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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: odunybiz on November 29, 2023, 09:59:09 PM

Title: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: odunybiz on November 29, 2023, 09:59:09 PM
Ones mindset towards your goals may help to determine one's success. Someone with a growth mindset has a great potential to be successful in life. Has he/she will views intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort while a fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time. The below picture will challenge your mindset and also help you determine which mindset you have.
Those who adopt a growth mindset are more likely to:
👉Embrace lifelong learning
👉Believe intelligence can be improved
👉Put in more effort to learn
👉Believe effort leads to mastery
👉Believe failures are just temporary setbacks
👉View feedback as a source of information
👉Willingly embraces challenges
👉View others’ success as a source of inspiration
👉View feedback as an opportunity to learn

While those who adopt a fixed mindset are more likely to:
👉Believe intelligence and talent are static
👉Avoid challenges to avoid failure
👉Ignore feedback from others
👉Feel threatened by the success of others
👉Hide flaws so as not to be judged by others
👉Believe putting in effort is worthless
👉View feedback as personal criticism
👉Give up easily

Can a person’s mindset change?
Just as someone can grow and develop their intellect, a person is also capable of changing brain functions and their thinking patterns. Therefore, one's mindset can be changed.

How to develop a growth mindset
🧠🧠Realize that, scientifically, you can improve
One of the most direct methods of fostering a growth mindset is by understanding our brains are built to grow and learn. By challenging yourself with new experiences, you can form or strengthen neural connections to ‘rewire’ your brain which, in turn, can make you smarter.

🧠🧠Remove the ‘fixed mindset’ inner voice
Many people have a negative inner voice that acts against a growth mindset. Try to flip thoughts such as ‘I can’t do this’, to ‘I can do this if I keep practicing’ to nurture a growth mindset.

🧠🧠Reward the process
Although society often rewards those who achieve excellent outcomes, this can work against a growth mindset. Instead, reward the process and the effort exerted.

🧠🧠Get feedback
Try and seek feedback on your work. When students are provided with progressive feedback about what they did well and where they can improve, it creates motivation to keep going. Feedback is also associated with a pleasurable dopamine response and enhances a growth mindset.

🧠🧠Get out of your comfort zone
Being brave enough to leave your comfort zone can help foster a growth mindset. When faced with a challenge, try to choose the harder option that will allow you to grow.

🧠🧠Accept failure as part of the process
Failure, setbacks, and initial confusion are all part of the learning process! When trying something new,see occasional ‘failures’ as positive learning opportunities—try to enjoy the discovery process along the way.


Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: franky1 on November 29, 2023, 10:20:38 PM
a fixed mindset can be changed to a growth mindset.. BUT
BUT.. usually requires a trigger event to force the switch

two examples
1. many people get fixated on a particular career path, they go through the college/uni route to specialise in it and then prioritise only looking for a career in that subject or fall flat doing a min wage non skill job. they dont try to learn other talents whilst in the career/uni to offer them skilled opportunity in another subjects. instead they wait until they fall flat doing minimum wage job to trigger them to retrain

2. many people do the path of number 1. but instead of losing their job they meet someone. get married and its the marriage and kids that trigger them to want to do night classes to enhance their qualification to get into managerial/senior positions in or outside their industry

hardly any "fixed mindset" people below middle age or trigger events just wakes up someday and decides to better their life, whilst in their career they were working on for the last X years

but yes.. the OP advice is true
there is nothing physically/scientifically stopping you learning more then you already know. even google can supply you with free information. there are free courses and learning material, e-books.

instead of defeating yourself saying "i cant do this within X time" remember you have many many many decades to live.. fit it in your schedule. time is not an excuse, there is plenty of it

i see it on this forum. trolls that for years talk all the time on this forum about their version of events of bitcoin politics because they learned it from other trolls they befriended. and years later they have not learned the actual bitcoin data/code that backs up a true series of events. however they pretend they dont have time to learn the code or do research. they should realise if they have time to be on the forum for years. they have time to take a break away from the forum, learn real things about bitcoin and they can come back a better person for it.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: dothebeats on November 29, 2023, 11:48:53 PM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

Franky1 mentioned career paths and it is one of the prime examples of this. We tend to specialize in something until it occurs to us that we no longer want it or there are other high-paying jobs that we 'might' get a liking to. Economic conditions force people to change jobs and grow, but if the economy is good and our salaries still fulfill our expenses, I guess no one will have to hop jobs and companies every now and then.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: franky1 on November 29, 2023, 11:54:46 PM
other examples of comfort zone fixed mindsets are those that eat for pleasure. not caring about the long term health risk. they dont just wake up one morning and want to join the gym and change their diet. there needs some trigger.. maybe the prospects of dating a glamour model that smiled at them.. maybe they had a health scare. but people with fixed mindsets dont change their minds unprovoked

another example are those on a low income. no savings but complaining tht their life is not one of luxury.. but years later they are in the same job with no savings still.. it ends up being a trigger that kicks them into action to change their job or look at their spending habits to truly economise their life in a positive way

before getting feedback, before getting out of comfort zone, before rewarding the process. fixed minded people need a trigger event to wake them out of their zombie state

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: tabas on November 29, 2023, 11:58:03 PM
There are people that can't change their minds and that's why they're stagnant and static to what they believe and that means that they're fixed mindsets. And as for the people that has the growth mindset, these are the people that are not afraid to take risks and they always look for room of improvements. They don't give up easily and having this mindset is a gift and it's also being built and developed overtime. With all of the experiences that you've got, you learn how to have a growth mindset. I think that the successful people have the growth mindsets because someone who's stagnant will never grow and successful like them. Or they can be successful, the fixed mindsets but in other ways compared to the growth mindsets. I think the common trait of people with growth mindsets is they always look for challenges and problems to solve.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: serjent05 on November 29, 2023, 11:58:52 PM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

I do not think that it is that hard to achieve a growth mindset.  Once the person is open-minded, it is easier for him to develop a growth mindset.  I believe a growth mindset is a mindset that is focused on adaptation to the situation and adoption of new information and trends.  If one knows how to adapt and adopt methods in every situation, this person can be said to have a growth mindset.

It is established that people are willing to leave their comfort in exchange for high-paying services/jobs.  This is the reason why there are lots of OFWs and new entrepreneurs out there.  People just don't venture on the world that is unsure of the result.  And those who are skipping opportunities because of the said comfort are just lazy people who don't want to work.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: franky1 on November 30, 2023, 12:00:56 AM
I think that the successful people have the growth mindsets because someone who's stagnant will never grow and successful like them.

i wouldnt say never. i would say they need a kick up the ass/trigger event to push them. they wont evolve naturally without some impact event of fear of extinction

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Winterfrost on November 30, 2023, 01:01:34 AM
A person with a fixed mindset does not have the ability to change or diversify talent or opportunities on favor of themselves. There are some conditions that are not favorable to a particular goals or vision a person is trying to attain. It takes a person with a growth mindset in the other sense, a person whose mindset is somehow dynamic, to be able to accomplish that goal. Some persons may quit on the process, while some will tyr but wil not achieve it. However, growth mindset can be learnt or practiced. And the best way to learn a growth mindset is but reading intelligent books that points out real fact of life towards ones vision. There are many reputable Authors  that their books could help you build a growth mindset. I could remember a book i read. It was written in the 80's. Prisons We Choose To Live Inside written by  Doris Lessing.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: itorai on November 30, 2023, 02:27:34 AM
There are people that can't change their minds and that's why they're stagnant and static to what they believe and that means that they're fixed mindsets. And as for the people that has the growth mindset, these are the people that are not afraid to take risks and they always look for room of improvements. They don't give up easily and having this mindset is a gift and it's also being built and developed overtime. With all of the experiences that you've got, you learn how to have a growth mindset. I think that the successful people have the growth mindsets because someone who's stagnant will never grow and successful like them. Or they can be successful, the fixed mindsets but in other ways compared to the growth mindsets. I think the common trait of people with growth mindsets is they always look for challenges and problems to solve.
There's some truth to that, it's just that if we do it carelessly (experimentation), the results are not guaranteed, the people around us might get tired of seeing what we do.
Sometimes in the business world there are ups and downs that drain our energy, even to the point of exhaustion when we see results that are not commensurate with the effort.
In my opinion, it is mental that influences all of that, therefore it is very important for us to pay attention to mental, and it is better to learn more about it.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: siniminomorocomunisakito on November 30, 2023, 05:37:11 AM
👉Put in more effort to learn

I prefer this point because naturally our analysis works and we will know where the weak points are. If you just read and don't do it, it's certain that there will be a mistake along the way, there will be no answer if this happens again. Why is that the case for each person is definitely different and will not be the same.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Renampun on November 30, 2023, 05:49:07 AM
Can a person’s mindset change?
Just as someone can grow and develop their intellect, a person is also capable of changing brain functions and their thinking patterns. Therefore, one's mindset can be changed.

I still remember a sentence from one of our church pastors, if you want your lifestyle and mindset to be better then improve your circle of friends. the circle of friends influences a person's thinking, so it is not surprising that those who like business will have a close friend who is a businessman while those in the working class will only be friends with workers. Changing your mindset is also not a bad thing, if someone doesn't want to order then don't expect their mindset to change, usually people who are successful in changing their mindset are like being reborn.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on November 30, 2023, 08:46:10 AM
      -  These two growing and fixed mindsets clash due to a person's skill and intelligence. It is now up to the individual to choose
which of the two they wish to undertake so that they can implement it in their lives.

All I can say is that building a development mindset takes time and persistence in order to attain our goals and live
the so-called fulfilling life we desire. I've attached a video that shows the difference between a growth mentality and a
fixed mindset:

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Gozie51 on November 30, 2023, 10:22:05 AM
Believe failures are just temporary setbacks

This is true for growth mindset because you already seeing the picture of what you want in your face and anything that tries to reposition your mind by causing a break will be seen as temporary and you intensify effort to cross the rope. Usually the growth mindset always know that they would meet stumbling block on the way which will not be permanent because the believe of it will soon be over will always be there echoing.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: NotATether on November 30, 2023, 10:53:30 AM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

It's not hard at all, it's like learning to swim. Some people are too scared to swim and/or leave their comfortable life for adventure. But it's definitely not a thing of difficulty, as long as you have the determination to see it through.

Can a person’s mindset change?
Just as someone can grow and develop their intellect, a person is also capable of changing brain functions and their thinking patterns. Therefore, one's mindset can be changed.

I still remember a sentence from one of our church pastors, if you want your lifestyle and mindset to be better then improve your circle of friends. the circle of friends influences a person's thinking, so it is not surprising that those who like business will have a close friend who is a businessman while those in the working class will only be friends with workers. Changing your mindset is also not a bad thing, if someone doesn't want to order then don't expect their mindset to change, usually people who are successful in changing their mindset are like being reborn.

You are the average of your 5 closest friends you hang around with, so yeah they're right.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Text on November 30, 2023, 11:33:26 AM
I'm thinking about which spectrum I fall into because sometimes I can say I have a Growth mindset, but other times I might still be in a fixed mindset. It really changes without constant factors. You might be in a growth mindset now, and then the next day, you might consider yourself in a fixed mindset. Would you consider it a fixed mindset because your possession of a growth mindset is not consistent? Having a growth mindset is being practical though.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on November 30, 2023, 11:40:01 AM
Most people are lazy. Having achieved some results and received a comfortable (in their opinion) lifestyle, they do not like to leave their comfort zone. This is where we see claims that everything was better before, and the fact that everything is new is well forgotten old.
But the other half of people, realizing that nothing can stand still and requires regular updating, update both themselves and their knowledge. Therefore, we see people whom we call skeptics, those who look very tired and do not want to start something new, and those whom we call optimists, constantly creating something new and passionately wanting to change both their lives and the lives of others for the better.
And yes, it is very difficult to pull a person who is confident in himself and knows everything out of his swamp.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: pusaka on November 30, 2023, 11:59:28 AM
I was very interested when I saw this, yes I was interested when talking about the topic of mindset, because for me mindset is one of the ways to determine whether someone can achieve success or not. Most people today are afraid to take risks and if I put one of the two mindsets discussed in this OP is included in the fixed mindset.
The simplest question when I relate this to one of the paths to success is, how can someone be successful, while taking risks is not willing? for me it is something contradictory. Especially if someone who does not want to get out of their comfort zone and does not want to explore the vast outside world.
Actually, if this is related to belief, faith, or religion, it will be very related. Because in the teachings that I believe in, one must continue to learn, try, work hard and so on.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: arwin100 on November 30, 2023, 11:59:50 AM
I think that the successful people have the growth mindsets because someone who's stagnant will never grow and successful like them.

i wouldnt say never. i would say they need a kick up the ass/trigger event to push them. they wont evolve naturally without some impact event of fear of extinction

If they don't adopt they die that's how the nature of business work, that's why businessmen need to have a growth mindset since if they just rely on fixed mindset because those people think that this the safest method since they afraid to lose most provably fair in the long run.

People need to step out on there comfort zone to try new things or trends that can help to increase there profit also adopt the changes and demand of the market. And this should thinking to grow should have by anyone so that they can help themselves to became more successful. But in any aspect in life we should always think to have growth mindset since there's no coming back especially if years past and its hard to regret on past decision since we can't make the time to comeback so while its early we should try what we think best for us to improve.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: nara1892 on November 30, 2023, 12:29:26 PM
There are people that can't change their minds and that's why they're stagnant and static to what they believe and that means that they're fixed mindsets. And as for the people that has the growth mindset, these are the people that are not afraid to take risks and they always look for room of improvements. They don't give up easily and having this mindset is a gift and it's also being built and developed overtime. With all of the experiences that you've got, you learn how to have a growth mindset. I think that the successful people have the growth mindsets because someone who's stagnant will never grow and successful like them. Or they can be successful, the fixed mindsets but in other ways compared to the growth mindsets. I think the common trait of people with growth mindsets is they always look for challenges and problems to solve.

Usually people who are like that or mean those who have a stagnant mindset are trapped in a state or comfort zone where they are happy and calm with their circumstances that never change. I have one friend who we can make an object in this discussion, where his daily life is just playing games and lying down, no other activities and never asking or looking for a job that can provide himself with income, but because his parents are people who can be said to be quite capable of meeting the needs of the family, every day he only depends on his parents for his needs such as snacks or buying anything, even though on the other hand his age is no longer young, namely he has reached the age of 24, which should be for young people of that age they should be looking for a lot of insight and work to determine their future, and I say this is a person who is really stuck in a comfort zone.

