Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Bitco55 on January 20, 2024, 10:41:35 AM

Title: Passion for skills.
Post by: Bitco55 on January 20, 2024, 10:41:35 AM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: btc78 on January 20, 2024, 11:00:23 AM
One thing I am quite confident in is my skills in writing

I am constantly learning and trying to improve and now I think I am finally putting my writing into good use I have written essays, reviews, short stories, and even scripts (only very small projects of course) I am also quite passionate about writing and it is something I truly enjoy and might be a career option for me but right now just making money on the side with little side projects is what I have been doing

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Hewlet on January 20, 2024, 11:15:36 AM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
it's no doubt that the world has gone to a stage where your relevant in your work space is totally  a function of the quality of your skill set.

Apart from gaining mastery at a particular skill,  their are lots of other skill one should learn as complementary skills that helps you to balance well in your workplace. Those complementary skills may include writing skill, communication, interpersonal relationship and basic computing. Every person should learn have these skills so as to thrive well in any industry he/she finds himself.

For me, I have developed a combination of these key fundamental skills and they all contribute in making my core skill, product design, easy for me. As a matter of fact, while learning product design as an intern with a firm, what helped my most is my ability to run normal research on my own and which I latter discover was helpful in the industry. I had prior knowledge on graphics before ever starting my product design journey and this is what also helped me to effectively go about gaining mastery in how to effectively design a good user interface.

What I'm saying in essence is that apart from striving to become a master at a particular skill, ensure you learn other skills also as they will complement the core skill you're practicing. Their are cases where in event that a particular company you are working for want to drop some of her workers, it is the additional skills that you have that makes you more useful in the organisation that will make them decide to keep you or not.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Adbitco on January 20, 2024, 11:46:20 AM
Skill is a very essential thing in our life because we need to enhanced our living and most times it often turns to our professionalism because whatever thing we do out there that is bringing food to our table in a constant and a regular basis has automatically turned into our profession (hand work), people don't just need to learn but to use it as an alternatives to what has been putting food on our table we can have lots of skills but the ones we put more efforts in learning them often bring us great benefits in terms to come while those we took so serious or even go through educational system might not create that chance for us to start earning living through them therefore, the next alternatives could be the skills acquired when not in school or after educations.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Gozie51 on January 20, 2024, 12:04:30 PM
One thing about learning of skills is to go into that skill that is the current and future trend. Most things that has to do with analogue are gone so we can't keep learning things that are old fashioned in a modern day society and of course we know that the skill we know is how much traffic that we can generate to ourselves and that cumulate into cash and how we can grow with the economy.

Learning of skills today is to learn certain types of skills that is in line with digital and technology because that is the age we are so that we don't still remain redundant after we have paid money learning such outdated "skills". So doing a research before going into any skill is more profitable. Like if you have a skill that is blockchain base or cryptography etc then you can be certain to get huge patronage.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Churchillvv on January 20, 2024, 12:07:50 PM
Having a skill is a very important but what's more important is knowledge how to use your skill for a good course. one could learn a skill and be the best that he can in his field yet wouldn't make a good profit or succeed in his area or skill because he lacks the basic knowledge. just Hawlet said above there are many attributes that contribute to ones success in any business and those attributes should be put in place first.

Although for me I have a skill that I'm striving to become more perfect in it that even the best of the best would have some things to learn from me. Right now, the world is in a stage where people what's freedom and that's exactly what I wanted from the onset so choose a skill that will never lead me to being employed by someone else rather I will have to employ others to work for me.

Additionally, one can live off the physical skill life with the internet though we still consider them as skills but they aren't physically remote jobs. like content creation, graphics design, software development etc this are skills too but are not like the physical skills that we acquire. One can hold onto them and live the best of live with them.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: sunsilk on January 20, 2024, 01:09:51 PM
I am still thinking and distracted on which kind of skill I should learn and upgrade. I like technology nowadays but it seems that there's a lot of competition there and it's going to stay for long.

But with the newer technologies that has only a low number of associates, I think that I'll dive there. So, I'm thinking of any upgrade with related to tech like in SaaS, PaaS and IaaS.

I dunno but I am just starting out and when I am distracted, maybe it's just like in the beginning and then it will make my interest gone too soon.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Mpamaegbu on January 20, 2024, 01:28:13 PM
What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Seek knowledge and then transfer it to skills. Nothing beats that. It may not pay you immediately but over time with consistency you will reap from it. That was my mindset a few years ago. That's still my mindset now. The sad thing is that many people want immediate gratification and wouldn't want to continue with what gives them joy and fulfilment even when it hasn't started bringing in ROI/cash. One should've a long term projection and evaluation of the type of skills one wants to acquire, take stock of those who are into it and evaluate their lifestyles if their engagements are sustaining them or not.

I'm an online trader. I'm very happy I took that decision a few years ago. Nothing beats the feeling of making money from the comfort of one's home. I encourage everyone here to go into skill acquisition. Paper certificate won't guarantee putting food on anyone's table but skills will do just that almost effortlessly. I speak from the experience of the situation in my country. Paper certificate is almost a cliché now.

For those who find trading difficult or think it's gambling, they can try acquiring trending and future sustaining skills in Blockchain, Artificial intelligence, Cloud Computing, Software Development, Digital Marketing or Programming. Any of these will still be in vogue a few decades to come. Don't dull on it.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: icalical on January 20, 2024, 01:28:26 PM
I would like to learn how to cook, I came from place where there are thousands of cuisine but my cooking skill is very limited, and I really regret that. I don't have the time to learn cooking because I need to work and to make money, not that I didn't love my job, I like it too. The only skills that allow me to get money to fulfill my need is my job as graphic designer, it's getting harder nowadays because we have instant design app and AI, but I still manage fortunately.

I think aside of all the technical skills that we can learn in like a course or education, there are also other skills like social skills or soft-skills, that we learn by socializing and learning from experience, either our own experience or other people's experiences. This social skills or soft-skill will help us reach more people and market ourself.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: demonica on January 20, 2024, 01:37:58 PM
I actually have an interest with graphic design or something that involves designing, including web design. I took some online courses but tbh  never finish any of it. Probably because I have other priorities like my studies when I started getting interested. And now, I'm currently working which makes me have lesser time. Since my current field of work is not related to the passion I want to pursue, tho I chose my major because of practicality and interest as well. I find it hard to put time on learning, or expanding my background and skills in designing. Also I feel like it's hard to learn on my own when I have no background at all, and I think it would be easier if someone is teaching me, especially with the basics in designing and the use of softwares. Tho it's also on me that I'm kinda lazy that's why I have excuses. But I feel like, the field of design also have great opportunities once I acquired the skills to market myself. So I'm still kinda lost whether to continue on the field I'm in right now or spend another time building skills for my other passion.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: bangjoe on January 20, 2024, 01:44:40 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
For the skills that I am learning to be able to go deeper in the crypto or blockchain industry, but I am more interested in community management, in other areas I am also learning to apply time management and money management because I feel that I am not good at doing that.

In addition, language, especially in English, because it is the basic language to be able to communicate internationally, and I also see that some people have good abilities but they don't have the language to get a bigger salary abroad, because in my country, the salary standard is still relatively small, also when we have a business it is easy to do marketing and also get investors from outside so that our business can invade or marketing becomes wider.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Queentoshi on January 20, 2024, 02:05:30 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I do Fashion designing outside the forum, I am not yet a complete professional, but I am earning a little from it by making simple designs for ladies. The reason I picked it is because I like to look nice, and have been dealt with by other fasion designers in the past so I decided to learn the skill so I can make my own dress, and for some of my family members, and then also  earn from it by making dresses for other people who will like my work. My earning from this skill is not always now, but it will improve with time, and I believe that from there also, I will be able to earn enough to DCA more into bitcoins.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Natsuu on January 20, 2024, 02:30:09 PM
I try the knack for social media you know the art of making posts pop and trends trend. I do it to help businesses shine online, telling their story in a way that hooks people and keeps them scrolling for more. It's like being a digital storyteller and i am still learing a lot

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Oasisman on January 20, 2024, 03:02:41 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

Well, in this current timeline, online jobs are in demand today like virtual assistants, home based jobs, and everything along these line. However as time passes by, a lot of people became interested and passionate about this kind of job. Therefore, the competition with this kind of job become so tight though the demand remains on top, but it's just a matter of time the demand might not going to catch up with the number of people who's chasing for this kind of career.
With this situation, as I am in this industry, I am trying to upskill to try and catch up with the competition from my current line of job to prepare myself when everything go south. It is very important that we need to keep improving to equip ourselves from the emerging market competition.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Dunamisx on January 20, 2024, 03:16:57 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

There's dignity in labour, when you are equipped with a particular skill, you also have confidence on yourself because you can move around to source for where your service would be needed and that alone could be a source to your livelihood, also the independency is another advantage, when you're skillful, people place demands on you, you choose to work for others or establish your own business with the skills you've acquired.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: cabron on January 20, 2024, 03:24:20 PM
I would like to learn how to cook, I came from place where there are thousands of cuisine but my cooking skill is very limited, and I really regret that. I don't have the time to learn cooking because I need to work and to make money, not that I didn't love my job, I like it too. The only skills that allow me to get money to fulfill my need is my job as graphic designer, it's getting harder nowadays because we have instant design app and AI, but I still manage fortunately.

I think aside of all the technical skills that we can learn in like a course or education, there are also other skills like social skills or soft-skills, that we learn by socializing and learning from experience, either our own experience or other people's experiences. This social skills or soft-skill will help us reach more people and market ourself.

Not everyone can cook but if it's just grilling just to fill the hungry stomach, I can do this and I think this is just what I would do if no one else has to cook for me. But good for those who can easily learn how to cook, you have to have an early interest I think before you could even have the passion to cook.  Graphic designer jobs seem endangered by the AIs. Shifting to cooking I guess is a good option at least AIs are yet not into cooking.

My skills have always been carpentry and being just the handyman in the family. I can do plumbing too. It's a common skill for someone who has tp fix things inside the house.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: lovesmayfamilis on January 20, 2024, 03:53:52 PM
I don’t know to what extent my occupation can be classified as a skill, but the ability to sell people a product is probably something that I am constantly improving. Many materials allow you to regularly learn and improve good sales, so much so that if a person comes to a store to buy a belt, an experienced salesman will persuade him to buy a suit to go with the belt.
We should not stop learning; the more we can learn new material, the more in demand we will be in the future.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: kentrolla on January 20, 2024, 04:28:16 PM
I have learned a lot of skills while working as you mentioned we do get to learn a lot of skills at work or while working on something.

To be specific I am currently brushing up my knowledge on Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification as I have already applied six sigma methods and tools to my projects but don't have a certification hence working on it and post which I will learn and master LSS black belt. Simultaneously I am working on Python which is new to me as it will help me to automate things and automate my trading strategy as well. 

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: moneystery on January 20, 2024, 04:34:10 PM
right now i don't have hard skills that i can use to develop my potential, but i have soft skills such as speaking, adaptation and analysis that can help me to achieve the things i want. i developed these three skills since i was in college, where i joined several organizations and there i developed gradually, and until now i continue to develop these skills to become better.

i think these three skills are really needed by young people in particular, to be able to get partners, investors or customers, especially when they want to build a business they need soft skills like that. because most young people only focus on hard skills but don't care about soft skills so they lack one side which makes it a little difficult for them when they want to find work or build their business.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: CageMabok on January 20, 2024, 04:36:57 PM
So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
The skill that I am learning now is modifying every motorbike that I own so that in my daily life I continue to look for references and procedures for this which I then apply to my motorbike. I like this and I also often look for ways to fix every motorbike problem which has led me to open a repair shop in my house. Which I put in my motorbike garage so that whenever someone wants me to modify it or someone asks me to make a small modification to their motorbike, I can do it immediately without any problems.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Renampun on January 20, 2024, 06:13:39 PM

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

Many big brands today were born from hobbies that were initially just done for fun by their owners, but even though they were just having fun establishing the brand, they didn't necessarily move slowly, they moved quickly, working hard to grow the brand.

The skills that I am currently studying are financial management and also how to become a competent online trader. There are many products out there that we can resell at our own prices, so I am also focusing on marketing on social media.

Nowadays everyone is required to have skills on the internet and also have a small income from the internet in order to survive in the midst of very tight competition.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Egii Nna on January 20, 2024, 06:50:10 PM

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

Actually, having a skill goes a long way towards bringing you to the stage of financial freedom. Although most people find it hard to understand skills and the benefits of having or acquiring a skill, many people think that all they have to do is just get the money the fastest way, not knowing anything they want to do in this life. So far as you want your plan to last for a long time, you have to start it from the smallest to the biggest position. For instance, if a helicopter flies at a spot, it doesn’t last long, but an aeroplane takes some time to move before it starts frying but covers a long distance before it can land at its destination. 
This is a good example to know that if you want to be successful in life, you have to start it from the lowest level to the highest level so that you can be successful and prosper.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

Actually, I also have a skill that I earn some cash from in order to have some money to sustain my bills. I am a fashion designer who creates new designs of clothes and makes others look good and feel happy. Not only for the sake of earning money, but anything I create a design and I see someone wearing, it makes me feel happy, so all I will say is to encourage others to have a skill that will help them to suit some of their bills.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Juse14 on January 20, 2024, 07:21:53 PM
In order to achieve great success, it is crucial for us to possess specific abilities. Even if we excel in just one field, having skills is of utmost importance. These skills encompass the internal wisdom that resides within each of us; however, not everyone is capable of refining these talents. Skills empower us to shape and enhance something into a more valuable, meaningful, and worthwhile existence.

Continuing to enhance our abilities is of utmost importance. We must possess the capacity to uncover the concealed potentials that lie within us and ensure our uniqueness, through both learning and life encounters. By doing so, we are able to metamorphose into individuals who excel in their respective domains.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Lanatsa on January 20, 2024, 07:58:17 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
As much as possible, we should really be needing to learn up new skills on which we know that this is something that could really be beneficial into your life on which when it comes on job seeking then if you do have
 that more skills and certifications then you do have that high chance on getting hired compared to those who dont have. This is actually giving you the edge. The only issue on here is that people dont have that sufficient time to spare out on acquiring or learning new skills that would really be that relevant into someones future because on being too busy with the current jobs or career that we are dealing with.
It is really jus that there are ones who cant really be able to progress out and just have decided to stay still on where they are now.

For those who do have plans on making themselves better and having minding about those opportunities that they could possibly get then they would really be obliging themselves
on learning something new so that they could really be able to have that advantage.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: boty on January 20, 2024, 08:15:35 PM
As much as possible, we should really be needing to learn up new skills on which we know that this is something that could really be beneficial into your life on which when it comes on job seeking then if you do have
 that more skills and certifications then you do have that high chance on getting hired compared to those who dont have. This is actually giving you the edge. The only issue on here is that people dont have that sufficient time to spare out on acquiring or learning new skills that would really be that relevant into someones future because on being too busy with the current jobs or career that we are dealing with.
It is really jus that there are ones who cant really be able to progress out and just have decided to stay still on where they are now.

For those who do have plans on making themselves better and having minding about those opportunities that they could possibly get then they would really be obliging themselves
on learning something new so that they could really be able to have that advantage.
It is indeed very necessary to be able to have skills so that it can make it easier for us to find work, but in my opinion it would be better if the skills we have can create jobs for those who don't have jobs and are willing to work, if we already have skills that can earn income from the skills we have and we can teach other people these skills, of course this is very helpful for ourselves and also other people who don't have jobs.

