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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Bill buffalo on December 26, 2023, 06:20:17 AM

Title: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: Bill buffalo on December 26, 2023, 06:20:17 AM
I find it hard to say but would you agree that the military industrial complex has taken over our country most presidents can't even do anything without this branch of power the only president of recent memory who ever tried was trump unfortunately Biden is just a bitch who can be easily controlled part of the reason why Israel doesn't listen to America and the situation in the isreal Palestine war is getting worse we may not admit it but Trump is better for America at least our rivals obey us and our enemies fear us.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: Tipstar on December 26, 2023, 08:23:57 AM
US citizens again have a choice to make between two evils.
Trump who acts like a bully from Cartoon TV series. And Biden who is the face of corrupt US corporations.
Trump would not have been a viable competitor if the Biden party had played it safe and to slightest degree acted for the sake of people.
But in contrast they were more focused on preventing Trump from running by misusing the state power which backfired and made people realize that its not the people who owns the state. They literally gave away the election to Trump.
Trump's election would further increase social polarization and weaken US democracy which is still better than continuing current bidens administration.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: suchmoon on December 26, 2023, 12:31:18 PM
I find it hard to say but would you agree that the military industrial complex has taken over our country most presidents can't even do anything without this branch of power the only president of recent memory who ever tried was trump unfortunately Biden is just a bitch who can be easily controlled part of the reason why Israel doesn't listen to America and the situation in the isreal Palestine war is getting worse we may not admit it but Trump is better for America at least our rivals obey us and our enemies fear us.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: kentrolla on December 26, 2023, 06:25:12 PM
Everyone's aware that it's CIA and other intel, security agencies which runs America and regardless whoever is elected they have too little power to make their own decisions, the fundamental difference between Trump & Biden is the charisma and they way they handle things, I would say we didn't see much wars and US interventions in the affairs of other countries but Biden turned out to be a fox in sheep skin so this guy cannot be trusted. Both are infact not good but if you have to choose between these two choose Trump.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: OgNasty on December 26, 2023, 06:46:09 PM
I’m just excited about his promise to get transgender activists out of the classroom and mass deport all the invaders who Biden has been letting into our country these last few years. I couldn’t care less about his tweets or who he has sex with while he’s married. I just want someone to fix our country before we turn into the mess that is Europe.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: Volgastallion on December 26, 2023, 06:57:33 PM
I’m just excited about his promise to get transgender activists out of the classroom and mass deport all the invaders who Biden has been letting into our country these last few years. I couldn’t care less about his tweets or who he has sex with while he’s married. I just want someone to fix our country before we turn into the mess that is Europe.

Hi man, i have one question to you because you are a USA citizen , how is possible to the people to back someone like Biden? And im not even talking about political views, im talking about Biden is clearly having mental issues.

From outside we see this and we cant believe how this is happen really. And for worst we are talking about the country how controls the world practically.

When we see the speechs from him when he went blank or he miss the entire line, is unnaceptable.

I think USA really needs to get out all that progressive shit before is gonna be too late.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: legiteum on December 27, 2023, 02:49:13 AM
Hi man, i have one question to you because you are a USA citizen , how is possible to the people to back someone like Biden? And im not even talking about political views, im talking about Biden is clearly having mental issues.

Trump's mental issues are far worse, and he's currently leading Biden in the polls. Obviously Americans don't vote based on a mental acuity test. Instead it's based on the candidate that aligns with their own personal values the best, I think.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: Barikui1 on December 27, 2023, 07:07:23 AM
It's a very good thing that we have seen both men rule the united States, and we have seen there failings and their strength,but one thing you need to know that makes trump way much better than Biden is that In Donald trump's era, their are less war, because American is being feared and respected all over the world, due to the unpredictable nature of trump.
Look at north Korea and Iran, how they now do things with wreckless impunity because of how weak the united States have become.
Even trump said it that during Obama's era, Russia took cremia from Ukraine in 2014, during trump era, Russia was quite peaceful with Donald trump's administrative  foreign policies, and they took nothing, but now during joe Biden tenure they are trying to seize Ukraine due to how weak and how terrible their foreign policies are.
Israel hamas war are another failings of  the united States policies playing out.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: legiteum on December 27, 2023, 07:30:26 AM
It's a very good thing that we have seen both men rule the united States, and we have seen there failings and their strength,but one thing you need to know that makes trump way much better than Biden is that In Donald trump's era, their are less war, because American is being feared and respected all over the world, due to the unpredictable nature of trump.
Look at north Korea and Iran, how they now do things with wreckless impunity because of how weak the united States have become.
Even trump said it that during Obama's era, Russia took cremia from Ukraine in 2014, during trump era, Russia was quite peaceful with Donald trump's administrative  foreign policies, and they took nothing, but now during joe Biden tenure they are trying to seize Ukraine due to how weak and how terrible their foreign policies are.
Israel hamas war are another failings of  the united States policies playing out.

