Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Peter Faith on November 02, 2023, 09:01:52 PM

Title: Financial stability
Post by: Peter Faith on November 02, 2023, 09:01:52 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Hispo on November 02, 2023, 10:44:38 PM
What are you talking about?
As far as I know the New testament which is the story of Jesus Christ himself actually tried to teach in many of his sermons that money is not supposed to be the answer to everything and it should not be adored, because it only makes people to stay away from God.
I actually recall one part of the Bible which told the story of a rich man who asked to Jesus what he was supposed to do to enter the Kingdom, and Jesus told him he was supposed to give away his fortune and follow him, which made the rich man to feel sad, since he liked his money.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: passwordnow on November 02, 2023, 11:28:31 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing!
That's the reality that everyone needs money while a very few people that are beating that fact and living on their own, still I've seen them grow their own food but they still need money for their other resources like energy so they buy which means again, the money is there needed for them to live comfortably.

So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
Just mix it up with other source of income that you can do and you'll live well on this time. However, others are too hard working and still what they earn aren't enough to make a living and that's why they're struggling. And with the mentioning of Bible. Do not forget about that when you start to get focused more with money, it's possible that you will love it. I don't know how to distinguish that when in fact we need money but you shouldn't love it.

Maybe, that's all about being greedy and as we earn from our sources of income. We shouldn't be greedy but if it's not enough and we are not content. Don't love the money because if you do, that's what the bible says about it being the root of all evil. 1 Timothy 6:10.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Gozie51 on November 02, 2023, 11:44:15 PM
Money is good but it is the love of it that is condemned because love is strong and can make you take irrational decision, therefore if you love money that means you will do everything to have it.

But no doubt that money helps to make things which are suppose to be naturally difficult to be easy from family, to relationship, to helping others like the needy. Even in service to God, you need alot of money, evangelism need money and every other thing we can think of has element of money except we choose to play down on it. But we have to be careful not to allow money determine what we do or what decision we take.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Samlucky O on November 02, 2023, 11:44:28 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..
I think you are getting it all wrong. First your thread should belong to economic discurssion not politics. Secondly I think you are contradicting your statement with the Bible. If you bring up Bible in this context I think that same Bible also said that the love of money is the roots of all evil. Being financially stable does not relate to the Bible portion you just narrated

come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
Of a truth financial freedom is what everyone is hoping for, but depending on government will give you false hope. And unfufilled dream. I think most successful people were not dependent on government only few are civil servant like %30 while the rest are%70 that is to show you that majority of people are self employed or self dependant.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Wiwo on November 03, 2023, 07:55:57 PM
Even the Bible have the role of  Money in this world,  and that is why the Bible recorded such statements as to money answering all things,  and for such the Bible makes provision of how we can approach money and make it work as a tool to propel the true and right curse of humanity,  with regards to how to acquire and use money.

So the Bible make provision such as too much love for money being the root of all evil and also making stands on how to gain and use money as an asset,  so money is most important after God and we need to know that money rule the world as long as we may be concerns.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Jegileman on November 03, 2023, 10:01:48 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

We don’t need to go dip into the bible to know how important money is in our lives. Everyone needs to strive for it by doing some work and get paid for it. Without money, your life will be meaningless and won’t be valued among people that have money. Having multiple source of income is the best and with that you can attain financial stability quicker. Too much money should not be referred to as financial stability, but rather having the contentment of yourself with the little you’ve been provided with is financial stability.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on November 04, 2023, 12:43:47 AM
The Bible said some other things about money; it said the same money is the root of all evil. Normally, yeah, on this planet, money is what humans cannot do without. Some people have died due to some health issues and their inability to raise money for their treatment; some parents who had the zeal to train their children in higher institutions dropped that dream because they had little money that wasn't enough to fund their children's future careers; some people have a lot of business strategies running through their minds but there is no money to extinguish their plans. So, yeah, everyone needs to be financially stable, but in a society, everyone can never be equal because we don't have the same ability or the same sense of reasoning. Some people might choose to eat just a square meal today that they may eat in abundance tomorrow, but some will eat all they have today with the hope that they can take credit tomorrow or that they have hope in someone.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Stepstowealth on November 04, 2023, 03:09:12 PM
Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
You can double up your work and take up more jobs, learn a new skill, add a new trade and it will still not lead to financial stability. There are some things that some financially stable people have done for themselves that helps them to remain financially stable. Some of theses things from what I have noticed are; Financially stable people are very well informed, they surround themselves with people like them who are focused on financial stability, they are very good with planning, and they always have the mind of investing for the future.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Gozie51 on November 04, 2023, 08:08:04 PM
Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
You can double up your work and take up more jobs, learn a new skill, add a new trade and it will still not lead to financial stability. There are some things that some financially stable people have done for themselves that helps them to remain financially stable. Some of theses things from what I have noticed are; Financially stable people are very well informed, they surround themselves with people like them who are focused on financial stability, they are very good with planning, and they always have the mind of investing for the future.

