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Local => Politics and society (Naija) => Topic started by: Africolo on December 01, 2023, 11:42:48 PM

Title: The enemy of success
Post by: Africolo on December 01, 2023, 11:42:48 PM
The enemy of success identified here is procrastination. Procrastination is the delay in taking action or the inability to exert action immediately. Procrastination means setting goals but failing to start the process of achieving the goal. Procrastination means knowing you have to read but keeps postponing the time to start reading. Procrastination means having a work in mind and resources at hand but lacking the zeal to utilize the resources at that time.

Procrastination is an evil to success and this accounts for the reason a lot of potentials are yet to be unraveled. The ability to chase dreams is so challenging to some people that they feel tomorrow is the best time to pursue their dreams not knowing that now is the best time.

Most people have failed to succeed because they have never started the journey of success. This I have described as failure at arrival. It will interest us to know that success is for the risk taker and not the comfort seeker. Risk here means starting not minding the perceived challenges. And so, to succeed you must start!

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Pablo-wood on December 02, 2023, 08:54:56 AM
Take for example in crypto procrastinating when to buy and sell too can be dangerous. Take buying an asset like Bitcoin for example if we keep procrastinating when the price falls to a very low amount then we buy that time might never come similarly for selling if one keeps procrastinating when to sell the market might just take them off balance and they might end up selling below a major profit or selling at a loss. Procrastinating is a danger to growth and productivity

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Charles-Tim on December 02, 2023, 10:05:14 AM
Take for example in crypto procrastinating when to buy and sell too can be dangerous. Take buying an asset like Bitcoin for example if we keep procrastinating when the price falls to a very low amount then we buy that time might never come similarly for selling if one keeps procrastinating when to sell the market might just take them off balance and they might end up selling below a major profit or selling at a loss. Procrastinating is a danger to growth and productivity
If you have the money to invest on bitcoin but not buying, it might not be procrastination. It is not procrastination if you make analyses and see the market to be in favour of the bears.

But if you do not make that kind of analysis and just want to buy, or you know already that bitcoin is undervalued and the recent happening in the market is showing more signs of the bulls dominating, having naira to buy but not buying and postponing when to buy, that is procrastination. This will definitely be what will happen to some people and they will only later noticed that they are late already when the price of bitcoin has gone up significantly.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Makus on December 02, 2023, 04:47:07 PM
Procrastination na one of the things wey don make many people miss opportunity dem aside bitcoin or crypto world, both for our normal day to day activities e dey get some time wey we dey procrastinate and we dey miss chances. So procrastination nor too good, though some times e dey help us run from some certain evils and plans of the wicked sometimes, make I explain. I don hear many testimony from people wey say dem been wan enter taxi commot but dem come choose to ignore the first one say den go later leave in 5 minutes, later when dem enter the other one dem come observe say the first one get accident for from and some people die for inside. So some times e dey good to follow you mind because e fit help you avoid some dangers.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Samlucky O on December 03, 2023, 01:26:14 AM
There is an adage that said "the journey of million miles beging with a step" in what ever thing we do in life I think without taking a bold step you wouldn't be able to achieve it. It's just applicable to this our forum here people grow in wisdom and understanding about bitcoin on regular basis and I think is due to time we create to learn. And this time is used is as a result of making a bold step by starting from a point. It is often said that " time waits for nobody" the more you procatinate the more others succeed.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Y3shot on December 03, 2023, 03:49:29 AM
Procrastination is a very bad thing, it is what cause people not to get to their destination they are supposed to reach in life. Comfort zone is just trap in life , you will be thinking it is just relaxation and it doesn't matter. People need to be very conscious that procrastination is just a auccess stealer. Procrastination is not doing anyone good, it has caused great men to become nothing.  Procrastination has really killed good careers and a lot of businesses that is supposed to be a mega standard.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Obim34 on December 03, 2023, 07:47:01 AM
Of a truth procrastination has done much harm to many people and it has gotten to the extent where they find it difficult to give good results from what is expected from them.
I have this friend that keeps procrastinating, each time we agree on something he would want to postponed it and if I disagree to his terms you see him doing it sliggishly this is a very bad behavior to begin with.

Those who procrastinates on making their investment into Bitcoin always miss out the sweet entering point of the market as before they totally invest in it the price must have gone above the price it was which they should have bought lower and make bigger profits than the have.
We should avoid procrastinating, always keep to agreement even if it cost us our leisure time and much efforts but canceling out an agreement and giving excuses should not be an option

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Gozie51 on December 03, 2023, 04:07:52 PM
This I have described as failure at arrival.

I think for me I will describe procrastination as laziness. Yes I think a greater part of what causes procrastination is laziness because it delays you to call for action on the process of achievement.

Most people who procrastinate are more of lazy people. To confirm this, most times that we procrastinate, if we check properly, we are lazy at those points. So, it is tied together, however it is not to mean that people who have been classified as lazy are not great achievers. They are, they draw their strength from zeal, passion and the need to survive.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Cryptomultiplier on December 03, 2023, 07:51:42 PM
We as humans are naturally born lazy and procrastination is just an English word to describe anyone who puts aside work just to have a lazy moment in the present.

