Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Fesxx on December 29, 2023, 11:05:04 AM

Title: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Fesxx on December 29, 2023, 11:05:04 AM
I have always been interested in the way of life of residents of other countries. I'm an ordinary guy from Russia, I work as a finance director for an oilfield services company. We have a vacation 28 days a year. 7 holidays per year.
 My day usually starts with the fact that I wake up 1.5 hours before work, drink coffee, shave, do a nice hairstyle, wash up. After all this, I call a taxi and go to work. Work in our country is 8 hours and 1 hour for lunch, a total of 9 hours, but in our country, you usually eat in 15 minutes, and the rest of the time you work. After work, I sit and watch movies, TV series with my wife, or play PlayStation with friends online. On weekends, I usually get enough sleep, and my wife and I go for a walk, go to some restaurant, used to go hiking, but now we live where there are no places where you can go hiking.

And how is life in your country? If possible, write down your week

I apologize for the broken English

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: bluebit25 on December 30, 2023, 10:14:26 AM
Currently, I am living in a Southeast Asian country (sorry for not being able to share the location more specifically), I have many friends here in many fields, and we have different habits always similar. I myself currently do not have a specific job, because I still just stay at home and occasionally travel locally and return to the house. Basically, I live without any constraints. There are days when I stay up at night and sleep during the day without paying attention to time. I also have long periods of stress and don't like to continue. Being in contact with many people, I like being closer to nature, which is why I decided to quit my job in the city to move to rural areas and even remote mountains and forests.

But I also know about a few basic living errors that still persist from before, mostly I see people (workers and students) waking up around 6 am and preparing to have breakfast to go to work at 7 am, around 11am everyone has time to rest, and then resume all activities at 1pm until 5pm. Prepare dinner and most people will finish it around 7pm, although depending on the family it might be watching the news or movies, or maybe going to bed early. I think that's the general schedule that most people use where I live. I'm the only exception because I don't like going to work and just stay at home reading books, listening to music, and painting :) .

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: btc78 on December 30, 2023, 11:22:19 AM
First of all you have good English there is nothing to be sorry about!

I come from an asian country and i do think most people share the same day well at least for the working middle class i would not exactly know how the rich ones spend their day but in the class we belong in people usually wake up at 5am or 6am to get ready and travel to work or school sometimes people even wake up earlier than that if their home is far from their workplace or school because the transportation in our country is not the best and the traffic is a really huge problem that needs to be addressed

Work or school usually starts at 7am and then lunch happens at 12pm and most people usually end their day at 5pm and go home and maybe do other leisure activities when they are at home or maybe continue their work or school activities at home that is how typically a person in my country spend their day and this will just repeat the whole week

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: passwordnow on December 30, 2023, 02:46:40 PM
I have always been interested in the way of life of residents of other countries. I'm an ordinary guy from Russia, I work as a finance director for an oilfield services company. We have a vacation 28 days a year. 7 holidays per year.
 My day usually starts with the fact that I wake up 1.5 hours before work, drink coffee, shave, do a nice hairstyle, wash up. After all this, I call a taxi and go to work. Work in our country is 8 hours and 1 hour for lunch, a total of 9 hours, but in our country, you usually eat in 15 minutes, and the rest of the time you work. After work, I sit and watch movies, TV series with my wife, or play PlayStation with friends online. On weekends, I usually get enough sleep, and my wife and I go for a walk, go to some restaurant, used to go hiking, but now we live where there are no places where you can go hiking.

And how is life in your country? If possible, write down your week

I apologize for the broken English
Well, not that unusual and I think your life is kinda chill. My usual weekend is too hectic honestly, since having a week that's mostly having a job and side lines. During the weekends, I also do the same as you, playing games, getting that much sleep and malling sometimes. This usually happens on a Saturday but during Sundays, it's like one of the days that I just need to take my time and don't have much thing to do so I stay.

