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Economy => Gambling discussion => Topic started by: alani123 on January 20, 2024, 12:13:25 AM

Title: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: alani123 on January 20, 2024, 12:13:25 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: PytagoraZ on January 20, 2024, 12:39:49 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

To be honest, I don't like changing dealers when playing blackjack in a live casino. Often I feel that if there is a change of dealer then if previously I often got good cards then after that my cards became bad. I usually leave the game or lower the bet to find out whether I am still dealt good cards or not

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Assface16678 on January 20, 2024, 01:30:03 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?
I think we all have the same opinion here: who wants to change their dealer, right? I don't know but for me if they suddenly changed the dealer I lose focus in the game and lose my interest maybe there is a factor their and I can't explain and maybe that is also the strategy of the casino to break the focus of the gamblers, I often play live casini and blackjack is one of them, I get interested and entertained when the dealer is good at handling the cards, and because of that I can focus more and more, and suddenly they will change the dealer so of course the momentum will break and I will lose interest, I notice that if that happens I often have an unlucky cards or maybe its just I can't think straight anymore as I lose interest and focus in the game, So I hope casino's should avoid doing this its affecting the gambler who is in focus.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: danherbias07 on January 20, 2024, 01:32:56 AM
Yes, I do mind. Maybe because I am on a winning streak on one dealer than the other. This is more like a superstitious belief but I absorbed it and doing it until now.
The funny thing about this phenomenon is I didn't learn it myself, I learned it from gamblers in the chatbox who frequently bet on live blackjack. At first, I thought it was the original game of blackjack but when I saw them talking about dealers male and female that's when I got curious about it. And so I tried it too just to satisfy my curiosity. Yes, I saw a male sometimes and then a female after. What I did was only rely on the gamblers who were chatting about when I should make the bet but after that, I did it by myself.
It does bother me when they change dealer, but it also means that's is the sign for a rest. If you don't like the next dealer, take a hike, wait for the next dealer to come out, or rest for the whole day.
I've seen gamblers who have favoritism in dealers too and I think that kind of hardcore superstitious but if that's how they see gambling is, then I respect that. Who knows, they might really be winning by doing that.l

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Findingnemo on January 20, 2024, 01:58:58 AM
I didn't have any experience playing live blackjack online but in traditional casinos dealers won't leave the table until players leave their table and that is something we can connect with the tipping nature of the players at the end of session but how about the live blackjack, where players tip the dealers at the end? I guess not... So they choose to ignore player satisfaction.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: bitzizzix on January 20, 2024, 02:41:17 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?
Indeed, when we are focused on playing and suddenly the dealer changes while playing, it makes us a little distracted and even disrupts our concentration.
And maybe I think it's because it's time for a dealer rotation and if there's a sudden change maybe it's because there's something we don't know yet. It may be due to fatigue or something else that needs to be replaced because dealers want to stay fresh, professional and always alert. And it could also be due to errors, for example in terms of payment or other things that cause the dealer to have to be replaced. Even though we feel disturbed, we can't do anything and the most important thing is that there is no cheating or negative things that will harm us.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Darker45 on January 20, 2024, 02:51:25 AM
I probably do, but I don't think it will have something to do with whatever hands you will get in the proceeding deals. But I understand how such a simple thing could indeed disrupt momentum and perhaps comfort and the feeling of luck as well. Even in brick-and-mortar casinos, many gambling patrons have their favorite dealers. They look for that specific table and that specific dealer. I don't know, perhaps certain gamblers indeed really feel lucky with specific dealers. Or perhaps there's that pretty face everybody wants to play with.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: komisariatku on January 20, 2024, 03:05:18 AM
I don't like it when there is a change of dealer. I agree with other members that I feel my cards get worse when there is a change of dealer. I prefer to leave the game when the dealer has changed. I don't know why, but when the dealer changed, I seemed to lose my playing pattern and my speculations often went wrong.

At first I thought this was just a myth, but because many people feel that their cards become bad after changing dealers, I think this is deliberately done by the casino so that luck will be on their side again.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: pinggoki on January 20, 2024, 03:35:20 AM
At first I was bothered but it's all the same, I would only be bothered if I know that the dealer that's changed isn't accommodating, friendly, or the worst one, cheats. You can easily tell them if they're trying to cheat their players, they've got their ways and sometimes they're bad at hiding their intentions. As long as they don't fit in the descriptions that I've said, the change of dealers won't be a bother or a problem to me. I also love when I can troll some of the dealers and they fight back or even quit because they're tired of the trolling.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: bittraffic on January 20, 2024, 03:47:53 AM

Casinos also thinks of altering their lucks. It would bother all if after the change of dealer, everyone lost except the dealer.

