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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 09, 2023, 10:49:41 AM

Title: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 09, 2023, 10:49:41 AM
Well, regarding my title, I don't know what you guys think, but you can drop your opinion (it could be a disagreement or argument). Just drop your opinion.

First of all, I acknowledge the fact that there are different calibers of humans all over the world; some people hold great official power in different offices, companies, etc. Some people are also so extremely rich that they don't lack anything that money can buy, while others are so extremely poor that they need God to answer their prayers so that their wishes may come true. Some people are not too rich, but they are living a comfortable lifestyle with their families, and they are content with what they have and what they can afford.

Another thing is that some people are having some health challenges that they have been battling with for a long time, while others are living very healthy but have other personal challenges.

Most unhealthy people, directly or indirectly, might have been the cause of their health issues. For example, some people take different kinds of hard drugs, abuse their alcoholic intake, smoke cigarettes, abuse their daily diet (food abuse), abuse different things, and yet they are ignorant of going for medical checkups too.

Do you agree that there are some people that the doctor will advise to avoid the intake of some things, but they will hide in secret to still take those things they were warned not to?

There's a saying that "money can buy a lot of things for man's use, but at some point, money cannot buy life." If money could buy life, so many rich people (or their child) died, and money could not buy them a new, fresh life like they have lived from their childhood to old age.

There's also another saying that goes, "Make hast while it's daytime." Another says, "Whoever makes no plan, plans to fail."

Some people actually made different good plans when 2023 started, but it did not work out. That doesn't mean they must give up.

As our faces are different, that's how we all have different problems, different wishes, different plans, different expectations, different desires, different goals, and differences in majority of things if not everything.

There are some plans, goals, and desires that some of us could not archive this year, and the year is coming to an end. We have to try again next year, and as such, it is very important to make new-year resolution plans.

Thanks for reading. Drop your opinion.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Hewlet on December 09, 2023, 11:18:42 AM
Writing out a new year resolution is very important.

What I do is that I just write it all out knowing fully well that I'm not always all that disciplined enough to work them all out to fruition, I still make sure that I write it all out and at the end of the day, I find out I have accomplished a reasonable part of it.

The secret behind writing down your plan is that sometimes you might just check it out and see that you are not putting in the needed effort to making your plane come to reality and you pick yourself up at that spot and start doing things right again. As a religious person, I have been administer to write out my vision very clearly and pray over it then work on it and that it will come through and this has been helping me in it own little way

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Fiatless on December 09, 2023, 12:53:41 PM
There are some plans, goals, and desires that some of us could not archive this year, and the year is coming to an end. We have to try again next year, and as such, it is very important to make new-year resolution plans.

Thanks for reading. Drop your opinion.
We live in an unpredictable world where nothing is certain. I had so many plans for this year but most of them don't come to pass not because of my fault but due to unpredictable events. I never knew that my country's currency would lose close to fifty per cent of its value. I also didn't foresee that the government would stop subsidising some important products like petroleum. All these unpleasant economic events affected my plans negatively and it became difficult to meet some of them. However, I am pleased with the little I achieved.

I still have my projections for next year and I am very hopeful that my plans will all be executed. Having a New Year resolution is fine but we must focus more on implementing our plans. We have to avoid procrastination to ensure that we follow the plans. Breaking down our yearly plan into daily, weekly and monthly tasks will also be good. We should have a weekly and monthly plan and our daily activities should be focused on achieving them.

Next year, I am not going to push myself too hard like this year. I will give more time to my health, family and other relationships. I might even consider going on my first vacation and visiting another country. Life is not all about making money, we need to take good care of ourselves.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Amphenomenon on December 09, 2023, 01:18:48 PM
Actually making a new year resolution is good but it in the end you have to intentional about it nothing comes without discipline. Most of the new year resolution or life goals fails because such individual was never intentional or diligent about it. The bad habits we mostly have are still with us even after we discovered it as a flaw because we have never been diligent and intentional about it and it will continue to affect knowingly and unknowingly till it may finally destroy us, pray it never get to this though. The truth is I have an habit which has caused me more harm lately and I knew about it but didn't think it will get worse to this point but all I can say is that I pray God gives me the strength to just be victorious over it and I have taken it up to be overcome not as a new year resolution since I don't usually make a yearly resolution.
Every bad habits or addiction start as a good and pleasing to us till it starts harming us and the fact is most people fails to overcome this till their death pray God help us all

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: itorai on December 09, 2023, 01:55:39 PM

We live in an unpredictable world where nothing is certain. I had so many plans for this year but most of them don't come to pass not because of my fault but due to unpredictable events. I never knew that my country's currency would lose close to fifty per cent of its value. I also didn't foresee that the government would stop subsidising some important products like petroleum. All these unpleasant economic events affected my plans negatively and it became difficult to meet some of them. However, I am pleased with the little I achieved.

The description of life's challenges that you share is very insightful, it's not just you, perhaps many people have experienced this in the face of economic uncertainty and unexpected events. Even though there are obstacles, I agree with remaining grateful for the achievements that have been achieved even though they do not meet expectations.
 Hopefully next year will bring a positive impact and greater success for all of us.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Freddie Boyer on December 09, 2023, 02:08:42 PM
Next year, I am not going to push myself too hard like this year. I will give more time to my health, family and other relationships. I might even consider going on my first vacation and visiting another country. Life is not all about making money, we need to take good care of ourselves.