IMO, your life there and with us and the other countries, there's not that much difference at all. We work 8+1 hours everyday and sometimes 6 days a week for the other countries but typically it should only be 5 days a week. With all of those breaks, paid vacations, paid leaves and holidays. The mere difference I think is the lifestyle of each of us and the cost of living.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Dunamisx on December 30, 2023, 05:09:08 PM
And how is life in your country? If possible, write down your week

With your narration given, is this actually how you lived your life each day or just for this seasonal period of end of the year break, as a family man after work, you will choose a time for a hangout with the family maybe once or twice a week and then the remaining days you have time worth spending with them at home, the other case may be when you're on vacation, you're totally free of whatever plan you've come up with.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Natsuu on December 30, 2023, 05:22:44 PM
Same as yours, OP. Just a few differences. I always spend my break for an hour and I work for the whole 8 hours. I dont bring my work at home so my rest is guaranteed when I get home and on weekends as well. On weekends, I spend time with my family. We watch movies, go to church, and I spend some time alone reading books. Nothing exciting tbh but I find it so recharging.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: DeathAngel on December 30, 2023, 07:52:55 PM
The average person's day in the US typically starts with waking up, getting ready for work or school & commuting to their destination. Throughout the day they engage in various activities such as work, attending meetings/classes, taking breaks & having meals. After work or school they may participate in recreational activities, spend time with family or friends or run errands. Evenings often involve dinner, relaxation & pursuing personal interests. Finally they wind down, prepare for bed & get a good night's sleep to start the cycle again the next day.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Wiwo on December 30, 2023, 11:06:30 PM
Work work work + sleep,  I work all night since I handle my own business,  I have a cap flits that I manage as my own business so this gives me the flexibility of time to attend to other things like family and holidays,  and since I am not directly involved in the driving of those vehicles I just take care of my managerial repsoibilrirh monitor things from afar and also trying to cope up with other remote assignments,  I don't do the 8 to 5 round the clock thing,  it doesn't work for me,  as I like spreading out my time.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: JackMazzoni on December 31, 2023, 12:07:50 AM
The average life of an ordinary person here in my country is a little difficult but great. If there is work I wake up at 6am or 7am then work up to 12 pm. If there is no work available I wake up 10 am and just browse the internet all day or watch movies and tv series. Luckily I own a house now I don't worry about rent like before. But I have to feed my family of 8. The food is free or very cheap because we grow the food in our place and they are all fresh.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: kentrolla on December 31, 2023, 03:10:59 AM
I live in South Asian nation and especially the city while I live is traffic prone where we end up travelling 4 hours in a day to work and yeah it's the same working hour which is 8 hour working and 1 hour break, if we stay in the locality closer to work then we can have leisure time to spend with family but I stay like 15 miles away from my workplace so it's just wat, sleep,work and repeat during weekdays and during weekends we get to spend quality time with family.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: darkangel11 on December 31, 2023, 03:21:46 PM
I manage a database and google cloud storage for a crypto company from home and in my free time I post on the forum to get some additional BTC. Since I work from home I get to spend time with my child. Wife has to drive to work and gets back in the afternoon. I usually sleep for as long as my daughter lets me. She usually wakes up at 8, but sometimes it's half past or even at 9. My wife leaves home at 9 because she usually starts her work at 9:30. We sometimes eat breakfast together, but if our daughter oversleeps wife eats alone and I make breakfast later for myself and my daughter.
Then I get do do the chores, dishes and stuff, and we drive to the store. Shopping with a kid can take over an hour, so it can be a pain. Then we drive home and I either take her for a walk, or we drive to a playground. There's also an indoor playground with a restaurant nearby, so we sometimes go there for lunch. After coming back home she watches cartoons and I get some time for myself (usually news and youtube on my phone with a coffee).
In the afternoon my wife gets back and takes over and I go to work, meaning I go upstairs and turn on the computer for about 6 hours. In the evening we have dinner, a bath for my daughter and get her ready for bed. Then, depending on how wife feels, we watch a movie or I go play counter strike with friends and then it's a quick shower and the day the day is over.

I apologize for the broken English

Your English is good and believe me, I've played some online games with Russians. Most of them will talk to you in Russian, not caring if you understand what they're saying or not.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Jawhead999 on December 31, 2023, 04:04:33 PM
I live in Indonesia, the daily routine of ordinary person in my country are:

1. There's no vacation or holidays, you need to ask absence permission and you will not get paid if you absence. :P
2. Based on contract you're only work for 9 hours and 1 hour for lunch, but there's an unwritten rule that make you need to work for 12 hours, without getting extra payment. :P
3. Mostly you need to work for 6 days/week, but some company ask to work for 13 days with one day off/2 weeks. :P

The most interesting thing is, you wage might not meet the minimum amount wage even you're working very hard. :D

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: aoluain on December 31, 2023, 09:22:07 PM
In Ireland its similar to the OP

7 to 8 hour working day, Monday to Friday
2 x 15 minutes per day for tea break paid for by the employer thats the law
and 1 hour for lunch maximum

Standard 21 days per year holidays

Weekends start unofficially on Thursday most peoples pay day so the
young ones start partying

After the daily grind its dinner/exercise/TV

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: boyptc on December 31, 2023, 10:40:01 PM
I apologize for the broken English
Don't be sorry for that because most of us here aren't even native English speakers and you're a good one, believe us.

