Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Y3shot on November 30, 2023, 03:09:23 PM

Title: Bitcoin story
Post by: Y3shot on November 30, 2023, 03:09:23 PM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: dzungmobile on November 30, 2023, 03:14:16 PM
Stories are stories but their meanings will be different with different times you know about them. If you are living in times of stories going on, you deeply understand about them. If you only heard about it years later, you will likely not actually understand about context of those stories.

Like how did you know contexts of first trade Pizza for bitcoins or how this market was very sensitive and vulnerable with fud like 5 or 10 years ago? You never can actually feel about it if you only join this market in 2022 or 2023.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: syedakhlaque on November 30, 2023, 05:15:58 PM
It is very interesting to tell the story of Bitcoin to children. How Bitcoin Started. Whom do it & when it happend to work. and what is block chain technology?
This would be a good activity if the students are introduced to Bitcoin right from the primary classes. It should be part of education as an optional subject. So that students should trained in economic activities from the beginning. They have the tendency of professional education. And grow up to be able to perform better economic services and become economically self-sufficient.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Y3shot on November 30, 2023, 05:20:16 PM
Stories are stories but their meanings will be different with different times you know about them. If you are living in times of stories going on, you deeply understand about them. If you only heard about it years later, you will likely not actually understand about context of those stories.
The essence for stories is for young people to have interest in the name of bitcoin which it will make them to be willing to know bitcoin well when they grow up to understand things better. It is better thus way than trying to explain what bitcoin is which may seems difficult to for them to understand. Of recent their are cartoons bitcoin stories that kids can watch and it is an interesting one with create good memories to remember the name bitcoin as kids.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: salad daging on November 30, 2023, 05:54:01 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
Isn't there already a comic about bitcoin that educates children? In some marketplaces, there are already many comics about bitcoin and for those who want to teach children, they can buy these comics.

Now also cartoon stories about bitcoin have been made a lot you might be able to find it there, even if I'm not mistaken there used to be a thread that discussed bitcoin that teaches children but I forgot, but after I found it I will edit it again here.

add: The World's First Kids Cartoon about Bitcoin (

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on November 30, 2023, 06:00:33 PM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn Bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.
For me, I think the best way to make kids comprehend about Bitcoin is when you explain in a cartoon format, and nothing more, because trying to tell them about the beginning of Bitcoin, Bitcoin has several beginning, of which for me starting with the meaning of Bitcoin, it's basic terms and the year it was invented and who invented it are the best approach to handling this, just as explained in the YouTube video I will be sharing below, which I just happen to come across, and I think that's indeed the best video which explains Bitcoin in it's basic to a complete novice.


Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Upgrade00 on November 30, 2023, 06:44:37 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
I will rather introduce children very slowly to the entire financial system and how the can game that system. Introducing then to just Bitcoin is limited when it will form just a part of their financial life not the entirety of it and that's if they get into it at all.

When it comes to introducing the financial system there are various ways that can be done, using stories children find exciting is one way to do that, you need to find what works for you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on November 30, 2023, 07:13:11 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
The best way to talk to anyone about anything to pique their interests is through a story. It is not only kids who loves a good story, teenagers, and adult love a good story. And for kids colorful illustrations about money will a conversation starter for them after which you slowly and carefully tell about bitcoin.

If you notice that the kids seem to be distracted and interested in your story, do not force them. Just move to something else and revisit the story at a later time.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: ZAINmalik75 on November 30, 2023, 08:03:04 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
Or you may consider preferring them to watch cartoons of BTC learnings because Kids want to watch a cartoon which should have some good and funny story, any one of them might not make the impression therefore we need a series of cartoons on different big channels so they would get more consumers. Or, we can teach children about how currency is created and from which date we are using currencies, and what types are there.

Questions like these will help them to think beyond their circle of limit, which is that money is there from the start most of them will even think that money is created after many years, this fact will be new to them so when they will have good knowledge about currency and its history they will learn about BTC better.

And with the history of currency, they will know what potential BTC has and how can it become the future type of currency. Everything is revolutionizing even the currencies are.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: BenCodie on November 30, 2023, 08:42:39 PM
There are many of these already. There are comics about Bitcoin, which can be found just by googling "bitcoin comics". On top of that there are even some videos. I'd have a look at Bitcoin and Friends. It's a short series about Bitcoin, presented in a fun way.

I think when it comes to teaching, history would be better taught through stories in all forms. When it comes to using it on the other hand, I don't think a comic or a cartoon would do the trick in helping a minor understand Bitcoin.

Let me ask though, when you are a child was education about money forced upon you? Even in later years, was money an informed topic? Even to this day, it isn't in most places. Partially because who would want to teach a broken system, but also because it is something for children to not sorry about knowing how to use.

