Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: alastantiger on December 18, 2023, 06:23:52 AM

Title: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: alastantiger on December 18, 2023, 06:23:52 AM
If many years ago you found a great internet resource that talks about health, history, career, art, travels just basically something that is around your area of interest. You enjoyed reading their articles so so much that you subscribed or donated regularly as a small way of showing appreciation to keep them going. Then you noticed that in recent years they became anti Bitcoin. Although they still publish those great articles in your other areas of interest that you like but they publishing so many false claims and incorrect information about Bitcoin.
What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.Keep donating and subscribing as long as they provide valuable content in the other areas of your interest. Stop donating and subscribing to discourage their anti-Bitcoin stance after expressing your concerns to the editors, but they choose not reconsider their approach?

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: btc78 on December 18, 2023, 06:28:49 AM
If they are providing with false information about one thing, bitcoin, imagine how many more can they falsify?

Is there no other platforms that can provide you with accurate and entertaining information regarding your other interests that you are so conflicted about this one? In my opinion, their stance about providing misinformation says a lot about what kind of platform they are whether it’s about bitcoin or not they still should maintain an unbiased and honest opinion about everything especially when catering to an audience

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Hewlet on December 18, 2023, 07:20:32 AM
If many years ago you found a great internet resource that talks about health, history, career, art, travels just basically something that is around your area of interest. You enjoyed reading their articles so so much that you subscribed or donated regularly as a small way of showing appreciation to keep them going. Then you noticed that in recent years they became anti Bitcoin. Although they still publish those great articles in your other areas of interest that you like but they publishing so many false claims and incorrect information about Bitcoin.
What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.Keep donating and subscribing as long as they provide valuable content in the other areas of your interest. Stop donating and subscribing to discourage their anti-Bitcoin stance after expressing your concerns to the editors, but they choose not reconsider their approach?
its very difficult to stand up for someone that fights against what you believe in and most times, the fact that they are spreading a false narrative regarding bitcoin goes to show the possibilities of the information you are receiving from them not to be true.

But then, it depends on how valuable you find the information you're getting from them, you could decide to continue gulping their information and stop making any donation to them since their is an element of propaganda in their content. And in the event that their information becomes a problem to the society, you don't want to be recognized as one that sponsored a false media that paint a wrong and deceptive narrative to people that could jeopardize their decision making process as it concerns Bitcoin investment.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: davis196 on December 18, 2023, 07:25:00 AM
If many years ago you found a great internet resource that talks about health, history, career, art, travels just basically something that is around your area of interest. You enjoyed reading their articles so so much that you subscribed or donated regularly as a small way of showing appreciation to keep them going. Then you noticed that in recent years they became anti Bitcoin. Although they still publish those great articles in your other areas of interest that you like but they publishing so many false claims and incorrect information about Bitcoin.
What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.Keep donating and subscribing as long as they provide valuable content in the other areas of your interest. Stop donating and subscribing to discourage their anti-Bitcoin stance after expressing your concerns to the editors, but they choose not reconsider their approach?

Would you mind sharing with us this great internet source of information and articles? Are you going to keep it a secret?
To be honest, I don't care about the anti-Bitcoiners anymore. Everyone has an opinion and you can't change people's minds about certain topics. I wouldn't be butthurt about someone posting anti-Bitcoin articles or even posting false info about BTC. We live in the fake news/fake info era and there's nothing we can do about it. Your donations are voluntary. It's up to you to decide whether or not to keep donating.
The internet is huge. You can get valuable content in tons of online places for free. I wouldn't rely on one news source or one source of content.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: mk4 on December 18, 2023, 07:47:19 AM
It depends — while I don't really support false information, how valuable are the other non-Bitcoin articles for you? Are the articles valuable enough to justify paying for a platform that posts false information?

