Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: JMBitcointernational on December 28, 2023, 10:48:56 PM

Title: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: JMBitcointernational on December 28, 2023, 10:48:56 PM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, my question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Hispo on December 29, 2023, 12:30:27 AM
I believe you are confusing or mixing up things, to be honest. Someone who have sex with other people because of material things and in order for them to get money and favors are not necessarily prostitutes.
Prostitution is a profession a job (sexual workers) which is recognized and regulated in many countries, several of them within the First World, Germany for example.

If a girl is pretending to be in an honest relationship with someone because of money then she would be what many call a "gold-digger".

Also, it is worth to point out in most of the occasions young women who engage in prostitution do so as a mean of survival and not because they have choose to do so as first option; it is a way to cope with poverty, lack of education, lack of a different job. In the worst case they would be forced into such activities by others.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Kelward on December 29, 2023, 08:46:30 AM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Young or old women who are into prostitution are in it as a matter of choice, just like any other profession, they're in it to offer services and get paid at the end of it, they can choose to do another kind of job and get paid more or less. Although some prostitutes can claim that it's a lack of well paying jobs or poverty that compelled them to enter into prostitution, but the fact remains that there are other women that we're in a similar situations like them but choose a different line of work, so it still comes down to choice, they probably think that prostitution is less tasking with a better pay than probably working in a factory or working as a maid. Unless a young woman is compelled into the act of prostitution, maybe in the hands of sex traffickers, then pushed into forced prostitution. It's important to note that the trafficker can be a man or woman, while the victims are mostly women.

As Hispo, pointed out, if a girl is in a relationship because of material gain, that can not be categorized as prostitution, it'll be called a golddigger, because she's not engaging in sexual acts with every man that offers money for her services.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: btc78 on December 29, 2023, 08:47:42 AM

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things

First of all i think it is quite demeaning for you to say that women who are in this line of work only do this so they can buy the latest model of phone or the newest collection of a luxurious clothing brand i am sure that each of the women who do this have their own personal stories and reasons as to why they do this i mean this job is dangerous and requires one to put their pride down and even put their self boundaries aside

To say that this is a result of laziness is not fair at the end of the day the reason why this is an option for women is because men are constantly availing these services i do not condone nor do I support let alone recommend this type of work to young women but i also have no business judging those who are already in this type of path as much as possible i hope that the society drives young women away from this work but we shall not put these women in such a bad light especially if they are just trying to make ends meet

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Y3shot on December 29, 2023, 09:53:06 AM

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !
Prostitution is a lifestyle that have been of existence for longtime and before now it was a way a life that was really forbidden by the society,  but right now this is a kind of lifestyle that people are not worried about,  it is just a normal life for them. The reason why this is common in our society is because the government is not playing the role they suppose to play and a lot of young girls belive they can make money for themselves by going into the the street.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: kentrolla on December 29, 2023, 11:11:44 AM
I think you are inspired by social media reels where girls sleep or be in relationship with someone just for money.

Reality is really harsh and it differs from region to region because if you check out in South Asian nations most of the prostitutes would have been sold into prostitution by their lover or husband or they choose it to feed their family and their own mean of survival as nobody chooses this profession.

Don't confuse the urge of cheating or getting rich by sleeping with different men like gold digger with prostitution.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: passwordnow on December 29, 2023, 11:19:13 AM
Sadly it happens that someone will do anything in favor just to get those possessions that they like. I think one big influence is about the shits that are all over the social media. This era and generation are totally out of their minds where they are glorifying someone's body count and making it like a trophy for people to show. I'm not sure if I'll be glad or not that I was born into a different generation that has a better understanding of issues in society.

On the other hand, if it's become a profession of someone. You just can't justify any argument towards that person if that's the only livelihood or job that she can ever do. But I believe that everyone has the skills and period to realize that what they do is not for their betterment if it is something like this. Watch the interviews of those people that once worked in the adult industry and we can just connect it with the topic because it's the same thing that they do. Most of them said that they regretted it and they've been wild and carefree during their younger days and if there's one thing that they want to correct, that's their profession that they went in and they'll avoid to choose that.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: DeathAngel on December 29, 2023, 02:47:47 PM
Everybody is free to do what they want, personal choice is present in a free world. I mean, you wouldn’t want to take one of these girls home for dinner with your Mother but they are just doing a job. Anybody who is willingly working in the sex industry is not a problem. The problem is people who are being trafficked or forced into prostitution. In that case I feel bitterly sorry for them & hope they can manage to get out of that life.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Zlantann on December 29, 2023, 03:27:07 PM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Girls engage in prostitution because of so many reasons. But from my observation and experience in my location, poverty is the root cause of prostitution. So many girls are into prostitution to survive economic hardship. Some of them have to take care of their parents, children or even siblings with the money they make from prostitution. Others are forced into prostitution because of war, natural disasters and tradition. I think this is the problem of most developing nations. But this also does not mean that there are no other women who are prostituting because of greed and an unending craving for material things.

