Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Fullbear2222 on December 11, 2023, 02:39:14 PM

Title: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Fullbear2222 on December 11, 2023, 02:39:14 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: STT on December 11, 2023, 03:00:37 PM
Government doesn't determine prices, the free market does  [they are neither supplier or buyer in the balance].  Even if one country tries to do this most prices are set globally so the attempts would be quite futile.   You arent alone in wanting these things, but its not easily done.   Best thing a government can do is provide stability, unfortunately large amounts of debt and new currency issuance leads to the opposite with giant price instability and unknown prices in the marketplace especially externally.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: kentrolla on December 11, 2023, 03:02:44 PM
This sounds good but not possible unless there are privatization and just to give you example the gas and electricity prices in UK which is a classic example of capitalism. We can never trust private players as government cannot control them or their prices and wages are something which government can set laws around this.

Government can cannot control price of private player in terms of any products like consumables and ration but it can start it's own food manufacturing units and provide them at subsidized or reasonable rates like it used to happen in some of the middles east nations but with certain norms to avoid making their citizens lazier.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: mirakal on December 11, 2023, 05:23:13 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

Here in our country, its seldom to see minimum wages up, as what we always experience are only the consistent price increase with foods, goods and services. Unfortunately, the government seems does not even care at all or if they care, they will just approve a little increase for minimum wages after a long wait but they can't control those goods and services from surging its prices.

What we always ask from the government is to provide us long term jobs, not contractual ones. And most especially for those poor and illiterate ones, at least they should be given source of livelihood that will still provide them with decent amount of income.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Twentyonepaylots on December 11, 2023, 06:14:54 PM
Government doesn't determine prices, the free market does  [they are neither supplier or buyer in the balance].  
Yeah, only if the government decides what price tag shall be put on products or services then there'll be no problem at all with the cost of it. It's out of their control. I can see that these businessmen are greedy, I mean we all do, but in business making money is taking so much away from the buyers, consumers, and resellers. Not every businessmen have the Chinese mindset, they demand more cost when the product or services gives comfort or make you life easy.

Even if one country tries to do this most prices are set globally so the attempts would be quite futile.   You arent alone in wanting these things, but its not easily done.   Best thing a government can do is provide stability, unfortunately large amounts of debt and new currency issuance leads to the opposite with giant price instability and unknown prices in the marketplace especially externally.
Do you believe that one day goverment can provide stability? Like the poor, middle-class and rich will meet halfway with regards with these things? I wonder how would they do that, but hopefully.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: franky1 on December 11, 2023, 07:18:48 PM
government does not determine prices... hmm well not really but um kinda yea

when the government goes on a stimulus package spending spree the amount of treasury spending of debt money directly affects the GDP and its things like the housing market and retail stores that base their recommended retail prices on a formula they use thats a 0.0x% of gdp per goods/services

mortgages and rents are set to average 30% of average income and average income and spending does have a relational affect based on GDP and CPI
so there is a snowball effect if not rationed/regulated

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: iv4n on December 11, 2023, 07:54:05 PM
... and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

The idea is that Justice should be blind, treating all people equally, but I guess we all know that Justice is not blind... the ones on the top (and their families) are privileged in many ways. So I think that we are far away from a "fair" game,  we can even say that the game is rigged.

The government failed big time in some (many) countries, instead to make rules and be fair to all they are corrupted to the bones. It's especially visible when the institutions don't fairly do their jobs, big guys get away with killings and stealing billions, and small ones are getting big sentences.


Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: DrBeer on December 11, 2023, 08:15:10 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

Can I ask one simple question? Tell me, how do you see the implementation of state regulation of prices for rent, energy, and food?

There are 2 options:
1. Prohibition to raise prices higher than...
2. Compensate

I’ll answer right away how these moves end:
1. The quality and quantity of offers of goods and services is falling. Why should I sell my products without covering my costs and without making a profit, if this is a business whose main goal is to make a profit.
2. Where will the state get funding for compensation? And the budget! From the budget that provides social programs for the population. That is, to the detriment of the population

In a word - government regulation is not the best option. This approach is applicable for critical situations in the country and economy, and only for critical products, but not for regular and widespread use.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Dunamisx on December 11, 2023, 08:52:06 PM
So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

When it comes to discussions on minimum wages, salary and inflation, all these aspect were do complex to deal with because it's what concerns our individual persons, governments and the economy we run daily, also we should know this that wages cannot just be increased like that just because we want people to be able to afford a living, there must be plans on ground from the government towards these approach to make it more suitable for the change intended.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Davidvictorson on December 11, 2023, 08:57:19 PM
I wish the government can regulate the amount paid on rental properties. This would be a win for the poor.

Government cannot regulate food prices or prices of farm produce and products. It is beyond their reach. Regulating food prices will mean the "death" of the people in the supply chain from the farmer to the final consumer.

Recently in my country the government took her hands off regulating gas prices which used to be the norm. We thought it was a good thing but now it is chaotic. Everyone is complaining because it's negative effects is telling on everybody on the economic ladder.

What government can do instead is to increase the minimum wage. This is just one feasible solution.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Queentoshi on December 11, 2023, 11:20:36 PM
What government can do instead is to increase the minimum wage. This is just one feasible solution.
Not just increase it one time and then stop for the economy to later just catch up and overtake the new minimum wage, but regularly it has to be reviewed to make sure that it is in balance with the rising cost of things. If the government can do that and ensure that the reviewed minimum wage is always implemented quickly, people in the country will be able to afford some of these things as they increase. Government people have specialist in these areas, and some of them know these things, but due to corruption, it is never done.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: komisariatku on December 11, 2023, 11:54:52 PM

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

For basic necessities, the government will usually monitor price stability because there cannot be a significant increase in the prices of basic necessities. If there is an increase in the price of basic necessities, the government will usually stabilize prices by increasing supply by importing from other countries.

Salaries in the countries you mentioned are very high but I'm sure the necessities of life in these countries are also expensive. In my country, the minimum wage a month is only $80 - $250, although it seems small but we can live on just $50 a month. Moreover, we are in a tropical country where we can grow rice and vegetables in the garden

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: franky1 on December 12, 2023, 01:48:18 AM
I wish the government can regulate the amount paid on rental properties. This would be a win for the poor.

licenced real estate agents are regulated so when they have applicants that want to rent. the real estate agents do a financial assessment and credit check on the applicant..
.. the same cant be said for private rentals of independent landlords... but the usual guide is that rentals/mortgages monthly payments should not exceed 30% of someones monthly income

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: uneng on December 12, 2023, 02:04:25 AM
So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.
What you propose was already done in the past by socialist countries, but they failed economically, because that is not how you run the economy of a country in an efficient and sustainable way. You have to let the market breath by itself sometimes, instead of killing it suffocated by prohibitive regulations which may make sense on your theory, but that in practice will be totally harmful to common citizens and merchants.

If the prices are constantly rising out of control, it's exactly due to government's intervention, but in a wrong manner. So, you are asking for more government control as a potential solution, but you don't consider the more control government has, worse the economy of a country is getting.

Countries where there is more economical freedom are more likely to thrive along the time. However, it shouldn't be misunderstood with anarchy or corruption practices... There must always exist laws, ethics and morals to be followed in every societies in order to allow people living in peace and prosperity.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: bitzizzix on December 12, 2023, 02:32:52 AM
The government only controls the balance and also determines which prices can increase and which cannot with full consideration.
And when the prices of most basic necessities increase, the government will also increase wages and balance them, and what we need to know is, actually productivity remains the same and the same as when basic necessities and salaries were before the increase. And the government's goal of increasing wages is one way to improve the economic welfare of workers and households so that it is balanced.
However, salary increase policies must also be considered carefully and carried out thorough research, and all of this aims to avoid the impact of inflation which could be detrimental.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: franky1 on December 12, 2023, 02:56:55 AM
So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.
What you propose was already done in the past by socialist countries, but they failed economically, because that is not how you run the economy of a country in an efficient and sustainable way.

you think capitalist america is efficient and sustainable.. have you not seen the debt ceiling
. im from capitalist/socialist UK but even i can admit how capitalist british empire eventually failed

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: slapper on December 12, 2023, 07:56:18 AM
I understand your point of view; rising living expenses are a major worry for everyone. It sounds like a simple cure when the government sets price caps on things like food, energy, and rent. But economics isn't really that simple. Price controls can lead to shortages; remember, businesses need to cover costs & make a profit. If they can't, why would they stay in business? We could find ourselves in a situation where there are few apartments and empty shelves

Regarding wages, we all desire to have more cash in our pockets. But what happens if costs are artificially kept down while incomes soar? Businesses may cut jobs or reduce hours to stay afloat. Although the goal is admirable, the execution is challenging. We require a well-rounded strategy, which might include raising the minimum wage, providing tax breaks for affordable housing, and providing targeted subsidies for necessities. The role of the government is vital, but it goes beyond simply officiating; it also involves creating a long-term strategy that will allow businesses and consumers to prosper

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Mauser on December 12, 2023, 08:12:08 AM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

How do you come up with these minimum wages? 3500 Euro minimum seems like a lot to me,    so even the most easiest cashier job without any work experience or school/university requirements is making 42,000 Euro per year. This would likely push inflation higher again and many smaller business would struggle to even pay such kind of wages. In my opinion over regulation from the government in the labour market is not a good idea as it will limit business and reduce employment in the long term. The same goes for the regulating the whole economy, like rent, energy and food prices. Why would the government be able to set better prices than an open economcy that is based on supply and demand? A landlord that wants to rent out his aparment for a certain price, might think twice about doing any refurbishment or investment in the property if he can't get his desired rent income. Also there is no guarantee that the prices set by the government will actually be enforced. In high demand housing cities where there are almost no flats available, the tenants could try to pay a higher rent in cash than actually allowed, just to be able to live closer in the city center.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Frankolala on December 12, 2023, 08:59:43 AM
It sucks to see that the price of food items and everything is the country is increasing everyday, but the minimum wage is just stagnant. People that were able to live comfortable before are now living a low standard of live because their income can no longer buy their monthly needs and to take care of the family. The average and poor ones are really suffering because the economy of the country is getting worse and nothing the government can do to help the situation of the citizens.

