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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Bright0515 on January 10, 2024, 05:23:25 PM

Title: Things you see in the society
Post by: Bright0515 on January 10, 2024, 05:23:25 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: kentrolla on January 10, 2024, 05:46:13 PM
Yes we have different people with different religion and different opinion this is how it looks when we see from outside but if you drill down its divided at every stage. You will be known as Muslim, Christian, Hindu or any other religion only when you are amongst other community but within community you will be identified with the sect, sub sect of the religion. Society is divided where everyone wants power and younger generation thinks that older generation as liabilities and older generation thinks younger generation are misguided and spoilt. Unless we keep our opinion to ourself and stop judging people it would continue to be a messed up society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Mate2237 on January 10, 2024, 06:10:04 PM
Even the human rights act, stated it clear that there is freedom of association and belonging so if a Muslim likes to join christian religion there should be no criticism and abuse and insults but those are the things we see in the world today. And in the real world of human everyone has their own choice and make their personal decision. And that is why the Advance Countries operate in "Liberal Democracy" in which everyone does things they way they want and nobody question them though there are limitations of all the rights but if you are in the armpit of the law then you are free to operate your freedom.

You can belong to any civil society if it is law abiding.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on January 10, 2024, 06:41:14 PM
If you're in a society, you will discover that both the good, bad and ugly things were made available there and you will happen to have encounters with different caliber of people, but you must learn to be whom you're, we all know how the society influence among peer groups affects so many people and they got mingle with the bad group, also in terms of living together, we all must learn to have a peaceful coexistence among other various religious practices in the society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 10, 2024, 06:51:24 PM
First of all, there are more than 3 religions in this world that show your lack of knowledge in this topic.

Following a religion is an individual's decision which can be anyone if the religion allows them and some don't practice such unless they are born in that religion which is also acceptable because it is their trust and they do abide it.

Everything is good as long as multiple religious people can coexist in this society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: boyptc on January 10, 2024, 11:22:14 PM
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.
It is because you and the other people on that group have the same interest as you. And that's why you're going to agree in many terms based on the belief that you've chosen.

Whether it is with religion, politics, markets, etc. As long as both of you are sharing interest and you're expounding everything, there's an agreement to it.

That's what this society is about, differences, similarities and many more factors.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Natsuu on January 11, 2024, 09:04:57 AM
Well life is like a big mix of options, right? Whether it's choosing a religion or rolling with a particular crowd, everyone's got their own way. No need to bash someone else's choice because happiness is personal. We all mess up, but the smart ones use it to grow. Just roll with what feels right for you, no judgments.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Jegileman on January 11, 2024, 03:29:49 PM
Well life itself is fascinating to live. All this different types of religions, groups and belief makes life interesting to live. The path you chose will always determine how far you’ll become in life. Life is already designed and the path you’ll follow is already predestined also. Some people will not have the same belief as me that life is already predestined and I have no right to also question their own belief on how they think about life. After all, we will all die because life is transient. The world will be a better place when everyone goes with their belief and not bother others or trying to force them to believe in their own ways of life. As long as you don’t cause harm to others, you should be free to live by what you believe in.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Obim34 on January 11, 2024, 03:43:20 PM
Every man should be bound to make his own choice, decisions and  whatever religion or society of which he decides to belong. It is clearly part of our fundamental human right, the right to every freedom but where it becomes a problem is when your beliefs or decision tends to affect the other person due to compelling him to do it your own way, then that becomes a violation of personal rights.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Essential10 on January 11, 2024, 04:03:47 PM
Everyone should be respected for their personal beliefs, and no one should be forced to follow a particular religion or belief system against their will. Everyone should have the freedom to practice their religion without facing discrimination or prejudice. Inclusiveness and respect of all religious beliefs is important for promoting unity and understanding among the members of a society. Discrimination based on religion not only goes against the principles of equality and human rights, but also creates division and conflict within a community. Societies that value and respect religious diversity are more likely to benefit from the unique perspectives and contributions of different religious groups, leading to innovation and mutual enrichment.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Y3shot on January 11, 2024, 05:00:07 PM
We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.
Of course most the people in this group are notorious and they promote violence,  this is a group whereby members can intimidate other people who does not belong. This set of group are very terrible in rural area where security is not much, they don't obey the laws. I'm not against any group or religion but any group that promotes violence needs to be criticise which I know the cultism group is one of the dangerous group we have in the society .

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Fiasem20 on January 11, 2024, 09:00:23 PM
The society is a place where we meet different people.Even with the differences we shouldn't criticize, because everyone has a reason best known to them for making their decisions.I don't criticize others based on their belief because every citizen has the right to freedom of worship.So going against people's religion is like disrespecting their right.Like for example you met an unkind Muslim man and for the fact that the person was unkind to you doesn't mean all the Muslim men are unkind,thats hate speech.

        In addition,even with the differences in our religion,race and tribe citizens should practice peaceful coexistence to promote the growth of the nation.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: bluebit25 on January 12, 2024, 03:43:27 PM
First of all, there are more than 3 religions in this world that show your lack of knowledge in this topic.
I think just wanting those religions without mentioning other religions. Indeed, as you say it is a lack of understanding of the topic. According to my understanding, there are many great religions that exist and develop well in many countries, and a specific example is India, a country with the most religions in the world, and it is also very popular, was widely accepted.

(...)Everything is good as long as multiple religious people can coexist in this society.

And this is precisely the problem, because the nature of all dissonance stems from religious conflict and harmony seems impossible if the original nature of religions is to continue as it is. what happened over the centuries.

I am a bit more open to change in the future, when the names attached to religion will be replaced by the advancement of consciousness and there will still exist religions as our religion "wisdom and truth", "religion of faith (will be weakened)", "religion of violence". And religions - views in society will accompany the general progress/degeneration of humanity.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Fiatless on January 12, 2024, 04:33:49 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.
There are hundreds of religions in the world, maybe the three you mentioned are the major ones in your country. Religious fanatics always assume that their religion is superior to other religions which makes them see others as inferior. For me, I think any religion that promotes love and peaceful coexistence is worth emulating. I am not too concerned about the religion of anybody but the person's behaviour. Some people are devotees of some religion but they don't treat people well. Many of the corrupt politicians in my country are religious but they end up becoming promoters of inequality and suffering.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.

