Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: JonUlrik on October 13, 2023, 08:37:44 PM

Title: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: JonUlrik on October 13, 2023, 08:37:44 PM

Let me introduce you to a new Crypto-coin MN. It's a coin made for profit and long blocktime ensures deflation like other fast spinning block POS coins that loses value due to empty blocks. Masternoder is a coin build on the sha256csm algo, It's genesis block was mined POW with a wallet and long time POW incapsulate userswith MN coins. The trading system is very advanced and new trading pairs and Pool will be likely added.

Use Website: Or

Use Blockexplorer:
Or Explorer:

Use Discord:

Use Pool:

Use Trade:

• PoW Algorithm: sha256csm (POW/POS) + Masternodes

• Last PoW Block: 100000

• PoS Blocks: Starting from 100001

• Max Coin Supply: infinite

• Prefix: (MN) adresses start with the letter "J"

• Ports: 26622 (p2p) / 26621 (rpc)

• Collateral: 50000 MN

• Block reward: 125 coins

• Block reward (PoS): 20 coins

• Masternode confirmations: 20 blocks

• Coinbase maturity: 25 ( + 1 default confirmation) blocks

• Target spacing: 45 minutes

• Target timespan: 45 minutes

• Transaction confirmations: 6 blocks

• Masternode reward: 82%

• Total_amount: 821749.03911139

----->>> <>2023 @ Trademark</> <<<------

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: energy_xxx on October 13, 2023, 08:44:45 PM
06 Ocak 2023 Cum 20:17:31 GMT

blok ????

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: meirong on October 14, 2023, 07:15:10 AM
What with the miner mining MN in 

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: Polarminer on October 14, 2023, 05:04:56 PM
QT stuck at 12% :'(

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: mr-miner on October 17, 2023, 09:21:48 AM

MrMiner has successfully added MasterNoder (MN)    
Join now!
Fees PROP 0.5%
Min Payout: 0.5 MN


Miner command line Prop Pool:

-a sha256csm -o stratum+tcp:// -u WALLET_ADDRESS.WORKER_NAME -p x


Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: poolmz on October 21, 2023, 01:15:09 AM
Masternoder added to pool


Worker: your wallet address

Password: c=MN

Rate 1% |1.3% Soil | Payments every 1 hour

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: Stahannox on October 28, 2023, 08:42:09 AM
I don't know about youa, but it seems to look attractive, especially interested that coins are not generate 99999999999  per second. I've been sitting in their discord for 2 weeks now, the creator is quite active.

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: JonUlrik on November 01, 2023, 05:08:26 AM
QT stuck at 12% :'(

Try "mnsync reset" -cli

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: JonUlrik on November 01, 2023, 09:23:32 AM
I don't know about youa, but it seems to look attractive, especially interested that coins are not generate 99999999999  per second. I've been sitting in their discord for 2 weeks now, the creator is quite active.

My fresh MasterNoder coin has a span time of 45 min, witch is three times of bitcoin and the mining reward is 125 coins. It's still easy to mine with a graphic card in the pools, last thing is ofc. the price but I'll left the exchanges to deside for me how much it's going to be for one MasterNoder coin.

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: elmo40 on December 16, 2023, 01:47:37 AM
125 for reward with only 22.5 to the miner?
The website claim PoQ (Proof of Quantum). How is this obtained?

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: elmo40 on January 21, 2024, 02:37:09 AM
No one replies... great project.  ::)

Plus, the explorer is broken. My wallet has more balance than the explorer states.

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: elmo40 on February 11, 2024, 06:31:54 PM
It appears all the pools are leaving. explorer is out of sync.

If you have a website, can you not host your own pool?

Title: Introducing MasterNoder2 Coin (MN): Revolutionizing Masternode Ecosystems
Post by: JonUlrik on May 30, 2024, 05:15:22 PM
Greetings, Crypto Enthusiasts!  :) ;) :D ;D

We are thrilled to introduce MasterNoder2 (MN), the latest innovation in the masternode cryptocurrency realm. With a focus on security, efficiency, and sustained growth, MasterNoder2 aims to revolutionize how masternode coins operate. Here's everything you need to know about this groundbreaking new coin:

Technical Specifications
PoW Algorithm: sha256csm (PoW/PoS)
Last PoW Block: 1000
PoS Blocks: Starting from block 1001
Max Coin Supply: Infinite
Prefix: (MN) addresses start with the letter "J"
Ports: 17646 (p2p) / 17645 (rpc)
Collateral: 5000 MN
Block Reward: 50 coins
Block Reward (PoS): 50 coins
Masternode Confirmations: 10 blocks
Coinbase Maturity: 10 (+1 default confirmation) blocks
Target Spacing: 2 minutes
Target Timespan: 4 minutes
Transaction Confirmations: 6 blocks
Masternode Reward: 50%

Key Features
Transition from PoW to PoS: The transition from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) starts seamlessly from block 1001, ensuring a smooth and efficient shift to staking.
Masternode Rewards: Masternode operators receive a lucrative 50% of the block reward, making it an attractive investment opportunity.
Infinite Supply: With an infinite coin supply, MasterNoder2 is designed for sustained network growth and long-term viability.
Fast Block Times: Targeting a block spacing of 2 minutes ensures quick transaction confirmations and a responsive network.

Why Choose MasterNoder2?

1. Seamless PoS Transition: No need to worry about setting up a new pool for the fast-incoming PoS at block 1001. MasterNoder2 is designed for a smooth transition, making it easier for both new and existing users to start staking.

2. Robust Security: MasterNoder2 employs the sha256csm algorithm, providing robust security while maintaining efficiency. The collateral requirement of 5000 MN ensures network stability and reduces the risk of malicious attacks.

3. Community and Rewards: Join an engaging and growing community of masternode enthusiasts. Earn consistent rewards with a 50 MN block reward shared between stakers and masternode operators. Enjoy quick maturity times and transaction confirmations, fostering an efficient and user-friendly environment.

4. Future-Proof: With no maximum supply cap, MasterNoder2 is designed to adapt and grow with the ever-changing cryptocurrency landscape. Our commitment to continuous development ensures that the coin remains relevant and competitive in the long run.

Getting Started
Download the Wallet: Visit our official website to download the MasterNoder2 wallet.
Set Up Your Masternode: Follow our detailed guide to set up a masternode with a collateral of 5000 MN.
Start Earning: Begin earning rewards through staking or running a masternode as soon as you reach the required confirmations.
Join the Conversation
We welcome all questions and discussions regarding MasterNoder2. Our team is here to provide detailed answers and support to ensure your smooth transition and participation in this exciting new project.

Stay tuned for more updates and announcements by following us on our social media channels and joining our community forums.

Welcome to the Future of Masternodes with MasterNoder2!

Feel free to contribute to our discussion, ask questions, and share your thoughts. Let's build the future of decentralized finance together!

Best Regards,
The MasterNoder2 Team

Important Links

We look forward to your participation and support in making MasterNoder2 a success. Let's make this journey memorable and prosperous for all!

Title: Re: Pow/Pos coin "Masternoder" (MN) - sha256csm - ;)
Post by: elmo40 on June 07, 2024, 11:49:18 PM
dude, nothing works.
website is half complete. explorer isn't loading.

what is it you are trying to accomplish? why make a MNv2 and give no one time to mine?

Plus, discord link is poop...