Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: Bender Over on December 16, 2023, 10:15:57 PM

Title: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Bender Over on December 16, 2023, 10:15:57 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Oilacris on December 16, 2023, 10:20:07 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


First question;
1. I dont have any gambling problems and this is why i dont really mind about those controls or years in speaking about quitting. Play for fun then you should be just fine
on which it wont really be that something stressful on trying to look at on what are your conditions on playing gambling. If you do have that kind of
action on being responsible then there's no way that you could mold up a problem.

2. Its up to a certain person on how he would really be able to divert out his interest and attention into. It might that easy to say but when you are on the situation on which you
are already that addicted then for sure you would really be able to say that it was never be easy.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Oshosondy on December 16, 2023, 10:21:04 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
I stop the addiction and it never came back. My gambling activities has severely reduced.

(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
If you know your gambling addiction has started again, the best is to just quit gambling. Do not gamble again. Fill your life with other things that you can think of and do not gamble again at all.

It is good to quit before it is too late.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Accardo on December 16, 2023, 10:45:20 PM
What I can call a gambling problem is the inability to follow my instincts in predicting slot games. Sometimes it feels like an issue, but I easily get over it. As I don't think much about the money lost during the process. Whether it'll get to a stage in the future when I can't control such a problem, I'm not sure. But hope it doesn't get to such a level. However, in stopping the problem, moving away from my environment to meet people who don't gamble is always a way to stop certain gambling problems. But in curing or avoiding gambling problems we could affect our relationship with loved ones or family. For instance, when I follow the decision to travel to a place where I'd have other activities that'll keep me gambling-free, those people dear to me would continue reaching out asking me to return to them. This may lead to some arguments in some cases, they'll keep asking why I'm staying away so long. They won't understand that it's my therapy to escape addiction.

However, gambling is the most difficult to solve problem, so I don't hope it gets to that point in my life. Changing habits doesn't completely cure problem gambling, because the player will still have a strong urge to gamble when done with the other activity. Provided the new habit doesn't take the whole day, the gambler can still gamble. While it contributes to reducing the time spent gambling for the player, meeting people and opening up to them about the new issue is a good way to cure problem gambling. Humans tend to keep to their promise when someone closely watches and monitors them to know if they perfectly control the urge to gamble again. Therefore when single, it's better to go book a stay with friends, married people should talk to their family to help them battle the problem. The best form of therapy is developing a good relationship with the addict. When achieved the whole point of therapy has been achieved. Hence our close friend can be our best therapist when facing problem gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Baofeng on December 16, 2023, 10:47:34 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

No, I don't think that my gambling activity negatively affected me in any way.

Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

Like maybe 10 years ago, I would consider myself as a gambling addict as I will frequent land based casino like almost everyday even if I have a daily job, 9-5. I will go and sneak after my job and play till early mornings.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

Well I did stop or force to quit because my side hustle suddenly stop. It was my main primary source of my gambling, as I usually play all the money that I got from it. And so when it went out abruptly I don't have a choice. Although I still continue playing with my salary, but it was not as huge as I'm playing with the money from my side hustle. Slowly, I started to quit for some years as I have to prioritize my family.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Jating on December 16, 2023, 10:52:33 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

For me, my gambling addiction is up and down, meaning I could go on for months playing and losing big money, just like my run from July to October. But now I'm more calm, not playing online as much as I do before and not visiting those offline casinos in my place.

I don't know, maybe I just realized that I'm losing too much money in gambling, simply as that. And that I need to control myself specially that at the time that I minimized, that the Christmas holiday is coming and that I want to have money during this time.

And I try to stay away from gambling by learning new things, like video editing.  :)

So in the last couple of months, as I have said, I have reduced my betting and playing slot games and roulette.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on December 16, 2023, 10:54:21 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


The gambling loss will be the bad one for the gamblers,because it will spoil his entire happiness.If the gambler hold the certain money for the specific purpose,he should not use that money to the gambling site to multiple the money.Actually the money was the demand based money,So the gamblers will get tension after the certain part of the money was loss in the gambling site.So the emotional game will make the gambler to lose the entire money in the gambling site.The gambler who get addicted can chance their habit by playing other games at the time of gambling temptation to play the game.Even the gambler can watch movie when he get the gambling temptation.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: TelolettOm on December 16, 2023, 11:27:00 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
The answer is here, the problem is related to the finances. Because of that, I personally am very aware that with financial conditions like that, I cannot afford to be complacent or even addicted to gambling. This is very important because after all, financial problems can spread to various other problems. That's why, because there have been problems with that, then this is the most frequent warning that I must always manage.

Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play"
Still related to the financial problem. Maybe for other people, financial problems can actually influence a gambler to gamble continuously because they hope to get enough income from gambling. However, for me, because of this problem, I have made myself more aware of not getting too caught up in the world of gambling. And because of this problem, I have increasingly learned how to manage our own desire for gambling, manage risks when spending money on gambling, and control myself to manage finances better, such as by limiting or managing the percentage that must be spent on gambling, or Keep making withdrawals after winning at gambling, so you don't immediately go all in on other bets. However, basically it is not so easy to do, because there are definitely temptations that often come our way.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Slow death on December 16, 2023, 11:31:33 PM
In my case, fortunately I don't have any problems with gambling, I always make a great effort to follow my discipline, I bet sometimes and I spend more time without being involved in gambling, this allows me to continue doing my activities at home. real world without thinking about gambling, my self-control is always on alert. I don't see gambling as something profitable, on the contrary I see gambling as a loss and that you should only put in money that the person can afford to lose. I remember a few years ago when I started gambling, at that time I had a lot of expectations with gambling, especially about profits, I thought I could make money with gambling

but when I deposited money and only lost, I started to feel bad, I just thought about how I was going to recover my losses and at that time the only thing I could think of to make me recover my losses was to put more money in the casino, but When I did this I lost more and became more frustrated and sad, until I gained courage and decided to stop playing and I made my last two bets which I was lucky to win a lot to the point that I managed to recover my losses and I stopped playing for many years. I recently started playing again and I play little to avoid becoming addicted to gambling.

Regarding the second question, my answer is very simple: when people have a lot of things to have fun with in the real world and are very happy in the real world, they have little time to spend playing and thanks to this these people are able to stop playing when If they want, they can have good self-control. That's why I always say this: people need to have a life in the real world, only then they don't get addicted to gambling, they don't get addicted to drugs and alcohol. people who have problems should not get involved in gambling because it will destroy their lives

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: alani123 on December 16, 2023, 11:36:27 PM
People are compulsive and some give in more to this feature of their personality than others.
The way I have avoided problematic behaviors in gambling is telling myself from before I even wager a single cent that I will not risk more than x amount, win or lose.

Gambling is an activity to have fun and pass time for the thrill of it. The very notion that you want to gamble for income or important amounts that could damage your savings and affect your wellbeing is a problematic behavior in and of itself. So the first step is to limit that. And if you go bust, only come bach after your next payday. Risking only a small amount of your stable income that you can set aside after expenses.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on December 17, 2023, 02:21:57 AM
For the first question, maybe I will answer, sometimes yes, sometimes no, it all depends on my expenses which I use for gambling because I use different amounts of money (for No) if I use a little money it may not be so affected by my financial condition. my security or my happiness. (For Yes) if I use more money then it will affect me because if I lose a bet I always think about the loss and think about the finances lost and yes this is my own fault but sometimes I always think there is a situation where we will get luck and it can happen at any time and cannot be predicted but the most important thing for me is that I don't chase my losses even though I experience losses so maybe I will be disappointed but I stay calm and do other activities to forget about these losses.

For the second question, luckily I don't have a serious addiction, so I still gamble, but not often, only sometimes, I don't have the desire to stop, as long as I can still control gambling, I will still be safe to do that activity.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: len01 on December 17, 2023, 02:58:54 AM
maybe I used to have problems like addiction and I've talked about it in other threads, but after I got through the worst of it, I stopped avoiding gambling for a long time and I even left this forum for a while to heal myself from feeling of addiction to wanting to constantly win and win for now after I got married everything getting better and even though I return to gambling I will never be tempted or chase something that is uncertain and also not use the budget for daily needs.

If I told my story before, it would probably be too long, but I will tell you that when I was able to recover, I only had run out of savings and valuables, after that I felt so low that I was confused about what to do, like I was depressed, and my family introduced me to a woman who is now my wife and he was the one who helped me get out of the addiction zone and to this day my wife always reminds me to control my thoughts not to have hopes from gambling.

what is certain is that for every problem in gambling there is always solution to solve it It all depends on the effort and determination of each gambler to solve it and as long as you have a strong determination there is always a way and help from any party to solve the problem, even if the problem is very difficult someone you trust to help give you the best advice and get it done.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: alastantiger on December 17, 2023, 03:15:11 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

I don't have a gambling problem. My gambling habits do not affect my happiness, security, relationships, finances. On some weeks I can go on without gambling while on others I gamble fairly.

,Now here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
Nobody can control a gambling problem for years. Impossible. If you have wealth and you choose to call it adult play, the wealth covers and not control the gambling problem. Someday, there's not going to be any coverage again and you as a rich person would have to face reality.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Awaklara on December 17, 2023, 03:29:52 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

I used to be very impulsive when making bets. And it gave me some valuable experience. Now I only bet on matches that I have the ability to analyze. So I don't just make random bets looking at more favorable odds or more familiar teams.

and the way to stop gambling or just reduce gambling activities is with family control. so when you have a partner who can manage your finances well, they will help you control your gambling. because if you are suddenly told to stop gambling, it will only create disputes. If your gambling activity is bad enough, it can only be reduced gradually.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: komisariatku on December 17, 2023, 04:55:34 AM

I don't gamble all the time. Sometimes I really like gambling but sometimes I can't gamble for months. So even though I like gambling, so far I gamble based on the mood I have.

When I first got to know gambling, to be honest, I had a bad experience chasing losses that ended worse. For now I can better regulate myself in gambling, apart from that I also only gamble with the money I get on the forum. In offline life, I have a job and I never use my offline job salary to gamble

One day I will definitely stop gambling, maybe when I am old enough and need money for my children's college needs. In conditions like that, I will definitely stop gambling because I prioritize my family more than just gambling activities. One of the best ways to stop gambling is when we have a strong reason why we have to stop, when we have the determination then it shouldn't be difficult.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Hirose UK on December 17, 2023, 05:24:02 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
Every gambler must have felt the bad impact of gambling on their daily lives, whether regarding family or finances or even mental problems and of course every gambler has their own way of solving it.
I personally have experienced bad things that really made life messy and the economy more complicated but slowly there was good solution in which to put things back in order and put pressure on myself.
As time went by everything returned to normal, no problems occurred and whatever I did in gambling no longer had bad impact on anything.
But what happened previously was very difficult to resolve and of course all of this is now valuable lesson and reminder that I must always be in control when I start to gamble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
The most effective way to reduce the intensity of gambling is to divert it to other activities that really drain your energy or activities that are really very important, such as doing business or trying to make money from trading.
From here feeling will emerge where gambling is no longer priority that is difficult to give up.
Although this does not guarantee to completely stop, it can be effective in reducing the intensity of excessive gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: FinePoine0 on December 17, 2023, 05:29:47 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

I never consider myself a gambling problem because I am not a gambling addict. I don't like to gamble excessively but gamble at normal levels. I usually bet the most on cricket and football games, if I bet on the presence of these games I definitely win more. But I sometimes take a big gamble hoping to hit the jackpot, but I still haven't hit the jackpot.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: danherbias07 on December 17, 2023, 06:23:28 AM
1. No. I don't consider myself to have a gambling problem.
2. Have not experienced that yet. When it's time to stop, I stop. Simple as that. When I have no more money left in my wallet, I stop. I don't go looking for more trouble by depositing more just because I want to chase my losses.
How do I do it? I mean what's the mindset? Simple too. I always think that gambling sites won't go away. They will just be here and they are actually growing in numbers.
I don't have to force it in one day, I can sleep knowing that tomorrow the gambling site will still be there ready to take all my money again.
What can you do to keep your mind out of it? For me, I watch anime series. Then, if I get bored with it, I will play a movie. If still bored I will play offline games on my desktop and pick the ones that will eat a lot of time so that you won't think about gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Latviand on December 17, 2023, 06:25:05 AM
Can you give us an example of a problem that you're talking about what you're describing is a broad term and it's impossible not to be confused but for the sake of answering from what I understand, I would say that I don't think that I've had any problems with gambling before that are recurring, I've been taught discipline at a young age so I do know how to control myself when it comes to guilty pleasures.

Gambling is an activity to have fun and pass time for the thrill of it. The very notion that you want to gamble for income or important amounts that could damage your savings and affect your wellbeing is a problematic behavior in and of itself. So the first step is to limit that. And if you go bust, only come bach after your next payday. Risking only a small amount of your stable income that you can set aside after expenses.
Sometimes people forget about this stuff and so they end up gambling for a different purpose which resulted in them encountering problems that could've been avoided if it wasn't for them not losing the purpose of their gambling habits. It's a cascading effect, once you've let go of that notion that gambling is just done for fun then it's all downhill then and there.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: angrybirdy on December 17, 2023, 06:30:40 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


I don't have any gambling problem that affects me and other people because I'm the type of person who's willing to do things without sacrificing important things and people in my life. I can't consider myself in that situation because I'm not addicted to it, I can control myself from the urge of doing something beyond my boundaries and that's my secret of not having any problem when it comes to gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Suzume on December 17, 2023, 06:36:43 AM
Those who professional gambler they are fully addicted with gamble. This addection not creat in one day practice strategy and thisis creat addection slowly. Once you learn gamble it's not easy to quit from it. Because it's a way of entanglement and way to earn extra money. It's hard to live become a full time gambler earn a lot form gambling that's the reason they don't want to leave it..

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Gozie51 on December 17, 2023, 06:57:00 AM
I already know that gambling is a luck base stuff and anything based on luck is not in your control, so I play with care when I play and I'm not always playing so I don't have a problem with it. It is difficult to stop gambling addiction and it is worse when you are having it as the source of income then you will find it difficult to quit.

For someone to quit gambling by themselves, it means they are not so much involved in it and so they can still control themselves. This is the reason to gamble with what money you can afford to lose and not to heavily involve yourself with the hope that it will favour you at the end. We know numbers of posts here on people who have taken away their lives because they lost hugely and probably money that they borrowed. But if you are gambling responsibly, you won't have gambling problems and to stop will be easy for you to only discourage yourself that you have not been winning is enough.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: lombok on December 17, 2023, 07:01:45 AM
I don't have any problem with gambling. And I don't prioritize gambling. Remember not to prioritize! Gambling is a game, a game that costs money to have fun. If you think that gambling is a source of income, that's a big mistake, I guarantee that from here you will experience a lot of problems if you become addicted to it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: noormcs5 on December 17, 2023, 07:06:48 AM
I already know that gambling is a luck base stuff and anything based on luck is not in your control, so I play with care when I play and I'm not always playing so I don't have a problem with it. It is difficult to stop gambling addiction and it is worse when you are having it as the source of income then you will find it difficult to quit.

For someone to quit gambling by themselves, it means they are not so much involved in it and so they can still control themselves. This is the reason to gamble with what money you can afford to lose and not to heavily involve yourself with the hope that it will favour you at the end. We know numbers of posts here on people who have taken away their lives because they lost hugely and probably money that they borrowed. But if you are gambling responsibly, you won't have gambling problems and to stop will be easy for you to only discourage yourself that you have not been winning is enough.

Gambling addiction is not so easy to get rid of as some people think that individual can himself get rid of his gambling addiction problem. He is gambling addict because he is unable to control over his emotions , he is unable to stop himself from gambling so he need some cure , some external help which can help him to recover back to the normal situation.

Gambling is only profitable and entertaining for those who are moderate to gambling and who knows how to control their finances in gambling. If we are unable to save our money in gambling then I am afraid gambling is not for us.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Z390 on December 17, 2023, 07:13:17 AM

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


Discipline, and the act of understanding what gambling is all about, everyone knows but they pretend as if they don't because they want to make money, gambling can't always be defeated, it defeats gamblers more than gamblers defeat the game. Its not hard to accept that gambling can likely take away all your money and give back a tip of your whole bank roll, every possibility of losing money is highly possible in gambling.

The solution is to accept that you get lucky when you win in a game and take your prize, do not let greed lead you because the more the time you keep on gambling the more money you likely will lose, when you win its time to quit and if you don't win make sure you are spending what you can afford to lose.

If you gamble with ten dollars and you lose it all, be brave enough to walk away until another day when you have money you can afford to lose again, and if you come back with another ten dollars and you use a dollar to win some money, take your leave, its the act of disciplinary.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: |MINER| on December 17, 2023, 07:17:25 AM
My answer to your first question is no currently I haven't face any kind of problem with this. I think that if gambling can be limited within your afford then I don't think trouble can make your life. This is actually how I manage my life, I set aside a fixed amount every month or week for gambling and from there my entertainment is taken.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: coin-investor on December 17, 2023, 09:15:39 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
If it's hurting your relationship and your finances it is something that you have to deal with right away when you're gambling activity is hurting these two areas it's not good that you keep it rolling for years even though you are managing it well, there will be a time that the problem will become unmanageable or both your relationship and finances will deteriorate, I experienced having issues with addiction in a short period and I fixed by stopping my addiction, that's the best way to deal with it, stop and focus on your finances and relationships, these two are more important than anything gambling, so gambling should be on the backstage

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
I just focus on my relationship and my work and stop gambling for some time, I do come playing but I make sure that it will not harm things that are important to me, in life, you should know your priorities, and those priorities are the things that will make you stronger.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Wexnident on December 17, 2023, 10:30:13 AM
No, pretty sure I have gambling controlled under my belt. As for being impulsive, which I assume is what you wanted to say, then yea sometimes. It comes rather randomly but I've tried to force it to never affect me negatively THAT much, which has so far worked due to how I balance my life.

As for how, I just do. It's probably a matter of how you've lived your life really, how much of an activity can affect you or not. For me, I've always gone on and off among a LOT of activities, from sports to games to gambling, and stuff like that. So it's not really hard for me to transition to something new if I really wanted to. Well, the important part in wanting to stop is wanting to stop and knowing how to. I reckon most people have the "wanting" part down, the how is kind fo specific from person to person imo.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: TheUltraElite on December 17, 2023, 11:06:10 AM
I dont have the gambling problem but I tried gambling a long time back and understood that the casino will win in the long run and the only way to beat the casino is by being the casino or by exploiting it. I would not recommend the second option because that is illegal but the first one is doable.

I have seen problem gamblers have difficulty in managing finances, relationships and goals. Its because their addiction is turning their lives inside out but this can be controlled by professional help and discipline. Thankfully today it is a recognized disease and help exists for those who need it.

For that the first step is always accepting that they are having a problem which they cannot control on their own.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Outhue on December 17, 2023, 11:29:47 AM
I don't have a gambling problem, this way of making money is a red flag in my country and we are always warned to be careful with gambling, I took this warning too fat serious from my father and this makes me to not expect to make money from gambling, I do it for entertainment purposes and I am now into sports which I found more interesting to waste some free time on.

You can ruin your life in gambling if you expect to make money from gambling, you don't want to be too hooked into gambling, you can start to believe that gambling is the real solution to your financial problems, don't do it, find time to come up with a strategy, not in game but on your bankroll, do not put in too much money since its not free to gamble on online casino.

Be selfaware always, but you should be fine if you understand the risk and choose to make money from investments and also your life skills, there is no strategy that can stop you from losing money in gambling, be a responsible gambler always.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: aioc on December 17, 2023, 11:41:29 AM
It's hard to go on with your life with gambling problems in your back even if you don't want to admit it will affect your family even if you can control it will eventually escalate, so it's better to address the issues right away so it will not harm anything in your life, I have not experienced issues like this but I have a lot of friends that have issues on controlling their addiction and my advice always is to prioritize what matters to your life.
You cannot be happy totally if you do not prioritize your happiness, relationships, and finances, you cannot control your gambling addiction all your life it will come down to the point that you need to fix it or it will eventually harm you.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: shivansps on December 17, 2023, 11:41:58 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

If a person can control this, then most likely it is no longer a problem. Problems come when a person uses money to gamble that he cannot afford to spend or is not his own money or borrows money to recoup or takes money from family. I think such a person needs the help of a specialist. The best specialist is God. Perhaps what I am writing now will be important to someone. I was addicted to hard drugs for many years and no treatment helped, but then the Lord gave me freedom. If you are reading this now and you have problems with something, be it gambling or drugs or something else that you yourself cannot get rid of, then know that there is  Someone who can help you

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on December 17, 2023, 11:53:21 AM
the number of voices I read "there is no problem with gambling", this makes it an answer to this title, and it is probably that way.
I myself also don't have a problem with the gambling that I do, because I only gamble for fun and I only do it on weekends or once a week with a limited budget.
People who are addicted to gambling may be people who have problems with gambling, because in my opinion a gambler who is addicted to gambling will gamble and perhaps make gambling the first source of income in his life, this is wrong.

Never make gambling a priority in life, because basically gambling is a type of game that pays, even if the winnings are only a bonus from this game. and what's wrong in my opinion is that many people use gambling as a source of income and this is not good, because people like this tend to have problems with gambling, in other words they experience financial problems because of gambling. where the percentage of losses is greater than the percentage of wins, and the large number of gamblers who always lose makes them addicted to gambling, they will try to keep gambling even if they don't have money, they can take out loans to gamble again or commit crimes that harm other people . So in my opinion it is people like this who have problems with gambling.

also in my opinion someone who is addicted to gambling will experience difficulties in his life whether financially, economically or in relationships. because someone who is addicted to gambling can be sure they will experience changes in their behavior, and these changes certainly lead to the negative where they will easily become emotional and tend to become stubborn. because I have a neighbor who experienced this where he experienced drastic changes when he was familiar with gambling, also his relationship with his family became untidy.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: swogerino on December 17, 2023, 11:58:18 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


Luckily for me in this context and I am answering about the something different here which I am a part of,I keep playing for a long time and luckily I have control,I just play for entertaining myself and if I win something on top of that I consider it extra.I never withdraw it though as I keep playing more as I don't consider the gambling a type of income rather a type of entertainment I pay for it.I love the emotion that it gives you when you are playing slots and you just get the bonus round before starting the free spins,in that exact moment I feel the happiest as I am waiting and hoping for a huge win.So overall I don't think I have a problem with gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on December 17, 2023, 12:09:07 PM

(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
If you know your gambling addiction has started again, the best is to just quit gambling. Do not gamble again. Fill your life with other things that you can think of and do not gamble again at all.

It is good to quit before it is too late.

That's what should be done, but all of that is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand to refuse ourselves to return to the right path and stop for good things, although basically it is very good advice but unfortunately most of the gamblers are difficult to do so, they have a weak mentality and defense to ignore some of the temptations that come and enter their minds.

In my opinion, what they should do first is to re-imagine past events where the activity really only worsened their situation and living conditions, especially in financial matters which made them maybe barely able to make ends meet, sometimes I think awareness has a very important role in terms of considering and choosing something better, and with a fairly good level of awareness then I think it will not be too difficult to reject and ignore all the temptations that seem to tell them to return to gambling. True, the sooner the better and prevention is better than cure.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Solosanz on December 17, 2023, 12:09:10 PM
1. No, I don't have any gambling problem, to be more specify gambling never make a problem in my life.

2. That depends on each person, if you're interested to play video games, why I or anyone else need to force you to climb a mountain when you feel climb a mountain isn't fun at all? regardless the answer is, it won't going to affect or change you.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Litzki1990 on December 17, 2023, 12:48:46 PM
For some people gambling can cause problems and for others gambling can be just a pastime. Gambling is a very bad aspect for those who initially started gambling with the expectation of good profits but only lost after starting and are still losing. When a person gets addicted to gambling, he cannot get out of that addiction even if he wants to. I understand that gambling is affecting my life badly and I should get out of this bad situation but still we can't do it. People with this problem should try to take up gambling as a pastime rather than giving up gambling altogether. Gambling every day with some amount of money and if you win stop gambling for that day and if you lose, stop gambling for that day and plan for the next day. If a gambler can gamble in this way, he will not be addicted to gambling but will accept gambling as a form of entertainment.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: robelneo on December 17, 2023, 01:58:55 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
You can't have your cake and eat it too, you simply have to stop the cycle before it hurts your finances, security, relationships and finances you have to choose to stop the cycle even though it benefits you, just take gambling to its truest nature and that is entertainment and don't let it get in the way to the most important things in life.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

I have to stop it's not easy but you have to you cannot go on having an addiction and expect to live a normal life, I have to change my habits and turn in more work so I can forget gambling for a while and when I think that I'm ok I get back to gambling with new perspective.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: YOSHIE on December 17, 2023, 02:09:35 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
No, I gamble regardless of any problems be it family, finances, happiness and so on, which make me miserable, I have reasons for all of that.

1. My family never knows about gambling.
2. I placed a bet not with my salary.
3. I gamble just to look for challenges and experience.
4. I gamble for myself, I also use the money I win from gambling for myself, my family doesn't take part.

So, for the reasons above, of course you understand how I gamble, of course it doesn't hinder any action I take, including happiness.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: madnessteat on December 17, 2023, 02:12:18 PM

Currently I believe I have no problem with gambling as I am in control of my spending in most gambling sessions. Of course, there are times when I am so caught up in the excitement that I make an additional deposit, but it happens very rarely.

To reduce the attraction to gambling I do sports. Sport allows me only to spend time with the benefit of my health, but also has a positive effect on the psyche.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Saisher on December 17, 2023, 02:22:21 PM
I had when I was just starting but I soon overcame it through the guidance of my friends who are veterans in gambling I needed to correct how I play It was a struggle but I eventually overcame it, you have to do the right thing or your life will be in misery, stopping is the way to control gambling, having a limited funds will save and it works for me, I like to believe that if you don't have that much funds stopping is easy it worked for me, but of course its still a case to case basis.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: samcrypto on December 17, 2023, 02:32:43 PM
First, I don't have gambling problem as I control myself from time to time and always have my limit.
Second, having your full time work can make you away from gambling and I can tell that this helps me a lot. If you don't have full time job then make sure to look for something that can make you busy, or at least make you forget gambling for a while. You should be more responsible and have the timeline on when to gamble and when to stop even if you can easily do it online.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Yatsan on December 17, 2023, 02:37:01 PM
Don't we all have it? We just tend to control it which helps us avoid addiction. Mine is with frustration of losses wherein I struggled for months when I started gambling. Eventually I managed to control it by setting limits on the amount I would be betting on each day. Emotions are innevitable to take place gigen that we have expectations on our every bet especially that it involves money; something which is necessary in our daily lives.
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
No, I gamble regardless of any problems be it family, finances, happiness and so on, which make me miserable, I have reasons for all of that.

1. My family never knows about gambling.
2. I placed a bet not with my salary.
3. I gamble just to look for challenges and experience.
4. I gamble for myself, I also use the money I win from gambling for myself, my family doesn't take part.

So, for the reasons above, of course you understand how I gamble, of course it doesn't hinder any action I take, including happiness.
Where are you getting your money then if it is not from your salary? Actually it is not a bad thing using a portion of your salary, just avoid using that much. But good thing you are not problematic in any aspect in this activity.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: alani123 on December 17, 2023, 02:45:32 PM
Gambling is an activity to have fun and pass time for the thrill of it. The very notion that you want to gamble for income or important amounts that could damage your savings and affect your wellbeing is a problematic behavior in and of itself. So the first step is to limit that. And if you go bust, only come bach after your next payday. Risking only a small amount of your stable income that you can set aside after expenses.
Sometimes people forget about this stuff and so they end up gambling for a different purpose which resulted in them encountering problems that could've been avoided if it wasn't for them not losing the purpose of their gambling habits. It's a cascading effect, once you've let go of that notion that gambling is just done for fun then it's all downhill then and there.
Indeed sometimes people can forget their own principles and sometimes also personal issues can end up causing people grief and get them in situations they wouldn't get into otherwise.

So it's interesting to know what, if any, precautions people use to have in these situations.
Personally as a defense mechanism I like to remind myself before every gsmbling session that I am here to have fun and my self ascribed weekly allowance is x amount of money and no more. If you make it part of a ritual it's easier to have it in mind every time.
I think this would be effective for most people in more occasions than not.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bitcampaign on December 17, 2023, 02:58:36 PM
I have never had a problem with gambling because I am not as active as other gamblers, sometimes I only gamble when I have money, if I don't have money I don't gamble, so I am not an active gambler nor am I a gambler who is really serious about gambling, until now the gambling that I do doesn't affect my finances, let alone my relationship with my family, because everything is fine as long as I can still control it. The answer to the second question actually depends on the purpose of your gambling. As long as you gamble for entertainment, it seems like you can stop at any time, I can also play as I like and stop at any time. but the most important thing is to look for more positive hobbies and habits so you can forget yourself from gambling

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Marykeller on December 17, 2023, 03:02:19 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
No, I wouldn't classify myself as someone who has a gambling problem because I gamble when I feel like, I don't let gambling fun get hold of me, and finally I gamble with less amount from my monthly stipend.

(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
Anyone addicted to gambling can stop by getting their mind focused on positive thoughts, being busy, spending more time with family and friends, and changing routes.  

Gambling addictions don't get rid of unless someone makes up their mind to do the aforementioned act. Although it will not be easy for gambling addiction to stop completely. It takes a steady routine of the aforementioned act to achieve that.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Blitzboy on December 17, 2023, 03:02:23 PM
Gambling isnt my problem. A "sometimes" gambling issue is noteworthy. It suggests a cyclical pattern - a dormant issue that resurfaces under particular situations. One may not struggle daily, but certain pressures or triggers bring it back. Many behaviors fluctuate with life's circumstances, including gambling.

The second point, ending a cycle needs introspection and change. Not simply avoiding gambling locations or activities, but knowing triggers. Routine changes, new interests, and exercise can help. More crucially, it entails recognizing emotional or psychological conditions before relapse. Knowing one's vulnerability enables for proactive action.

Treating intermittent or chronic gambling requires a holistic strategy. Lifestyle adjustments, emotional resilience, and self-awareness are involved. Breaking the loop requires recognizing patterns, triggers, and weaknesses.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: slapper on December 17, 2023, 03:15:39 PM
if you're balancing your gambling with life's responsibilities and it's not harming anyone, why not call it adult play? You make the rules for your life! Your story is yours to tell. It's not a "problem" if you've been managing it for years; that's just skilled management, my buddy. Who's to say what constitutes appropriate or inappropriate thrill-seeking? You are you!

Now, it's all about changing gears when it's time to stop, isn't it? Switch things up by going to the gym, taking a trip, or taking up a new activity. Running toward something new and interesting is more important than running away from something. Recall that the goal is to start a thousand things rather than just stop one. It all comes down to power, control, and making decisions that keep life exciting. Above all, make sure it's enjoyable, safe, and engaging!

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: uneng on December 17, 2023, 03:20:52 PM
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
You are talking about the called relapse. It's pretty common among chronic addicted gamblers who manage to control their disfunctional behavior in determined moments of their lives, but lose control on another ones, intensifying the addiction once again. It's an eternal inner fight they have trying to overcome the addiction. I believe it's part of the process of improving themselves as individuals, as at least they are trying to fight addiction back with all their strength.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
When it's time to stop and I feel tempted to continue playing, I look for my family to talk until that temptation ceases from my mind. I tell them I want to risk more money, but I shouldn't and can't, so they support me on the conscious and rational decision of not going ahead.

Right after you end a gambling session it's hard to not think about it and even to concentrate yourself on another activities and habits, but you have to exercise your self-control. That is your only alternative. Remove the "ifs" from your mind, like: if I bet once more I can recover my money, if I use that strategy I will be back in game, if I place a single huge accurate bet I'm in profit again...

These thoughts are poisonous and will make you sick.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Beparanf on December 17, 2023, 03:26:07 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

I’m struggling to control my gambling habits before of chasing losses whenever I’m down for the day. I usually can’t stop in lose while I still have money for bankroll btu this problem of mine happened when I’m still new online gambling.

I manage to control my problem by limiting only the amount that I can access when gambling by locking my funds on a time lock like Staking until I manage to control it by myself without locking by consistently doing it for a long time.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on December 17, 2023, 03:34:28 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
Your questions are funny, and so are the solutions thereof. My answer is No for the first and second parts but I know some people who are positive to both. My own, what is helping me in gambling is that I was a full adult before I started it, and when I started, I wasn't this person that believed that I would make huge money through gambling, so my mind has never been on the money and has never been engrossed towards the gambling itself. This happened until 2013 when I had a friend who worked as a lotto agent, the regular visiting of this guy got me playing more and later was addicted to it, and I must say that I was indeed addicted and somewhat shifted my stance on it and wanted to earn a little amount from gambling even as it had been swallowing my money. But sadly, I couldn't no matter how I tried. It was after a while that I decided not to play it again, and that was it all. You can see that the "willpower" was there. This is what I want every gambler to work on, not all these common educations and preferences of some therapists that people often repeat when they write on similar situations. They don't work for most addicts.

Swear off, many had done it times without a number but still returned to gambling.

Stop drinking, for what? I simply don't know how my drinking and gambling habits tally, maybe for a few people though, but for me, drinking even makes me forget what I do not want to do.

Exercise, this is naturally good, but I don't still see how it helps in gambling as well. It is for muscle relaxation or what? I better find another hobby, stay out longer and get occupied more instead of all these.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: iv4n on December 17, 2023, 03:51:08 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

Gambling is not a problem if we can control ourselves, it's a nice activity that can bring some fun and excitement... Gambling can become a problem for those who are irresponsible with money. When someone gambles with money that they cannot afford to lose, or worse, with other people's (borrowed) money, they risk getting into an unsolvable situation, that is just an introduction to other problems that will affect one happiness, security, relationships, finances and everything else.

I don't plan to stop with my gambling habits, I like to have fun and gamble from time to time. But when I decide to stop I will simply close the casino window and that would be the end of my gambling career. I think that there is no universal answer to the question of how to stop a habit, we are all different... I believe that it is best to just give up, turn to the other side, and find another occupation... it's how I end things in life. It's a bit painful in the first days, but that passes.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Unbunplease on December 17, 2023, 04:24:38 PM
Gambling is not a problem, but an opportunity for making money and having a great time. Gambling becomes a problem only if it leads to serious addiction and large losses of money. If everything goes in a reasonable direction, gambling can not be a problem

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: vs2014 on December 17, 2023, 04:39:30 PM
I don't consider gambling to be a problem because if i have money i will gamble there is no need to have an opinion. Gambling is completely risky and here losing or winning is uncertain so after knowing everything we gamble. Hmmm to break any habit give yourself maximum time in something new only then you will forget the old habit. People get addicted to gambling because of their personal freedom but sometimes they have problem to deal with the situation like family doesn't want to accept everything. But in my opinion gambling is not at all convenient for younger people.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: famososMuertos on December 17, 2023, 04:42:12 PM
Hi, OP #TBT Topic.

The questions can be many, the situations too, the best way to start placing bets, before the normal problems associated with gambling arrive, which is basically losing, but even winning and not knowing how to manage your winnings are and can be a problem, that is, the issue you raise is associated with your "weakness" in falling into uncontrolled addiction.

These addictions can be asymptomatic, where with something called willpower you can achieve it, quit the game whenever you want, but the symptomatic player requires willpower + medical consultation + therapy + family support and supervision, it is really complex.

That is why, as I always mention, the best initial bet that can be made is to go to a doctor and undergo all the tests that determine if you are a possible case of gambling addiction, which has no cure, but it can be controlled, in some people these symptoms never manifest, but for some it is a matter of time, so I repeat, bet on your health first, and spend a few dollars evaluating your mental state, as someone would do who suspects they have heart problems and goes to the doctor to ask for suggestions if You can dedicate yourself to a certain activity, it's the same.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Eternad on December 17, 2023, 04:52:08 PM
Gambling is not a problem, but an opportunity for making money and having a great time. Gambling becomes a problem only if it leads to serious addiction and large losses of money. If everything goes in a reasonable direction, gambling can not be a problem

Gambling is indeed not a problem itself but the thread focuses on the problem which you can get when playing gambling which commonly referred as lgambling problem” here in the gambling discussion board.

I rarely have gambling problem because I only play money that I can afford to lose. By doing this, You can save yourself from a lot of regrets and chasing losses since you don’t consider your money loss as too important to think about it after the game.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: noormcs5 on December 17, 2023, 05:33:56 PM
Currently I believe I have no problem with gambling as I am in control of my spending in most gambling sessions. Of course, there are times when I am so caught up in the excitement that I make an additional deposit, but it happens very rarely.

Sometimes I feel that this problem is for those who have a lot of money to gamble and they usually overspend it and then when they lose money they complain about gambling and their losses.

To reduce the attraction to gambling I do sports. Sport allows me only to spend time with the benefit of my health, but also has a positive effect on the psyche.

When we are free and have nothing to do, then we only think of gambling.
If we can keep ourselves busy, then we will not play excessive gambling and this will keep us away from getting gambling addicted.
Things that involve the physical exercise like sports is much better to spend time and spend free times in those activities. When I am free I usually go to gym and which give me a lot of time busy.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: dezoel on December 17, 2023, 07:11:32 PM
No, I'm not an addicted gambler or have any sort of problem that is affecting my happiness, relationships, security, finances, or anything else. I have never taken gambling seriously, and by seriously I mean that I never put together some money, and have planned to use that money in gambling and earn money using a certain strategy in a particular game because I know that it's not possible, and I don't want to attempt something that I know isn't possible or nearly impossible and waste my resources.

When we talk about the time when one should stop and how to do that, I believe it depends on whether the person is highly addicted to gambling or not and whether they can control the urge to gamble more even when the time is right to stop gambling. A responsible gambler can do that, without a problem.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: sunsilk on December 17, 2023, 08:43:38 PM
I know myself better so there's no gambling problem for me. I have the idea on which state of mind I am when I gamble and that also reflects with the amount of money that I use for my bankrolls.

If you can sometimes control and sometimes not your gambling activities then you clearly have a gambling problem. You're still in the denial stage because you fairly think that you're still in control of it. But no, you're not in control of it and that's just making yourself think that you are in because you still can.

Eventually, you're going to be out of it and you'll have the idea that you can't control it anymore when it becomes too much.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: macson on December 17, 2023, 09:05:06 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
This question is a bit interesting, right now i don't feel like the gambling that i usually do really disturbs my life, i actually feel like something is missing if i don't gamble for a week, especially sports betting which is currently my favorite.

i often notice that the best way to treat people who have become gambling addicts is to change their environment and also consult with psychiatrists, you can also go on holiday to your favorite place (but this requires quite a lot of money and there is no certainty that you will be successful in recovery), remember that the only thing that can cure gambling addicts 100% is your own intention, everything else is just support.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: goaldigger on December 17, 2023, 09:15:56 PM
Gambling is not a problem, but an opportunity for making money and having a great time. Gambling becomes a problem only if it leads to serious addiction and large losses of money. If everything goes in a reasonable direction, gambling can not be a problem
Your poor decision making actually the top reason why many gamblers are problematic and suffering from a lot of stress. I don’t gamble that much and I only bet if there’s a free time and free money. If I already hit my limit then that is the time for me to stop playing and honestly having this can prevent you from any addiction and of course it can prevent you from stressing yourself that much, you can easily implement this once you’re committed.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Sanugarid on December 17, 2023, 09:16:34 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


Actually no, I haven't experienced that yet and I hope it never comes to that point. I'm also not a gambling person, yes I gamble but I have time and budget allocated for gambling I don't overdo it so maybe I'm not addicted to it yet. It's also more helpful that you don't gamble every day because I only gamble once in a while.

If you know yourself that you are too addicted to gambling, that's okay because you know what is happening to you and you should take action so that you don't continue what you are doing. It helps to change habits little by little until you stop gambling because we know that it is difficult to stop gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Lida93 on December 17, 2023, 09:27:38 PM
Answering op question I have observed my gambling behaviour I don't see anything to consider in myself as a problem I am encountering as a result of gambling.

Gambling is just what we make of it individually. I take gambling as an activity of fun and entertainment that is attached with financial reward for passion for that reason I don't dare take it personal. While you on the other hand take gambling as a source to make money and that's where the problem of gambling addiction starts from, because when you don't start making money from it but rather losing money to it, like a magnet, it attracts lose chasing and this can affect your financial control, relationship and other areas of your life. That's why I said gambling is what we make of it.

What do you make of gambling?

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Assface16678 on December 17, 2023, 10:02:29 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Yes, sometimes but not all the time, maybe in my early years of gambling when I discover it, but now I can control myself but of course sometimes I still make this mistakes.

Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

Yes, just like what I said in above question, I have this gambling problem when I can't control myself because of the momentum or because of chasing the money that I've lost, it take some months before I can realize that I'm wasting a lot of money because of my addiction thats why I choose to wake up from it and learn to minimize my addiction and controlling it.

(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
Well the method I think about is by diverting my attention to other things such as playing games, when I know its time to stop in gambling either I earn quite amount or lost some, I can divert my frustration in the game and ease it, also its like playing games is my way of throwing my feelings and frustrations, or I could watch movies or animes.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Accardo on December 17, 2023, 10:51:40 PM
Gambling is not a problem, but an opportunity for making money and having a great time. Gambling becomes a problem only if it leads to serious addiction and large losses of money. If everything goes in a reasonable direction, gambling can not be a problem
Your poor decision making actually the top reason why many gamblers are problematic and suffering from a lot of stress. I don’t gamble that much and I only bet if there’s a free time and free money. If I already hit my limit then that is the time for me to stop playing and honestly having this can prevent you from any addiction and of course it can prevent you from stressing yourself that much, you can easily implement this once you’re committed.

