Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Hewlet on January 30, 2024, 11:08:42 AM

Title: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Hewlet on January 30, 2024, 11:08:42 AM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Charles-Tim on January 30, 2024, 11:29:05 AM
Diversify. If you like offline business, go for it. That does not mean you can not invest online. Both are good, it depends on the nature of the work. But learn about what you want to do very well before you start.

running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.
Do not go for the ones that are risky like putting your coins on centralized exchanges, you can hold the coins on a cold wallet instead and have full control. Also go for a better coin like bitcoin and not shitcoins.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Spaceman1000$ on January 30, 2024, 11:43:56 AM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Every business has risk whether offline or online, the best way is to learn how to manage your Risk, for the online investment like Bitcoin it is best advice you always keep your seed phrase in a closet or a place that is very safe, and also use wallet that are well-known to be safe so hackers won't find you, because it's yours investment and should be guided at all cost.

For the physical business, you have to find a way of making sure  insurance covers it, should incase of fire outbreak, theft or any unforeseen circumstances that might happen in the future. in doing so you've been able to manage the risk involved in your physical business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Kemarit on January 30, 2024, 11:49:10 AM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Its has both cons/pros and I don't think you can leverage physical or online business in terms of risk. For me it's how you adapt on those risk or mitigate it. For example, during the pandemic, most business went online and there are really that flourished during the pandemic, like the food business because would just order online. But now that we are back to normal, at least locally, I see those who uses to flourish that time is struggling, to the point that most of them have close their stores because the customers that used to buy them can now go out.

And definitely, the competition as well, both business are very cut-throat, unless you find a niche that hasn't been congested or less competition. But in online or even physical store, there are a lot that is competing for customers and maybe that's one aspect you have to look as well in order to survive.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Casalania on January 30, 2024, 12:11:30 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

There are different risks involved in managing a physical business or investing online. It depends on the person's skills and experience in either field. Some individuals may excel in managing a business but have limited knowledge of online investments, while others may have the opposite strengths. The decision on which avenue to pursue should be based on what the person feels most comfortable with and where they believe they can achieve success. Both options are viable but come with high risks.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Jawhead999 on January 30, 2024, 01:55:18 PM
when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.
Do you think your bank accounts, PayPal accounts, securities account can't be hacked? even it's reversible, do you have an experience they refund your money?

Lost, misplaced seed phrase, send to wrong address are your own fault, you can send fiat to wrong account too in banks.

All of them are prone to bankrupt, while Bitcoin can't.

Everything has a risk, you're live in this world also have a risk to sick or die.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Gozie51 on January 30, 2024, 02:31:21 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I'm trying to look at the two and the risks that are involved in them. I'm more relaxed with online business whose challenges I see as getting hacked that is if you expose your wallet phrase or payment portal but physical business too apart from other challenges faces scam.

Some of the challenges of physical business is that someone can also scam a physical business operator, spoilage, traffic delays plus bad government policies from government against that area of your business.

So I prefer online business arrangement where you only need to worry about hack and not scam because scam cut across the two types of businesses and the panacea is being careful and vigilant.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Kelward on January 30, 2024, 04:13:29 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

There's nothing stopping any business person from doing both, physical business requires your physical presence to run it, while online investment can give you ROI without your breaking a sweat, so the same person can conveniently do online and offline businesses. The important thing is to learn and understand the risks associated with any of them, crypto investment is risky, and to minimize it the investors needs to invest in a reputable cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, they only need to protect their coin by holding it in none custodial wallets, protect their seed phrase from getting lost or being compromised, to avoid stealing their Bitcoin. The online investment doesn't stop your day job or business, you need to understand the risks involved in the physical business and guide yourself against it.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: knowngunman on January 30, 2024, 04:19:34 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

First of all, these are two different things and their mode of operation is different too. Business is about generating profits either by selling things or offering services and investment is using money to generate a profit automatically over time. We are not here to compare after all but I'm trying to make some clarification for better understanding. Coping with risk required one to identify and assess the risk and once you are able to do these, you can develop a risk management plan to mitigate those risks identified. With this alone, it's very obvious that physical business has more risk than online investment.

Although, they both have their own unique risks and measure to curtail the risks. Most of the risk associated with online investment can be avoided through precaution measures like conducting a comprehensive research before investing, using a very secured wallet, protect your wallet seeds the same way you'll protect your life. In physical business, you can practice all preventive measures to avert some of the risk involved like theft, damages etc but you can not predict the natural disasters.

However, the best way to go about it is what the first reply on this thread suggested. Diversification is the best approach to employ this days since engaging in one does not stop the other. Online investment is very soft and easy to engage in and you can focus on your physical business at the same time.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MegameSama on January 30, 2024, 06:31:34 PM
Actually, it's the same, online or offline, physical and non-physical, crypto, shares, property, real business, everything has the same risk. We as owners simply minimize the possibility of that happening. In real business, dealing with fires, work accidents and other things can be minimized by having an HSE section. For online businesses, the risk of hacking, data theft, scams, etc. can be minimized by educating yourself about cyber data security. It is impossible to do business without risk, the bigger the capital, the higher the risk, the bigger the return. Basically, if you ask which is more risky, both are risky depending on how much capital and the size of the business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: AprilioMP on January 30, 2024, 09:01:28 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

If it can be practiced according to procedures that can strengthen security and comfort, then both types of business are worth running.

For me, the risk level of online investment is greater than the risk level obtained in a physical business.
In my opinion, fires, floods and other events that are beyond our reach are not something we want and in the context of physical business I do not consider them to be major risks but I consider them as disasters. Like it or not, it has to be accepted.