Since players also are also leaves the table, I guess theres lot of you who are also annoyed by the change of dealer.  Does it occur to you that casinos also wanted to change their luck thats why they replace dealers every time?

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Hirose UK on January 20, 2024, 04:34:28 AM
Some games do have dealer changes every once in while and of course when we gamble for long time, say 2 hours, we will get different dealers up to 2 or 3 changes.
I often find something similar in the game of roulette.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?
I think that the condition they have where the dealer will continue to rotate, but I never felt disturbed and I never linked luck with changing dealers.
Pure luck depends on the fate we have and no one knows whether we will get luck or not.
Each casino or game provider will have conditions and ways of working for all teams so that like it or not we can only accept it, as long as it does not lead to manipulation then it is still something that can be accepted.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: SeaCoinCollector. on January 20, 2024, 07:10:56 AM
Changing dealers so often in live blackjack can slow down the game once players get used to one. How a dealer acts might make some players feel lucky or at ease. People might leave the table because of how quickly things are changing, which could change how those who stay communicate. I can understand that dealers might need breaks or to switch roles. Different people handle changes differently, while others like it when the same things keep happening.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Bitinity on January 20, 2024, 07:44:29 AM
Live game is not my thing but I played it several times and there was a time when I experience such a situation. Dealers change seems to be normal imo and I think the provider has their standard procedure on how often they change dealer in a table. I dont really care about the change as long as it is not that often, once in few hours is fine imho because the dealer must be tired enough to sit down and do his/her job so there should be a change/substitution. The same also happen in poker game, so I think it is quite normal procedure.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Yaunfitda on January 20, 2024, 07:48:39 AM
What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?
Depends on the game itself,

a. if I'm winning on that dealer, then I might have to leave the table because of my "superstitious" belief that the dealer is very lucky to me. Hence changing him means that my luck might turn a U-turn
b. if that dealer is on the opposite, I'm not winning nor losing, then it will be a sigh of fresh air that maybe my luck with change for the good.

And if I'm not mistaken, dealer are like being shift every 30 minutes to an hour. So it could be the timing as well when suddenly they will be change in the middle of the game wherein everyone is winning.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Text on January 20, 2024, 08:04:32 AM
What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?
For me, it’s a bit frustrating when I've gotten used to a certain dealer's style and then they switch out. The rhythm of the game changes, and it throws me off a bit. Maybe I associate luck with a particular dealer. I guess it's just a superstition, and when the dealer changes, I feel like my luck changes too. I think it's all in good fun, and if the dealers are doing a good job, it's just a part of the game.
There are times that I leave the table when the dealer changes, especially if I’m having a good streak or if I just enjoyed the vibe with that dealer. If the game continues to run smoothly and the dealers are professional, I try not to let it bother me too much. After all, each dealer brings their energy to the table, and sometimes a change can be a refreshing twist.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Taskford on January 20, 2024, 08:05:29 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

To be honest, I don't like changing dealers when playing blackjack in a live casino. Often I feel that if there is a change of dealer then if previously I often got good cards then after that my cards became bad. I usually leave the game or lower the bet to find out whether I am still dealt good cards or not

Not a big deal for me especially no changes will happen and if I am still winning on the game even if they change dealer during parlay and continue to play since I understand that workers need to take a break that's why I always find it normal thing there.

If bad luck came after the changes done I usually don't take long playing on that situation since I can't handle big losses especially if I know I'm not going to win on that scenario then for sure I quit immediately since that's how sudden momentum shift and for sure majority of us doesn't want to play anymore especially if we are starting to experience a heavy losing streak. Its frustrating to lose and that contributes or indicator that I need to stop the game.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Dave1 on January 20, 2024, 08:18:33 AM
I don't know but there are dealers that you are very comfortable with, maybe you strike a conversion with them, or you are familiar with that dealer that you don't want him/her to be change specially if you are in a winning streak and feeling good on that particular table.