Yeah, seeing gambling as an opportunity to make money is not realistic and it's difficult for such a player not to face a trouble or problem in gambling. The issues we face due to our gambling habit depend on our personal decisions or our upbringing. If a person doesn't feel comfortable in executing the ideas from his subconscious and does contrarily to it, when they become a gambler, the player would notice he's having some complication in concluding or complying to a specific decision. Therefore his gambling experience has been affected by the doubts he has for his instincts and inbuilt ideas. In the years of gambling, I've been noticing similar mistakes that were out of my lifestyle before venturing into gambling. Other gamblers may not understand the reason their experience as gamblers isn't satisfying. They'll think it's as a result of the fact they're now gamblers.

I always try to link my gambling mistakes to a real-life situation, if it's the way my thoughts on other life situation operates. Gambling is a game of thought and decision. One of the best activities in the world, that requires the two most important factors of living a meaningful life. Building excellent thoughts and decisions helps us build a natural life in the outside world. Gamblers are blinded by the fact of making money in gambling, and when they're rewarded with the money, they'll think in their gambling life, all is well. Observing closely, the gambler would feel bothered later on, when he doesn't feel accountable for all the money won in gambling. Money isn't the hidden fortune in gambling. The knowledge and skills acquired in gambling which can be applied in real life are the main fortune. In a nutshell, life is a gamble. When we live a reckless or irresponsible life we'll face problems. As we know when the same is done in gambling we tend to lose more and get addicted, which leads to depression and anxiety.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on December 18, 2023, 01:23:06 AM
I have never had a problem with gambling because I am not as active as other gamblers, sometimes I only gamble when I have money, if I don't have money I don't gamble, so I am not an active gambler nor am I a gambler who is really serious about gambling, until now the gambling that I do doesn't affect my finances, let alone my relationship with my family, because everything is fine as long as I can still control it. The answer to the second question actually depends on the purpose of your gambling. As long as you gamble for entertainment, it seems like you can stop at any time, I can also play as I like and stop at any time. but the most important thing is to look for more positive hobbies and habits so you can forget yourself from gambling
As long as you use gambling with the aim of finding fun or a hobby then it won't be such a big problem whether for your own happiness, family relationships or your finances, because the most important thing is that you enjoy it and fortunately you are also not too active in gambling so you can be said to be safe and you also won't experience significant losses.
You can use your salary for other, more useful needs. You can gamble when you're bored and want to do this activity. The most important thing is that you only use less money so you don't experience too many problems cover your family's needs.

Yes, it all depends on the gambler who uses gambling for what purpose. If their goal is to gamble to make a profit then they will experience problems when they experience losses caused by continuous lose, but if they use it as a hobby and not too often then that's will not be a problem, so be wise to use gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Hispo on December 18, 2023, 02:01:32 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


My answer to the first question is "No". I do not believe I have gambling problem to the point it can negatively affect my development a person or my personal finances or other things which you have described.
My answer to the second question I believe it is also a "no", though I cannot be 100% certain about it, because I have not experimented the urge to stop gambling for literal years, so I cannot say it would become a even more stressing experienced if I quite and then returned to wagering money on an online casino. When comes to techniques to stop gambling for considerable amounts of time, It mostly depends of each person and whatever helps/is effective to keep their mind distracted from going back to gambling.

In my personal case some video games and drawing (which is one of my hobbies) is enough to get me distracted from gambling, so I do not need to deposit more satoshis in any of my accounts. I would also say that getting a job which requires some concentration or physical work could also help to ease the urge to heavily gamble on casinos. If any of that is helpful, then it is time to seek for professional help in the form of a psychologist or a psychiatrist.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: wxa7115 on December 18, 2023, 02:28:44 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


I never had a gambling problem, so this answers your first question, however when it comes to your second question there is the mistaken idea that once a person is able to leave an addiction behind, they have to make no effort at all to keep themselves clean and this is incorrect.

Former addicted often live ‘one day at a time’, meaning that they simply try to remain clean at least today, and once they achieve it then they will try to the same the next day and so on, however does this implies that former addicted often suffer relapses and they have to go through this process all over again? Yes, that is exactly what it means, which is why leaving an addiction behind is often a struggle those people will have to go through for the rest of their lives.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Rufsilf on December 18, 2023, 03:12:24 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


No, luckily I'm not too addicted to gambling so it didn't affect me much in terms of my relationship with my family, and my finances since I know how to manage them well. But when it comes to my emotions, when I play, maybe there will be times when you will be sad, of course, more than when you lose the game you bet on, and you will also be happy when you win. But you should not give in to your emotions because that is one of the reasons that will affect your gambling. journey.

With regards to answering your second question, it is not that easy to stop your gambling habit then and now, of course it takes time. It was like there is something that finds your interest and curiosity as well, and then you start to try it beginning from little to little until you get used to it and you can't stop yourself from doing it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on December 18, 2023, 08:32:10 AM
A long time ago, I tried gambling, but after losing several times and losing a significant amount of money, I gave up. I see my friends now betting on football matches, but I don't know much about football, and even with full consciousness, I won't take any risks. Whenever I'm tempted to get involved in something like this, I think about the kids I could just give a couple of toys to instead of throwing money away. And you will be surprised; it works. Give others a little joy; dopamine will be your constant friend.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Weawant on December 18, 2023, 08:59:36 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
I can't say I have a gambling problem at this point because I literally try as much as possible to always keep my gambling habits in check regardless of how much of a time and resources I spend gambling, I make sure not to go above my set limits and sticking to my strategy, although it did took me some time to get this level of discipline but then now I can maintain such.

Talking about wanting to stop or quit your gambling habit especially when you sense it's wanting to become a problem to you, there are many ways to carry out this and one of which is seeking therapy, although it will cost you some money and in some cases good money but then if you really want to put an end to the habit it's worth the sacrifice you put into it. Traveling and changing of environment will definitely help but this will do better in the absence of triggers, if in your new environment you still have things that triggers you to gamble, even if the habit was about wearing off, chances are it will come back once triggered because you were still struggling and fighting it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Mauser on December 18, 2023, 09:02:12 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

No I don't think I have a gambling problem. Even though I have been enjoying casinos since I am 18, I wouldn't call it a problem. Gambling for me is not my main focus in life and I can still control my spending habits. My finances are okay, my family knows about gambling activities and my mood is good after I finally managed to quit smoking and cut down on my alcohol consumption. Looking back at my younger days it's crazy how much money I spend during a night out on the weekends. Comparing 200 Euros for food and drinks in one night, to spending the same in a month on gambling is an easy to choice to me now. Especially when you have the chance to make a profit in gambling, whereas going out just gives you a hangover on the next day.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: livingfree on December 18, 2023, 09:10:49 AM
A long time ago, I tried gambling, but after losing several times and losing a significant amount of money, I gave up. I see my friends now betting on football matches, but I don't know much about football, and even with full consciousness, I won't take any risks. Whenever I'm tempted to get involved in something like this, I think about the kids I could just give a couple of toys to instead of throwing money away. And you will be surprised; it works. Give others a little joy; dopamine will be your constant friend.
As much as I want to say and encourage that there are other sports that you can bet with but with what you've found, that's more satisfying and if that gives you joy and the kids that you're spending that money of yours instead of gambling, that's way better.

While for me, I have no gambling problem but those that deals on this type of problem needs to solve it before it gets worse. If you are good that you can control it for years, that means that everything is under control.

With that, you might not consider that a problem anymore if you can contain it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: piebeyb on December 18, 2023, 09:35:24 AM
To be honest, I don't have a problem with the gambling I play, let alone how it affects relationships, happiness and finances, so far I have a good wife, she knows I gamble so I have to be honest with her that I gamble just for entertainment, so I asked her to set a budget. I gamble every week at the weekend, so it doesn't disturb my harmonious relationship with my family, let alone disrupt my finances, in fact I'm happy to be able to play in peace.

Gambling should not be used to make money, because they should be used to have fun, so that is the reason why I gamble has never had a problem with my life and my family in fact I enjoy it, talking about how to stop gambling I can definitely do it because I am not active gambler who gambles every day, I gamble only on weekends so I can still cut back and stop when I want.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: virasisog on December 18, 2023, 09:55:42 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


First, I don't have any problems with my gambling habit. I casually gamble it's either online or with my friends. My friends and I play poker casually on weekends, and haven't had problems if I don't gamble. It's good to take things with moderation, dealing with addiction is tough. For some reasons, I've never spent a lot in gambling I usually stop my self from being greedy as long as I can. Take breaks when playing and also I avoid chasing my losses.

I would suggest when gambling, just set an amount you can afford to gamble. Stop whenever your balance turns zero, or set a target winning whenever you gamble. Discipline is they key. You can also do a different hobby, find a diversion if you think you are starting to get to the point of being a gambling addict. You'll get hints when you are starting to get addicted in gambling, so it's best to take a break every now and then and focus on other things.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Crypt0Gore on December 18, 2023, 11:26:06 AM
Anything that tries to come between your happiness and yourself must be avoided at all cost, it's for your own good, if gambling is causing your restless and headache, you are probably doing it wrong, maybe you need to get more knowledge about how to reduce your risk on gambling first or if you can't handle it you can just quit instead.

Gambling isn't the only way you can make money and more importantly you shouldn't be making money through gambling, if you have this in mind you will enjoy gambling, the restless and headaches that people have in gambling is because of the motives they have with gambling, they plan to make a lot of money but they get wrecked trying to do so.

Gambling is not for everyone, some are better working and saving some money and maybe later consider some investments, you get your mind right instead of gambling and losing your mind, know yourself very well before you start gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Kakmakr on December 18, 2023, 11:48:24 AM
I have spoken to a lot of people with a gambling problem and they say that they will find another activity to occupy their time to keep them from gambling. (Sport activities or hobbies or joining social clubs)

The problem come in when they are alone at home and they see a gambling advertisement or they open their email or their browser and they are spammed by casino ads.  >:(

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on December 18, 2023, 12:06:11 PM
A long time ago, I tried gambling, but after losing several times and losing a significant amount of money, I gave up. I see my friends now betting on football matches, but I don't know much about football, and even with full consciousness, I won't take any risks. Whenever I'm tempted to get involved in something like this, I think about the kids I could just give a couple of toys to instead of throwing money away. And you will be surprised; it works. Give others a little joy; dopamine will be your constant friend.

Although the word surrender is synonymous with a weak soul but if you do it on gambling I think it's a very good decision, there are no regulations that regulate and require anyone to engage in gambling and the activity is only for those who want to fill their leisure time when bored, so if you really feel that the activity causes a lot of problems especially on your finances then obviously quitting is better if you can, but no problem even if it's difficult they can also do it slowly.

I think you have a good mindset by always thinking of your children when the temptation of gambling enters your mind, but your children seem to have become a strong defense for you to remain firm and not easily seduced by anything, especially getting involved in risk taking. Allocating money for other needs whether it is for children's snacks or kitchen needs is better than you put it on something that has no certainty for reciprocity, so it doesn't matter because everyone has the right and freedom of choice.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Rabata on December 18, 2023, 01:27:19 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
I do not consider gambling as a money making machine and I am not addicted to gambling which is why I feel safe in many ways. When someone tries to depend on gambling and at that time loses in gambling then he faces various problems in his personal life. How you consider gambling that is the important matters. Your gambling perspective will tell you what kind of trouble you can get into.

Those who gamble may have temporary problems because when they lose their excessive money in gambling then they will face various problems. It is a common occurrence.

A gambler must exercise control over betting. He should refrain from gambling beyond the specified time. For example, after winning, one should refrain from excessive greed and if one loses, one should not regret but behave normally.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Raflesia on December 18, 2023, 01:39:46 PM
Actually if it is said about gambling problems for now maybe I will say that I don't really have any problems in gambling especially in financial problems that make us forget that we still have to live and forget about other things because the gambling that is done I don't have that kind of tendency because I personally still feel that what I do in gambling is currently still within reasonable levels even though at least in a week I gamble several times especially in sportsbet but it doesn't bother me in financial problems that are owned.

As for the problem of gambling management, it depends on each person because in my opinion it is based on their own perspective whether they will continue to try gambling or not because this habit also depends on the type of gambling that is done.
For example in this case when we are in gambling such as slots then surely this will make time management can be fast or can be slowed down depending on the finances we have as for the Sportsbook is also the same because most likely when gambling sportsbook especially in soccer that I feel now is just how every week is there but it is within a reasonable level of course depending on whether there is a match that is worth betting on or not even though the majority for every week there must be interesting odds to bet.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: topbitcoin on December 18, 2023, 03:03:15 PM
The problems that I often encounter in the gambling that I do, are problems related to time and money.

Because sometimes playing gambling sometimes makes us lose track of time so that our work and responsibilities are left behind or overlooked, just because we are gambling.
And I once, where I gambled all night until finally in the morning I was supposed to go to work and complete my responsibilities and obligations. but because I felt sleepy, I chose to sleep that morning and skip work. My time was wasted, and the next day when I went to work, I immediately received a reprimand and warning, because I missed a very important day for the company where I work.
And based on that incident, I think it is important for us to continue and be able to manage our time well, because otherwise everything will be missed in vain.

Likewise when we talk about managing finances well, because if not, then gambling will become an activity that can really harm us. And we could fall into poverty just because of our bad behavior in gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Blitzboy on December 18, 2023, 03:13:38 PM
I always want to laugh when an addict tells me that he had a big win. But after I asked, is the money still there? And he answered that he had run out of money, because the money earned from previous winnings was spent on betting larger amounts. And suddenly I burst out laughing.

I always pay attention to gambling addicts, and they will only tell me that they won big after their money is gone. maybe because they are afraid, if for example I knew he had a big win, then I would ask for his share. even though I had no intention of doing that. And what I just want is that he can be better at gambling. And if possible, he stops these activities, for his own good. Gambling addicts always talk about their big wins, they do this as a form of "defense" against their bad behavior in gambling. Because they know very well that other people know the magnitude of the losses they have experienced. So people will lecture him until the gambling addict's ears feel hot.
Gambling addicts' "great gains" are often a front for their losses. They're insulating themselves from external judgment and possibly from realizing the problem. Its a defense mechanism, but more complicated. A coping mechanism, it rationalizes gambling despite losses.

Despite brief wins and defeats, addiction remains. Financial, emotional, and psychic turmoil are all part of this cycle. Your concern for their health and gambling cessation is not intrusive.

Society must treat gambling addiction as a health issue as much as a financial one. The key is identifying psychological triggers, providing assistance, and creating circumstances where healthy gambling or abstinence is the norm. Breaking the addiction cycle requires this person-centered approach.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: rendravolt on December 18, 2023, 04:12:37 PM
So far I don't have a gambling problem and I always avoid bad things when everything is destined to lose. Currently I only actively gamble on football betting and I do that every weekend when all the matches from various leagues start to take place. When I started filling out the betting list, it was like there was an intense atmosphere in my head that always pushed me to various positive things (what I mean by positive here is joy). Even if I lose or lose money, I will be fine and not experience mental problems.

So, regarding gambling problems, I haven't encountered this myself, but I can't rule out the fact that there are definitely lots of people out there who have gambling problems, perhaps the worst thing is losing all their savings. But I hope we are all still under reasonable control and don't do anything that could harm ourselves or others.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: 0t3p0t on December 18, 2023, 04:20:30 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
I personally don't have a gambling problem that affects any of the above mentioned factors but wait... With finances I think that was a bit of a problem because I only gamble with my extra money. Without it then literally means I had to wait and relax until extra funds will pop up like a bubble and then gone when we lose.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on December 19, 2023, 01:48:24 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

Even though I had a short-term gambling addiction before; No, I have never had a problem with gambling before. Except for the addiction period I experienced in the first years when I started gambling, gambling has always been an expensive hobby for me and after that addiction period I experienced only once, I have never had a problem with addiction or gambling. For this reason, it isn't possible to say that gambling had a negative impact on my life before.

To briefly talk about the period in which I got rid of gambling addiction, it wasn't a very difficult period because I was a high school student. At that time, I didn't spend much money on gambling because only my pocket money was a source of income but I regularly lost my pocket money in gambling. After a while, I realized that gambling wasn't actually good for me and that I couldn't make money from gambling and then I started to move away from gambling. That is, I didn't use any additional activity or other method to overcome gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on December 19, 2023, 02:04:09 AM
I probably have some gambling problems, but they are not severe gambling problems. I think they are not badly needing any help from a professional. Little problems like when I say this is my last round but I ended up playing another couple of rounds. Or when I say when I lose this round I won't be betting again, but I ended up betting after a losing round. These are probably my gambling problems. But I am not feeling worried about them. They occur less often.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Reatim on December 19, 2023, 06:14:34 AM
I never make gambling a problem , why should be a problem when it is completely controllable if you only knew how to engage in gambling world , there are so many gamblers that did not make a research and understanding that's why they are the one who's having these issues.
the problem also in other gamblers is they don't have control , they kept seeking for winning even if it is obvious that luck is not their friend that time.
lucky for me that i am now in control of everything in gambling so by all means never that i will be a problematic gambler and thanks to my Mentor/uncle that thought me how to never make gambling a serious source of income.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on December 19, 2023, 10:24:01 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
I personally don't have a gambling problem that affects any of the above mentioned factors but wait... With finances I think that was a bit of a problem because I only gamble with my extra money. Without it then literally means I had to wait and relax until extra funds will pop up like a bubble and then gone when we lose.

The truth is that if we come with the right goals and approach I think we will also not have problems in gambling, usually people will get problems when everything is out of control, or that means they act beyond their abilities such as in putting too large a budget amount which will obviously become a problem for their finances and lose balance in terms of financial management because maybe they allocate more money to gambling than for their living needs.

Betting with a small amount of money is more advisable and never put an amount that you want something or means you put hope in that money, after all this is just a game of probability and what you are doing is good enough that you only bet with extra money or bonuses that you get from your job maybe, there is no need to rush to get involved, after all even if you come late it doesn't affect luck at all, or that means because luck cannot be predicted when it comes so you are free to bet at any time if you already have a budget amount that you can allocate.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Fiatless on December 19, 2023, 10:36:16 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
I can remember gambling large sums when I started gambling and it affected my finances. There were times I needed to borrow to cover my expenses for the month because I had used most of my income for gambling. But it didn't last for more than two months and I had to readjust my gambling activities. So I would say that gambling affected my finances for a few months. Some of my close relatives were not comfortable when they knew I was gambling. So it affected my relationship with them but they had to accept my position when they understood that I was not an addict.

Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
I have struggled with other forms of addictions but I was fortunate to overcome gambling addiction once and for all. I stopped over-gambling within a few months and channelled my efforts to reading and writing. I also avoided some of my friends who were chronic gamblers. Having a gambling budget also assisted me in controlling how much I spent on gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Accardo on December 19, 2023, 10:52:49 AM
I probably have some gambling problems, but they are not severe gambling problems. I think they are not badly needing any help from a professional. Little problems like when I say this is my last round but I ended up playing another couple of rounds. Or when I say when I lose this round I won't be betting again, but I ended up betting after a losing round. These are probably my gambling problems. But I am not feeling worried about them. They occur less often.

I've felt similar problems like not keeping up with the initial agreements made with myself. Do you in any way face the same trouble outside of gambling? Because I do, sometimes want to leave a gathering or a place at exactly 5 O'clock and for some reason, I'd stay some minutes extra. However, I tend to notice that, after a few delays there'll be more occurrences that may affect me or be positive to my thinking. In gambling when my instincts warn that I should stop after a specific round of spills, and the urge to stop doesn't feel strong enough to help me quit, after playing for a few more times I'd either win or lose. However it's not a problem, but with the changes, I desire to observe and collaborate it with my daily activities. Gambling helps in giving out ideas that'll fuel great decisions. Hence, from my observation, I discovered that whatever outcome occurs out of the disobedience of such an urge to stop or continue, is always a lesson.

Where the problem begins is delaying too long that it now causes loss of money or appointment. The advantage of this problem in gambling is a win. A delay in decision or choice in gambling could have either effect to a positive or negative result. That's why players who misuse the effect of such a problem by wagering without stopping hoping for the win, end up regretting their action. Another cause of not keeping to our initial promise, for many, is having access to money. The thrill of gambling can sweep a gambler's money till his bank account gets cleaned up. In solving the problem for people who think that it could get severe in the future, and they may not be able to control themselves, the player needs to limit his daily expenses. Even if they try to continue, their bank won't allow them to spend more until the next 24 hours. During the probation period, the gambler can be regaining his self-control gradually. Thereby escape or avoid compulsive gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: nimogsm on December 19, 2023, 12:39:43 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
I have never had problems with gambling and dependence on it, as there were examples in life of what happens when games bring a lot of problems in the aspects that you indicated.For me, gambling is just a pleasant pastime that does not take up much of my time and the desire to play is only from the mood, I don’t think about how to play every day.There are months when I don’t play because I simply don’t have time.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: irhact on December 19, 2023, 04:09:18 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

Gambling addiction come in different ways to different individual, we have some that can control the addiction for some time but as the addiction becomes worse, it becomes impossible to control. We also have other individuals that when they get addicted, they can't control it due to lack of discipline. I haven't had an addiction problem before or any type of gambling problems that can be dangerous, e.g not having enough money to fund my gambling account or any other problem.

For those individual that have gambling problems and can't control it, they shouldn't be gambling but for those that can control it for sometime, they should be monitoring their gambling so they don't gamble more than their limit and beyond the limit they can control the problem. If you have financial problems, saves your profits so you can always have money to use in gambling more when your initials budget finishes.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bangjoe on December 19, 2023, 04:30:51 PM
The problems that I often encounter in the gambling that I do, are problems related to time and money.

Because sometimes playing gambling sometimes makes us lose track of time so that our work and responsibilities are left behind or overlooked, just because we are gambling.
And I once, where I gambled all night until finally in the morning I was supposed to go to work and complete my responsibilities and obligations. but because I felt sleepy, I chose to sleep that morning and skip work. My time was wasted, and the next day when I went to work, I immediately received a reprimand and warning, because I missed a very important day for the company where I work.
And based on that incident, I think it is important for us to continue and be able to manage our time well, because otherwise everything will be missed in vain.

Likewise when we talk about managing finances well, because if not, then gambling will become an activity that can really harm us. And we could fall into poverty just because of our bad behavior in gambling.
You just need to manage your gambling time well because that is the key to prosperity in gambling, and not provoke yourself to become an impulsive gambler.  Principles must be applied well, apart from money management, time management is also very important for your gambling health.

I have tried several times and until now it is going well, not so interested in playing and only making gambling as an alternative to finding entertainment when I am bored on holidays. And it should also be noted that how you treat gambling is an important element in this case, because it encourages more in you to gamble continuously.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: topbitcoin on December 19, 2023, 05:56:59 PM
You just need to manage your gambling time well because that is the key to prosperity in gambling, and not provoke yourself to become an impulsive gambler.  Principles must be applied well, apart from money management, time management is also very important for your gambling health.

I have tried several times and until now it is going well, not so interested in playing and only making gambling as an alternative to finding entertainment when I am bored on holidays. And it should also be noted that how you treat gambling is an important element in this case, because it encourages more in you to gamble continuously.

No only in gambling, we need to talk about time management and apply it in everything. So that everything is well organized and we can be more disciplined.
Good time management is always the main key in doing everything, but to be consistent with the time management that we have made is a very difficult thing to do.
Yet after all, life is about striving to be better. For the first time, when I applied time management to every activity I did, I often betrayed the rules I had made for myself.
Yet over time, by constantly trying to return to the original principles, slowly my gambling activities changed for the better, so that they did not cause significant losses. The same goes for financial management. Without good financial management, no matter how much we win in gambling, it will be meaningless. And now I have managed to manage my finances well when doing gambling and other activities, I always apply limits in making deposits every week, so that my finances can be well controlled.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Antotena on December 19, 2023, 06:06:30 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

No, not that I remember of. Anything that will cost my happiness and finance, I will block it direct and wouldn't think about it the next time because nothing should beat happiness and financial, I can manage the financial problems if it happens but happiness, I wouldn't trade it for the world because everything about me revolve round it.

Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

I don't think gambling is that complicated and deep that much for all these questions but I can speak for myself that I don't have any and all I do when I play, I make sure I have that satisfaction but not money oriented with gambling from day one. If I play and it goes as ai expected, fine and if it doesn't, fine.

I think it's high time people knows that gambling will not make you rich if you continue to play it, is the reason why the companies are super rich and more are still coming and wanting to dominate the industry. It should be a place to test future expectations and not a place to plug money, if you have this sense, they'll plug your life combine together.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Fundamentals Of on December 20, 2023, 02:32:27 AM

I've felt similar problems like not keeping up with the initial agreements made with myself. Do you in any way face the same trouble outside of gambling? Because I do, sometimes want to leave a gathering or a place at exactly 5 O'clock and for some reason, I'd stay some minutes extra. However, I tend to notice that, after a few delays there'll be more occurrences that may affect me or be positive to my thinking. In gambling when my instincts warn that I should stop after a specific round of spills, and the urge to stop doesn't feel strong enough to help me quit, after playing for a few more times I'd either win or lose. However it's not a problem, but with the changes, I desire to observe and collaborate it with my daily activities. Gambling helps in giving out ideas that'll fuel great decisions. Hence, from my observation, I discovered that whatever outcome occurs out of the disobedience of such an urge to stop or continue, is always a lesson.

Where the problem begins is delaying too long that it now causes loss of money or appointment. The advantage of this problem in gambling is a win. A delay in decision or choice in gambling could have either effect to a positive or negative result. That's why players who misuse the effect of such a problem by wagering without stopping hoping for the win, end up regretting their action. Another cause of not keeping to our initial promise, for many, is having access to money. The thrill of gambling can sweep a gambler's money till his bank account gets cleaned up. In solving the problem for people who think that it could get severe in the future, and they may not be able to control themselves, the player needs to limit his daily expenses. Even if they try to continue, their bank won't allow them to spend more until the next 24 hours. During the probation period, the gambler can be regaining his self-control gradually. Thereby escape or avoid compulsive gambling.

Mine is a mild version I think that's why I'm not at all worried. I think I can still be decisive when it comes to gambling. Sometimes I give in to a few more deals or rounds beyond my initial limit, but if I say a solid no to myself I think I can manage to really stop. There were probably a few instances in which I lost control but the damage wasn't that alarming to the extent that I needed to seek a professional help.

If a delay costs a gambler all of his money and if it is recurring, I guess that's something else. That's probably addiction even.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bangjoe on December 20, 2023, 12:11:47 PM
You just need to manage your gambling time well because that is the key to prosperity in gambling, and not provoke yourself to become an impulsive gambler.  Principles must be applied well, apart from money management, time management is also very important for your gambling health.

I have tried several times and until now it is going well, not so interested in playing and only making gambling as an alternative to finding entertainment when I am bored on holidays. And it should also be noted that how you treat gambling is an important element in this case, because it encourages more in you to gamble continuously.

No only in gambling, we need to talk about time management and apply it in everything. So that everything is well organized and we can be more disciplined.
Good time management is always the main key in doing everything, but to be consistent with the time management that we have made is a very difficult thing to do.
Yet after all, life is about striving to be better. For the first time, when I applied time management to every activity I did, I often betrayed the rules I had made for myself.
Yet over time, by constantly trying to return to the original principles, slowly my gambling activities changed for the better, so that they did not cause significant losses. The same goes for financial management. Without good financial management, no matter how much we win in gambling, it will be meaningless. And now I have managed to manage my finances well when doing gambling and other activities, I always apply limits in making deposits every week, so that my finances can be well controlled.
Yes, basically getting better is not an easy thing in implementing good habits, there are often distractions in certain situations, the most important thing is when we realize what we want to form in ourselves, we correct the mistakes we have made, and reduce similar mistakes and until the mentality in time and money management becomes a habit that we can unconsciously do well.

However, in my mind, it is about the habit of principled living that needs to be formed over a long period of time. Yes, this will also be effective when applied to gambling, the better it is, the less we make mistakes that can harm ourselves.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: tsaroz on December 20, 2023, 12:32:11 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


Yes this defines my  situation. I have for times lost everything on a gambling site and I once, lost all of my balance rage betting as I lose more and more. Not only the balance on gambling sites but also depositing all of my bank balance.
I was in a relationship at that time and I went to a severe anxiety that I could not do my daily task and my work for days. It was my partner who consolidate and made me promise I'll not gamble again.
The promise was not a legit one from my side but since than I have been able to stop me after emptying balance of some gambling sites on rage bets. It might be controlling your brain or learning from your mistakes but since that day I didn't lost more than I was willing to gamble.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on December 20, 2023, 12:38:40 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


I do not consider it a problem but I do have my moments of weakness. If it were to become a chronic issue then obviously that would be a different matter and I would consider it a problem. But thankfully that has not happened. Mainly because I adhere to my own set of strict rules which limit my gambling funds and my gambling time with certain pre-arranged conditions.

The only way to stop is self-discipline, really. Nothing else works as well (at least not for me)

Once I have triggered my own gambling-stop condition (max daily betting loss/win limit reached, for example), I stop. If I notice my brain is a bit too overstimulated, I take a few days to a few weeks off to regulate my brain's neurochemistry back to normal levels.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: yazher on December 20, 2023, 01:43:22 PM
I probably have some gambling problems, but they are not severe gambling problems. I think they are not badly needing any help from a professional. Little problems like when I say this is my last round but I ended up playing another couple of rounds. Or when I say when I lose this round I won't be betting again, but I ended up betting after a losing round. These are probably my gambling problems. But I am not feeling worried about them. They occur less often.

Others have worse traits where they cannot get out of the place of gambling as long as they have the means to play and mostly end up regretting because they didn't get out when they had the chance to do so. These kinds of people often cannot improve themselves to stop this kind of habit because they are just greedy and cannot help themselves. I often see people like this and they always have a high temper whenever they don't have any money to play.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bitcampaign on December 20, 2023, 02:24:53 PM
I never make gambling a problem , why should be a problem when it is completely controllable if you only knew how to engage in gambling world , there are so many gamblers that did not make a research and understanding that's why they are the one who's having these issues.
the problem also in other gamblers is they don't have control , they kept seeking for winning even if it is obvious that luck is not their friend that time.
lucky for me that i am now in control of everything in gambling so by all means never that i will be a problematic gambler and thanks to my Mentor/uncle that thought me how to never make gambling a serious source of income.

Luckily you have someone in your close family who can help you get out of your bad gambling habit, we should think more logically about gambling which is not actually for making money. Most rich people always think of it as just an entertaining game, not as a place to earn income, I also learned from that thought since experiencing addiction before and managing to get out of that bad habit until now I can control it well by gambling better like I should.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Davidvictorson on December 20, 2023, 06:19:07 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Many years ago, I had a gambling problem. The part of my life it affected the most was my work life. I spent most of time gambling and work life was destroyed. How can I be happy when it was difficult to quit gambling. Seeking help was the best thing that I ever did for myself. Now I have my life , relationship, finances.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: 348Judah on December 20, 2023, 06:28:55 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Many years ago, I had a gambling problem. The part of my life it affected the most was my work life. I spent most of time gambling and work life was destroyed. How can I be happy when it was difficult to quit gambling. Seeking help was the best thing that I ever did for myself. Now I have my life , relationship, finances.

In my own cade, I don't think I could rem for once being in worst scenario with gambling and the entire conditions affecting me, because not that am being the most perfect gambler, but i do things moderately and ensure that they fall within all i could cope with, when we know the limit to how far we should go in gambling, then we may not have some past records of worst gambling experience that we regret about due to our decision made, we may not consider the losses we had in this case.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Zoomic on December 20, 2023, 06:41:47 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

I have always had this believe that winning in gambling is not something that happens all the time, it is base on luck. I bear this in mind whenever I want to gamble and it has helped me to cut down on my expenses while gambling.If luck shines on me, its my good day but if i lose, no point chasing losses because i might lose more money. Aside from the fact that I do not spend much, I channel a lot of my attention to other activities too that offer me both money and fun too while I gamble once in a while.  It will will very difficult for me to have a gambling problem (which I doubt I'll ever have).

Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


If I can control it, then it is not a problem at all. A gambler who is suffering from a gambling problem which has affected his general wellbeing might have to seek for external help. It is not actually easy to tackle these problems alone. It is better we regulate our gambling habits earlier,  rather than nurture our bad gambling habits until they become problems to us.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Accardo on December 20, 2023, 06:42:16 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


Yes this defines my  situation. I have for times lost everything on a gambling site and I once, lost all of my balance rage betting as I lose more and more. Not only the balance on gambling sites but also depositing all of my bank balance.
I was in a relationship at that time and I went to a severe anxiety that I could not do my daily task and my work for days. It was my partner who consolidate and made me promise I'll not gamble again.
The promise was not a legit one from my side but since than I have been able to stop me after emptying balance of some gambling sites on rage bets. It might be controlling your brain or learning from your mistakes but since that day I didn't lost more than I was willing to gamble.

Read through your response, and must say that you escaped a tough problem gambling and your partner is quite a good therapist to you in fighting the addiction. Giving it up entirely would be very hard, but glad you stopped putting all your funds into gambling. It could be risky to many gamblers, and lots of addicted gamblers weren't lucky like yourself, who had somebody to help you out of such a rigorous experience or problem. I've experienced some conditions that affected my productivity, but it wasn't gambling per se, fought it by standing up on a decision to always complete my daily goals. Some days was very difficult to execute my plans, but given a month of practicing the idea of maintaining to promise of finishing a daily goal, I was able to regain a magnitude of fortitude in finishing tasks and being productive. Sometimes it's important to share our problem with somebody with whom we have a close relationship, as they'll easily help us and won't condemn our actions.

Unlucky gambling addicts end up complaining to people who don't care much about them and blame the fact that they're addicts. That's why most people keep the problem to themselves and end up losing everything they've got and facing greater anxiety and depression each day. Gambling problem or addictions grows every day, and when not attended to, the gambler ends up suffering more severe pains, and may not achieve other financial responsibilities. However, as you said, it controls the brain, and the player can't control his actions anymore, I don't seem to understand how this happens, but since I've worn such a shoe, it's unimaginable to be in that condition. Most times I'd notice that my funds were almost gone, but wouldn't be myself if I didn't spend the money on the things I wanted at that particular moment. Nothing dwindles productivity more than problem buying or gambling addiction.  

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: qwertyup23 on December 20, 2023, 06:43:33 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

I do not think that my gambling patterns affect my person life, happiness, relationships, and finances.

Most of the time, I view gambling as a form of entertainment where I get to experience the adrenaline of knowing whether I won or lost the current round. That kind of adrenaline is what drives me to continue this dangerous habit; though I do firmly believe that I have control over my allocations and budgets for gambling.

Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

Personally, one of the most efficient way/method of controlling your gambling urges is to allocate a specific budget for it. Once the allocated budget for gambling is exhausted, then you are actually compelled to stop.

The problem lies with that allocation since it entirely depends on your discretion on how much you are willing to put for gambling. This is the only problem but I find it easier to control rather than any methods that some have mentioned in this thread.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Juse14 on December 20, 2023, 07:03:52 PM
I don't have serious problems with gambling activities. Because it always instills the principle that gambling is only about fun, not profit, let alone mentioning that gambling can change a person's financial condition. And always instill a principle that whether everything is good or bad depends on how we view it and our behavior when doing it.

Someone will say that this gambling is very profitable, because he managed to get a big win. and someone will say that this gambling is fun, because he is able to relieve his stress by gambling, someone will say that this gambling is detrimental, because he often experiences losses. And someone will say that gambling is bad and destructive, because as a result of gambling he loses everything, namely money, family and job.

So the way someone sometimes views gambling depends on what they get and what they feel when gambling. So it is not gambling that is wrong, but our perspective and behavior are wrong, so that gambling becomes a very detrimental activity.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Lanatsa on December 20, 2023, 07:11:05 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


No, I dont have any gambling problems considering that i do only spend on the money on which i do only able to afford to lose on which it is really just that fine or i should say that im on the right track.
Its not really that worth on risking or compromising your finances,relationship,hapiness just for the sake of gambling.Its never been worth and this is why self realization and awareness of the things that you are doing not only really just that limited to gambling but also in other things as well that we do encounter in life. We should not make out the decisions that would really be that resulting into future problems.
Actually trying out to make things according into your own common sense and being that responsible then you wont really be having any problems.

Im mcuh sure that i dont have a gambling problem and this is why self control topics arent something that relevant but there are really that moments that you do become that impulsive specially when it comes to
consecutive losses on which it would be normal. Control would be the main issue of a certain individual. You cant really just that make yourself that careless if you dont like to mess up your life
then it would be always best that you should really be that responsible on the things that you are doing.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Wakate on December 20, 2023, 08:33:59 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Many years ago, I had a gambling problem. The part of my life it affected the most was my work life. I spent most of time gambling and work life was destroyed. How can I be happy when it was difficult to quit gambling. Seeking help was the best thing that I ever did for myself. Now I have my life , relationship, finances.
Quite of an experience for you to have passed through the lifestyle of being a gambling addict. Normally it is not easy for someone that is a gambling addict to finally escape being an addict. Since you have survived it, it is a good decision you have made not to continue with the addict. It is of high wisdom for us to decide quiting addiction especially when it is getting too deep. Many people like yourself have passed through addiction and they still not yet get over it. Discipline is what is required for gambling addiction to be overcome, without that, it will be difficult for us to scale through.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Fortify on December 20, 2023, 08:41:26 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

I wouldn't say I have a gambling problem, just because it feels so uninteresting to lose money on a steady basis and I don't know how anyone can find that attractive. The occasional win does not appeal or make up for the thousand cuts along the way. However I have a bit of a weakness for online poker that seems to pop up every year or two and suck me back in for a few days. However it's easy to see you need super patience and years of practice to get ahead in that world, so after a few days of grinding into a profit, it's very easy to slip up with a few trigger hands and greediness dumps it all back to other players. After that I often go a bit crazy, even though it's just small amounts and self exclude for long periods.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Heartilly on December 20, 2023, 09:30:32 PM
I was gambling regularly, and wrecking my wallet as well lol but I can't consider myself having a gambling problem. Just enjoy your gambling as possible as you can. It doesn't mean that you are a regular gambler, you will become an irresponsible one. There are lots of addictive gamblers who can maintain being a disciplined gambler in their gambling habit. Even if they are losing much, it doesn't affect their relationship with their families, friends, and colleagues, and still able to manage their respective finances properly.

Don't pressure ourselves to win while on the other hand, don't aggressively chase those losses as well.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on December 20, 2023, 09:46:34 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
why would anyone have an addiction that controls Thier emotions, relationships, happiness and security?.. is that even worth having?? If all I call possibly gain as a negative impact of gambling is everything you mentioned, which would definitely make my life useless as a growing young man (assuming I'm a man), what's the point?.. running my relationships and all of that? You see why I tell y'all that stuffs like getting an addiction on a particular money heist program isn't the best?

I'm never comfortable with an attitude that would rather spoil my relationships and ruin my happiness...I seen so many dubious habits being dropped for this same reason.

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Kelvinid on December 20, 2023, 09:50:00 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Many years ago, I had a gambling problem. The part of my life it affected the most was my work life. I spent most of time gambling and work life was destroyed. How can I be happy when it was difficult to quit gambling. Seeking help was the best thing that I ever did for myself. Now I have my life , relationship, finances.
It happens because our focus is already on gambling and if the situation continues, it totally ruin our lives --finances, relationships, jobs.
That is why we should control ourselves when gambling because spending more time gambling could lead to addiction and this really happens to most beginners especially when their first bet/play they have won already because the next thing happens is that you will bet and spend more money thinking that you can earn more. The sudden change of our mindset comes after winning some as we thought that if we gamble more, we can win more unfortunately, that doesn't work like that that is why there is so-called moderation.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: DaNNy001 on December 20, 2023, 09:55:22 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Many years ago, I had a gambling problem. The part of my life it affected the most was my work life. I spent most of time gambling and work life was destroyed. How can I be happy when it was difficult to quit gambling. Seeking help was the best thing that I ever did for myself. Now I have my life , relationship, finances.
Atleast you had the privilege and willingness to accept help from other which is the thing that most gamblers with addiction problem continually fails to do although I know that gambling is something that is very hard to stop but when you as a person know that's you are constantly at a lost to such habits of yours it just better you cancel or get help from people that are willing to help and that's the best thing any gambler can do for himself because stopping an addiction all by yourself is something that is almost impossible to do.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Marvelman on December 20, 2023, 10:12:21 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
why would anyone have an addiction that controls Thier emotions, relationships, happiness and security?.. is that even worth having?? If all I call possibly gain as a negative impact of gambling is everything you mentioned, which would definitely make my life useless as a growing young man (assuming I'm a man), what's the point?.. running my relationships and all of that? You see why I tell y'all that stuffs like getting an addiction on a particular money heist program isn't the best?

Getting hooked on gambling doesn't make much sense to folks on the outside looking in.  But addictions can take on a life of their own, leading people down paths they wouldn't otherwise go.  The high of winning big blinds some to the costs that pile up, ruining not just bank accounts but relationships, careers whole lives and  it's about chasing that dopamine rush, again and again, even when part of you knows where this road ends up.  Logical? Not one bit.  But logic gets left back at the starting line once an addiction sets in.  People get caught up in the now, all the messy humanity comes spilling out and the consequences dont seem real enough to stop.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Sakanwa on December 20, 2023, 10:17:55 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Many years ago, I had a gambling problem. The part of my life it affected the most was my work life. I spent most of time gambling and work life was destroyed. How can I be happy when it was difficult to quit gambling. Seeking help was the best thing that I ever did for myself. Now I have my life , relationship, finances.
It happens because our focus is already on gambling and if the situation continues, it totally ruin our lives --finances, relationships, jobs.
That is why we should control ourselves when gambling because spending more time gambling could lead to addiction and this really happens to most beginners especially when their first bet/play they have won already because the next thing happens is that you will bet and spend more money thinking that you can earn more. The sudden change of our mindset comes after winning some as we thought that if we gamble more, we can win more unfortunately, that doesn't work like that that is why there is so-called moderation.
Having moderation while gambling is one thing too hard for gamblers, especially those who are addicted to it.When stating among the two,it's always good to indicate whether one is addicted or not,because there is a big difference between Someone who is addicted to it and Someone who gambles for fun.Therefore,if one is addicted,he cannot moderate his gambling habbit.