The risks of online investment, if seen from several hacking incidents, may still be prepared from the start so as not to lose a lot of assets.
If the initial preparation means investing like Bitcoin, then carefully guarding the seed phrase and private key is the solution. In other types of online investment, I think initial preparation steps to avoid criminal activity can also be carried out in accordance with security needs.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Adbitco on January 30, 2024, 09:17:25 PM
All risk is risk and none can be considered lesser because they all involved money and for that you wouldn't want to lose your money for anything such is online business, as a businessman or woman you would always wants to run a business that could be so suitable to you without incurring any much risk.

To me choosing business to run that involves lesser risk depends on your capabilities to handle them, if you are good in physical business and you know you can handle it properly then you can go into that because I believe no business that doesn't involve risk but if you think you are a guru in online business and can manage the risk associated with it why not you go ahead than being confused.

Though online business is less stress free than physical business where you over work yourself to gain a little profits meanwhile you can just invest in bitcoin and have a better place to store your seed phrase while your investment keeps growing without you having to over work yourself as physical business that is the advantage online business has over physical businesses.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Mpamaegbu on January 30, 2024, 10:00:01 PM
... which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.
For me, both have the same level of risk. You may not believe it but that's a fact. Anything that can lose you money (whether fiat or cryptos) is risky and the level of risk depends on one's commitment and how much is invested. I've a long history of most of those around me not wanting to have anything to do with online investment. To these ones, anything online is a scam. Their mindset is already sealed on that.

Let me share this short happenstance, and I know some of us here may have similar experience. A few years ago, a man bought a shop outright (not lease) in a popular market in my state. Unknown to him that the market was to be demolished in less than a week's time. That was an offline business, yeah? Yet the man suffered great loss. He almost passed out.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Moeda on January 30, 2024, 10:01:51 PM
For me, there is no risk in investing in Bitcoin. Since the creation of Bitcoin until now, we rarely or almost never hear about core wallets being hacked. Core wallets or Bitcoincore are designed to store Bitcoin. Hacking incidents may occur on exchanges or other wallets developed by third parties, but they are not related to the fundamental development of Bitcoin. Meanwhile, the loss of phrases or private keys is due to the carelessness of the Bitcoin user.

Investors who invest a large amount of Bitcoin may not store it on exchanges because there is a high possibility that exchanges may be suddenly closed by their owners.

I actually think that physical business activities are riskier than online investing.

Online investment only requires carefulness and not placing assets in one place with a large amount. If we have some Bitcoins, we can trade in several different trustworthy exchanges.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: blockman on January 30, 2024, 10:04:54 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Both are risky but if which is more risky, we have to get some clearer idea first on what type of online investment that you're going on. If this is through Bitcoin then obviously this is way better than the option A and lesser risky. But also understanding about being hacked and potentially losing all of your asset then you are not for online investments because that's what you're thinking and you don't study first on how to secure yourself. Technically, IMO option A is more risky because running a business has no way to go because you just do everything in theory based on your research. While doing an online investment, you can study the market and see the charts of it and your only worry is losing it because of hack so technically all you have to do is to do your own research on how to protect yourself from any attacks. While running a business is really unpredictable and as we know, many businessmen tend to close down because it's always like a gamble to them.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: paxmao on January 30, 2024, 10:13:15 PM
understanding risk requires thinking in terms of mitigated versus unmitigated risk. Both business seem to have risk associated, but the key here is to what degree can you take those risks so that it becomes bearable for you. You may insure the physical business or have a better security around your digital one. Think not on the risk as it is, but how can you make it ok.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: EluguHcman on January 30, 2024, 10:52:41 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?
You have already outlined most of the essential risks possibilities but I can come in addition to it that Bitcoin or other related online investments are more better of in security terms in the sense that it is not negatively or disastrously affected by crisis (war) while physical investments are whole full at stake to crisis (war) risks to damage crashes.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Assface16678 on January 30, 2024, 11:34:07 PM
Both are risky, and no matter what level of risk they have, they still have risk, so I think I will treat these two kinds of businesses as the same. So in my opinion, what business will be more risky and which business you should choose will still depend on the business owner or the person who will do the business. Not all people have the knowledge to do business online, as it is complex, and not all people also have the knowledge or skill to do business physically, so it depends on the knowledge or skill the person has. That would be his business type, and of course, choosing what you are good at is what you must do in order to make your business grow. Choosing where you are good at and what platform or place you know where your business will boom is part of handling the business, so no matter what risk a physical business or an online business has, if the person who will build a business is good at one of these, then no matter how risky it is, that person will choose that platform.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: edy_58 on January 30, 2024, 11:53:48 PM
Actually, it's the same, online or offline, physical and non-physical, crypto, shares, property, real business, everything has the same risk. We as owners simply minimize the possibility of that happening. In real business, dealing with fires, work accidents and other things can be minimized by having an HSE section. For online businesses, the risk of hacking, data theft, scams, etc. can be minimized by educating yourself about cyber data security. It is impossible to do business without risk, the bigger the capital, the higher the risk, the bigger the return. Basically, if you ask which is more risky, both are risky depending on how much capital and the size of the business.
In investing, there are risks that we will face and the level of risk that we will face really depends on the amount of capital we spend to invest, but before we decide to invest, of course we have to understand well the risks that we will face so that when the investment is underway and suddenly facing a challenge, we must be able to face it so that the business or investment we are running still runs well.

What you say is correct, it is impossible to do business or invest without risks and behind these risks there will be profits that we can get from these two things, so it is very important that we understand the risks so that we can face them if problems arise from investing or doing business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: DVlog on January 30, 2024, 11:57:18 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Diversification is the key to minimizing the risk because it distributes the risk to various places and businesses. All the risk you have mentioned have their counterpart to eliminate those risks. Fire outbreak problems can be solved by adding fire safety measures, stealing can be eliminated by adding more security, bad markets can be solved by adding a money management strategy, and online hacking can also be solved. They won't give 100% protection but the risk of being in one of those will reduced a lot.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: hatshepsut93 on January 30, 2024, 11:58:27 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Not a good question, because risks heavily vary even among those activities. Some businesses are riskier than others, some "online investments" are riskier than others.

