Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Dailyscript on January 20, 2024, 12:30:49 AM

Title: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Dailyscript on January 20, 2024, 12:30:49 AM

With the current rate of inflation in our individual countries, many people see it that there is a better future in investing and holding Bitcoin for a long period of time. Many see it as a breakthrough out of poverty while some see it as a way of storing value. However, in as much as we love comfortability, convenience in our daily lives there are individuals who will rather choose to forgo short term pleasure like luxury purchases, expensive outings, Unfurnished apartments all for the sake of acquiring a lot of Bitcoin in their portfolio. They are determined and dedicated to believe in the long term benefit of Bitcoin while making personal sacrifices to secure their future.

Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Dr.Bitcoin_Strange on January 20, 2024, 12:50:24 AM
[img width=450 Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

Well, IMO, if there is no comfort, that means there will be discomfort, and discomfort would not really create a very conducive environment for the individual who is accumulating Bitcoin and therefore might still cause him to sell off if there arises a very depressing need.

This topic reminds me of the warning that is usually given to some investors: never to invest more than their budget. While investing in Bitcoin, it's necessary to save some emergency funds and at least be in a comfortable state so that there is no discomfort or distress that can cause them to sell off their Bitcoin early.

If an individual actually has enough money (very rich) or less money (not too rich), spending on their needs and things that give them comfort should not be a problem. For someone to invest in Bitcoin, they don't need to invest all their money in it; at least investing based on their budget and their pocket size will be more favorable for them.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: JariKriting on January 20, 2024, 05:06:49 AM
bitcoin until now has not been able to be easily used for transactions in real life. for example, buying cigarettes, eating at stalls still cannot. and for online transactions to buy goods in the marketplaced there are still few who support. that's the thinking of ordinary people when they want to enter bitcoin, let alone buy bitcoin.
because the price of bitcoin can also experience a decline in price, but the price does not always continue to rise.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: mk4 on January 20, 2024, 08:15:58 AM
Obviously, the Michael Saylor chair meme was mostly (I think, at least) a joke as it's taking things too far. You just need to have a perfect balance between not spending money unnecessarily, but at the same time not depriving yourself too much of comfort and quality of life.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: CODE200 on January 20, 2024, 08:17:28 AM
Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
I used to be like this person that you're looking for, the drive to save up on things that are expensive but I really want to have is strong back when I still don't earn a lot of money but now that I'm well off even just a little, I do think that a little comfort wouldn't hurt so much when you're saving, enjoying the profits of your savings and at the same time finding a way to get it back is almost always the thing that anyone should be aiming for and that we shouldn't restrict ourselves like a monk practicing celibacy.

bitcoin until now has not been able to be easily used for transactions in real life. for example, buying cigarettes, eating at stalls still cannot. and for online transactions to buy goods in the marketplaced there are still few who support. that's the thinking of ordinary people when they want to enter bitcoin, let alone buy bitcoin.
because the price of bitcoin can also experience a decline in price, but the price does not always continue to rise.
Even if we can do that, I don't think that we'll be able to see bitcoin being used as much as we believe it to be on daily necessities like this, people will always remember the 10k bitcoin pizza story and it's one of the reasons why they're going to just use bitcoin as an investment rather than the intended means which is a digital currency to trade without a middleman.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: blockman on January 20, 2024, 08:28:53 AM
IMHO, accumulate and buy when you're totally fine and there is no need to sacrifice your comfortable living. But if you're alone, I guess that makes sense and easier to do because you don't need to think of any family member that will be sacrificed the status of life because of your goal to invest in Bitcoin. That's why for the singles out there, if you are able to buy Bitcoin and you include that to your expenditures every time you receive your paycheck then you have to keep on doing that. Because you'll never know how tight it is going to be when you're with a partner already or when you become a family guy.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: zaim7413 on January 20, 2024, 09:17:01 AM
bitcoin until now has not been able to be easily used for transactions in real life. for example, buying cigarettes, eating at stalls still cannot. and for online transactions to buy goods in the marketplaced there are still few who support. that's the thinking of ordinary people when they want to enter bitcoin, let alone buy bitcoin.
because the price of bitcoin can also experience a decline in price, but the price does not always continue to rise.
Thinking like this is the result of fear and lack of literacy regarding the function and use of Bitcoin in the future. Of course, Bitcoin cannot currently be easily used for real-life transactions such as buying cigarettes or eating at a food stall. I don't think it's possible to pay for small purchases using Bitcoin because transaction fees also need to be taken into consideration. The continuously fluctuating price of Bitcoin is the beauty of investing, when the market is experiencing a decline it can be an opportunity to consider a long-term investment strategy by increasing the amount of investment without any worries and speculation among traders and investors.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: slaman29 on January 20, 2024, 09:24:03 AM
Man we all guys live in all kinds of discomfort to do things, no need to say about Bitcoin, I know guys who will eat ramen every day just to afford cigarettes lol

But all of that is short term. Invest in your professional career, invest in self improvement and health. You get better jobs, you perform better, you get better education.

Then you're in better position to DCA for Bitcoin :)

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Don Pedro Dinero on January 20, 2024, 09:33:31 AM
You just need to have a perfect balance between not spending money unnecessarily, but at the same time not depriving yourself too much of comfort and quality of life.

This. I don't want to do like the ERE (Early Retirement Extreme) people, who live a shitty life, skimping as much as possible, even on basic things like food and other things that can affect their health, so that in a hypothetical future they can retire. The best years to enjoy are when you are young. If you spend too much time saving, you might die and not have enjoyed anything, or when you are old enough to retire you are in poor physical condition. That's why I think there needs to be a balance between saving (and investing) for the future and enjoying the present.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: EarnOnVictor on January 20, 2024, 10:12:29 AM
This is a nice and thoughtful topic but it is best with Bitcoin Discussion or Economic section. You might want to contact moderators to help you move it to the appropriate section of teh forum.

Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?
This is not a bad thing to do, after all, it will increase the chance of success of the person. I even have some projects I should have embarked upon starting last year, but because of the investment opportunity coming from cryptocurrency, I paused. I believe this will help me faster if I invest more money in cryptocurrency, and is not new to people as well.

But I will never live a nonsense kind of life because of Bitcoin and others. What if it fails?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?
Of course, more money committed to investment means more money to be gained from it, which is why people deprive themselves temporarily and also hope it works as planned.

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
Yes, I have seen and that includes me, but not to the level of living like a pauper in the name of crypto investment. I follow the rule of investment that advice to invest only the money you can afford to lose. Though I do more as I have enough in crypto, but it is not affecting my living negatively whatsoever.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Nrcewker on January 20, 2024, 12:24:44 PM
Real men know the value and capabilities of Bitcoins. They have seen Bitcoins growing from nothing and turning into a thousand dollar digital asset. The early investors were really lucky. They made the most profits while investing early. Right now they also accumulating many Bitcoins and holding it for the next ATH price. They know the value and hence they will tell others not to accumulate it and on the other hand they holding it making the most profit from it. So just accumulate it, irrespective of the price.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Zigabel on January 20, 2024, 04:35:32 PM
With the current rate of inflation in our individual countries, many people see it that there is a better future in investing and holding Bitcoin for a long period of time. Many see it as a breakthrough out of poverty while some see it as a way of storing value. However, in as much as we love comfortability, convenience in our daily lives there are individuals who will rather choose to forgo short term pleasure like luxury purchases, expensive outings, Unfurnished apartments all for the sake of acquiring a lot of Bitcoin in their portfolio. They are determined and dedicated to believe in the long term benefit of Bitcoin while making personal sacrifices to secure their future.

Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
Their motivation is basically a good future ahead, when you foresee a good future ahead then you will be willing to give up what's required of you to secure it, they know if they are able to secure the future they will be able to afford the Luxury and even more so what's the need of getting a temporary luxury when you can get something much better just by investing in the future, luxury do evolve so what's luxury today may be obsolete by tomorrow but if by tomorrow you have got all you need and have attained a good level of stability then you can always stay in trend with whatever luxury it is at that time and that's what most of the Bitcoin investors would prefer.

It's also important to understand that these persons do have jobs and other means of income that keeps them going and meet up their daily needs so they can be able to maintain such investments long enough provided their daily needs are met.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Stepstowealth on January 20, 2024, 05:24:50 PM
Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?
Reducing what you spend on can make more money available to spend on investing in bitcoins. But when reducing your expenses, do not remove important needs from what you need to spend money on because you are trying to save money to invest in bitcoins. See a doctor when you need to, dress and eat well. If you neglect yourself good healthcare after you have denied yourself some comfort, if you fall sick, you may die and leave all your bitcoins lost if you did not plan a way to pass it on to someone. Take care of yourself as you try to invest.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: electronicash on January 20, 2024, 05:28:08 PM
by holding since last year and not even buying myself a xmas gift i think is a huge sacrifice in denying comfort to save money and keep it in BTC. for a person to hold coins for a long time despite the bull market is like seeing a prepper for financial troubles in the future.

i have seen many people who kept their cash in some sort of a biscuit can so they can save money not even celebrating a birthday but just saving for emergency but i have not seen someone who saves to buy BTC yet. what is common is DCAing.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: mvdheuvel1983 on January 20, 2024, 05:28:56 PM
Not everyone can withstand the pressure of surviving in a discomfort situation and it takes a person with strong determination to make good decisions when in this kind of situation so I think it's an error for me cause depriving yourself a good life to hold Bitcoin that you don't know what the market is going to be in the next few months sounds like suffering yourself. It is better to buy and hold when one is comfortable financially I believe you will have the courage to overlook the price and keep holding your Bitcoin regardless of the panic and fears.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Yatsan on January 20, 2024, 05:42:03 PM
Like some sort of pushing things just to invest? Well yes, it is a good idea but never expect anything less than struggle. The reason why it would be best to invest an extra money is for daily necessities. Imagine being able to invest in Bitcoin but suddenly needing money for food or hospital expenses. You need to have a 'margin' on the amount you are planning to invest and amount you will be needing to live. Let's say you were able to put a huge amount in your wallet from this industry then you happened to have an emergency or that you will be needing urgent money. This is, I believe, the most common instance an investor is pulling out his assets which sometimes result to complete loss because the chance of earning profit from holding was also cut  by that time. So what's the right thing? Save and invest. It would be much better in the long run to only do things properly. If you will go all in to an asset you'd be always at the edge which will for sure make you uncomfortable and probably not a good investment outcome or journey.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: bettercrypto on January 20, 2024, 06:31:38 PM
bitcoin until now has not been able to be easily used for transactions in real life. for example, buying cigarettes, eating at stalls still cannot. and for online transactions to buy goods in the marketplaced there are still few who support. that's the thinking of ordinary people when they want to enter bitcoin, let alone buy bitcoin.
because the price of bitcoin can also experience a decline in price, but the price does not always continue to rise.

That's why Bitcoin is called a volatile asset because at any moment the price value of Bitcoin can go up or down in the market, and because of this, the price of Bitcoin is also called unpredictable even in other cryptocurrencies, right?

then saving bitcoin is not just saving, because, of course, while we save, we can't do anything else because we have needs that must be prioritized. In short, we also need to have a source of income that will sustain all our needs and bills.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Pokapoka124 on January 20, 2024, 06:44:40 PM
You don’t have to live in discomfort or deny yourself life’s pleasures just because you want to own bitcoin. Maybe it’s a matter of preference, for me I wouldn’t want to live in an unfurnished house because of I’m saving money to buy bitcoin. There are other things I can cut off like eating out, morning coffee and clubbing. I wouldn’t mind doing any of those but living in an apartment with just a tv and little or no furniture is a no for me.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Crypto Library on January 20, 2024, 07:17:38 PM
Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
In fact, what is our profit after holding Bitcoin? What exactly are we holding Bitcoin for? Because later on to enjoy a secure and comfortable life? We are human and we all know the proverb that "Man is mortal" so when our life will end we never know. So it makes no sense to leave yourself in a bad situation now to achieve a comfortable life later. The reason why I put myself in discomfort is basically uncertain. And it's been working on me more and more since seeing LEO's topic  ( the past few days.
Anyway, I'm not discouraging anyone from holding Bitcoin or investing in Bitcoin, I'm just saying don't waste your present for future comfort, invest as much as you can afford now, there's no point in taking extra stress by investing beyond what you can't afford. Select a bearable amount from your income and start holding for long term through DCA method.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Sanitough on January 20, 2024, 07:56:57 PM
That’s what how precious bitcoin is that some men are able to live their life in current discomfort just to buy bitcoin as it will surely give them their future comfort. Even myself, if only I’m still single, I would do all the sacrifice for now just to accumulate bitcoin consistently. But when you have children around, you cannot let them live a life that is not comfortable. You can deny yourself from living a comfortable life but it’s a different story when you are raising little kids around.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Agbe on January 20, 2024, 08:02:29 PM
Well, IMO, if there is no comfort, that means there will be discomfort, and discomfort would not really create a very conducive environment for the individual who is accumulating Bitcoin and therefore might still cause him to sell off if there arises a very depressing need.
The DOCTOR himself, you just cure the sick or the dieses in the thread. Nobody can invest in Bitcoin when they have not even eaten for days then such investment is nonsense. You starve yourself to invest and when you die who will enjoy the money. That means you are discomforting yourself to invest in Bitcoin for others to come inherit your investment. You can only deny yourself and invest in Bitcoin when you are a civil servant or a business man that there is steady income daily or monthly which you can use it to pay bills and other domestic payments. But whereby you are not doing anything and you want to deny yourself to invest, ah, we might hear a sad story. Op before you deny yourself to invest make you have to examine yourself very well if you can withstand with the pressure.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Easteregg69 on January 20, 2024, 08:05:45 PM
This. I don't want to do like the ERE (Early Retirement Extreme) people, who live a shitty life, skimping as much as possible, even on basic things like food and other things that can affect their health, so that in a hypothetical future they can retire. The best years to enjoy are when you are young. If you spend too much time saving, you might die and not have enjoyed anything, or when you are old enough to retire you are in poor physical condition. That's why I think there needs to be a balance between saving (and investing) for the future and enjoying the present.

Some of us live that way just to be still round. Of all the time in the world. Isn't that a miracle?

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: The Cryptovator on January 20, 2024, 08:21:33 PM
It's always discouraged to spend unnecessary money in your life. We can save money in our daily lives just by calculating a bit tighter. And we can invest those funds in Bitcoin, of course. For that, the person must meet with Bitcoin and should have a better idea about its history. Its kind of DCA strategy means to buy bitcoin whenever you have savings from your daily needs. For this type of investment, we should have enough patience to hold on for a long time. If you are seeking a good future, then you definitely have to compromise your comfort. This is a simple rule.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Fiatless on January 20, 2024, 08:55:24 PM
Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?
Determination is the soul of every investor. This set of persons is determined to forgo pleasure because they know that the future will be better if they invest wisely today. I think that the most important needs are food, shelter, clothing, education and other basic things. For you to keep investing, there is a need to have self-control which makes one focus less on wants and more on investment.       

