necessities and then you find cheaper alternatives for the bare necessities.

You also look for ways to supplement your primary income, so that you can pay off most of your debt. Also try not to incur more debt, because that puts you in a worst situation.  :P
Yes. Live within your means. Do not live with life’s luxuries, but chose to live a simple life. If you do that, your life will be more at peace. And stay focus to yourself and your family, do not entertain destructions that will only lead you to ruin your set limits. And as much as possible, be grateful for what you have, but always encourage yourself to never limit yourself to only single skill and single job. Develop more skills so that you can also increase your sources of income. If that happens, you will never be drown into debt but will even make your life more meaningful and progressive.

You're right; we should live within our means so that we can take care of our families. However, some people can never imagine that. There are many people who prefer to pursue a luxurious lifestyle to leaving a simple one so that outsiders should know that they have the money. As for me, we concentrate on a way that will bring us money so that we can be able to take care of our families. All they need to do is leave their current situation; we need to help them no matter how little money we make. It is okay to even tell them how much money we make, especially if we are still supporting our wives or other family members. A simple life is all we ask for; it should be simple to leave.
The best thing to be done from the start on which we should really be living by our means and not by our wants because if you do find yourself that too impulsive on buying things which arent that priority and the money you are really that earning isnt really that sufficient then you are really that looking yourself for trouble and this is something that you should having in mind that set your priorities first and then if you do have some extra
then this is the time that you would really be considering on buying on things that you do like. Managing finances as a main provider or simply being the father or husband is never been simple because everyone is really that depending on you on which means that you would really be needing to be wise when it comes to spending or else you would really be that overdropped or would really get lost on your budget.
If you do have plans on trying out to expand or potential source of income adding up then it would really be just that wise that you should really be dealing or looking for another job which you can add up but of
course it would really be imposing some possible or potential sacrifices but for the sake of our family and means of supporting them then we should really be doing it without hesitation but of course you should be giving
importance with your body or simply still having the balance because if body would really be that compromised then earning extra income would be pretty darn useless.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: terrific on October 16, 2023, 11:42:38 PM
I've been there, and it's not easy. Budgeting is key! Cut non-essentials, save, and look for side gigs.
Side gigs or side hustles are almost everywhere today. Gig economy has been one way easy for everyone to have additional income.

Support from family and community can help too. It's all about making every penny count.
Support won't be able to feed you if you are just talking about the moral support that you need when you're looking for side gigs. Because you've got mouths to feed.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: slapper on October 17, 2023, 01:17:55 AM
You do what millions of people are doing..... you adapt your lifestyle towards the income that you receive. You first start by cutting the luxuries from your budget and strip it down to the bare necessities and then you find cheaper alternatives for the bare necessities.

You also look for ways to supplement your primary income, so that you can pay off most of your debt. Also try not to incur more debt, because that puts you in a worst situation.  :P
Yes. Live within your means. Do not live with life’s luxuries, but chose to live a simple life. If you do that, your life will be more at peace. And stay focus to yourself and your family, do not entertain destructions that will only lead you to ruin your set limits. And as much as possible, be grateful for what you have, but always encourage yourself to never limit yourself to only single skill and single job. Develop more skills so that you can also increase your sources of income. If that happens, you will never be drown into debt but will even make your life more meaningful and progressive.

You're right; we should live within our means so that we can take care of our families. However, some people can never imagine that. There are many people who prefer to pursue a luxurious lifestyle to leaving a simple one so that outsiders should know that they have the money. As for me, we concentrate on a way that will bring us money so that we can be able to take care of our families. All they need to do is leave their current situation; we need to help them no matter how little money we make. It is okay to even tell them how much money we make, especially if we are still supporting our wives or other family members. A simple life is all we ask for; it should be simple to leave.
The best thing to be done from the start on which we should really be living by our means and not by our wants because if you do find yourself that too impulsive on buying things which arent that priority and the money you are really that earning isnt really that sufficient then you are really that looking yourself for trouble and this is something that you should having in mind that set your priorities first and then if you do have some extra
then this is the time that you would really be considering on buying on things that you do like. Managing finances as a main provider or simply being the father or husband is never been simple because everyone is really that depending on you on which means that you would really be needing to be wise when it comes to spending or else you would really be that overdropped or would really get lost on your budget.
If you do have plans on trying out to expand or potential source of income adding up then it would really be just that wise that you should really be dealing or looking for another job which you can add up but of
course it would really be imposing some possible or potential sacrifices but for the sake of our family and means of supporting them then we should really be doing it without hesitation but of course you should be giving
importance with your body or simply still having the balance because if body would really be that compromised then earning extra income would be pretty darn useless.
The golden rule is to live within our means rather than our desires, isn't it? The weight of obligation is enormous when you're the main provider, whether you're a father, husband, or just the main breadwinner. It's like holding the financial reins of a wild horse, and everyone's looking at you, expecting you to control it. It's tough, really tough. But here's the thing: if you spend carelessly and buy items without giving them any thought, you're setting yourself up for a financial catastrophe

Bitcoin is now a good way to increase your income! Have you thought about it? It resembles the current gold rush, only digital. Buying Bitcoin might change everything. But keep in mind that the goal isn't only to make money; it's to make wise money. While finding a new career may be a fantastic idea, always, always put your health first. What good is all that extra money if your body isn't in the game? Be wise, be healthy, and think about Bitcoin

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 17, 2023, 03:01:53 AM
I understand your point and I honestly agree with you. If an individual really has the drive to find a way to make (additional) income they will somehow find a way to do so despite any discouragement they may get from others. Moreover, small income is still income and there are always available ways to increase it as long as we know how to critically analyze, plan, and put the plans we have into action.
There is no one who cannot make money if they are willing to work and there is always a way for those who are willing to try. The problem is that they are too lazy and not proud of the work they have so they don't want to do it. I often see people who are physically disabled but can still make money because they are willing to try. It's different about small or large income, because everyone has different needs to fulfill their daily needs and it really depends on us how to manage them.

The economy is not favorable for most of us due to inflation and we can't really do anything about that state but what we can do is to adjust and find ways to constantly survive. We cannot let ourselves be stuck and just continuously cry and complain as that will obviously take us nowhere.
Inflation and recession have indeed caused many people to lose their jobs because it is caused by the weakness of the community's economy in meeting life's needs, so that many workers have been laid off because of sales or job requirements that have to be simplified. Individual skills and hard work are important in conditions like this and if we can see opportunities maybe this problem can be resolved a little. Look at the sectors that are needed in conditions like this, for example what needs are needed even if people don't have the money to buy them, then make a plan to develop a business in that sector, even if it is small.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: doomloop on October 17, 2023, 08:02:33 PM
We'd rather not think big and add more unnecessary stuff.
 - because at the moment we aim high, being jealous of others for their luxurious life, and the tendency to compromise our finances.

That is why we should be certain of our expenses and keep them low. It was very difficult honestly and many things could be sacrificed. A reason why we shouldn't make our life too easy and contented with having that situation if we know that there is a way to help it out and live even better.
To think big is actually a good thing. I'm not referring on thinking about those material stuffs like for example the latest iPhone, but it's about thinking if how we can maximize our capacity in order to improve our life more or others through contributing to the people around us or the society.

This is also important as a human being. It makes you identify the real purpose of living in this world. Being jealous with others is a bad thing but we can use them instead as an inspiration. It doesn't mean we also buy the same stuffs they have but it's about grinding hard and working to improve our ability, and lifestyle/routine. It's hard but later it will be compensated by the good things or good vibes rather.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: milewilda on October 17, 2023, 08:08:19 PM
I understand your point and I honestly agree with you. If an individual really has the drive to find a way to make (additional) income they will somehow find a way to do so despite any discouragement they may get from others. Moreover, small income is still income and there are always available ways to increase it as long as we know how to critically analyze, plan, and put the plans we have into action.
There is no one who cannot make money if they are willing to work and there is always a way for those who are willing to try. The problem is that they are too lazy and not proud of the work they have so they don't want to do it. I often see people who are physically disabled but can still make money because they are willing to try. It's different about small or large income, because everyone has different needs to fulfill their daily needs and it really depends on us how to manage them.

The economy is not favorable for most of us due to inflation and we can't really do anything about that state but what we can do is to adjust and find ways to constantly survive. We cannot let ourselves be stuck and just continuously cry and complain as that will obviously take us nowhere.
Inflation and recession have indeed caused many people to lose their jobs because it is caused by the weakness of the community's economy in meeting life's needs, so that many workers have been laid off because of sales or job requirements that have to be simplified. Individual skills and hard work are important in conditions like this and if we can see opportunities maybe this problem can be resolved a little. Look at the sectors that are needed in conditions like this, for example what needs are needed even if people don't have the money to buy them, then make a plan to develop a business in that sector, even if it is small.
It all talks about hard work and effort on which this had been always the key for us to make ourselves that progress or could really be able to make money.If you do find out yourself to be that in a struggle in terms of money
then it would really be just that right that you should really be that working your ass off just to make that income or having that stream of money that you would really be using up for your daily survival. We do know that its never been that simple on living in a world like this on which every commodity and services which value increases and our salary dont increase at the same time on which you would really be ending up on struggling on day to day living but of course there would really be ways and alternatives on which you could really be able to make yourself sustain no matter what.Just like on what been said that it would really be that a matter of hard work and dedication on making yourself that progressive because if you dont act nor make a move then you wont really be finding yourself that able to survive on day to day living.

Its never been that simple but doesnt mean that you cant really be able to find ways on how to make your life better.There are really just those conditions or situations on which it
cant really be that be able to avoid but there's really ways and things which we could make out that alternative or solution.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: shinratensei_ on October 18, 2023, 12:45:42 AM
You do what millions of people are doing..... you adapt your lifestyle towards the income that you receive. You first start by cutting the luxuries from your budget and strip it down to the bare necessities and then you find cheaper alternatives for the bare necessities.

You also look for ways to supplement your primary income, so that you can pay off most of your debt. Also try not to incur more debt, because that puts you in a worst situation.  :P
Yes. Live within your means. Do not live with life’s luxuries, but chose to live a simple life. If you do that, your life will be more at peace. And stay focus to yourself and your family, do not entertain destructions that will only lead you to ruin your set limits. And as much as possible, be grateful for what you have, but always encourage yourself to never limit yourself to only single skill and single job. Develop more skills so that you can also increase your sources of income. If that happens, you will never be drown into debt but will even make your life more meaningful and progressive.
but with the fact that inflation always rising year by year that it doesn't even equate to the increase in salary, will you be able to afford living by just cutting down some luxuries? eventually your purchasing power will be a fraction of what it is nowaday, and you will be left with fewer and fewer things you could buy to fulfil your basic needs if you don't do anything to fix your financial problem.
I think thats what people with low income should always think, they are the one that always vulnerable at the slightest shake in the economy therefore something is needed to keep themselves from becoming even poorer.
its not as simple as just cutting down the things we buy, but we also need to know that inflation eats your wealth.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: slapper on October 18, 2023, 12:59:01 AM
It all talks about hard work and effort on which this had been always the key for us to make ourselves that progress or could really be able to make money.If you do find out yourself to be that in a struggle in terms of money
then it would really be just that right that you should really be that working your ass off just to make that income or having that stream of money that you would really be using up for your daily survival. We do know that its never been that simple on living in a world like this on which every commodity and services which value increases and our salary dont increase at the same time on which you would really be ending up on struggling on day to day living but of course there would really be ways and alternatives on which you could really be able to make yourself sustain no matter what.Just like on what been said that it would really be that a matter of hard work and dedication on making yourself that progressive because if you dont act nor make a move then you wont really be finding yourself that able to survive on day to day living.

Its never been that simple but doesnt mean that you cant really be able to find ways on how to make your life better.There are really just those conditions or situations on which it
cant really be that be able to avoid but there's really ways and things which we could make out that alternative or solution.
You know, you're absolutely right.  Hard work and effort, effort, effort! Isn't that the guiding principle? It is the foundation of success and the backbone of growth. And it's more important than ever in our intricate, constantly changing market. Money, money, money... it doesn't grow on trees, does it? No, it doesn't. If you are facing significant difficulties, you must put in much more effort in your task

Let's now discuss the economics. Prices are rising steadily, but what about salaries? They are unchanging. They go at different speeds. It's a true struggle, really. However, obstacles are designed to be surmounted, are they not? There are options, approaches, and fixes. You must search for them and locate them. It's not easy, not at all easy. But you can succeed if you put in a lot of effort, more effort, and more dedication. You can succeed. Thus, do not only watch; take action! Because you will fall behind if you don't. And that's not what we want, do we? Not at all

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 18, 2023, 03:17:27 AM
It all talks about hard work and effort on which this had been always the key for us to make ourselves that progress or could really be able to make money.If you do find out yourself to be that in a struggle in terms of money
then it would really be just that right that you should really be that working your ass off just to make that income or having that stream of money that you would really be using up for your daily survival. We do know that its never been that simple on living in a world like this on which every commodity and services which value increases and our salary dont increase at the same time on which you would really be ending up on struggling on day to day living but of course there would really be ways and alternatives on which you could really be able to make yourself sustain no matter what.Just like on what been said that it would really be that a matter of hard work and dedication on making yourself that progressive because if you dont act nor make a move then you wont really be finding yourself that able to survive on day to day living.
There is no way other than helping ourselves financially, people can provide a way and capital for us, but if we don't move ourselves to find a solution then there is no way out of the problem of economic hardship in conditions like now. All commodities increase while salaries are never increased in a balanced way and in the end we cannot meet the balance in terms of spending. We are still lucky to still have a salary rather than some people experiencing layoffs because production has decreased due to no sales value. There is a need for alternatives and skills in facing an increasingly difficult life and talking about prestige because work is not suitable is not a solution because we need food not just prestige.

I began to realize that when we have responsibilities towards our family, prestige is not the main thing we think about, but rather how we can make money to support our family life. Creating protection to increase financial balance is very important and as much as possible we must try to find ways to always be able to make money even if it is small. The method can be adjusted to each of our skills and see opportunities everywhere to make money, if not then don't expect us to get out of the current economic difficulties.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: zaim7413 on October 18, 2023, 05:24:02 AM
Prioritize needs and always close yourself off to desires that can absorb greater expenses. When you are faced with very limited financial conditions, circumstances will require you to always live frugally.
Some people are successful in managing their families very well even though their personal income is very low because they always feel they have enough of the good fortune they get. Even though they rarely eat delicious food, rarely wear expensive things, they can still live happily due to gratitude for the good fortune they get, even in small amounts.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Davian144 on October 18, 2023, 06:00:47 AM
I've been there, and it's not easy. Budgeting is key! Cut non-essentials, save, and look for side gigs. Support from family and community can help too. It's all about making every penny count.

Not only can this make every penny very meaningful, but it can also make every condition capable of being faced by everyone wisely without excessive stress. Because someone who is willing to cut things that are not important and want to save every income into important savings will always be ready to face any difficulties in life.

Apart from that, support from several parties really needs to be sought, but I doubt that every community will support our efforts in this regard because currently everyone is also trying to eliminate the difficulties that exist for themselves. So the most likely means to rely on as support is our own family, because the people in our own family will always be more likely to provide full support for our success and to eliminate any difficulties we have experienced before.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: armanda90 on October 18, 2023, 06:27:00 AM
There is no one who cannot make money if they are willing to work and there is always a way for those who are willing to try. The problem is that they are too lazy and not proud of the work they have so they don't want to do it. I often see people who are physically disabled but can still make money because they are willing to try. It's different about small or large income, because everyone has different needs to fulfill their daily needs and it really depends on us how to manage them.
Hard work is not always make us on the stable financial condition due many countries have lower salary payment and difficult to reach better financial although spent more than 10 hours in daily days for working. But have better condition with financial when we want working hard than keep lazy and complaint how cheapest salary payment when working on some company or another job. Regarding with some people have disability with their physical but keep creative ideas for working without complaint or lazy with their condition.