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Assface16678 on December 18, 2023, 07:57:33 AM
I think it depends if they are being too toxic. Of course, I will stop supporting this website or site even if I enjoy its content, but being toxic in particular things will not be a good idea, even if not about bitcoin or being anti-Bitcoin. I don't like a website that is being toxic, and I sure everyone doesn't want that. Imagine after enjoying the recent contents because you can read good things and suddenly they become toxic about a particular thing. Of course, you will be shocked and not used to it, so you will stop visiting the website.

I'm not a close-minded person, so I will not be toxic either. Maybe they are just giving their opinions and sides, and we all have the freedom of speech, so we can't stop if there is a website dedicated to badmouthing bitcoin. As long as I know what bitcoin is and how it helps me, I will not believe in something that spreads false information about it.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on December 18, 2023, 08:53:35 AM
It's simple for me. From the beginning, I will not engage in charity work to develop the site. I think it's up to the owners themselves. The Internet is wide, and the competition is huge. In the ocean of news and information, the strongest must survive, which means they must have enough resources to not depend on subscribers. In addition, any information obtained from one source must be verified. You should not trust just one site. If, in addition, you see that the site publishes information that is incorrect from your point of view, then you should not continue to be its reader.
What will I do? I'll remove this site from my favorites. There will always be a replacement.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Apocollapse on December 18, 2023, 09:14:00 AM
Why you make it complicated? just do whatever you like or you want.

By using your logic, Bitcoin enthusiast is supposed to be fiat and banks hater, but do you use Bitcoin regularly for your daily needs? do you completely avoid to use fiat and banks?

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: hugeblack on December 18, 2023, 11:03:49 AM
I can understand points of view, differences of opinion, and claims that some things are good or bad for Bitcoin, intentionally or unintentionally, but continuing to spread false information while knowing that it is false makes it necessary to be wary of these sources and not consider them a reference, especially for beginners. Anyone who has information and intentionally passes on false information is a person whose scientific integrity cannot be trusted, and therefore it is difficult to consider his opinions as a reference.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Blitzboy on December 18, 2023, 11:21:15 AM
In a future where Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies may dominate our monetary system, correct information is essential. If a trusted source spreads Bitcoin rumors, one should take multiple approaches. First, contact content providers with evidence-based concerns. Explain how misinformation can damage Bitcoin's reputation and digital currency understanding.

Evaluate their other stuff. If their health, history, or art work is unmatched, keep supporting them. They contribute greatly to your interests. If the quality of these sections declines or their anti-Bitcoin becomes overbearing, reconsider your support.

Lastly, support matters. Subscribing and donating promotes their platform. You can send a clear statement by withdrawing support if they keep spreading disinformation. Their true material must be balanced against their Bitcoin stance's potential harm.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: dzungmobile on December 18, 2023, 11:25:30 AM
Then you noticed that in recent years they became anti Bitcoin. Although they still publish those great articles in your other areas of interest that you like but they publishing so many false claims and incorrect information about Bitcoin.
What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.
If it is a helpful platform with wide discussions in many areas, you can stay there and enjoy reading, discussing what you see helpful.

You can continue your discussions on Bitcoin to enlighten people who have yet understand well about Bitcoin. But only do this if you feel happy, whenever you feel tired you can ignore it or leave those discussions when you can not change other people's stance. Don't let any discussion affects your own life, it does not worth.

Even in Bitcointalk, you can have people who are anti-Bitcoin so it is not strange if you see it in non-Bitcoin forums or platforms.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: iBaba on December 18, 2023, 12:06:23 PM
They can't be double faced as an organization yet expect my donations or contributions in any ways. I can give them a benefit of doubt if I have a direct contact to the owner and I will reach out to him/her to be sure if the false news is coming from them or not and whether they are aware of the implications. I will therefore make my judgement from whatever information I get from the CEO and if the efforts are purposely to discredit Bitcoin, then I will immediately stop my donations to the organization.

You cannot feed what you do not believe in or what's against your financial decisions. Any organization that is anti-bitcoin is absolutely against my source of income and I cannot support them especially as they are doing that falsely to discredit the platform and for their best known sentiments against it.