Indeed, this year is a very energy-consuming year, apart from the decline, there are many activities that we participate in in prize campaigns that end up being less enjoyable. but, what can you do about it?

Yes. A wise decision to set aside some of our time for ourselves and our families. This is actually the meaning of us looking for additional income. Take a break before we get completely tired.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: lombok on December 09, 2023, 02:42:47 PM
I'm sure the plan will remain the same, to become more. Better, healthier, richer and several other desires. However, sometimes these plans don't always go smoothly, there are many temptations where we put taboos in order to achieve the plan. This will be of greater concern and what needs to be improved in the coming year or plan even though the goal remains the same.

This is indeed difficult, but again, during social life changes in ourselves, our families and our environment are very necessary. Not just fulfilling a lifestyle, sometimes prestige and social order in the environment greatly influence stress and comfort in life.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: naikturun on December 09, 2023, 03:08:43 PM
I admit I had planned it but I was undisciplined and impatient. I have lost a lot in 2023 because of my greed and impatience in trading. I think what I experienced is also experienced by many people, often we make our own plans but we end up breaking them.
and I think that's the punishment I got.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: franky1 on December 09, 2023, 03:37:31 PM
people have no idea what to plan for next year.. a good start is to think about writing out things you wished your 2022 self did during 2023.. and then write it "from my jan 2025 self to my january 2024 self, i wish you spent the year doing...."

be more creative. use your webcam to record a video to yourself. berate yourself for your failings, motivate yourself. tell yourself how you really feel
argue with your younger self
then when you are mid year and thinking you need some inspiration. play the video back to yourself..

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: southerngentuk on December 09, 2023, 03:58:36 PM
even the best plans can get thrown off course. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes things just don't go according to plan. But when that happens, it's crucial not to throw in the towel. We have to learn from our stumbles, adapt our strategies, and keep pushing forward.

What makes life so beautiful is the incredible diversity of human experiences. Each of us has our own unique story, challenges, and dreams. This means there's no one-size-fits-all answer to life's questions. What works for one person might not work for another.

As the year draws to a close, it's natural to reflect on what we've accomplished and what hasn't panned out the way we hoped. We may have checked some goals off our list, while others might still be waiting in the wings. That's all part of the journey. The key is to learn from both our successes and failures and use those lessons to guide our future plans.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Gozie51 on December 09, 2023, 04:35:48 PM
I admit I had planned it but I was undisciplined and impatient. I have lost a lot in 2023 because of my greed and impatience in trading. I think what I experienced is also experienced by many people, often we make our own plans but we end up breaking them.
and I think that's the punishment I got.

This is always the case with the new year resolution. Ironically sometimes if you don't hold on to the resolutions too tight you get to achieve and I think when we make such resolutions and we achieve 50% of it we should still give ourselves kudos to try doubling effort next year. The next year is fast approaching and if we know the areas we didn't have good performance then we can strengthen ourselves by not doing the same thing we did. If you keep doing same thing same way then we are likely to get same result other than the change we want.

A new year resolution is a call for action, it is suppose to quicken our efforts to greater achievement at least 50% above should be better achievement.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: virasisog on December 09, 2023, 05:08:13 PM
Honestly, you don't have to wait for the year to end or to start to make resolutions. Remember, life is too short, planning ahead is better than facing challenges head-on. Creating a plan or even a New Year resolution sets your mind in a certain goal to be achieved within a year which can change everything. But take note, plans without any action is just like pointless wishing. We all have different struggles, lifestyles, and economic statuses so one's plan or resolution may vary depending on what they want to achieve or change. What matters is you'll get to set a goal that will give you more motivation.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Lorence.xD on December 09, 2023, 05:57:13 PM
Honestly, you don't have to wait for the year to end or to start to make resolutions. Remember, life is too short, planning ahead is better than facing challenges head-on. Creating a plan or even a New Year resolution sets your mind in a certain goal to be achieved within a year which can change everything. But take note, plans without any action is just like pointless wishing. We all have different struggles, lifestyles, and economic statuses so one's plan or resolution may vary depending on what they want to achieve or change. What matters is you'll get to set a goal that will give you more motivation.

Well, that is true cause anytime you could make yourself a resolution for a better improvement of yourself, but the thing is this new year resolution could be everyone's motivation for a new year as they have goals to be achieve and change of lifestyle. There's no need to achieve those in just the first month of the year, haven't done all your goals doesn't mean you failed, as long as you have progress that's good, also remember that there's a 12 months in a year which you can use to reach that goal. Still, I agree that if don't have any action with your plan, for sure it would be another new years resolution in the end of a year. No need to compare your plan to others just focus in your own improvement.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: kentrolla on December 09, 2023, 07:00:06 PM
It's important to make resolution and it doesn't has to be new year as this is the biggest mistake people do, I think once you realize you need to work on something or learn a skill or even planning to have a better financial investments like SIP or anything which could be beneficial for you, it should be implemented immediately as waiting for new year and then realizing there are so many to do list is a losers way of thinking.

