Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: snowpega on October 08, 2023, 09:06:25 PM

Title: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: snowpega on October 08, 2023, 09:06:25 PM

The world of cryptocurrency is so unpredictable and even so exciting where there's many groups of individuals and known entities called "whales" who hold large amounts of digital assets. These Big whales have the power to Increase the prices of BitcoinBTC and sometimes they play mind games or game of sentiments with short-term investors to liquidate them out of market, they use the power of their big asset along with the power of social media to generate panic situation for the sort investors due to this, they caught in the trap of FOMO.

Who Are Big Whales?

Actually, big whales are essentially big players in the market who are expert of playing game of sentiments with short investors to liquidate their assets by putting them in FUD (Fear, uncertainty, and Doubt) and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) kind of situation. They're individuals or organizations that hold a big amount of a particular cryptocurrency like Bitcoin Because they own the big portions of the supply, their actions can impact the market to fluctuate the price of Bitcoin. Big-Whales often use their power to bring the unexpected sentiments which helps them to liquidate the short investors easily.

Game of Sentiments:

    Bitcoin big whales have that much power of playing with investor sentiments or their emotion where most of the time short investors get caught in the trap of FOMO and FUD influenced by the big whales. Big whales are aware very well of this game as the Bitcoin market is highly emotional, and short investors tend to follow the majority sentiments of market like what is going in the market. So, doing this seems to be very wrong step of short investors without DYOR. These are some steps big whales use to make their game successful;

•  Creating Hype: The main step of Big Whales is creating hype around a particular cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. We all know that this is the era of social media so they target the social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, etc. and they also made some bold predictions about its future price to get success in the future and these kind of action helps to catch the short investors in the trap of sentiments. This kind of hype attracts the attention of small investors and they fell prey to FOMO and liquid themselves. Well, from this point market take the good position for the big whales again at low price.

•  Pumping Prices: After creating hype on different social media platforms and getting the attention of short investors, big whales start buying the Bitcoin in large quantities to set the market at their desire level. The fact Bitcoin relay on demand and supply, this increased the demand of the bitcoin price up, and small investors then realize their mistake to becoming the prey of FOMO and FUD. All left behind just repent they have to repent on their decision they took in hurry or being emotional.

•  FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out):  I also had this experience of becoming the prey of FOMO as I remember I was reading such news on the social media and I took my decision in hurry and took entry in market without DYOR and get caught in the trap of FOMO. Well, as the price of Bitcoin start to increase, fear of missing out (FOMO) starts to show its colors to short investors. They start buying into the hype and purchasing the cryptocurrency at higher prices due to hurry and undesired emotions and become thinking that they might not miss out on huge profits according to their goals and desires. I also have create whole thread on this Topic You can read also it here.....>>>>A Guide for Cryptocurrency Newbies for Overcoming FOMO  (

•  The Tipping Point: Once the price reaches a certain level or desired level according to the big whales, Then the Big whales start to unload their assets and exact number of accumulated holdings. This sudden sell-off in the market can trigger panic among small investors and this may cause them to sell their assets at lower prices to prevent from big losses.

Protecting Yourself from Whale Games:

Well big whales can be unbeatable players in the market who really fluctuate the market prices against short investors.

•  Research: Hmm, A well-known term in the field of cryptocurrency is used as DYOR (Do Your Own Research) which is well recommended for all time. So, always try to conduct research before investing or taking entry also the time of leaving the market as it will helps a lot the one who do DYOR to fell prey of unwanted traps set by the big whales. Don't rely solely on hype and predictions instead of that seek some guidance from expertise and reputable profiles on social media.

•  Long-Term Perspective: Just having think of short time profits always be a wrong choice doing this lead us to the FOMO. So, we need to Avoid this succumbing decision of short-term FOMO. Instead of that we should think for long-term and invest in market of bitcoin we believe in, rather than chasing a quick profit that may feel so unrealistic at most of times.

