Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Churchillvv on December 21, 2023, 04:36:51 PM

Title: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Churchillvv on December 21, 2023, 04:36:51 PM
I've observed a little mistakes that newbies like me usually make during conversations here in the forum. I have made this mistake here before, I suppose it was my first thread I created in this forum where I was arguing about some rubbish I thought I knew about.

Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Cantsay on December 21, 2023, 04:54:41 PM
A better advice would be for them to do more research about that topic they are arguing about; the fact that a high ranked member is correcting a newbie in a thread does not automatically mean that “high ranked” is correct.

Remember that we are all humans here and everyone is bound to make errors, so before you accept information that’s being presented to you make sure you ask yourself “how sure is this user? Where did they get this info from? Can information from this user be relied upon?” Sometimes your skepticism could turned out to be good cause it will make you research more on that topic to see if you’re wrong or if the person you’re arguing with is wrong…

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: 348Judah on December 21, 2023, 05:46:40 PM
Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

In this regard, we have two categories of people that make posts and argue about it, but first of all, I wouldn't want us to call it argue because the forum allows for having discussions and not argument, but under these two categories of people we have that make posts, some knows about what they are saying and were being right, so they can afford the time to argue with you down the line in their discussion on that particular thread.

Some don't Know about the discussion and instead of accepting being corrected, they will try and lobby around the corner to have some trash to say about, know this that once it's something that deals with crowd or a number of people, you can't do without having things like this, just have to accept people the way they are.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: BIT-BENDER on December 21, 2023, 05:57:31 PM
I don't think your were wrong, it's quite okay to argue about what you believe is right, you can't know it all that's why we keep learning everyday. I have engaged in a Crypto-currency discussion argument where I ended up being the one that was wrong but by speaking up on my thoughts I was able to understand more about the topic.
As a newbie question everything, have something to say, that's why you need to build your own knowledge a bit by doing your own research but one thing I would advice is that you always be open to learning.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Fiatless on December 21, 2023, 06:37:10 PM
I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

The reason why people argue blindly is because they are ignorant. If they know more they would accept corrections and move on. There is no need to argue without knowledge because it is just a waste of time. However, we are in a forum where we are free to make our points based on our level of intelligence, so we are free to engage in healthy discussions. Sometimes healthy arguments lead to brainstorming which could lead to the discovery of new ideas and information. But if you observe that the member you are interacting with lacks knowledge in the area of discussion and is not willing to learn, I think the best option will be to ignore or abandon the discussion.

In this regard, we have two categories of people that make posts and argue about it, but first of all, I wouldn't want us to call it argue because the forum allows for having discussions and not argument, but under these two categories of people we have that make posts, some knows about what they are saying and were being right, so they can afford the time to argue with you down the line in their discussion on that particular thread.
There are no restrictions to the kind of discussion we can have in the forum. The discussion could be argumentative or others but we should argue respectfully and civilly. There is no need for insults or the use of vulgar words.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on December 21, 2023, 06:40:53 PM
I've observed a little mistakes that newbies like me usually make during conversations here in the forum. I have made this mistake here before, I suppose it was my first thread I created in this forum where I was arguing about some rubbish I thought I knew about.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..
Yes, you do have a point in this very piece of advice you just gave, because though reputation is one thing people admire both here and off this forum, but most times many people fail to misunderstand the difference while trying to "Prove a point" and when starting an "Arguement", because just as "Proving a point" do requires fact & offers possible solutions to issues discussed, on the other hand, argument are non-factual statements, prone to bring disrespect, red tags here on the forum.

But yet, that you are trying to proof a point to doesn't mean you shouldn't know when to put an end to it, because most people are not always worth wasting your time to prove a point for.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: SatoPrincess on December 21, 2023, 07:31:58 PM
I have noticed when corrected by older member, some newbies simply take the corrections and move on, others feel their ego bruised and tend to respond defensively, they play victim and try to make it a personal attack on their person. They can’t take criticism from senior members. I will give the same advice someone gave me when I first came here…’grow thicker skin’.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: coupable on December 21, 2023, 07:56:48 PM
Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

Just a friendly advise..

Your advice is valid, but you have to take into account an important factor. Many (if not most) participants in the discussions are participants in signature campaigns that pay for posting, so it will help them to create posts and engage in discussions, no matter how futile it may seem to you. Drama and stirring up trouble is one of the techniques that many people use to find what to write. Unfortunately, this is a fact that is not hidden from experienced members and can also be easily noticed in the “Reputation” board where you may find members intervening in problems that have nothing to do with them, and not only to give an objective opinion, but also attacking others based on ideological differences or misconceptions.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: cryptoaddictchie on December 21, 2023, 08:03:35 PM
I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..
Well if a nebwie got a point and a senior one argue with it some might butt in to check whether which one is correct and until one is proven right or wrong then thats the end of discussion. Anyone should accept it if his thoughts are corrected whether a beginner or an old member here. No one is perfect enough to excel at all topics unless youre a genius who dont make mistake at all.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: nakamura12 on December 21, 2023, 08:12:29 PM
Well, some forum members do make mistakes therefore another forum member can correct that person and didn't even see, check or even understand the point that the forum member is trying to tell. Some get affected and as you have said an argument but I wouldn't really call it argument as this forum allows people to express their idea, point or corrections and not about letting others know about you being knowledgeable or a least you know something. Others are just trying to make it complicated because if being a participant in a signature campaign.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Renampun on December 21, 2023, 09:23:17 PM
I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

