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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: OGsmall on January 30, 2024, 02:50:50 AM

Title: Money vs Education
Post by: OGsmall on January 30, 2024, 02:50:50 AM
Well people would and will go for money but just a question why do more than 90% of people think money is the greatest of all things?? in the world

Most people do say money is the reason why                   

human must have education is this true??

Cause from my own point of view education is the

key to success, but a second thoughts how many

millionaire's in your area’s  didn’t go to college and

they have made it without education, so does this

means education is a scam?

OP I leave this to you guys for more understanding

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Ucy on January 30, 2024, 08:41:21 AM
Depends on what you mean by "education"... if it means to impart knowledge on someone then people who honestly made money without going through the typical school system are actually educated otherwise they wouldn't be knowledgeable enough to succeed in making money honestly.  Besides, people gain knowledge through different means, like via experience, self-study, by feeding on the "light", etc.
So knowledge is more important because when you gain sufficient amount of good quality knowledge, you will know how to do lots of things and earn a living. But what can an ignorant mind do with money? It will be squandered, misused or probably thrown into the garbage bin. But a wise and knowledgeable person will earn and use money well.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Natsuu on January 30, 2024, 11:06:07 AM
Money and education works hand in hand. When they team up, it's like having a dynamic duo. Education brings the skills and smarts, helping you tackle challenges and grab opportunities. Money is like the sidekick, making sure you can access quality education, learn more cool stuff, and chase your dreams without constantly checking your wallet. They give you you the freedom to rock your journey with both knowledge and resources in your corner.
Sure there are millionaires who didnt go to college but that doesnt work on everybody

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on January 30, 2024, 01:48:04 PM
Well people would and will go for money but just a question why do more than 90% of people think money is the greatest of all things?? in the world

Most people do say money is the reason why                    

human must have education is this true??

Cause from my own point of view education is the

key to success, but a second thoughts how many

millionaire's in your area’s  didn’t go to college and

they have made it without education, so does this

means education is a scam?

OP I leave this to you guys for more understanding

Well it depends what you means in the aspect of education because is beyond what people learn in the class room,  there are three major classes of education formal, informal and non formal. Non-formal you don't need to go through education to acquire knowledge.  Going directly to people going for money I will use scripture directive Ecclesiastes 10:9 said money answereth all things. This Bible verse tells you that with money you can do all things but with education you still need the money to do all thing. For education to be completed and cooled education money must be involved, before you get the climax of education be it formal,informal and non- formal all required money to be established, education is just like a car that everything is complete but can't move without deriver or human being the money is the deriver or human being. There two work hand in hand but money is the number one, that is why nation that have money control even the Nation with higher standard if education because they must need the money to run their system.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: btc78 on January 30, 2024, 05:38:12 PM
Education is important to one’s development whether this will give you money or not there are still many uses for knowledge that we get and besides knowledge does not only come from school you can learn a lot from experience and other people

I believe that real life requires both education and life skills it’s not that we do not need education to be successful but if you were not able to finish your education it does not mean you already are a failure because people have different life routes

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: boyptc on January 30, 2024, 08:55:11 PM
Poverty is the reason why people needs to get education. In most countries, you'll hear parents tell their children to have a good education so that in the future they'll have a good life.

But that's true.

You can compete with the world's poverty wherever you go when you're educated. And aside from that, there are the people that are good in hustling and that's how they deal with life and poverty.

Education isn't a scam, it's a necessity for us to not be fooled by anyone. Talk to the rich ones, and say that if education isn't needed then they pull out their children out of school.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Wandile Gumede on January 31, 2024, 04:35:32 PM
Well people would and will go for money but just a question why do more than 90% of people think money is the greatest of all things?? in the world

Most people do say money is the reason why                   

human must have education is this true??

Cause from my own point of view education is the

key to success, but a second thoughts how many

millionaire's in your area’s  didn’t go to college and

they have made it without education, so does this

means education is a scam?

