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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: BADecker on December 08, 2023, 04:35:25 PM

Title: "If People Think Things Are Bad Now…" Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming.
Post by: BADecker on December 08, 2023, 04:35:25 PM
If these things don't get God's people moving in their faith in God, things like this will keep on happening until they do. After all, the Crooks enslaving the world are going to fail in the end. Everyone dies. But the test that they are providing for the faithful towards God, is something that the faithful should recognize... and then act to pass the test.

A quick point is this Tucker short (

"If People Think Things Are Bad Now…" Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming... (
In a deep-dive on everything from 'deplatforming' to 'depopulation', Tucker Carlson sat down with Alex Jones.

Elon Musk said it best…

Dubbed "the most censored man in the world", Jones began by discussing his (correct) prediction about 9/11.

As Tucker points out, "the 9/11 thing, you called it in public."

But Jones says his most accurate prediction was around a decade ago when he read the "Rockefeller Foundation Operation Lockstep report," which he says:

"described using a virus to bring in world government, a world medical ID, which they would then build a social credit score off of…

…that they would make people wear masks for fear, shut down sporting events and things like that… and basically phase in this new tyranny."

These warnings, among other things, were the reason, Carlson argues, why Jones was so widely deplatformed.

"Fundamentally, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. And in fact, that's why they don't like him."


"To this day, nobody has been more aggressively censored, I don't think, than you… I read about it, and I felt that it was a major moment in the history of American media. I don't think anybody defended you when that happened. Anybody, with any kind of audience,"

To which Jones replied:

"When Tim Cook admitted that he met on the weekend in August of 2017 with the other big tech heads, and they made the decision to "curate" like it's a museum – and take me off, it was hundreds of platforms. It wasn't just the big ones. Everything from LinkedIn, to our bank accounts being taken away, to everything ensuing over the next week and that month. And I knew I was a test case."
... (


Title: Re: "If People Think Things Are Bad Now…" Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming.
Post by: OgNasty on December 08, 2023, 05:56:37 PM
That was a great interview. Alex Jones made some pretty big accusations which you’d have to believe he at least has sources for after his billion dollar lawsuit issue… My favorite though is his claim that Joe Biden is found regularly walking around the White House naked at night confused and needing to be drugged up to function.

Title: Re: "If People Think Things Are Bad Now…" Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming.
Post by: Hispo on December 11, 2023, 01:17:44 AM
… My favorite though is his claim that Joe Biden is found regularly walking around the White House naked at night confused and needing to be drugged up to function.

Quite similar to the stuff which was said during an interview between Tucker Carlson and the alledged former gay lover of the expresident of the United States Barack Obama. Sure, we can agree there is some entertainment value in watching an interview where everyone has a black check to say whatever they want and claim whatever they want. But the informative value of those interviews and events are almost non-existant.
If during these presidential campaign cycles some actual evidence surges about the deteriorating state of mind of Biden (to the point he needs to be constantly drugged up to function) I would be pretty much eager to read it. Until then, their claims are as valid as if I said: last night Hillary Clinton broke into my home and sucked up the blood off my niece's neck.

Entertaining, not informative.

Title: Re: "If People Think Things Are Bad Now…" Tucker And Alex Jones Talk Deplatforming.
Post by: BADecker on December 11, 2023, 05:15:05 PM
Deplatforming entirely unnecessary. To adhere to freedom of speech, it's wrong.

If there is something that is offensive, make separate categories for the level of offensiveness. Stick the offensive stuff into one of these. This will allow freedom of speech, as well as, showing the media which kind of offensiveness is loved more by people than the stuff that is considered to be kosher.

Alex Jones, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, military intelligence, AI wars and Skynet (
The following is a partial auto-generated transcript of the Mike Adams broadcast (Brighteon Broadcast News) for Dec 12, 2023. The full episode is available in audio format at this link on (posting late Monday morning).

Welcome to Brighteon broadcast news for Monday, December 11 2023. Mike Adams here, thank you for joining me today. The working title for this podcast is, "Alex Jones reinstated on Twitter as powerful deep intelligence networks prepare to reinstate Trump to keep America alive."

Now, this title may change by the time you see this, but that last phrase is really critical to understand: To keep America alive. And what I'm going to reveal to you today here in this analysis is that the reinstatement of Alex Jones on Twitter is no accident. And it has much larger implications than what most people imagine. Because it coincides with Elon Musk, the military, what I call deep intelligence networks, and how they are now supporting Elon Musk, and they are supporting Tucker Carlson. And they're also preparing to put Trump back into office for a third term. And that's not a typo. This would be Trump's third term, not his second term, although the second term was illegally occupied and overwritten by the anti American Biden regime.

I want to explain this right up front. And then I'll go into more detail in this broadcast. But there are essentially two factions battling for control over America right now. There is on one hand, the globalist faction, which is characterized by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, anti American sentiment. The globalism, control grid is working to destroy America's infrastructure, destroy America's currency, there are actually people inside the Biden administration who are trying to collapse the dollar. And they're doing a pretty good job of it, by the way. They want to make America dependent on energy from the Middle East. They want to destroy America's culture. They want to destroy America's Constitution. They are anti First Amendment, anti Second Amendment. And effectively, they're anti military in the sense that they also want to destroy America's military readiness, which they have done to a great extent at this point. Look at what happened with America's withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Now, by the way, a major factor playing into all of this is the defeat of NATO, by Russia, which I'll talk about in more detail. So that's the first faction. That's the globalist faction again, they believe in depopulation. They despise everything America stands for, and they are working meticulously to take America down from within.

Trump is the candidate of choice for the pro-America faction that opposes globalism
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