I can relate what happens when one gets gambling problem because I have had experiences like that,but I was able to control it a little because I never wanted to gamble  or engage in anything that has to do with gamble,but  when I've seen my friends gamble,and are making it,I have no choice ,but to follow them.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 20, 2023, 10:52:15 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

I don't think I have had any problems for more than 6 years since I started gambling. I know there were times I had issues with my fiancee concerning my gambling lifestyle, but common, I don't gamble recklessly, and I can't stop doing what gives me fun, which is gambling. It gets very fun when I am out on it with my friends, and every one of us is happy, no matter any loss that may be experienced.

Concerning your question about when to stop, Sometimes, some games can get your attention, but if a gambler actually has that strong will and disciplinarian spirit, he or she will stop whenever they want. I have never been strangling with stopping to gamble if the time I give myself is up. The only game that got me to keep gambling and losing was "Crash." I actually enjoy playing Crash, and there was a day I lost a lot of money because it was fun, and I was also targeting to get a very huge profit. Despite the fact that I could get stocked on crashes sometimes, I still know when to stop. I don't deposit more than what I can afford to lose.

I don't also visit the casino with the money I am not ready to lose.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: agustina2 on December 20, 2023, 11:11:34 PM
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

If I can control it for years, then it's not a problem to consider. Just be responsible at all times.

As far as I think of a gambling problem to myself, I can't think of any. My gambling habit is so far so good and I will try to keep it that way for long. Even doing gambling as a hobby, I won't allow myself to fall on the worst effects of gambling. Let's try our best to always keep a calm mind even after losing a big amount of money. Feeling disappointed and regretful is normal as it was a human emotion but always make sure that we know how to bounce back after experiencing that stage.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Queentoshi on December 20, 2023, 11:12:51 PM
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
If a gambler can stay away from gambling for a long time, then they can actually stay away from gambling forever. It will just take some more discipline and constant reminder why you stopped.

when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop?
It is a different thing for everyone, simple words can be the way some people stop gambling, some people have to change to other activities, then possible that some other people will not need to fill the space that leaving gambling will leave, they will be okay with not adopting any new habit to replace gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Onyeeze on December 20, 2023, 11:19:51 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


The challenge that face many gamblers that can make them to think of themselves and also think if gambling is of better condition for them or not, their is something I have not understand concerning gambling, once people start not achieving what they were achieving in gambling for sometimes they will pause for gambling and once they are still making some certain profits with gambling you will see them not gambles again, so therefore I think that gambling have to do with benefits and when the benefits is not manifesting the way it use to be before, I don't think that it triggers a gambler to continue gambling

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: EluguHcman on December 21, 2023, 02:15:53 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No) .
No because I am covered with my reputable gambling budgets, in-charge of my gambling emotions and maintains my bankrolls.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: irhact on December 21, 2023, 05:52:12 AM
The challenge that face many gamblers that can make them to think of themselves and also think if gambling is of better condition for them or not, their is something I have not understand concerning gambling, once people start not achieving what they were achieving in gambling for sometimes they will pause for gambling and once they are still making some certain profits with gambling you will see them not gambles again, so therefore I think that gambling have to do with benefits and when the benefits is not manifesting the way it use to be before, I don't think that it triggers a gambler to continue gambling

When gambling, individual who are frequently gambling knows they won't win everytime therefore they don't just give up when they're not winning. All life activities has its hard times and gambling also has it's hard times too. Gambling isn't an activity that you can depend on for it to provide for your expenses. If you win when gambling, it's your luck and not only due to your skills or experience. When your profits stops coming, don't quit gambling just reduce your wager so you don't lose more.

Gambling problems like addiction can be controlled, addiction develop gradually for every individual so you can manage it before it becomes so dangerous to you and make you lose all the money you're using for gambling and also your profits you have made form gambling yet you don't stop gambling as you can't even when you try due to you're already addicted.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: retreat on December 21, 2023, 06:03:40 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

It was only at the beginning that I experienced problems such as gambling more than my bankroll and it was difficult to control my desire not to play anymore. It was quite frustrating for me because I couldn't control myself from playing and gambling beyond my bankroll which affected my finances. But after gambling for a while, and consistently controlling myself, I no longer have that problem.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

Nowadays if I want to stop gambling I can do it straight away. Whether I want to go to the movies, sports, or various other activities, I can immediately leave my gambling and not be distracted by it anymore.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: michellee on December 21, 2023, 06:04:31 AM
So far I have not had a problem with gambling. I can still enjoy it to just spend my free time. Gambling does not affect happiness, security, relationships, finances or anything else. I gamble to enjoy my free time and get entertainment from gambling.

Gambling is a game that requires money. We have to control our gambling activities so that we don't overdo it. We should not get deeper into gambling because there are consequences that we will receive if we gamble excessively. And when we want to stop gambling, we must be able to stop immediately and not say one more round. That will only make us forget to control our gambling time and we will also use more money.

If we use gambling as an activity and we can limit this activity, we will not experience any problems. But unfortunately, many people become excessive in gambling so that many of them become addicted to gambling. The way to stop gambling is to always remember that gambling is entertainment and we must limit it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Hirose UK on December 21, 2023, 06:34:35 AM
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
If a gambler can stay away from gambling for a long time, then they can actually stay away from gambling forever. It will just take some more discipline and constant reminder why you stopped.
Is it that easy?
I was able to see several people directly in the area where I live and there were quite lot of gamblers, most of whom had become gambling addicts.
They make various efforts to stop gambling activities and try to truly recover from addiction, indeed some are successful in recovering from addiction but not in stopping forever.
After recovering, they still return to gambling sites to gamble, but there is significant difference, namely that they can be more controlled, they can have limits and of course they can manage the money and time used for gambling.
This is the reality that I know so far in the life of gambling addict.

when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop?
It is a different thing for everyone, simple words can be the way some people stop gambling, some people have to change to other activities, then possible that some other people will not need to fill the space that leaving gambling will leave, they will be okay with not adopting any new habit to replace gambling.
Having other activities that are more positive or diverting gambling activities with other things that are more useful or enjoyable might be successful in getting someone to stay away from gambling, but I not really sure about being able to stop completely.
Doing all this does not guarantee you will stop gambling completely, but just to reduce it, I will say it is true.
Gambling always gives the impression of curiosity and the desire to continue betting and of course it will be very difficult to stop completely and in many cases only reducing the intensity of gambling can really be done.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on December 21, 2023, 07:28:12 AM
So far I don't have a gambling problem and I always avoid bad things when everything is destined to lose. Currently I only actively gamble on football betting and I do that every weekend when all the matches from various leagues start to take place. When I started filling out the betting list, it was like there was an intense atmosphere in my head that always pushed me to various positive things (what I mean by positive here is joy). Even if I lose or lose money, I will be fine and not experience mental problems.

So, regarding gambling problems, I haven't encountered this myself, but I can't rule out the fact that there are definitely lots of people out there who have gambling problems, perhaps the worst thing is losing all their savings. But I hope we are all still under reasonable control and don't do anything that could harm ourselves or others.
As long as you can still control yourself then it won't be such a significant problem, gambling can be a fun thing if we can enjoying it and consider it as entertainment when we are bored or as entertainment on the weekend when you have a day off from work day, like those of you who always bet on football sports at the weekend, this can give you excitement when betting while watch a football match, but the important thing is that you don't get too worried if you lose money and your bet doesn't meet your expectations. This means you will of course still be happy enjoying your bets without any problems.

Maybe there are many people out there who have gambling problems and thats their business. Our only obligation is to give advice to people who haven't already had a gambling problems. For some people, they may not have a problem when they spend quite a lot of money betting, but for people who want to make a profit from betting even small amounts is very important for them, therefore it's better to use special money for gambling, namely as little as possible if you don't want to experience financial problem and not more than what you can afford so that's it won't be a big problems in the future.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: coupable on December 21, 2023, 05:24:11 PM
I never make gambling a problem , why should be a problem when it is completely controllable if you only knew how to engage in gambling world , there are so many gamblers that did not make a research and understanding that's why they are the one who's having these issues.
the problem also in other gamblers is they don't have control , they kept seeking for winning even if it is obvious that luck is not their friend that time.
lucky for me that i am now in control of everything in gambling so by all means never that i will be a problematic gambler and thanks to my Mentor/uncle that thought me how to never make gambling a serious source of income.

Fortunately, you have a close family member who can assist you in breaking your poor gambling habit. We should consider gambling more rationally as it is not primarily a means of generating income. The majority of wealthy individuals view gambling only as a form of entertainment rather than a means of making money.
Personally, I was also on the verge of deviance at the beginning of my experience with gambling, but I was fortunate enough to meet people whose lives were ruined by gambling addiction, and I learned lessons from them.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: topbitcoin on December 21, 2023, 10:37:25 PM

Yes, basically getting better is not an easy thing in implementing good habits, there are often distractions in certain situations, the most important thing is when we realize what we want to form in ourselves, we correct the mistakes we have made, and reduce similar mistakes and until the mentality in time and money management becomes a habit that we can unconsciously do well.

However, in my mind, it is about the habit of principled living that needs to be formed over a long period of time. Yes, this will also be effective when applied to gambling, the better it is, the less we make mistakes that can harm ourselves.

We need to have self-awareness in carrying out an evaluation, so that we know exactly where the mistakes we made are, so that it will be easier for us to correct them. However, it is very unfortunate that for the average gambler, it is difficult for them to realize their bad behavior in carrying out their gambling activities. They will realize that when they are in a really difficult condition, where apart from experiencing a loss, they also experience a serious gambling addiction. This is quite a troublesome situation.

And what you say is true, so that our gambling activities run smoothly, without causing serious problems and losses. So it is important for us to continue to stick to a principle and a series of rules that we have created ourselves. And this must be done continuously so that over time it becomes a good habit.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: panganib999 on December 21, 2023, 10:53:24 PM
It's quite possible for people to have recurring gambling problems especially if they kept at it despite the fact that you should quit it cold turkey. I myself have been addicted to gambling in the past, it took quite a lot of discipline to finally get rid of it and now, I only ever gamble occasionally, and if in any case I find myself gambling more, I make sure that I quit. I even employed gambling strats to make sure that I don't end up on a loss or a negative that much. Part of the reason why people go back to becoming addicts after being able to control it is because they fail to instill discipline upon themselves. Control is good but you need to do it consistently and truthfully, otherwise you're just wasting your time and your effort. Discipline is needed if you want to stay clean towards your gambling journey.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: komisariatku on December 21, 2023, 11:02:09 PM
It's quite possible for people to have recurring gambling problems especially if they kept at it despite the fact that you should quit it cold turkey. I myself have been addicted to gambling in the past, it took quite a lot of discipline to finally get rid of it and now, I only ever gamble occasionally, and if in any case I find myself gambling more, I make sure that I quit. I even employed gambling strats to make sure that I don't end up on a loss or a negative that much. Part of the reason why people go back to becoming addicts after being able to control it is because they fail to instill discipline upon themselves. Control is good but you need to do it consistently and truthfully, otherwise you're just wasting your time and your effort. Discipline is needed if you want to stay clean towards your gambling journey.

Yes, I think gambling is an activity that needs to be done only if we have enough money and time. Gambling too often will make our concentration unfocused and even worse if we can't focus on work because we think about previous gambling losses. One way that we can gamble well is by implementing a disciplined pattern, discipline in money, time and emotional control

I am aware that maintaining a disciplined pattern in gambling is difficult because in gambling we are often angry/emotional when we lose and greedy when we win. But like it or not, we need to apply a disciplined pattern, otherwise bad things could happen and no one wants us to go bankrupt because of gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: dothebeats on December 21, 2023, 11:17:55 PM
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
If a gambler can stay away from gambling for a long time, then they can actually stay away from gambling forever. It will just take some more discipline and constant reminder why you stopped.
Is it that easy?
I was able to see several people directly in the area where I live and there were quite lot of gamblers, most of whom had become gambling addicts.
They make various efforts to stop gambling activities and try to truly recover from addiction, indeed some are successful in recovering from addiction but not in stopping forever.
After recovering, they still return to gambling sites to gamble, but there is significant difference, namely that they can be more controlled, they can have limits and of course they can manage the money and time used for gambling.
This is the reality that I know so far in the life of gambling addict.

It is, but you have to be consistent with it, and that's the hardest part that people often not acknowledge. It's extremely hard to be consistent at not doing something especially if that something used to take up the bulk of your time before. My advice is to take up a hobby that consumes a lot of time as well that will steer you away from gambling. Making yourself busy and not allowing any free time for yourself to gamble is one good strategy to lay off the degeneracy once and for all.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Pokapoka124 on December 22, 2023, 12:17:23 AM
People say they gamble for fun, I don’t. I love the adrenaline rush that comes from winning. Gambling hasn’t affected my personal life in any way. That’s because I don’t gamble above my means. I’m a football fan and hardly miss weekend bets on matches played. Its easy to bet on football because I know the players, I know the teams and I know the leagues. Even if I lose, it’s familiar territory and I know I can get a win next week.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: maydna on December 22, 2023, 01:47:21 PM
People say they gamble for fun, I don’t. I love the adrenaline rush that comes from winning. Gambling hasn’t affected my personal life in any way. That’s because I don’t gamble above my means. I’m a football fan and hardly miss weekend bets on matches played. Its easy to bet on football because I know the players, I know the teams and I know the leagues. Even if I lose, it’s familiar territory and I know I can get a win next week.
If you prefer the adrenaline rush of gambling, you must have good self-control because, in gambling, many challenges can make someone forget to control themselves. It can make them gamble beyond their means, but limiting your gambling activities is very good because I don't think you will gamble beyond your means. This gives you the ability to control the amount of money you use so that you don't lose too much.

And if you like football betting and have good knowledge, you can win every match. It will allow you to win some money from sports betting. So please don't have any problems with gambling, and I don't have any of those problems either. I consider gambling to be a place to have fun.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Vaculin on December 22, 2023, 02:08:49 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


When I started gambling, I have to admit that gambling addiction really hits me. Probably because of my greed for profits that I became incapable already to control my urge in gambling. But as I go on gambling, I became wiser and more responsible in gambling that I ended up overcome my gambling addiction. Until now, I do gamble but not on a big scale, and just gamble on an amount I am comfortable of losing.

I guess one that works for me to finally stop gambling addiction is to reduce your time in gambling. You can develop other habits like traveling with family and enjoying quality time with them, or focus more on investing rather than gambling. That way, you can easily reduce your exposure in gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: virasisog on December 22, 2023, 02:25:14 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


1st No, I don't have any problems in terms of gambling. I seldom gamble compared to how I used to be when I was not working from home where I usually spend my weekends playing poker or online gambling with my officemates.  I stopped gambling for over a year now and haven't had any urge to gamble. Well, I can honestly go back to gambling here and then, but I don't think I'll have problems quitting or stop gambling again if I opt to start gambling.

2nd Find a diversion, focus on other things, do other things or hobbies that you usually do or enjoy. This is the best way to keep your mind off of gambling. If your gambling addiction is worse, seek a professional's help.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Jawhead999 on December 22, 2023, 02:33:25 PM
And if you like football betting and have good knowledge, you can win every match. It will allow you to win some money from sports betting. So please don't have any problems with gambling, and I don't have any of those problems either. I consider gambling to be a place to have fun.
Theoretically if you can predict the result of every match, you can win in every match and make money from it. But the reality isn't like that, a heavy favorite can lose, a heavy underdog can win, 50/50 match doesn't mean it will end in draw, so there's a lot uncertainty to predict the result in sports.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bluebit25 on December 22, 2023, 02:36:30 PM
1- I don't have any problems with playing Bac, and I'm also very sure that in the future I won't lose myself by gambling. Because I live directly with people with gambling addiction and have witnessed many negative effects from it, I am aware that my own behavior can affect everyone around me around, and that's why I've never gone over the money limit with gambling.

2- There are many interesting things in life that I believe we can ignore without realizing how meaningful they are. I have a small garden. Besides betting on weekend sports tournaments, I also spend a lot of time. Time for activities close to nature. Actually, the way I felt before and now about life has changed a lot, there are many new things but it makes people stressed and we don't always know how to balance life to aim for positive things.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Gozie51 on December 22, 2023, 02:42:39 PM
And if you like football betting and have good knowledge, you can win every match. It will allow you to win some money from sports betting. So please don't have any problems with gambling, and I don't have any of those problems either. I consider gambling to be a place to have fun.

I believe most people who have been frustrated from their gambling loses are those who believe they are knowledgeable and have relied so much on it but they get disappointed. Sports betting especially soccer is not just about knowledge because some favourite have lost so many times that make some people feel their is match fixing and some manipulation from bookies on their odd swap. I have seen some ridiculously low odds losing and that means those were the favourite teams.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Promocodeudo on December 22, 2023, 03:22:50 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


I never had gambling problem, gambling has never affected anything in my life am always in control of the game, I play gambling because I want to do it, nothing has ever influenced me to involve in gambling activity, people have this problem when they solely depend on gbolg they believe that they can earn from it, no doubt we can earn from gambling but the simple truth is that the earning is not certain or sure, addiction is the major cause of this, when you feel that you must satisfy your gambilig urge you will end seeing yourself in this mess, is better to take a break and return with a minimal zeal for gambling if it is necessary, in this way you will overcome and rebuild yourself for good.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: boty on December 22, 2023, 03:45:12 PM
I never had gambling problem, gambling has never affected anything in my life am always in control of the game, I play gambling because I want to do it, nothing has ever influenced me to involve in gambling activity, people have this problem when they solely depend on gbolg they believe that they can earn from it, no doubt we can earn from gambling but the simple truth is that the earning is not certain or sure, addiction is the major cause of this, when you feel that you must satisfy your gambilig urge you will end seeing yourself in this mess, is better to take a break and return with a minimal zeal for gambling if it is necessary, in this way you will overcome and rebuild yourself for good.
When we can control ourselves in the gambling we play of course we will not have any problems in the gambling we play and also this will be very good for our financial condition, because if we cannot control ourselves in the games we play of course we will find financial problems because the more money we have to spend on gambling, of course this will be a problem for us.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on December 22, 2023, 04:21:57 PM
So far I have not had a problem with gambling. I can still enjoy it to just spend my free time. Gambling does not affect happiness, security, relationships, finances or anything else. I gamble to enjoy my free time and get entertainment from gambling.

Gambling is a game that requires money. We have to control our gambling activities so that we don't overdo it. We should not get deeper into gambling because there are consequences that we will receive if we gamble excessively. And when we want to stop gambling, we must be able to stop immediately and not say one more round. That will only make us forget to control our gambling time and we will also use more money.

If we use gambling as an activity and we can limit this activity, we will not experience any problems. But unfortunately, many people become excessive in gambling so that many of them become addicted to gambling. The way to stop gambling is to always remember that gambling is entertainment and we must limit it.

that's good, I appreciate that. because many gamblers who gamble do not do it like that, they aim for big wins that must be obtained which makes them lose a lot of money. This has an impact on finances, happiness and relationships. because they gamble excessively, which is not normal, so they have problems with the gambling they do. They should gamble appropriately so that it doesn't have an impact on many things that are detrimental to themselves.

the disease is there, those who have lost, sometimes they think and say "maybe one more bet" this is what makes them gamble unreasonably where they will start to become addicted to gambling which harms them in many ways, especially their finances. Obviously this will be detrimental to those who gamble excessively. because sometimes people who gamble with limits can also change their motives when they are in the game, where the strong attraction of gambling can change a person's mindset in an instant, and this must be avoided so as not to harm yourself.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: asyakashi on December 22, 2023, 04:26:10 PM
I don't have a gambling addiction that is too serious, I only gamble when I have more money, maybe this is due to my personal economic factors, on the other hand, I don't bet too big and I sometimes regret it when I spend some of my small money.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on December 22, 2023, 11:47:35 PM
I don't have a gambling addiction that is too serious, I only gamble when I have more money, maybe this is due to my personal economic factors, on the other hand, I don't bet too big and I sometimes regret it when I spend some of my small money.

I think that's what happens to most of us when we play, we can't be betting so much because we can lose a part and that art is very important for us is where we say that we really needed that part, that's why When we play the best thing is to put a part of the money you are willing to lose, maybe if you had less money you wouldn't feel sorry, because that's what it's all about, first of all having fun, knowing that something is being done to be able to generate money, Well, if you can't, it doesn't matter, settle for what you have, because the pleasure of having played and having a different time remains, that's why when we do any kind of things in the casino we always have to be clear that when it comes to everything When it comes to gambling you have to be very emphatic, you have to measure things well to make money.

When we think about making more money, obviously we have to spend more money, but that is something that already has to do with another way of playing, and it often gets out of hand, that is the difference between our game and the game of a person who is a millionaire because a millionaire person does not care how much money he spends, there will always be a way to compensate for things if they work out well, if not, then one has to see how one can do to compensate for what has been spent, In this order of ideas it can Happen that when you play, you have to be careful to play a little more, because little by little things get out of Control and you fall into the same mistake as always, that's why it's good to do Things with moderation and without despair so that Everything flows well and there are no extra problems, this is what one always assumes in doing so that everything goes well, but self-control is Important , Especially of emotions , Impulses are the ones that most affect us. They make you play and lose, things that must be managed and Controlled , which is Difficult , but it is controllable.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Oilacris on December 22, 2023, 11:57:22 PM
So far I have not had a problem with gambling. I can still enjoy it to just spend my free time. Gambling does not affect happiness, security, relationships, finances or anything else. I gamble to enjoy my free time and get entertainment from gambling.

Gambling is a game that requires money. We have to control our gambling activities so that we don't overdo it. We should not get deeper into gambling because there are consequences that we will receive if we gamble excessively. And when we want to stop gambling, we must be able to stop immediately and not say one more round. That will only make us forget to control our gambling time and we will also use more money.

If we use gambling as an activity and we can limit this activity, we will not experience any problems. But unfortunately, many people become excessive in gambling so that many of them become addicted to gambling. The way to stop gambling is to always remember that gambling is entertainment and we must limit it.

that's good, I appreciate that. because many gamblers who gamble do not do it like that, they aim for big wins that must be obtained which makes them lose a lot of money. This has an impact on finances, happiness and relationships. because they gamble excessively, which is not normal, so they have problems with the gambling they do. They should gamble appropriately so that it doesn't have an impact on many things that are detrimental to themselves.

the disease is there, those who have lost, sometimes they think and say "maybe one more bet" this is what makes them gamble unreasonably where they will start to become addicted to gambling which harms them in many ways, especially their finances. Obviously this will be detrimental to those who gamble excessively. because sometimes people who gamble with limits can also change their motives when they are in the game, where the strong attraction of gambling can change a person's mindset in an instant, and this must be avoided so as not to harm yourself.
Very normal for a human being whose really that aiming for making huge money or even getting some income via gambling yet this would be the easiest way to make money at the same time on losing or making yourself that poor.  :D People should really realize on the things that they've been dealing with so that on the time that they do make out some losses then they wont really be that impulsive
on which trying out to recover on whats lost because on the  time that you would really be something like this then this is where disasters do happen. Try your best not to be hook up by gambling addiction because if you do then it would really be that so hard to get out and make yourself get rid of it because of those kind of impulsive approach and beliefs.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on December 23, 2023, 06:36:26 AM
People say they gamble for fun, I don’t. I love the adrenaline rush that comes from winning. Gambling hasn’t affected my personal life in any way. That’s because I don’t gamble above my means. I’m a football fan and hardly miss weekend bets on matches played. Its easy to bet on football because I know the players, I know the teams and I know the leagues. Even if I lose, it’s familiar territory and I know I can get a win next week.
If you prefer the adrenaline rush of gambling, you must have good self-control because, in gambling, many challenges can make someone forget to control themselves. It can make them gamble beyond their means, but limiting your gambling activities is very good because I don't think you will gamble beyond your means. This gives you the ability to control the amount of money you use so that you don't lose too much.

And if you like football betting and have good knowledge, you can win every match. It will allow you to win some money from sports betting. So please don't have any problems with gambling, and I don't have any of those problems either. I consider gambling to be a place to have fun.
Gambling can indeed give us challenges and the risk of losing, so we have to be able to control ourselves well, if we are not able to control ourselves we are likely to experience problems because the spending exceeds the limit we can afford, but if you gamble with money you can afford then It won't be a problem because whether you win or lose, you can accept it well and without emotion.

Football betting is interesting because we can use the skills we have, even though we have to analyze first the team we are going to bet on but at least it will bring us luck if we can predict correctly, after all sports betting is more popular among gamblers than gambling which is based on luck alone because the chances of winning are more attractive in sports betting and it seems that people rarely experience problems in sports betting because the chances are greater there than in other bets.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: odunybiz on December 23, 2023, 07:07:47 AM
I don't have a gambling addiction that is too serious, I only gamble when I have more money, maybe this is due to my personal economic factors, on the other hand, I don't bet too big and I sometimes regret it when I spend some of my small money.

Lolz, do you have a regret when you won? Seriously gambling isn't for you. I think the small money of yours put in betting should be a money you can avoid to lose, then why regretting after losing it. Life is of two side coin, either a tail or the head and so is gambling as well. It's either you win or lose. And no matter how good you are you will still lose. So try and learn to embrace your lose as you celebrate your winnings.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Ultegra134 on December 23, 2023, 07:27:01 AM
Very normal for a human being whose really that aiming for making huge money or even getting some income via gambling yet this would be the easiest way to make money at the same time on losing or making yourself that poor.  :D People should really realize on the things that they've been dealing with so that on the time that they do make out some losses then they wont really be that impulsive
on which trying out to recover on whats lost because on the  time that you would really be something like this then this is where disasters do happen. Try your best not to be hook up by gambling addiction because if you do then it would really be that so hard to get out and make yourself get rid of it because of those kind of impulsive approach and beliefs.
As easy it is to make money through gambling, as easy it is to lose it; that's the point we need to understand, and a large number of gamblers who end up addicted are those that only anticipate winning, not considering that losing is also a part of the game. The sooner we come to terms with this, the better. If gambling is affecting your daily life, then you should stop immediately, or at least limit it to a reasonable degree. I never had an issue with going overboard; I always kept a low balance on my accounts and occasionally gambled for a relatively short amount of time, a few times per week.

If I were to stop, I'd quit immediately by completely wiping all balances, logging out of all accounts, and even going ahead and deleting them and blocking them if possible. In the meantime, if I had the urge to start again, I'd stop myself by going for a walk or a short drive to let off steam.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: mindrust on December 23, 2023, 07:43:52 AM
When you can control your problem for a long time, it is not a problem anymore. Yes I used to have that problem with gambling and solved it long time ago and nowadays I don’t even remember having that problem anymore. It is just a memory which happened very very long time ago. I had the same thing with smoking too. Unfortunately, this problem came back to me a few times but I solved this one too. (At least for now lol)  It is under control right now but who knows when will I want to smoke a cig again and lose my control. This is what most addicts have in common. They can’t quit. They only take a break. You need to have a very strong will to have control over yourself.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on December 23, 2023, 12:26:33 PM
So far I have not had a problem with gambling. I can still enjoy it to just spend my free time. Gambling does not affect happiness, security, relationships, finances or anything else. I gamble to enjoy my free time and get entertainment from gambling.

Gambling is a game that requires money. We have to control our gambling activities so that we don't overdo it. We should not get deeper into gambling because there are consequences that we will receive if we gamble excessively. And when we want to stop gambling, we must be able to stop immediately and not say one more round. That will only make us forget to control our gambling time and we will also use more money.

If we use gambling as an activity and we can limit this activity, we will not experience any problems. But unfortunately, many people become excessive in gambling so that many of them become addicted to gambling. The way to stop gambling is to always remember that gambling is entertainment and we must limit it.

that's good, I appreciate that. because many gamblers who gamble do not do it like that, they aim for big wins that must be obtained which makes them lose a lot of money. This has an impact on finances, happiness and relationships. because they gamble excessively, which is not normal, so they have problems with the gambling they do. They should gamble appropriately so that it doesn't have an impact on many things that are detrimental to themselves.

the disease is there, those who have lost, sometimes they think and say "maybe one more bet" this is what makes them gamble unreasonably where they will start to become addicted to gambling which harms them in many ways, especially their finances. Obviously this will be detrimental to those who gamble excessively. because sometimes people who gamble with limits can also change their motives when they are in the game, where the strong attraction of gambling can change a person's mindset in an instant, and this must be avoided so as not to harm yourself.
Very normal for a human being whose really that aiming for making huge money or even getting some income via gambling yet this would be the easiest way to make money at the same time on losing or making yourself that poor.  :D People should really realize on the things that they've been dealing with so that on the time that they do make out some losses then they wont really be that impulsive
on which trying out to recover on whats lost because on the  time that you would really be something like this then this is where disasters do happen. Try your best not to be hook up by gambling addiction because if you do then it would really be that so hard to get out and make yourself get rid of it because of those kind of impulsive approach and beliefs.

Many people think that they can get rich quickly by making a lot of money with gambling but on the other hand this also makes them poor quickly, because the chances of winning are small and the chances of losing are large that cannot be avoided or changed, many of them take impulsive actions but they still don't realize what they are doing that clearly makes them lose themselves and not small losses but with large losses, The great thing is that they don't want to admit they are addicted because in my opinion someone who is addicted to gambling does not want to admit that they are addicted to gambling maybe they feel ashamed, it is also unlikely that anyone is proud of himself who is addicted to gambling because this should not be proud of either, many people, especially parents, have a bad view of gambling, therefore when young people are addicted to gambling, it is natural that they have problems with gambling because if the parents know that this child is addicted to gambling, it is likely that the parents will be angry, disappointed or even cry. Gambling addiction is not something to be proud of because this leads to more negative things as well as its dangerous effects can make their lives destroyed, therefore gambling should not be a priority in everyday life, if they have made gambling a priority in their lives then obviously their lives will experience many difficulties, especially financially.

This kind of thing has happened to every gambler and even in my opinion this is a common case, because many of the gamblers do this, where when they lose they are curious and want to return to gambling with the assumption of recovering the losses they have lost, and this triggers them to become addicted to gambling and harm themselves on a large scale, they expect to win with their return to gambling, this one thing becomes impulsive where they find it difficult to be aware of this harmful thing, whether the motive is like what but what is clear is that they keep gambling even though they always get defeated and this usually happens to young people, maybe also because their thinking is still unstable, not thinking about the future. I can't imagine what the future will be like for those who always prioritize gambling over preparing for their future, hopefully they can try to avoid gambling because it will ruin their lives now and in the future.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Jating on December 23, 2023, 01:37:02 PM
When you can control your problem for a long time, it is not a problem anymore. Yes I used to have that problem with gambling and solved it long time ago and nowadays I don’t even remember having that problem anymore. It is just a memory which happened very very long time ago. I had the same thing with smoking too. Unfortunately, this problem came back to me a few times but I solved this one too. (At least for now lol)  It is under control right now but who knows when will I want to smoke a cig again and lose my control. This is what most addicts have in common. They can’t quit. They only take a break. You need to have a very strong will to have control over yourself.

I think everyone of us here might have gone to this experience, but we don't want to admit that we have the "gambling problem". And perhaps like you, you have gotten control of yourself and so you have prevented from falling into the addiction case.

But for the majority, it could be we have been addicted, but sooner or later found the strength to fight it out and get control. Or really go to the pains of seeking professional help or reach their family before it's too late. And it really take a lot of courage for anyone to admit that they have an addiction before it's too late.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: gabbie2010 on December 23, 2023, 02:01:17 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


The first major problem I encountered when I started gambling was fear, whenever I placed some bet on some soccer matches I picked that particular period I haven't learnt the nitty gritty of gambling and I often gamble with almost or half of my total fund so in the course of the game  I was often jittery by checking LiveScore every now and then until the final game, however making some research on gambling particularly gambling with the amount of money I can afford to lose thereafter I ensured that I placed all my bet with with just 5% of my total fund with that method I was able to control my fear and emotion and never bothered to check my bettings until after the matches.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Kelward on December 23, 2023, 02:25:44 PM
Controlling gambling addiction can be easier said than done, someone can tell you to just try another hubby, even if you do, you might find yourself coming back to Gambling again. I believe that it takes very high discipline and patience to actually leave an addiction, not something that you can easily replace with another activity and expect the addiction to disappear. The gambler can gradually reduce the time spent on gambling, by engaging in other activities, then gradually there'll be a balance between gambling and the other activities, before he knows it, the time spent in gambling will reduce. If a gambler reaches a stage where he has discipline and can control his gambling emotions, then it'll not be considered
as addiction.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on December 23, 2023, 02:29:57 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


    -    In the first place, I don't have such a problem with gambling. Maybe other gamblers have such behavioral problems. So I can't give you a correct answer to your question.

Because the common problem of gamblers in any casino is their self-control, there are no limits when gambling in terms of the money used, and being greedy is why they become addicts in the end. These are the problem I usually saw here in the forum platform.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: maydna on December 23, 2023, 02:48:41 PM
Gambling can indeed give us challenges and the risk of losing, so we have to be able to control ourselves well, if we are not able to control ourselves we are likely to experience problems because the spending exceeds the limit we can afford, but if you gamble with money you can afford then It won't be a problem because whether you win or lose, you can accept it well and without emotion.

Football betting is interesting because we can use the skills we have, even though we have to analyze first the team we are going to bet on but at least it will bring us luck if we can predict correctly, after all sports betting is more popular among gamblers than gambling which is based on luck alone because the chances of winning are more attractive in sports betting and it seems that people rarely experience problems in sports betting because the chances are greater there than in other bets.
These challenges will only make us emotional, especially if we experience many losses that make us lose the self-control we previously could maintain. And it will also affect our expenses in gambling, where the limits we have set can be exceeded just because we become emotional when gambling. We have seen many examples of gamblers who lose control of themselves when gambling, which causes them to lose control of themselves. It's best to accept loss as it is, and as long as we don't gamble excessively, we'll be fine because it's money we can afford. We can accept the defeat well and will not try to recover.

Football betting has succeeded in attracting many people to join and place bets. This is because they can win a lot of money, especially if they place big bets and know the sport well. They can predict correctly, so they are sure they will win, and immediately place bets with big money. But this should not be tried by those who cannot analyze well because it will defeat them. We must recognize our analytical skills so we do not sacrifice large amounts of money to place bets.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: redsun114 on December 23, 2023, 05:14:04 PM
Gambling is not a problem, but an opportunity for making money and having a great time. Gambling becomes a problem only if it leads to serious addiction and large losses of money. If everything goes in a reasonable direction, gambling can not be a problem
Yes, it isn't because a true problem is like for example you lost your cell phone in the street by accident and that phone has lots of important stuffs. Gambling is only a kind of activity. It can be an opportunity to make money, only if we are lucky but often times, it was the owner are the ones who makes money through our losses.

Gambling can give us a great time if we don't take things seriously, because if we do, then we will end up betting above our limits and if we are not lucky to win, it can only give us a bad time. When we feel that we are addicted, the problem must be from us (not gambling). So, we shouldn't blame it if ever we do.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: rhomelmabini on December 23, 2023, 05:25:40 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
I don't have gambling problem but I don't think that was easy fix or it's easier said than done if you really have a gambling problem. I think seeking professional help would be your best choice if you're undergoing some problem, it may take some money for you but if you have that money I think it's still worth it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Wakate on December 23, 2023, 06:25:41 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


    -    In the first place, I don't have such a problem with gambling. Maybe other gamblers have such behavioral problems. So I can't give you a correct answer to your question.

Because the common problem of gamblers in any casino is their self-control, there are no limits when gambling in terms of the money used, and being greedy is why they become addicts in the end. These are the problem I usually saw here in the forum platform.
Having a gambling problem can be very addictive to us but the problem is that we might not find out until we are told by people around us if how deep we have gone into gambling. We need to study the way we gamble and work on certain ways that could be a problem to us as a gambler. Gambling problem can be a big deal for us and a future problem if we don't try as much as possible to work on it and make sure that we look for people that are going to help us. It is better to face the problem and look for ways to make sure we resolve the problem we have than not doing anything to solve the problem we have.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Sanugarid on December 23, 2023, 07:28:40 PM
I don't have any problem with gambling. And I don't prioritize gambling. Remember not to prioritize! Gambling is a game, a game that costs money to have fun. If you think that gambling is a source of income, that's a big mistake, I guarantee that from here you will experience a lot of problems if you become addicted to it.

We are the same, we really shouldn't prioritize gambling because it will only cost us badly, especially if you depend on it for money. It is not right for you to make it a source of income because there is no certainty if you will win because we know that there are often losses here that's why it is a bad idea to make it a source of income.

To be honest, I have never experienced a problem with gambling because apart from not gambling often, I also have a budget allocated for it and I don't exceed the budget I have set for gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: lombok on December 23, 2023, 11:16:19 PM
I don't have any problem with gambling. And I don't prioritize gambling. Remember not to prioritize! Gambling is a game, a game that costs money to have fun. If you think that gambling is a source of income, that's a big mistake, I guarantee that from here you will experience a lot of problems if you become addicted to it.

We are the same, we really shouldn't prioritize gambling because it will only cost us badly, especially if you depend on it for money. It is not right for you to make it a source of income because there is no certainty if you will win because we know that there are often losses here that's why it is a bad idea to make it a source of income.

To be honest, I have never experienced a problem with gambling because apart from not gambling often, I also have a budget allocated for it and I don't exceed the budget I have set for gambling.

Yes, it's better that way, what you do is control. This is what we need to pay attention to, to prevent addiction we need to understand first that gambling is a game and not a place to multiply money, allocate money for gambling and don't overdo it - if secondary basic needs and savings have been met and there are still a few funds then take half of the funds the rest was for gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on December 23, 2023, 11:22:04 PM

Lolz, do you have a regret when you won? Seriously gambling isn't for you. I think the small money of yours put in betting should be a money you can avoid to lose, then why regretting after losing it. Life is of two side coin, either a tail or the head and so is gambling as well. It's either you win or lose. And no matter how good you are you will still lose. So try and learn to embrace your lose as you celebrate your winnings.

The gambler should not worry after the winning in the gambling site,So how logic to get sad after the loss.If the gambler had loss in one game,the person in the same game making the money.So he should understand the reality and try to accept both the winning and losing in the game.The gambler should start the game with the less amount to avoid of big loss at the initial stage of gambling.If the gamblers had learn the game in the gambling site,then he can use more money to play the gambling game.The gamblers who begin the gambling game with more capital would make the more money as the winning from the gambling site.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bocyaj on December 23, 2023, 11:34:56 PM

Lolz, do you have a regret when you won? Seriously gambling isn't for you. I think the small money of yours put in betting should be a money you can avoid to lose, then why regretting after losing it. Life is of two side coin, either a tail or the head and so is gambling as well. It's either you win or lose. And no matter how good you are you will still lose. So try and learn to embrace your lose as you celebrate your winnings.

The gambling game with the emotion was the mistake made by many gamblers after the loss,it was the same thing which was made by myself over a six months.Sometimes I had a capacity to handle the emotions if the game was based on the less amount of loss in the game.The gamblers who don’t have any prior experience in the gambling can do the gambling with the less initial by the saving money which was made by the regular income.

If the gamblers don’t have any steady income,he should have the ability to save more money from his business.The business will give more money sometimes,but the gambling also give the chance to the buyer to learn the value of the money.He should learn to do gambling without any emotions after some experience in gambling site.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: wxa7115 on December 24, 2023, 04:02:17 AM
I don't have any problem with gambling. And I don't prioritize gambling. Remember not to prioritize! Gambling is a game, a game that costs money to have fun. If you think that gambling is a source of income, that's a big mistake, I guarantee that from here you will experience a lot of problems if you become addicted to it.

We are the same, we really shouldn't prioritize gambling because it will only cost us badly, especially if you depend on it for money. It is not right for you to make it a source of income because there is no certainty if you will win because we know that there are often losses here that's why it is a bad idea to make it a source of income.

To be honest, I have never experienced a problem with gambling because apart from not gambling often, I also have a budget allocated for it and I don't exceed the budget I have set for gambling.
Even professional gamblers will not prioritize gambling over the rest of their expenses, only those that have problems do so, and we know how badly a person can do once they take that path.

However I think in part this mistaken attitude can be explained away by the false image people have about professional gamblers, they often think it is this activity that is full of glamour, when in truth gambling for money is like any other job in which you need to sit down for 8 to 10 hours and do something boring during all that time, with the difference that in your average job you are guaranteed to earn money after all that time, something that may not necessarily happen when you are gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Hirose UK on December 24, 2023, 08:35:37 AM

It is, but you have to be consistent with it, and that's the hardest part that people often not acknowledge. It's extremely hard to be consistent at not doing something especially if that something used to take up the bulk of your time before. My advice is to take up a hobby that consumes a lot of time as well that will steer you away from gambling. Making yourself busy and not allowing any free time for yourself to gamble is one good strategy to lay off the degeneracy once and for all.
Consistency is very influential in efforts to reduce gambling activities because being consistent means consistently suppressing desires and thoughts when you really want to gamble, I have studied it and I know very well what it is like to experience difficulties in dealing with problems like this.
Good advice but I have often said the same thing because having enough other positive activities can make us reduce the intensity of gambling and forget about it for certain period of time.
This method works for some people, but not to completely stop but also to simply reduce and get used to the pressure of not doing more gambling activities excessively.

