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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Davidvictorson on November 22, 2023, 10:27:41 AM

Title: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Davidvictorson on November 22, 2023, 10:27:41 AM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Oshosondy on November 22, 2023, 10:42:07 AM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise.
But that is the reality. Because you have the knowledge to read and pass and become exceptionally known to be very brilliant in class, it does not translate to having exposure, opportunity and the ability to earn money more.

What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
This is motivational. All are motivational. If you are not that good in class, you still have hope that you can be rich which is not wrong and it is the truth. Because you are not brilliant in school, that does not mean you are not talented in other aspect of life. But I agree with you, with self-discipline included.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: angrybirdy on November 22, 2023, 10:56:57 AM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
And that's what really happens nowadays. Mostly those students who excel in their class before are having a hard time to find a job, to do business or let's say they are facing the real world very hard while student C excel in Businesses and work, sometimes those people who didn't finish their colleges are usually ended up being a successful entrepreneur and earning a lot than a person who has a degree being a corporate slave. I'm not saying you shouldn't study, but if you look at it, It serves as a motivation. We can't predict a person's future based on their academic skills and grades, it's all about how you can face the real world after your study.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: aylabadia05 on November 22, 2023, 11:08:59 AM
Before I say I agree, I want to explain a little about the differences in opinion regarding academic and financial success.
On average, students who are active and often cause problems are usually successful candidates because students who are considered the source of problems are too brave to do things that make them curious to try.

Our society tends to judge that the benchmark for success is the level of education pursued. I do not agree with assessing success from the perspective of higher education but rather from the courage to act based on experience.
This means I agree with you in assessing the differences between the two.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Gozie51 on November 22, 2023, 11:14:19 AM
Your post buttress the point when they say going to school is scam or a waste of time. Well in as much as I ascribe to that but not in totality to say that being an A student or having high IQ doesn't matter because it does matter at least to have high IQ. Those who have high IQ despite not going to formal education but are more sharpened by the native intelligence they have and that is even why they would venture undoubtfully into grounds that are still untapped and infertile but yet making out a niche from it. If you don't have IQ then you won't be able to succeed in the first place.

Also, for those who didn't go to formal educational institutions before becoming rich and wealthy have also found the necessity to be educationally intune with the current happenings and in old age, they have equipped theirselves with enough educational qualifications too. So a C student who wasn't able to get to A student academically, it doesn't mean they are bereaved of intelligence quotient and that is also why anyone that applies either educational prowess or IQ has chances of financial success and if combined, the sky is your limit.

In reality, the time has come for more people with IQ to uplift their financial status with the bitcoin halving bull around the corner.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Husires on November 22, 2023, 11:25:57 AM
Intelligence is not innate, but it is acquired, but people's ability to learn varies. One person needs a month to understand information, another person understands it within a week, and another within a day, and here comes the difference between people. Therefore, even if you are classified into groups, if you are diligent, you will be with elite number 1.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Churchillvv on November 22, 2023, 12:02:39 PM
I agree with you not totally but partially that one most not be an A student to be great and/or successful. Almost all the successful people or people who made and/or are making impact in human life today or those who invented most of the things that are helping human life today where not the best in class but they knew they can do something better that been the best in theorizing rather they became more practicalistic in everything. E.g Mark Zuckerberg, Bills Gate, Steve jobs etc we all know there story and they had one thing in common they were all drop outs in their various universities. So it's doesn't matter your degree in school or how well you did in class but it's about what you can do.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: bayu7adi on November 22, 2023, 12:47:43 PM
In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Absolutely yess. In academics, being smart indeed earns good grades and a diploma. However, in business, intelligence alone isn't sufficient... you need mental strength, initiative, consistency, a tolerance for significant risks, discipline, and many other factors that contribute to success in business. The law of the jungle truly applies in the business world, and even those with a lot of money might not easily find success in business.

The "high risk, high gain" principle still holds in the business world. However, significant risk is not usually taught in the educational system. That's why people who excel academically often fear taking risks and opt for the safer path as employees rather than entrepreneurs.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: carlfebz2 on November 22, 2023, 01:09:46 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
The more risk taker you are then you are really that giving yourself the chance on being much better compared to those who are playing safe or really just that basically that contented on having or sticking into their own work/jobs or ventures.Whereas to those who had taken up further risks then they would really be having that chance on even more successful although it does impose risks but probabilities is there.
Academic achievements wont really be a guaranteed ticket to success, yes you are really that an A+ student with having those good degree records and achievements but ending up on getting a job which
do pay standard. To those who are on average who did have made out some business or startup then gradually they could really be able to advance. It might take long but at least
they are really doing steps to success.

Success would be really be depending on someones steps or actions that be made on. Sometimes you would really be needing to go out into your comfort zone for you to be able
to make yourself that something better or having those kind of possibilities on making yourself that progressive or else you would really be just that stagnant.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: kryptqnick on November 22, 2023, 01:13:04 PM
I believe that in matters like this we should rely on available scientific data and base our own opinions on that data rather than without seeing the data.
Here's a nice article ( that refers to various research conducted to measure the correlation between grades and success.
According to the article, personality traits are considered more important than grades, but there's also data on 73% of employers screening their applicants based on their GPA. It also refers to a study that says graduates of the most competitive colleges earn 19% more than those of other colleges.
Here's another article ( about a report that higher level of education correlates with higher employment rate and is strongly linked with higher annual income.
Of course, it's also important to recognize the limitations of relying on the data from one country (USA, in this case). What's true for the US might not be the case for other countries.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: demonica on November 22, 2023, 01:13:28 PM
We all know that having an academic success wont guarantee you a good life in the future, in terms of career and finance. But of course, since you'll never know what will happen to you in the future, it's better to have a "back up" of having a degree. At least even if you won't be that successful, you have your degree for you to find a stable job. It just gives you more assurance that you can earn for yourself.

But overall, there are people who are academically smart and there are street smart. Also, most successful people have their own business, but not everyone have that skill to run a business successfully. On the other hand, academically smart people still gives them advantage to find success in the future even if it's not about starting their own business because they have the brain that can contribute to their field. It will just all depends on one's opportunity in life.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: bluebit25 on November 22, 2023, 02:20:19 PM
To put it more broadly, intelligence is the source of everything (including wealth). Because here the aspect discussed is mainly material, so I will make the issue of intellectual success the most important.
Obviously competition and greed make us not know what the meaning of life is, and instead of accepting what we did wrong, we find ways to justify it. If we start from the same point and are raised equally, the results we receive will only be a nuance. So looking at aspects of many different issues, I think the perspective of success has brought successful perceptions.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Liliana1304 on November 22, 2023, 02:27:51 PM
In my country, it's rare to see those who were brilliant in school landing good jobs after their higher institutions that's why you often hear some saying schooling is scam but I would say everyone has where he excels at and just like the op mentioned that it boils down to who is more courageous to charter into areas no one has ventured, for me that is what sets the two apart.

There are different types of students and amongst them, there's those who do better than others and are tagged "very intelligent" whole there's those known as the dullards. Well, educationally, they may not be sound but that does not mean the end for them. Some people measure levels of success with how many degrees one has and others, what you've achieved or accomplished. It just depends on who's measuring.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: lombok on November 22, 2023, 03:03:47 PM
Before I say I agree, I want to explain a little about the differences in opinion regarding academic and financial success.
On average, students who are active and often cause problems are usually successful candidates because students who are considered the source of problems are too brave to do things that make them curious to try.

Our society tends to judge that the benchmark for success is the level of education pursued. I do not agree with assessing success from the perspective of higher education but rather from the courage to act based on experience.
This means I agree with you in assessing the differences between the two.

People who are curious and focused on it have a high chance of success. Why, because that person doesn't stop when they fail, but keeps trying while fixing previous mistakes. People like this certainly don't know the word give up and are the type who fight until the end. There are 2 types of people, type 1 works and accepts what he gets, is afraid to take risks and continues at that job until he is old. The second type of person is not satisfied with what he gets and keeps trying something he is pursuing until he gets it. From here we know that the benchmarks for a person's success are different and financial success depends on how we respond to things and how we can gain financial freedom.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Helena Yu on November 22, 2023, 03:11:19 PM
Those people who say high educated students who work for low educated students bla bla bla forget to make a calculation about:
1. High educated students who're successful/total number of high educated students, and;
2. Low educated students who're successful/total number of low educated students.

The reality is high educated students tend more successful than the low educated students because they have better financial, network, open minded, skillful etc.

Low educated students are very hardworker, but not all of them are lucky.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: franky1 on November 22, 2023, 03:13:55 PM
if teachers  knew the secret to financial success..... they would not be teachers, they would be sunbathing on an exotic beach

in most cases academics are taught the basic principles and its for them to be motivated to look deeper and understand more and get involved more..

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: komisariatku on November 22, 2023, 03:22:28 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

No, I don't agree with your title. Although I admit that there are some successful people who come from poor educational backgrounds, in general people who have a good education will have a higher chance of competing and getting a better job.

That's right, most of high-risk businesses also provide high profits. But do you believe that more people succeed in high-risk businesses than those who fail? I think it is safer if we create a business that has low risk, when we have financial stability then we try to create a business that has high risk. Going all in in a high risk business is very dangerous, we have to play it safe because doing business is not an easy thing. As far as I know, in theory business looks easy, buy cheap and sell at a high price, but in practice it is very difficult

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: YUriy1991 on November 22, 2023, 03:34:20 PM
Agree and True, intelligence is one of the supporting items where tactics and strategies are carried out if you understand business or investing, read opportunities, when to enter and when to enter the family and when to survive and is the key to remaining persistent. Yes. Diligent and Smart That is the beginning of someone becoming a potential rich person and we often hear that there is a very big difference between diligent people and lazy people in terms of financial success.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: boty on November 22, 2023, 03:44:42 PM
Before I say I agree, I want to explain a little about the differences in opinion regarding academic and financial success.
On average, students who are active and often cause problems are usually successful candidates because students who are considered the source of problems are too brave to do things that make them curious to try.

