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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Hewlet on November 01, 2023, 10:18:12 PM

Title: Politics and interest
Post by: Hewlet on November 01, 2023, 10:18:12 PM

One major reason why I don't get too emotional on political matter is how far people go just to protect there so called political idea and what they believe in.

The Israeli Palestinian war has gained the attention of so many media platform with most of them shaping and painting the narrative of the war to suit there political stand. No one wants to be neutral and considerable on lives that has gone in the course of this war.

Is it going to be possible that two nation will be engaging in war and other nations will come with the main aim of putting peace without indirectly inciting then from behind and fuelling the war just to claim supremacy?

Has the UN be very neutral In the recent wars happening around the world?

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Richbased on November 02, 2023, 05:49:44 AM
Though the United nations seems not to be neutral on current wars happening in the world now but I think there is a reason to that, before two countries go to war, one of the countries ignite the war so you can't expect a country that have been attacked not to retaliate.

Now when the country that have been attacked repel the attacks and the UN now comes in the settle the difference you will find out that most times the country that ignite the war finds it difficult to retreat thereby giving the UN no option than to take side with the country that was attacked. Now take a look at Russia and Ukraine war when the UN called for ceasefire did Puttin agree? No. Despite the fact that the both countries are members of the UN but if anyone disobey the call of the UN then they should be ready to bear the brunt.

Then in the war between Israel and Hamas, Israel is a member of the UN whereas Palestine is not a member of the UN so in this case you know the reason why the UN is backing the Israelis.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: electronicash on November 02, 2023, 06:12:40 AM

this war is already spilling and they all see middle east country is one against israel which is more scary for them an NATO is divided. Erdogan is getting nuts and he rallies his fleet in the medeteranian sea.

Turkey has the most massive armaments in the region so if they choose to fight Israel, that Hamas attack last Oct 7 really speed up WW3.

UN cant do anything when. they can't even send medics there. even if they are there they'd be bombed.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Hispo on November 02, 2023, 10:07:44 AM
I do not blame you if you get very emotional when comes to this kind of conflict, specially in the context of modernity. Nowadays, the images of war can easily reach all of us from the Frontline in a speed which was not possible before, now everyone has a phone and everyone can see civilians being the target and how military operations are carried out.
There has been occasions I simply opt not to see anymore for a while and just read.

Unfortunately, I do not think there is true neutrality in this conflict by any part, even those international organisms which are supposed to seek for a solution and stop the conflict will have some bias, not as much as people in Israel or Gaza have, though.
If you believe you cannot handle so many bad news at this fast pace, both from Ukraine and Gaza, then just disconnect for a while.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: passwordnow on November 02, 2023, 08:55:13 PM
We all have our own biases if it's about political interest.

Has the UN be very neutral In the recent wars happening around the world?
Was it them that delivered food trucks on the border of Rafa and Gaza to send food to the Palestinian people that are stuck in the Gaza-Israel war?

UN cant do anything when. they can't even send medics there. even if they are there they'd be bombed.
I thought that Egypt allowed them to enter the Rafa border to send food and medics/doctors to the wounded ones and people who don't have food left and can't be allowed to get out of the border. Anyway, it's true that they can't do anything about this because if they step in and have their own bias on this war, another country might trigger and join the war because of their own bias.

That's why they need to step carefully on how to bring these wars put into an end and they need to set aside the borders that have been made on this one and their sole focus is the victims. But with all and that, it should be peace that should be put at their top priority for all of the nations and the neighboring countries so that the casualties will be stopped and there will be no more innocent victims that will die.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: pixie85 on November 02, 2023, 09:25:57 PM

this war is already spilling and they all see middle east country is one against israel which is more scary for them an NATO is divided. Erdogan is getting nuts and he rallies his fleet in the medeteranian sea.

Turkey has the most massive armaments in the region so if they choose to fight Israel, that Hamas attack last Oct 7 really speed up WW3.

UN cant do anything when. they can't even send medics there. even if they are there they'd be bombed.

You're right, there's no way for them to intervene and bring peace.
It would be like trying to separate large fighting dogs with your bare hands.