Then the point is clear that financially stable people don't rely on just one single income and they make sure that they are involved in lucrative business and not just any business. Most of the highly paying businesses are owned by them because they invest hugely not minding the risk involved. They are risk takers who never procrastinate on investment that they have investigated to be genuine and lucrative. The future is always important to be financially stable not to only focuse on today or the short time.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: boyptc on November 04, 2023, 11:09:11 PM
learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
Like wood crafts or any other skills?

Well, generally, it's true that one has to learn new skills for him to get some other source of income and upgrade what he knows to do. In this modern time, one can learn easily through the internet although it's not going to be the typical hand work that you may think but it's all about another skill that relates likely to technology or the same stuff that you're working on.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Frankolala on November 05, 2023, 01:22:57 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..
Are you sure that you are a Christian, because I have not come across the chapter and verse in the bible that says money answereth all things. That is a worldly say and not of God. So what you are trying to say that with money everything is possible, a big NO. It is only God that can do everything and not fiat that is made by man. Can money raise the dead or give you internal peace and happiness.

Pls don't misquote the word of God especially when it comes to money. It is good to have money so that you can get whatever investment and business that you want to venture into and use exotics cars but let it be gotten in a right way. This is when you will be very happy and peaceful with your wealth.

You don't need to look for money to start up any business, you can easily learn a skill and look for a second means of income for yourself do that you can have enough for yourself and if possible also invest into bitcoin.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Hewlet on November 05, 2023, 03:30:55 PM
In this present age and time, the most important thing is to be stable in finance.
After God and your health, the most important thing to be concerned and intentional about should be to work on your financial stability, It will save you from a whole bunch of problems. When you become a bit financially stable, you will discover that you've solved a reasonable amount of your problems and that all the major problems you attributed to external factors like relationships family sentiment lack of friends, not being noticed in public, and whatever minor thing you've taken as your problem has been solved.

As some comedians will say, if you don't have money, whatever you saying isn't correct.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: BADecker on November 05, 2023, 04:09:23 PM
This Bible quote is found in Ecclesiastes 10:19. A few verses before and after:
18Through laziness, the rafters sag;
because of idle hands, the house leaks.

19A feast is made for laughter,
wine makes life merry,
and money is the answer for everything.

20Do not revile the king even in your thoughts,
or curse the rich in your bedroom,
because a bird in the sky may carry your words,
and a bird on the wing may report what you say.

Ecclesiastes is all about the uselessness of life. People die, and all their hopes and dreams are gone... at least for them, even if their children get some benefit.

After a few years, a dead person is forgotten. The name might be remembered for a while. There might be pictures. But in a generation or two after he dies, the kind of person that a person is in life will be forgotten.

In America, many people have heard of Thomas Jefferson. Many people have seen pictures (paintings) of him. But if we didn't have some of his writings and books, we wouldn't have a clue what he really was like. And even the writings and books aren't as clear as we would have if he were alive and present.

The point is, verse 19 is a tongue-in-cheek ( saying. It means almost the opposite of what it says, because people in life find out that money isn't the answer for everything. For further info, look at some of the explanations in this search -


Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Ndabagi01 on November 05, 2023, 11:30:14 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

You don't need a lot of employment or to work in both private and public institutions to be financially stable. Too much work at once can have a negative impact on your health, thus it is best to prioritise your health before looking for a way to be financially stable. I'm not saying you shouldn't look for additional sources of money, but it shouldn't come at the expense of the fantastic health you have without spending a dime on it to have it in your life.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Nerdy doctor on November 06, 2023, 02:16:43 AM
Your financial situation is no doubt important in this present society. And it’s no good to be selective on what the bible talks about concerning money. The bible also warns about the love of money being the genesis of almost every evil involving man out there.
Money is certainly important especially in our highly inflated society but if you let money and your love for it direct your life, you will probably never be truly happy in your life as the money already owned would never be enough. 

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Peter Faith on November 06, 2023, 11:57:18 AM
What are you talking about?
As far as I know the New testament which is the story of Jesus Christ himself actually tried to teach in many of his sermons that money is not supposed to be the answer to everything and it should not be adored, because it only makes people to stay away from God.
I actually recall one part of the Bible which told the story of a rich man who asked to Jesus what he was supposed to do to enter the Kingdom, and Jesus told him he was supposed to give away his fortune and follow him, which made the rich man to feel sad, since he liked his money.

so you mean we should sit-down fold our hands and do nothing because Jesus asked someone to sell off all he has to enter into kingdom of God? But same Bible said that God will bless the works of our hands so what are you saying

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Wiwo on November 06, 2023, 02:50:22 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
one of the primary assignment of anyone in this is to be able to pay your bills and also have some funds that you cant build a life with, financial stability is one of the most important stage to get to in life, because is when you are financially stable only then you have the right frame of mind to pursue other things that may be important to your growth in life, one of the things that this forum have thought me personally is to have financial management knowledge and this knowledge have help me a lot in my financial leverage.

there is nothing physically possible without money and also we have to separate what we mean by financially stable and having money at the same time.

because to me financial stability is much more than just having money, it goes beyond that an we have to acknowledge that fact, we need to give priority to the place of financial literacy or call is financial educations, because having the money without the knowledge still amount to nothing but total waste because you will end up losing that money due to your lack of knowledge.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Hispo on November 06, 2023, 04:44:44 PM
Your financial situation is no doubt important in this present society. And it’s no good to be selective on what the bible talks about concerning money. The bible also warns about the love of money being the genesis of almost every evil involving man out there.
Money is certainly important especially in our highly inflated society but if you let money and your love for it direct your life, you will probably never be truly happy in your life as the money already owned would never be enough. 

