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Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: ImThour on December 18, 2023, 01:59:37 PM

Title: Crypto industry donates over $78 million to elect pro-innovation candidates
Post by: ImThour on December 18, 2023, 01:59:37 PM
Crypto industry donates over $78 million to elect pro-innovation candidates in 2024
Article URL:
Author: Coinbase

According to this blog by Coinbase, Crypto Industry and the people have donated nearlym $78 Million US Dollars to elect a candidate for 2024 who will be supporting and making great laws for Crypto which will indirectly help to increase the adaption of Crypto.

- Only 9% of all Americans are satisfied with the financial system.
- Among Americans currently aged 18-40, only 7% feel the financial system works well for people like them.
- These younger Americans make up about 40% of all eligible voters today and will be a majority by 2028.

What do you all think about this?

Title: Re: Crypto industry donates over $78 million to elect pro-innovation candidates
Post by: Seinlocko on December 18, 2023, 02:19:20 PM
What do you all think about this?
It is only natural that currently many people agree and really like the existence of cryptocurrencies. Because if you look at developments over time, it is currently very adequate to move little by little towards digital. So if there are many young people in America who are pro towards the crypto system, in my opinion that is a good thing. Moreover, coupled with a banking system that does not satisfy the public, crypto is definitely a path chosen by many young people and people in America.

Title: Re: Crypto industry donates over $78 million to elect pro-innovation candidates
Post by: Yamane_Keto on December 18, 2023, 02:21:18 PM
I doubt that their intention with the donations is to indirectly help increase the adaptation of cryptocurrencies as much as to try to protect them from any legal complications that force them to abandon the American market, especially after leaving large platforms such as Binance.

I see a new Sam Bankman-Fried is being made.

Title: Re: Crypto industry donates over $78 million to elect pro-innovation candidates
Post by: Lucius on December 18, 2023, 04:35:27 PM
An impressive list of donors - all bigger than the biggest Bitcoin fighter and always on the front line when needed - for their personal profit, of course.

Andreessen Horowitz, Ark, Brian Armstrong, Blockchain Capital, Wences Casares, Circle, Coinbase, Ron Conway, Cumberland,  Framework Ventures, Hunter Horsley, Jump Crypto, Kraken, Lightspark,  Messari, Ripple, Winklevoss...

I mean, nothing surprises me, it's no secret how things work in the largest democracy in the world, donations and lobbying are quite common tactics in achieving a goal. If you fill the pockets of all these people they will support anything, now the only question is whether there is enough money to buy enough affection.

Title: Re: Crypto industry donates over $78 million to elect pro-innovation candidates
Post by: Casdinyard on December 18, 2023, 04:43:41 PM
The crypto industry’s been one of the most generous and progressive industry out there by a longshot, even before bitcoin became big. Now that someone’s vouching to be the vouce of the crypto industry from inside the government offices, you can bet your sweet bippy we’d have no trouble financing this guy’s canpaign, especially since much hate has been thrown towards this industry that we having someone be the voice of reason that will be heard and listened to by the people inside and outside the crypto industry is very necessary.

Hope we get more out of this deal. I’m rooting for his success, and although I couldn’t really donate right now I’ll do my part in making people see what crypto could do to people, at least from where I live.