We can only give advice and suggestions based on our personal experience and of course we can say all this because we have been successful in doing it.
Somehow, for other people, it is clear that if it is based on the right intentions and efforts, it will definitely be successful.
And I would like to remind you again that actually stopping gambling altogether forever is difficult matter, but to reduce it there are still many efforts that will be successful if done correctly.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: sana54210 on December 24, 2023, 07:44:55 PM
People say they gamble for fun, I don’t. I love the adrenaline rush that comes from winning. Gambling hasn’t affected my personal life in any way. That’s because I don’t gamble above my means. I’m a football fan and hardly miss weekend bets on matches played. Its easy to bet on football because I know the players, I know the teams and I know the leagues. Even if I lose, it’s familiar territory and I know I can get a win next week.
We are not sure if all those who said that they are only playing for fun are not lying. Or maybe they only change through the years? But, I'm sure that nothing is perfect and they can still make a mistake sometimes. This also applies to you.

I think that the adrenaline rush is also/still there even if you are only playing for fun. It's just that its level were increased when we make things a little more serious. For you, football is easy, but for me and the others, it wasn't. It's only about preferences. There is no way we can tell what will happen in the future, so don't say that you can now win next time. But as you said, losing isn't really a big deal. That's great.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Pokapoka124 on December 24, 2023, 08:23:26 PM

We are not sure if all those who said that they are only playing for fun are not lying. Or maybe they only change through the years? But, I'm sure that nothing is perfect and they can still make a mistake sometimes. This also applies to you.
If I could get a dollar for every time someone here says ‘ I only gamble for fun’, I would be a millionaire. Let’s be honest, gambling is not a recreational activity, that’s your hard earned money you done stake on the table. If you want to have fun, go to the movies. Gambling is only fun when you’re winning but when you start to lose, that’s when the monster comes out. The problem gamblers face is their need to want to feel a win, the euphoria of winning is what many are addicted to.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: coolcoinz on December 24, 2023, 08:32:13 PM
I don't have a gambling problem and I don't have one that I can control for years by making up excuses like the one that I make enough profit for it to be OK-ish :D

The way I see it, my gambling is a habit, not an addiction and it's 100% under control. Sometimes I do it once a week, sometimes once a month, but there were times when I was abroad and busy with work so much that I haven't gambled for a month and felt completely fine. Also, I never jeopardize my finances. I only gamble small amounts of money, the money I'd otherwise spend on useless things like sweets, snacks, beer...

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on December 24, 2023, 11:43:42 PM
I don't have a gambling problem and I don't have one that I can control for years by making up excuses like the one that I make enough profit for it to be OK-ish :D

The way I see it, my gambling is a habit, not an addiction and it's 100% under control. Sometimes I do it once a week, sometimes once a month, but there were times when I was abroad and busy with work so much that I haven't gambled for a month and felt completely fine. Also, I never jeopardize my finances. I only gamble small amounts of money, the money I'd otherwise spend on useless things like sweets, snacks, beer...

The gambler who doesn’t need any money from the gambling site,they can do the gambling without any emotion.Because the gambler has no hurry to make the profit using the gambling sites.If the gamblers play the gambling without any expectation,this leads to the gambler being not forced to play the serious game in the gambling site.The gambler also can create the tactics for the game,So he can take risk to apply for the gambling sites.Because he doesn’t bother about the gambling winnings or loss.The self control should be learned by the gamblers in the gambling sites by avoiding the gambling sites emotional games.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: angrybirdy on December 25, 2023, 05:24:15 AM
I don't have a gambling problem and I don't have one that I can control for years by making up excuses like the one that I make enough profit for it to be OK-ish :D

The way I see it, my gambling is a habit, not an addiction and it's 100% under control. Sometimes I do it once a week, sometimes once a month, but there were times when I was abroad and busy with work so much that I haven't gambled for a month and felt completely fine. Also, I never jeopardize my finances. I only gamble small amounts of money, the money I'd otherwise spend on useless things like sweets, snacks, beer...

The gambler who doesn’t need any money from the gambling site,they can do the gambling without any emotion.Because the gambler has no hurry to make the profit using the gambling sites.If the gamblers play the gambling without any expectation,this leads to the gambler being not forced to play the serious game in the gambling site.The gambler also can create the tactics for the game,So he can take risk to apply for the gambling sites.Because he doesn’t bother about the gambling winnings or loss.The self control should be learned by the gamblers in the gambling sites by avoiding the gambling sites emotional games.

I agree, If a person doesn't expect anything while doing gambling, there's an instances that it's like they're just gambling as their pass time or they just really want to try with no expected amount in return which is many gamblers are just like this. In that way, I agree with you that a gambler can do gambling without any emotion because there's no fear of losing and excitement just like those others who really expected to win so they can have a profit.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on December 25, 2023, 11:13:21 AM
I agree, If a person doesn't expect anything while doing gambling, there's an instances that it's like they're just gambling as their pass time or they just really want to try with no expected amount in return which is many gamblers are just like this. In that way, I agree with you that a gambler can do gambling without any emotion because there's no fear of losing and excitement just like those others who really expected to win so they can have a profit.
If they gamble just for fun, it would be acceptable because they are not chasing wins so they don't risk losing a lot and can stop once satisfied. A gambler can gamble without emotion so he won't feel anything about the results he gets. He can accept everything well and does not desire anything other than just having fun. By using gambling as entertainment, we will not experience any gambling problems and will not experience gambling addiction either because we can take care of ourselves and the best thing is that we can control ourselves well so that we can really enjoy gambling as entertainment.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Blitzboy on December 25, 2023, 04:08:59 PM

It is, but you have to be consistent with it, and that's the hardest part that people often not acknowledge. It's extremely hard to be consistent at not doing something especially if that something used to take up the bulk of your time before. My advice is to take up a hobby that consumes a lot of time as well that will steer you away from gambling. Making yourself busy and not allowing any free time for yourself to gamble is one good strategy to lay off the degeneracy once and for all.
Consistency is very influential in efforts to reduce gambling activities because being consistent means consistently suppressing desires and thoughts when you really want to gamble, I have studied it and I know very well what it is like to experience difficulties in dealing with problems like this.
Good advice but I have often said the same thing because having enough other positive activities can make us reduce the intensity of gambling and forget about it for certain period of time.
This method works for some people, but not to completely stop but also to simply reduce and get used to the pressure of not doing more gambling activities excessively.

We can only give advice and suggestions based on our personal experience and of course we can say all this because we have been successful in doing it.
Somehow, for other people, it is clear that if it is based on the right intentions and efforts, it will definitely be successful.
And I would like to remind you again that actually stopping gambling altogether forever is difficult matter, but to reduce it there are still many efforts that will be successful if done correctly.
Why "reduce" when one can "eliminate"? Reprogramming the brain's thrill-seeking neuronal circuits is necessary. Instead of gambling, we need fascinating, useful activities. I mean a lifetime change, not a quick fix. Lets face it: stating its hard to stop is self-defeating. This belief must be challenged. Its about creating a mindset that makes gambling disgusting. This transition requires a fundamental change in identity and principles, not merely advice.

Community and support matter. Temptation comes from alone. Being among gamble-free folks is crucial. Its about developing a new normal without gambling, not merely lowering the impulse. We must harness our power to change.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Unbunplease on December 25, 2023, 04:33:06 PM

The gambler who doesn’t need any money from the gambling site,they can do the gambling without any emotion.Because the gambler has no hurry to make the profit using the gambling sites.If the gamblers play the gambling without any expectation,this leads to the gambler being not forced to play the serious game in the gambling site.The gambler also can create the tactics for the game,So he can take risk to apply for the gambling sites.Because he doesn’t bother about the gambling winnings or loss.The self control should be learned by the gamblers in the gambling sites by avoiding the gambling sites emotional games.

A person begins to experience excitement precisely when he or she gets the emotion of the game. If a person does not have any emotions, what incentive can make him take part in games on websites? Only the desire to earn money? Such an incentive will not last long

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: danadc on December 25, 2023, 07:53:37 PM

The gambler who doesn’t need any money from the gambling site,they can do the gambling without any emotion.Because the gambler has no hurry to make the profit using the gambling sites.If the gamblers play the gambling without any expectation,this leads to the gambler being not forced to play the serious game in the gambling site.The gambler also can create the tactics for the game,So he can take risk to apply for the gambling sites.Because he doesn’t bother about the gambling winnings or loss.The self control should be learned by the gamblers in the gambling sites by avoiding the gambling sites emotional games.

A person begins to experience excitement precisely when he or she gets the emotion of the game. If a person does not have any emotions, what incentive can make him take part in games on websites? Only the desire to earn money? Such an incentive will not last long

It's true, if I don't find excitement in the game, it doesn't make sense to do it , why continue there ? What we have to do is simply try to do what we like and be able to have the expectation of increasing our money, this is what moves us as players to be and have money to continue doing what we like, if a player He does not have any type of incentive for this , because he has a lot of money , he also has his advantage, that he will not fall into any type of Addiction , Therefore he can do things as they go.

If the player, on the other hand , has a lot to lose , plays with more intensity, puts all his emotions to the limit because he knows that things can go wrong , then this can generate many things, desperation, stress, or simply if he activates the adrenaline that makes time pass very quickly depending on the level of concentration you have , which is why things must be done to improve the game even as players.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: hedgeh0g on December 25, 2023, 09:26:12 PM
After many years spent in gambling, on forums related to the discussion of gambling, training, watching hundreds of hours of professional games of streamers, as well as falling to the bottom and rising many times, I can say with confidence that I have no problems with addiction to the game. I have a very good idea of how everything works, I know various strategies in games, so I only allow myself in very rare cases to play a little for fun and to remember the old days. I haven’t crossed red lines for years because I know perfectly well how it will end as soon as I take a step for her. I don’t want to go through this anymore, so I treat the game responsibly and consciously. It pains me to see someone who has little experience in gambling and steps on the same rake every time and cannot get out. It’s hard for me to advise such people, because if they themselves don’t understand what they are doing, it will be difficult for others to explain what is happening.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: blockman on December 25, 2023, 09:39:36 PM
A person begins to experience excitement precisely when he or she gets the emotion of the game. If a person does not have any emotions, what incentive can make him take part in games on websites? Only the desire to earn money? Such an incentive will not last long
And it is impossible for a gambler to have no emotion at all. When he's playing games and winning those bets, I doubt it that he'd be just upset or have that frowned face with all of those good things. But with this, this is where the things have been caught up easy for the gamblers. We can't stop these emotions to trigger and that will cause us problems if we're not mindful of it. The problems like we want to gamble more even if we don't have money left anymore and you just want to do it as if you don't care to your status anymore whether you have money left or there's nothing left at all.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Sanugarid on December 25, 2023, 09:40:11 PM
I don't have any problem with gambling. And I don't prioritize gambling. Remember not to prioritize! Gambling is a game, a game that costs money to have fun. If you think that gambling is a source of income, that's a big mistake, I guarantee that from here you will experience a lot of problems if you become addicted to it.

We are the same, we really shouldn't prioritize gambling because it will only cost us badly, especially if you depend on it for money. It is not right for you to make it a source of income because there is no certainty if you will win because we know that there are often losses here that's why it is a bad idea to make it a source of income.

To be honest, I have never experienced a problem with gambling because apart from not gambling often, I also have a budget allocated for it and I don't exceed the budget I have set for gambling.

Yes, it's better that way, what you do is control. This is what we need to pay attention to, to prevent addiction we need to understand first that gambling is a game and not a place to multiply money, allocate money for gambling and don't overdo it - if secondary basic needs and savings have been met and there are still a few funds then take half of the funds the rest was for gambling.

That's right, one of the most important things in gambling is self-control, because once you can't control yourself that's when everything starts going bad. It's okay to lose. Losing is part of any game, but you should know where your limits are. You can't spend all your money on gambling just because you want to recover the money you lost, don't do that. Always play with a budget, what you can afford to lose so you don't have to chase it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: wxa7115 on January 01, 2024, 01:21:23 AM
That's right, one of the most important things in gambling is self-control, because once you can't control yourself that's when everything starts going bad. It's okay to lose. Losing is part of any game, but you should know where your limits are. You can't spend all your money on gambling just because you want to recover the money you lost, don't do that. Always play with a budget, what you can afford to lose so you don't have to chase it.
Gamblers need to accept that losing and to do so frequently when they gamble is inevitable, once they do then dealing with it becomes way easier as people can take the precautions necessary as they expect to lose from the very beginning of their session.

But those unable to accept the truth will fight tooth and nail to prove everyone else wrong and make profits while they gamble, and that is when problems can appear, because the number of gamblers which can achieve such goal is not high.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: maydna on January 01, 2024, 07:41:04 AM
That's right, one of the most important things in gambling is self-control, because once you can't control yourself that's when everything starts going bad. It's okay to lose. Losing is part of any game, but you should know where your limits are. You can't spend all your money on gambling just because you want to recover the money you lost, don't do that. Always play with a budget, what you can afford to lose so you don't have to chase it.
Gamblers need to accept that losing and to do so frequently when they gamble is inevitable, once they do then dealing with it becomes way easier as people can take the precautions necessary as they expect to lose from the very beginning of their session.

But those unable to accept the truth will fight tooth and nail to prove everyone else wrong and make profits while they gamble, and that is when problems can appear, because the number of gamblers which can achieve such goal is not high.
At first, it will be difficult to accept the loss because they must feel pain or disappointment. But gamblers who have lost should know that they are not alone. More gamblers have experienced losses, and many of them accept their losses well because it is part of gambling. If they still cannot accept their loss, they shouldn't gamble at all and stay away from gambling forever.

They must learn to control themselves to avoid losing a lot if that can reduce their feelings of disappointment. But no matter what, the loss will always be there in gambling, and if there are still some of them who cannot accept the loss but instead still try to win, they will accept even bigger losses. Maybe they never imagined how much defeat they would receive.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: piebeyb on January 01, 2024, 09:45:40 AM
They must learn to control themselves to avoid losing a lot if that can reduce their feelings of disappointment. But no matter what, the loss will always be there in gambling, and if there are still some of them who cannot accept the loss but instead still try to win, they will accept even bigger losses. Maybe they never imagined how much defeat they would receive.
They also have to learn to understand that gambling is not just about winning but also losing and even losing money from gambling. They also have to understand that gambling doesn't always mean winning and is very risky. The point is don't be obsessed with what you see out there like streamers or influencers because they you could get a fake win that looks like a real win.

Many gamblers cannot accept defeat because they always consider gambling as their source of income and have high expectations of a big win or some kind of jackpot, even though the most important thing for gamblers is to be able to control themselves that gambling is just entertainment so they can accept defeat. because there are things that need to be understood, the dealer will always win against us at any time.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: maydna on January 02, 2024, 02:33:57 PM
They also have to learn to understand that gambling is not just about winning but also losing and even losing money from gambling. They also have to understand that gambling doesn't always mean winning and is very risky. The point is don't be obsessed with what you see out there like streamers or influencers because they you could get a fake win that looks like a real win.

Many gamblers cannot accept defeat because they always consider gambling as their source of income and have high expectations of a big win or some kind of jackpot, even though the most important thing for gamblers is to be able to control themselves that gambling is just entertainment so they can accept defeat. because there are things that need to be understood, the dealer will always win against us at any time.
If more gamblers could understand that, it could at least reduce the number of gamblers who lose a lot of money and could also reduce the number of gamblers who are addicted to gambling. They will no longer chase victory or recover from their losses because achieving them is difficult. They will only gamble to get entertainment and end the gambling game when they feel like they have had enough and will not return to gambling for a while.

Gamblers who cannot accept their losses will try to recover even though they know it could cost them more money, especially those who use gambling to make money. They will try anyway because they don't see that gambling is not about making money. They must immediately change their mindset before their situation worsens and they lose money.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: RockBell on January 02, 2024, 04:05:00 PM
I don't have a gambling problem and I don't have one that I can control for years by making up excuses like the one that I make enough profit for it to be OK-ish :D

The way I see it, my gambling is a habit, not an addiction and it's 100% under control. Sometimes I do it once a week, sometimes once a month, but there were times when I was abroad and busy with work so much that I haven't gambled for a month and felt completely fine. Also, I never jeopardize my finances. I only gamble small amounts of money, the money I'd otherwise spend on useless things like sweets, snacks, beer...
I don't have a gambling problem either most people are just used to losing control over a variety of things, and gambling isn't the only issue people face, therefore people should stop viewing gambling as the only issue. And their folks are doing very well with gambling, but since it does not benefit anyone, the person should stop. Yes, I now find it easier to limit my gambling. We each have our own approach to things. The issue is when you even busy with work it will be very difficult for you to even have time to gamble. You can only enjoy gambling when you are free. Wise people gamble with small sums of money. Because using a small amount will not hurt you, it is a risk reduction approach. and their is always something your spending money on.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: wxa7115 on January 08, 2024, 02:43:50 AM
Gamblers need to accept that losing and to do so frequently when they gamble is inevitable, once they do then dealing with it becomes way easier as people can take the precautions necessary as they expect to lose from the very beginning of their session.

But those unable to accept the truth will fight tooth and nail to prove everyone else wrong and make profits while they gamble, and that is when problems can appear, because the number of gamblers which can achieve such goal is not high.
At first, it will be difficult to accept the loss because they must feel pain or disappointment. But gamblers who have lost should know that they are not alone. More gamblers have experienced losses, and many of them accept their losses well because it is part of gambling. If they still cannot accept their loss, they shouldn't gamble at all and stay away from gambling forever.

They must learn to control themselves to avoid losing a lot if that can reduce their feelings of disappointment. But no matter what, the loss will always be there in gambling, and if there are still some of them who cannot accept the loss but instead still try to win, they will accept even bigger losses. Maybe they never imagined how much defeat they would receive.
Making the realization that earning money while gambling is important but it is not everything, since there are many gamblers out here that know that they cannot win and to their detriment still gamble too much.

So that realization needs to be accompanied with a strategy to bet less money and to spend our time in other hobbies, as a way to occupy our minds with something other than thoughts about gambling, which at the end are what force those people to gamble again, even if they know that what they are doing is wrong.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: CODE200 on January 08, 2024, 02:57:51 AM
It's not really a problem if you can control it right? Being in control means that you can't go overboard or act too much when you're doing something right? So to answer your question, I don't think I do have a problem that I have days where I'm in control, I try to be disciplined as much as I can and that's why I don't have any problems, if I gamble with a set amount of bankroll, that's the only amount I will use to gamble even if the total bankroll that I have is higher than what I've set to use for that gambling session. It's difficult to do at first but once you get used to doing it, you're going to be fine, there's probably even days that you're going to quit halfway and you haven't even spent all the bankroll for that day. I try to do some self-reflection right now and recall if there's another answer to that but I can't seem to recall one, maybe the part where I get angry at close calls when I'm a streak with slots but I don't play slots too much so I don't count that part as a problem but other than that, I can't recall any, hopefully it's a good thing that I can't recall any.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Jody.Drummer on January 08, 2024, 03:04:12 AM

At first, it will be difficult to accept the loss because they must feel pain or disappointment. But gamblers who have lost should know that they are not alone. More gamblers have experienced losses, and many of them accept their losses well because it is part of gambling. If they still cannot accept their loss, they shouldn't gamble at all and stay away from gambling forever.

They must learn to control themselves to avoid losing a lot if that can reduce their feelings of disappointment. But no matter what, the loss will always be there in gambling, and if there are still some of them who cannot accept the loss but instead still try to win, they will accept even bigger losses. Maybe they never imagined how much defeat they would receive.
Making the realization that earning money while gambling is important but it is not everything, since there are many gamblers out here that know that they cannot win and to their detriment still gamble too much.

So that realization needs to be accompanied with a strategy to bet less money and to spend our time in other hobbies, as a way to occupy our minds with something other than thoughts about gambling, which at the end are what force those people to gamble again, even if they know that what they are doing is wrong.

Of course I agree with your statement that the thing that should be prioritized more is to have a job that can really earn and has a promising certainty like maybe a general job that most people often do, you need money to continue living while on the other hand if you only rely on winnings from gambling it is too impossible, I understand you can win once in a while but the problem is that you will never know when you will win and what if when you need money but you lose your gambling? That's why it's important to have a main job in addition to your gambling habit and never make gambling as a place to earn, however it is difficult to do with all the randomness that exists in the gambling system.

So management should really be considered for the sake of financial balance, make it a habit to always put only small amounts on gambling without putting any expectations so that you do not suffer from problems from the adverse effects of gambling on your finances. Honestly for myself I always divide my time with many other things, such as playing with friends, family gatherings or doing part-time jobs, the point is you must have a time limit for gambling, not too often and by adding many other activities it will make your mind distracted.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Rabata on January 08, 2024, 03:11:42 AM
Many of us have this problem due to lack of proper knowledge regarding gambling. For some, when gambling goes to uncontrolled levels, it hurts a gambler in the same way for a long time. But for those who try to understand the purpose of gambling, it becomes a pleasure rather than a pain. And for this the point to be emphasized is to manage the gambling within a limit.

There are times when it becomes difficult for a gambler to take a break from gambling. But those who can take a break during that time can survive in gambling. If I am faced with such a situation I would definitely prefer to hang out there temporarily with my other friends who do not gamble. But I don't believe in changing the location because all the benefits of gambling are available anywhere due to online facility.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on January 08, 2024, 08:10:03 AM
It's not really a problem if you can control it right? Being in control means that you can't go overboard or act too much when you're doing something right? So to answer your question, I don't think I do have a problem that I have days where I'm in control, I try to be disciplined as much as I can and that's why I don't have any problems, if I gamble with a set amount of bankroll, that's the only amount I will use to gamble even if the total bankroll that I have is higher than what I've set to use for that gambling session. It's difficult to do at first but once you get used to doing it, you're going to be fine, there's probably even days that you're going to quit halfway and you haven't even spent all the bankroll for that day. I try to do some self-reflection right now and recall if there's another answer to that but I can't seem to recall one, maybe the part where I get angry at close calls when I'm a streak with slots but I don't play slots too much so I don't count that part as a problem but other than that, I can't recall any, hopefully it's a good thing that I can't recall any.

If you can gamble responsibly by being able to control everything properly from money, time and actions then it is not a problem, because gambling should only be done as entertainment and should not be done excessively, because if we gamble If we overdo it, it's likely that we will have big and serious problems, and now we can see that there are many out there who gamble excessively, which makes them addicted to gambling, which is clearly detrimental to themselves.

gamble with a set budget and be disciplined with the time to gamble, where we know the limit to stop gambling, when you lose it is better to leave gambling, and when you win there is no better choice than to cash it out and go to enjoy the win. Also, most people who have problems with gambling are because of their own reckless actions in doing it, by daring to take risks but in reality they cannot accept the loss.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: maydna on January 08, 2024, 09:31:04 AM
Making the realization that earning money while gambling is important but it is not everything, since there are many gamblers out here that know that they cannot win and to their detriment still gamble too much.

So that realization needs to be accompanied with a strategy to bet less money and to spend our time in other hobbies, as a way to occupy our minds with something other than thoughts about gambling, which at the end are what force those people to gamble again, even if they know that what they are doing is wrong.
And when they want to make money from gambling, they should realize that it is not easy and not many people can win but instead suffer losses from gambling. That's what many gamblers need to realize so that they don't force themselves too hard to make money from gambling. If there is such awareness, they will only use gambling as a means of getting pleasure and not to make money.

And if they can keep themselves busy by doing other hobbies or other activities, they will not gamble too often because they have other things to do. When they realize that they really have to reduce their gambling activities, they will do it more seriously because they also realize the dangers of gambling for them. These are the people who can get rid of the problems that exist within them and can use gambling as entertainment.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 08, 2024, 10:31:41 AM
Making the realization that earning money while gambling is important but it is not everything, since there are many gamblers out here that know that they cannot win and to their detriment still gamble too much.

So that realization needs to be accompanied with a strategy to bet less money and to spend our time in other hobbies, as a way to occupy our minds with something other than thoughts about gambling, which at the end are what force those people to gamble again, even if they know that what they are doing is wrong.
And when they want to make money from gambling, they should realize that it is not easy and not many people can win but instead suffer losses from gambling. That's what many gamblers need to realize so that they don't force themselves too hard to make money from gambling. If there is such awareness, they will only use gambling as a means of getting pleasure and not to make money.

And if they can keep themselves busy by doing other hobbies or other activities, they will not gamble too often because they have other things to do. When they realize that they really have to reduce their gambling activities, they will do it more seriously because they also realize the dangers of gambling for them. These are the people who can get rid of the problems that exist within them and can use gambling as entertainment.

That's correct, people need to realize that winning in gambling is very rare and we need to be lucky enough to win multiple time with huge winning amount. Based on my observation, when a person wins in a gambling, they tend to gamble more because They have already made it clear that it is possible to win in the game. They hope to win the next few games, but that is not the case because we have this thing called beginners luck, right?
 Even if they keep themselves busy by doing other activities, it will lessen their time in gambling but we can't just let people take away gambling, especially if they are really used to doing it in their daily lives.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: maydna on January 09, 2024, 02:04:05 PM
That's correct, people need to realize that winning in gambling is very rare and we need to be lucky enough to win multiple time with huge winning amount. Based on my observation, when a person wins in a gambling, they tend to gamble more because They have already made it clear that it is possible to win in the game. They hope to win the next few games, but that is not the case because we have this thing called beginners luck, right?
 Even if they keep themselves busy by doing other activities, it will lessen their time in gambling but we can't just let people take away gambling, especially if they are really used to doing it in their daily lives.
Getting a win just once requires luck, especially when discussing winning many times. It requires a lot of luck and must be on our side. Unfortunately, it won't be as easy as we imagine because no one can force luck always to come when we gamble, so we can't always gamble. And it is true what you said that if someone can win, they will tend to continue gambling because they still hope to get the next win. I also experienced this, and sometimes I still experience it when I gamble, and it is a normal thing that happens to many people. That's the point for us to learn self-control so that we can stop our gambling activities after winning so that we won't experience another loss after winning. We really can't prevent someone from gambling because it depends on their wishes, and we only give them advice on where they should choose while they know the risks if they continue gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on January 10, 2024, 06:35:53 AM
Many of us have this problem due to lack of proper knowledge regarding gambling. For some, when gambling goes to uncontrolled levels, it hurts a gambler in the same way for a long time. But for those who try to understand the purpose of gambling, it becomes a pleasure rather than a pain. And for this the point to be emphasized is to manage the gambling within a limit.

There are times when it becomes difficult for a gambler to take a break from gambling. But those who can take a break during that time can survive in gambling. If I am faced with such a situation I would definitely prefer to hang out there temporarily with my other friends who do not gamble. But I don't believe in changing the location because all the benefits of gambling are available anywhere due to online facility.
It's true that a lack of knowledge sometimes makes gamblers unable to think clearly and behave rashly, they experience problems with themselves that make it difficult to control themselves when they get to know gambling. If they know the concept of gambling of course they can think more rationally that gambling is a means of entertainment and not used as a means of making money, for those who already understand what gambling is, they will not experience problems regarding gambling because they can control it.

It depends on the gambler, if they are addicted, it will be difficult for them to take a break from gambling, but if someone is not addicted, it will be easy for them to stop gambling. But if you only have 1 circle of friends who gamble, where will you avoid it?? In my opinion, the environment is number 1. Even if you hang out with people who don't gamble, but if you still want to do it, you can do it via cellphone, namely online gambling, and vice versa, if you hang out with gambling friends but you don't have the desire to gamble then you can still control it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: arjunmujay on January 10, 2024, 06:58:26 AM
Many of us have this problem due to lack of proper knowledge regarding gambling. For some, when gambling goes to uncontrolled levels, it hurts a gambler in the same way for a long time. But for those who try to understand the purpose of gambling, it becomes a pleasure rather than a pain. And for this the point to be emphasized is to manage the gambling within a limit.

There are times when it becomes difficult for a gambler to take a break from gambling. But those who can take a break during that time can survive in gambling. If I am faced with such a situation I would definitely prefer to hang out there temporarily with my other friends who do not gamble. But I don't believe in changing the location because all the benefits of gambling are available anywhere due to online facility.
It's true that a lack of knowledge sometimes makes gamblers unable to think clearly and behave rashly, they experience problems with themselves that make it difficult to control themselves when they get to know gambling. If they know the concept of gambling of course they can think more rationally that gambling is a means of entertainment and not used as a means of making money, for those who already understand what gambling is, they will not experience problems regarding gambling because they can control it.

It depends on the gambler, if they are addicted, it will be difficult for them to take a break from gambling, but if someone is not addicted, it will be easy for them to stop gambling. But if you only have 1 circle of friends who gamble, where will you avoid it?? In my opinion, the environment is number 1. Even if you hang out with people who don't gamble, but if you still want to do it, you can do it via cellphone, namely online gambling, and vice versa, if you hang out with gambling friends but you don't have the desire to gamble then you can still control it.
It's true, just stay away from casinos and people who invite you back to gambling. indeed, online gambling can be a means to reduce addiction. but if its use is not measured, online gambling addiction can also occur. even with easy access starting from the gambling site itself and easy financial access via cellphones, it will be difficult to control not to make deposits when you lose.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 10, 2024, 09:53:16 AM
It's true, just stay away from casinos and people who invite you back to gambling. indeed, online gambling can be a means to reduce addiction. but if its use is not measured, online gambling addiction can also occur. even with easy access starting from the gambling site itself and easy financial access via cellphones, it will be difficult to control not to make deposits when you lose.
If they can stay away from casinos and from people who encourage them to gamble again, they can really prevent themselves from gambling again. But the problem is that this is unlikely because those who have experienced gambling games will remember every moment they experienced and that is what makes them come back. However, if they have good self-control, they can prevent that from happening to them and say no to people who invite them to gamble again. Problems with gambling only occur in people who cannot control themselves well so they can be tempted to gamble again at another time. If he really knew what his weaknesses were, he would not let that happen and would always exercise self-control so as not to return to gambling. Online gambling can indeed make people return to gambling because people can access online casinos from their smartphones easily.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: yazher on January 10, 2024, 02:23:30 PM
Many of us have this problem due to lack of proper knowledge regarding gambling. For some, when gambling goes to uncontrolled levels, it hurts a gambler in the same way for a long time. But for those who try to understand the purpose of gambling, it becomes a pleasure rather than a pain. And for this the point to be emphasized is to manage the gambling within a limit.

I once had a share of that kind of experience when I was addicted to online games where they put some gambling features and everyone seemed happy playing but eventually realized that it was a trap where they were just wasting their money for nothing because the Gotcha was meant to be like that, it was purposely put in the games to make them spend a lot of money and get some rare items which will not last longer than 1 month because another one will come and stronger than last time. The loop will continue for years and eventually, you will just realize that you are being fooled by their actions because you won't gonna get what you want to be but only to lose your money to them.

This is the same in gambling where you just continue playing even though you are losing so much and many gamblers cannot control themselves due to the fact that they are addicted to playing and they don't mind what tomorrow will bring. So they will only stop when they left with nothing and that's when they realized they took the wrong path to spend their money.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Pandu Geddon on January 10, 2024, 02:30:22 PM
Many of us have this problem due to lack of proper knowledge regarding gambling. For some, when gambling goes to uncontrolled levels, it hurts a gambler in the same way for a long time. But for those who try to understand the purpose of gambling, it becomes a pleasure rather than a pain. And for this the point to be emphasized is to manage the gambling within a limit.

I once had a share of that kind of experience when I was addicted to online games where they put some gambling features and everyone seemed happy playing but eventually realized that it was a trap where they were just wasting their money for nothing because the Gotcha was meant to be like that, it was purposely put in the games to make them spend a lot of money and get some rare items which will not last longer than 1 month because another one will come and stronger than last time. The loop will continue for years and eventually, you will just realize that you are being fooled by their actions because you won't gonna get what you want to be but only to lose your money to them.

This is the same in gambling where you just continue playing even though you are losing so much and many gamblers cannot control themselves due to the fact that they are addicted to playing and they don't mind what tomorrow will bring. So they will only stop when they left with nothing and that's when they realized they took the wrong path to spend their money.

such events do occur. and the fault is of course the gambler himself. he knows the risk of defeat that is being played. But why can't gamblers control themselves not to continue playing when they experience a losing streak? Addiction is probably the main reason because it makes a gambler lose control. Addicted gamblers will never think about winning. what they are looking for is satisfaction in playing for a longer time. and this is also a problem for gamblers who do not think logically to immediately leave the game after winning.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: piebeyb on January 10, 2024, 03:29:55 PM
This is the same in gambling where you just continue playing even though you are losing so much and many gamblers cannot control themselves due to the fact that they are addicted to playing and they don't mind what tomorrow will bring. So they will only stop when they left with nothing and that's when they realized they took the wrong path to spend their money.
Regret always comes at the end, never at the beginning, that's why it's important to always limit your budget and time when gambling. I apply this to overcome my gambling problem, which is sometimes always greedy, playing beyond limits and recklessly, learning from every defeat so as not to lose a lot of money. because there are so many gambling addicts who go bankrupt and fall into poverty, they only realize it when they feel like they have nothing.

If we have budget and time limits, of course we can know when to gamble and when to stop gambling because that's what can make me overcome my gambling problem which looks very bad and maybe this method can also help other people to overcome their gambling problems. The point is, don't really lose all your money and have nothing and then realize it because up until now, regret has always come at the end, never at the beginning.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on January 10, 2024, 03:57:09 PM
Many of us have this problem due to lack of proper knowledge regarding gambling. For some, when gambling goes to uncontrolled levels, it hurts a gambler in the same way for a long time. But for those who try to understand the purpose of gambling, it becomes a pleasure rather than a pain. And for this the point to be emphasized is to manage the gambling within a limit.

Actually gambling does not require any knowledge but it is dependent totally on luck because a person puts a bet irregulary without realising anything. There should be limitations in every field whether it's gambling or other thing because if something become uncontrolled then it is converted into toxic habits which should be reduced.

There are times when it becomes difficult for a gambler to take a break from gambling. But those who can take a break during that time can survive in gambling. If I am faced with such a situation I would definitely prefer to hang out there temporarily with my other friends who do not gamble. But I don't believe in changing the location because all the benefits of gambling are available anywhere due to online facility.

One should keep control through changing his mind instead of changing a location because location cannot put a control on your gambling but your mind can help you therefore don't change location due to fear of becoming addicted towards gambling but put some other thoughts in minds for altering the habit of gambling addiction.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Marvell1 on January 10, 2024, 09:06:52 PM
This is the same in gambling where you just continue playing even though you are losing so much and many gamblers cannot control themselves due to the fact that they are addicted to playing and they don't mind what tomorrow will bring. So they will only stop when they left with nothing and that's when they realized they took the wrong path to spend their money.
Regret always comes at the end, never at the beginning, that's why it's important to always limit your budget and time when gambling. I apply this to overcome my gambling problem, which is sometimes always greedy, playing beyond limits and recklessly, learning from every defeat so as not to lose a lot of money. because there are so many gambling addicts who go bankrupt and fall into poverty, they only realize it when they feel like they have nothing.

If we have budget and time limits, of course we can know when to gamble and when to stop gambling because that's what can make me overcome my gambling problem which looks very bad and maybe this method can also help other people to overcome their gambling problems. The point is, don't really lose all your money and have nothing and then realize it because up until now, regret has always come at the end, never at the beginning.

Once one becomes addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to come back from it. As money comes through gambling, people get greedy. You know greed is sin and sin is death. Actually winning at gambling requires a lot of concentration, if you somehow able to set limits on both of your time n budget when rolling slots then it will debunk a smart direction to managing your gambling activity. Recognizing the potential for greed and reckless behavior and proactively learning from defeat are important steps in overcoming gambling problems. n order to avoid financial losses, it is important to pay attention and play within the limits of gambling. It is best to get control of this habit while there is time to avoid regret later.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Onyeeze on January 10, 2024, 09:09:03 PM
Many of us have this problem due to lack of proper knowledge regarding gambling. For some, when gambling goes to uncontrolled levels, it hurts a gambler in the same way for a long time. But for those who try to understand the purpose of gambling, it becomes a pleasure rather than a pain. And for this the point to be emphasized is to manage the gambling within a limit.

There are times when it becomes difficult for a gambler to take a break from gambling. But those who can take a break during that time can survive in gambling. If I am faced with such a situation I would definitely prefer to hang out there temporarily with my other friends who do not gamble. But I don't believe in changing the location because all the benefits of gambling are available anywhere due to online facility.
If you don't participate in gambling I don't have any reason why you should hang out with gamblers, they can only be comfortable with you when you have already gambled and they believe that you quit gambling because of challenges you already faced and I believe that for someone to quit gambling one or two things is involved in it, so therefore I believe that gambling is not everyone who is a beneficiary of gambling and I know quite well that the beneficiary of gambling will not think otherwise or contrary to quit a gambling whereas is a beneficiary of gambling, so many of us declined gambling when they seem that nothing is coming out in it again maybe they have gamble consistently and nothing good is in gambling again.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Hirose UK on January 13, 2024, 01:57:47 PM
such events do occur. and the fault is of course the gambler himself. he knows the risk of defeat that is being played. But why can't gamblers control themselves not to continue playing when they experience a losing streak?
We certainly know what curiosity is and of course this is not only related to curiosity but also addiction.
Anyone who is addicted to gambling will never be able to stop even though they have experienced various consecutive defeats.
Losing can lead gamblers to experience worse things, they try to recover from their losses and in the end all the money they have is gone, but it doesn't end here because there is sense of revenge so that they can win the bet later.
We have all experienced conditions like this and of course we can think back that what we experienced was the same as what is happening to gamblers out there.

It just that different things will happen for those gamblers who are willing to accept defeat, they can stop when they lose in row and accept all the defeats that have occurred.
However, we will not find many gamblers who can have this kind of attitude.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: wxa7115 on January 14, 2024, 02:57:36 AM
Once one becomes addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to come back from it. As money comes through gambling, people get greedy. You know greed is sin and sin is death. Actually winning at gambling requires a lot of concentration, if you somehow able to set limits on both of your time n budget when rolling slots then it will debunk a smart direction to managing your gambling activity. Recognizing the potential for greed and reckless behavior and proactively learning from defeat are important steps in overcoming gambling problems. n order to avoid financial losses, it is important to pay attention and play within the limits of gambling. It is best to get control of this habit while there is time to avoid regret later.
Unfortunately people often decide to deny they have a problem, and only recognize this is the case when it is impossible for them to deny it any longer.

But by the time they make this admission the road ahead of them has become incredibly difficult, not only because leaving behind an addiction is difficult, but also because many of those that could have helped them may have given up on them, thinking they are never going to change their ways and prefer to not be part of their lives anymore.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: tech30338 on January 14, 2024, 03:28:26 AM
Once one becomes addicted to gambling, it is very difficult to come back from it. As money comes through gambling, people get greedy. You know greed is sin and sin is death. Actually winning at gambling requires a lot of concentration, if you somehow able to set limits on both of your time n budget when rolling slots then it will debunk a smart direction to managing your gambling activity. Recognizing the potential for greed and reckless behavior and proactively learning from defeat are important steps in overcoming gambling problems. n order to avoid financial losses, it is important to pay attention and play within the limits of gambling. It is best to get control of this habit while there is time to avoid regret later.
Unfortunately people often decide to deny they have a problem, and only recognize this is the case when it is impossible for them to deny it any longer.

But by the time they make this admission the road ahead of them has become incredibly difficult, not only because leaving behind an addiction is difficult, but also because many of those that could have helped them may have given up on them, thinking they are never going to change their ways and prefer to not be part of their lives anymore.
Its true they only wan't to make change when they have experience difficulties, but I'm pretty sure once they got back up they will return to that state, gambling is really hard to pass for those who been their for long time, but if you really want to change you should have plan, since you can't change everything in one day, its a long process.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: JahriMeayer on January 30, 2024, 03:57:03 AM
I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: arjunmujay on January 30, 2024, 07:10:49 AM
I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all
I agree with using small amounts of some of the money we have for gambling.
is that right? even though we have set aside our own money to gamble. think of it as you say, only a small portion of your money.
Isn't it that as players, we still want to win with money that is considered small and it doesn't matter if we really spend it gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on January 30, 2024, 07:47:59 AM
No, it is important to remember that dealing with gaming problems is a unique and individual process for each person, irrespective of how normal or uncommon they are. Putting limits on your gambling, getting help from family or friends, joining a support group, and doing other things you enjoy could all help. If those don't work, you could see a counselor or therapist who specializes in game addiction. Create your plan for healthily playing video games, thinking about how it might affect your health, happiness, and relationships.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 30, 2024, 09:26:51 AM
No, it is important to remember that dealing with gaming problems is a unique and individual process for each person, irrespective of how normal or uncommon they are. Putting limits on your gambling, getting help from family or friends, joining a support group, and doing other things you enjoy could all help. If those don't work, you could see a counselor or therapist who specializes in game addiction. Create your plan for healthily playing video games, thinking about how it might affect your health, happiness, and relationships.

you really need to seek professional help if the things that you did, doesn't go on your way because it means your addiction is getting worse. Seeking for assistance and advices to medical professionals is very helpful to those person who really wants to lessen their obsession in gambling, but not only because of the help of professionals so that you can get better, you must also persevere in helping yourself. It will also help more if you have a guide from your families, because they are one of the ones who can really put you at ease to overcome your situation.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: irhact on January 30, 2024, 01:02:02 PM
Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all

You're correct, when you start gambling for entertainment and not solely for making money you would be alot happier when you're gambling. Gambling for engagement makes you to enjoy yourself regardless of how the game turns out. Some gamblers don't care about the entertainment part of gambling, they're just gambling as they want to make some money so they can get something to eat. They depend on gambling for everything and this is a wrong way of gambling.