Secret societies or cult groups are formed to promote a particular agenda and not to cause violence. But when most of these youths that are members of these groups use their membership of these groups to cause violence and havoc to society, they will be rejected by society. Nobody will encourage the young generation to be part of a group that is a menace to society. In my country, the activities of these societies are banned because of their violent and criminal past.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on January 12, 2024, 06:39:32 PM
Well life is like a big mix of options, right? Whether it's choosing a religion or rolling with a particular crowd, everyone's got their own way. No need to bash someone else's choice because happiness is personal. We all mess up, but the smart ones use it to grow. Just roll with what feels right for you, no judgments.

Peaceful living is what we should seek after from every settlement in a society, as long as we will keep on dealing with people, we must have various experience from each person or group of people we have an encounter with in society, living in peace is not what anyone can offer is if we didn't learn how to leave as peaceful coexistence among ourselves in the society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Kelward on January 15, 2024, 07:44:58 AM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


People should be free to choose and practice any religion of their choice without being afraid of being persecuted by people of other religions, but unfortunately this is what is happening in some countries. If a family member decides to choose another religion from the one that the family practices, the person is immediately seen as an outcast, even if the new religion is not harmful to the family. We really need religious tolerance in our society and understand that it's a matter of choice for an adult to belong to a religious group, not because they're born into the religion.

I believe that cultism is however different from religion, they operate like gangs and carry out criminal activities, unless I have the wrong definition of what cults mean. Most of them are involved in violence and rivalry for supremacy, I think that cultism among youths should be discouraged because they're illegal and harmful as far as I know.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Wiwo on January 15, 2024, 02:49:51 PM
If you're in a society, you will discover that both the good, bad and ugly things were made available there and you will happen to have encounters with different caliber of people, but you must learn to be whom you're, we all know how the society influence among peer groups affects so many people and they got mingle with the bad group, also in terms of living together, we all must learn to have a peaceful coexistence among other various religious practices in the society.
Peer pressure will always be there and for that, as an individual, one need to have his or her own mindset and what you allow to happen around you, because influence in contergius and for that one need to be very careful of the kind of area we grow or allow to influence us, which we must put some check to them at a very regular interval so as to check mate alot of things around us.

Our ability to chose what goes through us is the most important thing, because when you allow yourself to become a vonurable tool in the hand of the society, only then you will have some high level of negative characteristics, so freedom is whay give us those ability to think independently and make our own choices.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Miles2006 on January 15, 2024, 04:34:39 PM
Everyone has the right to make decisions and no one can forcefully condition you to disrespect your own decision, you used religion as an example but most people in some areas can't make decisions freely concerning region and the worst part is the hate speech we hear everyday and there's no way one can fight against hate speech cause the number of people that get involved in hate speech is just too much, if you don't like their believe or way of worship why judging them, why not mind your business rather doing the opposite.
If we can stop this thing called hate speech in this society and learn to love everyone regardless their tribe, religion, etc, it's will be safe for very one. Peer pressure at the other hand can be dealt with among young ones if only they're willing to change and the care and love to change such people is needed and stop critizing them, people who suffer from peer pressure and bad influence need help and not criticism.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: God bless u on January 16, 2024, 08:03:36 AM
Yes we have different people with different religion and different opinion this is how it looks when we see from outside but if you drill down its divided at every stage. You will be known as Muslim, Christian, Hindu or any other religion only when you are amongst other community but within community you will be identified with the sect, sub sect of the religion. Society is divided where everyone wants power and younger generation thinks that older generation as liabilities and older generation thinks younger generation are misguided and spoilt. Unless we keep our opinion to ourself and stop judging people it would continue to be a messed up society.

The society in which a person lives should be adjusted to it because there will be people around you whose mind will be very different from yours, but since we humans like to live in the same society, it is Because we have to settle with each other, because the way the other person lives, we don't know how his habits will be, but we should ignore some things that we find bad. Do it and in whatever way it is possible that we can adjust ourselves and not do this to others and support them in their work and be positive with them.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: God bless u on January 16, 2024, 08:18:26 AM
Every man should be bound to make his own choice, decisions and  whatever religion or society of which he decides to belong. It is clearly part of our fundamental human right, the right to every freedom but where it becomes a problem is when your beliefs or decision tends to affect the other person due to compelling him to do it your own way, then that becomes a violation of personal rights.

It is very good that man should be confined to himself but since we live in a society we need to know about people's what type of people they are. In what way they are living then we can live with them?

If every person's has confined with himself then how becomes a society, that is, a society cannot be made from an individual, so we will be limited to ourselves, but at the same time, we will also help of people's. that they can help us in tomorrow's

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Frankolala on January 16, 2024, 09:39:27 AM
The number of religion that you mentioned is not all as we still have other religions, it is just that Muslim and Christians are more than the other religions. Religion is shouldn't be a barrier for us to associate with one another as most religion preaches love.

In life, we have the right to make our choice based on our interest and we should learn to appreciate people for who they are and not based on religion, because it is our care and co-operation towards one another that will promote a peaceful environment for living. Cultism is part of human nature and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Zoomic on January 17, 2024, 08:37:24 PM
Your ability to endure and accommodate other people's beliefs even when they do not align with your personal beliefs is indeed something to take seriously.  It is called Tolerance and it is a virtue to be held at high esteem. Most of this conflicts we see today are all as a result of either religious,  cultural , political etc intolerance. You can make a child follow your footsteps but you cannot force your beliefs on an adult who has the power of choice and can make decisions for himself. People just need to understand this.