why should you think that a debate is useless, in fact a debate is proof that we have different thoughts and need agreement between many parties to determine this option is the best of the best. A debate is considered rubbish if one of the parties feels offended and uses expletives at members who have different opinions from them. In many topics that I pay attention to, there are some members who are a little annoying because of their opinions which they continue to force to be accepted by other people and to be honest, that is something that is actually not allowed.
BTT is also an open forum for the public, it is natural that there are many differences of opinion that arise here, those who are wise will definitely accept these differences while those who are childish will be offended by these differences.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 21, 2023, 09:24:53 PM
Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments

A legendary member on this forum actually told me something like this while I was also new here, and I can say that I actually had good guidance from topics that were created by other members too, just like this one. By the way, what would be the essence of arguing on a topic that the newbie or X member knows they are not knowledgeable enough about? When I started on the forum, there were different topics created every day here, and sometimes before I can provide a very reasoned answer to a question I am not familiar with, I will need to do some quick research. Sometimes I still end up providing a very inaccurate answer that I get corrected by another user, which in turn earns merit.

 Instead of arguing foolishly, it's just better to look and learn, or perhaps say thanks, or just take note and move on.

I hope that many people will read and learn from what you have said, although I don't frequently read such arguments  :-\.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Marvelman on December 21, 2023, 09:31:31 PM
You know the old saying - "A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them."  Learning from mistakes is a huge part of growing as a person and professional.  It's real easy to get all defensive when someone calls you out, but it takes some maturity to take criticism and use it to get better. 

Like you said sometimes new folks and even experienced peeps fall into just arguing to argue.  That's a waste of time and leads to fights over nothing.  Instead of trying to be right about everything, we should keep an open mind to pick up new stuff from others.  We're here to learn from each other and share what we know, so we should focus on keeping a positive vibe for everyone.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Vaculin on December 21, 2023, 09:47:56 PM
Corrections are made to create a positive purpose, so you won't creating the same mistakes again. But if you are the type of person who will defend yourself and make argument, rather than simply accept the correction, then you should not be part of this forum. This forum promotes harmonious relationship between all members, so if you are not responsible to do your part, better leave the forum in silence.

My advice is just learn from every member in the forum and give respect regardless of the rank or position. One is not better than the other, as there's no competition inside the forum.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: serjent05 on December 21, 2023, 10:32:19 PM
Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

It would be much better to appreciate the account that corrected us.  We must be open-minded and welcome corrections instead of arguing supporting our wrong understanding.  This way we won't be embarrassing ourselves and avoid being labeled as stubborn/idiot.  

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

To do this kind of act need a humble and open mind.  I also seen several members of this forum trying to make their way out of the mistakes or misunderstandings they had just to justify they were correct instead of welcoming the correction of other people.  So yeah I support your idea of accepting and respecting, would be better if we appreciate people who are correcting us regardless of the tone of their statement.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Hyphen(-) on December 21, 2023, 10:33:15 PM
I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

A good advice indeed for not just beginners here in this forum but to the general forum members who always think the are right even when they are wrong. Some members in this forum have that habit of arguing with other forum users even when they are wrong, instead of admitting and learn the right thing.

For Newbies, always stay focus to learn new things, focus on taking corrections and avoid arguments. Blind argument is not good, learn from even people that criticize you since your primary aim is learn.

Also ask questions when the need arise.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: sunsilk on December 21, 2023, 10:40:46 PM
It applies to everyone. If you've been caught yourself and realized that you're wrong, it's not going to hurt you to apologize with your mistake.

And if someone is wrong, if they don't want to admit their fault, it's on them but it's like this. Always be the better person. Regardless of the arguments whether it's related to crypto, trading, Bitcoin, etc.

Just pay respect to everyone regardless of the ranks.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Iroh on December 21, 2023, 11:31:11 PM
We are not all the same. We’ve got different minds and characters and we can’t always expect the next person to behave and think the way you do. That’s just the way it is.
We all have pride and egos within us and would argue rather blindly/ignorantly for what we believe to be true. No one knows it all and we all make mistakes every now and then. The best anyone can do is to have an open mind, try in learning new things and to be able to change your opinions on several things.

We should realize that we can be wrong sometimes and should be bold enough to admit it. Only then, would we have the desire to make changes and learn.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Stalker22 on December 22, 2023, 12:14:42 AM
Everyone makes mistakes - nobody is perfect, so take anything someone tells you on here with a grain of salt. Do your research and double-check where they got their facts. Make sure that self-proclaimed expert is legitimate before believing everything they say.

