Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: alani123 on October 19, 2023, 07:56:07 PM

Title: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: alani123 on October 19, 2023, 07:56:07 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: jossiel on October 19, 2023, 08:16:40 PM
I don't think so, having a back up with several companies could still help it to get up whenever it's being seen about to fall. But there is no doubt that he's done a lot of bad decisions and call out with this acquisition of Twitter.

He's got a plan on it that we don't know, maybe there really is.

There's another news[1] again that they'll charge $1 for new users from New Zealand and Philippines. This is gonna prove that users aren't bot because the platform is mostly used for propaganda, trolls and bots.

[1] X will start charging new users in two countries $1 per year (

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: bittraffic on October 19, 2023, 08:33:57 PM

He's a billionaire. Twitter was just less than a billion and he is a BTC investor who is also fighting against the SEC, we're not seeing him fall. If anyone sees the first his Tesla price is falling, it's him. and He may have done something already before that happened. Since he is a BTC investor as well, he could be taken advantage of all these too.

But he folds by the way when the EU threatened his Twitter to be blocked in the region. Not so much of a rebel that he wants to portray.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Alpha Marine on October 19, 2023, 09:04:01 PM
Musk is not new to these things. He will find a way. I feel these problems are a little bit exaggerated. These are problems that arise from time to time in a business, especially for a corporation as big as Musk's.
I'm not a fan of his handling of Twitter but I think it's doing just fine and he's introducing different innovations to keep the app at the top.
The worst that can happen is, that he'll sell off Twitter at a loss, nothing like losing his empire.

Right now two countries would have to pay $1 to use X. This is just the testing period of that initiative. If it works that's a dollar a year from about 40m people. That's a lot of money.
Musk is a proud man so I don't see him losing his CEO status and he's also a smart man, so he'll find a way.
There's no big deal.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: famososMuertos on October 19, 2023, 09:24:46 PM
As they say above, x=/0, that is, there is no sale value at this moment because such a thing is not in the plans, so its shares are in the normal fluctuating range.

I remember that WhatsApp had the premise of $1 in some countries, but in the long run it never happened, Elon is doing what he does best "noise".

If you are in the media it is free advertising, so he knows it well, I think that "x" still has a lot of work ahead of him. In the future he will surely stop being the main face and will give that position to someone else, moving to the board of directors and leaving office.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: DeathAngel on October 19, 2023, 09:34:45 PM
I don’t think so, he’s one of the smartest guys in the world. Everything he does is meticulously planned, I don’t think he is remotely close to seeing his house of cards tumble down. Don’t forget TESLA is propped up by government subsidies. Twitter (X) will turn into a profitable business I’m sure.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on October 19, 2023, 09:41:43 PM
The fall of Elon's empire—you mean, do you mean he totally will go bankrupt? I believe Elon is a good entrepreneur who knows how to play in his field. There could be other assets or investments he still had that he might not have made known to anyone. If probably Twitter crashes and is not able to generate the capital he invested in it, whatever it has cost him to acquire Twitter, I believe he can still be able to regain it within some time of generating profit from other of his investments and his company. Although there is nothing very impossible, it's possible that he can lose the CEOship of his company, but that cannot easily be possible.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: philipma1957 on October 19, 2023, 09:44:10 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects.  

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

It would be nice to see him fall apart and decide to hang himself. But it is not likely as he is in the too big to fail area.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: BitDane on October 19, 2023, 09:47:36 PM
I don't think so, having a back up with several companies could still help it to get up whenever it's being seen about to fall. But there is no doubt that he's done a lot of bad decisions and call out with this acquisition of Twitter.

He's got a plan on it that we don't know, maybe there really is.

There's another news[1] again that they'll charge $1 for new users from New Zealand and Philippines. This is gonna prove that users aren't bot because the platform is mostly used for propaganda, trolls and bots.

[1] X will start charging new users in two countries $1 per year (

With the rise of many social media platform and competition, this $1 charge for new users seems brilliant but it would impose negative affect in the end.  People don't like being charged so people might look for an alternative so this might reduce new registration to the platform.

X former twitter might suffer the same fate as Friendster but I also do not think that Elon Musk's empire will fall.  As stated Elon Musk's asset is way bigger than twitter, so Elon can easily pay it off but obviously as a businessman, Elon want to pay his loan without touching his money thus he solve it by selling some shares of his company which possibly provide him more profit.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Mr.suevie on October 19, 2023, 09:53:37 PM
I don’t think so, he’s one of the smartest guys in the world. Everything he does is meticulously planned, I don’t think he is remotely close to seeing his house of cards tumble down. Don’t forget TESLA is propped up by government subsidies. Twitter (X) will turn into a profitable business I’m sure.
Undoubtedly one of the smartest indeed, Elon musk is not novice to all these shenanigans and him being the number one richest man in the world is not for nothing, Elon musk is very powerful and influential when it comes to the crypto space and if he is ever getting broke he can probably use it as an advantage because I believe there are some certain things he can say or post that will move the market to his favor.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: benalexis12 on October 19, 2023, 09:55:38 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

In my personal thought about this, Elon Musk knows what he is doing, he might not become a billionaire if he is not good at thinking and strategizing. If in the eyes of others what he is doing is wrong, so be it, but at the end of the day, Elon Musk's plan will still exist and will be followed, not what others say.

If he did something, for sure he knows the risk that he will face, Musk is a billionaire man and at the same time he is also a risk taker, so such actions are not new to him to be honest. Trust me in the end he will solve it better.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Captain Corporate on October 19, 2023, 10:07:52 PM
I wouldn't say "imminent", I mean he made a bad bet with twitter there is no doubt about that and losing money left and right but there is no argument that he can't make it back, so there is still some time to recover that if he wants to, and if he puts the sources into it to save it, I am sure that he has enough money to save it and make it go on for a long time and then combine it with something else that he has. However, even if Twitter ends up bankrupting and being sold to another company for a small amount and he makes a loss, we can easily say that tesla alone would be enough to make him keep going and that's the most important part of his wealth, which doesn't seem like slowing down anytime soon.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: royalfestus on October 19, 2023, 10:15:48 PM

He's a billionaire. Twitter was just less than a billion and he is a BTC investor who is also fighting against the SEC, we're not seeing him fall. If anyone sees the first his Tesla price is falling, it's him. and He may have done something already before that happened. Since he is a BTC investor as well, he could be taken advantage of all these too.

But he folds by the way when the EU threatened his Twitter to be blocked in the region. Not so much of a rebel that he wants to portray.
This billionaire attachment to his name for an abstract value that is only in the stock market of his company is a distraction and confusion. Unfortunately, I dont think he will be able to defend his position as the CEO of the company making entrerprising decision for the company as twitter gets more unattractive to users.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: panganib999 on October 19, 2023, 10:49:47 PM
Good. If that happens then Twitter might have a fighting chance at another revival.

Elon-hating aside though, I don't think he's going to lose his empire per se. He's too big to fail now, and as long as his stepping down on both these companies doesn't force him to lose all of his equities and shares in these companies I'm positive he's still going to live comfortably. The bad bet he made on Twitter is already taking its course and he's making the people that's not even responsible for it pay. Imagine having to pay for a "once-free social media application, that's just what he's making you do now with Twitter. Tesla isn't doing any better with all these allegations and backlash targeted at the safety features of his vehicles and the viability of autopilot. So yeah things are going to suck for him from here on out if he doesn't do anything.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: gunhell16 on October 19, 2023, 11:02:14 PM

He's a billionaire. Twitter was just less than a billion and he is a BTC investor who is also fighting against the SEC, we're not seeing him fall. If anyone sees the first his Tesla price is falling, it's him. and He may have done something already before that happened. Since he is a BTC investor as well, he could be taken advantage of all these too.

But he folds by the way when the EU threatened his Twitter to be blocked in the region. Not so much of a rebel that he wants to portray.

I agree with what you said that he is a figther. That is true; there is probably no billionaire like him who is not a figther. Musk is a smart businessman, and being a risk-taker, he will not allow himself to lose because he is a real businessman.

Apart from that, he is the type of person who will not allow himself to be defeated. Maybe in the eyes of others, his judgment is wrong, but in the end, they will see that Musk is still the one who will benefit a lot from the truth. In short, he still has the last laugh. Just being a Bitcoin holder cannot be imitated by an ordinary person.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: hatshepsut93 on October 19, 2023, 11:17:05 PM
I'm pretty sure he can sustain his losses with Twitter for some time, but eventually they will become so massive that he'll have to sell it. But I don't see how it can bankrupt him, he's crazy rich from Tesla and SpaceX. As long as those companies are profitable, he is too big to fail. And he is not managing them like he manages Twitter. Twitter is just his toy that he impulse-bought just because he could.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: AmoreJaz on October 19, 2023, 11:21:06 PM
I'm pretty sure he can sustain his losses with Twitter for some time, but eventually they will become so massive that he'll have to sell it. But I don't see how it can bankrupt him, he's crazy rich from Tesla and SpaceX. As long as those companies are profitable, he is too big to fail. And he is not managing them like he manages Twitter. Twitter is just his toy that he impulse-bought just because he could.

i have the same sentiments as well, and those mentioned companies are not only his companies. do remember he has The Boring Company, Neuralink just to name a few. and he has others. so one fall of one company would not dictate his fall.
and before one company would go bankrupt, do we really think that elon will just be sitting around seeing his company fall? he is a businessman, and he got his wealth because of his dispositions in life. so who are we to judge what will happen to his companies, right?