We could argue at this point of human history, than money is a necessary evil which has coexisted with us during much of civilization itself. It will probably never be derogated and replaced with other kind of system to conduct transactions.
Also, it is interesting how many people and priests out there talk about the love of money and how to be aware of it, but in the end they manage to collect millions or dollars from gullible people who are willing to make donations in exchange of prayers and divine favors.
Jesus himself told us that many wolves in sheep clothing would come and use his name falsely. Anyways, it is a very complex topic and we could debate about it for days and days ...

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Zlantann on November 06, 2023, 06:01:50 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you stable in your finances.
It is not wrong to seek more streams of income through side jobs. It is important to learn additional skills or get another job as your expenses increase. But life is not all about money. If one can be able to provide for his basic needs, I think he is financially stable. You don't need to work like a machine because you want to satisfy maybe a want or luxury. Ensure you work within your strength and ability and spend quality time resting. Also ensure that you take care of your health by eating healthy food, going for exercise, and medical checkups. Learn how to live below your means and be contented with what you have at the time. Spend quality time on activities that are not expensive but bring joy and satisfaction.

Spending time with my family is worth more than expensive vacations. I want to also add that there will be no time you can conclude that one is financially stable because the more money we come across the more expenses we get. So there is a need to be content at all times regardless of how much you own.

so you mean we should sit-down fold our hands and do nothing because Jesus asked someone to sell off all he has to enter into kingdom of God? But same Bible said that God will bless the works of our hands so what are you saying
Jesus never told us not to work because He knows that we need money to survive in this present world. The parable about the rich man that Jesus told to sell all he has was a lesson that teaches us not love or trust in earthly possessions.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: uchegod-21 on November 06, 2023, 06:28:12 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
Yea, money answeth ALL things,  even the negative and unspeakable things. This your bible reference is a vague reference.

When we talk about financial stability,  we are looking at a situation or system where our income can sustain us in both favourable and harsh times. This can only be achieved when we have stable sources of income. Not having a stable source of income can be disastrous,  especially in this present day economy.

Certainly,  with the increasing cost of goods and services,  one needed not to be told they need to double their hustle. Everyone need to diversify their portfolios and earn multiple streams of income if they wish to increase their standard of living.  

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: yazher on November 07, 2023, 01:47:53 AM
Everyone wants financial stability so they are working more hours than they should have in order to support their needs and to have a good life. But the reality is not pleasing to them because, after those years of hard work, they are destined to leave it all when they die. so the best thing to do is, to take only what is necessary and look for the purpose of your life here and prepare for the hereafter because if it's real, the one who didn't prepare for it will be one of those who have a huge regret on that day.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: DeathAngel on November 07, 2023, 09:46:54 AM
I’m really unsure about the biblical reference but financial stability requires careful planning & disciplined habits. Start by creating a budget to track income & expenses allowing you to prioritise savings & avoid unnecessary debt. Build an emergency fund for unexpected expenses & consider investing in long term financial goals. Reduce unnecessary expenses & find ways to increase your income like additional education or side hustles. Regularly review & adjust your financial plan to stay on track.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: BADecker on November 07, 2023, 05:45:11 PM
I’m really unsure about the biblical reference but financial stability requires careful planning & disciplined habits. Start by creating a budget to track income & expenses allowing you to prioritise savings & avoid unnecessary debt. Build an emergency fund for unexpected expenses & consider investing in long term financial goals. Reduce unnecessary expenses & find ways to increase your income like additional education or side hustles. Regularly review & adjust your financial plan to stay on track.

Biblical reference shown right here -


Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Volimack on November 08, 2023, 01:05:45 PM
Financial stability is necessary to live a nice normal life there is extreme inequality in our country to get rid of this situation everything must be decentralized. Besides it is important to improve the business environment. Structural change in the current system is to build welfare social systems to eliminate poverty and reform the tax structure. Economic power is consuming political power financial stability is necessary to save oneself from all this starting from union councils and everywhere businessmen and industrialists are becoming public representatives.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Suzume on November 08, 2023, 03:10:47 PM
Your financial condition is not good then you have to suffer a lot. Financial stability helps you to leave a normal life. Your daily needs etc. if your financial condition isn't good then you have to face a lot of problem to complete your daily needs. Financial condition must be needed to leave a complete peaceful life because we have seen a lot of people who lives under the provety line. Because of problem in financial condition they have to suffer a lot to complete the daily needs that's why financial stability is must to lead a normal life.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Wiwo on November 08, 2023, 06:35:41 PM
Money is good but it is the love of it that is condemned because love is strong and can make you take irrational decision, therefore if you love money that means you will do everything to have it.

