Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: aliveNFT on December 11, 2023, 11:50:04 AM

Title: fleefa - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: aliveNFT on December 11, 2023, 11:50:04 AM

The essence of my idea:
🦾 fleefa (available domain) is a social platform similar to TikTok where people will upload their videos and earn on the investment funds distribution system (at the stage of thinking through the entire investment system)
EST: Bob downloaded and installed the fleefa app, after which he recorded a video and uploaded it in Shorts format, then another person Stephen, after seeing this video at an earlier stage, realizes that the video will potentially go viral and makes an investment in his profile. In order for Bob to receive investments, he will need to undergo KYC verification, while Stephen does not need to undergo verification to invest.

An example of how investments work: Stephen invested 300 USDT in Bob's profile, after which the automatic fund allocation system performs its functions - 300 USDT goes immediately to conclusions in recommendations to random people, which raises the chance that the video will go viral or be viewed many times. (here you need to fully think over the operation of the algorithm and calculate the % of income)

As a result, if Stephen really guessed right with his choice, then in the future both Bob and Stephen will receive rewards every month, depending on the percentage of funds deposited.

UPD: 7:58 PM 12/11/23
Disadvantages of crypto investors:
1. Not safe, obviously
2. It's difficult even for a nerdy cryptophanat, not to mention beginners
3. If you come across a shit project, then there are scammers.
4. Basically, to make a profit, you need to expect from a year and above, in rare cases, you can multiply in days, weeks, months.

The advantages of investing in fleefa:
1. Secure storage of funds in the internal wallet as well as access to the investment panel (as clear as possible)
2. It's easy, you made a deposit and then you invest (of course there will be ToS)
3. You can invest only in verified users who have passed KYC and only you can decide who to invest in.
4. Profit payments every day, week or month, depending on the choice.
5. User-friendly interface (of course, so far on the layout that I will show you soon)
6. The ability to communicate with 24/7 support, which will always help you figure out your problem instantly
7. Copy-paste videos will be immediately unsubscribed in the first minutes, that is, all content must be exclusively original. (anti-plagiarism)

After the project is released in beta and people will be able to test the product and become a fleefa shareholder, that is, buy part of the shares or $fleet coin, which will be integrated in the future.

This is only 5% of the whole idea, there are many things that need to be carefully considered in implementation, I will add as much as possible.

Title: Re: - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: AB de Royse777 on December 11, 2023, 12:18:29 PM
Open to hear the remaining 95% of the idea and the road map of the project development you have in plan.
Welcome to the community.

Title: Re: - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: aliveNFT on December 11, 2023, 12:35:09 PM
Open to hear the remaining 95% of the idea and the road map of the project development you have in plan.
Welcome to the community.

It takes longer than it turned out, I will update the information daily, thank you for your interest.

Title: Re: - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: robelneo on December 12, 2023, 11:27:38 AM

The essence of my idea:
🦾 (available domain) is a social platform similar to TikTok where people will upload their videos and earn on the investment funds distribution system

I checked this that you mentioned and it is not online I Google and there's no information available online and when I checked it on Namecheap I was surprised that it's still available, both and fleefla that you mentioned here.

You should not post a domain or a plan without first securing the domain, you already created an image or a logo, and the whole plan will change if someone buys that two domains. ( (

Title: Re: - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: aliveNFT on December 12, 2023, 11:30:21 AM

I mentioned that this is just a layout and the domain is free, do you want to buy it? - go ahead, I'm giving you the logo and design as a gift  :)
but in any case, thanks, it may have helped the other one.

Title: Re: - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: robelneo on December 12, 2023, 11:37:38 AM

I mentioned that this is just a layout and the domain is free, do you want to buy it? - go ahead, I'm giving you the logo and design as a gift  :)
but in any case, thanks, it may have helped the other one.