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on October 19, 2023, 11:24:36 PM
I thought he's already made some profit through taking advantage of twitter paid badge and also yearly membership which is about to arrive.
he definitely has already have some idea about how to utilize twitter and get money out of it the first day he thought about buying twitter.
elon I can be sure already has plan up his sleeve that i don't think he will just goes bankrupt like that.
but we honestly don't know what is the real financial situation that elon is facing, they said he's tangled up in twitter debt but certainly all these years he has accumulated some money that I think he won't be that tangled up into the debt, its all still unclear.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: icalical on October 20, 2023, 02:00:45 AM
Just read that Tesla stock is going down because Musk said that Cybertruck production isn't going to be speed up, and investors doesn't like that,

But in general I don't think Musks Companies, all of them will go bankrupt anytime soon. He has so many companies, not only the famous ones like Twitter, SpaceX, and Tesla, he also has OpenAI, Neuralink, etc. Most of them has survive the pandemic and economic downturn. He might sell one or two of his companies, but I doubt he will sell all of them.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Iranus on October 20, 2023, 02:30:55 AM

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

He is one of the youngest richest billionaires in the world that we have ever had and it is not because of luck that he has, it is a process of his efforts. You're underestimating him if you think Twitter's failure will cause Elon's empire to collapse.
As for Twitter, it's true that it's been in a bad spot since Elon took over but that doesn't mean it's going to die or disappear anytime soon. Elon is completely changing Twitter and everything in less than a year so it is difficult to confirm anything about the future of this social network. We need more time to more accurately assess its future.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on October 20, 2023, 05:52:16 AM
Right now Twitter is struggling and losing users because of Musk's poor choices. Implanting chips in people's brains is just a really dumb idea. I have a feeling the government will eventually shut that down. SpaceX and Starlink are some of his better ideas but there is enough competition that it might be difficult to make those companies profitable. As long as there is an endless supply of fiat then there will be people willing to invest in in his ideas no matter how ridiculous they might seem, but I wonder how many self-inflicted wounds he can sustain before he does something that ends up being the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Kakmakr on October 20, 2023, 06:20:08 AM
Elon Musk is a self-made Billionaire ....that came from nothing or rather from a middle class home and he went to the top. He did this through hard work, not from money that he got from his rich parents or some rich uncle.  ::)

Twitter is just one of his successful businesses, he still has businesses like SpaceX and Tesla and the PowerWall and Starlink and several investments in other businesses. We know his decision to buy Twitter was controversial and I think he was pushed into a corner to buy it, so now he is doing everything to re-brand it and to re-build it into something that might be much better. (This is taking a lot of money and time will tell if X will turn into Zero)  :P

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Antotena on October 20, 2023, 06:29:15 AM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 
What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

You really think that Elon Musk that has built name and resources over the years will stop at this point to lose stake in Tesla and also lose Twitter CEO, I don't think so. The last time I check, many companies were begging that time to combine support for Elon to buy X but they have to turned down many because people knows how important the micro blogging platform will be in years to come.

Twitter is also paying contents creators on number of views and interaction users make on their comments biweekly, this is from the money they make from ads revenue and you think they will go broke without plans to pay back the loans. They also make money monthly from verified users monthly and yearly and you think they will not survive this, Elon musk will not let Twitter investment slide.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: naira on October 20, 2023, 06:42:58 AM
Elon Musk does not use money from his pocket, he has a lot of income and easily takes loans from banks to run businesses. So if you have to say that he will be ruined and poor, it might be quite difficult to say. After all, he is a businessman whose track record in the investment world has many ways to make money. Never mind losing 50% of his wealth, Elon Musk still won't experience losses from his personal pocket. His way of doing business is quite effective, therefore placing Elon Musk as one of the richest people also shows that his finances are hard to run out of.

BTW, what impact will this have on the world economy? I didn't see that

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Husires on October 20, 2023, 09:38:20 AM
There is nothing to fear or worry about, it is the stock market. If conditions worsen, companies change the CEO and many things to return to profitability, but I think that Elon Musk is the owner of the Twitter platform and not the CEO. He is one of the influential people in Tesla and SpaceX, and the future of these companies is still promising, as the Internet Vacuum and electric cars have a future and Twitter is heading to be better than the past with many new features and features. Elon Musk is a controversial figure and he will not stop causing controversy, do not occupy your mind thinking about him.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on October 20, 2023, 09:59:35 AM
I have been seeing this question on the Internet for a very long time. People are playing a lottery called “the time of Elon Musk’s fall.” Take a look through the news feeds of the last five years, and every time he is predicted to collapse, However, he is not a stupid person, and I am sure that he knows perfectly well what to do and when to do it, and all the intrigues and gossip going on the Internet are only beneficial for his PR.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Majestic-milf on October 20, 2023, 10:11:19 AM
 There could be a possibility to that happening because I read somewhere of him trying to charge unverified accounts $1. Maybe he's desperate to get funds so bad that he's not concerned that users that aren't verified could live the space which will cause a fall in user traffic.
I'd argue that he's a businessman who thinks ahead and will foresee such an incidence and have plans of reviving it if ever such a thing like a fall should occur but then again we have see Twitter has been on a balance ever since he assumed office. Probably, on the outside it might look like he's got things covered, but who knows, it could be like a similar incidence FTX was trying to portray to the public; a thriving social space when on the inside it may be falling like a pack of cards.
 I will not say I'd be happy if Twitter (X) crashes but it will be something that will not surprise many if it happens.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Taskford on October 20, 2023, 10:17:46 AM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

No it cannot those loans cannot affect his wealth if you mean that he will going to get bankrupt by doing that just to acquire twitter. Remember that we have this called good loan and he acquire that asset by the help of other peoples money so once he get the profit from twitter which is no X for sure the wealth of Elon will bloat up for more. X is not a small website and can be called as institution so acquiring it is good move mad by him knowing how large its user base and he can take advantage with it to earn a lot of money.

Maybe for now we cannot see some good result for acquiring it since it maybe take some years so he can recover back the money he's spend for buying twitter but once he cover up all this for sure the same with previous owner he can make this site a running cash cow especially that to many companies and famous guys are there willing to pay some fees just to use the service what they can provide to their company. Elon is smart investor and he will not take a risk if he know twitter/X is bad investment for him.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Patrol69 on October 20, 2023, 10:21:22 AM
Elon Musk surprised everyone by purchasing the Twitter platform. Everyone is talking so much about his purchase of Twitter platform because he bought this social media platform for a huge amount of money which is really amazing. Many have asked the reason behind his purchase of Twitter platform that he has invested so much money in Twitter platform or whether he can withdraw this amount of money from Twitter platform. After purchasing the social media Twitter platform, he has brought many changes in Twitter, added many innovations and changed many rules, but he may not have been able to implement the plan in which he bought Twitter. The money loan he took from the bank to buy Twitter may have to be met from his business company Tesla or Space Sex because he has not yet succeeded in buying Twitter.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: bakasabo on October 20, 2023, 10:25:15 AM
There were many investors, who invested money in that Twitter purchase. Elon Musk's money were not the only that were involved in that deal. Dont forget that he has bough Twitter not on his last money. Even if that purchases was a failure, he a) still has a lot of money b) he can still resell Twitter. One bad purchase wont sing his empire. Moreover, he is one of the best businessman and influencer, he will find the way out.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: alani123 on October 20, 2023, 10:27:13 AM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 
What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

You really think that Elon Musk that has built name and resources over the years will stop at this point to lose stake in Tesla and also lose Twitter CEO, I don't think so. The last time I check, many companies were begging that time to combine support for Elon to buy X but they have to turned down many because people knows how important the micro blogging platform will be in years to come.

Twitter is also paying contents creators on number of views and interaction users make on their comments biweekly, this is from the money they make from ads revenue and you think they will go broke without plans to pay back the loans. They also make money monthly from verified users monthly and yearly and you think they will not survive this, Elon musk will not let Twitter investment slide.
So you really think that Musk could not go bankrupt just due to the virtue of being rich by owning assets? See, the thing with Twitter is that while it may still be functional, it has lost a lot of its revenue and therefore the stocks musk posts as collateral are also in danger of being margin called. It's natural for stock prices to fluctuate anyway, but the issue with teitter is that it might be losing too much value...

Honestly, anyone could go bankrupt. We have seen this numerous times. Musk could very well become a textbook example too.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Antotena on October 20, 2023, 11:01:48 AM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 
What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

You really think that Elon Musk that has built name and resources over the years will stop at this point to lose stake in Tesla and also lose Twitter CEO, I don't think so. The last time I check, many companies were begging that time to combine support for Elon to buy X but they have to turned down many because people knows how important the micro blogging platform will be in years to come.

Twitter is also paying contents creators on number of views and interaction users make on their comments biweekly, this is from the money they make from ads revenue and you think they will go broke without plans to pay back the loans. They also make money monthly from verified users monthly and yearly and you think they will not survive this, Elon musk will not let Twitter investment slide.
So you really think that Musk could not go bankrupt just due to the virtue of being rich by owning assets? See, the thing with Twitter is that while it may still be functional, it has lost a lot of its revenue and therefore the stocks musk posts as collateral are also in danger of being margin called. It's natural for stock prices to fluctuate anyway, but the issue with teitter is that it might be losing too much value...

Honestly, anyone could go bankrupt. We have seen this numerous times. Musk could very well become a textbook example too.

I'm not saying Elon is too big to go bankrupt but what I'm saying is that you can't have rich friends and then your business that you struggle to built will collapse in a day. People are around that will be ready to finance and support Elon musk.

Did you also see where the two countries they have started to charge them $1 a year to be able to use X, it is going to be a global thing by the end of the year, that's another stream of generating yearly revenue for people that use X and when the loan is settled, it is going to be profit upon profit with possible increment of this fees as X becomes more valuable.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Lucius on October 21, 2023, 10:35:40 AM
It would be nice to see him fall apart and decide to hang himself. But it is not likely as he is in the too big to fail area.

If someone who lives in the US does not care and has such opinion, why would some other people care if his empire will fail or if it will be worth twice as much as it is worth today? Personally, I don't really care what will happen, and the only thing I hold against him is his involvement with Bitcoin and what he did to the market with his actions.

After all, even if his empire collapses, someone else will appear to take his place, that's how it always was and that's how it will be in the future. As far as I'm concerned, he can get into a rocket of his own tomorrow together with all his wives and children and head for Mars, considering that they have stated several times that they want to die there.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Fatunad on October 21, 2023, 10:55:31 AM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?
He wouldn't really be taking the risks if he couldnt really be able to solve out or expecting those possible problems which he might encountered and of course if ever he do take up some loan then its his choice and its impossible that he wont really be having those back up plans. If he is really just that tending to rely with those stocks and assets he does have just to buy twitter then it would really be that a problem but does it mean that it would really be that he didnt make some back up plans if ever this one fails? For sure he does have and its none of our business on whats the current condition of his loans and the businesses does he have.
Why people do really love on trying out to get involved with Musks decisions or on whats happening into his business?

If ever it do falls, then whats next? He is the one would suffer and for sure tons would really be laughing but in overall its none of our business i would say it again.
Empire? he wont really be that become a billionaire if he hadnt been able to experience such problems back in the past or previous decisions he had made.
So dont worry if he had this kind of debt problems but what if things turns out to be positive? For sure he would really be that more richer but in a business
then it would really be a matter of success or failure.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Peanutswar on October 21, 2023, 11:11:16 AM
Elon is already rich enough to buy all the things he wants and seems like he sees potential with the use the Twitter especially with the different projects and other crypto-related stuff, recently there's news that he is asking for at least $1  for a yearly access to use the twitters feature this only for the new users, still can be additional source of income plus the verified badge price too can be used for sustaining of having a good income with the use of X(twitter) for him, he's an entrepreneur surely there's a possible update and plans he will release sooner or later just to get additional profit to the user.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: kryptqnick on October 21, 2023, 04:12:57 PM
Elon Musk is a very rich guy. He can lose a lot and still remain among the richest people in the world. I don't think that taking loans are a huge deal, especially since having debt in the US is considered such a normal thing. But Musk is clearly making some very bad decisions just because he can and because he wants to. Unfortunately, though, it doesn't seem like Twitter is actually losing much of its audience despite essential things being taken away from Twitter by Musk, so for now, I think it'll stay in the game, and so will Musk with his other brands.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: vv181 on October 21, 2023, 06:27:07 PM
According to Forbes, his net worth is currently around $225 billion. The Twitter acquisition cost him $44 billion. I'm aware that the way he financed the acquisition is by loaning to a bank secured by his Tesla shares.