And I do agree that gamblers are very superstitious, perhaps they think that the dealer is a luck or good luck charm.

Speaking of dealer though,

I card dealer in a casino in the Philippines colluding with players and stole almost 5 Million PHP from the casino itself. The dealer is giving those chips to the player even if the player in not putting a bet.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: iv4n on January 20, 2024, 08:29:30 AM
Well, it doesn't happen that often, at least it hasn't happened to me in a long time... I don't mind when dealers change during play, I guess we can see this as something negative, especially if we start losing with a new dealer, but a new dealer can also bring luck. I don't have some negative experience so it doesn't bother me.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: bluebit25 on January 20, 2024, 08:40:15 AM
(...)What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

Actually, I feel quite comfortable, or rather, I don't pay too much attention to the dealer if they are not a beautiful girl. Normally, they always work in shifts, and sometimes it's due to players' requests, so it doesn't too much affect the gambling process. But if the problem that OP is having, you can switch to another service to see if the situation is different. Indeed, that is just a personal opinion so there will be different things.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 20, 2024, 09:32:51 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

I've never tried playing blackjack but is that possible? you aren't done playing then suddenly switching dealers? I know that there are some basic casino etiquette that are called, they can't leave in front of you until you've finished your session. If that happens to me, it will really break my focus on the game, I can't explain how but I will ruin the momentum in the game especially if you're in the middle of winning while your dealer is leaving.
 One of the reasons I see why the dealer trading places, is that they may handle their loyal customer, you know? there are instances like that, or they may be the requested dealer of a player.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: kotajikikox on January 20, 2024, 09:37:39 AM
Yeah I do .

Because from my own experience in not so over 5x , when dealer changed my momentum changed as well , like one time that I am in large streaking and suddenly the dealer change and from that my luck ends and continued experienced losing till I quit that certain time.

and it happened multiple times this is why now my strategy is when Dealer changing , I will stop playing in that table or in that specific game
then will transfer to another one.

with that strategy I started learning that it may be the strategy also used by the site or the casino houses , don't know what they targeting
but it happened .

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Kakmakr on January 20, 2024, 09:48:37 AM

Casinos also thinks of altering their lucks. It would bother all if after the change of dealer, everyone lost except the dealer.

Since players also are also leaves the table, I guess theres lot of you who are also annoyed by the change of dealer.  Does it occur to you that casinos also wanted to change their luck thats why they replace dealers every time?

No, the reason for this is actually very simple. The casino knows that there are dealers that might be corrupted. So to make sure that there are no collaboration between a specific dealer and a customer, they change dealers on a regular basis.

So, if a customer change tables to stay with a specific dealer, "red" flags are raised and they look deeper into that. It is irritating when they do it too often, but some providers are over protective.  ::)

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: piebeyb on January 20, 2024, 10:08:27 AM
Actually, I have never played in a live casino, let alone played blackjack games, but I often see people playing there, I have never seen them change dealers while playing, I think they stay there at their table so people choose their own table to play, it turns out the dealer can leave the table, this is new knowledge for me, maybe I will try the live game later if I am really interested in the game of blackjack.

I actually agree with what you think because luck could have something to do with the dealer at the table when playing a live game, that's why when he leaves the table it could be that luck is no longer on our side, so maybe there are people who leave the table too, because we are worried that the cards we get will always be bad and in the end can make us lose, that makes sense to anyone but I still believe that luck is not only in the dealer but in ourselves.

But it depends on each person's views too, even though there may be some who don't come out and leave the table when the dealer actually leaves.  ;)

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: sujonali1819 on January 20, 2024, 10:37:48 AM

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

Lol, this is the most annoying thing for live games. First of all live games are always very slow and when suddenly after placing a bet dealer changes their position. :) It's indeed boring to me, but I don't know why they do it. Most probably to prevent any type of fixing between the dealer and the player. But not sure.

Card shuffling is also boring to me which takes around 2-5 minutes.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Yatsan on January 20, 2024, 10:41:14 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

To be honest, I don't like changing dealers when playing blackjack in a live casino. Often I feel that if there is a change of dealer then if previously I often got good cards then after that my cards became bad. I usually leave the game or lower the bet to find out whether I am still dealt good cards or not
Bottomline is no one knows if there is really something into it; it might be just coincidence or there are just intentional motives between every changes with dealers. Gamblers just tend to associate everything evem the slightest ones to their lucks which could be signs of frustration 'coz with luck itself, nothing has full control of it; if you lose then you lose. Only thing you can do is to accept how things will go for the rest of the game. Other option of things are making you uncomfortable is to take a pause from playing and wait for things to go in accordance with your own likeness. In such instances, I tend to move to other gambling games which is most of the time, slot machines just to kill time.