I think the best thing to teach a child is storing value in the right place, replacing the piggy bank with the Bitcoin jar, everything added in goes into the BTC. Then, comparing the value of that money with Bitcoin's value when they are of age.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Stalker22 on November 30, 2023, 08:47:47 PM
Teaching kids about complicated stuff like Bitcoin can be tricky.  But making up fun stories and games is a sneaky way to get them interested.  Like maybe the kids could go on a Bitcoin treasure hunt and win coins for finishing little tasks along the way.  That makes it like an adventure instead of boring homework and  the point is to make the learning part feel like playtime.  Kids brains soak things up better when they are enjoying themselves.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: livingfree on November 30, 2023, 08:53:13 PM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
It is a good introduction to the kids.

But to mind you that, there are people that don't agree of introducing Bitcoin to as young as the kids because they just don't think that it's the right time in doing so.

There are lots of things that can be introduced to them and why Bitcoin? well, I am not the one speaking on that part because I agree that it's a good thing to mention every story that you can tell to a kid and introduce it to them as young as they can be.

And that is because their curiosity is there and they will remember what you've told them about it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: bayu7adi on November 30, 2023, 09:14:57 PM
If no one tries, no one knows whether it impacts the younger generation or not. Stories are always interesting for anyone to follow, but ensuring if they are genuinely curious about Bitcoin as you mean it is quite challenging. They might just enjoy the storyline itself, not necessarily the subject of the story.

Teaching Bitcoin to the younger generation is indeed a commendable effort. I personally appreciate it more than people who don't contribute anything to promote BTC in their surroundings. We all know that the more people support BTC, the stronger its position becomes. This way, we all gain confidence to hodl for even longer.

I agree with the idea of teaching Bitcoin to newcomers. If they are interested in learning about Bitcoin, help them with what you know. That way, at least we create a comfortable space for all Bitcoin users.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Raflesia on November 30, 2023, 09:21:14 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
Currently when talking about introducing children to bitcoin it is already diverse and there are many sources that can support it such as several comics that are already available in the marketplace today or indeed if you don't want to be bothered there are other things that can be done by looking at bitcoin-themed cartoons which are now also quite a lot on several social media channels or youtube and if I'm not mistaken there has been someone who introduced this in one of the threads.

The problem is only one I think in this case, namely the child's interest because after all it is one of the important factors if in the end the child is interested in it then some methods will be very easy to enter but if in the end they are not too excited don't force it because this will actually burden the child.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Zlantann on November 30, 2023, 09:28:26 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

Children can learn through different teaching methods like demonstration, storytelling, explanation or even role-playing. You have to identify the best teaching methods that suit the child you want to teach. The storytelling method is good because it leads to a quick understanding of the topic and lessons can be easily drawn from the story. Different cartons have tried to showcase the story of Bitcoin simply and understandably for children to learn. But we should also know that children shouldn't be bothered with Bitcoin education unless they naturally show interest in learning about it.

Children are already occupied with school activities and should be allowed to enjoy their childhood. They should be allowed to play around with friends, study their books and learn interpersonal skills. As they become adolescents, Bitcoin education can be gradually introduced.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Jating on November 30, 2023, 09:34:50 PM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

I really don't understand why we need to introduce bitcoin to our young children? For me as a parent, I'm totally against it. There are a lot of lessons in life that you can tell them, and I don't think that bitcoin should be one of them.

In any case, though, we have a lot of similar topics in the past:

  • Crypto (Bitcoin) and children personal Finance Education (
  • An easy approach to Bitcoin (
  • Don't Force Your Children to Learn Bitcoin (
  • Are Your Kids Aware Of Bitcoin? Teach Them. (
  • Teaching children Bitcoin is not in vain (

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: decodx on November 30, 2023, 09:38:26 PM
Stories definitely grab kids' attention, so telling the mysterious tale of Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin's creator, would get them hooked.  So you can capture their curiosity about who this masked mastermind was and how they invented something so groundbreaking.  I bet picturing this cryptic character dreaming up their big brainchild would fire up young imaginations.  

