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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Richbased on January 10, 2024, 01:00:56 PM

Title: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Richbased on January 10, 2024, 01:00:56 PM
Marriage is a good thing as couples are meant to come together and plan how their marriage will work out for the both of them and it is advisable to empower ones spouse more especially the wife on what she will do in other to also ease the too many responsibilities imposed by nature on men.

Now there are some men that like their wives to just sit at home, take care of the kids and home while they go out to work in other to take good care of their family. And some of them place their wives on monthly salary such that at the end of the month they just send their salaries to them. Then there are also men that prefers giving their wives money to start up a business of her own in other to assist herself and the family as well. Now some men due to the fact that they established a business for their wives doesn't really care about the wife's needs as they will assume that her business can provide her whatever she needs.

Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: bluebit25 on January 10, 2024, 01:53:43 PM
(...)Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
This story reminds me of taking care of a child. When they are young, their parents feed them by feeding them, but over time the child needs to learn how to eat food on their own. Likewise, I think that let's have true freedom, women have their own choices, and men should be a solid support for their decisions. In every case, there are different views and prejudices in society, so we should consider that the issue of choice is that of the subjects we are talking about, not the choice for them.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Fiatless on January 10, 2024, 01:54:32 PM
Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
This should be a discussion between you and your spouse. Both of you need to determine which one is more convenient for your wife. If she is business-inclined, they could establish a business but if she is not the business might not be profitable. Another factor that will affect your decision is your financial standing. If the husband has the money to take care of the family and also be able to pay his wife's salary, then he could consider taking the option. After all, taking care of the children is a full-time job because children need all the attention.

If I can afford to take care of my family conveniently and have funds to invest, my wife will focus on childrearing. The reason why most people encourage their wives to work is because they don't have enough money to take care of the family. The wife will have to take up jobs to support the family. I don't even like women working especially when they have infant children because the children need the attention of the mother at this formative stage. Full-time jobs for women could be stressful and this can affect the family. Some children don't even know their parents because they are always in the custody of hired child caregivers.        

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: tsaroz on January 11, 2024, 01:57:58 AM
Talking about my personal life, my wife is educated and qualified. We lived a year together after our marriage. We dated 4 years prior to that.
I never had to think about what she should do and it was her choice. She wanted to have her career. She joined a job according to her qualification and now we are 650kms away and are not going to see each other for quite a few months. I'm too mostly busy with my job and have 5 min video call in the morning and night. Surely not a ideal situation but we are working on transferring to the same place when possible.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Nerdy doctor on January 11, 2024, 02:42:41 AM
You won’t have a more preferred one than the other as people have different thoughts and preferences. It primarily has to do with the couple getting married. They would plan and decide on what would best suit them both.
There are cases where the breadwinner makes enough money to comfortably pay off expenses and bills, save some and also put in a decent amount towards retirement. And despite that, the other spouse still works.
It all has to do with the preference of the couple and what they think would work best for their marriage.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: peter0425 on January 11, 2024, 03:22:23 AM

Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
there is no much better than letting them have a business at home because nowadays it is easy to establish such as Online market is completely available and besides giving them allowance is a permanent obligation but giving them business and let them established and grows that business will bring you both healthy in financial and of course in connections.

My wife and I have established business in pandemic and now she is running it smooth and indeed that she even help me now pays the bills and my only obligation is the food for the table and the schools of our children.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 11, 2024, 07:33:06 AM

Now there are some men that like their wives to just sit at home, take care of the kids and home while they go out to work in other to take good care of their family. And some of them place their wives on monthly salary such that at the end of the month they just send their salaries to them. Then there are also men that prefers giving their wives money to start up a business of her own in other to assist herself and the family as well. Now some men due to the fact that they established a business for their wives doesn't really care about the wife's needs as they will assume that her business can provide her whatever she needs.