The problem is that we have bad and corrupt leaders who are after themselves and their families. I might even say that they are angry to see the poor living and that is why they don't care about their wicked actions towards the citizens.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: BRINIRHA on December 12, 2023, 09:38:15 AM
The government basically cannot regulate any prices in the market. But they are just trying to control it so that the inflation rate is maintained. So that the needs of the community and the money generated can remain in balance. However, the impact of an incident, conflict, natural disaster, pandemic are things that were not in their plans. Therefore, it always has a big impact on a country's economy. Inflation continues to rise and many other things are now starting to get out of control in several developing countries. But in developed countries I think they are still quite good at controlling the rate of inflation so that it doesn't rise any higher.

However, it is the government's job to balance people's income with the rate of inflation so that people can still meet their daily needs and there is no recession. But there are governments that make efforts to avoid recession by printing more money. It's just that this could trigger inflation in the future. Well, this is a bit of a dilemma. Because I feel that the current government is also having difficulty dealing with the current economic crisis. They are trying to ease the ongoing economic crisis. But yes, it requires turning steps and requires quite a long time.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: naira on December 12, 2023, 10:02:03 AM
So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

However, this is not the case, the government also realizes that high income is also determined by the high cost of living there and the rapid market growth cycle. Where we live $3000 is too much even 10x monthly income. So living costs can still be affordable at only $300 per month. House rental, electricity and clean water. European countries are certainly one step ahead compared to developing  countries where the stability of the country economic income needs to be adjusted to the income of its people. I don't really understand 100% of the cost of living in the US but based on research the minimum income there clearly corresponds to the level of costs that must be incurred. Not to mention that the global market which  is centered in America means that the high costs of renting space, water, etc. will definitely require the government to increase workers income.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: benalexis12 on December 12, 2023, 11:13:56 AM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

From what I know in Europe, it is expensive to spend and buy there, especially if you rent your home. But 3000$-3500$ seems too high; in fact, I don't know 100% of the lifestyle in that country.

Here in our country, the minimum wage every month is around $400, which is very far from the rate Op says there in the European country that we are talking about here. When in Europe, the salary seems to be high, but the expenses are also high in reality.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: btc78 on December 12, 2023, 11:41:48 AM
the government can set price limits like minimum or maximum but they can’t do this all the time because in the long term setting price limits will affect the free market it can lead to producers not gaining enough profit which will lead to the decrease in quality of goods and services which in result will have consumers angry in short the government can only do so much in regards of the market

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Lanatsa on December 12, 2023, 12:18:27 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

Each country does have different numbers when it comes to averages when it comes to minimum salary on which this one exempts to those private sectors which it cant really be able to monitored out if those
would really be going below the line on which it is really not something that could be monitored it out all. Speaking about economic factors then this had been a common or long time problem on which most countries are really that experiencing and for government role when it comes on controlling prices then it would really be just that in default and also you cant really be able to took all the blame into them all the time
knowing that goods and services price or value wont really be always that getting in line on what we are anticipating on which prices of those would really be totally be depending in overall global market price
specially into those imports.

If you do find yourself on a tough situation on which you are really that making having that short in terms of budgeting due to high food cost and service
then it would be no use if you do just point out your fingers into the government. Act on yourself and be mindful and be wise on trying out to find
other income source on which you could really make yourself that able to survive or sustain.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: KingsDen on December 12, 2023, 12:26:01 PM
Op, your idea will play fine and it's what the government can do, but there's an extent to which they can do it. Meanwhile, some trade and prices of goods are set internationally. So, since there's no government that is totally independent and unreliable to other governments, your idea will not work. Even talking about internally, the discrepancy between public and private sector will not allow your proposal work hence the private sector pays tax.

The only way the government can intervene is to subside the price of goods for her citizens.

It sucks to see that the price of food items and everything is the country is increasing everyday, but the minimum wage is just stagnant. People that were able to live comfortable before are now living a low standard of live because their income can no longer buy their monthly needs and to take care of the family. The average and poor ones are really suffering because the economy of the country is getting worse and nothing the government can do to help the situation of the citizens.

The government of different countries behave similarly. But the difference is that while some government has people that think for their country and make laws to better the economy for the sake of the citizens, your own country has nobody strategizing for it.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: DeathAngel on December 12, 2023, 12:45:30 PM
I think we all know that wages don’t keep pace with inflation. One reason is wage growth is often influenced by the supply & demand dynamics of labor markets. If there is high unemployment or an oversupply of workers employers have less incentive to increase wages. Inflation can erode the purchasing power of wages leading to a decrease in real wages. Businesses may prioritise cost control & profitability which can limit their ability or willingness to raise wages in line with inflation.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Jawhead999 on December 12, 2023, 12:51:18 PM
You can't complain about the rent prices, every countries also have this problem, the difference is first world country have a power to buy real estate in third world country because the different of currency power and minimum wages.

While food and energy prices, both of them are still affordable and you still have an alternative unlike real estate.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: moneystery on December 12, 2023, 01:25:39 PM
this regulation is quite good, but this regulation will only apply in socialist/communist countries because in these countries the government has more power over the private sectors. if you do this in a capitalist country it will probably get resistance from the private sector and people will protest how they can't do business on their own without intervention from the government.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

hasn't the government monitored these prices through their trade/agriculture ministry? but the problem is that governments sometimes turn a blind eye to unreasonable food or energy prices, or they want to take action but are hampered by a problem that prevents their action.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Wind_FURY on December 12, 2023, 01:37:39 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just  Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.

So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

Pardon me if I didn't browse the posts in the topic, and if what I'm going to post has been already said, BUT I truly need to express how OP can't be MORE wrong in his post.

If the government starts regulating basic necessities, then there's no other "union" of states to study and look more closely into than the experiment of the Soviet Union. The regulated the hell out of their economy and what/where did that bring/take them? I'm sorry, but if the government regulates food prices, then there would be smaller production because business margins would be limited vs. their costs. It will be the same with total regulation of energy priced and rent prices.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: uneng on December 12, 2023, 02:19:40 PM
you think capitalist america is efficient and sustainable.. have you not seen the debt ceiling.
I think it's the method which still works. We can't expect a perfectly sustainable system to exist, since its composed by non-perfect human beings. It doesn't even make sense to compare the efficiency of a capitalist system to a socialist one. The later has completely failed, while the first still proportionate us relative welfare and opportunities to thrive if you avoid its traps (flaws of the system itself).

im from capitalist/socialist UK but even i can admit how capitalist british empire eventually failed
Failed? But you are still living under a capitalist regime, and in a first world island nation. Maybe what failed was the empire, not capitalism itself.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Yogee on December 12, 2023, 02:36:50 PM
Authorities need these capitalists to keep the economy going so they can't just impose price caps. You'll probably do better in increasing your income instead of relying on the Government to regulate prices of goods and services that are controlled by private individuals. Upskill or learn new skills and maybe spend more hours working per day to earn more. Having a full-time and part-time job at the same time helps a lot.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Alpha Marine on December 12, 2023, 03:13:26 PM
That's capitalism mate. All the government has to do is make the economy good, make sure the currency doesn't depreciate, and so on, but they don't determine the price of goods and services. The market forces determine that.
The government can't just decide that everybody plays fair. Everybody wants to make a profit so they'll do their business in a way that they'll make a profit. All the government has to do is make sure people do their business legally and ethically.

The cost of producing a good can't be $100 and you expect the producer to sell that product for less than $100.
The producers will add their profit after all things have been considered, and then the retailer would include all their expenses too, meaning you can buy that product for about $200.
So yeah, the government has a role to play, but that role is not determining the price of goods and services.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Accardo on December 12, 2023, 03:57:45 PM
The Government doesn't determine prices as it's under the decision of producers and customers. It solely depends on the rate of demand. But the government has the power to control the price. They can mandate that the price of a specific product doesn't bypass some amount; ceiling or floor. Yet it seems like the government only controls the price, but doesn't do its best in setting the salaries of civil servants, that barely get increments in salaries or minimum wage. The difficulty increases instead of salaries. If the government controls the prices of commodities, they are also aware of the expensive rate of those commodities. And doesn't care if their workers would be able to afford it or not. Hence a high number of suffering citizens keeps growing each day. The only thing the government should focus on is reducing the price of gasoline for transportation, then you'd notice a reduction in the high rate of food cost in the market. I've experienced that some food products are cheaper in the location where it's farmed or produced and more expensive in other places where it's transported.