But no doubt that money helps to make things which are suppose to be naturally difficult to be easy from family, to relationship, to helping others like the needy. Even in service to God, you need alot of money, evangelism need money and every other thing we can think of has element of money except we choose to play down on it. But we have to be careful not to allow money determine what we do or what decisions we take.
Money makes the world go round and this is a very important aspect of life because having financial stability will aid an individual to have many chances of success as ease since the money will be a fuel to making that happen faster than lack of money,  but also while we are at the pursuit of money,  we should know that the avoidance of greed is the most suitable and effective means to avoid losing or going after money accumulation on the wrong note.

Even the religions works requires money and worst still we have to come to a point where nothing works without money so we have to realize and place money in it right place and at all time.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 08, 2023, 07:42:22 PM
Bible says according to the christians .
.or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

It will hit anyone with common sense that money is important so if they want to up their lifestyle need to make more money. Working hard or steal someone else's depends on individual moral standards but without money, you can't do anything.

And if someone says money can't buy you happiness then counter them with I can buy anything that makes me happy with money. 8)

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: BADecker on November 09, 2023, 03:15:31 PM
Bible says according to the christians .
.or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

It will hit anyone with common sense that money is important so if they want to up their lifestyle need to make more money. Working hard or steal someone else's depends on individual moral standards but without money, you can't do anything.

And if someone says money can't buy you happiness then counter them with I can buy anything that makes me happy with money. 8)

The major problem with your money ideals is, there isn't enough money to buy happiness... or life. Look at George Soros for example. He has $billions. But he isn't happy; you can see it in the way he stresses over world conditions he can't control. And he certainly isn't getting any younger.

The only way a person can have happiness and life is to believe in forgiveness of mistakes made. And the only place that clearly tells about forgiveness is the Bible, and other writings that rely on the Bible for their messages. Why? Because the Bible is the foundation place that shows God's salvation for people through the God-man, Jesus Christ.

Forgiven 'sins' and mistakes brings happiness and the promise of eternal life by the Guy Who doesn't lie... God, Himself, through Jesus Christ, the Messiah promised at the Beginning, to Adam and Eve when they sinned.

The West Is Wile.E Coyote & The Brics Are the Road Runner (
He took his war spoils and bought villas, houses, apartments, all while his wife, Sophie, spent lavishly on – clothes and jewelry.   All while murdering their populace, the peoples they were tasked with bringing into the modern world.  The last statement in Zelenskyy's presidential speech 2019:  "Now I will do all I can so that Ukrainians at least do not cry any more."   Everything the West promises never comes true.

Like Syria, Ukraine will become the enemy of the same people who demanded No Peace.   Zelenskyy thought he was different.  Surely, the western Ashkenazi's, Soros, would make sure Russia lost and he, Zelenskyy, would emerge a hero!   But Soros is on his deathbed.  Alex Soros doesn't care about Ukraine.  He cares about money and Ukraine is the Money Pit of all time.   Without Soros, Ukraine has nothing.

Ukrainians that fled to Ireland and have lived on freebies paid for by the US and EU will no longer be leaches.   They must work, according to the Irish Prime Minister, Leo Varadkar.   And thus the Ukraine War will die off, Ukrainians will return to a homeland their government destroyed, and life will be set back decades.   Like Syria.   The ally that was and then wasn't.

What these Wars have distracted from is the global economic failure of western economies.

Failures that can be directly attributed to the suffocation of freedom and wealth by governments mired in blackmail, corruption, fraud and lies and ruled by a Mafia Cabal that would seemingly be stuck in a mindset and intelligence quotient of The Dark Ages – the 900 years of war, famine, desolation, murder, and anarchy.
... (


Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: EluguHcman on November 09, 2023, 03:28:54 PM
The bible absolutely does not have to be tagged here else your points would be thwarted.

Money wasn't created together with man and yet things went well then. However, the dominions of man over other creatures has an advancing insights towards an endless future which has also inspired about advancing the world with an exchange on goods and services where creativities and technologies is being employed to support man's activities.
If money can't create life and doesn't have the potential to keep an everlasting life then it doesn't do all things.

Money is not an essential need to lives but it can only afford (buy) it so if there can be something to existence before money, it is basically wasn't made of money but the fact of exchange is where money is employed necessary whereby one is in need of what you desires and don't have it but can only get to it through the means of exchange (give and take).

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: BADecker on November 09, 2023, 04:07:35 PM
Financial stability

Invest in race horses. Put your finances in a 'stable' condition.


Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 09, 2023, 04:41:33 PM
Bible says according to the christians .
.or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

It will hit anyone with common sense that money is important so if they want to up their lifestyle need to make more money. Working hard or steal someone else's depends on individual moral standards but without money, you can't do anything.

And if someone says money can't buy you happiness then counter them with I can buy anything that makes me happy with money. 8)

The major problem with your money ideals is, there isn't enough money to buy happiness... or life. Look at George Soros for example. He has $billions. But he isn't happy; you can see it in the way he stresses over world conditions he can't control. And he certainly isn't getting any younger.

The only way a person can have happiness and life is to believe in forgiveness of mistakes made. And the only place that clearly tells about forgiveness is the Bible, and other writings that rely on the Bible for their messages. Why? Because the Bible is the foundation place that shows God's salvation for people through the God-man, Jesus Christ.

Forgiven 'sins' and mistakes brings happiness and the promise of eternal life by the Guy Who doesn't lie... God, Himself, through Jesus Christ, the Messiah promised at the Beginning, to Adam and Eve when they sinned.