Its the same meaning "where the will there the way"

If want get stable or better financial condition work and don't make your self lazy, but hard work only not enough yet because we need smart work how to get higher payment salary than focus with physically working.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: franky1 on October 18, 2023, 07:36:28 AM
tl:dr; just those 2 products can save Ł17 a week (Ł68 a month)
convenience becomes the enemy of income

i dont need to be personally concerned with finances thanks to bitcoin. but i do like to look at frugality as a thought experiment and to keep me empathetic to the unbanked population
someone in my locality talked to me about their inability to save money. saying all their money leaves before the end of the month

i asked them to for one month. do their normal activities, but ask for/provide a receipt for everything they buy that month
there were many surprising things i noted when reading their receipts

they bought individual 500ml bottles of pepsi-max for Ł1.20 each (6litres would be Ł14.40)
compare that to
18cans of pepsi max(330ml each) Ł7.50 = (6litres for Ł7.50)
1.5ltr of pepsimax for Ł1.20 (6 litres would be Ł4.80)
yes thats right same retailer sells 500ml bottle for same price as 1.5ltr bottle

making one change in just how the pepsi is contained. can save them 50%-66%+
when it comes to drinks someone can go through 6 litres in less than a week meaning saving Ł10+ a week
heinz baked beans individually Ł1.45
supermarket ownbrand Ł0.30-Ł0.45 can save Ł1+ per tin by just swapping the brand
(trick is, first time instead of buying one expensive tin. buy 3-5 ownbrands totalling the 1 expensive tin. and then taste preference the one you will only buy next time)

when it comes to tinned food most people use upto 7 tins a week per person per week. so that can be Ł7 saving a week (per person)

just those 2 products can save Ł17 a week (Ł68 a month)

too many people do not think that these small Ł1 premium items mean much to the budget, but it soon adds up

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Negotiation on October 18, 2023, 07:03:35 PM
i dont need to be personally concerned with finances thanks to bitcoin. but i do like to look at frugality as a thought experiment and to keep me empathetic to the unbanked population
someone in my locality talked to me about their inability to save money. saying all their money leaves before the end of the month
Although I try to put thought into every step of my life, it often doesn't happen. The biggest event was when I lost my job and then I got completely hooked on bitcointalk and so far bitcointalk is my only income way of worshiping. Now that I have a family and I have a child when I think about not having any money at the end of every month I have to think about what I'm really going to do.

When Bitcointalk signature income is the only asset, I have I don't think it would work but I agree with what you said and it could be a way but I want some Bitcoin for the future. But really I don't know if I can actually save bitcoins or not.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Winterfrost on October 18, 2023, 07:37:09 PM
Depending on how low the income is then you can mange it. its not possible to earn $40 a month and expect to manage it you will still borrow some money and be in debt no matter the effort you put. That amount is not able to carter for one person completely rather a family of three and above.
i dont need to be personally concerned with finances thanks to bitcoin. but i do like to look at frugality as a thought experiment and to keep me empathetic to the unbanked population
someone in my locality talked to me about their inability to save money. saying all their money leaves before the end of the month
Although I try to put thought into every step of my life, it often doesn't happen. The biggest event was when I lost my job and then I got completely hooked on bitcointalk and so far bitcointalk is my only income way of worshiping. Now that I have a family and I have a child when I think about not having any money at the end of every month I have to think about what I'm really going to do.

When Bitcointalk signature income is the only asset, I have I don't think it would work but I agree with what you said and it could be a way but I want some Bitcoin for the future. But really I don't know if I can actually save bitcoins or not.
Bitcointalk shouldn't be the only source of your income. You have to stand and look for something doing since you have a family to look out for. What if you were not accepted in any signature campaign after applying for a long time are you saying your family will go hungry?. It will also be difficult for you to save some Bitcoins in your present condition, when the pay is not enough how do you expect to save from the little you get. The forum isn't a place for live hood living at least as a man you should have a good paying job or a good skill that can fetch you money form time to time even if its a steady job but you cam get some contracts at times.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Hamphser on October 18, 2023, 07:46:41 PM
Depending on how low the income is then you can mange it. its not possible to earn $40 a month and expect to manage it you will still borrow some money and be in debt no matter the effort you put. That amount is not able to carter for one person completely rather a family of three and above.
i dont need to be personally concerned with finances thanks to bitcoin. but i do like to look at frugality as a thought experiment and to keep me empathetic to the unbanked population
someone in my locality talked to me about their inability to save money. saying all their money leaves before the end of the month
Although I try to put thought into every step of my life, it often doesn't happen. The biggest event was when I lost my job and then I got completely hooked on bitcointalk and so far bitcointalk is my only income way of worshiping. Now that I have a family and I have a child when I think about not having any money at the end of every month I have to think about what I'm really going to do.

When Bitcointalk signature income is the only asset, I have I don't think it would work but I agree with what you said and it could be a way but I want some Bitcoin for the future. But really I don't know if I can actually save bitcoins or not.
Bitcointalk shouldn't be the only source of your income. You have to stand and look for something doing since you have a family to look out for. What if you were not accepted in any signature campaign after applying for a long time are you saying your family will go hungry?. It will also be difficult for you to save some Bitcoins in your present condition, when the pay is not enough how do you expect to save from the little you get. The forum isn't a place for live hood living at least as a man you should have a good paying job or a good skill that can fetch you money form time to time even if its a steady job but you cam get some contracts at times.
Fund or financial management would really be the key on which it would really be just that that recommended on doing so specially if you are on a budget or simply you are really that trying out to allocate or divide that salary of yours or income basing up into your expenses on which it would really be that a normal approach on which you would really be basing up on the money that you are earning and on how you would really be spending. There's no sense that you would be spending up more than on what you do earn which you are just basically trying out to mess up your life with that kind of lifestyle yet you would really be simply making out that devastation of your life if you do have this kind of habit.

It would really be just that sensible that proper planning and management into your finances would really be that crucial or something important because if you dont then you would experience the real deal.
I cant really afford on seeing my family been struggling or having that financial problem just because as you as the father or husband then it is really that your responsibility on handling things
carefully and really that have the job on making things to be right on track. Be responsible and be mindful about on the actions that you are making.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Forever101 on October 18, 2023, 08:13:30 PM
Where the income is low, it is best for others to engage in works that fetch money for the family. There should be a reduction in expenses to give room for saving money that should be used for business that can generate daily income. Reducing expenses without saving or doing business equals stagnated life. It is easier to get out of the poverty if they can find a way to generate wealth. I don't understand why people are so attached to work that pay them low without doing something to help the situation. The best way to fight poverty is to have a business that can generate money even if it looks insignificant compare to your educational qualifications.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 19, 2023, 02:43:04 AM
Hard work is not always make us on the stable financial condition due many countries have lower salary payment and difficult to reach better financial although spent more than 10 hours in daily days for working. But have better condition with financial when we want working hard than keep lazy and complaint how cheapest salary payment when working on some company or another job. Regarding with some people have disability with their physical but keep creative ideas for working without complaint or lazy with their condition.
The level of financial stability of people must be different from working hard we will still be able to make money and although not too big but can make stability about the cost of living with the family. Instead of not work at all which in the end will make it difficult for us to meet the needs of life. Other important aspects even though our income structure is small by working hard we can always make money and this idea will be far better than not working at all.

Working hard will also foster a sense of responsibility and we are increasingly encouraged to work to make money as a responsibility. If those who have physical limitations can make money, it will be quite embarrassed that we are perfect we can't work anything. The key is not to complain and continue to work truly because that's where we will achieve what we want.

Its the same meaning "where the will there the way"

If want get stable or better financial condition work and don't make your self lazy, but hard work only not enough yet because we need smart work how to get higher payment salary than focus with physically working.
The size and smallness of the income depends on the extent of the responsibility you have, the greater the responsibility, the greater the income we must find, so that there is a balance between expenses and income. In the midst of unstable economic conditions working hard by working smart almost no difference for those who do not have any skills. This is talking more to the general plain how a person can make money not about the opportunities they have to make money.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: jasonjm on October 19, 2023, 05:04:13 AM
You need discipline, dedication and continuous efforts to fight such situations. If your monthly income is on the lower side, you have to let go of many things and choose the cheap optimum alternative. You have to adapt to the circumstances. You have to prioritise your spending and limit your expenses by cutting down the luxuries from your budget. For example, if you can't afford a car, don't have it in the first place. Go for a cheaper alternative like a bicycle, train or bus. Focus on the bare minimum you need to survive.

It is also important to look for alternate sources of earning. Learn some new skills, get a job in a new company.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: angrybirdy on October 19, 2023, 08:13:07 AM
I've been there, and it's not easy. Budgeting is key! Cut non-essentials, save, and look for side gigs. Support from family and community can help too. It's all about making every penny count.

Not only can this make every penny very meaningful, but it can also make every condition capable of being faced by everyone wisely without excessive stress. Because someone who is willing to cut things that are not important and want to save every income into important savings will always be ready to face any difficulties in life.

Apart from that, support from several parties really needs to be sought, but I doubt that every community will support our efforts in this regard because currently everyone is also trying to eliminate the difficulties that exist for themselves. So the most likely means to rely on as support is our own family, because the people in our own family will always be more likely to provide full support for our success and to eliminate any difficulties we have experienced before.

if your income is in the low range, just live within your means. Proper management of funds is very crucial today as there's inflation in different parts of the world, and everyone needs to learn proper budgeting. Do not overspend and Get rid of unnecessary expenses, Allocate your income to your daily needs and monthly bills only and if you have spare time, find a side hustle or invest in your skills, in that way you will learn new things that might help you to upgrade your value and income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 19, 2023, 08:40:47 AM
You need discipline, dedication and continuous efforts to fight such situations. If your monthly income is on the lower side, you have to let go of many things and choose the cheap optimum alternative. You have to adapt to the circumstances. You have to prioritise your spending and limit your expenses by cutting down the luxuries from your budget. For example, if you can't afford a car, don't have it in the first place. Go for a cheaper alternative like a bicycle, train or bus. Focus on the bare minimum you need to survive.

It is also important to look for alternate sources of earning. Learn some new skills, get a job in a new company.

Yes, that's right, if they have a mediocre monthly income they have to reduce expenses that they should not buy and must prioritize their main needs, it's better with a mediocre monthly income they can still set aside a little money to save, or they can open a small business to help their income, or look for a side job that way maybe a little will help them themselves as long as they themselves want to run it well without any coercion on themselves.

The lifestyle that is currently on the rise whether in terms of gadgets clothes or vehicles that are all luxurious but true to what you said should if we are not able to do not force it with the aim of being seen by others, I myself do not really think about and prioritize a luxurious lifestyle because of limited income as long as it can be fulfilled and can still set aside a little to save because basically there is a future to come and it must be prepared. So I think it comes back to each of us, it's up to what you choose but try not to make a loss for yourself.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Obari on October 19, 2023, 09:31:03 AM
Well a lot happens sometimes and people run into responsibilities that are way beyond them and I’m now using myself as a case study now. My late father of blessed memories passed on since 2016 and ever since then, life haven’t been easy and all responsibilities have been passed unto me and the death has thought me so much lessons which I’m also very grateful for and I will say that I’ve gotten a lot of experiences to manage a home and family of my own when I get married.
What I’m trying to say is that, starting a family isn’t really until you get married and I believe a lot of people are also faced with similar situations like Mine where the bread winner passed on and they have to inherit a lot of responsibilities and irrespective of how much money you earn, if you have a heart of care, you’ll definitely care for your family and I know of people who make a whole of money but yet can’t take care of their family because of recklessness and I also know of people like myself who even with health issues as well as very small earrings still try to balance life.

I’m taking time to read all comments and replies on this thread as I would love to learn how others manage their hikes as well.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: NeilLostBitCoin on October 19, 2023, 09:44:56 AM
This question is too easy to answer with discipline, but it's hard to do in action. Not everyone earns enough money daily, and the cost varies by country. The government adjusts the minimum wage, but it may not be enough. We must reduce our expenses to the point where we can only afford basic daily meals. It's hard since those who manage the minimum wage earner don't have to struggle with that problem. Sometimes, when I get sick, I need to loan to some people to afford medications.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: boty on October 19, 2023, 10:10:40 AM
You need discipline, dedication and continuous efforts to fight such situations. If your monthly income is on the lower side, you have to let go of many things and choose the cheap optimum alternative. You have to adapt to the circumstances. You have to prioritise your spending and limit your expenses by cutting down the luxuries from your budget. For example, if you can't afford a car, don't have it in the first place. Go for a cheaper alternative like a bicycle, train or bus. Focus on the bare minimum you need to survive.

It is also important to look for alternate sources of earning. Learn some new skills, get a job in a new company.
Having a low income will indeed be very difficult to manage because it is very difficult to meet daily needs, let alone being able to have savings, even limiting expenses will certainly be very difficult, I think it would be better for us to look for several sources of income to be able to manage it well. the income we have. Yes, learning some new skills will make it easy for us to earn income from what we have learned. Developing our potential is indeed a very good thing to do if we have a moderate income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Dickiy on October 19, 2023, 12:56:40 PM
You need discipline, dedication and continuous efforts to fight such situations. If your monthly income is on the lower side, you have to let go of many things and choose the cheap optimum alternative. You have to adapt to the circumstances. You have to prioritise your spending and limit your expenses by cutting down the luxuries from your budget. For example, if you can't afford a car, don't have it in the first place. Go for a cheaper alternative like a bicycle, train or bus. Focus on the bare minimum you need to survive.

It is also important to look for alternate sources of earning. Learn some new skills, get a job in a new company.
Having a low income will indeed be very difficult to manage because it is very difficult to meet daily needs, let alone being able to have savings, even limiting expenses will certainly be very difficult, I think it would be better for us to look for several sources of income to be able to manage it well. the income we have. Yes, learning some new skills will make it easy for us to earn income from what we have learned. Developing our potential is indeed a very good thing to do if we have a moderate income.

True, whoever it is when they have poor finances due to low income then surely they will have difficulty managing their money and also in allocating each of their money, it is definitely not easy. Although maybe the income is enough for their basic daily needs such as eating but yes the income can still support them but the fear is that there will always be unexpected needs urgently such as hospital fees if one of the family is sick, and of course it can also reduce and drain their financial allocation, and not a few also end up borrowing.

Of course with all the conditions that can occur there everything cannot be predicted and obviously it will make it difficult for them to manage finances including limiting expenses. Well really one solution that can be done is just to find new sources of income to increase their income, because of course no matter how good their management is, if income is much lower than expenses then surely it will be very difficult to balance.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: RockBell on October 19, 2023, 07:28:36 PM
You need discipline, dedication and continuous efforts to fight such situations. If your monthly income is on the lower side, you have to let go of many things and choose the cheap optimum alternative. You have to adapt to the circumstances. You have to prioritise your spending and limit your expenses by cutting down the luxuries from your budget. For example, if you can't afford a car, don't have it in the first place. Go for a cheaper alternative like a bicycle, train or bus. Focus on the bare minimum you need to survive.

It is also important to look for alternate sources of earning. Learn some new skills, get a job in a new company.

I remember does days during high school when we attended economics class there were some principles that were learnt from there talk about need and want and having a scale of preference, you can not always have what you need so even if you want to handle any finance situation well, you have to reduce, and once discipline with how you manage money it will be of great help, know what your spend money on because I noticed that there is always a lot of things to spend money on. and luxury is another way to spend money because we love luxury.  

Yes, that's right, if they have a mediocre monthly income they have to reduce expenses that they should not buy and must prioritize their main needs, it's better with a mediocre monthly income they can still set aside a little money to save, or they can open a small business to help their income, or look for a side job that way maybe a little will help them themselves as long as they themselves want to run it well without any coercion on themselves.

The lifestyle that is currently on the rise whether in terms of gadgets clothes or vehicles that are all luxurious but true to what you said should if we are not able to do not force it with the aim of being seen by others, I myself do not really think about and prioritize a luxurious lifestyle because of limited income as long as it can be fulfilled and can still set aside a little to save because basically there is a future to come and it must be prepared. So I think it comes back to each of us, it's up to what you choose but try not to make a loss for yourself.
one of the most important things I know is food and except for other little things it is very possible to reduce your expenses if only important things are taken seriously at the moment, then the aim can be achieved, and like me now sometimes I reduce going out because going out cost money, that is one of my own strategies. if you want to choose luxury when you are just in starter in finance but if already rich luxury is not bad.  your income will determine the whole situation. and even the luxury is not more than just for people to recognize them in the society that they are rich.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Hypnosis00 on October 19, 2023, 09:45:44 PM
This question is too easy to answer with discipline, but it's hard to do in action. Not everyone earns enough money daily, and the cost varies by country. The government adjusts the minimum wage, but it may not be enough. We must reduce our expenses to the point where we can only afford basic daily meals. It's hard since those who manage the minimum wage earner don't have to struggle with that problem. Sometimes, when I get sick, I need to loan to some people to afford medications.
Indeed, there is a big challenge in doing it in actuality rather than just saying it. That is why a lot of people fail to make it as we know that inflation can also affect our budget plus some emergencies. Honestly, it is not impossible if we change our lifestyle and remain low but with the inflation rate these days, it really has a huge impact on our budget. A reason why we should not just be contented with what we have earned today, we should find other sources of income to cope with the growing expenses.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: carlfebz2 on October 19, 2023, 09:51:34 PM
You need discipline, dedication and continuous efforts to fight such situations. If your monthly income is on the lower side, you have to let go of many things and choose the cheap optimum alternative. You have to adapt to the circumstances. You have to prioritise your spending and limit your expenses by cutting down the luxuries from your budget. For example, if you can't afford a car, don't have it in the first place. Go for a cheaper alternative like a bicycle, train or bus. Focus on the bare minimum you need to survive.