Some people see prostitution as a profession and some of them are even called pornstars. I was surprised that even in my strongly religious nation there is a registered association of commercial workers. Although I don't support any form of prostitution I respect those that are forced to prostitute because of situations that are beyond their control. But those who are into prostitution for fun or more money should be encouraged to stop.   

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Miles2006 on December 29, 2023, 03:37:35 PM
What's my thought towards young girls going into prostitution, if those girls decide to prostitute for a living I think that's their choice and they are allowed to do what they love, if you keep complaining about such you might end up finding fault on things not necessary, although society sees prostitution as a sinful act and the people involved in this act don't care what the society will say, that's why the number of prostitution keeps increasing everyday. Sometimes people going into this act fails to understand the consequences, I don't really know why most people choose prostitution as a lifestyle it's obvious everyone has their reason and some of those girls needs help. The story concerning the girl that got mad that's just normal I see such stories on social media but some girls will never fall victim of such maybe they're lucky or something else, we keep hearing stories like ritual and kidnapping so everyone should be careful not just prostitutes falling victim but sometimes innocent people or friend can be use for ritual.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: bluebit25 on December 29, 2023, 08:46:16 PM
I once talked to a girl whose job was sugarbaby. Like many people, I initially had an unfavorable view of that job. But when we talked to understand better, I learned that the girl's life situation was quite complicated. She was from a poor family with many people, she had to earn her own money to go to school and provide for her family. Although she herself admitted that she did not want to do that job, her living situation was not enough for her to live according to her wishes. I'm not someone who likes to be skeptical about other people's stories, so even the truth of that story can help me imagine that many similar cases exist. There are things that are truly associated with morally corrupt behavior, but there are also things that we must truly see the pitifulness of in life. After all, this is one of the many nuances of life, as long as they feel comfortable with those things.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: LTU_btc on December 29, 2023, 09:18:19 PM
I haven't thought much about it. First what I would like to say that no father wouldn't want that his daughter would become prostitute. In most cases I feel sad for these girls. They took this job not because it was their dream. It's mostly because of poor life, lack of education and similar reasons. They didn't become prostitutes because they wanted to buy newest iPhone or designer clothes.
But I think that prostitution should be legal and regulated like we already have in somedevelopped countries. After all, these girls aren't doing any crime and it's theirchoice what to do with their body. They will have to pay taxes, but they also will get some protection and social guarantess.
You mentioned girsl sending integrity for phones, clothes, hair and etc. This is what OnlyFans models are doing. They're not much different from prostitutes, only difference that they're selling their bodies virtually.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Sanugarid on December 29, 2023, 09:53:36 PM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Prostitution is a profession, they work for you and you pay after the work they did for you and those who go into this profession I think they have a hard time in life and were forced to enter because they are desperate, the others are just easy money for them I think. Those who have sex for material things and have something in return, I think they are gold diggers.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Jegileman on December 29, 2023, 10:57:56 PM
However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

It doesn’t matter the pain a woman pass through but settling for prostitution is the biggest mistake they can make in their lives. I know men will always like to take advantage of vulnerable women’s into sleeping with them and giving them material things to comfort them thereby satisfying their sexual urges. I blame men sometimes and sometimes o blame the women also for indulging in such acts. Everyone is passing through a lot and selling out your integrity for some few dollars is not worth it and can never be worth being sacrificing for.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: jrrsparkles on December 30, 2023, 05:21:30 AM
Prostitution: It's one of the oldest jobs that exists in mankind and they have been doing it to just for the survival of themselves and their family.