If he isn't happy with even billions then ask him to send out 10 million and ask he feels lighter now?

No, the billionaire will stop making money even if the value of their assets is in billions and they can't even spend all their money due to the limited availability of life then why still they're making money?

And forgiveness, peace, blah blah ideologies are created by incompetent men who can't make such crazy money but convinces themselves by keep repeating bullshit ideologies to others.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Wiwo on November 11, 2023, 06:13:59 PM
I’m really unsure about the biblical reference but financial stability requires careful planning & disciplined habits. Start by creating a budget to track income & expenses allowing you to prioritise savings & avoid unnecessary debt. Build an emergency fund for unexpected expenses & consider investing in long-term financial goals. Reduce unnecessary expenses & find ways to increase your income like additional education or side hustles. Regularly review & adjust your financial plan to stay on track.
Financial stability is a product of product financial steps that are taken in the right direction to achieve financial freedom at some point and that should taken as important steps towards arriving and achieving financial stability that will prove beyond every reasonable step that can lead to early stress-free financial life.

This is also most important for all who will be disciplined enough to take the long work to arrive and achieve that level of financial freedom that you have zero debt and high savings.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Baki202 on November 11, 2023, 09:00:15 PM
I’m really unsure about the biblical reference but financial stability requires careful planning & disciplined habits. Start by creating a budget to track income & expenses allowing you to prioritise savings & avoid unnecessary debt. Build an emergency fund for unexpected expenses & consider investing in long-term financial goals. Reduce unnecessary expenses & find ways to increase your income like additional education or side hustles. Regularly review & adjust your financial plan to stay on track.
Biblical resources are available to assist with financial management. One of the most challenging aspects of life is handling money, so setting up a budget and making plans to complete tasks one at a time are wise. There are also numerous activities that can deplete your funds, most of which are unnecessary if you think about it. Then you are already self-disciplining because you will need to address your spending habits if you ever decide to start a family. as well as emergency savings. There will always be money available in case of need, and it's a good idea to find a method to raise your income to the point where it can even cover your expenses.

Financial stability is a product of product financial steps that are taken in the right direction to achieve financial freedom at some point and that should taken as important steps towards arriving and achieving financial stability that will prove beyond every reasonable step that can lead to early stress-free financial life.

This is also most important for all who will be disciplined enough to take the long work to arrive and achieve that level of financial freedom that you have zero debt and high savings.

Financial stability allows you to solve many of your difficulties, but it takes a lot of procedures and values to become financially free, let alone reach that position. There are those who have started the path to financial freedom but have failed because they are in a situation where they cannot become financially independent. For example, food costs a lot of money, and income is also limited. In these circumstances, how can one achieve financial freedom? People realize that it won't be simple.

The funny thing about life is that sometimes you just need small information to be free and be financial stable, because it now about working smart you see people  who just do little and end up bagging a lot of money but even in that case their are still sacrifices to be paid not is for free, but it is always best to read financial books.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Hewlet on November 14, 2023, 06:14:41 AM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
After your religious belief and your health, there is nothing compared to being financially stable. Even for you to be religious in the right sense, you need finance, for you to be healthy, you still need finance, that's how important it is to have money.

You know of the saying that almost everything has disadvantages, but I haven't seen any disadvantage of having money. Money gives you the confidence and boldness to be able to stand up tall and strong amid whatever challenges lives throw at society. If you have money, you will discover that majority of the challenges you are facing in life has been solved.

 although getting money doesn't guarantee total happiness and fulfillment, it is a worthy recipe for living a good, healthy, and happy life.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: JMBitcointernational on November 14, 2023, 11:22:57 AM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance.
To be suitable actually means to normalize a situation,thus ! Financial stability stem to stand from being free from financial crisis which has made every individual to be unique in different dimensions because it relieves a person and makes the person very free from any obstacles as well as renewing their mental strength from financial stress.

However, when an individual is financially stabilised it paves a way to an undiluted success and keeps the person above unrealistic expectations.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Wiwo on November 14, 2023, 10:55:15 PM

The funny thing about life is that sometimes you just need small information to be free and be financially stable because it is now about working smart you see people who just do little and end up bagging a lot of money but even in that case there are still sacrifices to be paid not is for free, but it is always best to read financial books.
For some reason you are right but what have been our major set back is in our risk assessment measure and how financially stable are we to face those risks,  this is one of the mean reason why most people still struggled with the finances and at the end still end up in further financial crisis,  so for bet result,  one will need to have a financially stable mindsets to be able to become financially free some time,  and it doesn't matter what your waiting periods are,  what matter is the knowledge that you can get and build upon to arrive at a point where you will be stable enough to make a fear free risks assessment and also taking the right steps to actualizing them.

Having money sometimes doesn't really mean you are financially free,  but when you have the knowledge and capacity on how to reproduce the money that is more important than having the money without knowledge.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: passwordnow on November 14, 2023, 11:18:27 PM
However, when an individual is financially stabilised it paves a way to an undiluted success and keeps the person above unrealistic expectations.
That depends on the person that's into that state and situation. Usually, it's just all about being free from financial burden and that's what's being kept as the goal for most of the people. We just want to have a good night sleep without having to think of the debt during the night and then we wake up with still the same problem.

