Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: DashingAgent on November 07, 2023, 01:15:17 PM

Title: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: DashingAgent on November 07, 2023, 01:15:17 PM
500 quadrillion EURO were printed in Europe during the last 80 years but there was no inflation

500 quadrillion were printed in Europe during the last 80 years but there was no inflation, But when the Biden administration printed 3 trillion dollars, inflation occurred, despite the printing of countless euros, the euro remained at its value. Isn't this the worst joke? Isn't this the worst fraud Europe has done to the US in 80 years?

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on November 07, 2023, 02:18:40 PM
Not being European or familiar with European economics, it'd be nice if you cited a source for that claim.  For all I know you could be making shit up or even an AI-generated nonsense machine.

You're also comparing a very long timeline with a very short one and trying to make some kind of point in the form of a question from that.  Why not lock this thread if you're not going to bring any evidence to the table--this is going to become a disorganized, unproductive thread unless you do one of those two things.

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: pooya87 on November 07, 2023, 02:45:00 PM
I have no idea where you are getting 500 quadrillion from since if I'm not mistaken the total M1 and M2 Euromoney supplies together is about 25 trillion in the euro zone.

But also you are missing two important things.
First is that there has been high inflation in the euro zone in the past, like in the 70's and 80's and even these past couple of years ever since the Pandemic if we are only counting the euro's lifespan. Of course the rates differ from country to country. For example in mid 70's Greece had an inflation rate closer to 30% while Germany had one closer to 10%.

Second point which is more important is that printing money usually leads to inflation not always. What makes the difference is WHERE the printed money is going to be used in. For example when the governments print money out of thin air to artificially blow life into the lifeless economy (like during the COVID19 pandemic) or to cover their budget deficits (that includes printing bonds and selling them to the people) it causes inflation.
But if the money that is being printed is going directly into the economy helping the production grow, it is not causing any inflation. Not just that it can help improve the economy greatly and even decrease inflation. Keep in mind that the key here is "production", this won't work in credit based economies where people are basically borrowing money to spend money with their "credits" getting into debt up to their necks. The money injected into this type of economy would have short term positive effects, but it is bound to blow up at some point as the debt keeps growing into a "bubble" (that is one of the reasons why 2008 collapse happened).

Case in point these days. Euro zone is also printing money out of thin air like United States to blow life into the dead economy hence causing inflation. That is why the average inflation rate that used to be near 0% on average is now closer to 6% on average and there are countries with 10% and above inflation in Europe in general like Hungary with almost 20% inflation rate.
This is the reason why pre-pandemic money printing didn't cause as big a inflation as these days, it all went into "production" in the industrialized Europe, but now after the deindustrialization started it is starting to cause higher inflation.

P.S. When you are talking about inflation and value of currencies you should also consider the interest rates that are very high these days that is battling inflation rate (keeps it lower than it really is) and artificially strengthens the currency. But it is all at the cost of causing recession.

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: franky1 on November 07, 2023, 02:55:38 PM
and the most insane part of the OP
the euro has not even been in existence for 80 years**

everytime someone makes a deposit from cash to balance. that cash is burned..
when people make a withdrawal. it uses fresh crisp printed bank notes

not all "money printing" is new money(inflation) but just refreshing greasy dirty used bank notes that got destroyed when converting to bank balance, then back to cash at withdrawal 1:1

as for the amount 500quadrillion PRINTED.. that seem a silly number the OP plucked out of his head. even spread over 80 years(not possible**) that still 6.25quadrillion PRINTED a year.. sorry but that number is far far more then the money in circulation

(**euro is only 24 years old meaning 20.83quadillion per year)

pretending that 6250trillion(20,833trillion) is PRINTED each year when the circulation(m1) is only 10 trillion.. shows the OP is out by thousand x multiple

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in @DashingAgent head
Post by: Lucius on November 07, 2023, 03:05:41 PM
I have no idea where you are getting 500 quadrillion from since if I'm not mistaken the total M1 and M2 Euromoney supplies together is about 25 trillion in the euro zone.

The OP makes things up, and he used to do it very "successfully" in the Trading board until he found new areas of interest. In addition, everyone can check the facts that say that the euro as a currency has existed since 1999, with the fact that the first banknotes and coins appeared on the market only in 2022.

The currency was formed virtually in 1999; notes and coins began to circulate in 2002. It rapidly took over from the former national currencies and slowly expanded behind the rest of the EU.