•  Bearish Sentiments of market: This is the interesting part of the game where big whales bring the market level down by using their power and borrow large amounts of a bitcoin asset to sell it short, creating an aura of negativity around it which helps them to liquidate the short investors. Then this is the best time for the big whales to enter in the market with big amount where they cover this short position at a down price, and make big profits.


In conclusion, indeed big whales can play mind games or game of sentiments with short investors by manipulating their sentiments which put short investors in FOMO and FUD kind of situations. However, these are few ideas that short investors need to keep in mind for overcoming the big whales which are as follow; staying informed, having a long-term goal, DYOR etc. you can navigate the Bitcoin market with confidence and reduce the chances of getting prey to the FOMO and FUD. Always Remember, in the crypto world, knowledge is power, and strength emotions is key towards your goals.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: ZAINmalik75 on October 10, 2023, 04:57:02 PM
You did a good work here I liked the points and the suggestions to avoid falling prey to these whales. I am quite shocked to see, its been 2 days now, and this post got no reply. I don't know the reason but it did need some attention and correction.

For example, in the "Protecting Yourself from Whale Games:" section, you should add, how to detect the activities of the big whales, and how to make decisions out of them. Because short investors of long investors, are highly dependent on this thing, they have to use many tools, or maybe only one which suits them best, to track the activity of whales or big transactions that would have some influence on the market.

There are many telegram bots and APIs that would help you to detect whale transactions and you can take action before the total disaster. And you might save some money instead of a total losing.

Overall I liked the way you are dedicating your time here, but try to be more informative, you are new here, so you definitely need some time, so my suggestion for you is to do top-level research while making topics like these. Because creation process of such topics will help you gain knowledge that might take you more time but doing this, will not.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Hamza2424 on October 10, 2023, 09:11:20 PM
Hmm.. OP the text is looking weird you've changed the standard size to a custom one, there is no issue when you customize the size for bolding something like a title, heading, or mentioning a particular point.. Better to use the standard size.

You are not at all assisting in readability by increasing the size or anything else you were aiming for, At the same time sentiments are really game changers in your journey but for those who are accumulators, temporary sentiments are not that dominant. FOMO, Fud, and fear whales had nothing to do with them, they don't attack specifically they just adopt a better strategy, Whales don't manage the market a maximum of times, and institution does. Be aware that it in this market you are competing with smarter brains so be on alert and consistent with your efficient decisions.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Ever-young on October 10, 2023, 09:38:07 PM
This so called whales have so much influence on the crypto market and they alway do some bias things most times in other to put fear in the market and take advantage of the people who will want to sell out of fear, looking at the things listed and their capabilities, I can draw into conclusion that most times this whales might appear to have so much power due to the amount of bitcoin they hold, but deep down they really don’t have that as they are not really willing to sell off all their holding all at ones in other to cause some market crash which can give them the opportunity to buy back again.

What us usually makes their game appears to be a winning one sometimes is that they have studied the reaction of most amateurs and how they react to some bad news which are formulated out of tin air and they happen to always be sponsoring such fuds if the people can learn to over come such bad news and see it as one of those things which come and go, then their is a higher possibility that the crypto market can’t be push around by those so called whales who want to play some price game.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: CryptounityCUT on October 10, 2023, 09:49:25 PM
Thank you for the excellent introduction. It's essential for everyone, especially newcomers to the financial world, to understand the significance of the topics discussed.

Manipulation, a tactic used across various domains throughout history, plays a role in finance as well. Whether it's land, resources, or emotions, people have employed manipulation for different ends.

Let me add a quote with value:
"Patience, persistence, and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Yaunfitda on October 11, 2023, 01:35:35 AM
Or they can also give pressure on this newbies when they put a huge sell order. And when this noobs see that in a exchange, they either FOMO and panic and push the sell button and this whales win the game and scoop all those cheap bitcoins from this relatively new traders.