I think it would be better for us to choose skills that we really like and it would be even better if the skills we choose to learn are in accordance with the hobbies that we like and of course we can get additional income from the skills that we have and for those who don't want to develop of course they will never learn skills so they can generate additional income from the skills they have.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Fiatless on January 20, 2024, 08:33:54 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
From close observation of the global working environment, we can conclude that artificial intelligence is one of the current technologies that is dominating the workspace. It has been reported that artificial intelligence tools will make many people jobless because they can perform almost the same things humans can do more faster and accurately. But the truth is that artificial intelligence is also creating more jobs globally. The best thing anybody could do now is to integrate AI tools into their tasks or responsibilities. Application of these tools to our work responsibilities makes the employee a highly sought-after worker.

Therefore, I am currently learning how to apply different AI applications to my profession. I am currently researching how these tools could increase the productivity of employees in my field and the result will be helpful to me and others.       

In addition, language, especially in English, because it is the basic language to be able to communicate internationally, and I also see that some people have good abilities but they don't have the language to get a bigger salary abroad, because in my country, the salary standard is still relatively small, also when we have a business it is easy to do marketing and also get investors from outside so that our business can invade or marketing becomes wider.
Learning a major language could be very helpful and could fetch a high-paying job especially if it is related to classroom teaching. But with the invention of various sophisticated applications that could interpret different languages, I doubt if these kinds of skills will be highly demanded in future. Learning how to use AI language interpreters to perform these tasks could be more enterprising. 

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Faisal2202 on January 20, 2024, 08:50:21 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I am going to learn App development, not because I have to make a living out of it, it's just because I have to learn it for my FYP (Final Year Project) and for my internship, I am not a good programmer but I am good at quick learning and I can learn things very fast, besides this I am good at content writing and On page SEO, I can also do Backlinking as I have good resources to increase Da and PA of any website in a legit way.

I don't want to mention the term legit because it gives the vibes of fake but I still mentioned it for better understanding. I am earning from my content writing skills and want to expand it more, so I guess, If I learn the app development skill then in the future it might come in handy in my field, as after app development I can learn web development too.

And besides my skills, I really agreed with your POV because without skills we will become labor, or have to work like a donkey while with some knowledge and skills, we can become the expert and don't have to do the labour work, the work where we have to listen to others, and we can't make any decisions, but with skills, we can make decisions on our own.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: harapan on January 20, 2024, 09:52:08 PM
There's a saying that we should not just chase/make money but chase/love money because you and your family deserves a better life.
One of the things I admire greatly and so much long for in my life is to be financially buoyant.I appreciate this forum a lot in the sense that I don't just contribute to mates discussion but I also look out for ways to put the things I learn from here into practice.
 Like getting a side hustle and make sure that I have financial backup.In other words,all I'm trying to say is that learning a skill is initially  a good idea and necessary because it makes your life easier in one way or the other.

Create a conducive learning environment for yourself by getting a skill;it ranges baking,fashiondesigning,computing,photography/videographer e.t.c
 I remember some time ago when my father got suspended from his  job ,I was little at that time but I can vividly remember my father going to his workshop to mend and make people's furniture for the 7 months he was suspended from his least,from the little proceeds he makes,he was able to get few of my schools items and cater for the family at large.I so much love his eagerness to defend us at  everytime a financial need arises.

I'm currently into fashion designing,I just started though.I know it will take a very long time and effort to catch up and master my craft,but
It's worth the dedication,time and commiment.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Orpichukwu on January 20, 2024, 10:29:01 PM
I'm a graphic designer and painter, and I'm still learning one other skill that is personal to me. Among all these skills, they are not part of the things that pay most of my bills, but they have still given me a few funds to support my financial situation currently.
I always like the idea of learning multiple skills, especially in my area of interest. Even if I'm not practicing them for the first time, I know the time for that will definitely come, which is why I have them and have learned them.

On the aspect of graphics design, I always see it as part of the things and skills where I spend time when I'm bored and I want to play with some colours, and if I put much interest in my skill, they can be able to put food on my table.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Y3shot on January 20, 2024, 10:57:12 PM
Skill is very important,  skill is something that you can develop and it becomes a powerful too that will always be with you and will generate money for you as long as you exist on earth. When one have a good skill and handle it very well it is easy to go anywhere and survive without bothering how to start up life. Skill is something that you can always look up to, job can fail, job can end but skill will always be their. We should try to get advanced in our skill, it will take one along way.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: topbitcoin on January 20, 2024, 11:13:33 PM
So that we can achieve success, whether in the world of career or business, we must at least have skills and abilities that other people do not have, so that your presence is highly anticipated and irreplaceable. However, skill and skills alone are not enough to achieve success, we also present what is called hard work and smart work. because to be at the highest level we need to have both of these things.

And when talking about the skills that I am currently learning and honing, I have an interest in going directly into the business world, especially in the culinary field. Apart from that I have experience in this field, but in my opinion this business in the culinary field has quite promising opportunities, because food is a basic human need and on the other hand, nowadays almost everyone wants practicality or something. instant one. And through digital transformation which continues to experience development and progress, in my opinion this can have a positive impact on the development of the culinary industry, because someone can start their business without having to have a physical shop, through social media and marketplaces, someone can sell from home. And currently I am studying marketing, because this is very determining regarding the progress of a business and is an important part of being able to generate profits.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on January 21, 2024, 08:42:54 AM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Nothing can be compared to skills and creativity, if one doesn't possess them, I urge such to at least learn them because they are enrichers and problem solvers. Once you can solve a problem, nothing is your limit unless you do not know how to put 1 and 2 together to form the desired result. If you are not creative/talented yourself to have one or develop it into skills, find it one way or another instead of staying idle and being a follower for the rest of your life. It is financial freedom we are talking about, you need it, and you do not procrastinate if you are wise. I've been smart enough to know this since I was young and I have strived to be independent, even though the road wasn't rosy at all, just not for the faint in the heart, I was able to do it in my own bit and achieve considerably well.

Though I am not still satisfied due to the few resources to pursue the future, I am happy that I did not just give myself to be used by one boss or employers, and I know it will get better since there is time. I decided to stop working under anybody many years back and developed my trading/investment, leadership and writing skills (book writing). You might be thinking that these are not so wonderful for making money, but if you are good at them and channel them rightly, they will help you, my friend. Leadership skills help with more connection, and if you can write a book, you can write a movie, which means money. However, those are just a few examples.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: EluguHcman on January 21, 2024, 10:16:25 AM
Since it has been on research that knowledge that is not capable in exhibitions to reality is a waste and invalid at a circumstance where some persons may have possesed or acquired some fields of professional educational knowledges without the possibility capacity to usefulness in the societies or to oneself, then skills has been a paramountly considered an utmost importance because at most very ends in both creativities, technologies and productions, trading and so on are apparently indispensable.

I do not mean to compare education to skills but the reality is that majority of individuals in both local and intentional, prosperous and unprosperous are most adapt to the system of skills administration because the World of today's is practically show working (proves) unlike educational sectors where a knowledges are acquired, remains stagnant within oneself with the possing of being verbally and orally being intelligent without a practical prove of show working (brings to reality).
Unlike now, skill persons are more relevant to the societies because they have a lot of solutions and services to offer to the people and so on, serves the individuals a major means to financial upholds.

Formally sections of skills where only recognized and termed useless but time after times, all sectors of skills has become a necessity and valuable to the societies.
At a time, there was a saying that... No, I do not want to acquire this skill because it is not being appreciated or useful while aiming to the others but today, all manner of skills is made valuably use .

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: pusaka on January 21, 2024, 11:32:36 AM
Skill is very important,  skill is something that you can develop and it becomes a powerful too that will always be with you and will generate money for you as long as you exist on earth. When one have a good skill and handle it very well it is easy to go anywhere and survive without bothering how to start up life. Skill is something that you can always look up to, job can fail, job can end but skill will always be their. We should try to get advanced in our skill, it will take one along way.
Skills are something that we must deepen, you are right that we may lose our jobs and so on, but we will never lose our skills because it is something that is inherent in us. Skills can bring money, skills can also create jobs that might help others. As humans we will definitely have different skills, so that's what we should explore.
I believe that there are skills that come from talent, there are skills that are born because of hard work and diligence in learning them, so for me it is impossible if someone does not have skills if that someone works hard. Those who always complain that they don't have anything to show for it means that they don't want to work hard.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: knowngunman on January 21, 2024, 12:43:54 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

This is not just about having fun. A conversation on having skills or the importance of skills is more than having fun but a wake up to reality. In fact, some companies are not longer looking at your qualifications but the skills you have and how it can be useful to the company. The era we are heading to now is the era where only skills will see us through, I see it as a very critical for both individuals and society at large.

As a fashion designer, I see how this skill open up new opportunities for me and helping me to achieve some of my goals. I will not say I am living a perfect life but it has really improved my life, my standards of living and make me more satisfied. Having skill and knowing how important it can be, I'm already planning to have additional skills especially in the area of technology since that's where attention is being shifted to now. One of the most obvious benefits of having a skill is being independent and self employed. Your certificate and qualifications make you dependent on your boss but your skills gives you full control of yourself.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on January 21, 2024, 01:14:26 PM
So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

I won't say it's their skills that got them where they are because what skills will it take to create Coca cola, Microsoft but for sport we can say it's their skills. Skills are very important overall because we're running out of cooperate jobs as the world is getting more populated, we need extra advantage over others so we can secure jobs these days and also our skills can serve as an avenues to generate money. With skills you don't need to search for jobs as you can create one for yourself. The good thing about skill nowadays is that you can monetize them very easily to make money.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

I have learnt many skills, some have been useful to me as they have earned me money while others haven't although I'm not bothered because I know the importance of having a skills and how they can be very important to me in the future even though they aren't having much impact in my life at the moment. I have learnt some offline skills and also online and I have many I'll be picking interest in soon. I want to become a web developer so I have planned of learning that skills but what is stopping me now is that I haven't settled down yet. Immediately I do that I'll start my classes on web development.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: bangjoe on January 21, 2024, 01:33:32 PM

In addition, language, especially in English, because it is the basic language to be able to communicate internationally, and I also see that some people have good abilities but they don't have the language to get a bigger salary abroad, because in my country, the salary standard is still relatively small, also when we have a business it is easy to do marketing and also get investors from outside so that our business can invade or marketing becomes wider.
Learning a major language could be very helpful and could fetch a high-paying job especially if it is related to classroom teaching. But with the invention of various sophisticated applications that could interpret different languages, I doubt if these kinds of skills will be highly demanded in future. Learning how to use AI language interpreters to perform these tasks could be more enterprising. 
Yes, although basically we can use automatic translator applications for languages but I think it will not be as efficient and effective as we use the language we master, especially if we are in offline discussions or simple conversations to make an emotional approach with clients.

I think language is very important in an opportunity, and in various situations when getting a lot of foreign clients it will make us more courageous and confident in interacting with them, as well as in crypto projects themselves where they developers need people to manage communities in different countries, and yes the pay is quite decent in my opinion.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Lorence.xD on January 21, 2024, 03:23:21 PM

In addition, language, especially in English, because it is the basic language to be able to communicate internationally, and I also see that some people have good abilities but they don't have the language to get a bigger salary abroad, because in my country, the salary standard is still relatively small, also when we have a business it is easy to do marketing and also get investors from outside so that our business can invade or marketing becomes wider.
Learning a major language could be very helpful and could fetch a high-paying job especially if it is related to classroom teaching. But with the invention of various sophisticated applications that could interpret different languages, I doubt if these kinds of skills will be highly demanded in future. Learning how to use AI language interpreters to perform these tasks could be more enterprising. 
Yes, although basically we can use automatic translator applications for languages but I think it will not be as efficient and effective as we use the language we master, especially if we are in offline discussions or simple conversations to make an emotional approach with clients.

I think language is very important in an opportunity, and in various situations when getting a lot of foreign clients it will make us more courageous and confident in interacting with them, as well as in crypto projects themselves where they developers need people to manage communities in different countries, and yes the pay is quite decent in my opinion.

I have seen that people are using automatic translators but the thing is some of the words differ their meaning when they have been converted into another language. It is really a great skill to learn another language which can be used not only for communicating abroad but as well you can also use it for teaching which pays a lot. Plus many people are willing to learn the first language cause not all people are using English as their second language, so there would be a lot of clients, especially foreign people. Some would say you can learn online, but it is still better to learn it with a tutor or teacher who could help to enhance your lack of speaking or writing language for example you are having a hard time speaking with the right pronunciation, they could assist you cause not all the time the internet would help you in full potential.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: southerngentuk on January 21, 2024, 04:57:10 PM
Skill, indeed, is the lifeblood of progress, the fuel that propels us from basic survival to a life of fulfillment and purpose. It's fascinating how skills can seamlessly morph into professions, weaving a tapestry of livelihoods that sustain us and contribute to the larger social fabric. The carpenter's hammer echoes the rhythm of a livelihood built on honed craftsmanship, while the doctor's scalpel dances with precision, each movement a testament to years of dedicated learning.

But the beauty of skill acquisition lies not just in its practical application, but in its potential to transcend formal education. Those "alternative" skills, learned outside the confines of classrooms, can ignite unexpected passions and unlock hidden talents. The self-taught programmer, the streetwise entrepreneur, the community artist – their stories are testaments to the power of independent learning and the boundless potential that lies within each of us.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: dezoel on January 21, 2024, 06:42:36 PM
There's no doubt that skills are very important for an individual to gain success in any field. Without skills, you can't find the perfect spot for yourself in any industry because you won't be able to give tough competition to others in your field of interest. However, skills are not the only material required to gain success, they will have to be conjoined with proper marketing of your skills and using the right opportunities at the right time and in the right way so that you succeed in what you are trying.

All your skills are useless and will never be able to provide you with financial stability if you aren't able to market your skills in the right way and in the correct forums based on your niche and skill. After that, it's your responsibility to cash in the opportunities that come your way so that you can achieve your goals.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: junder on January 21, 2024, 07:40:12 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I do Fashion designing outside the forum, I am not yet a complete professional, but I am earning a little from it by making simple designs for ladies. The reason I picked it is because I like to look nice, and have been dealt with by other fasion designers in the past so I decided to learn the skill so I can make my own dress, and for some of my family members, and then also  earn from it by making dresses for other people who will like my work. My earning from this skill is not always now, but it will improve with time, and I believe that from there also, I will be able to earn enough to DCA more into bitcoins.

that's good, even though I'm nobody to you but I support it. because what you do is related to design, and from my own experience having skills in the field of design can generate a large income, because of course design has a high price value in the right eyes. I myself used to be involved in the world of graphic design, but there was a time that I couldn't avoid that ended everything just like that. even though the school major I studied was in the field of graphic design.

but what can I do, fate said otherwise, and with the current job I have it's not bad either, but this is on a par with design, I myself enjoy it. and in my opinion, the thing that we really need to pay attention to is that we enjoy what we do, because I have experienced being involved in a world that was not of my own free will, which made me feel uncomfortable and finally chose to leave, and with my own choice now I can enjoy it.
back to you, I hope you can do your best, because that is also for yourself in the future, and hopefully it will continue to develop until you can work with people who are professionals in the field you are working in.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: puloweh555 on January 21, 2024, 07:44:11 PM
Life is a big road with many signs. So, when going through a routine, don't complicate your thoughts. Escape despite hatred, evil and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, make your vision come true. Build and discover your skills.