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on November 07, 2023, 05:01:11 PM
and the most insane part of the OP
the euro has not even been in existence for 80 years**
I'm not sure what's going on with OP's mind stating this, but I'm sure of he's not the only one with a google.

not all "money printing" is new money(inflation) but just refreshing greasy dirty used bank notes that got destroyed when converting to bank balance, then back to cash at withdrawal 1:1
I mean yeah, but generally printing money causes inflation as it increases the supply and inflationary pressure but if they somehow printed 500.... quadrillion in a span of 80 years they could have been part of USA now because of massive economic destabilization.

as for the amount 500quadrillion PRINTED.. that seem a silly number the OP plucked out of his head. even spread over 80 years(not possible**) that still 6.25quadrillion PRINTED a year.. sorry but that number is far far more then the money in circulation
I know I had to choose this topic after seeing that number  ;D

(**euro is only 24 years old meaning 20.83quadillion per year)

pretending that 6250trillion(20,833trillion) is PRINTED each year when the circulation(m1) is only 10 trillion.. shows the OP is out by thousand x multiple

This is simply insane, I wonder where he got this figures, probably some random Youtube videos he watched during 3am.

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: avikz on November 07, 2023, 05:46:46 PM
500 quadrillion EURO were printed in Europe during the last 80 years but there was no inflation

500 quadrillion were printed in Europe during the last 80 years but there was no inflation, But when the Biden administration printed 3 trillion dollars, inflation occurred, despite the printing of countless euros, the euro remained at its value. Isn't this the worst joke? Isn't this the worst fraud Europe has done to the US in 80 years?

What is the source of this information?

Also you are only seeing Europe fraud but cannot see United States fraud to the rest of the world! That's not surprising though!

I believe this is one of the reasons why United States want to include Ukraine in NATO. They new Russia will never give access to their borders to the NATO forces as this will mean US will get interrupted access to Russian border. Isn't it the worst fraud US is doing to europe?

Also what is the problem if a certain currency is able to maintain its value? Why are you saying it's a fraud?

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: NeuroticFish on November 07, 2023, 06:03:33 PM
500 quadrillion EURO were printed in Europe during the last 80 years

This is mathematically impossible... unless you are a time traveler coming from the future. :D

but there was no inflation

You're wrong. You should have done a quick search on the internet on this. As a hint: inflation is pretty much always there.
If anyone wants to check, one chart is this one ( just click onto the MAX button.

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: stompix on November 07, 2023, 06:19:40 PM
This is simply insane, I wonder where he got this figures, probably some random Youtube videos he watched during 3am.

Actually, it can get even funnier, the author said that the EU did this, so if they had printed 500 quadrillions they wouldn't be using the American name but the European form, and one Quadrillion by that means 1024 not 1015 as in US  ;D

But still, quadrillions are not that impossible, Zimbabwe during the last demonetization was exchanging Ziwmbawe dollars at a rate of $1 to 35 quadrillion  ;D

Case in point these days. Euro zone is also printing money out of thin air like United States to blow life into the dead economy

If the EU is printing money out of thin air in a dead economy then what the hell is that mother of all failure called Iran doing?

Losing 95% in value in 5 years against the poor Euro, no wonder you're so mad you got your visa rejected!

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: DrBeer on November 07, 2023, 10:32:29 PM
500 quadrillion EURO were printed in Europe during the last 80 years but there was no inflation

500 quadrillion were printed in Europe during the last 80 years but there was no inflation, But when the Biden administration printed 3 trillion dollars, inflation occurred, despite the printing of countless euros, the euro remained at its value. Isn't this the worst joke? Isn't this the worst fraud Europe has done to the US in 80 years?

No offense - are you preparing for April 1st? :)

"Euro (currency sign - €, bank code: EUR) - the official currency of 20 countries of the eurozone (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Croatia, Estonia). In addition, the euro is used in Montenegro and Kosovo. The euro is also the national currency of 4 more states and 8 special territories of the EU. However, unlike eurozone members, these countries cannot influence on the monetary policy of the European Central Bank and send its representatives to its governing bodies. Thus, the euro is the common currency for more than 340 million Europeans. As of November 2013, there were 951 billion euros in cash circulation, making it the most high total value of cash circulating around the world, surpassing the US dollar in this indicator.

The euro was introduced into non-cash circulation on January 1, 1999, and banknotes and coins were introduced into cash circulation on January 1, 2002. The Euro replaced, at a 1:1 ratio, the European Currency Unit (ECU), which was used in the European Monetary System from 1979 to 1998."

Does anything in this information confuse you?

Title: Re: 500 quadrillion EURO printed in EU during the last 80 years but no inflation
Post by: DapanasFruit on November 08, 2023, 07:29:29 AM

I am noting the biggest error just reading the post and this is the most glaring one: Euro did not start 80 years ago as this European currency came into existence just January 1, 1999 and is just going to be 25 years old come January 2024. In my research, I learned that there are 29 billion euro banknotes in circulation but I am sure if this is the latest figure especially after the Covid-19 pandemic which prodded many central banks to print more notes. Now, in case if it is true that 500 quadrillion has been printed then am sure the many countries which adopted Euro could have experienced a runaway inflation and could resort for smaller countries under the Eurozone to return to their sovereign currency. And I am not joking.