Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: tjtonmoy on January 05, 2024, 04:59:10 PM

Title: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: tjtonmoy on January 05, 2024, 04:59:10 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: franky1 on January 05, 2024, 05:49:30 PM
developing a mindset to not wastefully spend comes first.
accumulating it comes second, and then having a mindset to have money but not need to spend it

i personally could walk into a car dealership and buy a fleet of new cars, but i prefer just the experience of walking in and admiring cars but knowing i dont need to buy them.

i dont need to live a flashy lifestyle just to show off to the neighbours. why waste my money to impress others. when they are not going to help out with the costs

if you have the mindset you need to buy something to look trendy, .. stop. other people dont care after their 5minute admiration, they then move on with their own lives

if i need a car, i admire the new models, but then id go and get a previous year model with same functionality for less. after all who cares if the car is 1 day old or 1 year old or 10 years old. as long as it drives, thats all a car needs to do. all cars can look good with a bit of soap and water. so why waste paying premium for new, to just lose 40% driving it out the dealership.

buying 7 new cars to show off to neighbours that i have a car for each day of the week costing $60k+ x7
selling them each year at 40k each. to then buy new again (losing $140k) purity for vanity, is a fools method to not remain rich

id rather spend $15k on one average car that lasts me 6 years. (losing under $1k a year when selling it for $9k on year 6)
which then free's up hundreds of thousands

in short.. dont buy for vanity/trends/fashion statement/admiration

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Solokan on January 06, 2024, 03:03:52 AM
Everyone certainly has different ways of achieving success, although the methods are different, but of course there are many people who succeed and become successful. For me personally, in achieving success, the first thing is always health which comes first and the second thing is knowledge which comes first and don't. It's easy to give up if there are obstacles, namely having to keep fighting and learning from mistakes. 3. Don't get business capital from loan proceeds because for me personally I don't feel comfortable using loan business capital. 4th, only buy things that are most needed and if you want to buy a car there must also be benefits. The point is to buy a car because it is for business purposes because if you buy a car not for business purposes, of course you will lose money because the cost of servicing the car is of course very expensive, but if you just go out once. going on holiday by car is certainly no problem because we also need entertainment and fun so that our brains don't get stressed. The to 5, in my opinion, must be a business according to our hobby because if our run a business according to our hobby it will make us comfortable and we will enjoy the business process we are running.

6th, of course you have to save and invest and of course you have to have emergency costs because without emergency costs it's not good because it will affect the progress of the business we run.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Despairo on January 06, 2024, 03:41:28 AM
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
This is wrong, if you become an influencer who show your wealthy to everyone in social medias, you will gain fame, many projects want you become their brand ambassador or promoting their projects in your content, and you will make money from it. You don't have to be rich, you can take a loan or borrow your friends luxury stuff, just claim you own that, to make people believe in you.

Nowadays it's really easy to make money, but it's really really hard to protect your privacy.

Fake it, until you make it.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Churchillvv on January 06, 2024, 03:52:52 AM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

I don't know if you mean the forum success or success in life generally. These rules are always the same! It's almost same thing Franky1 said earlier but I made my owns rules but if you're not okay with it you can still make some research on Google.

1. Manage your time: time management is the first rule or advice anyone can give you as to what you need to be successful. Though I'm not successful yet, I apply this rule, and it helps me reach my target. so I believe it will help you too.

2. Avoid luxury: If you ain't rich yet, you don't need those luxuries. example of luxury, flashy cars, expensive clothes, etc.; in fact, anything that will probably impress your folks should be avoided because they are the unnecessary expenses that take up your savings.

3. Go for only the essential things: Whatever you wish to acquire, as long as you are still striving to be rich, you should cut down and only go for what is really necessary for you to live.

4. Go for knowledge: Always consider yourself ignorant and learn from people. Read books because that is where knowledge lies, and it's one of the hobbies of the rich, so build up that habit.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: franky1 on January 06, 2024, 03:58:53 AM
Fake it, until you make it.

if you can fake it for free is the stipulation
EG just turn up to a mansion on a 'open day' viewing and pretend its yours..
EG stand beside a nice car in the streets parked up, and pretend its yours

but dont take out a loan.. thats even worse then spending your own money to please others
at very most, just airbnb a mansion for a night. rent a sports car for a day, economy flight to a exotic weekend

if you want to be a successful influencer.. learn about what you are trying to promote and learn who your viewership is
if you want to entertain people about a certain topic. LEARN THE TOPIC
become creatively knowledgeable about the subject and monetise your knowledge

dont take out loans to present the rich life of a clean mansion if you are then trying to sell a kitchen sink scrubdaddy sponge
instead find a grotty dilapidated empty home on an open day and scrub that kitchen sink clean on camera

4. Go for knowledge: Always consider yourself ignorant and learn from people. Read books because that is where knowledge lies, and it's one of the hobbies of the rich, so build up that habit.
not so much
if you play ignorant you stay ignorant. as evidenced dozens of times by what i refer to idiots on this forum

to gain knowledge is the show of willingness to learn. not ignoring/playing dumb and staying in that zone

how i became successful is by not to just following the sheep rhetoric/advice. but seek out the meaning of things behind the advice
EG in trading. when influencers shout "buy" learn quickly they want idiots to pump,so the influencer can dump
no one shouts out their plan as it then forms competition. so they shout out the opposite of the plan to benefit from ignorance so the influencer can get better deals at other peoples losses

there is no point in faking/showing off a lavish lifestyle because apart from emotional "wow well done" you wont receive income from just presenting a rich life. you actually have to put effort into things.
many idiots hear how celebrities get free stuff. so idiots fake being rich hoping to get free stuff. but if you search the internet of stories told by businesses about idiot influencers cold calling businesses saying "gimme something and ill get you 'likes'" most businesses these days just laugh and hang up

if you are putting luxuries on credit cards/taking out loans just to appear rich to fake it.. the admiration from viewers wont pay the interest payments at the end of the month.. you actually have to learn something and provide something others want to buy from you, even advertisers prefer youtubers that provide proper content, not snobby lifestyles

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Churchillvv on January 06, 2024, 04:14:59 AM
4. Go for knowledge: Always consider yourself ignorant and learn from people. Read books because that is where knowledge lies, and it's one of the hobbies of the rich, so build up that habit.
not so much
if you play ignorant you stay ignorant. as evidenced dozens of times by what i refer to idiots on this forum

to gain knowledge is the show of willingness to learn. not ignoring/playing dumb and staying in that zone
Considering yourself ignorant I mean isn't playing dumb but being open to learn from any person regardless of their prestige.

I believe I must have met such people you talk about here in the forum too but some people just believe it's probably best ignoring and learning silently, hence won't p stay in that zone but wouldn't act like the know.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Poker Player on January 06, 2024, 04:58:24 AM
What a load of influencer bullshit.

Youtube videos about money tend to pay better than in other areas, than if you talk about flowers or chess for example. That's why you find a lot of videos on how to get rich, and financial advice in general, some with useful tips and others, like these, with a lot of bullshit that is useless.

If you want to get rich, you'd better follow a proven method, starting by spending less than you earn, and increasing income, leaving you with immunity and desire bullshit.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Despairo on January 06, 2024, 05:14:14 AM
but dont take out a loan.. thats even worse then spending your own money to please others
at very most, just airbnb a mansion for a night. rent a sports car for a day, economy flight to a exotic weekend

if you want to be a successful influencer.. learn about what you are trying to promote and learn who your viewership is
if you want to entertain people about a certain topic. LEARN THE TOPIC
become creatively knowledgeable about the subject and monetise your knowledge
Take out a loan looks not good, but if they can earn more why not? similar to a business that taking out a loan even though they can start from small and making it bigger. This is called as personal branding, you need to always catch up the new trends in order to gain fame.

It's easy to be a successful influencer, just copy Andrew Tate's life aka Alpha male.

Create a video about escape the matrix, explain why school and fiat are scams.
Create a video about luxury lifestyle with many porn stars.
Create a video about trading, show your fake earnings.
Create a video how productive you're, show how healthy you eat, gym activity, sleep early, etc.

You will gain a lot followers, you can monetize your Youtube videos, you will get endorsement from many projects.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: iBaba on January 06, 2024, 05:34:52 AM
This is true. I will partially agree with you. Being able to invest money or go into savings, it does come with a lot of commitment and sacrifice.

Commitment in the sense that you will need to stay true to the process. If you have made your decision to save or invest money, you will have to be committed into planning on the process it will take you to achieve that process.

Sacrifice in the sense that you will need to learn how to let some of your wants go in place of the investment and savings you need. We as human beings are majorly characterized by our level of fantasy and materialism, so no matter how much of the money you have, you will always have something to use it for which makes it extremely difficult to keep money for investment and savings. This is why it is totally out of sacrifice to be able to get rich.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: kentrolla on January 06, 2024, 06:39:16 AM
This s incorrect if you don't desire money you are going to make in future or the money we have or even money of other then from where will you get money?

I would say we should have mindset that we have to cater or provide services in return of which we should be paid and thats the simple strategy of any service oriented businesses around the world and with any desire for money you cannot even set up personal goals for growth as everything required financial planning and monetary targets are really important and if we don't desire money we make in future we cannot complete this task.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: batang_bitcoin on January 06, 2024, 07:14:16 AM
Most of the successful people that I've seen, they all have in common on what they say. And if you want to get rich, these are what they've said.

  • Find your passion and do it.
  • Solve problems
  • Don't chase money, help people with your service

Actually, there are so much more but that's the typical words that they always say.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Fiatless on January 06, 2024, 07:41:41 AM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
The definition of success is relative, which entails that everyone has a different definition of what success is. Some people feel that to be successful is to have lots of money that gives them the means to buy almost everything they want. But I don't see success in that light because it is not all about the money. I see success as setting a goal, pursuing and achieving it. So if I want to be a university graduate and I study hard to achieve that goal, I am successful.

Financially, success is the ability to provide all you need without borrowing or buying on credit. In this present economic era when most nations are going through serious economic problems if you can be able to pay for your basic needs, I think you are successful. To be successful you need to spend less than you earn. Focus on buying products that last longer and don't go for flashy but fragile products. Look for cheaper alternatives and try to look for discounted products. Seek other sources of income that will assist you in saving and invest your savings in a viable project.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: highalch on January 06, 2024, 07:41:58 AM
It's okay to chase money unless you get to the point where money chases you.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: bluebit25 on January 06, 2024, 08:20:57 AM
(...)How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

It seems that the above does not specifically explain the rules of wealth. To me, material aging is not simply having a lot of money. The story of a person who has hundreds of thousands of dollars in income from their business but still owes hundreds of millions of dollars in the bank :) , the goal motivates everyone to run after it and in many ways whether we can conquer it or not.

I once heard that wealth is literally balance, and I find that very convincing. Simple logic, people work to make money, but has anyone ever thought that by working without the purpose of making money, money will still come to them? Maybe many people will ask how? The answer is to solve it yourself? When money is not everything in life, there are many other things that exist, and we still need to harmonize it. I can recognize the meaning of money as very important in life, but not that means it makes us blindly search without understanding the meaning it serves for ourselves.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 06, 2024, 09:58:07 AM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
Working smart instead of working hard is the best thing to do here. We also need to focus on our goal and stay away from distractions. Nowadays, if you are not that smart you end up just losing all your money for nothing. Invest, hodl and harvest. That's the way it is to becaome successful but has to do it slowly and surely.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: gunhell16 on January 06, 2024, 10:51:52 AM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

What I like about what was said in the video is "Desire good work right now." This is a beautiful quotation, to be honest, as if it is no different from a farmer; he doesn't think about how much he can harvest on the day of the harvest itself.

Instead, the farmer's first thought is how to make his harvest good, and of course the soil must be properly tilled before it is planted with seeds. The same should be true of our cryptocurrency and Bitcoin business industries. So that the result of holding the assets we bought will also be good.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: btc78 on January 06, 2024, 11:07:35 AM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.

Pardon me i am quite confused what does desiring my own money mean? Is it wanting to spend the money i have? Well i do agree that we should control how we spend our money especially our desires for not so much needed things like luxuries but not desiring money at all will not really make you rich

If you live a simple life and is content with it you will not be desiring more which is good if that is your goal in life to live adequately with no problems but not too much excessive money

But for those who do desire money, they make sure to really work hard and do whatever it takes so they can get to the very top[/list]

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: mindrust on January 06, 2024, 11:28:49 AM
R. Kiyosaki talks about a similar concept in his famous book also.

The basic idea is: "Don't work for money."

If you work for money, you become a slave and slaves are employees.

People who run their own business, they don't work for money. Money works for them. It sounds stupid at first but when you dig it a bit more you'll understand what he is talking about. Every time you make a purchase, ask yourself this question: "Is this going to make money for me?" This one question will prevent you buying silly crap which you don't really need.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Gozie51 on January 06, 2024, 11:38:58 AM

  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

To achieve this you have to have passion for what you are doing. You have to love it first because if enjoy it then whether money comes out from it already you are already deriving joy from it and with no pressure the financial benefits will start coming up.

But if you don't have passion in what you are doing you may not build yourself against the hard times that is associated with every labour and by that you may give up. Therefore, it is important you like what you are doing. When you are doing something you have passion for, you are not really bothered how much you are paid for doing it but you will add more hard work if you are well paid for it. There nothing that beats getting paid heavily for what you know how to do.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: tjtonmoy on January 06, 2024, 12:04:14 PM

Pardon me i am quite confused what does desiring my own money mean? Is it wanting to spend the money i have? Well i do agree that we should control how we spend our money especially our desires for not so much needed things like luxuries but not desiring money at all will not really make you rich

The concept of not desiring your own money is simple. The next sentence proves it. A consumer is someone who buys goods and uses them but on the other hand, a producer creates opportunities, services or in simple words, creates goods to sell and accumulate profits. If you keep on spending your own money, you will be left with nothing one day. To be on the producer side, you need to create services in which you can use your own money or money from others to make more money.

Only spending what you get without finding a way to grow your money makes you a consumer. So don't desire your own money, instead, create services so that you can earn more money from others. This kind of mindset is what pushes you towards success.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 06, 2024, 12:13:32 PM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Being rich depends on your ability to make money which can be any and the all it need is to make money for you but what we do is doing job and get paid in salary which will never gonna make us rich and that is the thing needs to be changed at first.

Managing finance is what is lacking in people so they spend everything they earn and invest a portion for their retirement if they have some knowledge about how they can survive or else it won't even be the case.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Apocollapse on January 06, 2024, 12:44:22 PM
If you work for money, you become a slave and slaves are employees.

People who run their own business, they don't work for money. Money works for them. It sounds stupid at first but when you dig it a bit more you'll understand what he is talking about. Every time you make a purchase, ask yourself this question: "Is this going to make money for me?" This one question will prevent you buying silly crap which you don't really need.
I disagree with that, it sounds like become a professional/specialist (employees) can't able to get rich. You can, absolutely you can as long as you can delay your gratification until you have a lot money. The key is keep accumulating every cent and invest it, your money will growth.

Not everything you purchase can answer your question (is this going to make money for me), spend money to buy food and medical check up are two of many kind examples.

Sometime you need to spend money and you can't expect a return, spending for relationship for the example. You having a dinner, going to bar, hangout with someone in order to make a business or collaboration, but there's no guarantee your friend will want to have a business with you.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: bitLeap on January 06, 2024, 12:47:31 PM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
I can't answer that with certainty because this is just a matter of perspective, principles and it depends on each individual in achieving their true financial level. The true definition of being rich is still a mystery, but we definitely have our own benchmarks for being rich from different points of view. For example, having a source of income that flows steadily from various baskets is enough to illustrate that in that position I feel rich. But humans sometimes will not feel satisfied and want more and more. Ambition is endless unless you limit yourself and are able to control your mentality so as to minimize arrogance.

What I said regarding the perspective of rich people will be different from other people versions of rich people, because we each have our own share.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Hewlet on January 06, 2024, 12:47:53 PM
If you want to get rich

Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer
i will choose to subscribe to this one. If you want to get rich, you need to make the decision that any money you've set out as your savings or that you're using for your business is not to be tampered with. Treat it as though it is not your money. If for any reason you are pressures to take it, ensure you return it back as though you borrowed from it.

One thing that happens when we have some savings is that the temptation to become relaxed do set in because you will be tempted to assume that because you have some reserve fund, you can always get it to satisfy your immediate want.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: icalical on January 06, 2024, 12:57:40 PM
I think everyone has their own way that they think will work, I am the type of person who doesn't like getting into philosophical thing if it is unnecessary, so I never think about desiring money. What's work for me is arranging my priority, for me the only way to get rich investing and saving, and both can only be done if I can minimize my spending and spare some money to be saved and invested.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: boyptc on January 06, 2024, 01:34:07 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.
IMHO, there is a better term about becoming immune to money. That means that you're just going to avoid money even if it's coming to you?

With all of the validation that we are being surrounded through social media, everyone's thoughts become valid and words of wisdom when they think they're successful in life.

So rephrasing it, if you want to become rich, you need to be immune with challenges and problems because you know how to deal with them and turn them into opportunities.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: |MINER| on January 06, 2024, 01:49:41 PM
Success comes in different ways in everyone's life.  There are no set rules here, but if you really want to be successful, you need to understand the value of time.  Understand the value of money. If you don't value time, you will never achieve success.  Waste of money should be prevented.  Just because you have money, you should not waste it unnecessarily.  Let's be honest. And the present age is a strange age. We like to see more than what we have.  I don't know if there is any strategy in showing off. But nowadays people like to exaggerate what they have. Maybe there is a special benefit in it.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Essential10 on January 06, 2024, 05:00:33 PM
Success is not just about wealth. This is the chapter on achieving your goals, fulfilling your potential and finding happiness and fulfillment in your life. Success can come in many forms. The keys to success are hard work, perseverance, determination and a positive attitude. A commitment to setting a goal, overcoming obstacles and never giving up on your dreams. Success is a journey, not a destination, and it is something that everyone has the potential to achieve. While being rich can certainly contribute to a sense of success, it is not the only measure of it. Many people who are not rich are still successful in their own right because they have achieved their personal and professional goals and are satisfied with their lives.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: KingsDen on January 06, 2024, 05:12:38 PM
developing a mindset to not wastefully spend comes first.
accumulating it comes second, and then having a mindset to have money but not need to spend it

i personally could walk into a car dealership and buy a fleet of new cars, but i prefer just the experience of walking in and admiring cars but knowing i dont need to buy them.

i dont need to live a flashy lifestyle just to show off to the neighbours. why waste my money to impress others. when they are not going to help out with the costs

if you have the mindset you need to buy something to look trendy, .. stop. other people dont care after their 5minute admiration, they then move on with their own lives

if i need a car, i admire the new models, but then id go and get a previous year model with same functionality for less. after all who cares if the car is 1 day old or 1 year old or 10 years old. as long as it drives, thats all a car needs to do. all cars can look good with a bit of soap and water. so why waste paying premium for new, to just lose 40% driving it out the dealership.

buying 7 new cars to show off to neighbours that i have a car for each day of the week costing $60k+ x7
selling them each year at 40k each. to then buy new again (losing $140k) purity for vanity, is a fools method to not remain rich

id rather spend $15k on one average car that lasts me 6 years. (losing under $1k a year when selling it for $9k on year 6)
which then free's up hundreds of thousands

in short.. dont buy for vanity/trends/fashion statement/admiration
Thank you Franky1 for this advice. It is rare to get it for free. I see that you are a rare gem and a successful fellow. You have your principles and you follow them strictly and that is why you distinguished yourself from thousands of people even here in the forum. I admire you and from henceforth I'll keep following your advice and wealth of experience.

I could remember last year when there was much tension about the price of bitcoin. You maintained that bitcoin is opened within the window of 15k to 75k, that the price won't go below 15k and behold it happened. It was then I knew that you are so much endowed. Remain great Franky.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: alankasman on January 06, 2024, 07:02:46 PM

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
Understand money well and treat money properly. Don't get into debt. Make a good plan for money. Everything related to income and expenses is calculated wisely. I think that's the successful mindset of rich people.
Work, save. Keep repeating and riches will come.

