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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: alani123 on December 26, 2023, 09:15:39 PM

Title: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: alani123 on December 26, 2023, 09:15:39 PM
Having problematic behaviors related to gambling, such as chasing profits, thinking you can best the house, that your luck will turn etc. has a lot to do with anxiety. In many countries there are readily available resources and public infrastructure though which people can seek and receive assistance for issues like addictions. But the sad truth is that many countries also lack the resources to provide such services to their local population.

So it's important to emphasize that while resources for self help can be good, they can also do more harm than good in certain occasions, so it's good to remind everyone that if available, the best option is to always work with professionals.

Now with that out of the way, I feel like it's important to recognize that anxiety contributed negatively to his one might approach gambling. First step with dealing with anxiety is to recognize it.

The way to deal with related thoughts when they emerge is to have a mental response that is full of logical arguments each time these feelings come up. Think of why anxiety isn't a reasonable feeling, think of your schedule, why it's not worth to gamble again etc. These can depend on each person's circumstances.

Personally I felt a lot better finding and reading a cognitive behavioral therapy book in my local library. I made prints of the most important pages and kept them with me for a while. Dealing with anxiety and keeping it managed can help with many aspects of life actually. Always best to combine written cognitive therapy resources with visits to s licensed professional if you can though. But even reading a CBT book alone can provide some helpful advice to dealing with anxiety.

Now when it comes to realizing that you are affected by physical symptoms of stress, there are also some exercises for that. You can look up breathing techniques, and see if these help you. Even the simplest form of breathing in from the nose and exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting down can be very helpful for some.

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: swogerino on December 26, 2023, 09:21:25 PM
The more resources like those the better for the society.I personally don't have any resource except the well known ones but I am adding my way of getting out of anxiety.First of all anxiety can never come if you only play sport bets as you have to wait quite some time for most of them to finish before you see the outcome if your bet won or lost.The real anxiety is when you play any instant result game like slot machines and other type like that,personally I play sport betting but not doing analysis or so,I just place double parlays in Basketball games,over the minimum over type of bet the bookies offer,I use IDR as a currency so with 20 dollars which is near 300.000 IDR I place like 30 bets like them,it is like playing lottery and no sport betting.I like this way and it keeps you out of anxiety,it works for me at least,so those who got anxiety should give this a try.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Accardo on December 26, 2023, 09:42:32 PM
Gambling causes anxiety and it leads to fear in the life of the gambler, which is not recommendable for the mental growth of anybody. When a gambler is afraid while gambling or thinks his next result could be a loss or maybe he could get bankrupt due to gambling he's stressing his brain and soon enough he begins to reason like that whenever he gambles or even outside the casino. Hence following some reading procedures works great, because most of the books you listed, Op, recommends visiting a professional like a therapist to help change the gambler from struggling with anxiety. A good percent of gamblers are stressed each day, and feel this same fear of losing out money, and when faced with the losses they won't face the defeat and stop or go home, instead they go on to get back their money out of fear. What fuels this attitude should be elaborated more.

 Does it mean the brain is getting comfortable with being afraid or uneasy about the results the gambler gets while gambling? A gambler is afraid of losing money, which leads to anxiety. When he loses the money, leads to addiction. When addicted leads to no fear of losing money. He gets used to the anxiety and is not bothered about what outcome of gambling he gets. Hence, he gambles regardless of the fear or pain, he only has one motive, winning a huge amount of money. It seems to me that the process revolves and gets to a point that may have been a good decision if the gambler was wise enough in the beginning stage not to be afraid of losing in gambling, then back it up with money management. Maybe have other reasons for gambling. Anxiety doesn't allow the gambler enough time to think, he only reasons the fear in him, then makes a series of mistakes out of fear. CBT I think requires a second party that will guide the addict to focus on doing his assignments or other things that may distract him from gambling.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Smartvirus on December 26, 2023, 09:42:49 PM
I think the best part to the OP with regards to what’s been discussed is summed in this phrase
First step with dealing with anxiety is to recognize it.

Although it is refrained differently in OP as it directly recognizes OP, I’ll like to say, the first step to actually solving any issue is knowing first and foremost that you have a problem. If you don’t come ti that conclusion, then there isn’t a need to even try to remedy any situation that may be. You’re just good to keep living.

Once you establish that there is a situation, a habit that isn’t been helpful, then you would sort out means to solving that problem which might start from identifying what particular problem that might be of which, Anxiety could number in here.

While it might be a normalized situation for others, it’s important that you don’t open that ample space to be anxious over a bet or making profit over a betting session. You could easily start chasing loses/profit and both aren’t a good position to be in. It could always and most easily turn out negatively for you as a gambler.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on December 26, 2023, 09:48:57 PM
Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)

One principle of gambling is that "gambling is for fun and not a consistent, reliable and proper means of earning for survival." As a gambler, if you keep reminding yourself of that principle, you are at a better chance of not having compulsive thoughts related to gambling anxiety.

As a gambler, prepare and teach yourself how to accept losses because they will come unexpectedly, and if you don't teach yourself how to handle them properly, they will get through to the gambler and may activate in them compulsive thoughts that can lead them to gamble with emotion and make the wrong decision.

There are a few cases of gamblers who committed suicide after losing their bet. Anyone who wants to develop some compulsive gambling thoughts must remind themselves of those ugly incidents; it's a lesson to learn from.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Mahanton on December 26, 2023, 09:52:36 PM

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)
You could all be able to avoid such thing if you are really just that sensible and responsible on the things that you've been doing specially with gambling. You wont really be needing any professional seek of help
or would be having that a book beside you for you to be able to read. You could really be able to make yourself that having no problem if you do really just that make yourself that responsible or mindful on the things that you've been doing. As long you are aware with the risks then it would be normal that you should really be taking it on a responsible manner then you wont really be seeing those type of problems
that would attached to you.

Somewhat not all people would really be having that kind of control and mindset on which there are ones who are really that not realistic the way of thinking about gambling. They've been believing that
they are really that making easy money with gambling and having those easy kind of approach and beliefs on which it is already that delusional.
You wont really be putting up yourself on trouble if you are really that mindful about on your actions.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Queentoshi on December 26, 2023, 09:58:35 PM
Having problematic behaviors related to gambling, such as chasing profits, thinking you can best the house, that your luck will turn etc. has a lot to do with anxiety. In many countries there are readily available resources and public infrastructure though which people can seek and receive assistance for issues like addictions. But the sad truth is that many countries also lack the resources to provide such services to their local population.
I agree and to further state that, the countries where professional help is readily available is lesser than the countries without professional help. In countries where the professional help is not just available to all due to scarcity which will make the few available to demand fees that may be discouraging, many addicts will be practicing self-help or adopted help from unprofessionals, and because of this, they fail. If you are in a pit, it will be easier for someone who is experienced in helping people out of the pit to help you out, than for you to help yourself.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: SmartGold01 on December 26, 2023, 10:04:43 PM
To me i don't think only gambling causes anxiety now these are possible things to cause anxiety within my little understanding; I can vividly remember that everyday situation can easily leads to anxiety, bad father, relative, or even bad mother /wife and husband or stress at office can triggers someone to be over anxious about the whole situations but what makes it worst is that of gambling. Whenever someone gambles or places  bet and s/he is hoping for outcome at this point such thing can trigger the anxiety in a person this same things also give rate to greed by constantly wanting to make a winning over the time.
How can this be controlled since you have already outlined some of them but the easier way to do this is to sets a limits for him or herself overtime maybe and or when someone has multiple job doing they wouldn't be that chance to start dipping their attention into gambling since they would be mostly occupied with their clerical activities.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: livingfree on December 26, 2023, 10:10:22 PM
I think the best part to the OP with regards to what’s been discussed is summed in this phrase
First step with dealing with anxiety is to recognize it.
It's always the first step that everyone needs to recognize. Addiction, being compulsive and any other bad habits that we have, we need to recognize that we have it.

Because if we're still in denial, we're not going to deal with it as a problem that must be solved.

To me i don't think only gambling causes anxiety now these are possible things to cause anxiety within my little understanding; I can vividly remember that everyday situation can easily leads to anxiety, bad father, relative, or even bad mother /wife and husband or stress at office can triggers someone to be over anxious about the whole situations but what makes it worst is that of gambling. Whenever someone gambles or places  bet and s/he is hoping for outcome at this point such thing can trigger the anxiety in a person this same things also give rate to greed by constantly wanting to make a winning over the time.
I also agree with what you've said. It adds up to the situation when we've got other things to tackle in our daily lives. They're causing more stress and more anxiety and that's add more impact to someone who's dealing with it.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: uneng on December 26, 2023, 10:19:19 PM
Although it is refrained differently in OP as it directly recognizes OP, I’ll like to say, the first step to actually solving any issue is knowing first and foremost that you have a problem. If you don’t come ti that conclusion, then there isn’t a need to even try to remedy any situation that may be. You’re just good to keep living.
That is 100% true. The first and essential step towards a treatment, remission or cure is to always accept the fact you have a problem and need help. People usually neglect the situation they are facing, telling things like "I'm not addicted, I can stop playing at anytime I wish", although in fact they can't stop anymore, but at same time don't confess it to their families, friends, colleagues and even to therapists. This way, there is nothing people around can do for the individual, because the initiative has to come from him in first place.

Each person is responsible for their own lives, with rare exceptions. Other people can help, guide and participate in different moments and ways, but the decisions which really matter and that will make the difference can only come from the person himself. We are social individuals, we have necessity to belong, that is true, but first of all we are individuals with uniquenesses, walking individual paths, since they are different from the paths others are walking. Challenges, responsabilities, duties and goals are different and unique for each person and we have to be aware about that in order to succeed, or at least increase the chances of succeeding.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Casdinyard on December 26, 2023, 10:34:07 PM
Having problematic behaviors related to gambling, such as chasing profits, thinking you can best the house, that your luck will turn etc. has a lot to do with anxiety. In many countries there are readily available resources and public infrastructure though which people can seek and receive assistance for issues like addictions. But the sad truth is that many countries also lack the resources to provide such services to their local population.

So it's important to emphasize that while resources for self help can be good, they can also do more harm than good in certain occasions, so it's good to remind everyone that if available, the best option is to always work with professionals.

Now with that out of the way, I feel like it's important to recognize that anxiety contributed negatively to his one might approach gambling. First step with dealing with anxiety is to recognize it.

The way to deal with related thoughts when they emerge is to have a mental response that is full of logical arguments each time these feelings come up. Think of why anxiety isn't a reasonable feeling, think of your schedule, why it's not worth to gamble again etc. These can depend on each person's circumstances.

Personally I felt a lot better finding and reading a cognitive behavioral therapy book in my local library. I made prints of the most important pages and kept them with me for a while. Dealing with anxiety and keeping it managed can help with many aspects of life actually. Always best to combine written cognitive therapy resources with visits to s licensed professional if you can though. But even reading a CBT book alone can provide some helpful advice to dealing with anxiety.