Our society tends to judge that the benchmark for success is the level of education pursued. I do not agree with assessing success from the perspective of higher education but rather from the courage to act based on experience.
This means I agree with you in assessing the differences between the two.
It is true, as you said, that when someone is successful in the academic field, it is not certain that they will achieve financial success, because those who are successful in the academic field will think long before doing something and those who are active and cause a lot of problems when they see an opportunity. will try as soon as possible to try them and most of them will work.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: wajik-tempe on November 22, 2023, 04:53:25 PM
if teachers  knew the secret to financial success..... they would not be teachers, they would be sunbathing on an exotic beach

in most cases academics are taught the basic principles and its for them to be motivated to look deeper and understand more and get involved more..

For teacher, Despite their dedication to education, they may find joy in influencing and motivating the next generation rather than chasing fortune. The notion that they would prefer a life of sunbathing on exotic beaches oversimplifies the complex incentives that drive people. Furthermore, success is complex, and both academic achievement and entrepreneurial drive may help one achieve their goals. Embracing a well-rounded approach to personal and financial progress can result from a mix of knowledge, daring, and embracing chances.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: kentrolla on November 22, 2023, 05:05:12 PM
This may be stand true for certain countries and but not everywhere and I would give you example of FAANG company (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google) these are indeed top companies and there are many more like these and you will often find them recruiting candidates or interns from Tier 1 colleges as they already have set an assumption that only student from certain colleges or universities are talented this those who could barely afford education end up getting graduated as it has become basic requirement to land a job, and students from a normal colleges are recruited at the entry level wherein students from top tier colleges are hired for management role.

If the education is scam then it wouldn't be key requirement to get job.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: alani123 on November 22, 2023, 05:17:15 PM
if teachers  knew the secret to financial success..... they would not be teachers, they would be sunbathing on an exotic beach

in most cases academics are taught the basic principles and its for them to be motivated to look deeper and understand more and get involved more..

I've had professors of mine in university dodge referrals to lead corporations as CFOs or have careers in politics.
Was it because they hate money and business? No, they study and teach about these subjects every day.
But some people really prefer the study of something from an academic perspective other than being managers themselves. It's more of a political and ideological choice if anything.
Being an academic has its perks, but surely a lot of money isn't one of them. But you can't really do both impartially. For instance, a lot of technological progress is based on academic research released to the public for free and funded by taxpayer money. If all academics were sucked into corporate environments much of today's technology that we enjoy with free access would be closed source and behind paywalls, and that's if it was ever released publicly.

Really academics deserve more recognition in my view. Not everything is or should be about money.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Juse14 on November 22, 2023, 05:47:58 PM
Someone once said, if your GPA is above the minimum score, then you will only be a worker, and after you graduate you will only be busy going here and there looking for job vacancies. However, if your GPA is below the minimum value, then you will not be a worker, because you will be rejected every time you apply for a job. because your GPA does not meet the requirements as a worker. And this rejection will make you a person who thinks crazy about creating your own business, which other people think is something that is impossible for you to do.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on November 22, 2023, 06:06:42 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Agreeably so.
I just want to say that still it matters the kind of educational qualification one has attained inorder to be able to be successful in the pursuit of a worthy idea and to maintain and keep it together.
I wouldn't put ones IQ and the grade they graduated with in same box, because I have seen that geniuses are often those who perform the least in fields they don't fancy, but when they have the opportunity or break to capitalize on the genuine idea, there's always no turning back, hence the success in the pursuit of such an idea.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: topbitcoin on November 22, 2023, 06:30:02 PM
Other people's opinion is that when someone goes to college and has a bachelor's degree, other people assume that that person will become a successful person, who will have a permanent job with a very large salary. But it's just empty talk, because in reality life is not that smooth, after graduating from college you go straight to work at a well-known company with big wages, then get married and have a house and a luxury car. That's just nonsense and the funniest joke.

Going to college does not guarantee that we will become someone who is successful and rich. However, that doesn't mean that studying is unimportant.
Because at least even though college doesn't guarantee success, but by going to college we will know how to become a successful person, because through education a person will continue to be sharpened and trained on how that person can have both hard and soft skills. skills, someone will be trained to have a leadership spirit and be introduced to several projects that will increase experience and knowledge.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Agbamoni on November 22, 2023, 06:57:22 PM
OP, it doesn't matter whether you're the best student or the worst. Knowledge and understanding come in various forms, including moral, academic, social, financial, and spiritual knowledge, etc. Someone may excel academically but struggle in creating and managing a business. Success isn't solely dependent on academic achievement. it relies on an individual's knowledge across various the various forms listed above.

Yes, one can be both financially and academically sound, excelling in whatever they do. This is a blessing for some while others worked hard for it.

At one point, I approached my lecturer regarding an examination issue, and he scolded me harshly. He pointed out that many of our parents are successful business owners, while he spends his days teaching and addressing our concerns. I don't feel sorry for him because he chose this path due to his academic strengths, not being a business person. However, his salary seems insufficient for him and doesn't meet his needs.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Hamza2424 on November 22, 2023, 07:27:49 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

Noted OP.

Grades never attack the money, efforts do. If C one puts more effort into fetching it, he'll definitely be outcompeting the A. A categorization is more focused on getting stable packaged limited Jobs under a good reputation. C categorized service in the risks and they with their gained experience establish that reputation most of the time.

Comfort zone, Safeplay can never let you be out of the matrix of finance, In the hard times you get the motivation to even control that matrix. From this flow of the post, ( I would like to amend what I've learned) the cycle of the economy of humanity whatever you like to call it works on
Hard times forge strong individuals who propel progress toward comfort and prosperity. However, prolonged comfort gives rise to complacency, nurturing a generation of weakened individuals. Subsequently, this weakened state leads to a period of conformity, paving the way for destruction and a return to challenging times.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: macson on November 22, 2023, 07:41:53 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Many people say that the people who are successful today are actually people who are determined, they managed to break through the boundaries that held them back.  In fact, when you are a pioneer or trailblazer, you will definitely be the first person to succeed in that area or business. School is indeed important, but focusing on pursuing high grades at the academy will not possibly make you a great success.  Apart from that, success doesn't take 1 day, 1 month or 1 year, it could take years for you to become a successful person in the field you are in.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: electronicash on November 22, 2023, 07:49:50 PM
there are C students who earn more than A students.

this looks true. those batch mates i have who are straight-As are nowhere close to the one of the simplest guys in my batch who smoked so much weed during our high school days. i saw that guy roaming the world from Alaska down to Oceania. he owns 3 businesses already while the straight As i know are trying their luck Basking music on the streets. there is a local proverb here and it goes. having low grades is fine as long as you don't poop watery shit in the classroom.

people forget those straight-A students but the kid who shits in class. will never be forgotten.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: decodx on November 22, 2023, 08:16:01 PM
I knew kids in high school who took every AP class and studied nonstop but never went far.  Then again, I had other friends who worked hard at school and used that to get scholarships or jobs right out the gate.  At the end of the day, you gotta take risks and keep trying rather than expecting a high GPA to do the work for you.  Privilege plays into it too, no question.  But smarts on their own definitely don't define success or failure.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Bananington on November 22, 2023, 08:26:49 PM
Of course there isn't any correlation as said, but without academia or the slightest bit of knowledge of reading and writing, becoming financially successful will be quite difficult to score and may demand some form of academic knowledge to better understand the times. Even those conservative business owners who don't rely on book keeping or inventory or mails will somehow still require the service of a lawyer when the government comes to claim tax for landed property or the service of an accountant inorder to better invest of which will be required to have the necessary academic qualifications to be confident enough to discharge such duties.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: ZAINmalik75 on November 22, 2023, 08:40:48 PM
I agree with you not totally but partially that one most not be an A student to be great and/or successful. Almost all the successful people or people who made and/or are making impact in human life today or those who invented most of the things that are helping human life today where not the best in class but they knew they can do something better that been the best in theorizing rather they became more practicalistic in everything. E.g Mark Zuckerberg, Bills Gate, Steve jobs etc we all know there story and they had one thing in common they were all drop outs in their various universities. So it's doesn't matter your degree in school or how well you did in class but it's about what you can do.
There is no doubt in saying that all the big companies' CEOs, like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs, were dropouts from college, but that's not because they were not smart or had a higher IQ; it's because they knew they could do much more than the college might be offering them.

I did watch a small documentary on Facebook creation where Mark Zukerbueg and his classmates tried to make Facebook and did everything to take it to the top. He even fought with his own friend, especially the one who said I invested in Facebook and tried to claim it. The idea of connecting people was more important for Mark than reading the same things that he already knew; that's why he also took classes.
If you want to do a corporate job then Degree and grades do matter otherwise they don't because if you are a content creator, web developer, trader, etc. then your work won't need a degree and your customers won't ask you to show your degrees.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Hamphser on November 22, 2023, 08:41:48 PM
I knew kids in high school who took every AP class and studied nonstop but never went far.  Then again, I had other friends who worked hard at school and used that to get scholarships or jobs right out the gate.  At the end of the day, you gotta take risks and keep trying rather than expecting a high GPA to do the work for you.  Privilege plays into it too, no question.  But smarts on their own definitely don't define success or failure.

Being smart isnt really meaning that you do have guaranteed success or future on which we know that there are several factors needed which you would really be able to hit up.
Luck is also a determining factor too, it might be less but you would really be still needing for you to be able to succeed on such field. We know that there's no guarantees when we do speak about success
yet there would really be needing other things which needs to complete up in overall but of course there's no way on finding it out unless you do try.