Though people here make a good point - there's probably childrens books or comics on Bitcoin's origins already floating around online.  Even if there aren't, making up our own fun kid-friendly tale of how Bitcoin came to be could be a cool creative project.  It might be interesting to try spinning this compelling yarn into a unique tall tale for young readers.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Assface16678 on November 30, 2023, 11:56:16 PM
Stories are stories but their meanings will be different with different times you know about them. If you are living in times of stories going on, you deeply understand about them. If you only heard about it years later, you will likely not actually understand about context of those stories.
The essence for stories is for young people to have interest in the name of bitcoin which it will make them to be willing to know bitcoin well when they grow up to understand things better. It is better thus way than trying to explain what bitcoin is which may seems difficult to for them to understand. Of recent their are cartoons bitcoin stories that kids can watch and it is an interesting one with create good memories to remember the name bitcoin as kids.
I agree with you that introducing bitcoin, or the word bitcoin, or maybe the concept of bitcoin, to a younger generation is a good idea because, who knows, someone might take an interest and start investing or deep diving in bitcoin. But I think we also need to introduce bitcoin to more mature minds, maybe in the high school stage, because that's when young people are more curious, and some young people tend to become early adopters of something. And with the advancements and many ways of accessing and reaching people these days, we can think of many ways to educate or influence others about bitcoin. Like you've said, most commonly, social media is powerful in this generation, so maybe we can spread the idea of bitcoin or crypto currency itself to many more people around the world. Yes,  bitcoin is quite powerful and popular, but I think providing knowledge and more information is also very helpful.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Bananington on December 01, 2023, 12:08:36 AM
Where it would make more sense, is if the story is told from the perspective of money. Afterall, BTC is money and we as bitcoiners should refer to it as such without exception when telling the tale of its existence and struggle to gain relevance in our society today.
Children learn very fast, and if such knowledge is taught them at a very young age, they would do better in terms of investment in these areas where their guardian adults have interest and have pointed out as a potential treasure hold of wealth.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: passwordnow on December 01, 2023, 12:32:28 AM
Children learn very fast, and if such knowledge is taught them at a very young age
This is true that most of the children today are very quick in learning. With few simple words and they will remember and get to learn that and how much more if they look for some resources online and will apply that to the word and lesson that they've been told to study. So while giving them the idea at a young age, they will grow up from it and it is going to be with them as they grow older.

they would do better in terms of investment in these areas where their guardian adults have interest and have pointed out as a potential treasure hold of wealth.
From a perspective of money, it's true that they'll learn about investment, bitcoin as it is money, and everything in finance. Because bitcoin isn't just a crypto that they get to hold and earn. But it's also something that teaches them financially and how to know more about economics and everything that surrounds it. It also varies to the parent if they are going to teach all of what they know to them but most parents will do.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Darker45 on December 01, 2023, 12:33:29 AM
I think there have already been children's stories about Bitcoin. There were already cartoon videos made for children as well. Although it's good to let children know about the value of money and this better alternative called Bitcoin, it's not really something that's required for them.

I'm not a child development expert but I guess there are probably a thousand other things that children should be busy about, those that are fit for their age and brain and level of comprehension. And because children are notorious for having short attention span, there should be priorities.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: ancafe on December 01, 2023, 01:07:43 AM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
Digital footprints will make it easier for them to learn about Bitcoin, where at the beginning of Bitcoin's appearance it was completely no invaluable so that they could get the best moments like now. There is a similar post that explains how to teach children using animated videos and because young children love watching, maybe these videos can be useful. We weren't taught how to earn money when we were little but were told to study hard to be successful at school and almost all parents did the same thing.

Children's personalities will be formed if they are directed rather than giving them the freedom to choose. So, I quite agree if there are parents who introduce bitcoin to their children, but the most important thing is that it must be adjusted to their age and not force them to accept something that is not yet their responsibility.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: peter0425 on December 01, 2023, 03:10:01 AM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
Have been telling stories about Bitcoin(and altcoins) to my children for years I even started with my eldest when He was 13 and now that He is 18? yeah started His venture in investing in crypto not only in bitcoin but His Folio also has some altcoin (the funds that has been given to Him each holidays and birthdays) and indeed that the folio is going smooth and making good increase .

We must introduce cryptocurrency to out children but focus more in BITCOIN because in that they will be saved from scams and other forms of irregularities ,
and also they must invest here when they are ready and willing to take risk of course .

Teaching kids about complicated stuff like Bitcoin can be tricky. 

it may be tricky but worthy for them ,  because Bitcoin is what future will bring them more usable  , I am seeing this way for my children in 10-20 years from now.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: angrybirdy on December 01, 2023, 03:17:02 AM
I think there have already been children's stories about Bitcoin. There were already cartoon videos made for children as well. Although it's good to let children know about the value of money and this better alternative called Bitcoin, it's not really something that's required for them.

I'm not a child development expert but I guess there are probably a thousand other things that children should be busy about, those that are fit for their age and brain and level of comprehension. And because children are notorious for having short attention span, there should be priorities.
I saw it somewhere in the internet too, That cartoon video that has been made specially for kids. Since in this generation, kids are very adaptive and easy to learn based on what they read or see, If ever that they are engaged in crypto and bitcoin at their young age, they can carry it until they grow old even if we say they will learn a lot of other things, bitcoin will never get out of their mind, As they think about it, they may be more interested in bitcoin because they have already started to have an idea about it when they were young. But it depends on the level of thinking of a children and even depends on their interest because we can't force them to learn something especially if they don't want it so it's better to let them learn it alone.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: pinggoki on December 01, 2023, 03:37:34 AM
I think there have already been children's stories about Bitcoin. There were already cartoon videos made for children as well. Although it's good to let children know about the value of money and this better alternative called Bitcoin, it's not really something that's required for them.