Nope, I'm not that kind of person, what I'm trying to point out is you should not post a domain without first securing it it's not easy to conceptualize an idea and a domain that is associated with it, so the essence of my post is to save your work, this is just from a webmaster's perspective.

Title: Re: - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: yhiaali3 on December 12, 2023, 11:38:45 AM
The advantages of investing in fleefa:

1. Secure storage of funds in the internal wallet as well as access to the investment panel (as clear as possible)

What type of funds will be deposited? Is the deposit in dollars or cryptocurrencies?
How are the funds safe when they will be in the internal wallet as you say? This means that the investor does not have the private keys to the wallet, how is this secure?

The advantages of investing in fleefa:

3. You can invest only in verified users who have passed KYC and only you can decide who to invest in.
Also, you include KYC among the features of investing in fleefa??!! How strange!!! Personally, I consider this a disadvantage rather than an advantage. I don't think that having KYC required will appeal to many people.

Title: Re: - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: aliveNFT on December 12, 2023, 11:45:27 AM
The advantages of investing in fleefa:

1. Secure storage of funds in the internal wallet as well as access to the investment panel (as clear as possible)

What type of funds will be deposited? Is the deposit in dollars or cryptocurrencies?
How are the funds safe when they will be in the internal wallet as you say? This means that the investor does not have the private keys to the wallet, how is this secure?

The advantages of investing in fleefa:

3. You can invest only in verified users who have passed KYC and only you can decide who to invest in.
Also, you include KYC among the features of investing in fleefa??!! How strange!!! Personally, I consider this a disadvantage rather than an advantage. I don't think that having KYC required will appeal to many people.

About kyc:
Do you want to withdraw money and earn a native token without investing? No problem, we will not require KYC. But if you want people to be able to invest money in you (in your content) for security purposes, only the content maker will undergo KYC, while investors do not need it.

About funds:
A cryptocurrency with a wide selection (this is for deposit) same for WD. In fact, the wallet can be made separately, but it is better if it is centralized so that we can control everything at the legal level. The whole point is that you don't need to store your HODL funds in our wallets. In general, it was invented only to display the balance and withdraw/deposit funds.

Title: Re: fleefa - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: WillyAp on December 12, 2023, 05:19:24 PM
An idea is next to nothing without funding and a plan on how to spend the money, deep pockets for social media and if you want to have a chance: a team which has a good reputation.

You need to identify the user profiles, how much you need for infrastructure, a plan on how to advance with how much funding. 

Title: Re: fleefa - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: aliveNFT on December 12, 2023, 06:04:31 PM
An idea is next to nothing without funding and a plan on how to spend the money, deep pockets for social media and if you want to have a chance: a team which has a good reputation.

You need to identify the user profiles, how much you need for infrastructure, a plan on how to advance with how much funding.  

That's why I'm not an idiot to collect investments and fail the task. As I said above, this is just an idea. Do you want me to implement it? Let's proceed KYC for me, after give me 500k USDT and 1 year of time. There will be an office, a team and a activity. But all this is just a concept, if someone really likes the idea, I give it to them for free. lol

Caмaя гeниaльнaя идeя - ничeгo нe cтoит бeз гeниaльнoй peaлизaции. A caмoe oбиднoe этo тo, чтo c вepoятнocтью oвep 146%, никaкaя вaшa идeя нe гeниaльнaя......
Translate: The most ingenious idea is worthless without a brilliant implementation. And the most annoying thing is that with a probability of over 146%, none of your idea is brilliant......

I don't fly in the clouds and I do it so that I don't get discouraged mentally, not for "investments"

Title: Re: fleefa - based on cryptocurrency
Post by: wallet4bitcoin on December 16, 2023, 11:56:10 PM
Good application and concept you have here, I confess. However, there are concerns.

For social media applications, what is the need for kyc as we are talking about a decentralized system where the users' real identity (in some cases) are not required.

Remember other similar competitors are in existence already without the need for kyc, why should people who are looking for censorship-free social status subscribe to yours.