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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Funke on January 05, 2024, 11:18:48 PM

Title: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Funke on January 05, 2024, 11:18:48 PM
The answer to the topic of discussion is "YES" . Nigeria is not only under the British rule but, we are under the rule of the first and second world powers.

Neo-colonialism is a concept of governance or principle that  stipulates and promote an indirect capturing and domination of the processes of governance and economy of former colonial territories or states.

Neo-colonialism is mostly an economic domination of formerly colonized areas by their former colonial masters through modern means of economics.

Imperialism and Neo-colonialism started it's foundation in Nigeria as the former Royal Niger Company. The company had the authority of the royal seal to extract and export the natural resources of Nigeria to England for the advancement of their economy and industrial productions.

The system of governance adopted our traditional institution on two grounds 1. For language interpretation and 2. Resistance by the people. This whole adoption was for administrative convinence band elimination of resistance.

The native people became part of the exploitation process of themselves and their generations which we are seeing today. The introduction of the traditional institution into the process for the British government to rule the people through the chiefs and kings, the process provided,  An elite class that  became marchants  through incorporation into this evil of exploitation.

And after the gain of independence, the Nigerian state is still exploited through multinational corporations and companies Like Shell and Chevron, where our people are kept at the levels of artisans and administrators while , they bring their people as technical expartes.

In most cases like the days of colonialism, our people are kept as administrative heads in supporting the transfer of our resources to Europe and America for processing and reintroduction into Nigeria as finished goods.

The end tale of this arrangement is that, Nigeria becomes the source of their raw materials and their market. With this pattern, Nigerians are used to kill the idea of indigenization, production and distribution to show their loyalty to the western imperialist and to keep their administrative positions in those companies.

We must liberate ourselves through enlightenment. Your contributions please.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: STT on January 05, 2024, 11:47:38 PM
The whole world has a bias to western trade and banking via the global reserve currency system.  I agree there is definitely some unfairness and bias in that system but its not especially something I'd place on UK.  Uk is about 8% of global reverse banking from what I've read, there was an empire generations ago and now only a very light voluntary 'commonwealth of nations' which is mostly separated so I don't see the enforcement or rule had by a foreign power especially.
  Its clear Dollar favors those countries closest to its own trade, so the largest trade partners and the banks which are multi national and able to buy US treasury debt as primary dealers then favor their home markets they are receiving a great help from that home advantage.  No Nigerian bank is given primary dealer role on US treasuries that I know of so that part is unfair I agree that much.  Nigeria is part of OPEC, they do have some self control over how and who they sell their oil reserves to as part of that trading cartel.     Other situations like EU is a trading cartel that in effect works against non members, I'd agree to lots of arguments like that but I dont think they are controlling Nigeria remotely; not that I ever read of anyhow.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: JariKriting on January 06, 2024, 01:43:02 AM
nigeria is an independent country free from colonisation. so it can determine its own policies. even hongkong, which became a colony of England in 1997, was free and joined china, which has its own power and territory to determine its policies.
even in sports events, Hong Kong has its own flag, whether it is a British colony or has joined China.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Kelward on January 06, 2024, 12:25:12 PM
Nigeria, is an independent country and has the right to trade with any country of it's choice, I don't think that Britain, is in anyway directly controlling the trade affairs of Nigeria, the Nigerian, government can choose to do trade business with Britain, if they feel that it'll be more favorable to them compered to other countries. Most of what the OP said was applicable during the colonial days, because the British, we're indirectly ruling Nigeria, but after independence, Nigeria, began to trade with Britain, by choice. Exploitation by developed countries on the undeveloped countries is not peculiar to Nigeria, they'd give you technology, arms and amunitions in exchange for something valuable that you can offer as exchange. You have crude oil but don't have the expertise and machineries to exploit it, they have the companies that'll facilitate productions and sales, without which your oil is not  productive.

Underdeveloped countries should embrace technological advancements and think innovatively, because developed countries can not give you anything for free, it's business and not neocolonialism. Look at a country like china, they developed their economy and technology and today they're among the world powers, both in industrialization and in arsenals.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Hewlet on January 06, 2024, 12:59:55 PM
Is Nigeria under the British rule? The answer is an emphatic NO. I guess you are making some mistakes with your thought process regarding this.