OP I leave this to you guys for more understanding

Indeed money is the greatest, however education and money do have an undisputable relationship. Tertiary/college education which later turns into a qualification increases ones chances of employment which means more chances of you having access to money. However, I believe that it depends in the countries economic performance, if the country you are situated in is doing fairly great, there's going to be many other opportunities for individuals to gain access to money, for example entrepreneurship and VC.
So I would say education isn't really a scam depending on the environment you are in.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Volimack on January 31, 2024, 04:47:48 PM
Both education and money are needed to survive in real life and money and education are closely related. If you don't know education it will be very difficult for you to earn money and for those who know education or earning is much easier. That's why I think it is necessary to study to earn money, although I am not in favor of a person having a job, still it is necessary to study.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: jrrsparkles on January 31, 2024, 07:01:51 PM
Let me ask you a simple question that can tell you the answer and why everyone choose money.

Assume two individuals, one is a billionaire but dropped out from college or even in the school level and another individual who is financially unstable and having difficulty even to meet the need for the food but he is having master degree in two completely different sectors.

Now, let's be honest who do you think is successful from the above two?

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: rodskee on February 01, 2024, 03:15:28 AM
Not because it is not the most important thing means it is scam , Given that you are graduated
means have a good study but does not having a work or lets say you are lazy do you think Study or education will matter?

but even if you did not go to college and just a gambler that making money then that is what
says importance of money.

and why not have both than choosing one? to have Money then have education but it is not
mandatory because there are many Millionaires or even billionaires that does not have diploma but become very successful .

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Reatim on February 01, 2024, 06:15:31 AM
It can be Education or it can be money depending on how you are using it and how you acted on it , Money because this can give you everything .. Education because this can teach you how to make money.

Meaning hey must work together , education= Knowledge so you don't need to finish graduate to be educated in making money just have knowledge .

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: bitterguy28 on February 02, 2024, 06:44:30 AM
I don't care whos more important but for me as long as I am making money i don't care about education , so lets see what it goes . there are so many reason why people choose money  over education and you cannot blame them because the world is working with money and not because of learning.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Outside Baby on February 02, 2024, 08:14:48 AM
Well people would and will go for money but just a question why do more than 90% of people think money is the greatest of all things?? in the world

Most people do say money is the reason why                   

human must have education is this true??

Cause from my own point of view education is the

key to success, but a second thoughts how many

millionaire's in your area’s  didn’t go to college and

they have made it without education, so does this

means education is a scam?

OP I leave this to you guys for more understanding

Money and education goes together, an illiterate is not capable of handling his finances and cannot think wide or broad therefore, that money is not expanding.

That’s why even the uneducated ones that luckily became rich always have a financial manager or a business adviser.

So at every given opportunity, always pick money and education.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: cute nmp on February 02, 2024, 09:07:52 PM
Both are important aspect in everyone's life and we need them all but Education is supposed to come first cause without it Money making wont be easy at all but with right education and skills money wont be that hard to get  .They go hand in hand with one another

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Pi-network314159 on February 04, 2024, 09:26:12 AM
Money is important education is also important but I sudjest education helps to facilitate the pursuit of money. Because someone who is not educated can not be very versatile in all ramifications because he or she is not educated. Education play a big role in hustling of life. Business men who are not educated are forced to expose their monetary issues to there PA or there manager. Because that is the only way they could comprehend.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: mich on February 05, 2024, 09:00:09 AM
Well I am not one of those that thinks money is the greatest thing. I do think having your good health and having family and friends around you in more important then this.
If we want to get alot of money 1 of those ways to do it is to have a education. But it does not mean we must have a education if we want money and to be successful in our life.
I do not think education is a scam. We must have the doctors to be educated for taking care of us when we become sick. But I do not think we must all be educated like that.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: kotajikikox on February 05, 2024, 11:53:38 AM
Well people would and will go for money but just a question why do more than 90% of people think money is the greatest of all things?? in the world

Most people do say money is the reason why                   

human must have education is this true??

Cause from my own point of view education is the

key to success, but a second thoughts how many

millionaire's in your area’s  didn’t go to college and

they have made it without education, so does this

means education is a scam?