With that in mind, Tesla's share market prices do affect how he manages its financial situation, for both himself and Twitter. We need to also be aware that he owns 21% of Tesla which account for 68% of his wealth. The recent Tesla price falls do significantly affect them, but noting his current position, there is still a lot of room for him to repay his own debt, even if he must sacrifice his Tesla share position. So, I believe the chance of his falls is slim.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: jossiel on October 21, 2023, 09:40:52 PM
I don't think so, having a back up with several companies could still help it to get up whenever it's being seen about to fall. But there is no doubt that he's done a lot of bad decisions and call out with this acquisition of Twitter.

He's got a plan on it that we don't know, maybe there really is.

There's another news[1] again that they'll charge $1 for new users from New Zealand and Philippines. This is gonna prove that users aren't bot because the platform is mostly used for propaganda, trolls and bots.

[1] X will start charging new users in two countries $1 per year (

With the rise of many social media platform and competition, this $1 charge for new users seems brilliant but it would impose negative affect in the end.  People don't like being charged so people might look for an alternative so this might reduce new registration to the platform.
Yeah, there's the negative effect on it because for the majority, we don't want to spend even with that small amount because we're already their product. Many don't understand that but for sure that's like one of the reasons why many don't want to pay it.

But those who would like to stay will pay that since it covers a year of membership.

X former twitter might suffer the same fate as Friendster but I also do not think that Elon Musk's empire will fall.  As stated Elon Musk's asset is way bigger than twitter, so Elon can easily pay it off but obviously as a businessman, Elon want to pay his loan without touching his money thus he solve it by selling some shares of his company which possibly provide him more profit.
That's possible to happen, friendster didn't managed to cope up with the new and current trend during that time. I even used it when it has been back with games but still, they didn't able to get back into competition.

And if that happens the same with X, it won't be surprising but as of this moment, I just watch the whole thing on where it is going.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: JeffBrad12 on October 21, 2023, 11:20:00 PM
Elon Musk is a very rich guy. He can lose a lot and still remain among the richest people in the world. I don't think that taking loans are a huge deal, especially since having debt in the US is considered such a normal thing. But Musk is clearly making some very bad decisions just because he can and because he wants to. Unfortunately, though, it doesn't seem like Twitter is actually losing much of its audience despite essential things being taken away from Twitter by Musk, so for now, I think it'll stay in the game, and so will Musk with his other brands.
billionaire are rich but many of their assets are usually in form of stocks and so on.
I think they will not easily just bankrupt because of debt, someone like elon, definitely think thoroughly in regard of his wealth, when it comes to making decision like buying some big company like twitter, he definitely aren't just spending money without thinking, he also already thought about how to make the money he spends back.
i will even argue that he might be already pre planning all these monetizing of twitter as a platform honestly, since he stated twitter has so much potential but wasted.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on October 21, 2023, 11:21:19 PM
What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?
My thoughts are: who cares?  If Musk wanted to buy Twitter even though he knew the entire company was going to be hostile toward him and likely unprofitable, it's his money.  And regardless of how much debt he took on to buy it, I seriously doubt we're going to see him on a street corner shaking a tin can anytime soon.  The dude is mega-wealthy and is still going to be wealthy whatever happens with X.

Plus I hate X/Twitter anyway, so the whole thing can go down in flames for all I care.  Even if Elon Musk went bankrupt, that would have no effect on me and probably most of this community.  What is it I always read here?  Never invest more than you're willing to lose?  Yeah well, it applies to the elite like Musk, too.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Hispo on October 22, 2023, 01:54:36 AM
Right now Twitter is struggling and losing users because of Musk's poor choices. Implanting chips in people's brains is just a really dumb idea. I have a feeling the government will eventually shut that down. SpaceX and Starlink are some of his better ideas but there is enough competition that it might be difficult to make those companies profitable. As long as there is an endless supply of fiat then there will be people willing to invest in in his ideas no matter how ridiculous they might seem, but I wonder how many self-inflicted wounds he can sustain before he does something that ends up being the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Why do you think western governments would be against implanting chips in the cortex of people?
There will be some moral issues with doing so, of course, but western governments and governments in general usually are very into technological research and advance which could remotely give them and advantage against their foes in the international context.
I have no doubt that the first models of those chips will encounter some problems and faults, but as it gets refined, this technology is pretty much of the interest of USA and EU. Hell, I would not be surprised if eventually Elon started to received money from those administrations to further accelerate and enhance the creation of better brain chips, which would be tested to increase the human capabilities of soldiers or intelligence agents.

Also, China would love to have their citizens to use those chips for their own authoritarian purposes.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: wallet4bitcoin on October 22, 2023, 03:38:23 AM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

Lets look intrinsically, Elon's networth is in hundreds of billions, approximately $225b according to Forbes (
I do not see the possibility of his empire falling. No doubt, the issues with the purchase of twitter and the loans will have a domino effect on the shares of Tesla and SpaceX if it takes a different turn but bringing Elon's empire to a "fall", is not an immediate possibility.

He is good at what he does and knows just how best to get out of any web he finds himself, he didin't get to his current position by mistake and I guess he has gained mastery of the process.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: adaseb on October 22, 2023, 04:39:05 AM
We don’t know how Twitter is doing exactly because it’s not publicly traded. Tesla on the other hand had a weak earnings call. It seems the demand for teslas is going down even with all the price cuts and it’s not looking good.

This is one reason why they want to release a cheap Tesla for like $25K which will be small. It just seems that nobody else wants EVs anymore. Also with Teslas the insurance is usually much higher because they are more cost to get parts for since Tesla doesn’t sell to the public.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: davis196 on October 22, 2023, 10:17:10 AM
Musk's business empire was artificially pumped by two major factors:
1.The US government policy of "carbon credits" which increased Tesla's revenue and Tesla's market cap.
2.The money printing by the Federal Reserve during the pandemic, which artificially increased the market cap of many corporations, including Tesla.
I expect Musk's wealth to drop below 100 billion USD in the next few years, but I don't think that he will "lose everything".
Twitter/X will have way less advertising revenue, but on the other hand, many Twitter employees got fired and Musk is trying to implement new ways to increase the revenue. I agree that buying Twitter was a dumb decision, but who cares. Elon Musk can do whatever he wants with his gigantic wealth.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Huppercase on October 22, 2023, 06:53:43 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

I think it's okay to say that Elon Musk is at a level where Tesla stock has achieved a maximum satisfaction for it's some of his shareholders, maybe most of them. I remember how back then when Tesla stock becomes the new trend in town and most discussed assets as he quickly become too richest person in the world. The growth looks too pump and now the stock is experiencing a decline or better as economics refers to retracement and correction.

One of the place I think he made a mistake or should I say over confidence is over relying on Tesla stock to grow more just as he was doing back then and using that as a collateral the loan he secured was really at a bad state of health. Despite selling some for cash, it would have been better if it was another asset entirely.

X is now at the stage of new development and that's because he is doing anything to remove bots activity to the bearest minimum, so expect some ups and downs with the growth but for I don't really think X is going to be a problem under his care, he will sort it out as he did when Tesla was facing challenges back in the days.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: philipma1957 on October 22, 2023, 10:53:49 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

I think it's okay to say that Elon Musk is at a level where Tesla stock has achieved a maximum satisfaction for it's some of his shareholders, maybe most of them. I remember how back then when Tesla stock becomes the new trend in town and most discussed assets as he quickly become too richest person in the world. The growth looks too pump and now the stock is experiencing a decline or better as economics refers to retracement and correction.

One of the place I think he made a mistake or should I say over confidence is over relying on Tesla stock to grow more just as he was doing back then and using that as a collateral the loan he secured was really at a bad state of health. Despite selling some for cash, it would have been better if it was another asset entirely.

X is now at the stage of new development and that's because he is doing anything to remove bots activity to the bearest minimum, so expect some ups and downs with the growth but for I don't really think X is going to be a problem under his care, he will sort it out as he did when Tesla was facing challenges back in the days.

He has the ability to think outside the box so to speak. So with enough tweaking he may get x or twitter working well. Time will tell most likely by 2025 it will be okay for him.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: bhadz on October 22, 2023, 11:19:19 PM
I am not a fan of his X but I am a fan of his Tesla. I'll still give him time to fix whatever crazy things he did for his X. LOL, who am I to wait for that right? But just for someone who just turns out to check in here and for his platform. I'm sure that he won't just accept the fact that he'd accept losses from this $42B investment and deal that he has made in the acquisition of X. His empire IMHO is too huge to fall but not that means that one from them can fall which is being thought by the majority about X.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: FinneysTrueVision on October 23, 2023, 02:09:52 AM
Why do you think western governments would be against implanting chips in the cortex of people?
There will be some moral issues with doing so, of course, but western governments and governments in general usually are very into technological research and advance which could remotely give them and advantage against their foes in the international context.
I have no doubt that the first models of those chips will encounter some problems and faults, but as it gets refined, this technology is pretty much of the interest of USA and EU. Hell, I would not be surprised if eventually Elon started to received money from those administrations to further accelerate and enhance the creation of better brain chips, which would be tested to increase the human capabilities of soldiers or intelligence agents.

Also, China would love to have their citizens to use those chips for their own authoritarian purposes.

Real life doesn't exactly play out like a science fiction movie. An investigation by WIRED details horrific conditions endured by monkeys used in the testing of Neuralink brain implants. Some of the complications they suffered were bloody diarrhea, partial paralysis, and fungal infections just to name a few.
It's going to be real hard to win a war when your soldiers are shitting blood. I'm just very skeptical that they can work out these problems before they get litigated, regulated or sanctioned into oblivion.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: pinggoki on October 23, 2023, 02:50:36 AM
I don't really follow him that although given the headlines associated with him portraying him as a chaotic personality and crazy person and his businesses not doing well, I would simply say that he's empire is falling apart but I don't think someone like him will easily fall from grace, what if those headlines were not really a big deal and the media was just blowing it out of proportions which is the likely thing that they're going to do since they want to sell more news instead of telling the truth (which is the norm of mainstream media nowadays). One thing that we should ask ourselves is can we put our shoes in Elon's shoes that we can accurately judge that his businesses are failing or are we just hating on him for his antics?