For the majority that aims to have a financial freedom, we think that when we reach to that point, we won't have burdens anymore. But you know what, as I've said that it depends on the person. As you become free in financial burdens, your lifestyle might increase and that can cause some problems in your way.

That's why whenever someone achieves that goal, it's important to still keep your low in the ground and live within your means and not beyond your means.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Gozie51 on November 16, 2023, 04:30:56 PM
Money is good but it is the love of it that is condemned because love is strong and can make you take irrational decision, therefore if you love money that means you will do everything to have it.

But no doubt that money helps to make things which are suppose to be naturally difficult to be easy from family, to relationship, to helping others like the needy. Even in service to God, you need alot of money, evangelism need money and every other thing we can think of has element of money except we choose to play down on it. But we have to be careful not to allow money determine what we do or what decisions we take.
Money makes the world go round and this is a very important aspect of life because having financial stability will aid an individual to have many chances of success as ease since the money will be a fuel to making that happen faster than lack of money,  but also while we are at the pursuit of money,  we should know that the avoidance of greed is the most suitable and effective means to avoid losing or going after money accumulation on the wrong note.

Even the religions works requires money and worst still we have to come to a point where nothing works without money so we have to realize and place money in it right place and at all time.

Surely being financially stable increases our chances to good living. It helps us to maintain good healthy living that avoids unnecessary health challenges. Some people die from treatable sickness because they lack the finance to treatment and they initially rely on self medication until it is too late to be remedied even if they eventually go to the hospital by the help of others.

Seriously the need to have money can not be overemphasize because if you have not been in the situation that you need financial assistance then you wouldn't get the fact about what money can do to save our lives. It is not a ruse that the rich tries to get more because of the role that money play to better living but I won't subscribe to illegality because of money.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Wiwo on November 16, 2023, 04:45:48 PM

Surely being financially stable increases our chances to good living. It helps us to maintain good healthy living that avoids unnecessary health challenges. Some people die from treatable sickness because they lack the finance to treatment and they initially rely on self medication until it is too late to be remedied even if they eventually go to the hospital by the help of others.

Seriously the need to have money can not be overemphasize because if you have not been in the situation that you need financial assistance then you wouldn't get the fact about what money can do to save our lives. It is not a ruse that the rich tries to get more because of the role that money play to better living but I won't subscribe to illegality because of money.
Yeah lack of money is a big challenge to healthy living and sure a lot of things and sicknesses that took some people's life in the past due to lack of money and timely medical treatment have become easily treatable or maintained records have it that,  as common as malaria is,  it has killed a lot of people even more than HIV,  reasons being that, malaria even as a common diseases and easily preventable and treated yet but its treatment is not still easily accessible by some who still can't afford it.

And this is not about malaria alone but every other form of common disease and medical situation that even common good food intake will prevent or cure them, but because of lack of money to afford those medics or food has led many to an early grave.

So in all that you do,  make sure you attain financial stability that can at least provide you with the basic needs.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Bushdark on November 17, 2023, 07:37:50 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance.
To be suitable actually means to normalize a situation,thus ! Financial stability stem to stand from being free from financial crisis which has made every individual to be unique in different dimensions because it relieves a person and makes the person very free from any obstacles as well as renewing their mental strength from financial stress.

However, when an individual is financially stabilised it paves a way to an undiluted success and keeps the person above unrealistic expectations.
The stability is just about living a quiet lifestyle without problem of what to eat or what to drink. Financial stability is when we don't complain like other people of how to live a better life. People are really suffering and this had made their financial stability to be lower than normal. There are people who are financially sufficient and can do whatever they like to do because they have the funds to handle their problem. Everyone aspires to be independent and go for what they are interested in.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Wiwo on November 17, 2023, 08:25:07 PM

The stability is just about living a quiet lifestyle without the problem of what to eat or what to drink. Financial stability is when we don't complain like other people about how to live a better life. People are really suffering and this has made their financial stability to be lower than normal. Some people are financially sufficient and can do whatever they like to do because they have the funds to handle their problems. Everyone aspires to be independent and go for what they are interested in.
Having the right mindset will go a long way to improve our financial lifestyle because what means a financially free life for you may mean another thing to another person and that is why we have to check the level of contentment in the individual,  just like you rightly said living a quiet life with sufficient funds to pay bills and handle your things independently make a lot of sense.

So we have to be contented and build our life around our incomes to the point that we have a direction on what and how we spend what income we generate and making investments future and taking care of our current financial situation not disturbing others.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: 348Judah on November 17, 2023, 09:12:50 PM
The stability is just about living a quiet lifestyle without problem of what to eat or what to drink. Financial stability is when we don't complain like other people of how to live a better life. People are really suffering and this had made their financial stability to be lower than normal. There are people who are financially sufficient and can do whatever they like to do because they have the funds to handle their problem. Everyone aspires to be independent and go for what they are interested in.

