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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on October 08, 2023, 04:24:36 PM

Title: Putin claims successful test of nuclear-powered ‘global-range’ cruise missile
Post by: BADecker on October 08, 2023, 04:24:36 PM
The threat that Putin is exhibiting might have a flaw. Does the US or another country have armament that can track and shoot down Russian missiles? If this is the case, a Russian nuclear war might be an impossible thing. But, a cruise missile is a very small target to hit... especially one with nuclear-powered speed.

Putin claims successful test of nuclear-powered ‘global-range’ cruise missile for 1st time (
Each year, Russian President Vladimir Putin uses the occasion of the Valdai Discussion Club hosted in Sochi to present on a wide range of foreign policy issues in an off the cuff manner, which most often comes out in Q&A format. He did the same Thursday at this year's Valdai event, and one of the statements which is grabbing the attention of Western officials was related to testing nuclear weapons, at a sensitive moment where the last nuclear weapons treaty with Washington is set to fail.

(Article by Tyler Durden republished from

"I think no person of sound mind and clear memory would think of using nuclear weapons against Russia," Putin began in that segment of a speech before Russian foreign policy officials. That's when he made a statement being widely perceived as signaling openness to resumption of nuclear testing:

   "I hear calls to start testing nuclear weapons, to return to testing," he added. "I am not ready to say whether we really need to conduct tests or not."

He also raised eyebrows in immediately touting completed work on the Burevestnik cruise missile and the Sarmat heavy intercontinental ballistic missile, with the former being identified as a nuclear-powered cruise missile.

"We conducted the last successful test of the Burevestnik nuclear-powered global-range cruise missile," he said. This weapon hasn't been publicly mentioned by Putin since 2018, and suddenly he's revealed it's been successfully tested.

Code-named Skyfall by NATO, the consensus among Western analysts has long been that the technology is likely too hard to achieve given unreliability and volatility of such a nuclear propulsion engine. On the deep significance of the 'threat' to possibly put the Burevestnik on combat readiness, Mario Nawfal comments:


Putin: “We have never spoken negatively about Ukraine’s accession to the EU, but we are categorically against its accession to NATO”
... (


Title: Re: Putin claims successful test of nuclear-powered ‘global-range’ cruise missile
Post by: BADecker on October 08, 2023, 04:36:08 PM
It seems that even if the US and Nato have some kind of nuclear missile deterrent, that a full scale Russian nuclear attack would overwhelm all Nato defenses.

Putin warns that when Russia nukes America “there is no chance of survival” and “there will be no single enemy left” (
The Russians are feverishly preparing to fight a nuclear war, but our leaders continue to insist that nuclear war is not a threat because the Russians would never use their nuclear weapons against us no matter how much we may provoke them.  In fact, I was just reading an article on the official NATO website that was authored by a former U.S. defense official in which he openly admitted that he is assuming “that the war in Ukraine will end without Russian nuclear use”.  Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin continues to make public statements about nuking America.  This week, he told the entire world that there will be “no chance of survival” once he launches his nuclear missiles at us…

(Article republished from

    President Vladimir Putin has threatened the West with total nuclear destruction leaving ‘no chance of survival’ in the event of a strike on Russia.

    In a ranting anti-US speech, the dictator said his powerful ‘Satan-2’ and ‘Flying Chernobyl’ missiles are ready for deployment in an ominous doomsday warning.

    Putin told a conference in Sochi: ‘From the moment the launch of missiles is detected, no matter where it comes from – from any point of the world ocean or from any territory – such a number, so many hundreds of our missiles appear in the air in a retaliatory strike that there is no chance of survival there will be no single enemy left, and in several directions at once.’

I don’t know why our leaders are not taking such statements seriously.

If the Russians feel backed into a corner, they will not hesitate to use their most powerful weapons.

As I have repeatedly warned my readers, we do not have the ability to intercept and destroy Russian nuclear missiles.

Once the Russians launch their missiles, they will hit their targets.

And now the Sarmat is ready.  It is the most advanced intercontinental missile in the entire world by a very wide margin, and Putin says that the Sarmat will be put on combat duty “in the near future”…

    He also claimed: ‘We have actually finished work on Sarmat [Satan-2] on the super-heavy missile…’

    This ‘unstoppable’ 15,880mph Armageddon intercontinental missile system is the size of a 14-storey tower block.

    ‘We just need to finish some of the procedures in a purely administrative and bureaucratic way and move on to mass production and putting them on combat duty,’ Putin said.

    ‘And we will do this in the near future.’

Meanwhile, hopelessly outdated Minuteman missiles that went into service in the 1970s still form the backbone of our strategic nuclear arsenal.
... (


Title: Re: Putin claims successful test of nuclear-powered ‘global-range’ cruise missile
Post by: Hispo on October 08, 2023, 04:43:26 PM
News like this one are the sort of Information which makes me reconsider the relation between humanity and nuclear energy, almost enterely.
Some much time and research just to curse ourselves with weapons and technology which could lead to our total and mutual destruction in matter of hours.

I have felt excited when I first heard about the first successful test of a fusion reaction, giving more energy than the input, but now I wonder what kind of abomination will result from it and capable of killing millions as well...

Title: Re: Putin claims successful test of nuclear-powered ‘global-range’ cruise missile
Post by: BADecker on October 08, 2023, 05:01:22 PM
^^^ The interesting thing about this is that small, safe fusion reactors can be made to power cars and houses 'forever', so to speak. It's part of the reason why fusion reactors are taking so long to be developed. With small fusion reactors powering everything, there would be a whole lot of freedom for the people, and dependence on oil would be almost eliminated, because fusion energy could develop economically feasible bio-based products to take the place of oil produced plastics, etc.

Guess which companies wouldn't like to see oil become a useless commodity in the world.


Title: Re: Putin claims successful test of nuclear-powered ‘global-range’ cruise missile
Post by: Artemis3 on October 10, 2023, 02:00:03 AM
You mean, like the hypersonic cruise missile that was supposed to be unstoppable but Ukraine successfully stopped, after which Putin enraged ordered imprisonment of everyone involved? This hyper corrupt country couldn't even land a probe on the moon like the soviets did, it would be a miracle if the things don't detonate at the launch site, most are decades old technology they no longer maintain or are able to.

Sub-orbital launches are far more efficient and faster if the objective is delivering payload from one continent to another, than flying all the way and hoping to remain undetected.

And don't get me started on the "military exercise" that was supposed to last only "a few of days"...

Hispo got things backwards...

Fusion has long been demonstrated for mass destruction, doing it in a way that doesn't obliterate everything around it has been the tricky part. Fusion energy does not open the door for mass killing, because that was already demonstrated (Tzar bomba, etc). The event you mention is the ignition which theoretically generated more energy than that used to start it, except it actually didn't but demonstrated it could.

What has this to do with Putin's V1 wonder weapon? Nothing really. Fusion energy is only for pacific purposes, non pacific purposes were achieved way back in the 50ies...