I'm not a child development expert but I guess there are probably a thousand other things that children should be busy about, those that are fit for their age and brain and level of comprehension. And because children are notorious for having short attention span, there should be priorities.
You're talking about the cartoon animation by Tuttle Twins right? A lot of people have seen it already and I think that the way they deliver the information is pretty cool and at most can be understood by children although I think that stories about bitcoin should be a thing that a child should know about when they're already at an age where they have some level of ability to think for themselves. I agree on you about child development stuff, definitely other things should be focused on before jumping into introducing bitcoin like nurturing or building a foundation for critical thinking.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Essential10 on December 01, 2023, 03:48:40 AM
Different people may have different opinions about teaching children about Bitcoin. But I think children should be taught about financial literacy and the concept of money. Introducing them to complex topics like Bitcoin at a young age may not be an effective way. I think the focus should be on teaching kids about saving, budgeting, and the value of money through age-appropriate methods. Building a strong foundation of basic math and financial concepts for kids before delving into more advanced topics like cryptocurrencies. Introducing them to Bitcoin at a young age can lead to potential confusion. Focusing on teaching kids about money in hands-on, practical ways can be beneficial. As they get older and develop a better understanding of financial concepts, they can be considered introducing more complex topics like Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Nrcewker on December 01, 2023, 03:55:59 AM
Story for Bitcoin’s history or a story where Bitcoin’s idea is implemented? If you are thinking about the first one, then you won’t be able to develop a strong story on that topic, which will keep the children’s attention completely to the story. Yes you can implement Bitcoins in an interesting story as a part and that keep the children engaging on the story. I think the children will be smart enough to understand themselves how Bitcoins work, if they research on internet, as they are the GenZ, hence they are smart enough to understand how Bitcoins work.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Fuso.hp on December 01, 2023, 04:09:49 AM
Nothing can grab your attention so easily in the beginning, when a new product comes in the market, various advertisements need to be placed to promote that product as well as huge amount of money spent on marketing. After all this, after spending so much money, people get to know about that product and the demand for that product slowly increases in the market. When the product is known to everyone, the company of the product does not spend so much money on the marketing of the product to increase the demand for the product. Bitcoin was not known to people in the beginning but gradually its popularity increased as well as people trusted this coin.  People trusted this number law and believed in the coin and hence the popularity of this coin gradually increased and the number of investors of the coin increased due to which the value of this coin was able to reach such a level from its initial stage.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: bitterguy28 on December 01, 2023, 05:50:22 AM
We must come out with better story , we knew how hard and risky to understand bitcoin that kids might not get the deeper part so indeed that we should create a entertaining story so they can follow.
though kids nowadays have a mature thinking and easy to cope , but still this technology is even harder.
so I must say we should let them have little by little understanding and eventually as they are getting mature, the complete idea will be in their mind.
also what we need to bring them is a simple understanding so they will be ready if time comes that we need to inherit our bitcoin to them right?

though I found this Book that sounds interesting and appealing to the kids?

or these 5 given books that Am sure you have read some?

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: 2Pizza410000BTC on December 01, 2023, 06:13:42 AM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
Children can be told about Bitcoin in the form of stories but children can never be attracted to Bitcoin. When a child is attracted to Bitcoin, he will become reluctant to study. Whenever he becomes disinterested in his studies, he will not be able to become a human being. There are many stories about Bitcoin that you can find by searching YouTube channels. But I don't think young children should be educated about Bitcoin. It is best for a child to learn about Bitcoin when he or she reaches the appropriate age.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Blitzboy on December 01, 2023, 06:28:49 AM
Absolutely, telling stories is a great way to teach, especially to kids. Stories about how Bitcoin came to be do include elements of doubt, disbelief, and success. This method not only makes hard ideas easier to understand, but it also makes people wonder and be interested. Imagine a story where Bitcoin is like a digital prize that people miss at first but then want very much. Not only technology, but also having a goal, sticking with it, and coming up with new ideas.

We should be careful, though. We should not oversimplify when we are trying to make things easier. Its important to have both interest and facts. Little minds are easily swayed, and the stories we tell them shape what they understand. Thus, our story should not only captivate but also lay a factual foundation, subtly introducing basic principles of digital currency. This method gets them interested, which makes it easier for them to learn more as they get older. We're not just telling a story; we're also teaching people how to be good internet citizens in the future.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: kentrolla on December 01, 2023, 08:15:28 AM
That's something which all of us should try doing and this might atleast help them understand that how anything new and innovative can become a life changer as we are fed to believe in the traditional ideology and methods instead of being taught to believe in new technologies and something which is not a business as usual. This will enable them to start exploring and getting themselves involved into technologies of future. When Bitcoin was introduced to me I though it's a scam and some sort of multi level marketing of pyramid scheme but I was wrong. 

It should be in the context of Bitcoin but not limited to Bitcoin as our end goal should be enabling them to be open for radical changes and new innovations, which would keep them ahead of rest and work for betterment through these technologies.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: bluebit25 on December 01, 2023, 08:27:03 AM
I don't have much technical knowledge about Bitcoin, but I tested my patience when I sat down to talk about another memecoin   ;D with my 6-year-old nephew. And reminds me of exposing children to new knowledge in an open way, I talk about the symbols of money in the crypto market, and then talk about the fun in this market, the final conclusion that I want to imprint on the child's mind is to mention that the king is Bitcoin. Although this is only small, incomplete information about the market, I believe this has planted a seed in the child's awareness when he or she is more capable and will remember my story.