What the influencer conveys to this source is only useful for him because he makes videos that are different from other influencers.
What is the goal for, money. If he succeeds in attracting an audience, he will not be rich from scratch because creating content requires money.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Mr.right85 on January 06, 2024, 09:32:57 PM
developing a mindset to not wastefully spend comes first.
accumulating it comes second, and then having a mindset to have money but not need to spend it
Everything one gets to archive in life always starts with developing a positive mindset. Without a positive mindset, you just might even get to make the money but, wouldn’t be able to utilize it in a way that, it would be sustainable. It would be exemplified in your second quote as at below,

i personally could walk into a car dealership and buy a fleet of new cars, but i prefer just the experience of walking in and admiring cars but knowing i dont need to buy them.
It takes about having these resources but choosing not to use it just as you wish. its a feeling that is relatable when compared with little things on my part because, I don’t think I am that worth yet for a fleet of cars.

Still, it defines your money or resource management skills, keeping people and there perspectives to your operations out while, you stay top of your game.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: macson on January 06, 2024, 10:02:55 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
why not everyone can become rich, because becoming rich is not easy, those who are rich today must have a good strategy and also work smartly so that whatever they want can be achieved easily. 

i have seen someone who does not have a higher education but he is able to earn $5k/month because the business he founded was successful, while I have also seen someone who has a higher education and also works in a good company only able to earn $2k/month. 

So it can be concluded that if we focus on a business that has good potential in the future then we have a great opportunity to become rich, being able to build a large business from scratch is not easy, but many have proven that it is not difficult either.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: franky1 on January 06, 2024, 11:11:01 PM
I could remember last year when there was much tension about the price of bitcoin. You maintained that bitcoin is opened within the window of 15k to 75k, that the price won't go below 15k and behold it happened. It was then I knew that you are so much endowed. Remain great Franky.

2021 was 10k 75k window of possible speculation
2022 was 15k 95k window of possible speculation
2023 was 18k 110k window of possible speculation
2024 is 28k 140k window of possible speculation so far (can move up if hashrate moves up to push the window up)

dont expect a $400k btc this year, thats all im saying.. unless hashrate 3x the current network level and speculation drama pumps to limit
dont expect a $16k btc again.. unless hashrate drops by 45% the current network level and speculation dumps to limit

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Ben Barubal on January 06, 2024, 11:30:32 PM
I could remember last year when there was much tension about the price of bitcoin. You maintained that bitcoin is opened within the window of 15k to 75k, that the price won't go below 15k and behold it happened. It was then I knew that you are so much endowed. Remain great Franky.

2021 was 10k 75k window of possible speculation
2022 was 15k 95k window of possible speculation
2023 was 18k 110k window of possible speculation
2024 is 28k 140k window of possible speculation so far (can move up if hashrate moves up to push the window up)

dont expect a $400k btc this year, thats all im saying.. unless hashrate 3x the current network level and speculation drama pumps to limit
dont expect a $16k btc again.. unless hashrate drops by 45% the current network level and speculation dumps to limit

  I didn't even understand the hashrate calculations that you say are the only ones I can say when you mentioned that it shouldn't really be high in bitcoin for this year. The 400 000 each might be able to spit out the coffee in my seat when it really happened this year.

  It's always been said here in our forum that it's too good to be true. We just have to stay in a situation with the fact that there is a real thing that will happen and not the impossible things that have no guarantee that will happen. In short, I agree with what you said, sir.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: STT on January 06, 2024, 11:37:29 PM
Simple take on that is money is not the destination its journey or means to acquire the things you want, really its only the language of trade.  Money itself especially loses value, there are far more valuable things to possess then just plain money.  Our whole FIAT system is based off debt more then value in the money especially so it seems the books written on tax efficient debt are probably closest to the truth of how to get rich and stay rich;  essentially you align yourself with the largest player in the game which is the central government and the Federal reserve when you do that it only needs small margins on the large amounts available to be essentially rich.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: poodle63 on January 07, 2024, 12:53:09 AM
i will be honest that i don't believe such discipline will bring about money what I believe though if you put in enough hard work and also at the same time quite lucky then you gonna get rich its as simple as that, maybe there ar some people that put hardwork also find opportunities but I always believe that luck also have strong role in this regard.
bill gate don't get rich if he were born in other part of the world like for example in other continent and also if his family is not well off enough, if you read the story of him from the very beginning i think you will know what I meant.
the thing is that, sometime getting rich you need to stumble upon best opportunitiy of your life so thats that. so how to increase luck of encountry such opportunitiy? by trying over and over and if it happens that you are unlucky enough to be trying over and over and still haven't stumble upon good opportunity then I guess there goes your chance of becoming rich and financially independent.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: mirakal on January 07, 2024, 01:25:58 AM
Getting rich does not mean that you have to be immune with your money but it should be to your passion on how to get rich. Working hard to make a decent income, investing in a huge potentials like bitcoin, trading, diversifying your investments, and by doing them consistently, you get rich in the process. But of course, before you decide to take risk in them, you have to build your foundation of knowledge so that you will have ideas on which should be the first step and the last step.

Getting rich is not actually to have a desire over the wealth of others but maybe it could be your best motivation so that you can also be at your best like them, but not showing off your wealth to others as it could be like you're bragging or being boastful of what you have.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: harapan on January 07, 2024, 03:16:39 AM
Individual financial lifestyles may vary largely,so they can live better lives indefinitely.
   Set life goals—big and small, financial and lifestyle—and create a blueprint for achieving those goals.

Living below your means can be a great feature to accumulate wealth.The future belongs to creators and not consumers;you see people that live below thier means,they don't spend money on irrelevant things,they don't spend money on the latest trends,always looking for ways to save and invest.By living below your means,you can allocate more money for upcoming and unforseen emergencies,retirements.
  You can living below your means by;

*Accessing your financial situation
*Making a budget
*Creating a financial plan
*Curb your spending
*Living frugally
*Improving your money mindset
*Making extra money
*Utilizing finance and resources

Living within or below your means is an important financial principle that can contribute to long-term financial stability and as well eliminates debt,by enabling you to stop owing and start owning;imagine the self esteem and happiness it puts you into.
  If you worry about your future financial security,here's a  financial habit or lifestyle you need to consider to be corrected or improved.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: mamesso on January 07, 2024, 03:32:03 AM
Many people know how to make money, but only a small percentage know how to use money properly. If you want to be immune to money, you have to know how to manage your finances properly, including multiplying your money in various ways that can be done as long as you can make money. Having passive income is very important in achieving your goals because having several sources of income can get you rich faster.

Controlling your desires will give you a greater chance of achieving a level of financial freedom. When you can afford something with the money you have, don't buy it just to impress other people. The best thing you can do is increase the amount of investment to build your wealth massively.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: franky1 on January 07, 2024, 04:51:22 AM
 I didn't even understand the hashrate calculations that you say are the only ones I can say when you mentioned that it shouldn't really be high in bitcoin for this year. The 400 000 each might be able to spit out the coffee in my seat when it really happened this year.

big asic farms dont pool hop on the whims of the daily market they also dont jump to altcoins when market prices dip
they are invested in hardware of 2 years life cycle and they buy electric contracts of GW on long term contracts too.. so essentially they are mining 24/7 long term no matter the market

when calculating these costs of mining at a value rate and a premium rate of electric+hardware. using not a daily hashrate to calculate asics on the network. but the hashrate averaged over a period. you can then ascertain these long term miners long term costs and calculate  how many coins they can earn over that time to get a rough average value-premium cost per btc.

the market has time and time again proven to wiggle and speculate within the value-premium numbers

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Y3shot on January 07, 2024, 05:11:12 AM
Their is no specific formula that makes people to be rich , but to become rich one have to be very hardworking,  so things the right way and be prepared to grab opportunities. Becoming rich one must learn how to be good manager of money and also learn how to invest money to generate more money. Nobody became rich without making any investment and becoming rich one has to learn how to spend money on reasonable things and not on things that do not matter.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: angrybirdy on January 07, 2024, 05:30:18 AM
Their is no specific formula that makes people to be rich , but to become rich one have to be very hardworking,  so things the right way and be prepared to grab opportunities. Becoming rich one must learn how to be good manager of money and also learn how to invest money to generate more money. Nobody became rich without making any investment and becoming rich one has to learn how to spend money on reasonable things and not on things that do not matter.

Additional to your statement, In order to become a rich person, you have to be hardworking, strategic and smart when it comes to deciding something. Many simple people have become rich and successful now, especially during the pandemic, one of their ways to get rich is by taking the heart of their consumers using their social media platforms especially now that digital marketing is popular, one of the ways to get rich is that we have to keep up with the trend and be more strategic especially since there are many competitors around.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: boty on January 07, 2024, 07:30:08 AM
Their is no specific formula that makes people to be rich , but to become rich one have to be very hardworking,  so things the right way and be prepared to grab opportunities. Becoming rich one must learn how to be good manager of money and also learn how to invest money to generate more money. Nobody became rich without making any investment and becoming rich one has to learn how to spend money on reasonable things and not on things that do not matter.
Yes, there is no special formula to make someone rich, it takes hard work to achieve success and there are many obstacles that we have to overcome in going through this process and we have to be able to overcome them in order to achieve what we want.
Financial management is of course very important for everyone, whether they have a fixed income or not, but for those who don't have a fixed income, of course they have to extra-manage their finances so that they use their income well and don't use it for things they don't want need.
Investing is indeed very good for achieving someone's financial freedom because if they don't invest with their income, of course they will get used to spending all their income on temporary pleasure.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: shepherd_gee on January 07, 2024, 08:00:40 AM

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

The truth is, there is no specific means of becoming successful in life. Your success and failure solely lyes in you. Dolly Parton would say in her song, coat of many colors: that one is poor only if they choose to be. There's no kind of business that isn't lucrative, the paramount thing there is the total amount of time you can invest in a certain business that determine your ROI. It may also interest you to know that the rich don't work for money, there got money to work for them. Stay focused that's the goal.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Jegileman on January 07, 2024, 08:25:26 AM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

I don’t entirely believe in what this source is saying about getting rich. Everyone will have a different approach on how to become rich and most of the reasons they’ve mentioned in that post to be immune to the money could be what will work for another person. It all has to do with commitment and dedication to the process that works for you. No one will want to give you free money unless you work for it and earn it yourself. Just stay true to yourself, enjoin positivity and trust the process that works best for you and you will make it to success.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 07, 2024, 08:43:59 AM
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

I can not agree with this. The entire meaning of making more money, as I see it, is getting rid of the need to serve. If you want to serve, just become a hired employee and live from salary to salary. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. The desire to serve won't lead you to wealth. Moreover, you won't be able to learn how to be independent.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: oktana on January 07, 2024, 11:02:24 AM
I really agree with the last point there. What is more important is not the money but you need to learn how to make it then eventually everything flows. If you look at the world billionaires, you can see that it seems money follows them and they don’t really have to chase it. It is because they had to learn how to make money and not just rushing after it.

Adding to those, to be successful, you need to diversify into different things and businesses. The knowledge is worth it, yet you can make money better if you know more than just one field. Look at Elon… Tesla, SpaceX, Starlink, 𝕏, Crypto, and even some more businesses he may have.

  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

I can not agree with this. The entire meaning of making more money, as I see it, is getting rid of the need to serve. If you want to serve, just become a hired employee and live from salary to salary. Money is a good servant, but a bad master. The desire to serve won't lead you to wealth. Moreover, you won't be able to learn how to be independent.

Before you stand up from your bed, you need to be on your knees first, then you raise one knee up and use that energy and force to get the other one up. You’re not a fool to be an employee, you’re only a fool if you have no plans to be work something out for yourself.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: davis196 on January 07, 2024, 11:09:15 AM
Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Meh. This sounds like BS to me. It was probably plagiarized out of any random "How to become rich" self-help book from a mediocre author. ;D
1.You can't become rich, if you are not greedy. Greed is the first step towards the desire to become rich.
2.I agree that being envy is a big sin. And a really toxic one. The people, who are envy rarely succeed.
3.Rich people don't become rich by doing "good work right now" and by "serving" other people. They become rich by innovating and by outperforming the competitors. This can be done by hard work, but working smarter is better than working harder.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on January 07, 2024, 11:45:37 AM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Not yet as successful as I would have wished I was but to my own capacity I'm successful and the information you shared are true because looking at the points you listed, they're common knowledge that all hustlers should know. You don't look at what others have because it brings envy and jealousy. Everyone has their path to follow don't envy what isn't your turn to have, keep hustling when it's your time you'll get all that you desire.

The fastest way to wealth is to become a problem solver. As a problem solver you work (you serve) so it matches your third point but I'm having some difficulties understand the first point. If we shouldn't desire others money then why can't we desire ours, I'll surely desire to have my own money instead of depending on the money of others.

To become rich, making your money to work for you instead of you working for the money that's the words I live by. I also believe in investing instead of spending, if you have a problem of wasting your money instead of investing then turn your investments to your spending destination and take most of your spending to investing and you won't have to work for money again.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Peanutswar on January 07, 2024, 12:11:57 PM
  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.

At this point its ideal to change your mindset use your money to get more money don't let your urge to have a particular thing if you cant afford yet, make those money become an asset and not just for liabilities.

  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.

Do not desire but learn from them, making a rich doesn't mean that you don't need to focus to other people somehow you can met a network of rich people so you can understand the next move you will need to do to become rich, like others said make your circle of friends valuable you can learn from them, if you have friends that is rich you can adopt their mindset if you have circle of friends have poor mindset you didn't grow too much.

  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

People say don't use the money and become slaves to it but let be true in reality money is the one who makes power here if you have a lot you have the power to achieve what you want, still make sure you know what you are doing and not just use money for your self only.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: criptoevangelista on January 07, 2024, 12:29:07 PM
I'm not rich or anything, but the first rule to get there is:

try never to lose money.

If you have a standard of living that costs, for example, 1,000 dollars, live with a standard that costs 800 dollars. Save the rest or invest in something.

The ideal is to always have several sources of income, and not need to use them.

If you know how to live and manage a little money, you will also know how to manage a lot, live for yourself and never for others, examples have already been given, such as buying things to show off, this is a sign that you are not prepared to be rich.

Maybe the best way to get there is to undertake, I think about this every day of my life.

Today I work for a company, but I reach a point where my salary peaks. And to pass this level, you only need to create your own company.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: KingsDen on January 07, 2024, 12:53:38 PM
I could remember last year when there was much tension about the price of bitcoin. You maintained that bitcoin is opened within the window of 15k to 75k, that the price won't go below 15k and behold it happened. It was then I knew that you are so much endowed. Remain great Franky.

2021 was 10k 75k window of possible speculation
2022 was 15k 95k window of possible speculation
2023 was 18k 110k window of possible speculation
2024 is 28k 140k window of possible speculation so far (can move up if hashrate moves up to push the window up)

dont expect a $400k btc this year, thats all im saying.. unless hashrate 3x the current network level and speculation drama pumps to limit
dont expect a $16k btc again.. unless hashrate drops by 45% the current network level and speculation dumps to limit
I have to quote this for reference purposes. I do not actually know how you come up with these figures but I believe them to a great extent. I am just waiting for dip back to the 30k region to buy more bitcoin.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Solosanz on January 07, 2024, 01:01:28 PM
try never to lose money.

If you have a standard of living that costs, for example, 1,000 dollars, live with a standard that costs 800 dollars. Save the rest or invest in something.
What if the standard living costs $300, but you're only make $150 and to live with $150 is not enough? how can they reduce their living standard when they don't have enough money in the first place?

Many people are sandwich generations, it makes them need to give their money to their parent and younger brother/sister, it's really easy to say because you're not in their shoes.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 07, 2024, 01:15:07 PM
You’re not a fool to be an employee, you’re only a fool if you have no plans to be work something out for yourself.

I didn't say that being an employee means someone is a fool. But to serve and to work are different things. I don't like the entire idea of being a servant. Because transformation from servant to master happens too rarely. People get used to serving and the most difficult thing in this case is to change the servant`s perspective and mindset, not to earn extra money. If you want to become rich, you have to stop thinking in terms of serving.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Patrol69 on January 07, 2024, 01:20:16 PM
Making money is difficult but spending money is much easier. It is not difficult to spend the money that can be earned in a month by hard work in a day. Since earning money is very difficult and spending money is very easy, we must spend money wisely. If we spend the amount of money that we got from salary or certain business immediately, but our financial condition will remain the same. Apart from managing the family, I have to try to save money from the amount of money I will earn. Whenever we can plan our spending and stop ourselves from overspending, our financial situation will change. No matter where we live or how much money we earn, we must be very conscious of how we spend our money.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: criptoevangelista on January 07, 2024, 02:26:18 PM
try never to lose money.

If you have a standard of living that costs, for example, 1,000 dollars, live with a standard that costs 800 dollars. Save the rest or invest in something.
What if the standard living costs $300, but you're only make $150 and to live with $150 is not enough? how can they reduce their living standard when they don't have enough money in the first place?

Many people are sandwich generations, it makes them need to give their money to their parent and younger brother/sister, it's really easy to say because you're not in their shoes.

There are several ways to lower your standard of living, but you always have to give up comfort.

If you use a car to get around, buy a bicycle or a motorcycle, it saves a lot of fuel.

Swap processed food for natural food, fruits, vegetables, fresh meat are generally much cheaper than ready-made food or food that has gone through some production process.

Buy clothes from cheaper brands, electronics don't have to be the latest generation... Anyway, there are ways, but you need to make a real analysis of how much your entire life costs in order to make the necessary adjustments.

And I tell you, do this calculation and you will be surprised at how much it is possible to optimize your life to save money.

Regarding needing to give money to your siblings, if they are of the right age, ask them to do housework. washing dishes, washing clothes, cleaning the yard, this will save you time that you can use to think about how to make more money... One helps the other in this case, everything can be resolved by talking

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: kryptqnick on January 07, 2024, 02:47:07 PM
I don't think getting rich has anything to do with immunity to money. A lot of people simply are rich and can become richer. They have great initial circumstances that allow them to experiment with investments, obtain great education, hire experts, try building their own businesses etc. because there's wealth in their families. If you're not among such people, you need to beat the odds to do better than your parents did, and that requires both luck and effort. I don't think that having no desire makes an impact here.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 07, 2024, 02:57:15 PM
I don't think getting rich has anything to do with immunity to money. A lot of people simply are rich and can become richer. They have great initial circumstances that allow them to experiment with investments, obtain great education, hire experts, try building their own businesses etc. because there's wealth in their families. If you're not among such people, you need to beat the odds to do better than your parents did, and that requires both luck and effort. I don't think that having no desire makes an impact here.

Yes, there are much more cases when already rich people become richer, than when someone who had little become rich. Starting positions are of a highly importance. I don't say that it is impossible to make your life conditions way better than you used to have, but the efforts have to be enormous. But such people often tend to save their earnings better than those who are used to them.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: michellee on January 07, 2024, 04:35:37 PM
The important thing is that you can work better than other people so that you can have the opportunity to make more money. This is where we need to work smart and not just work hard because now the era is more advanced than a few years ago. You can use many methods so you can make more money.

If you are still an employee now, that doesn't stop you from becoming rich. You only need to change a few parts so you can still have money. Reducing expenses and shopping for items that are not needed could be done.

Besides that, you have to be more creative in getting new ideas that might help you in creating a business. Many people think about creating a business that can last for a long time and can also grow. That's where they start trying to create a business and manage it. Many of them managed to become rich and eventually became successful businesspeople and left their old jobs.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: someone703 on January 07, 2024, 05:30:08 PM
Success isn't about mansions and mega-bucks, it's about chasing your own awesome, whatever that means for you. Graduating college? Heck yeah, success! Putting food on the table without borrowing? You're winning!

The key is goals, big or small, and crushing them like a boss. Spend less than you earn, find some side hustles, and watch your financial fortress rise. Invest in stuff that lasts, not fancy junk, and remember, bargains are like buried treasure – find 'em! Don't let the money monsters fool you, true success is when you're happy doing your thing, whether it's building empires or sipping blockchain.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: redsun114 on January 07, 2024, 05:59:52 PM
This s incorrect if you don't desire money you are going to make in future or the money we have or even money of other then from where will you get money?