We all need skills. It's true that sometimes it's difficult to find skills within ourselves, but we need to keep looking for what potential we have, so we have to try everything. I myself am studying editing, studying sales, studying vocals, studying investment, and want to study accounting and dream of being able to lead other people even though I am an introvert. So that way we can find out what skills we have because we have been involved in it. And I don't want to know just one thing. If I like it, I learn without coercion

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: OGsmall on January 21, 2024, 10:44:57 PM
quote author=Bitco55 link=topic=5482285.msg63528350#msg63528350 date=1705747295]
Hey people.
So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

Well I have able to learn some little little skills like keyboard in church for cash and go to gigs and working as a shoe maker well I have own shoe making store and I started from little now look at where I am with the help of God.
So back to what I was saying skill learn is not easy because there are hardships when learning hand skills but it interesting after you are done with it, it just take short time …..

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: arimamib on January 21, 2024, 11:34:50 PM
Life is a big road with many signs. So, when going through a routine, don't complicate your thoughts. Escape despite hatred, evil and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, make your vision come true. Build and discover your skills.

We all need skills. It's true that sometimes it's difficult to find skills within ourselves, but we need to keep looking for what potential we have, so we have to try everything. I myself am studying editing, studying sales, studying vocals, studying investment, and want to study accounting and dream of being able to lead other people even though I am an introvert. So that way we can find out what skills we have because we have been involved in it. And I don't want to know just one thing. If I like it, I learn without coercion
The importance of perseverance and determination is about not burying your thoughts and making your vision come true. It's a reminder that despite challenges, people should strive to bring their aspirations to fruition. Continuously learning and exploring various skills is commendable. The recognition that finding the skills may require trying different things aligns with the concept of self-discovery and personal development.

Learning without coercion and diversing interests showcase a passion for knowledge and a genuine curiosity about different fields. The ambition to lead others despite being an introvert is a testament to the idea that leadership qualities can be cultivated and developed over time. Your perspective encourages a positive and proactive mindset that promote the idea that life is a continual journey of self-discovery, growth, and the pursuit of people's passions and potential. It's a motivating outlook that encourages others to embrace a similar approach to their own lives.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: 0t3p0t on January 22, 2024, 11:53:17 AM
What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I know we all have skills but some other people might disagree with me on this. Sometimes we don't really know if we have skill on ourselves until such time we knew we have it because other people told us. We just need to be curious to discover hidden secrets within us. Skills needs confidence and honing to exactly fit right for our purpose.

I currently am using multitasking skills to get all things done at once and in a less stressful way because that is where I made my monthly income. Multitasking skill is very important to me because it can be used in almost all the time we have in our lives to make it more productive.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Huppercase on January 22, 2024, 03:07:00 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

Skills acquisition is one of the best thing every individual need in their life but it becomes valueless if the government don't utilize the potential of these skills. Look at Brazil for instance, they are well known for the king of football worldwide, check the stars of footballers history, out of every 10, you will see 5 Brazil. Indians today are very good at tech skills like software engineering and other computer related skills and there government support them very well.

Come to some countries, they  government doesn't give you support even after getting these skills and it's discouraging because even in places like Upwork and Fiver, there is discrimination and selectivity before client gives you work. My country is not even consider for these jobs, and it's really discharging to be honest.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

I don't have outside skills aside from my work and forum because I'm too choke up with work but if I have the time to learn a skill, I will graphics and design. This skills is still needed today despite the saturated market. If your design is unique, you will get what to deserve from the client.
That skills still stand out today because there is no shortcut to it, programming today are becoming easier and even more saturated than the Graphics because of Bootcamp and precode environment that person with programing can use to create their own websites.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Casdinyard on January 22, 2024, 03:42:00 PM
Currently learning the ropes about extensive ad management through google analytics and meta pixel. I have basic understanding of how to operate it and how it works initially, but I'm shooting to get certifications for it cause that's one nice-looking badge your future employer's gonna praise you for should you wish to go corporate. Apart from that I'm looking to finally get certified as a professional scrum master. The 200 bucks fee per attempt is a little daunting even for me but honestly, it's better than not taking the test at all and hoping that your future employers take your word for it lol.

As you can see, I'm collecting a repertoire of skills and certifications that are suited for the corporate world and that is not because I don't believe in the crypto world anymore or whatnot. It's just that these past few years i came to understand that being prepared for anything, including prolonged periods of stagnations in the crypto world is better than not doing anything at all and splurging at the moment. So, just in case we're bracing for another crypto winter either before or after this halving, I'm preparing myself to have a bit of a safety net financially until such a time that I can come back to the crypto world without worries.

I implore people to do this as well. It's gonna take some time yes but the effort will definitely pay off especially if you have the penchant for these kinds of things.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Alpha Marine on January 22, 2024, 03:50:31 PM
I don't have outside skills aside from my work and forum because I'm too choke up with work but if I have the time to learn a skill, I will graphics and design. This skills is still needed today despite the saturated market. If your design is unique, you will get what to deserve from the client.

The truth is, you might never get the time to learn that skill. The time won't just pop up on its own. There's always one thing or the other taking our time. So if you really want to learn something, you'll be the one to make out the time if it's important enough. This is difficult to do but it's possible. Time is a very important factor in our life, therefore we must always make time for what is important to us.

I know we all have skills but some other people might disagree with me on this. Sometimes we don't really know if we have skill on ourselves until such time we knew we have it because other people told us. We just need to be curious to discover hidden secrets within us. Skills needs confidence and honing to exactly fit right for our purpose.

I think you mistake skill for talent.
A skill is learned, and a talent is something you're born with. Although both of them need practice to be good at them there's a difference. Some people just know how to sing. They did not learn anywhere, they were just born with a very soothing voice. But nobody is born and knows how to code without learning.
We all don't have skills. If you don't learn a skill, you can't have it and I believe you can learn any skill, it all depends on your mind.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: johnsaributua on January 22, 2024, 04:09:17 PM
You mean entrepreneurship? A sense of calm according to passion in producing and doing business certainly starts from interest, even though the prospect is not everyone consumes (limited, seasonal and some circles) it can be reached more with marketing strategies. But the process of making which is more comfortable to do includes the field of passion. Because business is long-term instead of forcing the will because of existing trends and imitating because you want to follow sales, it is not optimal and the dead end of creativity, although it can be trained because it is often and used.

There are many individual production niches including simple food and drinks and I also sometimes help out at my parents' shop.

Most of the time I currently enjoy writing on bitcointalk, after the business of buying and selling factory cosmetics went bankrupt and needed large capital to get up, I thought that bitcointalk was a place for me to get information, including offline business, I will try to glance later (offline business) after I am ready with operational funds even though I have to restart. I sometimes take part in odd jobs including delivery services by motorcycle, of course there is still a lot of free time to read on bitcointalk.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Moeda on January 22, 2024, 05:43:12 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
You mentioned the skills of the world's largest companies. That's something great and worth exemplifying, it seems tempting but only a few people are able to do it. Another skill that you may have forgotten to mention is about developing crypto technology, especially Bitcoin. It's not just the ability to develop Bitcoin, but the idea of developing Bitcoin is something that many people have never thought of before.
I think Bill Gates is capable of doing it, he and his cronies have abilities in the field of digital technology, but the idea didn't come up before.
Simply put, now the development of digital technology is increasingly rapid through blockchain systems or smart contracts. Many new projects are being developed, but the idea of giving a name to the project to attract investors' attention seems very difficult.
I think the idea of developing something is very important, while skills can be done together.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: YUriy1991 on January 22, 2024, 05:46:42 PM
Off course, I think there are quite a lot of items and there is room to learn, just choose the appropriate ones to study and improve to the maximum in the future. BTW, I think that to have skills you also have to be focused and truly skilled, especially if they are technical and rare, then lots of special calls will come in and one thing I have noticed is that people will trust and pay more for the work if we are already skilled, meaning those who use services We also have our own calculations and don't want it to be wasted.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: mirakal on January 22, 2024, 05:57:21 PM
I guess I have a lot of skills to learn and master but one thing that I am more focused today is definitely to learn how to cook. I dream of become a good chef someday so I can open my own restaurant with lots of palatable dishes. I know it takes some time to learn and master this skill but if given the chance to engage with some cooking lesson, I would definitely do that.

Aside from Bitcoin trading, cooking is really my passion. But I think I just need to practice more often so I can develop my skill in cooking and hope to earn being a chef in the future.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: DVlog on January 22, 2024, 07:02:46 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

If you want to make your career based on online activity then i would suggest you focus on those skills that will have long-term demands in the market and will be easily automated. Automation has become a problem for people who work in online-based businesses. Now AI can do all the repetitive work and tasks that are related to data entry. These days all the data entry work can be done through AI so if your profession is based on copywriting, then you better look for another skills like CMR or something that can not be done through AI.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Miles2006 on January 22, 2024, 07:13:13 PM
I believe everyone knows the importance of learning skills but what's still keeping people waiting or rather what's stopping people to learn different skills, I will use myself as an example first, have always wanted to learn something new and I would love to learn more about baking but sometimes the stress and schedule for the day won't give me a chance, this is normal for every human and due to the expenses you can't withdraw from your current job to learn something new, although learning new skills takes time for you to be an expert but it's best to always stay patience, I know a lot of people who earn daily from designing clothes, Computer skills etc.
The best idea I'm thinking is to reschedule my working time so I can sign up for an online baking class first before paying for tutorials.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: killerfrost on January 22, 2024, 08:40:09 PM
The lure of instant gratification is real, but it often leads to short-sighted decisions and unsustainable pursuits. You should see for a long-term perspective and mindful evaluation of skills before choosing them is crucial. Researching career paths, observing the lives of successful professionals, and aligning skills with personal values are key steps in finding fulfilling and financially rewarding pursuits.

The devaluing of traditional paper certificates is an interesting observation. While formal education still holds value, its focus is shifting towards practical skills and adaptability. Employers nowadays prioritize demonstrable expertise and real-world experience over mere certifications. This emphasizes the importance of honing skills through practical projects, online courses, and mentorship, rather than solely relying on traditional academic avenues.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Fortify on January 22, 2024, 08:51:13 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

When I hear the term skills in relation to jobs, I think of things like plumbing, gas engineers and electricians. These are true trades that seem pretty timeless and in high demand, that also have a barrier of entry - requiring decent qualifications and education in order to be effective. I am actually starting to feel a bit skeptical about certain other skills in the market, like graphic design or even writing work, which is gradually being automated by artificial intelligence. It's such a vague statement you've made about Adidas, Coca Cola and Microsoft creators, because these are vastly different areas and they are some of the largest companies because they actually made it first to market in many cases. Being around for such a long time has created it's own unique selling point for these brands and the popularity connected to them, that is not something that can be trained up overnight.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: dunfida on January 22, 2024, 08:59:18 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

When I hear the term skills in relation to jobs, I think of things like plumbing, gas engineers and electricians. These are true trades that seem pretty timeless and in high demand, that also have a barrier of entry - requiring decent qualifications and education in order to be effective. I am actually starting to feel a bit skeptical about certain other skills in the market, like graphic design or even writing work, which is gradually being automated by artificial intelligence. It's such a vague statement you've made about Adidas, Coca Cola and Microsoft creators, because these are vastly different areas and they are some of the largest companies because they actually made it first to market in many cases. Being around for such a long time has created it's own unique selling point for these brands and the popularity connected to them, that is not something that can be trained up overnight.
When you dont have those educational attainment then it would really be hard basing up with real experience on which we do know that this is something that would really be that needed in todays standard.
This is why it would really be that hard for you to be able to get hired even if you do have the skills but having no educational back up then for sure you would really be having that hard time on getting one.
Somewhat there are people who doesnt have these things but did able to manage on getting successful, this is via on having investment and having those businesses on which it doesnt really
need up those qualifications and this is where some of their skills been applied.

This is why its really that having an advantage if you are really that skills + educational attainment + luck then it would be nice and better.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Fiatless on January 22, 2024, 09:35:34 PM

In addition, language, especially in English, because it is the basic language to be able to communicate internationally, and I also see that some people have good abilities but they don't have the language to get a bigger salary abroad, because in my country, the salary standard is still relatively small, also when we have a business it is easy to do marketing and also get investors from outside so that our business can invade or marketing becomes wider.
Learning a major language could be very helpful and could fetch a high-paying job especially if it is related to classroom teaching. But with the invention of various sophisticated applications that could interpret different languages, I doubt if these kinds of skills will be highly demanded in future. Learning how to use AI language interpreters to perform these tasks could be more enterprising. 
Yes, although basically we can use automatic translator applications for languages but I think it will not be as efficient and effective as we use the language we master, especially if we are in offline discussions or simple conversations to make an emotional approach with clients.

I think language is very important in an opportunity, and in various situations when getting a lot of foreign clients it will make us more courageous and confident in interacting with them, as well as in crypto projects themselves where they developers need people to manage communities in different countries, and yes the pay is quite decent in my opinion.
I am not saying that artificial intelligence will eliminate language transaction jobs totally but my take is that it will limit the number of job opportunities. Many of these languages interpreting jobs will be taken over by these machines especially if it is not related to face-to-face conversations. But one can also take advantage of these AI tools to learn more languages. If you are effective in using these tools, you might not need to learn these languages because these tools could be very helpful in the translation of languages you have a low level of mastery.

When I hear the term skills in relation to jobs, I think of things like plumbing, gas engineers and electricians. These are true trades that seem pretty timeless and in high demand, that also have a barrier of entry - requiring decent qualifications and education in order to be effective. I am actually starting to feel a bit skeptical about certain other skills in the market, like graphic design or even writing work, which is gradually being automated by artificial intelligence.
I was well informed by your post and I accept almost everything you have said. Most of these computer-related jobs can be easily taken over by these machines. So I will recommend jobs that require physical or practical skills to anybody because these jobs are ageless. The only difference is the seasonal introduction of new machines or equipment to make the job faster and easier.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Assface16678 on January 22, 2024, 10:36:39 PM
As I see from the previous comments, I saw different skills that they are learning or trying to learn. It is just wonderful that even non-crypto related people are sharing them, which is good. Because all people have two types of skills, natural skills and honed skills, natural skills are the things that they are good at even without practicing or honing them, like being naturally good at sports or cooking, smart, good at math, etc. We people have those things and they are different for every individual. While honed skills is the skills that you want to learn and to master, either being good at sports, cooking, or in the aspect of earning money.

Currently, aside from the skills I have or have learned in the field of crypto, I want to master the skills of trading. Yes,  I have an idea about it or prior knowledge about it, but I want to refine it to the extent that I minimise my losses and be more profitable, as well as many other skills like programming. In short, a person's nature is to build and hone their desired skills as they want to do the things effectively and efficiently related to that skill. People can grow as they want.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: poodle63 on January 23, 2024, 01:15:32 AM
learning skill doesn't necessarily mean you should make money out of it, i will be honest i've learnt plenty of skin and I don't really earn from them, its just good to have such skill for the improvement of quality of life and thats it.
if its related to earning I think the best skill for earning money so far is that i've learned is simply technical analysis and trading skill its so far the biggest contributor to my wealth because it has given me some good profit so far.
I am not saying that artificial intelligence will eliminate language transaction jobs totally but my take is that it will limit the number of job opportunities. Many of these languages interpreting jobs will be taken over by these machines especially if it is not related to face-to-face conversations. But one can also take advantage of these AI tools to learn more languages. If you are effective in using these tools, you might not need to learn these languages because these tools could be very helpful in the translation of languages you have a low level of mastery.