You're right, having financial stability is all about the right state of the mind being tuned towards a positive attitude of realizing such is possible to get, then another thing is being contended with what you have and not being decieved by anyone else including yourself, financial stability comes with alot of demands to maintain having this continually, because we can not profess positive today and later turned to the other side because we are no longer capable of, stability in finance depends on our minds stability first.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Essential10 on December 11, 2023, 05:12:30 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
Yes, that's right, taking responsibility for your financial stability requires careful budgeting, wise investment decisions and awareness of your spending habits. It also involves having a steady source of income, whether through a traditional job, freelancing or entrepreneurship. Additionally, prioritizing saving for the future and preparing for unexpected expenses. Taking responsibility for your financial stability means taking control of your financial future and making sure you have the means to support yourself and your loved ones. It may require hard work and discipline, but the rewards of financial security and peace of mind are well worth the effort.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Miles2006 on December 11, 2023, 08:34:30 PM
Your financial situation is no doubt important in this present society. And it’s no good to be selective on what the bible talks about concerning money. The bible also warns about the love of money being the genesis of almost every evil involving man out there.
Money is certainly important especially in our highly inflated society but if you let money and your love for it direct your life, you will probably never be truly happy in your life as the money already owned would never be enough. 

We could argue at this point of human history, than money is a necessary evil which has coexisted with us during much of civilization itself. It will probably never be derogated and replaced with other kind of system to conduct transactions.
Also, it is interesting how many people and priests out there talk about the love of money and how to be aware of it, but in the end they manage to collect millions or dollars from gullible people who are willing to make donations in exchange of prayers and divine favors.
Jesus himself told us that many wolves in sheep clothing would come and use his name falsely. Anyways, it is a very complex topic and we could debate about it for days and days ...
It has always been for long Jesus emphasis on false priests spreading false news about Christ it's best to stay away from them, the problem with money and humans is greed, have never seen in the Bible where Jesus emphasis on money not even material things. In this generation where money is so powerful people going extra mile to make money and the fact is money has always been the necessary thing needed to carry our daily activity, even in the modern world people without money has no value, I don't know who really made the law and sometimes I wonder how was the creation of money so important that requires human effort.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Hispo on December 12, 2023, 12:30:01 AM
Your financial situation is no doubt important in this present society. And it’s no good to be selective on what the bible talks about concerning money. The bible also warns about the love of money being the genesis of almost every evil involving man out there.
Money is certainly important especially in our highly inflated society but if you let money and your love for it direct your life, you will probably never be truly happy in your life as the money already owned would never be enough. 

We could argue at this point of human history, than money is a necessary evil which has coexisted with us during much of civilization itself. It will probably never be derogated and replaced with other kind of system to conduct transactions.
Also, it is interesting how many people and priests out there talk about the love of money and how to be aware of it, but in the end they manage to collect millions or dollars from gullible people who are willing to make donations in exchange of prayers and divine favors.
Jesus himself told us that many wolves in sheep clothing would come and use his name falsely. Anyways, it is a very complex topic and we could debate about it for days and days ...
It has always been for long Jesus emphasis on false priests spreading false news about Christ it's best to stay away from them, the problem with money and humans is greed, have never seen in the Bible where Jesus emphasis on money not even material things. In this generation where money is so powerful people going extra mile to make money and the fact is money has always been the necessary thing needed to carry our daily activity, even in the modern world people without money has no value, I don't know who really made the law and sometimes I wonder how was the creation of money so important that requires human effort.

Well. Money has always been part of human civilization and there is really nothing it can be done to abolish our current definition of money and the importance we give to it. I believe it is necessary evil to keep society functioning. Also, since we are also talking about money from a religious point of view, it is interesting how the miracles done by Jesus never had anything to do with the multiplication of wealth. When his followers got hungry and they did not have anything to eat, he could easily make gold coins out of nowhere for them, but that would have been against his teaching, against what he said about greed. Instead, he multiplied fish and bread which was brought before him.

Once I was told by a wise man that one is not supposed to claim money is back and call it the root of all evil, because it is a necessary tool for all of us, but to some extent I think I disagree with him, there are certain feelings and bad deeds through the history of humanity which has been the result of the blind pursue of power and money, perhaps it is just about getting an equilibrium. I don't know.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: bluebit25 on December 12, 2023, 06:20:10 AM
So what is stability here?

I just want to give an example:

- A homeless person will feel happy if they have a full meal and a place to rest without being disturbed...

- A person running a business needs raw materials, personnel, operations,... many things to maintain and develop that business.

Therefore, I view balance in an aspect appropriate to the life situation that each person is in. A rich person's standard of balance will not be the same as a poor person's standard of living. But ironically, imbalance in life always exists in many different generations, and sometimes we are not sure what the goal of life is. Sometimes our instincts make us pursue goals that are inherently inappropriate for our life circumstances.

In different roles, the responsibilities will be different. Even though we know that we are living in an earthly house, life operates with rules that are not considered as important as "the law of cause and effect". And in this life, financial issues are only a small part of what people in higher positions want to use to run and control their lives.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: odunybiz on December 12, 2023, 12:43:37 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..

Remember that is still this bible that say'the love of money is the root of all evil'. My question here is: should we not love money? Almost everyone in this present world love money and will always work to have it. It is needed to do all things in life. But one shouldn't love money more than his/her life to the extent that he/she can do anything to get it.