I would say we should have mindset that we have to cater or provide services in return of which we should be paid and thats the simple strategy of any service oriented businesses around the world and with any desire for money you cannot even set up personal goals for growth as everything required financial planning and monetary targets are really important and if we don't desire money we make in future we cannot complete this task.
If he don't desire money, he will never worry if where he will get money. What you are saying of having a mindset to cater or provide service is right. This is also what I read when I search of how can I find a purpose in life but the only difference from what I have read to yours is that they never said we should ask for something in return.

Not everything in this world revolves on money so it is actually possible to set up and fulfil a goal even without it. Anyway, I think what the OP wants to imply is not about ignoring the money or to not have a desire for it, but it's about being immune to the temptation around you that will cost you money.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: khiholangkang on January 07, 2024, 06:37:42 PM
The rule of money is that you can't play with money if you don't have money, so get money, from work or whatever it is that can give you money to carry out things related to money. Second, you won't get money if you don't have the ability.
To attract big money you need to spend a lot of money too, it's just that people prefer to spend their money on what they want first rather than making money again with their money.

Let's draw a position of need, desire, which is closely related to your own goals, such as wanting to earn money without spending excessive energy, in essence you must have money and the ability to manage an income on auto pilot to make your rich.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: South Park on January 07, 2024, 08:27:50 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
It would seem that you will want for people to achieve some sort of Zen state when it comes to money, however while it would seem that following that kind of thinking will bring you profits as money will no longer be one of the main goals of your life, the ones that have achieved the higher level of success on that field and become billionaires have done so by caring a great deal about it, meaning that if your goal is to achieve as much wealth as you possibly can, it seems a better idea to emulate those billionaires than to follow the suggestions you posted.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: uneng on January 07, 2024, 08:43:20 PM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
This is a tricky question considering the examples you have mentioned. It's hard to not desire something which in the end you are desiring, anyway, even if indirectly. After all, you want to be rich to enjoy your money, which inevitably has to come from others' pockets somehow, and you have expectations it's going to happen at some point in the future. So by working on it, you are theoretically desiring all the three items presented as non-desirable on your examples.

Taking a more philosophical approach, I believe the moral behind those points are to focus on the process in real time, instead of focusing on final results. When we focus on final results we end prejudicing our performance on the current moment, therefore we don't reach the place we want on long term.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Mate2237 on January 07, 2024, 09:27:03 PM
Op this your thread it is some how misleading others because almost all the you said there are opposite to the main idea you are trying to convey to the public. But let us analyze one after the other from your list

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
As for me I have to desire my own money to avoid desiring another person's money because if I desire another person money then I might have a second thought to do something wrong therefore I have to focus on my money instead of others.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
That is true but how do you understand the first one and this second one? Are they not contradicting each other? I should not desire my own money and I should not desire another person money then which person money will I desire to motivate my journey to richness. Op try to make things clear for use to understand.

  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.
Dream big is good so I have to calculate how much money I will be getting to carry out some projects in the future and that can even motivate you to work hard to achieve those dreams in the future.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
Op I disagree with you, all those things you listed there except the number second will lead one to perpetual poverty and foe you to become a rich man you have to desire all so that you work to achieve them.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: stadus on January 07, 2024, 09:35:45 PM
That’s quite unrealistic for me. People who are seen very immune to money are most likely those who have high greed that only end up getting poorer and poorer while those who are not immune to their money but on how to maximize earning and saving end up getting richer.

If you really want to get rich and improve your way of living, then don’t just focus on the present but always think of long term. Put a lot of efforts and work on it consistently, if you keep motivating yourself to do things consistently, that will lead you to a productive and progressive life and live like a real rich.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: tread93 on January 07, 2024, 11:58:56 PM
Honestly lately I have been really loving the manifestation ideas where you constantly think about already having the things you want to possess and then ultimately the universe or whatever will bring it all to you, the only thing that I am finding out here is that you have to also have faith that you actually have these things! Then and only then will you have your best chance at attaining them in real life  ;)

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Unbunplease on January 08, 2024, 01:22:49 AM
That’s quite unrealistic for me. People who are seen very immune to money are most likely those who have high greed that only end up getting poorer and poorer while those who are not immune to their money but on how to maximize earning and saving end up getting richer.

If you really want to get rich and improve your way of living, then don’t just focus on the present but always think of long term. Put a lot of efforts and work on it consistently, if you keep motivating yourself to do things consistently, that will lead you to a productive and progressive life and live like a real rich.

Being fixated on money prevents you from earning a lot, as it is difficult to decide to spend money on anything. Any investment of money is a risk, but it is also impossible to leave money without moving because of high inflation. Therefore, you have to become an investor willy-nilly.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Huliya on January 08, 2024, 04:18:49 AM
First of all, if you want to be rich, you will have to look at your income and expenses.

Let's look at an example. Your monthly income is $5000 which you need to support your family. But you really want to buy a trendy bike for yourself. Which is half of your total income. Then if you buy the bike , maybe you will get appreciation from society for 1-2 days. But the money you needed to run your family can be read.

For this reason ,  said to stop working to show people off and start love yourself and working for yourself.

Now, invest 1% of 3% of your income where after 6 months or after 1 years, your invested amount is 1.5 times or 2 times more. If you are looking for such a platform then in my opinion Bitcoin is an excellent platform.

Also, since you want to be rich, you need an income source besides your basic income, where you can work even in your absence.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: dothebeats on January 08, 2024, 05:34:25 AM
Mindset is what's important, and if you don't have a clear vision nor straight mindset about making money and not overspending, you will never get to nowhere.

There was a time wherein I'm always eager to spend on something that I clearly don't need by I really want. It costed me a lot of money in the long run and most of those items that I bought are just sitting somewhere in my house and are collecting dust. Nowadays, I just buy what I need, keep track of every single penny that comes in and goes out, and I never had problems with money anymore. I've been doing this for two years and I have saved up a considerable amount, enough to buy me a townhouse near the metros and loaning the remaining 20% from the banks.

I will certainly not become ultra rich, but by my country's standards, you can consider me as someone from the upper middle class just because I limit my expenses to what is needed, plus the gains I'm getting from crypto and other investments I have here in the country.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: 3kpk3 on January 08, 2024, 06:09:36 AM
Everyone knows how to become rich -> Hard work + Luck! Both are required in tandem to ensure that you earn a shitload of money majority of the time. Exceptions are stuff like lottery wins etc which only depend on luck minority of the time.

Also, 99.99% of us cannot become immune to money which is why the quotation that you shared is silly op.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Kakmakr on January 08, 2024, 06:26:00 AM
One piece of valueble advice I can give you, will be to take it slow. Wealth are built over time, it is not something that happens over night.

Buy as much Bitcoin as you can afford and hoard it over a long period and ignore the short-term volatility in the price.

Buy Low & Sell high... rinse and repeat.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Cryptmuster on January 08, 2024, 09:58:25 AM
Honestly lately I have been really loving the manifestation ideas where you constantly think about already having the things you want to possess and then ultimately the universe or whatever will bring it all to you, the only thing that I am finding out here is that you have to also have faith that you actually have these things! Then and only then will you have your best chance at attaining them in real life  ;)

Visualization is good, but it does not change the fact that you need to do something to achieve your goals. Everyone who achieved their goals worked hard for this, and visualization was just an example of the fact that a person knew exactly what he wanted. It's like an incentive that forces you to act to achieve your goal. I believe that any method is good for achieving your goals, you need to try all available options, and maybe one will work for you. )

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Mpamaegbu on January 08, 2024, 12:05:30 PM
i personally could walk into a car dealership and buy a fleet of new cars, but i prefer just the experience of walking in and admiring cars but knowing i dont need to buy them.
I don't subscribe to wasteful spending too but don't you think that it might look like one is misery and stingy if one still economizes in getting the stuff that make one happy which they can afford? What's the essence of making money when we don't splash it on what's utmost in us. No matter how we continue to keep money aside as savings we should realize that the cash we refuse to spend ourselves will be spent by others on our behalf when we pass on. Sadly, it can even be spent on things we labelled "no value".

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: blockman on January 08, 2024, 12:59:45 PM
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
What I've learned from the elderly who I've talked to is about envying. It is actually deadly because when someone feels envy and can't clap for the others and be happy with their achievements, it affects that person mentally and emotionally. It's an unacceptable thing for them when they see people becomes well in life. Here in my country, this is like a common thing that many feels envy with others achievement and success'. They can't be happy on them so, they think of them as bad people that don't even remember them if they can't be granted with some loans or didn't received any gift from that person. This is poor thinking and mindset as if those successful people did asked them helped when they're still down.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: moneystery on January 08, 2024, 01:37:45 PM
i am not a successful person but i have experience about this. you are right in saying that envy of other people's money is a disease and someone who wants to be successful must avoid it. when someone has envy towards other people's money it will make them have a negative mindset and it can make them envy something they shouldn't have. this will also distract them from what they are doing and planning for the future so that it hinders them from being able to achieve something higher.

envy towards other people's money is not necessary, because if you want to get a lot of money like they have, focus on what you are doing now and don't need to waste your energy envying what other people have.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Casdinyard on January 08, 2024, 03:25:10 PM
I don't think you can just build immunity to money lol. what you probably are trying to say is become more financially responsible basically.

You have to have the same greed and desire to become rich and have enough money as when you started in this journey, otherwise you'd lose sight of what your goal is and how you'd like to achieve it. Consequently, you also have to be very smart about the temptations to spend money and living lavishly especially when you're just starting off and are just experiencing the first few trappings of the finest things in life. In any case what you really just have to worry about is spending more than what you're capable of recuperating, and how to manage your money to make it work for you. Once you got this whole system operating upon itself you're basically set to go and you can make your money generate more of itself, effectively creating a passive income earning system that will consistently give you moolah.

Immunity to money shouldn't be the thing you strive for, imagine being impervious to the very thing that you're looking for lol. You just have to be very intelligent and conscious about your financial decisions so you don't dig your own grave spending and taking stuff that wouldn't serve you well.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Dimitri94 on January 08, 2024, 06:16:06 PM
Each of us should pay attention to what we are doing. If we have passion for something then success will come even if it takes a long time. Must be more careful with work by setting a goal. If we are only attracted to money then it will be difficult to catch money. Rather, if we love work and try to make it joyful, then through that work we can reach our specific destination. A man should not only pursue money at the beginning of his life. When we can focus on a task by building work and skills, we can benefit financially from it. A word is often heard from wise men is that "if you are pursue with money then you will not get money but make your self perfect money will find you".

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Adbitco on January 08, 2024, 07:17:07 PM
Even the successful people doesn't agree that they are successful people only those who is average that always boast about what little thing they have achieved. The most important I think of them most is becoming uncontrollable by what you have, if you are not humble and learn to meek it could be very hard to become successful in life, but however becoming Rich is from mindset and how focused we are in our life's that determines our outcome to be wealthy. Being focused doesn't only mean that you will be successful but the ability to buy ideas from the successful people as well as working with them.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: oktana on January 08, 2024, 09:41:19 PM
You’re not a fool to be an employee, you’re only a fool if you have no plans to be work something out for yourself.

I didn't say that being an employee means someone is a fool. But to serve and to work are different things. I don't like the entire idea of being a servant. Because transformation from servant to master happens too rarely. People get used to serving and the most difficult thing in this case is to change the servant`s perspective and mindset, not to earn extra money. If you want to become rich, you have to stop thinking in terms of serving.
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: suzanne5223 on January 08, 2024, 10:39:12 PM
You’re not a fool to be an employee, you’re only a fool if you have no plans to be work something out for yourself.

I didn't say that being an employee means someone is a fool. But to serve and to work are different things. I don't like the entire idea of being a servant. Because transformation from servant to master happens too rarely. People get used to serving and the most difficult thing in this case is to change the servant`s perspective and mindset, not to earn extra money. If you want to become rich, you have to stop thinking in terms of serving.
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.
Serve and work can have the same and different meanings depending on the perspective of the particular individual.
Being rich is always about being your own or working under someone. We have a situation where a worker is richer than their boss because the person understands the language of money.
And if anyone wants to be a boss, such a person needs to find his/her gift. What is a gift? It's something humans can naturally do best with little or no effort and always happy to do it even when he/she is not his/her best. Find the problem associated with it and provide the solution.
This is how Elon Musk and others become billionaires today.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: justdimin on January 09, 2024, 09:01:51 AM
Honestly lately I have been really loving the manifestation ideas where you constantly think about already having the things you want to possess and then ultimately the universe or whatever will bring it all to you, the only thing that I am finding out here is that you have to also have faith that you actually have these things! Then and only then will you have your best chance at attaining them in real life  ;)
Visualization is good, but it does not change the fact that you need to do something to achieve your goals. Everyone who achieved their goals worked hard for this, and visualization was just an example of the fact that a person knew exactly what he wanted. It's like an incentive that forces you to act to achieve your goal. I believe that any method is good for achieving your goals, you need to try all available options, and maybe one will work for you. )
I believe that working hard and working smart are the best two ways to go, most people do either one or the other. I have seen plenty of people who work "hard" but they never achieve their goal, but then when I look at what they do, I realize that they are not working hard for real, they are working hard to get their dream made, but they have nothing that they do themselves to be fair.

I have seen SO MANY people who wanted a coder to build something, even offer %50 of their "idea" as well, that such a silly thing, if you think that would worth some money, do it yourself, learn how to code, THATS hard work, spending 8 hours a day talking with people to find someone is still spending 8 hours, it is still not a lazy person, he still is working hard to find someone, but that person is not smart, spend the same amount of time on learning and suddenly you will be doing better.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: puloweh555 on January 09, 2024, 01:51:52 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
Working smart instead of working hard is the best thing to do here. We also need to focus on our goal and stay away from distractions. Nowadays, if you are not that smart you end up just losing all your money for nothing. Invest, hodl and harvest. That's the way it is to becaome successful but has to do it slowly and surely.
For me, to become rich from nothing, we must have the skills and perseverance to learn to develop further. The point is, if you want to be rich you have to work, and it's true as you said, we need to work smart to see opportunities, not work hard. We save income from our work and open a business. because for me as a businessman, no matter how small our business is, we are the boss. Meanwhile, no matter how big the company we join, we are still employees. So from there it is clear that being a businessman has more opportunities to gain profits which may be greater than being an employee.

Apart from that, we use half of our income for investment, be it bitcoin, land, shares, gold, trading, and so on. Enjoy the results 10-20 years later you will feel the impact on your finances.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: rojan on January 09, 2024, 02:22:44 PM
Success comes in different ways in everyone's life.  There are no set rules here, but if you really want to be successful, you need to understand the value of time.  Understand the value of money. If you don't value time, you will never achieve success.  Waste of money should be prevented.  Just because you have money, you should not waste it unnecessarily.  Let's be honest. And the present age is a strange age. We like to see more than what we have.  I don't know if there is any strategy in showing off. But nowadays people like to exaggerate what they have. Maybe there is a special benefit in it.
In order to be successful in life, we need to understand the value of time as well as the value of money. This society has become very cruel because if you don't have money then you have no value to the people of this society. When you have a lot of money, the people of the society will treat you  Will start paying the price. Money is no substitute for survival in this society.  So I think a lot of money is needed to survive in the society. However, we need to earn honestly to live a good life. If we don't earn honestly, we can't have peace of life. So we always have to think about doing everything honestly.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Doan9269 on January 09, 2024, 03:15:59 PM
To have money is something very difficult to achieve but when we have it, it's another great challenge on us to know how we can maintain it and sustain having it for life, money is what needs to be invested upon, we cannot have it today and think otherwise we will be rich in it when we are not doing anything to make sure that the money is being invested on something that is going to bring more of it's kind, use of money must be utilized well enough to avoid wasting of it beca there might be no other opportunity of having more again.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: pusaka on January 09, 2024, 03:40:50 PM
To have money is something very difficult to achieve but when we have it, it's another great challenge on us to know how we can maintain it and sustain having it for life, money is what needs to be invested upon, we cannot have it today and think otherwise we will be rich in it when we are not doing anything to make sure that the money is being invested on something that is going to bring more of it's kind, use of money must be utilized well enough to avoid wasting of it beca there might be no other opportunity of having more again.
I often experience this, when I hold a certain amount of money, then the money I hold will run out, sometimes I don't realize this and what I use it for so that the money I hold runs out. Therefore, I agree that money should be invested in any form that will benefit us in the future.
This requires courage and requires sacrifice, because many people who have realized this but they do not have enough courage and are not willing to make sacrifices, in the end do nothing and keep the money not in any form.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: junder on January 09, 2024, 03:49:00 PM
Success comes in different ways in everyone's life.  There are no set rules here, but if you really want to be successful, you need to understand the value of time.  Understand the value of money. If you don't value time, you will never achieve success.  Waste of money should be prevented.  Just because you have money, you should not waste it unnecessarily.  Let's be honest. And the present age is a strange age. We like to see more than what we have.  I don't know if there is any strategy in showing off. But nowadays people like to exaggerate what they have. Maybe there is a special benefit in it.
In order to be successful in life, we need to understand the value of time as well as the value of money. This society has become very cruel because if you don't have money then you have no value to the people of this society. When you have a lot of money, the people of the society will treat you  Will start paying the price. Money is no substitute for survival in this society.  So I think a lot of money is needed to survive in the society. However, we need to earn honestly to live a good life. If we don't earn honestly, we can't have peace of life. So we always have to think about doing everything honestly.

What is meant by "you have money, you have power", I have heard this sentence on several social networks. In my opinion, it is not easy to earn money, especially in large amounts, it is not an easy thing to do, because currently in my country it is very difficult to get jobs, and this has left many young people without work and also without income. . and this is a pretty big problem in my country.
everyone of course needs money to survive, and to make money of course we have to work, if it is difficult to find work, in my opinion, young people must be smart by taking advantage of current technological developments that can be done to make money. and what you say is true we have to be honest especially by doing work that makes money every month, of course to maintain that we have to work well and honestly, because in my opinion honesty is the main thing that must be paid attention to in all things.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: G_Besar on January 09, 2024, 04:05:05 PM
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.

Other people's opinions will always differ on various things, because that is a normal thing that always happens in any discussion. However, regarding the discussion that you have expressed, I think it is quite reasonable for someone who wants to become a master to have to work as an employee under the leadership of a master who was also previously an employee. This means that every person in this world will develop over time when they are willing to work under pressure from other people for a certain duration of time so that they can use that time to learn everything while working.

Because no one immediately becomes big when they are born into this world, even those born into rich families. So everyone must struggle with sincere intentions and a great desire to develop even though the level of the process may vary greatly from one person to another. If we take another example such as rich people and poor people, it is also almost similar and not different because the rich person used to work for other people before he became rich. Likewise with poor people now, they also work for people who were rich in the past.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: CODE200 on January 09, 2024, 04:12:30 PM
Even the successful people doesn't agree that they are successful people only those who is average that always boast about what little thing they have achieved. The most important I think of them most is becoming uncontrollable by what you have, if you are not humble and learn to meek it could be very hard to become successful in life, but however becoming Rich is from mindset and how focused we are in our life's that determines our outcome to be wealthy. Being focused doesn't only mean that you will be successful but the ability to buy ideas from the successful people as well as working with them.
That's how we got these billionaires, that hunger to have more and the feeling of emptiness that's within them when achieve another billion will always be there, there's going to be a limit to all of this but they don't know that, I agree that they're successful but they should've known when to stop right? To me, money is just a tool as the saying goes, it shouldn't be controlling your every aspect of your life, it's the thing that shouldn't be keeping you awake at night, sure you can work hard for it to get more but never make it your personality.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Adbitco on January 09, 2024, 04:22:24 PM
Even the successful people doesn't agree that they are successful people only those who is average that always boast about what little thing they have achieved. The most important I think of them most is becoming uncontrollable by what you have, if you are not humble and learn to meek it could be very hard to become successful in life, but however becoming Rich is from mindset and how focused we are in our life's that determines our outcome to be wealthy. Being focused doesn't only mean that you will be successful but the ability to buy ideas from the successful people as well as working with them.
That's how we got these billionaires, that hunger to have more and the feeling of emptiness that's within them when achieve another billion will always be there, there's going to be a limit to all of this but they don't know that, I agree that they're successful but they should've known when to stop right? To me, money is just a tool as the saying goes, it shouldn't be controlling your every aspect of your life, it's the thing that shouldn't be keeping you awake at night, sure you can work hard for it to get more but never make it your personality.
Let me brief you on something about my country especially the eastern part of it, they all believe that money answereth everything.
No matter how wealthy you are you won't stop, in fact that is when you your hunger for more wealth will arose to something you don't expect even the african richest man does a business of NGN 1m and yet didn't stop pushing and accumulating.
The case is that we should always know how to control our wealth and not stopping, because money they said is like a rushing tap when the water in the major tank stop rushing the bucket becomes empty, so it's to wealthy people they always utilize every single opportunity that would generate money to them.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Doell on January 09, 2024, 05:06:39 PM
Something I learned is good management with the money you have, and change your mindset to hunger for success. Indeed, one of them is you have to be immune to the money as you say. Because nowadays the majority of people where I live also when they have money, they will buy something branded to show off to all people. But if want to be successful we shouldn't be like that, when have money we must to be able control them by saving or investing.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: oktana on January 09, 2024, 08:17:56 PM
You’re not a fool to be an employee, you’re only a fool if you have no plans to be work something out for yourself.