It is also important to look for alternate sources of earning. Learn some new skills, get a job in a new company.

I remember does days during high school when we attended economics class there were some principles that were learnt from there talk about need and want and having a scale of preference, you can not always have what you need so even if you want to handle any finance situation well, you have to reduce, and once discipline with how you manage money it will be of great help, know what your spend money on because I noticed that there is always a lot of things to spend money on. and luxury is another way to spend money because we love luxury.  

Yes, that's right, if they have a mediocre monthly income they have to reduce expenses that they should not buy and must prioritize their main needs, it's better with a mediocre monthly income they can still set aside a little money to save, or they can open a small business to help their income, or look for a side job that way maybe a little will help them themselves as long as they themselves want to run it well without any coercion on themselves.

The lifestyle that is currently on the rise whether in terms of gadgets clothes or vehicles that are all luxurious but true to what you said should if we are not able to do not force it with the aim of being seen by others, I myself do not really think about and prioritize a luxurious lifestyle because of limited income as long as it can be fulfilled and can still set aside a little to save because basically there is a future to come and it must be prepared. So I think it comes back to each of us, it's up to what you choose but try not to make a loss for yourself.
one of the most important things I know is food and except for other little things it is very possible to reduce your expenses if only important things are taken seriously at the moment, then the aim can be achieved, and like me now sometimes I reduce going out because going out cost money, that is one of my own strategies. if you want to choose luxury when you are just in starter in finance but if already rich luxury is not bad.  your income will determine the whole situation. and even the luxury is not more than just for people to recognize them in the society that they are rich.
As much as possible then this is my least consideration on taking up some adjustments when it comes to food, i would rather be finding any section on which i could be able to lessen up but not on food because we know on how important or crucial it would be into your families health on which we know that it is really that something important when it comes to this because if you wont really be that minding that much or making some compromise then health effects could really become that worst and it is really that something that we dont really like for it to happen. You could really make out adjustments on things which you do really know that it could be potentially be adjusted but if not then just let it be. This is why its really that important that on the time that you do see that your earning falls short with your family needs then
it would really be jus the right time for you to find out for another income source.

You cant really just make yourself that staying on one because economic situations or conditions becoming shit year by year on which if you do stay up that way then most likely you would really be putting
yourself on tough situation on which we dont really like that our family would really be experiencing some unfortunate conditions or situations which correlates into needs and wants that they do
need or simply with living.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 20, 2023, 05:40:06 AM
You need discipline, dedication and continuous efforts to fight such situations. If your monthly income is on the lower side, you have to let go of many things and choose the cheap optimum alternative. You have to adapt to the circumstances. You have to prioritise your spending and limit your expenses by cutting down the luxuries from your budget. For example, if you can't afford a car, don't have it in the first place. Go for a cheaper alternative like a bicycle, train or bus. Focus on the bare minimum you need to survive.

It is also important to look for alternate sources of earning. Learn some new skills, get a job in a new company.

I remember does days during high school when we attended economics class there were some principles that were learnt from there talk about need and want and having a scale of preference, you can not always have what you need so even if you want to handle any finance situation well, you have to reduce, and once discipline with how you manage money it will be of great help, know what your spend money on because I noticed that there is always a lot of things to spend money on. and luxury is another way to spend money because we love luxury.  

Yes, that's right, if they have a mediocre monthly income they have to reduce expenses that they should not buy and must prioritize their main needs, it's better with a mediocre monthly income they can still set aside a little money to save, or they can open a small business to help their income, or look for a side job that way maybe a little will help them themselves as long as they themselves want to run it well without any coercion on themselves.

The lifestyle that is currently on the rise whether in terms of gadgets clothes or vehicles that are all luxurious but true to what you said should if we are not able to do not force it with the aim of being seen by others, I myself do not really think about and prioritize a luxurious lifestyle because of limited income as long as it can be fulfilled and can still set aside a little to save because basically there is a future to come and it must be prepared. So I think it comes back to each of us, it's up to what you choose but try not to make a loss for yourself.
one of the most important things I know is food and except for other little things it is very possible to reduce your expenses if only important things are taken seriously at the moment, then the aim can be achieved, and like me now sometimes I reduce going out because going out cost money, that is one of my own strategies. if you want to choose luxury when you are just in starter in finance but if already rich luxury is not bad.  your income will determine the whole situation. and even the luxury is not more than just for people to recognize them in the society that they are rich.

Yes, I think it's a pretty good strategy that way it will reduce unnecessary expenses, even though it doesn't have a goal what you want to have but there's nothing wrong with reducing expenses and saving for the future anyway by saving it will be good for the future. I myself want to have a business that runs well every day to fill my spare time too, from the main income that is at least saved and then the rest is used as business capital, it's not a bad thing right?

But people's principles are different of course, I myself if I already have a lot of money it feels like I will invest it with a long term for my children later when they grow up so that they don't work for others but open their own business and run it well, but hope does not necessarily go accordingly but there is nothing wrong with preparing everything from now on. by reducing expenses that are not too important it will help us in the future as long as the basic daily needs are fulfilled it is better, anyway the needs that are not too important will not be useful forever if we buy them. So in my opinion, if the basic needs can still be fulfilled, it's good that the rest of the main income is saved.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Richbased on October 20, 2023, 06:00:25 AM
This question is too easy to answer with discipline, but it's hard to do in action. Not everyone earns enough money daily, and the cost varies by country. The government adjusts the minimum wage, but it may not be enough. We must reduce our expenses to the point where we can only afford basic daily meals. It's hard since those who manage the minimum wage earner don't have to struggle with that problem. Sometimes, when I get sick, I need to loan to some people to afford medications.

You said and I quote that we must reduce our expenses to the point where we can afford basic daily needs, I think this the most primary need of human to have food on his table as every other thing comes second. We need food to be strong and healthy, we need food to get strength and energy to perform our daily works therefore, irrespective of how low your income is, you must make sure that your family have food to eat as that is the most important thing every family needs.

Involving oneself on taking loans just to meet up ones targets ain't advisable when your income is low because you may run into depression when you've incurred so many debts before you receive your income as you may be confused whether to settle your outstanding debts with your income or using to solve the family's basic needs. So you might run into confusion and debts draws one's goals backwards because instead of thinking ahead with your income, you may use it to settle previous debts thereby you will not have money to settle the family's current needs

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: reagansimms on October 20, 2023, 08:29:11 AM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Litzki1990 on October 20, 2023, 10:22:29 AM
This question is too easy to answer with discipline, but it's hard to do in action. Not everyone earns enough money daily, and the cost varies by country. The government adjusts the minimum wage, but it may not be enough. We must reduce our expenses to the point where we can only afford basic daily meals. It's hard since those who manage the minimum wage earner don't have to struggle with that problem. Sometimes, when I get sick, I need to loan to some people to afford medications.
Indeed, there is a big challenge in doing it in actuality rather than just saying it. That is why a lot of people fail to make it as we know that inflation can also affect our budget plus some emergencies. Honestly, it is not impossible if we change our lifestyle and remain low but with the inflation rate these days, it really has a huge impact on our budget. A reason why we should not just be contented with what we have earned today, we should find other sources of income to cope with the growing expenses.
Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income. We always want something better than the current position. Everyone is living but from low income people to high income people all are living life some in hardship some in happiness. More money is not income but our proper planning will help us to live well with family. If you have a habit of spending extra money, you should change that habit and try to do the necessary things with less money. You should not only plan for the present but also plan for what may happen in the future and save money for the future as per your ability. If we can plan for the future like this, I think we can survive the inflationary period.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Dickiy on October 20, 2023, 01:20:24 PM
This question is too easy to answer with discipline, but it's hard to do in action. Not everyone earns enough money daily, and the cost varies by country. The government adjusts the minimum wage, but it may not be enough. We must reduce our expenses to the point where we can only afford basic daily meals. It's hard since those who manage the minimum wage earner don't have to struggle with that problem. Sometimes, when I get sick, I need to loan to some people to afford medications.
Indeed, there is a big challenge in doing it in actuality rather than just saying it. That is why a lot of people fail to make it as we know that inflation can also affect our budget plus some emergencies. Honestly, it is not impossible if we change our lifestyle and remain low but with the inflation rate these days, it really has a huge impact on our budget. A reason why we should not just be contented with what we have earned today, we should find other sources of income to cope with the growing expenses.
Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income. We always want something better than the current position. Everyone is living but from low income people to high income people all are living life some in hardship some in happiness. More money is not income but our proper planning will help us to live well with family. If you have a habit of spending extra money, you should change that habit and try to do the necessary things with less money. You should not only plan for the present but also plan for what may happen in the future and save money for the future as per your ability. If we can plan for the future like this, I think we can survive the inflationary period.

Basically everyone is born the same, but maybe it's fate that distinguishes them a little, for the problem of whether or not we are satisfied with the income we have in my opinion it depends on each individual whether they can be grateful for such circumstances or not, and also of course depends on how big their needs are, if indeed the income is still not able to cover the basic daily needs then it is only natural that some of them complain, and in my opinion there is no more effective solution unless they look for additional new income.

Yes, planning or management is also very important in terms of finances, I wouldn't say they have a difficult life if indeed their income is above average, but maybe I would say that they don't have good management in terms of their finances. For example, they freely allocate the money wherever they want without any planning and it turns out that the items they buy cannot have a good impact or balanced reciprocity for their lives, then obviously it is an expense that I think does not need to be done. The point is if your income is not enough then you can look for a place or additional work to increase your finances, and also if you already have pretty good finances then I think it's better to allocate it to things that are more useful. And yes, it is better to save or invest to avoid the impact of inflation.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 20, 2023, 05:24:32 PM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

Yes that's right I agree with your opinion, If indeed the income earned each month is limited or even low, it will not be too much of a problem as long as we can manage finances well. By prioritizing the basic needs that you mentioned earlier it will be sufficient for their daily lives, It's better if they can set aside for savings, this only needs self-control by reducing unnecessary expenses or even not buying things that are not too important, If they can do it then maybe they won't feel shortages every day.

This is a good idea, that way they will have additional income if they market it, also the other side is a little kitchen needs will be helped by the way you said it, If there is no land to farm then maybe in my opinion the only way is you have to look for other income to increase your finances. So in such conditions we must be able to take advantage of all opportunities that come or even create our own opportunities.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: ajiz138 on October 20, 2023, 07:09:34 PM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.
Actually it's easy to manage finances with a mediocre pass, the important thing is that the basic needs are met, so other things must be removed in the sense that they don't need to be bought if they still use other basic things, sometimes with low salaries we must be able to save in such a way, no need to think about saving or investing with one month's needs being fulfilled is better.

On the other hand, you must be able to find additional income if you only rely on a low salary then life will not have any changes, as you said by utilizing vacant land can be done if you have it, there are also other jobs you can do with the skills you have, actually there are many ways to generate additional as long as we try and display good skills.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Kelvinid on October 20, 2023, 07:52:33 PM
This question is too easy to answer with discipline, but it's hard to do in action. Not everyone earns enough money daily, and the cost varies by country. The government adjusts the minimum wage, but it may not be enough. We must reduce our expenses to the point where we can only afford basic daily meals. It's hard since those who manage the minimum wage earner don't have to struggle with that problem. Sometimes, when I get sick, I need to loan to some people to afford medications.
Indeed, there is a big challenge in doing it in actuality rather than just saying it. That is why a lot of people fail to make it as we know that inflation can also affect our budget plus some emergencies. Honestly, it is not impossible if we change our lifestyle and remain low but with the inflation rate these days, it really has a huge impact on our budget. A reason why we should not just be contented with what we have earned today, we should find other sources of income to cope with the growing expenses.
Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income. We always want something better than the current position. Everyone is living but from low income people to high income people all are living life some in hardship some in happiness. More money is not income but our proper planning will help us to live well with family. If you have a habit of spending extra money, you should change that habit and try to do the necessary things with less money. You should not only plan for the present but also plan for what may happen in the future and save money for the future as per your ability. If we can plan for the future like this, I think we can survive the inflationary period.
Everyone is ambitious and wants to improve their living (even more). People are working hard not just for the sake of survival but in order for them to live comfortably. Maybe I was wrong but it looks like that money is now the solution to every problem and makes us happy. In fact, as we can hear a lot of couples got separated due to financial problems which means that it has now become a more valuable thing than others.
Indeed, proper budgeting is the best thing to do just to fit our income. Even though we already have a huge income, it is still necessary to used it and plan the future.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: letteredhub on October 20, 2023, 08:11:21 PM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.
Managing your finance to cover your responsibility and family needs is subject to the popular saying, "cut your coat according to your size", and this is one popular statement that many people haven't sat down to grasp a deep meaning of it. Some people when allocating money monthly for basic needs they expend on quantities that they don't need which before the need arises for it it has gotten spoilt or rotten, example is sauces, condiments and cereals in large quantities than needed.

Another example of people not cutting their coat according to their size can be found in the area of education of their children. Registering/admitting your child/ward in schools that school fees are far above your paycheque when other basic needs money has been subtract from salary the amount left can't meet with but for bride's sake that a neighbor's child is attend a certain prestigious school you also insist your child also will without considering your salary.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.
It seems we have more lazy people now in the world than we use to in those days of agrarian society where almost every home have a garden they plant a few crops for groceries use. And it helps so much in reducing expenses from going to get those items always from the market. I have a little space at my backyard I plant varieties of crops I know family will be needing regularly for cooking use and it has been supportive.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: uneng on October 20, 2023, 08:16:56 PM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.
Actually it's easy to manage finances with a mediocre pass, the important thing is that the basic needs are met, so other things must be removed in the sense that they don't need to be bought if they still use other basic things, sometimes with low salaries we must be able to save in such a way, no need to think about saving or investing with one month's needs being fulfilled is better.

On the other hand, you must be able to find additional income if you only rely on a low salary then life will not have any changes, as you said by utilizing vacant land can be done if you have it, there are also other jobs you can do with the skills you have, actually there are many ways to generate additional as long as we try and display good skills.
People living like this are actually surviving, not living at all. They can only spend with the most basic needs they have, such as basic and cheap food, electricity and water bills, rent (if not owning a house), and that is all... They can't give themselves the luxury of eating out, travelling or buying clothes, accessories and gadgets, or even having a hobby. It's a very limited daily routine and their only hope is probably the opportunity their children have to study in order to persue high paying jobs futurely, so they can change the financial situation of the whole family and finally give some confort to the patriarch and matriarch before the end.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Y3shot on October 20, 2023, 09:55:47 PM
This question is too easy to answer with discipline, but it's hard to do in action. Not everyone earns enough money daily, and the cost varies by country. The government adjusts the minimum wage, but it may not be enough. We must reduce our expenses to the point where we can only afford basic daily meals. It's hard since those who manage the minimum wage earner don't have to struggle with that problem. Sometimes, when I get sick, I need to loan to some people to afford medications.
The only way to manage finances is to just cut off every expenses by reducing the standard of living and to be really discipline when it comes to spending of money. Money is something that flies when one is not conscious how it is been spent. Reducing lifestyles that takes away money and also to think of a side hustle to can be a channel of which money comes in, these are the two strategies to go with on how to meet up with the hard economy.  It is not easy to meet up with daily expenses in this economy but we have no choice than to try our best to keep on getting incomes to survive.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 20, 2023, 10:24:21 PM
Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

That's good advice but in terms of healthy eating, growing your own food is way healthier than buying processed food or food full of pesticides etc. But money-wise, having own vegetable garden is not as cheap as people might think. To grow quality, nutritious food, you need to feed the plants with proper fertiliser and water them regularly. Tending to your garden can also be time-consuming, and you could use that time to earn money. So often times, buying cheap fruits/vegetables from a supermarket can actually be cheaper, but the quality will always be on the side of home-grown.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: stomachgrowls on October 20, 2023, 10:33:37 PM
Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

That's good advice but in terms of healthy eating, growing your own food is way healthier than buying processed food or food full of pesticides etc. But money-wise, having own vegetable garden is not as cheap as people might think. To grow quality, nutritious food, you need to feed the plants with proper fertiliser and water them regularly. Tending to your garden can also be time-consuming, and you could use that time to earn money. So often times, buying cheap fruits/vegetables from a supermarket can actually be cheaper, but the quality will always be on the side of home-grown.
Only to those people who arent busy are the ones who would really be that skeptical when it comes to proper nutrition but for those who dont have time or simply that busy then they would really be just choosing on whats the fastest way and cheapest way without minding about if ever its not that healthy as long they could really do the thing that they supposed to do then this is what they would definitely be choosing.
Its true that having your own garden and make some planting and growing your own food is never been that cheap and its true that it would really be requiring out such effort and time consuming
on which you would definitely be able to compare which one is efficient and which one could really take a toll for you to make money on something or with the time spent.