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
One does not need to suffer or die because you want to accumulate Bitcoin. You have to take care of yourself and your family first before thinking of investing because there are things that are more important than making money. Investing shouldn't deprive you of the good things in life. I think we should have a budget that will help us in planning how we spend and invest our income. Our priority should be our basic needs and any remaining funds can be invested in Bitcoin. Their motivation could be to create a financially stable future for themselves and their family members.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Alpha Marine on January 20, 2024, 09:04:51 PM
There's always something to do with money. Very few people in the world make so much money to the extent that they don't know what to do with it anymore. This is the set of people who comfortably take out money to invest without having to forgo anything.
For the average person, it's not so. The more you make money, the more you spend so if you keep a certain amount or percentage of your money to buy Bitcoin, you must forgo something else.

This doesn't mean you should keep yourself in a miserable situation just to buy Bitcoin. We have to satisfy our needs. We work hard to have a better life, not just now but also in the future. You can deprive yourself of some extravagant things because you want to invest, but it's still okay to be comfortable to an extent.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: boty on January 20, 2024, 09:20:28 PM
It's always discouraged to spend unnecessary money in your life. We can save money in our daily lives just by calculating a bit tighter. And we can invest those funds in Bitcoin, of course. For that, the person must meet with Bitcoin and should have a better idea about its history. Its kind of DCA strategy means to buy bitcoin whenever you have savings from your daily needs. For this type of investment, we should have enough patience to hold on for a long time. If you are seeking a good future, then you definitely have to compromise your comfort. This is a simple rule.
Using the income we have on things we don't really need, of course we won't have savings and what's worse we have loans because we use the money we have on things we don't really need, saving is very important if we think about the future because if we can't save it will certainly be very difficult to have savings and investments.

Using the DCA strategy in making investments is indeed very good, everyone can do it easily, they can use part of the income they have and determine the purchase date they determine and buy it consistently so that they can enjoy profits when the price is high, to be able to profit from this investment. Of course we have to be able to survive for a long period of time and we shouldn't be affected if the price goes down after we buy it and if the price goes down we can buy more if we have enough savings.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: boyptc on January 20, 2024, 09:25:57 PM
I mostly apply delayed gratification with my investments and instead of using it for those recreational or wants that I wanna have, that's how it goes for investing and allots some money from a portion of my income.

But that doesn't mean that I need to sacrifice comfortability. When you invest and you're waiving your comfortable living, it's not comfortable to invest like that.

You can lessen your investment and keep going with your living but as they say, you do you.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on January 20, 2024, 11:07:47 PM

Well, IMO, if there is no comfort, that means there will be discomfort, and discomfort would not really create a very conducive environment for the individual who is accumulating Bitcoin and therefore might still cause him to sell off if there arises a very depressing need.

This topic reminds me of the warning that is usually given to some investors: never to invest more than their budget. While investing in Bitcoin, it's necessary to save some emergency funds and at least be in a comfortable state so that there is no discomfort or distress that can cause them to sell off their Bitcoin early.

If an individual actually has enough money (very rich) or less money (not too rich), spending on their needs and things that give them comfort should not be a problem. For someone to invest in Bitcoin, they don't need to invest all their money in it; at least investing based on their budget and their pocket size will be more favorable for them.
   Well said mate, you can’t do more than intended, I think spending money for your comfort shouldn’t be something to be over emphasized on,  people have their different tastes of life. Some may not see the need to want to furnish their new apartment after moving in, for them a bed and probably a work space is okay for them and they are very much comfortable as long there are not living in the street. Those  that splurge on thier self does not mean they are wasting their money rather they are living the life practically the one everyone wants to enjoy.
  Never live a life of regret, money for your self shouldn’t be something to think of that is if you really need that thing. Get it your carvings, visit the things thats interest you life is short and anything can happen and time wait for no one . You don’t have to starve yourself before you invest, investment money especially in spot it no 2day thing,

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Silberman on January 21, 2024, 04:44:18 AM
With the current rate of inflation in our individual countries, many people see it that there is a better future in investing and holding Bitcoin for a long period of time. Many see it as a breakthrough out of poverty while some see it as a way of storing value. However, in as much as we love comfortability, convenience in our daily lives there are individuals who will rather choose to forgo short term pleasure like luxury purchases, expensive outings, Unfurnished apartments all for the sake of acquiring a lot of Bitcoin in their portfolio. They are determined and dedicated to believe in the long term benefit of Bitcoin while making personal sacrifices to secure their future.

Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
Everyone is free to decide what standards of living they can accept in order to save and then use those savings to buy bitcoin, besides those luxuries that you are buying only help you on the short term, to some people it is way more important to secure their long term well-being, so if I have to choose between an expensive couch and invest that money in bitcoin now and then use that money on the distant future to be economically secure, I will choose the second option without any doubt.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: pinggoki on January 21, 2024, 04:59:15 AM
That's probably the truth, it's because men are most of the time not that materialistic when it comes to having a living quarters; a room that's got a pillow, futon, and some form of entertainment system would be enough to make a man's life as simple as we want it to be, I wouldn't say that I would be denying myself some form of comfortability, I'd rather be poorly invested in bitcoin but have a really good night sleep and no aching body parts due to poor posture than be fully invested but my joints ache because I tightened my belt even for the most basic stuff like the one that I've mentioned.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: RockBell on January 21, 2024, 08:09:53 AM
There's always something to do with money. Very few people in the world make so much money to the extent that they don't know what to do with it anymore. This is the set of people who comfortably take out money to invest without having to forgo anything.
For the average person, it's not so. The more you make money, the more you spend so if you keep a certain amount or percentage of your money to buy Bitcoin, you must forgo something else.

This doesn't mean you should keep yourself in a miserable situation just to buy Bitcoin. We have to satisfy our needs. We work hard to have a better life, not just now but also in the future. You can deprive yourself of some extravagant things because you want to invest, but it's still okay to be comfortable to an extent.

Even people you think have money and don't know what to do with it again is true because look at people in Saudi they spend on luxury just because they already have a lot of money even sometimes spend hundreds of thousands of toys and they keep upgrading their private jets and other things with gold and so many things but being an average person that does not make a lot of money will have a lot of things to do with money starting from owning a house buying a car and also looking for ways to make their own life comfortable. and I noticed that rich people always find it very easy for them to invest in any kind of business especially if it is very profitable. and you are telling the truth the more you make money the more you spend. and the rich will invest in multiple businesses so that even when they keep spending their businesses are always covering the money they spent and that is why they keep getting rich even with the kind of life they are living. good point made if you do not have money to invest in Bitcoin yet don't discomfort yourself too much just because of Bitcoin. once you have money you can invest. 

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Solosanz on January 21, 2024, 08:35:30 AM
If someone ask to me "what is Bitcoin", I won't say he's stupid because not every people understand with everything in this world, even you can easily use google to find the definition.

But what you asked here is one of stupid question.