So, the increase in the price of oil affects the prices of many products. Perishable goods like tomatoes transported by Aeroplane keep reducing in quantity per tagged prices. Making it difficult for the masses to feed well on fresh tomatoes. Due to the high cost of jet fuel. Transportation is one crucial aspect of the business chain, the producer may sell cheaper to the distributor, who increases the prices down to the retailer, and the final consumer buys commodities more expensive in small quantities. If they had enough money, they would have been buying in large quantities, saving them extra money to sort out other problems. In most countries, food takes up most people's salary, before the end of the month. So, since the government can't help with reducing the prices of these foods, they can increase the amount of money paid to workers to help them buy food in large quantities and save more money.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: kryptqnick on December 12, 2023, 05:16:53 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

Wages vary in different countries, and in some countries it's not the wages that might be the biggest issue but unemployment, poor employment legislation (like zero-hour contracts in the UK), for example. If the government regulated rent prices, energy prices, and food prices, lots of people would consider it a harsh limitation of individual freedom and way too much oversight. That would limit the free market, leading to less competition and potentially lower quality of provided services. Of course, partial regulations of governmental subsidies can be provided, but full regulation would be too much. Government being in control of tons of things is often a bad thing, something worse than high prices of a free market.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: topbitcoin on December 12, 2023, 08:09:30 PM
Food and energy prices continue to skyrocket, while wages remain the same. This is the current problem. And I really hope that the government can increase workers' wages, or reduce food and energy prices. So we don't have too much difficulty just meeting our daily needs.
But this is something that is difficult for us to achieve and difficult for the government to do. The government in my country always assumes why they can't raise workers' wages, or lower food and energy prices to the lowest prices. The reason the government cannot increase workers' wages is because currently most companies, both state and private companies, are still in the recovery stage, so increasing workers' wages is impossible at this time, because with As workers' wages increase, the company's burden will increase. While talking about food and energy prices, they (the government) assume that currently it is very difficult for them to reduce food and energy prices to their lowest point, considering that the global economy and trade are currently experiencing quite difficult problems and obstacles. Meanwhile, most of the food and energy needs still rely on imports from other countries. And besides that, the state cannot afford to subsidize large amounts.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: bocyaj on December 12, 2023, 08:18:30 PM
That's capitalism mate. All the government has to do is make the economy good, make sure the currency doesn't depreciate, and so on, but they don't determine the price of goods and services. The market forces determine that.
The government can't just decide that everybody plays fair. Everybody wants to make a profit so they'll do their business in a way that they'll make a profit. All the government has to do is make sure people do their business legally and ethically.

The cost of producing a good can't be $100 and you expect the producer to sell that product for less than $100.
The producers will add their profit after all things have been considered, and then the retailer would include all their expenses too, meaning you can buy that product for about $200.
So yeah, the government has a role to play, but that role is not determining the price of goods and services.

The government of many countries will control their currency price by the control of money flow to the market.The demand of the goods and services will determine the demand of that country currency in the market.If the other countries hold the currency of certain country currency in huge reserve,the price of that particular currency will be higher to the previous month.This was the base concept of the USD demand in most of the countries and they hold the USD reserve to control the U.S. trade in the future.

The government will monitor the big business man transaction,but they will not have sufficient data for the small business people money flow to the economy.If the demand for the USD was their the value of USD against any of the country will be high.The government can easy control economy using the money flow to the economy.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Silberman on December 12, 2023, 08:46:32 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

Price controls do not work, this is not a theory or a speculation on my part, this is a fact that has been corroborated countless of times through history, and this is because if a government were to set the prices of everything instead of the free markets, the production costs of a product will become higher than its selling price, and no company can operate for a loss perpetually, which leads us to the disappearance of the company and for those products to become scarce and only being sold in the black markets for a much higher price.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: bhadz on December 12, 2023, 09:01:04 PM
When they dictate the prices, there is no longer democracy on it but that's just like those countries that have dictatorship and are socialists. However, it's true that they can do something with the prices of these goods and even with the salaries but are they going to get that easy? No. It's because that there are factors that they can't stop due to the global arrangement and setting of these things that they can't just change easily. Oil, transportation and etc. these are the examples of it. Also the wages hike depends on inflation rates and actual revenue of the government which fluctuates still.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: franky1 on December 12, 2023, 10:05:02 PM
you think capitalist america is efficient and sustainable.. have you not seen the debt ceiling.
I think it's the method which still works. We can't expect a perfectly sustainable system to exist, since its composed by non-perfect human beings. It doesn't even make sense to compare the efficiency of a capitalist system to a socialist one. The later has completely failed, while the first still proportionate us relative welfare and opportunities to thrive if you avoid its traps (flaws of the system itself).

im from capitalist/socialist UK but even i can admit how capitalist british empire eventually failed
Failed? But you are still living under a capitalist regime, and in a first world island nation. Maybe what failed was the empire, not capitalism itself.

US/UK are not net producers/exporters so capitalism doesnt work.. US/UK rely on other countries support..
capitalism only works for the few at the top not the majority at the bottom..

there is reason why america has slogans like: 'the land of dreams' and 'the pursuit of happiness'..
instead of 'happy reality achieved'

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: uneng on December 12, 2023, 11:01:41 PM
US/UK are not net producers/exporters so capitalism doesnt work.. US/UK rely on other countries support..
Capitalism goes beyond exportations and production in industrial scale. It's about you being free to negotiate your labor force price with your neighboor, or selling your stuff on the local market. It's about you having the possibility of purchasing your private property and thriving financially without fear of retaliations or seizure from the government. I imagine you have all these possibilities in your island nation through capitalism, don't you?

capitalism only works for the few at the top not the majority at the bottom..
Capitalism works more or less for everyone. It works better for the ones at the top positions for two reasons: because they are smarter when dealing with money or because they belong to corrupt schemes of power which benefit those people. In first world countries capitalism works more efficiently, because corruption rates are lower. In third world countries capitalism isn't that efficient, because these countries are heavily affected by corruption.

Anyway, we have just two alternatives: to live in a country with socialist or capitalist tendencies. As far as I know there aren't other regimes available. Between living in a corrupt socialist and corrupt capitalist country, the second alternative is still the preferable one...

there is reason why america has slogans like: 'the land of dreams' and 'the pursuit of happiness'..
instead of 'happy reality achieved'
It's a land of opportunities and challenges, but it isn't a sure thing. It will depend on different factors, and the actions of the individual during his life are the main determinant ones in order to achieve that happiness. The slogan is right, because it can't assert something that didn't happen yet.

Dreams can come true, as they have already became for many american citizens and foreigner people who migrated to that country seeking for opportunities, but they had to do their part to achieve their goals. By there, those dreams were just possibilities to be chased, like the slogans tell us.

On the other hand, I don't know any similar stories of people achieving such goals when migrating or living in tyrant countries, heavily regulated and controlled by governments, which we can translate into the socialist ones.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: poodle63 on December 13, 2023, 01:14:54 AM
Authorities need these capitalists to keep the economy going so they can't just impose price caps. You'll probably do better in increasing your income instead of relying on the Government to regulate prices of goods and services that are controlled by private individuals. Upskill or learn new skills and maybe spend more hours working per day to earn more. Having a full-time and part-time job at the same time helps a lot.
yeah life nowaday is all about competition and winning at money making, just waiting for the government to stabilize the price of goods might prove to be ineffective because along the way we might've better off spending our time to learn some new skill increase that earning, but i know full well that such thing is also difficult and requires a lot of dedication.
but also can't deny the fact that government have vital role in stabilizing the market in the whole world because they are the central that regulate and rule over certain territory so that if they decided to keep the price of commodities and foods stabilized then it will.
at least nowaday economy started to stabilize and we've seen many decrease in commodity price but still, there are inflation to beat and the amount of inflation isn't measly either.
if we can just improve our earning maybe to become twice if not thrice of current minimum wage that already sufficient enough but we should strive to earn for financial independent.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Darker45 on December 13, 2023, 03:17:07 AM
Governments should stay away from the prices of good and services. It would only create a fake price and impression. It would only result to either a shortage or surplus that's based on nothing or irrelevant factors. In a free market, the price should be determined by the market itself. The price represents the real situation.

On the other hand, higher wages are useless in the face of high inflation. To regulate the prices, however, isn't a solution. It's only adding insult to injury. That's another problem created to attempt to address an existing one. What the government should do is to stop abusing its money-making powers, to stop devaluing its money.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: milewilda on December 13, 2023, 03:18:45 AM
Authorities need these capitalists to keep the economy going so they can't just impose price caps. You'll probably do better in increasing your income instead of relying on the Government to regulate prices of goods and services that are controlled by private individuals. Upskill or learn new skills and maybe spend more hours working per day to earn more. Having a full-time and part-time job at the same time helps a lot.
yeah life nowaday is all about competition and winning at money making, just waiting for the government to stabilize the price of goods might prove to be ineffective because along the way we might've better off spending our time to learn some new skill increase that earning, but i know full well that such thing is also difficult and requires a lot of dedication.
but also can't deny the fact that government have vital role in stabilizing the market in the whole world because they are the central that regulate and rule over certain territory so that if they decided to keep the price of commodities and foods stabilized then it will.
at least nowaday economy started to stabilize and we've seen many decrease in commodity price but still, there are inflation to beat and the amount of inflation isn't measly either.
if we can just improve our earning maybe to become twice if not thrice of current minimum wage that already sufficient enough but we should strive to earn for financial independent.
Government would really be the ones who would really organize and trying out to control on everything on which it would really be that basically that citizens would really be following on what are the things
that they've been able to govern. Just like been said by others that not everything should really be taking the blame if ever there would really be those sudden price increase or having no increase in wage
because everything would really be just that depending on economical aspect. They cant really just that able to control everything because we do really know that global market prices isnt something that could be controlled.
They cant really just lower it down just because they dont want for its citizens to suffer. It isnt something possible because we know that everything that we do have do comes a price neither a good or services
on which it would really be just that depending with those factors.