I didn't say that being an employee means someone is a fool. But to serve and to work are different things. I don't like the entire idea of being a servant. Because transformation from servant to master happens too rarely. People get used to serving and the most difficult thing in this case is to change the servant`s perspective and mindset, not to earn extra money. If you want to become rich, you have to stop thinking in terms of serving.
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.
Serve and work can have the same and different meanings depending on the perspective of the particular individual.
Being rich is always about being your own or working under someone. We have a situation where a worker is richer than their boss because the person understands the language of money.
And if anyone wants to be a boss, such a person needs to find his/her gift. What is a gift? It's something humans can naturally do best with little or no effort and always happy to do it even when he/she is not his/her best. Find the problem associated with it and provide the solution.
This is how Elon Musk and others become billionaires today.

My point is that irrespective of the meaning which we see it as, we’re talking about serving. And when you’re serving someone, you get to learn a lot of things about that line of work from the person you’re under. Not just that, you develop skills in the process of serving. And all of this will contribute to your personal and professional growth. This boils down to my initial statement that one who is working as an employee isn’t foolish unless they are working and have no plans.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Miles2006 on January 09, 2024, 09:21:25 PM
Something I learned is good management with the money you have, and change your mindset to hunger for success. Indeed, one of them is you have to be immune to the money as you say. Because nowadays the majority of people where I live also when they have money, they will buy something branded to show off to all people. But if want to be successful we shouldn't be like that, when have money we must to be able control them by saving or investing.
People in this category they're difficult to handle in terms of change, even with the investment and great business ideas, at first they'll manage to invest or create business but at the end they will end up destroying the investment maybe due to poor planning or cause they lack financial knowledge when it comes to spending, finance has always been the issue with some people and sometimes they have the money but fail to spend wisely and will come back to square one, people like this should make budget and key to a particular investment or probably if they love spending they should never get tired of working so they can meet up their needs, if we want to be financial stable we should never get tired of learning new ideas and work towards those ideas

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Lanatsa on January 09, 2024, 09:30:56 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Point #1. You are basically a consumer but if you are really that wise then you would really be thriving yourself to become a producer and this is where further actions would be applied.
Point #2. Human beings are basically envious, once they do see someones success then getting jealous is normal but it would really be that just depending into someones own perception and behavior on things.
Point #3.  Its not bad to make up some goals but we shouldnt really that making too much advanced on the time that you would really be seeing yourself making money even if it isnt there.
              Too much advanced on thinking up something is never been that good.

Geting rich or financial freedom is our main priority or main goal in life. Some could be able to attain it and some cannot. It would really be just that depending
on how well you do follow up your goals and a little bit mix of luck on which it would really be able to determine whether you do succeed or not.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: red4slash on January 09, 2024, 09:52:56 PM
To have money is something very difficult to achieve but when we have it, it's another great challenge on us to know how we can maintain it and sustain having it for life, money is what needs to be invested upon, we cannot have it today and think otherwise we will be rich in it when we are not doing anything to make sure that the money is being invested on something that is going to bring more of it's kind, use of money must be utilized well enough to avoid wasting of it beca there might be no other opportunity of having more again.
I often experience this, when I hold a certain amount of money, then the money I hold will run out, sometimes I don't realize this and what I use it for so that the money I hold runs out. Therefore, I agree that money should be invested in any form that will benefit us in the future.
This requires courage and requires sacrifice, because many people who have realized this but they do not have enough courage and are not willing to make sacrifices, in the end do nothing and keep the money not in any form.
Such things can happen because we do not streamline our needs with what we get so that when we have money in our hands, there is definitely an ambition that is built in ourselves so that we buy or do whatever we like because the situation is favourable for that so that when we have money, it will indirectly appear by itself even though we try hard to control it, it is still not easy to do.

Investing is one way that is good enough to do but in the end we also certainly have to be able to manage our needs well first (in this case our finances) because after all we cannot invest if we still cannot manage finances well in the end even if it can still run but the conditions will not be stable.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: usekevin on January 09, 2024, 10:39:58 PM
Something I learned is good management with the money you have, and change your mindset to hunger for success. Indeed, one of them is you have to be immune to the money as you say. Because nowadays the majority of people where I live also when they have money, they will buy something branded to show off to all people. But if want to be successful we shouldn't be like that, when have money we must to be able control them by saving or investing.

The success needs many empty stomach,because the passion is the ultimate one.If you get the money continuously you never get to know the value of money.The important one by the people at the time of earning is savings and say no to all other things.Some people who earning in circulation will do the gambling and wasting their money.The people also do the buying of expensive products and show off to the others.This will trigger their wish and they also show off like him.But the fact is the corporate will earn at the end,So the people can save money for the future business also help the people with emergency savings.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: ancafe on January 10, 2024, 02:22:43 AM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
There is no certainty regarding wealth because if it exists then children born to rich parents will retain that wealth for a longer period of time. Becoming successful is not easy because it is related to the process that we will carry out and if someone is not able to see opportunities then it is difficult to get them. Each person may have a different way of seeking wealth and the most important thing is how this wealth can be enjoyed rather than saved.

You never know how long we will live and if the wealth we have is only stored and in the end it will be the heirs when we are gone. Things will become more complicated if people chase wealth too much and they forget that real wealth is how we can enjoy life in peace with our family.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Ben Barubal on January 10, 2024, 05:23:29 AM
To have money is something very difficult to achieve but when we have it, it's another great challenge on us to know how we can maintain it and sustain having it for life, money is what needs to be invested upon, we cannot have it today and think otherwise we will be rich in it when we are not doing anything to make sure that the money is being invested on something that is going to bring more of it's kind, use of money must be utilized well enough to avoid wasting of it beca there might be no other opportunity of having more again.

   We cannot say that NFTs or play-to-earn games do not contribute anything to the field of cryptocurrency, especially in these times. Many games that can be considered priests in different parts of the world are obsessed with it because of the technology that we have in this era, to be honest.

   Even if the others don't know anything about the crypto trading category but are experienced in the gaming industry, they can still be considered helpful, just like NFT or play-and-earn games. Therefore, they still have a big impact on what I see and observe to this day.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 10, 2024, 08:21:15 AM
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.

If it was like you said, then we would have as many masters as we have servants. But the situation is far from that. Only few eventually become masters, but most remain servants forever. Moreover, those who become masters usually become such not because they have been servants first, But because they think differently even when they were servants. One will not ever be a master if he keeps thinking like a servant. No matter how much he has learned in the process.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: pusaka on January 10, 2024, 08:47:35 AM
I often experience this, when I hold a certain amount of money, then the money I hold will run out, sometimes I don't realize this and what I use it for so that the money I hold runs out. Therefore, I agree that money should be invested in any form that will benefit us in the future.
This requires courage and requires sacrifice, because many people who have realized this but they do not have enough courage and are not willing to make sacrifices, in the end do nothing and keep the money not in any form.
Such things can happen because we do not streamline our needs with what we get so that when we have money in our hands, there is definitely an ambition that is built in ourselves so that we buy or do whatever we like because the situation is favourable for that so that when we have money, it will indirectly appear by itself even though we try hard to control it, it is still not easy to do.

Investing is one way that is good enough to do but in the end we also certainly have to be able to manage our needs well first (in this case our finances) because after all we cannot invest if we still cannot manage finances well in the end even if it can still run but the conditions will not be stable.
Yes, self-control is something that is very difficult to do, especially with money in hand, something that we never thought of before will come suddenly and in the end we will use the money we hold for something we never thought of before.
Now I am more aware of that, the things I did before are not good for the future. roughly speaking, it is better for me not to enjoy anything now, but I can feel something useful in the future, by not neglecting to reward myself of course. I mean there's nothing wrong with pampering yourself once a month for example.
Actually the future is in our own hands, whether we want to see a better future or not, and we can do and prepare for it now.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: slapper on January 10, 2024, 11:59:25 AM
I've found that separating from money's immediate enjoyment might change one's wealth mindset. Don't let money control your behavior, not ignore its value. I emphasize my value and problem-solving. Impact matters more than revenue. I benefited from this paradigm shift from earnings to purpose and giving

A balanced view of money is also important, though. Tools and resources are important but not the aim. Money is powerful, but I've tried not to let it eclipse my ideals and goals. Respecting money's utility without being consumed by its pursuit is important to sustainable success, in my experience

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: red4slash on January 10, 2024, 04:40:26 PM
Such things can happen because we do not streamline our needs with what we get so that when we have money in our hands, there is definitely an ambition that is built in ourselves so that we buy or do whatever we like because the situation is favourable for that so that when we have money, it will indirectly appear by itself even though we try hard to control it, it is still not easy to do.

Investing is one way that is good enough to do but in the end we also certainly have to be able to manage our needs well first (in this case our finances) because after all we cannot invest if we still cannot manage finances well in the end even if it can still run but the conditions will not be stable.
Yes, self-control is something that is very difficult to do, especially with money in hand, something that we never thought of before will come suddenly and in the end we will use the money we hold for something we never thought of before.
Now I am more aware of that, the things I did before are not good for the future. roughly speaking, it is better for me not to enjoy anything now, but I can feel something useful in the future, by not neglecting to reward myself of course. I mean there's nothing wrong with pampering yourself once a month for example.
Actually the future is in our own hands, whether we want to see a better future or not, and we can do and prepare for it now.
Yeah after all what has happened cannot be repeated but it can still be used as a lesson so that we do not get into the same hole because it can be something silly if we already feel that it is a mistake but still do it because indirectly it is just repeating your mistakes again and again. Now we just have to focus on organising a better future but I agree with what you said, in this case when talking about investment issues it doesn't mean we focus ourselves in it because of course you also have to get at least ease in life or use your money for your desires at least for self reward that you have reached that point because there is no prohibition to do that too just don't get too carried away with the luxury that you create yourself if at least once a month use your money to feel luxury and feel something new as long as you don't go too far I don't think it's a problem.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: el kaka22 on January 10, 2024, 08:21:00 PM
People who are all rich today, became rich because they wanted more and more money, do not let what they tell you convince you otherwise, it was desire for more money that made them who they are today. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying they didn't enjoy what they did and only did it for the money, of course most of them do enjoy what they are doing, but that doesn't mean that they would be doing the same thing if it means no money as well.

Bezos didn't started Amazon thinking he would be one of the richest people on the planet, but he certainly tried to be one when he started it, it wasn't like "oh I would do this for the hobby" and just ignore any money, this is a dude that closes shops and warehouses when workers unionize, he can't fire them because it's illegal, but he can say it is no longer making profit and close it, that's because he wants more and more money, and it is a threat to anyone else if they want to join a union as well and ask for more pay. They may like their job, but they do it all for the money.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: oktana on January 10, 2024, 10:41:49 PM
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.

If it was like you said, then we would have as many masters as we have servants. But the situation is far from that. Only few eventually become masters, but most remain servants forever. Moreover, those who become masters usually become such not because they have been servants first, But because they think differently even when they were servants. One will not ever be a master if he keeps thinking like a servant. No matter how much he has learned in the process.

We do not have the same number of servants who become masters because not everyone calculates well. I think in one of my replies, I mentioned that you while you work, you have to make your own plans. And that’s factual because if you don’t, your boss or master will keep on using you to grow themselves. So, while you serve, have a dream/vision. Think about your own personal business. Remember everything starts from mere thoughts.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: amin1372 on January 10, 2024, 11:39:31 PM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: junder on January 11, 2024, 01:56:01 AM
Yes, self-control is something that is very difficult to do, especially with money in hand, something that we never thought of before will come suddenly and in the end we will use the money we hold for something we never thought of before.
Now I am more aware of that, the things I did before are not good for the future. roughly speaking, it is better for me not to enjoy anything now, but I can feel something useful in the future, by not neglecting to reward myself of course. I mean there's nothing wrong with pampering yourself once a month for example.
Actually the future is in our own hands, whether we want to see a better future or not, and we can do and prepare for it now.

I experienced this,  where when I already had money I don't know why the thought came to me to buy something that was not planned before, and I spontaneously bought it without thinking. but when I already had an item,  sometimes I also thought why I bought it even though it was not very important to me this is due to our lack of self-control,  especially in money management and I think this may often happen to everyone.

I agree with you, it's better not to enjoy the present but in the future there is something to see or enjoy. there is nothing wrong with pampering yourself like doing things that you really like, and that is one of the things that really needs to be done to make yourself happy. of course our future is in ourselves,  I can see many people who don't think about their future because most of them still think about a luxurious lifestyle. and of course this makes them not think about their future. whereas to have a good future, of course, it must be prepared from now on.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: ancafe on January 11, 2024, 02:06:07 AM
I've found that separating from money's immediate enjoyment might change one's wealth mindset. Don't let money control your behavior, not ignore its value. I emphasize my value and problem-solving. Impact matters more than revenue. I benefited from this paradigm shift from earnings to purpose and giving

A balanced view of money is also important, though. Tools and resources are important but not the aim. Money is powerful, but I've tried not to let it eclipse my ideals and goals. Respecting money's utility without being consumed by its pursuit is important to sustainable success, in my experience
By giving we will get, that is the formula for life in this world and the more we help others, the more we will get. Money must be controlled not the other way around, we are controlled by it and someone who understands economic concepts should be able to open several cash flows so that they can have much more income. The paradigm and direction of goals become the basis for someone to start making money and the more we open this direction, the greater the results we will get. Measuring the level of effectiveness in making money must be balanced and never change the basic goal of making money from the process we undertake.

Money can create deeper gaps and money can change everything when it is not handled properly and appropriately. We will get a sustainable process when we are able to see opportunities in the long term and usually we will get this process after experiencing several previous setbacks and we dare to take other risks even though we initially experience setbacks.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 11, 2024, 03:08:38 AM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.
People who failed to jump or grab an opportunity is one of the most common factors why we fail without any initiative and courage to be smart enough to find another way to achieve our goal to be successful. Capital is also an issue here.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Ucy on January 11, 2024, 09:27:00 AM
There are true and false riches. The value of false riches is equal to - 0 as it's earned from evil works and is misused, wasted, not satisfying, used in solving the curses/problems reaped by the evil workers etc.
And the idea is that evil work does not deserve blessing or good rewards, so whatever reward that is earned from it is negative, cursed  or evil. To have true riches you need to be wise, knowledgeable and follow the good rules of earning good reward:  If you sow a good mangoe seed you reap many good mangoes.  If you do good work you reap many rewards, you just need to patient while you completely stick to doing good work no matter how little it's. The rewards will be true, satisfying, long-lasting,. Etc. For a work to be good it has to have little to no issue. And that can only be possible if you do it according to the Golden Rule of Love (love for GOD and people).
But the interesting thing about following the rules of good works is that you wouldn't be working for reward from people, may earn little from people for trying not to demand for rewards, you always try as much as possible to follow all good rules/standards & never try to violate even one. You also find it really difficult to work with the world, unless you guide them, else they make you break the rule of love and you all get punished/cursed.  The solution is to  to start your own business & solve problems according to your rules or be employed tester/reviewer(honest quality checking), etc...

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: AicecreaME on January 11, 2024, 09:49:26 AM
For me, just don't overspend your money and always budget your money is the main things to do first.

Don't live like a king if your salary is just like a salary of a slave. Don't poke on someone else's life, instead mind your own. Focus on the things that will help you to improve even more. Don't get too comfy on your comfort zone, nothing's new is going to happen if you're not going to try something new. Success is always about risk, either you do it or don't, you'll regret both but trying is always the best thing to do rather than living your whole life in what ifs.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Lantind on January 11, 2024, 10:00:07 AM
For me, just don't overspend your money and always budget your money is the main things to do first.

Don't live like a king if your salary is just like a salary of a slave. Don't poke on someone else's life, instead mind your own. Focus on the things that will help you to improve even more. Don't get too comfy on your comfort zone, nothing's new is going to happen if you're not going to try something new. Success is always about risk, either you do it or don't, you'll regret both but trying is always the best thing to do rather than living your whole life in what ifs.
Managing expenses is a very important thing for everyone to do, because no matter how much income they earn, if they don't manage their expenses well, of course they won't have savings and what's worse, they will have to go into debt to be able to meet their needs.
Yes, we have to be able to adjust the life we have according to the income we have and we don't need to worry about other people's lives and have to focus on our own development.
To be able to achieve success, of course we have to be able to struggle and have to be patient with the process we go through to achieve success. If we can't go through every existing process, of course we won't be able to achieve that success.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: wmaurik on January 11, 2024, 10:25:03 AM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.
Every company, industry, and person who is running something to make developments in their lives there is always a philosophy behind it. Because the philosophy is also included in the part of the spirit that must exist for everyone in order to be able to build a strong mentality in achieving the best things through their respective efforts by not being affected by any barrier. This is intended for everyone that in every struggle to achieve a good target, of course there is a philosophy planted in each of them.

People who failed to jump or grab an opportunity is one of the most common factors why we fail without any initiative and courage to be smart enough to find another way to achieve our goal to be successful. Capital is also an issue here.
Capital and experience and knowledge must always be balanced to everyone if you want to run something to be successful or to achieve something that can make it better. Because the failure itself can also be triggered by several reasons which are because of the insufficient capital, experience, and knowledge needed for certain things, so that all three things actually still need to be balanced by everyone if they do not want to experience a sustainable failure in the future through different factors.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: carlisle1 on January 11, 2024, 10:56:33 AM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.
People who failed to jump or grab an opportunity is one of the most common factors why we fail without any initiative and courage to be smart enough to find another way to achieve our goal to be successful. Capital is also an issue here.

Indeed, those who failed to go out in their comfort zone most of the time waste the opportunity to change their lives, there are many aspects that
we can consider, chances that we missed when it knocks our door, it's important to keep yourself well-aware to what you can do.

Money will give you that chance if happens that you manage to work yourself in, there are things that we need to improve and budgeting and holding
our finances the right way is really important towards our success.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on January 11, 2024, 11:39:59 AM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.
People who failed to jump or grab an opportunity is one of the most common factors why we fail without any initiative and courage to be smart enough to find another way to achieve our goal to be successful. Capital is also an issue here.

Indeed, those who failed to go out in their comfort zone most of the time waste the opportunity to change their lives, there are many aspects that
we can consider, chances that we missed when it knocks our door, it's important to keep yourself well-aware to what you can do.

Money will give you that chance if happens that you manage to work yourself in, there are things that we need to improve and budgeting and holding
our finances the right way is really important towards our success.
Not many people have the opportunity, so many of us see excessive fear so they don't dare to get out of their comfort zone.
If someone has money it might be a little easier for them to earn more, but if everything has to start from scratch then I think the struggle and process that has to be gone through is much longer.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 11, 2024, 12:13:08 PM
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.