Planning and resolution are really important without which life would be meaningless and don't be under assumption rich don't bother making resolution as they don't wait for New Year they make resolution and amend it according to situations.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Renampun on December 09, 2023, 07:11:06 PM
Making new year's resolutions is important because with these resolutions we can welcome the new year with new enthusiasm to change into better people or correct the mistakes we made in the previous year. This resolution can make us more motivated to improve the quality of ourselves and various other things in our lives and make us much better than before. Though many people say that it's useless to write down resolutions for the new year, I still do that, even though in the end some of those resolutions don't come true, but at least I've tried to change for the better.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: eightdots on December 09, 2023, 07:28:27 PM
There are some plans, goals, and desires that some of us could not archive this year, and the year is coming to an end. We have to try again next year, and as such, it is very important to make new-year resolution plans.

Thanks for reading. Drop your opinion.

Everyone has struggles in life and goals they want to achieve. We need to plan to achieve these goals. Acting without a plan can lead us to an outcome we do not want. Sometimes we cannot realize our plans, but we must still try to implement them.

It is not possible to progress without a goal, and achieving the goal within plans rather than doing things by chance allows us to achieve a more solid result. There may be some difficulties in all of our lives. We must overcome these difficulties with our efforts, and for this we must make it a habit not to give up.

Discipline and patience should always be among the rules we must follow. But even though I say all these things, sometimes life can bring us to a point we don't want. If we have reached a bad point as a result of our mistakes, we must try to correct the situation with our own efforts.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: JoyMarsha on December 09, 2023, 09:48:47 PM
Yeah, a New Year resolution is important but is it the one that many of us would stick up to within a month or not forgetting about it totally before the half of the year has gone?

For me, I don't see the need to have a New Year resolution every new year, and I can't keep up with it before the last quarter of the year. What I normally do in each new year is to grab any opportunity I see coming and re-strategize myself in them whether it will be okay for me to this step or not.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Baofeng on December 09, 2023, 09:54:33 PM
As as motivation yeah why not? However, for sure majority here wasn't able to do that resolution plan in the whole year because there are so many variables and factors that can swing in our lives in the next 12 months or so that we might have diverge from our initial new year resolution. So it's going to be very tough as guess, and I say it's not that important to write.

But I have nothing against those individual who still believes and write it down in notes and try as they may to really follow what they have written about what they want to do and what to accomplished in a year. To each his own.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Hamphser on December 09, 2023, 09:59:22 PM
As as motivation yeah why not? However, for sure majority here wasn't able to do that resolution plan in the whole year because there are so many variables and factors that can swing in our lives in the next 12 months or so that we might have diverge from our initial new year resolution. So it's going to be very tough as guess, and I say it's not that important to write.

But I have nothing against those individual who still believes and write it down in notes and try as they may to really follow what they have written about what they want to do and what to accomplished in a year. To each his own.
There are things which you didnt really expect that you would really be encountering along the way on which it would be causing for you to failing up on quitting up completely on something that you do wish to quit or stop basing up into your resolution. This is why im not really that a fan when it comes on having those resolution because it do really sucks if you do try to look back on the things which you are really that tending
to do but ending up on failing on doing so just because of some circumstances. Trying out to make one is really that some sort of motivation but everything would really be that ending up
on how you would be dedicated on making those things real.

If you do find yourself on having those resolution could actually be able to solve out some problems that you do have in the past then you would definitely be doing it on next year.
Now that the year is nearly ending then it would really be that relevant on what we are trying out to do now.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: SatoPrincess on December 09, 2023, 10:12:23 PM
Every new year, people are enthusiastic and have high hopes for the new season of their lives. They make new year resolutions (this often comprises of a long list of positive changes they would like to see in their personal lives) but fail to achieve any of them. Life happens, most people fall back to their old ways and remain the same. Very few actually stick to the plan and achieve 70% of their goals for the year.

In my experience, it’s better to make realistic goals. Start with something small like going to to gym and losing fat. Once you achieve that goal, you can ride on that motivation to start another goal. “Small wins motivate big accomplishments”.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: gunhell16 on December 09, 2023, 10:21:09 PM
You know, if we want to change something in ourselves, we don't have to wait for a year to be done just to do it. For example, I am a liar, and I started to become a liar in the month of January, and every day that passes, I tell lies to my neighbor. Now, when the month of March comes, I want to change, and I don't want to lie. Should I wait for the last day of the year just to change?

Of course, the answer is that I don't have to wait for that, because being bad or good, we can't say when we can do it; in short, it's unpredictable, and it also depends on us. If we want to be bad or good, then the new year's resolution is a matter of choice; if you believe that, then so be it. But for me, that is not necessary because real change is not obtained by writing on paper or just because our mouth only wants us to want to change; instead, it should come from the heart, not just our words. .