If you do find yourself on having that lacking of wage or pay then it would be wise that you should really be getting another one and wont really be that relying your ass off with the government.
It would really be just that depending on how you would really be handling yourself.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: barisbilgili on December 13, 2023, 03:29:01 AM
yeah life nowaday is all about competition and winning at money making, just waiting for the government to stabilize the price of goods might prove to be ineffective because along the way we might've better off spending our time to learn some new skill increase that earning, but i know full well that such thing is also difficult and requires a lot of dedication.
but also can't deny the fact that government have vital role in stabilizing the market in the whole world because they are the central that regulate and rule over certain territory so that if they decided to keep the price of commodities and foods stabilized then it will.
at least nowaday economy started to stabilize and we've seen many decrease in commodity price but still, there are inflation to beat and the amount of inflation isn't measly either.
if we can just improve our earning maybe to become twice if not thrice of current minimum wage that already sufficient enough but we should strive to earn for financial independent.
I really agree with what you say, it's better for us to have skills that can generate income for ourselves rather than waiting for the government to be able to stabilize the prices of goods because I think this might happen if the government does it really well, but if we don't have a It would be better if we can learn skills to be able to have skills that can earn income for ourselves.
Indeed, it would be better if we could have an income according to what we need and we would be financially free and able to meet the needs we need and not expect it from the government.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: bayu7adi on December 13, 2023, 03:48:14 AM
Government doesn't determine prices, the free market does  [they are neither supplier or buyer in the balance].  Even if one country tries to do this most prices are set globally so the attempts would be quite futile.   You arent alone in wanting these things, but its not easily done.   Best thing a government can do is provide stability, unfortunately large amounts of debt and new currency issuance leads to the opposite with giant price instability and unknown prices in the marketplace especially externally.
The market does naturally shape prices, but the presence of the government can indeed influence market prices through implemented policies. We can find staple food prices lower than those offered by the market if the government ensures the availability of imported food ingredients at a cheaper cost. Consequently, market prices will also decrease. There might be other methods I'm not aware of, but the government can still control market prices, especially for basic necessities.

All of this is an effort by the government to manage the country's economy to prevent social unrest due to the prices of basic goods. This is particularly done to avoid chaos among citizens, possibly caused by the monopoly of essential goods prices by a large non-governmental entity.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Accardo on December 13, 2023, 04:53:32 AM
Authorities need these capitalists to keep the economy going so they can't just impose price caps. You'll probably do better in increasing your income instead of relying on the Government to regulate prices of goods and services that are controlled by private individuals. Upskill or learn new skills and maybe spend more hours working per day to earn more. Having a full-time and part-time job at the same time helps a lot.
yeah life nowaday is all about competition and winning at money making, just waiting for the government to stabilize the price of goods might prove to be ineffective because along the way we might've better off spending our time to learn some new skill increase that earning, but i know full well that such thing is also difficult and requires a lot of dedication.
but also can't deny the fact that government have vital role in stabilizing the market in the whole world because they are the central that regulate and rule over certain territory so that if they decided to keep the price of commodities and foods stabilized then it will.
at least nowaday economy started to stabilize and we've seen many decrease in commodity price but still, there are inflation to beat and the amount of inflation isn't measly either.
if we can just improve our earning maybe to become twice if not thrice of current minimum wage that already sufficient enough but we should strive to earn for financial independent.
Government would really be the ones who would really organize and trying out to control on everything on which it would really be that basically that citizens would really be following on what are the things
that they've been able to govern. Just like been said by others that not everything should really be taking the blame if ever there would really be those sudden price increase or having no increase in wage
because everything would really be just that depending on economical aspect. They cant really just that able to control everything because we do really know that global market prices isnt something that could be controlled.
They cant really just lower it down just because they dont want for its citizens to suffer. It isnt something possible because we know that everything that we do have do comes a price neither a good or services
on which it would really be just that depending with those factors.

If you do find yourself on having that lacking of wage or pay then it would be wise that you should really be getting another one and wont really be that relying your ass off with the government.
It would really be just that depending on how you would really be handling yourself.

Looking out for methods or strategies to control our finances is the right way to survive in this current world harsh condition. The labor increases for the worker, and he'll stress himself to meet up with the prices. Working late hours and learning new skills, is the fastest way of building our income in the future. However, some companies don't allow the workers enough time to rest, they are dismissed so late and aren't able to go to classes; online or offline to learn new skills. Such people will need to depend on the government for a decrease in the price of commodities. Boycotting their place of work to learn those skills could affect them if they get laid off. In most situations, it's good to look out for everyone. Though seems impossible, when making a suggestion, a good number of people should be on our minds. And people have already made life difficult for one another, the rich won't help the less privileged. The price of learning a skill skyrockets and difficult books are hard to find. Slimming the chances for most people with less time and money to fit into this category of survival methods.

While I agree with this survival ethic, I'd also love to encourage people who learning a new skill seems impossible, endeavor to do the right thing in their prospective companies to get promoted. Thereby, increasing their wages. Because it's easier and helps to stay focused. Then, the larger community of unemployed people, should get their hands on new skills in the tech and agricultural niche. Or better start up with reselling of products online, it serves the risks of being a middleman, but in the long run, they'll be able to generate wealth. That way a high number of citizens in a country will be able to survive the hike in prices of food. They now need to work closely with the producers in changing those prices. Buyers are also not told that they can manipulate the market. The power has already been removed from the citizens. Market prices are determined by the producers and the masses. If they refuse to buy at a high amount, the producer will reduce the price, when no sales are available.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: DrBeer on December 13, 2023, 08:41:28 AM
Can I ask a question to the public who want the state to solve their issues ?
Tell me - do you really not understand how the financial model and the economy of the country works ? I'm not going to give you a long description now, I'll just give you a hint - don't you want to stop demanding the state to spend money and effort, and make your neighbors around you to create jobs and pay taxes honestly and in full? Yes, yes, that's a strange proposition. One more hint - if you want the treasury to be filled and the state to carry out social programs, it needs money. But there are only two options to fill the budget: taxes or printing money. The second option you will obviously not like very much....

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Litzki1990 on December 13, 2023, 11:40:49 AM
Traders cannot increase the price of anything at will even if they want to see that such prices are fixed by the government or wages are fixed. It cannot change the price of anything at will, that is why the economic condition of that country is so advanced. While the minimum wage in all other countries is $80 to $100, in countries like America or UK, the minimum wage is $3,000 to $4,000. The minimum wage in America and England may be three to four thousand dollars, but there is as much money to be made as it is to be spent. The economic condition is quite advanced and the country is one of the most developed countries, so in addition to all other costs, wages are also high in these countries.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: icalical on December 13, 2023, 12:33:30 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.

Which country are you talking about need to regulate prices of that goods? If you are talking USA and England that that's not applicable on their governmental system, they aren't a socialist country, they adopt free market economy meaning that market decide the price. What the government could do probably subsidize or give incentive to people who want to buy those stuff, but giving 'free money' to just people most of the time leads to bigger problem, than solving all of them.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on December 13, 2023, 02:53:48 PM

I really agree with what you say, it's better for us to have skills that can generate income for ourselves rather than waiting for the government to be able to stabilize the prices of goods because I think this might happen if the government does it really well, but if we don't have a It would be better if we can learn skills to be able to have skills that can earn income for ourselves.
Indeed, it would be better if we could have an income according to what we need and we would be financially free and able to meet the needs we need and not expect it from the government.

Government cannot understand our situations therefore we should earn according to our needs because now a days fulfilment of one's needs is becoming hard so try to evaluate your skills and find a job that can offer you an experience as well as money. Government cannot minimize prices of goods because materials are available in less quantity but population are larger so its our responsibility to search about ways of earning that higher price does not effects our necessitates.

Government's support is necessary so it can increase job opportunities for individuals but there are some requirements for jobs which every individual cannot provide but they are still blaming government for such happening. I think everyone should find a job according to his education and abilities and if he is uneducated then there are expanded source of business which will help him to earn a well suited amount each month.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 13, 2023, 03:04:14 PM
In a free market where there is competition, producers, marketers, investors, and traders are allowed to freely sell at a price that they desire for their commodity, and it's also up to consumers to decide if they will buy at that price or not.

As we already know, the price of goods is determined by the supply and demand of that goods in the market and also the cost of producing that item. That's to say, you can't expect the government to control prices while they are not in charge of the production of those goods.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: justdimin on December 15, 2023, 08:41:22 AM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.
I do agree that a higher minimum wage is required and that means we are talking about a situation that would also put the companies at risk and hire a lot less people. In a world where that's the minimum wage, it would mean that a lot of people would not be able to make a lot of money since unemployment would go up like crazy, and we should be careful about what we are wishing for since it would cause a lot of trouble for everyone. Just realize that it's going to be a tough deal and you are going to end up with an issue that would not be all that smart. Get it going as much as you can, and you should be quite happy with what's going on.

I get that it is going to end up being a little bit difficult, but we are going to have something decent in the end if we just make it a little higher. The difference between making it super high and killing all the companies versus making it a little higher and keep the companies but allowing people to breath a bit easier is important distinction.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Bananington on December 15, 2023, 08:56:45 AM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.
I do agree that a higher minimum wage is required and that means we are talking about a situation that would also put the companies at risk and hire a lot less people. In a world where that's the minimum wage, it would mean that a lot of people would not be able to make a lot of money since unemployment would go up like crazy, and we should be careful about what we are wishing for since it would cause a lot of trouble for everyone. Just realize that it's going to be a tough deal and you are going to end up with an issue that would not be all that smart. Get it going as much as you can, and you should be quite happy with what's going on.