If it was like you said, then we would have as many masters as we have servants. But the situation is far from that. Only few eventually become masters, but most remain servants forever. Moreover, those who become masters usually become such not because they have been servants first, But because they think differently even when they were servants. One will not ever be a master if he keeps thinking like a servant. No matter how much he has learned in the process.

We do not have the same number of servants who become masters because not everyone calculates well. I think in one of my replies, I mentioned that you while you work, you have to make your own plans. And that’s factual because if you don’t, your boss or master will keep on using you to grow themselves. So, while you serve, have a dream/vision. Think about your own personal business. Remember everything starts from mere thoughts.

I agree that thoughts, dreams and plans are of a high importance. And in some cases working as an employee could really help you to get prepared for achieving your own goals. However, most employees either no time nor capacity to think about something apart from their job, because it steals almost all of their time. And the little leisure they have they prefer to spend not thinking about other job, but simply entertaining.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Rockstarguy on January 11, 2024, 12:18:13 PM
developing a mindset to not wastefully spend comes first.
accumulating it comes second, and then having a mindset to have money but not need to spend it
The mindset is everything that is why when one has a wrong mindset it can be a reason why things are not going way. When their is mindset of making money it really helps and motivate one on how to go after money legitimately and the mindset of not spending money anyhow helps in accumulating money and not to spend money unnecessary.

When you have the right mindset it is possible to do things just exactly what you desire, the right mindset drives you to gain every desire in the real life. The kind of mindset we develope really matters, it determine the end result.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: pusaka on January 11, 2024, 02:05:40 PM
Yes, self-control is something that is very difficult to do, especially with money in hand, something that we never thought of before will come suddenly and in the end we will use the money we hold for something we never thought of before.
Now I am more aware of that, the things I did before are not good for the future. roughly speaking, it is better for me not to enjoy anything now, but I can feel something useful in the future, by not neglecting to reward myself of course. I mean there's nothing wrong with pampering yourself once a month for example.
Actually the future is in our own hands, whether we want to see a better future or not, and we can do and prepare for it now.

I experienced this,  where when I already had money I don't know why the thought came to me to buy something that was not planned before, and I spontaneously bought it without thinking. but when I already had an item,  sometimes I also thought why I bought it even though it was not very important to me this is due to our lack of self-control,  especially in money management and I think this may often happen to everyone.

I agree with you, it's better not to enjoy the present but in the future there is something to see or enjoy. there is nothing wrong with pampering yourself like doing things that you really like, and that is one of the things that really needs to be done to make yourself happy. of course our future is in ourselves,  I can see many people who don't think about their future because most of them still think about a luxurious lifestyle. and of course this makes them not think about their future. whereas to have a good future, of course, it must be prepared from now on.
Awarenes has to come from oneself, and I think when other people advise us, while we're doing well and have never experienced anything that we regret in the end, all that advice will come out of the right ear and keep coming out of the left ear.
We learn from our previous experiences and mistakes, it's the ultimate way to make ourselves realize that we need to think more about the future.
I am very sure that the person who now looks like he is enjoying his old age is someone who worked hard and maybe left his youthful life to prepare for something in the future. it is certainly not for the preparation that we will enjoy ourselves, but we also prepare it for our descendants later.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: itorai on January 11, 2024, 02:42:01 PM
Everyone certainly has different ways of achieving success, although the methods are different, but of course there are many people who succeed and become successful. For me personally, in achieving success, the first thing is always health which comes first and the second thing is knowledge which comes first and don't. It's easy to give up if there are obstacles, namely having to keep fighting and learning from mistakes. 3. Don't get business capital from loan proceeds because for me personally I don't feel comfortable using loan business capital. 4th, only buy things that are most needed and if you want to buy a car there must also be benefits. The point is to buy a car because it is for business purposes because if you buy a car not for business purposes, of course you will lose money because the cost of servicing the car is of course very expensive, but if you just go out once. going on holiday by car is certainly no problem because we also need entertainment and fun so that our brains don't get stressed. The to 5, in my opinion, must be a business according to our hobby because if our run a business according to our hobby it will make us comfortable and we will enjoy the business process we are running.

6th, of course you have to save and invest and of course you have to have emergency costs because without emergency costs it's not good because it will affect the progress of the business we run.
Can you give a little example for number 3. Like you said don't take capital from loans, then how can the business grow?
And number 5. How to implement it? And how to start

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: oktana on January 11, 2024, 09:49:52 PM
To serve and to work aren’t different as you make it sound. When you’re working under someone as an employee, you’re serving them. When you’re serving someone as well, you’re working for them. And I tell you that some masters you see didn’t become masters without serving first. And to become a master, it’s just proper that you have to be under someone who is a master because that is how you learn the ways of the master. I’m not sure how you’re thinking about this.

If it was like you said, then we would have as many masters as we have servants. But the situation is far from that. Only few eventually become masters, but most remain servants forever. Moreover, those who become masters usually become such not because they have been servants first, But because they think differently even when they were servants. One will not ever be a master if he keeps thinking like a servant. No matter how much he has learned in the process.

We do not have the same number of servants who become masters because not everyone calculates well. I think in one of my replies, I mentioned that you while you work, you have to make your own plans. And that’s factual because if you don’t, your boss or master will keep on using you to grow themselves. So, while you serve, have a dream/vision. Think about your own personal business. Remember everything starts from mere thoughts.

I agree that thoughts, dreams and plans are of a high importance. And in some cases working as an employee could really help you to get prepared for achieving your own goals. However, most employees either no time nor capacity to think about something apart from their job, because it steals almost all of their time. And the little leisure they have they prefer to spend not thinking about other job, but simply entertaining.

Not always the case. Also, if you want to be rich and be independent of working for anyone, how do you feel so relaxed when working? It is something important and you should somehow find time to brainstorm ideas. None of what I’m saying is easy but it’s something that works. I’ve heard of people who have been planning and finally quit their job to become their own boss. They wouldn’t be able to do that if they hadn’t been thinking and planning it the whole time.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Sanugarid on January 11, 2024, 10:27:43 PM
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
This is wrong, if you become an influencer who show your wealthy to everyone in social medias, you will gain fame, many projects want you become their brand ambassador or promoting their projects in your content, and you will make money from it. You don't have to be rich, you can take a loan or borrow your friends luxury stuff, just claim you own that, to make people believe in you.

Nowadays it's really easy to make money, but it's really really hard to protect your privacy.

Fake it, until you make it.

You have a point about influencers and if you want to fake it just go but once people know that you will be beaten and you will fail quickly, there are many influencers out there that are real and not fake. As for the loan, that's what you should never do if everything you show is fake or not, the loan is not an option. Others want to bark at tiktok instead of taking a loan.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Oasisman on January 12, 2024, 05:12:01 AM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.
People who failed to jump or grab an opportunity is one of the most common factors why we fail without any initiative and courage to be smart enough to find another way to achieve our goal to be successful. Capital is also an issue here.

I don't thin capital is going to be an issue when you want to grab opportunity to put a business. I've seen more successful people who doesn't have the capital but has the will, persistence and passion in putting up their own business, than people who does not have an issue with the capital but lacks in persistence and passion. 
Also, not every opportunity means you have a high probability to succeed, sometimes you also need to pick the right time and place to grab unto that opportunity. Achieving goals may sound easy when other successful people tells their own story, but in reality it will never going to be easy. A lot of people had already given up and choose to be contented with what they can produce currently.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: JariKriting on January 12, 2024, 06:28:10 AM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: junder on January 12, 2024, 12:00:20 PM
Yes, self-control is something that is very difficult to do, especially with money in hand, something that we never thought of before will come suddenly and in the end we will use the money we hold for something we never thought of before.
Now I am more aware of that, the things I did before are not good for the future. roughly speaking, it is better for me not to enjoy anything now, but I can feel something useful in the future, by not neglecting to reward myself of course. I mean there's nothing wrong with pampering yourself once a month for example.
Actually the future is in our own hands, whether we want to see a better future or not, and we can do and prepare for it now.

I experienced this,  where when I already had money I don't know why the thought came to me to buy something that was not planned before, and I spontaneously bought it without thinking. but when I already had an item,  sometimes I also thought why I bought it even though it was not very important to me this is due to our lack of self-control,  especially in money management and I think this may often happen to everyone.

I agree with you, it's better not to enjoy the present but in the future there is something to see or enjoy. there is nothing wrong with pampering yourself like doing things that you really like, and that is one of the things that really needs to be done to make yourself happy. of course our future is in ourselves,  I can see many people who don't think about their future because most of them still think about a luxurious lifestyle. and of course this makes them not think about their future. whereas to have a good future, of course, it must be prepared from now on.
Awarenes has to come from oneself, and I think when other people advise us, while we're doing well and have never experienced anything that we regret in the end, all that advice will come out of the right ear and keep coming out of the left ear.
We learn from our previous experiences and mistakes, it's the ultimate way to make ourselves realize that we need to think more about the future.
I am very sure that the person who now looks like he is enjoying his old age is someone who worked hard and maybe left his youthful life to prepare for something in the future. it is certainly not for the preparation that we will enjoy ourselves, but we also prepare it for our descendants later.

It's true, awareness is within ourselves, but when people give good advice or input, sometimes it can also make us realize that what we are doing is wrong. Maybe what you mean is that it goes in the right ear and comes out of the left ear, not out of the right ear but also out of the left ear continuously.

Learning from what has happened is good, because that way we can avoid things that need to be avoided so that they don't happen again. In fact, we have to think about the future, and have to prepare for it all from an early age, but nowadays many young people don't think about it. their future because they prioritize their current lifestyle which is completely luxurious so that it can be recognized by many people. That's right, someone who enjoys their old age is someone who worked hard at a young age, because they think about the future and they have to prepare for it, and it's not for themselves, of course they don't want their family to have difficulties, so in the end they fight for it all for themselves. and his family.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Adreman23 on January 12, 2024, 01:38:23 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
I think this falls under financial wisdom quotes only because in reality if you really want to become rich, you need to know how to multiply the resources you have. These resources are not just about money but also include your talents, skills, attitude, and strategy, along with a bit of luck. From my observations, the avenues to richness can include business ventures, investments, winning the lottery, gambling, becoming a popular social blogger, excelling in sports, becoming a renowned artist, or even engaging in unethical practices for monetary gain, among others. What I want to emphasize is that there are numerous ways for a person to become rich, but each comes with its own set of risks. For example, taking risks in business might lead to financial losses, and engaging in unethical activities could result in legal consequences. However, if you avoid taking risks, such as not venturing into business to prevent potential losses, you may not achieve richness. To become rich, you need to explore opportunities that have the potential for financial success, but it's crucial to consider the associated risks as well.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: wmaurik on January 12, 2024, 04:43:01 PM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.
This is an option that can actually be done by everyone properly and regularly if someone really wants to become rich through their own efforts, because nowadays hard work alone will not be enough to make someone rich. Vice versa, so there needs to be a mature combination of the two in every person so that all the time, energy and thoughts that have been used can be maximally paid off through abundant results. However, believe me, not everyone is able to do this more consistently, especially those who still like to be seen as wasteful in using money excessively in sectors that are not important.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: bhadz on January 12, 2024, 06:06:56 PM
Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.
I have been hearing this from the rich and successful people. They say that don't chase the money and money will chase you from the good works that you do, good works of course from the business or service that you're doing to people. While this can be seriously taken and those that are chasing to make profits without even the best service that they can, money is staying away from them. So I agree, don't chase money as it will chase you when you do good and give the best work and service to everyone. Show your true passion and hobby as if you're not really working at all, that's one of the best feeling when you're someone that's following what you like.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 12, 2024, 09:00:59 PM
individual experiences with success and wealth can vary, and factors like opportunity, timing, and external circumstances also play crucial roles. While the philosophy in the quote can be a positive mindset for some, it might not capture the full complexity of success for everyone. Individual goals, industries, and personal circumstances can influence the effectiveness of such a philosophy.
People who failed to jump or grab an opportunity is one of the most common factors why we fail without any initiative and courage to be smart enough to find another way to achieve our goal to be successful. Capital is also an issue here.

I don't thin capital is going to be an issue when you want to grab opportunity to put a business. I've seen more successful people who doesn't have the capital but has the will, persistence and passion in putting up their own business, than people who does not have an issue with the capital but lacks in persistence and passion. 
Also, not every opportunity means you have a high probability to succeed, sometimes you also need to pick the right time and place to grab unto that opportunity. Achieving goals may sound easy when other successful people tells their own story, but in reality it will never going to be easy. A lot of people had already given up and choose to be contented with what they can produce currently.

That's true, even though they have sufficient funds to run a business, but they themselves don't have the desire to progress or are just lazy by doing new things, that's the same as lying, in fact there is a big possibility that the funds they have could run out without knowing where they went. someone who has a strong determination and enthusiasm will fight to be able to have a good business even if they don't have enough funds. I don't think they will stop there, they will find a way to make the business they want come true.

Therefore, to take an action, of course it must be considered carefully because something that is done spontaneously or not considered beforehand in my opinion will not produce maximum results, in fact it is likely that they will experience problems, even worse, perhaps failure. This could happen because the action taken is not paid attention to and considered first. To achieve success, of course, it will not be easy to turn the palm of your hand, because you have to go through and face various things that will happen, such as risks, many people fail with their business because they cannot overcome the risks that occur, therefore, before starting a business, you are expected to learn these things. related to the business he will run.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: carlisle1 on January 12, 2024, 11:39:32 PM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.
This is an option that can actually be done by everyone properly and regularly if someone really wants to become rich through their own efforts, because nowadays hard work alone will not be enough to make someone rich. Vice versa, so there needs to be a mature combination of the two in every person so that all the time, energy and thoughts that have been used can be maximally paid off through abundant results. However, believe me, not everyone is able to do this more consistently, especially those who still like to be seen as wasteful in using money excessively in sectors that are not important.

You are right, there are many people out there who continue to live a life in the same manner, instead of conserving and saving the money
they just continue wasting it into something that will bring joy to them.

It's better to save that money and forget about that happiness for a while, it's just a short happiness compared with the joy and contentment that you'll
earn when you manage to use the money the right way and provides the needs that you'll going to have in your future.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Distinctin on January 12, 2024, 11:57:08 PM
If you want to get rich, then you have to work on it 24/7 and maximize your knowledge and skills so that achieving wealth will be easily realized. Having positive attitude also matters as you won't be highly motivated to your goal if you don't anticipate a bright and positive future ahead of you. And lastly, faith in yourself that you can manage all the risks and survive all of them so you can see yourself in  the end being successful and profitable.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 13, 2024, 09:46:51 AM
Not always the case. Also, if you want to be rich and be independent of working for anyone, how do you feel so relaxed when working? It is something important and you should somehow find time to brainstorm ideas. None of what I’m saying is easy but it’s something that works. I’ve heard of people who have been planning and finally quit their job to become their own boss. They wouldn’t be able to do that if they hadn’t been thinking and planning it the whole time.

I think you got wrong what I have written. Exactly, most employees don't feel relaxed, on the contrary they feel stressed and limited. That is why they have no strength to think and plan. In the end they just make peace with that kind of existence. And start to look for a meaning of their life within the job, corporate structure. But they loose the ability to break through this work frames and dream bigger. Only very very few people, who live that way, stay strong and keep the capacity to move forward.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: oktana on January 13, 2024, 11:18:25 PM
Not always the case. Also, if you want to be rich and be independent of working for anyone, how do you feel so relaxed when working? It is something important and you should somehow find time to brainstorm ideas. None of what I’m saying is easy but it’s something that works. I’ve heard of people who have been planning and finally quit their job to become their own boss. They wouldn’t be able to do that if they hadn’t been thinking and planning it the whole time.

I think you got wrong what I have written. Exactly, most employees don't feel relaxed, on the contrary they feel stressed and limited. That is why they have no strength to think and plan. In the end they just make peace with that kind of existence. And start to look for a meaning of their life within the job, corporate structure. But they loose the ability to break through this work frames and dream bigger. Only very very few people, who live that way, stay strong and keep the capacity to move forward.

I understand what you’re saying. It’s not like they intentionally choose to be reluctant but that it’s draining on their end. However, I’ll tell you that having a plan is at least a bold step. Your job may be tiring and doesn’t let you do a lot but just find a way and make a plan (there’s always a way if you look well). Now, you mustn’t have it figured out. Just have a plan you can look back on. Things like this inspire you and even gives you another purpose for the job you’re doing.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 14, 2024, 09:05:44 AM
Not always the case. Also, if you want to be rich and be independent of working for anyone, how do you feel so relaxed when working? It is something important and you should somehow find time to brainstorm ideas. None of what I’m saying is easy but it’s something that works. I’ve heard of people who have been planning and finally quit their job to become their own boss. They wouldn’t be able to do that if they hadn’t been thinking and planning it the whole time.

I think you got wrong what I have written. Exactly, most employees don't feel relaxed, on the contrary they feel stressed and limited. That is why they have no strength to think and plan. In the end they just make peace with that kind of existence. And start to look for a meaning of their life within the job, corporate structure. But they loose the ability to break through this work frames and dream bigger. Only very very few people, who live that way, stay strong and keep the capacity to move forward.

I understand what you’re saying. It’s not like they intentionally choose to be reluctant but that it’s draining on their end. However, I’ll tell you that having a plan is at least a bold step. Your job may be tiring and doesn’t let you do a lot but just find a way and make a plan (there’s always a way if you look well). Now, you mustn’t have it figured out. Just have a plan you can look back on. Things like this inspire you and even gives you another purpose for the job you’re doing.

Honestly, I don't have a job in the traditional meaning. And this is for quite a long time. I decided several years ago that I don't want to be dependent on some employer or some company. I found a way to work for myself, to do what I like and to be accountable only to myself. That is the only way I see to escape the whirlpool of hired job which leaves you so little chance to make a real difference in your life.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Samlucky O on January 14, 2024, 09:38:18 AM
What I really understand about successful people is that 1. they save more and spend less. By reducing the rate of extravagantly spending in clubs, drink and women.

2. Take monetary issues seriously than any other thing. Many people always like spending money so that they will recorgnise them, and this recognition is not what will yield profit at the end of the day.

3. Lean to be a little stingy. The main reason why rich men alway stay at the top, is because they learn the habit of holding than releasing. If someone request $100 from them they will release only $10 except is a life saving something that will make them release $50. If everybody is requand you are giving out freely without checking your inflow you will become poor.

4. Reading meaning to any given money you spend. Any money that goes out from you because from little by little money goes from high to low. Somewhen you recharge card from your account for calls or data you will discover that before month end you will spend money less than $10 which was small to you. So there is a need to program on how you make your expenditure in other not to spend unnecessary money. Sothat you can save.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Renampun on January 14, 2024, 10:27:35 AM
There is a formula for rich people that I really like, which is to employ money, and it has been proven that those who employ money will find it difficult to fall into poverty, especially when the place they invest in produces big and stable money, while poor people will always spend the money they earn because they are confused and feel satisfied very quickly.
you also mentioned the problem of being jealous of the money that other people have, well this is also what causes many people to fall into poverty, they will definitely try to look rich even though they have no money at all, as a result they will borrow money from the bank and end up with bad credit.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 14, 2024, 10:43:04 AM
Not always the case. Also, if you want to be rich and be independent of working for anyone, how do you feel so relaxed when working? It is something important and you should somehow find time to brainstorm ideas. None of what I’m saying is easy but it’s something that works. I’ve heard of people who have been planning and finally quit their job to become their own boss. They wouldn’t be able to do that if they hadn’t been thinking and planning it the whole time.

I think you got wrong what I have written. Exactly, most employees don't feel relaxed, on the contrary they feel stressed and limited. That is why they have no strength to think and plan. In the end they just make peace with that kind of existence. And start to look for a meaning of their life within the job, corporate structure. But they loose the ability to break through this work frames and dream bigger. Only very very few people, who live that way, stay strong and keep the capacity to move forward.

I understand what you’re saying. It’s not like they intentionally choose to be reluctant but that it’s draining on their end. However, I’ll tell you that having a plan is at least a bold step. Your job may be tiring and doesn’t let you do a lot but just find a way and make a plan (there’s always a way if you look well). Now, you mustn’t have it figured out. Just have a plan you can look back on. Things like this inspire you and even gives you another purpose for the job you’re doing.