The fundamental difference between these money making methods is that if you invest in your own business, you have a large share of control over the outcome, while with investing in something you have on control at all, but also no responsibility too. But choosing the right investment is a skill in itself, so it's not like investing is fool-proof.

IMO people who have no clue about business or investing should just stick to low-risk investments like savings accounts and with some time and learning dip their fingers into other more demanding activities.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: shinratensei_ on January 31, 2024, 01:17:53 AM
the reason im more comfortable with online investment is because the money required to start is significantly smaller meaning there's not really that muchg of a risk of loosing all asset if we do careful investing in the first place, not investing too much at all, meanwhile with running physical business you will need something big to start out, if you want to run in the category of food and beverage, you need to invent recipe of your own, rent a place, also all the furniture and so on, although its overall too much of a starting burden for some people that don't really have that much capital.
I mean to be fair there are indeed many other physical business that doesn't require as much capital to start out but sometime it also require so much commitment and time for us to pour in and that doesn't even prove that the product we trying to present gonna have market, thats why many businessman and entrepreneur always building their MVP with minimum resources even then it still takes a lot.
with investment however like spot investment, if it went down i could just wait it out and i already mitigated loss.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Alpha Marine on January 31, 2024, 03:26:05 AM
I don't think we can pick one to be more risky than the other. Every answer will be subjective so there will be no definite answer.
One person may choose offline for his reasons and another choose online for his reasons.
So to me, I believe it's just based on preferences.

If you're contemplating whether to start an online or offline business, the risk shouldn't be what you should be looking at first. There are things like the type of business, the capital, clientele, and more. Also, many businesses you do offline might require a deep online presence to succeed and that means having offline risks and online risks.
It's difficult to truly measure which business has more risk. Aside from the fire, theft, and all other risks, there's also the risk of being defrauded.

What is advice is, if you have a business that can be insured, please get insurance. Insurance is amongst other ways, a way to manage risks. 

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on January 31, 2024, 06:42:58 AM
There is no business or investment that does not have risks, so we must understand this and all the risks we face will be proportional to the possible profits we will get.
If we have to choose between running a physical business or running an online investment, I think both are the same and it all depends on each of us in terms of being able to do it, because the risks we face will be proportional to the percentage of profit and also the knowledge we have in business or the investments we make.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Ahli38 on January 31, 2024, 06:52:24 AM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

The highest risk of bitcoin and other digital assets in my opinion is if all internet connections in the world stop functioning. And another risk is due to high price volatility.

Meanwhile regarding loss of Seed Phrase, Wrong sending, hacking and theft. For me, these are common risks that even exist in other investment assets. Although in a different form. And regarding which one would I prefer, between physical and online or digital investments, I don't think I can choose one or the other. Because for me both are equally important. That's why there is such a thing as investment diversification. Because we can reduce risk with investment diversification. So the right choice from my point of view is still to choose both. Because choosing one of them will only make the risk greater.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: slapper on January 31, 2024, 11:28:42 AM
Every venture has risks. Managing risk well is more important than avoiding it. Local businesses? We've had them since civilization began. Risks like fire, theft, or market downturns? The game includes them. Smart operators know. They hedge, insure, diversify. It is the first course in business risk management

Bitcoin and others are newer, but risk management remains the same. Hacking, forgotten seed words, and irreversible transactions are separate hazards, but they are manageable. Yes, they require distinct skills. Understand your investments' tech, keep precise records, and use cybersecurity as your best friend

Which is riskier? It doesn't matter. Risk management must be adjusted to each domain. Mastering danger is the actual skill. Your retail or digital asset trading performance depends on your ability to foresee, reduce, and manage risks. The wise person behind the business or investment matters more than the business itself

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: iamsange on January 31, 2024, 12:02:33 PM
In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

If everyone in this world is starting to become aware of following developments in modern times, of course choosing both is the more appropriate thing in my opinion. Because most offline business people are also starting to open marketplace accounts to place the goods they have in them so they can earn income from different directions.

So if most people really understand online investments like Bitcoin and also understand how to run their business offline, what do you call a physical business. Of course it would be very good if they were able to run both with different levels of risk because as long as they know what the risks are and are not too afraid of it, I think they will achieve extraordinary success because they can run a business while investing without any interference from anything.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: ringgo96 on January 31, 2024, 12:15:16 PM
There is no business or investment that does not have risks, so we must understand this and all the risks we face will be proportional to the possible profits we will get.
If we have to choose between running a physical business or running an online investment, I think both are the same and it all depends on each of us in terms of being able to do it, because the risks we face will be proportional to the percentage of profit and also the knowledge we have in business or the investments we make.
To overcome the problem of risk in business, of course there are different ways, and it all depends on the business we are running. If the profits we achieve are so big then the risks we face are also big, as you said, physical and online businesses all have risks and we We have to exercise our own abilities. The most important thing is never to force our abilities in business. If you can't do it then do it according to your abilities. In business, the important thing is that we should never be afraid to try because there are definitely risks.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: bitLeap on January 31, 2024, 12:20:10 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Take risks, build a strong mentality put aside the pessimistic mentality because every step in running a business always has its own risks. If you are always looking for lower risk then there is no suitable option to continue improving your career and growing your assets. In the business world, every risk is not a problem but our technique in responding to and minimizing it is the most important thing. Whether online or offline business, if you don't have the spirit of a fighter in your field you will be left behind. While you are still considering this and that risk, other people are already one step ahead and start with all the risks in front of them. Sometimes we need to gamble with every business decision.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: serjent05 on January 31, 2024, 12:53:00 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I believe these two kind of business approaches have their standard risk and specific risk for each environment.  We know whether it is an online or land-based business, there is always this risk of bankruptcy which is dependent on how the owner runs his business, the talent and skills to solve problems, and getting ahead of the competition..   Online business is not all about cyber security, it also faces challenges that land-based businesses face.  Even if the online business is not hacked if the owner doesn't know how to make his business successful, his business will crumble over time.  So I believe these two kind of business have an equal weight of risk.