Now when it comes to realizing that you are affected by physical symptoms of stress, there are also some exercises for that. You can look up breathing techniques, and see if these help you. Even the simplest form of breathing in from the nose and exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting down can be very helpful for some.

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)
One thing that severely help me with coping from anxiety and depression (which I already had before I even stepped into the gambling world mind you) is being very vocal about it to those who are willing to hear you. There's a massive benefit to letting yourself be heard and letting the people who care about you know that you're in that particular situation, as 9 times out of 10 you're gonna get the help you need this way. Plus the other thing you should really look into is giving yourself the fighting chance. The thing is depression is real and dangerous, but if you let it take over your life, no amount of medicines nor meditation and therapy's gonna get you out of that hole. Lift yourself up on your feet and recognize that this problem is nothing more than a figment of your mind based on the circumstances that you've been in the past, and giving yourself the chance to fight back and look for options to better yourself besides the conventional means is what you should do.

Lastly, don't gamble when you're happy, don't gamble when you're angry or sad. Gamble only when you feel like gambling. The thing is that if you consistently gamble when you're feeling a certain type of way, you'd start correlating your gambling habits with that particular feeling. You'd start to think that gambling is what makes you happy, or that gambling is the only thing that's there for you when you're sad. Don't gamble when you're full of emotions. Gamble only when you really feel the desire to.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Slow death on December 26, 2023, 10:41:07 PM
It's great that people keep reading these books, but it won't do any good when the person keeps reading but still has an empty calendar every day, the central problem is always whether the person is happy in real life or not without needing to play. If a person is unhappy without gambling and seeks gambling to be happy, then that person will be dependent on gambling. I have always commented that when you talk about looking at gambling as fun, you should not think that gambling is the same fun as going to the beach, going to the cinema, going to a theater, going to a family gathering, it is not the same thing. a person who takes $10 and buys food at a restaurant and has fun in that same restaurant, is very different from a person who takes $10 and goes to create an account at a casino and gambles and loses everything

This person who went to play with 10$ and lost everything, will not be happy, on the contrary, he will be angry thinking about the defeat and how he got back the 10$, for him that 10$ could have been used for something that he would win, for example If she took the $10 and bought food, then she would be winning, because she would tell herself that she bought food whenever she remembered what she did with the $10, and it's different from remembering that she lost in a casino. By this I mean that people hardly accept losing, there are few people who play who really have no expectation of being able to win and make a profit and look at the games as fun. now for gambling to not be a problem, the person in real life needs to have a lot of things to have fun with

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: acroman08 on December 26, 2023, 10:51:31 PM
if gambling causes you anxiety it might be best to lessen your exposure to gambling and find a professional to talk about your issue. while trying and fixing the issue yourself is good, it is still best to let a professional assess your problem and provide proper steps on how to deal with it.

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)
be a responsible gambler, also finding a hobby or an activity that relaxes you and clears your mind is a great way to with stress or anxiety.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: komisariatku on December 26, 2023, 10:53:19 PM

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)

If someone has become an serious gambling addict of course professional help is the right choice, however I agree with what you say that in some countries support for responsible gambling from professionals may not be available or their resources are few. Especially in countries where gambling is prohibited. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of gambling addiction and if we feel this way, we need to recover so that we don't fall into the trap and become serious gambling addicts.

If it's just for myself, if I start chasing loses, usually I will leave the house, go on a motorbike and meet my friends to just chat so that I can get back in a good mood. Apart from that, exercising is also a good choice because when our bodies are fresh, our minds will also be good again and our logic will again find a clear mind.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: AmoreJaz on December 26, 2023, 10:57:41 PM
Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)

If someone has become an serious gambling addict of course professional help is the right choice, however I agree with what you say that in some countries support for responsible gambling from professionals may not be available or their resources are few. Especially in countries where gambling is prohibited. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms of gambling addiction and if we feel this way, we need to recover so that we don't fall into the trap and become serious gambling addicts.

If it's just for myself, if I start chasing loses, usually I will leave the house, go on a motorbike and meet my friends to just chat so that I can get back in a good mood. Apart from that, exercising is also a good choice because when our bodies are fresh, our minds will also be good again and our logic will again find a clear mind.

the first step in my opinion, is to admit to yourself that you have gambling problem/addiction. without acceptance, you won't address your situation accordingly. so even if it is hard to admit, you need to have reality check from time to time, about your lifestyle, your habits. because no one will do it for you but your own self.

if you love your family, i believe, you will find time to understand what's going on with your life so you can alter your life for the betterment of yourself and your family. it is hard i understand, but don't wait too long, because your family may be out of your life before you know it.

to avoid possible addiction on this habit, why not consider some of these alternative activities -
> travel / go out of your comfort zone
> new hobby / sports
> communicate with old friends/colleagues
> regular routine of exercise
> have quality time with your kids, if there's any
> meditate

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: CryptoHeadlineNews on December 26, 2023, 11:15:26 PM
Having problematic behaviors related to gambling, such as chasing profits, thinking you can best the house, that your luck will turn etc. has a lot to do with anxiety. In many countries there are readily available resources and public infrastructure though which people can seek and receive assistance for issues like addictions. But the sad truth is that many countries also lack the resources to provide such services to their local population.  

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)
Inasmuch as such services aren't been rendered by government to the public, that doesn't mean for those who could afford a paid therapy shouldn't give it a try, because just as you just made mention that a simple form of deep breathing can be helpful to relieving stress,. I have also come to understand that "Spending quality time with family and friends" also plays a major role in helping relieving anxiety. And most especially when it comes to gambling, you will tend to observe that if you may have had issues while gambling, and you happen to have discuss it with either family or friends, in most cases they tend to provide the best possible solutions which helps.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Text on December 26, 2023, 11:44:25 PM
When my gambling session ends in losses, instead of dwelling on the amount I lost, I just sleep it off. Sometimes, I can't help but feel regretful, thinking I should have done things differently, used another strategy, and so on. Breathing helps a bit, but for me, it's not enough, so it's better to just take a nap.

It's also difficult to deal with anxiety, especially if you're an introvert, the type who doesn't have anyone else to confide in or talk to, not even family or relatives. Of course, our situations vary, and we've all been through different experiences in life. But in a situation like this, for myself, I don't consider professional advice because, first and foremost, it comes with a cost. So what I do instead is engage in other activities that bring me joy, at least to forget what happened for a while.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: topbitcoin on December 26, 2023, 11:51:47 PM
The first thing we have to do is to apply time limits and also financial limits, this needs to be done so that we manage our gambling activities well without having to interfere with other activities, to prevent big losses and to prevent the feeling of addiction to gambling, because the longer we When you play gambling, the closer you get to feeling addicted to gambling. Second, recognize and understand first the signs of the dangers of compulsive thoughts related to anxiety. and if you experience a feeling of uncontrollability when gambling, an inability to stop playing and always feeling regretful at the end of the game. and if you experience any of these three things, then it could be that you have compulsive thoughts related to anxiety. Third, if you experience this, then seek support, either from your close friends or someone you care about, and tell them about what you experienced while gambling. Fourth. Find activities that can maintain your daily productivity without any financial and emotional risks. As is the case in the fields of art, sports or social activities, which can really make our mood and mind feel calmer and better.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related toTilt
Post by: famososMuertos on December 27, 2023, 12:01:48 AM
Losing is a normal situation in gambling, any type of game where you bet, you to lose most of the time, even where your odds are the best. That is normal.

In fact, in traditional games there shouldn't be much of a problem with that situation, losing, because even the house has its guaranteed percentage depending on the type of game, but in poker, for example, it's another story, any player, even the most mentally healthy, will be Tilt at some point in his career as a player.

In poker, you have to learn to lose by playing correctly, and in fact that is why the fifth community card is called the river.

So, I have always mentioned, if you are a person prone to any symptomatic mental situation, pay for a consultation with a professional, but if you are a mentally healthy person, who is capable of managing anxiety, I recommend this book:


The mental game may be more important
in poker than in any other form of competition.
It's one of the only games in the world where you can play
perfectly and lose-again and again.
Hundreds of poker players have turned to mental game coach
Jared Tendler's revolutionary approach to help them play their best,
no matter how badly they're running. In this book you'll find simple,
step-by-step instructions and proven techniques to permanently fix
problems such as tilt, handling variance, emotional control,
confidence, fear, and motivation.
With the games getting tougher, now is the time to take these
problems head on.*Discover the most definitive work on tilt ever released.
*Read stories from eight players who made major improvements
using Jared's techniques.*Get motivated with methods used
by SuperNova Elites.
 by Jared Tendler 

Finally, what you call anxiety, technically using gaming jargon can be understood as Tilt.

Now tilt will never be anxiety in its entirety, only a part, with this you must understand that players who go through tilt situations can control them, but they could never control symptomatic anxiety, since this requires medication.

So, a normal person with asymptomatic anxiety problems can find their control in the game, the sick never, so that book is not for sick people, it is for healthy players that go through phases of Tilt or anxiety.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Darker45 on December 27, 2023, 12:03:08 AM
This sounds like the ideal state or situation, which is far from reality at least as far as my locality is concerned. Gamblers here, even those compulsive ones, are probably oblivious to the dangers of their vice. Or even if they know the possibilities, they seem to just brush them off.

Many gamblers are irresponsible. I personally know of a lot of gamblers who even put gambling first before family occasions. So I highly doubt whether these same gamblers care about looking for the perfect therapy or exercise.  

Other than this, the government here also don't care about gamblers' fate.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: SmartGold01 on December 27, 2023, 01:23:47 AM
To me i don't think only gambling causes anxiety now these are possible things to cause anxiety within my little understanding; I can vividly remember that everyday situation can easily leads to anxiety, bad father, relative, or even bad mother /wife and husband or stress at office can triggers someone to be over anxious about the whole situations but what makes it worst is that of gambling. Whenever someone gambles or places  bet and s/he is hoping for outcome at this point such thing can trigger the anxiety in a person this same things also give rate to greed by constantly wanting to make a winning over the time.
I also agree with what you've said. It adds up to the situation when we've got other things to tackle in our daily lives. They're causing more stress and more anxiety and that's add more impact to someone who's dealing with it.

The painful part of it is that when you channeled your source of living to gambling and you think that is the only alternatives then such person must suffer anxiety due to over worriedness of what to eat, rent to pay and financial bills to pay at hands makes you feels very anxious just as they said " a hungry dog is an angry dog" there will be no difference between such to someone who is under pressure (anxiety). Any person who is under this can also be restored by gifting them money or help to pay parts of their bills. And most be closely monitored to limited from associating themselves in the gambling hall or site otherwise whenever they incur huge lost it would stir up again.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: EluguHcman on December 27, 2023, 01:56:37 AM
I don't think any anxiety gambling resultant may have all those times reading through books while he is depressed already and feels like he is on the worse behavior.
I can only say that the best remedy to extinguish anxieties over gambling is the gamblers vision to have himself found guilty of his messes and take solid challenging responsibilities and say.... Oh no, gambling is no Worth ruining me and that this must not be assumed being the last or end part of me so, I just let go.
A self encouragement is a best therapy to do away with a gambling anxieties dependent on the gamblers endivoirs to pick points in related facts maybe via others experiences of their inabilities to take control of their emotions which may have compromised their personalities so then you wouldn't want to be one of such.
Self courage and readiness is power.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: bettercrypto on December 27, 2023, 03:03:23 AM
You are so dedicated to what you said, and that is one of the things I see that is good about your behavior. The more resources you have, the more it shows that you never stop learning; instead, you improve and learn more.