As you said that such people do not have an advanced or developed mindset, they only think and assume "waiting for good fortune to come by itself without any effort", yes it is true and it is people who are afraid to take risks and also do not want to try new things that basically have the possibility to change their life circumstances. Basically it is true that failure will always be a situation that everyone does not want, but what's wrong with trying? after all, many also succeed and get a better life with the success he achieved from the results of his hard work that never gave up. On the other hand, people will not care about your situation and that means only you can change your life. Motivation is just an encouragement and if there is no action at all then it is the same as nonsense, life is hard and bitter, so if you want to improve and adjust your standard of living to the situation then only you can do it, so change your mindset from now on before you are late and regret it.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: kryptqnick on November 30, 2023, 12:30:41 PM
I didn't know that there were terms for such differences, but I like the idea. I'm certainly a person who falls under the growth mindset category. I've always believed that there's so much a person can do to improve that the genetic and/or early development side of things should be taken less seriously. Of course, there are mental disabilities which are uncurable, so some people are unable to catch up with peers in such cases, but that's a small minority.
But I'm not sure about the overall setup. A person with a growth mindset can struggle with anxiety and this find it difficult to embrace challenges. A person with a fixed mindset can believe that their IQ is very high and they have innate talent, so they are bound to achieve things in life. In practice, it might give them a lot of confidence and motivation.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Ruttoshi on November 30, 2023, 12:58:36 PM
Your environment matters a lot on which mindset that you will have. Fixed mindset sees changes as stress and they don't want to try anything new because they think that it will be something stressful to them. They are adamant and they love the way they are i.e they are satisfy with the little that they know and think that they know it all.

However, people with growth mindset are always ready to learn something new a d take advantage of the benefits so that they can improve themselves no matter how hard it will take them to achieve it because they believe that it is possible. They accept changes and listen to people to hear from their own point of view, so see if they can learn something from it.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: kentrolla on November 30, 2023, 01:09:22 PM
I fall in growth mindset category and let me tell you as long as you have such mindset you will find learning out of everything and even if you feel demotivated or fail in something you will take it as experience and attempt the same by correcting your mistake.

But the most important thing is the even which trigger a fixed mindset to change as Growth mind set and voice versa. Sometimes a growth mindset has a set back so hard that they almost lose everything and pushed into the category of fixed mindset where they don't experiment or try new things.
I would say Growth will never let you down and if it does it will help you to rise again.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: so98nn on November 30, 2023, 01:15:09 PM
Yeah, I got this lesson when I was in my 24th year - "The Constant Learning". Those who get bored with their learning usually tend to stop at the point where the rest of the world moves on however that particular person stops growing. It's simple maths, if the mind is not learning then it is not getting motivated and it gets tangled with the closed box, starts accepting it as its whole universe, and thus ends up in the less progressive circle.

It is very important for us to have a motivated mindset all the time. For me, my parents were the top motivation. They told me to have the learning phase even after my post-graduation. For this reason, I kept my teaching phase active and it helped me a lot throughout my career.

I am not saying this is applicable to only academic phases but it definitely can help in a lot of different sectors. Afterall learning is nothing but activating your dark side to enlighten different skill sets and apply them in everyday life to excel. :)

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Natsuu on November 30, 2023, 01:17:18 PM
It's like in growth mindset, you are willing to learn and in fixed mindset, you are staying in your comfort zone. Having a growth mindset tends to lead to more success. Why? Because along the way, we should see setbacks as stepping stones, not roadblocks and embrace the idea that effort equals improvement. It's like the difference between thinking, "I can't do this," and "I can't do this yet, but I'll get there." Fixed mindset are for those people who are not teachable, it is scary because they dont get along with change.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: barisbilgili on November 30, 2023, 03:45:04 PM
It's like in growth mindset, you are willing to learn and in fixed mindset, you are staying in your comfort zone. Having a growth mindset tends to lead to more success. Why? Because along the way, we should see setbacks as stepping stones, not roadblocks and embrace the idea that effort equals improvement. It's like the difference between thinking, "I can't do this," and "I can't do this yet, but I'll get there." Fixed mindset are for those people who are not teachable, it is scary because they dont get along with change.
For those who have a growth mindset, it will be very beneficial for them because they can easily learn new things that can benefit themselves and also they will be able to learn from the experiences they have gone through in whatever case, when someone those with a fixed mindset of course find it very difficult to accept new things and they tend to stick to their own thoughts and it is very difficult to accept input from other people, but people like this can also achieve success in their own way but have to go through a little process. different from those who have a growth mindset.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on November 30, 2023, 04:14:29 PM
In having growth mindset, I think that self esteem has a major role to play in the kind of mindset people possess in their daily activities and decisions making patterns.
Lets review the two types of low self-esteem:

Low self esteem: this is the act of having a negative image of yourself, your abilities and your capacities, I don't believe that anybody who already sees himself as not good enough would ever want to take any risk or do something new. Worse of it all, the person will be greatly repulsive in admitting to making mistakes or taking valuable corrections as it increases the negative perception of him / herself. They are generally afraid to engage in something competitive as they always have this image planted in their heads that they have more possibility to fail than to succeed, so they shy away from opportunities. They hardly avail themselves for learning new things cos they constantly victimize themselves for not knowing enough and having to learn. They don't see themselves quality enough to freely engage with people, share ideas in public which leads to open learning and they feel threatened when someone says something of great importance or achieves something noteworthy near them. Limiting their success in life.

High self-esteem this is the exact opposite of the first, high self-esteem means your ability to hold yourself in high regard, thereby leading to having constant positive thoughts about yourself and limiting the negative thoughts that sprouts out of your mind. People with high self-esteem are able to celebrate their strengths, improve on their weakness and are able to attributes their failures as momentary and not permanent. Like a person that has high self-esteem who had a bad day at work can be able to say, "I've had a bad day at work" and not "I am bad at work". Having a high self-esteem enables you to accept yourself them way you are, being ready to challenge your weakness and improve on them , facilitates a happy life and healthy relationships. It increases your chances of having growth mindset as you're constantly feeling good about yourself and are ready to improve yourself thereby giving room to learning, innovation and self-improvement from all angles.

I strongly believe that most people with a growth mindset are products of high self-esteem as you will only be readily available to develop what you feel good about. When you are positive about yourself, you will be ever ready to grow and increase your knowledge, take up challenges and move ahead in life cos you know that no matter the outcome at the end of the day, you will still value and encourage yourself that you are good enough and will do more to get better and this will lead to great success.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: wajik-tempe on November 30, 2023, 04:33:39 PM
Your environment matters a lot on which mindset that you will have. Fixed mindset sees changes as stress and they don't want to try anything new because they think that it will be something stressful to them. They are adamant and they love the way they are i.e they are satisfy with the little that they know and think that they know it all.

However, people with growth mindset are always ready to learn something new a d take advantage of the benefits so that they can improve themselves no matter how hard it will take them to achieve it because they believe that it is possible. They accept changes and listen to people to hear from their own point of view, so see if they can learn something from it.
Having a growth mindset allows for constant learning and progress. Accepting difficulties, soliciting input, and viewing setbacks as stepping stones to progress are all critical. As you correctly pointed out, the distinction between fixed and development mindsets reflects the influence of one's environment. Choosing to view problems as opportunities for progress may influence not only personal development but also commercial and academic approaches. It's a significant transformation that motivates people toward achievement and fulfillment.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Miles2006 on November 30, 2023, 05:55:08 PM
In my opinion, people with a growth mindset are very rare to find now in a society where everyone wants to be perfect and outstanding, a growth mindset comes with the willingness to learn from previous mistakes, not giving a damn about people's opinion but always willing to learn, having the ability to adapt to changes.
I believe most people with a fixed mindset is as a result of ignorance and they need to be expose for example what the op listed.
People who have refuse to accept their failure and flaws maybe they're avoiding embarrassment, fear of what the society will say and fear of what other people will think about them. But it's best to learn to be better and grow fast.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Rruchi man on November 30, 2023, 07:01:56 PM
Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.
Do you know that there are many people who are okay with what they have already and the achievements they have made that they are not trying to grow and be better. There is a sense of relaxation about pursuing growth when someone become comfortable, comfort is a the wort addiction which can make you remain stunted. Growth is always expected, when someone gets to one level in life, instead of relaxing and getting lost in the comfort, there is a need to still be hungry for growth to another level.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Mahanton on November 30, 2023, 07:18:12 PM
Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.
Do you know that there are many people who are okay with what they have already and the achievements they have made that they are not trying to grow and be better. There is a sense of relaxation about pursuing growth when someone become comfortable, comfort is a the wort addiction which can make you remain stunted. Growth is always expected, when someone gets to one level in life, instead of relaxing and getting lost in the comfort, there is a need to still be hungry for growth to another level.
Well, this is actually true on which on the time that you would be finding yourself to be that confident and contented on the current situation you are in, then you wont really be seeking for further more progress or something that do speaks about trying to achieve on something and this is why they would really be just staying on what they are in terms of financial aspect or whatever they are getting involved into.
We know that each person is really that different when it comes to perceptions and goals in life on which there are ones who doesnt really pursue that much because they do know that when it comes to capacity and skills they are really just that good on a certain level and thats the time they would really be deciding on stopping and get contented on what they have.

There are also those people who wont really be stopping until they would really be able to get or achieve their dreams and this is something not bad either. You are the ones who would really be
able to find out whether there's still something that you can do to make yourself way more better or really just simply drawing off that line and telling that it is really that enough.
Fixed or growth mindset then it would really be entirely be depending on someones personality since each person is really that different when it comes to this.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Fortify on November 30, 2023, 08:30:09 PM
Ones mindset towards your goals may help to determine one's success. Someone with a growth mindset has a great potential to be successful in life. Has he/she will views intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort while a fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time. The below picture will challenge your mindset and also help you determine which mindset you have.

While those who adopt a fixed mindset are more likely to:
👉Believe intelligence and talent are static
👉Avoid challenges to avoid failure
👉Ignore feedback from others
👉Feel threatened by the success of others
👉Hide flaws so as not to be judged by others
👉Believe putting in effort is worthless
👉View feedback as personal criticism
👉Give up easily

Can a person’s mindset change?
Just as someone can grow and develop their intellect, a person is also capable of changing brain functions and their thinking patterns. Therefore, one's mindset can be changed.

How to develop a growth mindset
🧠🧠Realize that, scientifically, you can improve
One of the most direct methods of fostering a growth mindset is by understanding our brains are built to grow and learn. By challenging yourself with new experiences, you can form or strengthen neural connections to ‘rewire’ your brain which, in turn, can make you smarter.

🧠🧠Remove the ‘fixed mindset’ inner voice
Many people have a negative inner voice that acts against a growth mindset. Try to flip thoughts such as ‘I can’t do this’, to ‘I can do this if I keep practicing’ to nurture a growth mindset.

🧠🧠Reward the process
Although society often rewards those who achieve excellent outcomes, this can work against a growth mindset. Instead, reward the process and the effort exerted.

🧠🧠Get feedback
Try and seek feedback on your work. When students are provided with progressive feedback about what they did well and where they can improve, it creates motivation to keep going. Feedback is also associated with a pleasurable dopamine response and enhances a growth mindset.

🧠🧠Get out of your comfort zone
Being brave enough to leave your comfort zone can help foster a growth mindset. When faced with a challenge, try to choose the harder option that will allow you to grow.

🧠🧠Accept failure as part of the process
Failure, setbacks, and initial confusion are all part of the learning process! When trying something new,see occasional ‘failures’ as positive learning opportunities—try to enjoy the discovery process along the way.

Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.

There's a lot of good advice in there, but the odd piece that doesn't make sense - I've never encountered anyone who thinks "intelligence is static". A lot of the traits I see in the "fixed" mindset are what I'd sometimes associate with someone who is stuck in a depressive state of mind or they may feel trapped in a certain situation. If you do not have access to material and knowledge beyond what you know already, it can be hard to improve yourself. Imagine being stuck in a family compound in Saudi Arabia, the limits of your knowledge are often what you can directly access around you - news and internet from a government controlled media that are pushing a certain, often religious tinted, agenda - until you grow up and see other parts of the world you can be confined by that environment.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: el kaka22 on November 30, 2023, 08:31:18 PM
Growth mindset has been portrayed as something amazing and fixed one is portrayed as a moron here, but I have seen people who have fixed mindset and earn a salary at a company for 40 years and then retire and go on cruise with their spouse and live a happy life, whereas some growth people who wanted more and more, and then ended up crashing and burning and having nothing and maybe even bankrupted beyond repair.

Remember, for every good growth mindset person, there is a bad one waiting around the corner as well, fixed one will not create issues for the world, they will just wake up, shower, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, and sleep for 40 years in a row. That is the most important thing that you need to keep doing.

This would make sure that you have a life that is not too rich and that is sad I agree, but that doesn't mean that you are a moron like this infographic claims basically, you just prefer not to take risks and make sure you are doing fine.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on November 30, 2023, 08:50:10 PM
I think that the successful people have the growth mindsets because someone who's stagnant will never grow and successful like them.

i wouldnt say never. i would say they need a kick up the ass/trigger event to push them. they wont evolve naturally without some impact event of fear of extinction
Yes, you are absolutely correct, and that triggered event could be any of the following; that is,
1. Maybe a person/student is from a poor background, and realizing the fact that if he happens to be in need of anything, he has nobody to assist him, you will notice that such person will be willing to do all kinds of mere jobs, just to afford money to settle bills and make his family proud.