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on October 23, 2023, 07:00:11 AM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

It shouldn't be forgotten that he is among the top 5 in the list of the richest people in the world and constantly rises to the first place. Of course, he may sell stocks or similar assets and lose money due to his loan but I think it will be unlikely for his empire to collapse due to his current wealth. Moreover, although Twitter isn't a small business he can find a new partner for Twitter or sell it at a loss if it doesn't want companies such as SpaceX and Tesla to be negatively affected by this situation. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the possibility that such a person can work with the best financiers in case he cannot manage such a process himself and can continue on his way with good planning or can restructure his loan debt due to his financial power and assets. So, I think that even in the worst possible scenario he will only lose power and partially assets but he will not completely lose his empire. Of course, it is very difficult to predict the future and to be able to clearly predict what may happen but I don't think that such a person will be in a very difficult situation or completely lose his power. As I mentioned in the worst possible scenario, some power and material loss may occur but he will not lose his empire completely easily.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: khiholangkang on October 23, 2023, 07:24:36 AM
I don't really follow him that although given the headlines associated with him portraying him as a chaotic personality and crazy person and his businesses not doing well, I would simply say that he's empire is falling apart but I don't think someone like him will easily fall from grace, what if those headlines were not really a big deal and the media was just blowing it out of proportions which is the likely thing that they're going to do since they want to sell more news instead of telling the truth (which is the norm of mainstream media nowadays). One thing that we should ask ourselves is can we put our shoes in Elon's shoes that we can accurately judge that his businesses are failing or are we just hating on him for his antics?
Of course if what is in the news is a fabrication of the media owner and just to make a news story, I think it is detrimental to Elon Musk, because after all the mainstream media is the concern of many investors and if it is a fabrication that is exaggerated by the news writer then it is likely to have a bad impact on the company held by Elon Musk at this time because it will give a sense of panic and fear to its shareholders.

I don't know what the real situation is, but in my opinion, Elon Musk's current situation is not good, apart from the fact that his business activities have subsided, there are also many bad global economic demands, such as inflation and interest rates which are still high today, of course, companies that borrow money from banks will be very difficult due to this policy, while on the other hand the value of the company is decreasing.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: retreat on October 23, 2023, 07:33:04 AM
It's very rare for a super billionaire like Musk to fall, of course he already had thorough financial planning before he made the acquisition of Twitter and many of his other extraordinary decisions. You know that it wasn't easy for him to get to the point he is now, he has thought of 1001 ways that we never thought of to maintain his position, and that was done not only by him, but also his financial advisors and the banks behind him. All these factors make him as strong as he is now and that is what means he won't fall, at least in the next few years, or not (?).

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Smack That Ace on October 23, 2023, 09:47:55 AM
It's very rare for a super billionaire like Musk to fall, of course he already had thorough financial planning before he made the acquisition of Twitter and many of his other extraordinary decisions. You know that it wasn't easy for him to get to the point he is now, he has thought of 1001 ways that we never thought of to maintain his position, and that was done not only by him, but also his financial advisors and the banks behind him. All these factors make him as strong as he is now and that is what means he won't fall, at least in the next few years, or not (?).

In business, it's normal to fail a few times with a few projects, so even if he failed with Twitter, that doesn't mean the rest of Elon's companies or his empire will collapse. The social network Twitter is facing many difficulties and we cannot deny that, but for it to collapse there is still a long way to go and we should not rush to any conclusions.

Losing business for several years is very normal for large businesses, so I see that sometimes many people are pessimistic or laugh at the difficulties that Twitter is facing, as if they have never done business before or do not have business knowledge.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: TheUltraElite on October 23, 2023, 09:59:23 AM
Even if a space psycho loses it all, it does not mean anything good for you. They are just going to build something else and continue their share of profit by shilling their new product and attach a decent "crypto" tag with that in order to pump another currency. And while this same cycle which we already experienced "recycles", some brain-dead people will buy into them hoping for some quick cash.

You can see tech giant owners move from one to another, you can never keep track of them all, hence dont bother, unless of course you got shares in Telsa and Twitter, in which case you might be in a soup.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: dezoel on October 23, 2023, 11:00:11 AM
Thinking that he will fail and lose his empire is actually stretching it too much. I know that it seems that he made a bad decision by buying Twitter, but we don't really know what he has actually planned for it, we have just seen the rebranding and whatever they are trying to do with the live streaming feature and a bunch of other things, but I'm pretty sure that he has some card to play in this as well because he is not just an ordinary person with an ordinary mindset, he thinks way ahead of what others might be thinking.

So, I don't really think that he is going to lose his empire or lose it all. Even if Twitter, which he turned into X, doesn't work the way he might have thought of it, I'm pretty sure that he will come up with something else to actually stay on top and not lose and just give up, he is billionaire businessman, he didn't reach there just like that.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Latviand on October 23, 2023, 12:17:23 PM
I don’t think so, he’s one of the smartest guys in the world. Everything he does is meticulously planned, I don’t think he is remotely close to seeing his house of cards tumble down. Don’t forget TESLA is propped up by government subsidies. Twitter (X) will turn into a profitable business I’m sure.
So the guy behind the scenes that we're actually doing the hardwork are just nothing then? Did Elon really written the codes for the OpenAI? I can't really disagree that he's not smart, you can't really create companies that do different works if you're not smart but I would say that he's more of a visionary more than anything. I gotta ask though, how is X going to be profitable though? You didn't offer any insight on how that can be so I'm curious how.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Z390 on October 23, 2023, 12:29:37 PM
I don't have a lot to say about Elon but I have seen others saying and predicting that Elon will be no rich man very soon, my question is why is everyone predicting the downfall of this man? If it's going to happen let it happen first then we will talk, I don't like having such conversation because this is just a man like myself, who is also very successful and majority of people don't like it, I feel this is the reason.

Some people are very happy discssuinv the downfall of Twitter but I don't know how they have the mind to keep doing this, I can't even afford Elon wrist watch, I want to be successful as him some day, he is an icon and I will never wish him bad, it's crazy how people have turned to be like this.

I believe that Elon is more smarter than all his haters, you will be surprised again just like how you guys are surprised that he still keeps Twitter plans going, when he planned to change to X many start saying it's over for Elon musk, you have no idea how someone who can built something like Tesla is capable of, they always come with surprises, when you all least expected, fingers crossed.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: milewilda on October 23, 2023, 01:35:18 PM
It's very rare for a super billionaire like Musk to fall, of course he already had thorough financial planning before he made the acquisition of Twitter and many of his other extraordinary decisions. You know that it wasn't easy for him to get to the point he is now, he has thought of 1001 ways that we never thought of to maintain his position, and that was done not only by him, but also his financial advisors and the banks behind him. All these factors make him as strong as he is now and that is what means he won't fall, at least in the next few years, or not (?).

In business, it's normal to fail a few times with a few projects, so even if he failed with Twitter, that doesn't mean the rest of Elon's companies or his empire will collapse. The social network Twitter is facing many difficulties and we cannot deny that, but for it to collapse there is still a long way to go and we should not rush to any conclusions.

Losing business for several years is very normal for large businesses, so I see that sometimes many people are pessimistic or laugh at the difficulties that Twitter is facing, as if they have never done business before or do not have business knowledge.
People do really love on being conclusive on which they would really be making out generalization and assume out that if they fail one of their business then it would really be failing all. They arent the ones who are in his shoes on making out those kind of claims that he would really be losing it all. Just like been said that its impossible that he wont really be having some back up plans if ever there's one that would be fail.
Debt is common and even billionaires does have it and we know that having debt doesnt mean that you are already that in verge of bankruptcy. Only true investors or business minded person does really know on whats the advantage that you could really be able to get on having debts.(Long explanation).

If he ever have those debt problems then just let him be on resolving that.There's no point on trying out to elaborate about with those obvious problems. He bought twitter then its just right that he would really be
applying on the changes that he does have in mind whether it would really be that making some bad effects on the company or not. He do knows the risks and he wont be called
or achieved on being billionaire for nothing. He do knows on taking decisions and what are the risks behind it.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: tjtonmoy on October 23, 2023, 04:05:03 PM

He's a billionaire. Twitter was just less than a billion and he is a BTC investor who is also fighting against the SEC, we're not seeing him fall. If anyone sees the first his Tesla price is falling, it's him. and He may have done something already before that happened. Since he is a BTC investor as well, he could be taken advantage of all these too.

But he folds by the way when the EU threatened his Twitter to be blocked in the region. Not so much of a rebel that he wants to portray.
Speaking of billionaire, he's only a billionaire in papers while he has no liquid cash that adds up to billions of dollars that he is worth. Net worth is something and liquid cash is something else. He owns shares not actual money. And if he wants to sell all of his shares (theoretically speaking) then the share price will fall and looking at that other people that owns that share could also sell as a trend or in panic. And that's the reality.

Now if we talk about Bitcoin investment. Elon Musk is not only a Bitcoin investor but also a Bitcoin influencer. Many people follow the path he takes. So if he decides to sell his share of Bitcoin then there will be people who follows him, who would do the same following his path. And as it is go with shares it's the same thing with Bitcoin. I know Elon only selling his share of Bitcoin won't affect the market much but those who follows him, if they decide to sell their share too then that could lead to a very difficult market condition.

So the problem is real but I don't think Elon Musk would only depend on those things. I'm sure he'll try to find another way to solve this problem. He's a man of many talents and a genius. And even if his empire falls then he will create a new one. It is not hard for a people like him. I am not Elon enthusiast but I think he is capable of doing such thing.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: beerlover on October 23, 2023, 05:03:30 PM
People do really love on being conclusive on which they would really be making out generalization and assume out that if they fail one of their business then it would really be failing all. They arent the ones who are in his shoes on making out those kind of claims that he would really be losing it all. Just like been said that its impossible that he wont really be having some back up plans if ever there's one that would be fail.
Debt is common and even billionaires does have it and we know that having debt doesnt mean that you are already that in verge of bankruptcy. Only true investors or business minded person does really know on whats the advantage that you could really be able to get on having debts.(Long explanation).

If he ever have those debt problems then just let him be on resolving that.There's no point on trying out to elaborate about with those obvious problems. He bought twitter then its just right that he would really be
applying on the changes that he does have in mind whether it would really be that making some bad effects on the company or not. He do knows the risks and he wont be called
or achieved on being billionaire for nothing. He do knows on taking decisions and what are the risks behind it.
That's the thing, if you liked twitter before he bought it and then dislike it after he bought it then you have the right to not like what he did. That is your freedom of speech, you have the right to say "before Elon musk twitter was a better place", we are not here trying to prevent him, we do not have any legal power to stop him from having any company he wants, if he buys a company then he can buy it, but the reality is that we could always give our feedback and say that we didn't like it, that's within our rights.

And that is what people are speculating about, he sucks at owning twitter, he did terrible changes and he claims ADF is the reason why it's not doing well, when in fact the changes he made is the real reason why it's doing badly.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: bbigtart on October 23, 2023, 05:18:25 PM
I don’t think so, he’s one of the smartest guys in the world. Everything he does is meticulously planned, I don’t think he is remotely close to seeing his house of cards tumble down. Don’t forget TESLA is propped up by government subsidies. Twitter (X) will turn into a profitable business I’m sure.

I think so too, he is an intelligent person, it is impossible for him to make decisions without thinking about what will happen. Surely every decision he takes has been well thought out. For me, he may not think about money, but Elon has his own reasons for all the decisions he takes so he decides everything for new things for the future.