If you look deeply, all these religions preach love, unity and empathy for one another but the human mind will always decide otherwise. No religion promotes segregation, it is still we humans that instigate these thoughts in our head that we are not the same because our practices differ. The world is big enough to accommodate us all, live and let's live.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Justbillywitt on January 18, 2024, 08:47:16 AM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


Yes there different religious beliefs that one can decide to affiliate itself, there are more religious bodies but you only mentioned three but I got the message you are trying to send. But one thing am not comfortable is where you are categorizing cultism with religious organizations. You and I know that cultism should be shunned and not be encouraged as their modes of operations most times are always causing problem in the society. Yes we have right to choose our affiliations, but whatever you choose don't let it cause problem for the next people who are close to you. Say no to cultism!!

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Churchillvv on January 21, 2024, 12:47:16 AM
I have come to realize that most of the stories that are told in all religions co-relate and that makes me want to ask to many questions. Right now, not a lover of religion but I believe in the truth which non of this religions wishes to expose to us. especially in Africa Christianity as changed the perspective of many people especially the poor to revolve around remaining broke in oder to serve God.

I'm still a kid though but I'm not a Christian, not a Muslim, not even a traditionalist but I'm a lover of God (supreme). I don't usually judge anyone for chosing any of this religions but I ask some few questions that makes me look like the enemy.

For the aspect of cultism I don't real know what you're talking about but as you said everyone has the right to make decisions so on that note we all should choose the religion we will follow.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Richbased on January 21, 2024, 01:13:39 AM
In life, every one is entitled to live any kind of life they chose to but one should never live a life that will stand as an inconvenience to others around you so everyone ought to be responsible for their actions and inactions and not to be involved in things that will cause instability to ones environment or to do things that will endanger the life of other people so no matter the kind of life or association one tends to involve himself, it must not be at the detriment of other people.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Zanab247 on January 21, 2024, 04:14:49 AM
Society is a large place where both good and bad people live together but nobody want to associate with bad people in a community but there is no way you will not find bad people around the environment either christian, Muslim or Traditional people which are the major problem many societies in the world are facing today.

The most important thing society need to be develop and to ensure there is peace and unity among the people no matter the region you belong to which are part of the things that is affecting our societies today because our leaders are now selecting who to punish for the crime.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: rodskee on January 21, 2024, 07:17:49 AM
The number of religion that you mentioned is not all as we still have other religions, it is just that Muslim and Christians are more than the other religions. Religion is shouldn't be a barrier for us to associate with one another as most religion preaches love.
Religion must not be the center of everything but our faith in what we do believe , either
our Gods or something else but still it is how the world must go , not cunting those who have not believing in anything.
In life, we have the right to make our choice based on our interest and we should learn to appreciate people for who they are and not based on religion, because it is our care and co-operation towards one another that will promote a peaceful environment for living. Cultism is part of human nature and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.
exactly , Preachers loves us fighting against other religion so there is no way that we will be
will be getting into another one and we will be stocked on them.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: SmartCharpa on January 23, 2024, 03:48:39 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


Nobody has the right to judge another person for the way they are living their life, everyone is free to choose whatever part of life they choose to live. I always wondering why some people choose not to respect the lifestyle of others, after all, we all do whatever makes us happy. Everyone knows what they are doing. Some parents might gives birth to a child and the child afterwards changes their religion, some parents cannot even blame them because the child has chosen the correct religion for him. We should learn how to be our own way, if we leave around the bad people, because they are doing what they enjoy, and we are doing ours.

I see a lot of individuals who always judge others based on their religion or way of life, they cannot communicate with them or become a friends with them, if they are not the same religion. Everyone is simply trying to live their best life, so we shouldn't take anything personally as humans, we are all one. Let's learn to set aside our differences and find peace of mind because without it, nothing else matters.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: JMBitcointernational on January 25, 2024, 02:33:38 AM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


The society is like and institution where all different things are learnt depending on your choice of learning .
Just like John Locke he once said that once a child is born the brain is tabularized( empty slate) And the child grows under the Ethics of nature nurture controversy .

Additionally , Society plays pivotal role in a Childs upbringing either in the Church , School ,Peter group ,And Family . All these factors help To guide a child’s upbringing either positively or negatively especially the School And peer group because a child can easily be influenced By this Two factors .

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Obim34 on January 25, 2024, 05:43:56 AM
It is very good that man should be confined to himself but since we live in a society we need to know about people's what type of people they are. In what way they are living then we can live with them?

If every person's has confined with himself then how becomes a society, that is, a society cannot be made from an individual, so we will be limited to ourselves, but at the same time, we will also help of people's. that they can help us in tomorrow's
What disgust me now is that the society is no longer left with their own options, in terms of religion. Once we are not of the same religion then nothing stands to interlink both person. Everyone tries to favor his religion alone and dislike the other and better find it necessary to inflict pain due to not being in the same religion.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: God bless u on January 25, 2024, 04:28:28 PM
If you're in a society, you will discover that both the good, bad and ugly things were made available there and you will happen to have encounters with different caliber of people, but you must learn to be whom you're, we all know how the society influence among peer groups affects so many people and they got mingle with the bad group, also in terms of living together, we all must learn to have a peaceful coexistence among other various religious practices in the society.

Of course, in order to be peaceful, we have to make ourselves change then we can be peaceful with them, we don't have to make a big deal out of someone's small matter, we don't have to fight, in order to be peaceful

We have to learn such habits that others don't feel bad. We have to live like we live in a house, we will create an environment of a family, just as we have created an environment in our house like a family, so we have to live outside as well. So that we can be at peace with others.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Dunamisx on January 25, 2024, 07:09:46 PM
If you're in a society, you will discover that both the good, bad and ugly things were made available there and you will happen to have encounters with different caliber of people, but you must learn to be whom you're, we all know how the society influence among peer groups affects so many people and they got mingle with the bad group, also in terms of living together, we all must learn to have a peaceful coexistence among other various religious practices in the society.

Of course, in order to be peaceful, we have to make ourselves change then we can be peaceful with them, we don't have to make a big deal out of someone's small matter, we don't have to fight, in order to be peaceful

We have to learn such habits that others don't feel bad. We have to live like we live in a house, we will create an environment of a family, just as we have created an environment in our house like a family, so we have to live outside as well. So that we can be at peace with others.