2. Maybe you are a father who's salary is not enough to cartel his entire family bills, you will notice that such people wouldn't mind working an extra hours or night shift, just to make extra income to afford paying bills.. And e.t.c, but just that the decision to change is one thing that person has to be willing and ready to change.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Accardo on November 30, 2023, 09:23:13 PM
People with growth mindset, pass through different difficulties, but end up achieving their goals. They're not pessimistic about building new skill and trying new business methods that works to improve their customer base. The section, where you, OP, said about rewarding the process is great. Even when the person with a growth mindset fails, they reward themselves. Such treat helps them to reason and perform better next time. A fixed mindset person doesn't appreciate failing. They always want to win to prove a point to the society. So, when failure embraces them, they'll hide behind closed doors and wouldn't want to try again. The differences are clear and growing our mindset in a time like this, is very crucial. As the societal believes of fixed mindset has eaten dip into the thoughts of many individuals. Only a few persons avoids the rat race at all cost. Not minding the criticisms from loved ones; family and friends. Asking numerous questions on why they don't choose to do things like others. Those with fixed mindset, don't listen to their self concept, the words from friends easily influence them. This doesn't mean the growth mindset person, doesn't listen to advise. He winnows them out till he gets the right one, relating to what he wants.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: jrrsparkles on November 30, 2023, 09:28:58 PM
As an individual, it is okay to do either one of those as long as you are living the life with satisfaction. What we as a society do not recognize is that everyone with the mindset to grow doesn't have the space to execute his ideas and settle with something that he got for various reasons such as the need to stabilize the financial status of the family.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: goaldigger on November 30, 2023, 09:54:31 PM
As an individual, it is okay to do either one of those as long as you are living the life with satisfaction. What we as a society do not recognize is that everyone with the mindset to grow doesn't have the space to execute his ideas and settle with something that he got for various reasons such as the need to stabilize the financial status of the family.
Both have their own pros and cons, we know that everyone of us here are not perfect and dealing with this might still be a problem to many. Though I’m sure we are all working just to achieve financial freedom and a happy life, we can achieve it by slowly doing what we love and be more responsible pilot of your own life. We should understand that we all have different timeline and let’s all choose to be more humble and happy everyday.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: tabas on November 30, 2023, 09:57:43 PM
I think that the successful people have the growth mindsets because someone who's stagnant will never grow and successful like them.

i wouldnt say never. i would say they need a kick up the ass/trigger event to push them. they wont evolve naturally without some impact event of fear of extinction
Well, I guess you're right and I am a bit too much with that. Maybe it's better to say that those that are stagnant are unlikely to grow if they will never change their coarse. And those kick ass triggers are likely the people that are putting them down and also the hardship of life, so I agree to you that they need some motivation to do it. But motivations are just like lowkey starters and still it's them that should continue it for themselves.

There's some truth to that, it's just that if we do it carelessly (experimentation), the results are not guaranteed, the people around us might get tired of seeing what we do.
Sometimes in the business world there are ups and downs that drain our energy, even to the point of exhaustion when we see results that are not commensurate with the effort.
In my opinion, it is mental that influences all of that, therefore it is very important for us to pay attention to mental, and it is better to learn more about it.
Every person has different tolerance level mentally. Some are good to the point that even they are so stressed, they can attain to that as much stress as they can. But many that just can't take the heat of mental stress and their mindsets can't even push them to their best because it's just so hard. I know that all of us gone through different scenarios and difficulties and we can understand why some cannot push themselves to be better and why some are doing better when they struggle.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: joniboini on December 01, 2023, 02:54:03 AM
I know that all of us gone through different scenarios and difficulties and we can understand why some cannot push themselves to be better and why some are doing better when they struggle.
It would be a good idea if schools taught something like this. It is really hard to change a mindset or personality in general if the environment doesn't accommodate them. While it is true that in the end, the person's decision is the key factor, it wouldn't be as bad as if we are encouraged to embrace the growth mindset or other positive things by others.

On the other hand, I believe early childhood is also as important to develop people's personalities, so it is a bit difficult for teachers etc if the parents don't really support it either. I do know some kids that grow up being needlessly pessimistic even though the environment doesn't really encourage that mindset. Hoping there is a trigger later on their life feels a bit RNG.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: bluebit25 on December 01, 2023, 05:52:08 AM
I'm reflecting on what I know about thinking, there are indeed many layers of division to see the level of anyone's thinking.

Know-> Understand-> Manipulate-> Creative

Normally, I think most of us are just at the knowing level, the first level and if we stop at this, then we will be the same as the crowd and there will be no difference. The higher the level, the more it reflects on us as people, but one thing that I think provides an infinite resource for us to be able to learn things is respect for everyone.

A small example that I tested myself on is that I greatly respect Tesla, through whom I have learned more about science. Although I do not admit that my thinking has been upgraded, this motivation will grow as we respect them more.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: milewilda on December 01, 2023, 06:44:15 AM
Growth mindset has been portrayed as something amazing and fixed one is portrayed as a moron here, but I have seen people who have fixed mindset and earn a salary at a company for 40 years and then retire and go on cruise with their spouse and live a happy life, whereas some growth people who wanted more and more, and then ended up crashing and burning and having nothing and maybe even bankrupted beyond repair.

Remember, for every good growth mindset person, there is a bad one waiting around the corner as well, fixed one will not create issues for the world, they will just wake up, shower, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, and sleep for 40 years in a row. That is the most important thing that you need to keep doing.

This would make sure that you have a life that is not too rich and that is sad I agree, but that doesn't mean that you are a moron like this infographic claims basically, you just prefer not to take risks and make sure you are doing fine.
For those who had chosen on having those kind of growth mindset, they didnt really like on what happened into them just incase they did end up miserable.No one really loves on ending up a failure but you do
actually have a point because there are ones who did decide to take some risks and ending up on their life miserable comparing into those people who had decided to work for company for 30-40 years
but actually this had to do in someones fate. Dont know if people do really believe on fate but we know that there are really things in life which arent for us. Come in mind that even to those people who do have that fixed mindset and sticking into their jobs, there are ones who do able to make themselves way more better ex. job promotion, hitting jackpots or contest or whatsoever on which it did result on making huge money
then this is where it do make their lives so much better. This is why its never been that good on making up some conclusions.

You cant blame out other people on having those kind of growth mindset, who doesnt really like on having that different path on taking up into their lives?
We do all want that kind of progress on which it is really just that normal but of course it would really be needing up that risk taking in exchange.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: freedomgo on December 01, 2023, 07:05:30 AM
I only read the "growth mindset" part (sorry OP) as that's what I want to achieve.  As we grow older in this world, it's important that we will always get wiser, you know, expereince teaches us some valuable lessons, so we have to learn so as not to repeat the mistakes in the past.

Growth mindset is what we all need, in symbolize us being a positive person that we would always find a way no matter how tough the situation we are in. As a human, we aren't in control of our future, although we can say that our actions now will reflect in the future, but life is very uncertain, so it's important that we have a positive mindset going forward as that would help us survive all the trials and lead us to success.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Pablo-wood on December 01, 2023, 08:54:28 AM
I always feel growth mindset has so much to do with the ability of a determined person to yield them selves to consistent learning. Sometimes one can be determined and hard working but have the wrong approach or outdated approach to solving real world problems or businesses. This brought me to this assumption that learning new ways and approach makes a better growth mindset than most other factors

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Uruhara on December 01, 2023, 08:58:23 AM
We can see a growth mindset in the personalities and ways of thinking of business people or people who prefer to build independent businesses and get out of the comfort zone that previously confined themselves to a monotonous life. And usually people who have a growth mindset are those who always dare to take steps and are not afraid to face challenges. Everyone can actually have an advanced or development mindset. It's just that sometimes emotional or mental factors always prevent this mindset from developing. For example, a weak mentality makes an employee only want to continue being an employee because he is comfortable with all that because his mentality is weak and he does not dare to take risks. And yes, people who think about developing are those who also dare to take risks. Those who don't give up when they fail and those who don't get angry when they get criticism and suggestions from other people. It's not easy to have a growth mindset. But sometimes situations and circumstances can encourage someone to have this mindset.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: KiaKia on December 01, 2023, 09:21:53 AM
Well I can say that I am someone with growth mindset, I don't ever conclude my mind as someone who knows it all, I always try to learn something new everyday, I fear what I don't know because you can't overpower what you don't know, so I always want to know more.

People who want to grow in every aspect are always willing to learn, they are always open to new ideas and advice, like when I am asked to teach about Bitcoin, if I don't get the vibe of someone who truly want to learn Bitcoin I will consider you as a time waster.

I have thought someone how to invest in Bitcoin four days ago and he asked for my WhatsApp number to keep in touch, for the fact that he is living very close by I am not surprised that he hasn't text me yet, if he is truly determined to learn about Bitcoin he would have get in touch with me, this have been the same results I keep getting from people that want to learn about Bitcoin, one minute they want to learn and the other minutes they give up without ever trying to learn at first.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: traderethereum on December 01, 2023, 10:01:22 AM
I always feel growth mindset has so much to do with the ability of a determined person to yield them selves to consistent learning. Sometimes one can be determined and hard working but have the wrong approach or outdated approach to solving real world problems or businesses. This brought me to this assumption that learning new ways and approach makes a better growth mindset than most other factors
Yes, you are right because at least learning new ways and approaches can give them a new understanding of something.
And that mindset can be even better if they can get something that can make them have positive thoughts and not just drown in negative thoughts. Many people still can't get rid of negative thoughts so they have difficulty changing their mindset.
The key to improving this mindset is learning and accepting something they may not know very well and being willing to find out more.
If they feel that something is good for them, they will look for more of it and probably use it too. But if not, they will leave it and look for something else.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: EarnOnVictor on December 01, 2023, 11:44:30 AM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.
You are now sounding like the "fixed mindset" itself, I advise you to change it. What first caught my attention in what you wrote is the fact that you claimed the "growth mindset" is hard, how? Only a pessimistic person would think in that direction. Whereas, it's the reason why people indeed have the fixed mindset that will not grow because their minds are always discouraged and also discourage others. And if the circle you find yourself is such that is not positive but always discouraging you, I advise you to change it because I simply can't imagine you saying people you know do not do what they want to do or rarely do it, that's preposterous and certainly their fault which has to be totally avoided. In my own circle, I have mostly motivators and not discouragers. I mean those who would even tell you that you can do it when you don't believe in yourself. That's the spirit, and the kind of people that should be in your circle, not some bunch of idiots that will encourage laziness and idiocy like them.

This is a wake-up call for everyone, whether they want to continue to move forward in life or they want to remain stagnant. Mind you, nothing good comes easily, which is why the few efforts demanded from us should be done without procrastination or laziness. We should always be versatile, resilient and positive no matter what. These are the spirits/mindsets that can help us go forward in life.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: justdimin on December 01, 2023, 12:23:10 PM
As an individual, it is okay to do either one of those as long as you are living the life with satisfaction.
Each individuals are different. There are some who are already contented and some are not. If you are among those who are contented, then your mindset is also fixed, while for the other, they have a growth mindset.

What we as a society do not recognize is that everyone with the mindset to grow doesn't have the space to execute his ideas and settle with something that he got for various reasons such as the need to stabilize the financial status of the family.
Actually, many of us already knows that fact. That many people who have a growth mindset were fail to grow more. One of the reason would be is like you said, they lack in space. This is why it's important to take things slowly or one at a time only. Maybe we can call this a settlement but for temporary only because we are talkin about people who have a growth mindset. They don't settle down until they think they are superior already.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: nara1892 on December 01, 2023, 01:21:30 PM
I always feel growth mindset has so much to do with the ability of a determined person to yield them selves to consistent learning. Sometimes one can be determined and hard working but have the wrong approach or outdated approach to solving real world problems or businesses. This brought me to this assumption that learning new ways and approach makes a better growth mindset than most other factors

I think your statement is referring to the combination of a growth mindset, strong determination and great insight. If someone can put these three things together then I think there will clearly be a success that they will achieve, if you only have one of the things I mentioned above then I think you will still struggle because everything will not run in balance, as you said that sometimes when someone has determination and likes to work hard but on the other hand they don't have broad insight in terms of keeping up with the times then obviously there will be no progress and maybe they will just spend their lives just always doing one thing with the enthusiasm and hard work they have but not with the developmental drive to improve or realize something bigger.

Basically someone who has a developing mindset they will always have a way and will always be able to see new opportunities that come to be utilized, even though it may be quite risky but it doesn't matter they would rather try than not at all, and even if they fail then they will make it a life lesson, most successful people are born from such a mindset.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Accardo on December 01, 2023, 04:31:18 PM
Growth mindset has been portrayed as something amazing and fixed one is portrayed as a moron here, but I have seen people who have fixed mindset and earn a salary at a company for 40 years and then retire and go on cruise with their spouse and live a happy life, whereas some growth people who wanted more and more, and then ended up crashing and burning and having nothing and maybe even bankrupted beyond repair.

Remember, for every good growth mindset person, there is a bad one waiting around the corner as well, fixed one will not create issues for the world, they will just wake up, shower, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, and sleep for 40 years in a row. That is the most important thing that you need to keep doing.

This would make sure that you have a life that is not too rich and that is sad I agree, but that doesn't mean that you are a moron like this infographic claims basically, you just prefer not to take risks and make sure you are doing fine.
For those who had chosen on having those kind of growth mindset, they didnt really like on what happened into them just incase they did end up miserable.No one really loves on ending up a failure but you do
actually have a point because there are ones who did decide to take some risks and ending up on their life miserable comparing into those people who had decided to work for company for 30-40 years
but actually this had to do in someones fate. Dont know if people do really believe on fate but we know that there are really things in life which arent for us. Come in mind that even to those people who do have that fixed mindset and sticking into their jobs, there are ones who do able to make themselves way more better ex. job promotion, hitting jackpots or contest or whatsoever on which it did result on making huge money
then this is where it do make their lives so much better. This is why its never been that good on making up some conclusions.

You cant blame out other people on having those kind of growth mindset, who doesnt really like on having that different path on taking up into their lives?
We do all want that kind of progress on which it is really just that normal but of course it would really be needing up that risk taking in exchange.

Indeed, it doesn't add up to think of a fixed mindset person as a moron. Their fixed mindset also helps the growth mindset person to execute good plans. Although living a life of working for complete 40 years and retiring to cruise around the world, isn't what most people dream about. It's quite a great life for some and ain't at all in any way a good life for many who wish to set up a business and retire at 40, then rest and cruise around the world. It's all stressful to be on one side. But, a growth mindset person, who is focused and knows exactly where his business is headed, would have a better result in life than a fixed mindset person. Fine, not everyone can perform excellently in business, despite possessing growth mindset. Same is applied to workers hoping to make a huge living out of their salaries. Some end up with no savings or nothing meaningful to present, while others end up in debt, like the growth mindset person illustrated by el kaka on his response. While people require these mindsets to make changes in their life, the determination also matters, coupled with consistency. I don't expect every growth mindset person to succeed in their endeavors similarly, not all fixed mindset person would fail in their cooperate world.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: umbara ardian on December 01, 2023, 06:23:45 PM
I agree that cultivating a growth mindset can be challenging. Humans are naturally inclined towards familiarity and comfort, often clinging to established routines and patterns until faced with compelling reasons for change. Stepping out of one's comfort zone requires a conscious effort and a willingness to embrace uncertainty.

The reluctance to change is particularly evident in career paths. Individuals tend to specialize in a particular field, investing time and effort to gain expertise. However, as circumstances evolve, personal preferences may shift, and new opportunities may emerge, prompting a reassessment of career choices.