I know what must have prompted this assumption could be a result of the fact that Nigeria uses English as her official language and still has British practices and pattern of dressing and sometimes do consultation with some British personnel regarding certain internal policies and decision making, but that  does not in any way suggest or support your assertion.

The relationship of Nigeria as a nation to the British is somewhat like that of a father to the son, even after leaving your parents to start up a family of your own, the things you learnt from your parents will still be very much a part of you and ones in a while, your patents will still interfere in your life and I feel thats the situation of things in this context.

And as it relate to other world powers, you have to understand that in terms of development and technology, Nigeria is a developing country regardless of it population and so will need to relate with other top world powers as a subordinate so as to grow in the technological sector

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: WillyAp on January 06, 2024, 01:12:33 PM
Nigeria is not only under the British rule but, we are under the rule of the first and second world powers.

In the fight to become successful the most powerful enemy we have is ourselves.
Don't blame a system for the lack of success.

Sure there are systems where success is just making a career in the services of states such as North Korea.
History is good to know, but to get hung up on a historical injustice is not helping (you).

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Gozie51 on January 06, 2024, 03:04:45 PM
Nigeria has not had a president with the indigenous mindset and that is why the situation is like that and makes for the thought of neocolonialism. Nigeria almost had such leadership in the military government of Gen. Sani Abacha but he didn't rule for long but died mysteriously making people to also think he was set up by powers beyond him. So until Nigeria have gotten a president that thinks like having a separate mindset then it will still look as it is with all the indicators of neocolonialism fully activated.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on January 06, 2024, 06:19:18 PM
The answer to the topic of discussion is "YES" . Nigeria is not only under the British rule but, we are under the rule of the first and second world powers.

Neo-colonialism is a concept of governance or principle that  stipulates and promote an indirect capturing and domination of the processes of governance and economy of former colonial territories or states.

Neo-colonialism is mostly an economic domination of formerly colonized areas by their former colonial masters through modern means of economics.

Imperialism and Neo-colonialism started it's foundation in Nigeria as the former Royal Niger Company. The company had the authority of the royal seal to extract and export the natural resources of Nigeria to England for the advancement of their economy and industrial productions.

The system of governance adopted our traditional institution on two grounds 1. For language interpretation and 2. Resistance by the people. This whole adoption was for administrative convinence band elimination of resistance.

The native people became part of the exploitation process of themselves and their generations which we are seeing today. The introduction of the traditional institution into the process for the British government to rule the people through the chiefs and kings, the process provided,  An elite class that  became marchants  through incorporation into this evil of exploitation.

And after the gain of independence, the Nigerian state is still exploited through multinational corporations and companies Like Shell and Chevron, where our people are kept at the levels of artisans and administrators while , they bring their people as technical expartes.

In most cases like the days of colonialism, our people are kept as administrative heads in supporting the transfer of our resources to Europe and America for processing and reintroduction into Nigeria as finished goods.

The end tale of this arrangement is that, Nigeria becomes the source of their raw materials and their market. With this pattern, Nigerians are used to kill the idea of indigenization, production and distribution to show their loyalty to the western imperialist and to keep their administrative positions in those companies.

We must liberate ourselves through enlightenment. Your contributions please.
Neo-colonialism and imperialism by kwame Nkrumah was one of the books that expose some of these pre-colonial and post colonial economic dominance, but personally I will like to disagree with some of these postulations because in the present economic and political governance of the Nigerian state, we can see that the direct policies of government are made by indigenous leaders of the Nigerian state, these present policies that are made, gives a direct economic effect of Nigeria at the moment. Of course everybody will have a history some of the realities of the past, some can be cruel and some can be brutal, but in all it points to the fact that we were coming from somewhere,  we where exploited at one point no doubt, one thing is you should understand is the fact that some of this dominance are pre-colonial and in this post colonial era, the effect of government policies is carried by leaders of the moment, so I absorb the colonial masters of the present economic or social political crisis that is bedeviling the Nigerian state.
Those of them at helm's of affairs should start making policies and programs that will better the lots of their people, policies that are geared towards human development and economic Sustainability, and you will see that some of this memories that we have about pre-colonial events will begin to fizzle out and remain as history.  We are not the only country in the world that where colonized by the British, there are lots and lots of countries that were colonized by British and have moved on and developed themselves in an advance manner.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Dunamisx on January 06, 2024, 06:46:46 PM
The answer to the topic of discussion is "YES" . Nigeria is not only under the British rule but, we are under the rule of the first and second world powers.