But what you are saying is different and its not prostitution but its about the girls who need easy money so they are attracted to financially successfully boys, men, and grandpas as long as they can provide and fulfil their wishes in exchange of sexual satisfaction.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Hewlet on December 30, 2023, 07:00:25 AM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !
there are so many factors that could lead one to becoming a prostitute and I don't think it's necessary to always assume all of them intentionally sell off their body just for no reason. Maybe we should understand that the root course and the main reason why girls become prostitute is lack of financial capability to providing for themselves and some of them just see that means as the only way of helping themselves out.
I believe that every prostitute has a story to tell regarding their journey into the ill act and I know the story isn't funny to be very honest.

But for the ones that joined the act because of laziness and carelessness, those are totally different set of people and they are the ones that combine prostitution with other criminal activities like stealing, blackmailing, rubbery, killing etc.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Funke on December 30, 2023, 07:28:53 AM
Prostitution is a result of social and governance failure.

Family life among loose structured families  is one of the reasons while, governance failure in providing means of achievement to the younger generation is another.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Volimack on December 30, 2023, 09:46:52 AM
Poverty is the main reason poverty comes into this profession due to economic crisis. Other reasons why the number of girls engaged in this profession is very small. Innocent simple minded poor girls who fail to meet the minimum basic needs due to poverty and suffer from conditions in meeting the basic needs have taken up this profession. Prostitution is rampant today due to various socio economic constraints and supportive regulations.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Natsuu on December 30, 2023, 05:40:50 PM
I think you are inspired by social media reels where girls sleep or be in relationship with someone just for money.

Reality is really harsh and it differs from region to region because if you check out in South Asian nations most of the prostitutes would have been sold into prostitution by their lover or husband or they choose it to feed their family and their own mean of survival as nobody chooses this profession.

Don't confuse the urge of cheating or getting rich by sleeping with different men like gold digger with prostitution.

Salute to you, very rare people like you. It's important to understand that life is pretty complicated, especially when we're talking about relationships and stuff like prostitution. People end up in different situations for all kinds of reasons, like money struggles or family responsibilities. It's not just about putting everyone in the same box and there's a difference between someone forced into it and someone trying to make ends meet. Taking a more understanding and less judgmental approach helps us see the bigger picture and the real stories behind people's choices.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Hispo on January 01, 2024, 03:21:14 AM
Prostitution is a result of social and governance failure.

Family life among loose structured families  is one of the reasons while, governance failure in providing means of achievement to the younger generation is another.

I disagree, though. There is no way the existence of prostitution is a consequence of failure of governance, it is pretty easy to debunk your theory. There is prostitution on developing countries, because obvious reasons (mostly economical), on the other hand, you cannot ignore there is also women practicing prostitution in countries which are considered to be highly developed: Sweden, Denmark, Israel, etc. In many of those countries is legal and regulated and in countries where it is not regulated or legal, women still engage in it.
So we cannot say prostitution is a consequence of a failure of government, because you would be implying all the governments around the world (or most of them) are a failure to some level.

Though, I can agree a loose family structure is a more convincing factor on what could lead a woman to become a prostitute, because if there is no family union, some economical problems are likely to happen, and hence some of the most vulnerable members of the family would need to resort to that kind of market to continue to survive.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: yazher on January 01, 2024, 12:45:19 PM
Well, honestly this falls into addiction, and sadly many of those young girls are forced to do those things because they have nothing to support themselves or their families. But when they feel it at once and they seem to find comfort with it, they don't usually care about their dignity anymore. They often ride their fate and become used to it until anxiety hunts them and leads to a bad ending once they find out that they devalued their life just because of their needs. If only they chose to get married rather than engage in such evil acts, they could have become another happy family.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Jawhead999 on January 01, 2024, 01:42:12 PM
Actually, they aren't as bad as you think.

I mean, that's just one example from many many prostitution, you not know if there are a lot girls get a lot money, luxury stuff, good life because of prostitution. With the current technology where women can easily sell their nude photos and videos, they can become a millionaire ASAP.