Quite the contrary, I suspect Putin finds Donald Trump very, very predictable...

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: Hispo on December 27, 2023, 11:05:44 AM
I find it hard to say but would you agree that the military industrial complex has taken over our country most presidents can't even do anything without this branch of power the only president of recent memory who ever tried was trump unfortunately Biden is just a bitch who can be easily controlled part of the reason why Israel doesn't listen to America and the situation in the isreal Palestine war is getting worse we may not admit it but Trump is better for America at least our rivals obey us and our enemies fear us.

I believe that we talk about the military and their relation with the United States politics, it would be more fair to talk instead about Military contractors and companies, those are the ones you actually get their pockets filled with the destruction and fear of the civilian population living within areas of conflict and those are also entities which obviously they to have a big influence over the decisions taken by politicians in DC.
While I agree the president of a country is the face of such country, I does not necessarily mean the foes of the USA will fear such country or not because whoever is in the White House.

Israel behaves the way it does because the prime minister of Israel knows they have all the info dituonak support of the United States in there war against Hamas, whether Biden tries to make emphasis on the life of the civilians or not, they feel completely backed. Also, Trump has made clear he is pretty much pro Israel as well, so I do not see who he being in the place of Biden would change things.

I personally trust more Biden to have access to the nuclear button than I trust Trump having it.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: DeathAngel on December 27, 2023, 11:31:18 AM
Unfortunately it doesn’t matter all that much to the average person, which of the main two political parties are in office. Some things are better with the Republicans, some things are better with the Democrats but for the average person it doesn't make too much difference. Whatever one gives with one hand they take with the other. I don’t trust any politician, they all have their own agendas.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: BADecker on December 27, 2023, 09:51:34 PM
^^^ Yep. It's all about the American war machine. The war machine employs people. So the people like it, no matter the party.

Republicans use the war machine to enforce peace. Dems use it to make war. Both ways the people make their money of the manufacture of war materials.


Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: Hispo on December 28, 2023, 12:59:03 AM
Unfortunately it doesn’t matter all that much to the average person, which of the main two political parties are in office. Some things are better with the Republicans, some things are better with the Democrats but for the average person it doesn't make too much difference. Whatever one gives with one hand they take with the other. I don’t trust any politician, they all have their own agendas.

It is the status quo of the politics in the United States, sadly.
You know, here in my country we also experienced something similar to what the USA has been going through with those parties, we used to have a duopoly of two parties here which lived alternating the presidency and the power between one another without any other party to have a serious chance to defeat them, it lasted 30 years, I think, before some candidate could break the cycle.
The establishment in Washington DC is afraid of the same happening in the United States, therefore they use their media to either support or attack candidates who either belong to the Republican or the Democrat Party while purposely ignore anyone who identifies as independant or member of a third party.
Sadly, as things stands today, one of the only ways for a independant politician is win is to get affiliated to a party and then slowly back down in their affiliation when they get elected, which is not ideal, it only makes voters to feel betrayed and used for political agendas they did not vote for in the first place.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: BADecker on December 28, 2023, 03:18:14 PM
Unfortunately it doesn’t matter all that much to the average person, which of the main two political parties are in office. Some things are better with the Republicans, some things are better with the Democrats but for the average person it doesn't make too much difference. Whatever one gives with one hand they take with the other. I don’t trust any politician, they all have their own agendas.

It is the status quo of the politics in the United States, sadly.
You know, here in my country we also experienced something similar to what the USA has been going through with those parties, we used to have a duopoly of two parties here which lived alternating the presidency and the power between one another without any other party to have a serious chance to defeat them, it lasted 30 years, I think, before some candidate could break the cycle.
The establishment in Washington DC is afraid of the same happening in the United States, therefore they use their media to either support or attack candidates who either belong to the Republican or the Democrat Party while purposely ignore anyone who identifies as independant or member of a third party.
Sadly, as things stands today, one of the only ways for a independant politician is win is to get affiliated to a party and then slowly back down in their affiliation when they get elected, which is not ideal, it only makes voters to feel betrayed and used for political agendas they did not vote for in the first place.

It's sad, yes. But there is a difference.

In your country, the government essentially owns all the land, all the property, and the people themselves. Of course, they make it look good by giving the people some freedom... so that the people won't revolt, and so that the government can make money off their slaves. It's called Civil Law. It takes a large group of people to change things in Civil Law law.