I manage a database and google cloud storage for a crypto company from home and in my free time I post on the forum to get some additional BTC. Since I work from home I get to spend time with my child.
What company are you working for if you don't mind telling it? I have been dreaming of someday working for a company that's focused in cryptocurrencies. And working from home let everyone redeemed themselves from the hectic office schedules and daily commute and traffic.

Not that much difference as per OP and the others on how it goes here weekly.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Y3shot on January 01, 2024, 09:58:44 AM
In my country no resting for the average people , it is as if the more time you use in doing your business the more money you make. Here people don't take time for granted , and if it is possible for some people to work 24hours of the day they will make it. Working here is not easy because you have to be very strong to make money for living for yourself.  Having too much holiday is just like a waste because it can counted as a break to loose money.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Ruttoshi on January 01, 2024, 03:53:55 PM
Due to the poor economy of my country and high inflation rate, you cannot work for 8hrs here, only if you own your own business. Time is money like they do say, I work two different kind of jobs to meet up with my monthly needs if not it wouldn't be possible for me to live the way I want. This is because my first job pays little and it was Luke a burden to me and this was why I had to look for a second one.

Imagine someone doing two jobs, you already have your timing and you must work with time. I go to the first one from 8am to 1pm and from 1:30pm to 7pm, before I can rest for the day. The civil servants are the  ones that work for 8hrs and currently, due to steady inflation, some of them salaries can no longer meet up with their needs and to also save.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Kelward on January 03, 2024, 10:59:19 AM
In most countries people who work in established companies, do the same 8 or 9 to 5 job routine every week day, I think that is the standard, the difference will be the salaries and job securities. Although in factory jobs The owners tends to exploit their workers who work longer ours for very poor salaries.

I'm self employed, I run a small business and I open shop by 8am and close by 8pm, Monday to Saturday, my business is not stressful, so I find time to do crypto stuff. I spend my Sunday with my family, we go to church in the morning and most afternoons we look for somewhere fun to visit, maybe a cool mall, the beach, visit family and friends, if we're expecting a visit from any of them, then we stay at home.

Most business people in the big cities in Nigeria, likes to hang out after business hours, you'd see a lot of beer and assorted meat and fish berbecue joints, some days I'd have a few drinks and chops with friends and take some home to wifey.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 03, 2024, 06:00:50 PM
9 to 5 job hours, 5 days a week, and outing/shopping/ booze on the weekend. :D

Those who live this life will never get out of this middle-class trap and if they want to then the first thing to do is to save some money and quit the job if the family can survive without your income or else start doing some side hustle while working on a regular job and remember when you work 9 to 5, you are actually giving efforts to make someone's life better not yours.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: johnsaributua on January 03, 2024, 10:58:17 PM
My country has 24-hour access, and has an average of 8-12 hours of work per session, with the rest being overtime. Wages determine the working hours for a person and company.

It would be nice if you still have a permanent job and go through the routine productively in the company, I remember after stopping working in an agency some time ago, yes it is not a problem.
Nowadays I have more time for my family, praying, interacting with my family. I also live a life of looking for opportunities to work around the house and a lot of time to open bitcointalk forums, especially this year.

Two conditions sometimes I am grateful and sometimes I complain in activities, including in society, because that is, no matter how good money income if only at home (doing business online, getting from signature campaigns, or online buying and selling transactions) they do not care and underestimate. But now I am grateful that there are opportunities online including in this forum, maybe my activities are almost more than 8 hours here, I realize that reading is very long does not feel even if if writing it can be counted minutes. but I enjoy walking around in bitcointalk.

Whatever the routine is, it's very good including if it's a healthy lifestyle (physical activity) I don't care what people say, I live my time according to my taste.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Marykeller on January 03, 2024, 11:10:36 PM
And how is life in your country? If possible, write down your week
Since I work in the medical field, my presence at my workplace is always needed even though I do have shift days(off-duties) at least 3x a week, to engage myself in a side business of taking goods from one place to another than depending on a monthly pay job that won't take me to anywhere in taking care of myself and needs.