When you can control your greed by being disciplined and having self control, you can control any situation you find yourself in and enjoy gambling without suffering any addiction problems. Many gambling has a problem that they're struggling with but being able to control the situation that's what makes the difference and differential addicted gamblers from the regular gambler that's only gambling for entertainment.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: hedgeh0g on January 30, 2024, 01:20:37 PM
I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all
You ended up with a good approach. Years later, I began to perceive the game the same way. I like to bet even a small bet that won't cause me much disappointment if I lose. And if I win, she will make me happy, probably this is what I need for me. To be honest, it’s scary for me to remember myself when I placed big bets, it feels like it wasn’t me who did it and someone was controlling my mind, and it was so strong that I was helpless in front of it. I wanted to win back no matter what, I wanted to run out of the house and quickly borrow money from my friends to stay in the game. Now I don't have that old habit and I'm very happy about it. And I don’t have to stay in the game, I have other interests in life that can captivate me with greater force and there is no need to risk my money. I would like to give advice to the rest - rethink your life a little.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 30, 2024, 01:31:16 PM
No, it is important to remember that dealing with gaming problems is a unique and individual process for each person, irrespective of how normal or uncommon they are. Putting limits on your gambling, getting help from family or friends, joining a support group, and doing other things you enjoy could all help. If those don't work, you could see a counselor or therapist who specializes in game addiction. Create your plan for healthily playing video games, thinking about how it might affect your health, happiness, and relationships.
you really need to seek professional help if the things that you did, doesn't go on your way because it means your addiction is getting worse. Seeking for assistance and advices to medical professionals is very helpful to those person who really wants to lessen their obsession in gambling, but not only because of the help of professionals so that you can get better, you must also persevere in helping yourself. It will also help more if you have a guide from your families, because they are one of the ones who can really put you at ease to overcome your situation.
Seeking professional help may be the last resort for those who want to cure their gambling addiction because, after all, they need a solution that has often been done to other gamblers. Professional medical personnel have often treated people who are addicted to gambling or other things, so they can use many methods that are suitable for use by every gambler who is addicted to gambling. But we should be able to control ourselves when gambling so that we don't experience any problems and don't become addicted to gambling. That will be more meaningful than having to visit a professional because that will cost a lot of money.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: madnessteat on January 30, 2024, 01:42:53 PM
No, it is important to remember that dealing with gaming problems is a unique and individual process for each person, irrespective of how normal or uncommon they are. Putting limits on your gambling, getting help from family or friends, joining a support group, and doing other things you enjoy could all help. If those don't work, you could see a counselor or therapist who specializes in game addiction. Create your plan for healthily playing video games, thinking about how it might affect your health, happiness, and relationships.

you really need to seek professional help if the things that you did, doesn't go on your way because it means your addiction is getting worse. Seeking for assistance and advices to medical professionals is very helpful to those person who really wants to lessen their obsession in gambling, but not only because of the help of professionals so that you can get better, you must also persevere in helping yourself. It will also help more if you have a guide from your families, because they are one of the ones who can really put you at ease to overcome your situation.

Before turning to professionals, you can try to solve the problem on your own, because achieving a goal motivates a person to take further steps to improve his or her life. I believe that almost every person has the strength to cope with any addiction - you just need a desire. I myself was able to get rid of alcohol, smoking tobacco, so I am sure that if gambling brought me problems I would be able to get rid of this addiction. Fortunately I gamble for fun.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: nimogsm on January 30, 2024, 01:55:22 PM
I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all
Yes, human greed is the strongest factor in gambling, thanks to this, the gambling industry has so much money. As soon as players come to self-discipline, their losses decrease and the excitement goes away. A popular mistake of players is to bet large amounts and after losing they try to win back and after that they lose a large amount again, The best option is to play only for the amount that you don’t mind losing and enjoy the game and be psychologically prepared for losing and treat it more simply, then there will definitely be no problems.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: swogerino on January 30, 2024, 02:17:32 PM
I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all
Yes, human greed is the strongest factor in gambling, thanks to this, the gambling industry has so much money. As soon as players come to self-discipline, their losses decrease and the excitement goes away. A popular mistake of players is to bet large amounts and after losing they try to win back and after that they lose a large amount again, The best option is to play only for the amount that you don’t mind losing and enjoy the game and be psychologically prepared for losing and treat it more simply, then there will definitely be no problems.

I think that everyone basically knows that in theory yet exactly almost everyone has big problems applying this to their gambling sessions.The reason is simple and that is that emotions cannot be controlled and emotions can lead to all type of rushed decisions which usually boils down in most cases to chasing loses and that can bring even bigger loses.That is the reason casinos continue to exist,they exist because people have emotions and as long many of them will be led by emotions this will continue to be.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: yazher on January 30, 2024, 03:33:56 PM
No, it is important to remember that dealing with gaming problems is a unique and individual process for each person, irrespective of how normal or uncommon they are. Putting limits on your gambling, getting help from family or friends, joining a support group, and doing other things you enjoy could all help. If those don't work, you could see a counselor or therapist who specializes in game addiction. Create your plan for healthily playing video games, thinking about how it might affect your health, happiness, and relationships.

That's exactly what you need to do when you already tried all cause to change your life for good and other's tips are also not working for you. It makes it more hard when you don't want to pursue the expert way and ask them for help because that might your last resort to change your life. Others has been healed well when they make that right decision, and continue to live their life to the fullest by not getting back to their old bad habits.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on January 30, 2024, 04:11:06 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
No, I don't have such an issue. I've always known that gambling is not child's play and not a place to earn my living and financial freedom, so this has been helping me by preserving my mindset against what most people who are affected believe about it.

Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.
I don't have that issue, all I know is that I play well with my casino section of gambling but with a small amount of money, while with the sports betting that I risk higher with, I make sure that I play with wisdom and smartness. I have good account management, so there is nothing to regret here. This is made better possible because I don't depend on it.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
To stop gambling perhaps due to addiction and some excessive losses, I think that Willpower is the answer here. This thing is psychological and you need the Willpower to say No. However, if you can't say no successfully by yourself, you might want to seek external help. But drinking, exercising, swearing and all that might not have the permanent solution you seek.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: panjul07 on January 30, 2024, 04:39:01 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
NO, I have been gambling for more than 10 years and I have never experienced a big problem because of it.
I try to control my gambling habit as much as I can so I can avoid negative effects from this habit.

(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
Nothing, I can stop anytime I wish and I can stay away for a period of time as I wish.
I do not need to have other activities in order to stop gambling so I have to say it is not a problem for me to stop.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Gheka on January 30, 2024, 04:52:19 PM
No, it is important to remember that dealing with gaming problems is a unique and individual process for each person, irrespective of how normal or uncommon they are. Putting limits on your gambling, getting help from family or friends, joining a support group, and doing other things you enjoy could all help. If those don't work, you could see a counselor or therapist who specializes in game addiction. Create your plan for healthily playing video games, thinking about how it might affect your health, happiness, and relationships.

you really need to seek professional help if the things that you did, doesn't go on your way because it means your addiction is getting worse. Seeking for assistance and advices to medical professionals is very helpful to those person who really wants to lessen their obsession in gambling, but not only because of the help of professionals so that you can get better, you must also persevere in helping yourself. It will also help more if you have a guide from your families, because they are one of the ones who can really put you at ease to overcome your situation.

But individual gamblers like to be more independent, they think they don't have too serious problems that they can't manage, by convincing themselves in their minds, they ignore the hidden possibilities and suddenly the problems that have accumulated over the years begin to set in motion a harsh regime, problems followed problems and direction was no longer with the inherent management. Too many people are ashamed to admit their failures to their gambling demons, it's normal to need help from professionals and family, let go of your pride and heal yourself.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Negotiation on January 30, 2024, 04:59:33 PM
I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all
I agree with using small amounts of some of the money we have for gambling.
is that right? even though we have set aside our own money to gamble. think of it as you say, only a small portion of your money.
Isn't it that as players, we still want to win with money that is considered small and it doesn't matter if we really spend it gambling.
Yeah setting aside a certain amount of money for betting every day and keeping a small portion of the money aside for betting will have no chance of risking at work because it will not be connected to the use of money in daily life. It is difficult to protect yourself when you become greedy and have to control yourself with a small amount of use. There are many different gambling opportunities out there and you shouldn't jump into investing without doing some research and getting some strategy. Casinos want you to part with your money while gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 30, 2024, 05:52:42 PM
No, it is important to remember that dealing with gaming problems is a unique and individual process for each person, irrespective of how normal or uncommon they are. Putting limits on your gambling, getting help from family or friends, joining a support group, and doing other things you enjoy could all help. If those don't work, you could see a counselor or therapist who specializes in game addiction. Create your plan for healthily playing video games, thinking about how it might affect your health, happiness, and relationships.

you really need to seek professional help if the things that you did, doesn't go on your way because it means your addiction is getting worse. Seeking for assistance and advices to medical professionals is very helpful to those person who really wants to lessen their obsession in gambling, but not only because of the help of professionals so that you can get better, you must also persevere in helping yourself. It will also help more if you have a guide from your families, because they are one of the ones who can really put you at ease to overcome your situation.

Hold on. The discussion seeks to find common or mutua struggles we, gamblers, are having but manages to handle it still for years. Don't get too carried away and jump to addiction already. Most likely, we do have such thing for example is being greedy when we are winning or feeling frustrated from continuous loss. These things are normal but will still be referred to as challenges we are facing simply because those things are unwanted. What can we do then? continue controlling oneself to avoid being too driven by those challenges, until you fully remove it from your gambling habit or experience. But don't get me wrong, all of those things you guys have mentioned could and would really help a gambler avoid addiction or just be problematic in gambling.

I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all
I agree with using small amounts of some of the money we have for gambling.
is that right? even though we have set aside our own money to gamble. think of it as you say, only a small portion of your money.
Isn't it that as players, we still want to win with money that is considered small and it doesn't matter if we really spend it gambling.
Yeah setting aside a certain amount of money for betting every day and keeping a small portion of the money aside for betting will have no chance of risking at work because it will not be connected to the use of money in daily life. It is difficult to protect yourself when you become greedy and have to control yourself with a small amount of use. There are many different gambling opportunities out there and you shouldn't jump into investing without doing some research and getting some strategy. Casinos want you to part with your money while gambling.
Setting a limit and imposing discipline to oneself whenever you are gambling would already be a huge help. No matter what strategy we use, things will never be guaranteed in gambling. Research, analysis, speculations indeed helps us to lessen the chances of losing but if you are just lacking  the luck to win, you'd lose for sure. That's just how gambling works and with the same reason that it is better to have a preventive approach than aggressive of winning, especially in the long run of your gambling  caareer.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: OgNasty on January 30, 2024, 07:44:53 PM
I would categorize myself as definitely not having a gambling problem.  I guess the major difference of whether or not people have a problem is if they lose large amounts of money or not.  I don't typically bet large amounts, but I also make pretty safe bets so I never find myself in a position of regret.  I even enjoy gambling conversations I have with others as much as actually gambling, so I think I have a healthy relationship with gambling and hope it stays that way.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on January 31, 2024, 02:09:44 AM
Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all

You're correct, when you start gambling for entertainment and not solely for making money you would be alot happier when you're gambling. Gambling for engagement makes you to enjoy yourself regardless of how the game turns out. Some gamblers don't care about the entertainment part of gambling, they're just gambling as they want to make some money so they can get something to eat. They depend on gambling for everything and this is a wrong way of gambling.

When you can control your greed by being disciplined and having self control, you can control any situation you find yourself in and enjoy gambling without suffering any addiction problems. Many gambling has a problem that they're struggling with but being able to control the situation that's what makes the difference and differential addicted gamblers from the regular gambler that's only gambling for entertainment.
When someone has involved quite a large amount of money in betting, their goal may not just be entertainment but to be able to make a profit more than their initial capital, but when people do not expect income from gambling, they only use a small amount of money to gamble and can limit their expenses so that they do not experience big losses and they can accept these losses without having to chase losses which will ultimately lead to new problems due to chasing losses.

It is absolutely true that this is a role that gamblers should play so as not to exceed the limits of their abilities and with discipline and self-control a person will use gambling wisely and responsibly so that they do not have problem in their gambling and always consider gambling to be an entertainment game even though it involves money.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: maydna on January 31, 2024, 03:01:47 PM
Setting a limit and imposing discipline to oneself whenever you are gambling would already be a huge help. No matter what strategy we use, things will never be guaranteed in gambling. Research, analysis, speculations indeed helps us to lessen the chances of losing but if you are just lacking  the luck to win, you'd lose for sure. That's just how gambling works and with the same reason that it is better to have a preventive approach than aggressive of winning, especially in the long run of your gambling  caareer.
Setting limits and having discipline are things that are very necessary when playing gambling so that we can prevent big losses. We cannot take too big a risk with limited money. We must know that in gambling, many problems may be difficult to solve if we are not willing to open ourselves to accepting the results we get from gambling. If we can have the two things above, we can use gambling as something that entertains us. Once we feel we have had enough, we will immediately stop gambling activities to continue with other activities. By understanding that these two things really help us when playing gambling, we will not experience problems that can arise at any time when we gamble.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Wakate on January 31, 2024, 06:03:13 PM
I think the process you mentioned, won't work similarly with everyone cause everybody has different mentality. At first, i faced such problem due to gambling, i worried a lot about the result (win or loss), after losing or lack of money effected on my life. Although that time i was in limit too, that's why it hadn't effected on my life badly. And Then even the last answer of your question is, when i realised gambling isn't for making money, i do loss more than winning, then anyhow my mind able just able to stop it considered as useless thing lol. Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all
I agree with using small amounts of some of the money we have for gambling.
is that right? even though we have set aside our own money to gamble. think of it as you say, only a small portion of your money.
Isn't it that as players, we still want to win with money that is considered small and it doesn't matter if we really spend it gambling.
This is a nice advise and we need to be very careful how we spend our money for gambling. Gambling can be very addictive if we don't stay somehow strict about the way we bet. We can make money for betting but until we do it in the right way. There are people that had been gambling for a very long time and we all have to settle down and  do things in a way that can be profitable but not something illegal. If we have plans of betting maybe with some of the funds we have, we can decide to split the money into 4 place and bey with one. If we are unlucky to make winnings with the fund, we can take a other one and bet untill we start making profits for ourselves. This is an easy way we can go about it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Blitzboy on January 31, 2024, 09:08:39 PM
Actually just need to control your greed and wake up to reality that's all. Now there's no problem when i do Gambling. I can make myself happy even by placing bet even with little amount where loss doesn't matter at all

You're correct, when you start gambling for entertainment and not solely for making money you would be alot happier when you're gambling. Gambling for engagement makes you to enjoy yourself regardless of how the game turns out. Some gamblers don't care about the entertainment part of gambling, they're just gambling as they want to make some money so they can get something to eat. They depend on gambling for everything and this is a wrong way of gambling.

When you can control your greed by being disciplined and having self control, you can control any situation you find yourself in and enjoy gambling without suffering any addiction problems. Many gambling has a problem that they're struggling with but being able to control the situation that's what makes the difference and differential addicted gamblers from the regular gambler that's only gambling for entertainment.
When someone has involved quite a large amount of money in betting, their goal may not just be entertainment but to be able to make a profit more than their initial capital, but when people do not expect income from gambling, they only use a small amount of money to gamble and can limit their expenses so that they do not experience big losses and they can accept these losses without having to chase losses which will ultimately lead to new problems due to chasing losses.

It is absolutely true that this is a role that gamblers should play so as not to exceed the limits of their abilities and with discipline and self-control a person will use gambling wisely and responsibly so that they do not have problem in their gambling and always consider gambling to be an entertainment game even though it involves money.
You're having fun, not becoming a billionaire. I chuck in a bit here and there believing money may leave. Its for the thrills, chuckles, and "what if".

Self-discipline is your best friend. Set boundaries like, "This is my play money, and Im cool if it grows wings." Maintaining a light, enjoyable tone transforms gambling into responsible adventure. The experience matters, not the exit.

Lets be sophisticated and lively, fun-seekers. Remember, we're in it for the tales, excitement, and "I knew it was a long shot, but imagine if..." Smart, entertaining, and most importantly, fun. Happy dice and wheel rolling! May they always bring more smiles than frowns!

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Shamm on January 31, 2024, 10:04:05 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


before when I was have a Little bit love in gambling then it will affect my finance and also the relationship between me and my wife cause Before everyweek I gamble 4 times or even 5 times and that's  the reason why my money won't long last. But i won't regret it cause I know it's a good experience in mylife I say it good cause I'll over come myself and get out of those world.  Anyway I am in gambling nowadays but I can control myself and maybe once week or  worst twice a month if I am too busy.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: SmartGold01 on January 31, 2024, 10:12:46 PM
It shock me to see that some people always have gambling problem how and why did they ever develop this problems for themselves without them realizing when they have gone worse in this problems they are currently facing now. To me I don't have any gambling problems and I won't ever have any because I planning and managing myself properly without allowing any of these to allow me go into being addicted of whatever or even being too open for a particular thing to affect my life, I always remain neutral in general life issues because whatever you takes things so serious those things would be there while you are no place to be found then, why on earth do I get myself disturbed over things I know would still remain here on earth while I will be no place to be found.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Strongkored on February 01, 2024, 05:28:02 AM
It shock me to see that some people always have gambling problem how and why did they ever develop this problems for themselves without them realizing when they have gone worse in this problems they are currently facing now. To me I don't have any gambling problems and I won't ever have any because I planning and managing myself properly without allowing any of these to allow me go into being addicted of whatever or even being too open for a particular thing to affect my life, I always remain neutral in general life issues because whatever you takes things so serious those things would be there while you are no place to be found then, why on earth do I get myself disturbed over things I know would still remain here on earth while I will be no place to be found.
Why are many people who have problems with gambling because they take everything that happens in their gambling too seriously, so they can't respond normally, for example, when they win they think they can always get it and if they lose they always think about how to recover the money they have lost because of that loss, or when you lose, you think because you made a mistake and try to correct it and gamble again with bigger funds, as well as when there are gamblers who consider gambling as fun, they will continue to gamble when they feel they need fun without checking how much money they have just spent to get pleasure and it turns out that it has exceeded the limits of their abilities, that's why gamblers always have limits and are determined to apply those limits no matter how big the temptation is, it should be the limits that they will apply, not lose to temptation.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Hirose UK on February 01, 2024, 06:35:57 AM
It shock me to see that some people always have gambling problem how and why did they ever develop this problems for themselves without them realizing when they have gone worse in this problems they are currently facing now. To me I don't have any gambling problems and I won't ever have any because I planning and managing myself properly without allowing any of these to allow me go into being addicted of whatever or even being too open for a particular thing to affect my life, I always remain neutral in general life issues because whatever you takes things so serious those things would be there while you are no place to be found then, why on earth do I get myself disturbed over things I know would still remain here on earth while I will be no place to be found.
Problems caused by gambling do not occur accidentally, but problems in gambling occur because of the gambler own mistakes, who are unable to control themselves and are unable to have the right attitude or mindset.
Just look at gamblers who already have wise attitude and have the right mindset still often get into problems or make mistakes, so what about those who just gamble carelessly.
Excessive ambition and goals often make gamblers ignore warnings that they should be careful and excessive ambition and goals have made gamblers blind to risks or consequences that might make things difficult for them.
This is reality that still happens so often that it is easy for gamblers to do, but after all, only the gamblers themselves can solve it and change everything.

For example, you yourself are gambler but are able to differentiate between good and bad for future results, this is an effort in condition that can remain safe in the long term.
You can do it, but it not certain that other gamblers will have the same point of view as you, and all because their ambitions and goals are different from us gamblers who can still consider all the risks involved.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: SmartGold01 on February 03, 2024, 06:59:44 PM
Why are many people who have problems with gambling because they take everything that happens in their gambling too seriously, so they can't respond normally, for example, when they win they think they can always get it and if they lose they always think about how to recover the money they have lost because of that loss, or when you lose, you think because you made a mistake and try to correct it and gamble again with bigger funds, as well as when there are gamblers who consider gambling as fun, they will continue to gamble when they feel they need fun without checking how much money they have just spent to get pleasure and it turns out that it has exceeded the limits of their abilities, that's why gamblers always have limits and are determined to apply those limits no matter how big the temptation is, it should be the limits that they will apply, not lose to temptation.

This is where they are getting it wrongly because when they takes it so serious then it turns to worst why, because whenever they gambles and it happens that they lost then they think revenge gambling is the best and even when they knew is a revenge gambling they would still push hard to make sure to recover what they have lost previously without knowing they are gradually sinking in lost and addiction. To me what I take is  when I mapped out a particular amount for gambling and i finally exhaust that same amount i say goodbye to the gambling site why because whenever you hang around the site you could be tempted to funds your account whereby you are going against your plan and budget for the week and months per say, so when they gamble and lost they should accept it with good fate and leave the gambling site or casino hall.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Wakate on February 03, 2024, 07:53:53 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


before when I was have a Little bit love in gambling then it will affect my finance and also the relationship between me and my wife cause Before everyweek I gamble 4 times or even 5 times and that's  the reason why my money won't long last. But i won't regret it cause I know it's a good experience in mylife I say it good cause I'll over come myself and get out of those world.  Anyway I am in gambling nowadays but I can control myself and maybe once week or  worst twice a month if I am too busy.
We can have passion to gamble for years but we need to always try to control our passion for gambling. I had been gambling for years now and I can still control the way I gamble. I can likewise determine when to bet and when not to bet even when I have sure games that could make me earn faster in betting. It is good when we can be strict at gambling decisions that would not hurt about activities to become a better person as gambler. Discipline is one of the way we can be strict and stay less risky to gambling addiction which had been a major problem to most gamblers. Risk management is a sole way to keep betting without taking too much risk to earn more.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Miles2006 on February 03, 2024, 08:04:36 PM
(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.
First question, if I may ask how does this addiction work for few people, anytime I keep facing challenges with something I will prefer to quit, it's always best to quit before it's too late.
Second question, if this act has turned to an addiction then it's too late or rather the person is willing to change, the idea of getting busy with work can stop this act, a jobless person should find something doing and get busy with the work, in essence keep yourself and mind out from gambling and focus more on work. There's no solution to gambling addiction but I have seen people who escaped from such and each time I ask they'll always respond with build your mind, so I think the mind really play a big role in humans mostly the ability to resist an act.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: the rise on February 03, 2024, 08:05:36 PM
Firstly, I don't have a problem with gambling which damages my relationships with my family, finances or otherwise, the gambling I do now is not because of my income, I will gamble if I have more money than I earn (I still control gambling)

secondly, if I really have to stop gambling, maybe I will do physical activity, or rather activities that are positive for building business in particular

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Doan9269 on February 03, 2024, 08:13:25 PM
Nursing a gambling problem is not a good thing one should pray for because it will deprive you from having fun in gambling than being faced by what you're battling with at the cause, this is one of the reasons why it is very important to gamble with caution and responsibly, because at the end of the day, everything is for our own advantage, we must not be too carried away, we have to be mindful of how we are gambling, take good measures to control and guide the affairs related to it and considers the consequences in everything we do for better.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Pokapoka124 on February 03, 2024, 10:33:39 PM
This is where they are getting it wrongly because when they takes it so serious then it turns to worst why, because whenever they gambles and it happens that they lost then they think revenge gambling is the best and even when they knew is a revenge gambling they would still push hard to make sure to recover what they have lost previously without knowing they are gradually sinking in lost and addiction.
Bitcointalk is the only place I have ever seen anyone use the term  Revenge gambling ( When money is your sole motivation to gamble, it’s pretty difficult to accept that you are not going to win it all. It begs the question of which is more likely to become a gambling addict; Someone who gambles for fun or someone who gambles for profit.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: SmartGold01 on February 03, 2024, 11:15:09 PM
This is where they are getting it wrongly because when they takes it so serious then it turns to worst why, because whenever they gambles and it happens that they lost then they think revenge gambling is the best and even when they knew is a revenge gambling they would still push hard to make sure to recover what they have lost previously without knowing they are gradually sinking in lost and addiction.
Bitcointalk is the only place I have ever seen anyone use the term  Revenge gambling ( When money is your sole motivation to gamble, it’s pretty difficult to accept that you are not going to win it all. It begs the question of which is more likely to become a gambling addict; Someone who gambles for fun or someone who gambles for profit.

The refusal to accept is what that has landed many people to where they are now because they refused to accept that fact that gambling is a game of probability and not a game of masters or professionals. Someone who doesn't gamble regularly could hit a life change opportunity while those who has been gambling so long would still be there dangling in just a spot without making progress that is why whenever you gamble and you think you don't longer make profits or even finds it difficulty to win I will advise you should distance for some months before resuming back otherwise when continuing gambling it could lead to addictions where it will be beyond control.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: taufik123 on February 03, 2024, 11:22:40 PM
Firstly, I don't have a problem with gambling which damages my relationships with my family, finances or otherwise, the gambling I do now is not because of my income, I will gamble if I have more money than I earn (I still control gambling)

secondly, if I really have to stop gambling, maybe I will do physical activity, or rather activities that are positive for building business in particular
It seems that it will be a better choice when you are already too much of a gambling addict.
You need to come to your senses early before going too deeper.
With some physical activity or sports that will give you a more positive mind.

Nursing a gambling problem is not a good thing one should pray for because it will deprive you from having fun in gambling than being faced by what you're battling with at the cause, this is one of the reasons why it is very important to gamble with caution and responsibly, because at the end of the day, everything is for our own advantage, we must not be too carried away, we have to be mindful of how we are gambling, take good measures to control and guide the affairs related to it and considers the consequences in everything we do for better.
If people who gamble too much, I doubt they will be aware of the responsibility, they get too carried away with gambling and always want big wins.
There is no control on gambling that is done thus making many consequences and greater losses.

But actually when you do gambling, but it doesn't interfere with other activities it doesn't matter.
Gambling is only used as entertainment or even a hobby but does not have a negative effect.
Those who are too addicted because they expect to keep winning every time they play, when there will be no definite victory.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Weawant on February 03, 2024, 11:38:23 PM
before when I was have a Little bit love in gambling then it will affect my finance and also the relationship between me and my wife cause Before everyweek I gamble 4 times or even 5 times and that's  the reason why my money won't long last. But i won't regret it cause I know it's a good experience in mylife I say it good cause I'll over come myself and get out of those world.  Anyway I am in gambling nowadays but I can control myself and maybe once week or  worst twice a month if I am too busy.
Learning from this experience now makes you even a better person than you would know because the gambling activities will no longer be a big deal to you because you have had an experience with it and it's no more something that you will be excited about, you now have better control over your self and there will be a better level of discipline aswell too.

Sometimes for some persons it's better they learn from experience because if they learn from other people they seem not to take it seriously as they would when they have got a first hand experience so it's usually better for such people to have an experience so when they meet such situations again they will know how best to tackle it. It's best to learn from other peoples experience because it will go a long way to teach you that which you know without having to really make the mistakes others made.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on February 03, 2024, 11:49:52 PM
Nursing a gambling problem is not a good thing one should pray for because it will deprive you from having fun in gambling than being faced by what you're battling with at the cause, this is one of the reasons why it is very important to gamble with caution and responsibly, because at the end of the day, everything is for our own advantage, we must not be too carried away, we have to be mindful of how we are gambling, take good measures to control and guide the affairs related to it and considers the consequences in everything we do for better.

The gambler who made the continuous loss will get more temptation to play the game,because they like to withdraw the funds from the loss.The loss of the money in the gambling site will be in the mind of the gamblers.So they keep do the gambling with all the money they received from all the income sources.Untill they made the good and proper strategies they won’t achieve the target to the gamblers.The responsibility was the key for the gamblers successful in the gambling.Because the gamblers should accept the loss in the gambling site.If the loss is happened,the same gamblers get win from the same gambling site.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: oktana on February 03, 2024, 11:55:51 PM
I don’t have a gambling habit. If you’re addicted and you feel it’s time to stop. The first thing you need to know is that it will not be possible to just automatically stop. You have to gradually reduce the time and amount you spend over time before finally stopping. That is a more realistic way to stop. As you reduce the time and amount you spend, you can engage yourself in other activities to help you too.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: SmartGold01 on February 04, 2024, 09:50:25 AM
Problems caused by gambling do not occur accidentally, but problems in gambling occur because of the gambler own mistakes, who are unable to control themselves and are unable to have the right attitude or mindset.
Just look at gamblers who already have wise attitude and have the right mindset still often get into problems or make mistakes, so what about those who just gamble carelessly.
Excessive ambition and goals often make gamblers ignore warnings that they should be careful and excessive ambition and goals have made gamblers blind to risks or consequences that might make things difficult for them.
This is reality that still happens so often that it is easy for gamblers to do, but after all, only the gamblers themselves can solve it and change everything.

For example, you yourself are gambler but are able to differentiate between good and bad for future results, this is an effort in condition that can remain safe in the long term.
You can do it, but it not certain that other gamblers will have the same point of view as you, and all because their ambitions and goals are different from us gamblers who can still consider all the risks involved.

You are right sometimes it's out of mind and they felt they are still in range of maintaining and a good gambling behavior without know they have gone worst of the situation why because of how life challenges and hardship has engulfed them and can no longer holds themselves any longer. So some of them don't care about the risk that is involved anymore but what they care about is for them to make winning and change their ways of living.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 04, 2024, 11:23:35 AM
I don’t have a gambling habit. If you’re addicted and you feel it’s time to stop. The first thing you need to know is that it will not be possible to just automatically stop. You have to gradually reduce the time and amount you spend over time before finally stopping. That is a more realistic way to stop. As you reduce the time and amount you spend, you can engage yourself in other activities to help you too.
Most gambling addicts will not realize that they have a gambling addiction. They just feel that they are visiting casinos more often but they don't know that it is a gambling addiction. They need other people to be able to recognize and explain that it is a gambling addiction and they need to cure it as soon as possible before it is too late. But when they feel they have a gambling problem, such as spending too much money or starting to gamble too often, they should try to reduce their gambling activities before it is too late to realize it. It would be good if they could realize that there was a problem they were facing in gambling so they could immediately ask people close to them for help.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Wapfika on February 04, 2024, 12:02:06 PM
I don’t have a gambling habit. If you’re addicted and you feel it’s time to stop. The first thing you need to know is that it will not be possible to just automatically stop. You have to gradually reduce the time and amount you spend over time before finally stopping. That is a more realistic way to stop. As you reduce the time and amount you spend, you can engage yourself in other activities to help you too.
Most gambling addicts will not realize that they have a gambling addiction. They just feel that they are visiting casinos more often but they don't know that it is a gambling addiction. They need other people to be able to recognize and explain that it is a gambling addiction and they need to cure it as soon as possible before it is too late. But when they feel they have a gambling problem, such as spending too much money or starting to gamble too often, they should try to reduce their gambling activities before it is too late to realize it. It would be good if they could realize that there was a problem they were facing in gambling so they could immediately ask people close to them for help.

Yeah right. Addiction is not something you will recognized by yourself or else you will not be addicted since everyone knew that addiction can only harm someone. The amount of entertainment and satisfaction usually the culprit on why addicted never notice it by themselves.

Slowing down gradually doesn’t make sense since it’s very hard to notice when do you need to slow down. This is the downside on gambling which is you will never know if you are still good or not unless you already have money to gamble anymore. This why everyone should only deposit what we can afford so that it will still okay if you lose your balance even if you are showing addiction because this way the amount of your losses is already controlled before your mind becomes cloudy due to gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 04, 2024, 01:51:30 PM
Yeah right. Addiction is not something you will recognized by yourself or else you will not be addicted since everyone knew that addiction can only harm someone. The amount of entertainment and satisfaction usually the culprit on why addicted never notice it by themselves.

Slowing down gradually doesn’t make sense since it’s very hard to notice when do you need to slow down. This is the downside on gambling which is you will never know if you are still good or not unless you already have money to gamble anymore. This why everyone should only deposit what we can afford so that it will still okay if you lose your balance even if you are showing addiction because this way the amount of your losses is already controlled before your mind becomes cloudy due to gambling.

In my opinion, someone who is addicted to gambling will not realize themselves that they are addicted to gambling. Because they only think of the winnings in gambling but that right is certainly not easy to get, the factor that they become addicted in my opinion is because they do not see the disadvantages and risks in gambling. until they experience addiction that they do not realize, those who will judge them addicted are other people such as their own friends.

Most people do gamble by force, even though they don't have money but they still force themselves to continue gambling. Basically, we should deposit the money that we can afford and are willing to lose. But the fact is that they gamble with money that they are not willing to lose until they lose a lot of money.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 04, 2024, 02:59:49 PM
Yeah right. Addiction is not something you will recognized by yourself or else you will not be addicted since everyone knew that addiction can only harm someone. The amount of entertainment and satisfaction usually the culprit on why addicted never notice it by themselves.

Slowing down gradually doesn’t make sense since it’s very hard to notice when do you need to slow down. This is the downside on gambling which is you will never know if you are still good or not unless you already have money to gamble anymore. This why everyone should only deposit what we can afford so that it will still okay if you lose your balance even if you are showing addiction because this way the amount of your losses is already controlled before your mind becomes cloudy due to gambling.

In my opinion, someone who is addicted to gambling will not realize themselves that they are addicted to gambling. Because they only think of the winnings in gambling but that right is certainly not easy to get, the factor that they become addicted in my opinion is because they do not see the disadvantages and risks in gambling. until they experience addiction that they do not realize, those who will judge them addicted are other people such as their own friends.

Most people do gamble by force, even though they don't have money but they still force themselves to continue gambling. Basically, we should deposit the money that we can afford and are willing to lose. But the fact is that they gamble with money that they are not willing to lose until they lose a lot of money.

That is what we must always do, have money if we are willing to lose, in this order of ideas we always under any circumstance if we must try to avoid any event where we Lose a lot of money , in Addiction when it occurs many fail things, first the player's Budget fails and secondly when that adjustment is made in the first Instance the player Always Wants to win and win , he Doesn't Want to lose Anything if he doesn't win because he tries to hold on to things so that he can do it, so in this order With ideas you can do a lot of Things , but you can make a lot of Mistakes When you have the game at its maximum Expression , it encourages you to put in money , if you lose it Doesn't Matter to you , you just put in more money to win , and that's where you can make a lot of Mstakes In one , first put money when you spent Suicide , then try to recover the Money you lost by Putting more money in the casino, those are things that should not be done anymore.

When a person makes many mistakes in a row, you can say that this is what Makes them go wrong in everything because Basically when they do wrong this goes wrong in almost everything they do, and when you have a Large Capital and it is Spent , then the Problems get Worse , how do you Get your money back ? the Only way for people to choose to take loans and that is already a fissure in the particular financial system, because it is an expense that Should not be made , that Should not be taken, so in this order of ideas things should be done better every Once something can be Generated ,  then considering these things, we can easily Generate many Things so that we have something to gain, if we Manage what we can generate at any Moment we would have to do many things, for Example I am a person who from the first The moment that goes to a casino is Ordered with the money , and then if possible it is ordered in the playing memory so you Enjoy more and you know very well what you are doing, it is like playing Intelligently.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: EarnOnVictor on February 04, 2024, 05:12:30 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


before when I was have a Little bit love in gambling then it will affect my finance and also the relationship between me and my wife cause Before everyweek I gamble 4 times or even 5 times and that's  the reason why my money won't long last. But i won't regret it cause I know it's a good experience in mylife I say it good cause I'll over come myself and get out of those world.  Anyway I am in gambling nowadays but I can control myself and maybe once week or  worst twice a month if I am too busy.
That makes you sensible and responsible, and I give you the kudos for the ability to be able to change a new leaf despite not being advised by anyone, at least you never mentioned that, not even your wife's help in achieving that. But you saw the need for a better change and you go for it, that makes a good gambler. Gambling is not a do-or-die affair and as a matter of fact, it is never a must, you do your bit and leave the rest, and you can come back another time if you have the time to continue to try your luck at the same time, and it goes on like that. But most importantly, if you are such who knows that you gamble too much and you waste money too much, it is best that you limit it. It can't be wise for you to continue to gamble and waste money. You may limit it by gambling with a lower amount if you know you would like to gamble many times in a short space of time, or you limit the number of times you are gambling all the same. These are important to keep us in check and financial health so that gambling will not bring the worst out of us if care is not taken.

Imagine, it had caused issues between you and your wife, that is the worst side I do not always like to read from any gambler, but this one actually has a happy ending. Good luck!

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: slapper on February 04, 2024, 08:13:19 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.


before when I was have a Little bit love in gambling then it will affect my finance and also the relationship between me and my wife cause Before everyweek I gamble 4 times or even 5 times and that's  the reason why my money won't long last. But i won't regret it cause I know it's a good experience in mylife I say it good cause I'll over come myself and get out of those world.  Anyway I am in gambling nowadays but I can control myself and maybe once week or  worst twice a month if I am too busy.
That makes you sensible and responsible, and I give you the kudos for the ability to be able to change a new leaf despite not being advised by anyone, at least you never mentioned that, not even your wife's help in achieving that. But you saw the need for a better change and you go for it, that makes a good gambler. Gambling is not a do-or-die affair and as a matter of fact, it is never a must, you do your bit and leave the rest, and you can come back another time if you have the time to continue to try your luck at the same time, and it goes on like that. But most importantly, if you are such who knows that you gamble too much and you waste money too much, it is best that you limit it. It can't be wise for you to continue to gamble and waste money. You may limit it by gambling with a lower amount if you know you would like to gamble many times in a short space of time, or you limit the number of times you are gambling all the same. These are important to keep us in check and financial health so that gambling will not bring the worst out of us if care is not taken.

Imagine, it had caused issues between you and your wife, that is the worst side I do not always like to read from any gambler, but this one actually has a happy ending. Good luck!
Gambling requires mental skill, not luck. You've exhibited self-control few have. That's mastering the game, not just playing. Your best bet in this world of chance and danger is yourself. Many can't change without outside help, but you can. Not the cards you're dealt, but how you play them. You have a winning hand, friend

Healthy gaming is a guideline, not an oxymoron. Know when to say 'enough,' and realize the true gamble is with yourself, not your wallet. It's acknowledging that every wager has a cost, sometimes non-monetary. This is your life story, not just gambling. You overcame a challenge and changed your perspective. That's the lesson. Playing and betting frequently aren't important. Knowing that keeping your life, relationships, and sanity intact is the biggest win

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Oilacris on February 04, 2024, 08:25:00 PM
Yeah right. Addiction is not something you will recognized by yourself or else you will not be addicted since everyone knew that addiction can only harm someone. The amount of entertainment and satisfaction usually the culprit on why addicted never notice it by themselves.

Slowing down gradually doesn’t make sense since it’s very hard to notice when do you need to slow down. This is the downside on gambling which is you will never know if you are still good or not unless you already have money to gamble anymore. This why everyone should only deposit what we can afford so that it will still okay if you lose your balance even if you are showing addiction because this way the amount of your losses is already controlled before your mind becomes cloudy due to gambling.

In my opinion, someone who is addicted to gambling will not realize themselves that they are addicted to gambling. Because they only think of the winnings in gambling but that right is certainly not easy to get, the factor that they become addicted in my opinion is because they do not see the disadvantages and risks in gambling. until they experience addiction that they do not realize, those who will judge them addicted are other people such as their own friends.

Most people do gamble by force, even though they don't have money but they still force themselves to continue gambling. Basically, we should deposit the money that we can afford and are willing to lose. But the fact is that they gamble with money that they are not willing to lose until they lose a lot of money.
Realizations would really be always in the end of line on which there's no way that you would really be able to determine those things early not until on the time that you have seen yourself
on struggling or been able to experience those struggles and hardships towards gambling effects on which you should have done it earlier for you to be able to avoid those things.
There's no way that you could really be able to make yourself having those kind of problems if you are really just that making yourself that responsible because if you dont then
you cant really just that make yourself that put up on a tough situation on which there's no way that we could be able to put up yourself on such trouble if you are really just that responsible with your gambling activity or dealing.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on February 05, 2024, 01:48:36 AM

You're having fun, not becoming a billionaire. I chuck in a bit here and there believing money may leave. Its for the thrills, chuckles, and "what if".

Self-discipline is your best friend. Set boundaries like, "This is my play money, and Im cool if it grows wings." Maintaining a light, enjoyable tone transforms gambling into responsible adventure. The experience matters, not the exit.

Lets be sophisticated and lively, fun-seekers. Remember, we're in it for the tales, excitement, and "I knew it was a long shot, but imagine if..." Smart, entertaining, and most importantly, fun. Happy dice and wheel rolling! May they always bring more smiles than frowns!
It's true that gambling is for fun, not to make money, let alone hoping to become a billionaire because we all know that getting rich is not an easy way like that, even though we have heard of someone who won a large amount of money in gambling and just overnight became a billionaire, but this rarely happens because in fact it happens in only a small part of several countries in the world. We can only win not in large amounts, so don't expect to become rich just because of gambling.

Discipline is the main key in gambling so that it is not too excessive so that gambling does not cause significant loss problems because by holding the key to discipline, responsibility then our gambling will be safe then just use a little money and think of it as playing in the time zone so you don't have to worry about losing your money because it is just a paid game that only you want to play.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: JariKriting on February 05, 2024, 02:07:29 AM
I never had a problem with gambling. because gambling for me is nothing more than a pleasure. not for a hobby job let alone an addiction. every month only set aside a small portion of my income for this pleasure.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: len01 on February 05, 2024, 04:52:50 PM
I don’t have a gambling habit. If you’re addicted and you feel it’s time to stop. The first thing you need to know is that it will not be possible to just automatically stop. You have to gradually reduce the time and amount you spend over time before finally stopping. That is a more realistic way to stop. As you reduce the time and amount you spend, you can engage yourself in other activities to help you too.
Most gambling addicts will not realize that they have a gambling addiction. They just feel that they are visiting casinos more often but they don't know that it is a gambling addiction. They need other people to be able to recognize and explain that it is a gambling addiction and they need to cure it as soon as possible before it is too late. But when they feel they have a gambling problem, such as spending too much money or starting to gamble too often, they should try to reduce their gambling activities before it is too late to realize it. It would be good if they could realize that there was a problem they were facing in gambling so they could immediately ask people close to them for help.
those who are addicted to gambling are actually aware that they are addicted, but it only occurs to them when they feel disappointed when they no longer have money to gamble, but their self conscious thinking will be distracted by thoughts that turn into emotions of wanting revenge and ultimately the awareness of their gambling addiction will be ignored.
what you say is the truth, we need at least 1 person who knows about the gambling activities we do to warn us if we have problems in our activities.
however, there is something a little confusing when a gambler prioritizes anonymity or hides his gambling activities from anyone and gamblers like this are difficult to predict and they will have difficulty finding what he did wrong in his gambling activities.