I mean, we are all just people on here sharing ideas and trying to help each other out the best we can. But all of us make mistakes from time to time. Just keep an open, but skeptical mind with anything someone presents as the truth. Do your own digging and decide for yourself instead of just taking some random person's word for it. Even the experts on here can be wrong sometimes.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: AYOBA on December 22, 2023, 12:29:44 AM
I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise.
This truth is beneficial for us to be obedient to any corrections they may try to give us. However, it is not a good idea to argue with them because some of us know that what they are trying to do is wrong and they want to argue that no one can correct them.

To honestly they didn't know that mistakes are opportunities for growth and learning therefore, let's be the kind of people who will accept corrections from others. We shouldn't take pride in our ability to correct others, in order for everyone to live in harmony, we must be able to live in harmony.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Ndabagi01 on December 22, 2023, 06:13:26 AM
No one is perfect and everyone will like to prove a point where they feel they’re knowledgeable about or thinks that they’re right in that aspect. The best of all is the one that listens to the criticism and do more research on what the other person is wronging him about, with that, he/she can then certain if their point is right or wrong.

There is nothing wrong if you are not agreeing with someone’s view, just be sure of your point and that you’re not misleading those coming to read your comments. Just know that sometimes, silence is the best teacher. There is a lot of things to learn in that. Always do your research before accepting or coming to a conclusion.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Sebas.tian on December 22, 2023, 06:52:17 AM
The reason why some newbies don't give up easily in the forum, they feel people in the forum will laugh at them, not knowing that they are trying to correct he or she to learn more so that he or she will use the same knowledge to correct someone that will argue for such thing in the future. The reason why some senior members don't allow newbies to correct them in the forum, because they feel they know more than them, not knowing that sometimes students use to correct their lecturers in the classroom but that one doesn't mean the students know more than the lecturers in that particular course. Well, this is a good advice that will make many newbies to accept their mistakes and move on without trying to defend themselves in a wrong way.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Essential10 on December 22, 2023, 08:09:03 AM
No one is perfect, no one knows everything. When individuals are able to admit their mistakes, they are in a better position to improve and avoid repeating the same errors. Don't be afraid to admit when you don't know something and seek advice from others who may have more experience or knowledge in that area. I think the goal of being on a forum is to learn and engage with others, not to constantly prove yourself right. Being humble and open to learning from others can definitely benefit a lot over time. Having the courage and mindset to admit mistakes takes people forward in their personal and professional lives.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Frankolala on December 22, 2023, 08:55:11 AM
OP, you have said it all and I also believe that some people just like to argue because they don't like to be seen as if they are wrong. One thing I have come to understand in life is that when I am telling you the fact, and you are still arguing blindly, I will leave you alone and wouldn't want to explain at length anymore because it has shown that you don't want to accept others opinion.

Google is there to make research and get the right information on the discussion and that will enhance your learning instead of claiming Mr Right. It is better to listen and learn from others and if you are in a doubt about that topic do your own research to know more. Nobody is perfect and nobody knows it all, there are somethings that we feel we know but we don't know them in details.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on December 22, 2023, 09:51:39 AM
OP, how then do we understand the meaning of the expression that “the truth is born in a dispute”? Is it a big deal when a newbie is trying to prove a point? We can look at it from a different point of view and think that this is how a person expresses himself. There is no need to shut the mouths of everyone who thinks differently; we adhere to democracy, which means everyone here has the right to express their opinion. Otherwise, we see frightened newcomers who are afraid to offer or say anything.
Let people make mistakes, try, and prove. The main thing is not to get personal; everything else in the discussion process is always interesting.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: tabas on December 22, 2023, 10:16:15 AM
Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..
There are folks that can't stop themselves from arguing even if they can see that their boat is already sinking. It's all about the pride that they can't just let others stomp on together with their egos. You are on an online forum where the arguments are placed and expect that sets of differences are there. One can disagree or agree to any argument but make sure that you're not too harsh just because you are correct or you are trying to someone who's probably not aware of things that you're discussing and trying to argue. I know that there are people trying to make themselves good and correct even if they are out of argument, it's not painful to be corrected and correct someone. But when someone insists that they're totally correct but actually they're not and you're done with it, leave them alone.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Hewlet on December 22, 2023, 12:17:41 PM
I've observed a little mistakes that newbies like me usually make during conversations here in the forum. I have made this mistake here before, I suppose it was my first thread I created in this forum where I was arguing about some rubbish I thought I knew about.

Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

it depends on the reason behind your emphasizing a particular point in the argument, if you feel that the narrative or angle you're looking at a subject matter is not being understood rightly, you could still air out your view since no one is totally a compendium of knowledge. Their are things you will say whole thing to prove a point that could be of help to someone that's just going through the conversation.

The issue is when you're arguing just to prove that you have a knowledge, and you are not reading through replies to get a better understanding of what is being said, this is what could be considered a blind argument and doesn't get any problem solve. Remember the popular saying that goes that " that you won an argument doesn't mean you are right."

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Churchillvv on December 22, 2023, 01:38:13 PM
A better advice would be for them to do more research about that topic they are arguing about; the fact that a high ranked member is correcting a newbie in a thread does not automatically mean that “high ranked” is correct.
I have witnessed alot of newbies correcting x members here and that is absolutely good because nobody is above mistakes right?, I have done that too.