And we also know that anxiety is not good when it is not controlled properly. So these matters are really good, especially for gamblers who lose a large amount, and because of the size of the loss, it causes anxiety to others when they cannot immediately receive the money lost or lost to them through the gambling casino.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: len01 on December 27, 2023, 04:31:36 AM
If this anxiety occurs because of gambling, of course the person experiencing this anxiety already knows the center of problem so it will be easier to seek help to cure this anxiety, but they still need help from professionals to provide  best advice.
I'm not sure what is meant by anxiety here, but what I understand is that this is situation where gamblers feel anxious thinking about gambling, fear or whatever, which quickly changes their thoughts for the worse and in the long term, if not immediately recovered, the anxiety can make their physical health worse.

like what I experienced at that time maybe this is little different but for me this is almost the same as few weeks ago I felt anxious about life and this anxiety caused stomach acid which ultimately made my thoughts more complicated and I discovered the problem and went to a psychology specialist to get help to cure this anxiety and always try to have healthy lifestyle.

maybe the advice from my experience is little off but for me it same because its about anxiety.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Hirose UK on December 27, 2023, 04:59:45 AM
Compulsive thoughts of anxiety will have big influence on person psychology, especially when they are gambler, it can have big influence on their continuation in gambling.
Usually there are several triggers that cause compulsive thinking to occur and of course compulsive thinking or OCD will also cause major changes in behavior and thought patterns because what they do tends to make no sense.
So far, I have come across several gamblers who suffer from problems like this and the most unfortunate thing is that their psychological disorders become uncontrollable and of course they find it easier to do stupid things with carelessness that are beyond the limits of normal people thinking.

There are two most important things in dealing with problems like this, namely finding out the trigger for the emergence of these thoughts and after finding them, making several efforts to fight or suppress them.
In addition, controlling the stress that arises can be very influential in emphasizing these thoughts, but this is not easy and requires professionals to handle it.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: blckhawk on December 27, 2023, 05:18:11 AM
If you're feeling that anxious when you're gambling, it's always best if you stop gambling entirely, I don't think you're going to be getting any better if you're feeling anxious and then you still continue doing what makes you anxious, you might be able to train your mind to be that way but there's better way to remove that anxiety and that is quitting for awhile and then dealing with the anxiety through medication and therapy.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: piebeyb on December 27, 2023, 05:32:52 AM
I don't think many gamblers feel anxiety in gambling these days except for people who really feel addicted to gambling. Maybe we find a lot of them here because they are too busy chasing profits. I have heard of illnesses that attack someone so that they feel anxiety not because of gambling but because of the disease. Another problem that comes from within the body is that there is anxiety when gambling, but it seems that not all feelings of anxiety come from gambling.

It is true that to cure feelings of anxiety is to regulate your breath well and regulate your thoughts more positively, I have been in that position of feeling anxious but not because of gambling, maybe it is a disease within me that is problematic which gives rise to that anxiety, the only medicine to avoid it is to think. positive.  ;)

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Fiatless on December 27, 2023, 05:50:13 AM
Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)
Thank you, OP for your write-up that identified anxiety as one of the triggers of gambling addiction. I have indeed learned from this information.

The problem is that many people who are going through gambling disorder will never acknowledge that they have a problem. They will give you every reason why they are okay and don't need help. Now when they believe they are okay, it will be difficult to help them. Most of your words are true but many factors will limit these gambling addicts from accessing the needed help in my location.

Most countries don't have access to the right materials that will offer them the needed help. I heard the OP talk about how he visits his local library to get needed materials. We don't have a functional library in the entire region where I stay. Our only source of information is the internet and this channel is filled with junk. We have so many people on the internet parading themselves as professionals, meanwhile, they have no qualifications or experience.

Our next problem is the lack of qualified addiction therapists. You will hardly see any seasoned counsellors in my area, maybe this might be because the field is not lucrative so most of them have diversified to another profession to make a living. You can only access this therapist in big cities which are very far from my location

Poverty or low standard of living caused by bad economic conditions is another shortcoming. When the economy is bad people don't care about addiction because they see gambling as a major source of income. Even when they want to get help, many of them don't have the money to pay qualified gambling counsellors. The government is doing nothing to help gambling addicts, so they are left to suffer from these problems.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Outhue on December 27, 2023, 08:04:57 AM
If you are gambling and anxiety is all over you then you are risking what you can't afford to lose, anxiety attacks because you are in fear of losing something and that's money, some people are so good at lying to themselves, how much they claimed to afford to lose isn't what they can afford to lose, this is why I like telling people to start gambling with the cents even if they are worth thousands of dollars, I always do this because it will make them realize the difference.

If you lose some cents when gambling you can never be consumed by anxiety, then from there start using a dollar or two, how do you feel? It's way better than those who use $20 or more to gamble, the smaller the money is the better, anxiety will stay miles away from you.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: ethereumhunter on December 27, 2023, 10:30:28 AM
Exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting is the easiest way to overcome one's anxiety. When you feel anxious when playing gambling, you can check whether you still feel comfortable with the gambling game or whether you should stop gambling and leave the casino to reduce that anxiety. Usually, the anxiety that occurs when we are gambling occurs when we see that we have experienced a lot of losses, so anxiety arises about the remaining money we have. Luckily for those who can immediately stop their gambling activities and leave the casino but not for those who still have difficulty stopping gambling.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: junder on December 27, 2023, 01:22:15 PM
Gambling causes anxiety and it leads to fear in the life of the gambler, which is not recommendable for the mental growth of anybody. When a gambler is afraid while gambling or thinks his next result could be a loss or maybe he could get bankrupt due to gambling he's stressing his brain and soon enough he begins to reason like that whenever he gambles or even outside the casino. Hence following some reading procedures works great, because most of the books you listed, Op, recommends visiting a professional like a therapist to help change the gambler from struggling with anxiety. A good percent of gamblers are stressed each day, and feel this same fear of losing out money, and when faced with the losses they won't face the defeat and stop or go home, instead they go on to get back their money out of fear. What fuels this attitude should be elaborated more.

 Does it mean the brain is getting comfortable with being afraid or uneasy about the results the gambler gets while gambling? A gambler is afraid of losing money, which leads to anxiety. When he loses the money, leads to addiction. When addicted leads to no fear of losing money. He gets used to the anxiety and is not bothered about what outcome of gambling he gets. Hence, he gambles regardless of the fear or pain, he only has one motive, winning a huge amount of money. It seems to me that the process revolves and gets to a point that may have been a good decision if the gambler was wise enough in the beginning stage not to be afraid of losing in gambling, then back it up with money management. Maybe have other reasons for gambling. Anxiety doesn't allow the gambler enough time to think, he only reasons the fear in him, then makes a series of mistakes out of fear. CBT I think requires a second party that will guide the addict to focus on doing his assignments or other things that may distract him from gambling.

That's right the anxiety that every gamblers  has when gambling is the fear that the money they have will run out, and this can become their habit over time as you say that they will get used to not caring about the loss of the money they bet that they think only big wins must be obtained It is also with those who choose to continue gambling to get their big winnings that their mindset has changed due to gambling itself and it is on the basis of their own actions that make them addicted to gambling With gambling itself that can change a person's attitude and behavior as well as psychologically if they gamble excessively It is natural that they experience something like this, and the anxiety they have can disappear if they respond to gambling properly, where they do not consider gambling as the main income or do not pursue victory, because if that is the case,  it is possible that in every round they will always feel anxiety over the fear that the money they have will be lost, even though it is a definite risk in gambling.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on December 27, 2023, 01:35:10 PM

The way to deal with related thoughts when they emerge is to have a mental response that is full of logical arguments each time these feelings come up. Think of why anxiety isn't a reasonable feeling, think of your schedule, why it's not worth to gamble again etc. These can depend on each person's circumstances.

Personally I felt a lot better finding and reading a cognitive behavioral therapy book in my local library. I made prints of the most important pages and kept them with me for a while. Dealing with anxiety and keeping it managed can help with many aspects of life actually. Always best to combine written cognitive therapy resources with visits to s licensed professional if you can though. But even reading a CBT book alone can provide some helpful advice to dealing with anxiety.

Now when it comes to realizing that you are affected by physical symptoms of stress, there are also some exercises for that. You can look up breathing techniques, and see if these help you. Even the simplest form of breathing in from the nose and exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting down can be very helpful for some.

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)

I think you should be awarded a doctor of psychology ;D, you made a really nice point because combating those anxieties is really more logical than physical, because the fight starts from our subconscious to the conscious, you have to train your subconscious mind to deal with those anxious feelings before they expand and take over your conscious, and you start reacting physically to it, most times it has to do with what you desire, if you desire to be in control of your anxious emotions, more positive combat strategy will fill up your subconscious mind to act as a defender for those ill feelings when it arises, and the more you desire it, the more you get prepared to handle it and within some time, handling such becomes a normal thing to you and  you are less prone to anxiety and making some really regrettable decisions when you find yourself in such helpless situations. 

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Distinctin on December 27, 2023, 01:40:57 PM
if gambling causes you anxiety it might be best to lessen your exposure to gambling and find a professional to talk about your issue. while trying and fixing the issue yourself is good, it is still best to let a professional assess your problem and provide proper steps on how to deal with it.
Looking for professionals to help you with your problem might be too expensive. Why not try seeking help within the family first?
I mean, if we do recognize anxiety, that is being honest to ourselves already, so we will not be ashamed of telling our problem to our family as they care for us as for sure they'll help us fight.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: hyudien on December 27, 2023, 01:58:32 PM
Personally I felt a lot better finding and reading a cognitive behavioral therapy book in my local library. I made prints of the most important pages and kept them with me for a while. Dealing with anxiety and keeping it managed can help with many aspects of life actually. Always best to combine written cognitive therapy resources with visits to s licensed professional if you can though. But even reading a CBT book alone can provide some helpful advice to dealing with anxiety.

Now when it comes to realizing that you are affected by physical symptoms of stress, there are also some exercises for that. You can look up breathing techniques, and see if these help you. Even the simplest form of breathing in from the nose and exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting down can be very helpful for some.

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)
I'm sure some gamblers who are able to control stress or in other words vent their bad gambling situations have their own methods to get rid of it. Indeed, some simple tips can be very helpful, but it depends on the stress level. Because after all, the bigger the bet, the greater the stress level. Personally I'm just a casual gambler and bet no more than 3% every week don't pay too much attention. Because the point is for me if I have leftover funds then I will bet and if not then I will play games until I fall asleep without having to worry about missing any bets.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: majeed on December 27, 2023, 03:33:19 PM
Know your limits and take charge. You wouldn't invest blindly in a business, right? Gambling involves measured risks, not reckless bets. Recognizing anxiety is the first step to control, like identifying deal risks. Like effective business strategy, CBT is a tool. Understanding your thinking and changing unfavorable tendencies is crucial in life and gambling. Expert advice before a large business move is vital. Self-help tools? Initial research is helpful, but not as good as expert counsel.