 It isn't different for someone waking up in Naija versus someone waking up in the U.S and both having to resume at a 9-5 job or hustle and do that for years, with even as much as other sources of income hustle being attended to. It is normal to just put off work or the idea of it and just relax and enjoy the moment and it not being called procrastination or being lazy.

 Everything should be in balance, and as such, working so much should be complementary with taking some time off to just be lazy and relax. Afterall, success is an accumulation of effort overtime and not overnight.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on December 04, 2023, 08:42:19 PM
I think for me I will describe procrastination as laziness. Yes I think a greater part of what causes procrastination is laziness because it delays you to call for action on the process of achievement.

Most people who procrastinate are more of lazy people. To confirm this, most times that we procrastinate, if we check properly, we are lazy at those points. So, it is tied together, however it is not to mean that people who have been classified as lazy are not great achievers. They are, they draw their strength from zeal, passion and the need to survive.

   Well, laziness is a personal attribute, an inclination and attitude. Naturally lazy people are not dissatisfied with their lifestyle choices, they just normally prefer exerting themselves the least to achieve their goals. They tend not to be perfectionists, not to be workaholics, not to need work to define their schedules and to be happy.  I think laziness occurs in the wake of failure. When you fail in a major way, your subconscious mind builds a major blockade. You’re stricken with fear. What will people think if I try to do something and fail again?
   Procrastinators are usually unhappy with their inability to manage their time. They fantasize about accomplishing a lot more than they usually do, they suffer from cognitive dissonance and they tend to feel guilty about their choices. You can procrastinate about getting one chore finished because you’re really busy with another chore that has a higher priority. That’s not laziness. If you were truly lazy, you probably wouldn’t bother doing either chore, if you could get away with it.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: EluguHcman on December 04, 2023, 09:27:43 PM
Procrastination are the  progressive bridgers and the backbiters who behindly tends to discriminant others probably because of jealousy or at a competitive reigns.

E.G: Bitcoin being the first invented crypto currency that has and maintains a high level of potentialities with lot of potential benefits offers then being the shitcoins and other assorted AltCoins came to emulate Bitcoin at all costs of embedding such as decentralization, embedded private security chains, volatility values rate etc.

These coins has strived with all efforts to double Bitcoin in values and all to have a more acceptable volumes of its global acceptance through its agencies to tanish the image of Bitcoin.
But Bitcoin as a trust Worthy and the originality of crypto currency has always exist to maintain its reputable integrities and reputations.bitcoin is apparently a unique crytop currency amongst other.
So... The shitcoins and the other AltCoins remains doomed to fail from its procastination s of Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: AVE5 on December 04, 2023, 11:08:50 PM
Procastination to my Bitcoin journey as those who tries to convince me that Bitcoin is not reliable and reputable investment platform.
Even when they knows about who Bitcoin has changed its life for good in proffering financial solutions, they feels the phobia of I attains Such great opportunities too simply because they are allergy to digital World of advancement. I don't call such being brothers keepers but enemy of my progress. Sometimes persons lives undercover of disguise showing you love while eating you up behindly.
My next enemy of success would be myself being submissive to those who are anti-agents of Bitcoin in the crytop space

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Miles2006 on December 05, 2023, 06:05:41 PM
Let's not mistake procrastination for laziness they have different meaning so procrastinating doesn't mean the person is lazy, I think you should add laziness cause laziness is the common enemy, when a man is lazy I think that's the end but when it comes to procrastinating sometimes the person might end up doing it, no normal human being will keep procrastinating there might be something wrong maybe the person is scared or something else

For example, everyone making example using bitcoin invest or business, what if that person is scared to invest in bitcoin due to what the person heard about careless investors and instead of the person to come out open the person keep postponing, what am trying to say is everyone have reasons for their actions

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Jegileman on December 05, 2023, 10:35:51 PM
We can’t all become perfect overnight, we all have to start from somewhere and continue building ourselves more before we can be better in our aspired field that we find some potentials in. Procrastination have killed many dreams than it has helped to built, in fact it hasn’t helped to build anything but to destroy ideas that are meant to be employed and are already delayed against their time of action.

Many of the well established people today both in business and personal profile building, they all started somewhere and they all have a story to tell on how they became successful through passing many challenges that helped in building them the more and not weakening them or feel relent of their effort in making things work for themselves. When their ma an excuse for procrastinating, it should be genuine and not considered as not considerate.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Fiasem20 on January 12, 2024, 10:04:46 PM
One thing I've learnt is that procrastinating makes a person to miss his/her ambition/zeal.My definition of procrastination is postponing every single action that was to done the right time.Avoiding the use of 'I will do it' in our speech helps us from procrastinating.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Promocodeudo on January 13, 2024, 07:17:16 PM
The enemy of success identified here is procrastination. Procrastination is the delay in taking action or the inability to exert action immediately. Procrastination means setting goals but failing to start the process of achieving the goal. Procrastination means knowing you have to read but keeps postponing the time to start reading. Procrastination means having a work in mind and resources at hand but lacking the zeal to utilize the resources at that time.

Procrastination is an evil to success and this accounts for the reason a lot of potentials are yet to be unraveled. The ability to chase dreams is so challenging to some people that they feel tomorrow is the best time to pursue their dreams not knowing that now is the best time.