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Mr.right85 on December 09, 2023, 11:00:50 PM
Having a New Year’s resolution for oneself is important because it allows an individual to assess themselves and leave out or bring in an important change in their life and business as a person that cares about the forwardness of their life. For instance call it a ‘To-do’ affair, One must ensure that whatever be his/her goals in the list is achieved and any one that is not necessary be removed. One must be conscious about the way of living, interacting and meddling with affairs and one of those ways that such could be achieved is by having a form of rules that he/she works by.
New year’s resolutions are a necessary self editing exercise that one should under go within annual frames to assess just how well they’ve handled their affairs and growth.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: EFS on December 09, 2023, 11:29:20 PM
New year, new plans, sounds good. But you don't need to wait for new year or new week to start something. You want to read more books? Start today. You want to workout? Don't wait Monday, start now. You want to make investment? Buy Bitcoin now. Why would you wait?
This is one of those things that is easy to say but hard to do. If you find the motivation you need in the new year, I can't say anything. Dedication is important, so is sustainability. Don't quit something you have just started after two days, keep going until the end. I hope you achieve what you want in the new year.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: panganib999 on December 09, 2023, 11:33:24 PM
Creating a well-thought plan of how you're going to spend the new year's is definitely something you should look forward to doing come 2024, and all succeeding years after. But to me, none of this shit would matter if you keep creating new year's resolutions without actually following through with what you planned. And it's okay to make excuses, I'm not here to be your nagging conscience telling you to finally do that diet and workout plan you've been harking about in January 2023. But keep in mind that you're doing this to yourself, and at the end of the day, new year's resolution or not, you only got yourself to blame or thank for when things go for the worse, or best.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: boyptc on December 09, 2023, 11:36:34 PM
New year, new plans, sounds good. But you don't need to wait for new year or new week to start something.

You don't have to wait each year's ending and the next year's opening for you to start something. All is a plan until they're all executed. Execution is the most important part.

If it's all about resolutions and plans, you are not doing any better. That's why with all of these things that we're planning all year long, how many of them have been executed or until now and next year, will they remain a plan and a resolution?

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: n0ne on December 09, 2023, 11:46:48 PM
Every year used to be a passing wave, and in no time it passes us. At times it feels enjoyable, at times the same makes us suffer as the wind makes us get caught within the waves. Making plans and resolution were good, but whatever plan made should be of our limits and be of following. Should not make more resolution, just make a resolution and follow the same strictly. Next year go for a new one. This is quite effective than making a big list and following it for a week and forgetting the resolutions.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: bayu7adi on December 09, 2023, 11:51:55 PM
Because you mention differences a lot, I hope we can appreciate them even though I believe New Year's resolutions are nonsense. Yes, it's nothing more than just going with the flow that many people do, and there's no difference from justifying something that is already a common occurrence.

However, my thought is to normalize what should already be right. And I believe resolutions shouldn't have to wait for the New Year. I'm sure this would be different because human characters are different, and luckily, we are all unique.

Every end of the year is always "make a wish... make a wish... make a wish," but it's the actual actions that should be evaluated as soon as possible. A one-year timeframe doesn't suit me because it takes too much time, and I tend to get complacent with this long timeframe. I prefer to plan as soon as possible rather than waiting for the New Year's moment, which doesn't always align with what we need. It's sometimes too long for some people, and it's also too fast for others.

Every morning, I should be able to have a good plan to make something better than yesterday. Moreover, if today is December 31st and tomorrow is January 1st, some people just consider it a change of day, while others are too excited to consider it a change of the year. In reality, from their perspective, there's nothing wrong.

I don't like waiting for the new year to make resolutions or evaluations.... my memory is not as good as most people.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Samlucky O on December 10, 2023, 12:23:55 AM
There are some plans, goals, and desires that some of us could not archive this year, and the year is coming to an end. We have to try again next year, and as such, it is very important to make new-year resolution plans.

Thanks for reading. Drop your opinion.
Just as the saying goes" one man's meat is another man's poison" as the year is coming to an end so do many people also achieve something in there life. " Down fall of a man is not the end of his life. But where it becomes failure is when you refuse to rise again" life itself does not give you the opportunity to survive. It is assumed as " survival of the fittest" it is a battle ground. "No pain no gain" no matter what might have happened in the past we must endeavor to continue struggling because who ever gives up on success is a failure to him/herself.

Sometimes there are things that cause failure to exercute plans. Such as:
1) Lack of capital but have a good business plan.
2) having capital but don't have a good business plan vise versa.
3) investing on a business you don't have idea about.
4) lack of proper management of business. Or doing business with emoltion.
5) having only one source of income. This will hinder your success  because multiple stream of income will sum up your profit + or -
6) lack of orientation or information on business site. Not every where is good to invest. Try to study the environment before you start a business.
7) Don't always be a one man squad. Make sure you always contact your business colique yo know when price of commodity changes in the market.
8) Don't do business if you don't have the idea. Not every business that someone should adventure into. Some people always do business because there friend do such business. Each and everyone has his or her gift in times of business. Sometimes the work you least expect to make profit is the business that will yeild more profit. So let always check the business that is suitable to us before adventuring into it.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: bluebit25 on December 10, 2023, 06:38:03 AM
I do not deny the need to set up a clear plan for the future, but often things that feel good are the few who think about this, and the majority of people are still bound by many life issues to live without preparation, or, in other words, being proactive in life. Everyone wants a happier life, but that goal and how it is achieved become complex in thinking, lack of realism about the balance of life is a cause. The main reason I think about it is that many people's lives are never able to accomplish their goals. What is the balance like? For example: a person with a big business will have criteria for their life, and people with low-income jobs will also have limits on their own goals. So actually proposing a plan is the beginning, but that very beginning has many different things, but thinking positively and trying will bring a better result.