When I hear the term skills in relation to jobs, I think of things like plumbing, gas engineers and electricians. These are true trades that seem pretty timeless and in high demand, that also have a barrier of entry - requiring decent qualifications and education in order to be effective. I am actually starting to feel a bit skeptical about certain other skills in the market, like graphic design or even writing work, which is gradually being automated by artificial intelligence.
I was well informed by your post and I accept almost everything you have said. Most of these computer-related jobs can be easily taken over by these machines. So I will recommend jobs that require physical or practical skills to anybody because these jobs are ageless. The only difference is the seasonal introduction of new machines or equipment to make the job faster and easier.
even though many people underestimate the capability of AI im pretty dang sure that it will be massive effect toward the availability of job in the future, language translation is easily getting overtaken by AI, see samsung's newest phone it implements AI all around and even texting now have automated translation by AI, there are also tools that directly translate what people are speaking by hearing their voice into other language, i think its imminent, eventually some jobs get replaced, the only way to adapt is to utilize it instead going against it, and to utilize it we need to save up some capital.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: beerlover on January 23, 2024, 06:01:53 AM
What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I know we all have skills but some other people might disagree with me on this. Sometimes we don't really know if we have skill on ourselves until such time we knew we have it because other people told us. We just need to be curious to discover hidden secrets within us. Skills needs confidence and honing to exactly fit right for our purpose.

I currently am using multitasking skills to get all things done at once and in a less stressful way because that is where I made my monthly income. Multitasking skill is very important to me because it can be used in almost all the time we have in our lives to make it more productive.
That may take too much time and some people do not have that much time. Some guy who studied accounting, but could have been the greatest bass guitarist in the world if he put some time into it, may have no time to do that, between the job, the wife, the kids, the house chores, the things he needs to fix, he will not have much time and suddenly he looks in the mirror and sees himself at 65 years old.

You can't tell that person to leave everything aside and work on his "hobby", because if you are not making money from it, it's a hobby. So that is why I believe that we are not going to be doing anything easily, we should consider the situation to be a little bit different and could even consider not making money that much, just assume skill is not something you need, but desire.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: retreat on January 23, 2024, 08:01:20 AM
Nowadays, most companies prioritize skills rather than a person's bachelor's degree. With the skills a person has, it will allow him to fill strategic positions or build his own business. So right now I'm studying programming and web design, because I think programming skills are quite important skills right now, if we look at how the IT industry will develop in the next few years and it requires a lot of programmers to be able to work on these projects.
And besides that skills, I am also developing soft skills such as management and analysis, because these two skills are quite important for many things and it is very necessary to learn these skills.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: |MINER| on January 23, 2024, 09:57:41 AM
Profitability is not possible without expertise in any subject.  Everyone should excel in some work without wasting time.  One should improve one's skills with time. Since I am in bitcoin forum I am trying to know and learn different topics in the forum for now.  There is no end to learning.  I am trying to learn more about trading.  Analyzing various situations of the market.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: hyudien on January 23, 2024, 11:39:01 AM
Nowadays, most companies prioritize skills rather than a person's bachelor's degree. With the skills a person has, it will allow him to fill strategic positions or build his own business. So right now I'm studying programming and web design, because I think programming skills are quite important skills right now, if we look at how the IT industry will develop in the next few years and it requires a lot of programmers to be able to work on these projects.
And besides that skills, I am also developing soft skills such as management and analysis, because these two skills are quite important for many things and it is very necessary to learn these skills.
Indeed, a degree without skills is just an empty decoration, companies that really understand will look more at a person's abilities, even though they will also see what their educational background is like.
Many of the people I know have a high educational background, but they do not have more skills in at least one field. But in my place sometimes "insiders" will be very influential if we want to enter the company, maybe this can be called privilege.

I agree with you that now it would be better to hone skills in the IT field, because now the times will move in that direction.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: CryptopreneurBrainboss on January 23, 2024, 12:45:35 PM
Nowadays, most companies prioritize skills rather than a person's bachelor's degree. With the skills a person has, it will allow him to fill strategic positions or build his own business.

Companies are getting wiser because we have those that have gone through the same education system now in the position of hiring new employees to the company and they understand the school system. Everybody can read and get good grades but there are quality that only skills can give and that's the importance of having a skills. I don't know about the western world but in my country you can work your way to high grades without having to be intelligent.

Bribing and corruption has made money the key to achieving anything in the country so if I was to be incharge of hiring, I'll definitely prioritize skills over degree. You can read through your years of college only reading to pass your exams without knowing what you're reading and this is the reason we're having less qualified professionals in their field of study because people aren't reading to know again but reading to pass exams and get the degrees.

People aren't putting much effort on education as they use to do because they know that they'll still have to look for jobs when they're done schooling as there's no guarantee that you'll get a good paying job so they just want to get done with school and move ahead, skills is the best way to get a candidate for the job and not degree because it would have taken you years to perfect that skills as you can't fake a skills while you can fake a degree.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: radjie on January 23, 2024, 01:17:01 PM

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

There is quite a lot of skills acquired, of course based on the experience that has been undertaken, but not all of them can be mastered well.  Without realizing it, there is a possibility that there is a skill that can change the economy for the better.  Currently I have not been able to establish myself in developing one of the skills that are suitable for me, but taking advantage of technological developments and trying to do business are targets that might change things for the better.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: JunaidAzizi on January 23, 2024, 01:22:58 PM
One thing I am quite confident in is my skills in writing

I am constantly learning and trying to improve and now I think I am finally putting my writing into good use I have written essays, reviews, short stories, and even scripts (only very small projects of course) I am also quite passionate about writing and it is something I truly enjoy and might be a career option for me but right now just making money on the side with little side projects is what I have been doing
This is very good mate and I appreciate this thing. Well, a lot of people learned skills and they are utilizing their skills only for money we saw that those people were just limited to their small region and earned very little money and the reason is that they did not love their work they just did it for money and assumed his work as a burden while on the other side that person who has some skill and doing it for its happiness they touch the sky in success. There are a lot of examples in the world who are not only known for their work but for making a lot of money from their skills. And I feel the same for you just focus on skill and do it and make it more beautiful, and you will be soon raised with a great writer.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 23, 2024, 07:04:44 PM
Nowadays, most companies prioritize skills rather than a person's bachelor's degree. With the skills a person has, it will allow him to fill strategic positions or build his own business. So right now I'm studying programming and web design, because I think programming skills are quite important skills right now, if we look at how the IT industry will develop in the next few years and it requires a lot of programmers to be able to work on these projects.
And besides that skills, I am also developing soft skills such as management and analysis, because these two skills are quite important for many things and it is very necessary to learn these skills.

I agree with that, because in my opinion skills are more guaranteed than a title, I myself think a title is just an addition to a last name, I have even heard that a title can be bought, I was surprised but in reality money can buy anything. but not everything can be bought with money. In my opinion, skills do have a high value compared to degrees, but some people or companies look at degrees too. because a title can make someone authoritative and appear educated. but I don't think so.

If I were a boss, I would look for workers who have skills and won't worry about degrees. Especially nowadays, I think the skills that are much sought after are designers, IT and others. Because it's rare for people to master this, so I think it's natural that these two things have high value. as you said, because the company needs development and that development can be done with the skills you have, not with a degree.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Dunamisx on January 23, 2024, 07:18:43 PM
Profitability is not possible without expertise in any subject.  Everyone should excel in some work without wasting time.  One should improve one's skills with time. Since I am in bitcoin forum I am trying to know and learn different topics in the forum for now.  There is no end to learning.  I am trying to learn more about trading.  Analyzing various situations of the market.

A man's gift which is his skills will make room for him and place him before kings, but this is only for those who discovered so and work by it, we can always set our target on what we want, but having the best qualifications to achieving it is also important to consider, nobody can't build themselves if they so wish, learning is the way forward to begin all this, because when we do, we make perfect what we have learnt about.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Maslate on January 23, 2024, 10:48:31 PM
While tutorial becomes a trend online, I am currently learning on it so I can make it my side hustle. I am quite passionate about teaching children so I am developing my passion to educate children online by offering tutorials and gets well compensation. I have known some basic English knowledge and through gaining more researches, I know I can make it one of these days not just to satisfy my passion but also to earn a good income as well.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: sulendra12 on January 23, 2024, 11:13:02 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Web programming and data entry typing. I'm still learning on both of those skills as I have still plenty of room to improve on both skills but I've made quite decent income by doing those remotely and can definitely fill my daily needs with those. Once you have a skill that can pay you money then you are surely motivated to learn more about those particular skills. That's why I like it a lot because I can discover lot of things and it's pretty popular in here so looking for a remote job to sign up for isn't that difficult.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: bangjoe on January 24, 2024, 01:02:53 AM

In addition, language, especially in English, because it is the basic language to be able to communicate internationally, and I also see that some people have good abilities but they don't have the language to get a bigger salary abroad, because in my country, the salary standard is still relatively small, also when we have a business it is easy to do marketing and also get investors from outside so that our business can invade or marketing becomes wider.
Learning a major language could be very helpful and could fetch a high-paying job especially if it is related to classroom teaching. But with the invention of various sophisticated applications that could interpret different languages, I doubt if these kinds of skills will be highly demanded in future. Learning how to use AI language interpreters to perform these tasks could be more enterprising. 
Yes, although basically we can use automatic translator applications for languages but I think it will not be as efficient and effective as we use the language we master, especially if we are in offline discussions or simple conversations to make an emotional approach with clients.

I think language is very important in an opportunity, and in various situations when getting a lot of foreign clients it will make us more courageous and confident in interacting with them, as well as in crypto projects themselves where they developers need people to manage communities in different countries, and yes the pay is quite decent in my opinion.
I am not saying that artificial intelligence will eliminate language transaction jobs totally but my take is that it will limit the number of job opportunities. Many of these languages interpreting jobs will be taken over by these machines especially if it is not related to face-to-face conversations. But one can also take advantage of these AI tools to learn more languages. If you are effective in using these tools, you might not need to learn these languages because these tools could be very helpful in the translation of languages you have a low level of mastery.
And I'm not talking about a third party to be a tool where you will be dependent so that you will lose something valuable when the tool cannot be used, I'm talking about how we can learn languages ourselves for the benefit and expansion of economic opportunities internationally, not to be a tool for people or translators, maybe for your business or whatever it is about your work so that you are not hindered by language in expanding yourself.

Yes, the use of this technology can indeed help you if you can use it well, and will shift the translator's job field, but it doesn't matter if your goal in learning a language is to become a broader self in view of the world.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Strongkored on January 24, 2024, 02:06:18 AM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Learning about certain skills will have a good impact on finances, but consistently learning them without thinking about the economic benefits that can be obtained will make us continue to be enthusiastic about improving these skills, and it's very good if the skills we are developing are ones we like
Currently, I am trying to learn several foreign languages because I think this will be very useful to use, but because I have just started so I can't say I already have the skill because there are still many things that need to be continuously improved until I can finally reach the expert stage and start receiving the benefits in economy.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: slapper on January 24, 2024, 04:33:58 PM
It's not just about the skill, but the trip to learn it. Like sowing a garden seed. You water, care for, and watch it grow. Skills function that way. They grow from modest to great. Consider personal finance. I learned it for its practicality and empowerment. Understanding money flow, saving techniques, and investment intricacies.. Doesn't that expertise matter in today's economy?

Sometimes the best skills are against the grain. Unexpected, right? It's like learning to save when everyone's spending, or investing in self-education when others are content with the status quo. Seeing opportunity where others perceive hurdles. Economics and negotiating were my focus. Why? Because these skills open avenues for personal benefit and profound impact. I'm curious, your skill? What seed are you watering in the garden? Every ability has the potential to impact your life and the planet

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on January 24, 2024, 05:19:35 PM

Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

Learning new things is crucial for everyone in the modern society. Why? Well, new technology constantly changes our jobs and the way things operate. Therefore, you must continue learning if you hope to stay in the game. Gaining additional knowledge will help you perform better at work and compete for exciting chances. Employers value creative problem solvers and innovative thinkers, and acquiring new skills facilitates these skills. Gaining new talents also makes you resilient and equipped to face obstacles in both your professional and personal life.

In wide world today, when you learn new skills, it helps you work together with others and talk with them easily. This is really important in many different jobs. Imagine you're always learning, not just in school but all the time  this helps you get better at your job and also in your personal life. It's like having a superpower to keep getting better and choose from lots of different jobs. So, it's not just a good idea, it's like a secret plan to do well in your work and your life. Learning new things all the time is like having a special strategy for success!

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

 At present, I find myself not actively engaged in the pursuit of acquiring new skills. However, if given the chance, my inclination leans towards immersing myself in the realms of graphic design and video editing. These particular skills hold significant appeal to me, as I perceive them as highly marketable within the context of my country. Embracing graphic design would empower me to visually communicate ideas, while mastering video editing would equip me to manipulate and craft compelling narratives in the dynamic landscape of digital media. The potential to contribute meaningfully in these fields resonates strongly with my aspirations and aligns with the prevailing trends in my local market.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Cookdata on January 24, 2024, 05:30:42 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

I'm good at writing and I know about photography but because of my limited time, I don't have time to stress these skills. Why I pick interest in writing is that it is a skill that will remain relevant from now to next decades and if you are good, you will be needed in all areas but one of the disadvantages of this is that you need to have a vast knowledge on different axes of life, be it tech, economy, crypto, medical, anything you can think of, as a writer you need to have a broad and general knowledge to be able to deliver a good and understanding content for your readers.

As for photography, I learnt that when I was in school and I must say that I had a lot of friends and customers then but when I changed location, everything changed and at a point it was interesting like when I was in school but maybe it was because of the challenges of trying to see more to life, trying new things and new environment but if there is any skill I will still love to do, I will go with a photography because I see people paying some hundreds of dollars in school to get the certificate whern you can do it by yourself and I forget to say that it's very lucrative if you are a good styler.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Hamphser on January 24, 2024, 05:42:38 PM
It's not just about the skill, but the trip to learn it. Like sowing a garden seed. You water, care for, and watch it grow. Skills function that way. They grow from modest to great. Consider personal finance. I learned it for its practicality and empowerment. Understanding money flow, saving techniques, and investment intricacies.. Doesn't that expertise matter in today's economy?

Sometimes the best skills are against the grain. Unexpected, right? It's like learning to save when everyone's spending, or investing in self-education when others are content with the status quo. Seeing opportunity where others perceive hurdles. Economics and negotiating were my focus. Why? Because these skills open avenues for personal benefit and profound impact. I'm curious, your skill? What seed are you watering in the garden? Every ability has the potential to impact your life and the planet
Trip or simply have the passion on learning it because you do know that this is something that you could benefit out. We are living into this world where economic state do really sucks on which if you are someone
who are really just that earning that the average and not really that enough then it would really be just that normal that you should really be that looking for another source of income.
If its needed for you to learn up some skill then do it but if you dont then it would really be just that staying up that way. We do know that progressive life would really be that basing up on the things
that you are doing. If you wont really be acting well then you would really be just that staying like that, unlike to those people who are really that thriving on learning new skills.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Porfirii on January 24, 2024, 05:45:39 PM
In my case, I consider myself a renaissance man :D I have many interests, quite different: philosophy, marketing, AI, laws&economics, crypto, translations, psychology... and many more I won't disclose for privacy issues.