In my opinion, people who are already very rich prefer to have power over a platform, because the higher their power, the easier it is for them to have money. He was always considered crazy for his ideas, he definitely had a hidden purpose there.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: jaberwock on October 23, 2023, 05:28:40 PM
I have been seeing this question on the Internet for a very long time. People are playing a lottery called “the time of Elon Musk’s fall.” Take a look through the news feeds of the last five years, and every time he is predicted to collapse, However, he is not a stupid person, and I am sure that he knows perfectly well what to do and when to do it, and all the intrigues and gossip going on the Internet are only beneficial for his PR.
It would have been better if they will use those predicting abilities on to something they can benefit with like playing the lottery, just in case they get lucky and hit it correctly, and not onto something like this. But I know that it's also normal for a person to wish for someone else that are at the top to collapse.

There is some different kind of pleasure they get here especially if what they are wishing happens for real. Maybe Elon Musk is also aware of those speculations about him and he actually use those as a challenge or some kind of a motivation to improve himself more and his business. That way those speculators will only get pissed off.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Fortify on October 23, 2023, 07:56:58 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

It seems like you're a few months behind the news quite frankly. While I cannot say if Elon could go bust tomorrow, as only a few people could possibly have the insider knowledge to predict that, he has definitely made some very foolish and overpriced missteps when it came to the purchase of twitter. He let his mouth (or hands in this case) do the talking and walked himself into a trap he was unable to escape. He made an offer, probably just in a jokey or unserious way, that vastly overpriced Twitter, without understanding the laws regarding a buyout offer are very clear within the state that this company was registered. A judge would ultimately have been able to force him to purchase at the price he stated, although he did try every trick in the book to weasel out of it including blaming bot activity which was always present. I imagine it was quite a shock to spend $44 billion and it might teach him to be more careful with his words in future.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: JoyMarsha on October 23, 2023, 08:44:09 PM
Before buying X, Elon Musk had the intention of making enormous profits from the purchase. What we see him doing(charging everyone for the use of it) is a method for him to recoup and settle the loan he took out to buy Twitter.

As it stands, I don't think Elon Musk cares that people are quitting X due to the payment charges. What he genuinely believes is that there will always be people willing to pay to advertise their businesses or crypto projects on X no matter what because X continues to be the best and most effective social media platform for doing so.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: South Park on October 23, 2023, 09:42:50 PM
Before buying X, Elon Musk had the intention of making enormous profits from the purchase. What we see him doing(charging everyone for the use of it) is a method for him to recoup and settle the loan he took out to buy Twitter.

As it stands, I don't think Elon Musk cares that people are quitting X due to the payment charges. What he genuinely believes is that there will always be people willing to pay to advertise their businesses or crypto projects on X no matter what because X continues to be the best and most effective social media platform for doing so.

Then he may have to eventually reconsider this view, as advertisers go where people go, and if people start leaving X for whatever reason then advertisers are going to do the same and move to other platforms, besides I really think he is just not considering the psychology of people at all, once something is free it is very difficult for people to accept to pay full price for that product, and X has been free for so long I do not think there are many people out there that are willing to pay for such service, especially since they can just create a new account with whatever competitors X may have.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Nerdy doctor on October 23, 2023, 10:53:07 PM
So you really think that Musk could not go bankrupt just due to the virtue of being rich by owning assets? See, the thing with Twitter is that while it may still be functional, it has lost a lot of its revenue and therefore the stocks musk posts as collateral are also in danger of being margin called. It's natural for stock prices to fluctuate anyway, but the issue with teitter is that it might be losing too much value...

Honestly, anyone could go bankrupt. We have seen this numerous times. Musk could very well become a textbook example too.

Of course he can go bankrupt as well but it’s highly unlikely. If such a scenario happens which is unlikely, the government would probably bail him out and keep him afloat. He has a lot of people under his employ working in his different companies and the government can’t afford to let the large number of people working for him go to the unemployment line. It could also tell negatively on the economy.

I personally could care less about how he handles and what he does with his app. Despite losing revenue due to whatever reasons, the app is still kicking and is now paying content creators. The loss of revenue probably hit the app hard but it’s not yet down.  

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Smack That Ace on October 23, 2023, 11:17:40 PM
It's very rare for a super billionaire like Musk to fall, of course he already had thorough financial planning before he made the acquisition of Twitter and many of his other extraordinary decisions. You know that it wasn't easy for him to get to the point he is now, he has thought of 1001 ways that we never thought of to maintain his position, and that was done not only by him, but also his financial advisors and the banks behind him. All these factors make him as strong as he is now and that is what means he won't fall, at least in the next few years, or not (?).

In business, it's normal to fail a few times with a few projects, so even if he failed with Twitter, that doesn't mean the rest of Elon's companies or his empire will collapse. The social network Twitter is facing many difficulties and we cannot deny that, but for it to collapse there is still a long way to go and we should not rush to any conclusions.

Losing business for several years is very normal for large businesses, so I see that sometimes many people are pessimistic or laugh at the difficulties that Twitter is facing, as if they have never done business before or do not have business knowledge.
People do really love on being conclusive on which they would really be making out generalization and assume out that if they fail one of their business then it would really be failing all. They arent the ones who are in his shoes on making out those kind of claims that he would really be losing it all. Just like been said that its impossible that he wont really be having some back up plans if ever there's one that would be fail.
Debt is common and even billionaires does have it and we know that having debt doesnt mean that you are already that in verge of bankruptcy. Only true investors or business minded person does really know on whats the advantage that you could really be able to get on having debts.(Long explanation).

If he ever have those debt problems then just let him be on resolving that.There's no point on trying out to elaborate about with those obvious problems. He bought twitter then its just right that he would really be
applying on the changes that he does have in mind whether it would really be that making some bad effects on the company or not. He do knows the risks and he wont be called
or achieved on being billionaire for nothing. He do knows on taking decisions and what are the risks behind it.

For a top billionaire like Elon, every decision is made with very careful calculation. He never makes impulsive decisions like normal people like us, so I believe he is aware of the risks he will take when trying to completely change TW to his liking. But the funny thing is that there are a lot of people here who always say that he is stupid, sabotaging TW...laughing at him. Freedom of speech is a good thing, but we should know who we are, where we stand and what successes we have achieved...If we still work as hired laborers and don't have enough to eat, then don't try to teach rich people how to make money.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: taufik123 on October 23, 2023, 11:22:16 PM
Before buying X, Elon Musk had the intention of making enormous profits from the purchase. What we see him doing(charging everyone for the use of it) is a method for him to recoup and settle the loan he took out to buy Twitter.
He's a businessman and he certainly has to benefit from what he bought when he bought Twitter and turned it into X.
Once he owns and controls Twitter (X) then all the rules or even major changes are up to him.

But what we can see is that the big creators or influencers get paid from their interactions on Twitter (X) with a considerable amount of rewards.
Many people are interested in growing their accounts and to buy Blue Tick X Premium is currently available for purchase on the web for $8/month or $84/year, in-app on iOS for $11/month or $114.99/year.

As it stands, I don't think Elon Musk cares that people are quitting X due to the payment charges. What he genuinely believes is that there will always be people willing to pay to advertise their businesses or crypto projects on X no matter what because X continues to be the best and most effective social media platform for doing so.
But the proof is in the pudding now, people are even more inclined to stay active to get paid for every interaction on X.
X is already a popular social media platform and the only one that provides great rewards for its users and freedom of speech without any censorship.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: EluguHcman on October 23, 2023, 11:29:21 PM
I feel that was a hypocritic obsession on him because he is been a top entrepreneur CEO of several ventures even before Twitter and his billionaire network is far greater than that amount used to purchase the web app Twitter but in some sceneros, most entrepreneurs acts technically diplomatic on undergoing higher level of risk just to make a grater count so if really he went on such a loan definitely it is going to be of two options either he makes a collateral or a deal pf agreement is reached where a certain percentage is documented to be deducted from his ventures ventures benefits with an unfailingly memo of understanding and that alone may single handedly cause him a devalue if goes contrarily by his initial plan but there is a high level of doubt that the update maybe be through.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: poodle63 on October 23, 2023, 11:52:34 PM
I don’t think so, he’s one of the smartest guys in the world. Everything he does is meticulously planned, I don’t think he is remotely close to seeing his house of cards tumble down. Don’t forget TESLA is propped up by government subsidies. Twitter (X) will turn into a profitable business I’m sure.

I think so too, he is an intelligent person, it is impossible for him to make decisions without thinking about what will happen. Surely every decision he takes has been well thought out. For me, he may not think about money, but Elon has his own reasons for all the decisions he takes so he decides everything for new things for the future.

In my opinion, people who are already very rich prefer to have power over a platform, because the higher their power, the easier it is for them to have money. He was always considered crazy for his ideas, he definitely had a hidden purpose there.
people out there seems to forget in realizing that its not even that long before elon musk owned twitter and he has already made fortune out of this through some meticulous way of earning like giving yearly fee which was proposed not long ago but the other thing like verification badge for money already making him some money.
give him few years more he make the money back, thats just how clever elon is, not trying to overly flatter him but we know he has become such billionaire with proper reasoning, that is because he has ways to earn money.
a billionaire like him, even if he waste hundred millions of dollars he definitely has way to make it back.
after all he is an experienced person it making money. i'm sure he already has plan up his sleeve, its just waiting for moments and all that plan have something to do with making money.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: DrBeer on November 20, 2023, 07:42:06 AM
After Ilon Musk endorsed an anti-Semitic post on "his network" Twitter/X the other day, companies like Apple, IBM, Disney, Warner Brothers, Discovery, Paramount and other major advertisers...refused to advertise on his network....
Looks like the "crown" is so over Ilon's head that his brain really stopped getting oxygen :)
But as a result - I assume that his companies will have SIGNIFICANT problems in the near future, as well as his business partners. Whether this will be the collapse of the "Musk empire" - I am not ready to say, but the fact that these processes will definitely shake him and his companies - it is a fact....

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: mirakal on November 20, 2023, 01:46:21 PM
I don’t think so, he’s one of the smartest guys in the world. Everything he does is meticulously planned, I don’t think he is remotely close to seeing his house of cards tumble down. Don’t forget TESLA is propped up by government subsidies. Twitter (X) will turn into a profitable business I’m sure.

I think so too, he is an intelligent person, it is impossible for him to make decisions without thinking about what will happen. Surely every decision he takes has been well thought out. For me, he may not think about money, but Elon has his own reasons for all the decisions he takes so he decides everything for new things for the future.

In my opinion, people who are already very rich prefer to have power over a platform, because the higher their power, the easier it is for them to have money. He was always considered crazy for his ideas, he definitely had a hidden purpose there.
Elon's empire will never easily fall, not because of his wealth, but because he has this superb and brilliant ideas that will let him stay on his position. Although his high position in Twitter has already ended but I think it's part of his plan. We don't know the reality behind it but knowing Elon, he wants to keep an edge over the others and always on top of everything. And whatever he does, there's always his own motives and only him knows that.

