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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Tmoonz on December 30, 2023, 05:10:09 PM

Title: Depression
Post by: Tmoonz on December 30, 2023, 05:10:09 PM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: johnsaributua on December 30, 2023, 11:56:04 PM
I saw two incidents, it was an accident caused by carelessness, this habit should be paid attention to because the play period of children until they grow up maybe 17 years old can distinguish silly things that can endanger their lives from fun, the second habit is storing a vehicle or taking it out of the garage is long term, as long as he has a car :D, such small behavior should be paid attention to because bad things can happen at any time.

Suicide is very reflective of stupid things, the biggest mistake is to run away from reality and responsibility especially if it is caused by the perpetrator by committing a crime. if you think dwarf of course only panic about the situation, it should prevent and learn from the past is the benchmark.

Good or bad habits, thinking well and not thinking is something that should continue to be practiced because no one can control it from birth so the baby seems to be a talent, the whole life will be faced with choices, between feelings and thoughts if they can sync up to conclude common sense, perform daily tasks in an orderly manner..

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: kotajikikox on December 31, 2023, 04:02:02 AM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.
Not all human has the capacity to handle situation and we even have our way of solving problems , the main problem here is that he had killed His own Son and we don't know if that is the only one he had so how could a father felt killing your only son? even accident or intentional yet he had taken His child life.

we cannot blame him for attempting to take His own life because if we will put our feet under their shoes? we will find this hard feelings.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: boyptc on December 31, 2023, 04:09:01 AM
That is sad and a father like him can't be blamed if he is feeling bad and want to take his own life. His family is his life.

His son is also his life and that is why there are fathers that cannot forgive themselves if something happens to their children whether it is by their fault or not.

They have a legitimate feeling that they are to be blamed because they are their parent.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: rodskee on December 31, 2023, 05:43:55 AM
Was wondering why a 2 year old can be under the car while the father is there ?
I hate to blame the situation because its already done but still this is carelessness , i have had
babies in our entire living but never that our kids got close to the car without any of us in
sight , meaning the children must be accompanied by parents all the time.
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.
Where is the mother? what does the mother doing while Her Husband in going into car?

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: btc78 on December 31, 2023, 05:50:37 AM
My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem.

It is hard to understand people who are suicidal because typically they have very different reasons as they experienced different kind of situations in their lives but someone who is suicidal typically does not have any hope anymore they do not see the future ahead of them anymore it is not about thinking that suicide is a solution to their problem but rather they just do not have the energy to continue anymore

They feel as though it is the end for them sometimes people who are suicidal also think that they are a burden to others hence why they think killing themselves would make their families be in a better state of mind it is complicated and hard to understand especially if you have never been in that situation i also used to wonder how sad can you be to want to take your life but i do not think people who are suicidal feels necessarily sad the word i would use to describe is resolved they have already accepted that this is their end of their life we should always help someone who is going through something in their life but know that sometimes your help is not enough to save them but it would still be nice to try

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Adreman23 on December 31, 2023, 10:30:30 AM
The father didn't intend to harm his child as everything was just an accident. However, if we look at it, he also bears responsibility for not checking his vehicle before driving, contributing to the incident. This may weigh heavily on his conscience, especially since his child died, leading him to contemplate taking his own life, unable to cope. In such situations, it's crucial for reminders, advice, and expressions of love from family, friends, and the spouse to help him combat depression. This kind of scenario is incredibly painful, and no father would remain unaffected in such a situation.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: peter0425 on January 01, 2024, 03:17:22 AM
I am a father , I don't know what will happen to me once this is my Son , have loved them since they are born and i  just a Glimpse I will be the one that kills them? how can i accommodate such feeling .

Sorry for what happened to Him but I wish he will find peace in mind and family as going forward not letting this happening again.

so sad that things like this needs to happen.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 01, 2024, 05:13:13 PM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life.
Suicidal thoughts are one of the consequences of a person who has anxiety and a depressed state of mind. The reason is obvious he blame himself for what happened and can't get over it which put him into this situation, he could be saved now but the regret will last long and mostly forever.