First, I don't see a reason why an organization who wants to be recognized as a reputable organization will be involved in falsifying the bitcoin and misleading other well meaning individuals and bitcoin lovers to sway against the interest of Bitcoin.

Secondly, I wonder why I would ever want to support such organization again since it will be regarded a conflict of interest and an accomplice of the false news and fallacy to keep donating to such conny and ill-fated organizations, even when they engage in other things that interests me, that could be a bate to get people like me to keep supporting their propaganda.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Steph.A on December 18, 2023, 01:21:57 PM
Well that sound like a reddit problem lol.
Well, I think you'll just be better of ignoring their anti-btc but really any btc hater, internet's a public place, everyone throws their 2 cents about topics they don't understand.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Mpamaegbu on December 18, 2023, 01:39:56 PM
What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.Keep donating and subscribing as long as they provide valuable content in the other areas of your interest. Stop donating and subscribing to discourage their anti-Bitcoin stance after expressing your concerns to the editors, but they choose not reconsider their approach?
Of course, if I were you I would stop donating to that course if it changed. Literally, everyone puts their money where their mouth is, and that should drive our donations too. I can't put my money on a project I know negates principles I stand for. It's not going to happen and I believe anyone that allows it for the sake that the public would perceive them as peaceful is only lying to themselves and a hypocrite. I may even make a publication about the situation so the public know where I stand on that.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Gladitorcomeback on December 18, 2023, 01:58:37 PM

What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.Keep donating and subscribing as long as they provide valuable content in the other areas of your interest. Stop donating and subscribing to discourage their anti-Bitcoin stance after expressing your concerns to the editors, but they choose not reconsider their approach?

As far as you have full sure that other content he is providing is 100% legit then you should not against the author who sharing anti btc content. Everyone has own point of view according to information he got. Possibly the people using btc for criminal,ponzi and other bad purpose in area he live and writing according to such mind.

Don't worry many people was against btc and now they are big investor of btc. The youtubers which was creating video against btc in 2015 are now become the technial analyser and you will find only crypto related video. i think you should donate according to content you like.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: NeilLostBitCoin on December 18, 2023, 02:24:26 PM
What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.Keep donating and subscribing as long as they provide valuable content in the other areas of your interest. Stop donating and subscribing to discourage their anti-Bitcoin stance after expressing your concerns to the editors, but they choose not reconsider their approach?

I will delay my donations for now because I am worried about the accuracy of the information on their website. It is possible that some individuals who share this information may have hidden motives and might be manipulating the Bitcoin price. I think it's essential to investigate the situation more closely and gather more information before continuing with my donations. If the content about Bitcoin is false, who knows if their other material is also misleading? If I discover additional incorrect information in their content, I may have to stop my donations altogether. And I will look for another reliable internet resource to donate that doesn't have misleading or false claims about something I know.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: franky1 on December 19, 2023, 12:25:24 AM
find their contact details and contact them. clarifying their error by using real statistics, blockdata, market data and actual facts.
inform they you will not remain a donator if they continue to mislead their readers. inform them you know of other subscribers who after you explain the sites deceit to them,  they too will redraw their continued donations..

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: joniboini on December 19, 2023, 12:59:17 AM
I second the suggestion to contact them and try to clarify, or at least suggest they research further. But there is no guarantee that their beliefs will change if they already have a fixed assumption and just try to find supporting articles for their beliefs. If that were the case, I'd stop my donation and just read other topics as usual, albeit with an awareness that their opinion might also try to steer me in one way or another. Who knows, maybe they are anti-keto diet without you noticing anything and then suggest a sugar-heavy diet that is dangerous for your well-being in the end. Remember that it is easy to change the narrative in the media as long as somebody has enough money.

On the other hand, YouTube and similar platforms are popular nowadays. You can easily consume tons of opinions for free now. No need to force yourself to keep reading one source that doesn't respect your effort to clarify some of their bias.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: LogitechMouse on December 19, 2023, 05:36:29 AM
An influencer can influence anybody, but they can't influence everyone.
I mean they can share whatever they want to, and not all will believe or support that thing. It's the same with this one.