But the fact that people do not surrender to others opinion/ point as a result of maintaining a seniority or reputation is what I'm tryna specifical dispute. Most times I read and I just laugh and remain silent because I figured out that if the conversation continues it would lead to something else.
I have also witnessed x members using valor languages on themselves because they both feel they are right and never to surrender and exist the conversation. Anyways we all got the right of freedom of speech.

The reason why people argue blindly is because they are ignorant. If they know more they would accept corrections and move on.
I guess you understand my point correctly, I suppose they'll still have to learn this regardless of the forum statuses.

I have noticed when corrected by older member, some newbies simply take the corrections and move on, others feel their ego bruised and tend to respond defensively, they play victim and try to make it a personal attack on their person. They can’t take criticism from senior members. I will give the same advice someone gave me when I first came here…’grow thicker skin’.
I have also noticed that some x members starts this personal attacks on this people at times, like when someone makes a mistake you turn it to be a personal attack or make your correction sound like a mockery. It's just disappointing. BTW, I love your advise here. I have grown thicker skin already.

I have noticed when corrected by older member, some newbies simply take the corrections and move on, others feel their ego bruised and tend to respond defensively, they play victim and try to make it a personal attack on their person. They can’t take criticism from senior members. I will give the same advice someone gave me when I first came here…’grow thicker skin’.
I have also noticed that some x members starts this personal attacks on this people at times, like when someone makes a mistake you turn it to be a personal attack or make your correction sound like a mockery. It's just disappointing. BTW, I love your advise here. I have grown thicker skin already.

Instead of arguing foolishly, it's just better to look and learn, or perhaps say thanks, or just take note and move on.

I hope that many people will read and learn from what you have said, although I don't frequently read such arguments  :-\.
Your absolutely correct Dr. B.S. I also hope they learn too.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: doomloop on December 22, 2023, 02:48:23 PM
Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.
If a newbie corrects a higher-ranked member, it might become a matter of ego for the senior member as a person who is known to be senior is considered to have more knowledge and information about certain things and if they are corrected by a junior, they might not feel good about it as it becomes a matter of respect for them. However, if one makes a mistake or doesn't have more knowledge than a junior about a certain thing, there shouldn't be a problem for them to accept it.

That being said, I don't see why a newbie would start arguing if they are corrected by a senior or high-ranked member unless they have solid points that they know more than them and they can prove it using facts, but if that's not the case, they should first do more research and if they find out the other member is correct, they should stay silent and learn from it as you said.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: pawanjain on December 22, 2023, 02:49:13 PM
I've observed a little mistakes that newbies like me usually make during conversations here in the forum. I have made this mistake here before, I suppose it was my first thread I created in this forum where I was arguing about some rubbish I thought I knew about.

Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

Lol  ;D That is quite true. I have myself come across few people on this forum who blindly get into a discussion and start arguing.
I don't even care to reply them but some times such debates also convert into a healthy discussion where one gets to learn a lot of things.
Whenever there was someone correcting me, I used to give it a thinking and reconsider my post and do a little research.
I would gladly accept his point if it was valid and there's no harm in doing that.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Y3shot on December 22, 2023, 03:25:06 PM
Some people feel arguing about things is the best way for them to learn, well it is common people will always think they are right , this is how discussion seems to be most time. But it is important newbie should try their best to make research to be sure if what they are talking about is wrong or correct because it is embarrassing claiming with confidence to say things that are wrong thinking it is right, newbies should learn to do research before coming to speak to the public.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on December 22, 2023, 06:53:06 PM
When two or more people want to show they're right, it's okay for them to have discussions, even if they start with disagreements. This happens a lot in a forum, which is like a place where many people with different ideas come together. It's good to see people sharing their thoughts.

But it's not a good idea if someone argues without really knowing what they're talking about. Before starting an argument, it's important to have some reasons or points to share. If someone argues without any good points, it might be embarrassing for them. So, I believe experienced members won't start arguments without having something important to say. It's like having a good reason before saying something in a discussion.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Viscore on December 22, 2023, 09:59:13 PM
Criticisms are normal in the forum, of course you will be often corrected and criticized especially if you are still a newbie. Just accept the fact that you are still incapable to do things in the forum, that's why you have to be more open for criticisms. As long as its constructive criticisms, then I have no against with it.

Instead of making some arguments to prove your own point, just respect every member in the forum. That is if you want to stay longer in the forum and just work at your own pace.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Samlucky O on December 22, 2023, 10:23:47 PM
You are truly correct. people always form that habit of auguring. Although sometimes argument is helpful to clear your doubt or your perspective about something. Because sometimes we need serious argument to get convinced in what we believe to be wright which seems wrong. sometimes people know that they have been defeated in an agreement. But still continue to argue blindly because of shame or feel embarrassed. maybe it might be a newbie that try to correct a senior member,  and the senior member might feel that he /she should be more knowledgeable than a newbie and continue auguring blindly. Until the conversation turns almost useless or pointless.

