Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CryptounityCUT on December 12, 2023, 10:07:53 AM

Title: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: CryptounityCUT on December 12, 2023, 10:07:53 AM
It was a winter day on December 12, 2011, and at 07:39:42 PM an ode was released by coretechs.

In the year of the bailouts, 2008,
the bankers were printing more debt for the state
the dollar grew weaker, the big picture clear
as they fed the hangover more Keynesian beer

World leaders debated, directing the blame
but with no real solutions, just more of the same
regulation, mark-to-market, housing costs for the poor
the fixes don't work, but they still give us more more

Who's to blame, is this caused by desire for wealth?
when perhaps the real problem is money itself!
the idea isn't new, maybe everything's tanking
'cause society is built on fractional reserve banking

And so called "investment" and attempted control
may soon spiral fiat into a death roll
as elected officials looked dumber and dumber
others started to put their faith into numbers...

On one cold winter day, a crypto-genius arrived
with some rock solid code, picked up by the hive
audited and improved, then released to the wild
Bitcoin had been born, Satoshi's brain-child

One day bankers and fascists may look back with scorn
on the day when the genesis block was born
like a clock set in motion, with springs that are wound
by the hackers who joined, mining blocks to be found

Securing the payments of those who believe
that middle-men shouldn't be there to receive
more than a small fee to perform a transaction
with privacy options when taking the action

This idea is a fantastic and easy to spread
through incentives devised in the crypto-man's head
the ball started rolling, but Satoshi grew quiet
soon thereafter began the first speculative riot

Had he lost faith, become scared, or retired?
maybe he was a banker himself but got fired?
AI from the future or a corporate plot?
or was "he" a "them", or had he been shot?

The answers to these, may never be known
so we'll make it a feast, so that you can be shown
how thankful we are for what you have built
as we sew our transactions on this open-source quilt

And we hope that you're lurking, with smile and a glow
as your world-changing software continues to grow
if you need some advice on this day, what to do?
please dump some some of your coins, I have bids in at $2

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: Churchillvv on December 12, 2023, 11:24:51 AM
Nice poems!
It makes more sense since the history of Bitcoin is attached though some point may not be true fact but assumption.

But my concern is, did you write this on your own? Or got from one of the Bitcoin poems? It's sound familiar with the Bitcoin and bank poems some lines a related though not too solid.

The date and time in the title seems not to be connected with your poems.

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: Yaunfitda on December 12, 2023, 11:36:17 AM
I guess everyone, poet or not should give an ode to Satoshi himself. And talking about poems, I remember some of our members as well with their own version like,

by @Mia Chloe- My poem; Bitcoin oh ye wonderful (

And this classic: A poem. (

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: CryptounityCUT on December 12, 2023, 12:33:29 PM
Nice poems!
It makes more sense since the history of Bitcoin is attached though some point may not be true fact but assumption.

But my concern is, did you write this on your own? Or got from one of the Bitcoin poems? It's sound familiar with the Bitcoin and bank poems some lines a related though not too solid.

The date and time in the title seems not to be connected with your poems.

Actually, this ode was written by coretechs back in December 2011:

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: CryptounityCUT on December 12, 2023, 12:51:30 PM
I guess everyone, poet or not should give an ode to Satoshi himself. And talking about poems, I remember some of our members as well with their own version like,

by @Mia Chloe- My poem; Bitcoin oh ye wonderful (

And this classic: A poem. (

I just love those poems, thank you for sharing.

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: Bureau on December 12, 2023, 01:01:48 PM
I am confused as to the reason for you posted this wonderful poem on the altcoin board. Your poem needs to be on the Bitcoin board as it is the right place for it. The Altcoin board is for other cryptocurrencies and not Bitcoin-based topics. Since you have written this poem dedicated to Satoshi I think you should move it on the Bitcoin board. It would be great if someone here or the OP added music and a soothing voice to this ode. As for me, I do not have any knowledge on music and neither can I sing.

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: tridentobedient on December 13, 2023, 01:47:20 AM
Well written poems!
Since the history of Bitcoin is included, it makes more sense, even though some of the points may just be conjectured rather being actual facts.

However, I'm worried—were you the only one who wrote this? Maybe came from a poem about Bitcoin space bar clicker ( It's sound familiar with the Bitcoin and bank poems some lines a related though not too solid.

There seems to be no connection between your poems and the time and date in the title.

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: hd49728 on December 13, 2023, 06:41:17 AM
There is a song: Ode to Satoshi and when I read the title of this topic, I thought about the song.


Sheet music in "G"

Sheet music in "A"

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: TheHiddenLeaf on December 13, 2023, 10:31:09 AM
Dear ones,

i am coming out of the Hidden now, stepping forward into the Light.

I want to be free. I want to be peace. I want to be love.

Kindness, goodness, Courage and peacefulnes please be my guide.

There is only Peace. There is only Love.

I am free to be me, without any of the old obligations.

There is nothing beeing allowed to interfer with my peacefulness.

Never, ever, nowhere. Non Interference is the Norm, Standard and Reality.

So it is.


Thank you, thank you, thank you


Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: CryptounityCUT on December 13, 2023, 03:00:46 PM
Well written poems!
Since the history of Bitcoin is included, it makes more sense, even though some of the points may just be conjectured rather being actual facts.

However, I'm worried—were you the only one who wrote this? Maybe came from a poem about Bitcoin space bar clicker ( It's sound familiar with the Bitcoin and bank poems some lines a related though not too solid.

There seems to be no connection between your poems and the time and date in the title.

Actually, this ode was written by coretechs back in December 2011:

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: SamReomo on December 13, 2023, 03:08:14 PM
Actually, this ode was written by coretechs back in December 2011:

If it wasn't written by you then you should quote the original author otherwise the content will be flagged as plagiarized content. By the way coretechs wrote a great ode for Satoshi. Just quote the author properly in OP.

Title: Re: An ode to Satoshi Nakamoto
Post by: CryptounityCUT on December 13, 2023, 03:11:18 PM

Thank you for sharing the song; I enjoy supporting artists like this one. Embracing Bitcoin goes beyond posting tweets; creating a song has a more profound impact on people's minds, especially when the frequency is positive.