This happiness we are also talking about is what comes from the mind, if we are not settled right from our minds, that same crisis is what will affect our relationships with others in the society, people living together in a society should have the common sense of love, being there for each other by helping one another and not looking after the downfall of each other.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: |MINER| on January 25, 2024, 07:40:54 PM
Social values are seen from people's society.  Good and bad social system.  Society is like an open book. Now what you learn from this book is up to you.  Some people are wasting their time criticizing, some people are spending their days blaming others and others are doing constructive work.  You can become a very good person by doing social development, constructive work. Again you can spend time by wasting time.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: uneng on January 25, 2024, 09:47:12 PM
The most important thing society need to be develop and to ensure there is peace and unity among the people no matter the region you belong to which are part of the things that is affecting our societies today because our leaders are now selecting who to punish for the crime.
There will only be peace and unity if people who live in a society share the same values, morals and beliefs. We see so much internal conflicts nowadays inside local societies, because people don't "speak the same language" anymore, especially inside western societies where most people are splitted between two sides who don't agree in anything at all with each other, the called right and left wings or conservatives and liberals.

These people simply can't live in peace and united among themselves, because they believe in different things, have different customs, values and moral rules. And the more the ones at the command of the societies force these people to put up with each other, the worst things get... So I think the best solution would be if the societies splitted for real, geographically and gave 50% of the territory to each faction, so everyone would live accordingly to their beliefs, in peace and finally united by strong bonds, at least until one faction started coveting the achievements of the most advanced side and declared a war, what is also very likely to happen...

The question is, why a solution like this is never implemented, despite looking so obviously the most reasonable alternative for both sides of society?

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: FinePoine0 on January 26, 2024, 04:39:49 AM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

A moral game in society, different types of people live in society not all are good. There is no end to busyness in society. People learn and grow from the society and it really depends on what business they will do. If you want to improve something in life, you must understand the lessons from the society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: AYOBA on January 26, 2024, 09:42:32 PM
Individuals are inside a single society and be visible to them, but each has a unique personality. Some individuals join society merely to learn lessons or get new experiences related to their lifestyles, but others join in order to cause havoc and are the ones that bring poor decisions into society and are the ones who never succeed. In certain civilizations, it's evident that someone will turn out to be a decent person. It so occurred that while they are exceedingly difficult to understand at home, they are amiable to everyone else in society because they hang out with a variety of individuals who are more knowledgeable than they are.

However, some people will never contribute to societal progress, instead, they will create a situation in which they will be unable to live peacefully. It is useful to understand the types of people we should associate with or invite into society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Gozie51 on January 26, 2024, 10:14:59 PM

We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want

All these religions you mentioned here have influencing power over the individual and that is why Karl Marx called religion as the opium of the masses meaning whatever comes out from the religion is accepted by followers. No doubt Karl Marx was right in this study coming out with this. You can't discuss one religion against the other without backlash from their followers and that is the problem whether they are wrong or right is inconsequential until a day that someone will be convinced against the other.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: passwordnow on January 26, 2024, 10:34:13 PM
You choose the society where you belong when you're older but when you're younger, you don't have an option to choose and that's why these beliefs and ideals start from your experiences, knowledge, and where you have come from. It's either it will develop and help you what you become someday in the future or, you're going to be another person built as well by that society where you have from and looking forward to be part of the better society that you want to be part of.

Like for the example of kids living in violence, it's likely that they'll grow up being violent because of what they've experienced and seen from the people on that society. They'll develop that into thinking that violent things are pretty normal because that's what they've seen from the older people that they've lived before. And when they are already grown ups, they'll have hard time realizing that they've been in a place that have been wrongly teaching them the ideals about life. There are so much with this society but you know what's good with it, the diversity about it. Whether we like it or not, the bad and good beliefs are there and the beauty of being diverse is what makes this world still beautiful despite that we don't agree to many things.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Volimack on January 27, 2024, 07:20:38 AM
All people in the society have the right to live independently, but what we see is that those who have a good financial status can enjoy all kinds of opportunities, but those who are poor and helpless in the society are forced to accept the difficult life of suffering and hardship. There is no happiness in selfish living. The environment is often bad and unrest prevails all the time. It is not possible to move society forward without change. So we must inculcate social values in all of us.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: cryptoWODL on January 27, 2024, 08:18:22 AM
All people in the society have the right to live independently, but what we see is that those who have a good financial status can enjoy all kinds of opportunities, but those who are poor and helpless in the society are forced to accept the difficult life of suffering and hardship. There is no happiness in selfish living. The environment is often bad and unrest prevails all the time. It is not possible to move society forward without change. So we must inculcate social values in all of us.
Now there is no such thing as social values ​​in the society because now the poor are constantly oppressed and sacrificed to the rich in every society of the world. The poor people in our society are constantly subjected to financial discrimination. Even in the society there are people who are rich but not wise whereas those who are poor are more knowledgeable and are not allowed to make any decision they are called poor. The day this type of thinking is removed from our society people will be able to live together happily and peacefully.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Hispo on January 27, 2024, 11:24:34 AM
All people in the society have the right to live independently, but what we see is that those who have a good financial status can enjoy all kinds of opportunities, but those who are poor and helpless in the society are forced to accept the difficult life of suffering and hardship. There is no happiness in selfish living. The environment is often bad and unrest prevails all the time. It is not possible to move society forward without change. So we must inculcate social values in all of us.

I partially agree. But I must point out there are some contradiction in your post. You say one is supposed to have the right to live independently (I am not sure whether you mean social independency or economical independency) in the case of social independency is pretty much impossible to reach such thing, because as a member of society we are all expected and required to interact with others in order to helpful to the advance of our nations and cities. Those who lack of abilities to live in society are tagged as sufferers from mental illnesses and treated.
On the other hand, I do agree it is important to learn more social values in general, to learn how not to prejudge others because their economical status, not to prejudge because their physical appareance and etc. many of the political left leaders around the world call for the ceasing of social injustice and a better wealth distribution, which would improve the life of millions of people, but we all know that is perceived as communism and rapidly stigmatized from the opponents of the idea of social justice.