However, despite of Elon's power and intelligence, I guess if he keeps on putting himself first more than others, that he gets to be greedy and even deceiving, his empire will definitely come to an end. But it could be years or a decade from now.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: wajik-tempe on November 20, 2023, 01:48:49 PM
After Ilon Musk endorsed an anti-Semitic post on "his network" Twitter/X the other day, companies like Apple, IBM, Disney, Warner Brothers, Discovery, Paramount and other major advertisers...refused to advertise on his network....
Looks like the "crown" is so over Ilon's head that his brain really stopped getting oxygen :)
But as a result - I assume that his companies will have SIGNIFICANT problems in the near future, as well as his business partners. Whether this will be the collapse of the "Musk empire" - I am not ready to say, but the fact that these processes will definitely shake him and his companies - it is a fact....
His actions, like as taking out large loans to purchase Twitter and using his Tesla and SpaceX stock as security, have prompted worries about possible hazards, it is critical to evaluate the larger context. The stock market and commercial undertakings are inherently unpredictable, and Musk has a track record of successfully handling adversities. The current scandal surrounding his Twitter activity, as well as the consequent departure of key advertisers, may provide obstacles, but forecasting the demise of the "Musk empire" based only on these events may be premature.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: arimamib on November 20, 2023, 02:34:26 PM

Elon's empire will never easily fall, not because of his wealth, but because he has this superb and brilliant ideas that will let him stay on his position. Although his high position in Twitter has already ended but I think it's part of his plan. We don't know the reality behind it but knowing Elon, he wants to keep an edge over the others and always on top of everything. And whatever he does, there's always his own motives and only him knows that.

However, despite of Elon's power and intelligence, I guess if he keeps on putting himself first more than others, that he gets to be greedy and even deceiving, his empire will definitely come to an end. But it could be years or a decade from now.

Elon Musk is undoubtedly a visionary entrepreneur with a remarkable track record of success. His companies, like Tesla, Neuralink and SpaceX, have disrupted industries with innovations. currently, on X (Twitter), he shows his starship launching which would become his biggest asset of his empire that suggests his empire keeps getting bigger and stronger.

His empire is impressive, but it is not without risks. If he is able to manage these risks effectively, he is likely to continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the business world. However, if he is not able to address these challenges, his empire could crumble. Only time will tell whether Elon musk can maintain his prominence in the ever-changing business landscape.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: TheUltraElite on November 20, 2023, 04:45:59 PM
Space psychos will always do something new and woo the public with their innovations. They have huge amounts under the table that we cannot even imagine which once used can develop a new company or fund companies that do their bidding. In other words, such "empires" will never fall apart but the owners will continue moving from one to another.

Instead work on your own development and not see rich people as the idol. Because they are not, they became rich in lieu of their own hard work and you can be one too if you are putting your passion at work and not being lazy.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Gozie51 on November 20, 2023, 05:10:11 PM

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

I'm not thinking that way. Like you said if anything goes wrong with Tesla or SpaceX, well I don't think he will allow anything to go wrong with them at least not until he has settled the loan for X. What he needs to do is to intensify effort in those companies and that is why he is making the share value public. He is also a big hodler of btc and he is a billionaire who is able to get alot of credit from big conglomerate to keep his head above waters until he could stand again.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: DrBeer on November 20, 2023, 06:32:30 PM
After Ilon Musk endorsed an anti-Semitic post on "his network" Twitter/X the other day, companies like Apple, IBM, Disney, Warner Brothers, Discovery, Paramount and other major advertisers...refused to advertise on his network....
Looks like the "crown" is so over Ilon's head that his brain really stopped getting oxygen :)
But as a result - I assume that his companies will have SIGNIFICANT problems in the near future, as well as his business partners. Whether this will be the collapse of the "Musk empire" - I am not ready to say, but the fact that these processes will definitely shake him and his companies - it is a fact....
His actions, like as taking out large loans to purchase Twitter and using his Tesla and SpaceX stock as security, have prompted worries about possible hazards, it is critical to evaluate the larger context. The stock market and commercial undertakings are inherently unpredictable, and Musk has a track record of successfully handling adversities. The current scandal surrounding his Twitter activity, as well as the consequent departure of key advertisers, may provide obstacles, but forecasting the demise of the "Musk empire" based only on these events may be premature.

This is the right place to talk about Musk's set of fails. Yes he is a talented organizer and he had good ideas. Some of them he realized and deserved applause. But everything he's been doing lately, especially in the social sphere, is crap.
The purchase of Twitter is an understandable move, given Musk's ambitions in politics. He can't be president, but he wants to get into politics. And he needs a social network... yes yes yes yes, purely for the formation and influence of "opinions and views" in the audience.

All this together, plus huge money, apparently, turned his head, and Musk decided that he was "the chosen one" and he was allowed, if not everything, then a lot more than ordinary people.

I would like him to come back to reality, otherwise his "fall from Olympus" will be painful.... And neither money nor connections will help....

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: DVlog on November 20, 2023, 07:30:28 PM
I don't think he cares about creating an empire. The only thing that matters to him is profit. Also keep in mind that he is also the CEO of spaceX which is another big foothold for him that helped him secure the loan.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

From all this year what i have learned about Mask is that he is a cunning businessman. He knows how to turn the table and he likes to do that publicly. The loan default you are talking about can backfire on him but the initiative he took can take twitter to a place that no other social media can reach. His idea of creating Twitter or X as a financial hub of the world can give him control over a large community. This will also boost that platform's financial revenue stream. The cut in unnecessary expenses on twitter was a warning to other employees that if you are not competitive enough, you can be fired.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: coupable on November 20, 2023, 09:12:03 PM
What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?
I am not one of those who believe that Elon Musk seeks to form an empire, and even if he aspired to do so, he would not be naive and stupid. All that matters is that you must appear in the media and always appear victorious.
Elon Musk, like any other investor, is looking for profit first and foremost. It is true that he is one of the adventurous investors who has a great deal of courage to take major steps, but this does not exempt him from being wrong many times and that his decisions are not wise in everything he does. For example, I do not believe in the feasibility of the SpaceX project, and this is for the main reason that the technical obstacles cannot be overcome in a reasonable time, because it is not reasonable to invest in a project that will achieve returns, perhaps after the end of the approximate life of its owner.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: _BlackStar on November 20, 2023, 09:33:57 PM
I'm not a huge fan of Elon Musk - but this man has a real passion for building his empire. Everything never fails, both technically and financially - even Elon, who is famous for his wealth, can go bankrupt because of his own maneuvers to control things.

Elon Musk could almost be said to have failed after acquiring Twitter - but as one of the richest people due to his assets, Elon Musk would probably be tens of steps ahead of someone who doesn't like him. I don't know what will happen next for Elon and the leadership of platform X - but he is one who doesn't give up so easily despite repeated failures.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: WillyAp on November 20, 2023, 09:49:15 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

Well who was financing that bill are the people on the list

  • A.M. Management & Consulting  $25 million
    AH Capital Management    
    VC firm founded by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz $400 million
    Aliya Capital Partners SpaceX investor $360 million
    BAMCO Investment adviser $100 million
    Binance Cryptocurrency firm $500 million
    Brookfield  Canadian investment firm with over $690 billion assets under management  $250 million
    DFJ Growth IV Partners  Tesla, SolarCity, SpaceX and The Boring Company investor  $100 million
    Fidelity Management & Research Company  Acts as the investment advisor to Fidelity's family of mutual funds  $316 million
    Honeycomb Asset Management  Private investment firm led by Chief Investment Officer David Fiszel  $5 million
    Key Wealth Advisors   $30 million
    Lawrence J. Ellison Revocable Trust  Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison's trust  $1 billion
    Litani Ventures  Chicago-based VC firm  $25 million
    Qatar Holding  Investment house founded by Qatar Investment Authority  $375 million
    Sequoia Capital Fund Invested in The Boring Company  $800 million
    Strauss Capital LLC - $150 million
    Tresser Blvd 402 LLC (Cartenna)  $8.5 million
    VyCapital  Invested in The Boring Company  $700 million
    Witkoff Capital  New York-based real estate tycoon Steven Witkoff's firm  $100 million
    Saudi Arabian investor Prince Alwaleed bin Talal  Twitter investor  $1.89 billion (34,948,975 shares)

    Reporting by Hyunjoo Jin in San Francisco and Chibuike

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Hispo on November 20, 2023, 10:56:04 PM
I'm not a huge fan of Elon Musk - but this man has a real passion for building his empire. Everything never fails, both technically and financially - even Elon, who is famous for his wealth, can go bankrupt because of his own maneuvers to control things.

Elon Musk could almost be said to have failed after acquiring Twitter - but as one of the richest people due to his assets, Elon Musk would probably be tens of steps ahead of someone who doesn't like him. I don't know what will happen next for Elon and the leadership of platform X - but he is one who doesn't give up so easily despite repeated failures.

In my opinion, one of his mistakes was to get indirectly involved in politics, perhaps he thought he has enough money so he is invincible and cannot be taken down by competitors or public officials, there is a chance he had become bored and decided to buy Twitter and start his crusade for free speech as part of his legacy, he is not stupid, so he probably expected to suffer some economical losses because of what he tries to do, but if I had to bet, I would say the money he has lost in Twitter has gone beyond his own calculations.

He won't get bankrupt easily, but it is not impossible, some Chinese company could take over the market of EV and the satellite internet network has a big competition with optical fiber.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Renampun on November 20, 2023, 11:45:04 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

banks will continue to trust those who have a good reputation, we will see how big an influence Elon Musk has made, if we see all his businesses fail then we will see the collapse of his empire, but up to now all the companies he has looked after have grown as they go. time, maybe X has not shown significant profit growth, but in the next few years we will see X as the largest and most influential social media in the world, The same thing as Tesla, which can be said to be the pioneer of electric cars in many parts of the world.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: shinratensei_ on November 21, 2023, 12:33:28 AM
I'm not a huge fan of Elon Musk - but this man has a real passion for building his empire. Everything never fails, both technically and financially - even Elon, who is famous for his wealth, can go bankrupt because of his own maneuvers to control things.

Elon Musk could almost be said to have failed after acquiring Twitter - but as one of the richest people due to his assets, Elon Musk would probably be tens of steps ahead of someone who doesn't like him. I don't know what will happen next for Elon and the leadership of platform X - but he is one who doesn't give up so easily despite repeated failures.

In my opinion, one of his mistakes was to get indirectly involved in politics, perhaps he thought he has enough money so he is invincible and cannot be taken down by competitors or public officials, there is a chance he had become bored and decided to buy Twitter and start his crusade for free speech as part of his legacy, he is not stupid, so he probably expected to suffer some economical losses because of what he tries to do, but if I had to bet, I would say the money he has lost in Twitter has gone beyond his own calculations.