You're wrong, I will also like you to accept this no matter how, we are no more in that era you thought of, there's freedom everywhere and civilization also have made everything clear to the people's eyes, where were you during the Nigerian independence, what have you discovered that led to this and what had for a long time transpired before the independence, if you're too much dependent on a country for your own sustainability then indirectly it's something that has to be said that you're still under their control because they will dictate to you from their policies what they want.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: BIT-BENDER on January 06, 2024, 07:51:25 PM
Good question on the paper and in the news all former British colonised country are free and are now allowed to run an independent government but the reality is that's a fat lie.
I am from a former British colonised country but still our country is still under the watch of the British rule and we still pay a certain percentage to the British government which is sad and we don't have any benefit like it's hard for citizens from our to travel to the UK.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Pokapoka124 on January 06, 2024, 09:52:44 PM
I’m not sure if this topic should be in Economics board or Politics & Society. But I’m sure that this topic belongs to the Nigerian local board. ( Most if your topics are centered on Nigeria. It’s time you visit the local board and share your thoughts there.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Darker45 on January 07, 2024, 02:51:05 AM
I'm not an expert of Nigeria's history and its current social, economic, and political situation right now, but I think it's not really under a foreign country's direct rule. However, any developing country like Nigeria is always under this neo-colonialization. Poor countries like mine are always at the mercy of rich countries. Developing countries need the powerful countries more than the powerful countries need them. And in this asymmetrical relationship, the rich countries will always dictate the terms. It's their rules that will prevail. It's always the poor country that will get the short end of the stick.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on January 07, 2024, 11:24:08 AM
And after the gain of independence, the Nigerian state is still exploited through multinational corporations and companies Like Shell and Chevron, where our people are kept at the levels of artisans and administrators while , they bring their people as technical expartes.

Half bread is better than none right, that's our way of thinking on Nigeria when we could get the whole bread or build our own bakery so we can't stop relying on getting half bread but those benefiting from this injustice won't want power to leave their hands so they'll keep killing the masses and taking all the power and money to their family. Imagine what they're using to pay us back for all the raw minerals they're extracting from the country, just few administration positions or experts to work for them as the case maybe. Well I only blame our leaders because they have the power to stop all the injustice that's happening but they won't.

Nigeria is still under the British rule and also that of the America, we aren't even independent as we claim, this two Nations still have a say on how things are been ran here. It mightn't be very visible to those looking from the outside but as a citizen and seeing the ways things are been done it seems the leaders aren't even in control. Alot of foreign policy are affecting the economy of the nation. We know more about a foreign currency more than we know about our own local currency because everything in the country depends on the dollars and other foreign currency. We aren't producing anything but depending on importation and we think the country has independence, we'e just joking.

The end tale of this arrangement is that, Nigeria becomes the source of their raw materials and their market. With this pattern, Nigerians are used to kill the idea of indigenization, production and distribution to show their loyalty to the western imperialist and to keep their administrative positions in those companies..

Sounds realistic just on paper, the country has been sold along time ago by our founding fathers. Right now they're just recycling the same people to rule us over and over again so they can keep the power. What's is stopping Nigeria from becoming the source of their raw materials and their market, it's the colonial masters as they want to keep staying in power and our leaders are just their puppets.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: iBaba on January 07, 2024, 11:34:40 AM
nigeria is an independent country free from colonisation. so it can determine its own policies. even hongkong, which became a colony of England in 1997, was free and joined china, which has its own power and territory to determine its policies.
even in sports events, Hong Kong has its own flag, whether it is a British colony or has joined China.