Having a side hustle has helped me a lot in catering for myself because I hate staying at a place without having an inflow of income. So at times, when my off-duty falls on weekends, I use it to hustle towards evening when I am done with my house chores in the morning

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Ravichnadra on January 04, 2024, 03:32:32 AM
Your routine sounds familiar in many ways! I can share a general overview of life in various places. In some countries, like parts of Europe or North America, people might start their day with a similar routine of coffee, grooming, and commuting to work. Work hours can vary, with some places having strict 8-hour workdays and others with longer hours. Lunch breaks can be short like you described, but in some countries, they take longer breaks to relax and eat.

After work, leisure activities vary widely. Some enjoy movies and gaming like you do, while others might prefer different hobbies like sports, reading, or socializing with friends. Weekends often involve relaxation, social activities, and dining out, much like your routine. Hiking is also popular in many places, although the availability of hiking trails can differ from region to region.

It's fascinating to see the similarities and differences in daily life around the world!

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Richbased on January 04, 2024, 01:59:33 PM
Calling oneself ordinary man to me look some kind of looking down on oneself but regardless of that for me, I'm a supervisor is a hotel, so I have intervals that I go to check activities of workers in the hotel and give reports to the manager then my work is done as I can have time for other things till when time reaches again for me to go back to the hotel to run a check and balance and also return feedback to the hotel manager, so I got sometimes to myself to also spend in Bitcointalk forum to go through threads in some various sessions of the boards give my own opinion on those threads and if possible create a meaningful thread and have some rest and sleep so that's how my life and activities have been for quite sometimes now.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Bushdark on January 07, 2024, 01:47:55 AM
9 to 5 job hours, 5 days a week, and outing/shopping/ booze on the weekend. :D

Those who live this life will never get out of this middle-class trap and if they want to then the first thing to do is to save some money and quit the job if the family can survive without your income or else start doing some side hustle while working on a regular job and remember when you work 9 to 5, you are actually giving efforts to make someone's life better not yours.
Working for 8 to 9 hours everyday is not something that is new to us. Our parent had been doing this and it is now moving down to us to keep working do that we can get paid. This might be strange to people that are entrepreneur themselves having their businesses and time to relax and chill with enough vacation for themselves. This is not the option for people that are being employed. They would have to go to work, take their regular duties, come back home and relax. We need to see this from different angle for us to have a little more comprehension.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Churchillvv on January 07, 2024, 02:23:14 AM
Well, I'm just a kid maybe an adult  8). So I don't work, life here is kind of different from each other's view. As a student, I wake up at 5 a.m. during school sections and just pick up my phone and check out what's happening around the world. Then I clear up everywhere in my apartment, take my bath, then go get some food and boom, I'm in class for at least 2 hours per lesson, and we have about 4 lessons a day. making it 8 hours in class, and after that, it is over for the day and that is the routine for 5 days in a week. Then, for weekends I just do whatever I wish to do as planned with my schedule.

All this I said is not really the deal, but just a clue to what the real deal is.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Hispo on January 07, 2024, 04:10:09 AM
I rather not to give too many personal details about how many daily routine or schedule is , to be honest. Since this is a thread about how an ordinary person lives in each one of our countries, then I will rather give an approximate version for my country.

People here usually has to wake up at 5 M or 5:30 am, take breakfast and then take transportation so we get to our workplsces by 7, we get back to our homes by 4 pm if there is no need to work extra hours. Weekends are usually off, unless someone within the job requieres some personal to stay, or something similar.

I would like to point out that here in Venezuela there is a lot of people who live and work day from day, meaning they do not have savings or plans to the long term, they work at small businesses selling either food or merchandise, so they can pay for the food next day. I believe it is s common thing in developing countries to see stuff like that.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Jegileman on January 07, 2024, 08:54:28 AM
Due to the poor economy of my country and high inflation rate, you cannot work for 8hrs here, only if you own your own business. Time is money like they do say, I work two different kind of jobs to meet up with my monthly needs if not it wouldn't be possible for me to live the way I want. This is because my first job pays little and it was Luke a burden to me and this was why I had to look for a second one.

Imagine someone doing two jobs, you already have your timing and you must work with time. I go to the first one from 8am to 1pm and from 1:30pm to 7pm, before I can rest for the day. The civil servants are the  ones that work for 8hrs and currently, due to steady inflation, some of them salaries can no longer meet up with their needs and to also save.

I can relate to how work can be so tedious in the country. Those that are doing the government work now wish to have a skill that they can join to the government work in order to get a good pay by end of the month and provide for their families. It is so bad that the economy is not encouraging but the people here are so optimistic and hardworking and still gets to meet up with their expectancy’s at the end of the month. I am proud to come from here because it will expose you and make you think outside of the box and exert more efforts into making things work for yourself.