I get that it is going to end up being a little bit difficult, but we are going to have something decent in the end if we just make it a little higher. The difference between making it super high and killing all the companies versus making it a little higher and keep the companies but allowing people to breath a bit easier is important distinction.
If there's one thing about the government, it is that they care less about the warfare of their citizens compared to their wallet.
It is as it is, and the minimum wage is only a fraction of what a normal salaried job would offer.
The control is what the government is after and they would try as much to keep the citizens poor inorder to be able to control them.
The initiative of crypto currency is what makes the citizens seee through the operandi and be able to survive the strict regulatory policies set up by the government to contain its citizens.

Let there be more jobs instead and more campaigns about BTC or cryptocurrency just to make citizens free of wages complaints and government intervention wages to stay alive.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Silberman on December 15, 2023, 09:24:22 PM
Can I ask a question to the public who want the state to solve their issues ?
Tell me - do you really not understand how the financial model and the economy of the country works ? I'm not going to give you a long description now, I'll just give you a hint - don't you want to stop demanding the state to spend money and effort, and make your neighbors around you to create jobs and pay taxes honestly and in full? Yes, yes, that's a strange proposition. One more hint - if you want the treasury to be filled and the state to carry out social programs, it needs money. But there are only two options to fill the budget: taxes or printing money. The second option you will obviously not like very much....
This idea that governments need to do something about every single thing that happens is a big flaw on the mentality of a great deal of the people of this era, governments are only truly needed when it comes to securing the country from internal and external threats and to withhold the contracts between two different parties, everything else is nothing more but the government going beyond its original reasons to be, and setting price controls like the OP proposes is an idea which has been tested on the past with awful results, so I do not see why we need to try again a policy that cannot possibly work.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Winterfrost on December 15, 2023, 09:48:43 PM
What the government needs to do is to make the prices of things lower so that the citizens can afford them. In this way, the price cost of living won't exceed the minimum wage. Also, OP you should understand one thing. The average minimum wage of a citizen in a country is not enough to carter everything an individual needs in his life. Expenses ranging from health, rent, food, and insurance cannot be done only from a minimum wage salary. And who told you that an individual cant spend more than his minimum wage a moth?

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: taufik123 on December 15, 2023, 11:34:04 PM
The minimum wage of $3000 - $4000 every month is a very large wage if it is in my country indonesia.
The minimum wage in my country ranges from $100-$200 for an ordinary office worker, and that's enough to sustain a month's life.
But yes, there are also those who are not enough with this amount.

Enough or not depends on how to manage finances and expenses.
As well as, food and the cost of living are also cheaper.

If in the US $3000 then the cost of living will also be adjusted, all basic commodities, food prices and other costs match the large minimum wage.

The government has certainly done what they can, lowering all staples to make them more affordable, but back again this depends on how the quality of life in a country and adjust to the minimum wage.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Fara Chan on December 16, 2023, 01:30:56 AM
What the government needs to do is to make the prices of things lower so that the citizens can afford them. In this way, the price cost of living won't exceed the minimum wage. Also, OP you should understand one thing. The average minimum wage of a citizen in a country is not enough to carter everything an individual needs in his life. Expenses ranging from health, rent, food, and insurance cannot be done only from a minimum wage salary. And who told you that an individual cant spend more than his minimum wage a moth?

I also don't understand why the OP said that, maybe there is another understanding in the OP's mind. Because it can be understood that everyone should be more frugal and should not spend on living expenses that exceed the salary or minimum wage they receive each month. In fact, almost all people in poor and developing countries have difficulty meeting their daily needs if the government does not pay attention to the prices of goods on the market which sometimes rise unreasonably.

I think that the government really has to get involved in this matter if it doesn't want to increase the salaries or minimum wages of workers in government agencies and calls on company owners of any scale to do the same for all their employees so that all people don't feel difficulties with there is an increase in the prices of basic goods on the market. Although each party also needs to see the cause of the increase in prices of basic goods, so that the authorities can find a solution to this and handle it better.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: boty on December 16, 2023, 04:19:41 AM
What the government needs to do is to make the prices of things lower so that the citizens can afford them. In this way, the price cost of living won't exceed the minimum wage. Also, OP you should understand one thing. The average minimum wage of a citizen in a country is not enough to carter everything an individual needs in his life. Expenses ranging from health, rent, food, and insurance cannot be done only from a minimum wage salary. And who told you that an individual cant spend more than his minimum wage a moth?
Earning a minimum income will not be able to meet all the needs we need. We have to really arrange it for the basic needs we need so that the income we have can meet what we really need. Don't let the minimum wage income mean we don't manage our expenses. Of course, what we need will not be sufficient for what we need with the minimum income we get.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: itorai on December 16, 2023, 02:33:18 PM
What the government needs to do is to make the prices of things lower so that the citizens can afford them.
even though the price goes down, I don't think it applies if I don't have money, and conversely, if I have a lot of money, whatever the price, I will definitely buy it.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Yatsan on December 18, 2023, 06:45:34 PM
Opportunities should also be widened in order to diversify manpower and to be able to release bigger amount of money as their salary.  As others have mentioned, government is not the only factor to consider when choosing the 'right' wage on each profession? It also covers overall health of the economy. Yes they are a facor but things just don't work more than what it was as before. They could only approve proposal of meetings if they would want go explore more of it.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 18, 2023, 07:40:16 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

The price is decided by the demand and supply but you salary isn't cause the supply in abundant but the demand is limited so you hardly see increase in the wages whereas the price of products that we use on day to day may be doubled or even tripled if their demand gets higher.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Fatunad on December 18, 2023, 08:41:48 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

The price is decided by the demand and supply but you salary isn't cause the supply in abundant but the demand is limited so you hardly see increase in the wages whereas the price of products that we use on day to day may be doubled or even tripled if their demand gets higher.
Each country does have that different state when it comes to prices and the standard of living or simply just that talks about economic status on which we know that we can really be able to compare about those differences in prices and just been said that it would really be always pertaining about supply and demand.This is why if you do find yourself on the verge on having that struggling on survival then instead on trying out to point your fingers into the government, it would really be more sensible that you should really be that better trying out to find ways for you to have more income instead on blaming out someone.

You cant really just that make yourself that sitting still without doing something on the time that you are seeing that you had been affected by these economic problems on which it would really be that
normal and something inevitable if we do speak about inflation and this is why as much as possible, you should really be finding up ways and methods on which you could really be able to
earn more income aside from your day job so that on the time that everything increases then you would really be able to sustain up such thing.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: _BlackStar on December 18, 2023, 10:34:25 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.
What workers often experience is not getting a commensurate salary increase when inflation increases. Complaints about the government's failure to adapt to this problem have been going on for years - so I'm not surprised that many people are still not getting a pay rise in times of inflation.

The government could be accused of failing to regulate it – but this is not a new problem. Of course everyone hopes that government can fix it well so that society doesn't fall into bad economic constraints during inflation, but hope is just hope. Sometimes government are too busy thinking about their own pockets instead of their people.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 18, 2023, 11:18:24 PM

Each country does have that different state when it comes to prices and the standard of living or simply just that talks about economic status on which we know that we can really be able to compare about those differences in prices and just been said that it would really be always pertaining about supply and demand.This is why if you do find yourself on the verge on having that struggling on survival then instead on trying out to point your fingers into the government, it would really be more sensible that you should really be that better trying out to find ways for you to have more income instead on blaming out someone.

You cant really just that make yourself that sitting still without doing something on the time that you are seeing that you had been affected by these economic problems on which it would really be that
normal and something inevitable if we do speak about inflation and this is why as much as possible, you should really be finding up ways and methods on which you could really be able to
earn more income aside from your day job so that on the time that everything increases then you would really be able to sustain up such thing.

The economic crisis exists everywhere whether it's a developed country or a country where daily wages are even a few dollars for a complete day. There are numerous ways we have no to make money by doing side hustle and with social media we can make our life upside down but it needs skills too, without effort we won't be seeing any changes on the other hand governments also need to make policies that benefit the people who are under privileged.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Uruhara on December 19, 2023, 03:58:58 AM
Yes, I understand that the OP wants the government to move more quickly to compensate for the price inflation that is occurring. When inflation rises and prices of daily necessities rise, it doesn't make sense to continue living on the same salary as when inflation was not as high as it is now. So salary adjustments must also be made referring to the increase in inflation that is also occurring. So that the salary received can still keep up with price increases. But the government is actually trying to create another solution by suppressing inflation itself. But unfortunately, even when inflation has started to fall, the prices of some necessities do not return to their original prices. This is something that the government also needs to re-analyze and pay attention to. So that people's income can keep up with rising prices. But this is not easy because it will involve all lines. like big companies and so on. And perhaps small companies with minimal employees will find it difficult to increase employee salaries when turnover decreases. Because price increases can make customers run away. And the circulation of money slowed down and a recession occurred.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Sithara007 on December 19, 2023, 06:44:21 AM
Honestly I believe that it is not the duty of government to decide wages on private sector. It should be solely decided by the market. And if government dictates the private sector and put minimum wage requirements, then it will impact merit. Hardworking people will be paid at almost the same level at unproductive people. In the end, the businesses will be forced to layoff some of the staff, or shut down altogether. Only thing that the government should do is to make sure that there is no slave labor, discrimination or exploitation. 