So I guess it will take some for some newbies to gain experience this way. At least they've learn a lesson, albeit it's in a more expensive way. But the thing is that it's going to be cyclical as we all know that there are always new comers in the space and sooner or later they are going to fall for this kind of trap. Even for experienced traders though, there are a lot of things that we are going to learn along the way to be able to get away from this kind of trap being set up by big whales.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: DapanasFruit on October 11, 2023, 04:59:37 AM

Old-timers in the cryptocurrency market are not anymore caught unaware of the presence of the big players who can be extending their power and influence with the direction of any asset especially on the short-term basis. For people who are new, it would be so critical to learn the ropes in here - the ins and outs so no one will be dismayed to found out losing in the whole game. Right knowledge and information can always counteract things and never always be guided by your emotions as they can be your real enemy.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: PrivacyG on October 11, 2023, 06:07:02 AM
I will never understand why some people take tips from whales for granted.  They earned a lot of money.  Many who earn a lot of money did not earn their money in a hundred percent legitimate way.  Especially whales!

They are not to be trusted.  Admire them for rising to such big Wallet balances but never take every thing they say for granted.  When their words have power they will use their words against the weak.  So try not to be the weak one falling to their trap.

OP.  It feels pretty weird reading a thread in an unusual text size.  Feels unnatural.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Dimitri94 on October 11, 2023, 06:54:17 AM
It's just a strategy. When you try to profit from your investment in the crypto trading space, try to apply some strategy. But since you are an ordinary investor, you don't have the money to control the market, so you can only wait when there is an opportunity to buy from the dip. However, those who are big investors themselves have the ability to dip and rise according to their ability by spreading various rumors in the market. And those who listen to rumors without doing any judgment themselves will fall victim to the trap of those big investors. I think big investors always have this kind of game where investors who have less money or small investors are the ones who confess. A common thing is that when the market turns bearish, many small investors become reckless, some sell everything from losing their all assets. Whale investors love to exploit that opportunity.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: snowpega on October 11, 2023, 12:41:27 PM
I will never understand why some people take tips from whales for granted.  They earned a lot of money.  Many who earn a lot of money did not earn their money in a hundred percent legitimate way.  Especially whales!

They are not to be trusted.  Admire them for rising to such big Wallet balances but never take every thing they say for granted. 

Yes sir, You are right they are really not trust able their action is just to put short investors in their trap well it is obvious that Whales are expert of playing this game of sentiments.

When their words have power they will use their words against the weak.  So try not to be the weak one falling to their trap.
TBH you said this statement very well like their words also have that much power whenever these whales comes to the social media with any kind or good or bad news they just try to keep short investor into their trap. Even sometime their statement leave kind of impact on market.

OP.  It feels pretty weird reading a thread in an unusual text size.  Feels unnatural.

Yes sir, i increased the text size. i thought to increase it for ease of eyes to others. If it is not good just lemme know i will try to keep it in my mind and never enhance the text size again. Pleasure! :) :)

Rest of that many thanks for reading this thread as i know i made it large and you may really give your time to read it and i will try come back again with some good ideas as well

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Poker Player on October 11, 2023, 01:22:47 PM
This also happens in the stock market, where large investment funds fleece minnows using high-frequency algorithms. I imagine that something similar is happening in the cryptocurrency market, big forks who know what to do and when to do it to fleece a lot of retail investors. The answer is always HODL and forget about the swings. Do buy and hold for the long term.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: BlackBoss_ on October 11, 2023, 01:55:04 PM
The psychology of market cycle (
Wolong: The Game of Deception (unedited version) (

The first article is generally about market psychological cycles and the second article is a practical example of whale practice to manipulate Dogecoin market. FOMO, panic, fear, uncertainty are all components of market sentiment.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Blitzboy on October 11, 2023, 03:11:23 PM
Your detailed description reflects the Bitcoin market's complexities and these "big whales."' strategy. Its fascinating, right? The whale-short-term investor dance reflects power relations in other economic sectors. With their immense power, these whales may affect markets and mood. Isnt it human for regular people to get caught in hype and emotions?