Perhaps in our current generation there are still controversies, but as the truth and acceptance are better understood, the next generation will have a crypto market that I believe will be much.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on December 01, 2023, 08:53:58 AM
Saying that no body ever believed in bitcoin is a sham of a story, a lie, why?
Because, as we all know or are already aware, we are not sure if satoshi is a name to a group of persons, or a name to just one man, but lets say that the name belongs to just one man, he definitely had people working with him, satoshi did not invent bitcoin alone, he had co-developers who also believed in the idea of bitcoin, and this guys also contributed all they could and can to see that bitcoin becomes a success as it is today.

So if satoshi and his group of developers, and initial supporters believed and supported bitcoin in the beginning, it's a lie to say that no body ever believed in bitcoin when it came into existence.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Minecache on December 01, 2023, 09:32:00 AM
I don't have much technical knowledge about Bitcoin, but I tested my patience when I sat down to talk about another memecoin   ;D with my 6-year-old nephew. And reminds me of exposing children to new knowledge in an open way, I talk about the symbols of money in the crypto market, and then talk about the fun in this market, the final conclusion that I want to imprint on the child's mind is to mention that the king is Bitcoin. Although this is only small, incomplete information about the market, I believe this has planted a seed in the child's awareness when he or she is more capable and will remember my story.

Perhaps in our current generation there are still controversies, but as the truth and acceptance are better understood, the next generation will have a crypto market that I believe will be much.

Your nephew is 6 years old, which means he hasn't even finished 1st grade yet. So what benefits do bitcoin and cryptocurrency bring in this case? Even if you tell them a million times about the fun or the huge amount of money you make from the market, I bet you they won't understand a thing. I also have a son and he is over 5 years old, I also tried mentioning bitcoin as my image, logo or physical bitcoin...but he never remembers them just 1 day later. But if you give them Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man...they will remember it for a long time and be very interested. Bitcoin is finance, it's money, and 6-year-old children don't need to know about those things yet.

As Darker45 said, each age will need different knowledge. Don't try to cram them with things that are not appropriate for their age.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Publictalk792 on December 01, 2023, 09:37:16 AM
In my point of view this is an excellent Idea. If we tell the story of Bitcoin. And even if we tell the stories of the legends who started with Bitcoin and they were with Bitcoin from its start.
If we tell these kind of stories to the childrens so this will be motivation and also a purpose of spreading knowledge to the childrens.

With that the childrens will get much knowledge and they will try to learn more if they will get interest after listening stories. Not even tell the stories I think we should give some knowledge to our children how Bitcoin work how to buy how to save or how can we send or transact. If they will get interest so they will collect the next information with their interest.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Aanuoluwatofunmi on December 01, 2023, 09:56:24 AM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

The right word you would have used here is not stories, in other to make people believe it's true, we need to tell them about the history of bitcoin right from inception to this stage we are, there's alot to tell others and let them know, this is not also limited to children alone, adults too can also participate in learning about the background history of bitcoin and how we came about it to this time.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

Teaching them about bitcoin knowledge is one vital thing to do, but knowing the right teaching aid/ method is what is more important to make your efforts not be in vain, so this is more determined by our targets audience, if bitcoin stories could help as their quickest means of understanding it, then it better to be utilized in other to make the teaching target achieved.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: coinremitter on December 01, 2023, 10:22:32 AM
Imagine a time when people doubted something extraordinary – a magical digital currency called Bitcoin. In the beginning, few saw its potential, but oh, how it surprised everyone! Just like a captivating story, Bitcoin started small, faced skepticism, and then became a modern-day marvel. Sharing this tale with young minds can spark their curiosity, making the journey into the world of Bitcoin a fascinating adventure they'll want to explore as they grow. Stories have a unique way of capturing hearts and minds, setting the stage for a future where Bitcoin becomes a part of their learning journey.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: KiaKia on December 01, 2023, 10:40:01 AM
I have a different approach, Bitcoin strive and survive when majority of people in the world condemned the technology, no one believe that Bitcoin will survive, this is the lesson to pass unto your children, they will be motivated as they grow and they will learn to believe in themselves rather than what they world want them to become.

The part of my story is just like this, I have so many people telling to my face that I am wasting my time, and I still focused on what I believe in, later they knew they messed up trying to confuse me, do not let anyone tell you out of what you believe in, many people can't see what you are seeing in front of you, it's never their door to open anyway.

Bitcoin story is good enough to pass a lesson to your children, that when the world turn it's back on them there is always hope, that they should learn to believe in themselves and strive to achieve their goals, not many people are there to comfort me, it was I alone, aside my parent, it was even after they saw results that they start believing in me.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: ThemePen on December 01, 2023, 10:41:52 AM
In my point of view stories are just a motivational material. Which can only motivate people or even children. And these stories can't give much knowledge about Bitcoin.
Stories can attempt children and can create interest in childs to learn about Bitcoin.