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: BRINIRHA on December 19, 2023, 09:05:43 AM
Honestly I believe that it is not the duty of government to decide wages on private sector. It should be solely decided by the market. And if government dictates the private sector and put minimum wage requirements, then it will impact merit. Hardworking people will be paid at almost the same level at unproductive people. In the end, the businesses will be forced to layoff some of the staff, or shut down altogether. Only thing that the government should do is to make sure that there is no slave labor, discrimination or exploitation. 
In this case, each company also has its own policy regarding the salary levels they set for each of their employees in the company. And well the companies themselves know how much they should pay their employees. The government's task in this case is only to determine the minimum wage for its citizens which must be paid by a company if it wants to fulfill the requirements for building a business or company in that country. And the real problem that I see currently is that many companies pay their employees wages below the minimum wage set by the government. And I hope that the government can act and fix this problem.

And maybe right now government it is also necessary to adjust the minimum wage for citizens of their country because currently food prices have almost doubled in a year. So I understand the feelings of those (employees) who have to struggle to adjust their expenses again and even have to be more frugal because now their salaries feel low because prices continue to rise.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: doomloop on December 19, 2023, 06:22:31 PM
Opportunities should also be widened in order to diversify manpower and to be able to release bigger amount of money as their salary.  As others have mentioned, government is not the only factor to consider when choosing the 'right' wage on each profession? It also covers overall health of the economy. Yes they are a facor but things just don't work more than what it was as before. They could only approve proposal of meetings if they would want go explore more of it.
I like that better than increasing the wages alone, because lots of people can benefit that way. If the business is multiple, that is where they need to diversify the manpower but if not or it's only single/one, then all manpower should be focused on it, to do the job more effectively. Maybe it's true that the government isn't the only factor but it starts with them.

I still think that it's better to pay the workers right, first, before anything else, or before improving the health/economy of a country. If people have sufficient amount of money, they can use it for different stuffs, and that can still contribute to the place or country that they are living with.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Silberman on December 19, 2023, 09:01:32 PM
Opportunities should also be widened in order to diversify manpower and to be able to release bigger amount of money as their salary.  As others have mentioned, government is not the only factor to consider when choosing the 'right' wage on each profession? It also covers overall health of the economy. Yes they are a facor but things just don't work more than what it was as before. They could only approve proposal of meetings if they would want go explore more of it.
I like that better than increasing the wages alone, because lots of people can benefit that way. If the business is multiple, that is where they need to diversify the manpower but if not or it's only single/one, then all manpower should be focused on it, to do the job more effectively. Maybe it's true that the government isn't the only factor but it starts with them.

I still think that it's better to pay the workers right, first, before anything else, or before improving the health/economy of a country. If people have sufficient amount of money, they can use it for different stuffs, and that can still contribute to the place or country that they are living with.
Wages have been stagnant for many years and in some countries this has happened for decades, so it is obvious business owners do not want to pay their employees what they are due, and this situation has been gotten so out of balance that now this is seriously affecting the economy, since people do not have enough to cover their needs and they are taking loans to keep themselves afloat, but at some point they will not be able to do this anymore and this will slowdown consumer consumption, which in turn will slowdown the growth of those businesses as well.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: slapper on December 20, 2023, 12:07:06 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

The price is decided by the demand and supply but you salary isn't cause the supply in abundant but the demand is limited so you hardly see increase in the wages whereas the price of products that we use on day to day may be doubled or even tripled if their demand gets higher.
Each country does have that different state when it comes to prices and the standard of living or simply just that talks about economic status on which we know that we can really be able to compare about those differences in prices and just been said that it would really be always pertaining about supply and demand.This is why if you do find yourself on the verge on having that struggling on survival then instead on trying out to point your fingers into the government, it would really be more sensible that you should really be that better trying out to find ways for you to have more income instead on blaming out someone.

You cant really just that make yourself that sitting still without doing something on the time that you are seeing that you had been affected by these economic problems on which it would really be that
normal and something inevitable if we do speak about inflation and this is why as much as possible, you should really be finding up ways and methods on which you could really be able to
earn more income aside from your day job so that on the time that everything increases then you would really be able to sustain up such thing.
It's not merely finding more methods to earn. Wage stagnation and income inequality are the real issues. We can't ignore systemic issues and hustle harder. Governments have a role, right? They're policymakers who can affect economic results, not scapegoats. When discussing earning opportunities, we commonly refer to an uneven playing field. We can't ignore that some have more opportunities.

Additionally, the earn more mantra is not an ideal solution. Currently, inflation exceeds income growth. This is about fairness and economic justice, not just survival. We need policies that address these root causes. Yes, we should enhance our income, but the government is also responsible. They must act and be held accountable. I can't accomplish it alone; society must demand from those in authority.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Promocodeudo on December 21, 2023, 04:58:11 PM
I don't think that it will be easy for the government to checkmate or be in control of pricing in any country, just take for example some west African countries that can't even afford to buy gas and pay for electricity, how do you expect such individual to obey the pricing control of the government that they benefit nothing from, many of them are ready to do hard work to earn a living but min of such is available, the truth is that it will be very difficult  government for the government to control the stuffs unless they do the needful which is cutting down taxes, electricity bill and gas price fir production companies and mini individual producers in this way they can bring them to a round table discussion and little progress can be made to that effect, if not, nothing will be achievable.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Antotena on December 21, 2023, 06:52:54 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

When the price of other items has increased like transportation, so you expect the sellers to maintain the previous price and always listen to the government? Who will bear the cost of this increased in transportation or you have funds aside to compensate them for the losses. My dear friend, it doesn't work like that. The government doesn't determine the price of items but the free market of demand and supply. However, the government can subsidies food if they think the cost is too much and the can't increase the wages and salary.

In Nigeria, fuel subsidy was implemented in 1970, so even when the price of fuel was high in other countries, we were getting in cheaper and for that, food items were cheaper, that was how the food items where controlled under the umbrella of the government. Not only that was subsidies, education subsidies here so education isn't hard here because we don't do loans to go to school, every parent struggle to pay the subsidies fees and so the dollars in circulation, we were literally getting dollar half the original market price.

Not until this year May 2023, the new government did find out that subsidies were been pocketed and the volume of corruption were high in those places because more than half of the subsidies aren't used for what it was bargain and subsidy was removed form dollars and fuels. The cost of fuels went to 3x and dollar to the local currency did 2x and now the price of food is crazy here my friend, services has 3x. Everything here has increased in price and it's no longer funny.

This is just how government can help control the price of food in the country but my country abused it's own privilege and now we're suffering from those actions.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Albarq on April 27, 2024, 01:33:11 PM

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

In this situation, it is difficult to do, the government must maintain prices, so that is what determines the minimum wage level, which is good news and indirectly creates a better standard of living, the pattern is already starting to appear, and it is even difficult for the government and the economy to do so based on the minimum wage level of inflation. it is very difficult, it takes time to raise all of that, there must be a plan to fix it because the negative impact is very large, it is studied and implemented well

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Juse14 on April 27, 2024, 06:25:47 PM
Should the government provide subsidies to these three sectors? Namely regarding rental prices, energy prices and food prices.

We need to know clearly that when there is a policy regarding excessive subsidies, this will cause market distortions, where the balance between supply and demand, between production and consumption will cause inflation or supply shortages. Isn't this very dangerous?

Currently food prices may rise due to limited supplies. Conflicts between countries that occur and natural disasters and the El Nino that occurred recently can really hamper productivity and disrupt food availability. So what must be the main focus in this case, is not reducing prices but increasing production in the agricultural sector, so that food availability is met and prices return to normal. Likewise regarding the price of energy and oil, the main focus is not to over-consume energy, because clearly this will only increase the burden on a country, but what must be the main focus is resolving the conflict that occurred between Russia and Ukraine, as well as the conflict that occurred in the Middle East, because clearly the conflict could affect energy prices. Meanwhile, when we talk about rental prices which continue to increase, I think this is something that cannot be avoided, because the availability of land is getting narrower day by day. And the only way is to open new land, but this is not a good thing because it can disrupt the balance and preservation of nature, and can cause an air pollution crisis and trigger global warming.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: oktana on April 27, 2024, 08:16:26 PM
What do you want the government to do? Tell the food store how much they should sell their food? Or speak to the house owner on how much he should price his house? There should be ways that the government can intervene, maybe providing financial assistance. At the end of the day, even if they constrained the prices of food, etc, it’s known to keep increasing because of inflation.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Jating on April 27, 2024, 08:35:32 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

If you want the regulate everything by the government, then it's not going to be easy as this could mean that you have to give up your freedom, hence you will be under a authoritarian government. And if you are living in a country that you can go and free, then I think you should be thankful already that you are earning money for a job and not procrastinate.

Just to live in authoritarian country for a year, everything is regulated for you, food are subsidize and see how it goes. I don't understand why there are people who blame everything on their government though.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: philipma1957 on April 27, 2024, 09:17:34 PM
the op’s thread is insanely ridiculous.

people have religious food restrictions

so pork in Israel 🇮🇱 Or saudi arabia 🇸🇦 would have zero or next to zero demand..

wine is not in demand in muslim countries

but in Spain pork and cheese plater with a glass of wine is in high demand

So world wide governments will not set the prices with some religious regard.