Both these countries don't even want help. Israelis think they can handle it with superior firepower and US assistance.
Palestinians are ready to die for the cause and they're prepared for guerilla warfare.

This war is going to divide the world more than it already is.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Gozie51 on November 02, 2023, 11:04:40 PM

Is it going to be possible that two nation will be engaging in war and other nations will come with the main aim of putting peace without indirectly inciting then from behind and fuelling the war just to claim supremacy?

Don't expect peace in war times until the trade have really gone far and exhausted.

War times are for trade, building of new aligns, support and other friendship. So there is no smoke without fire when Benjamin Netanyahu said he would not back down.

Has the UN be very neutral In the recent wars happening around the world?

But US is not neutral or quiet. Biden has pledge support for Israel times without number, only waiting for the east to show physical solidarity for Palestine.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Mate2237 on November 02, 2023, 11:31:43 PM
This is a very serious matter. And it is also an interesting thread. After after the 1984 to 1985 scrambling.of African countries by the world powers, I came to understand that war is always for a business purpose. Whenever there is a war among country, and countries that supposed settled the two conflicting countries will support one side and use it for trading of different commodities. Mostly selling of fish, gun, and other products.

The war between Israel and Palestine would have been ended if America called the two parties for a dialogue but they supported Israel. Even UN is not neutral on the war. Though their peace keeping force is managing to settle the two side but there is biass game playing in there. War is always a business platform for others.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Bananington on November 04, 2023, 10:14:19 PM
One major reason why I don't get too emotional on political matter is how far people go just to protect there so called political idea and what they believe in.
Politics is a game of interest, and you will get the political support you need in crisis if you are very important and beneficial to another country who will want to protect their interests.

It is my own opinion that the UN as well as other political bodies worldwide have not done enough to preserve world peace.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Jegileman on November 04, 2023, 11:37:11 PM
Is it going to be possible that two nation will be engaging in war and other nations will come with the main aim of putting peace without indirectly inciting then from behind and fuelling the war just to claim supremacy?

Has the UN be very neutral In the recent wars happening around the world?

If you want to follow politics and want to get the in-depth of it, you will get results but at the time you get the full result, you will have been part of them and taking fully part in their game of interest. Every sane human will certainly feel for those that are affected massively by this war, but do they care? Those that needs to intervene are also scared of being attacked or called names in the name of war which can create long lasting relationships to be cut. I don’t know what is really stopping any other people from resisting the attackers and halting the war but I believe it is all about a game of interest.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: btc78 on November 05, 2023, 09:11:42 AM
Most countries in the UN actually have voted for a ceasefire politics is complicated it might be devastating to reduce a war that’s been taking lives day after day to politics but this is what this is some countries don’t care who initiated it first or who’s in the right/wrong at the end of the day a country will support a country they’ve formed alliances with because there’s something they can gain from it

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Pingrapole on November 05, 2023, 09:30:07 AM
Thanks for your nice question. My point is that the UN will be neutral. How is the UN controlling who controls who They are the ones who are controlling, directly or indirectly involved in the war, one side is helping the other side in various ways, in fact, no one is actually doing the war support, everyone is working for their own interests.The United Nations is the scapegoat number three here because the United Nations does not have enough power to resolve the war with, because if the five permanent powers come up with a two-part cease-fire proposal, the other A party vetoing it would effectively disqualify Palestine and Israel The conflict between the Western world and Russia must first be discussed without stopping and they must hold peaceful talks to prevent their hegemony, then war will automatically break will close automatically Here thousands of civilians are dying children are being killed no one is looking at the humanitarian side everyone is busy with how to prolong the war here media or other What will the institutions do because everything is under their control here USA is directly participating Russia is also indirectly helping them how will they stop the war and UN will take action how to take action now The rest of the world should come together to recast the UN Security Council and the Governing Council and arrange for the new members to adopt a permanent path, or else a permanent five If the system should be canceled then it will be easier to solve the problem by forcing the two countries to sit together and fulfill the law. Moreover, the UN has nothing to do now. One thing is to support the American side Apart from appeasing the Palestinian side in the name of humanitarian aid, they are doing nothing and cannot do anything else, what should be done by Palestine and Israel through negotiations.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Gozie51 on November 05, 2023, 03:50:50 PM
Most countries in the UN actually have voted for a ceasefire politics is complicated it might be devastating to reduce a war that’s been taking lives day after day to politics but this is what this is some countries don’t care who initiated it first or who’s in the right/wrong at the end of the day a country will support a country they’ve formed alliances with because there’s something they can gain from it