We are also about to end 2023, now is the time for us to look back at the results we have achieved, and prepare for a new beginning. Perhaps I, like many people, always hope that everyone will have suitable ways to accomplish their goals.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: hugeblack on December 10, 2023, 07:52:35 AM
I am against making a fixed plan because the world is changing and you increase the pressure on yourself to achieve it. Set a main goal and several sub-goals and things that can support you to reach the main goal. Set one or two goals every year and then decide what the direction of your life will be and which goals can be accomplished with life’s changes. .
This year was good financially for me. I planned to learn and do more things, but I hope next year will be better.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Y3shot on December 10, 2023, 09:36:52 AM
As the year is coming to an end we shouldn't bother about the plans we could not meet up with this year. If the year is ending it doesn't mean it is the end of life.things not achieved this year can be achieved for the next year,  people need to understand life that everything has it time that it will come, next year is another year to work hard to try to achieve more things we need. Let not allow the pressure of achieving things quick yo make it look as if we havent work this year.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: topbitcoin on December 10, 2023, 11:38:15 AM
Making resolutions in the new year is very important for us to do. But before we make plans for the coming year, it would be better if we evaluate all the plans and achievements that we made and that we achieved in previous years. Because with evaluation, we will know what things are our shortcomings and what things are the inhibiting factors in making an achievement.

And our habit is often inconsistent with the plans we make ourselves. Maybe the resolutions we make now will run smoothly in the next few months, but over time we ignore the plan and live like running water and return to the initial habits.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: kryptqnick on December 10, 2023, 12:12:03 PM
I don't take New Year resolutions seriously as a person, so I don't normally make them. I think I did it once, but I don't remember what it was and how I did. I suppose I try to have a rough understanding of what I want to accomplish over the next year (including things that many may not count as achievements, such as resting more), but I don't write it down, don't commit to it. My life has too many variables because my country's at war, so it doesn't feel like plans matter. But if a person believes in making plans and sticking to plans, I think that person should do it, and I respect a decision to do it.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Patrol69 on December 10, 2023, 01:00:18 PM
Planning for a new year means planning for the future. There is definitely a need to think about how we got through one year and how we can go next year. Currently, at the end of the year, we must plan for the year ahead where we need to improve or what we have done wrong. We must plan so that we can do well in the coming year. Those who think that there is nothing to plan for the new year, things will go as they did this year, but it is not so easy. For those who don't plan for the new year, the next year goes like the previous year. I think that the amount of money that I made last year, I must make more money next year as well as move better and create multiple career opportunities so that I can plan for a few more years with next year's income.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Fara Chan on December 10, 2023, 01:57:15 PM
As the year is coming to an end we shouldn't bother about the plans we could not meet up with this year. If the year is ending it doesn't mean it is the end of life.things not achieved this year can be achieved for the next year,  people need to understand life that everything has it time that it will come, next year is another year to work hard to try to achieve more things we need. Let not allow the pressure of achieving things quick yo make it look as if we havent work this year.
More simply, everyone still has to continue working as usual to achieve targets that have not yet been reached this year because the end of the year is not the end of continuing to work. Even though we don't yet know what the condition of the economic environment will be next year, the thing called working hard must remain and must not be stopped as long as we still have the ability to do it in the best way we have this year. In fact, the pressure will be greater when we start to stop working because every day everyone has basic needs that they must fulfill in addition to the big targets they have planned for this year.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on December 10, 2023, 02:14:35 PM
For me, New Year's resolution plans have almost never worked. And the only time it worked for me is because it was a resolution I was going to take anyway, regardless of the date.

In the month of January gyms make a lot of money because a lot of people make the decision to get fit... only to quit after a couple of sessions.

I think it's more important that if you have something to fix or improve in your life that you make a plan and stick to it, but regardless of whether it's the new year or not.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Winterfrost on December 10, 2023, 02:37:06 PM
I believe so many persons will accept the fact that it is good to make new resolutions for the forth coming year.

Still not everyone will keep to their resolutions it is sometimes difficult to keep to what have been said unless one is ready to be disciplined. Right now  i have some habits i would not want to carry to the next year and am working towards that. Although the plans i am making is toward something that would isolate myself from the environments i found myself doing those things. I see that it is the best solution for me if i want to change. Tho it will take me some time to stabilize since it will take a lot of finance from me but i succeed it will be for the greater good.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: EluguHcman on December 10, 2023, 02:38:50 PM
New year resolutions is just one of the budgets we put to schedules with timing hoping it comes as expected although the new year resolutions is live wishing budgeting with a realistic expectations accompanied with the believes that every years always has something unique to life so, we are correspondent to new year resolutions with well wishing that it has is the best and granting us the wills of our heart desires.
The new year resolutions is served as energymatic inspirations and a booster to buckle up from a begining and makes accountable results depended on individuals wishes and expectations. And it is basically binded with some spiritual believes.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: arwin100 on December 10, 2023, 02:52:27 PM
Making a new year resolution is needed  but not important since there are many people write up about what they want to do next year but unfortunately they will not follow it since they do those things they want to forget and continue to do those what they think bad for them.

And I think no person is perfect regarding on following  their new years resolution plan since some maybe got a hard time to follow it since its almost impossible to achieve also they didn't realize that they are busy in real life that's why they usually ignore those things and think about trying it again on next year.