Stress management is more than relaxation - it's about staying in control under pressure. The simple technique of controlled breathing works. Staying grounded and focused is key in gambling and life. Be careful when gambling. It's about wise, informed decisions, not just thrills. Keep track, keep in control, and play wisely.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: qwertyup23 on December 27, 2023, 03:36:36 PM
To me i don't think only gambling causes anxiety now these are possible things to cause anxiety within my little understanding; I can vividly remember that everyday situation can easily leads to anxiety, bad father, relative, or even bad mother /wife and husband or stress at office can triggers someone to be over anxious about the whole situations but what makes it worst is that of gambling. Whenever someone gambles or places  bet and s/he is hoping for outcome at this point such thing can trigger the anxiety in a person this same things also give rate to greed by constantly wanting to make a winning over the time.
I also agree with what you've said. It adds up to the situation when we've got other things to tackle in our daily lives. They're causing more stress and more anxiety and that's add more impact to someone who's dealing with it.

The painful part of it is that when you channeled your source of living to gambling and you think that is the only alternatives then such person must suffer anxiety due to over worriedness of what to eat, rent to pay and financial bills to pay at hands makes you feels very anxious just as they said " a hungry dog is an angry dog" there will be no difference between such to someone who is under pressure (anxiety). Any person who is under this can also be restored by gifting them money or help to pay parts of their bills. And most be closely monitored to limited from associating themselves in the gambling hall or site otherwise whenever they incur huge lost it would stir up again.

If a person throws everything and relies completely in gambling as their primary source of income, then expect things to spiral out of control.

As a general rule, never rely on something that is unpredictable and inconsistent on your obligations. If you see gambling as a venue or source of income, then the risks are just far too great for a person to lose everything all at once. I am not saying that gambling is per se overall bad, but if you rely on it as an income stream, then expect inconsistent results.

In order to solve this, I really recommend that a person should control their urges to satisfy their gambling hunger. There are even alternatives being presented in order to combat addiction; I just hope that people would understand that losing is more frequent than winning.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: livingfree on December 27, 2023, 05:56:47 PM
To me i don't think only gambling causes anxiety now these are possible things to cause anxiety within my little understanding; I can vividly remember that everyday situation can easily leads to anxiety, bad father, relative, or even bad mother /wife and husband or stress at office can triggers someone to be over anxious about the whole situations but what makes it worst is that of gambling. Whenever someone gambles or places  bet and s/he is hoping for outcome at this point such thing can trigger the anxiety in a person this same things also give rate to greed by constantly wanting to make a winning over the time.
I also agree with what you've said. It adds up to the situation when we've got other things to tackle in our daily lives. They're causing more stress and more anxiety and that's add more impact to someone who's dealing with it.

The painful part of it is that when you channeled your source of living to gambling and you think that is the only alternatives then such person must suffer anxiety due to over worriedness of what to eat, rent to pay and financial bills to pay at hands makes you feels very anxious just as they said " a hungry dog is an angry dog" there will be no difference between such to someone who is under pressure (anxiety). Any person who is under this can also be restored by gifting them money or help to pay parts of their bills. And most be closely monitored to limited from associating themselves in the gambling hall or site otherwise whenever they incur huge lost it would stir up again.
It happens and that's one reality that we think of. When we're doing other things for a living and then we stopped because we've been thinking that there must be another way to earn and that's through gambling.

These emotional problems are hard to deal with when you are not prepared or when you're too attached to it. That's one reason why many people are dealing with depression.

It is a serious matter and hard to deal with when you have no one on your back to talk to and help you deal with this whether you're a gambler or not.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: uneng on December 27, 2023, 07:58:10 PM
if gambling causes you anxiety it might be best to lessen your exposure to gambling and find a professional to talk about your issue. while trying and fixing the issue yourself is good, it is still best to let a professional assess your problem and provide proper steps on how to deal with it.
Looking for professionals to help you with your problem might be too expensive. Why not try seeking help within the family first?
I mean, if we do recognize anxiety, that is being honest to ourselves already, so we will not be ashamed of telling our problem to our family as they care for us as for sure they'll help us fight.
There might be public health services in your area where you don't have to pay anything to have access, although the number of sessions and schedules are likely to be restricted due to the large demand from the population. Anyway, if you don't want to pay or don't have money to pay, I think it worths to look for that kind of service, because you will be assured to be treated by a professional who took years of his life educating himself and acquiring experience to help people in mental suffering to overcome their personal challenges and demons towards an improved life quality.

Family members probably have the best of the intentions to help, but they aren't professionals on that matter, and may not be able to proportionate the same efficient support the professional would do. To recognize anxiety as an problem is the first step, but there are further techniques and strategies which must be applied and conducted by a specialized person in order to revert the anxiety and bring considerable positive changes for the life of the individual in suffering. Without this qualified guidance, I fear it might not be possible to achieve positive lasting results on long run, or it might be much harder to do so.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Fortify on December 27, 2023, 08:34:49 PM
Having problematic behaviors related to gambling, such as chasing profits, thinking you can best the house, that your luck will turn etc. has a lot to do with anxiety. In many countries there are readily available resources and public infrastructure though which people can seek and receive assistance for issues like addictions. But the sad truth is that many countries also lack the resources to provide such services to their local population.

So it's important to emphasize that while resources for self help can be good, they can also do more harm than good in certain occasions, so it's good to remind everyone that if available, the best option is to always work with professionals.

Now with that out of the way, I feel like it's important to recognize that anxiety contributed negatively to his one might approach gambling. First step with dealing with anxiety is to recognize it.

The way to deal with related thoughts when they emerge is to have a mental response that is full of logical arguments each time these feelings come up. Think of why anxiety isn't a reasonable feeling, think of your schedule, why it's not worth to gamble again etc. These can depend on each person's circumstances.

Personally I felt a lot better finding and reading a cognitive behavioral therapy book in my local library. I made prints of the most important pages and kept them with me for a while. Dealing with anxiety and keeping it managed can help with many aspects of life actually. Always best to combine written cognitive therapy resources with visits to s licensed professional if you can though. But even reading a CBT book alone can provide some helpful advice to dealing with anxiety.

Now when it comes to realizing that you are affected by physical symptoms of stress, there are also some exercises for that. You can look up breathing techniques, and see if these help you. Even the simplest form of breathing in from the nose and exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting down can be very helpful for some.

Feel free to share any tips if you have them.  8)

One good thing about a gambling addiction, if you can call it "good", is that you are not chemically dependent like some drugs and alcohol which can literally kill you or make you seriously ill when you try to withdraw. Take that as a bonus, the one source of pain which is similar to those drug and alcohol addictions, is when you think about how much money you've potentially wasted on this form of entertainment - but you just have to let it go and think towards the future. At that point you really need to go cold turkey and cut it out entirely. People who think they can control it, when they've been deep under it's spell, by just doing it a little bit will inevitably fall back into the worst of it. Take it day by day and you will have to learn new habits, while recognizing triggers that might take you back down that path and actively avoiding them for the first few months.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: acroman08 on December 27, 2023, 08:59:26 PM
if gambling causes you anxiety it might be best to lessen your exposure to gambling and find a professional to talk about your issue. while trying and fixing the issue yourself is good, it is still best to let a professional assess your problem and provide proper steps on how to deal with it.
Looking for professionals to help you with your problem might be too expensive. Why not try seeking help within the family first?
I mean, if we do recognize anxiety, that is being honest to ourselves already, so we will not be ashamed of telling our problem to our family as they care for us as for sure they'll help us fight.
sure, they can seek help within the family but will they be able to properly help the gambler? while family members can help you in some ways, the help you can get from a professional is far better, because they know what they are doing, they are people who are trained to deal with gambling issues. As uneng has mentioned, there could be free mental health services, helplines and such that you can access freely.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Sandra_hakeem on December 27, 2023, 09:13:08 PM
Having problematic behaviors related to gambling, such as chasing profits, thinking you can best the house, that your luck will turn etc. has a lot to do with anxiety.
alright, I'm not doubting you.. the anxiety is real -- the eagerness and selfthreat is real too.. but how do you wager comfortably on games without being thoughtful about the outcome?? ain't nobody cares if it's fun or not...
In many countries there are readily available resources and public infrastructure though which people can seek and receive assistance for issues like addictions.
what's the sense is allowing a pandemic just to look for solutions to cure the casualties??
The way to deal with related thoughts when they emerge is to have a mental response that is full of logical arguments each time these feelings come up. Think of why anxiety isn't a reasonable feeling, think of your schedule, why it's not worth to gamble again etc. These can depend on each person's circumstances.
I don't know if you do have a full understand of what you call ADDICTION... You see, all this things you mentioned practically sounds easy to execute, but difficult in reality... Only if you can understand that some situations would leave you no other option than to fumble..

Sandra 🧑‍🦰

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: usekevin on December 27, 2023, 09:25:14 PM
I don't think any anxiety gambling resultant may have all those times reading through books while he is depressed already and feels like he is on the worse behavior.
I can only say that the best remedy to extinguish anxieties over gambling is the gamblers vision to have himself found guilty of his messes and take solid challenging responsibilities and say.... Oh no, gambling is no Worth ruining me and that this must not be assumed being the last or end part of me so, I just let go.
A self encouragement is a best therapy to do away with a gambling anxieties dependent on the gamblers endivoirs to pick points in related facts maybe via others experiences of their inabilities to take control of their emotions which may have compromised their personalities so then you wouldn't want to be one of such.
Self courage and readiness is power.

The gambler can afford the loss many times,but he should have huge dollars to recover their loss in the gambling site.If you try the game with the less dollar,their was possibility of losing the game.So the gamblers should play the game with some passion in the game,if the gamblers had find the best part to tackle the game.He should strong at his technique,many times the gambling site will make you to feel.You should have huge knowledge towards the game in order to win the game,but you should not deviate from your techniques.Their was prove in our country,if the fisherman go to the ability to swim in the waves.He will back to the home alive,the boat will come to home or not is not the essential.Because the technique always needed in the gambling.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Pokapoka124 on December 27, 2023, 09:43:23 PM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: alani123 on December 27, 2023, 10:43:08 PM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all
This is true, first and most important thing to do if someone has compulsive thoughts is to quit entirely if it's damaging their livelyhood.
However, anxiety can also be induced by other factors in someone's life such as family matters or work issues for instance.
There are so many things that can induce stress in an individual actually...

So if someone has already budgeted their gambling to a healthy level but stress still leads them to compulsive throughts, some workouts to reduce stress would be a good case on such scenarios. Of course nothing works for everyone so the safest option is to talk with a pro at any time.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Quidat on December 27, 2023, 10:51:20 PM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all
This is true, first and most important thing to do if someone has compulsive thoughts is to quit entirely if it's damaging their livelyhood.
However, anxiety can also be induced by other factors in someone's life such as family matters or work issues for instance.
There are so many things that can induce stress in an individual actually...