Unfortunately, US have not told Benjamin Netanyahu to seize fire perhaps that is what will begin the seize fire. Yesterday, United States Secretary of State, Antony Blinken didn't drop any of such words rather to sympathize with the people killed, families injured and refugees. He more or less supported isreal chase for where the Gaza weapons are which is the reason Israel kept bumping civilian hide outs including hospitals, schools, ambulance etc. From the look of things, a seize fire is not around the corner for now except something changed.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Essential10 on December 30, 2023, 03:59:01 PM
Although the United Nations has tried to promote peace and provide humanitarian aid to those affected by the conflict, it has been challenged by some neutrals, who believe it has failed to hold some parties accountable for their actions. The situation in Gaza is dire and the UN and other international organizations must do more to protect civilians caught in the crossfire. The United Nations and its refugee agency must intensify their efforts to provide aid and protection to vulnerable residents of Gaza. It is imperative that all parties to the conflict comply with international humanitarian law and take all necessary measures to prevent harm to innocent civilians. The world cannot stand idly by while the people of Gaza suffer this devastating violence. Immediate steps are needed to end the crisis and bring lasting peace to the region.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Gozie51 on December 30, 2023, 04:48:24 PM
For a country to go into war, it is already something of interest for both then you have other countries interest and blocs, so this is what escalates the fight that would have ended earlier to prolong. Despite the divide that we looking at the war from, I believe it would have been long gone if US was not interested in it and now that they are, it means the interest will spread to NATO countries and shifting to Asian countries.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Dunamisx on December 30, 2023, 04:57:45 PM
One major reason why I don't get too emotional on political matter is how far people go just to protect there so called political idea and what they believe in.

Maybe it's high time we begin to ask people if what they are fighting for is the interest of the people or for their own self, politics is a call to serve the nation, contribute to nation's building and also engage in many humanitarian affairs that could add to the growth and development of the people, we are to put in first the interest of the people even before ours, but how many are able or ready to face the reality in politics.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Natsuu on December 30, 2023, 05:08:14 PM
For a country to go into war, it is already something of interest for both then you have other countries interest and blocs, so this is what escalates the fight that would have ended earlier to prolong. Despite the divide that we looking at the war from, I believe it would have been long gone if US was not interested in it and now that they are, it means the interest will spread to NATO countries and shifting to Asian countries.

Yeah, it's like this big tangled web when it comes to global conflicts. Once a major player like the U.S. jumps in, you can bet it's not just gonna be just fine. Their actions have this domino effect, pulling in allies like NATO and stretching the whole thing to last way longer than it probably would've otherwise. It's like a game of shifting interests, where one move in one region affects what's happening on the other side of the planet. Understanding all these twists and turns is key to seeing why international conflicts can drag on and on.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Kelward on December 31, 2023, 07:40:09 AM

One major reason why I don't get too emotional on political matter is how far people go just to protect there so called political idea and what they believe in.

The Israeli Palestinian war has gained the attention of so many media platform with most of them shaping and painting the narrative of the war to suit there political stand. No one wants to be neutral and considerable on lives that has gone in the course of this war.

Is it going to be possible that two nation will be engaging in war and other nations will come with the main aim of putting peace without indirectly inciting then from behind and fuelling the war just to claim supremacy?

Has the UN be very neutral In the recent wars happening around the world?