Most people have failed to succeed because they have never started the journey of success. This I have described as failure at arrival. It will interest us to know that success is for the risk taker and not the comfort seeker. Risk here means starting not minding the perceived challenges. And so, to succeed you must start!

OP I agree with you that procrastination does much bad to humans in general and it is a dreams killer, for anyone to achieve whatever they want here, you must be up and doing, knowledge is not gotten without research and for you to research in other derived more ideas to contribute your quota in this forum, you must let go off procrastination AKA ( I will do it later) most individuals that was unable to make dream to accomplishment was as a result of this attitude exhibition, for one to be successful not only in this forum both in the outside world, the zeal and the ability to always give things you believe in a good fight will also help.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: DaNNy001 on January 13, 2024, 09:35:51 PM
Procrastination is like a slow disease that destroys your mind and plans because you can make up your mind to actually do anything for yourself and at the moment of you procrastinating you can never get hold yourself until the deeds and wound have already been created. Anyone who frequently procrastinates never actually gets anything done and believe me your life plans will be deterred to a great and all your plans will be backwards and at end you might just end up useless.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: ineedhelpplease on January 14, 2024, 01:51:35 AM

Also, dreaming of achieving things way too much is another enemy of success. It'll make you think as if you are going to be there in no time, when in reality the change starts with your efforts to make progress on the goal.

Had this huge problem in my life for over a year. Always be in reality with what happens is what I have to stay.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Briankimp1 on January 14, 2024, 07:30:17 AM
We are all guilty of this famous problem called procrastination I myself Am on the leaders board I usually day dream of ideas and plans without executing them only to later come up with another one to day dream about my new year’s resolution this year was just like last years no more procrastinating but it hasn’t been easy I intended to register for a gym class this January but I haven’t even gotten my gear talk less of going to the gym to pick my membership form.

I’ve also made some progress though my new motto this year has been if you think it you do it so whenever I think about something I’m supposed to do I simply just stand up and move just as I joined this platform I’ve known about it for some time now but I was always procrastinating on when I’ll join this year a brother of mine reminded me about it and as we were speaking I immediately created my account and made my first post and so glad I did procrastination is a disease that if you don’t treat with caution and urgency may ruin your life I’ll urge whoever’s having such problem to take my motto and apply it “If you think it You do it” time and tide waits for No one.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Gozie51 on January 14, 2024, 08:24:14 AM
The general saying about procrastination is that it is the killer of dreams. When you procrastinate, you delay certain things and that goes with time, a stitch in time saves nine is akin to this. If you do certain things earlier, it may prevent other things that might hamper your future progress. Yes e get some people wey dey always say I go do this tomorrow and when dat tomorrow come dem go still shift am to next day, week, month and na so one year go waka. Na 2024 we dey like this, we no need to procrastinate but to do the work wey we need to do and no be to dey push push things. Dem say delay is dangerous unto say if you dey delay overtaking go still dey occur for your head and na so you no go fit achieve.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Tmoonz on January 25, 2024, 01:45:06 PM
There is an adage that said "the journey of million miles beging with a step" in what ever thing we do in life I think without taking a bold step you wouldn't be able to achieve it. It's just applicable to this our forum here people grow in wisdom and understanding about bitcoin on regular basis and I think is due to time we create to learn. And this time is used is as a result of making a bold step by starting from a point. It is often said that " time waits for nobody" the more you procatinate the more others succeed.
It a certainty that every investment comes with it's shares of gain and loss and in the case of Bitcoin journey many are yet to have the clear significant difference between Bitcoin and altcoins there being carried away by FUD.

But it is advisable that let the excitement of succeeding be more than the fear of lossing. Execute that plans you have made so much effort for by taking that bold step.
One of the most interesting part is that you will learn even more in the process and don't even feel is too late, delay they said is dangerous.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on January 25, 2024, 08:27:15 PM
Procrastination is the lazy man's excuse. Its very much fault prone. Shatters useful insights by limiting actionable endeavors. Sometimes its promoted by fear of an unfavorable outcome and rejection. Even fear of the unknown.

Next time you find yourself procrastinating,  ask yourself:
"What should I have done differently if I wasn't afraid or lazy"?. Be honest to yourself for once and note that those things you procrastinate on doing are actually things you need to be get done to embrace success

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Antotena on January 26, 2024, 09:00:56 PM
Procrastination have been a very challenging factor for many people today and it has killed a lot of dreams because the people to make the dream becoming realistic always think they still have the time to start and they keep postponing until there’s no time for it again. Procrastination kills opportunity and opportunity which comes mostly, comes only once and if you fail to take advantage of it when it comes knocking, you’ll never get the chance to take it again because a second time is not guaranteed.