Common thing what people write their as part of their new years resolution is not to spend much next year but to many temptation came especially on online there are so many item that can attract us that's why some other people hard to follow what they think need to do then forget it because they like to have that expensive thing since its give them satisfaction and from that it already break what they have written as part of their new years resolution.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: wajik-tempe on December 10, 2023, 02:52:47 PM
Wealth may provide comfort, but it does not provide immunity from life's unpredictabilities. Health is a precious possession that is frequently jeopardized by personal choices. The duality is seen in the delicate balance of individual agency vs exogenous circumstances. The unifying denominator, however, is resilience. Plans may fail, but our ability to adjust defines us. Recognizing the individuality of our travels, let us accept that setbacks need not imply resignation. As this chapter comes to a close, let resolve bloom once more, for in the symphony of our differences is the melody of our united humanity.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Bananington on December 10, 2023, 03:49:30 PM
It is very true that anyone who doesn't plan has planned to fail. It is called failure because it means thats not what's wanted but got it anyways. So if anyone wants to have a better life, have more money, there has to be different tasks that one has to fulfil everyday inorder to achieve what is wanted.
The year is ended already with various companies and businesses preparing their annual reports of the year inorder to know what took more money, what was spent on materials or other campaigns. Individuals too must do this and make a better ascertion so as to lead a better life in the coming year, 2024.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: junder on December 10, 2023, 04:40:15 PM
Making resolutions in the new year is very important for us to do. But before we make plans for the coming year, it would be better if we evaluate all the plans and achievements that we made and that we achieved in previous years. Because with evaluation, we will know what things are our shortcomings and what things are the inhibiting factors in making an achievement.

And our habit is often inconsistent with the plans we make ourselves. Maybe the resolutions we make now will run smoothly in the next few months, but over time we ignore the plan and live like running water and return to the initial habits.

self-introspection that maybe we should do if it's like you said it. in my opinion this is good, because by understanding what hinders us in achieving achievements it might be corrected so that in the next year we can achieve what we want, planning or new year's resolutions must indeed be done, because we also have to be able to become a better person in the future. fix things that always hinder or thwart something that is wanted so that nothing happens that is not wanted in the coming year, like you said it, evaluate the entire achievement plan, and this must be done to avoid things that are not wanted too.

And it is necessary to remember that planning does not always go definitely or does not always go well, there will definitely be things that can hinder, well this must be avoided, by evaluating all things in previous years so that it does not happen in the coming year.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: umbara ardian on December 10, 2023, 05:30:23 PM
Sure, some people find "new year, new me" motivating, but it's not a magic spell. We don't have to wait for a specific date to start becoming who we want to be. Every single day is a new chance to learn, grow, and leave behind things that don't serve us anymore. We're always changing, and it's way more rewarding to embrace that journey, with all its ups and downs, than to wait for some arbitrary deadline.

The power to change is in our own hands. We don't need to wait for the clock to strike midnight to start living our best lives. We can choose to be more self-aware, keep learning new things, and always strive to be the best versions of ourselves, one day at a time.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: KennyR on December 10, 2023, 11:43:43 PM
Sure, some people find "new year, new me" motivating, but it's not a magic spell. We don't have to wait for a specific date to start becoming who we want to be. Every single day is a new chance to learn, grow, and leave behind things that don't serve us anymore. We're always changing, and it's way more rewarding to embrace that journey, with all its ups and downs, than to wait for some arbitrary deadline.

The power to change is in our own hands. We don't need to wait for the clock to strike midnight to start living our best lives. We can choose to be more self-aware, keep learning new things, and always strive to be the best versions of ourselves, one day at a time.
Every year people comes with different resolutions. End of the year nothing could've been followed. As suggested when you want a change in you, the same can be started now what's there to delay. When we think of a resolution it is to bring positive things into our lives. Then what's there to delay, so all the resolutions for the year is just a gimmick that fades of within months.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Patrol69 on December 11, 2023, 04:08:53 AM
Sure, some people find "new year, new me" motivating, but it's not a magic spell. We don't have to wait for a specific date to start becoming who we want to be. Every single day is a new chance to learn, grow, and leave behind things that don't serve us anymore. We're always changing, and it's way more rewarding to embrace that journey, with all its ups and downs, than to wait for some arbitrary deadline.

The power to change is in our own hands. We don't need to wait for the clock to strike midnight to start living our best lives. We can choose to be more self-aware, keep learning new things, and always strive to be the best versions of ourselves, one day at a time.
What we have done throughout the year is not a big thing, but before the new year comes, we at least think that the way the last year went, we have to start the new year well. A student thinks before the start of the new year he has to be very focused on studies, an employee has to be very focused on work in the new year and must get promotion in the job. It is not only a student or a working person who plans the new year, but every professional person starts thinking about their profession in a new way and thinks about starting the new year in a new way. Maybe their thoughts are not fully successful but when a person thinks about the new year it is the motivation to focus on the work again. We are involved in crypto currency our plans may be investment trading or other things but like everyone we have plans for the new year.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: libert19 on December 11, 2023, 04:16:14 AM
You don't have to wait for new year to make resolution, whatever factor you wanna improve on, just do it right now. Suppose, you wanna stop drinking alchohol, you just stop with that right now, don't wait for new year.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: LogitechMouse on December 11, 2023, 05:54:44 AM
Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
TBH, I don't care about New Year's Resolution at all when I'm still young because in the end, I can't fulfill what I put in it.
During the past 2-3 years, I did create some New Year's Resolution plan, but unfortunately I can't do it for some reasons.