Each person has brain to think whether it's good or bad to himself. If someone think money isn't important and it's okay to live from paycheck to paycheck because no one can predict we can live longer, how can I say he's wrong? I'm not a God who knows every people' life expectancy.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: KiaKia on January 21, 2024, 09:09:46 AM
We can't all be the same, everyone do things the way they feel like, don't look at others and judge them, I have starved myself in the past to acquire some Bitcoin, days went by with less food in my stomach and it was a tough time for me but in the end I won, now I can comfortably invest in Bitcoin.

Nothing comes easily, you have to break some chains with your might, this is the only way to break free, I don't see anything wrong fighting so hard to bring changes in your life, till today 89% of my income still goes into investment, even if it's not easy I still gotta do it, because this is how someone will grow.

Do whatever you can to have a greater future and don't forget to take good care of yourself, there will come a time where you can't even struggle anymore, now you have the boiling blood in you, fight now and rest later, hustle hard and smart.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Assface16678 on January 21, 2024, 09:37:19 AM

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
Me, myself in my early days of investing in bitcoin when I came across a good profit and hit a big reward because of bitcoin trading or bitcoin holdings, I brought the things that I want and needs, its a pleasure to get what you want by buying it on your own but the thing is I notice that I start low again, as I use a huge amount of bitcoin holdings or profit to buy things, then I realize that what if I think more long term, then I tried it and it pays of, but instead of cashing it out and buying things I decided to keep most of it still on hold as I believe that bitcoin will increase more and it means a big reward or profit, and it can be a good money for my future so if the needs and wants are not emergency then I would rather keep my holdings and keep on investing. It's not that I'm denying my own character; no, like I said, I still buy the things that I want and need, but using my stable income, not my assets.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: kryptqnick on January 21, 2024, 09:43:28 AM
Investing is alright, but I don't think it should be done at expense of essential things that provide a fairly comfortable and fairly healthy life. Human life isn't very long, and it's quite unpredictable, so you never know how much you have left of it. That's why I think it's important to enjoy it when we can, and to avoid suffering for allegedly better times in the future (because that future might never come). Accumulating Bitcoin without a goal of spending it at some point, and doing that while harshly restricting oneself doesn't feel right.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on January 21, 2024, 11:19:32 AM
They are determined and dedicated to believe in the long term benefit of Bitcoin while making personal sacrifices to secure their future. Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

It all depends on your level of contentment, having just the basic things of life and delay enjoying all your money presently because you understand what priorities is vital in your journey to financial freedom. You should spend more on investing instead of spending on buying liability that won't generate any income for you but keep taking away from you. Denying yourself comfortability helps to keep money aside for investing. The money you would had used in buying liability just to enjoy life can be used to build yourself generational wealth by first investing in Bitcoin.

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin? Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

It does obviously because there are more money available for investing in Bitcoin and you can live without all those liability in the world that people put more importance on them. While I was in the university I had money to get myself a car but I didn't buy one but used the money for something else which wasn't buying Bitcoin but get give my an Idea of how investing can be very beneficial. We shouldn't try to be over comfortable while we haven't achieved financial freedom. We should allocate more money to investing irrespective of the investment not being Bitcoin but provided it's an investment that'll give you profits, we should go for them and not buying liability.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on January 21, 2024, 11:38:00 AM
Investing is alright, but I don't think it should be done at expense of essential things that provide a fairly comfortable and fairly healthy life. Human life isn't very long, and it's quite unpredictable, so you never know how much you have left of it. That's why I think it's important to enjoy it when we can, and to avoid suffering for allegedly better times in the future (because that future might never come). Accumulating Bitcoin without a goal of spending it at some point, and doing that while harshly restricting oneself doesn't feel right.

People are accumulating money and they have no preparation for present but think about future so in this case their present become worse and they never see their success in future. First of all it is important to enjoy your life because if you never fulfil your dreams just for saving money for investment to make your future bright but unfortunately you die in future then what will be the benefit of such money for you in future? nothing.

I don't say that planning is not necessary, both planning and investment is crucial part of life but it does not mean that save all money in investment and leave your desires and dreams for future. There is no bad thing if you save some amount for investment but if you are putting all amount in investment and your daily life is miserable due to lack of money then there is no need of such investment.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: oktana on January 21, 2024, 11:49:13 AM
I have met a lot of people who have denied themselves of certain things just to invest in Bitcoin. I don’t think it is unusual because for you to invest in anything, you have to sacrifice somehow. Think about it too, what is the essence of purchasing these things when you know that investing the money can give you returns that will be able to buy even more of that later. I don’t think there is any special motivation to it, just focus your mind on where you want to be, do what it takes to be there. When you see people spending their money, remind yourself that you will someday cash yours out and spend it even better.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: aoluain on January 21, 2024, 12:22:36 PM

With the current rate of inflation in our individual countries, many people see it that there is a better future in investing and holding Bitcoin for a long period of time. Many see it as a breakthrough out of poverty while some see it as a way of storing value. However, in as much as we love comfortability, convenience in our daily lives there are individuals who will rather choose to forgo short term pleasure like luxury purchases, expensive outings, Unfurnished apartments all for the sake of acquiring a lot of Bitcoin in their portfolio. They are determined and dedicated to believe in the long term benefit of Bitcoin while making personal sacrifices to secure their future.

Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

There have been times over the last few years where I have looked at buying items which
I necessarily need at that time and instead I have delayed the purchase and bought Bitcoin
instead, I now have a list of things I would like to buy in 2025, there are also those things
which I didnt need back then which I still dont need so I am glad I bought Bitcoin instead.

If we can identify what we dont actually need and what is necessary for a comfortable life
we have the chance to increase out Bitcoin HODL but on the same hand there is no point
in living without the basics, Food, Shelter and warmth.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: m2017 on January 21, 2024, 02:53:57 PM
With the current rate of inflation in our individual countries, many people see it that there is a better future in investing and holding Bitcoin for a long period of time.
It will definitely be better if every dollar saved brings in 5 to 10 times more profit in the future. Then it makes sense to limit your consumption now in order to be able to afford more in the future. Everyone knows the rule “act against the market.” This applies here too, because most people around us do the opposite and spend now, without thinking at all about future prospects. We must act “against” them. Those who do like everyone else and live like everyone else. Financially stable people have always acted differently from everyone else.

However, in as much as we love comfortability, convenience in our daily lives there are individuals who will rather choose to forgo short term pleasure like luxury purchases, expensive outings, Unfurnished apartments all for the sake of acquiring a lot of Bitcoin in their portfolio. They are determined and dedicated to believe in the long term benefit of Bitcoin while making personal sacrifices to secure their future.
It is likely that such people will have a better life in the future than others. Not everyone can make sacrifices now for the sake of probable benefits later. Moreover, there are no guarantees that high expectations will turn out to be 100%.

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?
Undoubtedly, this allows for faster accumulation of bitcoin. Volatility can either help or hinder accumulation. It all depends on the current exchange rate. But in general, over a long period of time, the cost is still averaged.

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
I don’t know any of these personally, but there is a story on the Internet about an old bitcoin enthusiast from the Netherlands who sold his house and everything else to invest in bitcoin and lives in a trailer. Moreover, his family endures these hardships of life for the sake of bitcoin in a place with him. This is who we need to follow as an example.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Ale88 on January 21, 2024, 04:57:56 PM
Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
It's a very broad question because everybody has a different idea of what confort means. For some people it could mean eating just bread and onion (it's an Italian expression ;D), for others it could mean eating out just 2-3 times per week instead of doing it almost daily. Personally I try no to waste my money in useless stuff like designer clothes, new cars, etc. But if I actually need something I just get it. I'm not so sure about other people, I know some friends of mine became more cautious with the way they spend money while others no matter how many expenses they have, they just keep spending more and more, if I were in their position I wouldn't be able to sleep at night...