For anything you intend to do, now is the right time for it, tomorrow is not guaranteed and so it is what you’re trying to do not likely being available till then also. For those that have experienced the repercussions of procrastination, they won’t want it to happen to anyone they know and will also find a way to fight it when it comes to weak them down again. Procrastination is an enemy of progress, so avoid it by all means.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Perosky1984 on January 28, 2024, 10:18:57 PM
One of the enemy of success is Fear.
Fear is the laboratory where failure, ignorance and self defeat is manufactured.
Fear is the direct opposit of bravery. If you are not brave you cannot succeed.
It takes a brave man to take some risky decision that could make or mare his chances of survival.
But fear can be attributed to the faint hearted and the chicken spirit.
Fear has caused many to loose their chances of making it big in life.
David in the Bible was a brave man that was why he could tear the mouth of a Lion. But if he was a fearful man, then the Lion would have chased him or tear him apart. I think as a man the only time fear should come into your dictionary is when you see another man's wife or your neighbour's my brother run for your life and you will be successful

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: kasablings on January 30, 2024, 02:24:45 PM
The enemy of success is procrastination yes but don't think never trying kills more too.people procrastinate and they later try and something works.never wanting to try taking actions when you don't take actions no success mental laziness is also a big enemy of success.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: teamsherry on January 31, 2024, 12:08:43 PM
But let's not forget the key word you used "having a job at hand but lacking the zeal to carry out action". This one na laziness and na the main reason many people dey procastinate, procrastination na to dey push work dey go front untill pressure Don dey and e come dey stress you to do am. Another thing wey dey cause procrastination again na indecision, when you never fit make any decision you would just be playing around things and lacking the courage to act.
Procrastination can be deadly as to destroy dreams, be wary of it and put effort against it.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: AYOBA on January 31, 2024, 04:18:59 PM
Procrastination is an evil to success and this accounts for the reason a lot of potentials are yet to be unraveled. The ability to chase dreams is so challenging to some people that they feel tomorrow is the best time to pursue their dreams not knowing that now is the best time.

Most people have failed to succeed because they have never started the journey of success. This I have described as failure at arrival. It will interest us to know that success is for the risk taker and not the comfort seeker. Risk here means starting not minding the perceived challenges. And so, to succeed you must start!
Because procrastination is such a common term, people use it to justify their actions. Even people who are really indolent would profess that they sincerely want to do good, but procrastination will stand in their way, preventing them from doing so. Any journey in this world begins with the decision to try, and that is what kills the majority of people; they do not want to try to see if they can succeed, and success usually comes to those who dare to try attempt, and many people do not simply believe that's why they failed.

Can you image how procrastination is costing some people losing their business? And the main reason why it happens to certain people is because they let their joy about winning be overshadowed by their dread of losing. And you won't achieve success until you make the effort to do so.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: icebar on January 31, 2024, 06:14:44 PM
Aside from the bitcoin or cryptocurrency industry, procrastination is one of the things that prevents many individuals from taking advantage of opportunities. It occurs in both our regular day-to-day activities and at times when we put things off and miss out on opportunities.Therefore, procrastination is not always a bad thing, even though it can occasionally help us evade certain dangers and evil people's schemes.Thus, it's sometimes a good idea to heed your intuition because it can steer you clear of certain risks.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on January 31, 2024, 09:50:20 PM
One of the enemies of success is fear because sometimes the body is willing to make a bold step but the fear of failure always runs in our minds and when one begins to think about the possibility of failure then your morale has already been killed because you would find it difficult to be too forward with the decision you wish to take so in whatever thing we want to do in life, we should remove fear and have it in mind that whatever the outcome might seems to be, you will accept it in good fate so if you have that mindset towards positivity then one can surely do exploits.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: icebar on February 01, 2024, 03:08:51 PM
No mata wetin we fit achieve for life, I believe say we no fit succeed without waka small risk for di beginning. Dem talk sey, "The journey of a million miles begins with a step." E relate wella to our forum, where members dey gather knowledge on top bitcoin, wey I believe na from di time wey dem take learn. As you start from one point and waka risk, this time, people dey take advantage of you. Dem talk sey "time no dey wait for person," meaning sey as you dey wait, others dey succeed.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: odunybiz on February 01, 2024, 11:58:51 PM
The funniest thing in life is that almost everyone procrastinate in one way or the other in life. Alot have lose their business idea to someone else just because of procrastination. A delay to start now may make you not to start forever.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: MorganaX on February 02, 2024, 05:12:23 AM
What you said is absolutely true cause I’m a example of it, setting goals and failure to start chasing them it’s either I make and excuse for it which I noticed is aiding many people success. Now It would be better you pointed out steps or tips in other to stop or avoid procrastinating.
Now I’ll give some easy steps or tips on how to to avoid or stop procrastinating

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Obim34 on February 02, 2024, 06:01:06 AM
The funniest thing in life is that almost everyone procrastinate in one way or the other in life. Alot have lose their business idea to someone else just because of procrastination. A delay to start now may make you not to start forever.
Quite unfortunate tho, cos we do this and may not see it as mainly procrastinating, sometimes we call it change in schedule but in the real terms we just procrastinating on the matters but their are people who have been greatly influenced by this procrastination and have lost so many good opportunities that would have helped shaped their lives.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Proty on February 03, 2024, 06:41:08 PM
one of the greatest enemy of success is lack of self discipline.if u lack discipline u can't be able to climb the ladder of success.getting to the top of the ladder is not actually the big deal, but ur ability to remain there throughout ur life time that's what count.without self discipline success will be far fetched. What's the purpose of accumulating those millions and losing it to the dir.lack of self discipline is a great enemy of success. For anyone to succeed in any endeavor he or she must have self discipline

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: odunybiz on March 03, 2024, 10:16:03 AM
The funniest thing in life is that almost everyone procrastinate in one way or the other in life. Alot have lose their business idea to someone else just because of procrastination. A delay to start now may make you not to start forever.
Quite unfortunate tho, cos we do this and may not see it as mainly procrastinating, sometimes we call it change in schedule but in the real terms we just procrastinating on the matters but their are people who have been greatly influenced by this procrastination and have lost so many good opportunities that would have helped shaped their lives.