Casinos also thinks of altering their lucks. It would bother all if after the change of dealer, everyone lost except the dealer.

Since players also are also leaves the table, I guess theres lot of you who are also annoyed by the change of dealer.  Does it occur to you that casinos also wanted to change their luck thats why they replace dealers every time?

No, the reason for this is actually very simple. The casino knows that there are dealers that might be corrupted. So to make sure that there are no collaboration between a specific dealer and a customer, they change dealers on a regular basis.

So, if a customer change tables to stay with a specific dealer, "red" flags are raised and they look deeper into that. It is irritating when they do it too often, but some providers are over protective.  ::)
Makes sense if that's really the case but otherwise no one could tell. This is also the reason why I prefer not playing with such games and just settled with sports betting wherein odds and outcome are the only factors I consider aside from a tendency that the results are rigged and fraud gambling sites. I do understand the negative feeling of players about this subject matter; we do all want to win. However, being logical will always save us from regrets so be mindful still in every game you will play.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: AbuBhakar on January 20, 2024, 10:45:52 AM
What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

They have shift on every table and this is pretty common even on a IRL casino. They want to change the atmosphere on the table especially if the dealer is already creating a bad vibes to the player or bad vibes to the casino operator when they are frequently losing against players.

It’s same idea on how you feel irritated when dealer change. Casino doesn’t want players to be on constant winning atmosphere if they are winning. This changes personally doesn’t bothered me since the dealer doesn’t change the outcome of the game but rather the car shoe. Just change the table if you are not comfortable to new dealer because there’s a lot of table option available.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: alani123 on January 20, 2024, 10:58:26 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

I've never tried playing blackjack but is that possible? you aren't done playing then suddenly switching dealers? I know that there are some basic casino etiquette that are called, they can't leave in front of you until you've finished your session. If that happens to me, it will really break my focus on the game, I can't explain how but I will ruin the momentum in the game especially if you're in the middle of winning while your dealer is leaving.
 One of the reasons I see why the dealer trading places, is that they may handle their loyal customer, you know? there are instances like that, or they may be the requested dealer of a player.
Unless you're sitting on a super private VIP table, you're not playing by yourself. There's like 6 or 7 others on the table. There'll always be someone else sitting at the table and these things run 24/7. Naturally dealers will have to change at some point or another because their work requires them to be really attentive and they can't hold a shift forever.

So on live tables the dealers often change right after bets were placed, right between a continuation of the turn. It's possible for this to happen because really all information is laid in front of them, it doesn't affect the players in any functional way other than waiting a few extra seconds.

But for some reason with certain providers it seems like they change too often. Not sure why. I'm just curious if there's a reason that triggers this to happen or if it just at certain intervals for some other reason.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: ethereumhunter on January 20, 2024, 11:50:52 AM
Sometimes I play blackjack even though I don't understand it but I've never experienced anything like you. So far, the dealer hasn't changed and is still the same person, but I don't know what happened because while I was playing blackjack, I only played a few rounds and moved on to another gambling game.

What you are experiencing is normal because, as dealers, they also have regular working hours, so when you play blackjack, the dealer has finished his working hours and is being replaced by another dealer. That is just one example of changing the dealers. But if I had an experience like you, I wouldn't mind because I knew the possibility of the dealer changing. And so far, I have not experienced that incident and am still with the same dealer.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: IvugeoEvolutionCoin on January 20, 2024, 04:32:29 PM
I think we all have the same opinion here: who wants to change their dealer, right? I don't know but for me if they suddenly changed the dealer I lose focus in the game and lose my interest maybe there is a factor their and I can't explain and maybe that is also the strategy of the casino to break the focus of the gamblers, I often play live casini and blackjack is one of them, I get interested and entertained when the dealer is good at handling the cards, and because of that I can focus more and more, and suddenly they will change the dealer so of course the momentum will break and I will lose interest, I notice that if that happens I often have an unlucky cards or maybe its just I can't think straight anymore as I lose interest and focus in the game, So I hope casino's should avoid doing this its affecting the gambler who is in focus.
I don't know if dealer change has anything to do with losing gambling. If the same dealer handles the game for the whole game then maybe there is not much interest in the game because of which we see dealer change after a while. But good experience at casino sites.  If there is a chance of winning in gambling. But when a person keeps winning in gambling, he does not want the dealer to change, he wants a dealer to manage the game. And when he loses several times in gambling, he wants to change the dealer.  Did the casino sides.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Sunderland on January 20, 2024, 04:55:18 PM
Yes, maybe its only a superstitions/gambler fallacy but sometimes i do feel the "luck" changing after they change the dealer or the host.
Usually I got that feeling when play Blackjack and Crazytime.