Creating one's new year's resolution is important because it will motivates us, but always take note that we can't do it if we will remain lazy. I became lazy in the past thus, I didn't finish any of it, but this year, I will make a new year's resolution, and I'll make sure that I will be doing it. I'm getting older, and older now, and I need to fulfill something for myself, and for my future as well.

Having a new year's resolution will motivate you as long as it's important. Whether it will be health-related one, or career-related one, having one will be beneficial for you. Overall, having one isn't enough, but we need to do everything in order for us to fulfill it. Being lazy will lead to nothing.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: angrybirdy on December 11, 2023, 09:05:15 AM
You don't have to wait for new year to make resolution, whatever factor you wanna improve on, just do it right now. Suppose, you wanna stop drinking alchohol, you just stop with that right now, don't wait for new year.

Exactly! but traditionally, people will follow this idea by starting it in the first day of the year, It's a belief that once you've done things at the first day of the year, it is possible that this will continue and you will completely stop the things you want to avoid. but for me, I agree on your opinion, if a person really wants to stop a certain thing, They can stop it as soon as they want, no need to wait for a New year, It's all about willingness to do so.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: bitLeap on December 11, 2023, 09:58:12 AM
You don't have to wait for new year to make resolution, whatever factor you wanna improve on, just do it right now. Suppose, you wanna stop drinking alchohol, you just stop with that right now, don't wait for new year.

Exactly! but traditionally, people will follow this idea by starting it in the first day of the year, It's a belief that once you've done things at the first day of the year, it is possible that this will continue and you will completely stop the things you want to avoid. but for me, I agree on your opinion, if a person really wants to stop a certain thing, They can stop it as soon as they want, no need to wait for a New year, It's all about willingness to do so.

It can be done if the thing we are doing can be done instantly, like drinking alcohol is obviously something we can stop doing instantly or right now. But for other things that require a process, of course it requires planning, and one of the things that can be done is with our New Year's resolutions. For example, we want to own a house in 2024, which is impossible to do now if we don't have enough money for it. Well of course there is a process that we have to go through such as saving money and so on. So it depends on what level we want to do and want to have.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: barisbilgili on December 11, 2023, 10:11:17 AM
Exactly! but traditionally, people will follow this idea by starting it in the first day of the year, It's a belief that once you've done things at the first day of the year, it is possible that this will continue and you will completely stop the things you want to avoid. but for me, I agree on your opinion, if a person really wants to stop a certain thing, They can stop it as soon as they want, no need to wait for a New year, It's all about willingness to do so.
Indeed, some people wait for the new year to be able to change themselves to be better than the previous year and they will do good things to make themselves better than before and they must do this consistently so that they no longer repeat their actions which are not good in their opinion. if they can't do it consistently I don't think it will be able to sustain what it is doing for long.

You are right, we don't have to wait for the new year to be able to change ourselves in a better direction, we just need to prepare ourselves and do it consistently so that we no longer do the things we want to leave behind.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: libert19 on December 11, 2023, 10:18:52 AM
You don't have to wait for new year to make resolution, whatever factor you wanna improve on, just do it right now. Suppose, you wanna stop drinking alchohol, you just stop with that right now, don't wait for new year.
It's a belief that once you've done things at the first day of the year, it is possible that this will continue and you will completely stop the things you want to avoid.

Pretty sure that belief doesn't work cause, most of people who make new year resolutions, lapse soon after.

It can be done if the thing we are doing can be done instantly, like drinking alcohol is obviously something we can stop doing instantly or right now. But for other things that require a process, of course it requires planning, and one of the things that can be done is with our New Year's resolutions. For example, we want to own a house in 2024, which is impossible to do now if we don't have enough money for it. Well of course there is a process that we have to go through such as saving money and so on. So it depends on what level we want to do and want to have.

I don't get your statement.

If you are planning to have house and don't have means right now, will you suddenly get means on new year day? Ofc not, while if you are talking about saving money for buying house, that can be done right now without waiting for new year.

if you are talking about moving in or purchasing on that day for whatever reason, then yea you are right.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Ucy on December 11, 2023, 11:34:21 AM
Not a good idea to make New Year resolutions as you may go against the way you were designed to function. Ofcourse, the bad habits need to be stopped but you can't stop them by your own power since they are beyond you or have control over you. You need a Strong Hand to stop them for you.

In regards to creating plans for the future that should be accomplished. There are many factors that determine whether you are going to be successful or not. It's like a leaf resolving to fall under the tree but ends up falling by the side because it fails to factor a strong wind or cannot predict what direction it blows even if it does factor it. But there is a program that governs what direction the wind blows to, anyone with the knowledge of how the program works would be able to predict what direction it blows to and see whether it is the right place he needs to be, if it's, then he makes preparation to be blown away by the wind toward the right direction.