It is best if one can learn how to adapt since adaptability is one key feature of being successful in business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: zaim7413 on January 31, 2024, 01:17:07 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Starting a business is often something difficult and scary because of the circumstances and obstacles faced as mentioned in the topic, the risks faced by each individual in building their business vary and come suddenly. You need extra motivation and encouragement from yourself and others to prevent worries from arising. Brilliant ideas for business can come at any time after going through risks that take a lot of time, energy and capital.

Despite all the risks that have been mentioned, most successful people who have billionaire status come from physical businesses. Those who have succeeded in becoming successful entrepreneurs with assets worth billions of dollars have managed to overcome all risks with strong determination and hard work.

All online investment risks can still be overcome by avoiding all forms of attacks that could threaten asset safety. The risk that is very difficult to predict is price fluctuations, while other risks can be avoided such as storing Bitcoin in a hardware wallet and storing private keys in a safe place.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Mahanton on January 31, 2024, 01:50:34 PM

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.[/b]

A. You wont really be talking about those fire outbreak, less sales and other correlated stuffs. Consider out on lacking demand and have those possibilities of bankrupt but well these things are just part of the risks,
if you cant bare it then dont do it but if you do want to gamble out then you should really be needing to lesser up those risks and go ahead and face those things.

B. This isnt talking about hacking and everything. One of the most common problem you would be having is on the volatility of the coins that you are keeping. Lets say even if you do keep
Bitcoin into your main wallet. You would really be able to bare up to see that it would really be in negative?

Both things could really have that risks, this is why once you do step your foot into this space then you should really be that wary
on that the things you are dealing with and minimize those risks as much as possible.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Arenga pinnata on January 31, 2024, 01:59:12 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Real-world business is also more challenging these days. The competition is tougher. The declining purchasing power of people has even made many stores go bankrupt in my country. So the risk of doing business in the real world is now as risky as in the virtual world.

Except in investment. Real estate investment is still much safer than digital investment. But the slow returns also make it difficult to grow. And the need for large capital is also a major obstacle. But in digital investments such as in bitcoin we can start with whatever capital we have as long as it is enough to buy the minimum limit of bitcoin on the exchange. So with my current condition maybe I choose online investment.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Bitco55 on January 31, 2024, 02:05:06 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

The more the risk, the more the return. Running away from risks won't make you richer or more prosperous... Running towards it, however, would increase the likelihood to.

Both are really great opportunities you should take advantage of. The risks that comes with physical business however aren't as much as that of online investments. Even if I'm a business personnel, I've always hated the idea and phenomenon of marketing, so online has always had my attention. It also has more risks though, but if I'm to answer your question... Then straight up, it's going to be online investments

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Adams0001 on January 31, 2024, 02:28:19 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Take risks, build a strong mentality put aside the pessimistic mentality because every step in running a business always has its own risks. If you are always looking for lower risk then there is no suitable option to continue improving your career and growing your assets. In the business world, every risk is not a problem but our technique in responding to and minimizing it is the most important thing. Whether online or offline business, if you don't have the spirit of a fighter in your field you will be left behind. While you are still considering this and that risk, other people are already one step ahead and start with all the risks in front of them. Sometimes we need to gamble with every business decision.

You cannot do business that is not risky, expect is not a business that can generate money any business you choose to engage on,  you need to get knowledge about it before you begin so that your risk will minimized. In my opinion, I prefer online business because he generates profit fast when you understand everything about it. In physical business, you need to have the actual money before you can start the business and he can lead to lose as long as there is risk involved. but in online business you can even start with a small money and he can lead you to a huge profit, just like crypto, that you can invest any amount you have and he will give you income when you leave it for long term.

Physical business has benefits, and online business also has benefits. It is up to you to choose which one will work best for you, because everyone has different knowledge. If someone tries physical business, he will most likely fail, but if he starts an online business or invests, he will benefit and profit. It is just a matter of understanding and choosing the one that you think will be better for you, but both of them are risk.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on January 31, 2024, 03:37:24 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

   The answer to this question depends on the type of business, the goals of the business owner, and the resources available. Generally speaking, an online business can be more cost effective than an offline business because it requires fewer overhead costs. For example, online businesses don't need to pay for rent or utilities like a traditional store would. Additionally, an online business can reach a much larger audience than an offline business due to its ability to be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Finally, online businesses have access to more sophisticated tools and technology that can help automate processes and increase efficiency.
   Offline businesses, on the other hand, offer more personal interaction with customers, the ability to build relationships and trust, and a physical presence in the community. They may also be better suited for certain industries, such as retail or food service, where customers prefer to see and touch the products before purchasing. Overall, both online and offline businesses have their advantages and disadvantages. It's important to consider all factors before deciding which type of business is best for you.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Wind_FURY on January 31, 2024, 03:55:35 PM
OP, who could say what's more risky? Would it matter to you? Because let's pretend that you gave more details about your "Plan A" and your "Plan B", and that we could make the "risk" more quantifiable, then the result tells you that running the physical business is "less risky". The question would be is that what you really want to do for the next five years? Starting a business is NOT easy. It will take a lot of commitment and conviction from you to keep it going. 

Plus the fact that you're asking random people in the forum for advice probably means that you're not ready. If you're truly ready to take on any risks, your motivation would have already made you start moving.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: sokani on January 31, 2024, 05:48:41 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Mr John can establish an online business and not be successful and Mr Dave can set up same business and be successful. Also, all businesses come with its own risks and it doesn't matter whether online business or physical business, the most important thing is having the required knowledge to make it work. For instance if you want to invest in Bitcoin, it is required that you know how the market works and wallet security to be a successful investor.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Winterfrost on January 31, 2024, 06:02:19 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

like you've rightly pointed out, every business has it's own peculiar risk and what makes a business stand strong or fail is the ability to understanding the risk involved in the business and work out ways to overcoming it.