People who do take up risks are the ones who could really be having the chance on having life way more better although its not rest assured but unless people do try.
They do have the chance on making themselves better. Being smart does have advantage but taking actions does really matter more or having that
tons of opportunity on success compared to those who dont take actions.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Fortify on November 22, 2023, 08:56:51 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

While I think anyone is capable of achieving success without going through higher education, there are certainly some obstacles in business that become more evident the higher you move up the chain. There is also an element of backing that if I have two candidates applying for a job, one has some qualifications from a medium tier university and the other has nothing but basic tier school grades, then I could hazard a guess that the university candidate may have more perseverance at the very least. However at a low level it is a very tiny factor because I've seen some truly awful university graduates entering the business world without a clue how to operate, so you need to judge everyone individually.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: electronicash on November 22, 2023, 09:10:41 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

While I think anyone is capable of achieving success without going through higher education, there are certainly some obstacles in business that become more evident the higher you move up the chain. There is also an element of backing that if I have two candidates applying for a job, one has some qualifications from a medium tier university and the other has nothing but basic tier school grades, then I could hazard a guess that the university candidate may have more perseverance at the very least. However at a low level it is a very tiny factor because I've seen some truly awful university graduates entering the business world without a clue how to operate, so you need to judge everyone individually.

it always boils down to experience. i would hire the two and see which of them last in the worse condition in the workplace and the job they would do. i bet the one who graduated from a medium tier university will quit after a day.

the ones who with silver spoons stick up their ass always quit because they think they deserve a position after just a few months. the ones who can endure and have the perseverance to win are the ones finding out their strength.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on November 22, 2023, 09:17:29 PM
In the end, believe it or not, it is something that can be said to be unrelated but on the other hand there is another attachment even though it is a situation that is sometimes not all the same, but success in academics can be a good support for us in achieving financial success.Everything depends on the mindset that is applied in the end because if indeed academic achievement makes you too confident to navigate life it is wrong because what is in academics is just a set of theories that can be different if applied in real life but on the other hand if in the end academic achievement and our mindset are used as a support to get success in finance then it is much more reliable to be used as a reference that he is the one who can get success in financially. In the end, the theories we learn in academia and the experience we get when applying the theories we get in the real business world, we can get a new thing which can be used as our capital to create a favourable situation for ourselves, especially for our plans for financial success.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: South Park on November 22, 2023, 09:26:57 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
To me this says way more about the education system than anything else, schools are supposed to accomplish two goals, one is to give students the tools needed to succeed on their desired career choice, and the second one is to try to teach their students values so we can live in a harmonious society, and without a doubt schools are failing at both of those goals, as if they were teaching the needed skills to succeed in life then those that obtained better grades should obtain better outcomes than those that do not, and yet this is hardly the case, meaning that a great deal of what you are being taught at school is useless these days.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Bitstar_coin on November 22, 2023, 09:29:34 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

Absolutely, it is all about your willingness to go the extra miles and taking risks regardless of the situation.  People who mostly operates within their comfort zone despite their academic status may find it hard to level with those who always go out of their comfort zone to achieve their goals.
Hard work does pay off and it is not only about your academic level. Those who have the boldness and the audacity to strive towards their goals will be above others. This is not just in theory but can be seen in our everyday lives.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Russlenat on November 22, 2023, 09:58:21 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Excellent students in academics do not guarantee that they will also be excellent when they face the real battles in life. Although intelligence also matters, but its not the main ingredient to be successful in the future, but skills and positive attitudes are. That's why we are seeing average people these days are already living their successful lives because being successful in life is not about intelligence but skills and consistent strategies in life.  And that taking calculated risks is a must, otherwise they will stay living in their comfort zones throughout their lives.

However, being knowledgeable and skillful, and has positive visions in life create a perfect combination to achieve financial success. If one lacks, then its hard to expect a positive and successful life's outcome.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: dothebeats on November 22, 2023, 10:17:44 PM
Academically-inclined individuals tend to get the easy way towards their first jobs but usually don't have the 'street smarts' that C students possess. It's true that they understand a lot of the theoretical aspects of their field of study, but in terms of application and all that stuff, they simply lack the understanding or the capability to grasp it not unlike the C students who are 'forced' to do things before learning what it does.

I know a friend who flunked college and stated that studying isn't for him. He went on and sold phones for a year, earning enough capital to buy wholesale phones from Japan and the rest is history. His regular clients now include celebrities, politicians, and other foreigners to whom he receives recommendations from. And since his mother works on a textile factory, he went on and established a clothing line that is slowly gaining attention on the local market.

That mofo still owes me a few hundred dollars and he's a fucking millionaire, but anyway..

The point is, if you have the academic intelligence but not the right attitude and mindset towards something you're working on, you will not get that far. It still takes a lot of things for an intelligent person to be financially successful.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: taufik123 on November 22, 2023, 10:22:38 PM
The notion that they would prefer a life of sunbathing on exotic beaches oversimplifies the complex incentives that drive people. Furthermore, success is complex, and both academic achievement and entrepreneurial drive may help one achieve their goals. Embracing a well-rounded approach to personal and financial progress can result from a mix of knowledge, daring, and embracing chances.
Yes, success is complex, depending on how interests and talents in each person.
Those who stand out in academics don't necessarily have an interest in what can actually deliver success.

There are many examples of successful people without a good academic background, even they tend to lack academic knowledge,
but they have a strong determination to build a business, build relationships between customers and new people.

Knowledge, courage and grasping a new opportunity are things that can be possessed by anyone.
Sometimes they have little knowledge but are able to win chances well, and they are brave, but without enough knowledge it will also be risky.
We have to be able to balance everything, and start learning what we lack.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: panganib999 on November 22, 2023, 10:32:26 PM
There is a correlation, but the line is slowly blurring as more people and companies pursue skills and experience over degree and where you get your diploma from. I could confirm cause way back then, being someone who had to quit college for a while, finding a good-paying job which is your first line of thinking when you're looking for ways to make money and achieve that financial success, is exceptionally hard. You're stuck with menial job listings or jobs that wouldn't push you further into your career, which is generally bad for your self-actualization, if anything.

So yes, don't let a single bad exam make you feel bad and scared about your future. But by all means go get that degree. Don't listen to these people with their sigma hustle mindset talking about shit like "you don't need a degree to be successful", cause they may be right, but there's no singular formula for success, and furthermore, education sets you up to open these paths that you can choose.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Renampun on November 22, 2023, 10:48:21 PM
There is a correlation, but the line is slowly blurring as more people and companies pursue skills and experience over degree and where you get your diploma from. I could confirm cause way back then, being someone who had to quit college for a while, finding a good-paying job which is your first line of thinking when you're looking for ways to make money and achieve that financial success, is exceptionally hard. You're stuck with menial job listings or jobs that wouldn't push you further into your career, which is generally bad for your self-actualization, if anything.

So yes, don't let a single bad exam make you feel bad and scared about your future. But by all means go get that degree. Don't listen to these people with their sigma hustle mindset talking about shit like "you don't need a degree to be successful", cause they may be right, but there's no singular formula for success, and furthermore, education sets you up to open these paths that you can choose.

currently the richest person in Indonesia is reportedly someone who only graduated from junior high school (prajogo pangestu) and sentences like that continue to be echoed by many people, education will not guarantee someone to be successful, but at least it is one of your efforts to achieve success, in In the future, it is said that our children will not go to school because everything is already available and only a few groups will go to school, to be honest, it will have an unclear effect on the younger generation. In my opinion, school is the best place to improve yourself in terms of knowledge while experience and also direct practice in life is the best place to find yourself.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: mirakal on November 22, 2023, 10:58:34 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
The real battle in life starts when you have finished your academics and is ready to conquer the realities in life. That's why you have to learn the fundamentals and theories while you are studying and apply them after schooling. Otherwise, if you are all knowledge but has poor application skills and strategies, you will never achieve life's success most particularly financial success. Financial success is not measured by how far your intelligence can go but its all about key performance indicators.

However, we should also not forget that life's success is not measured by money either. Being successful is appreciating what you have and and be grateful for it  as long as its makes you happy and is giving you life's simple satisfactions.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on November 22, 2023, 11:06:34 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

The fascinating thing is that success isn't always correlated with academic achievement. It's true that some people perform poorly on school but achieve enormous financial success. It's as if your success might shine in a certain field where you possess exceptional talent. It may surprise you to learn that some people who you consider to be exceptionally intelligent in school may have financial difficulties because they are risk averse or make poor financial decisions.

To put it briefly, I completely agree with you. Success is more than simply academics, it's about using your abilities to improve the actual world and leaving a lasting impression. Thus, try not to worry too much about your A grades there are other things in life besides test results.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Captain Corporate on November 22, 2023, 11:14:52 PM
The issue is that "majority" of the C students do not make more than A students, if you are a student that gets A all your academic life, you will on average make more than a student that gets C all their academic life. However, there are some C students who jump into some idea and make a lot, and yes in that case they do earn more, but they are the outlier and not the real expected outcome. If you look at people with 3.50+ gpa and look at people with less than 2.50 gpa and compare their salaries, you will find that the one with 3.50+ gpa will make more, just because there are some examples of bad students making money, doesn't mean that is the average how they do.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: coupable on November 22, 2023, 11:15:49 PM
The relationship between academic success and financial success cannot be eliminated, even if the person who succeeded financially does not have an academic qualification.  A large percentage of those who were successful in many fields were working outside their field of specialization, nor was a large percentage of those who succeeded in more than one field without having any academic training.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Darker45 on November 23, 2023, 12:07:32 AM
Academic success as in getting As in college or graduating with Latin honors isn't what determines one's future. It could be an advantage in one way or another but it isn't a prerequisite for success. Those who merely passed in college aren't necessarily at a disadvantage in life.