It is really hard to make plans if you are working 9-5 hours per day but the rest of your time would eventually be for your break after work so it's like survival every day. Still, for sure those people want to escape that loop and they would think of a plan in their head as a possible way to earn enough money that help them resign from draining work every day. If you don't even have any plan for sure you are just working to survive until the end and there's no goal to achieve which causes the person to not be motivated to work, in life, and escape hell. If you don't find any alternate way to work under a company, it would be hard to be financially free.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: oktana on January 14, 2024, 11:53:12 AM
Not always the case. Also, if you want to be rich and be independent of working for anyone, how do you feel so relaxed when working? It is something important and you should somehow find time to brainstorm ideas. None of what I’m saying is easy but it’s something that works. I’ve heard of people who have been planning and finally quit their job to become their own boss. They wouldn’t be able to do that if they hadn’t been thinking and planning it the whole time.

I think you got wrong what I have written. Exactly, most employees don't feel relaxed, on the contrary they feel stressed and limited. That is why they have no strength to think and plan. In the end they just make peace with that kind of existence. And start to look for a meaning of their life within the job, corporate structure. But they loose the ability to break through this work frames and dream bigger. Only very very few people, who live that way, stay strong and keep the capacity to move forward.

I understand what you’re saying. It’s not like they intentionally choose to be reluctant but that it’s draining on their end. However, I’ll tell you that having a plan is at least a bold step. Your job may be tiring and doesn’t let you do a lot but just find a way and make a plan (there’s always a way if you look well). Now, you mustn’t have it figured out. Just have a plan you can look back on. Things like this inspire you and even gives you another purpose for the job you’re doing.

Honestly, I don't have a job in the traditional meaning. And this is for quite a long time. I decided several years ago that I don't want to be dependent on some employer or some company. I found a way to work for myself, to do what I like and to be accountable only to myself. That is the only way I see to escape the whirlpool of hired job which leaves you so little chance to make a real difference in your life.

What I suggest is that you first work for people, be dependent but then be making plans. Nobody wants to be working for the whole of their lives (though not everyone is preparing to not work for the whole of their lives). At least have something you’re doing. The funds from the job you’ll do can/will establish you to be independent. I’m not saying you should leave what you’ve started already. I wish you the best in your endeavors. I’m writing this for others reading.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Fortify on January 14, 2024, 01:09:24 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

That's some decent, if rather basic advice for life - except for part 3. You definitely need to figure out your worth and whether you are being compensated fairly with your current employment situation. You could be losing a lot of your earning potential by sticking around in the wrong spot, potentially being underpaid by many multiples of your worth, for an under appreciative employer. While you may be happy to be slightly under paid and work in surroundings that make up for it, don't be walked on either. You should also be making a plan and trying to stick with it on your future earnings, especially if it includes diversifying into new income streams that exist beyond your single job, monitor and optimize them all the time.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 14, 2024, 05:37:56 PM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.

Very good combination, it's true and you mentioned one of the things that I think probably most people already know that hard work is the principle of a person if he wants to succeed in his life by achieving success and becoming a rich person but not all of them understand what smart work means. People are stagnant in the understanding of hard work which means they will spend a lot of time working and collecting money but they forget that they have their own capacity which makes them exhausted if they only rely on one principle which is hard work, that's good but on the other hand there must be other drivers and strategies like what you said which is smart work by trying something that is rarely done by others or even unknown.

Hard work is good and on the other hand you have to have a genius mindset in pursuing the dream of becoming a rich man, as you said if our goal is to become a rich man then obviously the best planning and management we should have in terms of finances and our perspective on money. The scenario is that if you have a salary of $500/month and your expenses for your needs for a whole month are $100 for example then you can allocate the remaining $400 to other things that can certainly make your money potentially grow such as maybe one of them investing in some assets that are trusted, and if a few months later your salary rises to $700/month for example then of course your expenses must remain the same as before which is $100 and you can put the rest of your needs for a month which amounts to $600 into the same investment assets as before. And this is a smart way that can give you a better chance and can accelerate the process of your struggle to become a rich person with passive income that will continue to increase the amount of money you have even if you are sleeping. But unfortunately I see people nowadays prefer to splurge when they get money or that means their expenses even increase when they manage to get a salary increase by always allocating money to something that is actually not needed and not important, and this is what makes it difficult for someone to achieve the dream of becoming a rich person or having good finances.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Huppercase on January 14, 2024, 06:58:42 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

There is a different between Wealth and Rich my friend, these days anyone can be rich because of the modern age and improvemnet through civiliization, anyone can crawl into gambling today and gamble one or two things and then boom, he will just win millions. So easy these days to have a millionaire, even an ordinary person can be lucky to buy Bitcoin when the price was low and can become a millionaire without following all what you listed above, this is to tell you that road to richness doesn't have a manual, there are many ways to become rich.

However, it is not easy to maintain rich, this is where your lists are of help and very important for everyone that is already rich. It is easy today to even make this money but it is another struggle to keep it, some people are so lucky that they don't even ask to be rich but life is fair to them and they get rich so quick but if you don't maintain it, you not only suffer later, you might turn an object of ridicule to run from been nothing to something and then crawl down back to poverty which is going to be a shame.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Success is a continue journey, I'm not sure how you view yours but the question ought to be people opinion on how to maintain success. I want you to know that people opinon varies and in the end, everyone will be saying the same thing. To maintain richness, make sure that you don't live any life above what you can't afford, you should also make sure to never run into a debt that will cripple you completely else you may not have a way to pay back and you will have to use your remaining money to pay any debt that you own especially if you run a business, be smart in every moves.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: GiftedMAN on January 14, 2024, 07:39:43 PM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.
If we want to be rich then we must be ready to get a skill whether skill related to computing or anything different from that. The power of money and earning something nice and worth our strength is dependent on what we can do especially the skill that we have. Going to college and getting certificates and degree only do not solve the problem but developing ourselves would help us have better values in the labour market. I have seen people making good money in trading and investing in different projects. There are many things we can do even without getting a job that would help us to be the kind of person we intend to be .

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: TopT3ns on January 14, 2024, 11:25:31 PM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.
If we want to be rich then we must be ready to get a skill whether skill related to computing or anything different from that. The power of money and earning something nice and worth our strength is dependent on what we can do especially the skill that we have. Going to college and getting certificates and degree only do not solve the problem but developing ourselves would help us have better values in the labour market. I have seen people making good money in trading and investing in different projects. There are many things we can do even without getting a job that would help us to be the kind of person we intend to be .
This means you have to have unique skills, and of course, those that make you productive and make money, because currently, people who may not have skills will find it difficult to earn money. If you only rely on hard work without doing smart work, it will still be difficult to become rich. must combine hard work and smart work. Never limit yourself to only having one income. To contribute to a project also requires skills that can be valuable for the available project.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: arimamib on January 14, 2024, 11:43:01 PM

If we want to be rich then we must be ready to get a skill whether skill related to computing or anything different from that. The power of money and earning something nice and worth our strength is dependent on what we can do especially the skill that we have. Going to college and getting certificates and degree only do not solve the problem but developing ourselves would help us have better values in the labour market. I have seen people making good money in trading and investing in different projects. There are many things we can do even without getting a job that would help us to be the kind of person we intend to be .
This means you have to have unique skills, and of course, those that make you productive and make money, because currently, people who may not have skills will find it difficult to earn money. If you only rely on hard work without doing smart work, it will still be difficult to become rich. must combine hard work and smart work. Never limit yourself to only having one income. To contribute to a project also requires skills that can be valuable for the available project.
People finding success in trading, investing, and other ventures without traditional employment shows the diverse avenues available for financial growth. It reinforces the notion that there are numerous paths to prosperity beyond a conventional job, and individuals can explore opportunities that align with their skills and interests. In today's dynamic world, having skills that are in demand can open up various opportunities for earning income.

The concept of combining hard work with smart work is particularly relevant that shows the importance of strategic and efficient efforts in addition to sheer dedication. Having multiple sources of income is practical that emphasizes the importance of diversification. This approach not only helps in achieving financial stability but also allows individuals to explore multiple avenues for wealth generation.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: edy_58 on January 15, 2024, 04:05:07 AM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.
If we want to be rich then we must be ready to get a skill whether skill related to computing or anything different from that. The power of money and earning something nice and worth our strength is dependent on what we can do especially the skill that we have. Going to college and getting certificates and degree only do not solve the problem but developing ourselves would help us have better values in the labour market. I have seen people making good money in trading and investing in different projects. There are many things we can do even without getting a job that would help us to be the kind of person we intend to be .
By having skills will certainly be able to provide income from the skills that we have mastered, if we are able to do it well, of course everyone will look for us to do us because we have seen good results what we have done, of course this will be able to increase our income have.
That's right, by completing education and getting a certificate but we do not have skills of course this will not be able to help us to be rich, there needs to be skills that we master well to be able to get income that makes us rich.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: junder on January 15, 2024, 09:32:20 AM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.
If we want to be rich then we must be ready to get a skill whether skill related to computing or anything different from that. The power of money and earning something nice and worth our strength is dependent on what we can do especially the skill that we have. Going to college and getting certificates and degree only do not solve the problem but developing ourselves would help us have better values in the labour market. I have seen people making good money in trading and investing in different projects. There are many things we can do even without getting a job that would help us to be the kind of person we intend to be .
This means you have to have unique skills, and of course, those that make you productive and make money, because currently, people who may not have skills will find it difficult to earn money. If you only rely on hard work without doing smart work, it will still be difficult to become rich. must combine hard work and smart work. Never limit yourself to only having one income. To contribute to a project also requires skills that can be valuable for the available project.

I agree with you, for now I think people have to have good skills to make money, because looking for a job is also difficult, but if they have good skills I think they can be utilized along with current technological developments, because I often see young people in my area and she is a woman, she cries because it is difficult to find work and I suggest that she rely on the skills she has as a good marketer or what is called marketing.

In the end he had the courage to start a business that was run online because it took advantage of technological developments too, and the good thing is that it developed until now he has his own shop. You are right, everything must be combined between hard work and smart work in order to produce profits and development, and I think this is what my female friend has done. So I think we have to have good skills and use them well so that we can produce good things too. Don't hesitate to move forward, if you have determination then just do it. Don't be like most young people today who are lazy to move forward because of shame, prestige and fear of failure. This is not recommended.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 15, 2024, 09:55:25 AM
What I suggest is that you first work for people, be dependent but then be making plans. Nobody wants to be working for the whole of their lives (though not everyone is preparing to not work for the whole of their lives). At least have something you’re doing. The funds from the job you’ll do can/will establish you to be independent.

I don't see why some people who already have some plan cannot just skip this part where you have to be dependent. Dependance doesn't teach you how to become free in most cases. It only teaches you how to be even more dependent. Because nobody has interest in you becoming independent except for yourself.

I’m not saying you should leave what you’ve started already. I wish you the best in your endeavors. I’m writing this for others reading.

Thank you!

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: kaka_Shipai on January 17, 2024, 10:32:00 PM
Focusing on creating value, serving others, and prioritizing the present work can lead to true richness. Successful individuals often adhere to principles like passion, resilience, and continuous learning. not only that, staying persistent with passion is an ideal way to make you rich.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Kavelj22 on January 17, 2024, 11:44:16 PM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.

This is not the case for everyone, nor is it the case for the majority. Few people succeed in achieving wealth, no matter how intelligent they are or how talented they are.

Everyone has his own way of getting rich.

There isn't one way to get rich. Some may become wealthy through hard work and perseverance, others may become wealthy through investing or entrepreneurship.

What is important is that a person has clear goals and realistic plans to achieve them. He must also be patient and persistent, and be willing to work hard to achieve his goals.

Find your own way to get rich, and do not compare yourself to others. Focus on your goals and plans, and be willing to work hard to achieve them.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Fara Chan on January 18, 2024, 03:24:18 AM
Focusing on creating value, serving others, and prioritizing the present work can lead to true richness. Successful individuals often adhere to principles like passion, resilience, and continuous learning. not only that, staying persistent with passion is an ideal way to make you rich.

All the aspects you say are aspects that can only be achieved by anyone by never stopping working and hoping for the best. Because persistence and enthusiasm in each person will be seen when everyone works at a job they like with a level of income that can be quite satisfying and continues without any thought of stopping after earning a certain amount of money. Principles like that have actually been around for a long time, it's just that sometimes not too many people use them, even though they are quite good principles if they continue to be carried out with the right time discipline.

Apart from that, the process of becoming rich is never instant and also never easy for everyone, even if someone is born into a rich family. However, this is only his family's wealth, which is basically not the result of his own hard work through life, so it is very important to apply the principles you mentioned to life if we want to make ourselves rich. And no longer depend on other people and our own parents for anything as long as we have the ability to do it ourselves through the path of life of our own choosing.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 25, 2024, 12:00:14 PM
Focusing on creating value, serving others, and prioritizing the present work can lead to true richness. Successful individuals often adhere to principles like passion, resilience, and continuous learning. not only that, staying persistent with passion is an ideal way to make you rich.

All the aspects you say are aspects that can only be achieved by anyone by never stopping working and hoping for the best. Because persistence and enthusiasm in each person will be seen when everyone works at a job they like with a level of income that can be quite satisfying and continues without any thought of stopping after earning a certain amount of money. Principles like that have actually been around for a long time, it's just that sometimes not too many people use them, even though they are quite good principles if they continue to be carried out with the right time discipline.

Apart from that, the process of becoming rich is never instant and also never easy for everyone, even if someone is born into a rich family. However, this is only his family's wealth, which is basically not the result of his own hard work through life, so it is very important to apply the principles you mentioned to life if we want to make ourselves rich. And no longer depend on other people and our own parents for anything as long as we have the ability to do it ourselves through the path of life of our own choosing.

that's right someone will look enthusiastic if they do what they like as well as what they want like having their own business,  of course they will do it with enthusiasm and persistence from themselves other things they will also do such as doing the best for their business, because if they already have the intention to start a business then they must be ready to run everything Including the risks that will occur. what you said is true,  if it is carried out with discipline it will also be good for the future so someone will be excited if they have found what they want,  also by doing what they like I think it will be good for themselves.

to be rich or to be able to achieve financial freedom of course we have to work hard, especially if it is accompanied by smart work then it will be very good. some people who do things that do lead to good thing they tend not to last long. like running a job  sometimes they get bored and think about looking for another job in my opinion this has a good side,  because then they dare to take a step forward,  but if their decision is to quit then it is a bad decision. It's true what you said we should be able to live independently by not depending on other people or parents especially if we are older then I think it needs to be done. if they are already adults I don't think it's natural for them to still depend on their parents,  because someday they will have their own families that will be their own responsibility.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: NotATether on January 25, 2024, 12:10:18 PM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Money is never the reason to do something, it is the passion. If it's a good business idea then the money will come later. Never go into a venture just to make money, because usually what happens is that not only do you end up making a bad product or service, but you will also fall behind on competitors and will have to close up shop.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 25, 2024, 01:43:23 PM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Money is never the reason to do something, it is the passion. If it's a good business idea then the money will come later. Never go into a venture just to make money, because usually what happens is that not only do you end up making a bad product or service, but you will also fall behind on competitors and will have to close up shop.
Exactly. This is the reason why some businesses fail here in my locality. This tunnel vision thing that focuses mainly on money will end up like they are unable to come up with a solution to the challenges they have on it's path in achieving what they wanted which is the money itself.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: reagansimms on January 25, 2024, 02:12:01 PM
People here always have their own ways to get rich from zero, the tips discussed from sources don't have much weight for most people. Becoming rich in the future is often a topic of discussion because this is the dream of many people. The real meaning of being rich does not mean that you have to have wealth like Elon Musk, Warren Buffett or Bill Gates, wealth can also be interpreted as a condition where you can make various decisions about spending without having to worry about your financial situation.

Desires must always be in line with actions because reaching the point of being rich is certainly not easy, especially if it is not accompanied by careful preparation and planning as well as a frugal lifestyle. Commitment and discipline is really needed in managing finances from a young age, you also have to be wise in spending.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: slapper on January 25, 2024, 02:23:46 PM
Focusing on creating value, serving others, and prioritizing the present work can lead to true richness. Successful individuals often adhere to principles like passion, resilience, and continuous learning. not only that, staying persistent with passion is an ideal way to make you rich.

All the aspects you say are aspects that can only be achieved by anyone by never stopping working and hoping for the best. Because persistence and enthusiasm in each person will be seen when everyone works at a job they like with a level of income that can be quite satisfying and continues without any thought of stopping after earning a certain amount of money. Principles like that have actually been around for a long time, it's just that sometimes not too many people use them, even though they are quite good principles if they continue to be carried out with the right time discipline.

Apart from that, the process of becoming rich is never instant and also never easy for everyone, even if someone is born into a rich family. However, this is only his family's wealth, which is basically not the result of his own hard work through life, so it is very important to apply the principles you mentioned to life if we want to make ourselves rich. And no longer depend on other people and our own parents for anything as long as we have the ability to do it ourselves through the path of life of our own choosing.

that's right someone will look enthusiastic if they do what they like as well as what they want like having their own business,  of course they will do it with enthusiasm and persistence from themselves other things they will also do such as doing the best for their business, because if they already have the intention to start a business then they must be ready to run everything Including the risks that will occur. what you said is true,  if it is carried out with discipline it will also be good for the future so someone will be excited if they have found what they want,  also by doing what they like I think it will be good for themselves.

to be rich or to be able to achieve financial freedom of course we have to work hard, especially if it is accompanied by smart work then it will be very good. some people who do things that do lead to good thing they tend not to last long. like running a job  sometimes they get bored and think about looking for another job in my opinion this has a good side,  because then they dare to take a step forward,  but if their decision is to quit then it is a bad decision. It's true what you said we should be able to live independently by not depending on other people or parents especially if we are older then I think it needs to be done. if they are already adults I don't think it's natural for them to still depend on their parents,  because someday they will have their own families that will be their own responsibility.
Yes, enthusiasm fuels ambition. Your inner fire drives you to take risks and embrace business. Remember: "With great power comes great responsibility." Leaving your comfort zone to start a business is brave. It's about leaving a legacy and telling your narrative, not just making money. However, every story has its ups and downs, twists and turns. As real as our dreams are, the threats are.

Isn't changing employment and seeking new vistas a monument to the human spirit? The courage to seek more. Yes, it's admirable, but think about it. Not simply the leap, but where you land. Job-hopping and seeking the 'ideal position' can be dangerous. One side offers growth, learning, and new opportunities. Alternatively, instability, uncertainty. A delicate balance, friend. Independence is a cornerstone of adulthood, right? Being independent from our parents is part of growing up and finding our way in the world. Please don't rush. Every trip is different, and sometimes getting little help can make all the difference. The key? Knowing yourself and your goals. That defines independence.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Mame89 on January 25, 2024, 08:51:32 PM
If you want to be rich, hard work and smart work are combined into one unit, plus being smart and planning good financial management.
hard work to make money after that is rotated in investing in stocks or crypto. over time the money will get thicker and many end up becoming rich people.
To become rich is actually easy if we are really serious about our goals and have a growth mindset. If you don't have privileges, then you should maximize what you mentioned above. Increase your income with hard work and smart work, reduce your expenses and then invest the rest.