How I see them? I can't comment too much because it's complicated.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Y3shot on January 01, 2024, 02:53:08 PM
Well, honestly this falls into addiction, and sadly many of those young girls are forced to do those things because they have nothing to support themselves or their families. But when they feel it at once and they seem to find comfort with it, they don't usually care about their dignity anymore. They often ride their fate and become used to it until anxiety hunts them and leads to a bad ending once they find out that they devalued their life just because of their needs. If only they chose to get married rather than engage in such evil acts, they could have become another happy family.
I can agree that some of them choose to go this way just because of what they may be going through,  sometimes difficult situations change people from doing what they are not supposed to do on a normal day. Some of the people who are into such life came about due to the kind of friend they keep, Peer pressure influence people's behaviour a lot that is why as parent they have serious job to monitor their children to know the kind of friends they keep out. If parents are not concerned with the friends their children keep they may end up with bad set of friends that can change them to bad.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Justbillywitt on January 02, 2024, 08:46:47 AM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !
At least they are not stealing to get themselves those things you mentioned above. If those girls ask men around them to give them money, how many men will willingly give them money or buy those things for those girls without wanting to sleep with them. It is their life and only them can decide what they do with it. I don't see girls that engage in prostitution as people who is lazy or whatever you call it.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: BADecker on January 02, 2024, 06:16:34 PM
How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution

Here's how. You buy an old FBI computer, and watch the "bait server" on it distributing child porn.

Video - Wait...what!!! -


Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: coolcoinz on January 02, 2024, 08:22:21 PM
most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

You either don't know a lot of women, or you live in a bad neighborhood.

I know a lot of girls and none of them are prostitutes. Sure, women like the easy life, but don't we all?

I pity girls who have to sell their bodies for money. If that's the only way they see, that's their choice, but it's going to live a mark on their bodies and their minds and they will never be able to forget this life.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Sanugarid on January 02, 2024, 11:54:31 PM
most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

You either don't know a lot of women, or you live in a bad neighborhood.

I know a lot of girls and none of them are prostitutes. Sure, women like the easy life, but don't we all?

I pity girls who have to sell their bodies for money. If that's the only way they see, that's their choice, but it's going to live a mark on their bodies and their minds and they will never be able to forget this life.

I agree, especially for those who are new, I'm sure they won't forget that and I know that before they end up in that situation, they think about it while crying about what they should do. Life is hard and I feel sorry for those who use their bodies just to survive.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Jawhead999 on January 04, 2024, 09:45:43 AM
I pity girls who have to sell their bodies for money. If that's the only way they see, that's their choice, but it's going to live a mark on their bodies and their minds and they will never be able to forget this life.
Why you feel pity for them? both men and women are enjoying sexual activity, so the women get two benefits at the same time. Nowadays people want to become influencer, which make them need to show their faces and sacrifice their privacy. So I don't see anything wrong for people who want to become influencer, ended up in prostitution.

Life is hard and I feel sorry for those who use their bodies just to survive.
Life isn't hard, it looks hard because they want to have luxury car when their money only enough to buy an used car.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Hispo on January 05, 2024, 01:25:31 AM
I pity girls who have to sell their bodies for money. If that's the only way they see, that's their choice, but it's going to live a mark on their bodies and their minds and they will never be able to forget this life.
Why you feel pity for them? both men and women are enjoying sexual activity, so the women get two benefits at the same time. Nowadays people want to become influencer, which make them need to show their faces and sacrifice their privacy. So I don't see anything wrong for people who want to become influencer, ended up in prostitution.

Life is hard and I feel sorry for those who use their bodies just to survive.
Life isn't hard, it looks hard because they want to have luxury car when their money only enough to buy an used car.