However, all this doesn't equate to education not necessary for a successful life. Whatever success means, getting education means a better life than without it. Academic success and education are two different bananas. Some are saying education isn't actually important to be successful. They're wrong.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: poodle63 on November 23, 2023, 12:41:03 AM
The issue is that "majority" of the C students do not make more than A students, if you are a student that gets A all your academic life, you will on average make more than a student that gets C all their academic life. However, there are some C students who jump into some idea and make a lot, and yes in that case they do earn more, but they are the outlier and not the real expected outcome. If you look at people with 3.50+ gpa and look at people with less than 2.50 gpa and compare their salaries, you will find that the one with 3.50+ gpa will make more, just because there are some examples of bad students making money, doesn't mean that is the average how they do.
true, many are seeing the top earners, basically saying that the ones good at academic only become workers meanwhile the dropouts become billionaire, thats not wrong, but one should know that those billionaire that are college drop outs dropping out from ivies, meaning they are actually good at academic if they willing to put effort, but they've found their passion before finishing their college therefore they decided to drop out.
its kinda different if you compare with those that dropping out because incapable of finishing academic you know, many of them don't earn that much, as many statistics have illustrated, the high income household are those that have good college degree prominently from ivies that excels in the academic and could get into FAANG even fortune 100. never underestimate the power of academic degree more especially from ivies it give you massive connection and good impression at first glance.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: blue Snow on November 23, 2023, 02:14:07 AM
Do you agree?
Yes I agree, I have experienced with my friend who has good grades in school, but is not successful in life. I went to school with him for 3 years, he always got class ranks with a perfect grade. if I look at him, I'm sure he will be successful after graduates. But, in fact, until today (after a long time ago graduates) his life is ordinary, his financial mediocre, not much better than me where my grades on school just normal, or not even good than him. I don't know what happen, maybe because he was comfortable with high grades, so negligent and careless after graduates. While me, because my grades are not good, so try my best to maintain life, because I have many shortcomings, so I have to fight hard for my life.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Faisal2202 on November 23, 2023, 02:17:13 AM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Yes, I do agree actually you are right about it doesn't matter whether you are A or C student but only to some extent because at one point your grades or IQ do matter but at the same point it might not matter. But in most scenarios even if you choose a business, the advantages can be obtained if you know the work or have the skills (IQ).

Choosing between study and work is I know another discussion but it is somehow relevant to your discussion. Because many students want to study but due to financial problems they have to work and the remaining ones don't want to read because they think its some kind of matrix and they will be trapped in a system where they can't grow and if they will avoid studies they can grow more.

That's a wrong mentality that needs guidance. Overall, I do agree with you that those who love to take controlled risk and wants to spread their legs more, they can achieve something while the scared ones might not.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: freedomgo on November 23, 2023, 02:27:04 AM
Absolutely, many academically successful individuals tend to prioritize building their careers, often seeking positions in large companies for job security.

However, the reality is that financial success often involves more than just working; it requires venturing into business where your money can work for you. But these people having their academic success, many of them are afraid in taking risks, a crucial element in running a business, so if they are afraid, they won't be able to achieve financial success.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Helena Yu on November 23, 2023, 03:38:53 AM
if teachers  knew the secret to financial success..... they would not be teachers, they would be sunbathing on an exotic beach

in most cases academics are taught the basic principles and its for them to be motivated to look deeper and understand more and get involved more..
I'm interested to discuss about this and sorry if I sounds rude.

Is teacher a failed profession? I've keep think like this because teacher is teach about the basic thing and they're never improved, what they have is emotion control and creative way to teach someone.

Someone who graduated from art and culture education degree has a low knowledge when it comes to practice, they're not learn how to make a best art as they're focus to learn everything. But someone who graduated from interior design degree is way better to draw because they're used to and they can teach someone because they have a high knowledge about that skill.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Poker Player on November 23, 2023, 03:41:24 AM
Those people who say high educated students who work for low educated students bla bla bla forget to make a calculation about:
1. High educated students who're successful/total number of high educated students, and;
2. Low educated students who're successful/total number of low educated students.

The reality is high educated students tend more successful than the low educated students because they have better financial, network, open minded, skillful etc.

Low educated students are very hardworker, but not all of them are lucky.

That's right. The fact is that if we talk about being salaried, employees with higher education obtain much better salaries on average than those without. It is when it comes to setting up businesses where we find cases like the ones the OP comments, that someone without higher education sets up a company, is successful and ends up hiring people with higher education who work for him (and earn much less money than him). But such cases are not the norm, rather the exception.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: YUriy1991 on November 23, 2023, 04:08:09 AM
Absolutely, many academically successful individuals tend to prioritize building their careers, often seeking positions in large companies for job security.

However, the reality is that financial success often involves more than just working; it requires venturing into business where your money can work for you. But these people having their academic success, many of them are afraid in taking risks, a crucial element in running a business, so if they are afraid, they won't be able to achieve financial success.

Every business journey is unique, and formal education can also provide a strong foundation in many cases. So it's true as you said above. Success in running a business or business for me is more about how we focus on improving performance and one more thing on increasing partners so as to create new opportunities and support business growth.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: MFahad on November 23, 2023, 06:58:55 AM
Agree with you, if we talk about earning then I think earning is not related to you education because in our country most of educated individuals are at home because they are not interested in doing a business because they have concept that if they settled a business then all of their education will waste which is not a wise concept at all. In my opinion you can use your education anytime you need therefore try to find any job and earn from it until you don't get a job according to your education.

Majority of individuals have better skill utilizing ability therefore through these skills they earned a good amount of money but on contrary most of them also get higher education but they are asked something in interview or to show their skills then they show zero experience. Education is necessary but learning skill is also necessary because now a days business are more prominant and successful than a government job.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: aylabadia05 on November 23, 2023, 08:28:03 AM

People who are curious and focused on it have a high chance of success. Why, because that person doesn't stop when they fail, but keeps trying while fixing previous mistakes. People like this certainly don't know the word give up and are the type who fight until the end. There are 2 types of people, type 1 works and accepts what he gets, is afraid to take risks and continues at that job until he is old. The second type of person is not satisfied with what he gets and keeps trying something he is pursuing until he gets it. From here we know that the benchmarks for a person's success are different and financial success depends on how we respond to things and how we can gain financial freedom.
The first type of person does not want to get out of their comfort zone and tends to continue until they are no longer able to work. Well, this type of person can also be considered successful, but by success I only mean in a limited scope. Different from the second type of person you mentioned. This type of person will always feel dissatisfied and happy with new experiences.

I mean, such a person in his journey of success really enjoys it. Of the two types, I am more interested in the second because it is more challenging while enjoying so there are many stories and events that can be told to the next generation.

It is true, as you said, that when someone is successful in the academic field, it is not certain that they will achieve financial success, because those who are successful in the academic field will think long before doing something and those who are active and cause a lot of problems when they see an opportunity. will try as soon as possible to try them and most of them will work.
For those who do not focus on academics, they have more time to study while working. Those who do not choose the academic route but do not focus on utilizing their time are worse than those who focus on academics. I mean, they waste the time they have to achieve "success" in quotes.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: umbara ardian on November 23, 2023, 08:42:43 AM
The real world is a harsh place, and it doesn't care about your grades. Students who previously excelled in their classes may have difficulty finding jobs or businesses because they don't have the skills needed to succeed in the real world.
Meanwhile, C students can excel in business and work. They may have the soft skills needed to succeed in the real world, such as communication, problem solving, and teamwork.
Additionally, people who have not finished university sometimes become successful businessmen. They may have creative ideas and the ability to implement them. They may also have an entrepreneurial spirit and be willing to take risks.
Of course, studying is important. It gives you the foundation of knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the real world. But it is not the only factor that determines your success.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: slapper on November 23, 2023, 12:28:19 PM
The real world is a harsh place, and it doesn't care about your grades. Students who previously excelled in their classes may have difficulty finding jobs or businesses because they don't have the skills needed to succeed in the real world.
Meanwhile, C students can excel in business and work. They may have the soft skills needed to succeed in the real world, such as communication, problem solving, and teamwork.
Additionally, people who have not finished university sometimes become successful businessmen. They may have creative ideas and the ability to implement them. They may also have an entrepreneurial spirit and be willing to take risks.
Of course, studying is important. It gives you the foundation of knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the real world. But it is not the only factor that determines your success.
The lessons we learn today often combine theoretical understanding with useful skills. Aren't we stuck in the old idea that the best kids don't know how to handle themselves in the real world? The truth may be more complicated: smart people who do well in school often have critical thought skills that are useful in any field

Also, "C students" or losers' success isn't just due to soft skills or taking risks. Isn't the part of resources, networking, and sometimes just plain luck being missed? Success stories about people who dropped out of school are interesting, but aren't they the exception, not the rule? In the vast majority of situations, doesn't schooling give you a big edge in a competitive world? In fact, education and experience don't work against each other; they work together to help people succeed

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: justdimin on November 23, 2023, 01:08:54 PM
Absolutely, many academically successful individuals tend to prioritize building their careers, often seeking positions in large companies for job security.

However, the reality is that financial success often involves more than just working; it requires venturing into business where your money can work for you. But these people having their academic success, many of them are afraid in taking risks, a crucial element in running a business, so if they are afraid, they won't be able to achieve financial success.
It's not that they are afraid but they are only playing it safely. Just like in trading, we don't want to play it blindly because it will look like a gamble already. We should educate our selves first. And you already said that they always seek positions. So, isn't that taking a risk? Work can be defined in different ways. The one you said there about venturing a business is also a type of work.

Even the financial success can also be defined in different ways; some of us feel that we are already successful financially, once we saved up and manage our finances or expenses really well. those who have a higher expectation/goal, they can go beyond that that.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Yogee on November 23, 2023, 01:20:07 PM
There is a correlation, but the line is slowly blurring as more people and companies pursue skills and experience over degree and where you get your diploma from.
I agree for the most part. "Colleges are scams" is becoming a popular phrase nowadays but I would argue that there are still high paying jobs that cannot be taken by someone without getting a degree from school first and then getting certification. Lawyers and Doctors are good examples of those.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Fara Chan on November 23, 2023, 03:57:03 PM
Every business journey is unique, and formal education can also provide a strong foundation in many cases. So it's true as you said above. Success in running a business or business for me is more about how we focus on improving performance and one more thing on increasing partners so as to create new opportunities and support business growth.

Formal education can only help us in very general matters of life and also in socializing with the surrounding environment, whereas for business performance I think this is something that must be obtained purely through practice and direct experience through our own actions in life. Because from the many businesses that have developed as a whole, everyone can see that they are all always working hard at all times to get maximum development, so partners are really needed to have support to keep the business running well.

I will not mix educational matters with business matters for someone or for many people, because business can be the final goal for many people after they get an education or after they work for someone else relying on the educational path they have taken throughout their life. So these two things actually have to be separated from each other, even though business also requires knowledge, which knowledge is obtained through education, but there is also knowledge obtained through the environment in particular which is never in the education curriculum.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: barisbilgili on November 24, 2023, 03:10:42 AM
The relationship between academic success and financial success cannot be eliminated, even if the person who succeeded financially does not have an academic qualification.  A large percentage of those who were successful in many fields were working outside their field of specialization, nor was a large percentage of those who succeeded in more than one field without having any academic training.
Each person has a way of achieving success that is different from others, there are some people who achieve their success through academic channels and there are also those who achieve their success not through academic channels but by working hard according to the skills they have.