Why sometimes these arguments is also Don amongst senior members. Sometimes silent is the best way to learn. The best and fast way to learn is to stop arguments and absorb the information you have gotten. Or you study more than ask or arguement.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Churchillvv on December 23, 2023, 02:55:49 PM
When two or more people want to show they're right, it's okay for them to have discussions, even if they start with disagreements. This happens a lot in a forum, which is like a place where many people with different ideas come together. It's good to see people sharing their thoughts.
Disagreeing to agree is always the best in any discussion but where this individuals deviates from discussion to reputation maintenance is what amazes me e.g Where Mr. A is saying I'm a professor so you can't correct me because I have 10 degrees and Mr. B is saying education does not matter here I have experience, I have worked for so so years so you can't correct me here. It's just so disappointing... To make matter worst it's L members that engage most this arguments.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: odunybiz on December 23, 2023, 03:25:07 PM
I've observed a little mistakes that newbies like me usually make during conversations here in the forum. I have made this mistake here before, I suppose it was my first thread I created in this forum where I was arguing about some rubbish I thought I knew about.

Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

It's a very bad habit for someone to claim he/she knows it all. No one is master of all knowledge. Just has OP has said we should try to creat a peaceful environment as we keep learning rather than arguing over and over on a simple matter.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: mamesso on December 23, 2023, 03:48:58 PM
Creating an atmosphere of mutual respect is better than arguing to defend each other's arguments. You may believe that what is being debated is true according to you, as do other members, the truth of the debate depends on which side you stand on. As long as other members provide constructive correction for the common good, I actually accept it well even though the correction is from a newbie.

This is not a place to look for justifications and not an opportunity to show who is the smartest. Everyone who joins here is still in the learning process, anyone can give constructive criticism as long as they don't deviate from the topic being discussed. Additional knowledge can come from any direction, depending on whether each individual wants to accept it or not.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: NewRanger on December 23, 2023, 03:50:15 PM
Disagreeing to agree is always the best in any discussion but where this individuals deviates from discussion to reputation maintenance is what amazes me e.g Where Mr. A is saying I'm a professor so you can't correct me because I have 10 degrees and Mr. B is saying education does not matter here I have experience, I have worked for so so years so you can't correct me here. It's just so disappointing... To make matter worst it's L members that engage most this arguments.

Basically everyone respects and appreciates each other. The name is also a forum, where suggestions and opinions will always come. I think this is a normal situation, it's up to us how to interpret it and if the suggestion or opinion is good, just take it, if not, just save it and don't need to take it too far.

It's a very bad habit for someone to claim he/she knows it all. No one is master of all knowledge. Just has OP has said we should try to creat a peaceful environment as we keep learning rather than arguing over and over on a simple matter.

Talking about the level of knowledge capacity, of course each of us must be different, if everyone were the same, there would be no such thing as a questioner or an answerer, and it doesn't hurt to take a step back.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Sanitough on December 23, 2023, 05:57:33 PM
Mostly, people who refuse to be corrected are mostly the people who have a lot to say. And those who have a lot to say are those who often commit mistakes and throw bad impressions to others.

My point is just accept any correction that you received. Because in the first place, they might have seen you doing things the wrong way that's why criticisms are made. Do not throw criticisms back because that only shows that you are being immature and irresponsible.

For newbies, accept those corrections positively. You might be thanking them in the future because of the corrections you get, that you were able to go out from your comfort zone and unlock your own potentials.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Tmoonz on December 23, 2023, 08:15:26 PM
Argument some time makes people realize there strength and weakness , you can argue about what you think is right and as well become open to learn new things for learning never ends, have a second thought of you are arguing about. Humans are special being created with so many differences in character etc, therefore arguing can never be put to stop.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Kelward on December 24, 2023, 07:10:54 AM
This is a discussion forum and I think that meaningful arguments can help to make us to see points from different perspectives, if we feel like somebody's points are misleading and we come out to correct the person, perhaps the person can present argument in a civil manner to prove their point. What really matters is matured argument where in the end a win win situation will be reached, and everybody in the thread will gain more knowledgeable from two perspectives. If maturity in the use of language is applied, then the argument is based on two different ways of seeing an issue, in the end we can apply one of the perspectives as an alternative option. But if an argument is baseless where a member is bent on having the upper hand in an argument, then it's best to simply ignore such comments and move on, we shouldn't let negative people's remarks to weigh us down.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Samlucky O on December 24, 2023, 07:21:52 AM
Argument some time makes people realize there strength and weakness , you can argue about what you think is right and as well become open to learn new things for learning never ends, have a second thought of you are arguing about. Humans are special being created with so many differences in character etc, therefore arguing can never be put to stop.
No doubt arguments can not be put to stop. but can be controlled, especially when you are auguring out of point. Because many people always argue irelivant things. And this is the reason I hate to watching football in public halls. because they make me feel uncomfortable due to arguments. I am a quiet person that don't like too much noise and when I come to where people argue for no reason I walk away. Argument is good when there is learning in it. but if there is nothing to learn from it, it becomes a nuisance because nobody wants to pay attention or give a listening ear to each others.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: sotelorene on January 16, 2024, 09:20:43 PM
Perfectly said, I think with this post some people will learn to behave themselves, though I have been a victim of this before but I have learnt my lessons. The thing is some people feel or think they know everything because of their position not knowing that nobody is an island,  you can't possibly know everything that's fact. It is very funny seeing someone arguing what is true I mean it's really funny.
Moreover, post are meant to be informative and nice but that doesn't mean someone should insult or say nonsense about a post that's is not informative or nice all in the name of trying to aim merit.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on January 17, 2024, 03:26:03 AM
I've observed a little mistakes that newbies like me usually make during conversations here in the forum. I have made this mistake here before, I suppose it was my first thread I created in this forum where I was arguing about some rubbish I thought I knew about.

Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

OP you're actually right on staying silent and learn from people who are in higher ranks than you but I want to ask you a question, does being a newbie mean you don't actually have anything yet to offer to the forum or you're inexperienced? Like there are actually some newbies here that have been into cryptocurrencies before they found this forum of which some newbies are more knowledgeable than some of the so called legendaries and higher rank members here, does it mean one should be dumb about opinion of others even when they're wrong simply because you're a newbie? Well, I think we should stop this perception of feeling too authoritative simply because you're a higher rank member. You may actually have more experience about the forum because it took you a lot of time to build your rank but that doesn't mean you know it all as sometimes a newbie can be more productive than a higher rank member.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Churchillvv on January 17, 2024, 10:11:59 AM
I want to ask you a question, does being a newbie mean you don't actually have anything yet to offer to the forum or you're inexperienced? Like there are actually some newbies here that have been into cryptocurrencies before they found this forum of which some newbies are more knowledgeable than some of the so called legendaries and higher rank members here, does it mean one should be dumb about opinion of others even when they're wrong simply because you're a newbie?
Maybe if you actually took your time to read through the 3 pages you might I found out that this question has been attended to so many times.

One thing you must know is that the word newbie according to Oxford dictionary means an inexperienced newcomer to a particular activities. but newbie in this forum only implies that you are new to the forum (environment) and not your knowledge. So you're not disputed for correcting a senior colleague, we all are humans and we have flaws, so we are prune to mistakes. if you correct someone for some mistake it doesn't guarantee your knowledge or that doesn't mean you're more knowledgeable than they are it might just be for the moment.

Here nobody is saying shouldn't correct people who are ranked higher than but don't make blind arguments that will tarnish your image or lead you to being included in an ignore list.

Well, I think we should stop this perception of feeling too authoritative simply because you're a higher rank member. You may actually have more experience about the forum because it took you a lot of time to build your rank but that doesn't mean you know it all as sometimes a newbie can be more productive than a higher rank member.
Certainly that fact isn't disputed, I understand your feelings right now and I promise you as time goes on will find out why so things are the way they are.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Jegileman on January 17, 2024, 10:43:12 PM
Many forum users have argued in the past for something they believe it is the truth but turned out not to be in the real deal of it after going for more research about it. This is common in human and everyone will love his/her opinion to be respected and given the choice to be the truth. Some argue blindly not because they’re saying the truth but because they can’t face the fact that what they’re saying is false and will look shameful to them if they agreed. Let’s try and do a research about any subject being argued about before coming to support a particular point about it because others learn from those post and will give an everlasting impression in their minds when persuaded that was the truth.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Kalam001 on January 18, 2024, 06:22:43 AM
Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.
In this case it will be better to silently research to know more about a topic or discussion than to prove yourself of knowing about it when we have many people that can tell you literary about some topics but will just let it slide if a person make a mistake to prevent creating enemy for them self and I will also like to tell those of us that feels they know everything that there are some individuals in this forum that there knowledge started where yours (those of us feeling they know all) ended but they  will rather inflict help to others to prevent causing conflict, argument or misunderstanding in the forum.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.
And please in addition to this, I will also like to advised our seniors or beginners that knows about a particular topic, have some corrections or questions to ask to also know how to ask the question, make a quote or corrections in a way that the original poster or some one that quoted about the topic should be able to understand not to reply a post in an aggressive or ill-mannered way that will leads to a dispute or unnecessary argument that might leads to a discussion that is of point with the original discussion or topic.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: JMBitcointernational on January 18, 2024, 07:18:20 AM
I have noticed when corrected by older member, some newbies simply take the corrections and move on, others feel their ego bruised and tend to respond defensively, they play victim and try to make it a personal attack on their person. They can’t take criticism from senior members. I will give the same advice someone gave me when I first came here…’grow thicker skin’.
Some Newbies are quick to anger and in a forum like this patience is supposed to be their bedrock till they grow to make corrections to others . Argument in other hand is not a good sign of learning though some people will tell you that we argue to learn but it is not in every circumstance because argument might deprive you the chances of getting the right information.

