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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Funke on January 02, 2024, 04:41:27 PM

Title: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Funke on January 02, 2024, 04:41:27 PM
Ethics is a part of philosophy that investigates the principles of morality and the social , and religious rules of conduct. It deals with the questions of rightness and wrongness of man's conduct social , religious and political conducts and the issues of idealness towards which individuals works.

What are the actual reasons reas  separate  right from wrong ? These are some of the questions with which ethics premises itself with.

The greater question for Politics is to discover not what Government implement as perceived right but, what they ought to be done as right according to the needs of the people, the nexious between ethics and Politics is clear, in every political discourse the question may be raised whether it is right or wrong.

 And, if we agree with the social saying that, that which is morally wrong cannot be politically right.

we can outrightly say that Politics is conditioned by ethics. Political theory is concerned with the end of the State, by this, the state defines the rights and wrongs of individuals,  the functions of government , the relations of State with other States.

Every of these stipulations has a moral aspect but, they are coined according to the collective interest of a certain class. The end of the State is formulated by the greatest political thinkers and politicians that willed power to themselves in terms of moral values.

For instance, the State comes into existence for the reason of good life. The State exists to promote social good on the largest possible scale , through which individual interest is imposed:

if that objective is to be achieved, the State has moved progressively to the  recognition the  fundamental and legal rights of the state political system, both the economic and private rights of individuals ; the reason of these rights is the membership of man in society and the moral order which underlines social relations.

The Government may propose to pass laws prohibiting social Political deviations . Is it right ?. It is actually right but, sometimes such prohibitions are acts of economic competition among elites of states, as such it becomes morally wrong.

The question of moral ethics in state politics has been a premise of political discussions between the realists and the idealists.

The realists believes that, secular politics does not concern itself with morality or the question of right, this is so because personal ambition and interest takes a central stage ahead of the wellbeing of the state. Idealists on the other side said, state politics and governance should be guided by the consciousness of right and wrong decision making.

What do you think, should we forget ethics in the game of politics to meet our ambitions?

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Dunamisx on January 02, 2024, 05:15:03 PM
A person that lacks good moral character shouldn't be fit in for participating in politics because this is something that has to do with leading other people and as a leader, you must leave by example, the people you are expected to lead through will depend on you to deliver upto their expectations and if you're also lacking behind in good morals, that alone is a bad character that will affect the people and the leader's performance to them because things will not be well balanced.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: legiteum on January 03, 2024, 12:26:10 AM
What do you think, should we forget ethics in the game of politics to meet our ambitions?

Politics is based on a conception of ethics. So you couldn't actually do that even if you tried...

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: btc78 on January 03, 2024, 06:03:58 AM

The greater question for Politics is to discover not what Government implement as perceived right but, what they ought to be done as right according to the needs of the people

It is like what they say just because it is not ethical, it does not necessarily make it illegal in the eyes of the law and politicians who make these laws would have this to consider

What do you think, should we forget ethics in the game of politics to meet our ambitions?

Politics is based on a conception of ethics. So you couldn't actually do that even if you tried...

I would disagree i mean if we are just talking about hypothetical situation then ethics should really be the center of politics but in today’s time wherein we are being led by the most corrupt individuals whose only purpose is to gain money and power by the means of the people can we still say that it is impossible to put ethics aside when dealing with politics?

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: legiteum on January 03, 2024, 06:31:14 AM
What do you think, should we forget ethics in the game of politics to meet our ambitions?

Politics is based on a conception of ethics. So you couldn't actually do that even if you tried...

I would disagree i mean if we are just talking about hypothetical situation then ethics should really be the center of politics but in today’s time wherein we are being led by the most corrupt individuals whose only purpose is to gain money and power by the means of the people can we still say that it is impossible to put ethics aside when dealing with politics?

There's no "should" about this: ethics is at the center of politics whether you like it or not. Every single political question is ultimately an ethical question.