Academic success as in getting As in college or graduating with Latin honors isn't what determines one's future. It could be an advantage in one way or another but it isn't a prerequisite for success. Those who merely passed in college aren't necessarily at a disadvantage in life.

However, all this doesn't equate to education not necessary for a successful life. Whatever success means, getting education means a better life than without it. Academic success and education are two different bananas. Some are saying education isn't actually important to be successful. They're wrong.
For those who have good abilities in the field of education and are also the best graduates, this will not necessarily mean they will be able to get a job according to their wishes, because the world of work is very different from the education they get at university.
I agree with you, everyone needs education to achieve the success they want and for those who can achieve success not through education, of course they have a lot of experience in that field so they can achieve success.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: DeathAngel on November 24, 2023, 11:28:33 AM
There is a strong correlation between academic success & financial success although it is not absolute. Generally higher levels of education tend to lead to better job opportunities & higher earning potential. It’s important to note that other factors such as personal skills, networking & economic conditions can also influence financial success. While academic achievement can provide a solid foundation it is not the sole determinant of financial success. A combination of education, skills & opportunities play a crucial role in achieving financial prosperity.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: davis196 on November 24, 2023, 11:40:25 AM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

Many smart people are introverts and the current society doesn't favor introverts.
The society favors extroverted people with really good social skills and lots of energy.
I guess that this study is about former students and not people, who are currently studying at a college/university.
I wouldn't be surprised if many introverted A students are working for extroverted C students.
Other important factor that should be taken into consideration is looks.
The society favors good looking people over people with bad looks.
An ugly(and yet smart) A student could be working for an attractive C student.
Good looks and good social skills will always dominate over high IQ. This is the society we live in. :(

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Hewlet on November 24, 2023, 11:58:40 AM
When I see people making statements like the topic you just created, it amazes me seriously. One thing most people have failed to understand is that most alpha students who did well at school were successful because of their diligence and commitment to their academic work.  Most of them are individuals who have made a core statement never to be an average person in whatever field they venture into and this guides and helps them to always stand up tall and strong wherever they find themselves.

I have seen brilliant individual who were outstanding while in college and when they came out to the big society, they were also doing very well for themselves. The only issue with some of them is that they might be too relaxed with the feeling of accomplishment but the ones that understand what the struggle is all about, you can't bench them in any field they venture into.

The major reason why the other student that wasn't serious at school suddenly starts doing well in the circular society is majorly because most of them feel that they have failed in school and will do everything possible never to fail in the real world.

But this is the reality that I have found about either the alpha student or the one that wasn't all that serious while at school; if you don't make the conscious Decision that you are going to put tin the needed effort to become successful in life, you will remain stagnant and outdated with time and the person you might have written down on that later has a change of mind along the way will become your employer in the nearest future

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: yhiaali3 on November 24, 2023, 12:10:24 PM
I don't think it's about high IQ, it's primarily about human personality, I mean there are many people who don't have higher education but they have succeeded in their lives.

There are many of these stories that tell us that determination, will, and hard work to achieve a goal are the basic characteristics of success. Yes, higher education and good culture play a big role in a person’s success, but in the end it is not everything.

Circumstances also play a big role in a person's success or failure. People who took advantage of the appropriate opportunities that came to them at certain times achieved success while others failed.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Vaculin on November 24, 2023, 01:39:17 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Your life during school days does not determine your life after schooling. In short, your academic results do not guarantee your financial profitability in the future. A lot of successful men these days are not actually the excellent students way back then, but because of their hardwork and persistency to reach their goals, they have conquered life's barriers and end up successful.

However, there are also topnotchers in the class and eventually when they apply for their jobs, they end up filling the high positions. That proves that academics achievements still matter, but in most cases, it's the strategies and skills that made you successful in life and achieved financial success in the process. Of course, being patient, having self-discipline and being proactive greatly matter as well.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: khiholangkang on November 24, 2023, 02:34:01 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
It's quite interesting and it happens a lot like that that people who have high academic scores are on average below C students.

I will illustrate a little analogy that might be able to understand the mechanism, firstly someone who has high academic scores has a bright future and usually they get a big opportunity to get a job out there, which makes them an office worker, and the cycle is like Businessmen need someone who has a high IQ to get what he wants or get him more money, while people who have a C grade have little chance of getting a job, because the average company looks for people who have competition on paper as proof that they can work well in their company, well in conditions like this usually students who have a C grade will risk their courage to build their own business, therefore someone who has a C grade can change drastically and even become the owner of a large business because he previously didn't have the opportunity to get a job in a company so that you start your own business.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: target on November 24, 2023, 02:49:56 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
It's quite interesting and it happens a lot like that that people who have high academic scores are on average below C students.

I will illustrate a little analogy that might be able to understand the mechanism, firstly someone who has high academic scores has a bright future and usually they get a big opportunity to get a job out there, which makes them an office worker, and the cycle is like Businessmen need someone who has a high IQ to get what he wants or get him more money, while people who have a C grade have little chance of getting a job, because the average company looks for people who have competition on paper as proof that they can work well in their company, well in conditions like this usually students who have a C grade will risk their courage to build their own business, therefore someone who has a C grade can change drastically and even become the owner of a large business because he previously didn't have the opportunity to get a job in a company so that you start your own business.

And Jack Ma was a C grade. Those guys who are not likely gonna get hired and the ones who always end up starting a business and venturing to unchartered territories.
They eventually learned more about the behavior of people in the real world.

Those who have nothing and can't even pass an employment exam somehow will find ways to make money and apply the little they learned from school. And those with high IQ worked for them.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Rruchi man on November 24, 2023, 05:20:11 PM
I can believe that the C students have a higher chance of ending up with financial success than the A students because of their approach to life which in some instances will be rugged and of a dogged mind to take whatever relevant risk within the legal boundaries to make sure that the succeed since they already know that they have a lesser chance to succeed following what they have learnt in school may not favor them due to their not so good result, so they double up their focus on other things in life that can give them financial success, and usually turn out successful still.

Academic success is not the only way to financial success.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: DVlog on November 24, 2023, 05:33:34 PM
It is true but academic success can sharpen your success rate Though there isn't any guarantee that you will be successful, this will increase your chance. I have seen people with no academic knowledge build a company from scratch and his friends who were top students in his class are doing jobs in his company. Business minded people learn from the real world so their knowledge goes beyond academic books. This is the reason some people are so successful in business when their educational background is not good enough.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Hamphser on November 24, 2023, 05:39:42 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Not everything on this world would really be just that basing on how smart you are or having those topnotch educational background because success isnt really that something that would really be focusing or needed to have these things for you to be able to achieve such situation. It all matters about discipline and dedication at the same time on which doing such hard work. Although there are really indeed situations on which
smart people does have that advantage compared to those who are none basing up on how they do think and how fast they do come up with a solution on particular problems. Yes, its an advantage but
it all matters with risks taking because not all would really be solved out by brain alone but also with having that good assessment and trying out to solve problems or facing it up
with courage and coming up with some solutions that hasnt been advised or think of.

This is why its never been that ideal on belittling someone just because they do have  that average or low academic attainment or achievement.
You wouldn't know on what comes next.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Finestream on November 24, 2023, 05:58:36 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
In life, its not only intelligence that serves the most crucial to live a successful life most especially in achieving financial success, but having good performance and well developed skills and techniques that will create a good and comfortable life for you, giving financial stability as having the highest concern. Academic achievements do not really matter, but what matter the most is how you applied all those learnings in real life battles so you will come up still successful despite of the hardships that you have encountered.

Financial success does not correlate with academic success but for you to gain high chances to be financially successful in the future, build your academic success that serves as the foundation and make sure to learn and internalize behind those academic achievement.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: on November 24, 2023, 06:19:14 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

I totally agree. I doesn't matter if you're A or C student, what is your IQ etc.  You can be a very successful entrepreneur with virtually any IQ and education. As you have correctly mentioned, you have to be brave, take risks etc but also luck is very important. Without luck, no matter how smart, brave and educated you are, nothing is going to let you become successful.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on November 24, 2023, 06:24:25 PM
Sometimes it is not about the financial success. At the end of the day, it boils down to success at home, health, friendship and good relationships. Some of the A students actually look at making impact in the world in whatever field they find themselves in. These A students don't care about who they work for as long as they are making impact. These A students are the Nobel Prize winners, Canada Gairdner Award, Fresenius Research Prize, The Laskers, Life Sciences Breakthrough Prize, MacArthur Fellowships, Tang Prize, Crafoord Prizes, The Fields Medal. This is what is important to them.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Wakate on November 24, 2023, 06:38:18 PM
There is a correlation, but the line is slowly blurring as more people and companies pursue skills and experience over degree and where you get your diploma from.
I agree for the most part. "Colleges are scams" is becoming a popular phrase nowadays but I would argue that there are still high paying jobs that cannot be taken by someone without getting a degree from school first and then getting certification. Lawyers and Doctors are good examples of those.

Academy success has no correlation with financial success that is why we can see our college mates nit doing well financially even when we remember that they were doing very well when they were in School. School is not a success ground for us to build our success in life. It only build us on how to relate with this that are not even reality of life. We need to try and adjust this differences and not seeing ourselves of a prominent key of success because we are good academically or because we are known to be one of the best 10 students. Success in life is different from all that so we all need to strive to get to where we want to see ourselves in years coming.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: so98nn on November 24, 2023, 06:56:07 PM
Yeah, we have seen that formula but it is not like that in the modern world things are changing. You also need skills to work in the modern world. You need hands-on training in various fields. This is the world of multi-taskers. The C-certified students can open the door for a business but there is no guarantee that those businesses will be escalated to new levels. They could come to an end very soon OR may just have stagnant growth forever. However, in the same case, if we have skilled people (so-called A-certified) then they can have their logic built up that can grow the same business multifolds in no time. Running a business is not a small thing. Its collaborative work of management, sales, roadmap, a clear vision for the company, and much more. How does this come in an entire organization? Well, you need proper knowledge and experience for the same that can come from education. :)

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: redsun114 on November 24, 2023, 07:08:04 PM
Practical life is very different than how we think about it when we are young and still studying and completing our education. We think of doing things in the future without knowing that we might not even be interested in those things anymore when we are in the future and we might go on a different path than we are expecting. This is the reason why there are a lot of cases where people gain great academic success but fail to reach their desired destinations in life because of either of lack of opportunities or interest in their area of expertise.