However, I will encourage my fellow newbies to read more threads and accept criticism because it will help them learn more about the forum

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Churchillvv on January 18, 2024, 03:11:32 PM
And please in addition to this, I will also like to advised our seniors or beginners that knows about a particular topic, have some corrections or questions to ask to also know how to ask the question, make a quote or corrections in a way that the original poster or some one that quoted about the topic should be able to understand not to reply a post in an aggressive or ill-mannered way that will leads to a dispute or unnecessary argument that might leads to a discussion that is of point with the original discussion or topic.
One thing that I have learnt and expect others to learn too is growing a thicker skin here in the forum. no matter the response of how ill mannered a response (comment) is I will never make a personal attack on the commenter.

humans are built differently and as such I wouldn't be expecting everyone to act the same or be of good manners. So whoever is bordered about the manners of comments should learn to move on and forget about this shits. one things is certain some of this senior colleagues will always throw stones at you but use them to build yourself instead of throwing it back at them.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: kentrolla on January 18, 2024, 03:38:23 PM
Yes, this should be applicable for both the newbie as well as senior members because there is no hard and fast rule that seniors can always be correct and newbie will always be at fault. One shouldn't take any response personally and even if we are pointing out someone's mistake it should be articulated in a way that it should be fair and not like calling them spammers or embarrassing them. Purpose of this forum is to share the knowledge which should be beneficial for everyone, let's maintain decorum and use this forum for it's purpose as it's not social media to argue over petty things.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: qwertyup23 on January 18, 2024, 04:13:11 PM
Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

What I actually observed here is not that they try to argue but most newbies quote posts that contain lots of quotes already. In a perspective of a beginner, it seems to imply that the more they quote, the longer that their post history looks. But of course, newbies and other veterans cannot be fooled by this scheme.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

I do agree with your point.

I think newbies also focus too much on arguing than actually discussing about the topic to the point that they deviate from the original material that is being talked about. They also seem to bring up unrelated and irrelevant topics just to seemingly "strengthen" their argument but everything is just fallacious and wrong.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Issa56 on January 18, 2024, 08:11:30 PM
Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..
It’s not just about reputation, the forum is a public place, and everyone is allowed to express their opinion. If you see a post and you notice that there is something wrong with it, then you should correct the person. Regardless of the rank, you can’t see something wrong, and you will keep on overlooking it because you don’t want to argue about it. If you know what you are arguing about is right, then you should stand by your words. If everyone is keeping quiet even after seeing a mistake in a post, then some people will be wrong, and they won’t know that they are wrong because nobody corrected them after they made a post.
You arguing doesn’t give any kind of reputation on the forum here, if you are arguing and you are wrong, you are going to be corrected, and the forum was created so that we all can accumulate more knowledge about bitcoin and cryptocurrency generally, so it’s normal for people to argue.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Finestream on January 18, 2024, 09:59:06 PM
There are these type of people that don't want to see theirselves at the losing end, even in simple discussion they always want to see theirselves winning even when we know the fact that there's no competition in the forum. If you are like that, then you are not supposed to be in a forum since learning should always be learned two-way and not just from a single point of view.

My piece of advice is be more open for some corrections as long as it's made for constructive criticism. Even when you think you know a lot, there's always some people that are highly experienced as you, so leave some space for accepting your mistakes and be more open to some corrections and suggestions.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Iroh on January 18, 2024, 11:37:25 PM
One thing that I have learnt and expect others to learn too is growing a thicker skin here in the forum. no matter the response of how ill mannered a response (comment) is I will never make a personal attack on the commenter.

humans are built differently and as such I wouldn't be expecting everyone to act the same or be of good manners. So whoever is bordered about the manners of comments should learn to move on and forget about this shits. one things is certain some of this senior colleagues will always throw stones at you but use them to build yourself instead of throwing it back at them.

It’s great you’ve learnt not to get hurt and unnecessarily angry by the way some people write. Expectations in a good number of cases bring about disappointment hence having expectations from others to ignore hurtful words is futile.
Sure, we’re all different and you definitely shouldn’t be expecting everyone to act civil and be extremely polite to each other. Especially not on a forum that members are majorly anonymous.

Some members are brutally honest and don’t mince words so as to be really clear when stating their thoughts in a conversation. The other party would then choose to get hurt on the choice of words used while ignoring what was actually being said.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Cityhunter34 on January 19, 2024, 09:33:41 PM
I've seen some of my guys create enemies for themselves trying to prove a point that won't lead them anywhere or put food on their tables, what's really the essence of arguing with an ignorant being, if I make a post and anybody that thinks he/she knows better than me says am wrong I will kindly do a proper research on that topic then come back and prove to you that I was right but if you think otherwise I will leave you alone because I don't have time to waste talking and trying to prove myself, I no fit shout, and if I know that I'm wrong I will take correction without arguing too much.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Distinctin on January 19, 2024, 09:44:12 PM
Yes, this should be applicable for both the newbie as well as senior members because there is no hard and fast rule that seniors can always be correct and newbie will always be at fault. One shouldn't take any response personally and even if we are pointing out someone's mistake it should be articulated in a way that it should be fair and not like calling them spammers or embarrassing them. Purpose of this forum is to share the knowledge which should be beneficial for everyone, let's maintain decorum and use this forum for it's purpose as it's not social media to argue over petty things.
You’re right. It’s not right over wrong here but everyone should be given the chance to share its own insights and feels free to accept correction if there is any so that he will stop doing the same mistake again. And there’s no superiority here, everyone is fair regardless if its position. The forum is designed to establish learning on both sides, most especially for newbies who are still in the process of acquiring learning and skills.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Asiska02 on January 19, 2024, 10:45:03 PM
This is a forum and I think arguments like that will never stop in the forum. Even though it is better for one to be sure of their argument before making conclusion to attack another person about their claim in a particular subject matter, some won’t care and will want to always prove a point for others to follow their own claim which they will want it to be the best. If you’re a regular user that does that, you’ll become popular but that is not a good reputation for you, so this is far from being a reputable member through that means.