With regards to which of the business that has the highest risk, we can't plainly say that doing a physical business is more risky than doing an online business because in the case of bitcoin trading, ones you've lost access to your wallet, all your effort has gone waste. A physical business also has its own problem because their are cases were fire outbreak do happen and everything just goes down like that and their is nothing left for The owner of the business to start up with.

But since the online business requires more of skills than finance, if in the even that you've lost all your access to whatever you're doing online, since you're are skilled at what you're doing, you can easily find a way of starting all over again.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: imamusma on January 31, 2024, 06:40:12 PM
In general, the risk of online investment is greater, while starting a physical business the risk is lower, and both really depend on personal understanding and insight. On the other hand, starting a physical business also really depends on the environment, what kind of business you want to start, and only by making a choice can we measure future risks. It is true that no job is free from risk, only that we can minimize it. Regarding the risks involved in investing online, it is actually not limited to high hacks, where we are required to have specific and comprehensive knowledge regarding the model and type of investment we want to make.

To narrow the discussion, we can take investing in Crypto currency as an example, of course we have to learn a lot about how the market works and other basic stages. We also need to learn to analyze thoroughly the type of coin we want to buy. In essence, we have to know every detail well, so we can measure the risk to avoid losses.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Cookdata on January 31, 2024, 06:45:23 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

I don't know who tell you these but I hope you know that these are your risk which you can manage and if you follow proper guide and rules, you would have nothing to worry about. Who hack into wallet? Have you ever heard that Bitcoin wallet has been hacked before? You can get phish when you download a malware into your device but using hardware wallet keeps yous safe from these.

Your seed phrase is very difficult to attack, nobody has tried that has succeed and I don't think there is any software right now that can break that function because it's one way hashing.
Sending your coin to a wrong wallet can o my be your own mistake.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

All business involves risk and there are levels to these various risk. If you have not try a physical business before, please don't try it with your last cash because the tendency of losing in a first try of a physical business is very high, you don't want to try a new business and get nothing. Just know that no successful business is risk free, you will definitely have something to lose.

Online business doesn't have to be crypto investment alone. Look out to other legit online business and diversify your money into them to mitigate the risk involves in them and have a hedge to protect your investment.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Dunamisx on January 31, 2024, 07:10:11 PM
A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.[/b]

The two are full of risk and there's no how you could play being so smart of going out of the risk involved in it, upon everything that we do, there's a certain amount of risk involved in it, this may be visible to us or not, but anything that will have to cause us should be completely avoided and we should take it, risk is not something we should afford taking all the time, we can always play safe as well, both online and in physical do exist risk taking, any investment we couldn't afford taking risk on should be avoided.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: oktana on January 31, 2024, 11:46:24 PM
First, you need to remember that investment is done even for people who have business. For example, Elon Musk still invests his money (which he made from his business) into different places. I’m trying to make you understand that you do not have to consider investment as business (at least not the primary business you have). You’re meant to have a business where you can take out money and make investments. I think it’s great to have a physical business and from the gains, you invest in Bitcoin or whatever you decide. 

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: poodle63 on February 01, 2024, 12:50:18 AM
A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.[/b]

The two are full of risk and there's no how you could play being so smart of going out of the risk involved in it, upon everything that we do, there's a certain amount of risk involved in it, this may be visible to us or not, but anything that will have to cause us should be completely avoided and we should take it, risk is not something we should afford taking all the time, we can always play safe as well, both online and in physical do exist risk taking, any investment we couldn't afford taking risk on should be avoided.
indeed everything in regard of generating money always involves risk, but finding the best opportunity definitely could helps a lot.
i've experienced running quite few small business, some of them succeed some of them not, its a small scale so it doesn't necessarily cause me to go broke when i failed, thats why so many rich people keep saying to start from small business, just do it in short, because if we start from small we can test the water.
from my experience, there are simply too many things that needs to be considered, even running business and the accounting shows that we are in profit, we should see whether the profit is worth it.
i've started business once where i get profit but the amount of energy i put into turning that business too profit simply unsustaining and in the long term I think that'd be just a burden therefore i decided to close down the business and move on.
thats the thing with running physical business, the overhead sometime too much and need to be taken into account seriously.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: JariKriting on February 01, 2024, 01:30:06 AM
If I have to choose, I choose my own offline business run by myself by hiring other people too. because by existing and having a business is not just money. but we also have social status as entrepreneurs owning a company business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 01, 2024, 02:54:24 AM
In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

The point is that every business has risks in running it and we are required to be able to minimize them. The two points you mentioned both have risk impacts and physical and online businesses are not much different, it's just that the framework has a different pattern. Running a physical business such as a shop also does not guarantee that someone will not be cheated as long as the person running it does not try to avoid fraud and people tend to prefer running a physical business. But now there are also many people who are successful in businesses that are run online and the advantage is that we don't need to rent a shop because doing business online can be done in a slightly simpler way.

We can avoid hacking in online investments because it is actually related to the internet that it is impossible for anyone else to maintain the security system other than ourselves. Of course the risk is much greater, but as long as we can maintain a good security system, I am sure that the investment we make will definitely be much safer.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on February 01, 2024, 06:05:42 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Risk is everywhere and the more we take it, the better for us as we can never be successful in life without taking risks. However, how you separated the two is not so good, you didn't think well about them in my opinion.