Nothing kills like procrastination. It even have a great effect on investor in the crypto space if such investors procrastinate alot. I have missed alot of airdrop based on this. It's better you do things when you remember about it. Prosponing it may make you forget and may cause you to lose big.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Churchillvv on March 03, 2024, 11:32:41 AM
What you said is absolutely true cause I’m a example of it, setting goals and failure to start chasing them it’s either I make and excuse for it which I noticed is aiding many people success. Now It would be better you pointed out steps or tips in other to stop or avoid procrastinating.
Now I’ll give some easy steps or tips on how to to avoid or stop procrastinating
I had to read through this thread ones again but this you wrote was maybe derived some where as an educational approach to success not life in general.

What we are talking about obviously contains every aspect of life but yours is specifically talking about education although it's a good step to stop procrastination but you should have relate it to every other issues of life success.

Well, from my perspective if one use this steps you arranged for educational success is it could also be used to succeed in life too because they all relates.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Bitco55 on March 03, 2024, 04:49:05 PM
The enemy of success identified here is procrastination. Procrastination is the delay in taking action or the inability to exert action immediately. Procrastination means setting goals but failing to start the process of achieving the goal. Procrastination means knowing you have to read but keeps postponing the time to start reading. Procrastination means having a work in mind and resources at hand but lacking the zeal to utilize the resources at that time.

Procrastination is an evil to success and this accounts for the reason a lot of potentials are yet to be unraveled. The ability to chase dreams is so challenging to some people that they feel tomorrow is the best time to pursue their dreams not knowing that now is the best time.

Most people have failed to succeed because they have never started the journey of success. This I have described as failure at arrival. It will interest us to know that success is for the risk taker and not the comfort seeker. Risk here means starting not minding the perceived challenges. And so, to succeed you must start!
Yes, procrastination really is the enemy of success. Funny how everybody does, and sometimes I wonder how people who are successful defeat it.  The most annoying fact is that there's no way around procrastination, you just have to face and beat it.. not just for one day... But every single day. Procrastination in eating healthy, Reading, working, cleaning up, and many other things that make us feel overwhelmed with choked-up activities at the end of the day.

Procrastination in Bitcoin and the crypto world would be delaying not buying a coin, and not investing. It always leads to dire situations and regret. Let's find ways to encourage and discipline ourselves every day to beat this enemy of our success... This means a lot more to me than it is, from me.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Zanab247 on March 03, 2024, 05:59:03 PM
Procrastination is not advisable to bitcoiners and, it can stop someone not to be successful which I have see many people in our various environment regretting for not investing in BTC when the price was very low because they keep procrastinating when to buy BTC until the price hit higher in this season.

Procrastination can make you not to grow like your friends because, when your friends are taking risk to invest their money to decentralized currency that will boost their profits in the future and you continue procrastinating when to take the risk is a big enemy to success because all those your friends will continue to be ahead of you.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Orpichukwu on March 03, 2024, 10:25:00 PM
Take for example in crypto procrastinating when to buy and sell too can be dangerous. Take buying an asset like Bitcoin for example if we keep procrastinating when the price falls to a very low amount then we buy that time might never come similarly for selling if one keeps procrastinating when to sell the market might just take them off balance and they might end up selling below a major profit or selling at a loss. Procrastinating is a danger to growth and productivity
Procrastination is the biggest enemy that hinders one from making the right choice when investing in an asset. The only thing I tell everyone is that, at first, you need to study the market and do your own research about the coin you want to invest in.
And if it’s for Bitcoin, all you need to do is check what has happened to it in the past and how it has survived all the challenges, and know that your investment in it is safe and you have nothing to worry about.
So once you have the money to invest in it, just go ahead and make your investment without minding the price. At that moment, what matters is that you are going to hold it for a long time, and that long time will bring you profit. It might look like it wants to take forever, but the time for profit will come.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Benedictare on March 04, 2024, 06:02:56 AM

   Procrastination also has to do with being too slow or late towards what you should have done because it use to be discomforting or painful ,dull or not interesting to you knowing very well that it will have it's side effect on you.
   procrastination is a common problem ,that makes people loose their opportunities in life ,and in other for you to solve procrastination,you should set a special and real target for yourself,know what is really making you to unnecessary not doing what you are suppose to do,think about it and stop.
   Make a way out to stop you from procrastinating and start that your target that will make you achieve you want to do what .