Economic conditions can also serve as catalysts for change. When faced with job losses or stagnant wages, individuals are compelled to explore new avenues for employment and personal growth. However, during periods of economic stability and financial comfort, the motivation to seek change diminishes, leading to a tendency to remain in familiar roles.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: topbitcoin on December 01, 2023, 06:54:35 PM
Success is not something that is easy for us to get just like that. But to be able to achieve success, the first thing we have to do is change our mindset, which initially our mindset is stagnant then you try to make your mindset develop. We need to do this because every thing we do depends on what we think.

And believe it or not, someone who has a fixed mindset even though they have tried as much as possible to avoid problems, the problems will continue to come endlessly. This can happen because of the tendency of people who have a fixed mindset to always think negatively, which makes the situation more complicated so they prefer to avoid it. which in fact most of the problems arise from their own thoughts. While people who have a developed mindset always try to find solutions when they get problems, when they get a difficult problem, they try to simplify it and when they get an easy problem, they don't complicate it. Because they tend to think positively and assume that everything can be solved.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: 2girls on December 01, 2023, 07:34:47 PM
Success is not something that is easy for us to get just like that. But to be able to achieve success, the first thing we have to do is change our mindset, which initially our mindset is stagnant then you try to make your mindset develop. We need to do this because every thing we do depends on what we think.

And believe it or not, someone who has a fixed mindset even though they have tried as much as possible to avoid problems, the problems will continue to come endlessly. This can happen because of the tendency of people who have a fixed mindset to always think negatively, which makes the situation more complicated so they prefer to avoid it. which in fact most of the problems arise from their own thoughts. While people who have a developed mindset always try to find solutions when they get problems, when they get a difficult problem, they try to simplify it and when they get an easy problem, they don't complicate it. Because they tend to think positively and assume that everything can be solved.

How could we make our mind to be in a phase where we can learn something. Unless or until we had some ideas on different things that we want to achieve and a times comes when we achieve that thing then surely we had some great time spent over there.

Also we can be able to diverse our mind in many occasion I have seen that the idea came in our mind when we plan to do something.

For which we have to make our mindset before we are going to organize something before the day we want the change in ourselves.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: bitzizzix on December 01, 2023, 08:28:18 PM
The reality is that changing mindsets is difficult and not as easy as it seems, and I think it may be more difficult than making the effort itself. However, it is actually very valuable and for a better life.
And to change that mindset, we need to get out of our comfort zone to achieve what we want and to achieve our goals and we need to start taking action by forcing ourselves to move and learn new skills to achieve the goals we want. And before you do, it's a good idea to take some time to reflect on your own beliefs about your intelligence, abilities and qualities and this is very important before doing so. If you feel capable, do it, and if not, you will stay in your comfort zone.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: tabas on December 01, 2023, 08:46:04 PM
I know that all of us gone through different scenarios and difficulties and we can understand why some cannot push themselves to be better and why some are doing better when they struggle.
It would be a good idea if schools taught something like this. It is really hard to change a mindset or personality in general if the environment doesn't accommodate them. While it is true that in the end, the person's decision is the key factor, it wouldn't be as bad as if we are encouraged to embrace the growth mindset or other positive things by others.
I agree.
Typically schools will just have a syllabus that's been made more than 10 years ago and the same techniques and principles being applied to the students. But I think it also comes naturally to a person for having these mindsets especially the ones with growth mindsets. It's like a natural given talent to them and why they resulted into a thinker like that.

On the other hand, I believe early childhood is also as important to develop people's personalities, so it is a bit difficult for teachers etc if the parents don't really support it either. I do know some kids that grow up being needlessly pessimistic even though the environment doesn't really encourage that mindset. Hoping there is a trigger later on their life feels a bit RNG.
Guidance is the key for the young ones. It's true that it's hard for teachers to cope up with kids that have grown into an environment that don't encourage to be a bad one. But as I've said, things can be natural for them when they grow. While these kids are changing over time depending on the cognitive progress that they have whether they are in a good or bad environment. But being on an actual environment really plays a big part.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: btc78 on December 01, 2023, 09:09:24 PM
I know that all of us gone through different scenarios and difficulties and we can understand why some cannot push themselves to be better and why some are doing better when they struggle.
It would be a good idea if schools taught something like this. It is really hard to change a mindset or personality in general if the environment doesn't accommodate them. While it is true that in the end, the person's decision is the key factor, it wouldn't be as bad as if we are encouraged to embrace the growth mindset or other positive things by others.
I agree.
Typically schools will just have a syllabus that's been made more than 10 years ago and the same techniques and principles being applied to the students. But I think it also comes naturally to a person for having these mindsets especially the ones with growth mindsets. It's like a natural given talent to them and why they resulted into a thinker like that.
saying that it’s a natural given talent contradicts the idea of a growth mindset

I believe that these mindsets came from the upbringing of someone from when they were a child maybe as a kid they weren’t encouraged by their parents at home making their self esteem low which led to the fixed mindset that they can never improve on something

But being on an actual environment really plays a big part.

I agree some kids are great at school but fails in the real world i do believe that we should let our kids learn skills or virtues that they could use in the real world

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: tabas on December 01, 2023, 11:50:58 PM
saying that it’s a natural given talent contradicts the idea of a growth mindset

I believe that these mindsets came from the upbringing of someone from when they were a child maybe as a kid they weren’t encouraged by their parents at home making their self esteem low which led to the fixed mindset that they can never improve on something
Somehow it really does. Like it's already on their blood and mind and they just managed to develop it as they grow and it's already been seen when they were young. Maybe that's it or I am just watching too much about movies that have potentials when they were young and as they grow, they've become geniuses being the protagonist. But one thing I think that we can agree is what you've said that, when someone has been put down, he's not going to stay there and it's going to make himself think on which part he should grow on and that's one reason why one develops a growth mindset, through failures.

But being on an actual environment really plays a big part.

I agree some kids are great at school but fails in the real world i do believe that we should let our kids learn skills or virtues that they could use in the real world
Yup, we should support them where they are good at and what they want to do. We're no longer in the old age that we're going to force kids to like what we like even if they don't like it.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: cafter on December 02, 2023, 07:24:08 AM
Thank you for this post!
It made me realize that there are many things I am ignoring. I am good at some stuff, but there more other things I am not paying much attention to.
Even though I usually try to learn and grow and belong to growth mindset individual, but it's sometimes become tough to notice when I am stuck in my comfort zone.
But hanging out there for long time isn't good for long term success.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: pinggoki on December 02, 2023, 07:56:39 AM
I'm thinking about which spectrum I fall into because sometimes I can say I have a Growth mindset, but other times I might still be in a fixed mindset. It really changes without constant factors. You might be in a growth mindset now, and then the next day, you might consider yourself in a fixed mindset. Would you consider it a fixed mindset because your possession of a growth mindset is not consistent? Having a growth mindset is being practical though.
If you are doing an introspective look and self-assessment to see what mindset you have, you're going to need to face a lot of bitter and hard truth about yourself because you will only be sure of the results when you are true to what you're going to answer in that self-assessment and introspection. That's probably the only way for someone to really know if they are in the growth mindset or fixed mindset in my opinion since it's difficult to do an accurate one if you aren't truthful. You can also do an assessment that have other people will conduct on you although that might not be as accurate as you want it to be since their biased in a way that won't hurt your feeling.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Charmekkd on December 02, 2023, 08:19:35 AM
When you are equipped from birth with a developed way of thinking, then this can be said to be a privilege in itself. However, people who have fixed thoughts must essentially be able to revolutionize themselves into people who have developed thoughts. Because being a monotonous person and not having the will to leave your safe zone is not good. But back to yourself, in essence to be able to have a growth mindset, motivation is really needed here. Because in the soul of someone who continues to have the desire to continue to develop, there must be motivation that continues to provide enthusiasm. So in essence, having a developed mind is something that everyone must have. If the person wants progress in his life.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: justdimin on December 02, 2023, 08:53:51 AM
I always feel growth mindset has so much to do with the ability of a determined person to yield them selves to consistent learning. Sometimes one can be determined and hard working but have the wrong approach or outdated approach to solving real world problems or businesses. This brought me to this assumption that learning new ways and approach makes a better growth mindset than most other factors
Yes, you are right because at least learning new ways and approaches can give them a new understanding of something.
And that mindset can be even better if they can get something that can make them have positive thoughts and not just drown in negative thoughts. Many people still can't get rid of negative thoughts so they have difficulty changing their mindset.
The key to improving this mindset is learning and accepting something they may not know very well and being willing to find out more.
If they feel that something is good for them, they will look for more of it and probably use it too. But if not, they will leave it and look for something else.
I feel like we should avoid looking at it from just a black and white type of deal, we are talking about something much larger here and that means this has to be something that needs to get a proper variety of things that needs ot be considered. You do not have just growth and fixed mindsets in people, it's a dynamic thing, or if you want to use bitcoin analogy, it's volatile.

Sometimes you have growth, sometimes you have fixed. Like right now I have a lot of problems in my personal life and I have a fixed mindset at work, I just want to work as good as possible and be done and spend rest of my time in my personal problems. However, does that mean I have never tried to start my own business before? I even tried my own token. So, yeah it is a dynamic thing.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: dezoel on December 02, 2023, 05:26:31 PM
I think people with fixed mindsets are afraid of change because they think that they might lose their current positions as anything if they try to make changes and they won't be able to give their 100% on what they are doing currently if they try to grow and get their hands into something else as well. They can't adapt to changes and change themselves with it, they barely upgrade themselves or try to learn something new that is essential based on the trends in the industry they are working in or outside of it.

Someone with a growth mindset will always be ready to try new things and experience what they never experienced, and they will go the extra mile for that without thinking about their current position because they see great potential in what they are going to get into and they know that even if they have to leave their current position, they will be in a better position in life if they master what they are going after.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: topbitcoin on December 02, 2023, 09:24:24 PM

How could we make our mind to be in a phase where we can learn something. Unless or until we had some ideas on different things that we want to achieve and a times comes when we achieve that thing then surely we had some great time spent over there.

When a plan is devoid of action, its just nonsense. Everyone can make a concept or plan, but not everyone can realize a plan that they have made before.  And that can happen because they are unable to develop their mindset to find solution, so when they are faced with a problem, they immediately wave their hands and turn right.

Quote from: 2girls

Also we can be able to diverse our mind in many occasion I have seen that the idea came in our mind when we plan to do something.

For which we have to make our mindset before we are going to organize something before the day we want the change in ourselves.

leaving self-dependence on other,this is one thing we must do because we cannot throughout our lives can only rely on others. And someone who has a growth mindset, they will always try to find all ways to be able to find a solution to get out of the condition. Where when he does not get an opportunity to move forward, then he himself will try to create the opportunity.
So how can we have a growth mindset?
Firsly thing we have to do is to love ourselves, which in a sense does not mean we have to be selfish but in the sense that we must be able to always be grateful without feeling insecure about the shortcoming we have, because everything can still be changed for the better, and on the other hand i also believe that everyone has their advantages in certain sub-fields where these advantages  or abilities can still be changed for the better.
The second thing, we must be able to commit to ourselves to do new things every day without having to be afraid of a challenge and the risk we'll face because by continuing to develop our mindset, we will always be able to solve every challenge that exist and can alwayminimize the level of risk that we will face.
And the third and last, if we experience a failure, then this does not mean we are incapable. But try to evaluate ourselves and when there is a mistake then immediately overcome the problem.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Zoomic on December 12, 2023, 05:21:08 PM
Sometimes, it is good to have a fixed mindset over certain issues.  There are some things you should stay fixed on and there are some other things you can develop on so you'll grow with time. Some people are just good in certain things,  deciding to remain where they are good at and find extreme self-confidence is not cowardice, they might not really fit-in in a new environment if they choose to change. This is just the obvious truth. One too can mistakenly leave where they were supposed to stay in search of growth which might not work out fine.

Many too who ain't comfortable with where they are at the moment can opt for change and the outcome will be amazingly good for them. In these two cases,  having both the fixed and the growth mindset wouldn't be a bad idea, we just have to find a balance between the two and know when and where to apply them inorder to achieve maximum results.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: gunhell16 on December 13, 2023, 06:45:39 AM
I think people with fixed mindsets are afraid of change because they think that they might lose their current positions as anything if they try to make changes and they won't be able to give their 100% on what they are doing currently if they try to grow and get their hands into something else as well. They can't adapt to changes and change themselves with it, they barely upgrade themselves or try to learn something new that is essential based on the trends in the industry they are working in or outside of it.

Someone with a growth mindset will always be ready to try new things and experience what they never experienced, and they will go the extra mile for that without thinking about their current position because they see great potential in what they are going to get into and they know that even if they have to leave their current position, they will be in a better position in life if they master what they are going after.

I like what you're saying; actually, for me, it's true, and it's rightly stated. Of course, what people have been used to believing in for a long time, especially since it helps them, will not make it easy for them to let go.

So most of the people who become successful in life, or so-called, who get their dreams, are the people who are always ready to face the risks they can face for the dream they want in life. No matter what negative happens in our lives, our mindset is still positive. Everything happens for a good reason.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Accardo on December 13, 2023, 10:31:56 AM
I think people with fixed mindsets are afraid of change because they think that they might lose their current positions as anything if they try to make changes and they won't be able to give their 100% on what they are doing currently if they try to grow and get their hands into something else as well. They can't adapt to changes and change themselves with it, they barely upgrade themselves or try to learn something new that is essential based on the trends in the industry they are working in or outside of it.

Someone with a growth mindset will always be ready to try new things and experience what they never experienced, and they will go the extra mile for that without thinking about their current position because they see great potential in what they are going to get into and they know that even if they have to leave their current position, they will be in a better position in life if they master what they are going after.

I like what you're saying; actually, for me, it's true, and it's rightly stated. Of course, what people have been used to believing in for a long time, especially since it helps them, will not make it easy for them to let go.

So most of the people who become successful in life, or so-called, who get their dreams, are the people who are always ready to face the risks they can face for the dream they want in life. No matter what negative happens in our lives, our mindset is still positive. Everything happens for a good reason.