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: jaberwock on January 21, 2024, 07:04:42 PM
Man we all guys live in all kinds of discomfort to do things, no need to say about Bitcoin, I know guys who will eat ramen every day just to afford cigarettes lol

But all of that is short term. Invest in your professional career, invest in self improvement and health. You get better jobs, you perform better, you get better education.

Then you're in better position to DCA for Bitcoin :)
Haha yeah right mate; I think this is still too classy :D and this is mostly applicable to those who live in Japan and similar countries. Maybe if you will only say noodles, many can still relate to that. Maybe we can consume cigarettes quickly but we will still buy it later on or next time. And the effect of it in our health can be for the long term. So yeah, that it's better to quit it and invest on something good instead.

We can start with bitcoin. Not only that, but quitting cigarettes can also improve our health or lives and it will have a good impact to what we are going to do, like for example when we are working in our daily job.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: mirakal on January 21, 2024, 11:58:42 PM
I guess no matter how rich we are, it’s still undeniable that we don’t all live in comfort. There are still discomforts in our lives like having to sleep late because we have to finish some errands, or the vice versa waking up early so we can come to work without getting late. So we still live having discomfort, and we have accepted it already since it’s a must.

Now, with regards to bitcoin, it’s not that I have to deny my comfortability, but knowing what and where to spend is being wise with your finances. Of course, when it comes to basic needs, then definitely its a must buying but when we talk about unnecessary things, then we have to delay and put bitcoin purchase as our top priority. Not only it will be useful today but most likely in the future.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Pi-network314159 on January 22, 2024, 02:50:40 AM
Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?
You should be more concerned about yourself. because those people you see in such situations, has took it up to themselves to make a positive impact without undermining how it will look like or what people will say. From a gradual process it becomes part of them. And the would later succeed.

Great people always deprive themselves of joy and pleasure to achieve great things. Success always come with sacrifice. Thats why they say, no pain no gain.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: slaman29 on January 22, 2024, 01:11:26 PM
Then you're in better position to DCA for Bitcoin :)
Haha yeah right mate; I think this is still too classy :D and this is mostly applicable to those who live in Japan and similar countries. Maybe if you will only say noodles, many can still relate to that. Maybe we can consume cigarettes quickly but we will still buy it later on or next time. And the effect of it in our health can be for the long term. So yeah, that it's better to quit it and invest on something good instead.

We can start with bitcoin. Not only that, but quitting cigarettes can also improve our health or lives and it will have a good impact to what we are going to do, like for example when we are working in our daily job.

I'm not in Japan, usually we just say instant noodles here but globally ramen is understood. Actual ramen is very expensive our instant noodles is cheaper brands than indomie + egg + veggies is cheap lol!

But my message stays, skimping on health and self improvement for a few satoshis more is not the way, especially if people think it's to get their trading balance up.

DCA savings. Get better jobs, better health ec = better income, more savings = bigger DCA. Worry about the important stuff in life, Bitcoin is diversification of savings. Denying comfort is okay, denying self improvement is a big big no.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: michellee on January 22, 2024, 01:35:05 PM
They still live their lives as usual. Nothing has changed with them. They are also still trying to accumulate more Bitcoins. They feel that what they are doing right now is more important than buying things they can buy easily.

When Bitcoin is at its current price range, people use it to buy more. They feel they still have time to buy Bitcoin and hold it. And even if they are small investors, it doesn't matter because they will still accumulate Bitcoin. By having more Bitcoins, they can gain profits in the future.

Their motivation may be to change their life for the better in the future. Bitcoin can help them, so they are still trying to accumulate Bitcoin. They use many methods to accumulate Bitcoins. Some of them use the DCA method, which has proven to be their best method.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: gabbie2010 on January 22, 2024, 01:43:40 PM
The fact that investing in Bitcoin doesn't make the investor to be very discomfortable to the extent of not sitting properly at home as well depriving themselves with some basic necessities, of course the consequences of some of those actions can cause some  health issues or challenges arising from improper sitting or sleeping with a good mattress all the name of saving cost and using extra income to buy Bitcoin, truly there is bountiful reward for hodling Bitcoin for a long term perspective, however from my own point of view I prefer to live moderately comfortable while the extra fund no matter the amount is used for Bitcoin investment

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: NASdaq on January 22, 2024, 01:45:13 PM
It sounds like religion, you need to live without pleasure to after get a lot of it. Sounds pretty strange as for me. I think that every neccessary purchase that is cheaper than 1-2 of your salary need to be done. Im dcaing in ownr for more than year and never had any problems with comfort in my life

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Justbillywitt on January 22, 2024, 03:04:25 PM
For me I think that our mental health and well-being should be the primary focus above everything else. I would rather live in my comfort home and still acquire my Bitcoin. Investing in Bitcoin is about making sacrifices that I understand very well and one can buy as one can afford. Living in a discomfort in the name of buying Bitcoin is not for me. That's why we have the DCA methods of investment in Bitcoin. Buying as little as I can on a continual basis and not denying myself the comfort of life.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Fivestar4everMVP on January 22, 2024, 03:21:18 PM
Well, I read a book (I've forgotten the title) where the author said something I really like and I've been trying to begin to apply it in my life.
He said that when struggle and at some point you become a millionaire, live a life that will give people the impression that you are still struggling for ends meet, and when eventually you become a Billionaire, live a life that will give people the impression that you probably just made a few hundreds of thousands of dollar, or a million dollars or two.
The author concluded by saying that no matter what you do and how rich you get, never let people know your true worth, they definitely will one day discover your true worth, but let it be time when they can no longer compete with you.

This type of life is livable, it all just depend on the individual and what he or she have determined to do, a person can own like 100 bitcoin in his wallet and be driving a 2015 Toyota camry, living a life that will give people the impression that he or she probably just has like 0.5 bitcoin, this is wisdom if you ask me, but the truth remains that, not very many persons would be  disciplined enough to act such low.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Huppercase on January 22, 2024, 03:31:35 PM
Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

How many legitimately wealthy men show off, go and verify the top 100 wealthiest people on forbe, half of that number don't show off their wealth and they don't buy the things they don't. In fact, it's even the ordinary or average people that are even struggling financially use their balance to buy things they don't need and they are doing it for one purpose which is "show off".

We live in a society where people now want to impress each other for about little change the have made in life forgetting that life is a continuous journey and to survive it, you need to invest today to enjoy tomorrow. If you fail to invest today, you are practically failing to succeed in the future. This is what we avarage people don't understand, only few have the mind to overcome this temptation of trying to impress people about wealth.