Here in Asia, at the land based casino, the dealer usually changes after 30 minutes or when the table loss in a row.
And it happened the same on every casino I ever visited here.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: ralle14 on January 21, 2024, 02:05:17 AM
What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?
I used to care about it because I also experienced those coincidences from having a hot streak to suddenly going cold. Now, I don't care as much because the dealers are only doing their part and some factors also change during the transition.

As the others mentioned, when dealers change, you'll notice that other players would do the same, and that could be one of the few examples for you to start losing because having fewer players on the table can sometimes shift your luck the other way.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: len01 on January 21, 2024, 02:28:54 AM
Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.
believe it or not, I feel like my luck is with the dealer.
as I often do when playing roulette, I feel luckier if the dealer is a woman and when the dealer changes to a man, I feel like my luck has just disappeared and I lose more often, whereas if the dealer is a woman, I often win.
It's a little strange and ridiculous, even now I feel that way, but after this thread I'm not alone and feel the same way.

logically the dealer will not actually affect the luck we will get, but I have felt this and not just once but many times and I only told you about this ridiculousness after you made this thread and it answered all of what I was also thinking. the same thing. sometimes the dealer has a slight influence on the gambler, such as the game being uncomfortable or the dealer being less enjoyable, but it all depends on the experience of each gambler.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: bitvalak on January 21, 2024, 04:17:38 PM
Whether it's a suggestion or superstitious belief, I feel that when the dealer is changed it will affect the flow of cards that I get. Is it possible for the system to read the cards held by each player and then deliberately replace a new dealer to randomize each player's card flow again? All are just assumptions that I believe are true. But on the other hand, it is good because it can make every player feel like they are winning when the cards they get are good enough. Don't expect only certain players to win.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: bitbollo on January 21, 2024, 04:21:56 PM
maybe it's boring because the game is interrupted or at least slowed down. or maybe because players are a little superstitious!
maybe many people leave because "a beautiful girl" is replaced by a boy? I don't know, I'm not sexist but I would also see it from this point of view. in practice nothing changes, I don't even pay attention to these stuffs.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: LUCKMCFLY on January 21, 2024, 08:12:24 PM
Well sometimes we can have many beliefs and it's nice that we can Accept that things with the Majority of customers say to change the Dealers so that the luck comes to them , they think that, Sometimes it can be something very Superficial but Relatively when we are in the middle of an important game that could affect some Person, it doesn't Bother me in fact if I win and they change it there it would bother me, because obviously I am used to Winning , and if they Change it , then it can give me way of playing that my luck changes to bad, so I wouldn't like that, I prefer that the dealer last longer there and not Change him , that's my way of Thinking too , but it's Something that's in every casino , I thought that was it something normal , I don't know if that is predetermined among casino Things , but in view of what you say , if we have to Give it Importance , I wouldn't like them to Change.

To other players, it may seem like a fact that it is Normal , When I am in a physical Casino , things can be different, that doesn't happen, normally in an offline casino , the dealer stays at your table, they should do it that way so that be much more Credible , and thus not go Through those Methods that can cause some annoyance to the players, in this Case the case will not always have the old house and that is something that can be blacked out, if we put ourselves in evidence for things to go Wrong , well obviously they will, but if we do Everything possible so that things can be done better , with a dealer always, and make the experience of an online casino more and more real, well I think that doesn't cost anything, I don't Know if among the Options of the online Casinos and the dealers is to leave it fixed or move it every game, or every time some time passes, it is something that could be done better , this is only what we can see , and what I think of that.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: arjunmujay on January 21, 2024, 08:29:41 PM
In fact, the game remains the same even if the dealer changes. The only difference here is our way of thinking, which feels like oh, I'm not lucky if I play with this dealer. Yes, I often feel something like that and it actually happens. Therefore, when the dealer changes, I will definitely lower the bet first to get a good feel when playing.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Wind_FURY on January 22, 2024, 05:49:56 AM

Does it bother you when dealers change during play?