I always give almost the same as you, if anyone here or out there, maybe anonymity is one of the most prioritized, however, in this gambling, we must not really hide our gambling activities from anyone and there must be at least 1 person who knows like this a trusted partner or relative can keep the secret.
this suggestion is made so that there is always someone to pay attention to any mistakes that we are not aware of.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on February 05, 2024, 05:25:10 PM
I never had a problem with gambling. because gambling for me is nothing more than a pleasure. not for a hobby job let alone an addiction. every month only set aside a small portion of my income for this pleasure.

The gambling will give the huge experience for the gambler to survive in the real life.Because the gamblers who loss the money should have the potential to back to the gambling to make the money loss in the previous game.So this help the gamblers to make the big money with their own confidence,the gamblers also keep the same character of get away the the hardest part of the life by the own confidence.The gamblers who avoid the greedy in the gambling site also can able to avoid the greedy in their real life.So the gambler will able to get the peace life in the real life.The greedy should be avoided by the gamblers in real life.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 06, 2024, 07:28:05 AM
In my opinion, someone who is addicted to gambling will not realize themselves that they are addicted to gambling. Because they only think of the winnings in gambling but that right is certainly not easy to get, the factor that they become addicted in my opinion is because they do not see the disadvantages and risks in gambling. until they experience addiction that they do not realize, those who will judge them addicted are other people such as their own friends.

Most people do gamble by force, even though they don't have money but they still force themselves to continue gambling. Basically, we should deposit the money that we can afford and are willing to lose. But the fact is that they gamble with money that they are not willing to lose until they lose a lot of money.

That is what we must always do, have money if we are willing to lose, in this order of ideas we always under any circumstance if we must try to avoid any event where we Lose a lot of money , in Addiction when it occurs many fail things, first the player's Budget fails and secondly when that adjustment is made in the first Instance the player Always Wants to win and win , he Doesn't Want to lose Anything if he doesn't win because he tries to hold on to things so that he can do it, so in this order With ideas you can do a lot of Things , but you can make a lot of Mistakes When you have the game at its maximum Expression , it encourages you to put in money , if you lose it Doesn't Matter to you , you just put in more money to win , and that's where you can make a lot of Mstakes In one , first put money when you spent Suicide , then try to recover the Money you lost by Putting more money in the casino, those are things that should not be done anymore.

When a person makes many mistakes in a row, you can say that this is what Makes them go wrong in everything because Basically when they do wrong this goes wrong in almost everything they do, and when you have a Large Capital and it is Spent , then the Problems get Worse , how do you Get your money back ? the Only way for people to choose to take loans and that is already a fissure in the particular financial system, because it is an expense that Should not be made , that Should not be taken, so in this order of ideas things should be done better every Once something can be Generated ,  then considering these things, we can easily Generate many Things so that we have something to gain, if we Manage what we can generate at any Moment we would have to do many things, for Example I am a person who from the first The moment that goes to a casino is Ordered with the money , and then if possible it is ordered in the playing memory so you Enjoy more and you know very well what you are doing, it is like playing Intelligently.

Yes, maybe the problem is with the budget and their unpreparedness to lose the money they have. Most gamblers definitely want to win because that is the only thing every gambler wants. However, those who put in large amounts of money will not guarantee that they will win, unless they have thought about the risk of losing, betting with a lot of money might provide a more exciting sensation, but the risk of losing is certainly still there, therefore it is already present and cannot be removed.

If they experience consecutive losses, it means they must be able to stop gambling, instead of chasing losses or recovering losses that have already occurred. If they take loan action then it is the wrong step, because then they will only experience big problems. the idea of taking loan action is certainly not true, and this has been discussed a lot as well. Indeed,  we should be able to consider the actions that will be taken properly, but if we take out a loan, in my opinion there is no need to consider this because the action should have been taken. We also have to gamble smartly, manage or make the best use of our winnings, because there are many cases of winnings being wasted. If you have won, withdrawing and cashing out is the best choice.

In my opinion, someone who is addicted to gambling will not realize themselves that they are addicted to gambling. Because they only think of the winnings in gambling but that right is certainly not easy to get, the factor that they become addicted in my opinion is because they do not see the disadvantages and risks in gambling. until they experience addiction that they do not realize, those who will judge them addicted are other people such as their own friends.

Most people do gamble by force, even though they don't have money but they still force themselves to continue gambling. Basically, we should deposit the money that we can afford and are willing to lose. But the fact is that they gamble with money that they are not willing to lose until they lose a lot of money.
Realizations would really be always in the end of line on which there's no way that you would really be able to determine those things early not until on the time that you have seen yourself
on struggling or been able to experience those struggles and hardships towards gambling effects on which you should have done it earlier for you to be able to avoid those things.
There's no way that you could really be able to make yourself having those kind of problems if you are really just that making yourself that responsible because if you dont then
you cant really just that make yourself that put up on a tough situation on which there's no way that we could be able to put up yourself on such trouble if you are really just that responsible with your gambling activity or dealing.

I am aware that this is certain, because I said this based on normal consciousness. The gambling that is done must be based on responsibility, because when people have good thoughts they will gamble responsibly, and so do I, I gamble with self-awareness, but every now and then there are moments where maybe I can lose self-control, but after that I can still see the risks involved in gambling so that is what can make me aware and stop gambling by not gambling continuously because I know that excessive gambling is not good.

The gambling they do must also be done with awareness and responsibility because with that, I don't think there will be big losses or gambling addiction. Why do many people experience gambling addiction or experience big losses? It's probably because their expectations are too high, so the expectations kill them. themselves.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 06, 2024, 08:39:52 AM
Yeah right. Addiction is not something you will recognized by yourself or else you will not be addicted since everyone knew that addiction can only harm someone. The amount of entertainment and satisfaction usually the culprit on why addicted never notice it by themselves.

Slowing down gradually doesn’t make sense since it’s very hard to notice when do you need to slow down. This is the downside on gambling which is you will never know if you are still good or not unless you already have money to gamble anymore. This why everyone should only deposit what we can afford so that it will still okay if you lose your balance even if you are showing addiction because this way the amount of your losses is already controlled before your mind becomes cloudy due to gambling.
We will never know when we start to get addicted to gambling because we have so much fun in gambling games that we forget what we should do while gambling. The entertainment and pleasure we get from gambling make us forget the important things we have to take care of while gambling. This is what makes many people lose control of themselves in gambling so they become addicted to gambling.

However, we must be able to prevent gambling addiction from happening to us and by practising continuous self-control, we can prevent it from happening. With self-control, we can refrain from depositing more money, especially if we are losing and we will think about ending the gambling game because by depositing more, it means we have the opportunity to experience an even bigger loss. When gambling, we have to know our limits so that we don't gamble excessively because that will make us regret having lost an even bigger amount of money.

those who are addicted to gambling are actually aware that they are addicted, but it only occurs to them when they feel disappointed when they no longer have money to gamble, but their self conscious thinking will be distracted by thoughts that turn into emotions of wanting revenge and ultimately the awareness of their gambling addiction will be ignored.
what you say is the truth, we need at least 1 person who knows about the gambling activities we do to warn us if we have problems in our activities.
however, there is something a little confusing when a gambler prioritizes anonymity or hides his gambling activities from anyone and gamblers like this are difficult to predict and they will have difficulty finding what he did wrong in his gambling activities.

I always give almost the same as you, if anyone here or out there, maybe anonymity is one of the most prioritized, however, in this gambling, we must not really hide our gambling activities from anyone and there must be at least 1 person who knows like this a trusted partner or relative can keep the secret.
this suggestion is made so that there is always someone to pay attention to any mistakes that we are not aware of.
Not many people realize that they are addicted to gambling because there are still many people who will say they are still fine and can still control themselves when, in fact, they are already addicted to gambling. It's just that they never checked what had happened to them so they didn't know. If they could see clearly what has happened to them, they would probably regret having become addicted to gambling and would try to cure their gambling addiction before they get deeper into their gambling addiction. If there are people who know about gambling activities and can tell us the real situation, maybe that can make us realize that we have a gambling addiction so that we will immediately ask for help from other people besides that person to help us cure our gambling addiction. With many people helping us and supporting us to cure our gambling addiction, we will be able to immediately undergo the process of healing our gambling addiction.

There are at least one or two people we trust who will always monitor our gambling activities so that if something happens to us, for example we have deposited too much money, they should be able to pull us out of gambling for a while. This will be useful for us so that we can immediately manage our time to try to do other things so that we are not too dependent on gambling to spend our free time. By inviting other people to help us spend our free time, we can at least try to divert our minds from gambling so that it can be useful for reducing our gambling activities. Slowly, we can reduce our gambling activities so that we don't gamble too often.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 07, 2024, 07:11:27 PM

Well, we always have to think that dreams when they try to be done in a different way because it is difficult to do when it is only limited to a player playing with the need to win, because when this is the case things tend to be very difficult, because when Play out of necessity things can go the other way and they don't do well, that's why when we are there we think of ways to do things better, because you can't do anything other than play thinking that you will lose your money, that's why It is very easy to say that things are better when you allocate money ready to earn and stop thinking about the money you are going to earn, because the money when you are not going to earn it can be taken as if it were castles in the air, and that That's very bad because false hopes are made and that when the blow happens it is very hard and terrible the things that can happen, that's why when we play we have to have our feet firmly planted on the ground.

In all casinos we must think Intelligently , even to play , but as I have Said long before in Many topics and many children, we must allocate our money in a way to lose in order to protect ourselves from possible addictions and possible things that we do not do well in the future , Because Mistakes , impulses are one of the reasons that we can allow ourselves to be carried away, because at the end of the day it is the mistake we will make Innocently, only because we always think that we can beat a casino, then a mature player knows what to do, first with his money and well understanding that when a casino is on the market, it reprises a business, an enterprise that always has to make sure to win, to leave its profits for itself, they will never Allow it due to their advantage of the House that Someone goes and leaves them Bankrupt , because their jobs are not Programmed for that.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: dunfida on February 07, 2024, 07:57:35 PM
I don’t have a gambling habit. If you’re addicted and you feel it’s time to stop. The first thing you need to know is that it will not be possible to just automatically stop. You have to gradually reduce the time and amount you spend over time before finally stopping. That is a more realistic way to stop. As you reduce the time and amount you spend, you can engage yourself in other activities to help you too.
Most gambling addicts will not realize that they have a gambling addiction. They just feel that they are visiting casinos more often but they don't know that it is a gambling addiction. They need other people to be able to recognize and explain that it is a gambling addiction and they need to cure it as soon as possible before it is too late. But when they feel they have a gambling problem, such as spending too much money or starting to gamble too often, they should try to reduce their gambling activities before it is too late to realize it. It would be good if they could realize that there was a problem they were facing in gambling so they could immediately ask people close to them for help.
those who are addicted to gambling are actually aware that they are addicted, but it only occurs to them when they feel disappointed when they no longer have money to gamble, but their self conscious thinking will be distracted by thoughts that turn into emotions of wanting revenge and ultimately the awareness of their gambling addiction will be ignored.
what you say is the truth, we need at least 1 person who knows about the gambling activities we do to warn us if we have problems in our activities.
however, there is something a little confusing when a gambler prioritizes anonymity or hides his gambling activities from anyone and gamblers like this are difficult to predict and they will have difficulty finding what he did wrong in his gambling activities.

I always give almost the same as you, if anyone here or out there, maybe anonymity is one of the most prioritized, however, in this gambling, we must not really hide our gambling activities from anyone and there must be at least 1 person who knows like this a trusted partner or relative can keep the secret.
this suggestion is made so that there is always someone to pay attention to any mistakes that we are not aware of.
Really that impossible eh? for you not to be able to be wary about on the time that you had been addicted by gambling. Of course we are aware but due to addiction we would really be just simply ignore those things
and would really be that the cause for someone to end up miserable life because of the acts that they've done once they do get addicted with gambling on which this is something that should really be
avoided at all cost. Gambling industry had become so big due to these gambling addicts who do continously playing into their platforms and do keeps on depositing their money just because of those false hopes.
Yes, there might be some individuals who do make themselves rich but the numbers are really just that a speckle of dust compared into those losers who do wreck up themselves.

This is why on the time that you've decided to play gambling, then you should really at least making yourself that responsible so that you wont really be ending up on such disaster.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: oktana on February 07, 2024, 09:55:52 PM
Most gambling addicts will not realize that they have a gambling addiction. They just feel that they are visiting casinos more often but they don't know that it is a gambling addiction. They need other people to be able to recognize and explain that it is a gambling addiction and they need to cure it as soon as possible before it is too late. But when they feel they have a gambling problem, such as spending too much money or starting to gamble too often, they should try to reduce their gambling activities before it is too late to realize it. It would be good if they could realize that there was a problem they were facing in gambling so they could immediately ask people close to them for help.
those who are addicted to gambling are actually aware that they are addicted, but it only occurs to them when they feel disappointed when they no longer have money to gamble, but their self conscious thinking will be distracted by thoughts that turn into emotions of wanting revenge and ultimately the awareness of their gambling addiction will be ignored.
what you say is the truth, we need at least 1 person who knows about the gambling activities we do to warn us if we have problems in our activities.
however, there is something a little confusing when a gambler prioritizes anonymity or hides his gambling activities from anyone and gamblers like this are difficult to predict and they will have difficulty finding what he did wrong in his gambling activities.

I always give almost the same as you, if anyone here or out there, maybe anonymity is one of the most prioritized, however, in this gambling, we must not really hide our gambling activities from anyone and there must be at least 1 person who knows like this a trusted partner or relative can keep the secret.
this suggestion is made so that there is always someone to pay attention to any mistakes that we are not aware of.
Really that impossible eh? for you not to be able to be wary about on the time that you had been addicted by gambling. Of course we are aware but due to addiction we would really be just simply ignore those things
and would really be that the cause for someone to end up miserable life because of the acts that they've done once they do get addicted with gambling on which this is something that should really be
avoided at all cost. Gambling industry had become so big due to these gambling addicts who do continously playing into their platforms and do keeps on depositing their money just because of those false hopes.
Yes, there might be some individuals who do make themselves rich but the numbers are really just that a speckle of dust compared into those losers who do wreck up themselves.

This is why on the time that you've decided to play gambling, then you should really at least making yourself that responsible so that you wont really be ending up on such disaster.

I thought about this but I did not want to be entangled in long and over extended conversation. I don’t see how you’ll be an addict and not know it. I think that the addiction grows so much that even when we want to yell for help, we probably can’t because it feels like the addiction shushes you. However, we can’t entirely say that others have to be the ones to notice and tell us we are addicted.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on February 07, 2024, 11:21:32 PM

I thought about this but I did not want to be entangled in long and over extended conversation. I don’t see how you’ll be an addict and not know it. I think that the addiction grows so much that even when we want to yell for help, we probably can’t because it feels like the addiction shushes you. However, we can’t entirely say that others have to be the ones to notice and tell us we are addicted.

The gambler mostly can’t understand they are in the addiction in the gambling site,But by finding the following activities you can get to know you are in the addiction.
If you are depositing all the money from all the income source into the gambling means,you are in the gambling addictions.If you are playing gambling game with 5-6 days per week without expecting the big win in the gambling sites means you are in the addiction.If you skip my post at the middle means,you are in the addiction.Because most of the gambling addicted person are not ready to accept they are in the gambling addiction.The recovery from gambling addiction may takes some time.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 08, 2024, 09:40:13 AM

Well, we always have to think that dreams when they try to be done in a different way because it is difficult to do when it is only limited to a player playing with the need to win, because when this is the case things tend to be very difficult, because when Play out of necessity things can go the other way and they don't do well, that's why when we are there we think of ways to do things better, because you can't do anything other than play thinking that you will lose your money, that's why It is very easy to say that things are better when you allocate money ready to earn and stop thinking about the money you are going to earn, because the money when you are not going to earn it can be taken as if it were castles in the air, and that That's very bad because false hopes are made and that when the blow happens it is very hard and terrible the things that can happen, that's why when we play we have to have our feet firmly planted on the ground.

In all casinos we must think Intelligently , even to play , but as I have Said long before in Many topics and many children, we must allocate our money in a way to lose in order to protect ourselves from possible addictions and possible things that we do not do well in the future , Because Mistakes , impulses are one of the reasons that we can allow ourselves to be carried away, because at the end of the day it is the mistake we will make Innocently, only because we always think that we can beat a casino, then a mature player knows what to do, first with his money and well understanding that when a casino is on the market, it reprises a business, an enterprise that always has to make sure to win, to leave its profits for itself, they will never Allow it due to their advantage of the House that Someone goes and leaves them Bankrupt , because their jobs are not Programmed for that.

In my opinion, there are also many people who gamble for the reason or aim of being able to meet their inadequate needs, which means they have high hopes for gambling. where they hope to get a big win in the gambling they do, hoping that can happen because it can help them with their needs, to be honest, don't have too big hopes for gambling, especially if you think that gambling can solve problems that occur in the real world. No matter how good a way of playing gambling, it will not guarantee that we can always win, everything will not run smoothly according to our hopes.

We should be able to allocate our money well so that we don't get addicted to gambling. By thinking that we can beat the casino, we will walk towards misery because basically the casino cannot be beaten even with good knowledge. casinos that hold gambling where gambling is a game based on a random system, so no one can guess accurately the winnings in gambling. If we really have the knowledge, we should know that gambling is not easy to win because there is a host who has a role in which it is impossible to lose and in fact the host will always win. So in my opinion, many gamblers who have problems with gambling are because of their own expectations about gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: moneystery on February 08, 2024, 09:51:37 AM
It's true that gambling is for fun, not to make money, let alone hoping to become a billionaire because we all know that getting rich is not an easy way like that, even though we have heard of someone who won a large amount of money in gambling and just overnight became a billionaire, but this rarely happens because in fact it happens in only a small part of several countries in the world. We can only win not in large amounts, so don't expect to become rich just because of gambling.

people often get stuck in the mindset that they can get rich when they gamble, even though getting rich by gambling is something that is very difficult, you could even say the possibility is very low. this is because gambling is not only about strategy and consistency, but also how luck plays an important role in making someone win at gambling. you can't force yourself to win, because it all has to do with the luck you have. so, gamble for fun and don't get hung up on the fact that you have to become rich because it is very difficult.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 09, 2024, 11:30:56 PM

Well, we always have to think that dreams when they try to be done in a different way because it is difficult to do when it is only limited to a player playing with the need to win, because when this is the case things tend to be very difficult, because when Play out of necessity things can go the other way and they don't do well, that's why when we are there we think of ways to do things better, because you can't do anything other than play thinking that you will lose your money, that's why It is very easy to say that things are better when you allocate money ready to earn and stop thinking about the money you are going to earn, because the money when you are not going to earn it can be taken as if it were castles in the air, and that That's very bad because false hopes are made and that when the blow happens it is very hard and terrible the things that can happen, that's why when we play we have to have our feet firmly planted on the ground.

In all casinos we must think Intelligently , even to play , but as I have Said long before in Many topics and many children, we must allocate our money in a way to lose in order to protect ourselves from possible addictions and possible things that we do not do well in the future , Because Mistakes , impulses are one of the reasons that we can allow ourselves to be carried away, because at the end of the day it is the mistake we will make Innocently, only because we always think that we can beat a casino, then a mature player knows what to do, first with his money and well understanding that when a casino is on the market, it reprises a business, an enterprise that always has to make sure to win, to leave its profits for itself, they will never Allow it due to their advantage of the House that Someone goes and leaves them Bankrupt , because their jobs are not Programmed for that.

In my opinion, there are also many people who gamble for the reason or aim of being able to meet their inadequate needs, which means they have high hopes for gambling. where they hope to get a big win in the gambling they do, hoping that can happen because it can help them with their needs, to be honest, don't have too big hopes for gambling, especially if you think that gambling can solve problems that occur in the real world. No matter how good a way of playing gambling, it will not guarantee that we can always win, everything will not run smoothly according to our hopes.

We should be able to allocate our money well so that we don't get addicted to gambling. By thinking that we can beat the casino, we will walk towards misery because basically the casino cannot be beaten even with good knowledge. casinos that hold gambling where gambling is a game based on a random system, so no one can guess accurately the winnings in gambling. If we really have the knowledge, we should know that gambling is not easy to win because there is a host who has a role in which it is impossible to lose and in fact the host will always win. So in my opinion, many gamblers who have problems with gambling are because of their own expectations about gambling.
One of the things that we Always see is the danger of addiction to the game, and that is Something that we must avoid at all costs, we are very emphatic to realize that this is what we expect as a player if it never happens because it would be the Aside from things, it may be something that we have many strategies for playing games in the Casino, but the most important thing about all this is that what we must take care of most is our money, because everything we do in the game is a reference. to money, if we lose our money then even Everything is legal, that's why I always Emphasize that when things are about caisnio we must respect things as they are, we cannot passrnso, go too far with things.

When I see that there is a lot of danger in a game and he asks me for money , then I just leave things there, because I look at my capacity for things, for money , for what I can afford to Lose, and if I see that it is something I won't be able to bear the expense because I do it.

We are people who always seek to earn and the problem of a Person in the process of addiction is that the person believes that they can do a lot with what they have, that is, if I have 300usd and I spend it all, then I must stop, I must not do anything Else , This is Something that we should try to do well, otherwise, it doesn't make any kind of sense that we are trying to play and play, spending all the money, everything, just because People say they are rich, they can spend whatever money they want, it won't affect them. a lot, and things are like this, we must learn this, because addicts always look for money, that is why this becomes something dangerous, because what they are looking for is money, and they lend, they doubt in banks. They do whatever it takes to make them have money, some of them sell property or Something like that, because they think that with a lot of money they can earn so much that they will recover everything, that is a very serious Mistake.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: chaser15 on February 09, 2024, 11:44:15 PM
people often get stuck in the mindset that they can get rich when they gamble, even though getting rich by gambling is something that is very difficult, you could even say the possibility is very low. this is because gambling is not only about strategy and consistency, but also how luck plays an important role in making someone win at gambling. you can't force yourself to win, because it all has to do with the luck you have. so, gamble for fun and don't get hung up on the fact that you have to become rich because it is very difficult.

I think becoming rich is not on their mind but rather they just experience winning big while gambling.

Because of that, they think that it's easy money when they continue to gamble not realizing the factors they need to consider.

As a result, instead of experiencing continuous wins, another thing happened instead which was continuous losing.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 10, 2024, 08:00:16 PM

Well, we always have to think that dreams when they try to be done in a different way because it is difficult to do when it is only limited to a player playing with the need to win, because when this is the case things tend to be very difficult, because when Play out of necessity things can go the other way and they don't do well, that's why when we are there we think of ways to do things better, because you can't do anything other than play thinking that you will lose your money, that's why It is very easy to say that things are better when you allocate money ready to earn and stop thinking about the money you are going to earn, because the money when you are not going to earn it can be taken as if it were castles in the air, and that That's very bad because false hopes are made and that when the blow happens it is very hard and terrible the things that can happen, that's why when we play we have to have our feet firmly planted on the ground.

In all casinos we must think Intelligently , even to play , but as I have Said long before in Many topics and many children, we must allocate our money in a way to lose in order to protect ourselves from possible addictions and possible things that we do not do well in the future , Because Mistakes , impulses are one of the reasons that we can allow ourselves to be carried away, because at the end of the day it is the mistake we will make Innocently, only because we always think that we can beat a casino, then a mature player knows what to do, first with his money and well understanding that when a casino is on the market, it reprises a business, an enterprise that always has to make sure to win, to leave its profits for itself, they will never Allow it due to their advantage of the House that Someone goes and leaves them Bankrupt , because their jobs are not Programmed for that.

In my opinion, there are also many people who gamble for the reason or aim of being able to meet their inadequate needs, which means they have high hopes for gambling. where they hope to get a big win in the gambling they do, hoping that can happen because it can help them with their needs, to be honest, don't have too big hopes for gambling, especially if you think that gambling can solve problems that occur in the real world. No matter how good a way of playing gambling, it will not guarantee that we can always win, everything will not run smoothly according to our hopes.

We should be able to allocate our money well so that we don't get addicted to gambling. By thinking that we can beat the casino, we will walk towards misery because basically the casino cannot be beaten even with good knowledge. casinos that hold gambling where gambling is a game based on a random system, so no one can guess accurately the winnings in gambling. If we really have the knowledge, we should know that gambling is not easy to win because there is a host who has a role in which it is impossible to lose and in fact the host will always win. So in my opinion, many gamblers who have problems with gambling are because of their own expectations about gambling.
One of the things that we Always see is the danger of addiction to the game, and that is Something that we must avoid at all costs, we are very emphatic to realize that this is what we expect as a player if it never happens because it would be the Aside from things, it may be something that we have many strategies for playing games in the Casino, but the most important thing about all this is that what we must take care of most is our money, because everything we do in the game is a reference. to money, if we lose our money then even Everything is legal, that's why I always Emphasize that when things are about caisnio we must respect things as they are, we cannot passrnso, go too far with things.

When I see that there is a lot of danger in a game and he asks me for money , then I just leave things there, because I look at my capacity for things, for money , for what I can afford to Lose, and if I see that it is something I won't be able to bear the expense because I do it.

We are people who always seek to earn and the problem of a Person in the process of addiction is that the person believes that they can do a lot with what they have, that is, if I have 300usd and I spend it all, then I must stop, I must not do anything Else , This is Something that we should try to do well, otherwise, it doesn't make any kind of sense that we are trying to play and play, spending all the money, everything, just because People say they are rich, they can spend whatever money they want, it won't affect them. a lot, and things are like this, we must learn this, because addicts always look for money, that is why this becomes something dangerous, because what they are looking for is money, and they lend, they doubt in banks. They do whatever it takes to make them have money, some of them sell property or Something like that, because they think that with a lot of money they can earn so much that they will recover everything, that is a very serious Mistake.

Yes, that's true, as much as possible we should be able to avoid game or gambling addiction because addiction is not a good thing, and for many people I also think that discussing addiction is synonymous with badness, therefore we have to gamble well and responsibly. answer, don't let them take the wrong action that could lead us into something that is very detrimental to ourselves. Losing money in gambling is something that is bound to happen, therefore we must be able to accept losses that can occur and must also be able to look after the money we have well, don't spend a lot of money just for gambling.

Yes, it doesn't make sense if we continue to gamble by spending a lot of money just for gambling. Even though our goal in gambling is to make money, we shouldn't spend a lot of money chasing victory, and it is also not recommended to chase victory in gambling because it is not guaranteed to be obtained. People who have problems with gambling are of course people who are addicted to gambling, because if they are addicted to gambling they can do anything like what you said, they can sell the property they own, and this is already in another thread which discusses selling. property to gamble and also by taking out loans to gamble, these two things are vulnerable to being done by people who are addicted to gambling, because they are thirsty for victory so even though they have run out of capital to gamble they will do many things that can make money even though it is a big risk.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: arimamib on February 10, 2024, 10:31:11 PM
people often get stuck in the mindset that they can get rich when they gamble, even though getting rich by gambling is something that is very difficult, you could even say the possibility is very low. this is because gambling is not only about strategy and consistency, but also how luck plays an important role in making someone win at gambling. you can't force yourself to win, because it all has to do with the luck you have. so, gamble for fun and don't get hung up on the fact that you have to become rich because it is very difficult.
The role of luck is a crucial aspect of gambling that many people tend to overlook. While strategy and consistency certainly play a part in some forms of gambling, luck ultimately determines the outcome in most cases. People who engage in gambling need to understand that getting rich through gambling is exceedingly rare and often unrealistic.

Gambling should be approached as a form of entertainment rather than a means to achieve wealth. People may overlook the inherent risks and potential for losses associated with gambling by focusing solely on the desire to become rich. Placing too much emphasis on the pursuit of wealth can lead to disappointment and financial hardship if expectations are not met. It's advisable to approach gambling with a mindset of enjoyment and moderation. Setting realistic expectations and viewing gambling as a form of leisure can help individuals maintain a healthy relationship with the activity. The primary goal of gambling should be to have fun responsibly, rather than chasing elusive riches.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 11, 2024, 09:45:20 PM

Well, we always have to think that dreams when they try to be done in a different way because it is difficult to do when it is only limited to a player playing with the need to win, because when this is the case things tend to be very difficult, because when Play out of necessity things can go the other way and they don't do well, that's why when we are there we think of ways to do things better, because you can't do anything other than play thinking that you will lose your money, that's why It is very easy to say that things are better when you allocate money ready to earn and stop thinking about the money you are going to earn, because the money when you are not going to earn it can be taken as if it were castles in the air, and that That's very bad because false hopes are made and that when the blow happens it is very hard and terrible the things that can happen, that's why when we play we have to have our feet firmly planted on the ground.

In all casinos we must think Intelligently , even to play , but as I have Said long before in Many topics and many children, we must allocate our money in a way to lose in order to protect ourselves from possible addictions and possible things that we do not do well in the future , Because Mistakes , impulses are one of the reasons that we can allow ourselves to be carried away, because at the end of the day it is the mistake we will make Innocently, only because we always think that we can beat a casino, then a mature player knows what to do, first with his money and well understanding that when a casino is on the market, it reprises a business, an enterprise that always has to make sure to win, to leave its profits for itself, they will never Allow it due to their advantage of the House that Someone goes and leaves them Bankrupt , because their jobs are not Programmed for that.

In my opinion, there are also many people who gamble for the reason or aim of being able to meet their inadequate needs, which means they have high hopes for gambling. where they hope to get a big win in the gambling they do, hoping that can happen because it can help them with their needs, to be honest, don't have too big hopes for gambling, especially if you think that gambling can solve problems that occur in the real world. No matter how good a way of playing gambling, it will not guarantee that we can always win, everything will not run smoothly according to our hopes.

We should be able to allocate our money well so that we don't get addicted to gambling. By thinking that we can beat the casino, we will walk towards misery because basically the casino cannot be beaten even with good knowledge. casinos that hold gambling where gambling is a game based on a random system, so no one can guess accurately the winnings in gambling. If we really have the knowledge, we should know that gambling is not easy to win because there is a host who has a role in which it is impossible to lose and in fact the host will always win. So in my opinion, many gamblers who have problems with gambling are because of their own expectations about gambling.
One of the things that we Always see is the danger of addiction to the game, and that is Something that we must avoid at all costs, we are very emphatic to realize that this is what we expect as a player if it never happens because it would be the Aside from things, it may be something that we have many strategies for playing games in the Casino, but the most important thing about all this is that what we must take care of most is our money, because everything we do in the game is a reference. to money, if we lose our money then even Everything is legal, that's why I always Emphasize that when things are about caisnio we must respect things as they are, we cannot passrnso, go too far with things.

When I see that there is a lot of danger in a game and he asks me for money , then I just leave things there, because I look at my capacity for things, for money , for what I can afford to Lose, and if I see that it is something I won't be able to bear the expense because I do it.

We are people who always seek to earn and the problem of a Person in the process of addiction is that the person believes that they can do a lot with what they have, that is, if I have 300usd and I spend it all, then I must stop, I must not do anything Else , This is Something that we should try to do well, otherwise, it doesn't make any kind of sense that we are trying to play and play, spending all the money, everything, just because People say they are rich, they can spend whatever money they want, it won't affect them. a lot, and things are like this, we must learn this, because addicts always look for money, that is why this becomes something dangerous, because what they are looking for is money, and they lend, they doubt in banks. They do whatever it takes to make them have money, some of them sell property or Something like that, because they think that with a lot of money they can earn so much that they will recover everything, that is a very serious Mistake.

Yes, that's true, as much as possible we should be able to avoid game or gambling addiction because addiction is not a good thing, and for many people I also think that discussing addiction is synonymous with badness, therefore we have to gamble well and responsibly. answer, don't let them take the wrong action that could lead us into something that is very detrimental to ourselves. Losing money in gambling is something that is bound to happen, therefore we must be able to accept losses that can occur and must also be able to look after the money we have well, don't spend a lot of money just for gambling.

Yes, it doesn't make sense if we continue to gamble by spending a lot of money just for gambling. Even though our goal in gambling is to make money, we shouldn't spend a lot of money chasing victory, and it is also not recommended to chase victory in gambling because it is not guaranteed to be obtained. People who have problems with gambling are of course people who are addicted to gambling, because if they are addicted to gambling they can do anything like what you said, they can sell the property they own, and this is already in another thread which discusses selling. property to gamble and also by taking out loans to gamble, these two things are vulnerable to being done by people who are addicted to gambling, because they are thirsty for victory so even though they have run out of capital to gamble they will do many things that can make money even though it is a big risk.
The problem lies in the fact that when we are in a cage we see certain cases of people who sometimes cannot be controlled, because what we Must do is the following, First to keep the Calamity, not to be filled with emotions such as rage and revenge, one of The thing that I have not only seen in casinos but in exchanges is the feeling of Revenge towards a casino , it is never good to do it, because basically we don't do something like that there, because We are not Conceding , because basically When we are in the house what we do is keep everything Square so that we don't have any mishaps , but Sometimes the emotions Become very strong and if they cannot control themselves even if they are told not to spend too much , they have to do things Better , that the Thing can be seen from another point of view. No, things are sometimes not easy for people like that , they just let themselves go and what they do is waste a lot of money.

If I'm in a game , the Only thing I do is allocate my Balance to Playing , in fact that's just what I always do before starting to play, of course if I eat it even more like this we have control from start to finish, and if We don't do it because it will be our problem if we lose our money , it's Something we shouldn't do for anything in the world, in this order of things, if we are just starting out or we are newbies, the first thing is that, play with caution, because the truth is it's a big deal. addiction is something that is very Strong and Affects almost Everyone Around the Affected person If it is a family member, we have to Entertain Ourselves , Find ways to distract Ourselves from the game, whether it is going to cne, or Playing in soccer or Whatever , a Sport where the person Arrives Tired , at least that's all I can think of , because what else could it be? A Situation when she is there is Dangerous because she can even Attempt against her Own life.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: kojektea on February 11, 2024, 10:26:49 PM
If I talk about myself, to be honest, until now gambling has not damaged my relationship between activities and finances, and if I was forced to stop gambling it would be difficult for me, because I at least play casually at least twice a month so I not too worried about my gambling status,
If gambling only makes you depressed, it's better to stop

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 11, 2024, 11:40:26 PM
Yes, that's true, as much as possible we should be able to avoid game or gambling addiction because addiction is not a good thing, and for many people I also think that discussing addiction is synonymous with badness, therefore we have to gamble well and responsibly. answer, don't let them take the wrong action that could lead us into something that is very detrimental to ourselves. Losing money in gambling is something that is bound to happen, therefore we must be able to accept losses that can occur and must also be able to look after the money we have well, don't spend a lot of money just for gambling.

Yes, it doesn't make sense if we continue to gamble by spending a lot of money just for gambling. Even though our goal in gambling is to make money, we shouldn't spend a lot of money chasing victory, and it is also not recommended to chase victory in gambling because it is not guaranteed to be obtained. People who have problems with gambling are of course people who are addicted to gambling, because if they are addicted to gambling they can do anything like what you said, they can sell the property they own, and this is already in another thread which discusses selling. property to gamble and also by taking out loans to gamble, these two things are vulnerable to being done by people who are addicted to gambling, because they are thirsty for victory so even though they have run out of capital to gamble they will do many things that can make money even though it is a big risk.
The problem lies in the fact that when we are in a cage we see certain cases of people who sometimes cannot be controlled, because what we Must do is the following, First to keep the Calamity, not to be filled with emotions such as rage and revenge, one of The thing that I have not only seen in casinos but in exchanges is the feeling of Revenge towards a casino , it is never good to do it, because basically we don't do something like that there, because We are not Conceding , because basically When we are in the house what we do is keep everything Square so that we don't have any mishaps , but Sometimes the emotions Become very strong and if they cannot control themselves even if they are told not to spend too much , they have to do things Better , that the Thing can be seen from another point of view. No, things are sometimes not easy for people like that , they just let themselves go and what they do is waste a lot of money.

If I'm in a game , the Only thing I do is allocate my Balance to Playing , in fact that's just what I always do before starting to play, of course if I eat it even more like this we have control from start to finish, and if We don't do it because it will be our problem if we lose our money , it's Something we shouldn't do for anything in the world, in this order of things, if we are just starting out or we are newbies, the first thing is that, play with caution, because the truth is it's a big deal. addiction is something that is very Strong and Affects almost Everyone Around the Affected person If it is a family member, we have to Entertain Ourselves , Find ways to distract Ourselves from the game, whether it is going to cne, or Playing in soccer or Whatever , a Sport where the person Arrives Tired , at least that's all I can think of , because what else could it be? A Situation when she is there is Dangerous because she can even Attempt against her Own life.

There are many cases about the bad effects of gambling and I think we can see this and use it as a lesson for ourselves by thinking about ways to prevent the bad things that many gamblers experience from happening. It's true that we have to prevent disaster from happening emotions and anger tend to be experienced by many people who gamble and I think they feel that way because they themselves can't accept a clear defeat at gambling, even though defeat at gambling is certain and therefore it is already We should be able to accept it well, don't have a feeling of wanting to take revenge on gambling by gambling excessively, such as depositing a lot of money on gambling.

Allocating money for gambling must also involve gambling that is done using real money and must use money that is truly willing to be lost, because there are people who are not ready to lose the money they bet on gambling, causing major problems or disasters such as losses which is a large number. In my opinion, if someone is addicted, it will not be easy for them to change their thoughts and desires to gamble although it can be done, but in my opinion it will be difficult if their thoughts only think about winning at gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: redsun114 on February 12, 2024, 03:51:42 PM
I never had a problem with gambling. because gambling for me is nothing more than a pleasure. not for a hobby job let alone an addiction. every month only set aside a small portion of my income for this pleasure.
I don't even set aside a portion of my earnings for it but I just spend a few bucks on it whenever I feel like spending some time gambling, and I know my limits and when I need to stop. I don't just start gambling and then keep gambling until I empty my account balance, that is irresponsible behaviour as a person, especially if you are a family person and have a family to take care of.

I believe that a person who has a family to feed can never become a gambling addict because they need to always have this thing in their minds that they are not alone in this world and if they spend all their money and time on gambling, they won't have any of it for their family and it's their responsibility to take care of them.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Dewi Aries on February 12, 2024, 04:16:32 PM
If I talk about myself, to be honest, until now gambling has not damaged my relationship between activities and finances, and if I was forced to stop gambling it would be difficult for me, because I at least play casually at least twice a month so I not too worried about my gambling status,
If gambling only makes you depressed, it's better to stop

From what I can see it looks like you have a good understanding of gambling and that understanding makes you have a good approach to gambling which in turn makes you stay fine until now without experiencing any problems as a result of gambling, that's good and one thing, I hope you can maintain this understanding along with this approach in the long run, and maybe on the other hand my other message and advice is that I hope you maintain or even increase the awareness that is in you when you are gambling, no matter how infrequently you gamble, you really need to be strict with your mindfulness because as is often the case, a gambler can experience a change in mindset and perspective when they are fooled by curiosity as a result of seeing something tantalizing happening in one of your sessions, so with a weak level of mindfulness it is possible for you to experience a change in approach that could potentially lead to you becoming aggressive in gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on February 12, 2024, 05:43:00 PM

I don't even set aside a portion of my earnings for it but I just spend a few bucks on it whenever I feel like spending some time gambling, and I know my limits and when I need to stop. I don't just start gambling and then keep gambling until I empty my account balance, that is irresponsible behaviour as a person, especially if you are a family person and have a family to take care of.

I believe that a person who has a family to feed can never become a gambling addict because they need to always have this thing in their minds that they are not alone in this world and if they spend all their money and time on gambling, they won't have any of it for their family and it's their responsibility to take care of them.

The gambler should fix their mind to play the gambling with the portion of their income.But some gamblers will play the gambling with the full money earned from their job.The earning money is not the big things,make the money from the income was the big thing.This can be achieved with the gambling site,but risking the full money is not the good option.Some gambling addicted person will keep repeat of their mistakes because of loss of their mental health because of their financial condition.The gamblers should make the big winning to get recover from the gambling site.

The gambling addicted person should understand he had a family which depends on him for their basic needs and the money for their medical expenses.If the market in bull run,the gamblers will have more money for the further games in the gambling site.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 13, 2024, 06:30:46 PM
Yes, that's true, as much as possible we should be able to avoid game or gambling addiction because addiction is not a good thing, and for many people I also think that discussing addiction is synonymous with badness, therefore we have to gamble well and responsibly. answer, don't let them take the wrong action that could lead us into something that is very detrimental to ourselves. Losing money in gambling is something that is bound to happen, therefore we must be able to accept losses that can occur and must also be able to look after the money we have well, don't spend a lot of money just for gambling.

Yes, it doesn't make sense if we continue to gamble by spending a lot of money just for gambling. Even though our goal in gambling is to make money, we shouldn't spend a lot of money chasing victory, and it is also not recommended to chase victory in gambling because it is not guaranteed to be obtained. People who have problems with gambling are of course people who are addicted to gambling, because if they are addicted to gambling they can do anything like what you said, they can sell the property they own, and this is already in another thread which discusses selling. property to gamble and also by taking out loans to gamble, these two things are vulnerable to being done by people who are addicted to gambling, because they are thirsty for victory so even though they have run out of capital to gamble they will do many things that can make money even though it is a big risk.
The problem lies in the fact that when we are in a cage we see certain cases of people who sometimes cannot be controlled, because what we Must do is the following, First to keep the Calamity, not to be filled with emotions such as rage and revenge, one of The thing that I have not only seen in casinos but in exchanges is the feeling of Revenge towards a casino , it is never good to do it, because basically we don't do something like that there, because We are not Conceding , because basically When we are in the house what we do is keep everything Square so that we don't have any mishaps , but Sometimes the emotions Become very strong and if they cannot control themselves even if they are told not to spend too much , they have to do things Better , that the Thing can be seen from another point of view. No, things are sometimes not easy for people like that , they just let themselves go and what they do is waste a lot of money.