He won't get bankrupt easily, but it is not impossible, some Chinese company could take over the market of EV and the satellite internet network has a big competition with optical fiber.
does the sattelite internet really will compete with optical fiber though? the main reason why elon deploying his starlink because he knew that while the latency might not be great with these facilities but he can reach the most remote place therefore he quite literally could cover entire planet as his customer so long the regulation of the country allows which im sure will eventually allows it, fiber needs to be planted while satelite isn't, even though initial capital required was massive, but elon has the company that launch the satellite, also they already stated that elon already made some surplus from starlink alone that could cover other company which he owned in term of financial.
I think its a great idea that only elon could pull off since he has all the facilities, I think his empire will last long honestly, since considering he always presents good product with real use case even the most complicated product ever he could pull it off but we'll see.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: WillyAp on November 21, 2023, 12:33:22 PM

does the sattelite internet really will compete with optical fiber though?

It's a worldwide service and many countries are led by a kind of mediocre management which is not able to view more than their bank account.
Here where we live I'd pay 50$ per month which in a different region cost 30 and that by getting triple speed (the region).
My LTE connection luckily for me gives me 60+ MB/s and costs me 10$ for 20GB data.

Venezuela is blocked by starlink and it would not be 100% sure that the kit would even reach me. We have a centralised mail system.
I've lost quite a few Items so far.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: NotATether on November 21, 2023, 12:57:53 PM
What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

If xAI fails? Yeah, he's fucked.

He's already lost Twitter, the Boring Company, NeuralLink (two startups that have no product and are burning money), all EV companies are fighting Tesla and look likely to split the global market between them, and as for SpaceX, well... it's too early to pass judgement on it.

xAI is literally his last chance to consolidate his position and have a dominant company. Everything else is either sinking in a pile of debt or is facing serious competition. So if the other AI companies run faster than him (and he no longer has to worry about OpenAI now that Sam Altman is booted out), then he's done.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: doomloop on November 21, 2023, 07:22:56 PM
Elon Musk is undoubtedly a visionary entrepreneur with a remarkable track record of success. His companies, like Tesla, Neuralink and SpaceX, have disrupted industries with innovations. currently, on X (Twitter), he shows his starship launching which would become his biggest asset of his empire that suggests his empire keeps getting bigger and stronger.

His empire is impressive, but it is not without risks. If he is able to manage these risks effectively, he is likely to continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the business world. However, if he is not able to address these challenges, his empire could crumble. Only time will tell whether Elon musk can maintain his prominence in the ever-changing business landscape.
Why are we, being ordinary people with ordinary jobs and income sources, judging the richest person on the face of earth who has businesses and companies that we never could create or make ourselves? An ordinary person cannot think the way a businessman can, so a person or a group of people that are not extra-ordinary with their thoughts and works that they do shouldn't sit and discuss about the empire of an extra-ordinary entrepreneur.

We all know that he is a genius, his way of thinking and the knowledge about things is far beyond ours, and even if things don't work out for him in a business, he can always do something else and earn more money than what he has spent on his failed business. So, he won't let his empire crumble or fall.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Hamphser on November 21, 2023, 07:46:43 PM
Elon Musk is undoubtedly a visionary entrepreneur with a remarkable track record of success. His companies, like Tesla, Neuralink and SpaceX, have disrupted industries with innovations. currently, on X (Twitter), he shows his starship launching which would become his biggest asset of his empire that suggests his empire keeps getting bigger and stronger.

His empire is impressive, but it is not without risks. If he is able to manage these risks effectively, he is likely to continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the business world. However, if he is not able to address these challenges, his empire could crumble. Only time will tell whether Elon musk can maintain his prominence in the ever-changing business landscape.
Why are we, being ordinary people with ordinary jobs and income sources, judging the richest person on the face of earth who has businesses and companies that we never could create or make ourselves? An ordinary person cannot think the way a businessman can, so a person or a group of people that are not extra-ordinary with their thoughts and works that they do shouldn't sit and discuss about the empire of an extra-ordinary entrepreneur.

We all know that he is a genius, his way of thinking and the knowledge about things is far beyond ours, and even if things don't work out for him in a business, he can always do something else and earn more money than what he has spent on his failed business. So, he won't let his empire crumble or fall.
People do really love on engaging or talking about someones business or financial condition or simply with its failure? Its not something new! People are really that judgmental on which it is really just that normal that they would really be that loving on seeing someones condition and making out discrimination if ever they do see that it is out of their interest. Just like been said by some people above that its none of our business
if Elon would fail or not or its empire would really be kissing on the floor or not. Its not our money and its none of our fkin business on what he would gonna do with his investments.

Usually people do really love on criticizing on everything specially on things which is really that totally opposite into their interest. People would really be always have
something to say on which it is really just that common that they would be having that kind of behavior on which its not really that something new.
Whether he would fall or not, then its not of our concern. One things for sure that Elon wont really be reaching out that state if he doesnt know on how to
make solutions into those problems that he's facing.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: alani123 on November 21, 2023, 08:07:42 PM
Elon Musk is undoubtedly a visionary entrepreneur with a remarkable track record of success. His companies, like Tesla, Neuralink and SpaceX, have disrupted industries with innovations. currently, on X (Twitter), he shows his starship launching which would become his biggest asset of his empire that suggests his empire keeps getting bigger and stronger.

His empire is impressive, but it is not without risks. If he is able to manage these risks effectively, he is likely to continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the business world. However, if he is not able to address these challenges, his empire could crumble. Only time will tell whether Elon musk can maintain his prominence in the ever-changing business landscape.
Why are we, being ordinary people with ordinary jobs and income sources, judging the richest person on the face of earth who has businesses and companies that we never could create or make ourselves?
For one, Twitter is a platform many users would go into every day, and Elon Musk's acquisition fumbled with it so much that it made it undesirable for many people for so many reasons.

But most importantly, we shouldn't idolize rich people. Elon Musk is rich, so what? Does the fact that he was born wealthy prove much? It only proves that it's easier for an already rich person to become even richer. It's not a fair system that we have out there. And importantly, we have to recognize the certain privileges being rich brings. Idolizing someone because of wealth is the last thing to do when we're as you say ordinary people.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Finestream on November 21, 2023, 08:30:30 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?
We all know that Elon is a wise and intelligent businessman, and whatever his decision in life, it must have gone through well research and preparation. However, I also believe that losing is inevitable, but I should say he must have seen it coming before us. But I don' think that the fall of his empire is already imminent, he must have a lot of businesses that he built that will generate profits for him, so that makes him regain his empire from falling.

Twitter creates a very big loss for Elon, but I should say his world does not only revolve in it. So I won't agree that he is now at his losing end.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Samlucky O on November 22, 2023, 08:05:51 AM
So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

I don't really think that the reduction of Twitter perticipant will affect Elon musk due to his loan. I think he has the capacity to buy Twitter without a loan because checking from his net worth as at the time he bought Twitter at $44b you could see that he has more than enough but didn't want to adventure into something he is not really sure of, or never wanted to pull that hug amount of money in an already existing business as a wise man he is. But looking at things right now he has lost $19b from a $44b investment. Now he says he bought Twitter so expensive. But no matter what happens he can not fall to the ground but rather falls from the table of the richest man.

Greediness is the cause of his down fall of Twitter, sometimes we shouldn't think that money can buy us Everything. When you have money and think you can buy the world that is just what you get. I think most subscribers of Twitter are fans of the formal owner Jack Patrick and they feel needless of continueing with Twitter since he sold it to Elon musk. And that drastically reduce the value of Twitter. Money can buy you material things, but can't buy you feeling or change the thought people have for you.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: eightdots on November 22, 2023, 05:02:56 PM

Elon's empire will never easily fall, not because of his wealth, but because he has this superb and brilliant ideas that will let him stay on his position. Although his high position in Twitter has already ended but I think it's part of his plan. We don't know the reality behind it but knowing Elon, he wants to keep an edge over the others and always on top of everything. And whatever he does, there's always his own motives and only him knows that.

However, despite of Elon's power and intelligence, I guess if he keeps on putting himself first more than others, that he gets to be greedy and even deceiving, his empire will definitely come to an end. But it could be years or a decade from now.

Elon Musk is undoubtedly a visionary entrepreneur with a remarkable track record of success. His companies, like Tesla, Neuralink and SpaceX, have disrupted industries with innovations. currently, on X (Twitter), he shows his starship launching which would become his biggest asset of his empire that suggests his empire keeps getting bigger and stronger.

His empire is impressive, but it is not without risks. If he is able to manage these risks effectively, he is likely to continue to be a force to be reckoned with in the business world. However, if he is not able to address these challenges, his empire could crumble. Only time will tell whether Elon musk can maintain his prominence in the ever-changing business landscape.

Big organizations have big risks. Every step Elon takes is news. No one can ignore his achievements so far. He's had his successes so far, as well as failed attempts, but he always knows how to get back on his feet. I don't know if this will continue, but he has been very successful so far.

As you say, if he manages to control the risks, he will become even stronger. There will always be risks in the business world, but with every risk that is overcome, the strength to fight them will increase.

There will always be news about the fall or rise of Elon's empire. I'm more interested in what he wants to do and what he is developing.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: JunaidAzizi on November 22, 2023, 05:41:33 PM
What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?
Musk is not a stupid person to take a risk on his empire by taking a loan to buy Twitter. Twitter is just a part of his asset, not a base so how did he feel if he took a loss in Twitter? His assets are more than the 50 States budgets so how did he fall?  We know he is a good entrepreneur and in this field, the opponent sometimes spreads such kinds of rumors to put pressure on or give a loss and this is also I think one of them.  A few months ago he tweeted that he would charge every Twitter user 1$ per month. As of 2023 there are 556 million active users of Twitter and this is increasing day by day if he charges every person just one dollar then according to mathematics he will collect 556 million dollars just in one month.  So I do not things so that there will be any loss that will kill the Musk Empire and he have a backup plan for his empire. 

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: WillyAp on November 22, 2023, 07:28:33 PM
A few months ago he tweeted that he would charge every Twitter user 1$ per month

I think he said per year.
I wouldn't pay 1 $ a month for any social media. Not even Whatsapp.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on November 22, 2023, 08:24:10 PM
A few months ago he tweeted that he would charge every Twitter user 1$ per month

I think he said per year.
I wouldn't pay 1 $ a month for any social media. Not even Whatsapp.
Maybe you don't want that, but what about other members on Twitter? From what I've seen, there are quite a lot of big accounts who don't refuse to pay $1 to keep their account with a blue tick. Elon Musk didn't buy Twitter without calculation, he clearly predicted all the consequences, I dare say he didn't lose out on buying Twitter, in fact all his efforts will make him even bigger in the next few years, one of that is SpaceX.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: mv1986 on November 22, 2023, 10:25:33 PM
There's a lot of talk that Elon Musk taking on huge loans to buy Twitter could backfire massively on him as Twitter keeps losing value. Essentially what Elon Musk did was to use up most of his assets in terms of stock like Tesla and SpaceX to try and secure assets for his twitter loan. He's now so tied up in this Twitter debt, that if something goes wrong it could trigger a domino of effects. 