Even though there must be several exceptions out there, I do not think most of young prostitutes start to engage in that work because they wish to have a super car or to live in a mansion. I believe in the most of the cases it is indeed about survival in an economically depressed society where they lack legitimate opportunities to better themselves and their situation through other means. Women who are able to feed themselves but wish to get easy money to pay for expensive stuff are more likely to monetize their bodies on the internet without having to have sexual relationships with men, as classical prostitutes would.
They will start trying to sell suggestive pictures of themselves, start a YouTube channel, perhaps a Twitch and milk men's money from the distance and from the comfort of their Personal computer.
Only those who do not have the bare minimum to try that move will jump directly onto being sex workers as we know.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Dunamisx on January 05, 2024, 02:37:42 PM
When parents are not looking after their young girls, they will fall into the hands of the bad ones in the society to teach them some corrupt manners their parents couldn't have allowed them to do, we have to be responsible for our children, help them understand the benefits of living a good life and being a successful person in life without doing the unethical activities other people in the society are doing, we should watch their moves, friends and make sure we provide them every necessary needs they want.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Zoomic on January 05, 2024, 09:09:26 PM
The environment a child grows in matters a lot. If a family lives where they are exposed to lots of social vices, it affects their reasoning about life and at the end they blame it on poverty. Poverty is not the actual cause, the decision to get involved in prostitution is personal, it is their choice. There are still decent women out there who would choose to engage in legal jobs no matter how small the pay is instead of selling their bodies. This is because they were raised in a favorable environment  There are many opportunities out there one can divert to,how will prostitution be the only option left. This is just the mindset the girls grew up with. Sex for money is what is obtainable therefore they will use what they have to get what they want.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Fiasem20 on January 06, 2024, 09:51:30 PM
Prostitution is never the best opinion for young girls or ladies.Girls that are not contented with what they have are the ones that are into prostitution.Cause there is a word that they normally say 'luxury' they want to live a luxury life, wearing the lastest dresses,wigs,bags etc.And also peer pressure is an influence to young girls.Thats why there is a statement that says if you can't beat them,you will join them.So the friends our daughters make also matters.Most of the girls you see that are into prostitution is as a result of bad influence.Also to add to it poor parental control is also a common factor of prostitutio[Suspicious link removed]ostitution is a very risky game,some girls that are into prostitution are killed and their body parts are used for rituals.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: White pawn on January 06, 2024, 11:14:38 PM
I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

A lot of people are materialistic. The trait can be found in both males and females as it doesn’t discriminate. Girls hanging out with just any man for what they can stand to get is nothing new and has happened long before and is still happening today. Men are also guilty as there are a lot who are whores for money. Integrity is just another word for those bunch as they’re all about what they can achieve.

I would advice you not to worry your head about all of that. It really isn’t your business and it literally doesn’t affect nor concern you. Much better to worry your head about how to be more productive to make your life better. Less headache too.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Bushdark on January 07, 2024, 01:09:19 AM
When parents are not looking after their young girls, they will fall into the hands of the bad ones in the society to teach them some corrupt manners their parents couldn't have allowed them to do, we have to be responsible for our children, help them understand the benefits of living a good life and being a successful person in life without doing the unethical activities other people in the society are doing, we should watch their moves, friends and make sure we provide them every necessary needs they want.
Most time this is not always about the upkeep of parent in their children. Corruption is one of the things that make people especially the female children to go into prostitutions. There are so many things which can make a female child decide to go into this which can be justified by unemployment, poverty and many others. If the government put things in place for the people to alleviate poverty and create jobs, the level of prostitutions would drastically reduced with time although there will still be people that would not want to stop prostituting because of the benefits they see in it.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Bushdark on January 14, 2024, 11:03:16 AM
When parents are not looking after their young girls, they will fall into the hands of the bad ones in the society to teach them some corrupt manners their parents couldn't have allowed them to do, we have to be responsible for our children, help them understand the benefits of living a good life and being a successful person in life without doing the unethical activities other people in the society are doing, we should watch their moves, friends and make sure we provide them every necessary needs they want.
Prostitution is not illegal and it's a normal thing in some countries especially the advanced countries.
For a woman to engage in prostitution, most time it is due to the nature of things they have seen for a long time before they decide to go into prostitution. Female children should be allow to do anything they want to do and we don't have to make decisions for them.
We have the liberty to do anything that we want to do as far as it is not illegal.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Broly46 on January 14, 2024, 08:03:46 PM
this is a question that I would always choose to ignore between 2008 to 2021. But after the pandemic, it begin to make a lot of sense, but I would still unable to answer this question. If there is anything at all, I can say it is all nature intended, it is a curse of biological body, a curse that is planted since day one, that reproduction is the only goal, nothing else, nothing else matter, not about money, nor about material gain, nor again survival, nor about welfare, all just for the sake of reproduction.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: collinscoinz on January 14, 2024, 08:19:12 PM

Young or old women who are into prostitution are in it as a matter of choice, just like any other profession, they're in it to offer services and get paid at the end of it, they can choose to do another kind of job and get paid more or less. Although some prostitutes can claim that it's a lack of well paying jobs or poverty that compelled them to enter into prostitution, but the fact remains that there are other women that we're in a similar situations like them but choose a different line of work, so it still comes down to choice, they probably think that prostitution is less tasking with a better pay than probably working in a factory or working as a maid. Unless a young woman is compelled into the act of prostitution, maybe in the hands of sex traffickers, then pushed into forced prostitution. It's important to note that the trafficker can be a man or woman, while the victims are mostly women.

