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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Squaremile777 on November 04, 2023, 09:05:31 PM

Title: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Squaremile777 on November 04, 2023, 09:05:31 PM
It seems trump make world peacful place so that If he get on power again he Will stop ukraine war and probably the middle east war aswell probably.

Trump said If he was going to be prsidnt the war would never happened.
Trump Are businessmen so he like to negitionations as he said " i would call them and i Will make a deal"
Also trump will make USA stockmarket Green again i guess trump will put pressure to fed to print more and lower rates.
Also trump ...said he would get out of NATO maybe...i guess NATO need to pay more to trump but trump will negotiate to make ceasefire.
Biden don't talk like this trump talking way different.

Do you think trump really can make war stop and acting like peacetalker and negotiater?

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: OgNasty on November 05, 2023, 02:26:45 AM
People can say what they want about Mr mean tweets, but there’s no denying that the world has fallen into complete shambles since he left office. Between interest rates, inflation, and wars breaking out everywhere, you’d have to be a damned fool to think we’re better off now than we were with him in the Oval Office.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Gozie51 on November 05, 2023, 06:23:17 AM
I think he would have done things differently if he was in power whilst these new wars were brewing. I believe during his tenure he didn't start any new war and probably he would have discouraged these on going wars. Trump looks more humanitarian despite being a republican, he dialogue more than going to war. His policies didn't bring inflation to the world in general and if he is speaking the way he is speaking now, he probably have seen things not going well.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Nerdy doctor on November 05, 2023, 11:59:37 AM
Trump would surely make a deal. Like the deal he made with the Taliban, pushed for releasing their members held in prison. Made this deal and now the Afghan people are paying for it.
When Mr Trump speaks, I’m always reminded of the saying “an empty drum makes the loudest noise”. He has no plans and cares more for himself than he does for the country.

If someone would ask him to explain in detail what his plans are to stop the Ukraine war and now the Conflict between involving Israel, he would certainly digress from the question and talk about every other thing aside answering the question.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Hispo on November 05, 2023, 09:01:34 PM
Donald Trump would likely at least try to go down in history as the president who stopped two wars during his second term, but I believe there would be some problems for both Ukraine people and the people in Gaza. Unfortunately, Trump has already said he would try to stop the aggressions as fast as possible, wish is something which could be taken advantage of by Russia and especial Israel to get a ceasefire under conditions or territorial changes which would be specially positive for their purposes.

Trump has already shown to be biased in favor of Israel, that may mean Gazans could lose their territory in exchange of a fragile peace and I do not have doubts in my mind the Republican party would push Trump on not being helpful to Ukraine and accept the annexation of part of that country by Russia, in exchange for peace. Anything he would do, so he may be recognized as a peacemaker.

I would not be surprised if he demanded to be given the Nobel Prize of Peace after he pulled off something like that.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: yazher on November 09, 2023, 11:48:20 AM
I don't know if he really means what he said in his interviews if he gets back the seat and makes a difference in whatever Biden has done in his term. Obviously, Americans should make some wise choice in this coming election and never vote for someone who is a puppet like Biden, Obama, or Bush. I'm not saying they should go for Trump but I'm sure they don't need a puppet president once again to start another war because it could be the last time they could choose a president because the next war will break out, will ignite a high chance for World War III.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 09, 2023, 11:55:46 AM
Do you think trump really can make war stop and acting like peacetalker and negotiater?
Yes, I agree with this because he is known as a successful businessman and also proved in the past like political meetings with Putin and even Kim that he can handle the situations better than Biden sure but he is not the savior/prophet too but comparatively he can do a better job than Biden who even need help in finding the stairs. ::)

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Gozie51 on November 09, 2023, 12:30:37 PM
Do you think trump really can make war stop and acting like peacetalker and negotiater?
Yes, I agree with this because he is known as a successful businessman and also proved in the past like political meetings with Putin and even Kim that he can handle the situations better than Biden sure but he is not the savior/prophet too but comparatively he can do a better job than Biden who even need help in finding the stairs. ::)

Some president who own businesses that manufacture warfare and arsenal for war or have friends who are into such will not hastily stop wars but those who do business different from that would not benefit from it so they could not be looking that direction. Trump I think is more on the financial market, stocks etc, so probably he may not want to go to war but would want more financial stability. Moreover, as a president he didn't start a war and that is a plus when he is talking peace talk .