Of course, I can't master all of these passions, just a few, but I get along pretty well with the others too.

There's nothing I find more boring than a guy who simply has his 8 hours job and spends the rest of his time playing with the console or saying nonsense in some random bar. And worse: maybe he is extremely good at his job, and he may therefore believe he has the authority to pretend to be right about anything else... Specialization is practical, but it impoverishes the soul, imo.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: fullhdpixel on January 24, 2024, 06:14:33 PM
I have able to learn some little little skills like keyboard in church for cash and go to gigs and working as a shoe maker well I have own shoe making store and I started from little now look at where I am with the help of God.
So back to what I was saying skill learn is not easy because there are hardships when learning hand skills but it interesting after you are done with it, it just take short time …..
Yes, the hardest part was mostly in the beginning, but after it, we can now feel a relief, so we should not be afraid on starting something. There is no easy way as they say. And if there truly is, I will start to doubt it and I'm pretty sure that there is a catch, like, we will struggle later on (something like that).

God is truly good. See what happened to you? The good thing is that you discover your first skill inside his home or at the church. While for some, they can discover it outside or accidentally only. It's also great that god not only gave you 1 skill but there is another one too. And it seems the second one is the key for you to have a much better and more comfortable life. Congratulations dude. :)

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: letteredhub on January 24, 2024, 06:33:26 PM
Back then in the 60's to the 90's so much priority was given to university degree holders in gaining jobs faster than just been only a skilled owned person but gone are those days, now with the new trend of the society your skill set to deliver on the job is now given so much priority than just been a degree holder from the university. Now the practical in all field's  is what is put ahead of theory, so it's always advisable to have a skill attached to yourself it's a double value to anyone having a university degree and as a  skilled man too.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Hewlet on January 24, 2024, 06:55:29 PM
So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills.
the different between people that are employed and those that are still complaint of lack of job is basically the difference in the skill they have. And let's make this clear that being skilled could basically be in two format. You could become a master at a relevant skill which you will be practicing while you learn other sub skills that will make you relevant in the global stage in general.

Of of the reason also why developed nation will continue to do better than developing nation is because the developer nations ensure that their youth are well skilled so they wouldn't need to get a particular service from an outside person in the future. The developing country on the other hand depends more on the will set from an outsider and would pay huge amount of money to get expert from an outside country instead of training people in their locality to become skilled at the said field.

If you're skilled, no matter the rate of unemployment in your country or the rate of corruption involved before one can secure a job, you will always be sort after for a job and wouldn't be among the unemployed at all.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: uneng on January 24, 2024, 07:04:07 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I never thought about educating myself in a superior level, but after trying to develop my entrepreneurship skills in different home businesses, I reached the conclusion they were too time consuming, effort demanding for low income in counterpart, or without enough demand from the public to work sustainably, so I gave up and made a new attempt by entering a superior educational institution of Psychology for a degree on this area.

The main skills we learn on this working field are observational techniques, to understand what is happening with the individual to be treated and how we could further assist him through different techniques employed by therapists. There are other skills to be developed, such as logical thinking, ethics, empathy, kindness, perspicacity. I've chosen this area, due to personal experiences I had along my life with people around who made me realize this could be a field of work where I could be helpful to other people, besides it being a demanded kind of service from the modern service, which can't be replaced by AIs and new automatic technologies.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Bazzu on January 25, 2024, 03:56:20 AM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Currently, in my area, many young people are becoming content creators. So I also followed trends and started learning about everything related to content creators. Starting from Video Editing and such.
And I also have several friends who are studying together and we have the same passion, namely to become content creators and hope to get additional income from there.

I am also sure that many members of this forum are content creators. Because the era of digitalization has really brought changes even in money-making opportunities. It's easier but requires more skill and tenacity to do it. But I believe if we are willing to try then we can do it in the end. And let the results come to us with the will of the Almighty and through the results of our hard work.

Improving finances is almost everyone's goal today. It's just that we must not forget the importance of being grateful and remaining a happy person.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Vinaa77 on January 25, 2024, 08:34:19 AM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Currently, in my area, many young people are becoming content creators. So I also followed trends and started learning about everything related to content creators. Starting from Video Editing and such.
And I also have several friends who are studying together and we have the same passion, namely to become content creators and hope to get additional income from there.

I am also sure that many members of this forum are content creators. Because the era of digitalization has really brought changes even in money-making opportunities. It's easier but requires more skill and tenacity to do it. But I believe if we are willing to try then we can do it in the end. And let the results come to us with the will of the Almighty and through the results of our hard work.

Improving finances is almost everyone's goal today. It's just that we must not forget the importance of being grateful and remaining a happy person.
When we have decided to pursue a field then we have to do it absolutely perfectly and don't just follow trends and not produce anything from what we have learned, it will indeed be a motivation for us if we study it with several friends, however We should not just follow people even though we have no interest in that field and if we only follow trends and also follow friends even though we have no interest, of course this will be very detrimental to the time we have.
In this digital era, we can easily learn what we want and if we can learn it well then we will be able to earn an income from the skills we have and we also have to remain grateful for what we have gotten from the results of what we have done.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on January 25, 2024, 08:36:12 AM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

            -   Maybe when it comes to earnings skills, crypto trading is how I learned to earn here every day. Somehow, even if what I get is just right or moderate, it's still a big thing and a big help to me, honestly speaking.

And while I'm doing this, I don't stop learning here; instead, I continue this lesson even more because, to be honest, I don't know enough about crypto trading. Because the analysis here indicates in which direction the price value of Bitcoin or crypto will go, it is not easy to determine when it comes to the actual trading itself in the crypto space.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: bluebit25 on January 25, 2024, 08:53:46 AM
(...)So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

I feel there is no limit to learning, and it is important to apply the knowledge learned in life to achieve goals, and the most basic is the goal of survival, and simple survival by making money. I am exposed to many different fields, and when I realize some similarities in work operations, I always want to exploit my own abilities with that job, many of the skills I have accumulated from learning vocabulary such as photoshop, video editing, article writing, translation, financial market research, using the internet,... and I find them all useful to apply to any job. Transforming into a new form of work brings something different and new. There may be many perspectives, but the main goal of generating income has been resolved.

In fact, I feel that knowing as many things as possible will be very useful to be able to apply them, so don't impose too much on a specific job that only follows one mold, but be more equipped to do it yourself. Be creative with your own abilities.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Dewi Aries on January 25, 2024, 10:20:03 AM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Currently, in my area, many young people are becoming content creators. So I also followed trends and started learning about everything related to content creators. Starting from Video Editing and such.
And I also have several friends who are studying together and we have the same passion, namely to become content creators and hope to get additional income from there.

I am also sure that many members of this forum are content creators. Because the era of digitalization has really brought changes even in money-making opportunities. It's easier but requires more skill and tenacity to do it. But I believe if we are willing to try then we can do it in the end. And let the results come to us with the will of the Almighty and through the results of our hard work.

Improving finances is almost everyone's goal today. It's just that we must not forget the importance of being grateful and remaining a happy person.

That's good, because now technological developments are increasingly prioritizing everything being online, including content like that, but in my opinion, even though it can be done, of course it has its own risks and conditions. When you want to be a content creator, you have to have good self-confidence, because you will appear in front of the camera where many people can see it. I myself don't have good self-confidence, so I choose to just work behind the scenes.

Another aspect that must be paid attention to is that you must have tools that support you to do what you want to do. In my opinion, this can be done if you are consistent, because you are looking for customers to be able to see, share, like, and also support your content. It's not easy, in my opinion extra energy is needed for this, even though you can do it by just staying at home. do it if you really believe in it, but don't do it if you are only half-hearted enough to do it, it will be a problem later, also things like this can cause problems with your own friends, whether because of popularity or something else, also with the content you are going to create. It must be entertaining and educational, but it cannot be denied that currently there are many content creators who create content that doesn't make sense, but many people like it, they are also human, you can't guess their thoughts. so just do it if you are sure.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Alana Arden on January 25, 2024, 02:33:43 PM

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

We need skills to make ourselves good at something, and I believe everyone in the world is good at something. Many fail to improve their skills due to a lack of practice alone.On the other hand, people are good at action; no one gets better in a day. We have to keep up with the times.
Many people are attracted to or inclined towards current technologies (internet, blockchain, graphic design, writing, photo editing, video editing, blogs, etc.). But the family I belong to is kept away from all these technologies, which makes it difficult for me to know about them.
The work I've mastered before is a little different from everyone else's. This may not sound like much to many, but I respect my work very much, and not everyone's opinion will be the same, so I won't agree with them. I am fairly skilled in handicrafts and able to earn income from handicrafts. This job used to be my passion, but jobs are often boring lately, which gives me a break now.

But my love for writing was already there, and now I like to write articles on various topics, although I have not developed that much yet. But very soon I will develop my passion for writing articles and also have a great desire to know the technical side of the internet. I am really eager to learn these things to stay away from internet technology all the time. It goes without saying that we're leaning a little more toward prohibition. So I am trying to know, understand, and learn current technologies, especially article writing and cryptography (trade).
God willing, one day I will prove myself to improve my skills in this matter, although this path is not easy for me. Yet human learning has no age, and knowledge has no end. Knowledge can be acquired at any time if there is a strong will to know or learn.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: xSkylarx on January 25, 2024, 04:41:12 PM
Mostly technical skills like programming because this would be a lifelong skill that we are bringing until the next few years, but the time on me won't allow myself because of the commitments that I need to make in my personal life. Having skills really gives you an advantage when you are looking for work or even using them in your current work. There are really times that you will lose motivation, but if you think about the reason you started, that is where you will get motivated again.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Mate2237 on January 25, 2024, 04:59:57 PM
There is no big deal here. Skill workers are even the best in the world. Even some universities in the process of learning the lecturers in the course would asked you to go and learn skills so that when you finished school, you would not suffer to look for jobs but instead they will create jobs for themselves and for others. As others have said, I a and also into the skill of writing and computer engineering.

Those are my areas of skill. If one is good in his area of skill then all skills are good.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: YOSHIE on January 25, 2024, 05:03:37 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Indeed, in today's life, having skills is one of the factors to boost the economy individually or globally, with today's life being very sophisticated and adding technology as part of human life. Skills must be prioritized.

I am very sure that there are many skills that have been mastered by those here, especially to increase their income, there are examples of members here who have painting skills:, like digital and so on.

It shows one of the skills that members here have to add to their economy. Personally, the skills are real, explained here too long.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: gabbie2010 on January 25, 2024, 06:15:23 PM

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Trading is the only skill that I am eagerly learning with passion though I had traded both crypto and forex market I am yet to reach the level of perfection and consistent profit earning thus I am not resting on my oars I will continue to learn every details and nitty gritty of trading though I had few years of learning and studying of chart patterns and few period of live trading experience, meanwhile the main reason why I picked trading is to be financial independence in the nearest future because as soon as I begin to earn profit consistently I would quit 9-5 job to fully concentrate on trading after raising enough capital to fund my trading account.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Y3shot on January 25, 2024, 07:02:22 PM
There is no big deal here. Skill workers are even the best in the world. Even some universities in the process of learning the lecturers in the course would asked you to go and learn skills so that when you finished school, you would not suffer to look for jobs but instead they will create jobs for themselves and for others. As others have said, I a and also into the skill of writing and computer engineering.

Those are my areas of skill. If one is good in his area of skill then all skills are good.
The things is that the world has really  change that working job is not sufficient for everyone, skill has taking the new generation.  With skill one can generate money and take careful of oneself. Skill will quickly give you what you want but hoping to get a job to sustain yourself this time will take you lot of energy.  Where the word is heading to now it is important for people acquire skill that they can always look up to .

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on January 25, 2024, 08:47:14 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Currently, in my area, many young people are becoming content creators. So I also followed trends and started learning about everything related to content creators. Starting from Video Editing and such.
And I also have several friends who are studying together and we have the same passion, namely to become content creators and hope to get additional income from there.

I am also sure that many members of this forum are content creators. Because the era of digitalization has really brought changes even in money-making opportunities. It's easier but requires more skill and tenacity to do it. But I believe if we are willing to try then we can do it in the end. And let the results come to us with the will of the Almighty and through the results of our hard work.

Indeed, with the increase in the current era of digitalization, most young people have the desire to be in the same potential by studying this and trying to compete in improving the quality of the content created, but on the other hand, apart from the increasing number of rivals, this also ultimately has a negative effect because it is not uncommon to see that anything is now used as content including in an act of crime or even someone's sadness and misery is now used as content to attract audience sympathy and empathy.
It is not wrong to improve ourselves in deepening our knowledge, especially for the era of digitalization and content creators like this, but we also have to know the limits that we must maintain so that a very good trend does not become bad because of some actions that only think about views.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Agbamoni on January 25, 2024, 09:07:14 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Currently, in my area, many young people are becoming content creators. So I also followed trends and started learning about everything related to content creators. Starting from Video Editing and such.
And I also have several friends who are studying together and we have the same passion, namely to become content creators and hope to get additional income from there.

I am also sure that many members of this forum are content creators. Because the era of digitalization has really brought changes even in money-making opportunities. It's easier but requires more skill and tenacity to do it. But I believe if we are willing to try then we can do it in the end. And let the results come to us with the will of the Almighty and through the results of our hard work.

Improving finances is almost everyone's goal today. It's just that we must not forget the importance of being grateful and remaining a happy person.
When we have decided to pursue a field then we have to do it absolutely perfectly and don't just follow trends and not produce anything from what we have learned, it will indeed be a motivation for us if we study it with several friends, however We should not just follow people even though we have no interest in that field and if we only follow trends and also follow friends even though we have no interest, of course this will be very detrimental to the time we have.
In this digital era, we can easily learn what we want and if we can learn it well then we will be able to earn an income from the skills we have and we also have to remain grateful for what we have gotten from the results of what we have done.
Your right, everyone is supposed to choose their niche and not follow every trend they see online. This is because what can possibly work for Mr. A may not work for Mr. B. One thing i have learnt last year is to understand what works for me most. Something i derive joy and i can comfortably sit for hours working of which i have find out. T

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: ndutndut on January 25, 2024, 10:28:21 PM
Mostly technical skills like programming because this would be a lifelong skill that we are bringing until the next few years, but the time on me won't allow myself because of the commitments that I need to make in my personal life. Having skills really gives you an advantage when you are looking for work or even using them in your current work. There are really times that you will lose motivation, but if you think about the reason you started, that is where you will get motivated again.
Yes, skills are really needed to increase our income so that our finances are healthier. We also know that the world of work is changing rapidly, the skills, knowledge and competencies we have can help and advance our careers in the future. Moreover, the skills we have are skills that not many other people have, for example those who are experts in programming.