This is why only a few would really be taking up such path and only into those people who do have passive income or do able to make money or having stream even without having a physical or day job.
They would really be the ones who are really that busy on dealing up with things something like this but if you are someone who do have work 8-5 then for sure you would be skipping out such
idea and would really be just simply going into those options on which you could really be able to not to compromise your work which it would really be that
your main priority on which it is really just that a common approach.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: dansus021 on October 21, 2023, 02:23:39 AM
It is hard to manage your finance for you and your family at the same time if this happens to you it means that you are a sandwich generation just like me. It happens when we still need to give money to our parent and also you need to give money to someone below your ex. your wife and or brother, and also don't forget yourself. It is very hard to do all of it at the same time.

The best what you can do right now is by look for another income and start saving in form of asset I know is sound difficult but you have pretty much choice. Start invest with passive income like Stock with dividend or crypto with the staking program. you can start calculate and might save you later

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bayu7adi on October 21, 2023, 03:05:25 AM
This is a good idea, that way they will have additional income if they market it, also the other side is a little kitchen needs will be helped by the way you said it, If there is no land to farm then maybe in my opinion the only way is you have to look for other income to increase your finances. So in such conditions we must be able to take advantage of all opportunities that come or even create our own opportunities.
Seizing the available opportunities is not as straightforward as it may sound. Many individuals with limited income face substantial challenges in enhancing their Human Resources. This means there are constraints when it comes to capitalizing on the opportunities right before them. We all understand that each opportunity demands some fundamental requisites, such as initial funds, specific mindset, or particular skills. Consequently, the chances to capitalize on every available opportunity become even narrower for those with limited resources.

Perhaps, another viable solution could be to commence the enhancement of Human Resources to compete with others in pursuing more substantial opportunities. Patience and consistency are the keys, where one might take a step back today to make a significant leap in the future.

My suggestion might be to cut down on expenditures related to the improvement of Human Resources, which could involve taking courses or engaging in learning activities. This might be challenging, especially given the limited financial allocation, which is why extra diligence is essential to ensure that the expenses are not in vain while ascending from a lower starting point.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Ahli38 on October 21, 2023, 03:50:18 AM
Having a mediocre income is actually a fairly common problem and one we encounter a lot in everyday life. Whether it's from our neighbors or people we know. Surely some of them have a mediocre income. And having a mediocre income is actually not that bad if you talk about the short term. But yeah that would be a big problem if we talk in the long term.

Because mediocre income refers to a condition where our income may only be enough to meet basic needs. I think everyone who started a life career from zero must have also gone through this phase. Including me personally, I have experienced this phase for quite a long time in the past few years after I even started my career from zero again after experiencing bankruptcy.

In this phase, the way we manage our finances will be the same. It's just that there will be some boundaries that we have to make if we want to get out of this situation and make our financial life better over time. Like we limit expensive side dishes. Well we only ate rice with simple side dishes which were cheaper. And we only eat delicious and slightly expensive side dishes once every 2 weeks or once a month. So we can save a little money at that time.
Normally in my area we eat 3 times. Morning, afternoon and evening. So, in the phase when I still had a mediocre income, my family and I limited our meals to only 2 meals, namely morning and evening. Reduce purchasing snacks and only buy clothes during certain time periods. The point is that at that time we tried to make expenses as small as possible but still ensured that our bodies were well-nourished and able to remain strong and healthy for daily activities and work.

And of course at that time we didn't even think about buying the things we wanted. Because our financial condition would not be sufficient at that time. But after living a simple life together, we were able to continue saving and collecting more capital money. a year or two after that our lives improved. I initially had another business with my family. But in those few years I continued to develop my trading skills. Until I got to the stage where I could make a lot of profit from trading. And I decided to focus on being a trader until now. And that's enough to support a family. And I can still set aside to invest and save. And from my signature at btt I also include it for my long-term bitcoin investment. Sometimes I like to reflect on the quite difficult moments that I have experienced. And I'm grateful to have experienced it. Because bitter experiences sometimes bring good changes in our lives. My personality has become calmer and I can be more grateful for what I have now.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Lorence.xD on October 21, 2023, 04:01:29 AM
Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

That's good advice but in terms of healthy eating, growing your own food is way healthier than buying processed food or food full of pesticides etc. But money-wise, having own vegetable garden is not as cheap as people might think. To grow quality, nutritious food, you need to feed the plants with proper fertiliser and water them regularly. Tending to your garden can also be time-consuming, and you could use that time to earn money. So often times, buying cheap fruits/vegetables from a supermarket can actually be cheaper, but the quality will always be on the side of home-grown.

It's not actually applicable to people that are living in urban areas, where they don't have their own yard to start their own garden. Plus having a garden is not that easy as it may sound, not only for the environment that could affect the growing process of the plants, but also the weather, it would depends on the weather if you will have a good harvest,  which most of the farmers experienced. That not only some people has been affected, but also the economy and agriculture sector of a country.

And I with that time you would spend in building your own garden, you can already find jobs and other money sources that are well paying. I actually prefer to buy vegetable goods in supermarket, and choose the cheaper one, cause those fruits and vegetables went process in checking the quality and to be preserved longer. Still fresh picked or home-grown is literally the best quality.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 21, 2023, 10:59:05 AM
This is a good idea, that way they will have additional income if they market it, also the other side is a little kitchen needs will be helped by the way you said it, If there is no land to farm then maybe in my opinion the only way is you have to look for other income to increase your finances. So in such conditions we must be able to take advantage of all opportunities that come or even create our own opportunities.
Seizing the available opportunities is not as straightforward as it may sound. Many individuals with limited income face substantial challenges in enhancing their Human Resources. This means there are constraints when it comes to capitalizing on the opportunities right before them. We all understand that each opportunity demands some fundamental requisites, such as initial funds, specific mindset, or particular skills. Consequently, the chances to capitalize on every available opportunity become even narrower for those with limited resources.

I understand that it is not that easy, but there is nothing wrong with trying to be able to develop, the risk is certainly there but if it is accompanied by a strong belief it might be successful, it all depends on the mindset of each, even though their income is limited but if they can manage it very well about all expenses maybe they can balance everything well, for sure it also depends on their income, if it is not possible then whatever the opportunity will definitely not be that easy to do.

Perhaps, another viable solution could be to commence the enhancement of Human Resources to compete with others in pursuing more substantial opportunities. Patience and consistency are the keys, where one might take a step back today to make a significant leap in the future.

Competing certainly has its own risks, but there is nothing wrong with trying the solution you said by increasing human resources with patience and consistency maybe it can make progress. But it depends on those who have their own intentions and their own choices.

My suggestion might be to cut down on expenditures related to the improvement of Human Resources, which could involve taking courses or engaging in learning activities. This might be challenging, especially given the limited financial allocation, which is why extra diligence is essential to ensure that the expenses are not in vain while ascending from a lower starting point.

Yes, by reducing unnecessary or not very important spending habits this will help a mediocre income to be a little more economical, so they can set aside to save or invest, but this needs perseverance or needs to be used so that it doesn't burden it, because any habit will be difficult if you want to reduce it or even eliminate it. The mindset that must be changed if they have limited income is still wasteful and cannot manage expenses.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 21, 2023, 11:23:59 AM
It's not actually applicable to people that are living in urban areas, where they don't have their own yard to start their own garden.
That's true, although there already are indoor gardening systems (or hydroponic systems) on the market which could be used even if you live in a flat in a middle of a city. They're often pretty costly and won't produce as much food as a proper garden would.
Another option for city dwellers would be renting an allotment, a small piece of land usually just outside of a town in a dedicated area made especially for that purpose.

I actually prefer to buy vegetable goods in supermarket, and choose the cheaper one, cause those fruits and vegetables went process in checking the quality and to be preserved longer.

Mass food producers are focused on profit, which encourages them to use all kinds of pesticides or even genetically modified seeds to grow fruits and vegs that are big, resistant to pathogens, and that have longer shelf life. All that comes at the price of them often being watery, tasteless and lacking the nutrition that homegrown food has.
All in all, quality food is the last place you should be looking for savings.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Natsuu on October 21, 2023, 11:41:51 AM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

I doubt it. Managing expenses and prioritizing essential needs is indeed crucial but it's easier said than done especially for those with limited financial resources. For the poor, the challenge intensifies because despite the common advice of allocating money wisely, the reality is harsher as they are already struggling to make ends meet. Basic necessities like food, education, and utilities often consume almost all of their income. And yes, your idea of utilizing free time and land for cultivation is practical but access to suitable land, resources and knowledge is a barrier for them as well. I am certain that breaking the cycle of poverty requires more than just budgeting because it demands systemic changes, improved access to education, healthcare and opportunities for sustainable income. While it is common to say just manage your expenses, how to actually do it depends on one's economic circumstances. This may be too much but in our country, we have a lot to demand first from our government but that doesnt leave the people to be lazy.

But personally, as someone who is privileged enough to look for work, I just add another source of income to sustain my additional wants. I mean I try not to limit my lifestyle to the income I have, rather, I find more resources so I can sustain the lifestyle that I want. :)

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DanWalker on October 21, 2023, 12:34:41 PM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

Are you married and how many children do you have? From what you said, it seems very easy to balance life without stress or too much effort. If life is so easy, why are there still billions and billions of people still living in difficulty and poverty? Why are there still millions of people working hard 16-18 hours a day but still not having enough money to make ends meet?...There's a lot for you to explain with what you're saying. But that's life, imagining and speaking will always be easier when we ourselves are in that situation, we will know how difficult it is, and how not easy it is to overcome it.

I guess, you are a lucky person and have got a high-paying job, or you are still in your parents' arms.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: wajik-tempe on October 21, 2023, 12:57:47 PM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

Your advice to use spare time to establish a garden with crops such as tomatoes, chilies, and veggies is a fantastic method to augment income and save food costs. Individuals may handle financial issues more effectively while also protecting the well-being of their families if they adopt these tactics and make prudent spending decisions.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: wallet4bitcoin on October 21, 2023, 01:52:11 PM
The need for budgeting can not be over-emphasized, it saves one from loads of financial mismanagement and unnecessary pressure that goes with it. Budgeting and sticking to it makes you feel like you have more than enough to play around with irrespective of what the economy of your neighbourhood is. It also gives you room to enprovision for savings and investment.

There are options for almost everything that is required to live life, the option you subscribe to is that which your resources can afford according to your class. If you deviate from subscribing to your class-option, its only a matter of time before the pressure associated with mismanagement of funds sets in.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: lizarder on October 21, 2023, 02:08:24 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Talking about needs cannot be separated from how the family is able to finance the family's food, clothing and shelter needs. In this case, we need good planning in managing limited finances, so that small income can be channeled appropriately for these needs. One of them is trying to meet kitchen needs and maybe you can take steps by trying to buy raw materials that are processed at home to eat and if you have empty space in your yard you can grow vegetables for these needs.

When these three things are fulfilled well, our lives will be much more normal because these are basic needs that need to be prepared carefully. The rest when talking about savings and purchasing any assets must be through other programs that are in line with our income, after these needs are met as the first step that needs to be prepared. It is impossible for people to save, buy assets or invest if they have difficulty meeting these basic needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Dickiy on October 21, 2023, 02:30:52 PM
Low income or limited salary will not be a big problem in meeting the family's main needs, you can still meet various family needs as long as you can manage your expenses appropriately. Allocate money to items that the family needs every month, such as basic food items, children's education costs, electricity and water. Always avoid spending money on things that are not really needed in order to save some money for other needs.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

Your advice to use spare time to establish a garden with crops such as tomatoes, chilies, and veggies is a fantastic method to augment income and save food costs. Individuals may handle financial issues more effectively while also protecting the well-being of their families if they adopt these tactics and make prudent spending decisions.

Yes, it is better than we just stand around without doing anything and only rely on the salary from our main income which is clearly not able or not enough to support all the needs of our life with our family. And if indeed we have a patch of garden around the house then yes it's a good idea to start farming by planting all plants such as vegetables or anything that can be consumed, obviously the benefits are quite a lot. Besides being able to reduce expenses from your basic needs, you can also avoid the impact of inflation which of course the basic needs will increase but your income is still low.

Honestly, this is a very good solution and will be very beneficial for the individual himself, especially will help them from financial problems in the family, and also especially if in that condition you can find additional work to increase your income, it will be even better.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on October 21, 2023, 02:42:46 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bestcoins1 on October 21, 2023, 03:35:15 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.
You have chosen a very wise and correct path for yourself and also for the sake of your own family, because spending money for daily needs cannot be endured by anyone except for people who do not love their own bodies by continuing to endure hunger and thirst. Family livelihoods will be much easier when the head of the family has sufficient income, so that when you walk and think straight to continue earning additional income in order to avoid experiencing difficulties in your own family, you are truly wise in your way of thinking at this time.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: macson on October 21, 2023, 09:04:17 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Of course reducing your lifestyle is something that must be done by every family with a low income, just imagine that currently, the world economy is in an uncertain direction, my country is also not free from that, meanwhile, if your family has a high lifestyle but the financial strength of your family is not able to cover it, your family will be at the extreme poverty line, you will definitely start to incur debt and will not be able to save.  remember, as long as you and your family use the money you have only for food and drink, then you and your family will be able to survive for quite a long time.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: terrific on October 21, 2023, 10:02:53 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.
Cutting expense is just the first step but you'll eventually realize that it won't be enough because you also have to cut the lifestyle that you've been living.
Even if your lifestyle is just like frugal just the way you've been doing it, you'll still need to cut more. But for you to maintain that, the best solution is for what you have said and that is to add more source of income.
When you have that, you can allocate for your needs and even for some of your wants.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: poodle63 on October 21, 2023, 11:22:45 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.
thats true, cutting expenses just temporary resort for contending against the ever increase price of basic needs.
whats more important is raising income, even though it might be difficult, there's no other way, we all know that sometime salary increase lesser than inflation, meaning out purchasing power get decreasing every year.
to content against that, of course by raising our quality as an individual, learning skill that might bring us to new job opportunities, then increase the income, thats the only way if someone want to find sure way to make sure that their basic needs are filled.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 22, 2023, 07:31:35 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
Of course reducing your lifestyle is something that must be done by every family with a low income, just imagine that currently, the world economy is in an uncertain direction, my country is also not free from that, meanwhile, if your family has a high lifestyle but the financial strength of your family is not able to cover it, your family will be at the extreme poverty line, you will definitely start to incur debt and will not be able to save.  remember, as long as you and your family use the money you have only for food and drink, then you and your family will be able to survive for quite a long time.

Yes, it is true that with a limited income, of course, you have to reduce excessive lifestyle, seen with the current lifestyle that is rising with branded goods will certainly drain income. Many people today prioritize a luxurious lifestyle by buying high-priced items whether it's gadgets, clothes, vehicles. If they have a sufficient income, it is not a problem, but what I am afraid of is that they have a limited income but force their lifestyle with the aim of fulfilling the current trendy style.

It may be true that they will get into debt by prioritizing a luxurious lifestyle, but if they have a limited income but can follow a luxurious lifestyle maybe they are people who can manage their income well so that they can balance their lifestyle and basic daily needs, people like this rarely exist because they have a good mindset in managing their finances. So there is nothing wrong with following the current lifestyle as long as they can manage their income well and not harm themselves.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: wiss19 on October 22, 2023, 05:10:11 PM
i dont need to be personally concerned with finances thanks to bitcoin. but i do like to look at frugality as a thought experiment and to keep me empathetic to the unbanked population
someone in my locality talked to me about their inability to save money. saying all their money leaves before the end of the month

i asked them to for one month. do their normal activities, but ask for/provide a receipt for everything they buy that month
there were many surprising things i noted when reading their receipts

they bought individual 500ml bottles of pepsi-max for Ł1.20 each (6litres would be Ł14.40)
compare that to
18cans of pepsi max(330ml each) Ł7.50 = (6litres for Ł7.50)
1.5ltr of pepsimax for Ł1.20 (6 litres would be Ł4.80)
yes thats right same retailer sells 500ml bottle for same price as 1.5ltr bottle

making one change in just how the pepsi is contained. can save them 50%-66%+
when it comes to drinks someone can go through 6 litres in less than a week meaning saving Ł10+ a week
heinz baked beans individually Ł1.45
supermarket ownbrand Ł0.30-Ł0.45 can save Ł1+ per tin by just swapping the brand
(trick is, first time instead of buying one expensive tin. buy 3-5 ownbrands totalling the 1 expensive tin. and then taste preference the one you will only buy next time)

when it comes to tinned food most people use upto 7 tins a week per person per week. so that can be Ł7 saving a week (per person)

just those 2 products can save Ł17 a week (Ł68 a month)

too many people do not think that these small Ł1 premium items mean much to the budget, but it soon adds up
Great calculations and experience there. These small things certainly add up to the total budget getting out of its actual proportions, and someone who wants to save money will definitely need to make sure that even if they are able to save $2 a week by changing their purchases a little bit, they should go for it, as long as they are still getting the same thing in the same quantity but just in a lesser price, they shouldn't really have any problems.