And if you mean we should ignore the ethics of individual politicians (say viz. the one that's been indicted 91 times running for president), that's up to voters, but that decision is absolutely an ethical e.g. do you identify with a criminal or not. Trump's voters presumably think it's great he's allowed to grab women wherever and whenever he wants, great that he got to swindle people out of their retirement savings, and so on. That reaction to his character is absolutely an ethical one.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Natsuu on January 03, 2024, 07:52:20 AM
Ignoring ethics in politics for personal ambitions can mess up how things run. When leaders put their own gain above what's right, it might bring short-term wins but could mess things up in the long run for everyone. Ethics gives a guide on making decisions that actually care about the people. There should be a middle ground between ambition and doing what's right is key to making sure leaders act responsibly, keep public trust, and build a society that's fair and just.:)

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: DeathAngel on January 03, 2024, 09:55:38 AM
Morality & ethics are obviously important in politics because they provide a framework for decision making that ensures fairness, justice & the well being of society. Without them politicians may prioritise personal gain over the common good. Morality & ethics foster trust & credibility in the political system as citizens expect their leaders to act with integrity & uphold ethical principles. Morality & ethics guide politicians in addressing complex issues such as social inequality or environmental sustainability with compassion & responsibility. Overall they are essential for promoting a just & harmonious society.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Gozie51 on January 03, 2024, 10:09:07 AM
The underlining factor of the economy is politics and if you take away ethics in politics, you are going to see routiness in the system of governance and that is exactly what is going on now. It is not a surprise that politics is wrongly practiced in most of the country as it has corrupted the fabric of economic growth.

The question is, is there a way that ethics will be brought back to politics? If this were possible then I would say there is hope to correct certain things but the people in government have taken personal decision to embezzle instead of keeping collective stand to uphold and improve on state resources.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Obim34 on January 03, 2024, 02:17:15 PM
Morality & ethics are obviously important in politics because they provide a framework for decision making that ensures fairness, justice & the well being of society. Without them politicians may prioritise personal gain over the common good. Morality & ethics foster trust & credibility in the political system as citizens expect their leaders to act with integrity & uphold ethical principles. Morality & ethics guide politicians in addressing complex issues such as social inequality or environmental sustainability with compassion & responsibility. Overall they are essential for promoting a just & harmonious society.
The question is, do our politicians still practice this ethics and morality? Politics is now a dirty game now difficult for a man with good ethics to get into position if at all this politicians are moral enough then the world will be a better place, no war, no enmity between countries and no disregarding of ones religion despite the diversity.

If only Politics is framed by ethics like you said then the world would have become a much better place, the number of poor citizens will be reduced by 70% in each country and the world would have been more advanced that it is currently. where their is unity among our leaders in each country's then we expect nothing than Peace and progress.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 08, 2024, 08:18:18 PM
Ethics is a part of philosophy that investigates the principles of morality and the social , and religious rules of conduct. It deals with the questions of rightness and wrongness of man's conduct social , religious and political conducts and the issues of idealness towards which individuals works.

What are the actual reasons reas  separate  right from wrong ? These are some of the questions with which ethics premises itself with.

The greater question for Politics is to discover not what Government implement as perceived right but, what they ought to be done as right according to the needs of the people, the nexious between ethics and Politics is clear, in every political discourse the question may be raised whether it is right or wrong.

 And, if we agree with the social saying that, that which is morally wrong cannot be politically right.

we can outrightly say that Politics is conditioned by ethics. Political theory is concerned with the end of the State, by this, the state defines the rights and wrongs of individuals,  the functions of government , the relations of State with other States.

Every of these stipulations has a moral aspect but, they are coined according to the collective interest of a certain class. The end of the State is formulated by the greatest political thinkers and politicians that willed power to themselves in terms of moral values.

For instance, the State comes into existence for the reason of good life. The State exists to promote social good on the largest possible scale , through which individual interest is imposed:

if that objective is to be achieved, the State has moved progressively to the  recognition the  fundamental and legal rights of the state political system, both the economic and private rights of individuals ; the reason of these rights is the membership of man in society and the moral order which underlines social relations.

The Government may propose to pass laws prohibiting social Political deviations . Is it right ?. It is actually right but, sometimes such prohibitions are acts of economic competition among elites of states, as such it becomes morally wrong.

The question of moral ethics in state politics has been a premise of political discussions between the realists and the idealists.

The realists believes that, secular politics does not concern itself with morality or the question of right, this is so because personal ambition and interest takes a central stage ahead of the wellbeing of the state. Idealists on the other side said, state politics and governance should be guided by the consciousness of right and wrong decision making.

What do you think, should we forget ethics in the game of politics to meet our ambitions?