Coming back to Bitcoin, denying yourself some comfort is good if you have the means to do it but please don't deny yourself some basic needs, just because you want to invest and be a wealthy person for investing in bitcoin doesn't mean you wouldn't wear good clothes, doesn't mean you wouldn't eat good meals, doesn't mean you wouldn't have proper health care. If you fail to address these ones, you may not live to witness your investment because a good health is a good wealth.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Abu-Naim on January 22, 2024, 04:14:26 PM

With the current rate of inflation in our individual countries, many people see it that there is a better future in investing and holding Bitcoin for a long period of time. Many see it as a breakthrough out of poverty while some see it as a way of storing value. However, in as much as we love comfortability, convenience in our daily lives there are individuals who will rather choose to forgo short term pleasure like luxury purchases, expensive outings, Unfurnished apartments all for the sake of acquiring a lot of Bitcoin in their portfolio. They are determined and dedicated to believe in the long term benefit of Bitcoin while making personal sacrifices to secure their future.
Irrespective how you see it or analyze it, we all need comfortability and conveniency in our daily lives which is probably the reason most of us hold our bitcoin for long so that our savings and assets will keep its value and we will get profit holding bitcoin. If we spend our earning or luxury lifestyle, we will not save anything and we might be affected in the future because change is constant and our sources of income might be narrowed, at that time the only option is to enjoy your savings.

You can enjoy your money by buying expensive things and luxury lifestyle, while still investing some of your money on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Wiwo on January 22, 2024, 04:37:50 PM
Obviously, the Michael Saylor chair meme was mostly (I think, at least) a joke as it's taking things too far. You just need to have a perfect balance between not spending money unnecessarily, but at the same time not depriving yourself too much of comfort and quality of life.
Very true with that, because stricking the right balance is what make us a organised and standard living, we don't need to hold all the coins in the world before giving ourselves the good life that we deserve,and more also there is no need to deprive ourselves of the essentall things of life just because we want to hold as much bitcoin as we can, this is very important and at the same time the guide that helps us to live a fulfilled life at the end.

Many times, it not the amount of money we spend in giving ourselves the basic comfort of life that affects our savings, but the amount that we waste buying unnecessary things that makes us not to arrive at that stage at some point.

So for me, I give myself the basic needed comfort in life but also monitoring my entire spending at all time, this has helped me alot of times before at least making leave happy while a hold the amount I am comfortable with.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: JayTrain on January 22, 2024, 05:16:05 PM
I personally support the idea of long-term investment in bitcoins, but I've always been curious about how people, by foregoing many comforts, including personal pleasures, manage their finances in their daily lives. These individuals are very resourceful and determined. I've also encountered many people who deny the success of Bitcoin, these are usually individuals who don't understand anything about cryptocurrency and have no interest in it whatsoever.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Renampun on January 22, 2024, 05:23:29 PM
Based on their commitment to keep to their decision it makes me ask myself how do this set of person go about their daily lives when they know they can afford those things they see around?

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

try to pay attention to your surroundings, do you have a friend who is very frugal, who very rarely buys luxury goods even though he can afford to buy them? If yes, try to learn how he or she manages the money, you will definitely be surprised because I also have a friend who is like that she is very good at managing finances, we all didn't even think she had a lot of investments in gold and land, I remember introducing her to bitcoin, and she used the DCA method to buy bitcoin and up to now the number of bitcoins she has is more than I have, she is very good at managing money. I'm also starting to learn to live fugally like she does, I'm sure it's not too late for me to master it.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Kelward on January 22, 2024, 05:59:43 PM
Nothing good comes easy, so to achieve something meaningful and great, someone has to sacrifice something, it can be putting in extra time, denying oneself luxury, saving more money or staying away from loved ones in order to achieve the targeted aim. So if an average income earner is determined to invest big in Bitcoin, it's to be disciplined and spend bellow their income to be able to achieve it, they can be doing DCA method, and avoid lifestyles that can derail them from meeting the target of long term hodling. But the problem is that with all the positive mindset and and knowledge of investment, without having enough income to meet basic needs then the desire becomes a pipe dream.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Finestream on January 22, 2024, 07:16:50 PM
At some point, we need to sacrifice some things that bring comfort to our lives. It could be depriving our life from living in comfort or luxury, but we all know that's just going to happen temporarily. Like for instance, investing in bitcoin, if it could means a lot of saving and not buying our   extra wants in life, then let it be just to achieve our target goal. Denying yourself some forms of comfortability is not bad at all, as long as it does not affect your health, body and mind.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: btc78 on January 22, 2024, 07:22:29 PM
First of all the picture you used as an example is a flat screen television in which if someone has then i do not think that really is the definition of denying comfort

I believe that there is nothing wrong with thinking about your future and wanting the best for your future self however there still should be a line between not indulging ourselves on unimportant things and borderline living like a homeless person just to buy bitcoin

We still should learn how to take care of ourselves without having to sacrifice so much money

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: southerngentuk on January 22, 2024, 08:00:31 PM
There are many reasons for this situation. One reason is that Bitcoin is still a new technology and is not yet widely accepted. Another reason is that using Bitcoin for real-world transactions requires the cooperation of businesses and organizations. This requires time and effort to build trust and understanding.

However, I believe that this situation will improve in the future. As Bitcoin becomes more widely known and accepted, businesses and organizations will begin to actively implement Bitcoin payment solutions. This will make it easier for users to use Bitcoin for real-world transactions.

In addition, the development of new technologies can also help solve this problem. For example, the development of decentralized Bitcoin wallets will make it easier for users to store and use Bitcoin. In addition, the development of fast and secure payment technologies will also make it easier for users to use Bitcoin for smaller transactions.

Overall, I believe that Bitcoin has the potential to become a popular payment method in the future. However, to achieve this, it requires the efforts of both the Bitcoin community and businesses and organizations.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on January 23, 2024, 07:26:59 AM
Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Already Bitcoin being a high volatile asset requires to be accumulated faster more especially now that price is dipping because in few months from now the halving will appear and next is the bull run where we are expecting the price of Bitcoin to go all time high of which the price might really be unaffordable as at that time so it is an opportunity to accumulate Bitcoin now as fast as possible before the price starts to go high again.

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

Everything good comes with sacrifice and a prize thereafter and if anyone denied his comfort, pleasure and fun just because they have a target of accumulating bitcoin then the sacrifice is worth it because at the end of your investments into Bitcoin you can achieve those things you denied yourself earlier even in a more comfortable way.

Yes I have seen someone that is into Bitcoin, he doesn't buy clothes, lives in a rented apartment, denied himself all sort of pleasure and comfort and earns an income but he has been so devoted in acquiring Bitcoin because his motivation came after he regretted not acquiring Bitcoin years ago so he took it as a challenge to do that now regardless of the price of Bitcoin because he believes that the future of Bitcoin is reliable unlike years back when few people believed that Bitcoin will be sustainable.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Rockstarguy on January 23, 2024, 07:44:34 AM

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
In life investing comes first before any kind of spending on luxuries, when their is no plan for investment and luxury is being consider it will lead to financial breakdown. I think their is nothing wrong to put every luxury life style on pause to meet up with investing bitcoin because doing this it will definitely add to more value in the future which a luxury lifestyle can never. It is only those that understand investments that wont even get bothered about buying properties.

It is better to go for investments to gain profit than buying properties that will lose value over time.  The only way wealth can be acquired is through investments and not buying of properties which will not bring any financial value. Some of the the luxury we buy we don't really need it , instead it something to just show up to give people impression of being rich.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: tygeade on January 23, 2024, 03:44:03 PM
I'm not in Japan, usually we just say instant noodles here but globally ramen is understood. Actual ramen is very expensive our instant noodles is cheaper brands than indomie + egg + veggies is cheap lol!

But my message stays, skimping on health and self improvement for a few satoshis more is not the way, especially if people think it's to get their trading balance up.