You should not compare Nigeria and Hong Kong, they are two different countries situated in two different continents, although you can say they are both British colonies, yet you just mentioned that they joined China which differentiate them from Nigeria.

As far as I'm concerned, Nigeria is under neo-colonialism because we are still working for the British people until today. The Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron oil and gas businesses are those that have been living heavily at the expenses of the other businesses domicile in Nigeria. The same thing applies to other sectors like the Mines and Steel as well as our Governance.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: stompix on January 07, 2024, 05:47:49 PM
nigeria is an independent country free from colonisation. so it can determine its own policies. even hongkong, which became a colony of England in 1997, was free and joined china, which has its own power and territory to determine its policies.
even in sports events, Hong Kong has its own flag, whether it is a British colony or has joined China.

Why do people post stuff they don't know a thing about?

Hong Kong became a UK colony in 1842 after the British empire defeated the Qing dynasty !
In 1898 there was another agreement on a 99 years lease for the land.
The United Kingdom agreed to transfer the colony in 1997 and did so, with the promise to keep the laws for for 50 years!

Hong Kong was never a country and it was never independent!
Hong Kong was never FREE!
Hong Kong didn't agree to join China, there was no referendum, there was nothing, a 100 years old agreement determined that!

Good question on the paper and in the news all former British colonised country are free and are now allowed to run an independent government but the reality is that's a fat lie.
I am from a former British colonised country but still our country is still under the watch of the British rule and we still pay a certain percentage to the British government which is sad and we don't have any benefit like it's hard for citizens from our to travel to the UK.

Just leaving this here:
“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence”

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Fortify on January 07, 2024, 08:03:03 PM
The answer to the topic of discussion is "YES" . Nigeria is not only under the British rule but, we are under the rule of the first and second world powers.

Neo-colonialism is a concept of governance or principle that  stipulates and promote an indirect capturing and domination of the processes of governance and economy of former colonial territories or states.

Neo-colonialism is mostly an economic domination of formerly colonized areas by their former colonial masters through modern means of economics.

Imperialism and Neo-colonialism started it's foundation in Nigeria as the former Royal Niger Company. The company had the authority of the royal seal to extract and export the natural resources of Nigeria to England for the advancement of their economy and industrial productions.

The system of governance adopted our traditional institution on two grounds 1. For language interpretation and 2. Resistance by the people. This whole adoption was for administrative convinence band elimination of resistance.

The native people became part of the exploitation process of themselves and their generations which we are seeing today. The introduction of the traditional institution into the process for the British government to rule the people through the chiefs and kings, the process provided,  An elite class that  became marchants  through incorporation into this evil of exploitation.

And after the gain of independence, the Nigerian state is still exploited through multinational corporations and companies Like Shell and Chevron, where our people are kept at the levels of artisans and administrators while , they bring their people as technical expartes.

In most cases like the days of colonialism, our people are kept as administrative heads in supporting the transfer of our resources to Europe and America for processing and reintroduction into Nigeria as finished goods.

The end tale of this arrangement is that, Nigeria becomes the source of their raw materials and their market. With this pattern, Nigerians are used to kill the idea of indigenization, production and distribution to show their loyalty to the western imperialist and to keep their administrative positions in those companies.

We must liberate ourselves through enlightenment. Your contributions please.

Some people don't like the sad fact that their leaders, even if they in this case are true Nigerians, are willing to screw them over just as hard as any other foreign power. You always need someone to blame and have to be under some victimization complex because you simply don't like the reality of the situation. What's funny is, Nigeria is more likely to be under the rule of China these days, which is moving in and much more willing to play the corruption game than Western countries. That would actually be the "neo" in the colonialism that you are facing right now. Sadly, ranting and raving about this like a lunatic on an internet message board is not going to get you anywhere in life, so it's better to give up the conspiracy theories and learn how to play the game.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Funke on January 07, 2024, 11:16:45 PM
The answer to the topic of discussion is "YES" . Nigeria is not only under the British rule but, we are under the rule of the first and second world powers.