Luckily if someone has the skills, to be honest, currently I don't have the skills that I have fully mastered. but even so, currently I am looking for and continuing to learn from trading and creating content creators and hope that one day this will become my expertise. Searching for skills sometimes requires strong determination and intention, except for those who have had skills since childhood.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: arimamib on January 25, 2024, 11:13:48 PM
The things is that the world has really  change that working job is not sufficient for everyone, skill has taking the new generation.  With skill one can generate money and take careful of oneself. Skill will quickly give you what you want but hoping to get a job to sustain yourself this time will take you lot of energy.  Where the word is heading to now it is important for people acquire skill that they can always look up to .
The evolving landscape of the world and the job market emphasizes the importance of acquiring skills beyond traditional employment. Adapting to the changing dynamics by investing in skills can indeed provide individuals with the means to navigate the uncertainties of the future and take control of their financial well-being. It's a proactive approach that aligns with the demands of the evolving global economy.

Developing a range of skills not only makes individuals more adaptable to changing job markets but also empowers them to create their own opportunities through entrepreneurship or freelancing. In a rapidly changing world, individuals who invest in continuous learning and skill acquisition are better positioned to thrive and take control of their professional journey. It's a strategy that not only enhances employability but also fosters resilience in the face of uncertainties.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: oktana on January 25, 2024, 11:40:10 PM
I do not wish to share what skills I am currently learning, however, this reply is me trying to encourage those who are learning a skill to please keep up. Most people resort to find a job in which they are employed and forget about their personal growth. But it is important to invest in yourself too. Remember that when you learn a skill, you become the product and you can sell in any country and at anytime based on your experience. It’s not always easy when you start but every milestone makes you better and better. Keep up!

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: batang_bitcoin on January 25, 2024, 11:48:25 PM
Not me but what I notice nowadays is that everyone is learning to be a salesman. Not just from this industry but everywhere and that's like the skill that will never be gone out of sight even years will pass by. And in the past, it's already there. I'm starting to have that idea that my children should be taught about having the skills in sales because when you've got that, it's like that you can be placed everywhere. You'll be more social, you've got the interpersonal skills, communication, rapport, and everything that you need to go along with people or potential customers.
PS: I am no good with that.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: bettercrypto on January 26, 2024, 02:55:12 AM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

Skills are important that you will remember; through skills, we can find a way to make a profit. That's why there are others who have skills that they don't know about, but they are able to use the skills that they didn't know they could use and benefit from.

There are others who know they have skills, but they don't use them correctly, or they don't really use them because they don't know how to use them. That's the reality that I noticed and saw happening.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: rojan on January 26, 2024, 04:10:05 AM
I do not wish to share what skills I am currently learning, however, this reply is me trying to encourage those who are learning a skill to please keep up. Most people resort to find a job in which they are employed and forget about their personal growth. But it is important to invest in yourself too. Remember that when you learn a skill, you become the product and you can sell in any country and at anytime based on your experience. It’s not always easy when you start but every milestone makes you better and better. Keep up!
If a person has good skills in some work then that person can enjoy many opportunities. A person needs a lot of money to live a good life and to earn this money needs skills. If we can get good skills in all jobs.  We don't have to sit idle. If we want, we can work in our own country or go to another country to earn good money.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 26, 2024, 07:40:34 AM
Not me but what I notice nowadays is that everyone is learning to be a salesman. Not just from this industry but everywhere and that's like the skill that will never be gone out of sight even years will pass by. And in the past, it's already there. I'm starting to have that idea that my children should be taught about having the skills in sales because when you've got that, it's like that you can be placed everywhere. You'll be more social, you've got the interpersonal skills, communication, rapport, and everything that you need to go along with people or potential customers.
PS: I am no good with that.

Being a good salesman requires communication skill as very priority which will help an individual in many sectors but the job is obsolete already due to the e-commerce and whopping mall culture all around the world so you just need to know how to list your product and advertise it to get better sales.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: dunfida on January 26, 2024, 12:58:17 PM
Not me but what I notice nowadays is that everyone is learning to be a salesman. Not just from this industry but everywhere and that's like the skill that will never be gone out of sight even years will pass by. And in the past, it's already there. I'm starting to have that idea that my children should be taught about having the skills in sales because when you've got that, it's like that you can be placed everywhere. You'll be more social, you've got the interpersonal skills, communication, rapport, and everything that you need to go along with people or potential customers.
PS: I am no good with that.

Being a good salesman requires communication skill as very priority which will help an individual in many sectors but the job is obsolete already due to the e-commerce and whopping mall culture all around the world so you just need to know how to list your product and advertise it to get better sales.
Sounds simple but this is actually the hardest skill that you could really have on which trying out to market out something and trying to make sales. Having this kind of skill isnt really that obsolete but rather it is really that
something needed now that ecommerce is booming up.For those who are really that good when it comes to this kind of specific skills are the ones who do really be able to have that kind of advantage.
We do know that there would really be different sets of specific skill set on which it would really be that something relevant when it comes to additional income or additional job
since you are really that finding for another source, so it would really be normal that you would be needing to work hard for it.

If a person has good skills in some work then that person can enjoy many opportunities. A person needs a lot of money to live a good life and to earn this money needs skills. If we can get good skills in all jobs.  We don't have to sit idle. If we want, we can work in our own country or go to another country to earn good money.
Advantage is really there and if you are someone whose really that sensible on things that you would really be doing then you cant really just that make yourself that
be contented on what you do currently have but instead you would really be finding tons of ways on making yourself way more better
if we do speak about different source of income from different skills that you do have.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: CageMabok on January 26, 2024, 01:14:33 PM
Being a good salesman requires communication skill as very priority which will help an individual in many sectors but the job is obsolete already due to the e-commerce and whopping mall culture all around the world so you just need to know how to list your product and advertise it to get better sales.

I think this is very true because now salespeople who previously marketed products in real life have to face obstacles and competition through e-commerce and marketplace applications which are becoming increasingly popular on the global stage. So those who have communication skills as sales must be able to have other skills such as marketing products and creating advertisements on all social media.

So that the product can be sold in large quantities. Because nowadays it's such a time that sales are no longer as profitable as they used to be if you don't do something like that now, especially since every product is available on the marketplace and e-commerce, so everyone can track prices very easily via their own smartphone.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: sekalitas on January 26, 2024, 01:37:16 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

I'm currently learning Python and UiPath because I'm passionate about automating tasks. This will enhance my time efficiency, allowing me to make the most of my free time. As we all know, time is a precious commodity that can't be bought; it's always slipping away. In addition to these technical skills, I'm also refining my communication and writing abilities. Beyond that, I'm learning how to craft better prompts for AI  like ChatGPT and Google Bard, so I can obtain more accurate and desired outputs.  ;D

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Ucy on January 26, 2024, 02:27:11 PM
It's more reasonable for society to discover talents. People may have different talents or abilities they can use for the good of society. And since the abilities are inborn or natural(not man-made) , that is likely what the owners of the abilities will find satisfaction in and love doing.

Talents or unique abilities should be discovered and the owners sent to where they can be used for the good of society. They probably will need to be guided by people with similar abilities or people who can help put the abilities into good use. Such guides are expected to be people who have succeeded in their own field of endeavor with their abilities. Or they should atleast be able to successfully solve issues in their field when tested.

In regards to the question, I actually chose mine because I love to do them. Not sure I learnt them from anyone. I can do them without being paid especially because it's fun. And I can earn alot from them whenever I want to.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: batang_bitcoin on January 26, 2024, 02:45:52 PM
Not me but what I notice nowadays is that everyone is learning to be a salesman. Not just from this industry but everywhere and that's like the skill that will never be gone out of sight even years will pass by. And in the past, it's already there. I'm starting to have that idea that my children should be taught about having the skills in sales because when you've got that, it's like that you can be placed everywhere. You'll be more social, you've got the interpersonal skills, communication, rapport, and everything that you need to go along with people or potential customers.
PS: I am no good with that.

Being a good salesman requires communication skill as very priority which will help an individual in many sectors but the job is obsolete already due to the e-commerce and whopping mall culture all around the world so you just need to know how to list your product and advertise it to get better sales.
It's related because someone who's got sales skills can just divert it into marketing videos and how to endorse their products properly. I feel that it's like a lot of combinations for being a salesperson. While it's easy to say that many are diverting into e-commerce, there's still a huge market for people that goes to mall or it just varies from location to location. Because if you're in a country where malls are flocked or even not, let's say. You can always adapt the situation and make the most of it as long as you can apply that skill.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Zoomic on January 26, 2024, 02:57:57 PM
Many people do not believe that soft skills are really relevant. They concentrate more on acquiring hard skills to have that feeling of fulfilment. You can actually acquire hard skills and still not earn from it if you do not have the necessary soft skills needed to compliment your hard skills. Soft skills such as
  • Analytical skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Team work
  • Problem solving
  • Communication
  • Work ethics
  • Adaptability
And many other soft skills not listed above should be given same priority we give to hard skills. If you lack these soft skills, it will be difficult to grow in any field you've chosen for yourself. In this era, it is not about how hard you work,  it is more about working smart, and soft skills give that opportunity.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 26, 2024, 03:12:12 PM
Being a good salesman requires communication skill as very priority which will help an individual in many sectors but the job is obsolete already due to the e-commerce and whopping mall culture all around the world so you just need to know how to list your product and advertise it to get better sales.

I think this is very true because now salespeople who previously marketed products in real life have to face obstacles and competition through e-commerce and marketplace applications which are becoming increasingly popular on the global stage. So those who have communication skills as sales must be able to have other skills such as marketing products and creating advertisements on all social media.

So that the product can be sold in large quantities. Because nowadays it's such a time that sales are no longer as profitable as they used to be if you don't do something like that now, especially since every product is available on the marketplace and e-commerce, so everyone can track prices very easily via their own smartphone.

Some products are sold at the production cost just to increase the brand value of the company so the company's stock value will increase and they can make money out of it but local shops can't compete with that and as I said people also prefer shopping through online, now it is important for an individual to acquire the right skills too so that we can use it to something productive and get benefits from it.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: kingvirtus09 on January 26, 2024, 03:33:19 PM
I have been in this cryptocurrency business for several years, and I will admit that until now I have not stopped learning in this business industry. Because it is known how wide this field of cryptospace is. And there are many skills that can be given to us that we just don't know or notice.

That's how I was before, when I was studying and knowing this bitcoin and cryptocurrency. With every effort when studying this field, I gradually understood that I was developing skills in trading because I was developing an understanding of crypto trading through technical fundamentals and indicators to determine where the price of crypto will go in the market.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: lizarder on January 26, 2024, 04:07:30 PM
So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I have been developing a clothing business for a long time and this is the first business journey I have taken part in after learning how to run it at my sibling's place. From what I see, developing a business requires determination, self-confidence and skills to develop it because apart from having capital, these three things are the basis when we develop a business. The reason for choosing a clothing business is because I think it has the potential to be successful because clothing is a human need that must be fulfilled.

Currently I have reached the stage of financial freedom to be better than before building the clothing business and I also try to invest in bitcoin with the amount I can afford so that today there are two niches of income that I can get. For me, developing a business and investing in Bitcoin is the right choice because with this we can increase our income for the better.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Mahanton on January 26, 2024, 08:27:45 PM
So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
I have been developing a clothing business for a long time and this is the first business journey I have taken part in after learning how to run it at my sibling's place. From what I see, developing a business requires determination, self-confidence and skills to develop it because apart from having capital, these three things are the basis when we develop a business. The reason for choosing a clothing business is because I think it has the potential to be successful because clothing is a human need that must be fulfilled.

Currently I have reached the stage of financial freedom to be better than before building the clothing business and I also try to invest in bitcoin with the amount I can afford so that today there are two niches of income that I can get. For me, developing a business and investing in Bitcoin is the right choice because with this we can increase our income for the better.
Congrats mate and not everyone do able to reach out this kind of success when it comes business and yes clothing is one of the needs on which people do really need. This is somewhat a sustainable thing if you do planned on making up some business but of course risks is still there because competition into this market is really that high or challenging but since you've said that you have become that financially free then it does signifies that
you had been able to succeed on this case on which not all would really be able to do so. This is why its really that important that you should really be that knowing on when to do the hard work if you are really that aiming on making  your life way more better in terms of finances. Not all would really be having that kind of chance but you wont really be able to know unless you do try.

This is why it would really be that important that you should really be that dedicated on whatever the things or goals that you do have in mind. Dont make yourself
that be stagnant and doesnt really make something for the better.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: oktana on January 26, 2024, 10:30:13 PM
Not me but what I notice nowadays is that everyone is learning to be a salesman. Not just from this industry but everywhere and that's like the skill that will never be gone out of sight even years will pass by. And in the past, it's already there. I'm starting to have that idea that my children should be taught about having the skills in sales because when you've got that, it's like that you can be placed everywhere. You'll be more social, you've got the interpersonal skills, communication, rapport, and everything that you need to go along with people or potential customers.
PS: I am no good with that.

I never actually thought about this. Indeed, the salesman skill is one that will always scale and is most times looked down on. Thinking of it, every company has that person or group of people who knows and is employed to sell the company’s product. I’ve seen various commercials and they can make you visualize something small to be big and you suddenly see the important. When you have a good salesman skill, you do not have to worry about what you’re selling because the skill entails being able to sell the said item with whatever pros it has. It’s a good one.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: batang_bitcoin on January 26, 2024, 11:48:42 PM
Not me but what I notice nowadays is that everyone is learning to be a salesman. Not just from this industry but everywhere and that's like the skill that will never be gone out of sight even years will pass by. And in the past, it's already there. I'm starting to have that idea that my children should be taught about having the skills in sales because when you've got that, it's like that you can be placed everywhere. You'll be more social, you've got the interpersonal skills, communication, rapport, and everything that you need to go along with people or potential customers.
PS: I am no good with that.

I never actually thought about this. Indeed, the salesman skill is one that will always scale and is most times looked down on. Thinking of it, every company has that person or group of people who knows and is employed to sell the company’s product. I’ve seen various commercials and they can make you visualize something small to be big and you suddenly see the important. When you have a good salesman skill, you do not have to worry about what you’re selling because the skill entails being able to sell the said item with whatever pros it has. It’s a good one.
Yeah, it's like wherever you'll be going or whatever you'll be selling if you have that skills, you'll never be hungry. Because it's not just about the sales that you'll be talking with but it's about networking with people and how you'll be attached to them and befriend them. So many things can happen to a good salesman and look for example for Warren Buffett. He was also a salesman when he was kid, he sold newspaper and I think that's one that made him developed what is him now.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Smartvirus on January 26, 2024, 11:55:42 PM
One thing I am quite confident in is my skills in writing
This is one over looked skill which is apparently a very important aspect to our daily lives and skills around the world. Most of those who have been able to identify their writing capabilities for a skill, developed on it and utilize it for its best fit have benefited from this over the years.
I like the fact that you’re confident in it and actually realize this to be a skill, that means, you would sort for better.

Skills doesn’t rest on what you could do with your hands and your use of certain tools but also, in how your able to apply the least, not the least because many find it difficult but something as common as writing.