DCA savings. Get better jobs, better health ec = better income, more savings = bigger DCA. Worry about the important stuff in life, Bitcoin is diversification of savings. Denying comfort is okay, denying self improvement is a big big no.
This is what I believe as well, investment to yourself today, could mean a lot more money later on. Plus, health has interest as well, if you end up not taking care of something today, when it is a minor health issue, then you will take care of it later on, when it grows up and becomes bigger.

The best example I saw online, was that if you have some small tiny issues on your teeth, like lets say you did not went to get it cleaned, which is minor and cheap, then next year you may go to get a root canal, that's a lot worse. I believe that it would be important to invest to your health and well being now, so that you could be making a lot more money in the future, and should be something that we all care about one way or another.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Dimitri94 on January 23, 2024, 04:50:11 PM
There are some people who don't think about their own comfort and rush to accumulate bitcoins, thinking that the faster they can accumulate bitcoins, the faster they can become successful. Here some people can achieve their goals but there are some who will not achieve their goals because they invest all money in bitcoin and at some point they will need that money and they will be forced to withdraw that money.

I don't think such an investment should be made. This will create stress on an investor which will react differently to his normal life. I think it is better for an investor to save whatever money is left over in Bitcoin after he is done all his expenses. In this case they can grow their portfolio with long term savings which we call DCA.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 23, 2024, 05:08:37 PM

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
In life investing comes first before any kind of spending on luxuries, when their is no plan for investment and luxury is being consider it will lead to financial breakdown. I think their is nothing wrong to put every luxury life style on pause to meet up with investing bitcoin because doing this it will definitely add to more value in the future which a luxury lifestyle can never. It is only those that understand investments that wont even get bothered about buying properties.

It is better to go for investments to gain profit than buying properties that will lose value over time.  The only way wealth can be acquired is through investments and not buying of properties which will not bring any financial value. Some of the the luxury we buy we don't really need it , instead it something to just show up to give people impression of being rich.

It is really possible if we disregard buying unnecessary things in life like just providing all our essential needs, we would have a lot of savings as well the investment. Luxury could be considered as an investment as well cause some of the luxuries increase their value over time like the rarity since some of the products are being phased out or made limited. Some people prefer to live more simply like in the picture posted by the OP, I don't know why some judge it but I consider it normal. We shouldn't judge someone based on their outer look or appearance, they might have millions in their account but like to live that way, they don't want to hassle themselves to look rich they just want to be comfortable.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Biggeno on January 23, 2024, 07:03:17 PM

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

I personally have a lot of friends who basically had to invest into crypto currency and had to live the uncomfortable lifestyle because they had plans far ahead into the future, permit me to say they do have a great sight for the future and are willing to do anything to get it.

People who are willing to achieve their goals have to in all situations, put themselves in front of risk at all times, they should always see the benefit ahead and never settle for less or live the short-term life majority of people do.

That's why it's always encouraged to invest in your self because that's the only way to excape poverty and others.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Russlenat on January 23, 2024, 10:59:07 PM
I’ve been doing this when I started purchasing bitcoin. I never go to bars more often, I minimized my gambling activities, and I stop buying my dream gadgets so I can save a lot to invest in bitcoin. But later on I realized, that there is still no guarantees that I will be highly profitable with bitcoin in the end knowing it’s price would suddenly moves up and down. So what I do now is just to invest on my spare money. I can still enjoy my extra money with some of my wants, and at the same time invest in bitcoin without setting a fixed target when to sell.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: harapan on January 24, 2024, 04:21:42 AM
Not everyone can withstand the pressure of surviving in a discomfort situation and it takes a person with strong determination to make good decisions when in this kind of situation so I think it's an error for me cause depriving yourself a good life to hold Bitcoin that you don't know what the market is going to be in the next few months sounds like suffering yourself. It is better to buy and hold when one is comfortable financially I believe you will have the courage to overlook the price and keep holding your Bitcoin regardless of the panic and fears.

I've really not been opportuned to use bitcion in making transactions but is it really possible to deny oneself all round comfortability just so one can invest in bitcoin?let's ensure that we prioritize our decisions wisely,or not so to our detriment.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: slaman29 on January 24, 2024, 07:39:40 AM
DCA savings. Get better jobs, better health ec = better income, more savings = bigger DCA. Worry about the important stuff in life, Bitcoin is diversification of savings. Denying comfort is okay, denying self improvement is a big big no.
I believe that it would be important to invest to your health and well being now, so that you could be making a lot more money in the future, and should be something that we all care about one way or another.

It's a crazy mentality that exists long before Bitcoin came. I've seen it all, I've heard from seniors who were active in the nineties even, same behavior. People skimping on themselves just for a bit more. Grinding at LOL to earn coins they sell for $50 in a week. Sounded like a lot of money where we come from but they stayed up 20 hours a day, doing nothing but clicking. Drinking coke and eating ramen. Not forgetting costs of power and internet in those days was not monthly fee but per minute!!

Then forex came along. Then Bitcoin faucets.

I fell for faucets early. Spent days and days and weeks, turning to months! Just to collect few satoshis, it was crazy addicting. Then for ICOs and trading alts. Got lucky some got worse others overall no gains. But wasted so much time. I look back if I just took extra shifts, or studied certifications or even just ate better. I'd be better off. Richer. My DCA now would be even earlier.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Baki202 on January 24, 2024, 08:18:20 AM

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?

I don't think so because all of the people who invest in Bitcoin here don't just sit back and enjoy their money; they also have other businesses in addition to their Bitcoin ventures. I don't think buying Bitcoin should restrict people from having fun if there are other ways to make money. We all know it's wise to invest early but at your own discretion, so protecting your investment by holding does not imply you have to starve yourself if it doesn't work out to invest in Bitcoin. Instead, take good care of yourself before considering investing.

I personally have a lot of friends who basically had to invest into crypto currency and had to live the uncomfortable lifestyle because they had plans far ahead into the future, permit me to say they do have a great sight for the future and are willing to do anything to get it.

People who are willing to achieve their goals have to in all situations, put themselves in front of risk at all times, they should always see the benefit ahead and never settle for less or live the short-term life majority of people do.

That's why it's always encouraged to invest in your self because that's the only way to excape poverty and others.

Making plans for the future is a wonderful thing, but don't go overboard with it to the point that people won't want to spend money, even at the expense of their own health. This is terrible because if you die, who will benefit from the investment? at the very least make an investment while also taking good care of your diet and overall well-being. and for that reason, it is advised that you find a job, make money, and also pursue other profitable side projects. Doing so will keep you financially secure. Even though bitcoin investment on its own carries risk, many people have found success with it. If you don't have a job, though, I would advise holding off on buying Bitcoin until you do. Planning and goal-setting are the foundation of everything.