These are important but I think there should be Classe about Blockchain and Bitcoin. Which will give much knowledge about Bitcoin to childs.
Some circular activities also can icrease knowledge. Or we can give a chance to childs to fo practical and this will help them to understand about Bitcoin. If they will learn much so when they become elder so they will have much knowledge about Bitcoin so they will be able to teach others.
We must have some video tutorials which will be showed to the chids and this will help more to the childs to understand the Bitcoin easily.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: btc78 on December 01, 2023, 10:57:59 AM
rather than teaching them about bitcoin immediately i would opt to teach children first about the importance of money and how to spend it smartly

i think getting in too specific might confuse them or depending on the age group, they might even just forget about it or don’t think about it that much but if i teach children properly how to deal with money and how to have a healthy relationship with it (having patience and control) then i’ll be able to build their interest naturally and that’s when i will start to let them know about bitcoin I’ll probably tell them when they’re old enough like maybe 16 or 17 years old i want them to be financially responsible but i don’t want them growing up thinking too much about money

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on December 01, 2023, 11:11:21 AM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
As far as I remember there is a previous topic here that posted a reel video that was shared on Instagram. Not sure if it's also shared on any other social media. Anyways, it is a story in a cartoon explaining about Bitcoin. More like an introduction to the basic knowledge of Bitcoin that is interesting and we can consider as an attention-getter for kids who might like the animated videos. If only I can find the link and post it here.

The video will surely get the interest of the kids and might make them do some research, though kids might not understand it right now, but it will leave a huge interest for some. That's for sure.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: bluebit25 on December 01, 2023, 11:15:49 AM
I don't have much technical knowledge about Bitcoin, but I tested my patience when I sat down to talk about another memecoin   ;D with my 6-year-old nephew. And reminds me of exposing children to new knowledge in an open way, I talk about the symbols of money in the crypto market, and then talk about the fun in this market, the final conclusion that I want to imprint on the child's mind is to mention that the king is Bitcoin. Although this is only small, incomplete information about the market, I believe this has planted a seed in the child's awareness when he or she is more capable and will remember my story.

Perhaps in our current generation there are still controversies, but as the truth and acceptance are better understood, the next generation will have a crypto market that I believe will be much.

Your nephew is 6 years old, which means he hasn't even finished 1st grade yet. So what benefits do bitcoin and cryptocurrency bring in this case? Even if you tell them a million times about the fun or the huge amount of money you make from the market, I bet you they won't understand a thing. I also have a son and he is over 5 years old, I also tried mentioning bitcoin as my image, logo or physical bitcoin...but he never remembers them just 1 day later. But if you give them Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man...they will remember it for a long time and be very interested. Bitcoin is finance, it's money, and 6-year-old children don't need to know about those things yet.

As Darker45 said, each age will need different knowledge. Don't try to cram them with things that are not appropriate for their age.
Oh no, I somewhat understand their psychology, not the same way you are thinking, but the way I convey it through memecoin with funny images of the market and mentioning Bitcoin as the king of all. And it's no different from a movie or an animated story, and maybe the audience you're dealing with is different from the audience I'm dealing with, so don't equate everyone not being interested in the same thing. I agree that at an age that isn't cognitive enough, no matter how much you say it a million times, it still won't understand, and just like I wouldn't be stupid enough to sit and talk about math equations with a first grader who hasn't mastered calculus yet.

And the thing here is definitely not forcing anyone, but the kids still know that Bitcoin is the king of this market even though they don't know everything, I can imagine thinking they are relating it as a The zoo contains a lot of animals.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: fuguebtc on December 01, 2023, 11:37:15 AM
rather than teaching them about bitcoin immediately i would opt to teach children first about the importance of money and how to spend it smartly

i think getting in too specific might confuse them or depending on the age group, they might even just forget about it or don’t think about it that much but if i teach children properly how to deal with money and how to have a healthy relationship with it (having patience and control) then i’ll be able to build their interest naturally and that’s when i will start to let them know about bitcoin I’ll probably tell them when they’re old enough like maybe 16 or 17 years old i want them to be financially responsible but i don’t want them growing up thinking too much about money

After all, bitcoin is just money and how can a child understand bitcoin if they know nothing about finance and economics? Therefore, it would be smarter if we teach them from basic to advanced.