Firstly you cannot separate politics and interest, it's always about what's in it for me, so most times the mediating party is also concerned about how they'll benefit materially or influencial. In my country i always experience politicians of different political parties come on air to abuse them selves, you'd feel like the two politicians will be sworn enemies for life, but you'd be very surprised that one day if their interests aligns, perhaps one of them decamps to the opposition party or there's a common loot to share, they'd shamelessly become best friends, smiling and hugging on national tv. So I think that there's not much differences when it comes to the national levels, I believe that nations will support a fellow country in conflict with another, based on their interest in their supporting country.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Dunamisx on January 05, 2024, 02:41:23 PM
So many people are now interested in politics but they don't understand the demands that comes through such, or maybe we should assume that they were only interested in politics because they realized it's one of the ways they could earn enough money for themselves and use for their own benefits, if there's interest, then there must be passion as well for it, this is what can make politics as a complete career for those that will be interested in it, politics is a call to serve.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Bushdark on January 07, 2024, 01:38:23 AM
Politics is one of the things that controls the world and there is nothing we can do about it. The war between Russia and Ukraine is being politicalized and I think the Russia federation do not even care about it if not the war would have ended many months before now.
The war between the Israel and Palestine is also politicalized by the Iran to wage war against the Israel but looking at things now, I don't think the war is going to end naturally looking at so many backups from different country supporting each others.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Churchillvv on January 07, 2024, 02:43:09 AM
The truth is, the politics that is displayed to the public is very much different from the real issues. This people just let us think what we think while they are having a shadow party.

In the war between Israeli and Palestine the UN isn't neutral because they benefit from the wars that happens around the world. The world power and most countries produces weapons that good for wars and this is where there economy lays so in order for their business to grow the side with a country in order to sell their products to them hence increasing the war.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: AYOBA on January 07, 2024, 03:47:12 PM
Politics does not pique the interest of everyone because it is a con. When it comes time for them to run for anything, whether president or any other position, they will be aware of their people's feelings, but once they vote and win, they will quickly forget about those who doubted them.
Despite the fact that there is plenty of money in politics, even individuals who have resigned from government service now devote practically all of their time to politics.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: BADecker on January 07, 2024, 04:59:16 PM
The UN doesn't have any authority except the authority that nations voluntarily give it. Faith in the UN is a religion.

Another religion is politics, just like addictive video games can be.

The only religion that can save anyone is the religion that brings about a close, personal relationship with Jesus, the Christ.


Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Bushdark on January 14, 2024, 10:54:51 AM
Politics is a bloody game and anyone that is going into it must be ready to take the result and get prepared for the worse.
Anyone going into politics need to understand how nobody the game his. Politics is majorly full of people that are mean and ready to do anything for them to get the seat. We need to be ready and take the outcome of what we see in politics.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: encryptogon on January 15, 2024, 03:08:59 PM

One major reason why I don't get too emotional on political matter is how far people go just to protect there so called political idea and what they believe in.

The Israeli Palestinian war has gained the attention of so many media platform with most of them shaping and painting the narrative of the war to suit there political stand. No one wants to be neutral and considerable on lives that has gone in the course of this war.

Is it going to be possible that two nation will be engaging in war and other nations will come with the main aim of putting peace without indirectly inciting then from behind and fuelling the war just to claim supremacy?

Has the UN be very neutral In the recent wars happening around the world?

Politics is like an addiction, the more you get involved in this the more it will attract you. politics is making people polarized. I usually do not discuss politics with any of my friends or colleagues because, to me, it is a waste of time if the discussion is not productive.
No country is neutral. Technically, either they are against war or in favour of war, there is no third option. UN cannot do anything except pass a resolution.
I think peace is not in everyone's favour, most global powers are just playing geopolitics on war. Capitalists and industrialists are running the world and war means business, so why do they try to stop a war if they are making money from it?

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 09, 2024, 06:04:43 PM
Politics is one of the things that controls the world and there is nothing we can do about it. The war between Russia and Ukraine is being politicalized and I think the Russia federation do not even care about it if not the war would have ended many months before now.
The war between the Israel and Palestine is also politicalized by the Iran to wage war against the Israel but looking at things now, I don't think the war is going to end naturally looking at so many backups from different country supporting each others.

Yea, war has been politicized right from the beginning but looking at what is happening between Rusia and Ukraine is about interest in reality, and most developed countries are playing politics about it if not this war would have ended,  the way am seeing this war it won't just go just like that because many interest group are now involved and are ready to support any of the side because one selfish reasons or the other, for peace to reign in both country, the two has to understand themselves and come to an agreement to settle whatever rift they are having if not the intended beneficiaries of this war will continue to fuel it indirectly. 