For the two, if the physical business could have a whole lot of risks as you said (which I know is not true) why won't the investments have the same, and even more? We can't just shortchange the safety of physical business for that of online. In my opinion, though there is also a degree of risk attached, but there are minimal risks to physical business unlike how you portray it, you can look around you for the proof. Online only brings easy opportunities, and this is not what risk means. This depends largely on the business we are talking about, there are some that are almost without risks, they only require your professional, resources and creative thinking, and if you are an employee, you can find a secure job and will be fine.

This is happening around us and you can imagine how people are making their huge money doing physical business and investments safely daily. Also, online investment is good but one must be extra careful online than the physical business/investments. This is partly because online is not as safe as offline, and most investments online are so volatile and dangerous, and many have shared both sides of the story (good and bad), nevertheless, in my opinion, those who are lamenting are more.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: sekalitas on February 01, 2024, 06:41:48 AM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Deciding between a physical business and online investments is a complex choice, as both involve inherent risks. Physical businesses require significant upfront costs, rely heavily on location, and are vulnerable to economic downturns. Online investments, on the other hand, are volatile, carry the risk of scams, and lack complete control over market fluctuations. Ultimately, the "riskier" option depends on your individual experience, resources, risk tolerance, and time commitment. Diversification and calculated risk-taking are key strategies regardless of your choice. Conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any significant financial decisions.

If I were in your shoes, I would consider pursuing both options. Running a physical business can create employment opportunities and contribute to the local economy, while online investments can offer potential for increased profits. However, it's crucial to minimize risks in both endeavors.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: kasablings on February 01, 2024, 07:18:55 AM
Taking risk is part of life cause without taking risks there is no result.but what kind of risks matters both physical or online business doesn't can do a physical business and have an high risks loses.the important thing is do what you no.get informed for the risks you are about to take.have a good feasibility study on your risks it matters alot.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: bitLeap on February 01, 2024, 08:49:02 AM
You cannot do business that is not risky, expect is not a business that can generate money any business you choose to engage on,  you need to get knowledge about it before you begin so that your risk will minimized. In my opinion, I prefer online business because he generates profit fast when you understand everything about it. In physical business, you need to have the actual money before you can start the business and he can lead to lose as long as there is risk involved. but in online business you can even start with a small money and he can lead you to a huge profit, just like crypto, that you can invest any amount you have and he will give you income when you leave it for long term.
What do you mean by Shitcoin here? by taking small capital but making big profits even though you know that shitcoin is not a real investment but just gambling under the guise of investment. So don't make a mistake in defining business, investment and gambling. We will not tolerate shitcoins. There have been many victims and it is common for beginners who want to invest overnight but think they are investing. Invest in assets like Bitcoin for the long term, all of which require sufficient capital to achieve profits. Because the capital you have is directly proportional to the profits.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: glendall on February 01, 2024, 11:14:39 AM

so my question is, which is more risky?

online business, of course, with the risks you mentioned, it will definitely make your heart skip a beat if you hear about hacking,
But basically all businesses have risks and all of this must be dealt with if you don't want to experience a high level of risk
like a physical business: you can only stock a certain amount if we are still in a small and medium business
For online investments such as crypto, try saving in a personal wallet without ever linking to existing sites

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: AYOBA on February 01, 2024, 03:21:10 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.
First and foremost, anyone who wishing to formally introduce themselves to any kind of business must ascertain the capabilities of the venture they wish to pursue and conduct extensive research on it in order to determine the range of risks involved or to speak with those who have been in the industry for some time in order to determine whether they can truly afford it. Additionally, by knowing how much money he can start with, he may avoid losing money. The problem with cryptocurrency holding is that some people are extremely negligent about storing currencies in their wallets, and instead of maintaining their private keys, they misplace them.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

All businesses face significant risks, the only difference is that they outperform one another. But we frequently take risks in order to succeed, because any business that generate money definitely has his own risk, because establishing a physical investment has a large risk since you never know which one will being more profitable in the long run. And if you don't have enough money you won't make a physical investment. However with an online business, you can start with a little amount of money and earned huge profits.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: slapper on February 01, 2024, 04:45:31 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Deciding between a physical business and online investments is a complex choice, as both involve inherent risks. Physical businesses require significant upfront costs, rely heavily on location, and are vulnerable to economic downturns. Online investments, on the other hand, are volatile, carry the risk of scams, and lack complete control over market fluctuations. Ultimately, the "riskier" option depends on your individual experience, resources, risk tolerance, and time commitment. Diversification and calculated risk-taking are key strategies regardless of your choice. Conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any significant financial decisions.

If I were in your shoes, I would consider pursuing both options. Running a physical business can create employment opportunities and contribute to the local economy, while online investments can offer potential for increased profits. However, it's crucial to minimize risks in both endeavors.
Everyone thinks they can play both fields, but it's about what you can handle, not what you want. Running a physical business requires knowing your community and the market. In addition to money, it requires your soul. What about internet investments? While unpredictable, they challenge your digital awareness and ability to discern trends from murmurs

Talk about danger like a game. It's not. Every move has implications in this deliberate decision. Diversification is lifesaving, not just good strategy. But it also demands self-knowledge, not simply market knowledge. Know your boundaries, strengths, and, most importantly, shortcomings. And advice? Look for it, then examine it. The key is how you handle risks, not the ones you take. Risk-smart, not risk-averse

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 01, 2024, 05:40:49 PM
First of all you are comparing two different things to choose which one is better. Business and investments both can make someone rich but I feel to be successful in business will take time and complete effort if its started from scratch while investment is short term compared to the time needed for making a business to be successful.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on February 01, 2024, 06:32:01 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Every business has equal risks involved and equal opportunities of making gains, what is there needed is your passion. You ought to follow your passion, be it offline or online business. You can succeed in it and at the same time, you might fail, but where passion and desire lie has more possibility of success than failure. You can combine both of them if you have the ability. But never go into a business because you feel there are less risks involved in it, NO. get involved because that is what you really desire doing and with time, you'll learn the secrets and increase your efficiency in the business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: el kaka22 on February 01, 2024, 06:55:02 PM
Having risk is part of economy, no matter what you do, investing, saving, a business, starting some new product, even gold. It doesn't matter what you are doing with your money, you will always end up with a loss and that should always be the thing that you should avoid the most. I understand that it is going to be a tough one, and you will not be really doing much with it, but you should make sure that things are fine in the end.