OP I leave this to you guys for more understanding

Don't make things complicated , Money is important  and education is important .

You work  , you earn money , you study you will work and you earn money.

so cycle remains and this is how it works , we need to work for money , either having education or not but we need to make money .

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: encryptogon on February 06, 2024, 06:14:41 PM
Both money and education are important for survival and success. With education comes wisdom which is important to earn money or multiply whatever you have. Education helps to work in an efficient manner.  Frankly speaking in the coming future, I think money will be more important than education to people because of the glory and luxury you can achieve with money.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Ravichnadra on February 07, 2024, 12:15:55 PM
Education is important to one’s development whether this will give you money or not there are still many uses for knowledge that we get and besides knowledge does not only come from school you can learn a lot from experience and other people

I believe that real life requires both education and life skills it’s not that we do not need education to be successful but if you were not able to finish your education it does not mean you already are a failure because people have different life routes

I read all your answers and you posts & replies are truly admirable. Thank you for sharing your view points.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Fatema Begum on February 08, 2024, 05:26:15 PM
I don,t understanding how to compared money with education because money is money and education is education.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on February 08, 2024, 09:48:27 PM
If you ain't educated how will you be able to make money? Like what kind of business would you venture in that wouldn't involve you having conversations with your customers, education is very vital in the life of every individual and as life goes on we keep learning new things every day so if someone doesn't attain education it would be difficult to communicate with other people on ways you can make money or things you would be involved in other to make money.

Money is good though but it is important to have knowledge before making that money otherwise you may not be able to use that money very well but when you are educated it makes you to be open on ideas and things that will enable you to make more money.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Thy7ace on February 09, 2024, 08:34:19 PM
What I will say is that both are nice but money can bring education and can help you in alot of things like covering expenses and stuff but have seen when someone with good education still turnout not having any thing to offers but still but need each other to sustain

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Mehedi72 on February 12, 2024, 07:36:26 PM
Don't understand what you are comparing. Both are different matter. But education has relation with money. If you are educated then you can go any work smartly and earn more money. There are lots of person in my area who didn't go to school but right now very successful person with lot of money. this is because education is not about going to school or college. you can Still teach yourself anytime anywhere and thus Education can  brings skills, knowledge, smartness, talent, confidence in you and that makes you better than others person

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: MissNonFall9 on February 17, 2024, 03:18:19 PM
Money vs Education, In this case I choose education. The reason is clear. Firstly I present the biological reason. Because to survive on earth biological matter comes first. If I get proper education and training then first of all I can use it in my biological field i.e. earn money or I can find a way to earn. The second and main reason is that I can apply education to my soul i.e. I can enlighten the soul enlighten our society the state and the world and make it beautiful.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Roland_King on February 18, 2024, 01:09:50 AM
Money and education are two necessary things to arrange your life well.  If you don't have money then you can't pursue higher education.  Every step in life requires support.  Without money you cannot plan anything properly.  Even if you have only money, you can't plan anything properly if you don't have good education.  So I think the two are equally necessary.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Princess Leah on February 19, 2024, 12:51:09 PM
 Both money and education plays a vital role in human life currently, yes there are people who's natural talents have earned them a good living and steady flow of money, however one still needs education because it helps develop  your critical thinking and also help you stand out in the society. Like Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful tool that can be used to change the world".

 With education one can be opportuned to get a better job, leave healthy and even become a better citizen of your country, check out countries where uneducated people with money bribe their way into power, you'll see that the opposite is always better, a government filled with learned and educated people would always be better than one where illiterates are in power or hold high government positions, that's to tell you how important education is to our society.