My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem.

Choose your words wisely, because you can't promise what will happen in the future and anybody can be broken mentally too.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: franky1 on January 01, 2024, 06:36:34 PM
suicide is the literal act of taking your own life and people do do it.

the problem of society is lack of attention to others whom are having negative thoughts.
there can be many circumstances people are having negative thoughts out of their control, where their only exit is the final exit

however even if you cannot escape the circumstances. there are ways to transform someones mindset to see circumstances differently, in a bearable way.

if people think a break in their relationship with others is a reason for suicide, they have to come to a realisation that even single people plod along through life and find reasons to be happy without the need of a relationship

if people think losing their home is a reason for suicide, they have to come to the realisation that even homeless people plod along through life and can reset and start again

if people think losing their child is a reason for suicide, they have to come to the realisation that even child-losing people plod along through life and can reset and start again

the hardest circumstance is those trapped in a disabled/in pain body. yet even stephen hawking managed to plod along through life

alot of people in depression think they are the only person in the world experiencing their circumstance and that their circumstance is unique to them and no one can feel like they feel.. they need to learn that over thousands of years of civilisation. every circumstance imaginable has been felt by others. they are not unique and others do come to the realisations that life moves on

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Vod on January 02, 2024, 02:16:47 AM
Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus

Religion increases depression.

Instead of living life, one believes they are blessed.  They look at other successful people and cannot understand why their god has forsaken them.

If you do not have faith, you are more likely to accept your situation.  Acceptance defeats depression.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: rodskee on January 02, 2024, 03:15:36 AM
My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem.

It is hard to understand people who are suicidal because typically they have very different reasons as they experienced different kind of situations in their lives but someone who is suicidal typically does not have any hope anymore they do not see the future ahead of them anymore
We are not sure about that, because some of them might be seeing the future but being
frustrated to what they can do or they can act towards that , meaning they are losing hopes if they can
still value tomorrow or will lose it forever like what happened in this thread that how can this father brings
back His Son from the dead, and that made him complete in frustrations.
it is not about thinking that suicide is a solution to their problem but rather they just do not have the energy to continue anymore

that may be true losing everything to look at so they don't wanna continue but also they
are not having support from the people surrounding them and that is what the importance of not letting
them down because the harder they carry is the more support they are looking.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 02, 2024, 06:45:36 PM
Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus

Religion increases depression.

Instead of living life, one believes they are blessed.  They look at other successful people and cannot understand why their god has forsaken them.

If you do not have faith, you are more likely to accept your situation.  Acceptance defeats depression.

I believe religions are created by the people to condition people and fit into living as a community in society but lately, its gone other way for the benefit of individuals and misinterpretation of the facts, bringing hate between other religions and keeping them fueled all way long so the few people can use the strategy to get what they want and let this stupid people to fight over stupid things.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: johnsaributua on January 02, 2024, 11:56:14 PM
Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus

Religion increases depression.

Instead of living life, one believes they are blessed.  They look at other successful people and cannot understand why their god has forsaken them.

If you do not have faith, you are more likely to accept your situation.  Acceptance defeats depression.

I believe religions are created by the people to condition people and fit into living as a community in society but lately, its gone other way for the benefit of individuals and misinterpretation of the facts, bringing hate between other religions and keeping them fueled all way long so the few people can use the strategy to get what they want and let this stupid people to fight over stupid things.
The existence of a picture of life in a state after death, teaching from each religion may have the same purpose. You see, when the love of assets, achievements and charity that exist in life, instinctively everyone will be afraid to lack to leave for their hard work. given a guarantee of peace of life but misused because it may be a devout background, even though it is due to conflict and depression that is experienced and responds to the brain with hallucinations and self-declarations.

Depression is from the saturation of a small problem that is experienced, a long time accumulates and when the brain response is a problem, it will be the toughest because it accumulates chaotic feelings in itself since a long time ago. the effect is gradual and this must be rehabilitated by yourself or the help of others, no matter how good and great it is, it's called a human brain response and feelings come randomly.