You're wrong, I will also like you to accept this no matter how, we are no more in that era you thought of, there's freedom everywhere and civilization also have made everything clear to the people's eyes, where were you during the Nigerian independence, what have you discovered that led to this and what had for a long time transpired before the independence, if you're too much dependent on a country for your own sustainability then indirectly it's something that has to be said that you're still under their control because they will dictate to you from their policies what they want.

Why do you think Africans and Nigeria is still dependent on foreign powers on economic , technological and in believe system. Why are they not allowing us to refine our petroleum products.

It is not that the Nigerian God don't want to refine our products here. The companies that takes up contracts to make our refineries work are foreign companies. These companies are under the license of those countries that takes our resources to their place , so the companies had to jeopardize the efforts of the government to keep us dependent on their economy.

My brother we are not free.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: kentrolla on January 08, 2024, 04:21:57 PM
I would rather blame the corrupt politicians and businessmen for this chaos which Nigeria has fallen into and everyone is aware about the kind of mineral wealth on which Nigeria is currently sitting atop, it's pretty obvious that former masters have fair share of evil deeds which are done and the way Nigeria is being exploited but who is letting this happen? It's the top elite in power and they are exploited entire population and betraying their nation for the administrative post which has been gifted by them hence we cannot entirely blame the foreign power when we have traitors amongst us.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Zlantann on January 08, 2024, 06:30:17 PM
Why do you think Africans and Nigeria is still dependent on foreign powers on economic , technological and in believe system. Why are they not allowing us to refine our petroleum products.

It is not that the Nigerian God don't want to refine our products here. The companies that takes up contracts to make our refineries work are foreign companies. These companies are under the license of those countries that takes our resources to their place , so the companies had to jeopardize the efforts of the government to keep us dependent on their economy.

My brother we are not free.

Just like every other developing country of the world, Nigeria is still under the control of not on the West but also China. Your claim that these developed nations don't want Nigeria to refine its crude oil is debatable. As far as I know many governments have used the building or rehabilitation of these refineries as an avenue to loot funds. In many cases, the maintenance of these refineries has been included in the budget of the nation but the funds allotted to this project are stolen by politicians. My question now is are these corrupt politicians from Britain or the US?

The problem with Nigeria is insincerity on the part of the government. They keep deceiving and giving the people diverse excuses which might include pointing accusing fingers at Western powers. If the companies that are awarded contracts fail to execute them, it is the responsibility of the government to investigate the contract and take necessary steps to ensure that the provision of the contract is comprehensively executed. These corrupt Western companies cannot execute these shady deals without the cooperation of Nigerian government officials.

China is gradually becoming the new colonial master of many countries in Africa. They usually entice African leaders with loans that look good on the surface. However, the conditions attached to these loans could turn the nation into a vassal state of China. Some conditions could make the nation lose its sovereignty if it refuses to pay these loans with neck-cutting conditions.    

It is time for Africa to stop blaming the West for its economic woes. Africans should take responsibility because it is only them that can develop the continent. If any nation believes that these colonial power's influence is limiting their progress, they can liberate themselves. We saw how some francophone nations in Africa decided to liberate themselves from the perceived influence or control of France.    

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: davis196 on January 09, 2024, 11:23:47 AM
I'm not from Nigeria, but this topic is very interesting to me.
So what solution are you suggesting to solve this "neo-colonial" problem? Nationalization of the Nigerian oil industry? AFAIK, Nigeria exports most of it's oil and natural resources to the western countries. I'm sure that those countries won't be happy, if the western companies get kicked out of Nigeria. You say that Nigeria exports natural resources and imports industrial products. Why Nigeria can't go thru the process of industrialization in order to produce it's own industrial products? Is anyone stopping Nigeria to do such thing? The corrupt politicians? The western corporations? The lack of educated workforce and enough capital to be invested in the industry?
Whining about the problem won't solve it. I want to discuss the possible solutions.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Hispo on January 10, 2024, 01:17:39 AM
I would rather blame the corrupt politicians and businessmen for this chaos which Nigeria has fallen into and everyone is aware about the kind of mineral wealth on which Nigeria is currently sitting atop, it's pretty obvious that former masters have fair share of evil deeds which are done and the way Nigeria is being exploited but who is letting this happen? It's the top elite in power and they are exploited entire population and betraying their nation for the administrative post which has been gifted by them hence we cannot entirely blame the foreign power when we have traitors amongst us.