So if someone has already budgeted their gambling to a healthy level but stress still leads them to compulsive throughts, some workouts to reduce stress would be a good case on such scenarios. Of course nothing works for everyone so the safest option is to talk with a pro at any time.
This is why it would be ideal that you should really be stopping or not tending to get engaged with gambling or some other betting related kind of activity whenever you do have this kind of stress.
Some could be able to handle it out because we do have different approach on things on which there are something that could relieved out the stress that you are feeling and there are ones who would make it more worst. We know that in gambling then it would be likely that it will make things even more worst.Why? losing money is never been that entertaining or could relieved stress
and this is why it would be always better that you should really know on how to differentiate sensibly on which one is the best option and wont really be able to poke up your emotion
or simply being that impulsive.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: aioc on December 28, 2023, 01:55:58 PM
The best way to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety is to reach out to a person or persons who can help you alleviate what you're suffering, there will always be institutions, and organizations that help people who are undergoing anxiety and depression.
We are living in a fast-paced world and there's so much anxiety about everything we do, on jobs, relationships, and the environment we have to learn to reach out sometimes we lose our way to living the right way and only by reaching out to people who can lead us back to the right direction is the best action we can do.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Zoomic on December 28, 2023, 02:29:45 PM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all

No one would be talking about anxiety in gambling if they do the right thing while gambling. Everyone knows gambling is based on luck and uncertainty, so you have to prepare your mind for a win or a loss. If you cannot deal with losing, then i see no fun there for you, and if you are gambling to make profits, you will have to search elsewhere for less stress free means of making money because gambling is not a win win all the time. A person who gambles with the amount he can afford to lose will be more relaxed compared to the one who gambled  with the amount he doesn't want to let go. You can't just eat your cake and still have it. The solution here is to gamble within your capacity,  with this you will be reducing the rate of anxiety.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Fatunad on December 28, 2023, 02:53:14 PM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all

No one would be talking about anxiety in gambling if they do the right thing while gambling. Everyone knows gambling is based on luck and uncertainty, so you have to prepare your mind for a win or a loss. If you cannot deal with losing, then i see no fun there for you, and if you are gambling to make profits, you will have to search elsewhere for less stress free means of making money because gambling is not a win win all the time. A person who gambles with the amount he can afford to lose will be more relaxed compared to the one who gambled  with the amount he doesn't want to let go. You can't just eat your cake and still have it. The solution here is to gamble within your capacity,  with this you will be reducing the rate of anxiety.
Yes, there's no anxiety if you are really just that responsible on which we know that people would really be just that forgetting on the things that they must do before they would really be able to learn when things gets messy. Just like on what others been saying that whenever you do have that compulsive approach or thoughts towards gambling then you would be doing acts which is really not something ideal or recommended.
Lots or tons of losses would really be ending up on having that kind of stress and anxiety which we know that this is something wont really be worth because it would really be heavily affecting our health on long run.
Therefore, if we do see that we are really that losing much money then it would be just that right that we should stop before everything would really be messy.

Its better to have money problems rather than on health problems but as much as possible it would really be that great that you dont have any problems in related to finances because we know that
once things be affected specially health then it would really be that so hard to make recovery. This is why it would really be that important that you should really know
on how to determine on which is good and which is bad.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: goldkingcoiner on December 28, 2023, 02:54:20 PM
I think that if a person has chronic anxiety or some other mental illnesses, they should be smart enough to stay away from gambling and any other triggers. That is only common sense. And there is a lot that they can do to keep themselves away from casinos, like informing friends and family to help them out, contacting any and all casinos and asking for a voluntary ban, finding a new hobby to distract themselves and so on... Anyone who really wants to keep away from triggering their mental condition, knows how to do that. The problem is convincing yourself that you might have to stay away for your own good. Usually we do not want to believe it ourselves... Whether out of pride or ego.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: maydna on December 28, 2023, 09:55:45 PM
The best way to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety is to reach out to a person or persons who can help you alleviate what you're suffering, there will always be institutions, and organizations that help people who are undergoing anxiety and depression.
We are living in a fast-paced world and there's so much anxiety about everything we do, on jobs, relationships, and the environment we have to learn to reach out sometimes we lose our way to living the right way and only by reaching out to people who can lead us back to the right direction is the best action we can do.
And those of us who are busy with various activities often feel anxious because we cannot complete them. They usually experience self-doubt in doing something, so they often feel anxious about what will happen next. If they can handle it by being calm and not thinking about things that are beyond their reach, they will no longer experience anxiety.

Perhaps that's what causes many people to often experience stress due to excessive anxiety. They can't cope because they feel like no one can help them, so they feel alone. And this triggers many suicide cases out there because of this excessive anxiety. It seems that in this current era, there is a real need for experts who can help solve this anxiety problem because if it is not addressed immediately, various problems will arise, especially problems involving a person's health.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: angrybirdy on December 29, 2023, 03:03:05 PM
I think that if a person has chronic anxiety or some other mental illnesses, they should be smart enough to stay away from gambling and any other triggers. That is only common sense. And there is a lot that they can do to keep themselves away from casinos, like informing friends and family to help them out, contacting any and all casinos and asking for a voluntary ban, finding a new hobby to distract themselves and so on... Anyone who really wants to keep away from triggering their mental condition, knows how to do that. The problem is convincing yourself that you might have to stay away for your own good. Usually we do not want to believe it ourselves... Whether out of pride or ego.

I agree with you, If a person has anxiety and other mental health issue, It's better for them to know everything they need to avoid, the things that may trigger their mind and decision making. It's difficult to control that's why there are some seminars and webinars offer to the target people so they will have any Idea and knowledge about their mental state. Sometimes, a person isn't aware that they have anxiety or depression, not unless they were clinically diagnosed, so regular mental health check up should be normalize nowadays

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: bitgolden on December 30, 2023, 04:42:33 PM
Exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting is the easiest way to overcome one's anxiety. When you feel anxious when playing gambling, you can check whether you still feel comfortable with the gambling game or whether you should stop gambling and leave the casino to reduce that anxiety. Usually, the anxiety that occurs when we are gambling occurs when we see that we have experienced a lot of losses, so anxiety arises about the remaining money we have. Luckily for those who can immediately stop their gambling activities and leave the casino but not for those who still have difficulty stopping gambling.
This is also a good way to go to sleep as well. I have a trouble sleeping, I am usually always sick because of this, I am sleepy almost all the time at all days every day, I have a bit of weight problem as well so breathing is not always that easy neither. However, when I go to bed, if I want to sleep, I concentrate on my breath and then I can sleep better, it allows you to remove all the anxiety in your brain and try to make it better and it does help you calm down and when you are calm down, you sleep better.

It's the same as anxiety, because most people who try to sleep and fail do have anxiety as well, and I do too, I have anxiety disorder, and breathing techniques matter a lot, calming teas do also help as well if you want to. That's when you are awake, I do drink teas that are special for this purposes, and they usually help me calm down, when you have anxiety it's usually about your heart beating fast, and calming down will allow you to get rid of anxiety thanks to that.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Ultegra134 on December 30, 2023, 05:04:44 PM
I think that if a person has chronic anxiety or some other mental illnesses, they should be smart enough to stay away from gambling and any other triggers. That is only common sense. And there is a lot that they can do to keep themselves away from casinos, like informing friends and family to help them out, contacting any and all casinos and asking for a voluntary ban, finding a new hobby to distract themselves and so on... Anyone who really wants to keep away from triggering their mental condition, knows how to do that. The problem is convincing yourself that you might have to stay away for your own good. Usually we do not want to believe it ourselves... Whether out of pride or ego.
It depends on the person. I'm an anxious person myself, and I'll occasionally gamble with a specific budget in mind. I avoid having large amounts of money on exchanges too, to make it more difficult to get carried away. If gambling is causing you distress and anxiety, to the point that it deteriorates your wellbeing, then it's time to stop. It's not for everyone.

Addictions and mental illnesses are tough and cannot be dealt with alone; you need professional assistance. There are some public carriers you can contact in such cases, but there are usually long waiting times.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: swogerino on January 11, 2024, 02:00:05 PM
Managing compulsive thoughts linked to anxiety can be challenging, but some techniques can help. Practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or even distracting yourself with hobbies can offer relief. Remember, a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plays a role.

Anxiety can be controlled and the best way to do it according to doctors here where I live now is to keep doing activities you love and no not gambling,following an afternoon class of what you like for example dancing,going for running or watching comedies in theaters as this has resulted in a much lower anxiety compared to people who don't practice such things.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: MainIbem on January 11, 2024, 02:11:52 PM
Managing compulsive thoughts linked to anxiety can be challenging, but some techniques can help. Practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or even distracting yourself with hobbies can offer relief. Remember, a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plays a role.

Anxiety can be controlled and the best way to do it according to doctors here where I live now is to keep doing activities you love and no not gambling,following an afternoon class of what you like for example dancing,going for running or watching comedies in theaters as this has resulted in a much lower anxiety compared to people who don't practice such things.

Another best way I also sense one can eliminate anxiety is for totally relocate to area where there is no much space for him or her to practice gambling or even think the condition of his present predicament. Most times anxiety easily arose when things around is not moving fine and you find yourself in a tight situation where you have no alternatives of living or even sustaining yourself or able to pay some of the bills surrending you all this can easily increase anxiety but in a way man is financially sufficient and has something that distract them from thinking much about their predicament then anxiety is will decrease to zero.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 11, 2024, 02:34:18 PM
This is also a good way to go to sleep as well. I have a trouble sleeping, I am usually always sick because of this, I am sleepy almost all the time at all days every day, I have a bit of weight problem as well so breathing is not always that easy neither. However, when I go to bed, if I want to sleep, I concentrate on my breath and then I can sleep better, it allows you to remove all the anxiety in your brain and try to make it better and it does help you calm down and when you are calm down, you sleep better.

It's the same as anxiety, because most people who try to sleep and fail do have anxiety as well, and I do too, I have anxiety disorder, and breathing techniques matter a lot, calming teas do also help as well if you want to. That's when you are awake, I do drink teas that are special for this purposes, and they usually help me calm down, when you have anxiety it's usually about your heart beating fast, and calming down will allow you to get rid of anxiety thanks to that.
I've experienced something similar like that but fortunately, by sleeping soundly, I can get rid of all that anxiety. We have to try until we can get rid of anxiety and maybe there are many more ways we can do to get rid of that anxiety. If other ways might be more suitable, they can do it to relieve that anxiety. Achieving calm is not easy and you have to go through many stages, but it is still worth doing because when we are calm, we can think more clearly and decide things well.