I’ve been doing this when I started purchasing bitcoin. I never go to bars more often, I minimized my gambling activities, and I stop buying my dream gadgets so I can save a lot to invest in bitcoin. But later on I realized, that there is still no guarantees that I will be highly profitable with bitcoin in the end knowing it’s price would suddenly moves up and down. So what I do now is just to invest on my spare money. I can still enjoy my extra money with some of my wants, and at the same time invest in bitcoin without setting a fixed target when to sell.

it takes a lot of discipline to stop doing the fun things just to avoid spending your Bitcoin, it is good and I feel setting days to go to have fun is not a bad idea even if it twice a week. stopping all this does not guarantee your profit is secured because the nature of the market is not predictable and bitcoin is usually a long-time business so even if you will make a profit it will be a long time. i love the strategy your using invest with your spare money because if your married. it wont because as everyone things if not that you are making good money.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Onyeeze on January 24, 2024, 11:07:51 PM
bitcoin until now has not been able to be easily used for transactions in real life. for example, buying cigarettes, eating at stalls still cannot. and for online transactions to buy goods in the marketplaced there are still few who support. that's the thinking of ordinary people when they want to enter bitcoin, let alone buy bitcoin.
because the price of bitcoin can also experience a decline in price, but the price does not always continue to rise.
why it happens that way is that many people does not know about Bitcoin and the government I have not legalized bitcoin properly across other countries so if Government have generalized Bitcoin it can be used to purchase anything you want so since it is not a traditional currency which is being known for ancient time till now, you cannot use Bitcoin to purchase minor things in the shops because its not well legalized as a traditional currency, but other shops that is big like amazon and apples  🍏 you can purchase stuffs with bitcoin

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Lantind on January 25, 2024, 02:21:03 AM
I personally support the idea of long-term investment in bitcoins, but I've always been curious about how people, by foregoing many comforts, including personal pleasures, manage their finances in their daily lives. These individuals are very resourceful and determined. I've also encountered many people who deny the success of Bitcoin, these are usually individuals who don't understand anything about cryptocurrency and have no interest in it whatsoever.
When someone makes an investment and ignores the comfort of the investment they are making, I think this will put us in trouble when we are investing and it is possible that we will make the wrong decision and it could even be detrimental to ourselves and it would be better to decide to invest We still have to be comfortable with the investments we make and not force ourselves to invest because it will be very difficult to make a profit if we force ourselves to invest.

That's right, for those who deny the success of Bitcoin, of course they don't understand Bitcoin well and they don't study it, in fact they only hear from other people about Bitcoin who also don't study Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Apocollapse on January 25, 2024, 09:38:40 AM
Why you're not eat from trashcan/leftover food, never purchase anything and live in street to save money? ;D

Don't make it complicated, you might see someone only wear a same clothes everyday, eating a cheap healthy food and avoid to purchase unnecessary stuffs. If you think such lifestyle make you not comfortable, other people who follow that lifestyle might disagree with you and think it's already enough.

I personally support the idea of long-term investment in bitcoins, but I've always been curious about how people, by foregoing many comforts, including personal pleasures, manage their finances in their daily lives. These individuals are very resourceful and determined. I've also encountered many people who deny the success of Bitcoin, these are usually individuals who don't understand anything about cryptocurrency and have no interest in it whatsoever.
It's a big joke if you think Bitcoin is the only one way to get rich, someone can be successful by investing in real estate or any other investment that hedging against inflation.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: LesterD on January 25, 2024, 10:23:29 AM
I personally support the idea of long-term investment in bitcoins, but I've always been curious about how people, by foregoing many comforts, including personal pleasures, manage their finances in their daily lives. These individuals are very resourceful and determined. I've also encountered many people who deny the success of Bitcoin, these are usually individuals who don't understand anything about cryptocurrency and have no interest in it whatsoever.
It's a big joke if you think Bitcoin is the only one way to get rich, someone can be successful by investing in real estate or any other investment that hedging against inflation.
We all know that investing requires knowledge and understanding. Bitcoin is not the sole means to become wealthy, indeed. However, it can be a major investment for some individuals to make a considerable profit. This is frequently due to a lack of knowledge about investing in other options like real estate, gold, or other investments.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Natsuu on January 25, 2024, 11:04:09 AM
People skipping on short-term luxuries for Bitcoin are basically banking on its long-term potential and the idea that its volatile nature could lead to quicker accumulation. I mean their daily routine involves saying no to fancy purchases and outings, all to stack up more Bitcoin. It's a quirky lifestyle choice I think because they believe in the power of cryptocurrency. It's a bit unconventional but the sacrifice today might just be the ticket to a comfy life

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: rachael9385 on January 25, 2024, 11:09:12 AM
It is said in my local language that those who brings them self down have a good reasons.
One can not have all the money he has and keep him or her self down with any good reason. He or she might have a good reasons to do so.
In as much as investment is concern, one should not Bragg about it because the original outcome of the investment is not yet known to even the investor and others doing the investment.
So keeping secrets are sometimes good because people might want to under estimate you when you are suffering trying to hold onto your Bitcoin for longer with a better hope that you will have (that Bitcoin will someday boom)
IMO, there is not harm in holding Bitcoin the right way, if you think that stoping unnecessary spending will help you to hold or accumulate more Bitcoin, there is no harm in doing that as it will one day benefit you some, people around will be think that you don't have money that's you are no longer spending money but not knowing the plans you until the actual date when bitcoin will boom for you and the whole world will be at shork.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Y3shot on January 25, 2024, 01:46:37 PM
I’ve been doing this when I started purchasing bitcoin. I never go to bars more often, I minimized my gambling activities, and I stop buying my dream gadgets so I can save a lot to invest in bitcoin. But later on I realized, that there is still no guarantees that I will be highly profitable with bitcoin in the end knowing it’s price would suddenly moves up and down. So what I do now is just to invest on my spare money. I can still enjoy my extra money with some of my wants, and at the same time invest in bitcoin without setting a fixed target when to sell.
Denying some kind of lifestyle to invest in bitcoin is not a bad decision,  for people really understand what bitcoin is for them to have the courage to deny themselves of pleasures they know what they will gain from bitcoin in the future by investing in it. The main target is to increase financially and not to spend money on things that can not help you to grow financially. Investing will always be my first decision because know the value it will later bring me.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Samlucky O on January 25, 2024, 03:25:51 PM

Do you think this is a strategy to accumulate Bitcoin faster because of the volatile nature of Bitcoin?

Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
I don't think there is any need to deprive yourself of comfort all in the name of Bitcoin investment. In as much as Bitcoin investment is concerned, I have never seen a place that state that for you to be successful in Bitcoin investment you should deprive yourself of comfort. The essence of life is comfort and privacy and when there is no comfort it becomes a problem.

There are basic needs that needs to be settled before venturing into Bitcoin investment. Bitcoin journey is too far to start depriving yourself of comfort. If you decide to deprive yourself of comfort, when will you be able to make life Comfortable to you? Because as far as Bitcoin is concerned it's a very long journey. So before you Start Investment, make sure you settle the necessary things in place before accumulation.

Title: Re: Denying yourself comfortability in other to buy Bitcoin
Post by: Distinctin on January 25, 2024, 08:28:19 PM
Lastly have anyone come across any individual who will deny his comfort for Bitcoin and what do you think are their motivations?
It's a very broad question because everybody has a different idea of what confort means. For some people it could mean eating just bread and onion (it's an Italian expression ;D), for others it could mean eating out just 2-3 times per week instead of doing it almost daily. Personally I try no to waste my money in useless stuff like designer clothes, new cars, etc. But if I actually need something I just get it. I'm not so sure about other people, I know some friends of mine became more cautious with the way they spend money while others no matter how many expenses they have, they just keep spending more and more, if I were in their position I wouldn't be able to sleep at night...
I guess living in comfort for me means being able to live a life having your wants and needs around, while other people only prioritize their needs over wants so they can reserve also some spare money for their investment. That’s exactly how I live my life these days since I have to invest as well in bitcoin for my retirement. Maybe if I have no future plans, then I would never be eager to save, and spend my money like there’s no tomorrow.