You can't decide what she wants to do, she can decide and as a husband, you can support her decision but the choice should be what she prefers. Otherwise, you are controlling your wife which is not healthy and a sign that the marriage can be broken if she can't take it anymore.

We are not living in the 20th century and women have equal rights in everything so they can excel at anything they want to.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Kelward on January 11, 2024, 08:24:56 AM
I think that men by nature likes to take care of their wives by providing for every of her needs, and when they start to have children she'd be managing the home while he provides money and protection for them. But due to the high demands of the society, a better standard of living, to afford a comfortable lifestyle costs money, and most men are not able to meat up this demands, so it becomes necessary in most cases that the wife is established to be making financial inputs in the family. 

Traditionally it's the sole responsibility of the man to provide for the family, but because of too much financial burden on the man and because of modernization it has become a normal thing for women to work and support their families. If I'm super rich I'll encourage my wife not to work and concentrate on taking care of the family, but I'm not rich, so because of that I'll encourage her to work and support the family.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Natsuu on January 11, 2024, 08:55:46 AM
Talk it out. Having a housewife with a monthly allowance is like a steady ship because you know what's coming, and it's reliable. On the flip side, giving your wife the chance to start her own business is like planting a seed that could grow into something awesome. But keep in mind, some might get a bit lax assuming her business covers all her needs. It's all about finding that sweet spot that fits your lifestyle and goals. Talk it out and see what clicks for both of you.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Obim34 on January 11, 2024, 03:52:42 PM
I think this is a simple one, women are not just there to bear children alone, they are also considered as our companion and helper. So, marrying a woman who has no skills, business ideas or any means to earn money is very inappropriate for me personally and I would not want to be with such a person considering I would prefer starting up a business for her, I dislike any form of idleness, there might be times which I may not be financially stable which she would be the one to assist till getting back on my feet then looking back to how crippled she is to give arms, the best option is to start up a good business for her to manage and shouldn't also stop you from still giving her monthly maintenance, she is your wife and should be properly cared for.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: KupaCrypto on January 11, 2024, 05:19:43 PM
Setting up business for your wife is more advisable than placing her on monthly allowance . Placing her on monthly allowance makes your wife a liability to you, because she will depend on you and the monthly allowance which might not even be enough for her,
But opening a good business for her will make her an asset to you , she won't have to wait for you for everything, most times she solves a need in the house without bothering you,
A woman who make her own money will definitely know how to spend it wisely, setting up business for your wife will hell her grow and improve financially and economically.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: DeathAngel on January 11, 2024, 08:32:25 PM
Your wife should decide what she wants to do. In the current era, both husband & wife tend to work but that’s probably due to the high cost of living. Very often Grandparents play a big role by helping to look after the kids, do school runs etc whilst the husband & wife work. If you can afford to live & raise a family on a one person income then go for it. If she wants her independence though & enjoys earning her own money then good for her. You need to be having this discussion with her, not a bunch of guys on a forum.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Y3shot on January 11, 2024, 09:51:47 PM
If I have enough money to take care of my family without any stress I can place my wife with a particular amount of money to be at home to take care of my children and look after them well, but if my income is not enough to do that I can give my wife some money to start up business to support me to help the forum. Their is nothing wrong in making the two plans, if one have enough money their is no need to stress your family to do business for support but when the money is their everything will be taking care of.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: btc78 on January 12, 2024, 11:33:43 AM
Why don’t you ask your wife what she wants to do? Are women not allowed to have a say in what she should do in her life just because she is already married? Whether she wants to go to work or have a business or just stay at home to take care of the kids, should you not talk about it and try to work out what would be the best for both of you and the kids?