OP, we need ethics and morals in political activity in the society that we live in as you said because it will help us to grow and achievable the will of politics itself, politics is not meant to be what people call it, most politicians see politics as a game that where the get it wrong, this push them to devise a means to outshine their opponents with tricks available, politics was not a do or die a fair but it become a do or die a fair when political offices was meant to be a lucrative office where money is made in daily bases with bills that never existed, Mark it, if political office is be positioned in a way that money is not made from it, people will find those offices less attractive.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Hispo on February 11, 2024, 12:56:20 AM
The underlining factor of the economy is politics and if you take away ethics in politics, you are going to see routiness in the system of governance and that is exactly what is going on now. It is not a surprise that politics is wrongly practiced in most of the country as it has corrupted the fabric of economic growth.

The question is, is there a way that ethics will be brought back to politics? If this were possible then I would say there is hope to correct certain things but the people in government have taken personal decision to embezzle instead of keeping collective stand to uphold and improve on state resources.

To be honest, To me it feels kind of unfair to talk in general about politics and ethics when in reality there are countries with do better than others when comes to keeping an strict code of ethics which their politicians are supposed to follow and keep in consideration during their time in public office. For example, we can take a look at the example of the recently expelled from congress, George Santos. He as politician is the antithesis of what ethics in politics are supposed to do, the ethics committee of the House of Representative of the United States started an investigation on him, and finally got kicked out by his own former colleagues. That is the type of scandal one is not supposed or expected to find in other countries which are considered to be pretty much democratic, like Japan or the Republics of the European Union.
The ethics and the way it is enforced and kept in the public eye of voters pretty much depends on the country we talk about. Unfortunately, in the West is easier for anyone in a position of power to find loopholes and avoid being held into account for debious acts.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: Zanab247 on February 11, 2024, 04:10:34 AM
If you ignore morality and ethics in your political career, it will definitely affect you in so many ways in politics, so you need moral in anything you are doing in politics to be able to achieve your goal through out in your political career in the society.

 Ethics is another important tool we use to win people hearts in the time of campaign for any political party that want to dominate in the society during the election period because, you need to know the type of people you want to play politics with and you need to know what will make them happy to make you their leader when the right time of choosing a potential leaders by voting is on ground because, the voters will vote wisely to the person they knew very well with a good moral.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: MegameSama on February 11, 2024, 03:51:50 PM
That's how it should be, ethics above everything. but what is happening now is the opposite, the interests of his group are more important than the interests of the general public and ethics are probably in the order of 900++ lol. I really hate politics, it's too rotten, it smells like carrion, what's more, their mouths smell like lies, especially politicians in my country, everything is really rotten, all the rules have been changed, laws have been revised, corruption is everywhere. longing for a time when politics still held ethics.

Title: Re: Why do we Need Morality and Ethics in Politics in our Society?
Post by: iBaba on February 11, 2024, 03:53:30 PM
What do you think, should we forget ethics in the game of politics to meet our ambitions?

You see, what I understand about ethics and morality is that they are intertwined in a way that you cannot be a leader without having the ethics and morality to lead people by example. A priority should be placed on exemplary leadership. Exemplary leadership is the kind of leadership that you need to lead people in the best standards that one can ever aspire to in life.

I also want to mention that leadership starts at home. Just like charity begins at home, as a leader, you must be able to culturally and morally train your family in a way that they will positively contribute to society. Before you think of becoming a leader, you must address this issue because that is the problem we have today. We find leaders from disregarded family backgrounds, and nobody is even talking about it. Nobody is talking about where they come from, but what we're interested in is just somebody who can campaign around, bring out many crowds, or who is only protecting their own personal interests, either as politicians, businesspeople, or citizens.

My own standard of choosing a leader revolves around the character, morality, and ethics of that person as a politician before I support them as my preferred choice. I carefully check their activities and antecedents in their community, their political engagements, and their impact on society at large. I observe how their children and their neighborhood respond to their character, and what ethical values they are providing to society.

Take an example from the likes of Nelson Mandela; these are leaders who portray character, morality, and ethics in politics. Exemplary leadership is one that leads by example, a leader that you would be proud to have your child emulate, not a leader that is corrupt. These are some of the characteristics that you should look for in whoever you decide to represent you.

Representative leadership is different from any other kind of leadership. This is not monarchy; this is not barbarism; this is the modern era. You choose a leader by example, a leader who can represent you in terms of ethics, morals, character, and the right behavior that you need to instill in yourself, your children, and future generations. So, the stories of these leaders are told even in their absence, and children learn by example. This is the kind of leadership I advocate for.

With that being said, character, morality, and ethics are some of the most fundamental components of leadership, and those are the things that you must consider before choosing the right leader. Thank you.