Regardless one is within the spectrum or political left or right, the common goal should be to make the people of the nation as happy as possible. Though, we disagree on the methods and the path towards it.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on January 27, 2024, 12:22:39 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.

The society is design to fit in all kinds of people and human, in are of worship freedom as you stated is already their but let not your worship be barrier to another person in the society because if it does there must be so much questioning and criticism which will deem it necessary for people to persuade you to change your freedom because is not longer in line with the Norm in the society but nusance and harmful to the people. Traditional, Islam and Christian have all that bind them together which peace but where the other breached the bond it become unacceptable worship, that is most reason when you found your self in worship or religion that lack peace keeping, there will be pressure to pull you out because is not favourable to others.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Essential10 on January 27, 2024, 04:53:12 PM
All people in the society have the right to live independently, but what we see is that those who have a good financial status can enjoy all kinds of opportunities, but those who are poor and helpless in the society are forced to accept the difficult life of suffering and hardship. There is no happiness in selfish living. The environment is often bad and unrest prevails all the time. It is not possible to move society forward without change. So we must inculcate social values in all of us.
Now there is no such thing as social values ​​in the society because now the poor are constantly oppressed and sacrificed to the rich in every society of the world. The poor people in our society are constantly subjected to financial discrimination. Even in the society there are people who are rich but not wise whereas those who are poor are more knowledgeable and are not allowed to make any decision they are called poor. The day this type of thinking is removed from our society people will be able to live together happily and peacefully.
See if we don't try to see each other as equals, treat each other with no respect whether rich or poor, then we will not develop social values. Discrimination based on race, gender, religion or any other reason is only dividing us and creating a toxic environment. This inequality is widespread in society which needs to be addressed. The gap between the rich and the poor should be reduced so that everyone can have an equal opportunity to live a decent life. We have touched the modern world today, but we could not get out of the one-sided society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: 7juju on January 28, 2024, 04:04:39 PM
What makes the society an interesting place to be is the ability to make our invividual choices. I see people who criticize other people's choice of association or religion as immature and they need to let go of such thinking as all religion is good.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: encryptogon on January 29, 2024, 06:07:03 PM
In the society where you live, there are many different kinds of people with different thinking and perspectives. There are good and bad elements in a society. It usually depends on you to choose among the different scenarios. Some people influence your life positively, while some will impact it negatively. I believe all these things are happening for a reason. If you think it is your right to do whatever you want then you should not tell others what to do with their life. Pick the positive aspects and let alone the negative ones. This is how the societies are working over the years. Do your part and try to make a positive impact.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: God bless u on January 30, 2024, 01:36:51 PM
What makes the society an interesting place to be is the ability to make our invividual choices. I see people who criticize other people's choice of association or religion as immature and they need to let go of such thinking as all religion is good.

Everyone is free in their religion, whatever they want, the only difference is that we should behave well in the society and not hurt anyone and not abuse anyone. There is no need, we should only take care of our neighbors, we should take care of the people living in the society around us, we should never misbehave with them, and in this we get the benefit. We will give a lesson to the next generation of how our elders spent their time in their society, so that the next generation will learn from us and behave well, which will benefit them. Will means everything will be better

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 01, 2024, 10:53:18 AM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


In the society religious bigots and sycophants will always surface that's life, this is inevitable but setting yourself aside this trash will help you to know your lane, religion should not be seen as a do or die stuff, but the thing is that people has started investigating humans against humans using unguided speeches to reconfigure their brains, using different written by them personally to confused the innocent folks.

I believe we are calling one God, no matter the name we give him, the problem we have today in the society is this religion of a thing, we didn't longer see a brother as a close relative because if religious belief this is so disheartening as a matter of fact we need God intervention, things are really getting out of hands, no freedom of religion again, brother attacking brother because of religious believe, how I wish this will stop.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Y3shot on February 01, 2024, 04:16:15 PM
What makes the society an interesting place to be is the ability to make our invividual choices. I see people who criticize other people's choice of association or religion as immature and they need to let go of such thinking as all religion is good.
That is why I think the society would have been a better place without religion.  The society is an interesting place to be but because of how everyone thinks their religion is better than others has really made people to develop hatrated for people who don't belong to their religion.  If we can learn to respect people religion,  traditions,  opinions I think the society will be a great place to be.  Religion has done many harm in the society .

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Gormicsta on March 15, 2024, 05:09:06 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


To me, the term of emerging from mistakes implies that we accept accountability for what we did and learn from them. It is not an indication that we have to be faultless or that we never make mistakes. It is about accepting while studying from our mistakes. Sometimes this involves confessing our mistakes and apologizing to individuals we may have affected. But it additionally involves taking the time to think on what went wrong and how we can improve in the future. In other words, we should not focus on our mistakes, but rather use them to grow and improve ourselves.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 17, 2024, 03:00:47 AM
There are many things we should expect im the society, the society are made of made of many dramas, the religious aspects of the society has been a problem to the society at large, some people take the religious very serious to the extent that they are ready have issues with you if you do not believe in what they preach, this situation is very worrisome, I think religion is supposed to bring humans together but the case is different even some people practicing the same religion clash because of just common differences, sometimes I feel that in some way religion has done more bad than good to us.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Gozie51 on March 17, 2024, 03:49:55 AM
What makes the society an interesting place to be is the ability to make our invividual choices. I see people who criticize other people's choice of association or religion as immature and they need to let go of such thinking as all religion is good.
That is why I think the society would have been a better place without religion.  The society is an interesting place to be but because of how everyone thinks their religion is better than others has really made people to develop hatrated for people who don't belong to their religion.  If we can learn to respect people religion,  traditions,  opinions I think the society will be a great place to be.  Religion has done many harm in the society .