I believe that we are going to be doing fine in the end one way or another. Life is not fair to everyone, and that means you are not going to get what you want or what you think you deserve. This should be the most important part, and I believe it will definitely be a problem for most people. This is why it is better to just focus on what you could do with what you have. Manage your risk, keep it at a decent level.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Fortify on February 01, 2024, 09:19:07 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

This isn't really a sensible comparison. A business produces something, it turns a good or service into revenue and ideally a profit. People tend to run a business if they can see a profit in it, whether that is going into a steady mainstream company like a barber, electrician or dentist. Optionally you have high risk businesses that try to be pioneers in new areas which may have zero competition or heavy competition, like marketing or trying to get in early on a new product that is hyped up at the moment - think fidget spinners. Whereas buying bitcoin is doing nothing of the sort, you are simply buying with the belief that you will one day be able to sell it at a higher price, when none of us really have an idea which will it will go, continue upwards or get displaced by something that causes it to trend downwards.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on February 01, 2024, 09:35:24 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

In this case both options are of course equally good and if it can be done in both, why not .
All forms of behavior that we do of course have risks that we must be ready to bear in the end as for talking about investment IMO this is a need for the future level so this is not a thing that requires us to hope more for the short term because in the end it is about the longer term and to support that then we need a business or jobs to get income to support our daily needs.

We know that investment wont work if we don't have income, so you have to start by earning money first and have at least a business or job to do that.
As for risk,we will not be able to rise if we continue to avoid it so we must be able to survive in risk conditions that are definitely already there.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Wakate on February 01, 2024, 10:19:45 PM
A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.[/b]

The two are full of risk and there's no how you could play being so smart of going out of the risk involved in it, upon everything that we do, there's a certain amount of risk involved in it, this may be visible to us or not, but anything that will have to cause us should be completely avoided and we should take it, risk is not something we should afford taking all the time, we can always play safe as well, both online and in physical do exist risk taking, any investment we couldn't afford taking risk on should be avoided.
Running an online business with high risk of getting hack is one of the problems online businesses are facing and when they are not equipped with the right tools to keep them from hackers, things might get wrong and things might crumble when the unfortunate happens. Many projects especially in cryptocurrency that don't have a strong team or safety tools in place we're not able to grow to the fullest because of the lack of appropriate work force to help safeguard the project from online and experienced hackers. Physical businesses have lower risk but can not be compared to online including the profits differences.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Sanitough on February 01, 2024, 11:28:24 PM
All types of investments have their own individual risks, be it offline or online. So before deciding which way to chose, evaluate yourself first on what type of investment you’re more capable to manage and make it work. Know your level of knowledge and skills first, and if you see more potentials for you to succeed on online or offline investment, then focus on that.

However, everything can be learned if you follow the right process. If you have sufficient funds to invest in both, then why not focus on one only? It’s always better to have diversified investments, so that when one fails, the other one might eventually become successful.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Ever-young on February 01, 2024, 11:46:00 PM
There are different risks involved in managing a physical business or investing online. It depends on the person's skills and experience in either field. Some individuals may excel in managing a business but have limited knowledge of online investments, while others may have the opposite strengths. The decision on which avenue to pursue should be based on what the person feels most comfortable with and where they believe they can achieve success. Both options are viable but come with high risks.
This is true, I know someone who have money to start up a business but he always sees himself as someone who don’t have all it takes to start up that business maybe this could be because of the kind of work that he do or because he just don’t like the stress of managing his own business, but if you bring investment ideas to him and can be able to convince him that the investment will bring in profit he will invest in them and just be expecting the reward base on how you guys agree on.

I have also seen someone whom don’t believe on anything that’s not being managed by him, like if not business that he is manage on his own he don’t risk his money to invest in anywhere he trust only but him self and he is certain of how much profit he makes from the business that he have been doing and he is okay with it.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 02, 2024, 12:45:03 AM
There are different risks involved in managing a physical business or investing online. It depends on the person's skills and experience in either field. Some individuals may excel in managing a business but have limited knowledge of online investments, while others may have the opposite strengths. The decision on which avenue to pursue should be based on what the person feels most comfortable with and where they believe they can achieve success. Both options are viable but come with high risks.
This is true, I know someone who have money to start up a business but he always sees himself as someone who don’t have all it takes to start up that business maybe this could be because of the kind of work that he do or because he just don’t like the stress of managing his own business, but if you bring investment ideas to him and can be able to convince him that the investment will bring in profit he will invest in them and just be expecting the reward base on how you guys agree on.

I have also seen someone whom don’t believe on anything that’s not being managed by him, like if not business that he is manage on his own he don’t risk his money to invest in anywhere he trust only but him self and he is certain of how much profit he makes from the business that he have been doing and he is okay with it.
indeed there are certain characteristics of people out there, some people just like their money working for them as an example are those angel investors that are funding various project and have intention of growing their capital through investing, indeed this might seem simple but finding project that worth investment is sometime really difficult that I don't think random people could pull of f despite having big capital to begin with but it really takes some skill to distinguish a good investment or not.
meanwhile the other that just only believe in himself for managing business otherwise he won't put a dime are the typical person that might have trust issue or having experienced being scammed in the past, fairly speaking, they are the one thats diligent in keeping the business alive but of course result will not necessarily like the expectation.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: wxa7115 on February 02, 2024, 01:29:41 AM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Without a doubt option A is the most risky out of the two options that you give, while investing is risky by itself and the risks we associate with an online activity are not small, at the same time there are many things you can do to reduce those risks and make them as small as possible.