So, there is no correlation between academic success and financial success because as you said, the brightest student in the class might end up being an employee of a company owned by the dullest and laziest student in the same class, and we can see living examples of this all around us if we look for it.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: khiholangkang on November 24, 2023, 07:45:00 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
It's quite interesting and it happens a lot like that that people who have high academic scores are on average below C students.

I will illustrate a little analogy that might be able to understand the mechanism, firstly someone who has high academic scores has a bright future and usually they get a big opportunity to get a job out there, which makes them an office worker, and the cycle is like Businessmen need someone who has a high IQ to get what he wants or get him more money, while people who have a C grade have little chance of getting a job, because the average company looks for people who have competition on paper as proof that they can work well in their company, well in conditions like this usually students who have a C grade will risk their courage to build their own business, therefore someone who has a C grade can change drastically and even become the owner of a large business because he previously didn't have the opportunity to get a job in a company so that you start your own business.

And Jack Ma was a C grade. Those guys who are not likely gonna get hired and the ones who always end up starting a business and venturing to unchartered territories.
They eventually learned more about the behavior of people in the real world.

Those who have nothing and can't even pass an employment exam somehow will find ways to make money and apply the little they learned from school. And those with high IQ worked for them.
Yes Jack Ma is one of the many people who do not have the opportunity to work which ultimately makes his own business to the point of success in his career.

But this is back into one's own self in my opinion, whether you have been in school or not, have good grades or not if in him is a laziness certainly will not get a meeting point in life, there is a theory that reveals that humans have a tendency for ways Thinking, one of them is Growth Mindset and Fix Mindset, I think you have heard it, I just want to conclude that Jack Ma is someone who has a growth mindset in him so he crashes into all the barrier walls to achieve his goal.

I do not know to categorize situations like this, whether lucky or not but the fact is that people who have difficult conditions will give birth to a soul of a warrior that is more resilient than the person who is given more facilities. To be honest if learned that when people who have academic values are much better, it is likely to be able to get much better results ... than people who have C value, but in the end people who have good academic values they tend to choose things that are certain, Like monthly income that has been set by the company, rather than having a business whose income is sometimes, even though someone can develop their business is much better when they have good knowledge resources, but often they are trapped by a lucrative salary offer from people who have a value of c In his company to make more money for people who have the C value. ;D

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: batang_bitcoin on November 24, 2023, 07:56:55 PM
I agree, I've got high school classmates that were geniuses and then I don't know what they're doing right now. But I have seen some of them that didn't do good during college because they don't have money and they failed to avail scholarships. From that point, those failed classmates of mine have managed to come back because of that experience. While those geniuses that have afford to graduate and managed to be successful academically were top runners and achievers and got their employment. And those that didn't reached to college due to their unfortunate situation managed to learn the real world and life and helped them to achieved financial success through their hustles.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: SmartGold01 on November 24, 2023, 08:09:20 PM
I have read the body of the message but I will want to reply from your title or subject of the message.
Education we say play a viral/vital role in our life but that doesn't mean we can't still succeed with/without education the thing is we go school to acquire all kinds of degrees but that doesn't mean that we can't still succeed without them. Education is like an eye opener to us because it makes us reason faster and quickly in terms of business negotiation and how to diversify our culture. Education gives an easy communication channels whereby you can reach out to your customer, workers and even gives you a higher level in any government offices or company due to your degrees obtain from the institution you attended.

Don't quote me wrongly, there are people who succeeded today without stepping their legs to school these sets of people finds it very difficult to succeed so quickly because it takes them time to be able to setups everything. But those who are educated can easily sets up a business with their exposure and their educational background it would create more room for expansion and adoption of various business ideas, education easy give an open way for investors to come into the business, so financial success are both dependant of each other's despite they don't teach success in school.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: serjent05 on November 24, 2023, 08:13:54 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?

Only a few among those who have the guts, talent, wisdom, and knowledge to venture into uncharted territories are successful.  There are thousands of businesses that are being established every day but only a few of them survive.  One of the major reasons is the lack of a basic foundation of knowledge that is taught on the 4 walls of a classroom.

Many are lucky today because social media has been generous in supplying knowledge on how to do things that originated from the application of the theories learned from academic courses.

As far as I know, Academic success can give a person an advantage over other people who lack it in terms of financial gain especially when there is no solid financial backing a person.

I can say that financial success and academic success can help supplement each other since it will be not hard to achieve academic success if one is financially successful, while academic success can give an advantage to a person since it opens a path for more financial gains.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: virasog on November 24, 2023, 08:33:24 PM
I agree, I've got high school classmates that were geniuses and then I don't know what they're doing right now. But I have seen some of them that didn't do good during college because they don't have money and they failed to avail scholarships. From that point, those failed classmates of mine have managed to come back because of that experience. While those geniuses that have afford to graduate and managed to be successful academically were top runners and achievers and got their employment. And those that didn't reached to college due to their unfortunate situation managed to learn the real world and life and helped them to achieved financial success through their hustles.

Well, people still believe that Academic success is a necessity if you want to get a job as a career as no company will hire you if you do not have a good academic record. This is just one side of the picture, where academic success is absolutely necessary.

On the other hand, if you need to have financial freedom, then you should start your own business, and be your own boss, and in this case, even a moderate academic success can be fair enough. Though knowledge (academic) is always good, you do not need to pressure yourself that if you fail in your academic career, you will fail in your financial life. If you are a businessman, you will know that success in business does not need success in the academic stage of your life.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: batang_bitcoin on November 24, 2023, 08:47:18 PM
I agree, I've got high school classmates that were geniuses and then I don't know what they're doing right now. But I have seen some of them that didn't do good during college because they don't have money and they failed to avail scholarships. From that point, those failed classmates of mine have managed to come back because of that experience. While those geniuses that have afford to graduate and managed to be successful academically were top runners and achievers and got their employment. And those that didn't reached to college due to their unfortunate situation managed to learn the real world and life and helped them to achieved financial success through their hustles.

Well, people still believe that Academic success is a necessity if you want to get a job as a career as no company will hire you if you do not have a good academic record. This is just one side of the picture, where academic success is absolutely necessary.

On the other hand, if you need to have financial freedom, then you should start your own business, and be your own boss, and in this case, even a moderate academic success can be fair enough. Though knowledge (academic) is always good, you do not need to pressure yourself that if you fail in your academic career, you will fail in your financial life. If you are a businessman, you will know that success in business does not need success in the academic stage of your life.
I think it's fine to start with academic when you're a freshy. That's normal for most companies as they don't have a background of how to work and what fields they have been in before. The academic achievements that they have is like the basis on how hard working they are as the school works are also tough to have with and having that principle of being responsible. But that doesn't really define someone's success and as we grow older, we're seeing the other side of success that most people don't see when they're younger. What we can do is to tell the younger ones that just do good in what they do and that will define themselves when they grow older whether it's from academe or financial success.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Fatunad on November 24, 2023, 08:55:25 PM
I agree, I've got high school classmates that were geniuses and then I don't know what they're doing right now. But I have seen some of them that didn't do good during college because they don't have money and they failed to avail scholarships. From that point, those failed classmates of mine have managed to come back because of that experience. While those geniuses that have afford to graduate and managed to be successful academically were top runners and achievers and got their employment. And those that didn't reached to college due to their unfortunate situation managed to learn the real world and life and helped them to achieved financial success through their hustles.

Well, people still believe that Academic success is a necessity if you want to get a job as a career as no company will hire you if you do not have a good academic record. This is just one side of the picture, where academic success is absolutely necessary.

On the other hand, if you need to have financial freedom, then you should start your own business, and be your own boss, and in this case, even a moderate academic success can be fair enough. Though knowledge (academic) is always good, you do not need to pressure yourself that if you fail in your academic career, you will fail in your financial life. If you are a businessman, you will know that success in business does not need success in the academic stage of your life.
I think it's fine to start with academic when you're a freshy. That's normal for most companies as they don't have a background of how to work and what fields they have been in before. The academic achievements that they have is like the basis on how hard working they are as the school works are also tough to have with and having that principle of being responsible. But that doesn't really define someone's success and as we grow older, we're seeing the other side of success that most people don't see when they're younger. What we can do is to tell the younger ones that just do good in what they do and that will define themselves when they grow older whether it's from academe or financial success.
As you grow older and you do seem that you are doing something which it isnt really that making you progressive or something that could really have that life with having a good financial status then this is where
you would really be starting to think that you should really step up your game. Its true that when we are still young then we wont really be that minding much about those future things and it turns out that
when time passes by then this is the moment that you would really be making out some realizations that you should have done something when you are still young. There's no way that we could be
able to turn back the time and its really just that normal that we should really be that attentive on whatever changes that we do really need to come up with.

Academic success doesnt automatically means that you would really be successful in life. Yes, its not everything but it is really that something more better compared into those
people who arent. You would really be having the advantage among others, further success will really be mattering on how you would work hard for it or on able to achieve
it, you wont progress if you wont really be making risks or trying to move or risks out something.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: batang_bitcoin on November 24, 2023, 09:27:52 PM
I think it's fine to start with academic when you're a freshy. That's normal for most companies as they don't have a background of how to work and what fields they have been in before. The academic achievements that they have is like the basis on how hard working they are as the school works are also tough to have with and having that principle of being responsible. But that doesn't really define someone's success and as we grow older, we're seeing the other side of success that most people don't see when they're younger. What we can do is to tell the younger ones that just do good in what they do and that will define themselves when they grow older whether it's from academe or financial success.
As you grow older and you do seem that you are doing something which it isnt really that making you progressive or something that could really have that life with having a good financial status then this is where
you would really be starting to think that you should really step up your game. Its true that when we are still young then we wont really be that minding much about those future things and it turns out that
when time passes by then this is the moment that you would really be making out some realizations that you should have done something when you are still young. There's no way that we could be
able to turn back the time and its really just that normal that we should really be that attentive on whatever changes that we do really need to come up with.