In the US, the only thing that holds the people back is their lack of knowledge about Common Law. The people actually use the Common Law in many jury trials all over the US. They use it to put down government overreach. The thing that is set in place in Common Law is the authority of any one man or woman over their own life in ways that the government can't deny them.

Now, as Americans are waking up to their authority more and more, they are starting to recognize how the government is unlawfully entrapping them because of their lack of knowledge, and they are starting to do something about it. The government' response is something like this... -


Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: cabron on December 28, 2023, 04:06:01 PM

Unfortunately it doesn’t matter all that much to the average person, which of the main two political parties are in office. Some things are better with the Republicans, some things are better with the Democrats but for the average person it doesn't make too much difference. Whatever one gives with one hand they take with the other. I don’t trust any politician, they all have their own agendas.

It is the status quo of the politics in the United States, sadly.
You know, here in my country we also experienced something similar to what the USA has been going through with those parties, we used to have a duopoly of two parties here which lived alternating the presidency and the power between one another without any other party to have a serious chance to defeat them, it lasted 30 years, I think, before some candidate could break the cycle.
The establishment in Washington DC is afraid of the same happening in the United States, therefore they use their media to either support or attack candidates who either belong to the Republican or the Democrat Party while purposely ignore anyone who identifies as independant or member of a third party.
Sadly, as things stands today, one of the only ways for a independant politician is win is to get affiliated to a party and then slowly back down in their affiliation when they get elected, which is not ideal, it only makes voters to feel betrayed and used for political agendas they did not vote for in the first place.

It's sad, yes. But there is a difference.

In your country, the government essentially owns all the land, all the property, and the people themselves. Of course, they make it look good by giving the people some freedom... so that the people won't revolt, and so that the government can make money off their slaves. It's called Civil Law. It takes a large group of people to change things in Civil Law law.

In the US, the only thing that holds the people back is their lack of knowledge about Common Law. The people actually use the Common Law in many jury trials all over the US. They use it to put down government overreach. The thing that is set in place in Common Law is the authority of any one man or woman over their own life in ways that the government can't deny them.

Now, as Americans are waking up to their authority more and more, they are starting to recognize how the government is unlawfully entrapping them because of their lack of knowledge, and they are starting to do something about it. The government' response is something like this... -


All governments work that way. Even if they are branded as the populous democratic country, the government is not democratic, they own the people and all the land. We all just believe the piece of paper proving we own the property but the government can seize it if they like especially if you act like a rebel bitch. Look at Mar Lago's price.

Whoever shall sit, I think should have the welfare of the citizen to be put as the priority. Otherwise, the US will be divided and they are going to have a civil war.
Not the kind of stuff they would want as they'd be more vulnerable.

Title: Re: Why Trump is Americas best option
Post by: BADecker on December 28, 2023, 04:33:44 PM

It's sad, yes. But there is a difference.

In your country, the government essentially owns all the land, all the property, and the people themselves. Of course, they make it look good by giving the people some freedom... so that the people won't revolt, and so that the government can make money off their slaves. It's called Civil Law. It takes a large group of people to change things in Civil Law law.

In the US, the only thing that holds the people back is their lack of knowledge about Common Law. The people actually use the Common Law in many jury trials all over the US. They use it to put down government overreach. The thing that is set in place in Common Law is the authority of any one man or woman over their own life in ways that the government can't deny them.

Now, as Americans are waking up to their authority more and more, they are starting to recognize how the government is unlawfully entrapping them because of their lack of knowledge, and they are starting to do something about it. The government' response is something like this... -


All governments work that way. Even if they are branded as the populous democratic country, the government is not democratic, they own the people and all the land. We all just believe the piece of paper proving we own the property but the government can seize it if they like especially if you act like a rebel bitch. Look at Mar Lago's price.

Whoever shall sit, I think should have the welfare of the citizen to be put as the priority. Otherwise, the US will be divided and they are going to have a civil war.
Not the kind of stuff they would want as they'd be more vulnerable.

That's not true. Check out Common Law at Also, look at the map of the various kinds of governments around the world, here -

Wikipedia is not quite accurate in its understanding of Common Law, simply because they are being edited in ways, to fool the people. In the US, the 12-person jury rules over the judges' decisions... when the jury is called into action by either the prosecutor or the defendant. This is common law... the rule of the common people.

The Common Law jury has the right to act and decide in any way that they want... ANY WAY, with regard to the case at hand. The Civil Law jury has to decide according to the rules of the judge.