It is good to always get your facts right before arguing with others, a lot of users that will burst into your post can learn one or two from there. If you’ve spit something unreliable and false, some people will have it in their mind for the rest of their lives and will never get the chance to remove it as they feel it is the best thing they’ve learnt from there. If you’re not sure, please don’t argue and allow ti be corrected as there’s no crime in that.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Russlenat on January 19, 2024, 11:49:48 PM
Know that once you enter in a forum, there will be a parade of ideas that each one of you will share, but that does not mean that one is better than another.  But sometimes, once your idea is off topic or not relevant to the thread, then the seniors will surely correct your post not to humiliate or offend you, but to correct your mistake so you won’t be continuously believing in a wrong concept. That is actually leading you to the right path, hence you should be grateful that your post is being noticed and corrected, otherwise you will always have to carry a misconception.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Luffygroove on January 20, 2024, 11:58:45 AM
In my humble opinion, this forum is a space for sharing knowledge and opinions, emphasizing open discussions without emotional reactions or arrogance.The forum members are encouraged to express their thoughts calmly, fostering a conducive environment. It's crucial not to impose ideas on others, maintaining a respectful tone to prevent aggressive responses. Ego should be set aside to create a harmonious space where diverse opinions can coexist. The goal is to keep the forum welcoming, allowing everyone to share their insights without suppressing their individual knowledge and perspectives.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: snowpega on January 20, 2024, 03:22:31 PM

The best tip of surviving here on the forum, my advice is not to violate forum rules which include spamming, Brsut posting, Copying & pasting without giving source links like where to take it from, Using AI tools, and Plagrsim. These kinds of mistakes are being by the forum watchers to make a clean forum from unnecessary users.

If any of your bad mistakes are detected by the watchers your account will be banned. So, it is very important to stay pure to survive here. Many Thanks. I remember one account that was a newly full-member account and due to one mistake, his account got banned the mistake was plagiarism without a source.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Abdulzuruku01 on January 20, 2024, 03:26:15 PM
I've observed a little mistakes that newbies like me usually make during conversations here in the forum. I have made this mistake here before, I suppose it was my first thread I created in this forum where I was arguing about some rubbish I thought I knew about.

Newbies/beginners and senior colleagues too do make this mistake of arguing with people in conversations that are not worth arguing about. Instead of responding to some quote where you were corrected you can just learn and remain silent than make some blind arguments that can lead to more wilder conversation that will either be out of point from the actual discussion.
Most times I see people creating enemies for themselves because they want to prove a point that they know some bull shit.

I will advise my fellow beginners to respect some correction and not make arguments just to prove yourself knowledged. instead of arguing you can just learn without quoting them back and blabbing rubbish. even till now some senior colleagues are still arguing with themselves because they feel they have the knowledge which someone is try to inculcate in them.

Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..

Being a high rank members doesn't mean that a newbies opinion should be treated as trash or as a place for arguments because the forum is meant to be a place of learning, and I think even our senior colleagues are learning new things every day. When I see a post and want to read other people's opinions to learn, I usually start reading from people in a high rank because I believe they have more experience than us. This is why we beginners look up to you we believe we will learn from you better but don't get me wrong I just feel like that is the easiest way for me to learn because everyone has their own learning method.

some beginners are engaging in larger conversations that lead to arguments hoping to boost their activity level, just because they want to rank up quickly. However, ranking up cannot be achieved in this way, the only way to rank up is to conduct thorough research and read comments, as there are always varying perspectives from both novices and senior colleagues. This allows you to create high-quality posts of your own.

Title: Re: A piece of advise to everyone.
Post by: Queentoshi on January 20, 2024, 04:16:48 PM
Don't make a fool of yourself trying to prove a point for some nonsense reputation that nobody gives a fuck about.

Just a friendly advise..
There is always the internet to confirm information's that we are not sure of because it is the right thing to do instead of arguing blindly and foolishly like we are trying to impress someone. It is almost impossible for one person to know everything, there is always room for learning and we are all learning from each other in one way or the other, so to argue blindly on something you do not know means you are trying to be above learning and correction like you know everything already.

It does not always happen, but a Legendary member can still have something to learn from a full member, a senior member or a hero member. Our ranks do not mean that we know everything.