As Hispo, pointed out, if a girl is in a relationship because of material gain, that can not be categorized as prostitution, it'll be called a golddigger, because she's not engaging in sexual acts with every man that offers money for her services.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Gozie51 on January 14, 2024, 08:22:44 PM

However, why question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Prostitution is never the best for a young lady but quite a few have sold their heart and conscience because of money. They are lazy to struggle their way out but choose to go through the back door of selling their body for fast money. Some ladies also have decided not to go through that part despite the hardship, they rather look for a man that can take care of their need and stay with and not to jump from one man to another. It is just a decision to prostitute and that is what most ladies do this time around.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 08, 2024, 06:19:48 PM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, my question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Prostitution is not the best option for any girl, most times this is been caused by the inability of of girls to think wisely, some girls are very intelligent but most of them stop half way in their pursuit for success because of the find it difficult to start from little, they feel that the best and easiest way to make money is to sleep with numerous men forgetting that most men here do not give girls money because of only the sex but rather they give them money for exchange of things in a diabolical way, when you ask them, they will tell you that because help is not coming from. Anywhere that's why they involve in prostitution, the sex of a thing is that easy, may God help us and change this mentality of girls.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: peter0425 on February 09, 2024, 05:02:15 AM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.
this is depending on how you are being breed , because if you are in a family that has respect in women you will never have this kind of post.
you devalued women or young woman just for fun? don't you have sisters ?
However, my question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !
There is a financial needs, but I do believe that only few of them are selling their integrity for luxury instead majority of them are for food in the table.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Pi-network314159 on February 09, 2024, 09:01:40 AM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other
For your information men don devalue women but women devalue themselves. It is how you set your market that people buy it. Most young girls of nowadays are not serious all they know is to jump from one man to another without discovering there self rather depend on their guys to survive. A lady that is alway after materials things rather than love and happiness would eventually be treated as trash 🗑️. Because men place you according how you put yourself. So I don't blame most men for the way they treat some girls. Most of them after the first week of their date the second week is demand demand demand without asking the source of his wealth or welfare, some will be demanding for iPhone 14 without thinking how the money will affect the person in question to give out. Wether it will affect his financial stability. So cheap girls will always be treated cheaply.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Jerrycrypto2024 on February 09, 2024, 11:00:23 AM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, my question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Op you observation is right though you did not differentiate it in accordance but that is not just the fact here I think I still understand what you want to pass across. The truth if the matter is an idke man is devil workshop also the fact that when you lack contentment you will do all things to attain what you want this this true nature of May woman today their body become their marketing product they desh out to any body just to get what they need at any give point in time, 80% of woman in our society don't even have integrity before bone will talk of dignity they have loss all this for money, the level of risk taken by this woman is beyond measure just for pleasure and heighten themselves, that is why they are representing fowl used in those days as sacrifices. Many women give themselves to prostitution for materials things no matter how you advise them it can't change, because they are like leopard no amount of rain that will change it spot.

I believe you are confusing or mixing up things, to be honest. Someone who have sex with other people because of material things and in order for them to get money and favors are not necessarily prostitutes.
Prostitution is a profession a job (sexual workers) which is recognized and regulated in many countries, several of them within the First World, Germany for example.

If a girl is pretending to be in an honest relationship with someone because of money then she would be what many call a "gold-digger".

Also, it is worth to point out in most of the occasions young women who engage in prostitution do so as a mean of survival and not because they have choose to do so as first option; it is a way to cope with poverty, lack of education, lack of a different job. In the worst case they would be forced into such activities by others.

This is very correct you analysis the issue as lecturer, likewise bmebin my read the explanation of op got me confused a little bit. Many our people don't know the difference between this two things any woman that sleep around with men is called prostitute that very wrong, the presenter did not differentiate golddigger and prostitute are two different things entirely. In the case of this lady is purely golddigger.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: spectre71 on February 09, 2024, 03:24:35 PM
Y'all acting like this just happened.

Prostitution is the first or second oldest profession in the world depending who is talking.