So he essentially already pledged tons of money to secure loans to buy Twitter, but his executive decisions lead to massive drops in value. Late last year he posted a lot of Tesla shares to avoid a margin call from banks that had loaned him to buy Twitter ( but this could potentially mean that if Tesla shares fall in price also, Musk could be losing his empire... Eventually, and potentially if things go wrong, losing his position as CEO in both Twitter as well as Tesla.

What are your thoughts on this? Is Musk about to lose it all?

Didn't he step down as the Twitter/X CEO very long ago?I think that he nominated Linda Yaccarino in June 2023  (,focus%20primarily%20on%20business%20operations.”) and she took over from Elon Musk back then. He has also never claimed that he wants to be the CEO of that company for very long, which means that this can't be interpreted as an indicator of his empire failing.

The other companies are pretty strong and have good relationships with the US authorities. SpaceX is directly linked to Starlink, which provides important connectivity and data bandwidth for various purposes and Tesla is competitive I think? I haven't their numbers in a while, but they are up about 100% YTD. Despite the negative development of the share price in the last few weeks I think it is still going well for him. It would be a long way to crash that empire.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: WillyAp on November 22, 2023, 10:35:55 PM

Maybe you don't want that, but what about other members on Twitter?

Sure but look from which countries the twitter followers come from: 1st is the US, 2nd Inda so far I know.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: TheUltraElite on November 28, 2023, 06:49:50 AM
I think he said per year.
I wouldn't pay 1 $ a month for any social media. Not even Whatsapp.
You would pay to use a instant messenger or a social media app? I would shut down my social media if that was the case and wait for another free platform to come up or use the SMS system. We are indeed dependent on the IM apps but not on social media apps, which have now become pseudo-escorting apps in case of Tinder/Bumble and a place for redpilled people in case of Twitter/X and so on.

In either case, if they start such a system people will move on and the owners will face a drop in revenue as another developer comes up with a free and open-source app.

Speculation at its peak indeed, lets see who the space psychos face the upcoming future.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: NotATether on November 28, 2023, 01:16:23 PM
A few months ago he tweeted that he would charge every Twitter user 1$ per month

I think he said per year.
I wouldn't pay 1 $ a month for any social media. Not even Whatsapp.

It's per year, yes. And only to new accounts I guess, for now?

Anyway. Most of the people who want to pay for the blue check nowadays are either impersonators, or people who want to engage in information warfare via X/Twitter. Because the verified (i.e. paying) user comments show up before unverified users. So it's very easy to have some bullshit account shove some info to your timeline which everyone (sane?) can categorically declare is not true.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: WillyAp on November 28, 2023, 02:10:38 PM
You would pay to use a instant messenger or a social media app?

Can't you read: I said I would not pay for social media nor messenger service.
I pay to have a fixed phone number though, as local services failed to restore ours.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: coupable on November 28, 2023, 05:41:20 PM
I'm not a huge fan of Elon Musk - but this man has a real passion for building his empire. Everything never fails, both technically and financially - even Elon, who is famous for his wealth, can go bankrupt because of his own maneuvers to control things.

Elon Musk could almost be said to have failed after acquiring Twitter - but as one of the richest people due to his assets, Elon Musk would probably be tens of steps ahead of someone who doesn't like him. I don't know what will happen next for Elon and the leadership of platform X - but he is one who doesn't give up so easily despite repeated failures.

In my opinion, one of his mistakes was to get indirectly involved in politics, perhaps he thought he has enough money so he is invincible and cannot be taken down by competitors or public officials, there is a chance he had become bored and decided to buy Twitter and start his crusade for free speech as part of his legacy, he is not stupid, so he probably expected to suffer some economical losses because of what he tries to do, but if I had to bet, I would say the money he has lost in Twitter has gone beyond his own calculations.

He won't get bankrupt easily, but it is not impossible, some Chinese company could take over the market of EV and the satellite internet network has a big competition with optical fiber.
This increases the sensitivity of the situation for Elon Musk, who will not be able to keep up with his competitors, who are supported by their governments and not just private investments. Also, One Mask's other companies are not in their best condition, as each of them suffers from financial problems and still needs more liquidity pumped into them. Then these projects need more effort and development, which will take more time, the length of which cannot be predicted. I'm not saying that Elon Musk's empire may collapse soon, but no one knows his strategy to continue supporting them.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Mahanton on November 28, 2023, 05:51:39 PM
I'm not a huge fan of Elon Musk - but this man has a real passion for building his empire. Everything never fails, both technically and financially - even Elon, who is famous for his wealth, can go bankrupt because of his own maneuvers to control things.

Elon Musk could almost be said to have failed after acquiring Twitter - but as one of the richest people due to his assets, Elon Musk would probably be tens of steps ahead of someone who doesn't like him. I don't know what will happen next for Elon and the leadership of platform X - but he is one who doesn't give up so easily despite repeated failures.

In my opinion, one of his mistakes was to get indirectly involved in politics, perhaps he thought he has enough money so he is invincible and cannot be taken down by competitors or public officials, there is a chance he had become bored and decided to buy Twitter and start his crusade for free speech as part of his legacy, he is not stupid, so he probably expected to suffer some economical losses because of what he tries to do, but if I had to bet, I would say the money he has lost in Twitter has gone beyond his own calculations.

He won't get bankrupt easily, but it is not impossible, some Chinese company could take over the market of EV and the satellite internet network has a big competition with optical fiber.
This increases the sensitivity of the situation for Elon Musk, who will not be able to keep up with his competitors, who are supported by their governments and not just private investments. Also, One Mask's other companies are not in their best condition, as each of them suffers from financial problems and still needs more liquidity pumped into them. Then these projects need more effort and development, which will take more time, the length of which cannot be predicted. I'm not saying that Elon Musk's empire may collapse soon, but no one knows his strategy to continue supporting them.
There's no way that we could be able to make up some conclusions that he would really be going down just because of those things that we do able to observe. What we arent seeing here is into those back up plans that he had done which it is really that impossible that he isnt really been that hinking with those things since from the start. This is why it would really be better that we shouldnt really be that making some issues
or talks about his empire to go down. They wont be called or reached out on being billionaire for nothing, it is really that quiet common for a business to have losses or negative.
When to fall? There's no way on knowing that ahead.

Musks isnt something that could be taken down easily considering that income sources already been that diversified. Why would really be that so mindful about his
neither success or failure?

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: franky1 on November 28, 2023, 05:54:37 PM
elons space X may have had crashes. but is set to "go to the mooooonnnn"
elons starlink satalites are already in the air and now making profit.
tesla are in profit by 14% (if you include solar and battery facility projects it becomes break even)

as for twitter
instead of using cash. he used a loan. meaning 'written liability debt' so he has currently not lost any real cash but is just at a risk of loss if he sells twitter(X) at a loss or defaults on the loan. by which if the risk of loss does increase he can simply just hand twitter(x) to the banks and just wipe his hands and walk away break even.
remember at this present moment twitter(x) is a P&L sheet loss. not a real cash loss,
he has no cash loss and actually gets a tax deduction which can offset taxes of other businesses, thus being a real cash value profit in real terms

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: Broly46 on November 28, 2023, 10:28:03 PM
Dude basically created PAYPAL in his basement! IDK running out of money would be his concern in the lifetime. Dude literally above the LAWS, and playing GODS in life. idk what he did by taking loan on top of his companies stock, what I see is two morally bankrupted guys making deal with each other, one is banker one is his long term client, they are doing the usual ape and clown show, and they enjoyed being in the limelight on the major news outlet, because a lot of people gonna read their news and got emotional about them, they got to live rent free in many guy's mindset!

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: coupable on November 29, 2023, 03:36:28 PM
I'm not a huge fan of Elon Musk - but this man has a real passion for building his empire. Everything never fails, both technically and financially - even Elon, who is famous for his wealth, can go bankrupt because of his own maneuvers to control things.

Elon Musk could almost be said to have failed after acquiring Twitter - but as one of the richest people due to his assets, Elon Musk would probably be tens of steps ahead of someone who doesn't like him. I don't know what will happen next for Elon and the leadership of platform X - but he is one who doesn't give up so easily despite repeated failures.

In my opinion, one of his mistakes was to get indirectly involved in politics, perhaps he thought he has enough money so he is invincible and cannot be taken down by competitors or public officials, there is a chance he had become bored and decided to buy Twitter and start his crusade for free speech as part of his legacy, he is not stupid, so he probably expected to suffer some economical losses because of what he tries to do, but if I had to bet, I would say the money he has lost in Twitter has gone beyond his own calculations.

He won't get bankrupt easily, but it is not impossible, some Chinese company could take over the market of EV and the satellite internet network has a big competition with optical fiber.
This increases the sensitivity of the situation for Elon Musk, who will not be able to keep up with his competitors, who are supported by their governments and not just private investments. Also, One Mask's other companies are not in their best condition, as each of them suffers from financial problems and still needs more liquidity pumped into them. Then these projects need more effort and development, which will take more time, the length of which cannot be predicted. I'm not saying that Elon Musk's empire may collapse soon, but no one knows his strategy to continue supporting them.
There's no way that we could be able to make up some conclusions that he would really be going down just because of those things that we do able to observe. What we arent seeing here is into those back up plans that he had done which it is really that impossible that he isnt really been that hinking with those things since from the start. This is why it would really be better that we shouldnt really be that making some issues
or talks about his empire to go down. They wont be called or reached out on being billionaire for nothing, it is really that quiet common for a business to have losses or negative.
When to fall? There's no way on knowing that ahead.

Musks isnt something that could be taken down easily considering that income sources already been that diversified. Why would really be that so mindful about his
neither success or failure?
The problem with some projects is that they still need a long time to achieve profits capable of covering costs and returning the loan money with interest, in addition to that some concepts may become useless if advanced technology succeeds in finding more innovative solutions.
I never said that Musk's corporate empire would collapse for sure, given the amount of risk these projects take. Elon Musk has enough diverse assets capable of relatively securing the progress of these companies, but of course they cannot save him from a possible collapse.
We should also not forget that Musk's investments attract many ambitious, adventurous investors who still support Musk to this day and thus help him continue working and developing. Even in the most civilized countries, the regulation of the gambling sector is for the purpose of deducting taxes on companies operating in the field and on the winners as well. The health problems that these practices can cause have never been a priority for governments.

Title: Re: Is the fall of Elon Musk's empire imminent?
Post by: mich on February 12, 2024, 08:12:54 AM
Well I think there is a lot of people that does not like Elon Musk. And they do think he will fail in all the things he does. We know he is losing money with twitter like Billions of dollars.

But I do think it is a good thing Elon Musk is going to make twitter so you can make phone calls and text messages.