You made some good comments, especially about DYOR. A pseudo-problem: What if these whales impact our research sources? Some platforms, news outlets, and influencer-led discourses are prejudiced. I's complicated, but you're right: knowledge, temper, and a long-term perspective are the best defenses. Stay safe in crypto's crazy world.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Hamza2424 on October 11, 2023, 03:25:50 PM
Yes sir, You are right they are really not trust able their action is just to put short investors in their trap well it is obvious that Whales are expert of playing this game of sentiments.

Buddy, can you please elaborate on the short investors as it seems like any kind of short word, I think most likely you are talking about the weak hands aka short-term holders (newbies, emotionally weak traders/investors).

TBH as I had already mentioned in my above post whales really do not like to play any kind of game in the market, whales are the maximum Bitcoin holders (Power Bitcoiners) not institutes like any service provider in the crypto market. Also, the accumulators don't really care about it as the sentimental game is not for them, it is for the traders to trap them up. Simple whales have a strong physiology due to their experience a broader mindset.

Rest of that many thanks for reading this thread as i know i made it large and you may really give your time to read it and i will try come back again with some good ideas as well

That's the spirit but I would advise following up with some more colors you can use glow to make the topic more readable and attractive rather than increasing the text size. Best of luck

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: amishmanish on October 11, 2023, 03:36:06 PM
I doubt there are any true Bitcoin whales with that kind of influence to move the market now.

The sentiment games you talk about is mostly true for altcoins that don't have sufficient liquidity and relatively small buying/ selling can move the price.

As far as traders are concerned, they have complicated strategies that are aimed at utilizing the movement and those involved professionally do so by covering their bets with derivative trading.

This may have been true back in 2017-18 but Bitcoin on its own has mature enough markets and liquidity now. The movements are out there for anybody to exploit as its a pretty much efficient market now.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Husires on October 11, 2023, 03:57:57 PM
I don't know which whales you mean, but the current and future price of Bitcoin has become too large for a billion or two to affect it. Therefore, a whale cannot directly influence the price, but some whales may trigger some news that causes retail traders to panic, including FOMO and FUD increases.
The average investor cannot know and verify news and rumors, which makes many people prefer technical analysis with trading volumes to know market trends and then use the news as confirmation.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: snowpega on October 11, 2023, 04:18:34 PM

Buddy, can you please elaborate on the short investors as it seems like any kind of short word, I think most likely you are talking about the weak hands aka short-term holders (newbies, emotionally weak traders/investors).

Yes sir, you get it right here. it is the actually one i'm also mentioning.

TBH as I had already mentioned in my above post whales really do not like to play any kind of game in the market, whales are the maximum Bitcoin holders (Power Bitcoiners) not institutes like any service provider in the crypto market. Also, the accumulators don't really care about it as the sentimental game is not for them, it is for the traders to trap them up. Simple whales have a strong physiology due to their experience a broader mindset.
Most of the time trades get caught in their trap but when it come to big screen like when they try to liquidate the weak hand by using their power of big assets. They spread most the fake news all around the social media and set some kind of fake predictions and weak hand also get caught in their trap as well. We know that Bitcoin Market mostly relay on Demand and Supply which makes its price up and down as well.

So if we look at the supply, like if two to three big whales putting their big assets at once and sell out in the market in abundant then the price really go down and set new point and some of the weak mind setter fell prey to their trap and liquidate themselves to cover their big looses and market take bit more dump. Then this point is very Positive to take entry For big whales again in the market. In this way they really make alot of money.

Best of luck

Sir, Many Thanks!

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on October 11, 2023, 05:11:42 PM
Short term investors as the name implies are persons who are still trying to play it safe by occasionally trading or doing transactions without a long term investment in mind.  At least for now, some have good reasons for being a short term investor and that may include studying the market movement and trends for a while.
These sentiments orchestrated by the big whales is such that may serve to educate the emotional or ignorant investor.