Owning a skill has been some means to validate yourself as a being, one without a skill is like one who is living on just a life line. That tells you just how useful having a skill could be.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: TopT3ns on January 26, 2024, 11:58:19 PM
I never actually thought about this. Indeed, the salesman skill is one that will always scale and is most times looked down on. Thinking of it, every company has that person or group of people who knows and is employed to sell the company’s product. I’ve seen various commercials and they can make you visualize something small to be big and you suddenly see the important. When you have a good salesman skill, you do not have to worry about what you’re selling because the skill entails being able to sell the said item with whatever pros it has. It’s a good one.
Every company will definitely have people with work duties as promoters or salespeople, and of course, with people like this, the company gets purchases and provides a lot of profits for the company. Without people like this, the company will never make money, even though their work is underestimated, but basically, the key to a company's success lies in the promoters or marketing that the company has.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Lantind on January 27, 2024, 04:20:11 AM
I never actually thought about this. Indeed, the salesman skill is one that will always scale and is most times looked down on. Thinking of it, every company has that person or group of people who knows and is employed to sell the company’s product. I’ve seen various commercials and they can make you visualize something small to be big and you suddenly see the important. When you have a good salesman skill, you do not have to worry about what you’re selling because the skill entails being able to sell the said item with whatever pros it has. It’s a good one.
Every company will definitely have people with work duties as promoters or salespeople, and of course, with people like this, the company gets purchases and provides a lot of profits for the company. Without people like this, the company will never make money, even though their work is underestimated, but basically, the key to a company's success lies in the promoters or marketing that the company has.
The field of promoters or salespeople in each company will work according to the skills they have to offer goods owned by the company to potential buyers and they will try to convince buyers to buy the products they offer, when the goods they offer can sell well of course. The company will benefit from the skills of these workers.
That's right, without promoters or salespeople who have skills in offering the goods their company has, of course they won't be able to sell the products they have even though the position they occupy is often underestimated by other people.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: pinggoki on January 27, 2024, 08:44:11 AM
Big tip for anyone that wants to try it out, do a self-assessment, what you're constantly or consistently doing right now could possibly be a good starting point for you choose a passion or a skill to learn, for example, you're having fun reading then you're probably better off finding and learning skills that's closely related to that hobby which is reading, maybe you can apply as a teacher, a storyteller, a writer or maybe even an editor. That's a big step imo, self-assessment combined with your will to learn a new skill, then you'll be doing fine.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: lizarder on January 27, 2024, 09:28:30 AM
Congrats mate and not everyone do able to reach out this kind of success when it comes business and yes clothing is one of the needs on which people do really need. This is somewhat a sustainable thing if you do planned on making up some business but of course risks is still there because competition into this market is really that high or challenging but since you've said that you have become that financially free then it does signifies that
you had been able to succeed on this case on which not all would really be able to do so. This is why its really that important that you should really be that knowing on when to do the hard work if you are really that aiming on making  your life way more better in terms of finances. Not all would really be having that kind of chance but you wont really be able to know unless you do try.
Thank you for your prayers and I wish all of us success in carrying out our daily activities and especially in reaching the stage of financial freedom. There were many failures when I first started and that made me more prepared to face risks in business. I also remember how Covid-19 almost destroyed the business I was running and I was lucky enough to be able to survive and adapt to current developments, both regarding how to promote and how to increase sales using applications available on social media.

Hard work, perseverance and not stopping when you experience failure are the keys to success, it is not easy to go through this process, but I have proven that if we are serious, the process never betrays the results. At least we will know whether we have failed or not after going through this process and if we don't have the courage to start then we will never know.

This is why it would really be that important that you should really be that dedicated on whatever the things or goals that you do have in mind. Dont make yourself
that be stagnant and doesnt really make something for the better.
Someone who has been successful in any business must continue to develop their potential and cannot just stop at the comfortable point we have reached because we never know what will happen in the future. Currently I am also taking a responsible approach to investing in bitcoin and I think this is a way to protect the money I have. Apart from that I also bought several plots of land and gold to save, this will be useful for the future of our children after they are big.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Negotiation on January 27, 2024, 10:51:02 AM
Skills help to do a good job apart from business to be successful in life one needs to have skills. If you have a passion for a work or subject nothing can divert you from that work choose what works best for you. For example, whether you have enough leadership qualities to easily solve complex issues of human relations or how quickly you can build good relationships with new people. Thus discover your skills and consider your strengths or abilities to implement them evaluation is essential in everything.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Peanutswar on January 27, 2024, 11:23:06 AM
People have different skills and talents the problem is they don't pay too much attention to this or don't have a chance to improve and they shift to other things that become more convenient to them, this mostly happens to people just to adapt with the things around them and sustain what they have, even they want to pursue those passion you don't have a choice but to agree but to the people who have the opportunity congrats to them because they keep doing what the things they love and they want. But today if you think you don't have a talent you must adopt it or else you will feel apart from others instead of getting confident you are doubting yourself.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: snowpega on January 27, 2024, 01:34:29 PM
I would like to learn how to cook, I came from place where there are thousands of cuisine but my cooking skill is very limited, and I really regret that. I don't have the time to learn cooking because I need to work and to make money, not that I didn't love my job, I like it too. The only skills that allow me to get money to fulfill my need is my job as graphic designer, it's getting harder nowadays because we have instant design app and AI, but I still manage fortunately.

I think aside of all the technical skills that we can learn in like a course or education, there are also other skills like social skills or soft-skills, that we learn by socializing and learning from experience, either our own experience or other people's experiences. This social skills or soft-skill will help us reach more people and market ourself.

Good effort dear, as more skills you have it will make you more worthy so always keep learning skills and money will chase you. In my case, I have the skills of Dropshipping (selling online products using Amazon, eBay, etc.) and content writing skill, And I am now learning about the crypto space, I had experience developing a website that was built under teamwork and I learned alot from there. Well, I urge to learn more and more. I have completed my bachelor's in computer science that's why I can learn things easily. If you have such thing to share with me i would love to learn from you dear.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Dunamisx on January 27, 2024, 03:43:09 PM
When you learn a particular skill, you will also be proud of yourself for having something as a quality you could render service for, some people would have taken it a long time ambition and only to dowco that thru are paying for the skills acquisition while they were old and they missed the whole opportunity of learning for free when they were young, we have have any skill today as long as we want such and use it as backup for the achievement of what we planned on a long run

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: oktana on January 27, 2024, 11:19:32 PM
Big tip for anyone that wants to try it out, do a self-assessment, what you're constantly or consistently doing right now could possibly be a good starting point for you choose a passion or a skill to learn, for example, you're having fun reading then you're probably better off finding and learning skills that's closely related to that hobby which is reading, maybe you can apply as a teacher, a storyteller, a writer or maybe even an editor. That's a big step imo, self-assessment combined with your will to learn a new skill, then you'll be doing fine.

Very good point made here. Just because you heard that you should learn a skill, or see the need to learn one doesn’t mean that you should do it blindly. It is crucial to start by evaluating your own self. What are your hobbies, what do you like doing with all that free time? Is it something that can eventually make money? How good are you at it? This will help avoid the mistakes of regret tomorrow. Many people today don’t like their job because they went into the wrong niche.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Dr.Osh on January 28, 2024, 06:42:43 AM
Well, currently I am developing my business skills, whether in terms of trading, investment, and others. I feel that people who are rich today are because they are very clever at taking opportunities, and making "problems" their solution to produce a product that can easily solve the "problem". However, I continue to study this, where I also look for potential products to resell, while learning how to do business and invest. I even apply this in the crypto world. Apart from that, a thirst for knowledge to develop skills is important in this case. This will push us little by little to success.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Ever-young on January 28, 2024, 06:48:52 AM
Do you know that skill is not just anything which one go out to learn as handwork? We have different kinds of skills which can put food in one’s table and all start from one having an innovative mindset and when you have that you can develop an intellectual skill where you can use your brain to work and not your hands, the skill of thinking and seeing above what others are seeing in an environment which you can turn what people are seeing as a problem into an opportunity developing an entrepreneur mindset.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: kaka_Shipai on January 28, 2024, 08:12:57 PM
So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?
Right now,
I am working on Generative AI and Artificial intelligence. But other then this, i am good at Javascript, webdevelopment, blockchain development and i also have been part of the blockchain community for some time now. So my life revolves around coding, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Baki202 on January 28, 2024, 09:23:47 PM
People have different skills and talents the problem is they don't pay too much attention to this or don't have a chance to improve and they shift to other things that become more convenient to them, this mostly happens to people just to adapt with the things around them and sustain what they have, even they want to pursue those passion you don't have a choice but to agree but to the people who have the opportunity congrats to them because they keep doing what the things they love and they want. But today if you think you don't have a talent you must adopt it or else you will feel apart from others instead of getting confident you are doubting yourself.
Skill is something you learn. Personally, I don't believe anyone would learn anything they are not interested in.
When you learn a skill you are passionate about you would do everything possible to learn every area about that skill and work towards becoming the best in that skill because you want to create a niche for yourself in that skill.

In our world today, people only see learning a skill as a source of income so they aren't investing their strength and effort into building their skill and becoming better at it. People have refuse to give value to developing there self. And that is why they only want to just want to make money they don't really give value for their work.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: redsun114 on January 29, 2024, 06:19:23 AM
People have different skills and talents the problem is they don't pay too much attention to this or don't have a chance to improve and they shift to other things that become more convenient to them, this mostly happens to people just to adapt with the things around them and sustain what they have, even they want to pursue those passion you don't have a choice but to agree but to the people who have the opportunity congrats to them because they keep doing what the things they love and they want. But today if you think you don't have a talent you must adopt it or else you will feel apart from others instead of getting confident you are doubting yourself.
Identifying your skills and talents and using them in the best way isn't easy and not everyone can do that. That is the reason why it is a blessing to be earning an income for doing what you like instead of doing something that you don't like but you are compelled to do it just for the money. When you are earning money by doing what has always been your passion, you stay happy and satisfied even if the money isn't a lot, on the other hand, even if you are earning a lot of money but what you are doing isn't what you like, you will barely feel happy in your life.

This means, in my opinion, those who are earning a living out of their passion are blessed and they are the ones who can enjoy their lives since they are doing what they like to do and also earning money for it. What else could a person wish for in their life? However, not everyone is lucky enough to have this in their life.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Mate2237 on January 29, 2024, 07:18:45 AM
Hey prefix1980 you have to reedit your post because as it is you have not make any comment but all is quote. That means we have not seen your comment. And anytime when you make a post as a beginner, you have to make sure that you cross check the post to see if it alright before leaving the page. And if you don't know how to quote someone, then you have to ask. Let me show you how it works.
the election in USA in this year will be very much interested
then after this quote you write your comment.

So you can follow up the way I did just to avoid error and if you know how to do it then no problem. Try to learn more.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: smelody on January 29, 2024, 09:16:54 AM
Hay sir,
I am a little person and little in this forum. I have an idea about passion for skill. we are personally doing various kind of work like business, many skilled of job etc. I hope every person have to take any one of skill as they prefer. There are no binding about subject. If any organization or person didn't any skill and use side way isn't better. All around the world every multinational organization gathering skilled person for their best profit and this the way in success. So I hope every organization and basically person need passion for skills.

If there is no passion there was no skill so every one should be Put it to good use skills.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: MarissaLopez on January 30, 2024, 05:42:51 AM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

Generally in the world today,people make it out big through skills,yes like you said coca -cola and all of that but the big problem why everyone with different skills are not making it too, that because they have refused to hold firm what they have,and see something great coming out from it.
It's an only when you have love, passion and dedication for your skills that you will skyrocket to dimensions.thats why you see all this big companies like the Adidas and all of sort doing great they love what they had and place their mind and everything into it.

To clear most doubt,most people with skills are lazy,which makes them unable to achieve anything with what they have acquired,they rather prefer something sharp and fast that brings them money instead of using what they have .
And in the society out of  a 100% it's only 20 that are making Good use of skills and with this that's why you end up having total nuisance in the society who end up as gangsters,robbers and all of that, reason being that they have blindly refused to use their various skills.
For me Skills pays a lot,and fetches one more money and achievement,I know what have achieved with my skills,have gone places,met new people and great people and will still explore more,that's the part most people don't see.
As a caterer and Baker, I learn new things each day and prefer solutions to people's wants.their taste and health is what matters to me,so I do all it takes to give them the best .I make it big time through this,rather than begging anyone for urgent needs.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Z_MBFM on January 30, 2024, 11:11:38 AM
Skill is a very essential thing in our life because we need to enhanced our living and most times it often turns to our professionalism because whatever thing we do out there that is bringing food to our table in a constant and a regular basis has automatically turned into our profession (hand work), people don't just need to learn but to use it as an alternatives to what has been putting food on our table we can have lots of skills but the ones we put more efforts in learning them often bring us great benefits in terms to come while those we took so serious or even go through educational system might not create that chance for us to start earning living through them therefore, the next alternatives could be the skills acquired when not in school or after educations.
Skill is very important thing for every persona because without skin you can never do well. If I talk about my country the education system of my country is such that the technical education system has not started till now due to which those who graduate have only book knowledge. so they can't do anything good even if their son completes graduation.  Because they don't have enough skills. And those who are able to build skills can do great things. That's why I also agree that skill is an important thing for everyone. And in this competitive age you must develop skills if you want to do well here

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Pikachi42 on January 30, 2024, 01:49:18 PM
Knowledge and skills are very important in human life.

I am currently studying and trying to acquire teaching skills. Because, the responsibility of transforming a nation into a human being rests only on the teachers. Teachers work to develop the country. Among the decent people at present, I would put teachers first. Everyone loves and respects teachers. Teachers are nation builders.

So I am trying hard to acquire teaching skills.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: xSkylarx on January 30, 2024, 03:08:48 PM
Big tip for anyone that wants to try it out, do a self-assessment, what you're constantly or consistently doing right now could possibly be a good starting point for you choose a passion or a skill to learn, for example, you're having fun reading then you're probably better off finding and learning skills that's closely related to that hobby which is reading, maybe you can apply as a teacher, a storyteller, a writer or maybe even an editor. That's a big step imo, self-assessment combined with your will to learn a new skill, then you'll be doing fine.

Very good point made here. Just because you heard that you should learn a skill, or see the need to learn one doesn’t mean that you should do it blindly. It is crucial to start by evaluating your own self. What are your hobbies, what do you like doing with all that free time? Is it something that can eventually make money? How good are you at it? This will help avoid the mistakes of regret tomorrow. Many people today don’t like their job because they went into the wrong niche.

I also noticed this because others just blindly picked those skills that are high-paying jobs, like coding. A lot of people want it mainly because of the salary, but when they start they don't have the courage to continue it or lack the motivation because they don't enjoy it so finding the right niche for you is best so that you can learn it easily and you can finish it. Right now, the tech stack is really crowded because everyone is wanting to learn it but let's see who can really survive on learning it.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Davian144 on January 30, 2024, 03:54:11 PM
Right now,
I am working on Generative AI and Artificial intelligence. But other then this, i am good at Javascript, webdevelopment, blockchain development and i also have been part of the blockchain community for some time now. So my life revolves around coding, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
For me, things like that are very extraordinary because you have skills that most other people don't have, even though nowadays things like that have become commonplace and are no longer rare. However, what you need to know is that your expertise like that is something very extraordinary because you can directly relate to Bitcoin through the expertise you have. If I had skills like you, I would also continue to work on it and would be quite happy with it because I could immediately work in a relaxed manner without any pressure from any sector.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: jaberwock on January 30, 2024, 06:08:04 PM
People have different skills and talents the problem is they don't pay too much attention to this or don't have a chance to improve and they shift to other things that become more convenient to them, this mostly happens to people just to adapt with the things around them and sustain what they have, even they want to pursue those passion you don't have a choice but to agree but to the people who have the opportunity congrats to them because they keep doing what the things they love and they want. But today if you think you don't have a talent you must adopt it or else you will feel apart from others instead of getting confident you are doubting yourself.
The fact that people think that your passion is something you can "prefer" is the reason why most people do not realize they do not have a passion. Let's take something as simple as possible, something as easily understandable as "writing", you can't just write a book and be rich, not many people do that, most people do not get paid a dime, and it takes decades before you are even half decent yourself, and even then most people do not get paid enough to live.