Despite religion doing more harm than good, it depends on the way we view things and what believe we have and our final destination on life. If we don't talk about religion then we won't talk about creation. Those who don't talk about creation don't talk about religion likewise because they don't believe in it and the believe in life after death. Depending on the believe you have, it is religion that ascribe one to the believe in either of the creation story to the extent that it is advocated in their religion. So whatever we do today, it is a function of what we believe in the religion we are or whether we are atheist.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: letteredhub on March 17, 2024, 10:43:56 AM
Op had to mention just three religions as religions we have but to correct that we have more than just those three religions in the world, and even though all of these religion doesn't agree in many ways and things most of them if not all preach about peace with all men. It doesn't matter what religion or fraternity you chose to find yourself into, make sure whatever you practice doesn't cause your next neighbor trouble or doesn't threaten his rights as a human being. Life is simple for we all to voyage through but a lot of persons just decides to make it hard with the way of a repugnant life they are living. How awful.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: swogerino on March 17, 2024, 11:19:56 AM
The developed societies do not restrict anyone to follow any religion they want as long as this is not against the law in their constitution,rarely such thing is.I think that the things we should criticize are not religions as overall what all religions do is to try to make a person,a better one by restricting him or her to join many damaging things like drugs,alcohol,pornography and gambling to name a few.I will tell you that about pornography they are completely right as if you keep watching it,you won't perform well in real life sex thinking about them,so for drugs and alcohol,while for gambling I don't know as I am a gambler myself but most probably they are right there too although I find it hard to accept it.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Abdulzuruku01 on March 20, 2024, 10:05:05 AM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.
Though you make a reasonable point, but in my opinion, I don't think I'll advise anyone to change religion as you mentioned because,  you're mistaking religion for politics, where one can switch from one party to another.
If you change religion and discover that it is not a true way, and you still change to another one again, isn't that a waste of time? It doesn't make any sense to me.

But why not make it in this way as all faiths have their own book that they believe in, such as Muslims have the Qur'an, Christians have the Bible, and traditional religions have their own book, so why not learn from these books rather than change religions.
I'm not criticising switching religions, but I believe it will be better if we learn from these books.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Gormicsta on March 21, 2024, 12:26:32 AM
Yes we have different people with different religion and different opinion this is how it looks when we see from outside but if you drill down its divided at every stage. You will be known as Muslim, Christian, Hindu or any other religion only when you are amongst other community but within community you will be identified with the sect, sub sect of the religion. Society is divided where everyone wants power and younger generation thinks that older generation as liabilities and older generation thinks younger generation are misguided and spoilt. Unless we keep our opinion to ourself and stop judging people it would continue to be a messed up society.

The easiest way that could assist is by concentrating on establishing commonalities rather than pointing the disparities between us. For instance, rather of concentrating on the various religious factions within an organization, we should emphasize the common principles and convictions that unite us. We may strive to have an open and respectful discussion about our opposing viewpoints minus making anyone feel disregarded or ignored. And we have the opportunity to solve problems that affect our entire community. This may be challenging at first, but it is an important move in establishing a more united and accepting environment.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Promocodeudo on March 22, 2024, 07:29:50 AM
Every man should be bound to make his own choice, decisions and  whatever religion or society of which he decides to belong. It is clearly part of our fundamental human right, the right to every freedom but where it becomes a problem is when your beliefs or decision tends to affect the other person due to compelling him to do it your own way, then that becomes a violation of personal rights.

It is very good that man should be confined to himself but since we live in a society we need to know about people's what type of people they are. In what way they are living then we can live with them?

If every person's has confined with himself then how becomes a society, that is, a society cannot be made from an individual, so we will be limited to ourselves, but at the same time, we will also help of people's. that they can help us in tomorrow's

This is true but people don't reason alike and you don't expect such in a rational world, people always think about themselves unless they are into trouble, though God made things in such a way that you must pass through an individual to become something in life but you must work your way in such a manner that your life style and what you can offer will be envied.
Helping people so that they will help us tomorrow should be a mindset of individual, do something for people without expecting anything in return because those people might fail you tomorrow and you will start regretting it, so in other not to regret, put a smile a people's face always without expecting expecting any reciprocation by those persons in the later days.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: oktana on May 08, 2024, 08:19:23 PM
It seems your sentence got cut off. But yes, today we’re all busy pointing fingers on people for doing what they find to be right but because we think it’s not the best choice. It’s important to respect people’s decision and not question it with disregard but I don’t mean for cultism because that is not a good thing. It’s also best for us to be true to ourselves because that’s the only thing that makes us unique.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Ever-young on May 11, 2024, 06:55:13 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


You are absolutely right, and that is why it's called life because there's nothing someone will do this country that some people will not talk about, in this life, I don't know if I will say that, that thing called right, if it's actually existing because I don't see it working because we are not making use of it, it's just as if we don't have rights and choice to do or choose whatever thing we like and dislike, if someone makes a choice on what to do with his or her life, it's a problem  because they will make you regret why making decision in the first place, like you say people has right to choose what they want or need, so instead of criticizing them or  making them to feel bad about their, we should advise them instead and correct them with love and care but you see this our society, they hardly do such instead they make you feel regret why you told them about you choice of choosing things and it's not good, that way won't create a good relationship between friends or loved ones.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Fiasem20 on May 11, 2024, 08:42:05 PM
There are lots of things the society is facing today,where individual can no longer enjoy their rights,they are deprived from enjoying their fundamental rights.In the case of "freedom of worship" a person belonging to a religion is his or her decision and doesn't no need to face criticism from the society.There are choice that lead to destruction so when making decisions it should be on the basis of prioritizing one's peace.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on May 11, 2024, 09:51:19 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


This is a life that we cannot control at all, we live in a pluralistic society, everyone has control over their own thoughts and often the environment and social media make someone's behavior change, so as much as possible you have to choose the life you want live it, now we can choose it all and no one can take away that right

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 14, 2024, 06:08:35 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


Society is an amazing place, it teaches you discipline how to bow down how to praise the dominant although they make mistakes how to stick to old rules etc. Society never wants you to hold your head high you will be branded as a rebel when you try to break away from some outdated practices and lead society in a slightly different way for productive work. Now come to the criticism. You can never avoid criticism unless you are mad. So we should use our conscience to choose good from bad and move ahead keeping the goal fixed.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: tomos81 on May 17, 2024, 05:25:56 PM
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 22, 2024, 08:48:19 AM
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.
As human beings are social beings, there is no way to deny society and social norms. People live in society irrespective of caste and religion. However, some opportunistic people create discord among the different communities living in the society by doing different works. So we all should be vocal so that there is no chance for any such incident to happen. Rules and principles are good in Islam but it cannot be overdone because in Islam it is forbidden to overdo it. So everyone should live harmoniously.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: teamsherry on May 22, 2024, 11:17:21 PM
I seriously don't see religion as the problem cause what religion aims to solve is to bring peace and free man from a state of suffering which comes from the way of life we have chosen.