If I know that I usually buy a product that I use every single day, and if I buy that product in bulk instead of buying once every day and I get to save a few bucks on it, I will definitely go for that because why not? I'm still getting the same thing just maybe in different packaging and stuff and saving some money with it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: goinmerry on October 22, 2023, 05:38:32 PM
As a basic rule of thumb, always prioritize needs > wants.

Just consider giving these a balance if the salary is well enough to cover these. List all the required things under priorities such as; food, monthly bills, daily allowance, transportation (or gas consumption if having an own vehicle), and many more. Break down all the spending here and from there, the adjustment phase will be the next.

We do have a different financial situation that's why only us knows what would be the best financial plan we should follow.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DrBeer on October 22, 2023, 06:19:05 PM
As a basic rule of thumb, always prioritize needs > wants.

Just consider giving these a balance if the salary is well enough to cover these. List all the required things under priorities such as; food, monthly bills, daily allowance, transportation (or gas consumption if having an own vehicle), and many more. Break down all the spending here and from there, the adjustment phase will be the next.

We do have a different financial situation that's why only us knows what would be the best financial plan we should follow.

On the other hand I would add:
- set higher goals, for example, for the standard of living - your own business or a stable passive income, a nice apartment in a good neighborhood of a good city, a nice car, good travel around the world, delicious food, ... and all this not "later when you get it", but now, maximum - "tomorrow"
- buy quality things (they are definitely more expensive than consumer goods)
- socialize with those who are more successful than you
- don't socialize with those who are degraded or have down-to-earth interests.

This is all to what? To the fact that a person should always strive for better, more convenient, quality, comfortable, .... A person should not live his whole life for the sake of one goal, sacrificing everything else, while there is no guarantee that he will live to realize this dream, and the whole life will pass in total economy, and lack of satisfaction from life ...

For me, a very good example was the situation with the collapse of the USSR, when most of the 250 million people lived virtually for one goal - that the state gave an apartment. And for the sake of this they were ready to live all their lives in conditions that differed greatly, and for the worse, from the inhabitants of the free western world, small wages, small pensions, shortage of absolutely everything, lack of the right to choose and the possibility of choice.... But suddenly, when you retire, you get an apartment?!  Some people waited for it. Minimal, primitive apartments, in houses made "under copying", with miserable planning and equipment.  But the whole life passed so - that there is nothing to remember !
And some, the most nimble, somewhere found a job and put aside money. To "buy an apartment on retirement". Then there was a monetary reform and all their savings turned to dust..... 

Bottom line - don't get hung up on saving money. It is necessary to consume logically, to develop, to strive for the best!

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on October 25, 2023, 03:12:12 AM
Just consider giving these a balance if the salary is well enough to cover these. List all the required things under priorities such as; food, monthly bills, daily allowance, transportation (or gas consumption if having an own vehicle), and many more. Break down all the spending here and from there, the adjustment phase will be the next.

We do have a different financial situation that's why only us knows what would be the best financial plan we should follow.
That's much better and prioritizing basic rules to meet needs is the best way so that can manage our limited finances. When people are unable to provide a balance between expenses and income then there is no way for them to manage everything well. The list that is loaded must be adjusted as much as possible to the amount of income we earn, for example preparing food needs by buying ingredients for cooking, monthly bills such as electricity and PDAM water and saving fuel only to be used when going to work.

Sometimes different incomes will result in unequal expenses, as in some of the examples we have experienced and the greater the income we earn, the greater the expenses we need. It depends on our ability to manage finances and if we don't have the ability to manage then don't expect this problem to be resolved.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: RockBell on October 25, 2023, 03:55:12 PM
The need for budgeting can not be over-emphasized, it saves one from loads of financial mismanagement and unnecessary pressure that goes with it. Budgeting and sticking to it makes you feel like you have more than enough to play around with irrespective of what the economy of your neighbourhood is. It also gives you room to enprovision for savings and investment.

There are options for almost everything that is required to live life, the option you subscribe to is that which your resources can afford according to your class. If you deviate from subscribing to your class-option, its only a matter of time before the pressure associated with mismanagement of funds sets in.
If you look the way a country is run it is run based on budgeting everything is planned out according to budget signed to aviod mismanagement of resources of the country, and that is how our personal life is suppose to be, everything supposed to planned out just that the challenge is that the economy is fucked up and things are getting really expensive, so if you really want to do savings you have to really discomfort your self and reduce a lot of things.

You have to restrict something if you really want to archive this, in other to reduce the way you spend if not, spending its something very difficult to put under management.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: puloweh555 on October 25, 2023, 04:47:54 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.
You have chosen a very wise and correct path for yourself and also for the sake of your own family, because spending money for daily needs cannot be endured by anyone except for people who do not love their own bodies by continuing to endure hunger and thirst. Family livelihoods will be much easier when the head of the family has sufficient income, so that when you walk and think straight to continue earning additional income in order to avoid experiencing difficulties in your own family, you are truly wise in your way of thinking at this time.

Managing finances is really necessary, especially with a low income and only one income. You need to know that if your salary is your only source of income, then you are only one step away from poverty. So indeed all of us, especially those who are married, must have a long view and try to find additional work. This way we can make money, save money, and employ this money (investment) which is the most important thing.

In life it is very difficult to predict what will happen in the future and there are times when it is very difficult to manage finances because sometimes unexpected things can happen, so the easiest way is to just enjoy it and be grateful for what you have... if you have more money, save it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: DVlog on October 25, 2023, 05:28:34 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.

Exactly! If my current income is not sufficient to cover my family expense then I will try to find an additional income source or I will try to find another job that will be enough to support my monthly expenses. Sometimes it is not only our low income but also our lack of proper money management that causes financial problems. You can support your family even with lower income if you have knowledge about money management.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: ChiBitCTy on October 25, 2023, 06:35:45 PM
There's some good information in this post and then there's some bad information, or misinformation.  I have to ask, how did you select these people and the "advice" they are giving?

As a licensed financial advisor of close to 20 years now, I would highly recommend NOT taking advice from anyone you don't know their educational background of when it comes to finances.  I can't tell you how many clients have taken "advice" from friends/family/co-workers that has come back to bite them in the butt.

One thing I did notice and is absolutely correct...budgeting is your first step.  The first calculator on this page is a great monthly budgeting tool-*7ilj50*_ga*MTk5MDIyODk4NS4xNjk4MjU4NzQw*_ga_MDRRLSW4FM*MTY5ODI1ODc0MC4xLjEuMTY5ODI1ODc0NC41Ni4wLjA.#/

If anyone would like some help with their finances, from a financial advisor, I'm happy to help..just shoot me a DM.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: JunaidAzizi on October 25, 2023, 07:01:16 PM
As a basic rule of thumb, always prioritize needs > wants.

Just consider giving these a balance if the salary is well enough to cover these. List all the required things under priorities such as; food, monthly bills, daily allowance, transportation (or gas consumption if having an own vehicle), and many more. Break down all the spending here and from there, the adjustment phase will be the next.

We do have a different financial situation that's why only us knows what would be the best financial plan we should follow.
This is correct that you should first give importance to your needs because wishes cannot be completed as you will work for one wishes after which you will wish for another happiness therefore always thinks about needs first. Make a monthly planning that you will use your income in basic things only and specify certain amount which you will keep save in each month. If a person spend his money on specific and necessary things only then he can easily manage his expenses in a little income otherwise he will be unable to do anything for himself.
Other people cannot teach us that how to spend money because its our own salary, our own needs and our own expenses so no one can understand better than ourselves. As we are working hard for getting money so we can also use some hours to make a plan and save our money.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 25, 2023, 09:58:59 PM
Exactly! If my current income is not sufficient to cover my family expense then I will try to find an additional income source or I will try to find another job that will be enough to support my monthly expenses.

I've said it before and I'll say it again - this is the wrong type of thinking. You need to start thinking of your time as your most valuable asset. Instead of finding another low-paying job that will leave you no time to spend with your family or raise your children, you should shift your focus on getting paid more for your work. The simplest way to do that is to get some skills that others don't have. And I'm not even talking about any fancy degree that takes years to obtain and costs a fortune. Just literally learn something that an average man can't do himself and that will improve your life significantly.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: passwordnow on October 25, 2023, 10:29:06 PM
Exactly! If my current income is not sufficient to cover my family expense then I will try to find an additional income source or I will try to find another job that will be enough to support my monthly expenses.
That's I will do too. The competition for having new jobs is there but I won't stop since I've got my own reasons not to give up and why I need to find another job or another source of income. When life is too tough and gets tougher, this is when we can do the impossible. Believe me, when you're too motivated and you're feeling to do the impossible, you are very optimistic with every approach that you do just like finding another job. Because when you can see the whole situation of what you and your family is going through, you'll have to do something.

Sometimes it is not only our low income but also our lack of proper money management that causes financial problems. You can support your family even with lower income if you have knowledge about money management.
It is what it is but you will learn that eventually on how to properly manage your money, finances and salaries that you'll be taking. That's always the hard part when you've got nothing to budget on but when money comes in and you only need to budget it, that's gonna be easy for you.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on October 25, 2023, 10:35:33 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.

Exactly! If my current income is not sufficient to cover my family expense then I will try to find an additional income source or I will try to find another job that will be enough to support my monthly expenses. Sometimes it is not only our low income but also our lack of proper money management that causes financial problems. You can support your family even with lower income if you have knowledge about money management.
supporting family with lower income by properly managing money which just simply means cutting your basic needs, or never buy something luxury without any proper reasoning, is just temporary means, until when you will be able to do that? isn't the inflation gonna decrease your wealth in the long run? as mentioned its better to increase the income.
even better if we also invest, after all with investing, we could increase our income as well, so not just doing nothing meanwhile our money keep decreasing.
thats why knowing to invest is important.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Y3shot on October 25, 2023, 10:52:35 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.
I think the only way to manage family is get another source of income because family responsibilities increases expecially a family that has children at hand, because reducing the standards of living can't only help in managing the family. As the children are growing their demands are alo increasing.  Having another source of  income is the only way on how to meet up with the bills, and also to avoid spending unnecessary on things that are not important,  doing this will help to solve the major bill that is in the family.  When income is not much one needs to consider a small family to be able to meet up financially.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: seanskie18 on October 25, 2023, 11:12:19 PM
The issue is prevalent and requires coordination with wives. It is acceptable for monthly income data to be disclosed honestly, as it helps wives understand and manage it. However, additional efforts may be needed to address shortcomings. Being truthful allows family heads to communicate the actual circumstances, as the only group they aim to help is their own family, not others. This approach is preferable as it allows for better communication and understanding.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Nerdy doctor on October 25, 2023, 11:15:13 PM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.

About cutting down on expenses, it’s easier said than done. It’s not so easy to cut down on the lifestyle you’ve been used to for years and that could prove difficult.
Looking for another income source to bolster your earnings is also a good idea. And it’s an idea that a lot of people have thought of but unable to actually do it. With not enough jobs around for people who are willing and able to work, it wouldn’t be so easy to secure a second job. Hence the need to grow and improve on ourselves so we can be indispensable at our work place and also looking attractive for employers looking to hire people.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: cryptoWODL on October 26, 2023, 03:27:28 AM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.
Many of our families, big and small, often face financial problems or continue to have these problems.If your income is struggling to cover the family expenses then you must increase the source of income and work out how to increase this source.If you can do a small business or job in addition to your current salary then your source of income will increase.I am working a job to support my family and also running a small online based business now I am not having much problem.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Sebas.tian on October 26, 2023, 05:02:49 AM
Quote from: Aanuoluwatofunmi
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.

That is the best way to maintain a good home and also improve income that will last the entire family to enjoy before they will separate to their own family in the future. Using that low income to create such opportunity, which I know is not easy to make such thing available but if you can make such thing reality, it will make the family not to experience any challenges in this massive inflation that is affecting the global economy and is collapsing many family. But to lay such foundation in this season is not easy without the support of your family member like your wife and children, because if they can support you to make those things establish in the family, it will increase the family higher in all aspects of life.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 26, 2023, 09:32:25 AM
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.
Many of our families, big and small, often face financial problems or continue to have these problems.If your income is struggling to cover the family expenses then you must increase the source of income and work out how to increase this source.If you can do a small business or job in addition to your current salary then your source of income will increase.I am working a job to support my family and also running a small online based business now I am not having much problem.

That's good, even though the business that is owned is small in appearance or value as long as it is productive and profitable I suggest continuing to run it. But my advice is that no matter how small the business is, force to set aside a little to save because over time, at a later time the savings can be used to increase the business products that are run so that they are a little bigger or better until they can have additional workers or employees. That way who knows from the small business we have can become a big business, right?

Although the main income is limited but if we have a small business maybe it will help our finances although a little in my opinion it is not a problem, instead it becomes a good thing because of the spare time we have. So others should be able to follow how to generate additional income for ourselves. That way the income that was mediocre will be helped by the business we have, it's okay that the business is small as long as it produces and is profitable for us like what you do online-based small businesses, in my opinion it's good because now people mostly shop online because along with the technology that supports it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: angrybirdy on October 26, 2023, 10:58:57 AM
The issue is prevalent and requires coordination with wives. It is acceptable for monthly income data to be disclosed honestly, as it helps wives understand and manage it. However, additional efforts may be needed to address shortcomings. Being truthful allows family heads to communicate the actual circumstances, as the only group they aim to help is their own family, not others. This approach is preferable as it allows for better communication and understanding.
That's right, having clear communication with your family may help to manage well your income. Both parent should be transparent when it comes to their incomes, expenses, and other things that money may involved in. Communicate with other family members to be more mindful about spending on things that aren't that important, Eliminate some debts, and build a budget that works for you and your partner. Once you determine how much money you have coming in and going out, time to figure out where you can cut back on your expenses like your non-essentials or find a way to increase your income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Chilwell on October 26, 2023, 12:02:41 PM

Involving oneself on taking loans just to meet up ones targets ain't advisable when your income is low because you may run into depression when you've incurred so many debts before you receive your income as you may be confused whether to settle your outstanding debts with your income or using to solve the family's basic needs.
Carrying loan to solve family problem is not bad but make sure that the load is for reasonable things and also note that, the load you took can be managed by the monthly income you earn to avoid any damages. We can take loan for any kind of problem but it shouldn't go beyond your control and also inform you family member like your wife and children if they have grown up and can understand because in this kind of situation family members have to be aware so that if their is any changes in time of financial issue you will not owe them any explanation, this like fish not in the food or eating the same food constantly or some of their needs but not that serious to stop them from anything they want to do.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.
This idea is also nice one but in my place people usually go to work early morning and comes back towards evening and when they are back they looked so tired and next thing they do is to shower and eat their food and sleep and continue the same thing tomorrow and when you talk about during weekend the see that period as resting periods. To be at the safe side we have to involve our family members in every of our plans because we has head of the family can't do it alone, like preparing a garden if we are busy we have to engage our children to do the preparation of the garden, with this plans we can a little bit relieved and have more money to save.

Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income.
That is human only few among us escape it but majority are involved, take a look at our working place we get promoted with the increase in our money too but still we keep on complaining about the needs. Let me tell you even those that have escaped it are just contented with what they are earning and also using the application of "scales of preference" to control the spending.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: uswa56 on October 26, 2023, 12:30:07 PM
Quote from: Aanuoluwatofunmi
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.

That is the best way to maintain a good home and also improve income that will last the entire family to enjoy before they will separate to their own family in the future. Using that low income to create such opportunity, which I know is not easy to make such thing available but if you can make such thing reality, it will make the family not to experience any challenges in this massive inflation that is affecting the global economy and is collapsing many family. But to lay such foundation in this season is not easy without the support of your family member like your wife and children, because if they can support you to make those things establish in the family, it will increase the family higher in all aspects of life.

It's not easy, but if we try hard to increase our income, I think it's quite possible to achieve it. It's all just a matter of desire and hard work. If someone really puts in the effort and is consistent, I think it's very possible and also family will certainly be a big motivation because for Everyone making their family happy is a life goal that is always a priority.
It cannot be denied that problems in a family are due to financial factors and if we can manage this well then we will minimize the problem, and I think every family has its own way of managing finances.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Minecache on October 26, 2023, 12:49:36 PM
Quote from: Aanuoluwatofunmi
I will just think straight ahead of adding an additional source of income for myself, and this will create in more opportunities for me to be able to meet up with the family and personal needs arising, we cannot say that we should take decision on cutting the expenses made each day because of low income since there are needs that cannot be cut short like daily expenses on feeding, house rent, school fees and many other needs.