If you have a passion, you would be willing to live in a small room, work part time as dishwasher in some cafe, and use every little other time you have to get better. I know people like that who made zero dollars for YEARS and now they have 2 movies in the top 10 most watched in a nation last year. So, always realize that your passion is not something you prefer, it doesn't matter how terrible life will get, you will always be asked for more.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: ichsan ardi on January 30, 2024, 08:25:38 PM
Hey people.

So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.

So, we all know how important skills are not only on an individual basis but also on that of the economy, and many of us without doubt are either in the process of learning or already earning from skills. Needless to say, many global brands started as a result of skills learned and used to benefit people. The creators of Adidas,  puma, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, and even sports professionals, etc all learned and practiced their skills more than enough to become the best of the best.

So, my question is very simple. What skills are you currently learning or have learned and are earning from, and what is the reason why you picked it?

I am currently studying information technology and I am also studying AI. I am studying these two things because I think these 2 skills will be very useful in the future with today's technology which is getting more advanced day by day. That is the reason I am studying information technology and AI.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: oktana on January 30, 2024, 11:59:33 PM
Big tip for anyone that wants to try it out, do a self-assessment, what you're constantly or consistently doing right now could possibly be a good starting point for you choose a passion or a skill to learn, for example, you're having fun reading then you're probably better off finding and learning skills that's closely related to that hobby which is reading, maybe you can apply as a teacher, a storyteller, a writer or maybe even an editor. That's a big step imo, self-assessment combined with your will to learn a new skill, then you'll be doing fine.

Very good point made here. Just because you heard that you should learn a skill, or see the need to learn one doesn’t mean that you should do it blindly. It is crucial to start by evaluating your own self. What are your hobbies, what do you like doing with all that free time? Is it something that can eventually make money? How good are you at it? This will help avoid the mistakes of regret tomorrow. Many people today don’t like their job because they went into the wrong niche.

I also noticed this because others just blindly picked those skills that are high-paying jobs, like coding. A lot of people want it mainly because of the salary, but when they start they don't have the courage to continue it or lack the motivation because they don't enjoy it so finding the right niche for you is best so that you can learn it easily and you can finish it. Right now, the tech stack is really crowded because everyone is wanting to learn it but let's see who can really survive on learning it.

It’s not just because they don’t enjoy it but I think it’s mostly about motivation. We humans need some form of motivation to keep going because they are days that we will feel like giving up, and without a source of motivation, you will likely give up. I don’t think going for coding because it’s high paying is bad, who doesn’t want money? And the tech stack may be crowded but when it comes to how many people who are developers, the statistics is lower than what you think. So if one can successfully go through it, you will notice that there’s demand and it isn’t as crowded as you think. The world today is technological and having that skill gives you the window to make a lot of money.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: slapper on January 31, 2024, 02:09:29 PM
People have different skills and talents the problem is they don't pay too much attention to this or don't have a chance to improve and they shift to other things that become more convenient to them, this mostly happens to people just to adapt with the things around them and sustain what they have, even they want to pursue those passion you don't have a choice but to agree but to the people who have the opportunity congrats to them because they keep doing what the things they love and they want. But today if you think you don't have a talent you must adopt it or else you will feel apart from others instead of getting confident you are doubting yourself.
The fact that people think that your passion is something you can "prefer" is the reason why most people do not realize they do not have a passion. Let's take something as simple as possible, something as easily understandable as "writing", you can't just write a book and be rich, not many people do that, most people do not get paid a dime, and it takes decades before you are even half decent yourself, and even then most people do not get paid enough to live.

If you have a passion, you would be willing to live in a small room, work part time as dishwasher in some cafe, and use every little other time you have to get better. I know people like that who made zero dollars for YEARS and now they have 2 movies in the top 10 most watched in a nation last year. So, always realize that your passion is not something you prefer, it doesn't matter how terrible life will get, you will always be asked for more.
Passion is the fire that stays going when all else goes cold, not a preference, like ice cream. Breaking through the fog: passion doesn't excuse you from reality. Yes, sacrifice is necessary, but don't glorify struggle

You mention shoebox living and pot-scrubbing? There are other ways to show seriousness. It requires wise choices, resource leveraging, and occasionally making money in ways that don't make you happy to feed what does

Success requires more than enthusiasm. Resilience, strategy, and luck matter. The top 10 films? Behind them are years of unseen work, decisions, pivots, and possibly serendipity. Let's not simplify the story. Wisdom guides, passion drives

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: blckhawk on January 31, 2024, 02:18:57 PM
When you learn a particular skill, you will also be proud of yourself for having something as a quality you could render service for, some people would have taken it a long time ambition and only to dowco that thru are paying for the skills acquisition while they were old and they missed the whole opportunity of learning for free when they were young, we have have any skill today as long as we want such and use it as backup for the achievement of what we planned on a long run
Depends, what if that skill is useless alone? What I mean is that choose a skill that's going to be useful at its own right, like what they do with juggling, it's a good skill to learn but it's useless if that's the only thing you want to do, you also need to learn other circus tricks too. Best thing is to assess if that skill is worth learning alone or if you need to supplement it with other stuff, it's not that difficult to assess a skill that you want to learn so no worries needed, just be aware of this stuff. Regarding your passion, you choice is always influenced by that, just listen to your heart and you know where to go already.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Bitco55 on February 11, 2024, 08:40:57 PM
There's this thing about learning skills in today's world. I don't know if I'm the only one who gets it, but then deciding to learn a particular skill, you made up your mind and all and then boom, someone just comes with or you discover something better and it becomes hard to focus on the stuff you were learning before. How does one deal with such things ? It may also be due to the fact that the times are changing and information are getting to much for you to keep up with. So the question remains the same, what would one do in this situation?

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: stadus on February 11, 2024, 09:56:47 PM
Now that I’m into crypto space, aside that I’m into trading and hodling, I also want to learn some crypto job opportunities so that if ever trading and investing might not be profitable anymore, at least I can still stay in crypto because I have developed good skills that made me still profitable and is giving me a sustainable source of income. Although I believe crypto jobs are not forever, but at least I have benefited from them even for a short period of time.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: MissNonFall9 on February 24, 2024, 03:27:18 PM
I am a very ordinary person and I don't have any special skills. However, I am working relentlessly to be good in the online section. Because it is my favorite place and my love works on it I also know that skill is a very important aspect of life that is highly related to success in life and improves quality of life.
I know that one can only be passionate about a skill when people have affection or love works on it. Although I have earned very little from the online section I am very hopeful that I will do much better in the coming days. That is why I am doing a thesis on digital marketing and bitcoin holdings.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: harapan on February 25, 2024, 10:41:27 AM
I don’t know to what extent my occupation can be classified as a skill, but the ability to sell people a product is probably something that I am constantly improving. Many materials allow you to regularly learn and improve good sales, so much so that if a person comes to a store to buy a belt, an experienced salesman will persuade him to buy a suit to go with the belt.
We should not stop learning; the more we can learn new material, the more in demand we will be in the future.

It's not just degree alone,skill too is important.The question is do you really need a degree?
The great people from history were all skilled people.According to Elon Musk,"Don't confuse schooling with education,I didn't go to Harvard but the people working for me did.
 A degree has its reputation,but having a skill is super exciting. It depends on what suits your talents,personality and passion.I've not really thought about what to learn but I'm working hard to embrace one and stick to it outside this cryptospace.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: IvugeoEvolutionCoin on February 25, 2024, 02:40:09 PM
To live a good life in our life it is necessary to have a good job or business because if you do not have a good job or business you will not get a good salary and if you do not get a salary you will have a lot of trouble to live a good life.  Work skills are much needed. There are people who do no work and spend free time all day long. If they focus on work, they can live their life much better.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: bettercrypto on February 25, 2024, 03:36:34 PM
Having skills for me means that it really helps us; we can really use it to give us earnings or passive income, as long as we know what we are doing here in the crypto business industry. Well, in fact, my learning of trading here in the crypto space can be considered a skill. 

A skill that can somehow give me a profit, even if it's a small amount right now, is okay; at least, even though I'm slow to learn in this matter, there is some improvement happening.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Renampun on February 25, 2024, 06:05:44 PM
Now that I’m into crypto space, aside that I’m into trading and hodling, I also want to learn some crypto job opportunities so that if ever trading and investing might not be profitable anymore, at least I can still stay in crypto because I have developed good skills that made me still profitable and is giving me a sustainable source of income. Although I believe crypto jobs are not forever, but at least I have benefited from them even for a short period of time.

I am also the same as you, trying all kinds of opportunities that exist online to make money, I know the competition is getting tighter and tighter, but if I stop then everything I have done will be in vain, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are an opportunity that you really have to  take advantage of, a few decades ago we didn't see anyone getting rich from bitcoin and cryptocurrencies but now we see a lot of people getting rich from bitcoin and cryptocurrencies so bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are a big opportunity that must be exploited  maximally.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Claudeake on February 25, 2024, 08:14:03 PM
Knowledge is power. Intelligence is an amalgam of the acquired knowledge, wisdom and understanding. These intellectual components produce excellence in an individual. But skill is still required to activate these components to bring about the best. Therefore, skill is an indispensable element for intelligence.
Im a Political Theorist busy dispensing my service to humanity as a lecturer in the university. I still went further to acquire the necessary skills to conduct and carry out research in my area of expertise, and that is what Im doing now to earn further income.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: GeorgeJohn on February 25, 2024, 09:17:21 PM
So just for fun and a little bit of insights for people who aren't into any skills yet, I created this thread. It can also serve as a means of motivation for those who haven't started learning any skills yet.
There is something that is important in skin acquisition what is important really is that you have to know the method first and secondly you have to know the kind of skill that want to acquire first before going into it it is not must that anyone who have a skill must to survive on Earth based on it has acquire two things for itself.

What really matters is here engagement and their involvement into whatever thing you are doing nothing that you text serious that will not eat positively to you but anything you are doing and you are not serious about it there's no possibility for you to make success into it so therefore my advice to whoever that want to venture into skill acquisition is that you have to make up your mind to make a possible research that will benefit you in future before you keep off to have one particular skill that you want.

I have seen so many people who have acquired different kind of skills but yet they are unable to propagate in life but some people who has already make a research before they ventured into skill and their is no signs ot signal of success because of they did not research well.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on February 25, 2024, 09:45:57 PM
Now that I’m into crypto space, aside that I’m into trading and hodling, I also want to learn some crypto job opportunities so that if ever trading and investing might not be profitable anymore, at least I can still stay in crypto because I have developed good skills that made me still profitable and is giving me a sustainable source of income. Although I believe crypto jobs are not forever, but at least I have benefited from them even for a short period of time.

I am also the same as you, trying all kinds of opportunities that exist online to make money, I know the competition is getting tighter and tighter, but if I stop then everything I have done will be in vain, bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are an opportunity that you really have to  take advantage of, a few decades ago we didn't see anyone getting rich from bitcoin and cryptocurrencies but now we see a lot of people getting rich from bitcoin and cryptocurrencies so bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are a big opportunity that must be exploited  maximally.
Thats why we must make passion and skill an inseparable package.
We know that in the end enthusiasm alone is not enough to tame the competition that is always increasingly widespread so we need a skill to support it so that our enthusiasm is not in vain but on the other hand if we only have skills but do not have a good spirit it is also not justified because however it will make you a person who is difficult to make changes because you do not have a good spirit in running a business or work done.

We live in demand to survive and if indeed we ignin succeed then at least we must have good capital and enthusiasm and skills in supporting success (in addition to capital of course) it must be owned because competition will not look at us just out of pity if indeed we do not have qualifications in it.

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: Egii Nna on February 25, 2024, 09:57:33 PM
There's this thing about learning skills in today's world. I don't know if I'm the only one who gets it, but then deciding to learn a particular skill, you made up your mind and all and then boom, someone just comes with or you discover something better and it becomes hard to focus on the stuff you were learning before. How does one deal with such things ? It may also be due to the fact that the times are changing and information are getting to much for you to keep up with. So the question remains the same, what would one do in this situation?

Most of the time, this happens when you don’t really put it in mind that you want to learn specific skills, because if you have passion for that skill, you will definitely try your best to achieve that knowledge. That is because when you are learning something, you need to keep in mind that even before you finish mastering the skill, you have to have some plan that will sustain you, like plan B, which is that even though the skill you learned became outdated, you should be able to modify it to the present that will arouse the interest of people and make you invest more in your skill if possible and buy all that you have already produced. That is the power of working smart. So when learning a skill, you should focus on working smarter than working hard; that is just the key.
So when you want to start learning a particular skill, you should make sure you are ready to stick to it no matter the challenges you will face, because any skill will most likely be a challenge. Even life as a hole has its own challenges. Jumping from one skill to the next will not solve the issues unless it triggers the challenges you are facing. 

Title: Re: Passion for skills.
Post by: junder on February 25, 2024, 11:00:39 PM
To live a good life in our life it is necessary to have a good job or business because if you do not have a good job or business you will not get a good salary and if you do not get a salary you will have a lot of trouble to live a good life.  Work skills are much needed. There are people who do no work and spend free time all day long. If they focus on work, they can live their life much better.

the problem in my opinion is that jobs are difficult to find. although there are some young people who are stuck in their comfort zone who are not working, in my opinion, it does not mean that they are reluctant to work maybe they have tried to apply for jobs here and there but there are no results. even so I think they can take advantage of current technological developments especially if they have skills in the digital field, such as editing photos or videos, photographer services or others. in my neighborhood  there are now often a lot of young people opening photographer services and photo and video editing services that can be rented by people who are getting married who want to capture the moment. Although this only happens occasionally it can be utilized if we are interested in doing it. they can open small businesses such as online trading, because nowadays a lot of people shop online whether it's clothes or necessities  It is true that having a job will give us a salary that may be clear and fixed, but the thing that must be taken into account is employment opportunities, because once there is an opportunity to work sometimes in my country you have to pay first. whether it's only in my country or happens in other countries too maybe that's one of the requirements to be able to join a company but for those who don't have good finances it will be an additional burden on their minds.

Maybe what you mean is that everyone has to work hard, I agree with that. because having a job and having a clear income is of course everyone's desire because they also have their own desires about the things they want to have, maybe it's a gadget or vehicle or other asset. By having a desire like that, of course we have to work hard to be able to get a job and income. because in my opinion, when you grow up,  it's not the time to beg your parents, let alone ask for things that are only to meet your temporary needs. when we have a job and a clear income of course we can buy what we want, if we already have a job and an income then we can buy what we want,  of course with the money generated by our own sweat. That's not a problem because there's no harm in it because in my opinion that includes pampering yourself, of course we should occasionally be able to pamper ourselves by buying what we want or going on holiday to the place we really want. skills that we have to deepen find out where our skills are, that's what has to be done, even though there are people who work but don't match the skills they have, but because of the financial situation that needs to be fixed, we should be able to adapt to the job we already have. even if it is not in line with the skills you have.