No one is forcing anyone to be a part of any religion and that is a choice everyone must make for himself, the war of religion has existed long before my birth and would still exist long after I'm gone, I've taken my part in beign a Christian cause I believe in JESUS and I'm sure he is the only way to life and peace and I won't stop saying it. Not because you don't believe I won't try to preach to others and tell them.the truth I know, your free to do what you want and that freedom includes not to listen and same here I am free to do what I want too.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: JMBitcointernational on May 22, 2024, 11:49:01 PM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

We also have the peer group an example is the cultism. Older people see those in this group as arrogant, violence, naughty, notorious and many more names to describe them. They are mostly the young people called the youths they are the people you can mostly see in this group many people disgust this group while some people to them it's an interesting game
But like I said earlier the part you choose determines where you go so let everyone choose theirs.


There are virtually so many things to learn in the society and the society is comprised of so many things,  as an individual we have different understanding and believe , we also have different ethnic groups with different religious background and believe , there was a time in the society where so many of our forefathers depends Soley on traditional religion before the introduction of Christianity and then people were leaving in peace, understanding, love and care without any atom of envy or betrayal but now the introduction of Christianity has defined people's choice and the proliferation of churches also have led to a lot criticism and misunderstanding between different religious believers.

religious fanatism has been the major problem of Christianity because everyone believed that their own religion is better than other people's own and that has resulted to so many controversies and has kept the society in disorderly state. Talking about the activities of peer group in the name of cultism i will rather condemn their believe on that because it has rendered so many youths useless and has also taken so many lives as a result of their quest for dominance and leadership which invariably has led to societal instability. so, the society is quite difficult because different individual with different mindset, the best way to make society stable is to instill unity and also ban cultism and other social groups that can lead to violence.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Zanab247 on May 23, 2024, 01:28:09 PM
Quote from: tomos81
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.
It has created hatred in the society, because people no longer follow the religion the way their forefathers were following religion to allow peace to reign among the people in the society.

Those days, you cannot differentiate between Christianity, Islamic and traditional religion because they believe that they are serving one God and the unity was among them, but people is no longer looking religion that way which it has brought disunity among the people in the society.

That was then, many Islamic people have developed into corruption among themselves in the society, and there are some Islamic that prefer to trust other religions than Islamic person base on some kind of people are living in the society these days.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: tomos81 on May 24, 2024, 03:44:19 AM
Quote from: tomos81
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.
It has created hatred in the society, because people no longer follow the religion the way their forefathers were following religion to allow peace to reign among the people in the society.

Those days, you cannot differentiate between Christianity, Islamic and traditional religion because they believe that they are serving one God and the unity was among them, but people is no longer looking religion that way which it has brought disunity among the people in the society.

That was then, many Islamic people have developed into corruption among themselves in the society, and there are some Islamic that prefer to trust other religions than Islamic person base on some kind of people are living in the society these days.

Even those who were originally followers of Islam do not live completely against Islam in present times.  As much as all the bad-tempered deeds with false tongues are now possible by all men, these deeds were not in the past. In the past men lived contrary to religion. As more and more people have come from the past to the present time, slowly people are getting more and more indulging in bad deeds. You notice that in the past people never resorted to lies even though life is gone, but now people will not hesitate to lie and engage in any evil deeds because they will face danger. Drug addicts and criminals have flooded the society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Riginac111 on May 25, 2024, 07:46:44 AM
Yes we have different people with different religion and different opinion this is how it looks when we see from outside but if you drill down its divided at every stage. You will be known as Muslim, Christian, Hindu or any other religion only when you are amongst other community but within community you will be identified with the sect, sub sect of the religion. Society is divided where everyone wants power and younger generation thinks that older generation as liabilities and older generation thinks younger generation are misguided and spoilt. Unless we keep our opinion to ourself and stop judging people it would continue to be a messed up society.
as our countries are different that is how our religions are also different so we should not be thinking that every person in different country we worship in one religion or will have the same religion so it's totally wrong let us just allow such so that I will not be mislead by different religion country like China have their own religion country like Russian have their only religion the country's in Africa have their own religion also

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on May 25, 2024, 10:20:25 AM
Quote from: tomos81
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.
It has created hatred in the society, because people no longer follow the religion the way their forefathers were following religion to allow peace to reign among the people in the society.

Those days, you cannot differentiate between Christianity, Islamic and traditional religion because they believe that they are serving one God and the unity was among them, but people is no longer looking religion that way which it has brought disunity among the people in the society.

That was then, many Islamic people have developed into corruption among themselves in the society, and there are some Islamic that prefer to trust other religions than Islamic person base on some kind of people are living in the society these days.

Even those who were originally followers of Islam do not live completely against Islam in present times.  As much as all the bad-tempered deeds with false tongues are now possible by all men, these deeds were not in the past. In the past men lived contrary to religion. As more and more people have come from the past to the present time, slowly people are getting more and more indulging in bad deeds. You notice that in the past people never resorted to lies even though life is gone, but now people will not hesitate to lie and engage in any evil deeds because they will face danger. Drug addicts and criminals have flooded the society.