Academic success doesnt automatically means that you would really be successful in life. Yes, its not everything but it is really that something more better compared into those
people who arent. You would really be having the advantage among others, further success will really be mattering on how you would work hard for it or on able to achieve
it, you wont progress if you wont really be making risks or trying to move or risks out something.
That's proven that academic success won't be enough to prove that you can be successful in life. But it's a good start and already an advantage from the rest. What you must do is to keep doing good from every aspect of what you do bringing those lessons you've learned in the academe.
And there are better people that we're going to meet and they did even slack during their school days and that's one big slap on the face of those successful in the academe. Well, reality sucks but that's how it goes.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: coupable on November 24, 2023, 10:57:56 PM
The relationship between academic success and financial success cannot be eliminated, even if the person who succeeded financially does not have an academic qualification.  A large percentage of those who were successful in many fields were working outside their field of specialization, nor was a large percentage of those who succeeded in more than one field without having any academic training.
Each person has a way of achieving success that is different from others, there are some people who achieve their success through academic channels and there are also those who achieve their success not through academic channels but by working hard according to the skills they have.
There is no doubt about this. I wanted to refer to those who received academic training but worked and succeeded in fields that were not within their academic field. These people are often able to study the market and use their expertise to suit it.
It is also important to point out that a large group did not succeed except as junior employees in major companies and institutions, despite their high academic training, because they were not accustomed to working hard outside of it. These people spend their lives demanding salary increases and some grants.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Promocodeudo on November 25, 2023, 12:10:13 AM
How educated you are doesn't determine how rich you will be, life is all about individual effort and dream that has been achieved by the dreamer whose dream came to materialize because of his mindsight for financial success, people undermine profitable venture because of their ego, life to me, is for profitable risk takers, you don't just grow financially because you were bright in education, things doesn't work that way, you must think of valuable asset to invest in if you have the funds to, but if you dont have, you will have to do the little you can consistently in other not to abort your dream, there is no harm in consistency, for you to grow in whatever you do, firstly you have to know how to do it very well not necessary in your area of concentration in school, discover what you are good at and make it from there, be more of service renderer than a service receiver in other not to be irrelevant and a push over in the market.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: BRINIRHA on November 25, 2023, 12:50:08 AM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Actually, every person who has a high IQ does not necessarily have a high EQ too. So there are many geniuses who have high IQ but still lose out in financial terms to people who have ordinary IQ but with a high level of EQ. And maybe you guys noticed it too. That not all students who excel in academics can become successful people in real life. Sometimes it is mediocre students who become financially successful outside of academics. Because nowadays most schools only assess students by IQ and well they encourage students to increase their IQ. Even though in real life EQ is much more important. Because without EQ, someone will always hesitate in taking steps and give up easily. Because EQ is about our intelligence in managing emotions. Even in trading, emotions are always an important thing that a trader must be able to control. And those who have a high level of EQ are usually good at managing emotions.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: poodle63 on November 25, 2023, 12:54:00 AM
How educated you are doesn't determine how rich you will be, life is all about individual effort and dream that has been achieved by the dreamer whose dream came to materialize because of his hindsight for financial success, people undermine profitable venture because of their ego, life to me, is for profitable risk takers, you don't just grow financially because you were bright in education, things doesn't work that way, you must think of valuable asset to invest in if you have the funds to, but if you dont have, you will have to do the little you can consistently in other not to abort your dream, there is no harm in consistency, for you to grow in whatever you do, firstly you have to know how to do it very well not necessary in your area of concentration in school, discover what you are good at and make it from there, be more of service renderer than a service receiver in other not to be irrelevant and a push over in the market.
agree with risk taker get all the opportunity but it doesn't refute the fact that having higher degree of education will open up way more opportunities than those who don't have.
you see all the project that gaining massive success nowadays? all the team behind it are from ivies, you can't deny that.
moreover with being from ivies you have higher chance of becoming intern in big companies even FAANG and fortune 100 you know how beneficial it'd be if you want to build your career.
for those that don't have degree their only way is either through apprenticeship or through entrepreneurship you know how difficult succeding at entrepreneurship is if you have first hand experience.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Silberman on November 25, 2023, 05:57:05 AM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
Actually, every person who has a high IQ does not necessarily have a high EQ too. So there are many geniuses who have high IQ but still lose out in financial terms to people who have ordinary IQ but with a high level of EQ. And maybe you guys noticed it too. That not all students who excel in academics can become successful people in real life. Sometimes it is mediocre students who become financially successful outside of academics. Because nowadays most schools only assess students by IQ and well they encourage students to increase their IQ. Even though in real life EQ is much more important. Because without EQ, someone will always hesitate in taking steps and give up easily. Because EQ is about our intelligence in managing emotions. Even in trading, emotions are always an important thing that a trader must be able to control. And those who have a high level of EQ are usually good at managing emotions.
It is also important to mention that in school you are almost exclusively tested in your ability to pass tests on your own, however on the real world we do almost nothing alone and instead everything is done as a team, so those that have a high IQ and are quite smart but that are terrible at treating other people soon find themselves without valuable teammates, since no one wants to work with them at any price, while a person that may not be as smart but that knows how to work in a team can easily get capable people around them and build something that they could have never created on their own.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: wiss19 on November 25, 2023, 01:03:28 PM
There is a strong correlation between academic success & financial success although it is not absolute. Generally higher levels of education tend to lead to better job opportunities & higher earning potential. It’s important to note that other factors such as personal skills, networking & economic conditions can also influence financial success. While academic achievement can provide a solid foundation it is not the sole determinant of financial success. A combination of education, skills & opportunities play a crucial role in achieving financial prosperity.
That's probably the best way to put it. Though it's not necessary for a financially successful person to be highly educated or a highly educated person to be financially successful, both are still generally correlated because academic success does increase the chances of a person to become financially successful in the long run based on the opportunities the life may unfold for them. Someone without enough academic success might not be able to cash in a lot of very good opportunities to become financially successful.

So, academic success should be taken for granted just by thinking that a person can become financially successful without it because you might be able to face the challenges that life may throw at your way but it will be way easier for you to do that if you have a shield and a weapon to fight with.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: EarnOnVictor on November 25, 2023, 02:01:24 PM
I agree, I've got high school classmates that were geniuses and then I don't know what they're doing right now. But I have seen some of them that didn't do good during college because they don't have money and they failed to avail scholarships. From that point, those failed classmates of mine have managed to come back because of that experience. While those geniuses that have afford to graduate and managed to be successful academically were top runners and achievers and got their employment. And those that didn't reached to college due to their unfortunate situation managed to learn the real world and life and helped them to achieved financial success through their hustles.
You better be careful about what you are agreeing to, saying there is no link between financial and academic success is a heresy that can't see the light of day. Mind you, there are no perfect examples anywhere, as you have the example of the supposed geniuses you knew but are/may not be doing well, I know of it too, but that does not stop me from having practical examples of people that education has worked for as well. These people are in the top positions they are because of education, continuous upgrading, writing professional exams and getting more certifications and more ranks.

Your position is often supported by people who are not favoured by work after education, this often happens in the poor countries where the level of unemployment is high. But the question is, have you thought of the good countries as well where education and white-collar jobs are helping people to fulfil their dreams? That is why you do not generalize things especially when it has to do with this context. Hutling has been existing before you were born and hustling will continue to exist even after you, and both educated and uneducated can hustle. The distinction now is how the educated are creative enough to use what the uneducated don't know to achieve a better result. But the problem is that all of us want a white-collar job, we do not want to be creative but always blame it on the unavailability of jobs and the country.

There is no way the educated will not be better than the illiterate, you are looking at it from the school and employment angle alone but neglecting the exposure, and opportunity aspect that can give any creative person leverage.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: flyingcarpet on November 26, 2023, 11:54:45 AM
There is a strong correlation between academic success & financial success although it is not absolute. Generally higher levels of education tend to lead to better job opportunities & higher earning potential. It’s important to note that other factors such as personal skills, networking & economic conditions can also influence financial success. While academic achievement can provide a solid foundation it is not the sole determinant of financial success. A combination of education, skills & opportunities play a crucial role in achieving financial prosperity.
That's probably the best way to put it. Though it's not necessary for a financially successful person to be highly educated or a highly educated person to be financially successful, both are still generally correlated because academic success does increase the chances of a person to become financially successful in the long run based on the opportunities the life may unfold for them. Someone without enough academic success might not be able to cash in a lot of very good opportunities to become financially successful.

So, academic success should be taken for granted just by thinking that a person can become financially successful without it because you might be able to face the challenges that life may throw at your way but it will be way easier for you to do that if you have a shield and a weapon to fight with.

Of course, there is a link between academic success and financial success. Education helps investors to evaluate opportunities. On the one hand, there are those who act with the ideas of others, and on the other hand, those who can make decisions based on their own education cannot be the same.

Besides all this, we should not forget the luck factor. It is also important to capture the right detail at the right time. Sometimes, no matter how educated or knowledgeable you are, great opportunities can be seized by people less educated than you.

That's why I am against comparing education and profession in financial matters.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: ivankoh on November 26, 2023, 01:09:27 PM
That's why I am against comparing education and profession in financial matters.
I agree. I think the collection of comparative data and feedback between academic success and financial success is meaningless. My reason for this is that most of my work involves contacting many people because most of my work is in the marketing market for telecommunications products and services, through contact and exchange with a number of people. As we have seen, they may not have good academic qualifications, or even bad, they still own iron and steel shops, construction materials, or wooden furniture shops... A few of my friends have proven it. Most people with advanced degrees and successful studies have chosen to challenge other jobs because of the difficulty of finding a job that matches their expertise. Therefore, financial success does not depend on academic success - examples include Jack Ma. Lol

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: hafiztalha on November 26, 2023, 03:13:55 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
In my opinion ,study is important and without knowledge we can't do anything in life. Financial knowledge is important and academic knowledge is also important in life. Because education opens mind and person can think out of the box. Financial knowledge is important because money in important in life and without money there is no value of man in life. But academic education gave many things to country. Without education,you can't learn how to speak and when to remain silent. We can read anything and we can lead any team ,any kind of team but many Enterpreneur  disrepute academic education but in my opinion that is not right. Only hard working persons are successful in life either they are educated or not.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: m2017 on November 26, 2023, 03:20:37 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
When asked whether option A is correct or option B, most often the correct answer is option C.