Indeed, all advocate doing more good in this world while still alive, and believing there is a beautiful place waiting is a good faith, but not for people who commit suicide, because they don't believe in God's destiny and then hope for God's protection and treatment after committing suicide, that's ridiculous :D

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Richbased on January 03, 2024, 04:07:46 AM
No matter how careful one is in life, we make mistakes and no matter how you try not to make a mistake you will still do someday. It was really an unfortunate incident that the man encountered and I know the feeling of losing something moreover a life as a matter of fact an only child. The pain parents go through losing an only child is almost equal to suicidal because the pain is unbearable but inasmuch as life is concerned, certain things happen for certain reasons so no matter the predicament, taking ones life that you didn't create is the worst show of foolishness and cowardice as nothing on earth should cause one to take their life.

Though the Bible and the story of Jesus should be left aside because everything was done in fulfilment of the scriptures because even before Judas betrayed Christ, he already told his disciples that one among them will betray him so even if I wasn't Judah, one among the disciples would have still been the victim just to fulfill the scriptures and the feeling of receiving a prophecy and at the end you find yourself in such a situation is really unimaginable but however, taking ones life shouldn't be an option.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: SheepStick on January 03, 2024, 11:23:19 AM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.
For some reason it seems to me that the story is real

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 03, 2024, 05:47:30 PM

Depression is from the saturation of a small problem that is experienced, a long time accumulates and when the brain response is a problem, it will be the toughest because it accumulates chaotic feelings in itself since a long time ago. the effect is gradual and this must be rehabilitated by yourself or the help of others, no matter how good and great it is, it's called a human brain response and feelings come randomly.

Indeed, all advocate doing more good in this world while still alive, and believing there is a beautiful place waiting is a good faith, but not for people who commit suicide, because they don't believe in God's destiny and then hope for God's protection and treatment after committing suicide, that's ridiculous :D

Depression is a medical condition, just like having a heart problem which we can't help ourselves and can't blame why it happened.

Suicide is a delicate subject that I will never make fun of them because we can't feel their situation until we feel that. Religions and what ever are here to help the people to be more socialize so the chances of opening to others will help them and that is not the situation anymore.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: johnsaributua on January 03, 2024, 09:42:15 PM

Depression is a medical condition, just like having a heart problem which we can't help ourselves and can't blame why it happened.

Yes, everyone has the potential to experience depression from stress and circumstances, if it has not already happened, according to me by enjoying life and increasing piety in their respective beliefs is very appropriate, because worshiping God is a very powerful meditation, in calming yourself. Also medical support about this disease, because between triggers and healing it must be run together.

There is still plenty of time to improve yourself rather than regretting being affected by diseases that come from bad human habits themselves including depression. if you grow awareness of something that is experienced, sometimes depression arises from over thinking even though the reality is not necessarily the case, is there anyone around you who is experiencing this?

By the way, exercise and adequate rest can cause calmness, happy hormones and relieve stress and depression, of course it must be regular.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: acener on January 04, 2024, 06:34:52 PM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.
Sometimes even if they are still alive, they might already be dead on the inside.
They might be around but deep inside they are already giving up, they just keep on going because they need to.
They just keep on because they know that commiting suicide is passing their heavy feelings to the ones that care for them.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Ravichnadra on January 05, 2024, 02:06:16 AM
Oh Lord!

It's heart-wrenching.

This is an incredibly tragic and heart-wrenching story. Accidents like this are devastating, and I can only imagine the pain and guilt the man must have felt upon realizing what had happened.

The question about taking one's life is a deeply complex issue. People can experience overwhelming despair, pain, or mental health struggles that might lead them to consider such a drastic step. Mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, PTSD, or bipolar disorder, among others, can significantly impact someone's thoughts and emotions, making it incredibly challenging to see a way out.