That is correct. There movements in most of the former colonies around the world who to this day continue to blame the colonizers rather than looking inwards and find the failures within the administration of the country itself. It is true that during the colony era of most of our countries there were crimes and much unfairness against the local population for the sake of wealth and take over natural resources, but sadly it is easier for anyone to continue to blame others instead ourselves for allowing literal crooks to climb into power, and delay the growth of a whole country by their implicit treason.

It is quite ironic, while most of the former colonies have more natural resources than the colonizers' countries the latter have managed to keep their status of developed country and "first World" while, if used correctly, a fraction of the wealth of Nigeria could be used to improve the economy beyond imagination. It is a similar case here where I live, by the way.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: pinggoki on January 10, 2024, 02:03:28 AM
I'm not from Nigeria, but this topic is very interesting to me.
So what solution are you suggesting to solve this "neo-colonial" problem? Nationalization of the Nigerian oil industry? AFAIK, Nigeria exports most of it's oil and natural resources to the western countries. I'm sure that those countries won't be happy, if the western companies get kicked out of Nigeria. You say that Nigeria exports natural resources and imports industrial products. Why Nigeria can't go thru the process of industrialization in order to produce it's own industrial products? Is anyone stopping Nigeria to do such thing? The corrupt politicians? The western corporations? The lack of educated workforce and enough capital to be invested in the industry?
Whining about the problem won't solve it. I want to discuss the possible solutions.
The problem with nationalization is that you're going to have a lot of enemies that have the money at their disposal to make sure that their interests are protected and your plans crumble right in your face, that's going to be a hard path to traverse especially in a country like Nigeria, there's bound to be people that's internally against that policy and the colonial mentality of some people are going to be a hindrance to that plan. It's also difficult to replace those western companies because if there's no machineries and equipment that's manufactured in Nigeria, they're going to have a hard time seizing the oil for themselves and even if they can buy outside the country, either someone will embargo them and not allow them to have those necessary stuff to operate on their own and the money needed is going to be an enormous amount, that's why they've allowed western companies to drill oil there in the first place, they've got the money to buy those equipment and build the refineries.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Funke on January 10, 2024, 10:36:44 AM
The answer to the topic of discussion is "YES" . Nigeria is not only under the British rule but, we are under the rule of the first and second world powers.

Neo-colonialism is a concept of governance or principle that  stipulates and promote an indirect capturing and domination of the processes of governance and economy of former colonial territories or states.

Neo-colonialism is mostly an economic domination of formerly colonized areas by their former colonial masters through modern means of economics.

Imperialism and Neo-colonialism started it's foundation in Nigeria as the former Royal Niger Company. The company had the authority of the royal seal to extract and export the natural resources of Nigeria to England for the advancement of their economy and industrial productions.

The system of governance adopted our traditional institution on two grounds 1. For language interpretation and 2. Resistance by the people. This whole adoption was for administrative convinence band elimination of resistance.

The native people became part of the exploitation process of themselves and their generations which we are seeing today. The introduction of the traditional institution into the process for the British government to rule the people through the chiefs and kings, the process provided,  An elite class that  became marchants  through incorporation into this evil of exploitation.

And after the gain of independence, the Nigerian state is still exploited through multinational corporations and companies Like Shell and Chevron, where our people are kept at the levels of artisans and administrators while , they bring their people as technical expartes.

In most cases like the days of colonialism, our people are kept as administrative heads in supporting the transfer of our resources to Europe and America for processing and reintroduction into Nigeria as finished goods.

The end tale of this arrangement is that, Nigeria becomes the source of their raw materials and their market. With this pattern, Nigerians are used to kill the idea of indigenization, production and distribution to show their loyalty to the western imperialist and to keep their administrative positions in those companies.