This thread 🧵 shows one thing humans are really really really fucked as that can’t agree on foods you can eat never mind the price of the food.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: peter0425 on April 27, 2024, 10:38:38 PM
Just to live in authoritarian country for a year, everything is regulated for you, food are subsidize and see how it goes.

Example of an authoritarian country is North Korea. We’ve all heard stories of north koreans trying to escape and barely doing so. I have seen how even their media that they consume is regulated and controlled.

I don’t think many people from authoritarian countries will say that their system is flawless and everyone else should follow.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: STT on April 27, 2024, 11:16:18 PM
Thats a military dictatorship, more of a hostage situation then what I would call a system of governance.  The way I would classify the terrority of North Korea is like a satellite nation of China with China also being a military dictatorship for its continuance.  In theory they worship at a different school of politics but ultimately the countries are occupied by an army holding a gun to its people on whether they contest the government or not.  I dont think they make it as far as communism or long words, its just shot vs shot. 

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Fortify on April 28, 2024, 08:49:59 AM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

These minimum wages are completely wrong, plus they will vary within states and countries of the EU. Your estimate of the UK minimum wage is ridiculously bad, it's more than double what they actually get. The government doesn't need to regulate any of the things you've mentioned, because that would turn them into a communist country which history has shown is a disastrous economic model. It's hard to understand what you're even suggesting but when your numbers are so wrong in your opening sentence it doesn't seem like you have a grip on the real reality of the situation. Many times governments are at the mercy of global markets so have limited ability to fix things and just try to help in the areas they can control, like stopping cheap credit by raising interest rates.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: harapan on April 30, 2024, 02:43:12 AM
Governments only help in to stabilize markets, regulate transactions, provide institutional frameworks, and enforce rules around contract law and property rights.They're only responsible for enacting policies concerning monetary and fiscal policy which I'm turn renders an amazing impact to the market in general.

They regulate the activities that should build and maintain a strong financial system for the country;the government is expected to play certain roles towards the market by ensuring balance and long-lasting impacts on companies,industries,and markets at large.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Strongkored on April 30, 2024, 03:45:23 AM
So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

The government can only regulate prices for certain foodstuffs and that is only the upper limit or highest price, and the market will always determine the overall price, the rarer the goods are found and the demand is high, the market will automatically raise prices, and you will know that in countries with high levels of corruption and even their officials are involved in determining prices in the market because they are trying to make a profit.
What the government can do is only monitor prices in the market and when they have exceeded the normal limit, the government will act, but often they fail to carry out this function so that the prices of basic commodities continue to rise and sometimes they are rarely available on the market.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: btc78 on April 30, 2024, 05:03:46 AM
This thread 🧵 shows one thing humans are really really really fucked as that can’t agree on foods you can eat never mind the price of the food.

Well as you can see humans have had a long history of life and society. Back then bread and water would have been good but now as we advance so does our culture and beliefs. We have learned about agriculture which is how a lot of countries are accustomed to eating rice and other plant crops meanwhile it is not that common in other countries.

It’s not really about preferences but more of what is accessible and available to them. It’s difficult to reverse thousands of years of cultures and history so we can all agree on what food to eat as a whole.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: barisbilgili on April 30, 2024, 06:45:47 AM
This thread 🧵 shows one thing humans are really really really fucked as that can’t agree on foods you can eat never mind the price of the food.

Well as you can see humans have had a long history of life and society. Back then bread and water would have been good but now as we advance so does our culture and beliefs. We have learned about agriculture which is how a lot of countries are accustomed to eating rice and other plant crops meanwhile it is not that common in other countries.

It’s not really about preferences but more of what is accessible and available to them. It’s difficult to reverse thousands of years of cultures and history so we can all agree on what food to eat as a whole.
The developments that continue to occur in all sectors cannot be stopped and currently there are quite a lot of experts who are making innovations and even making better progress.
However, implementing this in our lives seems to be forced by circumstances that give rise to a great desire to be able to fulfill it.

Coming back to the abilities of different people, not everyone is ready for this change, so I think we have to prioritize ourselves to achieve it all without depending on the government or its policies.
And for food it also depends on our financial capacity to be able to fulfill it or not.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: angrybirdy on May 01, 2024, 08:44:47 AM
This thread 🧵 shows one thing humans are really really really fucked as that can’t agree on foods you can eat never mind the price of the food.

Well as you can see humans have had a long history of life and society. Back then bread and water would have been good but now as we advance so does our culture and beliefs. We have learned about agriculture which is how a lot of countries are accustomed to eating rice and other plant crops meanwhile it is not that common in other countries.

It’s not really about preferences but more of what is accessible and available to them. It’s difficult to reverse thousands of years of cultures and history so we can all agree on what food to eat as a whole.

Coming back to the abilities of different people, not everyone is ready for this change, so I think we have to prioritize ourselves to achieve it all without depending on the government or its policies.
And for food it also depends on our financial capacity to be able to fulfill it or not.

Well said, We should not depend everything to the government, what's more important is for us to gain more knowledge and experiences so we can have a higher pay. in truth, everyone can grow independently especially when it comes to career but are afraid to try and take risks because they don't have confidence in their abilities.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Yukyzu on May 02, 2024, 01:19:59 AM
The government can only regulate prices for certain foodstuffs and that is only the upper limit or highest price, and the market will always determine the overall price, the rarer the goods are found and the demand is high, the market will automatically raise prices, and you will know that in countries with high levels of corruption and even their officials are involved in determining prices in the market because they are trying to make a profit.
What the government can do is only monitor prices in the market and when they have exceeded the normal limit, the government will act, but often they fail to carry out this function so that the prices of basic commodities continue to rise and sometimes they are rarely available on the market.
That's right, the government does regulate certain food prices and the market will determine depending on the demand for the item. If the item is scarce and demand increases of course the price of the item will continue to increase and this will be very difficult for the government to control. When government officials are in an area with a high level of corruption, it will be very difficult to find a stable price for an item, of course there are even some groups who hold back an item so that the price of the item increases and they can make a profit from the item.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Bananington on May 02, 2024, 01:50:40 AM
This thread 🧵 shows one thing humans are really really really fucked as that can’t agree on foods you can eat never mind the price of the food.

Well as you can see humans have had a long history of life and society. Back then bread and water would have been good but now as we advance so does our culture and beliefs. We have learned about agriculture which is how a lot of countries are accustomed to eating rice and other plant crops meanwhile it is not that common in other countries.

It’s not really about preferences but more of what is accessible and available to them. It’s difficult to reverse thousands of years of cultures and history so we can all agree on what food to eat as a whole.

Coming back to the abilities of different people, not everyone is ready for this change, so I think we have to prioritize ourselves to achieve it all without depending on the government or its policies.
And for food it also depends on our financial capacity to be able to fulfill it or not.

Well said, We should not depend everything to the government, what's more important is for us to gain more knowledge and experiences so we can have a higher pay. in truth, everyone can grow independently especially when it comes to career but are afraid to try and take risks because they don't have confidence in their abilities.
Experience and knowledge may be better developed in an enabling environment devoid of others control and opinions.
A large society will cause the economy to increase the prices of things because of the ease of restocking and distribution.
The thing that may be of aid to citizens in a state will be the need for development and programs to informate and educate the working class as well as cross major hurdles that may border around financial illiteracy.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: justdimin on May 03, 2024, 10:20:02 AM
Coming back to the abilities of different people, not everyone is ready for this change, so I think we have to prioritize ourselves to achieve it all without depending on the government or its policies.
And for food it also depends on our financial capacity to be able to fulfill it or not.
Well said, We should not depend everything to the government, what's more important is for us to gain more knowledge and experiences so we can have a higher pay. in truth, everyone can grow independently especially when it comes to career but are afraid to try and take risks because they don't have confidence in their abilities.
I do agree that government shouldn't be involved, but the be fair I usually think governments should not be involved in most cases anyway, I do not feel like they are doing anyone a justice by doing anything.

I am a liberal person who wants government to be out of everything, and I mean literally everything. Otherwise the more they are involved the more trouble it becomes and that would definitely be a lot more like communism, because in communist nations government is involved in everything and that seems like that's the biggest trouble we are seeing right now. I personally want to avoid that and want to live in a nation that's free and we can do whatever we want without government putting their nose into everything at all times in every subject.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: lixer on May 05, 2024, 06:48:03 PM
If you want the regulate everything by the government, then it's not going to be easy as this could mean that you have to give up your freedom, hence you will be under a authoritarian government. And if you are living in a country that you can go and free, then I think you should be thankful already that you are earning money for a job and not procrastinate.

Just to live in authoritarian country for a year, everything is regulated for you, food are subsidize and see how it goes. I don't understand why there are people who blame everything on their government though.
I think he is talking about those merchants/business owners who are over pricing their products and he wants the government to regulate them so that their prices will get normalized. It is already happening to some and I think those who are restricted here are only them and not the customers, which is a good thing. I'm with the OP because some of them are sometimes abusive already.

There are still types of regulations which are seem to be bad already, like for example here in cryptos because they are slowly removing the decentralized feature of it. Another bad thing is that, crypto users are now being charged by a tax.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: GeorgeJohn on May 05, 2024, 11:03:26 PM
So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

When it comes to discussions on minimum wages, salary and inflation, all these aspect were do complex to deal with because it's what concerns our individual persons, governments and the economy we run daily, also we should know this that wages cannot just be increased like that just because we want people to be able to afford a living, there must be plans on ground from the government towards these approach to make it more suitable for the change intended.
Minimum wage is what government use to scam citizens  because if they add a minimum wage to the existing salary of  workers and inflation is still working on the economy of that particular that means the minimum wage have no effect now to the situation of the country economy, a minimum wage is another avenue government uses to embezzled funds and still the problem of the country will continue

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Casdinyard on May 06, 2024, 03:46:58 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

In a way you're right, but there are just some things the government can't do on its own, Economy is that particular thing on one hand.