Believing that everything works for a good reason, is a bigger mindset of overcoming difficult or rigorous situations in our career. During the journey of a growth mindset person, he'll experience troubles on his way to success. But, his mindset strengthens him to continue trying and providing good services to his customers and never to back down. He'll instead figure out fresh methods to avoid any threat to repeat in his life. While the fixed mindset person is still great on his journey, few storms can shrink their dreams. Hence, they feel better working with a growth mindset person who has all that is required to keep moving regardless of the forthcoming threats or trouble. Potentials differ for everybody. What we think is different from the next man or competitor. Just like our faces are different so is the thoughts of our mind and ideas. Whatever, it is the fixed mindset person has in mind, it could be helpful to the growth mindset business man. Both ideas are needed to successfully run a business. Sometimes the fixed mindset is needed to stop a growth mindset from making a huge mistake. In need of a stable moving business and lesser risk? get a fixed mindset person. He'll manage the funds and won't take new risks or opportunities. Looking out for a fast growing business with numerous risk factors, get a growth mindset person. He'll run the business and try anything within his jurisdiction to boost sales and profits, but be assured of lots of money being lost in the process. Few responses or people don't seem to see the potential a fixed mindset person possesses, hence they think it's wrong to have a fixed mindset.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Dave1 on December 13, 2023, 10:41:55 AM
For me as a human being, it's better to have a growth mindset, I mean we should be learning new things in life and not fixed to one and we should be going out out of comfort zone. And our human mind is also a very evolving, it's all about frequency and manifesting that's why we really should be thinking that we will be successful no matter what.

And with that, there are a lot of the thoughts that we wanted to see turn into reality.

So it will not be constant, we should evolved as much as accept the challenge in our lives, everyday. Don't be just fixated with one thing.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Uruhara on December 13, 2023, 10:56:38 AM
For me as a human being, it's better to have a growth mindset, I mean we should be learning new things in life and not fixed to one and we should be going out out of comfort zone. And our human mind is also a very evolving, it's all about frequency and manifesting that's why we really should be thinking that we will be successful no matter what.

And with that, there are a lot of the thoughts that we wanted to see turn into reality.

So it will not be constant, we should evolved as much as accept the challenge in our lives, everyday. Don't be just fixated with one thing.
Well I also have the same concept of thinking in this matter. Because if we want to achieve something higher then we need to accept challenges and try new things to conquer. In this case, courage is needed in taking risks and actually this courage is not easy to obtain. Because sometimes if someone is already in their comfort zone, that person tends to turn into a lazy person even though at first they were someone who had high ambitions. And it's not easy for us to get out of our comfort zone to try new things which are certainly full of risks and challenges. Only people who have strong life principles can do it. Because people with principles always firmly hold onto their unrealized desires so that they can be realized. And he will take concrete action to make it happen.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: junder on December 14, 2023, 01:02:45 PM
For me as a human being, it's better to have a growth mindset, I mean we should be learning new things in life and not fixed to one and we should be going out out of comfort zone. And our human mind is also a very evolving, it's all about frequency and manifesting that's why we really should be thinking that we will be successful no matter what.

And with that, there are a lot of the thoughts that we wanted to see turn into reality.

So it will not be constant, we should evolved as much as accept the challenge in our lives, everyday. Don't be just fixated with one thing.
Well I also have the same concept of thinking in this matter. Because if we want to achieve something higher then we need to accept challenges and try new things to conquer. In this case, courage is needed in taking risks and actually this courage is not easy to obtain. Because sometimes if someone is already in their comfort zone, that person tends to turn into a lazy person even though at first they were someone who had high ambitions. And it's not easy for us to get out of our comfort zone to try new things which are certainly full of risks and challenges. Only people who have strong life principles can do it. Because people with principles always firmly hold onto their unrealized desires so that they can be realized. And he will take concrete action to make it happen.

in my opinion, it is true with the fact that usually someone will get stuck in a comfort zone because what he has is enough for him, but in my opinion there is nothing wrong with going further so that there is future development, even if it is risky and must be done with courage it doesn't matter, because someone who is successful must have experienced this before. where someone who is already stuck in a comfort zone they should not just stay silent, do other things or look for side jobs that can be done online this can help increase their income.

we should step forward, because I myself want to succeed, so I have to dare to take steps forward, even if it's risky but it doesn't matter because the risk is definitely there in every thing the rest is on us how we overcome the existing risks, if we can overcome the risks that will occur well, chances are we won't have any difficulties later, but if you don't dare to take risks, I suggest not to be forced too, because something that is done without wholeheartedly it will usually not go well.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: boty on December 14, 2023, 02:20:58 PM
I like what you're saying; actually, for me, it's true, and it's rightly stated. Of course, what people have been used to believing in for a long time, especially since it helps them, will not make it easy for them to let go.

So most of the people who become successful in life, or so-called, who get their dreams, are the people who are always ready to face the risks they can face for the dream they want in life. No matter what negative happens in our lives, our mindset is still positive. Everything happens for a good reason.
It is true that most people who are able to achieve their success must have faced the risks in front of them so that they can achieve the success they want. Without going through the risks, brands will certainly not be able to develop and become successful as they want.
When someone starts a business, of course they will have challenges that they will face and they are very confident that they will be able to overcome the existing challenges well to be able to achieve success. If they cannot overcome the existing challenges and just stay silent, of course they will not be able to achieve success.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Davian144 on December 14, 2023, 02:29:47 PM
Sometimes, it is good to have a fixed mindset over certain issues.  There are some things you should stay fixed on and there are some other things you can develop on so you'll grow with time. Some people are just good in certain things,  deciding to remain where they are good at and find extreme self-confidence is not cowardice, they might not really fit-in in a new environment if they choose to change. This is just the obvious truth. One too can mistakenly leave where they were supposed to stay in search of growth which might not work out fine.
That's really not wrong, because those who are still willing to stay in the same place with the same mindset and are still able to generate income for their lives on a regular basis are very professional actions in my opinion because those who are like that don't deserve to be considered cowards. Things like that are what we see very often in life because not everyone is able to adapt to a new environment, but they are still able to survive in the old environment just because they can still generate income on a more regular basis.

Many too who ain't comfortable with where they are at the moment can opt for change and the outcome will be amazingly good for them. In these two cases,  having both the fixed and the growth mindset wouldn't be a bad idea, we just have to find a balance between the two and know when and where to apply them inorder to achieve maximum results.
Feeling comfortable in your living environment is very important because with this, everyone can plan their plans very well and apply a mindset that is more suited to their surrounding environment. Because every idea that will be applied to itself must have been carefully considered first in order to avoid unexpected disruptions in the future.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: icalical on December 14, 2023, 03:15:48 PM
I would say that I am more of a growth mindset because I believe anything can be learned and studied, and our intelligence could be developed. But all that being said I also believe that there are some very talented person who is previleged with extraordinary talent that can learn something faster then average person, those talents are fixed. For example, an average person maybe need 1 year to learn how to create an app, learn to code. But if someone have talent in coding and creating app they could learn it in only 6 months. This make me thing that fixed mindset is not all wrong, everything can be growth but the amount of time to grow is different for everyone, and for people with talent they definitely grow faster.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on December 14, 2023, 08:42:23 PM
Ones mindset towards your goals may help to determine one's success. Someone with a growth mindset has a great potential to be successful in life. Has he/she will views intelligence, abilities, and talents as learnable and capable of improvement through effort while a fixed mindset views those same traits as inherently stable and unchangeable over time.

It's a universal fact that we don't stop learning until we die so anytime we stop learning that's when we die and it doesn't matter if we're still breathing. Having a fixed mindset means you have stopped learning, developing and you're as good as deed so it's a very wrong mindset to have. This life we live is always changing, somethings that were correct in the past mightn't be as correct as they were or won't be correct at all anymore. A typical example is the philosophy that the earth is flat but was later discovered it isn't flat. If the explorer as of then all had fixed mindset and didn't explore further we won't have discovered that so having a progressive mindset which isn't fixed is better than a fixed one.

🧠🧠Get out of your comfort zone
Being brave enough to leave your comfort zone can help foster a growth mindset. When faced with a challenge, try to choose the harder option that will allow you to grow.

I had this adjustment few weeks ago, my colleague was of the opinion that nothing can be achieved in our comfort zone but I disagree with that. Whereas living your comfort zone is the message been passed out to become successful (which isn't wrong) but some people have achieved success while been in their comfort zone. Seeking for comfort has been the motivation behind some of the invention in the world so it isn't always about leaving your comfort zone but can you survive outside that zone. Make yourself productive even when you're in your comfort zone and you can still achieve success. Remember the grass mightn't be greener at the other end, you could have watered your own grass and it gets greener without having the move (leaving your comfort zone).

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Lanatsa on December 14, 2023, 08:57:43 PM
For me as a human being, it's better to have a growth mindset, I mean we should be learning new things in life and not fixed to one and we should be going out out of comfort zone. And our human mind is also a very evolving, it's all about frequency and manifesting that's why we really should be thinking that we will be successful no matter what.

And with that, there are a lot of the thoughts that we wanted to see turn into reality.

So it will not be constant, we should evolved as much as accept the challenge in our lives, everyday. Don't be just fixated with one thing.
Well I also have the same concept of thinking in this matter. Because if we want to achieve something higher then we need to accept challenges and try new things to conquer. In this case, courage is needed in taking risks and actually this courage is not easy to obtain. Because sometimes if someone is already in their comfort zone, that person tends to turn into a lazy person even though at first they were someone who had high ambitions. And it's not easy for us to get out of our comfort zone to try new things which are certainly full of risks and challenges. Only people who have strong life principles can do it. Because people with principles always firmly hold onto their unrealized desires so that they can be realized. And he will take concrete action to make it happen.

in my opinion, it is true with the fact that usually someone will get stuck in a comfort zone because what he has is enough for him, but in my opinion there is nothing wrong with going further so that there is future development, even if it is risky and must be done with courage it doesn't matter, because someone who is successful must have experienced this before. where someone who is already stuck in a comfort zone they should not just stay silent, do other things or look for side jobs that can be done online this can help increase their income.

we should step forward, because I myself want to succeed, so I have to dare to take steps forward, even if it's risky but it doesn't matter because the risk is definitely there in every thing the rest is on us how we overcome the existing risks, if we can overcome the risks that will occur well, chances are we won't have any difficulties later, but if you don't dare to take risks, I suggest not to be forced too, because something that is done without wholeheartedly it will usually not go well.
There are really people who doesnt really like on making some engagement which it is really out of their comfort zone on which they would rather prefer on staying still on where they are now and they are really that afraid on taking up some risks on going out into that zone. Well, we do have our own ways and decisions in life on which its none other peoples business if you would really be sticking into that but as we do all know that there would really be cons too when you do decide on sticking up into that comfort zone in comparison to those people who are taking some extra steps on achieving something that they havent been able to achieve into their lives. This is why we are really seeing that people are taking up those extra steps for them to achieve something that they know that it would bring up good things into their lives.

Somewhat we shouldn't really forget on the risks involved and put up also in mind that not everyone who had decided on taking up those risky path would really be ended up successful.
There would really be those people who do really still end up miserable and this what makes those other people be trying out to avoid on which they dont really like to experience failures
and hardships and this is why they've decided that they will really be just sitting up still.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Alpha Marine on December 15, 2023, 04:33:55 AM
To have a growth mindset you have to be open-minded. Being open-minded helps you see things from different perspectives and that will help you learn and you need to learn to grow. There are many people today who don't learn, not because they are not opportune to learn, but because they don't take anything that they don't know. What they know is what they know, they don't care about seeing things from different perspectives. You can't grow with that kind of mindset.

👉Hide flaws so as not to be judged by others

I don't think this means you have a fixed mindset. Every single one of us has a flaw, we all have a weakness, but we can't go about advertising those flaws to everybody. We hide them. The difference is some people make a conscious effort to get better while others just accept it like that, or don't even accept at all that that thing is a flaw.
Also, when a flaw is pointed out to some, they pick offense and quickly be on the defensive, while for others, even if it might make you feel uncomfortable, you'll accept what was said and try to get better.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Silberman on December 15, 2023, 05:52:29 AM
I would say that I am more of a growth mindset because I believe anything can be learned and studied, and our intelligence could be developed. But all that being said I also believe that there are some very talented person who is previleged with extraordinary talent that can learn something faster then average person, those talents are fixed. For example, an average person maybe need 1 year to learn how to create an app, learn to code. But if someone have talent in coding and creating app they could learn it in only 6 months. This make me thing that fixed mindset is not all wrong, everything can be growth but the amount of time to grow is different for everyone, and for people with talent they definitely grow faster.
Like most of the time both sides hold a portion of the truth, it is true there are people out there which are born with a talent that seems to defy all explanations and anyone else may pale in comparison, however it is also true that the more you learn the better you become at it, so even a person that is not born with those talents can still achieve a very high level of skill in any field in which they may decide to specialize.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: bbigtart on December 15, 2023, 09:37:17 AM
🧠🧠Get out of your comfort zone
Being brave enough to leave your comfort zone can help foster a growth mindset. When faced with a challenge, try to choose the harder option that will allow you to grow.

I had this adjustment few weeks ago, my colleague was of the opinion that nothing can be achieved in our comfort zone but I disagree with that. Whereas living your comfort zone is the message been passed out to become successful (which isn't wrong) but some people have achieved success while been in their comfort zone. Seeking for comfort has been the motivation behind some of the invention in the world so it isn't always about leaving your comfort zone but can you survive outside that zone. Make yourself productive even when you're in your comfort zone and you can still achieve success. Remember the grass mightn't be greener at the other end, you could have watered your own grass and it gets greener without having the move (leaving your comfort zone).
It's true that getting out of your comfort zone is not always good, we just need to increase our productivity to further develop and achieve success. We don't always have to get out of our comfort zone to achieve success.

Apart from that, in reality many people leave their comfort zone to look for a new comfort zone. That's how humans always get excited when they encounter difficulties, and it's normal to get them. Actually, no one wants to get out of their comfort zone, all that exists is to expand the radius of their comfort zone. Sometimes a growth mindset doesn't always involve getting out of your comfort zone.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: jojoalex on December 15, 2023, 10:29:46 AM
People with a growth mindset see challenges as opportunities to learn and improve. They understand that facing difficulties is a part of the learning process. People with this mindset are curious to acquire new knowledge and skills.  They see success as evidence that they too can achieve their goals with effort and dedication.Those with a growth mindset believe in the power of continuous learning. They understand that intelligence and abilities can be developed throughout life.