There is zero difference between a gold digger and a prostitute. Neither will render service without compensation.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: cute nmp on February 10, 2024, 08:04:11 AM
Most girls are into this profession due to financial problems not by choice especially in poor countries while in modern countries it is recognized as a legal profession unfortunately many others are been forced into it especially those in the hands of traffickers.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: ARTOIS on February 10, 2024, 09:13:08 AM
Since ancient times, prostitution has existed in societies and all civilizations
Some may consider it personal freedom and others may consider it a social scourge
Personally, I consider it a major problem in society because it destroys  peoples and families, leading to depression, drug addiction, and suicide.
I feel sorry for the girl who was forced to sell her body due to her financial and social circumstances, or by force and I hope everything will change.
Anyone who practices prostitution as a matter of personal freedom must consult a psychiatrist

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Ticdeneb on February 13, 2024, 08:53:20 AM
Some of the people who engage in prostitution is either due to poor upbringing, peer pressure, greed, laziness or as a result of being trafficked. There's always a story behind it. My heart goes out to those who found themselves in this kind of situation as a result of force and human trafficking.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Bravut on February 14, 2024, 01:41:46 AM
I believe that our actions are results of our decisions.Some girls indulge in prostitution is as a result of her decision,quest for luxurious lifestyle, influences and lack of self esteem for her own body,I don't see any reason why a girl will be comfortable opening her legs for different Men because of money (very insensitive).
Prostitution can never be a means of livelihood for any moral, principle girl.
Our girls are failing to work towards what they want and finding opening of legs juicy which in turn will hunt our society in the nearest future.
With numerous fatherless child, beggars, single mothers later and also increasing rate of crimes.
I wouldn't marry you,I don't love you,but you find it juicy for you to spread your legs for me to give you money which some girls are getting it less struggle and there body still intact.
It's funny how some parents in our society failed to build there female child in a traditional form.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Funke on February 15, 2024, 10:31:54 PM
It is actually the failure of the social Political system that does not provide jobs for citizens and in other scenes demands for sex in exchange of opportunities. These adult ladies need to survive, it is that survival instinct that is making them to resort to such. So you cannot totally blame them but the government.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Linggajanitra on February 18, 2024, 12:58:14 PM
Some other factors that support women sell themselves because of limited opportunities at work and also have special conditions such as medical that really need the need to survive. There are 3 types of women who are caught in prostitution. First, those forced or lead to human traffiking and can be related to debt. Second, those who work voluntarily to meet the needs of primary life and channel sexual desires. Third, those who work part -time or side to meet the needs of secondary or tertiary economics and channel sexual desires as well. As for high material aspirations in women and pleasure of beautiful clothing and luxurious jewelry, want to live luxurious but lazy to work. Because not a few people are willing to do anything so as not to miss the trend from an age, many do anything/justify any means. Prostitution is one way to meet lifestyles. So it is not always economic problems that make someone to go into the world of prostitution. Luxury association lifestyle with a salary that is not comparable to lifestyle, triggers people to go into this prostitution world.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: Zanab247 on February 21, 2024, 03:49:52 PM
But some ladies fall victims on those things based on out of frustration to ensure they complete their education, but there are some girls who took it as their permanent job and you can call such people prostitute because, that is their job that is putting food on their day every night and day.

Do you know that government can stop all those things from the young girls, if government can creat many companies in the country and reduce the cost of commodities, I believe there will be some girls that will never fall victims to such bad habit in the society.

Title: Re: How do you see young girls who engage into prostitution
Post by: SlowPP on February 22, 2024, 09:19:38 AM
Unarguably, we are in a time where men find every opportunity to devalue women especially young promising girls with bright futures just for fun or one interest or the other .one day I saw a young girl been dropped out of a vehicle and she turned mad immediately and I was confused because most young girls have failed to work rather they choose to sleep different men just to buy iPhone or latest hair or dresses and so on.

However, my question here is “do women actually sell their integrity for phones, cloth , hairs, or bags ?and it is quite disheartening that most of them are used for money rituals just because of their laziness and quest for material things so I now ask ‘ is prostitution the best option for a young lady ? Please guys I will really love to hear your opinions on this !

Prostitution isn't the best option for any young lady, though some ladies are into prostitution for so many reasons some families and school and also human trafficking reasons which I personally can't say it all , some ladies are just into prostitution for materials and designer's things just to impress there fellow friends which isn't proper for a young and beautiful lady to go into prostitution, while for me isn't the right option cause if it will have happened to be my blood sister Into it I will very disappointed and heartbroken seriously the hard economic we are in particular,some prostitute took it as there permanent as daily activities just to put food on their family or personal table just to survive every night and day