I agree with you, I will also teach my children when they are adults, 16-18 years old and above will be more appropriate to start teaching them about bitcoin. But I see some people teaching bitcoin to their children when they are 6 years old, what is the use of that? I really find it confusing that they teach investing and finance to kids who can't even write or read, LOL.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on December 01, 2023, 12:32:10 PM
As a parent, I can say that science that involves money becomes very interesting to children very quickly. They understand very well that to get something, you need money, and the more, the better. But this interest in money scares me. Children begin to evaluate every action at some cost, sometimes not realizing that some actions can be done just like that. I see, for example, similar decisions: “I will do something for you, and in return, you will pay me.” Therefore, I will not rush to interest children in Bitcoin. I believe that before starting to love money, children must learn to understand human values so as not to turn their minds into machines that think only about profit.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: tjtonmoy on December 01, 2023, 01:07:24 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.
Don't teach them what Bitcoin is, instead teach them about the concept of Bitcoin. Bitcoin stands for decentralization, freedom, privacy etc. Teaching them these will make them curious and they will try to learn about it themselves. Once they learn the very concept of it, then you can introduce them to Bitcoin. It will be much easier for them to understand this way. Bitcoin requires money. If you introduce your children to money at an early age, that could lead to some problems.
Let them grow up with the knowledge and when they are ready, then introduce Bitcoin to them.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: MIner1448 on December 01, 2023, 06:56:15 PM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

The approach of presenting Bitcoin as a compelling story can actually make it more appealing to children. The story of how an unknown person or group under the name Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin as a response to financial problems and the desire for decentralization can generate fascination and interest.
It can be emphasized that in the beginning many did not believe in Bitcoin and its emergence as a blessing happened over time. This can serve as a lesson about how innovation can change the world even if it is not initially understood or appreciated.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: bitzizzix on December 01, 2023, 07:27:45 PM
Let Bitcoin run as it is because eventually everyone and children will know about it and learn it in their own way. And what we have to see is that Bitcoin continues to grow and develop, so there is no need to force or do things they don't necessarily want to do. Because they have their own world and there comes a time when children have to live as they should and develop, because in the end they will know Bitcoin.
Don't be afraid that they don't know and learn about Bitcoin, because Bitcoin is the future. And we don't know if Bitcoin is accepted in all countries. If so, this will ensure that they will have to know and learn it or there will even be Bitcoin lessons or something else, because it is legal.
And I tried it on my sister and nephew, it didn't work and I only knew about Bitcoin and its functions. However, they cannot find out any further, because they are busy with other lessons, tutoring, playing and so on

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 01, 2023, 10:35:48 PM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

I think it depends on the child's age. What do you think a 4- or 5-year-old baby is going to make out of the story? First, it's not going to be a very fun story to them, and secondly, they are not yet of age to understand investment or even take any investment decisions by themselves, but if it's for kids over the age of twelve, then you don't only need to tell them the story because they are old enough to learn other things about the Bitcoin technology.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: TelolettOm on December 01, 2023, 10:40:45 PM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day.
Children might be happy if the explanation is something like from zero to hero. But is it that easy? Hmm, sometimes, a child is more interested when they see the influence directly. One example is how parents can gain profits and benefits from Bitcoin, directly and concretely. Of course they will be more interested in knowing what Bitcoin is. Next, once there is a feeling of interest and curiosity about Bitcoin, then we will provide insight little by little, it doesn't need to be technical first, but you can start from what the OP gave, rarely Bitcoin with an analogy that is quite easy for them to understand. Only later gradually began to be introduced to other things. But don't let them introduce you about how to get money easily and so on. because they also need mental and emotional readiness to understand this.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: oktana on December 01, 2023, 10:58:55 PM

Right. It is important to put yourself in the level of the listener when trying to explain to them. I mean, even if you want to explain to your grandmother, you need to put yourself in her position and look for the possible way she could understand. Your suggestion is a good one and it is obvious that it will work. To add to that, we now have AI like ChatGPT which will further help with ideas on how to explain Bitcoin to anyone, even grandma.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Minecache on December 02, 2023, 09:21:52 AM
I don't have much technical knowledge about Bitcoin, but I tested my patience when I sat down to talk about another memecoin   ;D with my 6-year-old nephew. And reminds me of exposing children to new knowledge in an open way, I talk about the symbols of money in the crypto market, and then talk about the fun in this market, the final conclusion that I want to imprint on the child's mind is to mention that the king is Bitcoin. Although this is only small, incomplete information about the market, I believe this has planted a seed in the child's awareness when he or she is more capable and will remember my story.

Perhaps in our current generation there are still controversies, but as the truth and acceptance are better understood, the next generation will have a crypto market that I believe will be much.

Your nephew is 6 years old, which means he hasn't even finished 1st grade yet. So what benefits do bitcoin and cryptocurrency bring in this case? Even if you tell them a million times about the fun or the huge amount of money you make from the market, I bet you they won't understand a thing. I also have a son and he is over 5 years old, I also tried mentioning bitcoin as my image, logo or physical bitcoin...but he never remembers them just 1 day later. But if you give them Spider-Man, Batman, Iron Man...they will remember it for a long time and be very interested. Bitcoin is finance, it's money, and 6-year-old children don't need to know about those things yet.