While many believe that taking one's life doesn't solve problems, for someone in the depths of despair, the pain might feel insurmountable, clouding their ability to perceive alternative solutions or envision a future beyond the suffering.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Natsuu on January 05, 2024, 10:34:08 AM
That's a really sad story. It's true, life can be tough, but taking your own life isn't the answer. It's important to reach out for help and talk to someone. Forgiveness can be powerful, and there's always a chance for things to get better. It’s easier said than done but let’s always give it a try to continue living.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Captain50 on January 09, 2024, 03:47:22 PM
This is a very important bad habit and the reason is that when you are in depression you can't do any work and you can't concentrate on any work and you can't treat your family well.  You don't get peace by going places, you don't get peace by doing anything

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on January 22, 2024, 04:22:13 PM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.

What a sad one, is very painful seeing one child die in this manner that is unintentional. This man if proper care is not take will have psychological problem, but let me assured you base on the society we found ourselfs many will not see it as accident but will interpret it as ritual, mostly if is a man that is well to do financially, forgot that situation like this can happen to anyone. Just that the man lack safety ,this is great lesson one must learn to apply in all cost, some time it could be any even when the car is park in a safe place there are many things to check before moving a car.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Vod on January 22, 2024, 10:55:16 PM
Driving over children is very common.   All drivers should get in the habit of walking around their vehicle.,h_500,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/7115fb_6f6366f931e1481a976a2d00ffaa7e4c~mv2.jpg

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Samlucky O on January 23, 2024, 02:13:17 AM
Indeed it's a good idea to check and double check and double check cars before driving to avoid damaging something very important. This particular scenario has happened in my formal place of work, where a workers ignorantly slept off under a trailer in a noisy environment, the owner of the vehicle never knew that someone is under his trailer. He started his vehicle and zoomed off and immediately smashed that person before people could noticed, it's already late. So it's a sign of always being observative in other not to put yourself into trouble.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Romeotom on January 23, 2024, 05:31:28 PM
It is a small thing in human life so to keep yourself always ready from depression go to different places with friends. Always keep yourself busy in different activities then bad thoughts will not stop you. Depression can have different forms in a person's life but everything has a good management that if you follow you can easily get rid of depression.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Reatim on January 24, 2024, 05:10:33 AM
If I am the guy , I have committed suicide the moment I find my child dead because of Me, this how weak I am when it comes to kids specially mine?

Sorry for His lost but this may serve us a lesson to walk over the premises first , under the car and near the car before even opening the door.
that will save everyone not only kids but all even animals to never run into .

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Ricardo11 on January 26, 2024, 03:38:39 AM
The child lost his life because of that person's carelessness. Many people die in accidents every year just because of carelessness. Care should always be taken to create a healthy and beautiful environment, especially when driving on the road we should take utmost care. And we should also keep children safe Because accidents can happen at any time.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Roland_King on February 23, 2024, 02:40:01 AM
Depression is a very bad habit.  What people come to you without asking.  Depression makes people restless.  Human thinking can be destroyed.  He cannot concentrate properly on any task.  People fall into a depression after a breakup.  I think every person suffers from depression due to something or the other.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: nngella on February 24, 2024, 11:45:09 AM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.

Depression is a mental illness.  Let us not sugar coat it nor undermine it.  It does exist.  Even though it does not happen to you, it can happen to other people.  Depression is an illness and not just a state of mind or something that can be brushed off.  Depressed people need medication and clinical help.  Avoid commenting on them as if their status is just a walk in the park and can easily be cured.  Your friend needs medical attention.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Claymore2 on February 25, 2024, 03:30:17 PM
Oh no! It's so sad. Imagine how terrible the man must have felt after the accident. Deciding to end your own life is really hard. Mental health problems like depression or anxiety can make it seem like there's no other way out. Some say suicide isn't the answer, but when you're in such pain, it's hard to see any other option.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: MissNonFall9 on March 15, 2024, 04:33:00 AM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.
We live in a world with certain limitations. We never fully get what we want and sometimes we get more than what we want. That is all these things do not depend on us they are given by the Creator. Our birth death and marriage are pre-ordained by our creator so we have nothing to do about it. So when he saw that he had killed his son unknowingly suicide was not the solution for him, because he had more family members and the responsibility of managing them on him. So the solution is to accept the situation and move forward to do something better. But we have to be aware of every action.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Volimack on March 15, 2024, 06:25:58 AM
It is usually not right to blame the person as it was an accident. No father can ever kill his own child. But one mistake was to check the underside of the car before driving. Then maybe this accident could have been avoided. What will happen to those suffering from depression now? Birth and death are completely in the hands of God. It is a disaster for your life.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: bitterguy28 on March 15, 2024, 11:34:41 AM
It is usually not right to blame the person as it was an accident. No father can ever kill his own child. But one mistake was to check the underside of the car before driving. Then maybe this accident could have been avoided. What will happen to those suffering from depression now? Birth and death are completely in the hands of God. It is a disaster for your life.