In the other hand

Individuals with a fixed mindset may avoid putting in effort to maintain the appearance of being naturally talented. They may fear that putting in effort will reveal a lack of inherent ability. They resist change bcz it disrupts their sense of stability . Success in others is seen as a threat rather than an inspiration. Fear of failure can lead them to avoid taking risks or try new things

 Encouraging a belief in the capacity for improvement, embracing challenges, and learning from setbacks are key components of transitioning from a fixed to a growth mindset.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: junder on December 15, 2023, 04:51:41 PM
For me as a human being, it's better to have a growth mindset, I mean we should be learning new things in life and not fixed to one and we should be going out out of comfort zone. And our human mind is also a very evolving, it's all about frequency and manifesting that's why we really should be thinking that we will be successful no matter what.

And with that, there are a lot of the thoughts that we wanted to see turn into reality.

So it will not be constant, we should evolved as much as accept the challenge in our lives, everyday. Don't be just fixated with one thing.
Well I also have the same concept of thinking in this matter. Because if we want to achieve something higher then we need to accept challenges and try new things to conquer. In this case, courage is needed in taking risks and actually this courage is not easy to obtain. Because sometimes if someone is already in their comfort zone, that person tends to turn into a lazy person even though at first they were someone who had high ambitions. And it's not easy for us to get out of our comfort zone to try new things which are certainly full of risks and challenges. Only people who have strong life principles can do it. Because people with principles always firmly hold onto their unrealized desires so that they can be realized. And he will take concrete action to make it happen.

in my opinion, it is true with the fact that usually someone will get stuck in a comfort zone because what he has is enough for him, but in my opinion there is nothing wrong with going further so that there is future development, even if it is risky and must be done with courage it doesn't matter, because someone who is successful must have experienced this before. where someone who is already stuck in a comfort zone they should not just stay silent, do other things or look for side jobs that can be done online this can help increase their income.

we should step forward, because I myself want to succeed, so I have to dare to take steps forward, even if it's risky but it doesn't matter because the risk is definitely there in every thing the rest is on us how we overcome the existing risks, if we can overcome the risks that will occur well, chances are we won't have any difficulties later, but if you don't dare to take risks, I suggest not to be forced too, because something that is done without wholeheartedly it will usually not go well.
There are really people who doesnt really like on making some engagement which it is really out of their comfort zone on which they would rather prefer on staying still on where they are now and they are really that afraid on taking up some risks on going out into that zone. Well, we do have our own ways and decisions in life on which its none other peoples business if you would really be sticking into that but as we do all know that there would really be cons too when you do decide on sticking up into that comfort zone in comparison to those people who are taking some extra steps on achieving something that they havent been able to achieve into their lives. This is why we are really seeing that people are taking up those extra steps for them to achieve something that they know that it would bring up good things into their lives.

Somewhat we shouldn't really forget on the risks involved and put up also in mind that not everyone who had decided on taking up those risky path would really be ended up successful.
There would really be those people who do really still end up miserable and this what makes those other people be trying out to avoid on which they dont really like to experience failures
and hardships and this is why they've decided that they will really be just sitting up still.

being stuck in a zone that we think is comfortable is not wrong, but it also doesn't hurt to try to step a little out or move more forward to do new things as well with new results, it's not easy but it can be done so that we have future developments. I mean, someone is unlikely to continue in that zone, for example a minimarket cashier whose limited income is only enough to meet his monthly needs, will they continue to stay there? I don't think so, because as time goes by they will have additional needs in their lives, so they have to get out of that zone to get another job to increase their monthly income, they don't have to change jobs, but they can start a small business to increase their income. or while working, they can submit applications to other high companies with the skills they have themselves.

getting out of the comfort zone does have its risks, and keep in mind that everything we do has its risks, so there is nothing wrong with us trying to be better. because the life we want is a good life too, right? so I think don't just stay silent when you are in the comfort zone. look for other solutions to move forward.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: WillyAp on December 15, 2023, 06:10:51 PM
Ones mindset towards your goals may help to determine one's success. Someone with a growth mindset has a great potential to be successful in life.

Hmm what is for you successful?
Plenty of money, fiat or crypto?
A family with well educated family members?
A life full with adventure, not rich but having enough to not to worry.
A life filled with learning?
A happy life according to each of everone?
Whatever else?  

That apart there are infinte shades of grey.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: jeha2015 on December 15, 2023, 07:42:06 PM
There are indeed two types of mindset that we can cultivate. People who view problems as learning opportunities, and people who avoid them, are usually too afraid to fail. But for me a growth mindset is better than a fixed mindset.

Because people who avoid conflict usually have a fixed mindset. On the other hand, those who see problems as new challenges make them interesting because they have a growth mindset. Sometimes, we like to switch from one thing to another. But what is clear is that growth mindset must be equivalent to mental strength, because every growth mindset must be accompanied by mental strength to face every challenge.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Yamifoud on December 15, 2023, 09:42:04 PM

Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.
Both mindsets will earn success( one step away) but those who have a growth mindset, and the meaning itself will tell us that there are more improvements happen than those who have a fixed mindset. But of course, a fixed mindset can be changed if they are open-minded and if they are looking for more opportunities. But either of the two we belong if we don't work hard and no action is taken, nothing happens.
Mindset + action = success
Mindset + no action = fail

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: panganib999 on December 15, 2023, 10:53:31 PM
I have a hot take regarding this and I expect a few eyebrows raising after I talk about this hot take of mine. We all know that there are instances when growing and improving is the best course of action to take especially if we're talking about getting that sweet-sweet promotion/raise. But there's perks to keeping a low profile and staying on a linear path as well you know.

For instance, scientists aren't really expected to up in ranks and become head for a couple of years, to which they'd spend most of this time actually doing the same basic task which is to conduct research, perform experiments and trials, tally results against their hypotheses, until they get into a breakthrough. Do we expect them to up their game immediately, let alone for a couple of years? No we don't.

I feel like I'm getting off into a tangent here but basically, what I say is that there's perks and benefits to linear/fixed mindset as you guys are putting it. If that's what keeps the person afloat then so be it.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Kelward on December 16, 2023, 04:17:31 PM
We have geniuses in the world that refused to accept the way that things are done, this is why we have technological advancements today. Also the reason why developers of these technologies are always updating to meet up with latest versions of innovations. These are typical examples of growth mindsets, that wants imaginations to become realities. Meanwhile we have others who will rather have things the way they are or even prefer things to be backwards. They're comfortable not moving forward because they feel that it's too much efforts, but they still enjoy the fruits of the hard work of the growth mindset individuals, these are the fixed mindset people.

The good thing is that someone with a fixed mindset can actually change to a growth mindset, it'll just take a paradigm shift, to see things differently.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: WillyAp on December 16, 2023, 04:38:12 PM
We have geniuses in the world that refused to accept the way that things are done, this is why we have technological advancements today.

Well I feel that we go backwards. There was a time when shop ran pretty smooth and just uptades destroey that, The very same happes to wordpress. and other CMS. Most has become more complex, which translates into more expensive. 

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: CageMabok on December 16, 2023, 05:02:16 PM
Well I feel that we go backwards. There was a time when shop ran pretty smooth and just uptades destroey that, The very same happes to wordpress. and other CMS. Most has become more complex, which translates into more expensive. 

Maybe it's just your feeling that you are going backwards, because technological developments are not like that. Currently, almost everyone has seen how technological developments have progressed in various aspects so that the only people who are left behind or feel backward are the people who are unable to adapt themselves to the surrounding environment or to the use of existing technology as it is today. I don't think updating is a disaster because it needs to be done by the developers from each company that has released their own product.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: WillyAp on December 16, 2023, 05:11:12 PM
Maybe it's just your feeling that you are going backwards, because technological developments are not like that. Currently, almost everyone has seen how technological developments have progressed in various aspects so that the only people who are left behind or feel backward are the people who are unable to adapt themselves to the surrounding environment...

It's not an advantage when 3/4 of the planet's population is unable to open an email account.
It's neither an advancement when people need to be advised not to drink battery fluids, vs being able to adjust valves per manual in the 50s of last century.
Some parts of tech are more advanced sure but that makes us not more advanced. We go backwards. A school which teaches gender, vs the values schools were giving out in the 60 to 80 of the last century.

How many people can set up a miner?
Reconfigure a celphone?

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Mame89 on December 18, 2023, 07:21:29 PM
Both mindsets will earn success( one step away) but those who have a growth mindset, and the meaning itself will tell us that there are more improvements happen than those who have a fixed mindset. But of course, a fixed mindset can be changed if they are open-minded and if they are looking for more opportunities. But either of the two we belong if we don't work hard and no action is taken, nothing happens.
Mindset + action = success
Mindset + no action = fail
Mindset and actions must be in harmony so that the goals we want to achieve are achieved. Usually a fixed mindset does not dare to leave the comfort zone, is afraid of failure and so on. Different from a growth mindset, it has big goals and has a broad vision so it dares to take all risks and most people with a growth mindset are generally successful because they dare to get out of their comfort zone.

In addition, a growth mindset can build a person's character to be stronger. Many of them previously lacked social interaction, were even shy, but when their mindset was changed, the difference was extraordinary. Indeed, this mindset really determines our future. But what a loss for those who have a fixed mindset, even though there is an opportunity, they don't dare to take the risk.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Mahanton on December 18, 2023, 07:59:29 PM
Both mindsets will earn success( one step away) but those who have a growth mindset, and the meaning itself will tell us that there are more improvements happen than those who have a fixed mindset. But of course, a fixed mindset can be changed if they are open-minded and if they are looking for more opportunities. But either of the two we belong if we don't work hard and no action is taken, nothing happens.
Mindset + action = success
Mindset + no action = fail
Mindset and actions must be in harmony so that the goals we want to achieve are achieved. Usually a fixed mindset does not dare to leave the comfort zone, is afraid of failure and so on. Different from a growth mindset, it has big goals and has a broad vision so it dares to take all risks and most people with a growth mindset are generally successful because they dare to get out of their comfort zone.

In addition, a growth mindset can build a person's character to be stronger. Many of them previously lacked social interaction, were even shy, but when their mindset was changed, the difference was extraordinary. Indeed, this mindset really determines our future. But what a loss for those who have a fixed mindset, even though there is an opportunity, they don't dare to take the risk.
For us human beings then it would really be just that normal that we would really be able to realize on what are the things that we should gonna do on the time that we are planning to have that kind of development or
progress on which you would really be able to realize on oneself on what are the things that you should gonna do. You wont really be needing up that fixed mindset on that case but rather would be focusing on growth instead. You would be common sensibly be able to find out for yourself that on what are the things that you should gonna do for you to be able to attain such situation or condition.
You cant really just that remain still and expecting something positive? Life doesnt work on that way.

You would really be needing to adjust if its needed for you to be able to reach up something on your life. This is why we do see different situations into those people who are successful
and to those who are just living into that standard or poor situation just because they didnt really make out any actions for making their lives better
but well its up to someones choice because we arent all the same when it comes to mindset.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Mauser on December 19, 2023, 07:38:08 AM
Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.

I fully agree with you, having a mindset that focuses on growth is much better than a fixed mindset. The world is evolving every single day, new technologies are being developed and new products are being invented, which brings the world forward and we need to go with the time. It's so easy to get lost in time and think that the world hasn't changed much, but once you look at a review from 10 or 20 years ago, we see how far the world come in such a short period of time. A fixed mindset assumes that we learn everything important in school and university and after that we don't have to learn anything new anymore. Which is obviously wrong and will lead to us falling back as the world moves on. Standing still during a forward moving world is like going backwards, we should be trying to learn something new every month and go with the time. For that we need to a dynamic and growth mindset and not a fixed one. Once we become older and go towards retirement it’s fine to switch to a fixed mindset.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Silberman on December 19, 2023, 07:56:39 AM
Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.

I fully agree with you, having a mindset that focuses on growth is much better than a fixed mindset. The world is evolving every single day, new technologies are being developed and new products are being invented, which brings the world forward and we need to go with the time. It's so easy to get lost in time and think that the world hasn't changed much, but once you look at a review from 10 or 20 years ago, we see how far the world come in such a short period of time. A fixed mindset assumes that we learn everything important in school and university and after that we don't have to learn anything new anymore. Which is obviously wrong and will lead to us falling back as the world moves on. Standing still during a forward moving world is like going backwards, we should be trying to learn something new every month and go with the time. For that we need to a dynamic and growth mindset and not a fixed one. Once we become older and go towards retirement it’s fine to switch to a fixed mindset.

Even those that retire and may think they do not have to adapt to the new world are mistaken on their beliefs, and the reason for this is that they do not live in a bubble and they need to interact with the world, so for example those that retired a decade ago may not be as familiar with smartphones than those that are retiring just now, and this is a problem as now a great deal of what we do is done through those devices, and if they do not know how to use them and they are not willing to learn they are seriously handicapping themselves.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: harapan on January 08, 2024, 01:23:49 PM
Growth mindset means taking feedback, learning from experience, and coming up with strategies for improvement
Generally,life has taught me so many lessons,strucked me in many ways but I still choose not to hold onto my past experience;and I appreciate it because despite how horrible life became I never let my experience make me a bad person and even after everything I've been through I still have a good heart.

That's as a result of my growth mindset.People with a growth mindset believe that they have power over their actions and they never let that impression slide away.
 Someone with a growth mindset believes if they work hard, they can attain what they want to, even if their natural talents are not the same as someone else's. A person with a growth mindset also believes intelligence and basic abilities can change over time with the right effort and commitment.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: macson on January 08, 2024, 03:30:11 PM
I like what you're saying; actually, for me, it's true, and it's rightly stated. Of course, what people have been used to believing in for a long time, especially since it helps them, will not make it easy for them to let go.