The government can raise the salaries of everyone to meet the standards of living of every social hierarchy in your country but if they don't do something about the economy, shit will hit the fan and they wouldn't be able to recover from it. There are nuances in this type of discussion that would require them to really look on both sides and be smart with managing the salary of the regular people, and appeasing the elites who mobilize the economy.

Plus the fact that you're insinuating they put price freeze on shit is a classic way to shoot yourself in the foot. The Philippines did that in 2006-2007 with their price freeze on gas, and instead of this maneuver helping the regular joe, it only turned out worse for everyone as manufacturers impose taxes on the product itself that are more cutthroat.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 06, 2024, 04:24:22 PM
This thread 🧵 shows one thing humans are really really really fucked as that can’t agree on foods you can eat never mind the price of the food.

Well as you can see humans have had a long history of life and society. Back then bread and water would have been good but now as we advance so does our culture and beliefs. We have learned about agriculture which is how a lot of countries are accustomed to eating rice and other plant crops meanwhile it is not that common in other countries.

It’s not really about preferences but more of what is accessible and available to them. It’s difficult to reverse thousands of years of cultures and history so we can all agree on what food to eat as a whole.

Coming back to the abilities of different people, not everyone is ready for this change, so I think we have to prioritize ourselves to achieve it all without depending on the government or its policies.
And for food it also depends on our financial capacity to be able to fulfill it or not.

Well said, We should not depend everything to the government, what's more important is for us to gain more knowledge and experiences so we can have a higher pay. in truth, everyone can grow independently especially when it comes to career but are afraid to try and take risks because they don't have confidence in their abilities.

You have the right idea, but the wrong context on insufficient wages and high prices of goods/services. The actual reason why the government shouldn't increase salaries and wages is because it's inflationary. If the government implements higher wages, then the companies who now need to pay higher wages will simply increase the price of goods and services. It's not because they're "greedy", it's because there's always a cost.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: STT on May 06, 2024, 04:45:07 PM
Governments can bring instability too, if they overregulate.  If they fix prices in a way that prevents a legitimate market and a realistic price then the effect is to suppress open business and instability occurs.  Even just plain taxes can bankrupt a country and misdirect business in ways that waste its productive capacity.

All the things that people expect to help can do the opposite, just a simple minimum wage can cause job losses not the hoped for higher wages.  Force is a bad way to implement anything, if you could only eat your dinner with a pickaxe and hammer you would often go hungry :P   Government is a blunt instrument, its best played lightly and should always avoid swamping the little start ups with endless red tape and demands.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Wind_FURY on May 10, 2024, 11:30:16 AM
Governments can bring instability too, if they overregulate.  If they fix prices in a way that prevents a legitimate market and a realistic price then the effect is to suppress open business and instability occurs.  Even just plain taxes can bankrupt a country and misdirect business in ways that waste its productive capacity.

All the things that people expect to help can do the opposite, just a simple minimum wage can cause job losses not the hoped for higher wages.  Force is a bad way to implement anything, if you could only eat your dinner with a pickaxe and hammer you would often go hungry :P   Government is a blunt instrument, its best played lightly and should always avoid swamping the little start ups with endless red tape and demands.

It's not "Governments can bring instability", it's actually "Governments DO bring instability". Why? Because they own a money-printer and it goes BRRRRR anytime they want to, to bail out their buddies in the legacy banking and financial system. They also use the money-printer to increase government spending, which is inflationary. Plus the effects of money-printing, which causes inflation, is like a tax because printed money is used to fund the government at the expense of the currency to devalue.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: lepbagong on May 14, 2024, 04:42:49 AM
Well said, We should not depend everything to the government, what's more important is for us to gain more knowledge and experiences so we can have a higher pay. in truth, everyone can grow independently especially when it comes to career but are afraid to try and take risks because they don't have confidence in their abilities.
Many believe that working in the government sector will be able to produce the best in life financially. So it's not surprising that everyone is competing to be able to hope and depend on the government. Even though what you say is true, it is at times like this that technological progress has occurred. With strong abilities of yourself, you will be able to grow even better independently. In fact, it is not unusual to be able to be more successful. It is true that fear of taking risks is an obstacle, but with careful calculations it can be done.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: MiF on May 14, 2024, 08:31:41 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

I think governments always wanted to make everything become simple to make the people live with less problem in financial aspect they wanted everything to be balance, in terms of prices and salary, but sometimes there are a lot of opportunists who take advantage with the absence of police force/executor of the law, one big problem is the corruption on some government agencies this is a very big problem that is not easy to solved and a very sad reality.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: rhodelmabanal on May 15, 2024, 08:36:52 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

All of us need a good wages, because almost all the products we need is now high at price, and in order for us to buy them all we need a big salary, inflation, government to government conflict, war,calamity and there so much more problem that affect the product price which makes ordinary citizen on particular country suffer a lot, this problem is not new but i don't think the government can have a direct solution with this.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Hamphser on May 15, 2024, 08:51:09 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

There would be specific sectors that would really be making or doing their role specially on controlling market prices on which it would be better that you shouldn't really be stressing yourself because even if we do say up on the things that is preferred but they are still the ones who would really be having that decision in the end. They are really that wary about those economy conditions on which its better that letting them be on how they would really be tending to handle such condition. People would really be able to see whether they are doing things right or not, but we should also think that not all happening
in the economy is something that could be controlled because there would be tons of factors on which its something that cant be changed up.

So you cant really be always having to put the blame on the government because market prices isnt something that they could be able to control specially
importation,exportation and other stuffs isnt something that could be determined.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on May 15, 2024, 10:38:59 PM
In USA 3000$ minimum Europe 300€-3500€ minimum wage i think UK there 4000$ minimum. Wage
But goverment need to regulate just
Rent prices , energy prices ,food prices.
So If you want to put food price up then you need to be approved by goverment only then you can go over price limit.
We need wages up but same time our regular costs need to be not go over limits.

So things we need goverment must keep prices check becouse the economy is playground and goverment duty is to be judge that everybody play fair game.

If the government try to increase the minimum wage, the sellers of goods and products will in one way or the other try to increase price of goods, so instead of increasing minimum wage, government should double their effort in fighting inflation because that is the underlining factor that is affecting workers wages. But one thing people are always refusing to accept is the fact that ordinary prices of goods will increase after a long period of time, most time this increase doesn't come suddenly it comes gradually, so having it in mind that prices will increase but not astronomically is always good. The government can only do their own bit, which for me I think is price regulation and keeping a healthy economy.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: shinratensei_ on May 17, 2024, 02:15:17 AM
enforcing regulation such as prices like that is great honestly, it keeps the price from become overly inflated anyway, it remembers me of the pandemic where price shooting up high but never go down again it just crazy to think that the economy could work like that but its the reality we're living here.
what I think should be done right though the salary increase should also follow the rates of the inflation and beat it by a little because salary increase where the economic inflation just going up too much means we literally just have the same purchasing power, so it should be taken into account too.
but overall if the government can keep the price of housing in control like the price of the simple housing should be equal to 15 year of 60% people's minimum wage that'd be great, that means people can afford housing but i know that the fact that our population keep increasing might be the biggest hurdle.
its overall tough thing to regulate with the most efficient i presume.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: lepbagong on May 20, 2024, 09:55:04 AM
All of us need a good wages, because almost all the products we need is now high at price, and in order for us to buy them all we need a big salary, inflation, government to government conflict, war,calamity and there so much more problem that affect the product price which makes ordinary citizen on particular country suffer a lot, this problem is not new but i don't think the government can have a direct solution with this.
After the Covid period passed and the El Niño season had just finished, the economic crisis hit almost all countries, so the difficulties caused by all of this were still lingering. I clearly agree with you that we need decent wages to be able to cover the inflation that occurs because of the above, which causes prices to increase and the value of the salary received actually decreases. Of course, everyone wants to get wages that can keep up with rising prices, but the company must also be able to run, because increasing wages will kill the company, so there will be a dilemma. At times like this, the government must be there to provide solutions with various regulations.

Title: Re: We need higher wages off course but goverment need to do one thing
Post by: Jody.Drummer on May 20, 2024, 02:40:09 PM
That's right, the government does regulate certain food prices and the market will determine depending on the demand for the item. If the item is scarce and demand increases of course the price of the item will continue to increase and this will be very difficult for the government to control. When government officials are in an area with a high level of corruption, it will be very difficult to find a stable price for an item, of course there are even some groups who hold back an item so that the price of the item increases and they can make a profit from the item.
That's true, maybe it's the same as our basic needs, prices can increase at any time, but of course we won't be able to deny it, even though there are some people who might hold demonstrations to ask for policies regarding unreasonable price increases, but sometimes that doesn't happen. produce nothing. therefore I think we have to work hard because there is no point in talking too much about the government while we are just ordinary people, what we have to do is we have to be able to compensate by looking for a job that actually produces enough wages to compensate, even though it is difficult to get a good job. have big wages but basically we have to be able to try to survive.

There is no point in hoping for the government, even though they promise good things at the beginning of the election or inauguration, but usually they lie, they will be selfish when they are elected and this actually happens in my country, it has even become a tradition that the government only says nonsense. just.