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Gormicsta on March 04, 2024, 12:27:57 PM
The enemies of success plenty well well o like for an example, greedy, greedy na one major thing wey dey really kill or chase away success especially if you dey work for person and e won reward you but e say make e first test you first, in that process now, if you are not a good person, you might fall into the trap without knowing because of greedy, greedy na one kind spirit wey person no fit resist especially if person get big eye or dey selfish and another one na lie, lying can be a deadly tool for us that can also be an enemy of success especially as an employee because we don't know where help can come from, others are procrastinating, selfishness etc.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Claudeake on March 04, 2024, 11:49:27 PM
Procrastination really is an enemy to both success and progress in the life of all individuals in the society. It is a cosmopolitan phenomenon in all occupations and professions.
I will dwell my analysis on the university community with specific references to the job of the lecturers. Several lecturers are extremely good and are the best in the university community, even the students bear the records and testimonies of these excellent lecturers, but because they are not able to publish articles and journals at the required numbers and standard, they are not confered with the certificate of a Professor or any other lower ranks.
These arose from the phenomenon of procrastination in their lives in the university community.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Barikui1 on March 05, 2024, 05:21:16 AM
For this life wey we dy, procrastination don limit and kill so many destinies due to the fact say, the people wey dy procrastinate look an like minor tin, Dem go say, no worry tomorrow I go do am, when tomorrow reach, Dem go say no worry I go do am next tomorrow, so na so Dem go dy postpone am everytime wey e dy don reach when to take actions, before them go realize, e don dy late.

People no just know say procrastination dy really bad, and e dy more destructive to our destinies than we can even imagine, people wey wise,m dy  very cautious of procrastination and the damaging potential it has, so make we wise up and stay alert to procrastination, make we no be a victim.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Obim34 on March 05, 2024, 05:29:20 AM
The funniest thing in life is that almost everyone procrastinate in one way or the other in life. Alot have lose their business idea to someone else just because of procrastination. A delay to start now may make you not to start forever.
Quite unfortunate tho, cos we do this and may not see it as mainly procrastinating, sometimes we call it change in schedule but in the real terms we just procrastinating on the matters but their are people who have been greatly influenced by this procrastination and have lost so many good opportunities that would have helped shaped their lives.

Nothing kills like procrastination. It even have a great effect on investor in the crypto space if such investors procrastinate alot. I have missed alot of airdrop based on this. It's better you do things when you remember about it. Prosponing it may make you forget and may cause you to lose big.
It task alot of self control and determination to overcome this procrastination, most at times it doesn't look like what it is we just keep rescheduling things that should have been done and we end up doing the right thing the wrong time, sometimes the result may not be efficient.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Obim34 on March 07, 2024, 11:31:49 PM
The funniest thing in life is that almost everyone procrastinate in one way or the other in life. Alot have lose their business idea to someone else just because of procrastination. A delay to start now may make you not to start forever.
Quite unfortunate tho, cos we do this and may not see it as mainly procrastinating, sometimes we call it change in schedule but in the real terms we just procrastinating on the matters but their are people who have been greatly influenced by this procrastination and have lost so many good opportunities that would have helped shaped their lives.

Nothing kills like procrastination. It even have a great effect on investor in the crypto space if such investors procrastinate alot. I have missed alot of airdrop based on this. It's better you do things when you remember about it. Prosponing it may make you forget and may cause you to lose big.
It task alot of self control and determination to overcome this procrastination, most at times it doesn't look like what it is we just keep rescheduling things that should have been done and we end up doing the right thing the wrong time, sometimes the result may not be efficient.

Most times self it makes you miss out or end up without doing it because you may later forgot about it. Procrastination is something we have to avoid in our lifestyle. And the best way to avoid that is to do any task immediately without prosponing it for any reason.
Most times, I speak out of experience, it is something we do naturally even during our secondary school days we all procatinates doing our homework till the due date is set for submission, like you said one can clearly forget about what is supposed to be done not  that their were no intentions of doing it.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: babagem1 on March 09, 2024, 12:03:40 AM
I really call the word procrastination a disease it might not be a human body disease, but it’s actually a mental state disease each time you want to do something you tell yourself next time you’re automatically killing your destiny and killing your time sometimes people procrastinate because they find out that it’s very difficult for them to start one thing, I should make It  clear to everyone and understanding why you are procrastinating, this is because you haven’t understand that 1000 miles start from a step. People are always afraid of what is ahead the stress of achieving what they think and what they want to do that is totally wrong. You have to start something and it will be all good if you continue accept or embrace the spirit of procrastination it is a bad thing.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Taricoins on March 11, 2024, 10:18:30 AM
Procrastination is a very bad thing even me too I do it a lot of time but I don't miss any of my opportunities because am not yet married

Somebody might procrastinate for some following reasons. no money, family problems, marriage issues, lazi ness, and time. etc.
And what makes people procrastinate the most is because they don't have money, most of the opportunity a person can get will require money for you to get that opportunity and some opportunities that don't require money can be delayed base on family issues or time

But mostly when I procrastinate is because of time

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: kasablings on March 11, 2024, 11:10:30 PM
Procrastinating is an enemy of success but not taking actions is more enemy too.because no matter any thing you do in life we need a push to take the risks without risk no reward and that reward is success.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: odunybiz on March 11, 2024, 11:57:51 PM
I really call the word procrastination a disease it might not be a human body disease, but it’s actually a mental state disease each time you want to do something you tell yourself next time you’re automatically killing your destiny and killing your time sometimes people procrastinate because they find out that it’s very difficult for them to start one thing, I should make It  clear to everyone and understanding why you are procrastinating, this is because you haven’t understand that 1000 miles start from a step. People are always afraid of what is ahead the stress of achieving what they think and what they want to do that is totally wrong. You have to start something and it will be all good if you continue accept or embrace the spirit of procrastination it is a bad thing.