As for me, I am mostly online surfing the internet and tapping into one or two offers. I also do social media management for some shoe stores in the country and then come to the forum too make some posts. My work is basically online since i don’t have a physical work yet. I am very selective to the type of physical work I can do because I can easily get stressed out if I don’t have enough time to rest.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Volimack on January 07, 2024, 10:02:33 AM
For working people the weekdays are very busy and time is spent with family and friends. This is especially important for those who spend more time with their loved ones during the week. Exercise & Fitness. Find the latest news on technology cooking and science. Sometimes I draw and risk. Visiting the park you can take your family or go with a friend.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Gozie51 on January 08, 2024, 03:51:34 AM
It is almost like a normal routine work hours and then with stay at home weekends for government workers but if you are under private company you will work during the weekend. As for walk out, it is usually for new weds and not for old couples who have lived together a long time and perhaps have gone through that too in their early days of being married. However, most families give time to their children as they don't have enough time together during week days.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Fesxx on January 09, 2024, 08:07:36 AM
go to work at 7 am, around 11am everyone has time to rest, and then resume all activities at 1pm until 5pm. Prepare dinner and most people will finish it around 7pm.
Wow, does work start at 7 a.m. in your country? We have an average of 9, 7 a.m. it is very early, In Russia it is still very cold in winter and at this time the peak of the cold temperature

With your narration given, is this actually how you lived your life each day or just for this seasonal period of end of the year break, as a family man after work, you will choose a time for a hangout with the family maybe once or twice a week and then the remaining days you have time worth spending with them at home, the other case may be when you're on vacation, you're totally free of whatever plan you've come up with.
On vacation, I usually travel with my wife to other countries.

Same as yours, OP. Just a few differences. I always spend my break for an hour and I work for the whole 8 hours. I dont bring my work at home so my rest is guaranteed when I get home and on weekends as well. On weekends, I spend time with my family. We watch movies, go to church, and I spend some time alone reading books. Nothing exciting tbh but I find it so recharging.
Wow, they give you a break for an hour. What are you doing for a whole hour break?

The average person's day in the US typically starts with waking up, getting ready for work or school & commuting to their destination. Throughout the day they engage in various activities such as work, attending meetings/classes, taking breaks & having meals. After work or school they may participate in recreational activities, spend time with family or friends or run errands. Evenings often involve dinner, relaxation & pursuing personal interests. Finally they wind down, prepare for bed & get a good night's sleep to start the cycle again the next day.
That is, everything is like ours))

The average life of an ordinary person here in my country is a little difficult but great. If there is work I wake up at 6am or 7am then work up to 12 pm. If there is no work available I wake up 10 am and just browse the internet all day or watch movies and tv series. Luckily I own a house now I don't worry about rent like before. But I have to feed my family of 8. The food is free or very cheap because we grow the food in our place and they are all fresh.

What country are you from?

I live in South Asian nation and especially the city while I live is traffic prone where we end up travelling 4 hours in a day to work and yeah it's the same working hour which is 8 hour working and 1 hour break, if we stay in the locality closer to work then we can have leisure time to spend with family but I stay like 15 miles away from my workplace so it's just wat, sleep,work and repeat during weekdays and during weekends we get to spend quality time with family.
yes, traffic jams are terrible, in Moscow you can get to work much faster by public transport than by taxi. With what difference can there be 2 times

I manage a database and google cloud storage for a crypto company from home and in my free time I post on the forum to get some additional BTC. Since I work from home I get to spend time with my child. Wife has to drive to work and gets back in the afternoon. I usually sleep for as long as my daughter lets me. She usually wakes up at 8, but sometimes it's half past or even at 9. My wife leaves home at 9 because she usually starts her work at 9:30. We sometimes eat breakfast together, but if our daughter oversleeps wife eats alone and I make breakfast later for myself and my daughter.
Then I get do do the chores, dishes and stuff, and we drive to the store. Shopping with a kid can take over an hour, so it can be a pain. Then we drive home and I either take her for a walk, or we drive to a playground. There's also an indoor playground with a restaurant nearby, so we sometimes go there for lunch. After coming back home she watches cartoons and I get some time for myself (usually news and youtube on my phone with a coffee).
In the afternoon my wife gets back and takes over and I go to work, meaning I go upstairs and turn on the computer for about 6 hours. In the evening we have dinner, a bath for my daughter and get her ready for bed. Then, depending on how wife feels, we watch a movie or I go play counter strike with friends and then it's a quick shower and the day the day is over.