So most of the people who become successful in life, or so-called, who get their dreams, are the people who are always ready to face the risks they can face for the dream they want in life. No matter what negative happens in our lives, our mindset is still positive. Everything happens for a good reason.
The most common thing that we often encounter in someone who has a growth mindset is their hesitation in taking an action, even a high-risk one, while the most common trait found in someone who has a fixed mindset is that their decisions are always made for a safe position, but not everyone is aware of the positive or negative impacts of both, there are many factors that influence all of this.  i myself am someone who has a growth mindset, i am brave enough to take risks for things that i think are good and have great potential in my business but still with various considerations, if i think it is bad then i will make further corrections to my plan.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: arimamib on January 08, 2024, 04:01:50 PM
The most common thing that we often encounter in someone who has a growth mindset is their hesitation in taking an action, even a high-risk one, while the most common trait found in someone who has a fixed mindset is that their decisions are always made for a safe position, but not everyone is aware of the positive or negative impacts of both, there are many factors that influence all of this.  i myself am someone who has a growth mindset, i am brave enough to take risks for things that i think are good and have great potential in my business but still with various considerations, if i think it is bad then i will make further corrections to my plan.
A growth mindset can lead to innovation, personal development, and resilience in the face of setbacks. It may also involve navigating higher risks and uncertainties. A fixed mindset may contribute to a sense of security and stability, but it might limit opportunities for growth and exploration. Both are good things to have. People only need to avoid a messed mindset. LoL

Mindset is the impact of personal values, the nature of the task or decision at hand, and the context in which the decision is being made. If people have awareness of their own mindsets, They can adopt a balanced approach that is combining the strengths of both growth and fixed mindsets as needed. This adaptability can be a valuable skill in navigating the complexities of personal and professional life.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: erep on January 08, 2024, 04:22:05 PM
Even those that retire and may think they do not have to adapt to the new world are mistaken on their beliefs, and the reason for this is that they do not live in a bubble and they need to interact with the world, so for example those that retired a decade ago may not be as familiar with smartphones than those that are retiring just now, and this is a problem as now a great deal of what we do is done through those devices, and if they do not know how to use them and they are not willing to learn they are seriously handicapping themselves.
Precisely that is the difference between people who retired a decade ago and those who retire now because previously the use of devices such as smartphones was only needed for one or two jobs, making more people not want to use smartphones because they didn't there is a lot more work done with the device. Meanwhile, nowadays almost all work has to be done using a smartphone device if the job is in the government sector or in the civil servant category, so there is a very real difference between people who retired in the past and those who retire now.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: passwordnow on January 08, 2024, 04:37:09 PM
We all start with a fixed mindset and that's why many of us just want to be stable, have a happy life and no challenges at all. But when we hear the stories of the billionaires on how they've reached that goal of their lives, we just want to get out of our comfort zones thinking that if they've done it, we can also do it. Nothing against with that mindset because I have also my own goals and want to have my growth in many aspects.

Those that are stagnant and don't like to have a growth mindset, it's fine to have that fixed mindset because it is you that shall determine when you're willing to take challenges and when you want to grow. The thing here is whatever works for you, that shall what you cultivate and make yourself aware that you're not yet at your limitation. But if you think that you've finally reached your limit, it's okay.

There's no need for you to force to be like others that you think because of how they think, that's a factor of their growth and success which is true. Maybe it's not yet your time when you're just watching people happily reaching their goals for having the growth mindset. Remember that you have own your timeline of success and it's just so happen that they've discovered their own mindsets to be upper than the others based on the difficulties they've faced with their lives.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 08, 2024, 08:31:21 PM
No doubt that those who fall in the category of having the "growth mindset" has the higher possibility of success than the other. This has been proven so many times by successful individuals. So if it happens to be us encouraging young people then it's good to just say "have patience and do the right thing".

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: dunfida on January 08, 2024, 08:59:23 PM
The most common thing that we often encounter in someone who has a growth mindset is their hesitation in taking an action, even a high-risk one, while the most common trait found in someone who has a fixed mindset is that their decisions are always made for a safe position, but not everyone is aware of the positive or negative impacts of both, there are many factors that influence all of this.  i myself am someone who has a growth mindset, i am brave enough to take risks for things that i think are good and have great potential in my business but still with various considerations, if i think it is bad then i will make further corrections to my plan.
A growth mindset can lead to innovation, personal development, and resilience in the face of setbacks. It may also involve navigating higher risks and uncertainties. A fixed mindset may contribute to a sense of security and stability, but it might limit opportunities for growth and exploration. Both are good things to have. People only need to avoid a messed mindset. LoL

Mindset is the impact of personal values, the nature of the task or decision at hand, and the context in which the decision is being made. If people have awareness of their own mindsets, They can adopt a balanced approach that is combining the strengths of both growth and fixed mindsets as needed. This adaptability can be a valuable skill in navigating the complexities of personal and professional life.
It do have that pros and cons on which it would really be just that normal that people would really be just that normal that in a fixed mindset then it would really be having that sense of security but it do simply shows that you wont really be having that kind of growth or simply having no upgrade towards your life because you cant really be able to take up some risks for you to become better.Its not something that do talks about risk taking thing but rather you would be having that assurance that you wont really be putting up yourself on such problem.It is really just that a personal choice on which path you would really be that taking.
There are certain individuals who are really that mindful about progress and there are ones who doesnt care because they cant bare up the risks.

For me then i would definitely be that recommending on having that growth mindset on which this is something that could put up yourself into a condition to have a better life when it comes to finances.
Although this do really need to take that risky path but i would say that it would really be worth it.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: slapper on January 10, 2024, 04:05:22 PM
We all start with a fixed mindset and that's why many of us just want to be stable, have a happy life and no challenges at all. But when we hear the stories of the billionaires on how they've reached that goal of their lives, we just want to get out of our comfort zones thinking that if they've done it, we can also do it. Nothing against with that mindset because I have also my own goals and want to have my growth in many aspects.

Those that are stagnant and don't like to have a growth mindset, it's fine to have that fixed mindset because it is you that shall determine when you're willing to take challenges and when you want to grow. The thing here is whatever works for you, that shall what you cultivate and make yourself aware that you're not yet at your limitation. But if you think that you've finally reached your limit, it's okay.

There's no need for you to force to be like others that you think because of how they think, that's a factor of their growth and success which is true. Maybe it's not yet your time when you're just watching people happily reaching their goals for having the growth mindset. Remember that you have own your timeline of success and it's just so happen that they've discovered their own mindsets to be upper than the others based on the difficulties they've faced with their lives.
I think accepting stability is a decision that reflects one's values and priorities, not a fixed worldview. Doesn't happiness and security matter as much as challenges? It's hard to resist millionaire success stories, but I've found they're not universal. I've learned the value of seeing our individual pathways. Though powerful, a growth mindset is optional. Listen to your own beat, I think. Growth involves knowing and accepting limitations, right? While respecting our own pace, we might admire others' growing mindset. Financial, development, and learning aren't they about personal journeys rather than general prescriptions?

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: stomachgrowls on January 10, 2024, 08:24:13 PM

Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.
Both mindsets will earn success( one step away) but those who have a growth mindset, and the meaning itself will tell us that there are more improvements happen than those who have a fixed mindset. But of course, a fixed mindset can be changed if they are open-minded and if they are looking for more opportunities. But either of the two we belong if we don't work hard and no action is taken, nothing happens.
Mindset + action = success
Mindset + no action = fail


Everything wont come into fruition if you wont really be making out such step for making things to happen on which you would really be needing to work your ass hard off because you could achieve something.
Just like on what been said by other members is that there are really those people who are really that skeptical when it comes on making actions because they are really that afraid into the future and mistakes
that they might be able to do on which i could say that it is really just that normal but it doesnt mean that you would really be needing to stop completely and avoid it at all cost.

Someones success would really be determined on how serious you are on changing up for the best. Some people doesnt stop not until they would really be able to achieve that pinnacle of success
on where most people been dreaming or seeking off. It is really just that normal that those wishes and targets in life  cant really be able to be reached if you wont really be acting or making
such actions on acquiring it. You would really be just that making yourself that always be jealous into those people who do have that higher status in life when it comes to financial state.
Not all would really be that having that open mindedness.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: junder on January 11, 2024, 02:21:33 AM

Since, ones mindset can be changed, it's better for one to develop a growth mindset towards all one's activities in life to achieve a great result. Develop a growth mindset toward all your goals today to improve on your business, studies, etc.
Both mindsets will earn success( one step away) but those who have a growth mindset, and the meaning itself will tell us that there are more improvements happen than those who have a fixed mindset. But of course, a fixed mindset can be changed if they are open-minded and if they are looking for more opportunities. But either of the two we belong if we don't work hard and no action is taken, nothing happens.
Mindset + action = success
Mindset + no action = fail

In my opinion, a developing mindset, of course, they will do new things which of course are for their own good in the future, also with those who have a developing mindset, of course they have a desire for their lives to develop and if they do a new thing and then fail, I don't think they will stop, they will continue to do it by understanding the mistakes that have been made so that they don't happen again in the future, people who have this mindset tend to be rarely found.

because what I see today is that many people don't do anything good, I mean they tend to be stuck in a comfort zone so they are reluctant to move forward and that's because they are already stuck in a comfort zone and also afraid of failing by doing new things. but this can be changed as you said. a fixed mindset in my opinion tends not to have clear development, it is likely that they will only do the same thing.

I agree with you, about the mindset that is accompanied by action it will produce something good or success. and vice versa, with a mindset and no action it's the same lie so there is likely to be no good results or it could be a failure.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: dediadi on January 11, 2024, 05:25:45 AM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

Franky1 mentioned career paths and it is one of the prime examples of this. We tend to specialize in something until it occurs to us that we no longer want it or there are other high-paying jobs that we 'might' get a liking to. Economic conditions force people to change jobs and grow, but if the economy is good and our salaries still fulfill our expenses, I guess no one will have to hop jobs and companies every now and then.
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: slapper on January 11, 2024, 08:21:28 AM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

Franky1 mentioned career paths and it is one of the prime examples of this. We tend to specialize in something until it occurs to us that we no longer want it or there are other high-paying jobs that we 'might' get a liking to. Economic conditions force people to change jobs and grow, but if the economy is good and our salaries still fulfill our expenses, I guess no one will have to hop jobs and companies every now and then.
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person
A fixed mindset like a blanket provides safety but stagnation, in my experience. This mindset can impede personal health to some extent. I used to avoid new fitness routines and stick to what I knew. For good well-being, changing health trends require adaptation. Don't humans react positively to change?

As I adopted a growth mindset, I accepted financial and economic obstacles. In the digital age, income diversification seems unlimited when we embrace innovation. Remote work, cryptocurrencies, and internet marketplaces were growth opportunities. A mindset shift may turn problems into stepping stones—isn't it fascinating? From this experience, I learned that open minds can lead to unexpected success and personal growth

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Lantind on January 11, 2024, 08:36:07 AM
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person
For those who have a fixed mindset, they will never experience difficulty in anything because they only do work according to what they understand and it is very unlikely that they will experience failure in the work they do, they will never do work that they don't. they understand the job, very different from those who have a growth mindset, they will try everything they like and will try to finish what they have started well and most of them will be successful in the work they do.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: ndutndut on January 11, 2024, 10:45:50 AM
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person
For those who have a fixed mindset, they will never experience difficulty in anything because they only do work according to what they understand and it is very unlikely that they will experience failure in the work they do, they will never do work that they don't. they understand the job, very different from those who have a growth mindset, they will try everything they like and will try to finish what they have started well and most of them will be successful in the work they do.
In my opinion. Fixed mindset, believes in relying on talent or innate traits and doesn't want to change or even doesn't want to get out of the comfort zone, while growth mindset is hard work, continuing to learn and having to continue to develop. So a growth mindset is more capable of achieving something, part of their time is used for learning, if they are criticized it is not considered an attack, they focus on results and progress so that motivation to move forward is maintained even if there are obstacles. Recognize their weaknesses, take advantage of feedback, you can also do self-reflection, they must choose the right person to provide feedback. Indeed, all of this must be related because they need people to chat about work to get to know themselves. If they are still in a fixed mindset, try to find out how entrepreneurs see challenges to improve themselves, because a growth mindset is an important factor in achieving success.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: AicecreaME on January 11, 2024, 01:00:21 PM
Growth mindset= Mature people
Fixed mindset= Immature people

Most of the time, people will never grow because of their ego and pride. They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find. These kind of people will only mature to a growth mindset when something terrible happened to their lives, they will start listening to other's advices and opinions.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on January 11, 2024, 04:24:26 PM
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person

I think growth mindset is more better than fixed mindset because we have to change our mind according to our abilities and situation because if we remains at constant level then our achievement will also be fixed but we have to change our mindset as everything is changing regularly. New technologies are arising so we have to adopt those technologies because I think that new and modern techniques are more successful than previous one.

As age is changing so materials are also getting more expensive which means that we have to move towards modern technologies because from older one we have limited amount of money so if we accept modern technologies and accept the risk then our future will be more brighter.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Smartvirus on January 11, 2024, 04:57:44 PM
They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find.
The desire to be the star of the show doesn’t always translate to being too egoistic or puts you in a position of not having a growth mindset. In fact, it could actually result in the opposite in the sense that, it could be a reason to want to be right (yeah, you made that point clear) but that zeal could mean, you do your best to avoid mistakes or wrong moves to your activities and that isn’t exactly a bad thing to do or some bad position to put yourself in.
Where it becomes a problem is in the case where, your unable to accept your flaws, there you would have a real problem as, accepting flaws translate to integrity and it’s a rare character possessed by people who are willing to go far in life.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Lanatsa on January 11, 2024, 05:09:14 PM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

Franky1 mentioned career paths and it is one of the prime examples of this. We tend to specialize in something until it occurs to us that we no longer want it or there are other high-paying jobs that we 'might' get a liking to. Economic conditions force people to change jobs and grow, but if the economy is good and our salaries still fulfill our expenses, I guess no one will have to hop jobs and companies every now and then.
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person
A fixed mindset like a blanket provides safety but stagnation, in my experience. This mindset can impede personal health to some extent. I used to avoid new fitness routines and stick to what I knew. For good well-being, changing health trends require adaptation. Don't humans react positively to change?

As I adopted a growth mindset, I accepted financial and economic obstacles. In the digital age, income diversification seems unlimited when we embrace innovation. Remote work, cryptocurrencies, and internet marketplaces were growth opportunities. A mindset shift may turn problems into stepping stones—isn't it fascinating? From this experience, I learned that open minds can lead to unexpected success and personal growth
If we do speak about overall on which it would really be connected into the slightest thing or behavior on which in form of being idle which it do touch up that you are really that lazy in doing things then this would really be able to touch up this area on which it would really be that not good for the health and since we do know that health is indeed wealth. In speaking about progress then there's no way that you would really be that progressive on this case on which it is really that something that wont really be that ideal. Yes, you are really that avoiding yourself on such potential harm and risks because busineses or investment could really impose such risks when it comes to finances. If you are that someone who would really be bare up on those risks then you would really be moving forward.

Not all would really be that just the same in speaking about behavior and targets/goals in life on which it would really be that determining about into the things that they do have in mind.
Actions would really be reflecting out on the things that they are really that thinking on the first place. If they dont have any plans at all
then they would really be just simply sitting and dont make any actions at all.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: bettercrypto on January 12, 2024, 01:36:27 PM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

Franky1 mentioned career paths and it is one of the prime examples of this. We tend to specialize in something until it occurs to us that we no longer want it or there are other high-paying jobs that we 'might' get a liking to. Economic conditions force people to change jobs and grow, but if the economy is good and our salaries still fulfill our expenses, I guess no one will have to hop jobs and companies every now and then.
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person

It's just with a fixed mindset, assuming that they are enjoying themselves, but they won't grow. They are satisfied with whatever state they are in in life. It seems like, being an employee, there are others who are satisfied with their monthly salary, or 15–30 date of the month salary.