That is the best way to maintain a good home and also improve income that will last the entire family to enjoy before they will separate to their own family in the future. Using that low income to create such opportunity, which I know is not easy to make such thing available but if you can make such thing reality, it will make the family not to experience any challenges in this massive inflation that is affecting the global economy and is collapsing many family. But to lay such foundation in this season is not easy without the support of your family member like your wife and children, because if they can support you to make those things establish in the family, it will increase the family higher in all aspects of life.

It's not easy, but if we try hard to increase our income, I think it's quite possible to achieve it. It's all just a matter of desire and hard work. If someone really puts in the effort and is consistent, I think it's very possible and also family will certainly be a big motivation because for Everyone making their family happy is a life goal that is always a priority.
It cannot be denied that problems in a family are due to financial factors and if we can manage this well then we will minimize the problem, and I think every family has its own way of managing finances.

Increasing income is definitely something we need to do if we want to maintain family life. But to be more certain, we also need to cut spending and cutting here does not mean cutting down on daily necessities but cutting down on unnecessary things in life. Just like my family before, when the economy is difficult, we will limit buying too much food, only buy enough to eat, not buying things that are too expensive...That also helps me save some household expenses.

Regarding increasing income, I think it's not only in difficult times like now that we think about that. We should find ways to increase our income whenever possible because life will always have unforeseen events and we must always be prepared for that. Don't wait until things happen to you to think about increasing your income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Ahli38 on October 26, 2023, 01:25:39 PM
The issue is prevalent and requires coordination with wives. It is acceptable for monthly income data to be disclosed honestly, as it helps wives understand and manage it. However, additional efforts may be needed to address shortcomings. Being truthful allows family heads to communicate the actual circumstances, as the only group they aim to help is their own family, not others. This approach is preferable as it allows for better communication and understanding.
Prioritizing an honest and open attitude towards family is very necessary in a household and in managing family finances. Especially to our wives. Because after all, we and our wives must fight together in everything and we must always solve all problems together. Including financial problems. So of course our wives must also know how money flows in and out of the family. And he also has to know our sources of income if we want our wife to help us manage our finances. Unless we feel capable of managing family finances ourselves. But I think it's a difficult task. Because sometimes we have to share tasks with our wives in this matter. We focus on making money by working hard and our wife will manage the household including the finances. Because sometimes our wives know more about what needs must be met in the family. Our children's school needs and so on are always better known to our wives.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Fatunad on October 26, 2023, 01:56:03 PM
The issue is prevalent and requires coordination with wives. It is acceptable for monthly income data to be disclosed honestly, as it helps wives understand and manage it. However, additional efforts may be needed to address shortcomings. Being truthful allows family heads to communicate the actual circumstances, as the only group they aim to help is their own family, not others. This approach is preferable as it allows for better communication and understanding.
Prioritizing an honest and open attitude towards family is very necessary in a household and in managing family finances. Especially to our wives. Because after all, we and our wives must fight together in everything and we must always solve all problems together. Including financial problems. So of course our wives must also know how money flows in and out of the family. And he also has to know our sources of income if we want our wife to help us manage our finances. Unless we feel capable of managing family finances ourselves. But I think it's a difficult task. Because sometimes we have to share tasks with our wives in this matter. We focus on making money by working hard and our wife will manage the household including the finances. Because sometimes our wives know more about what needs must be met in the family. Our children's school needs and so on are always better known to our wives.
You would really be that to be open with your wife since she's your partner after all or the one you would really be having for the rest of your life on which it is really just that normal that you would really be needing to be open as much as possible and dealing up problems together. Somewhat there are really some individuals on which they do really just tend to solo out the problem and becomes that secretive on whatever things that they are dealing with specially with some husbands or fathers who would really be just loving on taking the problem alone. Yes, its not really that a bad thing considering that we dont really like for our wife's to be that get stressed on whatever problems that the family does have.

Finances is one of the most common problem at all yet we know that there are really that common factors on which do affect the way we do live specially on economic or with some unexpected emergencies
on which it would really be causing that huge effect when it comes to finances on which it would really be just that normal on having that kind of probabilities.
Therefore, if you dont like on struggling out when it comes to finance then having multiple source of income would be always the key, it cant really be just that so easy.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Ahli38 on October 26, 2023, 02:38:33 PM
Prioritizing an honest and open attitude towards family is very necessary in a household and in managing family finances. Especially to our wives. Because after all, we and our wives must fight together in everything and we must always solve all problems together. Including financial problems. So of course our wives must also know how money flows in and out of the family. And he also has to know our sources of income if we want our wife to help us manage our finances. Unless we feel capable of managing family finances ourselves. But I think it's a difficult task. Because sometimes we have to share tasks with our wives in this matter. We focus on making money by working hard and our wife will manage the household including the finances. Because sometimes our wives know more about what needs must be met in the family. Our children's school needs and so on are always better known to our wives.
You would really be that to be open with your wife since she's your partner after all or the one you would really be having for the rest of your life on which it is really just that normal that you would really be needing to be open as much as possible and dealing up problems together. Somewhat there are really some individuals on which they do really just tend to solo out the problem and becomes that secretive on whatever things that they are dealing with specially with some husbands or fathers who would really be just loving on taking the problem alone. Yes, its not really that a bad thing considering that we dont really like for our wife's to be that get stressed on whatever problems that the family does have.

Finances is one of the most common problem at all yet we know that there are really that common factors on which do affect the way we do live specially on economic or with some unexpected emergencies
on which it would really be causing that huge effect when it comes to finances on which it would really be just that normal on having that kind of probabilities.
Therefore, if you dont like on struggling out when it comes to finance then having multiple source of income would be always the key, it cant really be just that so easy.
But now or nowadays, many young couples choose their own paths even after getting married. Because some couples sometimes both have different careers and both work and earn. So they manage their finances independently. And they just try to work together in raising their children and work together in saving money for their children's future. But apart from that, they seem to have their own paths. And it seems like this is now common. And this makes the position of head of the family sometimes less visible. Well, the point is that sometimes the wife doesn't really think of her husband as the head of the family. Because she feels capable of taking care of everything independently without her husband's help.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Davian144 on October 26, 2023, 02:55:26 PM
It's not easy, but if we try hard to increase our income, I think it's quite possible to achieve it. It's all just a matter of desire and hard work. If someone really puts in the effort and is consistent, I think it's very possible and also family will certainly be a big motivation because for Everyone making their family happy is a life goal that is always a priority.
It is quite normal and reasonable for everyone to put the goal of their hard work to make their respective families happy because it is not only for their own happiness as well. It will be easier to increase income if one family can look after and support each other in every activity we do, because when a family is so united in working together to make more income. Any hard work will not feel difficult for them if they can consistently support each other.

It cannot be denied that problems in a family are due to financial factors and if we can manage this well then we will minimize the problem, and I think every family has its own way of managing finances.
Likewise in cases like that, where each family member must be open to each other to discuss every problem and try to solve it in a fairly wise way. Because when the problem starts with money, it actually won't be difficult to solve as long as there is clear income through the income from hard work that you discussed earlier. So continuing to support each other in any case will make it easier for each family to solve every problem and increase income for their own family life.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: BabyBandit on October 26, 2023, 02:58:17 PM
Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?

Setup a budget before you start to do or buy things and you will be fine, no need to make it complicated.
Don't rush things, if you want something it's okay to buy second hand or save money to buy what you want instead of rush and take a loan with high interest for example.
Always think think before do do.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: boty on October 26, 2023, 03:14:22 PM
The issue is prevalent and requires coordination with wives. It is acceptable for monthly income data to be disclosed honestly, as it helps wives understand and manage it. However, additional efforts may be needed to address shortcomings. Being truthful allows family heads to communicate the actual circumstances, as the only group they aim to help is their own family, not others. This approach is preferable as it allows for better communication and understanding.
Prioritizing an honest and open attitude towards family is very necessary in a household and in managing family finances. Especially to our wives. Because after all, we and our wives must fight together in everything and we must always solve all problems together. Including financial problems. So of course our wives must also know how money flows in and out of the family. And he also has to know our sources of income if we want our wife to help us manage our finances. Unless we feel capable of managing family finances ourselves. But I think it's a difficult task. Because sometimes we have to share tasks with our wives in this matter. We focus on making money by working hard and our wife will manage the household including the finances. Because sometimes our wives know more about what needs must be met in the family. Our children's school needs and so on are always better known to our wives.
Sharing tasks with our wife will indeed make it easier for us to complete every responsibility within the family. If we were the only ones to solve family problems, this would be very burdensome for us. If we have mutual understanding between husband and wife, of course our family life will be very beautiful even though we have an income that is only enough for our daily needs and for those who have a lot of money, they will not necessarily be able to have a happy family life because they are always busy with their own activities. so it is very rare to be able to gather with their families. It would be very good if the wife managed all the household needs because they already know what their children and their husband need.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on October 26, 2023, 03:42:05 PM
The issue is prevalent and requires coordination with wives. It is acceptable for monthly income data to be disclosed honestly, as it helps wives understand and manage it. However, additional efforts may be needed to address shortcomings. Being truthful allows family heads to communicate the actual circumstances, as the only group they aim to help is their own family, not others. This approach is preferable as it allows for better communication and understanding.
Prioritizing an honest and open attitude towards family is very necessary in a household and in managing family finances. Especially to our wives. Because after all, we and our wives must fight together in everything and we must always solve all problems together. Including financial problems. So of course our wives must also know how money flows in and out of the family. And he also has to know our sources of income if we want our wife to help us manage our finances. Unless we feel capable of managing family finances ourselves. But I think it's a difficult task. Because sometimes we have to share tasks with our wives in this matter. We focus on making money by working hard and our wife will manage the household including the finances. Because sometimes our wives know more about what needs must be met in the family. Our children's school needs and so on are always better known to our wives.
Sharing tasks with our wife will indeed make it easier for us to complete every responsibility within the family. If we were the only ones to solve family problems, this would be very burdensome for us. If we have mutual understanding between husband and wife, of course our family life will be very beautiful even though we have an income that is only enough for our daily needs and for those who have a lot of money, they will not necessarily be able to have a happy family life because they are always busy with their own activities. so it is very rare to be able to gather with their families. It would be very good if the wife managed all the household needs because they already know what their children and their husband need.

And that's what should happen in every family relationship, whatever happens in the family whether it's pleasure or misery we must be able to live it together because togetherness is what must be prioritized when we already have a family. Families are not as beautiful as we think, as is the fact that happens and indeed some people who are married have also confirmed that there will be tests in the household through several problems that come continuously, so there is the importance of togetherness, as you said by sharing tasks with your wife or husband will make it easier for us to solve various problems, by possibly exchanging solutions or even when finances cannot cover the needs then our wives can also look for part-time jobs. It is indeed less recommended because basically the one who has to provide for the husband but that does not mean it is impossible because only they will feel difficulties if the economy is bad, so maybe it is also a good alternative to increase income, I see that many have also done it.

And if indeed the husband has a good enough job with a large enough yield to provide for his wife and children then as you said the wife's role may be busier in terms of financial management and also home affairs such as preparing everything that is needed by her husband or children in need.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on October 26, 2023, 04:32:25 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Some people might be earning little income, and when you look at them, you think they are managing their family affairs perfectly ok, in terms of economy, but when you look closer, you will see that a minority or possibly a majority of those people who are earning little end up with so many debts and loans here and there, which is what is helping them manage their family affairs. The economy is so hard, even if one is planning very well, they can still use their salary to even satisfy all their needs and it will won't be enough. There are too many responsibilities that can make one not even be able to satisfy every need with their little earnings, but there's a little advice to it. As follows; 

If you discover that your salary can no longer satisfy your needs, no matter how well you plan your spending, then plan to look out for other opportunities that earn you extra income.

Also, some people know fully well that their income cannot afford to raise five kids, but they go ahead and bear five children 👶👧👦👶👧. Meanwhile, they would be the ones to complain that they have too much responsibility for what they brought upon themselves.

Some people are greedy in every aspect of their lives. They always want to benefit alone, but they don't want others to benefit from what they themselves are benefiting from. There's a common parable that says, "Teach your brothers how to fish, and don't always give them the fish." If you give people the opportunity or a good idea to make money by themselves, you will save yourself the stress of giving them money all the time. For example, if I have siblings or friends who are old enough to start working and I have the opportunity to help them find a job, I can do that because it will reduce the rate at which they will depend on me for everything. If they are also working and earning, they can even sometimes support family affairs.

If your responsibility is too much and your partner is jobless, then encourage them to get a job, because a parable once said that "two heads are better than one."

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bbigtart on October 26, 2023, 05:07:10 PM
The issue is prevalent and requires coordination with wives. It is acceptable for monthly income data to be disclosed honestly, as it helps wives understand and manage it. However, additional efforts may be needed to address shortcomings. Being truthful allows family heads to communicate the actual circumstances, as the only group they aim to help is their own family, not others. This approach is preferable as it allows for better communication and understanding.

Managing income in the household of course requires honesty between one another, without honesty and having a high income it is difficult to manage finances well. The wife must be able to carry out good financial management and the husband must be honest in all matters regarding finances. And you should really look for additional income if you want to cover enough for your family.

In essence financial management. Because without good management in financing it will be very dangerous for our money. By having good financial management, we can manage it very well. we keep our money safe. We can only buy useful things without spending our minds on useless things such as cigarettes, drugs and alcoholic drinks. We can choose important items to buy. We can use our money to make investments.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on October 26, 2023, 05:12:56 PM

Involving oneself on taking loans just to meet up ones targets ain't advisable when your income is low because you may run into depression when you've incurred so many debts before you receive your income as you may be confused whether to settle your outstanding debts with your income or using to solve the family's basic needs.
Loans are taken for a variety of reasons. Some people take loans to meet their business goals, which I believe is not a bad thing because if a person's business is doing well, he or she will be able to repay the loan without difficulty. However, some people take loans to meet goals that are not as tangible, especially if they are not invested in ways that will generate income. When someone takes a loan and does not use it in any way, even if it has a good source of income to pay the money back, they will not be happy whenever they plan to repay the money. In fact, a loan is not advisable if the case is worse.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

Yes, it is good advice, and it will seriously be a great help if someone doesn't play when they have free time and uses it well for good things. Some people always have free time, but they hardly use it doing good things that will generate them other income. In this hard economy where everything is expensive, especially food items, having a garden with different vegetables will be a great support to the family.

Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income.

It is the nature of human beings, and I also see it as competition because we want to get what other people get and be ahead of them. If not that, why will a billionaire at 80 still be looking for ways to add more billions of dollars?

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on October 26, 2023, 09:30:27 PM

Involving oneself on taking loans just to meet up ones targets ain't advisable when your income is low because you may run into depression when you've incurred so many debts before you receive your income as you may be confused whether to settle your outstanding debts with your income or using to solve the family's basic needs.
Loans are taken for a variety of reasons. Some people take loans to meet their business goals, which I believe is not a bad thing because if a person's business is doing well, he or she will be able to repay the loan without difficulty. However, some people take loans to meet goals that are not as tangible, especially if they are not invested in ways that will generate income. When someone takes a loan and does not use it in any way, even if it has a good source of income to pay the money back, they will not be happy whenever they plan to repay the money. In fact, a loan is not advisable if the case is worse.

Apart from that, if you don't have another source of income, you can use your free time to work on the empty land around your house, start planting various kinds of plants such as tomatoes, chilies and other vegetables. By having produce from your own garden, you can increase your income and save money on shopping for kitchen needs.

Yes, it is good advice, and it will seriously be a great help if someone doesn't play when they have free time and uses it well for good things. Some people always have free time, but they hardly use it doing good things that will generate them other income. In this hard economy where everything is expensive, especially food items, having a garden with different vegetables will be a great support to the family.

Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income.

It is the nature of human beings, and I also see it as competition because we want to get what other people get and be ahead of them. If not that, why will a billionaire at 80 still be looking for ways to add more billions of dollars?

If the business they are going to run is productive and profitable, there is certainly nothing wrong with borrowing funds for capital at the beginning, because maybe it is the only way to have your own business. So I also thought about doing it if I wanted to open a business and did not have enough capital to open a business, the attitude of responsibility must also exist when we have borrowed. Because if there is a loan debt we have to pay it off.

Yes, that's right, it's ingrained human nature, everyone wants a big income so that they can meet their main needs and feed the current life, with the intention and effort, someone will be able to succeed in the future. So take advantage of what is available while it can be done well.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on October 26, 2023, 09:54:05 PM
If the business they are going to run is productive and profitable, there is certainly nothing wrong with borrowing funds for capital at the beginning, because maybe it is the only way to have your own business. So I also thought about doing it if I wanted to open a business and did not have enough capital to open a business, the attitude of responsibility must also exist when we have borrowed. Because if there is a loan debt we have to pay it off.