 Finally, education helps open people's way of understanding, one can have money but without having a proper education of how to manage it, you might end up losing your money to wrong investment or be scammed by learned people due to ignorance, so I've come to a conclusion that both money and education goes together.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: kotajikikox on February 19, 2024, 01:05:49 PM
I don,t understanding how to compared money with education because money is money and education is education.
This is how people has nothing to think and has nothing but just to have a conversation , but the reality , Education cannot be cpmpared to money because education can bring you money and also money can bring you to be educated as there is big amount need for you to learn from schools.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Sanugarid on February 19, 2024, 10:51:06 PM
Well people would and will go for money but just a question why do more than 90% of people think money is the greatest of all things?? in the world

Most people do say money is the reason why                   

human must have education is this true??

Cause from my own point of view education is the

key to success, but a second thoughts how many

millionaire's in your area’s  didn’t go to college and

they have made it without education, so does this

means education is a scam?

OP I leave this to you guys for more understanding

Education is really important, especially in our country, if you don't finish here, people will look at you differently, they will look at you as inferior because you have no education. There are also people who didn't finish school but become rich in life because of strategy and perseverance, but I'm sure that before that person got rich, he was insulted several times by people he knew, so he worked really hard to get rich. The money you get when you work even if you don't finish school, the education when you finish you have a degree, people still think you're good and the chance to get rich is bigger because most people are looking for college graduates.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Blackie@5 on February 20, 2024, 12:19:35 PM
For me nobody considered Education as a scam or not reliable currently now but the thing there is our educational system is not stable as early, like whenever you're done with school I mean collage or university you will be certain that once I'm done I believe
There's some JOBS out there I can fix myself and start doing so to start up a lifestyle after schooling but none, rather when I'm done I will start learning some skills on how to work or different kinds of labour JOBS , so what is the essence of Putting EDUCATION first when i will still pass through this very stress.

So I rather make use of my time and strength by learning or working before going to college or university to have that mindset that once I'm done with school if my Certificate don't speak for me then my skills will make me known to the world

Even people working right most times once said wish I had a skills of mine so once I'm retired I continue working than sitting at home doing nothing, so I prefer working or having a skill before college or university (schooling)

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Iamcrypticguy on February 20, 2024, 02:40:05 PM
Well people would and will go for money but just a question why do more than 90% of people think money is the greatest of all things?? in the world

Most people do say money is the reason why                   

human must have education is this true??

Cause from my own point of view education is the

key to success, but a second thoughts how many

millionaire's in your area’s  didn’t go to college and

they have made it without education, so does this

means education is a scam?

OP I leave this to you guys for more understanding

Depends on what your mean by your question. But if you can get both, then it's fine

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: cute nmp on February 21, 2024, 05:09:03 PM
I would go with education cause it comes first more than money .With Education one can reach heights that are unimaginable in life.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: rodskee on February 22, 2024, 10:48:57 AM
I don,t understanding how to compared money with education because money is money and education is education.
Maybe OP calls for the people to choose which to depend , either  they will choose money
over education or they will choose education first before money?but they are connected in all point
so there is nothing to choose here.

I would go with education cause it comes first more than money .With Education one can reach heights that are unimaginable in life.
another correct here , because after education then we can make more and more money
and can decide if to study again or stops and make businesses.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: peter0425 on February 22, 2024, 11:43:54 AM
Money and education should not be compared mate , because those two are needed in life we need to study to learn and earn but we also need money to study so who says there is one that more important? how could you be educated when there is money in your pocket.
Both are important aspect in everyone's life and we need them all but Education is supposed to come first cause without it Money making wont be easy at all but with right education and skills money wont be that hard to get  .They go hand in hand with one another
But also you can make money without education but you cannot go to school without money , meaning there is importance in money here.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Mrcool75 on April 09, 2024, 01:43:58 PM
When it comes to education vs money then both are important.  It is said that education is the backbone of the nation.  Without it man cannot organize his life well.  Education plays a very important role in the development of human life.  But it is also seen that many have never gone to school and college and now they are millionaires.  Maybe they learned from their surroundings.  But money is very important for survival.  You cannot discard either of these 2.

Title: Re: Money vs Education
Post by: Loveday422 on May 04, 2024, 03:56:24 PM
Money is  supervisor for all without money nothing like education,I go for money I prefer money than to be educated , without the money one can't go to school