It is not the case that only people of a certain religion are acting mean-spirited. As time moves forward people in the world seem to be more prone to crime. In the past people were not so independent. From what I have seen on a small scale the people of my area were very cordial everyone would go to everyone's house to inquire visit at a certain time of the day and interact. But now it is not seen at all. The reason I found was that earlier people in the society were not so self-reliant, everyone needed something that could be found next door. But nowadays everyone is self-reliant and no one cares about anyone else. They think I do not need them, so I don't have to tolerate their big or small talk anymore. So we all should maintain a social attitude. There is one more factor for increasing anarchy in society and that is the easy availability of drugs in the society. Which makes people engage in various anti-social activities. So we have to be conscious enough to keep our generations free from these.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Roggeredek on May 25, 2024, 10:41:28 AM
The society is a very busy place. A place where you can find all kind of answers to life there are to learn from the society it depends on the part you choose to trade on.
We have different religions. Christianity, Islamic,and traditional out of these three religions it's your choice to choose the one you want but today what we do today is to criticize another person's choice no one is the best let everyone choose theirs nobody has made your choice for you if you are happy remain there but if it does not you are free to try another way as this life is not a perfect one we will all make mistake and learn from it,the wise ones rise from their mistakes.

Every society or country has different customs and principles which we always know but the point is that there are some things, some things are religiously observed in that society, and there are some things that are observed locally. Which is observed by everyone there since ancient times.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Kelward on May 25, 2024, 11:31:27 AM
What we do and how live is a matter of choice, people can be born into a perticular religion or upbringing, then they grow older to make decisions for themselves, then they'll choose whether they're comfortable about how they were brought up or change to what they choose. Although there are times when governments in power can limit the choices that we make, example is when you want to adopt Bitcoin, but it's banned in your country, another example is same sex marriage which is banned in my country, where LGBT rights are not recognized. However if someone cannot be free to practice their religion or lifestyle, then it's better that they move, to where they're accepted.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Ever-young on May 26, 2024, 04:01:44 AM
If you're in a society, you will discover that both the good, bad and ugly things were made available there and you will happen to have encounters with different caliber of people, but you must learn to be whom you're, we all know how the society influence among peer groups affects so many people and they got mingle with the bad group, also in terms of living together, we all must learn to have a peaceful coexistence among other various religious practices in the society.

You are absolutely correct,  we meet different people in one way or the other, the ones that can impact positive and negative vibes in our lives, human being at times can be very annoying, which can lead to war, disagreement or anger, etc but it's good we avoid problem or troubles and be different just like you said and allow peace to live with among us, because it can be of help to preserve our lives and live happily.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Awwal08 on May 26, 2024, 05:22:36 PM
I seriously don't see religion as the problem cause what religion aims to solve is to bring peace and free man from a state of suffering which comes from the way of life we have chosen.

In our society today so many things happen that are out of control but the presence of religion makes like easy and simple, being any types of religion people don't tend to joke with their leaders i mean religions leaders, they respected them and do anything that will please them, that why our society is a little bit controlled but still other challenges are still there, but they are minority with the help of our leader.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Freeesta on May 26, 2024, 06:50:08 PM
Society is a very interesting thing. There are different people, religions, tastes gathered here. The more diverse the interests and people, the more complex the society and the more difficult it is to manage. What makes a person belong to a certain society? Is there a group of people with the same interests and the person stays with them? It's not just religion that unites a group of people. Society is changing and constantly being shaped. This process does not stand still

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Hallroom on May 28, 2024, 04:17:51 PM
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.

Of course your idea is correct, because society does not give place to anyone, place has to be taken. Because to survive in the society, it is possible to survive by competition, because it is possible to improve in life through hard work. Because in this society, the more daily the person is, the bigger his place is and he is respected in the eyes of the society.  In the tribe I live in, the wealthiest have more respect, and the poor have less respect, so survival in this society is a must to survive.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: laijsica on May 28, 2024, 05:19:58 PM
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.

Of course your idea is correct, because society does not give place to anyone, place has to be taken. Because to survive in the society, it is possible to survive by competition, because it is possible to improve in life through hard work. Because in this society, the more daily the person is, the bigger his place is and he is respected in the eyes of the society.  In the tribe I live in, the wealthiest have more respect, and the poor have less respect, so survival in this society is a must to survive.

In every social system the influence of the rich is relatively greater than that of the poor. But those who are honest people must have different acceptance in the society because people like him more for his good deeds. Even though honest people have less money, they show their positive attitude at every level of society and the common people are benefited by it. Again rich people are the leaders in the society but in most cases they are the exploiters. But not all rich people are exploiters, there are many who benefit the society.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: MissNonFall9 on June 01, 2024, 05:16:40 PM
Society is a very busy place, no one gives space to anyone, space has to be created. So people love to live together, so people can never live alone. If you want to live in the society then you must follow the rules of the society but now the people who live in the present time are not ready to follow the rules of the society. Due to which the society is full of corrupt people, only those who are disabled in the religion of Islam have basically lived in the most peace. I think the people of Islam are useful enough to always update and practice well.

Of course your idea is correct, because society does not give place to anyone, place has to be taken. Because to survive in the society, it is possible to survive by competition, because it is possible to improve in life through hard work. Because in this society, the more daily the person is, the bigger his place is and he is respected in the eyes of the society.  In the tribe I live in, the wealthiest have more respect, and the poor have less respect, so survival in this society is a must to survive.

In every social system the influence of the rich is relatively greater than that of the poor. But those who are honest people must have different acceptance in the society because people like him more for his good deeds. Even though honest people have less money, they show their positive attitude at every level of society and the common people are benefited by it. Again rich people are the leaders in the society but in most cases they are the exploiters. But not all rich people are exploiters, there are many who benefit the society.
If there is no rich person in the society he is not valued because the rich people are often included in social activities sometimes willingly and sometimes unwillingly. However the evaluation of honest people is also in the society but it is not included in all cases, especially when a corrupt act occurs that is if there are more exploitative people in the society, then the evaluation of honest people does not happen in that society. An honest man has a position in the mind of every common man.

Title: Re: Things you see in the society
Post by: Albarq on June 02, 2024, 03:07:09 AM
From each community harmony that is formed, it can reflect different individual traits, with the natural conditions of the village, the existence of harmonious and unified life in working together is easy to see from the way they socialize. It is difficult for us to find such solidarity. They help each other. For example, building a house, cleaning the village road shows a positive nature. which is very good and really needs to be emulated for future generations.