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on February 10, 2024, 10:02:15 AM
Every nation is fighting for power and to head the world, that's why many nation play deep politics that affect even their citizens without caring. You see when ever a conflict have allot of interest is very hard to resolve easily unless those interested is settled. Hamas and isreal war has allot of interest behind, which the UN and other bodies can't jump into quickly without subduing those interest, also note that when conflict has reached the stage of confrontation it can't be resolved easily because many interest will be involved. In many contexts there are groups or actors who may seek or foster violent conflict and benefit from it ,for example, to weaken a neighbouring region, generate or sustain business opportunities, or reinforce political narratives and authority. Peace building or intervention  to take place, it involves calling out and challenging such groups and actors and trying to limit their capacity to foment violent conflict or gain from it, either by aiding support to them that where  attacked.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Familian on February 10, 2024, 12:18:56 PM
War! The media today has been part of the factions that fuels and incite some of the wars we having in recent times. T he manner at which the paint stories that makes the news about issues concerning two factions at war its enough to exacerbate issues. some news we get from the media if we do our own personal digging about the real stories as it happened we won't be taking up arms and exchanging attacking words on each other. The media today breaks the news as it suits them to the attraction of  sympathy to their favoured side in the warring factions.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Zanab247 on February 10, 2024, 01:54:45 PM
There are still some genuine leaders in some countries who don't take anything from the two countries involved in the war than to ensure peace reign in the two parties that engaged in the war, but I know there are some leaders using it to achieve money or influence from the countries involved by supporting the country that will give them those things when the war is over.

We have seen many wars that happened in the past and, the ones that is happening now in different countries with blood shares on the time because the right people that suppose end the war has turned it to their political interest that will expose them after the war.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: BADecker on February 10, 2024, 07:18:09 PM
Politics and interest

If you place your money in a bank savings account, you won't get very much interest on it. How much interest will you get if you place your money in politics?


Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Mrcool75 on May 01, 2024, 06:31:46 AM
I have no interest in politics.  It should be allowed to continue as it is.  I don't want to bother with politics.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: EluguHcman on May 01, 2024, 01:13:33 PM
Actually taking political issues seriously up by yourself is very nonsensical and risky. You can imagine yourself as an respected persons in the societies who is involved in the game of politics and you boldly comes out to the public to defend your political party from what is obvious that they are responsible for the negative effects in the country such as your political party is an incumbent rulling party of a nation and things about the economies, securities and Infrastructures has is being no good to rate about and then imagine yourself coming before the public to defend such circumstances with lies.

You are just loosing your value to the society despites the Influential portfolio you attains and the elites around you.
People would only recognize cherish you because they are hungry and needed some financial assistance from which your governance regime has turned down the growth of the economy.

The government in-charge has absolutely hijacked the actual essence of the media for their own coverup and has left everyone on threat that it you dare to reveal the truth about us to the public you die.

I Will always say it that the government has done the society no harms because you political interests and selfishness.

Title: Re: Politics and interest
Post by: Riginac111 on May 01, 2024, 02:09:50 PM

One major reason why I don't get too emotional on political matter is how far people go just to protect there so called political idea and what they believe in.

The Israeli Palestinian war has gained the attention of so many media platform with most of them shaping and painting the narrative of the war to suit there political stand. No one wants to be neutral and considerable on lives that has gone in the course of this war.

Is it going to be possible that two nation will be engaging in war and other nations will come with the main aim of putting peace without indirectly inciting then from behind and fuelling the war just to claim supremacy?

Has the UN be very neutral In the recent wars happening around the world?
Sometimes I said that countries that goes into conflict is a countries that doesn't have understanding mostly their leaders because when you check all this countries that's into fighting each other today those countries is just fighting for nothing much, before it was Russian and Ukraine and finally Ukraine president has agreed with Russian after many buildings has fallen down and many cities has being condemn, so it's a misunderstanding of our leaders that causes a country war.