If I'm in a game , the Only thing I do is allocate my Balance to Playing , in fact that's just what I always do before starting to play, of course if I eat it even more like this we have control from start to finish, and if We don't do it because it will be our problem if we lose our money , it's Something we shouldn't do for anything in the world, in this order of things, if we are just starting out or we are newbies, the first thing is that, play with caution, because the truth is it's a big deal. addiction is something that is very Strong and Affects almost Everyone Around the Affected person If it is a family member, we have to Entertain Ourselves , Find ways to distract Ourselves from the game, whether it is going to cne, or Playing in soccer or Whatever , a Sport where the person Arrives Tired , at least that's all I can think of , because what else could it be? A Situation when she is there is Dangerous because she can even Attempt against her Own life.

There are many cases about the bad effects of gambling and I think we can see this and use it as a lesson for ourselves by thinking about ways to prevent the bad things that many gamblers experience from happening. It's true that we have to prevent disaster from happening emotions and anger tend to be experienced by many people who gamble and I think they feel that way because they themselves can't accept a clear defeat at gambling, even though defeat at gambling is certain and therefore it is already We should be able to accept it well, don't have a feeling of wanting to take revenge on gambling by gambling excessively, such as depositing a lot of money on gambling.

Allocating money for gambling must also involve gambling that is done using real money and must use money that is truly willing to be lost, because there are people who are not ready to lose the money they bet on gambling, causing major problems or disasters such as losses which is a large number. In my opinion, if someone is addicted, it will not be easy for them to change their thoughts and desires to gamble although it can be done, but in my opinion it will be difficult if their thoughts only think about winning at gambling.

If we look at it, it has to do with money, it is extremely delicate, I personally have always said that before doing anything with money you have to think very carefully, because things are tough when you lose money, In fact, there are many topics in the forum where it is said that some people change because they have money, or some act in a different and very aggressive way when they lose money, so this is the only thing we have to understand, and since this is so delicate, we can We must do things with great care, in fact when we are concerned with making any type of movement it is something delicate, that is why when we are in a casino we must always consider doing things well, without any kind of trouble, when We gamble in caisno is better than the money we allocate to gamble, that money is lost, because it is not good to get excited and then suffer disappointments.

I have seen how many newbies start doing things and start to get excited in front of a casino saying that they have, let's say 200usd, and that will take them to $20k and that is something that has to be a mistake that most newbies think, if you have 200usd and If they take around 300usd, wow that's a big win, at least that's what I think when it comes to these things, I will always say that when you are in a casino you have to see things in the most real way in the world. Well, first of all, if I stick to thinking that what I have of money I only see and allocate to a casino, well that's that person's fault, maybe they have more money to cover all their needs, it's up to me to play. Responsibility starts before playing when it becomes clear how much money you have to spend, these are the things that make a player tougher, make him know what he is getting into and not fall into addictions.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 14, 2024, 02:01:59 PM
There are many cases about the bad effects of gambling and I think we can see this and use it as a lesson for ourselves by thinking about ways to prevent the bad things that many gamblers experience from happening. It's true that we have to prevent disaster from happening emotions and anger tend to be experienced by many people who gamble and I think they feel that way because they themselves can't accept a clear defeat at gambling, even though defeat at gambling is certain and therefore it is already We should be able to accept it well, don't have a feeling of wanting to take revenge on gambling by gambling excessively, such as depositing a lot of money on gambling.

Allocating money for gambling must also involve gambling that is done using real money and must use money that is truly willing to be lost, because there are people who are not ready to lose the money they bet on gambling, causing major problems or disasters such as losses which is a large number. In my opinion, if someone is addicted, it will not be easy for them to change their thoughts and desires to gamble although it can be done, but in my opinion it will be difficult if their thoughts only think about winning at gambling.

If we look at it, it has to do with money, it is extremely delicate, I personally have always said that before doing anything with money you have to think very carefully, because things are tough when you lose money, In fact, there are many topics in the forum where it is said that some people change because they have money, or some act in a different and very aggressive way when they lose money, so this is the only thing we have to understand, and since this is so delicate, we can We must do things with great care, in fact when we are concerned with making any type of movement it is something delicate, that is why when we are in a casino we must always consider doing things well, without any kind of trouble, when We gamble in caisno is better than the money we allocate to gamble, that money is lost, because it is not good to get excited and then suffer disappointments.

I have seen how many newbies start doing things and start to get excited in front of a casino saying that they have, let's say 200usd, and that will take them to $20k and that is something that has to be a mistake that most newbies think, if you have 200usd and If they take around 300usd, wow that's a big win, at least that's what I think when it comes to these things, I will always say that when you are in a casino you have to see things in the most real way in the world. Well, first of all, if I stick to thinking that what I have of money I only see and allocate to a casino, well that's that person's fault, maybe they have more money to cover all their needs, it's up to me to play. Responsibility starts before playing when it becomes clear how much money you have to spend, these are the things that make a player tougher, make him know what he is getting into and not fall into addictions.

Of course gambling is closely related to gambling, and we should gamble using money, because if there is no money we will not be able to gamble. However, it is clear that losing at gambling is certain, and with that we must be able to control ourselves as best as possible so as not to fall deeper into gambling which can be detrimental to ourselves. and we should also do everything carefully and consider everything as best as possible.

Whatever money is used for gambling, it must be based on the readiness to lose it, so that addiction does not occur. because if we are addicted, of course we will experience many problems, the main one being financial problems. Many people's lives fall apart when they are addicted to gambling because they lose a lot of money, and in life of course we have to have money and if we lose a large amount of money then it is likely that we will be stressed, therefore gambling must be done carefully. , don't let gambling make us lose a lot of money, also before gambling we must understand the true meaning of gambling, with the fact that defeat is bound to happen and must be accepted well.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Slow death on February 14, 2024, 02:05:59 PM
If I talk about myself, to be honest, until now gambling has not damaged my relationship between activities and finances, and if I was forced to stop gambling it would be difficult for me, because I at least play casually at least twice a month so I not too worried about my gambling status,
If gambling only makes you depressed, it's better to stop

When a person says to themselves: tomorrow I'm going to stop playing for a while, the morning comes and that person can't stop playing, they keep playing. the next day that person says to themselves that they will stop playing, but then starts playing again. so this person must start to worry a lot because this means that this person cannot stop playing even when he says he will stop playing or in other words this person is dependent on games and this does not just happen like gambling, I would say that There are a small number of people addicted to gambling, the biggest problem is alcoholic beverages and drugs, which are physical things, do not require technology and many people have easy access to these harmful substances. You've probably already seen people in your neighborhood and family drinking alcohol constantly.

If you see them drinking alcohol constantly, ask them if they can go 1 month without drinking alcohol, especially beer, if they say they can then tell them to test themselves without drinking alcohol for 30 days and during those 30 days Stay close to them with beer, wine or other drinks to see if they won't ask you and break their promise. If they break their promise then tell them that they are addicts and need urgent medical help. If they refuse, that's no longer your problem, you've done your best to help them. well, I gave these examples because regardless of whether the person keeps saying that they play little or sometimes

but when the person is tested to not play for a long time and the person refuses, then that person may also be addicted to games, it is important that the person is able to say to themselves: I can stop playing whenever I want. and manage to fulfill what she is saying. In any case, I hope you have your self control and make some of the people who can stop playing whenever they want. Games are not a problem, people become a problem when they abuse games

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 14, 2024, 06:35:55 PM
There are many cases about the bad effects of gambling and I think we can see this and use it as a lesson for ourselves by thinking about ways to prevent the bad things that many gamblers experience from happening. It's true that we have to prevent disaster from happening emotions and anger tend to be experienced by many people who gamble and I think they feel that way because they themselves can't accept a clear defeat at gambling, even though defeat at gambling is certain and therefore it is already We should be able to accept it well, don't have a feeling of wanting to take revenge on gambling by gambling excessively, such as depositing a lot of money on gambling.

Allocating money for gambling must also involve gambling that is done using real money and must use money that is truly willing to be lost, because there are people who are not ready to lose the money they bet on gambling, causing major problems or disasters such as losses which is a large number. In my opinion, if someone is addicted, it will not be easy for them to change their thoughts and desires to gamble although it can be done, but in my opinion it will be difficult if their thoughts only think about winning at gambling.

If we look at it, it has to do with money, it is extremely delicate, I personally have always said that before doing anything with money you have to think very carefully, because things are tough when you lose money, In fact, there are many topics in the forum where it is said that some people change because they have money, or some act in a different and very aggressive way when they lose money, so this is the only thing we have to understand, and since this is so delicate, we can We must do things with great care, in fact when we are concerned with making any type of movement it is something delicate, that is why when we are in a casino we must always consider doing things well, without any kind of trouble, when We gamble in caisno is better than the money we allocate to gamble, that money is lost, because it is not good to get excited and then suffer disappointments.

I have seen how many newbies start doing things and start to get excited in front of a casino saying that they have, let's say 200usd, and that will take them to $20k and that is something that has to be a mistake that most newbies think, if you have 200usd and If they take around 300usd, wow that's a big win, at least that's what I think when it comes to these things, I will always say that when you are in a casino you have to see things in the most real way in the world. Well, first of all, if I stick to thinking that what I have of money I only see and allocate to a casino, well that's that person's fault, maybe they have more money to cover all their needs, it's up to me to play. Responsibility starts before playing when it becomes clear how much money you have to spend, these are the things that make a player tougher, make him know what he is getting into and not fall into addictions.

Of course gambling is closely related to gambling, and we should gamble using money, because if there is no money we will not be able to gamble. However, it is clear that losing at gambling is certain, and with that we must be able to control ourselves as best as possible so as not to fall deeper into gambling which can be detrimental to ourselves. and we should also do everything carefully and consider everything as best as possible.

Whatever money is used for gambling, it must be based on the readiness to lose it, so that addiction does not occur. because if we are addicted, of course we will experience many problems, the main one being financial problems. Many people's lives fall apart when they are addicted to gambling because they lose a lot of money, and in life of course we have to have money and if we lose a large amount of money then it is likely that we will be stressed, therefore gambling must be done carefully. , don't let gambling make us lose a lot of money, also before gambling we must understand the true meaning of gambling, with the fact that defeat is bound to happen and must be accepted well.

Well things are very different when it comes to the game, we must Always see that everything related to the game and what goes with the money is Something that can be seen differently, for example every thing we do in the casino, every dollar or something So, you have to get the idea that this can be lost, then you don't have to get too excited about things, for example, if I have 100usd, but it turns out that I can't spend all of it but a maximum of 20usd, because I only work and play for 20usd, but That should be the only thing I can spend, I should not get involved with more ideal because it would be going against my own rules, I would not have the discipline even to make and take a small decision, so in this order of ideas we must be very Emphatic people As for making decisions that lead us to do something in our favor, that is why we always need to focus on doing things better, otherwise I think nothing makes Sense.

To get rid of a problem that has been going on for many years, we have to consider that when making a move we must think about it well , or we can Spend everything, and the only way I have seen is as I say, only putting a small amount of money willing to lose , defiantly things will not be good.

Now, if we focus on Doing any type of thing that has to do with the game of casinos and control, it is easier to control money than emotions and even more so when there is a precedent, that is what should matter to us and what we should care about It should be Interesting, therefore when we play we should not be reckless people, we should not be people who have to do everything because they ran out of money or because they will not think or do what is right , that is why I have always said that The most important thing in Casinos is money , and that is what we Must correct the most to avoid losing.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Blowon on February 14, 2024, 07:20:21 PM
Yes, I do have a little problem with gambling but it's not very fatal, because it's only occasionally when I spend a lot of money while playing, not often or rarely, but I'm afraid that in the future it will get wilder.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: jossiel on February 14, 2024, 07:26:58 PM
Yes, I do have a little problem with gambling but it's not very fatal, because it's only occasionally when I spend a lot of money while playing, not often or rarely, but I'm afraid that in the future it will get wilder.
It will get wilder when you don't control yourself. If you're scared right now then you know yourself better and how it can go further.

With this knowing that you can be severe gambler although you're not at that point means only something big for you and you have to be aware of that.

Because if not, then the expected thing on how you'd gamble big since you've said that you are spending a lot of money as you gamble can end up worse.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on February 15, 2024, 02:47:15 AM
I never had a problem with gambling. because gambling for me is nothing more than a pleasure. not for a hobby job let alone an addiction. every month only set aside a small portion of my income for this pleasure.
I don't even set aside a portion of my earnings for it but I just spend a few bucks on it whenever I feel like spending some time gambling, and I know my limits and when I need to stop. I don't just start gambling and then keep gambling until I empty my account balance, that is irresponsible behaviour as a person, especially if you are a family person and have a family to take care of.

I believe that a person who has a family to feed can never become a gambling addict because they need to always have this thing in their minds that they are not alone in this world and if they spend all their money and time on gambling, they won't have any of it for their family and it's their responsibility to take care of them.
Spending a few dollars isn't that the same as setting aside money for gambling? Setting aside money for gambling does not mean a large amount but rather an amount that you can afford to just enjoy the pleasure of gambling. And yes, every gambler must have a time limit and manage their money so that they don't gamble excessively and carelessly because this will have an impact on your financial stability, especially for people who are married, who of course have a bigger responsibility than just gambling.

I think this depends on the gambler himself because currently there are many people who are married who are still addicted, making the household disharmonious due to gambling addiction, but there are also, as you said, husbands who are still responsible for their family but still gamble and not becoming addicted, this completely depends on the person's thoughts who can judge for themselves what they should do and how to deal with it or who is ignorant and doesn't care about their family.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Webetcoins on February 15, 2024, 02:49:06 AM
Yes, I do have a little problem with gambling but it's not very fatal, because it's only occasionally when I spend a lot of money while playing, not often or rarely, but I'm afraid that in the future it will get wilder.
It could have been dangerous if you didn't know about it and had no realization, but since you know it and realize that it is a problem and it can get wilder in the future, you can take precautionary steps so that your problems don't get bigger over time but you manage to control it so that you don't spend a lot of money on your gambling activities and have a moderate amount whenever you gamble and don't go over your allocated budget.

In my opinion, your situation isn't that bad and you can easily control this before it becomes a fatal addiction and cause more issues for you and your life. Which is why it's important for any gambler to have realization when they are getting addicted and then control their addiction before it's too late.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 15, 2024, 09:00:12 AM
Of course gambling is closely related to gambling, and we should gamble using money, because if there is no money we will not be able to gamble. However, it is clear that losing at gambling is certain, and with that we must be able to control ourselves as best as possible so as not to fall deeper into gambling which can be detrimental to ourselves. and we should also do everything carefully and consider everything as best as possible.

Whatever money is used for gambling, it must be based on the readiness to lose it, so that addiction does not occur. because if we are addicted, of course we will experience many problems, the main one being financial problems. Many people's lives fall apart when they are addicted to gambling because they lose a lot of money, and in life of course we have to have money and if we lose a large amount of money then it is likely that we will be stressed, therefore gambling must be done carefully. , don't let gambling make us lose a lot of money, also before gambling we must understand the true meaning of gambling, with the fact that defeat is bound to happen and must be accepted well.

Well things are very different when it comes to the game, we must Always see that everything related to the game and what goes with the money is Something that can be seen differently, for example every thing we do in the casino, every dollar or something So, you have to get the idea that this can be lost, then you don't have to get too excited about things, for example, if I have 100usd, but it turns out that I can't spend all of it but a maximum of 20usd, because I only work and play for 20usd, but That should be the only thing I can spend, I should not get involved with more ideal because it would be going against my own rules, I would not have the discipline even to make and take a small decision, so in this order of ideas we must be very Emphatic people As for making decisions that lead us to do something in our favor, that is why we always need to focus on doing things better, otherwise I think nothing makes Sense.

To get rid of a problem that has been going on for many years, we have to consider that when making a move we must think about it well , or we can Spend everything, and the only way I have seen is as I say, only putting a small amount of money willing to lose , defiantly things will not be good.

Now, if we focus on Doing any type of thing that has to do with the game of casinos and control, it is easier to control money than emotions and even more so when there is a precedent, that is what should matter to us and what we should care about It should be Interesting, therefore when we play we should not be reckless people, we should not be people who have to do everything because they ran out of money or because they will not think or do what is right , that is why I have always said that The most important thing in Casinos is money , and that is what we Must correct the most to avoid losing.

Not only that, in my opinion everything related to money certainly has a risk of losing money and indeed we have to be able to see the facts about whether the money that is risked will be lost. You have to pay attention to everything that goes into action, however, this is a game that involves money so there are definitely big risks, and we also have to be well disciplined. Well, to make a profitable decision, in my opinion there is nothing that can accurately be profitable, but what can be done is to minimize the big risks that could occur.

In my opinion, putting a small amount of money to bet is good, because in my opinion there is a budget limit for gambling where on the other hand there is good self-control by being able to risk only a small amount of money. The actions taken in gambling must be considered as carefully as possible, don't do it carelessly, don't consider the risks that will occur, such as what is wrong. It's easier to control money than emotions. It makes sense, but before that of course there must be good self-control in order to control the money at stake.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Hirose UK on February 15, 2024, 09:25:08 AM
Spending a few dollars isn't that the same as setting aside money for gambling? Setting aside money for gambling does not mean a large amount but rather an amount that you can afford to just enjoy the pleasure of gambling. And yes, every gambler must have a time limit and manage their money so that they don't gamble excessively and carelessly because this will have an impact on your financial stability, especially for people who are married, who of course have a bigger responsibility than just gambling.

I think this depends on the gambler himself because currently there are many people who are married who are still addicted, making the household disharmonious due to gambling addiction, but there are also, as you said, husbands who are still responsible for their family but still gamble and not becoming addicted, this completely depends on the person's thoughts who can judge for themselves what they should do and how to deal with it or who is ignorant and doesn't care about their family.
That right, by just spending few dollars it is setting aside some money from income to provide everyone with portion of entertainment or pleasure.
It is clear that this is money that is prepared for fun and it is guaranteed that will be able to accept it if lose, gambling is fun but there is risk of losing money.
It all depends on how we accept and respond to everything in this gambling, maybe there are only few dollars but there are also tens or hundreds of dollars but it is still the same where they use what they can afford to use in gambling.
Management, regulation and restrictions are things that must be prioritized but not everyone can implement them, and it all depends on each gambler himself.
I sure that every responsible gambler can manage and wisely respond to gambling very well, when those who are married are aware of their responsibilities as husbands or fathers then they have the decision to be able to give the best to their family.
And even though they like gambling, if they have sense of responsibility, they will never be able to let go of their obligations as head of the household.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 15, 2024, 10:14:53 AM
Yes, I do have a little problem with gambling but it's not very fatal, because it's only occasionally when I spend a lot of money while playing, not often or rarely, but I'm afraid that in the future it will get wilder.
It will get wilder when you don't control yourself. If you're scared right now then you know yourself better and how it can go further.

With this knowing that you can be severe gambler although you're not at that point means only something big for you and you have to be aware of that.

Because if not, then the expected thing on how you'd gamble big since you've said that you are spending a lot of money as you gamble can end up worse.
Everything will return to a person's self-control so the problem doesn't escalate. However, we are the ones who have to try to overcome the problem because if not, we will only be followed by the problem without knowing how to solve it. And when you feel that you might lose self-control, you should really learn self-control so that you won't become wild in using your money. We don't know how long we can still control ourselves when gambling, especially when there are so many temptations in gambling that make us really need to be able to control ourselves. And when we can master self-control, it will make us better at using gambling as entertainment and will not overdo it when we gamble.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: angrybirdy on February 15, 2024, 11:04:34 AM
Yes, I do have a little problem with gambling but it's not very fatal, because it's only occasionally when I spend a lot of money while playing, not often or rarely, but I'm afraid that in the future it will get wilder.
It will get wilder when you don't control yourself. If you're scared right now then you know yourself better and how it can go further.

With this knowing that you can be severe gambler although you're not at that point means only something big for you and you have to be aware of that.

Because if not, then the expected thing on how you'd gamble big since you've said that you are spending a lot of money as you gamble can end up worse.
Everything will return to a person's self-control so the problem doesn't escalate. However, we are the ones who have to try to overcome the problem because if not, we will only be followed by the problem without knowing how to solve it. And when you feel that you might lose self-control, you should really learn self-control so that you won't become wild in using your money. We don't know how long we can still control ourselves when gambling, especially when there are so many temptations in gambling that make us really need to be able to control ourselves. And when we can master self-control, it will make us better at using gambling as entertainment and will not overdo it when we gamble.

It takes time to master our self control and even those people who has a strong self control has curbed gambling addiction. One thing that will help you not to become addicted in gambling is strong self assessment, you need to know yourself if you are capable of avoiding the temptations and influence of other people on you, You need to know how to stand up for your own decisions and beliefs.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bakasabo on February 15, 2024, 11:20:52 AM
Addicted to gambling person will never confess that he has a problem, as he turns everything into bad luck today and it will be better tomorrow. That he isnt addicted and cant resist gambling, he only test his luck today, like he did tomorrow and day before that. People here wont admit they have problems. We wont get true answers here. As people afraid or shy to share that they have a problem.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on February 15, 2024, 11:26:59 AM
If I talk about myself, to be honest, until now gambling has not damaged my relationship between activities and finances, and if I was forced to stop gambling it would be difficult for me, because I at least play casually at least twice a month so I not too worried about my gambling status,
If gambling only makes you depressed, it's better to stop

Since you aren't addicted to gambling, gambling doesn't actually strain you financially or in any relationship but the fact that you gamble regularly and think that stopping it will force you may cause this to be a problem for you in the future. Gambling only twice in a month and doing it regularly isn't actually a problem but gradually increasing the activity you do twice a month or spending an amount of money that can strain your budget both times may cause you to have financial problems in the future. Even though it is very little, I think that it may be beneficial to take a break from gambling at the beginning of the journey if you think that gambling may affect you negatively in today's conditions in order to avoid problems in the future because you gamble constantly and regularly.

Certainly, if gambling makes the individual feel depressed or puts financial and relationship strain on the individual, it would be beneficial to take a break at least for a certain period of time. During the break period, a person can improve his/her financial situation and make his/her relationships more orderly and better. For this reason, it is very important for every individual who is addicted to gambling and feels depressed because of it, to control himself/herself and take a break from gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Samlucky O on February 15, 2024, 02:12:50 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

My gambling life is not affecting any part of my life. Be it happiness, security or my relationship. What I always do is to make sure what ever I do in gambling is no attached to emotion. Because Puting your mind fully on gambling might make you find yourself in one of the listed problems above but gambling is a thing of calculation and endurance. and also applying smartness to it, will make it not to deprive you of your responsibilities, care and affection to your relationship. Gambling should be a good investment when you study and play smart.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Blitzboy on February 15, 2024, 05:29:35 PM
If I talk about myself, to be honest, until now gambling has not damaged my relationship between activities and finances, and if I was forced to stop gambling it would be difficult for me, because I at least play casually at least twice a month so I not too worried about my gambling status,
If gambling only makes you depressed, it's better to stop

Since you aren't addicted to gambling, gambling doesn't actually strain you financially or in any relationship but the fact that you gamble regularly and think that stopping it will force you may cause this to be a problem for you in the future. Gambling only twice in a month and doing it regularly isn't actually a problem but gradually increasing the activity you do twice a month or spending an amount of money that can strain your budget both times may cause you to have financial problems in the future. Even though it is very little, I think that it may be beneficial to take a break from gambling at the beginning of the journey if you think that gambling may affect you negatively in today's conditions in order to avoid problems in the future because you gamble constantly and regularly.

Certainly, if gambling makes the individual feel depressed or puts financial and relationship strain on the individual, it would be beneficial to take a break at least for a certain period of time. During the break period, a person can improve his/her financial situation and make his/her relationships more orderly and better. For this reason, it is very important for every individual who is addicted to gambling and feels depressed because of it, to control himself/herself and take a break from gambling.
I get your point. And I think gambling is enjoyable! But its about balance, right? Like you said, twice-a-month managed gambling isnt bad. Vigilance on the "gradual escalation" is crucial.

Gambling should match one's lifestyle and budget, not stretch it. You do it for fun, not stress, like watching a movie or eating out. Breaks might provide new perspectives. Autonomy and knowing when to stop are key.

Gambling is about fun, not profit. Fun and boundaries sustain it. To keep it positive, I recommend viewing it as part of a wider range of leisure activities.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Negotiation on February 15, 2024, 05:52:34 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

My gambling life is not affecting any part of my life. Be it happiness, security or my relationship. What I always do is to make sure what ever I do in gambling is no attached to emotion. Because Puting your mind fully on gambling might make you find yourself in one of the listed problems above but gambling is a thing of calculation and endurance. and also applying smartness to it, will make it not to deprive you of your responsibilities, care and affection to your relationship. Gambling should be a good investment when you study and play smart.
The most important thing in gambling is to control yourself. Gambling causes many problems for those who become addicted, suffer from turmoil and suffer more financially. If a person can control his emotions then there is really no problem in gambling. There are many responsible gamblers who know how to keep themselves connected by gambling smartly, they don't have any effect on themselves but they get pleasure from gambling and prosper financially. If you can control yourself in the gambling place the problem is less.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Quidat on February 15, 2024, 05:56:40 PM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)

My gambling life is not affecting any part of my life. Be it happiness, security or my relationship. What I always do is to make sure what ever I do in gambling is no attached to emotion. Because Puting your mind fully on gambling might make you find yourself in one of the listed problems above but gambling is a thing of calculation and endurance. and also applying smartness to it, will make it not to deprive you of your responsibilities, care and affection to your relationship. Gambling should be a good investment when you study and play smart.
It should be and it shouldnt really be changed over the course of time because most likely people dont be able to experience messing up their lives on early phase but as the time goes by
on which they have been able to make themselves getting that gradually be having those change of thoughts and impressions towards gambling then this is where shit things do start to mold up.
Dont let yourself having those emotions that you do already becoming that impulsive on the way that you do make out bets. Gambling or betting should be fun and not something that would really be stressful for you because if you do find yourself on such state or condition then it isnt really that ideal or worth anymore on making yourself that dealing up with gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: dothebeats on February 15, 2024, 07:47:57 PM
If it's something you can 'control' for years, then I don't think it's something you can call a problem in the first place.

Things only get to be a problem if it becomes uncontrollable and managed to become one continuously. If you have a negative trait that you can turn off for some reason, then it's not something that can bring problems to you. In the case of gambling, if you can control it for years and not have the urge to play it if you really don't like to, why would it be considered a problem?

Then again, I know that there are instances wherein people just 'snap' out of what they're doing regularly and just be in a period of chaos. It's a possibility, but if you can control something for a long time, then I'm sure you will have the ability to control it too when you enter the time of that said chaos.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: jossiel on February 15, 2024, 10:08:05 PM
Yes, I do have a little problem with gambling but it's not very fatal, because it's only occasionally when I spend a lot of money while playing, not often or rarely, but I'm afraid that in the future it will get wilder.
It will get wilder when you don't control yourself. If you're scared right now then you know yourself better and how it can go further.

With this knowing that you can be severe gambler although you're not at that point means only something big for you and you have to be aware of that.

Because if not, then the expected thing on how you'd gamble big since you've said that you are spending a lot of money as you gamble can end up worse.
Everything will return to a person's self-control so the problem doesn't escalate. However, we are the ones who have to try to overcome the problem because if not, we will only be followed by the problem without knowing how to solve it. And when you feel that you might lose self-control, you should really learn self-control so that you won't become wild in using your money. We don't know how long we can still control ourselves when gambling, especially when there are so many temptations in gambling that make us really need to be able to control ourselves. And when we can master self-control, it will make us better at using gambling as entertainment and will not overdo it when we gamble.
Those that don't have self control will learn it the hard and expensive way. All it takes is just an experience that they will never forget.

If they haven't seen that yet to themselves then that's what they need to do. Because if they were able to control it some years ago, it's possible that they can again.

But if they don't think that there's not enough reason for them to do it, going back to the former, it is going to be another experience for them to realize it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Casdinyard on February 15, 2024, 11:22:36 PM
Yes and No (I think)

The thing is that I self-diagnosed myself as a chronic gambler albeit perhaps even an addicted gambler during the height of the pandemic. I lost so much money gambling during those times and I realized that it's become a problem when I can't even buy decent food for myself after a gambling session. Since then I quitted gambling cold turkey and have recently returned to the gambling scene a year ago. So far, I feel like there are still remnants of my old gambling behavior manifesting itself when I gamble, but not so far as to cause me concern thinking I'm slowly becoming addicted to gambling again.

One of these past behavior's my tendency to gamble high-stakes when I play. I rarely play low-ball, as I believe I'll just lose as much when I gamble in teeny-tiny bits, with the returns even lesser since my wager's not that big in the first place. Soon as I quitted gambling I still find myself betting a little bit bigger than the average gambler, only thing being the fact that I'm no longer driven by profit, but instead by the fact that it's more exhilarating and perhaps even challenging for me to gamble when I play bigger bets as compared to when I gamble small-time.

Reason why I think it's still there waiting to manifest is because I never really lost a couple of my past gambling behavior, only difference now being the fact that I could control them and not succumb to the urges. However, since I can control them better now more than ever, I don't think I'm that susceptible to gambling addiction anymore unlike in the past.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 16, 2024, 06:01:03 AM
It takes time to master our self control and even those people who has a strong self control has curbed gambling addiction. One thing that will help you not to become addicted in gambling is strong self assessment, you need to know yourself if you are capable of avoiding the temptations and influence of other people on you, You need to know how to stand up for your own decisions and beliefs.
It does take time to master self-control but it is still worth practicing, especially if we still want to gamble so that we can control ourselves when gambling. We don't want to experience a good loss, so we really have to be able to master self-control, which can prevent us from gambling excessively and not using a lot of money to gamble. We can gamble responsibly with good self-control because we know that gambling has temptations that can attract us to gamble and forget about other things. And it is self-control that can prevent us from being tempted and can allow us to use gambling properly.

Those that don't have self control will learn it the hard and expensive way. All it takes is just an experience that they will never forget.

If they haven't seen that yet to themselves then that's what they need to do. Because if they were able to control it some years ago, it's possible that they can again.

But if they don't think that there's not enough reason for them to do it, going back to the former, it is going to be another experience for them to realize it.
Gamblers who do not have self-control will only lose more money and cannot prevent losing after losing because they continue to gamble. That will be a problem for them because they cannot control themselves in gambling so they will only lose their money rather than get money from gambling. If they can't realize it, the problem will get bigger, and they won't be able to prevent it anymore. What's worse is that they will experience a gambling addiction that they won't be able to cure easily. More problems will come to them when they don't want to learn self-control, so we have to master good self-control.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on February 16, 2024, 09:48:14 AM
I get your point. And I think gambling is enjoyable! But its about balance, right? Like you said, twice-a-month managed gambling isnt bad. Vigilance on the "gradual escalation" is crucial.

Gambling should match one's lifestyle and budget, not stretch it. You do it for fun, not stress, like watching a movie or eating out. Breaks might provide new perspectives. Autonomy and knowing when to stop are key.

Gambling is about fun, not profit. Fun and boundaries sustain it. To keep it positive, I recommend viewing it as part of a wider range of leisure activities.

Certainly, gambling is a enjoyable but it is very important to maintain balance in gambling because even if this balance is slightly disturbed, it can have serious negative effects. It is true that I said that gambling twice every month isn't a bad thing because even if a person with good budget management loses money gambling twice every month, this will not have a serious negative impact. It is absolutely a very important detail to ensure that gambling remains "fun" for an individual and that this balance is maintained so that the individual doesn't gamble in a stressful or depressive state. A person should act knowing very well when to stop and after what point gambling can turn into a nightmare instead of fun.

Of course, gambling should never be a method in which we think we can make money and it should only have meaning for us as a method of fun because there is never a guarantee of winning in gambling and it is also an activity in which we can lose all the money due to its high risk. In other words, it is a very important detail to just enjoy gambling without expecting regular income.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on February 16, 2024, 10:14:03 AM
To the first question, I think that deserve a straight forward answer, and my answer to that is a capital "NO", I do not have such a gambling problem.

And secondly, to the second question, speaking concerning myself, I would also say, no, for I don't have any gambling problem(s) at all, I might be addicted to other stuff which I might not mention here, but not and never with gambling, I am and have always been a very conservative and occasional gambler, it's always very easy for me to decide not to gamble at any time, same way it's easy for me to decide to gamble when ever I feel like..
So, personally, I have no gambling problem, but then, out there, there are definitely alot of gambler who are managing one, two or more gambling problems, any body in this category can always seek for solution, they don't have to carry that problem from year to year, or year after year, it could reducing their life span as well as closing doors to good opportunities.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: TravelMug on February 16, 2024, 10:19:04 AM
Let's start with the simple choice: Do you consider yourself to have a gambling problem affecting your happiness, security, relationships, finances, etc? (Yes or No)
Now, here is something a bit different: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years? Either you make enough income to call it "adult play", so you do not have real problems, and/or you simply stop for a long time. Then - months or years later - it gets worse again and you are in trouble.

For me, it depends, if I have extra money to gamble just like years ago, I did like have a streak of 3 or more years playing constantly online and in traditional based casinos. But after losing my job, obviously, my priorities changes. And when I got back on my feet and started to make money again, then my old habits come back.

(First question was above)
(Second question) Either way, when it's time to stop, how exactly do you do it? (For example) Change other habits, go new places, exercise more, stop drinking, simply "swear off" gambling... How exactly do you stop? Thank you.

Just like I said, income. I don't have the money then to continue with my gambling habits and so I completely stop. I still made sense before everything goes out of control like taking a loan or borrow money from banks or to any individuals. But it also take me years to have a steady job and money flowing in because I started to go back into my traditional based playing.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 16, 2024, 07:15:20 PM

Yes, I agree with what you say, that if you lend money it is a very personal decision and each one of us at the time of entering into a casino, so we assume that the person is quite responsible because he is of legal age and has many things. to do well and that for everything you do you have to assume whether you lose or win, therefore we are the only person who is always going to focus on doing things well, I have already said my Reasons why I do not recommend taking loans and even less to play in such a way, apart from the fact that it seems crazy to me, I see it as a great irresponsible thing, but given that each person is their own world and they decide what seems best to them, it is something that I respect at all, because like Sometimes they can say that people do what they want with their money, with their things, because that is something that could leave one silent, because it is the truth, they are completely right.

So when it comes to lending money, when you plan to do things like that, that's something that we have to consider because things are different for each person, I can't say that things are the way I think of a person who has their own way of thinking. To think, no, it would be something imprudent, because no one likes someone else to come and tell them how to play, how to spend their money and how to make their financial decisions, because then each one is the owner of their actions, so in this order of ideas, many more things have to be done so that ways of thinking can be generated, but of course all this has to be thought about what should be done, I could think that when we are in a casino the best thing is what I have always applied and have I have learned that we must allocate money ready to lose, it is the only way to be able to control everything and if it is even lost, then not deposit more money or do anything, that is why I will always recommend something like this because it is the only thing I do know that works.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on February 16, 2024, 07:25:20 PM
To the first question, I think that deserve a straight forward answer, and my answer to that is a capital "NO", I do not have such a gambling problem.

And secondly, to the second question, speaking concerning myself, I would also say, no, for I don't have any gambling problem(s) at all, I might be addicted to other stuff which I might not mention here, but not and never with gambling, I am and have always been a very conservative and occasional gambler, it's always very easy for me to decide not to gamble at any time, same way it's easy for me to decide to gamble when ever I feel like..
So, personally, I have no gambling problem, but then, out there, there are definitely alot of gambler who are managing one, two or more gambling problems, any body in this category can always seek for solution, they don't have to carry that problem from year to year, or year after year, it could reducing their life span as well as closing doors to good opportunities.

The gambling addiction was the mostly faced problem by the gamblers,if the gamblers are not a gambling addicted person.So the answer for the first question will be NO for the most of the gamblers.Actually the gamblers doesn’t understand they are in the gambling addicted,the gamblers friend can able to understand the gamblers was in the addiction.

The biggest problem need to overcome by myself is the betting of high money for each betting.Whenever I get funds from the income,I had an habit of playing the game.But the negative part of my betting is the high amount as the betting amount in the each betting.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Oilacris on February 16, 2024, 07:25:49 PM
I get your point. And I think gambling is enjoyable! But its about balance, right? Like you said, twice-a-month managed gambling isnt bad. Vigilance on the "gradual escalation" is crucial.

Gambling should match one's lifestyle and budget, not stretch it. You do it for fun, not stress, like watching a movie or eating out. Breaks might provide new perspectives. Autonomy and knowing when to stop are key.

Gambling is about fun, not profit. Fun and boundaries sustain it. To keep it positive, I recommend viewing it as part of a wider range of leisure activities.

Certainly, gambling is a enjoyable but it is very important to maintain balance in gambling because even if this balance is slightly disturbed, it can have serious negative effects. It is true that I said that gambling twice every month isn't a bad thing because even if a person with good budget management loses money gambling twice every month, this will not have a serious negative impact. It is absolutely a very important detail to ensure that gambling remains "fun" for an individual and that this balance is maintained so that the individual doesn't gamble in a stressful or depressive state. A person should act knowing very well when to stop and after what point gambling can turn into a nightmare instead of fun.

Of course, gambling should never be a method in which we think we can make money and it should only have meaning for us as a method of fun because there is never a guarantee of winning in gambling and it is also an activity in which we can lose all the money due to its high risk. In other words, it is a very important detail to just enjoy gambling without expecting regular income.
Balance in between spending money and and entertainment. We do know that everything should really be having that balance because everything which is excessive is never been good.
If you do gamble then of course that sense of responsibility and control would really be that relevant because if you do miss out this thing then dont get shocked that one day you would really
be having those gambling problems. People who do mess up with gambling are to those people who are really that been able to missed up on controlling themselves.
You wont really be having any problems if you are really just that mindful with your gambling activity. Those wont really be an issue if you are really just that having  that good control.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: jossiel on February 16, 2024, 08:50:06 PM
Those that don't have self control will learn it the hard and expensive way. All it takes is just an experience that they will never forget.

If they haven't seen that yet to themselves then that's what they need to do. Because if they were able to control it some years ago, it's possible that they can again.

But if they don't think that there's not enough reason for them to do it, going back to the former, it is going to be another experience for them to realize it.
Gamblers who do not have self-control will only lose more money and cannot prevent losing after losing because they continue to gamble. That will be a problem for them because they cannot control themselves in gambling so they will only lose their money rather than get money from gambling. If they can't realize it, the problem will get bigger, and they won't be able to prevent it anymore. What's worse is that they will experience a gambling addiction that they won't be able to cure easily. More problems will come to them when they don't want to learn self-control, so we have to master good self-control.
It is going to be a cycle that they can't get rid off.

When they want to gamble and then for that reason is because they want to recover, they will never recover. Let's say some of them finally have recovered but out of the many, how many actually did? maybe really a few amount of gamblers.

Realizing their state and how gambling works will make them analyze themselves if they're still on track or no longer on it and that's why they need to control no matter how long it will take.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Quidat on February 16, 2024, 09:56:28 PM
Those that don't have self control will learn it the hard and expensive way. All it takes is just an experience that they will never forget.

If they haven't seen that yet to themselves then that's what they need to do. Because if they were able to control it some years ago, it's possible that they can again.

But if they don't think that there's not enough reason for them to do it, going back to the former, it is going to be another experience for them to realize it.
Gamblers who do not have self-control will only lose more money and cannot prevent losing after losing because they continue to gamble. That will be a problem for them because they cannot control themselves in gambling so they will only lose their money rather than get money from gambling. If they can't realize it, the problem will get bigger, and they won't be able to prevent it anymore. What's worse is that they will experience a gambling addiction that they won't be able to cure easily. More problems will come to them when they don't want to learn self-control, so we have to master good self-control.
It is going to be a cycle that they can't get rid off.

When they want to gamble and then for that reason is because they want to recover, they will never recover. Let's say some of them finally have recovered but out of the many, how many actually did? maybe really a few amount of gamblers.

Realizing their state and how gambling works will make them analyze themselves if they're still on track or no longer on it and that's why they need to control no matter how long it will take.
If you are someone who do have been able to recover from gambling addiction and if ever you have been able to play gambling again but this time you would really be already that responsible
since you've been aware about the things that it could possibly give out when it comes to effects. For those who have been addicted and able to recover then most of them for sure
might be that quit up entirely but just said that there are ones who do come back but responsible this time.

Gambling is really just that for fun but if you are that doing gambling for the sake of money making then this is where issues would be starting up because desperation
would really be something that will really be inside you.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 16, 2024, 11:57:30 PM
Yes, I do have a little problem with gambling but it's not very fatal, because it's only occasionally when I spend a lot of money while playing, not often or rarely, but I'm afraid that in the future it will get wilder.
Well, but do the following, the money you have, let's say if you have 500usd, do this, prepare to spend only 50usd, and I think it's a lot, but just do the test, just start playing that, after that just keep something in mind If you multiply it perfectly, don't think about it and take out the money completely, but now if you lose it then stay still, learn to have the discipline that that is what you had to lose and nothing more, because if you manage to do it you are already starting I am starting to control yourself, from my own experience it is much better to control the money than to control the emissions, and with that money you can play a lot if you set your mind to it well, but always be aware that if you want to play more at that time do not deposit, because later you will play with less money and as I told you only willing to lose, if you lose it do the same work.