Depends on the circumstances. It's a completely different situation to risk your personal wealth when you have a family to raise and feed than it is to take risks when you're young and single. In a latter scenario, even if you fail, the worst that can happen is personal bankruptcy, which usually is not as scary as people might think it is (but depends on jurisdiction).
The vast majority of new start-ups fail though, so it's important to be realistic and know when to admit defeat. There's no need to go all-in and pump all the money if the business doesn't work out as planned. Best to learn a lesson and move on.

Yes, that's right, it's ingrained human nature, everyone wants a big income so that they can meet their main needs and feed the current life, with the intention and effort, someone will be able to succeed in the future. So take advantage of what is available while it can be done well.

The primary drive is to have more than others, not to just to meet your actual needs. The funny thing is, most of us would be happier having 5 times less than we currently do, provided all the people around us have even less than we do.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on November 01, 2023, 09:19:03 PM
If the business they are going to run is productive and profitable, there is certainly nothing wrong with borrowing funds for capital at the beginning, because maybe it is the only way to have your own business. So I also thought about doing it if I wanted to open a business and did not have enough capital to open a business, the attitude of responsibility must also exist when we have borrowed. Because if there is a loan debt we have to pay it off.

Depends on the circumstances. It's a completely different situation to risk your personal wealth when you have a family to raise and feed than it is to take risks when you're young and single. In a latter scenario, even if you fail, the worst that can happen is personal bankruptcy, which usually is not as scary as people might think it is (but depends on jurisdiction).
The vast majority of new start-ups fail though, so it's important to be realistic and know when to admit defeat. There's no need to go all-in and pump all the money if the business doesn't work out as planned. Best to learn a lesson and move on.

Yes, that's right, it's ingrained human nature, everyone wants a big income so that they can meet their main needs and feed the current life, with the intention and effort, someone will be able to succeed in the future. So take advantage of what is available while it can be done well.

The primary drive is to have more than others, not to just to meet your actual needs. The funny thing is, most of us would be happier having 5 times less than we currently do, provided all the people around us have even less than we do.

Do people who run a business and then fail will immediately stop? I personally would not be that easy to stop, failures and risks will certainly exist. My example of opening a business and failing, it is not a reason to stop continuing the existing business, because I myself if I want to open a business, of course, have considered everything that must be faced, including the risks that are vulnerable to making the business fail. It must be prepared and considered at the beginning before opening a business, if they open a business carelessly without considering it first in my opinion it is the same as lying it will only waste time and money that will be used up in vain.

Maybe what you mean is our superiority to others, is that so?
It is a fact that people will have a sense of dissatisfaction and envy when they see other people superior to us. But the mindset of people is different, people who have this mindset should make people who are above them as their own motivation, instead of intending to compete with them. Instead of being like that which will have no end, it is better for them to talk about it well and work together in opening a business, that way maybe they can have a large and profitable business. Of course this will be more beneficial for them while they can work together well.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on November 01, 2023, 10:40:39 PM
Do people who run a business and then fail will immediately stop? I personally would not be that easy to stop, failures and risks will certainly exist.

Well, oftentimes - yes. At what point do you admit that the venture is a failure? Usually it's when you run out of money and can no longer afford to try to get your business off the ground. Unfortunately, it often comes in pair with personal bankruptcy. And when your bank balance is drained and the bills somehow are not paying themselves, that's when you have to call it a day and look for a safer way of making a living.
"Never give up" is a nice-sounding buzzword, but the reality is harsh - unless you have unlimited resources, you simply can't afford to keep trying over and over again.

That being said, I don't discourage anyone from taking that route. Just don't make decisions fueled by the emotional crap of "following your dreams" and the like. You need to take emotions aside and do a cold calculation of all the risks and benefits.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: blockman on November 01, 2023, 10:54:05 PM
Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income.

It is the nature of human beings, and I also see it as competition because we want to get what other people get and be ahead of them.
I agree that is definitely by human nature that we're not content of what we have whether it's with material possessions and with incomes that we earn. The factor also about how life is tough these days want someone to earn more and that's why if you have a low income with your salary, you need to find some better paying job if you can. But if you don't want to leave that job of yours, you need to do extra hard work and use those vacant time of yours to do or find some side hustles.

If not that, why will a billionaire at 80 still be looking for ways to add more billions of dollars?
This make sense but usually these rich folks just used to their routine of working until they're dead.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: serjent05 on November 01, 2023, 11:21:38 PM
Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income.

It is the nature of human beings, and I also see it as competition because we want to get what other people get and be ahead of them.
I agree that is definitely by human nature that we're not content of what we have whether it's with material possessions and with incomes that we earn. The factor also about how life is tough these days want someone to earn more and that's why if you have a low income with your salary, you need to find some better paying job if you can. But if you don't want to leave that job of yours, you need to do extra hard work and use those vacant time of yours to do or find some side hustles.

In addition we also need to step our strategy in spending our hard-earned money.  This article[1] may give us a wider view how to manage our finances especially if we are in a low-income range.  The artilce stated that we should:

  • Track your spending to improve your finances
  • Create a realistic monthly budget
  • Build up your savings—even if it takes time
  • Pay your bills on time every month
  • Cut back on recurring charges
  • Save up cash to afford big purchases
  • Start an investment strategy

If not that, why will a billionaire at 80 still be looking for ways to add more billions of dollars?
This make sense but usually these rich folks just used to their routine of working until they're dead.

The answer for that is either that billionaire is greedy or still want to live on the expectation of others to perform as if he is in prime age.  We never know how the billionaire thinks until we are one.  It makes sense that they are still aiming for profit because they are accustomed to earning huge amount of money so they still do it as long as they have the power to do so.


Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: blockman on November 01, 2023, 11:46:53 PM
Maybe we are born like that and we are never satisfied with our own income. No matter how much money we earn, we always think of ways to increase our income.

It is the nature of human beings, and I also see it as competition because we want to get what other people get and be ahead of them.
I agree that is definitely by human nature that we're not content of what we have whether it's with material possessions and with incomes that we earn. The factor also about how life is tough these days want someone to earn more and that's why if you have a low income with your salary, you need to find some better paying job if you can. But if you don't want to leave that job of yours, you need to do extra hard work and use those vacant time of yours to do or find some side hustles.

In addition we also need to step our strategy in spending our hard-earned money.  This article[1] may give us a wider view how to manage our finances especially if we are in a low-income range.  The artilce stated that we should:

  • Track your spending to improve your finances
  • Create a realistic monthly budget
  • Build up your savings—even if it takes time
  • Pay your bills on time every month
  • Cut back on recurring charges
  • Save up cash to afford big purchases
  • Start an investment strategy
That's true because many employees that are earning very well don't manage to save money because they don't know how to manage their finances. That's why coming to the point of being a low wager and when you step up as a high earner, you need to step up also your way of managing finances.

If not that, why will a billionaire at 80 still be looking for ways to add more billions of dollars?
This make sense but usually these rich folks just used to their routine of working until they're dead.

The answer for that is either that billionaire is greedy or still want to live on the expectation of others to perform as if he is in prime age.  We never know how the billionaire thinks until we are one.  It makes sense that they are still aiming for profit because they are accustomed to earning huge amount of money so they still do it as long as they have the power to do so.
With my observation for those rich people that have thrived their ways to riches. They just become used to their routine and I think that even they're all set for life, they just want to work as if it is their body's vitamins. That's probably just me or they are just greedy.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on November 02, 2023, 09:21:01 AM
Do people who run a business and then fail will immediately stop? I personally would not be that easy to stop, failures and risks will certainly exist.

Well, oftentimes - yes. At what point do you admit that the venture is a failure? Usually it's when you run out of money and can no longer afford to try to get your business off the ground. Unfortunately, it often comes in pair with personal bankruptcy. And when your bank balance is drained and the bills somehow are not paying themselves, that's when you have to call it a day and look for a safer way of making a living.
"Never give up" is a nice-sounding buzzword, but the reality is harsh - unless you have unlimited resources, you simply can't afford to keep trying over and over again.

Yes, that's true, but I've said before that preparation should be discussed from the start, maybe some people don't discuss this. But I myself discuss it by preparing everything. If we can't manage our income and expenses well, we might go bankrupt, but I myself run a beverage business with occasional free drinking events, no problem, no loss. In fact, I was able to add a business branch with a more strategic location and a large enough area, of course there are also many customers who visit with comments on the concept of comfort and drinks that go to all groups, be it young people, parents, or children. From the failures that have occurred must be used as lessons so that it does not happen again in the future, I have experienced failure but with strong intentions and high determination until now I can open many business branches. Understand the failures experienced and look for solutions not just felt and left alone with the assumption "maybe in the future it won't be like this again" this is certainly wrong, try if we understand the failure, why it can happen like this and find the best solution there will definitely be a way out. Provided with a really good mindset. People who are successful do they never fail? I'm not sure if they are successful without failure, there must be times when they experience failure and get up.

That being said, I don't discourage anyone from taking that route. Just don't make decisions fueled by the emotional crap of "following your dreams" and the like. You need to take emotions aside and do a cold calculation of all the risks and benefits.

Yes, don't think of business as a small thing. Basically, the business we run will have results in the future. If people who have a business by just following the nonsense like you said, of course this is vulnerable to the loss of the business being run because of the risks involved. I say again, everything must be really prepared. Maybe some people don't mind this, but opening a business with just enough capital and this kind of thinking won't work in the long run. Try if they prepare everything from the beginning. Talking about the risks that will come and finding solutions in advance, it is less likely that the business they run will be lost, this way the business they run will be fine not by making the decision to stop their business when things are bad.
Okay, you said take a short break, that makes sense, but as far as I know people like this range by not continuing their business again on the grounds of unreasonable income, deserted, or whatever. This is probably those who don't manage their income and expenses well. So everything will be fine if it is well prepared. I myself was able to do it without any financial support from other people or my parents.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: AicecreaME on November 02, 2023, 01:06:13 PM

Involving oneself on taking loans just to meet up ones targets ain't advisable when your income is low because you may run into depression when you've incurred so many debts before you receive your income as you may be confused whether to settle your outstanding debts with your income or using to solve the family's basic needs.
Loans are taken for a variety of reasons. Some people take loans to meet their business goals, which I believe is not a bad thing because if a person's business is doing well, he or she will be able to repay the loan without difficulty. However, some people take loans to meet goals that are not as tangible, especially if they are not invested in ways that will generate income. When someone takes a loan and does not use it in any way, even if it has a good source of income to pay the money back, they will not be happy whenever they plan to repay the money. In fact, a loan is not advisable if the case is worse.

I agree.

Loan is not advisable if you don't have a regular job, because you'll have a hard time paying up your loan in that case, the worst is that is they'll take another load to pay their first loan, and that will just be repeated since they don't have any choice since they don't have a regular job. This kind of scenario is happening always in a third world country, where people are thriving to survive in their everyday lives fighting poverty as much as possible.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on November 02, 2023, 10:46:50 PM
Okay your money says a short break, that makes sense, but as far as I know people like this range by not continuing their business again on the grounds of unreasonable income, deserted, or whatever. This is probably those who don't manage their income and expenses well. So everything will be fine if it is well prepared. I myself was able to do it without any financial support from other people or my parents.

I agree with most of what you're saying and wish you all the best, but just to add to this part: you shouldn't be assuming that those who got burnt and gave up on the idea of starting their own business must've been unorganized or financially illiterate. Sometimes the wisest thing you can do is to re-evaluate and prioritise your goals and change them if needed. Especially knowing that the most common motivation for being "your own boss" is wealth and independence but in reality, even if successful, you could end up with no free time and instead of being "slave" to your boss, you're even bigger slave to your key customers.
Also, only a small percentage of businesses can be started really small, be profitable and grow organically. Most would require significant amount of funding and start to make a profit after a long while. That's where a lot of ambitious and determined people fall into a trap. When you already invested a lot of your time and money, you see your business growing, so you keep chasing that break-even point no matter what. You're not going to stop immediately after you exhaust your anticipated budget - you'll be looking for more funds at whatever cost, up to the point of bankruptcy if things go bad.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Rockstarguy on November 02, 2023, 11:37:17 PM

Involving oneself on taking loans just to meet up ones targets ain't advisable when your income is low because you may run into depression when you've incurred so many debts before you receive your income as you may be confused whether to settle your outstanding debts with your income or using to solve the family's basic needs.
Loans are taken for a variety of reasons. Some people take loans to meet their business goals, which I believe is not a bad thing because if a person's business is doing well, he or she will be able to repay the loan without difficulty. However, some people take loans to meet goals that are not as tangible, especially if they are not invested in ways that will generate income. When someone takes a loan and does not use it in any way, even if it has a good source of income to pay the money back, they will not be happy whenever they plan to repay the money. In fact, a loan is not advisable if the case is worse.

I agree.

Loan is not advisable if you don't have a regular job, because you'll have a hard time paying up your loan in that case, the worst is that is they'll take another load to pay their first loan, and that will just be repeated since they don't have any choice since they don't have a regular job. This kind of scenario is happening always in a third world country, where people are thriving to survive in their everyday lives fighting poverty as much as possible.
Even having a permanent job it is very stressful to collect to pay back , their are other things that money us needed to settle and it can be frustrating when trying to solve other financial issues and still paying loan at the same time. The only time taking a loan can be considered is for business because every business needs money to be pump into strengthen it, so it is not a wrong idea when people take a loan for business. If anyone must think to take a loan it should be something that will yield more profits at the end of the day, but loan for something that doesn't bring value is total waste .

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Tuturtinular on November 02, 2023, 11:44:24 PM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Basically, no matter how much we earn, we will feel less, but when our income is small, it will also be enough to live on. If we have a low income, like it or not we have to live simply and forget about a luxurious and prestigious lifestyle. I live in a tropical country, so if we have a small income, we can take food from gardens and rice fields, we plant vegetables and rice in rice fields so that in bad financial conditions we will be able to survive even though we have to live more simply but we will be able to survive in such conditions

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bettercrypto on November 02, 2023, 11:50:28 PM
People tend to fit money into what they have, even if their income is modest or insufficient. In actuality, there are items that are truly inadequate and not enough. However, all we can do is incorporate it into our family.

The strategic person is here for that reason. We should also look for ways to make a living that will allow us to provide for our families, if we don't want them to go hungry or cling to what they have. .. It's hard, but we have to fight through it or bear it.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on November 03, 2023, 09:49:31 PM
The only time taking a loan can be considered is for business because every business needs money to be pump into strengthen it, so it is not a wrong idea when people take a loan for business. If anyone must think to take a loan it should be something that will yield more profits at the end of the day, but loan for something that doesn't bring value is total waste .

There are more examples on when taking a loan is a smart move. The best and the most common one is to take a mortgage loan to buy a house. Especially when mortgage repayments are cheaper than the rent you would be paying otherwise.
But you're essentially correct. "Consumption" loans are always a bad idea. If you can't afford e.g. to save for holidays, then you certainly won't be able to repay a loan taken for that purpose.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: gunhell16 on November 04, 2023, 03:28:57 AM

Involving oneself on taking loans just to meet up ones targets ain't advisable when your income is low because you may run into depression when you've incurred so many debts before you receive your income as you may be confused whether to settle your outstanding debts with your income or using to solve the family's basic needs.
Loans are taken for a variety of reasons. Some people take loans to meet their business goals, which I believe is not a bad thing because if a person's business is doing well, he or she will be able to repay the loan without difficulty. However, some people take loans to meet goals that are not as tangible, especially if they are not invested in ways that will generate income. When someone takes a loan and does not use it in any way, even if it has a good source of income to pay the money back, they will not be happy whenever they plan to repay the money. In fact, a loan is not advisable if the case is worse.

There is nothing wrong with being in debt; the bad thing is not knowing how to repay the debt. Now, if you use a loan for business, that's a good idea, especially if you know how to turn the loaned amount around and you know how to make interest on it, so that when that happens, it may also be the amount you owed, so you can also pay off what you owed.

Because of the profit you will get from the business you will build. So it's okay for me; compared to others, the reasons for borrowing are superficial, except for the emergency reason for borrowing. So I'm fine with what you said, dude.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Samlucky O on November 04, 2023, 04:38:00 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Sincerely speaking life has been so thought for such people. When you aim higher you meet up some certain things in your house hold like living in a nice house, sending your children to nice school and eating 3 square meal a day.

But for those low Income earners, managing a family is always difficult. How they survive is by cutting down their expenses to the lowest.  according to how there name implies. Ranging from sending their children to public school instead of private school, living in a location that is less civilzed so as their rent to be less compeard to those people living in the main city. When buying food you buy in small quantity and give law on how it's going to be consumed. They often leave a life of borrow an pay.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: red4slash on November 04, 2023, 08:26:31 AM
The only time taking a loan can be considered is for business because every business needs money to be pump into strengthen it, so it is not a wrong idea when people take a loan for business. If anyone must think to take a loan it should be something that will yield more profits at the end of the day, but loan for something that doesn't bring value is total waste .