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Miles2006 on January 12, 2024, 01:25:38 PM
From what you wrote I believe you're asking a question, the issue with a married woman being idle it depends on the husband and if the man wants his wife to work or engage in any business then the man will make sure it happens, in this our society where it seems like a competition between the men and women so why will any lady want to sit at home doing nothing, even if the man is so wealthy then that's enough reason why the lady should also work.
But now the funny mistake most men do they will love their wife to sit at home and take care of the kids, I still don't go against their choice but when it comes to working you don't need to be an employed staff before you start working, for example online jobs can be available like Influencer, Graphic Design etc. So I don't think this issue should stress anyone or rather you can discuss with your wife, I think discussing with her will be the best.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: kaka_Shipai on January 12, 2024, 01:48:57 PM
Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?

It is, and should be at the will of couple to couple. If someone are comfortable with their wives making money by doing some business, then they should do it that way and if someone is not comfortable with that then they should do whatever makes them feel good. This is the free world, everyone is and should make their own choices instead of living by someone's idea.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: o48o on January 14, 2024, 11:20:57 PM
Marriage is a good thing as couples are meant to come together and plan how their marriage will work out for the both of them and it is advisable to empower ones spouse more especially the wife on what she will do in other to also ease the too many responsibilities imposed by nature on men.

Now there are some men that like their wives to just sit at home, take care of the kids and home while they go out to work in other to take good care of their family. And some of them place their wives on monthly salary such that at the end of the month they just send their salaries to them. Then there are also men that prefers giving their wives money to start up a business of her own in other to assist herself and the family as well. Now some men due to the fact that they established a business for their wives doesn't really care about the wife's needs as they will assume that her business can provide her whatever she needs.

Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
I am sure you have good intentions on this but i am not sure if you realize how patronizing this sounds to any people living in a region where women have (almost) equal rights. Maybe you'll see it better if you reverse the genders and talk how some women allow husbands to have allowance for their business of their own.

My ex wife is way more educated than me and had a higher paying job. It never was an issue. My current partner has her own firm that's doing more than well. Neither of them needed my help for it, but obviously everyone needs support for their ideas, and people to believe in them. Talking down and telling what your partner should do with their life, or trying to crush dreams isn't healthy in any kind of relationship

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Kliss on January 18, 2024, 07:37:55 AM
Marriage is a good thing as couples are meant to come together and plan how their marriage will work out for the both of them and it is advisable to empower ones spouse more especially the wife on what she will do in other to also ease the too many responsibilities imposed by nature on men.

Now there are some men that like their wives to just sit at home, take care of the kids and home while they go out to work in other to take good care of their family. And some of them place their wives on monthly salary such that at the end of the month they just send their salaries to them. Then there are also men that prefers giving their wives money to start up a business of her own in other to assist herself and the family as well. Now some men due to the fact that they established a business for their wives doesn't really care about the wife's needs as they will assume that her business can provide her whatever she needs.

Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?

Setting up your wife, with a meaningful and profitable business , is more preferable than placing her on monthly allowances because when people work to earn they know the value of the money they earn and how to spend it. This will be more beneficial to the husband and family in general, it will reduce a lot of financial burden from the husbands income. The wife also can contribute financially to the family. Why leave your wife idle at home when she has potentials to contribute to the family.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Justbillywitt on January 18, 2024, 09:02:59 AM
Marriage is a good thing as couples are meant to come together and plan how their marriage will work out for the both of them and it is advisable to empower ones spouse more especially the wife on what she will do in other to also ease the too many responsibilities imposed by nature on men.

Now there are some men that like their wives to just sit at home, take care of the kids and home while they go out to work in other to take good care of their family. And some of them place their wives on monthly salary such that at the end of the month they just send their salaries to them. Then there are also men that prefers giving their wives money to start up a business of her own in other to assist herself and the family as well. Now some men due to the fact that they established a business for their wives doesn't really care about the wife's needs as they will assume that her business can provide her whatever she needs.

Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
I am one of the people who like giving people their own free will in life. My wife is a working class woman even before I met her. But I think it's a nice idea to ask your wife what she wants and then follow her up that way. Ask her if she like to be a full house wife and receive salary at the end of the month or will like to set up her business, whatever she chooses then do it for her. Women are funny people and most times we don't understand them. Let it be that it was her choice that you decided to act upon.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: lienfaye on January 18, 2024, 09:25:37 AM
Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
Why not doing both? As a wife, I can do business while taking care of the kids and our home. It's more empowering that you know to yourself that you can do something aside from being a plain housewife and just waiting for allowance. However, of course we still need the support of our husband because it's not an easy task.

Being confident that you already did your part for establishing a business for your wife so she can provide for her needs are not a good mindset. It is still different and extra special if the husband exert an effort to give her wife the support that she needs not just financially but more on physical and emotional aspects.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Barikui1 on January 18, 2024, 11:08:33 AM
Look at the world today a very high rate of married women don't like seating at home doing nothing, they want to have a life outside marriage, and besides taking care of the kids and the home is not a job but it's a responsibility which must be done.
In this current economy it's very advisable that you have a supportive wife financially,.I know that most men feel insecure when their wives are working but they don't know how beneficial it is to the family.
Nothing gives me joy than when my wife is capable of taking care of the family if I am not around, or just imagine how the family is going to cope with difficulty if you lose your job.
So in this current world economy, it very important that as a man, your wife should also give an assisting hands financially.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: yazher on January 18, 2024, 02:30:51 PM
I prefer to have a wife whom I spend money to look out for our kids and educate them to do the best she can rather than making her a businesswoman unless she is willing to be like that like most mothers in our country. The best teacher for our children is their mother because they can actually teach them good manners when they are young and it will be very important for them to be nurtured and educated by their mothers at an early age because when they grow up, they won't be changed by the societies and also they can't be affected with any modern social beliefs that are contradicted the good manners that their mother has reached when they were young. Of course, this is not possible if you just randomly choose any woman to marry because looking for a good woman is the first step to having good children.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Hewlet on January 18, 2024, 03:43:59 PM
Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
I personally have issues with any lady that feels that because she is married, all her life is now to be used in taking care of the children.

Don't you have dreams and aspirations before we met?

I can't have a wife that expect me to put her on the payroll and I can't also ask my wife to sit back and just take care of the kids while I do all the working.

We will take care of out kids together, build our homes together and raise up finance for out future and that of our kids.

Maybe I can decide on the kind of work you will be allows to do and this might require me to set up a business for you but allowing my wife to become an 100% house wife is a no! No! Situation for me.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: Jegileman on January 18, 2024, 07:19:43 PM
Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?

I will prefer my wife to also have a source of income and not depend on my own every month before she can get anything for herself. That doesn’t mean I will neglect the basic necessity of being the head of the family, if I do that, I have failed as the head of the family. Based on experience, I have seen how working women have taken over the responsibilities of the family after the demise of the family head, in a case that the woman is a full house wife, she won’t be able to continue taking the responsibility of the family and that will affect the well being of the whole family. If your wife can work, allow her to go to work and support the family. And if she can’t work, get a business for her that will help her grow herself. Living your wife idle without any work is very dangerous today because you don’t know what will the aftermath of it if you’re no more there again and she’s left with your children to fend for.

Title: Re: Between placing a wife on monthly allowance and opening business for her
Post by: passwordnow on January 18, 2024, 08:43:26 PM
Now my question is between having a house wife that will take care of your home and receives monthly allowance and establishing a business of her own for her which is more preferable and why?
How about both? most women today are flexible and they don't settle for less. I don't know for the majority of the women out there but that's what I know. As a husband, you can give her the best life by providing everything to her and while her, she's free to do some business on her own while taking care of the family. It may sound easy but that's why they're great at these multiple tasks because that's how they are.

Unlike men, we need to get focused on something that we do especially if we're working on, we should only focus on working. I prefer to let her do her own things or do both things if she can. While giving her money, don't call it salary because it is men's responsibility to provide for her. As for women empowerment, there are also women that just chose to work instead of staying at home even with kids to take care.