So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

Diversification is the key for survivor in humans' life. Depending on one source of income may make you a poor man in future if crisis hit your only business. So it go to have more than one source of income.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Y3shot on December 12, 2023, 02:04:49 PM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
Money is very important in this day , in this current time I haven't seen anything you will do without money.  Just for the purpose of upkeep and to settle daily expenses it is very important to have money. The way things are becoming very expensive, it is just good to increase the income to live very comfortable because things keeps up increasing as the day goes on, money is just important this time just the way we need air breath .

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: BADecker on December 12, 2023, 03:54:22 PM

The major problem with your money ideals is, there isn't enough money to buy happiness... or life. Look at George Soros for example. He has $billions. But he isn't happy; you can see it in the way he stresses over world conditions he can't control. And he certainly isn't getting any younger.

The only way a person can have happiness and life is to believe in forgiveness of mistakes made. And the only place that clearly tells about forgiveness is the Bible, and other writings that rely on the Bible for their messages. Why? Because the Bible is the foundation place that shows God's salvation for people through the God-man, Jesus Christ.

Forgiven 'sins' and mistakes brings happiness and the promise of eternal life by the Guy Who doesn't lie... God, Himself, through Jesus Christ, the Messiah promised at the Beginning, to Adam and Eve when they sinned.

If he isn't happy with even billions then ask him to send out 10 million and ask he feels lighter now?

No, the billionaire will stop making money even if the value of their assets is in billions and they can't even spend all their money due to the limited availability of life then why still they're making money?

And forgiveness, peace, blah blah ideologies are created by incompetent men who can't make such crazy money but convinces themselves by keep repeating bullshit ideologies to others.

Forgiveness and peace ideologies are promoted by God through the Bible. There are more copies of the published than any other book... at least twice as many as the next most popular book.

Ecclesiastes 5:10 from the Bible: "Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless" - So, the Bible is practical about money matters.

When the people who work for the $billionaire stop working for him, he fails. Why? He doesn't have enough practical experience doing things for himself to know how to do them... because he has had others do the things for him.


Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 13, 2023, 04:36:57 AM

When the people who work for the $billionaire stop working for him, he fails. Why? He doesn't have enough practical experience doing things for himself to know how to do them... because he has had others do the things for him.


Reality check, they don't quit because they need money for survival so the rich get to richer and it goes on forever unless the billionaire himself sets him to lose all money on something that has a success rate of 100% being a failure.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 01, 2024, 09:56:55 AM
In this present age and time the most important thing is to be stable in finance...even the Bible says according to the christians that money answerth all things..come to think of it is there anything you can successfully carry out without the involvement of finance ? Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.

Though everyone believes that financial stability comes with great hardwork but such hardwork has to come with direction, if a man hustle without direction he won't be successful, this life for people that understands the principles, hustling to me does not guarantee success, there are many people out their that has done different thing that is suppose to uplift them financially but they are still at that same level.
OP, I think you would have stated how someone can double his or her hustle meet up with this economic situation, the current problem of our society at large today is the ability to understand the concept of life.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: Franctoshi on March 01, 2024, 12:32:08 PM
Absolutely nothing! So have come to a conclusion that one need to double up your hustle aside the normal government or private work ...add a trade ...learn hand work or something that will make you to be stable in your finances.
Actually, nothing works without money and when I did realize the need to learn a skill was right from when I was in the University during my second year period, I told myself I'm not going to depend on the government to survive, then that exactly the year I embarked on my forex trading journey and later graduates into trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, bonds and synthetic indices.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: |MINER| on March 01, 2024, 02:43:20 PM
Life without financial stability is very difficult.  At present, if the financial situation is bad, survival in the world is becoming a kind of curse.  Those who work in very high positions are also able to live a decent life.  But low income people are living a very difficult life.  Its first victims are the middle class families.  That's why everyone now needs to connect with a business along with their main job and boost their creativity.  It is necessary to invest money in any business or good.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 01, 2024, 05:11:24 PM
I think the issue of financial stability and instability should be political in this thread and I expressed my opinion as such. I hope you don't need to explain how important financial stability is. Financial stability is very important for every life and this financial stability depends on the political situation. That is when political instability prevails economic stability is destroyed. Half the stability is lost when the ruling political parties are busy pursuing their interests and moving money out of the country illegally. Again when syndicates are formed within the country and they are not managed properly then financial instability is created.

Title: Re: Financial stability
Post by: bitterguy28 on March 01, 2024, 05:18:57 PM

When the people who work for the $billionaire stop working for him, he fails. Why? He doesn't have enough practical experience doing things for himself to know how to do them... because he has had others do the things for him.

in a way this is true but also billionaires hire people because they are too busy to do everything they have to do all at once. some people who had started as poor climbed their way up and so they have learned how to do practical things and was able to develop skills before they atarted their company and became successful

of course rich people who were born into wealth is a different story because mostly they are the ones who can not do whatever it is that is needed to do i know so many rich people who are too dependent on their money and you know they can never survive a day without it even the simple life tasks like laundry is given for other people to do

i am glad that i at least had to fight my way through life so i am not left clueless