Since most of the rich people I meet started from zero with no inheritance or connections, what we need are savers and investors (save, invest and live simply). as long as we know which method refers to our lifestyle. The key is to consistently live a simple lifestyle while saving in the form of investments, for example bitcoin, gold property, etc.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: sekalitas on January 26, 2024, 11:04:07 AM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

I think its quite true because based on that statement we need to doing our best to create value, without getting distracted by others' success or future gains. This way, we stay focused on meaningful work and avoid wasting time on distractions.As a result, we build something truly valuable that earns its own rewards over time.  So the point is consistency .  ;D

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: wmaurik on January 26, 2024, 01:57:08 PM
I think its quite true because based on that statement we need to doing our best to create value, without getting distracted by others' success or future gains. This way, we stay focused on meaningful work and avoid wasting time on distractions.As a result, we build something truly valuable that earns its own rewards over time.  So the point is consistency .  ;D
Consistency in working for ourselves is something that is absolutely necessary for everyone to do, because we all live in our own way even though it is through work that we understand very well. Because everyone must care more about the results of their own work than the results obtained by other people, so the level of consistency must not be reduced in the work that we have started and can continue to do so for a very long time. So the main focus remains on work that produces results so that passion for work can continue to increase over time.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Farma on January 26, 2024, 02:49:10 PM
I think its quite true because based on that statement we need to doing our best to create value, without getting distracted by others' success or future gains. This way, we stay focused on meaningful work and avoid wasting time on distractions.As a result, we build something truly valuable that earns its own rewards over time.  So the point is consistency .  ;D
Consistency in working for ourselves is something that is absolutely necessary for everyone to do, because we all live in our own way even though it is through work that we understand very well. Because everyone must care more about the results of their own work than the results obtained by other people, so the level of consistency must not be reduced in the work that we have started and can continue to do so for a very long time. So the main focus remains on work that produces results so that passion for work can continue to increase over time.
It cannot be denied that whatever we do requires consistency to achieve maximum results.
However, sometimes there are several other things that we need or need to do to increase our income, namely innovating in other things because if we expect money from only one source, it will not make us progress even though we are consistent in doing it.
Consistency remains the main key and everything comes back to what we do.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Kelward on January 26, 2024, 03:13:02 PM

If you want to get rich, you'd better follow a proven method, starting by spending less than you earn, and increasing income, leaving you with immunity and desire bullshit.

This is a method that I always emphasize on anywhere the issue of tips to getting rich or financial independence is discussed, spending bellow your income is the best practical way to save and plan financial investments . It captures the essence of this topic, to be prudent in spending inorder achieve feasible financial aims and avoid being in depts. To aim to become rich someone needs to dream big but start with what he has, and that is his own money, eventually when money starts to enter from other sources, then he can add it up. Getting your own money to start anything new means living bellow your means, depending on others for start-up capitals can be frustrating.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: sekalitas on January 27, 2024, 03:41:23 AM
I think its quite true because based on that statement we need to doing our best to create value, without getting distracted by others' success or future gains. This way, we stay focused on meaningful work and avoid wasting time on distractions.As a result, we build something truly valuable that earns its own rewards over time.  So the point is consistency .  ;D
Consistency in working for ourselves is something that is absolutely necessary for everyone to do, because we all live in our own way even though it is through work that we understand very well. Because everyone must care more about the results of their own work than the results obtained by other people, so the level of consistency must not be reduced in the work that we have started and can continue to do so for a very long time. So the main focus remains on work that produces results so that passion for work can continue to increase over time.

Thanks for adding the idea of consistency! However, not everything we do will always generate the desired outcome. Sometimes, challenges or long timelines can lead to us quitting before seeing results. That's why I believe it's important to find joy in the journey itself and view the outcome as a bonus. This way, even when our work doesn't yield the optimal results, we can still feel fulfilled and maintain consistency in our efforts.  ;D

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Y3shot on January 27, 2024, 10:03:54 AM
How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Money is never the reason to do something, it is the passion. If it's a good business idea then the money will come later. Never go into a venture just to make money, because usually what happens is that not only do you end up making a bad product or service, but you will also fall behind on competitors and will have to close up shop.
Passion is just everything one needs to be successful,  people who do things because of to make money at some point they get tired and you can't see the best from what they are doing. When you have Passion for something you will enjoy what you are doing and you can never get tired. If you check into every career people who are doing well they  didn't choose their career just because of they want to make money, but because of Passion they made the best decision for themselves and it is bringing good value for them.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: wendty on January 27, 2024, 10:10:08 AM
I think everyone has their own way that they think will work, I am the type of person who doesn't like getting into philosophical thing if it is unnecessary, so I never think about desiring money. What's work for me is arranging my priority, for me the only way to get rich investing and saving, and both can only be done if I can minimize my spending and spare some money to be saved and invested.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: carlisle1 on January 27, 2024, 11:04:14 AM
I think everyone has their own way that they think will work, I am the type of person who doesn't like getting into philosophical thing if it is unnecessary, so I never think about desiring money. What's work for me is arranging my priority, for me the only way to get rich investing and saving, and both can only be done if I can minimize my spending and spare some money to be saved and invested.

Which the common practices that we need, saving then investing will allow you to grow your finances, people who understand those things are
the one who are really keen in achieving such goals.

You need to work with your better understanding there are many things that you need to sacrifice for now most are those leisure that you
can do but because you wanted to have a better life, you'll choose to save your money and start investing.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: ringgo96 on January 27, 2024, 11:47:22 AM
I think everyone has their own way that they think will work, I am the type of person who doesn't like getting into philosophical thing if it is unnecessary, so I never think about desiring money. What's work for me is arranging my priority, for me the only way to get rich investing and saving, and both can only be done if I can minimize my spending and spare some money to be saved and invested.

Which the common practices that we need, saving then investing will allow you to grow your finances, people who understand those things are
the one who are really keen in achieving such goals.

You need to work with your better understanding there are many things that you need to sacrifice for now most are those leisure that you
can do but because you wanted to have a better life, you'll choose to save your money and start investing.

If you want to be successful and be able to have abundant wealth, then everyone has their own plans, and it won't be easy to carry out the process of getting rich in this life, and the people who are successful now are the people who have gone through bitter times and they keep going until success can be achieved, as you said saving and investing is everyone's solution because from there we can open businesses both in the world of business and trade, and I'm sure one day we will achieve very satisfying success.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: terrific on January 27, 2024, 12:22:48 PM
I think everyone has their own way that they think will work, I am the type of person who doesn't like getting into philosophical thing if it is unnecessary, so I never think about desiring money. What's work for me is arranging my priority, for me the only way to get rich investing and saving
I'd agree with investing but with saving? well, I'd give that since you've said it with an and with it. So, if it's a combination then I'd agree but don't rely too much with saving because it's only going to help you prepare but not with growing. Maybe the practice and discipline there will help you get rich because you're good in managing your money.

and both can only be done if I can minimize my spending and spare some money to be saved and invested.
Just know your priorities and spend to necessary things and avoid spending to unnecessary products, subscriptions, etc.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: bestcoins1 on January 27, 2024, 07:04:35 PM
I think everyone has their own way that they think will work, I am the type of person who doesn't like getting into philosophical thing if it is unnecessary, so I never think about desiring money. What's work for me is arranging my priority, for me the only way to get rich investing and saving, and both can only be done if I can minimize my spending and spare some money to be saved and invested.

If you can still consider these two methods as good ways and are also comfortable enough for you to do continuously in your own life, I don't think you need to have the intention to stop but to continue with the level of ability you currently have. Because as you said, each person has different ways and abilities in trying to become rich and this is of course very common among everyone because sometimes some people just want to be rich without thinking about more knowledge.

Meanwhile, others prioritize being rich in knowledge before wanting a lot of money, because when everyone is rich with any knowledge, of course it will be very easy for them to get money even though they also have to hope for luck in their own lives. But in essence, it is a very important thing to master so that whatever you do can be maximally successful, for example in the work you do, because it would be very good if this could be done regularly every day.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Lanatsa on January 27, 2024, 07:52:29 PM
I think everyone has their own way that they think will work, I am the type of person who doesn't like getting into philosophical thing if it is unnecessary, so I never think about desiring money. What's work for me is arranging my priority, for me the only way to get rich investing and saving, and both can only be done if I can minimize my spending and spare some money to be saved and invested.

Which the common practices that we need, saving then investing will allow you to grow your finances, people who understand those things are
the one who are really keen in achieving such goals.

You need to work with your better understanding there are many things that you need to sacrifice for now most are those leisure that you
can do but because you wanted to have a better life, you'll choose to save your money and start investing.

If you want to be successful and be able to have abundant wealth, then everyone has their own plans, and it won't be easy to carry out the process of getting rich in this life, and the people who are successful now are the people who have gone through bitter times and they keep going until success can be achieved, as you said saving and investing is everyone's solution because from there we can open businesses both in the world of business and trade, and I'm sure one day we will achieve very satisfying success.
Totally really just that depending on a certain person on which we know that not all would really be having that kind of similar mindset when it comes to this one on which there would really be those people who would really be just sitting still or would really be idle and not really that doing anything for making their lives way more better or something which is more enhanced. Yes, there would really be those people who would really be saying that money isnt everything but it is really that part of todays standard yet even surviving on having daily need would really be already requiring such fund or money for you to be able to do so.
We do really have indeed our own plans and goals we do have in our mind on which it would really be just that normal that there would really be people who would really be thriving on achieving their goals
and targets in life.

We would really be doing necessary things as long it could give us out that kind of benefit on which this is something that pertains on getting rich
then it would really be that a normal approach that people would really be going for that one.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Mauser on January 28, 2024, 05:53:54 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Not spending money on unnecessary things make sense. It's always better to try and avoid purchases today and rather invest that money to earn a profit for us. My plan is usually to not use my principal money for purchases, but rather wait and use the dividends and profits to make a purchase. But the real question remains where is our wealth really coming from? Starting from 0 is almost impossible to get rich in today's time in my opinion. Because we are living in a period of high inflation, food prices are constantly rising, so is rent. These are all cost that we can't avoid to pay. As long as our monthly income is high enough to pay all costs and leaves us with enough money to invest, we will have a better future. But changing our situation requires a lot of dedication and time, reinvesting profits, interest and dividends helps a lot to build our portfolio more quickly. And even if we won't manage to become rich in our life, we can at least help our children to have an easier life and maybe they can become rich one day.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 28, 2024, 06:14:06 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

Not spending money on unnecessary things make sense. It's always better to try and avoid purchases today and rather invest that money to earn a profit for us. My plan is usually to not use my principal money for purchases, but rather wait and use the dividends and profits to make a purchase. But the real question remains where is our wealth really coming from? Starting from 0 is almost impossible to get rich in today's time in my opinion. Because we are living in a period of high inflation, food prices are constantly rising, so is rent. These are all cost that we can't avoid to pay. As long as our monthly income is high enough to pay all costs and leaves us with enough money to invest, we will have a better future. But changing our situation requires a lot of dedication and time, reinvesting profits, interest and dividends helps a lot to build our portfolio more quickly. And even if we won't manage to become rich in our life, we can at least help our children to have an easier life and maybe they can become rich one day.

Getting rich starting from nothing is only possible if one gets really lucky. But it is not worth to count on pure luck, because such a chance may never happen for you. In my opinion, becoming wealthy is constant, persistent, even stubborn work. Only those who spend all their efforts on this intention achieve success. I believe that nothing is impossible, but this goal is very hard to reach.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: erep on January 29, 2024, 04:35:54 PM
Getting rich starting from nothing is only possible if one gets really lucky. But it is not worth to count on pure luck, because such a chance may never happen for you. In my opinion, becoming wealthy is constant, persistent, even stubborn work. Only those who spend all their efforts on this intention achieve success. I believe that nothing is impossible, but this goal is very hard to reach.
It is impossible to become rich from ZERO, in fact there is no history of people becoming rich from zero, but some of the capital you have can change your fate in the future, because the future can never be predicted by anyone and we all have the opportunity to become rich from business and capital. For example, the current presence of crypto has created a history of changes in the global economy because it has improved economic statistics even though some people hide their identities because they have thousands or millions of dollars in assets in crypto, but some beginners have generated high current income just by participating in airdrops, some altcoins recently listed on Binance from several retroactive airdrops, I also earned $2.5k from one retroactive airdrop and many of them have made tens of thousands of dollars from airdrop participants just with cellphone and wifi capital.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: kaka_Shipai on January 30, 2024, 11:38:12 AM
If you want to become rich, you need to have multiple sources of income. That means that you need to increase the sources instead of switching from one to another. Having a youtube channel, or a good website and along with that some other source like running a software house is in my opinion the ideal way forward if you are a developer

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Casalania on January 30, 2024, 11:55:31 AM
It is impossible to become rich from ZERO, in fact there is no history of people becoming rich from zero, but some of the capital you have can change your fate in the future, because the future can never be predicted by anyone and we all have the opportunity to become rich from business and capital. For example, the current presence of crypto has created a history of changes in the global economy because it has improved economic statistics even though some people hide their identities because they have thousands or millions of dollars in assets in crypto, but some beginners have generated high current income just by participating in airdrops, some altcoins recently listed on Binance from several retroactive airdrops, I also earned $2.5k from one retroactive airdrop and many of them have made tens of thousands of dollars from airdrop participants just with cellphone and wifi capital.
Owning a business from scratch is a challenging task that not many people can achieve easily. However, it is not impossible, there are numerous opportunities available right now for people to become successful in life even if they start from nothing. A perfect example of this is the rise of influencers or vloggers who began their careers by sharing their content and activities on social media platforms. They have a passion for entertaining and bringing happiness to their viewers, which has enabled them to monetize their page or channel without needing any initial capital. Being rich does not only come from owning a business, there are lots of opportunities for everyone.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: $anounimus$ on January 30, 2024, 07:08:52 PM
It is impossible to become rich from ZERO, in fact there is no history of people becoming rich from zero, but some of the capital you have can change your fate in the future, because the future can never be predicted by anyone and we all have the opportunity to become rich from business and capital. For example, the current presence of crypto has created a history of changes in the global economy because it has improved economic statistics even though some people hide their identities because they have thousands or millions of dollars in assets in crypto, but some beginners have generated high current income just by participating in airdrops, some altcoins recently listed on Binance from several retroactive airdrops, I also earned $2.5k from one retroactive airdrop and many of them have made tens of thousands of dollars from airdrop participants just with cellphone and wifi capital.
Owning a business from scratch is a challenging task that not many people can achieve easily. However, it is not impossible, there are numerous opportunities available right now for people to become successful in life even if they start from nothing. A perfect example of this is the rise of influencers or vloggers who began their careers by sharing their content and activities on social media platforms. They have a passion for entertaining and bringing happiness to their viewers, which has enabled them to monetize their page or channel without needing any initial capital. Being rich does not only come from owning a business, there are lots of opportunities for everyone.
Yes, I agree with you, that success can also start with creativity without having to have large capital. It is true that starting something is very difficult, but I believe that anyone who dares to move and keeps moving will achieve their goal of success. I really admire the success of the influencers who started it all with very minimal capital with their tenacity.

Likewise with other businesses, if you don't have the will to move then any amount of capital will be in vain. In my opinion, the most important thing for someone is to have the courage to determine their passion and then pursue it seriously and that is the most important thing they must have besides financial capital.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: terrific on January 30, 2024, 11:50:48 PM
If you want to become rich, you need to have multiple sources of income. That means that you need to increase the sources instead of switching from one to another.
Don't forget that when someone earns a lot, the lifestyle is also inflating and with that you also need to maintain your life living frugally. Also, even if someone earns a lot of multiple income but he's not knowledgeable with financial management, that might not help to become rich but he's got a lot to save.

Having a youtube channel, or a good website and along with that some other source like running a software house is in my opinion the ideal way forward if you are a developer
As in anything that you can learn and have as a skill, you can do a lot of things with it and with today's content and data focused generation, you can see a lot of opportunity that can make you money but it sounds easy but in real, not.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: wmaurik on January 31, 2024, 04:21:28 AM
It cannot be denied that whatever we do requires consistency to achieve maximum results.
However, sometimes there are several other things that we need or need to do to increase our income, namely innovating in other things because if we expect money from only one source, it will not make us progress even though we are consistent in doing it.
Consistency remains the main key and everything comes back to what we do.
The level of consistency itself also needs to be questioned with oneself because there are also people who feel that just one income is enough in their life, which means they really do the job with a fairly high level of consistency. But it would still be better for people who can apply consistent work to different jobs in order to earn income from different directions for themselves. Because that is indeed better than people who only rely on income from one of them, even though they have a fairly good level of consistency in their work.

Thanks for adding the idea of consistency! However, not everything we do will always generate the desired outcome. Sometimes, challenges or long timelines can lead to us quitting before seeing results. That's why I believe it's important to find joy in the journey itself and view the outcome as a bonus. This way, even when our work doesn't yield the optimal results, we can still feel fulfilled and maintain consistency in our efforts.  ;D
This goes back to each person's thoughts, because if they like to stop after struggling for a while just because there are no optimal results, such people usually do not have high patience and consistency in their work. So enjoying the journey at work is also important and must be well ingrained in each of our minds in order to achieve more optimal results, even if we consider it as a bonus. But loving the journey process is also quite important in our work so that we don't easily experience disappointment when the results are still not what we want.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: slapper on January 31, 2024, 12:46:21 PM
Getting rich starting from nothing is only possible if one gets really lucky. But it is not worth to count on pure luck, because such a chance may never happen for you. In my opinion, becoming wealthy is constant, persistent, even stubborn work. Only those who spend all their efforts on this intention achieve success. I believe that nothing is impossible, but this goal is very hard to reach.
It is impossible to become rich from ZERO, in fact there is no history of people becoming rich from zero, but some of the capital you have can change your fate in the future, because the future can never be predicted by anyone and we all have the opportunity to become rich from business and capital. For example, the current presence of crypto has created a history of changes in the global economy because it has improved economic statistics even though some people hide their identities because they have thousands or millions of dollars in assets in crypto, but some beginners have generated high current income just by participating in airdrops, some altcoins recently listed on Binance from several retroactive airdrops, I also earned $2.5k from one retroactive airdrop and many of them have made tens of thousands of dollars from airdrop participants just with cellphone and wifi capital.
It impossible to get rich from nothing? Clarify our facts. History is full of stories of people who rose from nothing through persistence, creativity, and luck. To ignore history is to ignore the innumerable entrepreneurs, innovators, and crypto billionaires who win over fate.

Crypto is altering the global economy, but it's not the only way to riches. There's volatility and risk on this wild journey. Airdrops have helped some, but they don't ensure wealth. One option, not the only.

We must look at the big picture. Wealth creation is about seizing chances, utilizing resources (however scarce), and working hard. Yes, you can start with "cellphone and wifi capital," but education, network, and opportunity-spotting are all important. Playing style matters more than starting point

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Etranger on January 31, 2024, 05:04:40 PM
Getting rich starting from nothing is only possible if one gets really lucky. But it is not worth to count on pure luck, because such a chance may never happen for you. In my opinion, becoming wealthy is constant, persistent, even stubborn work. Only those who spend all their efforts on this intention achieve success. I believe that nothing is impossible, but this goal is very hard to reach.
It is impossible to become rich from ZERO, in fact there is no history of people becoming rich from zero, but some of the capital you have can change your fate in the future, because the future can never be predicted by anyone and we all have the opportunity to become rich from business and capital. For example, the current presence of crypto has created a history of changes in the global economy because it has improved economic statistics even though some people hide their identities because they have thousands or millions of dollars in assets in crypto, but some beginners have generated high current income just by participating in airdrops, some altcoins recently listed on Binance from several retroactive airdrops, I also earned $2.5k from one retroactive airdrop and many of them have made tens of thousands of dollars from airdrop participants just with cellphone and wifi capital.
It impossible to get rich from nothing? Clarify our facts. History is full of stories of people who rose from nothing through persistence, creativity, and luck. To ignore history is to ignore the innumerable entrepreneurs, innovators, and crypto billionaires who win over fate.

Crypto is altering the global economy, but it's not the only way to riches. There's volatility and risk on this wild journey. Airdrops have helped some, but they don't ensure wealth. One option, not the only.