We must liberate ourselves through enlightenment. Your contributions please.
Neo-colonialism and imperialism by kwame Nkrumah was one of the books that expose some of these pre-colonial and post colonial economic dominance, but personally I will like to disagree with some of these postulations because in the present economic and political governance of the Nigerian state, we can see that the direct policies of government are made by indigenous leaders of the Nigerian state, these present policies that are made, gives a direct economic effect of Nigeria at the moment. Of course everybody will have a history some of the realities of the past, some can be cruel and some can be brutal, but in all it points to the fact that we were coming from somewhere,  we where exploited at one point no doubt, one thing is you should understand is the fact that some of this dominance are pre-colonial and in this post colonial era, the effect of government policies is carried by leaders of the moment, so I absorb the colonial masters of the present economic or social political crisis that is bedeviling the Nigerian state.
Those of them at helm's of affairs should start making policies and programs that will better the lots of their people, policies that are geared towards human development and economic Sustainability, and you will see that some of this memories that we have about pre-colonial events will begin to fizzle out and remain as history.  We are not the only country in the world that where colonized by the British, there are lots and lots of countries that were colonized by British and have moved on and developed themselves in an advance manner.

We are greatly influenced by the foreign policies of the Nigerian state, these policies are formulated on the basis of International principles.

When the budget of the Nigerian state is planned, internal and external grants are considered as part of the sources. By that , we also depend on the western economic powers.

We are not totally free from them on economic , technological and religious basis.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: slapper on January 10, 2024, 10:42:54 AM
Neo-colonialism, especially in Nigeria, has interested me. You vividly depict economic servitude, and previous colonial powers' effect is hard to ignore. Shouldn't we investigate how these historical relationships affect economic policies? Clearly, international firms influence this dynamic. I wonder how Nigeria could renegotiate these power systems. Consider economic sovereignty. More than political independence, it's about resource and economic power. Promoting local industry and lowering foreign dependence may help. Isn't this a monumental task necessary for true autonomy

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Churchillvv on January 14, 2024, 03:35:16 AM
The politics that is been displayed to the public is very much different what is really happening. our national president is more like a ceremonial representative an external force making decisions for the country framing it to sound like we are free whereas the own they country.

even from the origin of the world Nigeria it's not an originally initiated country rather a business center for different countries to collab and take the natural resources dumbing there stories to us inorder for we not to take action inform of a holy book called bible while the original is with them.

There gave Nigeria independence in public while they heard a secret meeting at cross rivers state headquarters back then was the headquarters of Nigeria where the  ex president was to take an oat to be a representative of them while they retire to there various countries.

infact I will have to stop here if you wish to know more about Nigeria just go and get one of the books of Micheal crowder history of Nigeria or the Nigerian books of record by unknown author (though it's banned Nigeria) because of the truth in it but I still got one in my library that I got from a location that can't be disclosed.

The conclusion is Nigeria is under indirect colonial rule through international co-operations that you know about.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Bushdark on January 14, 2024, 10:19:41 AM
Is Nigeria is still controlled by the British people? I don't think so because Nigeria is ruled by the government of Nigeria and nothing more.
There could still be small influence by the British on Nigeria since it is ne of the countries they were able to colonized and after the independence of the federal republic of Nigeria, freedom was gotten and the country became a self ruled and make proper decisions on their sovereignty.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Funke on January 15, 2024, 09:51:51 PM
I would rather blame the corrupt politicians and businessmen for this chaos which Nigeria has fallen into and everyone is aware about the kind of mineral wealth on which Nigeria is currently sitting atop, it's pretty obvious that former masters have fair share of evil deeds which are done and the way Nigeria is being exploited but who is letting this happen? It's the top elite in power and they are exploited entire population and betraying their nation for the administrative post which has been gifted by them hence we cannot entirely blame the foreign power when we have traitors amongst us.

You have an insight into the economic dynamics suffering the Nigerian state.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Hispo on January 16, 2024, 12:38:15 AM
Is Nigeria is still controlled by the British people? I don't think so because Nigeria is ruled by the government of Nigeria and nothing more.
There could still be small influence by the British on Nigeria since it is ne of the countries they were able to colonized and after the independence of the federal republic of Nigeria, freedom was gotten and the country became a self ruled and make proper decisions on their sovereignty.