It's uncomfortable if we experience anxiety because of something, but believe me, we can get rid of it immediately, and that will be a way to get calm. Regulating our breath is the simplest thing we can do to relieve anxiety. Try to regulate your breathing and affirmations to calm yourself, and with continuous practice, you will definitely be able to get rid of the anxiety, and it won't take long.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: danherbias07 on January 11, 2024, 03:00:06 PM
I like the breathing techniques whenever I feel the stress. It works and I was surprised when I did it. Sometimes we cannot just forget about our losing streaks and it adds more to the stress that we will feel. Breathing techniques can be read in some medical articles and some can be watched in the popular streaming service.
Before, I thought I was not going to be affected by casino gambling losses but when the amount grows you will definitely not stop thinking about it. That's why I tried many techniques on how to prevent compulsive gambling and breathing exercises were one of the easiest ways to relieve those problems.
Another one of my ways is taking out steam from your body. Exercise. If I find myself not able to win thousands of rounds, I will just stop and do a bit of exercise and maybe take a bath after that. This helps like you are renewed, and fresh, and it clears the mind to think straight again. Actually, it's better if we can start the day doing that.
When it comes to public services that help cure anxiety due to uncontrolled gambling, I don't think we have those in our country. I mean, I have never seen one organization near me yet.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: angrybirdy on January 13, 2024, 11:18:22 PM
Managing compulsive thoughts linked to anxiety can be challenging, but some techniques can help. Practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or even distracting yourself with hobbies can offer relief. Remember, a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plays a role.

That's what I'm going to say too, since lately I've been experiencing panic attack everyday, which really affects my daily routine and decisions, One thing that helps me to calm is the deep breathing, Ice theraphy and meditation, I've been doing this for a couple of months and it really helps. It seems difficult if you come to a situation where you suddenly panic while gambling because it is possible that your strategy and decision making while playing may be messed up. Maybe the only thing I can advise to others is, if you have anxiety, it would be better to do the self practices first and make sure you are mentally well before playing.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: AmoreJaz on January 13, 2024, 11:50:23 PM
Managing compulsive thoughts linked to anxiety can be challenging, but some techniques can help. Practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or even distracting yourself with hobbies can offer relief. Remember, a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plays a role.

That's what I'm going to say too, since lately I've been experiencing panic attack everyday, which really affects my daily routine and decisions, One thing that helps me to calm is the deep breathing, Ice theraphy and meditation, I've been doing this for a couple of months and it really helps. It seems difficult if you come to a situation where you suddenly panic while gambling because it is possible that your strategy and decision making while playing may be messed up. Maybe the only thing I can advise to others is, if you have anxiety, it would be better to do the self practices first and make sure you are mentally well before playing.

great that you can keep up with your routine to embark on addressing your panic attack. not many people can even admit to themselves that something needs to be addressed in terms of their mental well-being. the very first step is to acknowledge that you have some mental health issues and you are willing to subject yourself to any form of treatment in order to lessen and totally eradicate such emotional burden.

taking care of one's self is the very beginning of change. if you are neglecting yourself, how can you even start things that you need to alter for yourself?

Anxiety can be controlled and the best way to do it according to doctors here where I live now is to keep doing activities you love and no not gambling,following an afternoon class of what you like for example dancing,going for running or watching comedies in theaters as this has resulted in a much lower anxiety compared to people who don't practice such things.

there are so many ways to address such situation. just be open mind with things around you and you will find out that it is much easier if you are open to things that you think you can't do for yourself.

as you mentioned, the following activities can help you refresh your mind towards life -
> exercise
> camping / hiking
> visit a new place / tourist spot
> new hobby / sports
> watch plays / movies
> face-to-face conversation with loved ones, friends
> joining some charitable activities
> meditation

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 14, 2024, 12:20:12 AM
Managing compulsive thoughts linked to anxiety can be challenging, but some techniques can help. Practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or even distracting yourself with hobbies can offer relief. Remember, a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plays a role.

Anxiety can be controlled and the best way to do it according to doctors here where I live now is to keep doing activities you love and no not gambling,following an afternoon class of what you like for example dancing,going for running or watching comedies in theaters as this has resulted in a much lower anxiety compared to people who don't practice such things.

That's right, one of them is by doing activities that we like because when you do things that you like then obviously you will feel happy and this feeling can reduce your anxiety level, on the other hand people say that their goal is to gamble to get pleasure and entertainment, yes maybe I can justify that idea if they have a very good and good approach in their gambling activities and far from being excessive. but in my opinion seeking pleasure by gambling is better to avoid it because it is very vulnerable to bad things over time, I mean humans have a forgetful nature which means it is very possible that you can forget some boundaries and self-control if you make gambling a place to gamble and far from being excessive, But in my opinion, seeking pleasure by gambling is better to avoid because it is very vulnerable to bad things over time, I mean humans have a forgetful nature which means it is very possible that you can forget some boundaries and self-control if you make gambling a place to seek pleasure which eventually unconsciously gets carried away and experiences many problems.

So it's better to avoid this and don't make it an alternative to seeking pleasure with the aim of reducing anxiety, anyway there are also quite a lot of other things that can be done as you said about the recommendations of the doctors, and maybe I will also add some of them such as always thinking positively and having enough sleep hours, this will help you to stay healthy and reduce anxiety.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Hirose UK on January 14, 2024, 01:57:41 PM
there are so many ways to address such situation. just be open mind with things around you and you will find out that it is much easier if you are open to things that you think you can't do for yourself.

as you mentioned, the following activities can help you refresh your mind towards life -
> exercise
> camping / hiking
> visit a new place / tourist spot
> new hobby / sports
> watch plays / movies
> face-to-face conversation with loved ones, friends
> joining some charitable activities
> meditation
All of these things include fun activities to entertain oneself, in fact they are various activities that can divert someone from certain mental or psychological conditions.
This is quite helpful and can be done by anyone at any time when they are in compulsive state of mind.
The psychological connection here is very significant and if there is no effort to divert or refresh the mind then worse impacts could occur.
The impact of compulsive state of mind can be even worse than that of gambling addict, of course this will be very dangerous for the continuation of normal daily life.

There are several other ways too, namely by using the services of experts or professional psychiatrists or psychologists, they are smart people in the fields of psychology and brain anatomy.
It just that it might cost an incalculable amount, but they can really help by providing motivation, encouragement to change thought patterns and also suggestions.

Even though the method you have presented is quite efficient, will certainly need an expert if the problem is really getting worse.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Yatsan on January 14, 2024, 02:52:33 PM
I think that if a person has chronic anxiety or some other mental illnesses, they should be smart enough to stay away from gambling and any other triggers. That is only common sense. And there is a lot that they can do to keep themselves away from casinos, like informing friends and family to help them out, contacting any and all casinos and asking for a voluntary ban, finding a new hobby to distract themselves and so on... Anyone who really wants to keep away from triggering their mental condition, knows how to do that. The problem is convincing yourself that you might have to stay away for your own good. Usually we do not want to believe it ourselves... Whether out of pride or ego.
They are unaware; that's how mental conditions work, in everyone's lives unless they are told by professionals with proper diagnosis. If you are anxious, you tend to find something which will relief you from such feeling or state of mind, thus it could be gambling. Mental health condition isn't something "Oh, I know this is wrong, I have commonsense so I would avoid it". Think of it; if that's how it works, why are there people dying over such conditions? Simply 'coz it is never too easy to be in such situation.
Managing compulsive thoughts linked to anxiety can be challenging, but some techniques can help. Practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or even distracting yourself with hobbies can offer relief. Remember, a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plays a role.

Anxiety can be controlled and the best way to do it according to doctors here where I live now is to keep doing activities you love and no not gambling,following an afternoon class of what you like for example dancing,going for running or watching comedies in theaters as this has resulted in a much lower anxiety compared to people who don't practice such things.
Yes it is controllable in many ways but things should be first be diagnosed clinically before making any actions in order to avoid unwanted manifestation to ither mental illnesses. Ways to cope would sound practical and easy hut if you are in such state of mind then there will be factors to be considered and to affect the individual who is anxious. Gambling will never be an advised activity especially from professionals however, it is by one's initiative whether to engage or not.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Accardo on January 14, 2024, 03:07:53 PM
Managing compulsive thoughts linked to anxiety can be challenging, but some techniques can help. Practicing mindfulness, deep breathing, or even distracting yourself with hobbies can offer relief. Remember, a balanced lifestyle, including a healthy diet, plays a role.

Anxiety can be controlled and the best way to do it according to doctors here where I live now is to keep doing activities you love and no not gambling,following an afternoon class of what you like for example dancing,going for running or watching comedies in theaters as this has resulted in a much lower anxiety compared to people who don't practice such things.

That's right, one of them is by doing activities that we like because when you do things that you like then obviously you will feel happy and this feeling can reduce your anxiety level, on the other hand people say that their goal is to gamble to get pleasure and entertainment, yes maybe I can justify that idea if they have a very good and good approach in their gambling activities and far from being excessive. but in my opinion seeking pleasure by gambling is better to avoid it because it is very vulnerable to bad things over time, I mean humans have a forgetful nature which means it is very possible that you can forget some boundaries and self-control if you make gambling a place to gamble and far from being excessive, But in my opinion, seeking pleasure by gambling is better to avoid because it is very vulnerable to bad things over time, I mean humans have a forgetful nature which means it is very possible that you can forget some boundaries and self-control if you make gambling a place to seek pleasure which eventually unconsciously gets carried away and experiences many problems.

So it's better to avoid this and don't make it an alternative to seeking pleasure with the aim of reducing anxiety, anyway there are also quite a lot of other things that can be done as you said about the recommendations of the doctors, and maybe I will also add some of them such as always thinking positively and having enough sleep hours, this will help you to stay healthy and reduce anxiety.

Behavior therapy works fine and addicted people who use such therapy can easily forget about gambling. The neurosis would stop emerging. It's a matter of determination and will power to stop receiving the neurosis. However, demystification helps in removing the doubts and hearsay clamoring the brain of the addict. Most people haven't seen, in the first time, clearly what gambling is about. They still stay in fantasies of wealth. Those fantasies need to be removed in the memory of the addict. Hence, he can then gamble at his will since he doesn't feel moved by the crazy things that makes gambling fun. A gambler who then gambles for the sake of attempting what he likes, can easily avoid gambling at any given time. The invisible hand as Adam Smith said, may still get him to gamble, but only when he is in need of it.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Saisher on January 14, 2024, 04:04:54 PM

Now when it comes to realizing that you are affected by physical symptoms of stress, there are also some exercises for that. You can look up breathing techniques, and see if these help you. Even the simplest form of breathing in from the nose and exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting down can be very helpful for some.