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Zlantann on November 09, 2023, 12:57:46 PM
It seems trump make world peacful place so that If he get on power again he Will stop ukraine war and probably the middle east war aswell probably.

Trump said If he was going to be prsidnt the war would never happened.
Trump Are businessmen so he like to negitionations as he said " i would call them and i Will make a deal"
Also trump will make USA stockmarket Green again i guess trump will put pressure to fed to print more and lower rates.
Also trump ...said he would get out of NATO maybe...i guess NATO need to pay more to trump but trump will negotiate to make ceasefire.
Biden don't talk like this trump talking way different.

Do you think trump really can make war stop and acting like peacetalker and negotiater?

I don't know what Trump would have done differently to stop Russia from invading Ukraine. I can't also visualize what he would have done to stop Hamas from attacking Israel. All we can do is speculate what would have happened. But I think Biden looks weaker than Trump so he would have had more influence on both Russia and Israel.

It will not be easy to end the Russian-Ukraine war because the terms of peace will be costly. Ukraine will never want it cede any of its occupied territories, meanwhile, Russia has declared all the occupied land independent. Many powerful nations also have an interest in the war in Ukraine, so it will be difficult to negotiate for peace. Stopping the war in Gaza will be more simple. If the US withdraw its support for Israel, the bombardment of Gaza will end. But Trump is highly pro-Israel, so he might have supported this attack on Gaza. If Trump takes the US out of NATO, the alliance will become financially and militarily challenged.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 09, 2023, 01:39:25 PM
It seems trump make world peacful place so that If he get on power again he Will stop ukraine war and probably the middle east war aswell probably.

Trump said If he was going to be prsidnt the war would never happened.
Trump Are businessmen so he like to negitionations as he said " i would call them and i Will make a deal"
Also trump will make USA stockmarket Green again i guess trump will put pressure to fed to print more and lower rates.
Also trump ...said he would get out of NATO maybe...i guess NATO need to pay more to trump but trump will negotiate to make ceasefire.
Biden don't talk like this trump talking way different.

Do you think trump really can make war stop and acting like peacetalker and negotiater?

I don't know what Trump would have done differently to stop Russia from invading Ukraine. I can't also visualize what he would have done to stop Hamas from attacking Israel. All we can do is speculate what would have happened. But I think Biden looks weaker than Trump so he would have had more influence on both Russia and Israel.

He won't provide military aid to Ukraine and Russia won't be tempted to keep attacking. Here Hamas is wrong but that can't be enough reason to start invading a country and its only happened because US sent their Aircraft carrier as means of support and threaten other nations so like in both cases Biden induced the war in one or other way.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: EluguHcman on November 09, 2023, 02:52:32 PM
Trump's saying these and that is never put to considerations to put confidence on. Those are mere Champaigns strategical unbinded promises feeding the masses with false hopes all to attain public supports.

I wonder if he couldn't do all that at his first tenure, possibly may not be able to do it in his second tenure.

A smart political structure that is aimed at retaining it power of governance is possibly to be achieved by running a conducive and convenient government as a benefit to a return in government.
On this context, the politicians basically runs a smooth government in the first place while their second tenures at where there is no law for further return to power is ruined contrarily to the first tenure because they have succeeded to win the people's heart of its returns.

So I don't believe in promises but actions that speaks louder than words.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: BADecker on December 14, 2023, 04:50:13 PM
Trump just keeps on making money. He's even campaigning off the trials.