As Darker45 said, each age will need different knowledge. Don't try to cram them with things that are not appropriate for their age.
Oh no, I somewhat understand their psychology, not the same way you are thinking, but the way I convey it through memecoin with funny images of the market and mentioning Bitcoin as the king of all. And it's no different from a movie or an animated story, and maybe the audience you're dealing with is different from the audience I'm dealing with, so don't equate everyone not being interested in the same thing. I agree that at an age that isn't cognitive enough, no matter how much you say it a million times, it still won't understand, and just like I wouldn't be stupid enough to sit and talk about math equations with a first grader who hasn't mastered calculus yet.

And the thing here is definitely not forcing anyone, but the kids still know that Bitcoin is the king of this market even though they don't know everything, I can imagine thinking they are relating it as a The zoo contains a lot of animals.

The kids don't even know what finance or cryptocurrency is, so what does it mean to introduce and emphasize that bitcoin is the king of this market and does it make them more interested? I think, whether it's my audience or your audience, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are all children and the things they love are cartoons, toys, eating candy...not what money is, how to make money...That's just my opinion, because it's your grandchild, not mine, but I think you'd better consult their parents before doing that.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on December 02, 2023, 10:35:25 AM
Children can learn well from stories so if we are teaching them about bitcoin so we should introduce certain stories to our children to be a part of bitcoin learning. I think that Children should learn all the things about bitcoin but they should not participate physically in it because if a person from childhood gets engaged in earning then he will not be able to continue his study.

Earning is important part of life but study is also a crucial part of life as we know each and everything through our education and without education we feels blind. Telling them story about history of bitcoin will help them to be set a goal for future so whenever they grew up and wants to find a job then bitcoin will be a better choice for them which they can easily handled. Other thing is that save some amount of money in Bitcoin for them and also teach them bitcoin story so then at the time of investment they will know everything.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Abdulzuruku01 on December 02, 2023, 05:45:28 PM
I think one of the memorable stories that can serve as introduction of bitcoin to young people expecially children, is to tell them about about the beginning of bitcoin,  how people never believed in it or find it interesting because they knew it is going to be a boon in this modern day. I think a story will put lots of memories in the head of children which they will grow with to later learn bitcoin proper. I feel starting with a dip introduction can be complicated for children to comprehend.

I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

I believe that telling the childrens a story about bitcoin is a great idea because stories or poems help childrens learn things more quickly. when children hear stories, it help them learn about important values as they are introduced to new ideas. Children have a creative way of thinking, so this story will help them develop their brains so that when they grow up, bitcoin won't be new to them.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on December 03, 2023, 09:02:00 AM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

Not a bad idea but why not tell them the real deal, why not teach them about their finance and privacy from the early begining. I'm not talking about when they're still babies but from when they have begin to know their left from their right. Keep the stories for when you're doing story telling and be serious to teach them about Bitcoin when you're teaching them finances. Alot of us weren't taught about finaces from an early age that's why were weren't money oriented until our adulthood which was a bit late.

We shouldn't make the same mistakes to our children. We should make them know liability from assets and teach them how to invest and not saving (which was what a majority of us were just taught). We have to give our children an advantage so their path to succeed becomes more clearer. Bitcoin stories are just stories, when investing in Real estate,, nobody tells you their stories but focus on the most important things one need to know about the industry so the same thing should be done about Bitcoin. Teach your children how to hodl, how to DCA and how to secure their investment with the right wallets that are open source and non custodial.

Title: Re: Bitcoin story
Post by: Blitzboy on December 03, 2023, 09:55:38 AM
I think introducing bitcoin as a story will be better for children to know about Bitcoin and it will be more interesting for them and they would want to get more details about bitcoin as they grow up.

Not a bad idea but why not tell them the real deal, why not teach them about their finance and privacy from the early begining. I'm not talking about when they're still babies but from when they have begin to know their left from their right. Keep the stories for when you're doing story telling and be serious to teach them about Bitcoin when you're teaching them finances. Alot of us weren't taught about finaces from an early age that's why were weren't money oriented until our adulthood which was a bit late.

We shouldn't make the same mistakes to our children. We should make them know liability from assets and teach them how to invest and not saving (which was what a majority of us were just taught). We have to give our children an advantage so their path to succeed becomes more clearer. Bitcoin stories are just stories, when investing in Real estate,, nobody tells you their stories but focus on the most important things one need to know about the industry so the same thing should be done about Bitcoin. Teach your children how to hodl, how to DCA and how to secure their investment with the right wallets that are open source and non custodial.
We have, in fact, failed to teach kids about money when they are young. It's time to fix this by using Bitcoin as a main teaching tool. You can't just tell them; you have to get them interested in Bitcoin and investing. They can learn about assets, liabilities, and the revolutionary idea of digital cash. Why limit them to the old ways of saving?

Children should learn about Bitcoin from a very young age. They should learn how to hodl, the art of DCA, and most importantly, how to keep their digital funds safe with strong, open-source wallets. Not only are we getting them ready for the future, we are also giving them the tools they need to succeed in a world where digital monies are becoming more common. Don't just tell our kids stories about money; teach them facts about it too. This way, they'll be ready for the complicated world of money today.