You forget to add stopping for a few days, stopping will reset everything for you especially if you are feeling tense because of your losses, this is how some gamblers do it, they stop for a few days some as long as one week so they can think clearly and forget their losses I did it once I stopped for a couple of days after losing big and the couple of days of vacation did wonder on my anxiety I got a perspective and learned a lot from that experience.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: maydna on January 14, 2024, 05:28:31 PM
Now when it comes to realizing that you are affected by physical symptoms of stress, there are also some exercises for that. You can look up breathing techniques, and see if these help you. Even the simplest form of breathing in from the nose and exhaling deeply and slowly while sitting down can be very helpful for some.
You forget to add stopping for a few days, stopping will reset everything for you especially if you are feeling tense because of your losses, this is how some gamblers do it, they stop for a few days some as long as one week so they can think clearly and forget their losses I did it once I stopped for a couple of days after losing big and the couple of days of vacation did wonder on my anxiety I got a perspective and learned a lot from that experience.
As long as they have the intention to stop their gambling activities, they can try it to see the results. Stopping gambling for a few days can make us forget what we have experienced so that when we return to gambling, our minds will be fresh again. But the anxiety will keep coming back as long as you can't calm yourself in any situation, so you should practice other methods that can help relieve the tension or anxiety you are experiencing. Inhaling from the nose and exhaling slowly can also be a solution to reducing a person's level of anxiety or nervousness. By doing lots of practice, we will get used to it so we won't feel anxious or nervous anymore because we can control ourselves well.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: klidex on January 15, 2024, 02:32:58 AM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all

Yes, it is true that those who use large amounts of money in betting will feel anxious because they are worried that their bets will lose and they will have to lose that money which can be said to be their only hoped of being able to double it. A person who can think realistically and know how gambling work should not do that because it is like testing your adrenaline. So never use big money or can't afford to lose so you don't have to worry about your bets, it's okay to bet small amount as long as it is not too risks and you can accept it even if your bet loses.

Of course, most gamblers are certainly always face with defeat because that is an important part of the risky of gambling. If they use gambling for the purpose of having fun then they don't feel anxious because gambling is a game where there are winning and losses and the losses are bigger than the wins so we must be able to responding to gambling wisely.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: piebeyb on January 15, 2024, 04:57:36 AM
Of course, most gamblers are certainly always face with defeat because that is an important part of the risky of gambling. If they use gambling for the purpose of having fun then they don't feel anxious because gambling is a game where there are winning and losses and the losses are bigger than the wins so we must be able to responding to gambling wisely.
Most beginners never understand losing at gambling, on average they always think that when they gamble they will always win and get a lot of money, but in the end they are slapped with the bitter reality which makes them realize that gambling is not only about winning but also about Defeat, loss of money and other bad impacts, that's why it's important for gamblers to really understand the risks of gambling before they gamble.

When people understand the risks of gambling, they will definitely never think about trying to recover their losses when they lose and play beyond their budget limit so that they play with emotions and end up losing more money. Gambling always has risks so you should play wisely to stay in control. correct.

Another important thing is to always use unused money so you don't feel disappointed when you lose and don't gamble when you don't want to play at risk.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Weawant on January 15, 2024, 11:25:02 AM
Having problematic behaviors related to gambling, such as chasing profits, thinking you can best the house, that your luck will turn etc. has a lot to do with anxiety. In many countries there are readily available resources and public infrastructure though which people can seek and receive assistance for issues like addictions. But the sad truth is that many countries also lack the resources to provide such services to their local population.

So it's important to emphasize that while resources for self help can be good, they can also do more harm than good in certain occasions, so it's good to remind everyone that if available, the best option is to always work with professionals.

Now with that out of the way, I feel like it's important to recognize that anxiety contributed negatively to his one might approach gambling. First step with dealing with anxiety is to recognize it.

The way to deal with related thoughts when they emerge is to have a mental response that is full of logical arguments each time these feelings come up. Think of why anxiety isn't a reasonable feeling, think of your schedule, why it's not worth to gamble again etc. These can depend on each person's circumstances.

Personally I felt a lot better finding and reading a cognitive behavioral therapy book in my local library. I made prints of the most important pages and kept them with me for a while. Dealing with anxiety and keeping it managed can help with many aspects of life actually. Always best to combine written cognitive therapy resources with visits to s licensed professional if you can though. But even reading a CBT book alone can provide some helpful advice to dealing with anxiety.
Seeking help for anxiety is really important because if you are not helped so you get out of it, the after effects can actually be bad and even terrible on our health especially mental health. Most gamblers get anxious especially why they are loosing so much funds already and it's seeming like there's no hope for a possible replacement of such funds.

Self help for anxiety isn't bad as some times it could help in that you may literally not be able to afford professional help but if you are determined enough you can help yourself through the use of the available material you were able to get around just like you did mentioned you got from local library But the the quality of help you get from professionals is very much different and better as compared to self help as it will give you more guide and there will be this consciousness of the fact that you are accountable to some one which will help your quick recovery from such situations much better than when it's done all by yourself.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on January 15, 2024, 12:42:07 PM
Understanding the connection between gambling problems and anxiety is important. Managing physical stress can be overcome by doing breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, but it's much more recommended to seek professional help when needed.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: passwordnow on January 15, 2024, 12:52:05 PM
Understanding the connection between gambling problems and anxiety is important.
It is.

Managing physical stress can be overcome by doing breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, but it's much more recommended to seek professional help when needed.
Taking some deep breathes is going to help you as you gamble when you are already feeling of being compulsive or you have no thoughts anymore of stopping. That's going to give you some fresh thought that you should always be in control because if you're not, you're going to lose a lot of money. While you think that you can still control it, you can take your time while not having yet any help from any professional and when it is no longer controllable.

That's the time that you can get someone's professional help, don't mind about the fees or such. All you have to do is that you need to get some help if you're uncontrollable and your thoughts are no longer align with what you've started with.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Gozie51 on January 15, 2024, 01:03:31 PM
Understanding the connection between gambling problems and anxiety is important. Managing physical stress can be overcome by doing breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, but it's much more recommended to seek professional help when needed.

Breathing exercise relating to anxiety is more of when you are having breathing difficulty which is not directly related to anxiety because anxiety is caused by something or a factor which now causes the uncontrollable breathing. So first you need to tackle the factor that causes anxiety and I identify one of them as fear.

So why the fear when you have gambled reasonably? Therefore, you can have the fear factor in gambling if you have over staked and you are scared of losing your money and we know that if you gamble with the amount reasonable to your bankroll then you will be fine with whatever outcome from the game.

Anxiety must definitely arise if you have staked beyond what you can carry and so it is also a common knowledge that if you don't want to be on your toes with anxiety then you gamble reasonably.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: slapper on January 15, 2024, 02:30:26 PM
Understanding the connection between gambling problems and anxiety is important. Managing physical stress can be overcome by doing breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, but it's much more recommended to seek professional help when needed.

Breathing exercise relating to anxiety is more of when you are having breathing difficulty which is not directly related to anxiety because anxiety is caused by something or a factor which now causes the uncontrollable breathing. So first you need to tackle the factor that causes anxiety and I identify one of them as fear.

So why the fear when you have gambled reasonably? Therefore, you can have the fear factor in gambling if you have over staked and you are scared of losing your money and we know that if you gamble with the amount reasonable to your bankroll then you will be fine with whatever outcome from the game.

Anxiety must definitely arise if you have staked beyond what you can carry and so it is also a common knowledge that if you don't want to be on your toes with anxiety then you gamble reasonably.
The exhilaration of the game can get your heart pounding, but worry is a red flag. Let's talk about fear. Human, absolutely understandable. Balance is vital. You got it: bet within your limits and you're fine. Smart gaming, not just gambling. This is the key to staying calm

Breathing exercises are re a good anxiety tool, not simply a bandage. Consider them your hidden weapon. Breathe when a hazardous wager gives you that adrenaline rush. Slowly in, out. It's not about getting rid of fear; that's what makes the game fun, right?. Managing and controlling it. Gamble wisely, breathe deeply, and remember: it's a game. Keep it pleasant and responsible to reduce anxiety

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Accardo on January 15, 2024, 03:01:27 PM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all

Yes, it is true that those who use large amounts of money in betting will feel anxious because they are worried that their bets will lose and they will have to lose that money which can be said to be their only hoped of being able to double it. A person who can think realistically and know how gambling work should not do that because it is like testing your adrenaline. So never use big money or can't afford to lose so you don't have to worry about your bets, it's okay to bet small amount as long as it is not too risks and you can accept it even if your bet loses.

Of course, most gamblers are certainly always face with defeat because that is an important part of the risky of gambling. If they use gambling for the purpose of having fun then they don't feel anxious because gambling is a game where there are winning and losses and the losses are bigger than the wins so we must be able to responding to gambling wisely.

Few gamblers who still take those risks from time to time gain higher rewards whenever they win. But for the sake of losing, often, sustainable amount of money, the player can get anxiety. The behavior of the gambler deeply depends on the number of losses he's accumulated in all his gambling durations. however, many gamblers can get over this by trying different type of therapy to cure the anxiety. Few others battle with it and get off guard of themselves, that identifying their real self became a task. The differences in people can vary in gamblers. Lack of money, time, decisions etc. Are few difficulties a gambler may face. The victims are numerous, but looking at the number of gamblers who have no problem trying this method out, the number may not be as less as people thought it'll be. The addicts may not outnumber the responsible gamblers.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: coin-investor on January 15, 2024, 03:41:16 PM

So it's important to emphasize that while resources for self help can be good, they can also do more harm than good in certain occasions, so it's good to remind everyone that if available, the best option is to always work with professionals.

Now with that out of the way, I feel like it's important to recognize that anxiety contributed negatively to his one might approach gambling. First step with dealing with anxiety is to recognize it.

Those suffering from anxiety they recognize it are afraid to ask for help because people might think that they are weak and what they are suffering is ignorable, once you recognize that you have anxiety you need to approach the right people who can lead you to the right medication and people who can guide you to overcome.
People are afraid to open up because they don't want people to look down on them and laugh at their weaknesses so they prefer to keep it to themselves.

I used to suffer from anxiety and it is not good if you don't have someone mature enough to understand you, you will lose hope and become disengaged from things that you love doing.
It's good that I overcame it with the help of the right people. The right medication and right healing can only come from the right people.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: noormcs5 on January 15, 2024, 05:14:47 PM
Those suffering from anxiety they recognize it are afraid to ask for help because people might think that they are weak and what they are suffering is ignorable, once you recognize that you have anxiety you need to approach the right people who can lead you to the right medication and people who can guide you to overcome.
People are afraid to open up because they don't want people to look down on them and laugh at their weaknesses so they prefer to keep it to themselves.

I used to suffer from anxiety and it is not good if you don't have someone mature enough to understand you, you will lose hope and become disengaged from things that you love doing.
It's good that I overcame it with the help of the right people. The right medication and right healing can only come from the right people.

When you talk about anxiety in gambling, then it can be a feeling where one feels anxiety about not losing the money, that he or she invested in gambling.
If you have a plan and if you invest and gamble with little money or the money which you can afford to lose, then for sure, you will not find any difficulty and you will feel anxiety.
The anxiety only comes if you bet with over-positioning and/or placing big bets, the loss of them could significantly affect his financial status or his position.