Trump Selling Cloth From Suit He Wore During Mugshot For $4,500+ & Colby Covington Sells Alcohol! (
Trump Selling Cloth From Suit He Wore During Mugshot For $4,500+ & Colby Covington Sells Alcohol!
... (


Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: DeathAngel on December 14, 2023, 09:21:29 PM
I don’t think you can trust any politician. Trump will just say things he thinks will get votes & as it’s election year he’ll be trying extra hard to get votes. Biden will do exactly the same, they’re all full of BS & don’t care about us. Most of them are just trying to line their own pockets at our expense.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: bluebit25 on December 15, 2023, 07:03:55 AM
I also hope Trump can return to the White House in the next term, and I believe if that happens, many truths will be exposed that we will feel disgusted by. Although, from an economic perspective, what Trump did in the past received a lot of praise, I like that taxes will be significantly reduced and will promote general development. But returning to politics, I also think that Trump's determination and open personality will be able to ease existing tensions.

We are also soon entering the harsh campaign periods for the upcoming election, and things seem to be ramping up a lot, I have heard about the support of people wanting Trump back, because they are truly going through a complicated period.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: SamReomo on December 15, 2023, 07:19:50 AM
I don’t think you can trust any politician. Trump will just say things he thinks will get votes & as it’s election year he’ll be trying extra hard to get votes. Biden will do exactly the same, they’re all full of BS & don’t care about us. Most of them are just trying to line their own pockets at our expense.
I agree with you but sometimes a few politicians are better than others and in case of Trump I would say that the guy didn't do anything that would harm someone. I know he's a businessmen and he would do all those things that would profit him but in his tenor there were less wars and the inflation wasn't that high. Let's see if he gets elected as president once again then what new things he will bring with him. I believe those politicians are good humans who stop the wars and think about economical progress and Donald Trump is one of such politicians.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Ucy on December 15, 2023, 09:04:31 AM
It's more about country first which he will transform in a short time with advanced technology, and the country will become so powerful under some sort of iron fisted dictatorship. He will be a god to many because of the achievements. There will be too many boundaries and the world outside them will be too dangerous.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Vod on December 15, 2023, 10:13:00 AM
The United States has just hit a new stock record!  37K?

The economy is going great under president Biden, and there is no denying he has done it under much worse circumstances than Trump had.

If Trump successfully steals the election this time, expect the US to withdraw from the world stage and China to become the new influence.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: cabron on December 15, 2023, 03:20:44 PM

The United States has just hit a new stock record!  37K?

The economy is going great under president Biden, and there is no denying he has done it under much worse circumstances than Trump had.

If Trump successfully steals the election this time, expect the US to withdraw from the world stage and China to become the new influence.

China seems to have stolen the show, you can see how he was treated when Xi visited San Francisco.

I don't think Trump can do that. No one can, Xi will not be able to do it too. there's been conflict in every neighboring country and even decades past the conflict still is growing. When China fails and India develops further, these two will also clash. Every government is just waiting for the other to get weakened and they will exploit the weakness.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: kentrolla on December 15, 2023, 08:05:10 PM
It's the CIA who controls what decisions the president will take as far as USA is concerned and prisidents are just like representatives wherein real show is run by CIA. I don't think any weapon manufacturing nations wants the war to stop be it Russia or USA or UK. While Trump has achieved more than the Congress be it the assassination of Qasem Solemani or other peace accords which were signed during his reign. I would say Trump would be better than Biden but that doesn't mean he will has absolute power and do whatever you have mentioned or he has manifested.

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: btc78 on December 16, 2023, 12:37:30 AM

Trump has already shown to be biased in favor of Israel, that may mean Gazans could lose their territory in exchange of a fragile peace

there will be not much difference then from now usa vetoed the calling of UN for a ceasefire in gaza it’s absolutely inhumane and most likely driven by usa’s political plans i don’t know what could Trump do to stop the war if usa is in favor of israel when it’s israel who does not want to stop the war themselves

Title: Re: Trump make world peaceful place
Post by: Bushdark on December 16, 2023, 06:49:17 PM
I am very confidence about Trump because he is a man of his word. He had done so many things that many American presidents never do. I see Trump as a great man and I can see that the America of today is not the America of yesterday. There had been great havoc on the American economy which is not meant to be so. If Trump was still the president till now, the war between Ukraine and Russia would not have happened. Even the war between the Palestine and the Israeli would have ended since.