The CREATOR of the Universe designed the programs that governs the winds and other things beyond our control. You need to believe in the CREATOR and HE will make you a better person and aligned your destiny/future according to HIS Will for you  and you'll begin to work/move in harmony with all HIS programs rather than working/moving against them. If this becomes the case, there will be no more need for New Year resolutions as you'll move according to the program you didn't design yourself and you will effortlessly accomplish much and be fulfilled.
If you work according to the Will of the CREATOR, you will now discover that all good things you need in life have been provided for you, you just need to be at the right place at the right time to recieve them. Working against the program or your design makes you be at the wrong places and do the wrong things consequently missing the provisions.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: btc78 on December 11, 2023, 11:57:54 AM
I have actually stopped writing down new year resolutions

Why? Because the past years, I have had a constant new year resolution and until now I still have not done it from since then i promised myself to just do whatever I want at any time of the year if i wanted to finish a book why do i have to wait until newyear’s to get it done if i could do it right now? too much goals will put so much pressure on me and would make me feel like a disappointment myself

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: mirakal on December 11, 2023, 12:35:02 PM
Honestly, I don't think creating new year resolution plans are really necessary, although I would say it's a good motivation to start the new year right. Because if you aim to change something within you or improve what you have within, you can always do that any time of the year. The important thing is you have the self-determination and self-discipline to turn into action whatever plan you have set for yourself. And in case it didn't work out, at least you didn't easily give up on your goal without even trying.

Making a new year resolution plan is actually good, but as long as you never care to internalize it and make it happen through your endless efforts, that will only remain a resolution plan every year.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: |MINER| on December 11, 2023, 05:26:53 PM
It is very good to make a new year resolution. But people are slaves of habits. Bad habits are not created by anyone. But we should get rid of bad habits and plan a new life. Even if life does not go according to plan.  There will be ups and downs in life.  I will say that life should be enjoyed instead of being managed like a robot. You should travel abroad, you should give time to your family.  At the beginning of the year, a healthy life plan should be taken forward.  And it should always be remembered that life cannot be ended by running after money. One has to learn to live life

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: michellee on December 12, 2023, 08:00:44 AM
Someone can make a plan about what they want to achieve in the next year. But he must try to carry out every plan in order to achieve his target. Most people find it difficult to carry out the stages of their plan and in the end, they deviate from their plan and cannot achieve their targets.

Only people who are willing to try to make every plan come true will succeed in achieving their targets. They can really get a better life than the previous year. They can also achieve most of their plans. That is why we have to really focus on carrying out every plan we have made.

Only by carrying out each plan can we achieve the goals we desire. The rest we can only leave it to fate because if fate determines that we cannot achieve that target next year, we also cannot force it. But at least we have tried to achieve it. There is still plenty of time to achieve targets that still need to be achieved.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: peter0425 on January 13, 2024, 09:59:37 AM
have done listing my New years resolution since younger time but  keep on failing that's why I ended my stupidity and just tell myself to what should I do in new year and let the process decide to what is my faith and luckily ?
I stopped my drinking and of course smoking this made me a real men without  promising myself but motivating this instead.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Reatim on January 29, 2024, 06:17:29 AM

There are some plans, goals, and desires that some of us could not archive this year, and the year is coming to an end. We have to try again next year, and as such, it is very important to make new-year resolution plans.

Thanks for reading. Drop your opinion.
Stop making new years resolutions , instead make it happen instead I mean when you made a promise to yourself you kept breaking it and that will add frustrations to you instead why not just work for it without dealing with any promises?
but it is us who will act on that , every resolutions mostly for ourself though others are having this to help someone or for others .

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: peter0425 on January 29, 2024, 11:21:08 AM
Sure, some people find "new year, new me" motivating, but it's not a magic spell. We don't have to wait for a specific date to start becoming who we want to be. Every single day is a new chance to learn, grow, and leave behind things that don't serve us anymore. We're always changing, and it's way more rewarding to embrace that journey, with all its ups and downs, than to wait for some arbitrary deadline.

The power to change is in our own hands. We don't need to wait for the clock to strike midnight to start living our best lives. We can choose to be more self-aware, keep learning new things, and always strive to be the best versions of ourselves, one day at a time.
Every year people comes with different resolutions. End of the year nothing could've been followed. As suggested when you want a change in you, the same can be started now what's there to delay. When we think of a resolution it is to bring positive things into our lives. Then what's there to delay, so all the resolutions for the year is just a gimmick that fades of within months.
hahaha, I remember those days that I kept making new Years resolutions and ending just failing even in the first month like what mentioned by you.
that is why I believe that this is not how we must deal in reality but instead we need to give perseverance and dedicative act.
do as you plan and regret if being failed.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: rodskee on January 29, 2024, 12:12:51 PM
The last  New years resolution that I made and succeed ? that is  never to listen in my fear instead
will keep fighting and learning new , that I will never surrender no matter what happened and indeed , that
is the day I started being successful .and for me people can handle theirs but first they need to trust
themselves first.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: Volimack on January 30, 2024, 08:37:31 AM
Planning New Year's resolutions is good as it guides people to move in the right direction. New Year's resolutions are great for helping people try new things. Setting reasonable goals and self evaluation of your progress helps in learning new things. One of the benefits of working to assess ourselves every week and make necessary corrections is that it builds confidence in the rest of us which can come in handy. We must try a new feature every day that will help us succeed.

Title: Re: Making a New Year resolution plan is Important.
Post by: kotajikikox on January 31, 2024, 10:14:55 AM
How many times that I fail about this new year resolution , this is like "Promises made to be Broken" to me so i stopped doing it but what I prefer now? is to act instead of making it as resolution .

Example in 2019 that I plan or target to stop smoking, then right after 12 midnight of December 31 ? i flush all my cigarettes in toilet bowl and since then never that I handle even a single cigarette .

Maybe this what tells us that perseverance is more important than Planning or promising .