We can call this a weakness in the gambler and he/she needs to overcome this, make better gambling plans before gambling and then for sure the anxiety issues will be resolved to a great extent.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Quidat on January 15, 2024, 05:34:45 PM
Those suffering from anxiety they recognize it are afraid to ask for help because people might think that they are weak and what they are suffering is ignorable, once you recognize that you have anxiety you need to approach the right people who can lead you to the right medication and people who can guide you to overcome.
People are afraid to open up because they don't want people to look down on them and laugh at their weaknesses so they prefer to keep it to themselves.

I used to suffer from anxiety and it is not good if you don't have someone mature enough to understand you, you will lose hope and become disengaged from things that you love doing.
It's good that I overcame it with the help of the right people. The right medication and right healing can only come from the right people.

When you talk about anxiety in gambling, then it can be a feeling where one feels anxiety about not losing the money, that he or she invested in gambling.
If you have a plan and if you invest and gamble with little money or the money which you can afford to lose, then for sure, you will not find any difficulty and you will feel anxiety.
The anxiety only comes if you bet with over-positioning and/or placing big bets, the loss of them could significantly affect his financial status or his position.

We can call this a weakness in the gambler and he/she needs to overcome this, make better gambling plans before gambling and then for sure the anxiety issues will be resolved to a great extent.

On the time that you do step your foot into the field of gambling then you should really be that make yourself trying out to assess whether you do really accept those main experiences like losing money is something that you could be able to bare off or not.  We do know that gambling should really be just that for fun but there were people who are really that playing just for the sake of money and this is why they would really be setting those bars high and expecting and anticipating something which its never been that realistic and with this then this is where they would really be having those kind of feeling of frustration on the time that you would be able to see yourself that failing on achieving such scenario or condition. This is why it would be always best on trying out to assess on what are your aims on the time that you do play gambling whether it is for fun or for pure money. Anxiety comes when you do lose up too much on which handling yourself would be that crucial.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Oilacris on January 15, 2024, 05:45:19 PM
Those suffering from anxiety they recognize it are afraid to ask for help because people might think that they are weak and what they are suffering is ignorable, once you recognize that you have anxiety you need to approach the right people who can lead you to the right medication and people who can guide you to overcome.
People are afraid to open up because they don't want people to look down on them and laugh at their weaknesses so they prefer to keep it to themselves.

I used to suffer from anxiety and it is not good if you don't have someone mature enough to understand you, you will lose hope and become disengaged from things that you love doing.
It's good that I overcame it with the help of the right people. The right medication and right healing can only come from the right people.

When you talk about anxiety in gambling, then it can be a feeling where one feels anxiety about not losing the money, that he or she invested in gambling.
If you have a plan and if you invest and gamble with little money or the money which you can afford to lose, then for sure, you will not find any difficulty and you will feel anxiety.
The anxiety only comes if you bet with over-positioning and/or placing big bets, the loss of them could significantly affect his financial status or his position.

We can call this a weakness in the gambler and he/she needs to overcome this, make better gambling plans before gambling and then for sure the anxiety issues will be resolved to a great extent.

On the time that you do step your foot into the field of gambling then you should really be that make yourself trying out to assess whether you do really accept those main experiences like losing money is something that you could be able to bare off or not.  We do know that gambling should really be just that for fun but there were people who are really that playing just for the sake of money and this is why they would really be setting those bars high and expecting and anticipating something which its never been that realistic and with this then this is where they would really be having those kind of feeling of frustration on the time that you would be able to see yourself that failing on achieving such scenario or condition. This is why it would be always best on trying out to assess on what are your aims on the time that you do play gambling whether it is for fun or for pure money. Anxiety comes when you do lose up too much on which handling yourself would be that crucial.
Agree on what you have said which is definitely the reality or the true things that currently happening.

1. Losing money is never been fun
2. You would be chasing up loses
3. Desperation, Stress and impulsive emotions
4. Cant think up well or balance on something

On the time that you do put up yourself on such condition or something you do have these kind of actions then this do solidly
signifies that gambling isnt really for you on which it could bring out that kind of damage which it isnt really something recommended
for you on having. If you wont be careful then you are really that putting yourself on such trouble.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: dezoel on January 24, 2024, 08:09:44 AM
Anxiety comes when you risk money you can’t afford to lose. Gamblers should adhere to this principle “Do not risk money you cannot afford to lose”, I say this often when someone say they are gambling for fun or for pleasure, they are likely betting money they can afford to lose. But when you cross that line and start playing games with your savings or money meant for your bills, anxiety will surely come because the stakes are too high.

As a gambler you need to learn how to deal with losing because it is a constant thing in gambling no matter how good you are, you can’t win every-time. People who haven’t learnt how to handle losses often go into sensual and keep on gambling until they lose it all

Yes, it is true that those who use large amounts of money in betting will feel anxious because they are worried that their bets will lose and they will have to lose that money which can be said to be their only hoped of being able to double it. A person who can think realistically and know how gambling work should not do that because it is like testing your adrenaline. So never use big money or can't afford to lose so you don't have to worry about your bets, it's okay to bet small amount as long as it is not too risks and you can accept it even if your bet loses.

Of course, most gamblers are certainly always face with defeat because that is an important part of the risky of gambling. If they use gambling for the purpose of having fun then they don't feel anxious because gambling is a game where there are winning and losses and the losses are bigger than the wins so we must be able to responding to gambling wisely.
I'm not using large amounts when betting but I do feel anxious at most times. Doubling it is easy, this is why when I play I always aim for higher profits. But for those who are using large amounts, it would be enough for them to set up a business. I'd say that earning this way is much better than playing a gambling. Apart from winning, losing is also part of gambling.

It's hard to say this but it maybe it is important as you said because it can help us to slow down. We can apply the lesson that we learn here in gambling in our out side life. By this, we can say that gambling also had a benefit, so sometimes the money that we deposit here is not totally a waste.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Crypt0Gore on January 24, 2024, 10:59:08 AM
Anxiety is a feeling of fear and for those who are risking a lot on gambling, how can they escape this feeling? For such gamblers it's impossible, unless they can afford the amount they are risking on gambling, the solution is the amount, can the afford to lose it? If yes then anxiety will stay far away for your side.

The only way I can feel unease with myself is if I am trying to see the doctor for health reasons, or me trying to take some HIV test, this could happen to anyone as your mind won't be at rest until you see your result finally.

But in gambling, anxiety should be so far away from you, if somehow you are struggling with this, you are simply risking a lot of money on gambling, which is not right, you should be using a very small percentage, you knew the truth but you don't want to accept it, that's why you are in fear, you knew all along that it's not this easy to make money, you need to be extremely in luck to win the casino.

Risk only what you can, the smaller the money is the better and you can kiss anxiety a good bye.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: maydna on January 24, 2024, 04:56:08 PM
I'm not using large amounts when betting but I do feel anxious at most times. Doubling it is easy, this is why when I play I always aim for higher profits. But for those who are using large amounts, it would be enough for them to set up a business. I'd say that earning this way is much better than playing a gambling. Apart from winning, losing is also part of gambling.

It's hard to say this but it maybe it is important as you said because it can help us to slow down. We can apply the lesson that we learn here in gambling in our out side life. By this, we can say that gambling also had a benefit, so sometimes the money that we deposit here is not totally a waste.
Avoiding large amounts when betting is what we always recommend because it can prevent us from losing a lot. And it can also prevent anxiety that can come to us because there is a possibility that we will lose large amounts of money. And if they don't want to experience excessive anxiety, they should really stay away from gambling and look for other entertainment that doesn't cause anxiety. That would be better than gambling but we still feel anxious and that will make us not focus on gambling and also not be able to enjoy the moment of gambling.

Yes, we can try to slow down the losses by using small bets so that we don't experience big losses immediately. It also won't make us worry about the remaining money we have because betting with small money makes us feel that that's the amount of money we can use for gambling.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Quidat on January 24, 2024, 05:12:55 PM
Understanding the connection between gambling problems and anxiety is important. Managing physical stress can be overcome by doing breathing exercises and mindfulness techniques, but it's much more recommended to seek professional help when needed.
There are really things on which we cant really be able to resolve it out for ourselves on which it would really be something that needing some professional help on which it isnt really that bad to
seek help on this case. There's no point that you would really be reaching out on doing gambling on the time that you are in the verge or having these emotional problems specially anxiety.
You would really be just that simply putting up yourself on such huge problem. This is why it would really be that best that you should really know on what you should gonna do.
Gambling is for fun and shouldnt be something that it would really be making it worst but well it would really be that on that way.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: tsaroz on January 24, 2024, 05:46:20 PM
I've in past been in through a depressive phase due to my act of gambling and I was lucky to have someone who helped me with it, otherwise I'm not sure I'd have been here.
It started as a normal day and with every loss, I increased my betting. The rage betting went on emptying my gambling accounts, online wallets, exchanges and my bank savings. After losing all of it, I was in a shock and denial, slept and woke up in hope of it being all a dream but alas my savings were emptied. I went into a nervous breakdown, anxiety engulfed me. Felt like I was about to die, my heart is pounding hard and I'm having a heart attack. Tried showering but as the water hit my head, I felt like all my nerves on my brain are going to burst. I didn't told anyone about it and I told no-one. But this one particular friend of mind sensed something was wrong with me and came to me and forced out the reality. Sometimes you just need someone who understands you and talks to you out of the anxiety attack.

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Findingnemo on January 24, 2024, 05:52:11 PM
Stress, anxiety, and depression are getting generalized in this era but it is something that should be diagnosed by the respective medical professionals which are psychiatrists/therapists.

Public help programs can be effective or totally ineffective depending on where you live so if you are from a place where the service is available from the government and provided free of cost or at an affordable rate then its the best option compared to expensive private sessions.

If you want thoughts related to gambling then just stop doing it until things become normal

Title: Re: Tips to avoid compulsive thoughts related to anxiety
Post by: Zoomic on January 24, 2024, 07:23:41 PM
I've in past been in through a depressive phase due to my act of gambling and I was lucky to have someone who helped me with it, otherwise I'm not sure I'd have been here.
It started as a normal day and with every loss, I increased my betting. The rage betting went on emptying my gambling accounts, online wallets, exchanges and my bank savings. After losing all of it, I was in a shock and denial, slept and woke up in hope of it being all a dream but alas my savings were emptied. I went into a nervous breakdown, anxiety engulfed me. Felt like I was about to die, my heart is pounding hard and I'm having a heart attack. Tried showering but as the water hit my head, I felt like all my nerves on my brain are going to burst. I didn't told anyone about it and I told no-one. But this one particular friend of mind sensed something was wrong with me and came to me and forced out the reality. Sometimes you just need someone who understands you and talks to you out of the anxiety attack.

This is quite pathetic, I am glad someone was there to help you out of that situation.  A lot of people are going through similar cases like you and the worst part of it is that they are scared of telling people around them for the fear of being scolded and blamed. Many out of depression consider committing suicide just to be free from their problems,  but suicide is not an option, every problem has a solution. I have learnt from this reply to always check on someone, I don't know who i might be saving from a terrible situation.

People who are faced with gambling related problems should always open up to the next person. Keeping it to yourself has never solved anything, rather it will escalate into something more serious. Remember, a problem shared is half-solved already.