It could be the short term investor is trying to gain the trust of the new crypto or existing one for which the whales, that is, those with more cryptos worth millions are giving signals or making noise for, hence why they remain short term investors.
The whales are more like merchant professional traders
or group(s) and any FOMO or FUD is the attention it needs and it is to make good profit from the response of panic or change of strategy that may be made by the investor.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: el kaka22 on October 11, 2023, 06:23:51 PM
Trying to understand what these whales are doing and how they are doing it is not really the way to go if you ask me. I think it is quite obvious that we are not going to end up with anything that is a bit clearer, it is going to keep being different each time and they will get to decide on some board meeting and that's it.

These are the people who have so much money that they literally make their money work, they do not go to work to produce something or manufacture something, they use their money to make money that's it, and as long as the yare that rich, today they can short, tomorrow they can long, another day crash it, another day accumulate it, and you would know have an idea what they are doing. This is why we should try to stay away from it.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Silberman on October 11, 2023, 06:34:30 PM
Trying to understand what these whales are doing and how they are doing it is not really the way to go if you ask me. I think it is quite obvious that we are not going to end up with anything that is a bit clearer, it is going to keep being different each time and they will get to decide on some board meeting and that's it.

These are the people who have so much money that they literally make their money work, they do not go to work to produce something or manufacture something, they use their money to make money that's it, and as long as the yare that rich, today they can short, tomorrow they can long, another day crash it, another day accumulate it, and you would know have an idea what they are doing. This is why we should try to stay away from it.
We must concentrate on what we can do, knowing about the tactics of the whales is without a doubt interesting, but by far the person that can cause you to suffer the biggest losses in any market is yourself, with this in mind it is critical that we increase our skills as investors and traders, and one of the best ways to do this is by heavily researching the markets and their movements and develop a strategy based on them, and once you do this the movements of the whales will have very little effect on you and your portfolio.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: Crypto Library on October 11, 2023, 06:52:31 PM
Playing with this sentiment of big whales is not new, it has been going on for a long time. And in fact it is true that there are many big whales who create hype in the market through their comments or activities, and some time it can be positive hype or negative hype.
However, I think short term traders should explore these topics more and stay updated on everything from economic news to cryptocurrency news. And for being a short term trader, we need to knowing a lot of technical analysis and fundamental analysis, I actually find short term trading more difficult than long time holding. And FOMO completely depends on emotional control and it is not right to bring emotions to trading, so I think if you can control your emotions, you can save yourself from playing the game of such big whales.

Title: Re: How big whale play game of sentiments with short investors and put them in FOMO
Post by: snowpega on October 12, 2023, 11:12:20 AM
Playing with this sentiment of big whales is not new, it has been going on for a long time.

Yes buddy, it is obvious thing but my intentions for making this thread to aware those who don't know about this game. Well, maybe majority knows about it like you already aware of this game But in case minority of member get to know it from here i will be more happy like i contribute my best part by giving my time to this thread while compiling the data for others who are not aware of it.

And in fact it is true that there are many big whales who create hype in the market through their comments or activities, and some time it can be positive hype or negative hype.
To Be very honest, i do like it you read my post by giving it your quality time :D :)❤️

However, I think short term traders should explore these topics more and stay updated on everything from economic news to cryptocurrency news. And for being a short term trader, we need to knowing a lot of technical analysis and fundamental analysis, I actually find short term trading more difficult than long time holding. And FOMO completely depends on emotional control and it is not right to bring emotions to trading, so I think if you can control your emotions, you can save yourself from playing the game of such big whales.

Dear your words also very true, TA and FA is very important as if we come to the world of cryptocurrency Your knowledge is the power against market sentiments as the short trader. As you are saying "short term trading more difficult" which is very true like most of the time short term trader get stuck in the Trap of FOMO while on the other hand the one who is going for the big race like holding and accumulating his assets to get ATH profit have low chances to fell prey of whales game.