We must look at the big picture. Wealth creation is about seizing chances, utilizing resources (however scarce), and working hard. Yes, you can start with "cellphone and wifi capital," but education, network, and opportunity-spotting are all important. Playing style matters more than starting point

What matters even more is the ability to crate something new. History knows a lot of innovators who became rich thanks to their way of thinking. They were ahead of the rest of the world, they initiated something out of an idea and nothing else. When a person sees new opportunities, he doesn't really need a capital. That is why it is possible to become rich when you start with zero capital. But you have to have something else instead.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Casalania on January 31, 2024, 05:06:42 PM
It is impossible to become rich from ZERO, in fact there is no history of people becoming rich from zero, but some of the capital you have can change your fate in the future, because the future can never be predicted by anyone and we all have the opportunity to become rich from business and capital. For example, the current presence of crypto has created a history of changes in the global economy because it has improved economic statistics even though some people hide their identities because they have thousands or millions of dollars in assets in crypto, but some beginners have generated high current income just by participating in airdrops, some altcoins recently listed on Binance from several retroactive airdrops, I also earned $2.5k from one retroactive airdrop and many of them have made tens of thousands of dollars from airdrop participants just with cellphone and wifi capital.
Owning a business from scratch is a challenging task that not many people can achieve easily. However, it is not impossible, there are numerous opportunities available right now for people to become successful in life even if they start from nothing. A perfect example of this is the rise of influencers or vloggers who began their careers by sharing their content and activities on social media platforms. They have a passion for entertaining and bringing happiness to their viewers, which has enabled them to monetize their page or channel without needing any initial capital. Being rich does not only come from owning a business, there are lots of opportunities for everyone.
Yes, I agree with you, that success can also start with creativity without having to have large capital. It is true that starting something is very difficult, but I believe that anyone who dares to move and keeps moving will achieve their goal of success. I really admire the success of the influencers who started it all with very minimal capital with their tenacity.

Likewise with other businesses, if you don't have the will to move then any amount of capital will be in vain. In my opinion, the most important thing for someone is to have the courage to determine their passion and then pursue it seriously and that is the most important thing they must have besides financial capital.
Of course, it's important to maintain a positive attitude and believe in one's abilities to achieve success in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Although it may be difficult, it's important to remember that many successful business people have faced similar challenges in the beginning. The key is to persist and not give up until one achieves great success. If others have been able to do it, then anyone can do it too.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: wmaurik on February 02, 2024, 11:05:31 AM
Of course, it's important to maintain a positive attitude and believe in one's abilities to achieve success in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Although it may be difficult, it's important to remember that many successful business people have faced similar challenges in the beginning. The key is to persist and not give up until one achieves great success. If others have been able to do it, then anyone can do it too.
As long as everyone or we ourselves have the desire to achieve great success through our own efforts, of course any challenges must be able to be faced wisely. And try to be able to survive in difficult conditions because great success never comes instantly without going through a fairly mature process like the business people who are successful today. Apart from that, there is also truth in what you said, that the attitude of never giving up must also be present in ourselves or everyone who wants to achieve great success through their own business.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: bettercrypto on February 02, 2024, 02:18:32 PM
If anyone wants to be rich, the only thing others do is multiply their businesses from small until they multiply and grow, so maybe these entrepreneurs become immune to money because they are not tempted. spend the big profits they earn on their businesses.

Instead of spending on things, they use the profit to grow another business again. This is how they do it, so they can get rich in the time they deserve and expect.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on February 02, 2024, 02:36:15 PM
This is not the first thread in this section giving tips on how to get rich. What I wonder is whether the people giving the advice are very rich, because it seems to me that they are not.

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

I think that this is the most ridiculous advice I've seen on the forum on the subject. If you don't want something you won't strive to get it, and you won't get it miraculously. Although, seeing as you talk about sins, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you're hoping for, a miracle.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: ivankoh on February 02, 2024, 03:29:46 PM
Getting rich is everyone's desire, but the way to do it, the way of thinking, the way of management and the ability of each person is different. It pushes each person to find their own way, their own plan, their own goals. I think there is no common standard for it, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages so there is no optimal way to do it... I am not rich and I am also looking for knowledge and learning to gradually build your goals and plans. I think knowledge, studying hard, self-management, planning, goals and investing are steps closer to making more money, but being rich is a longer distance but must go step by step.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: snowpega on February 02, 2024, 08:14:25 PM
Money is the thing we should have good control over like we should know where to spend money where to save and where to invest if the person has good control over this technique he/she will see making more money over time. We should have control over our undesired things like where we should not spend even a single cent well yes if you feel now I am rich enough you can spend your amount where you want.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: junder on February 02, 2024, 09:53:46 PM
Getting rich is everyone's desire, but the way to do it, the way of thinking, the way of management and the ability of each person is different. It pushes each person to find their own way, their own plan, their own goals. I think there is no common standard for it, everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages so there is no optimal way to do it... I am not rich and I am also looking for knowledge and learning to gradually build your goals and plans. I think knowledge, studying hard, self-management, planning, goals and investing are steps closer to making more money, but being rich is a longer distance but must go step by step.

True, indeed in my opinion everyone would want wealth in terms of money and assets, also financial freedom. But this in my opinion only applies to people who have good thinking, smart in various ways such as what you say is money management, how to think. these two things are certainly not owned by everyone, because basically everyone's thinking is different, they have their own way to achieve financial freedom, but the main goal is indeed wealth or financial freedom.

Of course, to be able to reach or be at the point of wealth of money or assets we have to work hard or by doing everything that triggers wealth, such as investing or working hard at a young age. Also to get to the point of wealth we have to go through everything well, including risks. Because risk is definitely there, but only a few people can face risk well, many when they work hard and experience a point of risk they tend to choose to give up, in my opinion it is not wrong if there is a strong reason. But the good thing is that we must be able to face the risk well. And it's true what you said, knowledge, enterprising, self-management, and investment are steps as well as factors to reach the point of wealth.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: boyptc on February 02, 2024, 11:20:51 PM
Money is the thing we should have good control over like we should know where to spend money where to save and where to invest if the person has good control over this technique he/she will see making more money over time. We should have control over our undesired things like where we should not spend even a single cent well yes if you feel now I am rich enough you can spend your amount where you want.
As you have mentioned control, someone becomes wild when money is already on his/her hand. Wild in a matter that spending habit becomes intense and changes.

It's like you're fine when you don't have it yet and then you changes when it's already there like you become spendthrift and just want to spend it to any wants that you want.

You become responsible with that but on the other hand, you want to be rich but you loses your control and grip to your money when it's on hand.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: freedomgo on February 02, 2024, 11:34:37 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to attract all forms that create money. Not only you get immune to it, but you should never miss all the opportunities that would lead you to money making, either trading or investing, or even gambling, that will make you earn and gain huge amount in the end.

Another thing also is if you want to get rich, you have to picture yourself being rich 10 or 20 years from now. That will serve as your goal motivation so that you will not get tired or desired to quit because you need to achieve something that’s in your goal.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: arimamib on February 02, 2024, 11:47:32 PM
Money is the thing we should have good control over like we should know where to spend money where to save and where to invest if the person has good control over this technique he/she will see making more money over time. We should have control over our undesired things like where we should not spend even a single cent well yes if you feel now I am rich enough you can spend your amount where you want.
As you have mentioned control, someone becomes wild when money is already on his/her hand. Wild in a matter that spending habit becomes intense and changes.

It's like you're fine when you don't have it yet and then you changes when it's already there like you become spendthrift and just want to spend it to any wants that you want.

You become responsible with that but on the other hand, you want to be rich but you loses your control and grip to your money when it's on hand.
It's a common reality for some people to experience a shift in behavior when they come into money. The newfound financial freedom can lead to a sense of liberation, and in some cases, this can manifest as increased spending and a more extravagant lifestyle. This change in spending habits can be attributed to the desire to enjoy the fruits of success, social pressure, or simply a lack of financial discipline.

Balancing the enjoyment of newfound wealth with responsible financial management is important for anyone to have financial stability. Setting clear financial goals and creating a budget can help individuals stay on track and avoid the pitfalls of excessive spending. Remembering the initial aspirations to become wealthy can serve as a powerful motivator to maintain fiscal responsibility even when faced with a sudden influx of money.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Vinaa77 on February 03, 2024, 09:25:38 AM
If you want to get rich, you have to attract all forms that create money. Not only you get immune to it, but you should never miss all the opportunities that would lead you to money making, either trading or investing, or even gambling, that will make you earn and gain huge amount in the end.

Another thing also is if you want to get rich, you have to picture yourself being rich 10 or 20 years from now. That will serve as your goal motivation so that you will not get tired or desired to quit because you need to achieve something that’s in your goal.
Everyone certainly wants themselves to be rich and only some people can achieve it, because people who want to make themselves rich certainly have to do work that gives them a lot of income, whatever method you use, the most important thing is to be able to make money to be able to achieve what you want.

To become rich, you really need motivation and people who have been successful can be a guide so that we can try as they have done and also we really have to be able to do it consistently in order to achieve all the desires that we have dreamed of.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Casalania on February 03, 2024, 10:44:57 AM
Of course, it's important to maintain a positive attitude and believe in one's abilities to achieve success in their entrepreneurial endeavors. Although it may be difficult, it's important to remember that many successful business people have faced similar challenges in the beginning. The key is to persist and not give up until one achieves great success. If others have been able to do it, then anyone can do it too.
As long as everyone or we ourselves have the desire to achieve great success through our own efforts, of course any challenges must be able to be faced wisely. And try to be able to survive in difficult conditions because great success never comes instantly without going through a fairly mature process like the business people who are successful today. Apart from that, there is also truth in what you said, that the attitude of never giving up must also be present in ourselves or everyone who wants to achieve great success through their own business.
Yes, it's important to remember that giving up on any obstacle in life can prevent you from achieving success. Keeping a positive mindset and persevering through challenges can help you overcome any negativity and achieve your goals.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Fortify on February 03, 2024, 03:09:58 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?

This is just advice for having a good and healthy life in general. You should not envy what other people have and keep your head down with hard work. If you focus on improving yourself, you'll live a much happier life in general and nobody should be wasting their time wondering what other people are doing. You should definitely be putting any money you are able to get to work however, as too many people out there will frivolously spend on unnecessary rubbish. Not sure about point number three however, because people should often be seeking out ways to improve their own salary if they want to stay ahead in life, the minimum wage is always creeping up and often employers will take advantage of any people who don't ask for raises.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on February 03, 2024, 05:12:13 PM
Yes, it's important to remember that giving up on any obstacle in life can prevent you from achieving success. Keeping a positive mindset and persevering through challenges can help you overcome any negativity and achieve your goals.

We should not be fearful from obstacles because it is a part of life sometimes we achieve and sometimes we loss but in both cases we learn something that is good for us. Challenges make us stronger and it increase our courage but if we get feared of these Challenges then it is possible that we may never see success in life.

A successful man always get success from most risky field but a lazy person will choose Low value and less risky platform and will desire to earn more from it which is not possible because a single field does not possess all good qualities.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: tbterryboy on February 03, 2024, 06:34:33 PM
If you want to become rich, you need to have multiple sources of income. That means that you need to increase the sources instead of switching from one to another. Having a youtube channel, or a good website and along with that some other source like running a software house is in my opinion the ideal way forward if you are a developer
It's all about managing your finances properly and not just having multiple sources of income because a lot of people would have multiple sources of income and still don't have any wealth because they can't manage their finances and investments properly. If you have multiple sources of income, you should be able to make assets for yourself, like starting your businesses, making investments for the future, and buying gold, Bitcoin, and other useful stuff.

If you have multiple sources of income and still aren't able to make any assets or have any wealth or savings, then you are definitely not doing something right and that is the reason why you are not being able to become rich even after having multiple ways of earning money.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: decodx on February 03, 2024, 07:23:52 PM
Not all people aspire to be super rich! Sure, having enough money to feel financially stable is important for most.  But for some, chasing riches isn't what they're after.

Some find meaning instead through life experiences, connections with others creative projects, or contributing to their community.  Their aims don't focus on piling up money, but rather purposeful, fulfilling living.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: kotajikikox on February 03, 2024, 07:45:44 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

Only this way you will get rich from zero.
_The Grim
[Source] (

How true is it? I want to ask the successful people here in this forum. What kind of rules or strategies that you guys use which led you to your success?
I don't know why people now making things more complicated, imagine even desiring your own many is an issue?when it is obvious that it's yours and you can do anything from it.why would I not to desire my money?
And also really not desiring my future money?lol of course I will desire on that because it is my dream and once your dreamed off,you must taste it even in plans only.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: tread93 on February 03, 2024, 08:00:58 PM
Everyone certainly has different ways of achieving success, although the methods are different, but of course there are many people who succeed and become successful. For me personally, in achieving success, the first thing is always health which comes first and the second thing is knowledge which comes first and don't. It's easy to give up if there are obstacles, namely having to keep fighting and learning from mistakes. 3. Don't get business capital from loan proceeds because for me personally I don't feel comfortable using loan business capital. 4th, only buy things that are most needed and if you want to buy a car there must also be benefits. The point is to buy a car because it is for business purposes because if you buy a car not for business purposes, of course you will lose money because the cost of servicing the car is of course very expensive, but if you just go out once. going on holiday by car is certainly no problem because we also need entertainment and fun so that our brains don't get stressed. The to 5, in my opinion, must be a business according to our hobby because if our run a business according to our hobby it will make us comfortable and we will enjoy the business process we are running.

6th, of course you have to save and invest and of course you have to have emergency costs because without emergency costs it's not good because it will affect the progress of the business we run.

On number 5 I would just say that you have to be prepared for potential to have this now business turned hobby to be lacking in the passion. Once you involve business and mix it with your hobby then the sole purpose of the hobby is compomised IMO because then its all about the money and not he enjoyment. I liked what Frank said like he could just walk into the dealership and buy a bunch of crappy cars that all lose value right away, or he can just go in and enjoy the thought that he has the means to buy any car he likes. Don't bank on making your hobby your mony maker. Most money making machines are boring as fuck and never align with peoples hobbies. People get rich as fuck and live out their hobby in full enjoyment knowing full well they can aquire as much or as little as they like in their collection or hobby of interest whatever that may be.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Xxmodded on February 03, 2024, 08:42:10 PM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.
I agreed with all points how to be success never take care with do not desire the money of others, its very important to be success but make this points as motivate to be rich in the future. Actually need change your habit if want to be success with how more spending time for working than imagine in the future with how much money do you have.
Firstly change the habit with one main income only, to be success its not enough have one side four source income and need several side become sour income, hard work and looking for the great opportunity how to be rich or potential give us much profitable. If your position have online job you need offline job and full your daily day how to earn much money as possibility.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: SATWAT on February 03, 2024, 08:51:50 PM
This is not the first thread in this section giving tips on how to get rich. What I wonder is whether the people giving the advice are very rich, because it seems to me that they are not.

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.

I think that this is the most ridiculous advice I've seen on the forum on the subject. If you don't want something you won't strive to get it, and you won't get it miraculously. Although, seeing as you talk about sins, I wouldn't be surprised if that's what you're hoping for, a miracle.
I completely agreed about your views here because if these peoples have enough money surely they are not going to waste their time with things like these they are going to have some productive things which surely helps them but here mostly peoples post these just for the post counting with they also never accept these things and have no idea how to manage this all.
Now it's time for having changes and sharing solid things which works really for the peoples those are needed and can do in practically for bringing changes into their lives with these are available but not in everyone's reach.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 04, 2024, 01:37:53 AM
Money is the thing we should have good control over like we should know where to spend money where to save and where to invest if the person has good control over this technique he/she will see making more money over time. We should have control over our undesired things like where we should not spend even a single cent well yes if you feel now I am rich enough you can spend your amount where you want.
its always the path of growing money some people might get distracted along the way but its overall always saving up, investing, upping our skills, and so on then we might get to the level where we gonna become rich enough to be financial independent, its gonna be rough way to go but it is most certainly the ways only those that are lucky enough could be getting rich instantly but for most of people building their way up from the very bottom is the only option therefore just not always fulfilling our desire as you said is definitely the best way to go in this case.
even better if our hobby is all about investing money making money out of money, i've encountered many individual that just doesn't care about all those luxurious thing and just sole purpose of life is making more and more money.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: DabsPoorVersion on February 04, 2024, 05:51:41 AM
If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.

What does it mean?

  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.
I agreed with all points how to be success never take care with do not desire the money of others, its very important to be success but make this points as motivate to be rich in the future. Actually need change your habit if want to be success with how more spending time for working than imagine in the future with how much money do you have.
Firstly change the habit with one main income only, to be success its not enough have one side four source income and need several side become sour income, hard work and looking for the great opportunity how to be rich or potential give us much profitable. If your position have online job you need offline job and full your daily day how to earn much money as possibility.
In short, don't settle for less. Even if you have a stable job that pays you enough to cover your expenses every month, it's wise to look for a side hustle to earn extra income. It's better to use your free time to make more money instead of just waiting for the next day to start working again. Always remember to search for opportunities to make more money and keep in mind your higher goals.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: Xcode7 on February 04, 2024, 06:38:25 AM
In short, don't settle for less. Even if you have a stable job that pays you enough to cover your expenses every month, it's wise to look for a side hustle to earn extra income. It's better to use your free time to make more money instead of just waiting for the next day to start working again. Always remember to search for opportunities to make more money and keep in mind your higher goals.
When we have a goal, our desire to do something to achieve that goal is much higher.
And regarding the desire to be rich, it is not easy, there are many things we have to go through and be able to motivate ourselves to do positive things in life.

Actually, there are a lot of theories, but not everyone can do it as stated in the theory, so it all depends on each of us in terms of where we can achieve success in order to become rich.
However, in my opinion, the most important thing is to be smart in managing your finances, that is what will determine your finances in the future.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: blckhawk on February 04, 2024, 08:05:56 AM
  • Do not desire your own money. It turns you from a producer to a consumer.
How does this actually work or can you like give me an example where someone desires their money? Is this the same thing as always chasing the money and not thinking about the other people because if yes then I don't think that it will turn you into a consumer but more like a ghoul that only sees dollar signs and doesn't have any priorities besides getting money.
  • Do not desire the money of others. Envy is a deadly sin. Because it will distract you from your own mission.
I don't think that it's wrong to envy someone when they've got money, don't the envious nature that other people exudes a good thing for someone to be inspired to be like them? Sure there are cases that envy is taken to a whole another level but I believe that there's nothing wrong with being envious of the riches of other people.
  • Do not desire the money you will make in the future. Desire good work right now, You don't want cash in, you want to serve.
That's the favorite line of any bosses of any company out there, work hard but don't expect to get paid by the worth of your hard work, that shouldn't be the case, people should always be compensated by how much work they've done in a company and if that's not the case then raise the minimum wage so people can at the least survive with just that pay for that work.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: martinex on February 04, 2024, 09:05:31 AM
Maybe at first glance the direction is to be reasonable and have to know well and have a balanced view of money. Indeed, in reality, if someone wants to be sustainable, of course it must be built with hard work so that it is stable and it's true not to be obsessed with money and if you are successful, you will be required to contribute to economically weak communities so that mental well-being is created.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: boty on February 04, 2024, 09:23:06 AM
In short, don't settle for less. Even if you have a stable job that pays you enough to cover your expenses every month, it's wise to look for a side hustle to earn extra income. It's better to use your free time to make more money instead of just waiting for the next day to start working again. Always remember to search for opportunities to make more money and keep in mind your higher goals.
If we are satisfied with what we have got then we will not look for more, because we consider what we have got to be something we naturally get, it would be better if we had several sources of income at our disposal to meet our needs. need for a month can fulfill the needs that we really need, if we can use the free time we have to generate income, of course this is very good because the more wealth we accumulate, the easier it will be for us to achieve financial freedom.

Title: Re: If you want to get rich, you have to become immune to the money.......!
Post by: southerngentuk on February 04, 2024, 12:59:42 PM
Money can be a confusing beast, right? We all know you gotta have it to play the game, but just saying "get money" ain't the whole story. It's more like using the right tools and skills to build your financial castle, brick by brick.

Sure, having some smarts and know-how helps, but thinking wealth is just about "ability" can be a bummer. Plenty of folks hustle hard, learn new stuff, and even catch some lucky breaks on their way to success. Don't beat yourself up if you're not there yet, keep grinding!

Now, about spending money to make money. While some investments need you to prime the pump first, remember that building wealth often means saving smart and spending wisely, not blowing it all on fancy things. Think of it like planting a money tree – slow and steady growth beats a flashy but short-lived flower, right?

Balancing needs and wants is key. It's cool to treat yourself sometimes, but don't forget about your future self. Plenty of people out there are all about responsible planning, even if it means waiting a bit for that new gadget.