There is sure that they have something to pay at the end of every month or 15–30 date. But they also know that they won't grow because they don't leave their comfort zone. But if you have a growth mindset and the system you are using is right, for sure, in the end, you will be successful.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: mirakal on January 12, 2024, 10:59:53 PM
Growth mindset= Mature people
Fixed mindset= Immature people

Most of the time, people will never grow because of their ego and pride. They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find. These kind of people will only mature to a growth mindset when something terrible happened to their lives, they will start listening to other's advices and opinions.
Having a growth mindset has always its  advantages over a fixed mindset. Rather than having a fixed and limited mindset, wherein your scope of understanding is always in controlled, then it would be wiser to be more open for different chances and opportunities that will come into your life so that you will experience growth and development rather than being stucked to what is traditional and what you are being used to.

There's always a need for us to grow and broaden our horizons, and not to set limits because frankly speaking, those who have fixed and limited mindset are those who are susceptible to scamming and losses.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: naikturun on January 13, 2024, 06:46:07 AM
someone can change their mindset if they see or feel something, for example they see some of their work friends getting promotions or their friends earning more than them, they will definitely ask why they are not comparable to their friends or people closest to them.
From there, maybe people who are not developing are developing because of the examples they see.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: junder on January 13, 2024, 11:05:13 AM
someone can change their mindset if they see or feel something, for example they see some of their work friends getting promotions or their friends earning more than them, they will definitely ask why they are not comparable to their friends or people closest to them.
From there, maybe people who are not developing are developing because of the examples they see.

that's true, but even so it all depends on the person, because I have a friend whose habit is that he is completely covered up or has a shy attitude and tends to like to be alone, also every day his work is only playing online games even though if you look at his age he is quite old. As an adult, I experienced what you are telling me about, where when I had a decent job he asked me how to have a job like mine with a decent income too, and I as a friend of course had told him about the methods, well this is It happened over and over again where he always asked about my job even though every time I met him I definitely told him, but what annoyed me was that he didn't make any movement to change, I don't know what was on his mind but this friend of mine usually just talked. just without any action.

and when at one point I was fed up with him asking again about my work, in the end I didn't want to answer his questions again because I was fed up with his talk without any action at all. and I think he is a person who has fixed thoughts which he will change if he himself feels something that is really harsh on him, and also he must have his own awareness.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: FanEagle on January 13, 2024, 03:36:01 PM
I forgot about this topic, this is right, there are people who think the world as either this or that, I think it is definitely not that simple. We should stop trying to categorizing everything, that's just not how it is done, we are not there and that's not how it works. There aren't people with just one or the other, there are all colors of the rainbow if you will, we are all different and we all have our own brain and desires and emotions.

I believe that I do not really like the feeling of having my own company, it scares me, in all seriousness, I should probably start something, I would do well, I am a hard worker and I know that, but I just do not want to take that risk, it just doesn't feel like I could pull it off, don't feel like doing that, doesn't mean I don't grow.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: EarnOnVictor on January 14, 2024, 06:47:35 PM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

Franky1 mentioned career paths and it is one of the prime examples of this. We tend to specialize in something until it occurs to us that we no longer want it or there are other high-paying jobs that we 'might' get a liking to. Economic conditions force people to change jobs and grow, but if the economy is good and our salaries still fulfill our expenses, I guess no one will have to hop jobs and companies every now and then.
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person
Keeping our mind ready for growth is the best while we shun the ugly mindset of fixation (if it is toward stagnancy), but at times, it depends on the definition of the two as even a fixed mindset could be very good in another school of thought, but I will not go there as I like to stick to the ideology of the OP right now. Based on the OP's ideology which you also rely on in your reply, I believe that many people are too comfortable with their situation, they do not want to wake up and move forward. Some are so dull in reasoning and creativity while others are too lazy to do anything that will move them forward, they are just relaxed or continue to procrastinate as if the time is waiting for anybody.

Many do not want to learn and expose themselves to ideas that can shape their lives positively, this will always keep them in the same sport whether they are poor or average. This is the kind of people that will always complain rather than take steps to better themselves and many would not even believe that they need more income stream but rather depend on a single source of income even as they are having financial challenges. It is often late before they realise this, while others will never realise it and will remain poor or not have that significant advancement for the rest of their life.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: jaberwock on January 14, 2024, 07:03:31 PM
Growth mindset= Mature people
Fixed mindset= Immature people

Most of the time, people will never grow because of their ego and pride. They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find. These kind of people will only mature to a growth mindset when something terrible happened to their lives, they will start listening to other's advices and opinions.
A person with a fixed mindset will barely be able to adapt to changes and try to change themselves, their lives, or the way they do things because they don't feel comfortable trying new things and having new experiences. They tend to lead a simple life with easy things that don't require them to challenge themselves or their abilities because they are too afraid of losses and they think that they will get humiliated if they challenge themselves and don't come out at the other end as a winner.

Such kind of people will always have a hard time achieving a lot of success in life, and they have no issues with this. They think they have everything they need and they don't want to change or upgrade their life and lifestyle. It sounds odd but such people exist and we can see them living with us, in our society or neighborhood.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: someone703 on January 14, 2024, 07:15:46 PM
The beauty of the growth mindset is that it doesn't promise you'll never fall. It guarantees that even when you do, you won't stay down. It's the hand that pulls you back to the edge, the compass that helps you chart a new, wiser path. It's the voice that reminds you, "Falling is just another step in the climb. Learn from it, adjust your approach, and you'll rise even higher."

Remember, setbacks are not signs of failure; they're stepping stones on the road to mastery. Each fall reveals hidden weaknesses, exposes blind spots, and ultimately, teaches us the art of resilience. With every rise, we carry the lessons learned from our stumbles, making us stronger, wiser, and even more prepared for the next challenge.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: uneng on January 14, 2024, 08:10:24 PM
Growth mindset= Mature people
Fixed mindset= Immature people

Most of the time, people will never grow because of their ego and pride. They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find. These kind of people will only mature to a growth mindset when something terrible happened to their lives, they will start listening to other's advices and opinions.
I believe it also has something to do with self-esteem. Some people view themselves in a very negative shape, so they will naturally avoid exposing themselves in public. They will tend to avoid everything which has potential to deteriorate their fragile self-esteem even more. Maybe even ego and pride are just a breastplate to protect their weak self behind from the judgments and comparisons of the world.

Unfortunatelly, it's not so easy to change someone's mindset from fixed to growth. First of all, the person has to see the necessity of doing that, besides willing to achieve that. I think it is the hardest part of the process, because to confess to yourself your weaknesses and difficults, involves getting rid of that breastplate which is responsible for protecting your weak self-esteem. Without this armor, which is the only thing protecting the self, imagine how fearful and dubious this individual will become, until reaching a considerable development point of his new growth mindset.

However, it might be precipitate to call someone characterized by fixed mindset an immature person, because he might have become an introspective individual, exactly because that is how a plenty of life's experiences have shaped him. He has maturity, but developed it in an extremely negative way, closing himself to the world outside.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Hamphser on January 14, 2024, 09:27:21 PM
Growth mindset= Mature people
Fixed mindset= Immature people

Most of the time, people will never grow because of their ego and pride. They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find. These kind of people will only mature to a growth mindset when something terrible happened to their lives, they will start listening to other's advices and opinions.
A person with a fixed mindset will barely be able to adapt to changes and try to change themselves, their lives, or the way they do things because they don't feel comfortable trying new things and having new experiences. They tend to lead a simple life with easy things that don't require them to challenge themselves or their abilities because they are too afraid of losses and they think that they will get humiliated if they challenge themselves and don't come out at the other end as a winner.

Such kind of people will always have a hard time achieving a lot of success in life, and they have no issues with this. They think they have everything they need and they don't want to change or upgrade their life and lifestyle. It sounds odd but such people exist and we can see them living with us, in our society or neighborhood.
It do comes naturally on which it is really that something that you could really be able to do so specially if you are on a situation or condition on which you are really that needing to adjust accordingly.
Even if we do say that you do have that fixed mindset but life conditions or situations on which you would really be needing up to adjust accordingly basing up on what you are really facing on.
Its never been that simple or something that you wont really be able to react. This is why it would be that always best that you should really know and learn to adjust accordingly basing up on the condition
or situations that you are facing but i dont have any doubts if someone would be having that growth mindset on which no matter what angle we are really that seeing on which i do see this one to be preferrable.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on January 14, 2024, 09:47:59 PM
Growth mindset is hard to achieve. Humans tend to look for comfort and stick with it until something happens. No one really wants to get out of their comfort zones until they are forced by an event or a difficult situation. Rarely have I ever encountered a person who wants to change something and actually do something about it, though it is still possible with the right approach and the right support.

Franky1 mentioned career paths and it is one of the prime examples of this. We tend to specialize in something until it occurs to us that we no longer want it or there are other high-paying jobs that we 'might' get a liking to. Economic conditions force people to change jobs and grow, but if the economy is good and our salaries still fulfill our expenses, I guess no one will have to hop jobs and companies every now and then.
The difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset is that a fixed mindset means that they always enjoy the current situation without acting on new things and don't care about any innovations so they are always in a safe condition even if there is a downturn, often they consider themselves unable to do things beyond his abilities. whereas those with a growth mindset always look for new challenges in life as long as it brings positive things to themselves, they see that whatever failures will one day bring change to themselves, if they hear and see other people succeed they continue to find out and ask for experience and how to be successful like that person
The simple thing is that when we have a developing mindset, we are indirectly ready for the challenges we face, but on the other hand it is very good to do because in the end this can also be one of the encouragements for us to upgrade ourselves to be better than before because indeed with the progress of the times that is always better as time goes by, we must also indirectly have a developing mindset to keep up with it.

As for those who are in a fixed mindset, it is actually not a problem if they really want to do that when their resources are enough to be in the comfort zone but on the other hand we also cannot be an idealist in addressing situations that occur in development because in the end we also have to keep developing ourselves unless we want to be left further behind.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 15, 2024, 09:30:51 AM
Growth mindset= Mature people
Fixed mindset= Immature people

Most of the time, people will never grow because of their ego and pride. They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find. These kind of people will only mature to a growth mindset when something terrible happened to their lives, they will start listening to other's advices and opinions.
A person with a fixed mindset will barely be able to adapt to changes and try to change themselves, their lives, or the way they do things because they don't feel comfortable trying new things and having new experiences. They tend to lead a simple life with easy things that don't require them to challenge themselves or their abilities because they are too afraid of losses and they think that they will get humiliated if they challenge themselves and don't come out at the other end as a winner.

Such kind of people will always have a hard time achieving a lot of success in life, and they have no issues with this. They think they have everything they need and they don't want to change or upgrade their life and lifestyle. It sounds odd but such people exist and we can see them living with us, in our society or neighborhood.

I agree with that, also those who have a fixed mindset I think they are afraid to step up so most of them are already in their comfort zone they are reluctant to step forward, even though I am sure they also want development for themselves, especially financially after all there is nothing wrong with trying new things, even though there are risks but at least it is a natural thing and like you said maybe they are difficult to adapt to a new environment.

yes there are people like this in my neighborhood, they always talk about what developments they should make to change their lives, but with the many suggestions they receive from friends or other people, they don't take any action and just do the things they usually do.  i think it will be difficult for them to change for the better because they are already stuck in a zone that makes them comfortable. and i think you are right, people like this may find it difficult to achieve success even for themselves.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Albarq on April 25, 2024, 01:44:57 PM
One can judge a person's progress by how strongly they pursue a goal in order to achieve success. It can be seen from a person's habit of developing a growth mindset as if failure turns them into knowledge for the future so that it doesn't happen again. Another thing with a fixed mindset is that they don't get out of their comfort zone, which is considered to be the case. achieve the feasibility of living so they don't want to take risks or don't need to try new things as if their life is already well provided for.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Yaqs15 on April 26, 2024, 06:22:49 PM
Growth mindset= Mature people
Fixed mindset= Immature people

Most of the time, people will never grow because of their ego and pride. They always wanted to be the star of the show, they don't want to be the wrong, they are always right. In short, they are the most annoying people you'll ever find. These kind of people will only mature to a growth mindset when something terrible happened to their lives, they will start listening to other's advices and opinions.
   When people refuse to listen to the advice and opinions of others or look down on others, they are called arrogant people. if it's done out of proud and becomes their attitude and character.
But some time, if it's not always their character, but just because they see it as not right some time, then it's not arrogant but self opinion or self decision it's also called self esteem.
So is good for some one to learn how to say no, but not always and it should also  be said maturely. One should not be seeing him self as always be on the right side but should understand that he or she is human and can make mistakes. By so doing, even if someone comes against him or her, it will not be seen as something negative to him.
someone can change their mindset if they see or feel something, for example they see some of their work friends getting promotions or their friends earning more than them, they will definitely ask why they are not comparable to their friends or people closest to them.
From there, maybe people who are not developing are developing because of the examples they see.
  A mature person should learn how to change. Change from one opinion to another happens in different ways due to circumstances that might come over.
  One of the mature way one can grow further, is by positive emulation. What does this mean? It means when you see one that is smarter than you, try to imitate him or her and forget about your pride.  Don't compete with them!Just emulate him or her and follow the steps your friends followed if really you want to have what they have.

Title: Re: Growth mindset versus fixed mindset
Post by: Renampun on April 26, 2024, 07:00:17 PM
Like most of the time both sides hold a portion of the truth, it is true there are people out there which are born with a talent that seems to defy all explanations and anyone else may pale in comparison, however it is also true that the more you learn the better you become at it, so even a person that is not born with those talents can still achieve a very high level of skill in any field in which they may decide to specialize.

The bad thing about talented people is that they are quite arrogant about it, they are trivial with the people around them and feel that only they are talented, so talent without ethics is zero, people who are great and very successful in business and career are those who are talented and also ethical.

Hmm what is for you successful?
Plenty of money, fiat or crypto?
A family with well educated family members?
A life full with adventure, not rich but having enough to not to worry.
A life filled with learning?
A happy life according to each of everone?
Whatever else?  

That apart there are infinte shades of grey.

The meaning of the word success can be interpreted in a very broad scope, success for each person is different, so in general success is the achievement of what you want.