By option C I mean luck and good fortune to be in the right place at the right time, in other words, chance. It doesn't really matter what your IQ is, your level of education or anything else. Although, undoubtedly, the presence of such is a bonus that increases the chances of financial success.

If you take any of the financially successful ones, these are the same people who don't have any extraordinary or supernatural abilities. They were lucky to take advantage of the opportunity.

Demonstration of courage is also not a criterion that undoubtedly leads to big earnings. This is also a plus, but this alone is not enough. Many were brave but still remained poor. Which confirms my theory of the great influence of luck or the factor of chance.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Yatsan on November 26, 2023, 06:46:13 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
In my opinion ,study is important and without knowledge we can't do anything in life. Financial knowledge is important and academic knowledge is also important in life. Because education opens mind and person can think out of the box. Financial knowledge is important because money in important in life and without money there is no value of man in life. But academic education gave many things to country. Without education,you can't learn how to speak and when to remain silent. We can read anything and we can lead any team ,any kind of team but many Enterpreneur  disrepute academic education but in my opinion that is not right. Only hard working persons are successful in life either they are educated or not.
Financial knowledge and academic knowledge are related. However it is a different matter if it is success which is being talked about. The statement is valid; no correlation between  academic success and with financial status. But both are important. Not all graduates are more successful than ones who chose to stop and vice versa. It'll depend on the individual but atleast if you would succeed academically, you will open bigger and faster opportunities to lead you towards financial success, more than those who did not and would be needing to do Trial and Error with what they are investing themselves with.Circumstances as well would matter always when it comes on "success".

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: topbitcoin on November 26, 2023, 07:42:01 PM
We have seen that it has been debated that there are more A students who work for C students or there are C students who earn more than A students. Personally I don't believe any of this premise. What I believe is that it doesn't matter whether you are an A student or have a high IQ. Rather it's about having the courage to venture into unchattered territories, including taking calculated risk and making the most of the opportunities that lead to high income. In our society today and in the past, the people who have demonstrated audacity and capitalized on privileged advantages to undertake risky yet lucrative business ideas are the ones who end up being of great influence and earn more. Do you agree?
In my opinion ,study is important and without knowledge we can't do anything in life. Financial knowledge is important and academic knowledge is also important in life. Because education opens mind and person can think out of the box. Financial knowledge is important because money in important in life and without money there is no value of man in life. But academic education gave many things to country. Without education,you can't learn how to speak and when to remain silent. We can read anything and we can lead any team ,any kind of team but many Enterpreneur  disrepute academic education but in my opinion that is not right. Only hard working persons are successful in life either they are educated or not.

But do you agree that education can be obtained anywhere, and don't just say that education is only available at school and college.
Because education is divided into two, there is formal education and non-formal education. If you want to get knowledge and a graduate degree, then you have to go to school and study. However, if you just want to gain knowledge, you can go through a non-formal education process, such as learning from experience and from things you encounter or taking part in training, as well as learning from everyone you meet.
And when someone has a strong desire to master a certain field of knowledge, they will be able to get it without going to school. Because there are some people who cannot go to school or study simply because of financial constraints.
And then the question arises, why are people who don't go to college more successful than people who go to college and have a bachelor's degree?

This can happen because a person has a strong desire and belief that even without a college degree they can achieve success. Because they know very well that if they just keep quiet then they will just become casual daily workers. Meanwhile, it will be difficult for them to get a decent job, because they do not meet the requirements as a worker, where a worker must have at least a bachelor's degree, for example.
So they have to think extra hard and think about how they can become a successful entrepreneur through the experience they have gained.

Meanwhile, if we talk about someone who has a bachelor's degree, they will continue to busy themselves looking for job vacancies because they think that they are qualified as a worker.

However, it would be even better if you are a graduate and have strong beliefs and principles to become a successful entrepreneur. Because your knowledge is sufficient, all you have to do is practice. which is different from people who don't go to college, where they have to learn everything autodidactically.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: Mate2237 on November 26, 2023, 09:59:24 PM
This is a technical premise and the answer to such debate in some cases is very simple. In a situation like this, the financial success surpasses the academic success. Academic Success cannot provide all the financial needs in one life, but the financial success can provide all the academic needs in one's life. And that is why some economist said, anyone who have enough money control the other sectors in the organization. There are some people that have business ideas but no finance to execute the plans and those who have the finance some of them lag the ideas to do business. So those who take the risk are the ones taken the bold step to face the risk ahead.

But those who are educated can do well in business more than those who have not gotten the education.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: arimamib on November 26, 2023, 10:12:12 PM
In my opinion ,study is important and without knowledge we can't do anything in life. Financial knowledge is important and academic knowledge is also important in life. Because education opens mind and person can think out of the box. Financial knowledge is important because money in important in life and without money there is no value of man in life. But academic education gave many things to country. Without education,you can't learn how to speak and when to remain silent. We can read anything and we can lead any team ,any kind of team but many Enterpreneur  disrepute academic education but in my opinion that is not right. Only hard working persons are successful in life either they are educated or not.
Some entrepreneurs may have achieved success without formal education, their stories are mostly wonderful rather than the norm. Academic education provides a strong foundation for success in various fields, and it often provides serves a springboard for entrepreneurial ventures.

Financial knowledge empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their finances, manage their money effectively, and achieve their financial goals. With financial literacy, we can navigate the complexities of the financial world.

Academic education is essential for success in various aspects of life. It provides us with a broad base of knowledge and skills. It develops our critical thinking abilities, problem-solving and communication skills. Academic education opens doors to career opportunities, enhances our understanding of the world, and fosters personal growth.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: poodle63 on November 27, 2023, 01:01:00 AM
This is a technical premise and the answer to such debate in some cases is very simple. In a situation like this, the financial success surpasses the academic success. Academic Success cannot provide all the financial needs in one life, but the financial success can provide all the academic needs in one's life. And that is why some economist said, anyone who have enough money control the other sectors in the organization. There are some people that have business ideas but no finance to execute the plans and those who have the finance some of them lag the ideas to do business. So those who take the risk are the ones taken the bold step to face the risk ahead.

But those who are educated can do well in business more than those who have not gotten the education.
thats true, finance and academic complement each other, one can have bigger opportunity to suceed with the right amount of education and finance.
but actually there has been some studies that says the higher the academid degree the higher the salary, we're not talking business because we know regardless of academic or financial situation, the iron willed one can succeed but of course having good amount of money can help them becoming even more successful as well as having good education.
my point being, by pursuing degree, we might have many more opportunities compared to those that don't. there's reason why everyone is trying to have a degree, because it just seems prospective, only right now that everyone quite literally have degree that it decrease in value but without it, you will hardly encounter good jobs anyway.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: doomloop on November 28, 2023, 06:51:50 AM
Besides all this, we should not forget the luck factor. It is also important to capture the right detail at the right time. Sometimes, no matter how educated or knowledgeable you are, great opportunities can be seized by people less educated than you.
Undoubtedly, and there are a lot of examples of that where people who are uneducated have highly educated people working under them and it is definitely because of luck as the bosses are either lucky for being able to have their own empires while having no proper education or the employees are very unlucky because they are working for someone else for a salary while having so much knowledge and information about the same business that they are managing for someone else.

So, it's true that luck plays a role in this because a lot of opportunities a person gets in their life are because of their luck and they might not reach certain places in their lives or be in certain positions if it wasn't for their luck. Hard work does pay off, but some people get opportunities that they didn't work for at all.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: oktana on November 28, 2023, 07:15:45 AM
Your IQ matters, actually. Even the educational background still kind of matters. The issue is that the A students mostly forgets that it’s not just about the papers/certificate; there’s more to life. If they were to consider this before they completed their education, coming out, they should be at high places. However, sometimes some of them try to venture into the real world and learn about how it operates before it’s time. So, I’ll say that it’s the person who has been taking risk, venturing “into unchattered territories”, etc that will be ahead. But being an A student/having high IQ is an extra advantage.

Title: Re: No Correlation Between Academic Success and Financial Success
Post by: BRINIRHA on November 28, 2023, 10:33:58 AM
Actually, every person who has a high IQ does not necessarily have a high EQ too. So there are many geniuses who have high IQ but still lose out in financial terms to people who have ordinary IQ but with a high level of EQ. And maybe you guys noticed it too. That not all students who excel in academics can become successful people in real life. Sometimes it is mediocre students who become financially successful outside of academics. Because nowadays most schools only assess students by IQ and well they encourage students to increase their IQ. Even though in real life EQ is much more important. Because without EQ, someone will always hesitate in taking steps and give up easily. Because EQ is about our intelligence in managing emotions. Even in trading, emotions are always an important thing that a trader must be able to control. And those who have a high level of EQ are usually good at managing emotions.
It is also important to mention that in school you are almost exclusively tested in your ability to pass tests on your own, however on the real world we do almost nothing alone and instead everything is done as a team, so those that have a high IQ and are quite smart but that are terrible at treating other people soon find themselves without valuable teammates, since no one wants to work with them at any price, while a person that may not be as smart but that knows how to work in a team can easily get capable people around them and build something that they could have never created on their own.
Well it is a very important point in life. Moreover, we are social creatures who will always need other people in our lives. So it is also important to have intelligence in mingling in society, being a humble person who will be liked more by other people. Being able to work together with other people is also the most important thing to have. Because in economic life leading to success we also need relationships. Which one day will make our business grow more rapidly. Of course, this connection or relationship must be obtained by being good at socializing and entering areas or communities or whatever it is that we can use as colleagues and acquaintances. Building relationships between people is what is sometimes forgotten by some selfish people who only care about themselves. Even though we wouldn't be anything without other people. I like your opinion friend on this matter.