I apologize for the broken English

Your English is good and believe me, I've played some online games with Russians. Most of them will talk to you in Russian, not caring if you understand what they're saying or not.

Having free time to spend with your daughter is wonderful. Your wife only has 30 minutes to go to work, it's cool.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Fesxx on January 09, 2024, 08:37:00 AM
I live in Indonesia, the daily routine of ordinary person in my country are:

1. There's no vacation or holidays, you need to ask absence permission and you will not get paid if you absence. :P
2. Based on contract you're only work for 9 hours and 1 hour for lunch, but there's an unwritten rule that make you need to work for 12 hours, without getting extra payment. :P
3. Mostly you need to work for 6 days/week, but some company ask to work for 13 days with one day off/2 weeks. :P

The most interesting thing is, you wage might not meet the minimum amount wage even you're working very hard. :D

Oh, my friend, I'm very sad to hear that. Such a schedule can break a person

In Ireland its similar to the OP

7 to 8 hour working day, Monday to Friday
2 x 15 minutes per day for tea break paid for by the employer thats the law
and 1 hour for lunch maximum

Standard 21 days per year holidays

Weekends start unofficially on Thursday most peoples pay day so the
young ones start partying

After the daily grind its dinner/exercise/TV

Do you have holidays 21 days a year? That's a lot.

Due to the poor economy of my country and high inflation rate, you cannot work for 8hrs here, only if you own your own business. Time is money like they do say, I work two different kind of jobs to meet up with my monthly needs if not it wouldn't be possible for me to live the way I want. This is because my first job pays little and it was Luke a burden to me and this was why I had to look for a second one.

Imagine someone doing two jobs, you already have your timing and you must work with time. I go to the first one from 8am to 1pm and from 1:30pm to 7pm, before I can rest for the day. The civil servants are the  ones that work for 8hrs and currently, due to steady inflation, some of them salaries can no longer meet up with their needs and to also save.

What country are you from?

9 to 5 job hours, 5 days a week, and outing/shopping/ booze on the weekend. :D

Those who live this life will never get out of this middle-class trap and if they want to then the first thing to do is to save some money and quit the job if the family can survive without your income or else start doing some side hustle while working on a regular job and remember when you work 9 to 5, you are actually giving efforts to make someone's life better not yours.
I think the middle class is not a bad option and you can always learn new things at work to grow
And how is life in your country? If possible, write down your week
Since I work in the medical field, my presence at my workplace is always needed even though I do have shift days(off-duties) at least 3x a week, to engage myself in a side business of taking goods from one place to another than depending on a monthly pay job that won't take me to anywhere in taking care of myself and needs.

Having a side hustle has helped me a lot in catering for myself because I hate staying at a place without having an inflow of income. So at times, when my off-duty falls on weekends, I use it to hustle towards evening when I am done with my house chores in the morning
Are you from a country where medical workers don't earn much? in Russia, they also earn very little, let's say a nurse earns an average of $ 500

It's fascinating to see the similarities and differences in daily life around the world!
Yes, I think so too
Well, I'm just a kid maybe an adult  8). So I don't work, life here is kind of different from each other's view. As a student, I wake up at 5 a.m. during school sections and just pick up my phone and check out what's happening around the world. Then I clear up everywhere in my apartment, take my bath, then go get some food and boom, I'm in class for at least 2 hours per lesson, and we have about 4 lessons a day. making it 8 hours in class, and after that, it is over for the day and that is the routine for 5 days in a week. Then, for weekends I just do whatever I wish to do as planned with my schedule.

All this I said is not really the deal, but just a clue to what the real deal is.
Friend, I'll tell you a secret.)) Most adults also feel like children))  ;D ;D

I rather not to give too many personal details about how many daily routine or schedule is , to be honest. Since this is a thread about how an ordinary person lives in each one of our countries, then I will rather give an approximate version for my country.

People here usually has to wake up at 5 M or 5:30 am, take breakfast and then take transportation so we get to our workplsces by 7, we get back to our homes by 4 pm if there is no need to work extra hours. Weekends are usually off, unless someone within the job requieres some personal to stay, or something similar.

I would like to point out that here in Venezuela there is a lot of people who live and work day from day, meaning they do not have savings or plans to the long term, they work at small businesses selling either food or merchandise, so they can pay for the food next day. I believe it is s common thing in developing countries to see stuff like that.