I think this latest news about ODA family from Honolulu Hawaii who killed His wife , and 3 children before killing Himself , though there are taxes and some debt involved , i believe that this is also depression .
this is a serious case that needs attention because there are so much lives that has been taken by this sickness.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Orekelewa Ade on March 18, 2024, 07:46:03 PM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life? for me i will say nothing will ever make me take my life because taken ones life doesn't solve the problem or bring permanent solution to the problem. Judah Iscariot was the first man that took his life because he betrayed his master Jesus, don't you think his master would have forgiven him if not that he took his life? For those  that are car owners please when parked at a spot before driving out always check the under of your car. what are your thoughts and opinions about this story.
At this point of his life it will only take the grace of God for him to be him self again.
Considering the fact that he ran over his own child to death it is really devastating it will take him time to forgive himself that’s if he really will, I feel sober for the family this is really heartbreaking
Not everyone can handle this fact it’s really not easy,depression is real , there’s every reason for him to feel like killing himself it’s really a heartbreak for him at same time not the right solution. Tho it’s not everyone that gets to handle depression.
But thank God he has his family to lean on and they’ll have to stand by him else he won’t get rid of the thoughts of ending his life

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: rodskee on March 19, 2024, 03:49:55 AM
Driving over children is very common.   All drivers should get in the habit of walking around their vehicle.,h_500,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/7115fb_6f6366f931e1481a976a2d00ffaa7e4c~mv2.jpg

Sad truth mate, just recently My neighbor drove over a 3 year old child whos playing
outside their gate and yes the young girl died instantly . now he is facing case and now behind
bars for couple of days now..

this will be the lesson he will never forget since he also had 3 year old daughter .

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Tmoonz on March 19, 2024, 12:36:51 PM
It is usually not right to blame the person as it was an accident. No father can ever kill his own child. But one mistake was to check the underside of the car before driving. Then maybe this accident could have been avoided. What will happen to those suffering from depression now? Birth and death are completely in the hands of God. It is a disaster for your life.

Yes your right, the truth is that one needs to be safety conscious at all time safety should be our watch word in every days of our lives, yes is an awfully feeling when traped in such situation and if  you are not the one it happened to you might not really understand what the person is going through at that moment, the trauma of thinking about the fact that you killed you own child unknowingly can be very devastating, one just needs to very careful.

Title: Re: Depression
Post by: Pi-network314159 on March 22, 2024, 02:22:36 PM
A man came back from work for lunch as usually, when it was time for him to go back, unknowingly to him that his two years old son was under his car, as he drove he heard a voice and when he checked it was his son and before getting to the nearest hospital the child gave up. If not for a close check on him by the his family members he should have been a dead man now because he attended taken his life. My question now is, can anything necessarily make you  take your life?
I can't kill myself because of accident. Accident is just an unfuseen circumstances that occurred unaware. and when it happens people should try to understand that it is a natural coccurences which need to be understood and taken care of peacefully.

In noshell we should be safety conscious of checking around the cars before driving out before destroying something reasonable to us expecially human life. And this is applicable to other aspects . Couples of weeks ago a motor boy of a trailer was sleeping under a trailer unknowing to his driver that the boy is still under the trailer he moved the trailer and crushed the motor boy. So it is obvious that it happens bothwith the children and adults.