Now when you have these strategies ready you will not have any kind of problems doing things for yourself. Basically, when you gain discipline, it will be easier to handle any bear. I tell you this because since I was little I learned to have discipline with my sports, especially in hapkido where at the beginning you receive a lot of blows.

But I had my way of disciplining myself and saying that with this money I do this, or that and so on, after things one learns to be discipline , but it is something that must be done, just so that things turn out better, in This order of ideas we must learn to have discipline for everything and more in this case not to lose money, I consider that not losing money is the most important thing in a casino, that is only what is most interesting.

When we are in a Casino we must take this to that level , this is the way that can be most Controlled because the fact that you Feel that you are Falling into Addiction , that Problem must be Attacked now, from now on , you do not have to think about it much , it is for your own good and it is Very sincere advice that I give you.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: klidex on February 17, 2024, 03:35:49 AM
If it's something you can 'control' for years, then I don't think it's something you can call a problem in the first place.

Things only get to be a problem if it becomes uncontrollable and managed to become one continuously. If you have a negative trait that you can turn off for some reason, then it's not something that can bring problems to you. In the case of gambling, if you can control it for years and not have the urge to play it if you really don't like to, why would it be considered a problem?

Then again, I know that there are instances wherein people just 'snap' out of what they're doing regularly and just be in a period of chaos. It's a possibility, but if you can control something for a long time, then I'm sure you will have the ability to control it too when you enter the time of that said chaos.
Of course gambling will not be a problem if we are able to control it well. Gambling itself is related to finances. If we cannot control our expenses, it will cause problems with our financial stability and this can cause problems with the happiness we get not being optimal and actually experiencing chaos caused by not being able to control ourselves. This role is very important for gamblers who need good thinking because self-control will not make us gamble excessively.

People stop gambling just because they don't have more money to gamble because the money they have is to meet their needs because if you use money that is for important needs, it is very risky if you use it for gambling because it will cause losses which can later cause problems, I myself I have known gambling for many years and have never experienced serious problems due to gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 17, 2024, 06:00:11 AM
Yes, I agree with what you say, that if you lend money it is a very personal decision and each one of us at the time of entering into a casino, so we assume that the person is quite responsible because he is of legal age and has many things. to do well and that for everything you do you have to assume whether you lose or win, therefore we are the only person who is always going to focus on doing things well, I have already said my Reasons why I do not recommend taking loans and even less to play in such a way, apart from the fact that it seems crazy to me, I see it as a great irresponsible thing, but given that each person is their own world and they decide what seems best to them, it is something that I respect at all, because like Sometimes they can say that people do what they want with their money, with their things, because that is something that could leave one silent, because it is the truth, they are completely right.

So when it comes to lending money, when you plan to do things like that, that's something that we have to consider because things are different for each person, I can't say that things are the way I think of a person who has their own way of thinking. To think, no, it would be something imprudent, because no one likes someone else to come and tell them how to play, how to spend their money and how to make their financial decisions, because then each one is the owner of their actions, so in this order of ideas, many more things have to be done so that ways of thinking can be generated, but of course all this has to be thought about what should be done, I could think that when we are in a casino the best thing is what I have always applied and have I have learned that we must allocate money ready to lose, it is the only way to be able to control everything and if it is even lost, then not deposit more money or do anything, that is why I will always recommend something like this because it is the only thing I do know that works.

doing something the best is definitely a must for everyone, because with that we can produce something that will end in good things, it is impossible for anyone to do something bad with the aim of producing something less good. It is impossible. including when we go to the casino, of course we will definitely do our best to be able to produce something good such as winning, but it is not guaranteed that we will get a win at the casino Taking a loan to gamble is not a good thing in my opinion it is an action that is outside normal limits.

So that there is no borrowing and borrowing of money for gambling, therefore we must be able to allocate money ready to lose in gambling because in my opinion people who have problems with gambling are those who are not ready for the money they bet to lose, even though they lose. in gambling it will definitely happen, therefore we should be able to allocate the money we are ready to lose so that nothing happens that triggers big losses Do gambling wisely, think clearly and don't overdo it, and self-control is the key to gambling Don't deposit more money on gambling because it doesn't guarantee that you will be able to get a win that can cover the losses that have occurred.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 17, 2024, 11:10:25 AM
It is going to be a cycle that they can't get rid off.

When they want to gamble and then for that reason is because they want to recover, they will never recover. Let's say some of them finally have recovered but out of the many, how many actually did? maybe really a few amount of gamblers.

Realizing their state and how gambling works will make them analyze themselves if they're still on track or no longer on it and that's why they need to control no matter how long it will take.
They can break the cycle by not gambling for a while and diverting their minds to doing other things so they never think about gambling. This circle must be broken immediately so that they can see that they still have a chance to overcome their gambling problem, but they must also have a strong desire to solve it. If the reason they want to recover is instead playing gambling again, that will never help but will instead make them unable to heal themselves and there is a possibility that they will experience a gambling addiction. There must be awareness and intention to overcome their gambling problem so that they can start looking for ways to overcome their gambling problem.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Blitzboy on February 17, 2024, 04:23:48 PM
Yes, I agree with what you say, that if you lend money it is a very personal decision and each one of us at the time of entering into a casino, so we assume that the person is quite responsible because he is of legal age and has many things. to do well and that for everything you do you have to assume whether you lose or win, therefore we are the only person who is always going to focus on doing things well, I have already said my Reasons why I do not recommend taking loans and even less to play in such a way, apart from the fact that it seems crazy to me, I see it as a great irresponsible thing, but given that each person is their own world and they decide what seems best to them, it is something that I respect at all, because like Sometimes they can say that people do what they want with their money, with their things, because that is something that could leave one silent, because it is the truth, they are completely right.

So when it comes to lending money, when you plan to do things like that, that's something that we have to consider because things are different for each person, I can't say that things are the way I think of a person who has their own way of thinking. To think, no, it would be something imprudent, because no one likes someone else to come and tell them how to play, how to spend their money and how to make their financial decisions, because then each one is the owner of their actions, so in this order of ideas, many more things have to be done so that ways of thinking can be generated, but of course all this has to be thought about what should be done, I could think that when we are in a casino the best thing is what I have always applied and have I have learned that we must allocate money ready to lose, it is the only way to be able to control everything and if it is even lost, then not deposit more money or do anything, that is why I will always recommend something like this because it is the only thing I do know that works.

doing something the best is definitely a must for everyone, because with that we can produce something that will end in good things, it is impossible for anyone to do something bad with the aim of producing something less good. It is impossible. including when we go to the casino, of course we will definitely do our best to be able to produce something good such as winning, but it is not guaranteed that we will get a win at the casino Taking a loan to gamble is not a good thing in my opinion it is an action that is outside normal limits.

So that there is no borrowing and borrowing of money for gambling, therefore we must be able to allocate money ready to lose in gambling because in my opinion people who have problems with gambling are those who are not ready for the money they bet to lose, even though they lose. in gambling it will definitely happen, therefore we should be able to allocate the money we are ready to lose so that nothing happens that triggers big losses Do gambling wisely, think clearly and don't overdo it, and self-control is the key to gambling Don't deposit more money on gambling because it doesn't guarantee that you will be able to get a win that can cover the losses that have occurred.
Excellence is important to me, especially in unpredictable situations like casinos. Its a myth that gambling effort guarantees results. In stark reality? Not skill, but chance. Like you, I think gambling loans are risky and foolish. A key part of gambling is accepting loss as inevitable, which "money ready to lose" emphasizes.

You emphasize self-control? Most important. My gambling philosophy is to respect one's limits, not challenge them. Its about distinguishing hobby from hazard. Gambling should never come before financial responsibility.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 17, 2024, 05:44:10 PM
Yes, I agree with what you say, that if you lend money it is a very personal decision and each one of us at the time of entering into a casino, so we assume that the person is quite responsible because he is of legal age and has many things. to do well and that for everything you do you have to assume whether you lose or win, therefore we are the only person who is always going to focus on doing things well, I have already said my Reasons why I do not recommend taking loans and even less to play in such a way, apart from the fact that it seems crazy to me, I see it as a great irresponsible thing, but given that each person is their own world and they decide what seems best to them, it is something that I respect at all, because like Sometimes they can say that people do what they want with their money, with their things, because that is something that could leave one silent, because it is the truth, they are completely right.

So when it comes to lending money, when you plan to do things like that, that's something that we have to consider because things are different for each person, I can't say that things are the way I think of a person who has their own way of thinking. To think, no, it would be something imprudent, because no one likes someone else to come and tell them how to play, how to spend their money and how to make their financial decisions, because then each one is the owner of their actions, so in this order of ideas, many more things have to be done so that ways of thinking can be generated, but of course all this has to be thought about what should be done, I could think that when we are in a casino the best thing is what I have always applied and have I have learned that we must allocate money ready to lose, it is the only way to be able to control everything and if it is even lost, then not deposit more money or do anything, that is why I will always recommend something like this because it is the only thing I do know that works.

doing something the best is definitely a must for everyone, because with that we can produce something that will end in good things, it is impossible for anyone to do something bad with the aim of producing something less good. It is impossible. including when we go to the casino, of course we will definitely do our best to be able to produce something good such as winning, but it is not guaranteed that we will get a win at the casino Taking a loan to gamble is not a good thing in my opinion it is an action that is outside normal limits.

So that there is no borrowing and borrowing of money for gambling, therefore we must be able to allocate money ready to lose in gambling because in my opinion people who have problems with gambling are those who are not ready for the money they bet to lose, even though they lose. in gambling it will definitely happen, therefore we should be able to allocate the money we are ready to lose so that nothing happens that triggers big losses Do gambling wisely, think clearly and don't overdo it, and self-control is the key to gambling Don't deposit more money on gambling because it doesn't guarantee that you will be able to get a win that can cover the losses that have occurred.

Well, for sure, so far the money willing to lose thing has worked very well for me, and that applies to gambling and trading, it is the only way I have to control myself, and as I said, that has been my strategy only for the traditional, what happened is that it was applied to gambling and boy does it work, of course, this technique is for people who are disciplined, because anyone comes and says I'm going to spend 30usd at the casino, and if the opposition comes and you lose the 30usd, you ignore it and deposit more, because for me that is not having discipline, there is nothing worse than deceiving yourself, so if we do it like that, there is no wonder everything goes to hell, So the best thing is first of all to have discipline and if not, then acquire it once and for all, you also have to see something, in casinos everything is with money, everything is based on it, if we don't take care of our money, who is going to take care of it? the casino? No, the casino wants our money and wants that of others, but the casino gives opportunities to win and if we win and we pass, then there is the intelligence that we apply to the game.

And this should be something that not only applies to casinos, we are people who have problems in daily life, if we are not capable of having discipline in something as simple as it is in a casino, how then will we manage our lives when we Is there interaction between people who think one way or another? as ? There must be discipline for everything, there must be order, this is what we must always apply, sometimes we must adjust our things to events, there is no other way, it is a different way to do it, but we believe that it has order, I cannot Imagine how a person can handle themselves if they don't even have order to play in a casino, that is, if they have a lot of money they waste it just because they didn't control their emotions.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: jossiel on February 17, 2024, 08:19:17 PM
It is going to be a cycle that they can't get rid off.

When they want to gamble and then for that reason is because they want to recover, they will never recover. Let's say some of them finally have recovered but out of the many, how many actually did? maybe really a few amount of gamblers.

Realizing their state and how gambling works will make them analyze themselves if they're still on track or no longer on it and that's why they need to control no matter how long it will take.
They can break the cycle by not gambling for a while and diverting their minds to doing other things so they never think about gambling. This circle must be broken immediately so that they can see that they still have a chance to overcome their gambling problem, but they must also have a strong desire to solve it. If the reason they want to recover is instead playing gambling again, that will never help but will instead make them unable to heal themselves and there is a possibility that they will experience a gambling addiction. There must be awareness and intention to overcome their gambling problem so that they can start looking for ways to overcome their gambling problem.
That's the question on the thread, that there are gamblers that can quit for a moment but then will still come back when they have to.

Trust me, if these gamblers are going to break the cycle they just can't. And that's because they have the urge to gamble still, no matter how long the break has been.

Awareness is there but, it's more accepting to them just go on and deal with the consequences later on.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Westinhome on February 17, 2024, 11:45:12 PM
That's the question on the thread, that there are gamblers that can quit for a moment but then will still come back when they have to.

Trust me, if these gamblers are going to break the cycle they just can't. And that's because they have the urge to gamble still, no matter how long the break has been.

Awareness is there but, it's more accepting to them just go on and deal with the consequences later on.

My opinion may be the opinion of many gamblers which is greediness,when it comes to the game.The gamblers mostly do the random betting and high risk in the gambling site.The gamblers who get the loss can break the cyclic play of gambling,So the gamblers will play the fresh game on the next time.So the gamblers able to make the big winning by playing the gambling without worry of being loss their own funds.The beak of the gambling after the loss was the many gamblers following strategies in the gambling site.The gamblers who go to the vacation after the loss will able to recover the gamblers mental health which reduce due to losses.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: o48o on February 17, 2024, 11:57:05 PM
It is going to be a cycle that they can't get rid off.

When they want to gamble and then for that reason is because they want to recover, they will never recover. Let's say some of them finally have recovered but out of the many, how many actually did? maybe really a few amount of gamblers.

Realizing their state and how gambling works will make them analyze themselves if they're still on track or no longer on it and that's why they need to control no matter how long it will take.
They can break the cycle by not gambling for a while and diverting their minds to doing other things so they never think about gambling. This circle must be broken immediately so that they can see that they still have a chance to overcome their gambling problem, but they must also have a strong desire to solve it. If the reason they want to recover is instead playing gambling again, that will never help but will instead make them unable to heal themselves and there is a possibility that they will experience a gambling addiction. There must be awareness and intention to overcome their gambling problem so that they can start looking for ways to overcome their gambling problem.
Well while the change needs to come from inside, it's not always just a matter of strong will and decision or "diverting" minds. Sometimes for example gambling can be a side product of underlying trauma, same as alcohol or any other addiction, where it's a way to filter and control your feelings and experience them in a way you are comfortable to do that. People don't know why they are doing it, because it's all dealing with a trauma that' happening unconsciously.

I am over simplifying it and not all addicts are addict because of trauma, but i am using it as an example, because trauma is not something anyone can fix by themselves by deciding to quit a symptom. It's suppressed for a reason, because they couldn't handle it in the first place. Addiction is just one possible symptom, there are many other ways like dissociation.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Dewi Aries on February 18, 2024, 12:51:22 AM
It is going to be a cycle that they can't get rid off.

When they want to gamble and then for that reason is because they want to recover, they will never recover. Let's say some of them finally have recovered but out of the many, how many actually did? maybe really a few amount of gamblers.

Realizing their state and how gambling works will make them analyze themselves if they're still on track or no longer on it and that's why they need to control no matter how long it will take.
They can break the cycle by not gambling for a while and diverting their minds to doing other things so they never think about gambling. This circle must be broken immediately so that they can see that they still have a chance to overcome their gambling problem, but they must also have a strong desire to solve it. If the reason they want to recover is instead playing gambling again, that will never help but will instead make them unable to heal themselves and there is a possibility that they will experience a gambling addiction. There must be awareness and intention to overcome their gambling problem so that they can start looking for ways to overcome their gambling problem.

Actually breaking the cycle by diverting attention to other things is not difficult to do but sometimes it's not easy to do, I mean the gamblers themselves don't want to break the cycle, one of the reasons is that they are unable to accept the fact of losing beforehand which in the end as we know that most of them even take some actions to pursue the recovery phase which is actually quite impossible if you do it in gambling. So what needs to be addressed first is the acceptance of the fact of losing because this is the only way you can do things like take your eyes off gambling for the next few days and come back to it when the mood improves. I think this action really won't apply to someone who has entered the addiction phase because they are typical  gamblers who find it difficult to accept the reality of losing, and on the other hand if your goal is to recover from gambling then you need to really make sure whether your intention is really strong or not, because sometimes there are also people who say they want to recover from gambling but they say it when they are in a losing situation, in the sense that their mind is emotional and that's bullshit.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Linggajanitra on February 18, 2024, 02:17:32 AM
No, I have no problems with gambling.
Stop gambling is an important step for your welfare. Recognize the reasons behind your gambling behavior. Are you looking for fun to vent life problems or find extra money? Knowing the reason can be the first step to break away from addiction. After that try blocking your access to gambling forms that cause addiction, such as online gambling, and this will reduce temptation. Try to find other healthier activities, this is to keep your body and mind to stay busy. Meanwhile, if you experience boredom, you can start to take a class of skills or follow the hobby that is in demand by you. In addition to helping to eliminate gambling addiction, this method can also reduce the risk of gambling sakau. Sakau gambling is more likely to occur in the first week after you stop gambling. And try to ask for professional help, such as a psychologist. In general, gambling addiction can be overcome with cognitive behavior therapy. The therapist will work with you to change behavior and thoughts that can be destructive. This method can also develop cognitive skills to help you eliminate gambling addiction, and this can also handle problems in personal or financial life rather than find a way out through gambling.

Remember to bring a stop gambling is not an instant process, but step by step towards recovery. Losing or winning in gambling is considered to be a sign of addiction. Because gambling will continue to bet to find the victory they want.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: bbigtart on February 18, 2024, 02:27:07 AM
The most important thing in gambling is to control yourself. Gambling causes many problems for those who become addicted, suffer from turmoil and suffer more financially. If a person can control his emotions then there is really no problem in gambling. There are many responsible gamblers who know how to keep themselves connected by gambling smartly, they don't have any effect on themselves but they get pleasure from gambling and prosper financially. If you can control yourself in the gambling place the problem is less.
Gambling responsibly is easy to say but very difficult to put into practice. I'm sure all gamblers know that the most important thing in gambling is controlling yourself and controlling your finances, but they always get caught up in gambling games so that gamblers often lose control and cause financial chaos, even worse, they become addicted. gamble.

Ultimately I came to the conclusion that gambling is actually a mindset issue. If your mindset is to gamble to increase your wealth, then it would be a good idea for you to immediately stop gambling and immediately introspect your mindset. However if you gamble just for fun and use money you can afford to lose, then your gambling will be better when you win or lose.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Quidat on February 18, 2024, 03:48:36 AM
The most important thing in gambling is to control yourself. Gambling causes many problems for those who become addicted, suffer from turmoil and suffer more financially. If a person can control his emotions then there is really no problem in gambling. There are many responsible gamblers who know how to keep themselves connected by gambling smartly, they don't have any effect on themselves but they get pleasure from gambling and prosper financially. If you can control yourself in the gambling place the problem is less.
Gambling responsibly is easy to say but very difficult to put into practice. I'm sure all gamblers know that the most important thing in gambling is controlling yourself and controlling your finances, but they always get caught up in gambling games so that gamblers often lose control and cause financial chaos, even worse, they become addicted. gamble.

Ultimately I came to the conclusion that gambling is actually a mindset issue. If your mindset is to gamble to increase your wealth, then it would be a good idea for you to immediately stop gambling and immediately introspect your mindset. However if you gamble just for fun and use money you can afford to lose, then your gambling will be better when you win or lose.
Really be that hard to be applied and this is something that you should really be that trying out your very best on having that control or else you would really be facing issues and problems on which
most gamblers do really be able to put up themselves on such trouble. This is why it would really be that ideal that you should really be having that moderation on the time that you do play gambling.
Problems wont really be there if you are really just that responsible but if you dont make yourself to care about such thing then sooner or later you would really be making yourself that getting addicted.
You would really be able to put up yourself on such issue or such condition on which addiction would really be your main enemy and its not something that you could really get away from it
not until you would be able to experience those unfortunate conditions.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: BitcoinTurk on February 18, 2024, 06:34:47 AM
Balance in between spending money and and entertainment. We do know that everything should really be having that balance because everything which is excessive is never been good.
If you do gamble then of course that sense of responsibility and control would really be that relevant because if you do miss out this thing then dont get shocked that one day you would really
be having those gambling problems. People who do mess up with gambling are to those people who are really that been able to missed up on controlling themselves.
You wont really be having any problems if you are really just that mindful with your gambling activity. Those wont really be an issue if you are really just that having  that good control.

Certainly, maintaining balance is very important in every aspect of our lives but especially when we gamble for fun, the balance between the money we spend and the dose of fun needs to be balanced very well. Generally, when we examine people who cannot achieve this balance, we can see that as a result of this imbalance a bad habit such as gambling addiction occurs and this addiction causes serious negative effects on the person's life. Therefore, in order not to regret in the future, the balance must be maintained very sensitively and not disturbed. I believe that the most important factor in achieving this balance is the person's self-control because achieving a delicate balance in gambling can be achieved by controlling one's emotions and greed well.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Asuspawer09 on February 18, 2024, 07:06:49 AM
No not really I dont really gamble a lot, I just game for entertainment and past time most of the time if I just have extra money I want to have some fun and test my luck, probably see if I'm going to to be lucky and win some money on gambling but doesnt really have some kind of problems with gambling.

I mean if you cant stop your gambling if you think that you are having problems already that just means that you are not a gambling addict, meaning you know your limitations and you still have complete control over your gambling, if you're going to ask me I just gonna stop gambling and do some other things learn new skills probably or do something that I love.

If you can stop your gambling for sure you're a gambling addict already, even gambling addicts want to stop their gambling but they just can't it is for sure going to be a long process, probably you could just slowly remove your gambling habits until you dont play anymore, also it's gonna need to change your mindset and have the discipline on yourself, if you dont really want to stop gambling it is just going to be impossible, it just need to start on yourself, still, the best advice is just to seek professionals.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 18, 2024, 07:52:10 AM
That's the question on the thread, that there are gamblers that can quit for a moment but then will still come back when they have to.

Trust me, if these gamblers are going to break the cycle they just can't. And that's because they have the urge to gamble still, no matter how long the break has been.

Awareness is there but, it's more accepting to them just go on and deal with the consequences later on.
Gamblers can break the cycle if they are willing to think about it. But many gamblers don't want to think about it and tend to get deeper into gambling and many of them even become addicted to gambling. The gambling problems they face get bigger when they neglect to think about breaking the cycle, especially since they have felt what it's like to gamble and get pleasure from gambling.

It does require awareness and others to be able to understand that gambling is just entertainment and does not need to be used as often as possible because there are impacts that will be received by those who gamble excessively. If they feel they have a gambling problem, they should be able to recognize it and try to resolve it before it becomes bigger and they will not be able to resolve it.

Well while the change needs to come from inside, it's not always just a matter of strong will and decision or "diverting" minds. Sometimes for example gambling can be a side product of underlying trauma, same as alcohol or any other addiction, where it's a way to filter and control your feelings and experience them in a way you are comfortable to do that. People don't know why they are doing it, because it's all dealing with a trauma that' happening unconsciously.

I am over simplifying it and not all addicts are addict because of trauma, but i am using it as an example, because trauma is not something anyone can fix by themselves by deciding to quit a symptom. It's suppressed for a reason, because they couldn't handle it in the first place. Addiction is just one possible symptom, there are many other ways like dissociation.
However, this change must come from within themselves so that they can learn to develop the intention and will to stop gambling. They must be able to "distract" their desire to gamble by doing other things so that they don't just think about gambling, which will only give them difficulties or problems. But most people don't know how they can change and grow that intention and will while they continue to gamble.

A gambling addict starts by using it too often so that when they don't do it one day, they will feel lost and that something is missing from their life. This makes them keep returning to gambling and ultimately makes them addicted to gambling after gambling too often. This is not a trauma but a desire to continue gambling because they have found a pleasure that is different from other activities so they don't want to give it up. This must be addressed immediately before the gambling addiction gets worse and it becomes difficult to overcome it.

Actually breaking the cycle by diverting attention to other things is not difficult to do but sometimes it's not easy to do, I mean the gamblers themselves don't want to break the cycle, one of the reasons is that they are unable to accept the fact of losing beforehand which in the end as we know that most of them even take some actions to pursue the recovery phase which is actually quite impossible if you do it in gambling. So what needs to be addressed first is the acceptance of the fact of losing because this is the only way you can do things like take your eyes off gambling for the next few days and come back to it when the mood improves. I think this action really won't apply to someone who has entered the addiction phase because they are typical  gamblers who find it difficult to accept the reality of losing, and on the other hand if your goal is to recover from gambling then you need to really make sure whether your intention is really strong or not, because sometimes there are also people who say they want to recover from gambling but they say it when they are in a losing situation, in the sense that their mind is emotional and that's bullshit.
There must be a desire from the gambler to start trying to break the cycle so that he can start thinking about what he can do so that he doesn't just think about gambling but also think about other things so that he can start to leave gambling behind slowly. If they don't want to try, it will be difficult because it takes courage to try to leave or reduce their gambling activities and that is what not many gamblers can do. Meanwhile, more and more people are losing control of themselves in gambling so that they forget that gambling is just entertainment. Many gamblers only think about how to recover their losses and win again. This requires their acceptance of the risks they receive from gambling because there are still many gamblers who are unable to accept the results they get after finishing gambling. So that's what makes it difficult for many gamblers to break the cycle and still keep returning to gambling to achieve their goals. But for people who have started to become addicted to gambling, it will be difficult because their minds will only think about gambling. If they still cannot realize the impact of gambling and make no effort to reduce their gambling activities, they will fall deeper into gambling.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: jossiel on February 18, 2024, 10:39:54 PM
That's the question on the thread, that there are gamblers that can quit for a moment but then will still come back when they have to.

Trust me, if these gamblers are going to break the cycle they just can't. And that's because they have the urge to gamble still, no matter how long the break has been.

Awareness is there but, it's more accepting to them just go on and deal with the consequences later on.
Gamblers can break the cycle if they are willing to think about it. But many gamblers don't want to think about it and tend to get deeper into gambling and many of them even become addicted to gambling. The gambling problems they face get bigger when they neglect to think about breaking the cycle, especially since they have felt what it's like to gamble and get pleasure from gambling.

It does require awareness and others to be able to understand that gambling is just entertainment and does not need to be used as often as possible because there are impacts that will be received by those who gamble excessively. If they feel they have a gambling problem, they should be able to recognize it and try to resolve it before it becomes bigger and they will not be able to resolve it.
They don't want to think about it because are on it and they don't mind what's gonna happen and what's gonna be the result of it.

We're all open to any result as long as we think that it's fair enough that we've been gambling for some reasons. We just accept the results regardless of it and then if we're tired and exhausted we keep away from any gambling activities and that's how we take our rest.

But then, as the urge comes once again we just get rid off that control.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Dewi Aries on February 19, 2024, 07:57:39 AM
Actually breaking the cycle by diverting attention to other things is not difficult to do but sometimes it's not easy to do, I mean the gamblers themselves don't want to break the cycle, one of the reasons is that they are unable to accept the fact of losing beforehand which in the end as we know that most of them even take some actions to pursue the recovery phase which is actually quite impossible if you do it in gambling. So what needs to be addressed first is the acceptance of the fact of losing because this is the only way you can do things like take your eyes off gambling for the next few days and come back to it when the mood improves. I think this action really won't apply to someone who has entered the addiction phase because they are typical  gamblers who find it difficult to accept the reality of losing, and on the other hand if your goal is to recover from gambling then you need to really make sure whether your intention is really strong or not, because sometimes there are also people who say they want to recover from gambling but they say it when they are in a losing situation, in the sense that their mind is emotional and that's bullshit.
There must be a desire from the gambler to start trying to break the cycle so that he can start thinking about what he can do so that he doesn't just think about gambling but also think about other things so that he can start to leave gambling behind slowly. If they don't want to try, it will be difficult because it takes courage to try to leave or reduce their gambling activities and that is what not many gamblers can do. Meanwhile, more and more people are losing control of themselves in gambling so that they forget that gambling is just entertainment. Many gamblers only think about how to recover their losses and win again. This requires their acceptance of the risks they receive from gambling because there are still many gamblers who are unable to accept the results they get after finishing gambling. So that's what makes it difficult for many gamblers to break the cycle and still keep returning to gambling to achieve their goals. But for people who have started to become addicted to gambling, it will be difficult because their minds will only think about gambling. If they still cannot realize the impact of gambling and make no effort to reduce their gambling activities, they will fall deeper into gambling.

Yes, that's the main point, basically all changes must start and begin with openness and willingness from yourself to do so or that means there must be a really strong intention and determination to stop when you are in a bad situation or even when you really want to quit gambling activities completely. As I said earlier that sometimes there are also people who say they want to quit but it turns out that it's just nonsense and I often hear things like this from some of my friends when they are in a losing or emotional state and the word "quit" is nothing more than an emotional outburst because they are upset maybe.

You have said that it does take courage to do it and that is true because everything requires action if you really want to succeed or want to get a change, and on the other hand yes of course one of the things that makes it difficult for gamblers to quit or at least to just reduce their gambling activities is because they have difficulty in accepting the reality of the fact of defeat so they are confused between having to let go or go back to pursuing recovery, so the key is that you must really be able to let go and accept the reality of whatever amount of defeat you have experienced because only with this your mind can be open and can help you to facilitate the process of quitting.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: borovichok on February 19, 2024, 09:00:45 PM
It is going to be a cycle that they can't get rid off.

When they want to gamble and then for that reason is because they want to recover, they will never recover. Let's say some of them finally have recovered but out of the many, how many actually did? maybe really a few amount of gamblers.

Realizing their state and how gambling works will make them analyze themselves if they're still on track or no longer on it and that's why they need to control no matter how long it will take.
They can break the cycle by not gambling for a while and diverting their minds to doing other things so they never think about gambling. This circle must be broken immediately so that they can see that they still have a chance to overcome their gambling problem, but they must also have a strong desire to solve it. If the reason they want to recover is instead playing gambling again, that will never help but will instead make them unable to heal themselves and there is a possibility that they will experience a gambling addiction. There must be awareness and intention to overcome their gambling problem so that they can start looking for ways to overcome their gambling problem.
That's the question on the thread, that there are gamblers that can quit for a moment but then will still come back when they have to.

Trust me, if these gamblers are going to break the cycle they just can't. And that's because they have the urge to gamble still, no matter how long the break has been.

Awareness is there but, it's more accepting to them just go on and deal with the consequences later on.

Most people who claim to have stopped gambling or taken a break are just statements maybe because they don`t have the funds to fuel the gambling urge at that time and so pretend as though they have stopped. I have a friend who only takes a break from gambling when he is broke but as soon as he is paid you will see him funding his account and placing games.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: junder on February 20, 2024, 10:00:41 AM
doing something the best is definitely a must for everyone, because with that we can produce something that will end in good things, it is impossible for anyone to do something bad with the aim of producing something less good. It is impossible. including when we go to the casino, of course we will definitely do our best to be able to produce something good such as winning, but it is not guaranteed that we will get a win at the casino Taking a loan to gamble is not a good thing in my opinion it is an action that is outside normal limits.

So that there is no borrowing and borrowing of money for gambling, therefore we must be able to allocate money ready to lose in gambling because in my opinion people who have problems with gambling are those who are not ready for the money they bet to lose, even though they lose. in gambling it will definitely happen, therefore we should be able to allocate the money we are ready to lose so that nothing happens that triggers big losses Do gambling wisely, think clearly and don't overdo it, and self-control is the key to gambling Don't deposit more money on gambling because it doesn't guarantee that you will be able to get a win that can cover the losses that have occurred.
Excellence is important to me, especially in unpredictable situations like casinos. Its a myth that gambling effort guarantees results. In stark reality? Not skill, but chance. Like you, I think gambling loans are risky and foolish. A key part of gambling is accepting loss as inevitable, which "money ready to lose" emphasizes.

You emphasize self-control? Most important. My gambling philosophy is to respect one's limits, not challenge them. Its about distinguishing hobby from hazard. Gambling should never come before financial responsibility.

As I've said before taking out a loan to gamble is not a good solution. And maybe it can be said that it is a stupid and risky act. Some people believe that with the skills they have about gambling they can get a win, but basically the victory in gambling is based on the chance of luck. It's true that you said the most important thing to pay attention to is to be able to accept loss or defeat because if it doesn't exist then a big loss will occur.

Is that wrong, my friend? I think talking about the limit is also included in self-control, that's why I always emphasize self-control must be possessed if we are doing gambling. It is true that it is about distinguishing hobbies and dangers because it is not natural in my opinion to make gambling a hobby, we must be able to see that gambling has a dangerous side if we do not have self-control when doing it.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: TopTort777 on February 20, 2024, 10:27:27 AM
It would be more correct to say that I have a passion for gambling, and crypto gambling in particular, then call it as a problem. During, maybe last 5 years, I've been gambling with crypto on a regular basis. It has started with my previous signature campaign Bitvest/Plinko. I have tried and noticed how quick and easy was it to deposit and play. I did not have to login into back, copy/paste account number and etc. I was browser wallet, few click and you are ready. It was always easy to get some free crypto from faucets, bonuses and etc. I rarely spent own money to play. I did not have a goal (but now I have, I want to hit jackpot with faucet/reward/distribution funds; its like cent or few per day). I just like to do some clicks, maybe win a bit, maybe lose nothing. It is easy for me keep things like that, to keep it under such control. That is why it is passion, a hobby I can easily control for years.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: FanEagle on February 21, 2024, 11:16:02 AM
It would be more correct to say that I have a passion for gambling, and crypto gambling in particular, then call it as a problem. During, maybe last 5 years, I've been gambling with crypto on a regular basis. It has started with my previous signature campaign Bitvest/Plinko. I have tried and noticed how quick and easy was it to deposit and play. I did not have to login into back, copy/paste account number and etc. I was browser wallet, few click and you are ready. It was always easy to get some free crypto from faucets, bonuses and etc. I rarely spent own money to play. I did not have a goal (but now I have, I want to hit jackpot with faucet/reward/distribution funds; its like cent or few per day). I just like to do some clicks, maybe win a bit, maybe lose nothing. It is easy for me keep things like that, to keep it under such control. That is why it is passion, a hobby I can easily control for years.
I would say if you can't stop anytime you want then it would be considered addiction, it's all about that part. If you could consider it as being better then we are going to end up with a good and better result. Hopefully we could see it get better, and then the results would be better for you as well, if you can stop then you are fine.

I personally tested this as long as I have to, even gave a break for a full year before, and after a while I totally forgot about gambling all together, it wasn't even like testing to see if I would gamble, I literally didn't gamble because I never felt like it, it was fully gone. I choose to gamble when I want to, not because I have an addiction, but because I am usually bored a lot, and want something fun to do, so I deposit very little to have fun.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: lixer on February 21, 2024, 03:22:23 PM
If it's something you can 'control' for years, then I don't think it's something you can call a problem in the first place.
That's exactly what I was thinking. A problem is something that exists because you can't control or solve it, if you can control something for years, it might mean that it isn't something that can cause issues, or even if it's a troublesome thing, it isn't permanent and things that can be controlled for long periods can easily be solved in my opinion. If I can control an urge for years, I can easily leave it without much hesitation.

If we are talking about sudden urges that occur when we are gambling and lose some money and then we snap out of our actual mindset and think of trying and recovering what we've lost, we might think we won't go long and stop when it's getting out of hand but then lose control, it is a problem but it's not something that sticks with you if you don't often do that.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: ethereumhunter on February 21, 2024, 05:42:05 PM
They don't want to think about it because are on it and they don't mind what's gonna happen and what's gonna be the result of it.

We're all open to any result as long as we think that it's fair enough that we've been gambling for some reasons. We just accept the results regardless of it and then if we're tired and exhausted we keep away from any gambling activities and that's how we take our rest.

But then, as the urge comes once again we just get rid off that control.
It will be easy if that is the situations but most gamblers will not accept  the result easily and will think to recover their loss. They don't feel that they need to stop their gambling and cure the problem because they see that they don't have any problem related to gambling. That's why they don't choose to stop their gambling activity instead continue their gambling and still trying to win some money. The urge comes again when they continue playing gambling and can't control it until they lost all of their money.

That will different if they can accept the results because of losing the money in front of them as losing the money is something that will happen to people that doesn't carefully using gambling as an entertainment.

Yes, that's the main point, basically all changes must start and begin with openness and willingness from yourself to do so or that means there must be a really strong intention and determination to stop when you are in a bad situation or even when you really want to quit gambling activities completely. As I said earlier that sometimes there are also people who say they want to quit but it turns out that it's just nonsense and I often hear things like this from some of my friends when they are in a losing or emotional state and the word "quit" is nothing more than an emotional outburst because they are upset maybe.

You have said that it does take courage to do it and that is true because everything requires action if you really want to succeed or want to get a change, and on the other hand yes of course one of the things that makes it difficult for gamblers to quit or at least to just reduce their gambling activities is because they have difficulty in accepting the reality of the fact of defeat so they are confused between having to let go or go back to pursuing recovery, so the key is that you must really be able to let go and accept the reality of whatever amount of defeat you have experienced because only with this your mind can be open and can help you to facilitate the process of quitting.
All changes must start from openness and willingness from ourselves to admitting our mistakes so we can find a way to solve the problem before it blow. We can't let it become worst before we get the right solution for the problem so we must to determine what we need to do to solve the problem that we have. People who really want to quit gambling must have a strong will to stop their gambling activity and search for the other activities to distract their minds to think about gambling. Yes, it's hard but that's what they must do if they want to quit gambling as in gambling, there will be many temptations that can make them return to gambling and not seeing a way anymore.

Courage is also needed because that can make yourself stopping from playing gambling and always remember that you already had a bad experience from gambling and you don't want to have the same experience. Your minds keep telling you not repeated the same mistakes and makes you more carefully in action because once you return to gambling, you will hard to stop yourself and that can make you in trouble.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on February 26, 2024, 12:24:41 AM
It would be more correct to say that I have a passion for gambling, and crypto gambling in particular, then call it as a problem. During, maybe last 5 years, I've been gambling with crypto on a regular basis. It has started with my previous signature campaign Bitvest/Plinko. I have tried and noticed how quick and easy was it to deposit and play. I did not have to login into back, copy/paste account number and etc. I was browser wallet, few click and you are ready. It was always easy to get some free crypto from faucets, bonuses and etc. I rarely spent own money to play. I did not have a goal (but now I have, I want to hit jackpot with faucet/reward/distribution funds; its like cent or few per day). I just like to do some clicks, maybe win a bit, maybe lose nothing. It is easy for me keep things like that, to keep it under such control. That is why it is passion, a hobby I can easily control for years.
I would say if you can't stop anytime you want then it would be considered addiction, it's all about that part. If you could consider it as being better then we are going to end up with a good and better result. Hopefully we could see it get better, and then the results would be better for you as well, if you can stop then you are fine.

I personally tested this as long as I have to, even gave a break for a full year before, and after a while I totally forgot about gambling all together, it wasn't even like testing to see if I would gamble, I literally didn't gamble because I never felt like it, it was fully gone. I choose to gamble when I want to, not because I have an addiction, but because I am usually bored a lot, and want something fun to do, so I deposit very little to have fun.

It is very true what you say, when we see that there is an addiction to gambling we cannot stop because we want to, so this is something that we are always going to say that something is wrong with us and we should not allow it 'because the things that What we do in any area we must control it, and even more so when it comes to casinos, because casinos involve money and that is something that we must always consider, if there is a problem like that in us we have to focus on trying to get rid of that, because nothing Well, it will bring us, it will always bring, negative things and one of the most negative is the loss of money, that is something that we should not allow ourselves because it is not reasonable for everything to go to the casino, if the person does not adjust his budget it is very easy for him to spend it all in the casino.

Now, things can happen differently if we establish our budget ready to lose, everything changes there, but of course to do this you have to have a lot of discipline and not allow that after that budget is spent then make another deposit, that is something that It should never be done, if people adapt to those types of rules they will have no problem getting out of the addiction, it is the only way I see, but it is more like a method to avoid falling than to get out of the addiction. addiction, therefore to overcome the addiction things change, and when you are already addicted to stop gambling is something that costs a lot, you really need professional help, otherwise I don't know how else could be done., some advice From here what we can give can be useful, but that is already something very specific.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: tsaroz on February 26, 2024, 01:04:29 AM
I can relate to what you are saying. People don't rage bet everyday but when they do, they lose it all. When people lose all of their money, they regret, promises never to gamble and carry on. But as the time goes, they get comfortable saying small bets are going to hurt me even if I lose. That could go for years and they start taking large and large bets and when it gets large enough they start rage betting again.

I lost a huge amount few years prior on gambling. It did affect my finance for months but had no significant relationship problem as I was not married at that time. Now I risk that.
The way I limit my gambling is no unplanned deposit on gambling site. That's a fragile barrier but working for now.

Title: Re: Do you have a "gambling problem" which you can sometimes control for years?
Post by: Dewi Aries on February 26, 2024, 01:08:43 AM
That's the question on the thread, that there are gamblers that can quit for a moment but then will still come back when they have to.

Trust me, if these gamblers are going to break the cycle they just can't. And that's because they have the urge to gamble still, no matter how long the break has been.

Awareness is there but, it's more accepting to them just go on and deal with the consequences later on.

Most people who claim to have stopped gambling or taken a break are just statements maybe because they don`t have the funds to fuel the gambling urge at that time and so pretend as though they have stopped. I have a friend who only takes a break from gambling when he is broke but as soon as he is paid you will see him funding his account and placing games.

Yes more precisely it is a nonsense, I also chose a friend like that where he only said that he would quit, at first I was quite confident but it turned out that all of that was nothing more than just nonsense. Usually such people will say that they want to quit gambling after they have lost, maybe that statement is a form of frustration that they experience due to not being able to accept their losses or such situations can also occur when the case is like what you said where they really run out of all their money, but you will see that when they get money from wherever it is especially from their monthly salary at work then you will see that they share some of their money to gamble and even with the intention of returning something that has been lost.

This is what is called "talk is easier than action", I understand that quitting gambling is not that easy even when you really have strong intentions and determination, and maybe I would call them hypocrites if at first they say they want to quit but the next time I see them sitting at the gambling table again.