Does work start at 7 a.m. in Venezuela? It's very early

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: LTU_btc on January 10, 2024, 09:22:10 PM
I I work typical week from Monday to Friday. But not from 8 AM to 5 PM. Such schedule doesn't fits for me. I start my work early at 5:30-6 AM. I get up about 30-40 minutes before work, eat sandwhich with coffee or tea and then go to work, I reach it in about 10 minutes. My works end somewhere 2-2.30 PM.
After work currently I spend most of time at home watching TV, scrolling phone or playing something on PC. I hate winter - it's cold, dark and ugly, don't want to go out of home at all :D.
During warm season I barely spend time at home. I love to cycle long distance, it's best relax for me. Also, sometimes I go to play basketball with friends, grill or just go to pub drink some beer on weekend.

Do you have holidays 21 days a year? That's a lot.
In my country we have 20 work days which is given as holidays. If you use it all at once, it's whole month with weekends included. But most people divide it in parts, taking one or two week holidays at once.
Also, if you work at same place for 5 years, you get 1 day extra, for 10 years you get 3 days.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Fesxx on January 11, 2024, 08:21:46 AM
I I work typical week from Monday to Friday. But not from 8 AM to 5 PM. Such schedule doesn't fits for me. I start my work early at 5:30-6 AM. I get up about 30-40 minutes before work, eat sandwhich with coffee or tea and then go to work, I reach it in about 10 minutes. My works end somewhere 2-2.30 PM.
After work currently I spend most of time at home watching TV, scrolling phone or playing something on PC. I hate winter - it's cold, dark and ugly, don't want to go out of home at all :D.
During warm season I barely spend time at home. I love to cycle long distance, it's best relax for me. Also, sometimes I go to play basketball with friends, grill or just go to pub drink some beer on weekend.

Do you have holidays 21 days a year? That's a lot.
In my country we have 20 work days which is given as holidays. If you use it all at once, it's whole month with weekends included. But most people divide it in parts, taking one or two week holidays at once.
Also, if you work at same place for 5 years, you get 1 day extra, for 10 years you get 3 days.
I misunderstood you, I thought you had 21 holidays a year.))) In Russia, the minimum vacation per year is 28 days, but in the city where I was born there are 44 days of vacation per year. And there are professions and regions where the total vacation is 80 days a year

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Broly46 on January 16, 2024, 06:40:41 PM
this day the life is driving me crazy, idk how long it would take for thing to return to new normal, or improvement, or may be it would never return only going to worse.

wake up, looking at wall, breakfast lunch dinner, meet a few guys to trade some daily goods for at most two hours, and go home to look at walls again, for some reason, the cost of living here is quite interesting, there is many black market price for a lot of goods, you can save a lot of money/spend very little even during hyperinflation if the person recognize you and they do give you some goods for no money or very little cost. Totally unregulated market and price fixing is not possible during like this. I'm not saying I like the idea, but the insecurity is out of chart people are doing business with their door closed tightly, until you call them to open the door for you to enter.

that is pretty much sum up all, it sound like living in a cave, but this cave is one large cave with small community inside who live a totally unregulated market, where price fixing is not possible, but highly depend on recognition.

however foods has severe shortage, and quality of foods is certainly down to drain, we just barely eat foods that is below frugal, I cant even tell clearly what is inside the foods I ate, whether it contain chemicals, hormones or some questionable harmful additive, whether the foods is naturally derived or massively grow in labs, it certainly doesnt taste good, taste like some glue or some sort, both the meat or vegetable taste like glue idk how they could taste like that, is it caused by chemicals or something that is lab made but it is strange to me, I think I should avoid foods that can be bought from market and begin to farm own foods which I have more control of the health of the foods.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: bluebit25 on January 17, 2024, 10:58:28 PM
go to work at 7 am, around 11am everyone has time to rest, and then resume all activities at 1pm until 5pm. Prepare dinner and most people will finish it around 7pm.
Wow, does work start at 7 a.m. in your country? We have an average of 9, 7 a.m. it is very early, In Russia it is still very cold in winter and at this time the peak of the cold temperature