There are more examples on when taking a loan is a smart move. The best and the most common one is to take a mortgage loan to buy a house. Especially when mortgage repayments are cheaper than the rent you would be paying otherwise.
But you're essentially correct. "Consumption" loans are always a bad idea. If you can't afford e.g. to save for holidays, then you certainly won't be able to repay a loan taken for that purpose.
There is nothing wrong with taking out a loan as long as it is really necessary to be allocated for something very useful. But when the situation is not urgent and it is not required to take out a loan I think it is better not to do it.
I agree with you that taking a loan for consumption is not a wise thing to do. Especially if the consumption we do has no benefit at all.
Taking a loan for something profitable might sound better, like for a business for example. But we must also consider it carefully, because in doing business we also have the risk of losses that we will feel. So consider everything including considering the worst possibilities.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: rangga28 on November 04, 2023, 09:02:55 AM
The only time taking a loan can be considered is for business because every business needs money to be pump into strengthen it, so it is not a wrong idea when people take a loan for business. If anyone must think to take a loan it should be something that will yield more profits at the end of the day, but loan for something that doesn't bring value is total waste .

There are more examples on when taking a loan is a smart move. The best and the most common one is to take a mortgage loan to buy a house. Especially when mortgage repayments are cheaper than the rent you would be paying otherwise.
But you're essentially correct. "Consumption" loans are always a bad idea. If you can't afford e.g. to save for holidays, then you certainly won't be able to repay a loan taken for that purpose.
There is nothing wrong with taking out a loan as long as it is really necessary to be allocated for something very useful. But when the situation is not urgent and it is not required to take out a loan I think it is better not to do it.
I agree with you that taking a loan for consumption is not a wise thing to do. Especially if the consumption we do has no benefit at all.
Taking a loan for something profitable might sound better, like for a business for example. But we must also consider it carefully, because in doing business we also have the risk of losses that we will feel. So consider everything including considering the worst possibilities.
If your financial condition is mediocre, meaning you are only able to cover basic needs, then it is best not to take out a loan. I agree that a loan is necessary as long as our business is running. There is certainly no harm in adding capital to reach a wider business, but you must also understand the risks you will face later. We can certainly learn a lot about how to manage finances well in various articles and I am quite sure that if we understand how to manage finances then the plans we want to achieve will certainly work well too.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Gozie51 on November 04, 2023, 09:19:52 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?

Sincerely speaking life has been so thought for such people. When you aim higher you meet up some certain things in your house hold like living in a nice house, sending your children to nice school and eating 3 square meal a day.

But for those low Income earners, managing a family is always difficult. How they survive is by cutting down their expenses to the lowest.  according to how there name implies. Ranging from sending their children to public school instead of private school, living in a location that is less civilzed so as their rent to be less compeard to those people living in the main city. When buying food you buy in small quantity and give law on how it's going to be consumed. They often leave a life of borrow an pay.

Well running a poor house hold is more of understanding than cutting down on standard of living and majorly it depends on the understanding of the woman in the house to be able to implore ways to manage because despite cutting down expenses, there will still be some needs that will not be touched no matter how you manage to reach to them.

However, women have that managerial skill to be able to implore alternative cheap means to still achieve same result, like instead of using fish to cook, they might alternate it to crayfish yet giving the food same nutritious taste and nutrients needed for the children. They say it is the good woman that keeps the home.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: junder on November 04, 2023, 10:31:46 AM
Okay your money says a short break, that makes sense, but as far as I know people like this range by not continuing their business again on the grounds of unreasonable income, deserted, or whatever. This is probably those who don't manage their income and expenses well. So everything will be fine if it is well prepared. I myself was able to do it without any financial support from other people or my parents.

I agree with most of what you're saying and wish you all the best, but just to add to this part: you shouldn't be assuming that those who got burnt and gave up on the idea of starting their own business must've been unorganized or financially illiterate. Sometimes the wisest thing you can do is to re-evaluate and prioritise your goals and change them if needed. Especially knowing that the most common motivation for being "your own boss" is wealth and independence but in reality, even if successful, you could end up with no free time and instead of being "slave" to your boss, you're even bigger slave to your key customers.
Also, only a small percentage of businesses can be started really small, be profitable and grow organically. Most would require significant amount of funding and start to make a profit after a long while. That's where a lot of ambitious and determined people fall into a trap. When you already invested a lot of your time and money, you see your business growing, so you keep chasing that break-even point no matter what. You're not going to stop immediately after you exhaust your anticipated budget - you'll be looking for more funds at whatever cost, up to the point of bankruptcy if things go bad.

If the goal is fine and in accordance with what is expected, I don't think it needs to be evaluated or changed. However, if the intended goal is in the opposite direction from what is expected, then it must be evaluated or changed, because goals that are not in accordance with what was planned will become a problem. Because no one wants their business to suffer losses, everyone wants their business to run smoothly and be profitable for them. Because it will make them happy because what they are doing is going well and has a positive impact on them.

But there's nothing wrong with that, even if you start on a small scale, as long as it's profitable, it doesn't matter. Again, having people who want to start a business is not required to start in large numbers, like the saying "little by little, long time becomes a hill" I believe in that saying, with strong determination, even though the business is small, it will grow with those of us who run it well.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: passwordnow on November 04, 2023, 10:44:05 AM
People tend to fit money into what they have, even if their income is modest or insufficient. In actuality, there are items that are truly inadequate and not enough. However, all we can do is incorporate it into our family.

The strategic person is here for that reason. We should also look for ways to make a living that will allow us to provide for our families, if we don't want them to go hungry or cling to what they have. .. It's hard, but we have to fight through it or bear it.
Insufficient living and jobs will make you adjust everything. If you live frugally and that's not enough, you have to make some more ways in order for you to gain more income. Being a sole provider for a family is hard but the joy is there when you see them happy with what you provide. I think that's the best prize for being a hard worker but it shouldn't end there.

Because when you work hard and it's not enough for what you're providing for them, do not forget to ask some help for those that are able. You're not a superhero at all times and what if the time comes that sickness strikes you and you're the breadwinner of your family. That means that they'll going to get hungry when you can't provide them the needs because you can't go to work.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Lorence.xD on November 04, 2023, 11:50:17 AM
The only time taking a loan can be considered is for business because every business needs money to be pump into strengthen it, so it is not a wrong idea when people take a loan for business. If anyone must think to take a loan it should be something that will yield more profits at the end of the day, but loan for something that doesn't bring value is total waste .

There are more examples on when taking a loan is a smart move. The best and the most common one is to take a mortgage loan to buy a house. Especially when mortgage repayments are cheaper than the rent you would be paying otherwise.
But you're essentially correct. "Consumption" loans are always a bad idea. If you can't afford e.g. to save for holidays, then you certainly won't be able to repay a loan taken for that purpose.
There is nothing wrong with taking out a loan as long as it is really necessary to be allocated for something very useful. But when the situation is not urgent and it is not required to take out a loan I think it is better not to do it.
I agree with you that taking a loan for consumption is not a wise thing to do. Especially if the consumption we do has no benefit at all.
Taking a loan for something profitable might sound better, like for a business for example. But we must also consider it carefully, because in doing business we also have the risk of losses that we will feel. So consider everything including considering the worst possibilities.
If your financial condition is mediocre, meaning you are only able to cover basic needs, then it is best not to take out a loan. I agree that a loan is necessary as long as our business is running. There is certainly no harm in adding capital to reach a wider business, but you must also understand the risks you will face later. We can certainly learn a lot about how to manage finances well in various articles and I am quite sure that if we understand how to manage finances then the plans we want to achieve will certainly work well too.

Taking a loan literally has a target audience especially to the people that can afford to pay in time, still everyone is free to take a loan since they are the one who's responsible for unpaid payment. If you can't afford to provide all of your needs especially the essential needs, then probably taking a loan wouldn't be the best solution as you can't even provide money for your needs how come to your loan, which will worsen your situation and heavily in debt. Well, if you have a business, that's actually sound good to take a risk in taking a loan since you have source of income that can pay your loan. Experiences itself could help you already to learn from your past mistake in your financial journey.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Out of mind on November 04, 2023, 12:36:58 PM
First off, OP, I haven't taken over my family yet. If I did, I would definitely be able to give you a good and correct decision. Also, I am a child of a middle class family, so I also know how dire financial problems are for a family. Although I do a small job along with my studies, I give part of the salary I get to my family and the rest for my studies and my own expenses. Moreover I am currently working on signature campaigns from this forum and have survived a lot of financial problems. However, I give a portion of the money I earn from here to my family, where my family may get some financial benefit from my money. I think running a family takes a lot of work and puts a lot of pressure on the person who is in charge of the family. A person who is not financially well off has a lot of trouble to manage the family and what many times they are not able to overcome the lack of family. Of course, when a person wants to manage a family, he must have a good job and a small business as well, so that his family will not be poor in the future.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Bloodseekers on November 04, 2023, 01:32:34 PM
Insufficient living and jobs will make you adjust everything. If you live frugally and that's not enough, you have to make some more ways in order for you to gain more income. Being a sole provider for a family is hard but the joy is there when you see them happy with what you provide. I think that's the best prize for being a hard worker but it shouldn't end there.
Having an income means that we have to save more on the expenses we need because by having a little income, if we don't manage our expenses well, of course the income we have will not be enough for the needs we need, we need good financial management if we have a small income, if We are the only ones who work, of course we have to be able to use the free time we have to find additional income or learn a skill that we are interested in to be able to have additional income.

Because when you work hard and it's not enough for what you're providing for them, do not forget to ask some help for those that are able. You're not a superhero at all times and what if the time comes that sickness strikes you and you're the breadwinner of your family. That means that they'll going to get hungry when you can't provide them the needs because you can't go to work.
I think if we have done hard work of course we will get results according to what we have done, there is nothing wrong with asking for help from family members to get additional income, but we have to see who will take care of the family if other family members are looking for it. work to increase income.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Biznesmen on November 04, 2023, 01:36:54 PM
If your income is very low for managing your family, firstly, discuss the situation with your family and let's see what they can help you with. Secondly, planning your daily, weekly, and monthly budget will help you understand what's really necessary and unnecessary. Thirdly, seek another job with better pay. Fourthly, identify your liabilities and get rid of them; if there is any chance they will become assets, then make them. This is not only for low-income families but also for everyone. And all these advices in this thread I found are really valuable; read each of them carefully, and you can definitely make a friendly budget.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: bestcoins1 on November 04, 2023, 02:31:19 PM
If your income is very low for managing your family, firstly, discuss the situation with your family and let's see what they can help you with. Secondly, planning your daily, weekly, and monthly budget will help you understand what's really necessary and unnecessary. Thirdly, seek another job with better pay. Fourthly, identify your liabilities and get rid of them; if there is any chance they will become assets, then make them. This is not only for low-income families but also for everyone. And all these advices in this thread I found are really valuable; read each of them carefully, and you can definitely make a friendly budget.
What you say is also quite valuable for everyone because every point you describe is quite a useful point for those who are married and have children. Budgeting daily, weekly and monthly money has become an obligation that must be present in every family so that the family can live fairly prosperously. Meanwhile, looking for another job that can help the family's income is an option to support a small income so that it is enough to consume and save to become a valuable asset in life, this asset can also be quite useful for one's children in the future.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Wiwo on November 04, 2023, 10:53:07 PM

However, women have the managerial skills to be able to implore alternative cheap means to still achieve same result, like instead of using fish to cook, they might alternate it to crayfish yet give the food the same nutritious taste and nutrients needed for the children. They say it is the good woman that keeps the home.
Women are gifted with the skills of home management indeed and, just like the men are blessed with the hustling and providing for the home spirit,  so for that when it comes to the home economy,  the woman is in charge of this,  and to a good extent their have demonstrated that ability to indeed manage the home in whatever conditions that the economy may bring their ways.

Just like what you said about the usage of crayfish instead of fish or meat in the home,  it happened in my home today,  I was served with rice by my wife and after I finish eating she now told me that she only uses crayfish to prepare the meal,  and believe me I never noticed anything was wrong with the food because it was prepared with love in her heart,  so the women indeed plays a significant role in the home management and training of everyone to manage available resources at some point.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: pawel7777 on November 04, 2023, 11:05:47 PM
If your income is very low for managing your family, firstly, discuss the situation with your family and let's see what they can help you with.
Nah, if you agreed to be a primary (or sole) provider and your wife to take care of the home and children, then putting the burden of making money also on them should be the last resort.

identify your liabilities and get rid of them; if there is any chance they will become assets, then make them
What do you mean by this? Could you name a few examples of when liabilities can be turned into assets?

Women are gifted with the skills of home management indeed and, just like the men are blessed with the hustling and providing for the home spirit
Sadly this is no longer true for the average "Western" woman who would be offended by the expectation of them providing for the "home spirit".

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: oktana on November 04, 2023, 11:30:39 PM
It's really difficult to manage a family when one's income is tight. Here are my contributions; First and foremost, it might not be the most exciting task, but creating a budget is key. Tracking your income and expenses will give you a clear picture of where your money is going (I do this sometimes, when I feel I'm not budgetting well). You can identify areas where you can cut down expenses or find more affordable alternatives. Another important aspect is to understand the difference between needs and wants. Sometimes, our desires can lead us to overspend, so focusing on the essential needs of your family, like food, shelter, and healthcare, should take priority.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: boyptc on November 04, 2023, 11:41:03 PM
If your income is very low for managing your family, firstly, discuss the situation with your family and let's see what they can help you with. Secondly, planning your daily, weekly, and monthly budget will help you understand what's really necessary and unnecessary. Thirdly, seek another job with better pay. Fourthly, identify your liabilities and get rid of them; if there is any chance they will become assets, then make them. This is not only for low-income families but also for everyone. And all these advices in this thread I found are really valuable; read each of them carefully, and you can definitely make a friendly budget.
If some members of the family are able to make a living and go to job but they do not want to, any solution that you are going to bring them will not make any sense.

They just want to live easily and do not want to work and with that, that is why I am telling that there is no answer for that problem when they do not want to move and coordinate with what is needed for the family.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Bd officer on November 05, 2023, 03:47:22 AM
There are many people around us, where their income is not enough to manage a family how do you manage your family and economy? There are many people who manage their family very well even though their income is very low in their personal life, how do you manage it?
It will be different for each country based on the economy of different countries. I am presenting based on the economy of the country in which I live. The country I live in is Bangladesh, in our country each family is managed in a different way. Some families manage the family jointly. There are many who live with a single family. Now it is somewhat easier for those with low income to run a single family, but in case of joint family not many members of the family are earning which results in higher expenses for those with low income it is difficult for them to run the family. Where I live there are more single family households. It has become difficult for the low income people to live a normal life because the prices of goods have increased so much that it has become difficult. However, those who have low income should spend according to their income. According to the amount of income you should spend for the family and also save some money for future. Avoid wasting anything. Don't buy anything unnecessary.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: JunaidAzizi on November 05, 2023, 04:19:07 AM
This condition is very common and is not something new. Well, I think this is where we need to activate coordination and communication with our wives. To be honest I don't think it's wrong to tell the actual income conditions, the figures for how much income comes in every month. That way, our wives can understand and try to manage it optimally and of course, there must be additional efforts to help cover these deficiencies. Yes. Being honest is better because we as heads of families have conveyed the true conditions. After all, the final goal of what we are trying is only for our family and not for others.
You are very right and I agree with you not in all but in some points. The only goal of our work is to feed and take care of the needs of our family and to facilitate them in a better way, but telling them the actual income I think is a big stupidity that most men do. Let's suppose if we tell them the actual income then they will use every cent until they end all the funds of the whole month either they spend it in one week or a whole month. If they spend all the funds in one month let's say then how can save money for any incident that comes suddenly or how can go forward? You can not stand in one position in your whole life So if you tell them a lesser income than the actual one, and they spend all your telling find then you have some savings that you can utilize for Upgradation or when you need it suddenly.

Title: Re: How do you manage your finances and family if your income is low range?
Post by: Patrol69 on November 05, 2023, 05:02:06 AM
Just as everyone's income is not equal, everyone's expenses are not equal. If the expenditure is according to the income then I think it is possible to manage the family even with less amount of monthly income. Everyone expects something better from their position. When you live a normal life your expenses and other incidental expenses will be at normal level but when you earn more money you will try to live a little better than the normal life. People with low incomes may give up their hobbies or passions and think about reality. If there is a person in a family who can do the calculations, then the family can be managed well even with a relatively small amount of monthly income.