You may need to research about what people call Colonialism and Neo-Colonialnism, the differenced between them and how they are applied in different countries/states.
In a colony or in colonial rule, a nation is directly ruled by the will of a different nation or kingdom from overseas, the ruling nation implants their traditions, language, religion and culture in the dominated one.

In the case of Neo-Colonialnism is more about using indirect mechanisms to culturally influence the former colonies, so they can still be somehow ruled or have their habitants to have a very positive perception of the former super-power which dominated their ancestors. The Neo-Colonialnism uses tools like education, cinema, political propaganda, Radio, Tv-shows, among other things. So people get their local culture even more displaced by the foreign one.

One of the biggest examples of it would be buying Macdonalds before going to the Cinema to watch a Hollywood movie, while living in a country like India.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Briankimp1 on January 16, 2024, 12:26:22 PM
I'm not from Nigeria, but this topic is very interesting to me.
So what solution are you suggesting to solve this "neo-colonial" problem? Nationalization of the Nigerian oil industry? AFAIK, Nigeria exports most of it's oil and natural resources to the western countries. I'm sure that those countries won't be happy, if the western companies get kicked out of Nigeria. You say that Nigeria exports natural resources and imports industrial products. Why Nigeria can't go thru the process of industrialization in order to produce it's own industrial products? Is anyone stopping Nigeria to do such thing? The corrupt politicians? The western corporations? The lack of educated workforce and enough capital to be invested in the industry?
Whining about the problem won't solve it. I want to discuss the possible solutions.

The seeds of the problem Nigeria finds itself has been sowed ages ago from the initial thread you can see the presence of a company prior to the creation of the state of Nigeria the Royal Niger company that company still exists today with a different name and it’s roots are deep rooted in the country they stay anonymous while ruling the country they are planted in every arm of Government, Institution and  region of the nation with their orders gotten from their neo-colonial masters.
Proper education will be their downfall like they say you can’t solve a problem without identifying you’ve got one most people both old and young have little to no knowledge of what we speak of sensitization will be their downfall but whoever tries to speak out will either be silenced by whichever means necessarily.
This is a global business run by the world elite Nigeria is just a single pun in a big game of chess played by the Evil globalist in the words of Prof. PLO Lumumba “When Nigeria is liberated Africa will be liberated”.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Mate2237 on January 21, 2024, 08:34:28 AM
Nigeria used different means to fought to get her independent and in the process different groups were also formed to fight against the white oppression. And finally Nigeria got her independent in the year 1960. Now the irony here is that Nigeria was not fighting to get economic freedom but for political freedom and British with their wise wisdom gave them the political freedom and retain the economic freedom and in a country the person who is in charge of the economy tells you what to do.

Therefore British government tells Nigerian government what to do because they control the country economy and that the neo-colonialism come to an existence in the African countries.

Title: Re: Neo-colonialism: Is Nigeria Still Under British Rule?
Post by: Hispo on January 21, 2024, 05:57:24 PM
Nigeria used different means to fought to get her independent and in the process different groups were also formed to fight against the white oppression. And finally Nigeria got her independent in the year 1960. Now the irony here is that Nigeria was not fighting to get economic freedom but for political freedom and British with their wise wisdom gave them the political freedom and retain the economic freedom and in a country the person who is in charge of the economy tells you what to do.

Therefore British government tells Nigerian government what to do because they control the country economy and that the neo-colonialism come to an existence in the African countries.

That is a story I have seen being repeated over and over when comes to the independency of African republics, actually, we could argue neo-colonization is one of the factors which have led several of the lastest military coups in central Africa to happen.
France hold power over the Uranium mines there through the use of their transnational companies, politically France and the United Kingdom have held no power over those countries, but still there is a high influence coming from the north.

Makes me wonder how much of both political and economical power other post-colonial republics holds for themselves. India used to be a country under the rule of the United Kingdom and before it, under the Company of Easter Indies. And yet, I have got the impression they have managed to get most of their independence back from colonial times.