Yep, I understand that. Because myself living in the current country, am also feeling the cold of winter. My country, so at the end of the year winter is often very cold because it comes with humidity and low temperatures. I can feel the coldness even worse than some countries with low temperatures like Russia, because I know you guys are just cold and dry and can completely handle it. I still remember my student memories, waking up at 5:30 AM to prepare breakfast and have to go to school, really those were the times that I had to go through. We very rarely get time off due to inclement weather. Normally, vacations only come around holidays, but it can be said that geography and opinion will show us that the time frame of living is quite different.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: uchegod-21 on January 17, 2024, 11:24:46 PM
In my country, life is actually mixed and many people do different kinds of things to survive.
  • There are government workers who work 5 days in a week and 5 to 7 hrs a day. This set of people do not suffer much because they do not receive tough supervision from the government
  • There are private workers who work 6 days out of the 7 days and possibly they work the whole 7 days and they work 10 hours a day. Some of the workers are over used because the labour protection policies do not work 
  • We have the business people who work tirelessly in different markets, shops and streets
  • There are agberos who have no work but they earn by crooks or any way possible 
My country is Nigeria.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Hewlet on January 19, 2024, 07:26:22 AM
I have always been interested in the way of life of residents of other countries. I'm an ordinary guy from Russia, I work as a finance director for an oilfield services company. We have a vacation 28 days a year. 7 holidays per year.
 My day usually starts with the fact that I wake up 1.5 hours before work, drink coffee, shave, do a nice hairstyle, wash up. After all this, I call a taxi and go to work. Work in our country is 8 hours and 1 hour for lunch, a total of 9 hours, but in our country, you usually eat in 15 minutes, and the rest of the time you work. After work, I sit and watch movies, TV series with my wife, or play PlayStation with friends online. On weekends, I usually get enough sleep, and my wife and I go for a walk, go to some restaurant, used to go hiking, but now we live where there are no places where you can go hiking.

And how is life in your country? If possible, write down your week

I apologize for the broken English

this is typical of an average man in my country. The normal average man in my country does either a teaching job, owns a shop, works for a company or does a work from home job.

Apart from the work from home individual the rest of the others have a similar schedule of activities which involves waking up at least two house to the work hour, do a bit of morning prayers, that's if the person is a religious person. And then start preparing food for the house hold and then ensure that the children have gone to school before leaving the home. All this should be in-between the two hours.

And by 8:00 AM most of them are already in their workplace and would normally work till 1:30 before going for a 30 or 1 hour break after which they start heading home from 6pm. Because of the traffic on the road the average of them will be on the road for almost two hours and will get back home by 8. Just take a bathe, eat their food and retire to bed to prepare for the next days work.

To live an average life is not easy at all. When you consider all this stresses involved in public jobs and look at the salary you're receiving you can't help but look for a skill and learn so you can have a flexible work hour.

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Brainiac01 on January 23, 2024, 10:09:10 PM
I have always been interested in the way of life of residents of other countries. I'm an ordinary guy from Russia, I work as a finance director for an oilfield services company. We have a vacation 28 days a year. 7 holidays per year.
 My day usually starts with the fact that I wake up 1.5 hours before work, drink coffee, shave, do a nice hairstyle, wash up. After all this, I call a taxi and go to work. Work in our country is 8 hours and 1 hour for lunch, a total of 9 hours, but in our country, you usually eat in 15 minutes, and the rest of the time you work. After work, I sit and watch movies, TV series with my wife, or play PlayStation with friends online. On weekends, I usually get enough sleep, and my wife and I go for a walk, go to some restaurant, used to go hiking, but now we live where there are no places where you can go hiking.

And how is life in your country? If possible, write down your week

I apologize for the broken English

It varies for different kind of people.
Okay, let's use the case of a normal adult in my country. The day of some people start very early and end very late. For some food vendors, they wake up as early as 4, 5am. And for most citizens, there is really no fixed schedule for work as the shortage of white collar or corporate jobs have citizens either own a business or work menial jobs.
As for vacation, most of us don't have time for vacations; we don't even think about it. We see vacation as a luxury only the rich or people who have surplus can enjoy. We have to work, work and work to afford even the essential stuff as the economy is not so benefic to its citizens. Some even work on Sundays.
I'm Nigerian by the way

Title: Re: How is an ordinary person's week going in your country?
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 01, 2024, 11:55:50 AM
I came from African country, the life of an ordinary person here is nothing to write home about, if you have a job you are doing, you resume work by 8am in the morning and close by 5pm everyday, this happens from Monday to Friday in some firms or company Saturday, if you are been paid, the money won't be able to get all your basic needs because of high inflation in the nation, no much exercise because people think more of survival means than other routines, despite how the country is blessed people are ready to work but job aren't sufficient enough to accommodate up to 40% of the country population, recreation centers or gym centers charge a lot and because of this, the gym is meant for people that can afford it.