We are all talking and going against procrastination here, but something different comes to my mind. Can we call postponing tasks out of tiredness a procrastination? Sometime task are neglected out of tiredness and may be postponed due to that. Let's all remember as we wok, we need rest as well. What is our view on this?

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Gormicsta on March 12, 2024, 10:25:28 PM
The enemy of success identified here is procrastination. Procrastination is the delay in taking action or the inability to exert action immediately. Procrastination means setting goals but failing to start the process of achieving the goal. Procrastination means knowing you have to read but keeps postponing the time to start reading. Procrastination means having a work in mind and resources at hand but lacking the zeal to utilize the resources at that time.

Procrastination is an evil to success and this accounts for the reason a lot of potentials are yet to be unraveled. The ability to chase dreams is so challenging to some people that they feel tomorrow is the best time to pursue their dreams not knowing that now is the best time.

Most people have failed to succeed because they have never started the journey of success. This I have described as failure at arrival. It will interest us to know that success is for the risk taker and not the comfort seeker. Risk here means starting not minding the perceived challenges. And so, to succeed you must start!

Yea, you are right. Procrastination is like an underhanded thief, constantly attempting to steal your time and productivity. But do not let it win! You have the power to fight back and restore your focus with these methods such as

1. Use the the philosophy of Pom Method: This strategy divides your work into 25-minute sessions separated by a 5-minute break. It's a terrific method to stay engaged and avoid fatigue.

2. Use efficiency tools: There are numerous software programs and apps available to help you stay focused and manage your time more effectively. Find and use the one that works for you.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Tbillion on March 13, 2024, 05:48:02 AM
Sincerely this procrastination is every body’s biggest problem. Despite u willing to do something seriously, you end up doing it at the time, your mind or body tells you to do it. I think for us to be really successful we should try our best and be disciplined in life

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Zackz5000 on March 19, 2024, 01:25:53 PM
For me fear is the greatest enemy of success, fear always make us lack confidence in what ever thing we want to do that would have lead us to success, and secondly refusing to leave your comfort zone may also lead to not succeeding in life. When a man feel comfortable where ever he is he won't have any zeal to challenge himself for a greater level in life.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Biggeno on March 19, 2024, 02:17:39 PM

Procrastination is an evil to success and this accounts for the reason a lot of potentials are yet to be unraveled. The ability to chase dreams is so challenging to some people that they feel tomorrow is the best time to pursue their dreams not knowing that now is the best time.

When talking about procrastination and how it drains the zeal to succeed one must put in mind that without the full ambition to start something, one can never get to where her/she wants to be. Most people who have made plans on how they are going to start the year, buy a car, build a house, even as minor as reading a book ends up putting all there energy into no use.

To only solution to procrastination is to JUST START WITH WHAT YOU HAVE AND WHERE YOU ARE, most people would simply procrastinate because a thousand naira is not complete for the project they want to run, even because they feel tired, another thing backing up procrastination is FEAR.

What if I start and I don't get to my goal, what if the project along the line gets way difficult and complicated, what if my friends and family start laughing at me when I don't achieve what I intended to. It is always WHAT IF and that's what is killing a lot of dreams.

So to solve all this we just have to start from right where we are.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Pi-network314159 on March 19, 2024, 03:26:31 PM
Most people have failed to succeed because they have never started the journey of success. This I have described as failure at arrival. It will interest us to know that success is for the risk taker and not the comfort seeker. Risk here means starting not minding the perceived challenges. And so, to succeed you must start!
Definately success is not for comfort speakers but risk takers. The problem people always face always is not understanding the important of time. Time plays a big role in our life. Time is everything we do. and therefore we must not underestimate the power of time, because the more we procrastinate, the more we keep ourself backword. Those that never took their time serious yesterday, today has leaved a life full of regret and are anguishing in pain of being misled by their friends. No body was born rich but people develop attitude of seriousness to become rich. Sometimes leaving a comfortable life when you haven't arrived might be a reason for not succeeding.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: I_Anime on March 19, 2024, 10:10:56 PM
Oneself is still an enemy of success, want thing we human want is for it to just happen fast . While deep down we know that we just need to be persistent in a we do, most people alway mussed it there. Where you are complaining that is too hard , due to laziness and lack of persistence another person at their thanking God for making he or she to come across that same thing . For instance let me use something that is common to us all here. Which is this forum, as alot of new users kept coming or registering in this forum that how alot new users are also giving up, because they just want to rankup pretty fast without having the thought that if they put their mind in it and being persistent with it their account would eventually ranked up . Because when you being persistent you would be able to learn more and same time having some good understanding and you will be able to Impact on others. And thus persistent doesn't applied to the forum alone but your regular life.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: AVE5 on May 06, 2024, 07:58:28 AM
Oneself is still an enemy of success, want thing we human want is for it to just happen fast . While deep down we know that we just need to be persistent in a we do, most people alway mussed it there. Where you are complaining that is too hard , due to laziness and lack of persistence another person at their thanking God for making he or she to come across that same thing . For instance let me use something that is common to us all here. Which is this forum, as alot of new users kept coming or registering in this forum that how alot new users are also giving up, because they just want to rankup pretty fast without having the thought that if they put their mind in it and being persistent with it their account would eventually ranked up . Because when you being persistent you would be able to learn more and same time having some good understanding and you will be able to Impact on others. And thus persistent doesn't applied to the forum alone but your regular life.