That depends on who's going to be the next dealer. Hahaha. In the Live Craps games in Evolution there are about eight dealers and they have shifts of probably 4 each during a 24-hour period, but only the four of them work at any given day. If you regularly play Craps, those dealers would already be familiar to you. You already know who's annoying, who's "bad luck", who's funny, and who's boring.

There are two dealers that I don't like. The fat, annoying one with the glasses who always talks in rhymes, and the small one with the red hair who talks very fast, you wouldn't understand what he's saying. He's also bad luck "Mr. 7". Regular Craps players would understand. 8)

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Webetcoins on January 22, 2024, 08:23:33 AM
Hhmm, maybe it was intentionally done to disrupt us? And it was effective because you are here complaining about it. I didn't read most of the replies yet but maybe other users can relate to it. While for me, it does not really matter. And I don't believe in a superstitious like this dealer is lucky and the others are not. Another reason on why they replace the dealer is because the other one will take a break.

It's up to you OP if you will also leave like the dealer and other bettors, or you can just ignore them and continue playing because your luck might be on the game itself, or at that table and not on the dealer, other bettors, and others....

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: goldkingcoiner on January 22, 2024, 09:50:47 AM
I tried some live blackjack recently and on certain providers for tables like Evolution it kinda bothered me how often dealers would change.
Just when you get used to the flow a dealer has, how they announce cards and bet times, they would change. I have no idea based on what principle dealers will go sit on another table, but it doesn't seem very standard.
I'd certainly prefer the dealers I've come to like to stay a bit longer but I also have to say that all the dealers are doing a good job so in the end the game still continues to run smoothly.

Oftentimes when dealers change in a table I see most people leave the table. Perhaps that's because so many people think that their luck is somehow associated with the dealer. And people leaving the table is another annoying thing because times can completely change from what you had gotten used to.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you mind when dealers in your table change? Or does it not bother you at all?

No, I cannot say that I like it when the dealer changes. I think the entire gambling experience needs to be considered. And this includes the dealer. I think it would be very similar to the waiter changing at a Restaurant. What if you liked the last waiter and were planning on giving them a nice tip for their outstanding work? Pushing someone new into this scenario changes the experience itself. And the same goes for gambling. But I think they have to do it for the purpose of breaks and security. What if there is a black sheep among the dealers who is trying to help his friend cheat? That sounds like a possible problem that the casino might face.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: Natsuu on January 22, 2024, 10:02:29 AM
Switching dealers a lot can mess with the game vibe especially if you're used to how a certain dealer does things. Some people think there's luck or superstition with a particular dealer so that's why they bail when there's a switch. I think it will take more just than a change of dealer for me to be bothered

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: slapper on January 22, 2024, 11:21:25 AM
I understand your perspective. Our inclination is to seek consistency and comfort in familiarity. Change is part of the game's environment. Keeping the environment dynamic ensures fair play. Each dealer has a particular tempo that might temporarily upset your plan. Isn't that part of the fun and challenge?

The social side is another matter. Players bond with dealers, who are more than just game mechanics. Thus, some players may be upset when a favorite dealer departs the table. Remember, it's a game for fun. The play is what matters, not the dealer. The pleasure of the game continues whether dealers stay or go.

Title: Re: Does it bother you when dealers change during play?
Post by: angrybirdy on January 23, 2024, 12:33:59 PM
Switching dealers a lot can mess with the game vibe especially if you're used to how a certain dealer does things. Some people think there's luck or superstition with a particular dealer so that's why they bail when there's a switch. I think it will take more just than a change of dealer for me to be bothered

yaaah! exactly, I know many people who want that dealer to handle their game because they believe that it will be lucky for them if that specific person will assist them. It also gets to the point that when they win big, the dealer is also given a big tip, a token of appreciation from gamblers. There are also times that your mood and concentration in playing will be really affected when you see the dealer switch with other co dealers and I think that they are unable to do that until the gambling session is over.