At first, you love what he does until he posts anti-Bitcoin content. Ask yourself first. What's the reason why are you donating to that content creator in the first place? If you love all of his content aside from that anti-Bitcoin content then you can just continue donating and still subscribe to him. On the other hand, if you don't want him anymore just because of that anti-Bitcoin content then just stop donating and unsubscribe. After all, you are donating because you want to support him and not because he forces you to do it.

I didn't encounter this type of content creators TBH, but I guess if I were you, I'd just ignore all of his anti-Bitcoin content and will just focus on the other content that he's posting. Everyone has their own opinion, and if that's his opinion then there's nothing we can do about it, and as for you he didn't force you to donate or subscribe, but you did because you are showing appreciation to his content. Well, you can make a debate on him if you believe that what he's saying about Bitcoin is false. I mean many influencers are doing that.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: Natsuu on December 19, 2023, 07:50:41 AM
Just think about it. Whyd you love the platform in the first place? If the reason is still there, then continue supporting it.

Personally, I would still support it. OP only said that the platforms publish articles that are anti bitcoin an I would love yo still know those views. But if it something that is contradicting to my beliefs or something hurts people, I might consider redirecting my support to other sources that align better with my values.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: alastantiger on January 06, 2024, 01:08:07 PM

Would you mind sharing with us this great internet source of information and articles? Are you going to keep it a secret?
This is an instance though and it is not a secret . For example in 2011, the EFF website, decided to not accepting Bitcoin donations. And in two years ago, Wikipedia editors agreed to halt Bitcoin donations citing environmental.  They say that Bitcoin and Ethereum networks consume too much energy.


Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: m2017 on January 06, 2024, 01:31:42 PM
If many years ago you found a great internet resource that talks about health, history, career, art, travels just basically something that is around your area of interest. You enjoyed reading their articles so so much that you subscribed or donated regularly as a small way of showing appreciation to keep them going. Then you noticed that in recent years they became anti Bitcoin.
I don’t see the connection between the first and second highlighted in the text. If a resource specialized in "health, history, career, art, travels", this doesn't prevent them from being for or against bitcoin. This is the choice of the owners of this resource.

Although they still publish those great articles in your other areas of interest that you like
If you like what they do, then continue to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

but they publishing so many false claims and incorrect information about Bitcoin.
Maybe this happens because this resource doesn't specialize in this topic? That is, they don't have sufficient competence and expertise in this field.

What kind of resource do you have in mind or is this topic written based on your fantasies?

If many years ago you found a great internet resource that talks about health, history, career, art, travels

What would you do? Ignore the anti-Bitcoin articles.Keep donating and subscribing as long as they provide valuable content in the other areas of your interest. Stop donating and subscribing to discourage their anti-Bitcoin stance after expressing your concerns to the editors, but they choose not reconsider their approach?
I don't understand what your problem is. If you like their content, consume it ("health, history, career, art, travels"); if you don’t like it, don’t consume it (about bitcoin). Why make a tragedy out of this? If they write lies about bitcoin, then I would have doubts about their other articles (the truthfulness and usefulness of the content). The Internet is full of different resources - find what you like and use it if that resource creates a problem for you due to their position on bitcoin.

Title: Re: How to approach supporting a platform that now holds views contrary to your own
Post by: knowngunman on January 06, 2024, 01:46:28 PM
In as much as I don't support misinformation, it's important to also note that we can not decide for others what they believe in. The reason you sticked to such site in the first place is not related to bitcoin and it's very obvious you enjoy what you read from the articles published there which is the reason you choose to donate in order to support them.

Perhaps, those articles are very informative and helpful to you. My simple advice would be, ignore the bitcoin articles aspect and continue with what give you what you desire. As for the donation, you can still donate if you wish because the donation was not for the sake of bitcoin in the first place. What matter here is, you already know the truth about bitcoin and you believe in such truth while they also have their reasons to believe otherwise.