I adopt the structure of how you viewed this scenero. Indeed oneself can actually be a responsible for it setback from moving forward of achieving great things of success.
There's that usual saying that it's easier to say than to be done. That's to say some persons are likely to portray that mental case of power in the tongue without putting a practical actions towards it.

Lets look at that childish saying during our kid days that when you keep mocking at someone, you're probably going to be like them and for that some of us as childish has also taken it serious mocking those who they admires their reputations and influence to the society hoping that the mockery resultant would turn around them as as karma.
That's just how timid some of us could be in believing that we could make a different when we never took different perspectives.

Let's take those of us who had asked our love ones to invest in the bitcoin for instance, obviously they know how good you may be doing in the industry and seems to admire your worth a lot but yet they'd keep up with one excuses to the other on what's holding them back from investing in the bitcoin and whenever they knows that the bitcoin price has come up where investors could make lot of profits out of it, they began to regret their excuses and kicking to invest when the market goes DIP and even at the DIP they tends to fume themselves with another excuses While time goes by and waiting for no one.
So this is just how we too could become blockage to

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Ever-young on May 15, 2024, 01:32:19 PM
Procrastination na one of the things wey don make many people miss opportunity dem aside bitcoin or crypto world, both for our normal day to day activities e dey get some time wey we dey procrastinate and we dey miss chances. So procrastination nor too good, though some times e dey help us run from some certain evils and plans of the wicked sometimes, make I explain. I don hear many testimony from people wey say dem been wan enter taxi commot but dem come choose to ignore the first one say den go later leave in 5 minutes, later when dem enter the other one dem come observe say the first one get accident for from and some people die for inside. So some times e dey good to follow you mind because e fit help you avoid some dangers.

Na true u talk so, procrastinating dey good at times as u talk but no be everytime because some people don too dey lazy to the extent wey be say, to do something dey hard them, u go dey always dey remind them to do but them go dey procrastinate, some just because of that laziness, they go talk say their mind no move them to do that thing, they go just talk like that in order not to dey give excuse and this kind thing dey kill business and e dey even dey make some people lose opportunity wey dey supposed get, so mk we dey try to avoid procrastinating because it kills too.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: iBaba on June 01, 2024, 09:21:17 PM
Most times, I speak out of experience, it is something we do naturally even during our secondary school days we all procatinates doing our homework till the due date is set for submission, like you said one can clearly forget about what is supposed to be done not  that their were no intentions of doing it.

Procrastination is a disease that plaques the mind of an individual because the mindset of everyone needs to be refueled at every moment in one's life to get rejuvenated to work and persevere. But when you are not getting that motivation that will help you stay strong and above the disease, then you will get caught up with the disease and therefore, not able to take right decision.

You need to stay in an environment that will give you the energy to get rid off the procrastination and also need a refueler from within in terms of good energy to be able to make the best of decisions.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Sakanwa on June 07, 2024, 09:51:53 AM
The enemy of success identified here is procrastination. Procrastination is the delay in taking action or the inability to exert action immediately. Procrastination means setting goals but failing to start the process of achieving the goal. Procrastination means knowing you have to read but keeps postponing the time to start reading. Procrastination means having a work in mind and resources at hand but lacking the zeal to utilize the resources at that time.

Procrastination is an evil to success and this accounts for the reason a lot of potentials are yet to be unraveled. The ability to chase dreams is so challenging to some people that they feel tomorrow is the best time to pursue their dreams not knowing that now is the best time.

Most people have failed to succeed because they have never started the journey of success. This I have described as failure at arrival. It will interest us to know that success is for the risk taker and not the comfort seeker. Risk here means starting not minding the perceived challenges. And so, to succeed you must start!
most of the multi-millionares today took risk before getting where they're today, just as some people take Bitcoin as an example but it's not only on Bitcoin you can take a risk. The thing is that if you have a mind set or a dream to accomplish all you need it's the risk and determination, like what my dad always say to me. That whatever you start of doing today the risk and the success started counting at that moment, so for me without risk you won't get to the top. Infant the life we live today is all about risk whatever we do it's all about risk. 

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: Franctoshi on June 07, 2024, 03:16:54 PM
Whenever I want to do something I don't procrastinate, I swing into action because from my experience I have missed several opportunities that could transform my life earlier, Procrastinate is indeed an enemy of success, Except for the fact we don't have funds readily available to swing into action, The relating this topic to Bitcoin, I missed opportunities in 2017 to have bought Bitcoin when it was fucking cheap then when the price was around $700- $900 per Bitcoin and also missed on Ethereum too because I was sitting on the sideline of investment in Bitcoin procrastinating and thinking Bitcoin won't go as high as its today.

Title: Re: The enemy of success
Post by: teamsherry on June 09, 2024, 09:21:29 AM
Procrastination is a real enemy of success and can cost a lot to a person's future if not dealt with, what I've noticed is that peopel taht Procastinate don't have a senece of priority and that is why they have to approach live that way, they feel to relaxed about everything and woudl only function when under pressure, that is a wrong approach to life,its better to get thigns done quickly and finish task early and then rest.