But when it comes to a physical business you are severely limited about what you can do, as a great deal of factors are not under your control, and that alone makes running a regular business more risky than investing online.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: boty on February 02, 2024, 02:00:43 AM
indeed there are certain characteristics of people out there, some people just like their money working for them as an example are those angel investors that are funding various project and have intention of growing their capital through investing, indeed this might seem simple but finding project that worth investment is sometime really difficult that I don't think random people could pull of f despite having big capital to begin with but it really takes some skill to distinguish a good investment or not.
meanwhile the other that just only believe in himself for managing business otherwise he won't put a dime are the typical person that might have trust issue or having experienced being scammed in the past, fairly speaking, they are the one thats diligent in keeping the business alive but of course result will not necessarily like the expectation.
For those who already have a lot of wealth at their disposal, they will no longer get tired of working because they have earned income from what they have invested and all they need to pay attention to is what field they will invest in to be able to achieve profits and not make mistakes in When choosing the type of investment they make, it is very important to have the knowledge and skills to be able to distinguish which investments are profitable or not.

If we have ever trusted someone else with the business we have but that person betrays us then it will be very difficult for us to entrust it to other people and

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: adzino on February 02, 2024, 03:25:26 AM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

There is no such thing as free money. Earning money always comes with a risk. Even though there are some "risk" free way of earning money, you aren't actually risk free. You have a regular job and earning a steady income from that job. But that doesn't mean you are risk free. There is a chance of you getting sacked. So there is the risk for you. You might find a work online, but there is a chance that the person who employed you might not pay and scam you.

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.[/b]
A. You have more control over your risks and losses when you run a business physically (i am guessing you mean something like a store or a restaurant).

B. It is more riskier and depens on what you are investing on. But the higher risk you take, the more rewards you might earn, but in the long run you might end up with nothing.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 02, 2024, 06:09:43 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I find it more risky to have a running online investment with high risk of not only hacking but also the irreversibility of transactions that could result in us losing all our asset. Physical businesses only major risk is mismanagement so it is more on human error which is the opposite of online investment operation.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Strongkored on February 02, 2024, 06:52:36 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

You will only be able to know which is more risky when you have done both and also the risk will really depend on the amount of money you use either for doing business offline or investing online such as buying Bitcoin, and both risks can be slightly minimized if we start with calculations being thorough, studying what can cause us to lose in both because that is one of the keys, even though we may suffer losses, it is not because we do not understand or have minimal knowledge about the business or investment we choose.
And if we can do both, why should we choose, especially if our finances support it, because by running both, it is the same as not putting all eggs in one basket or in other words, we are do diversifying.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Oasisman on February 02, 2024, 07:05:44 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Both bears a lot of risk if not properly managed. So, depending on which field of expertise you are into, then that should be the choice you should make.
Running a physical business requires thorough studies to lessen or to avoid the risks associated with it. One of the most challenging factor when building a business is how you should select the perfect location to maximize the opportunity of hitting your target market. Without enough knowledge in this field would only result to a higher risk. This same goes to when you are investing into something. Bitcoin, stocks, and other form of assets. Therefore the choices depends on how knowledgeable or expert you are whether investing your money to run a business or investing for an asset, but it would be great if you could do both, it's one way of diversifying your investments.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Fakhrulenclix on February 02, 2024, 08:24:13 AM
indeed there are certain characteristics of people out there, some people just like their money working for them as an example are those angel investors that are funding various project and have intention of growing their capital through investing, indeed this might seem simple but finding project that worth investment is sometime really difficult that I don't think random people could pull of f despite having big capital to begin with but it really takes some skill to distinguish a good investment or not.
meanwhile the other that just only believe in himself for managing business otherwise he won't put a dime are the typical person that might have trust issue or having experienced being scammed in the past, fairly speaking, they are the one thats diligent in keeping the business alive but of course result will not necessarily like the expectation.
For those who already have a lot of wealth at their disposal, they will no longer get tired of working because they have earned income from what they have invested and all they need to pay attention to is what field they will invest in to be able to achieve profits and not make mistakes in When choosing the type of investment they make, it is very important to have the knowledge and skills to be able to distinguish which investments are profitable or not.

If we have ever trusted someone else with the business we have but that person betrays us then it will be very difficult for us to entrust it to other people and
In fact, people who have a lot of assets will be more aggressive in expanding their business and because they have enough capital they can have more freedom in doing everything and of course people like that have a lot of experience so their percentage can take greater profits and they also understand about things that can minimize risks.

Trust in a business is quite difficult to gain, but there are many ways you can avoid bad experiences that have occurred.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Rruchi man on February 02, 2024, 11:51:27 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Venturing into something you have no experience, knowledge and no one to guide you will increase the risk you stand to face and your chances to fail or victim a victim of loss.

If you just choose a business to start and a location to establish the business, and you did not make proper enquiries about the business you are starting, the challenges involved and security situation of the place where you are establishing the business, so you can know the security measures to use, you have increased risk in your physical business and reduced your chances of profiting well. If it is online investment, and you are not aware of the risk, you have made it more risky for you.

A business person with more knowledge on physical investments will consider it less risky to online investment where he has no real idea, and likewise an online investor.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: nara1892 on February 02, 2024, 01:33:40 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I find it more risky to have a running online investment with high risk of not only hacking but also the irreversibility of transactions that could result in us losing all our asset. Physical businesses only major risk is mismanagement so it is more on human error which is the opposite of online investment operation.

I think actually for the risk problem both of these things are risky and for the risk problem depends on each individual who controls and who runs it, maybe we already know that to run an investment or physical business requires us to take risks and only each person knows about how big or high the risk they can take. But if you are questioning the risk that cannot be avoided in the sense that it is not done intentionally by the people involved then maybe I will agree with you that the possibility of greater risk is in online investment because with the development of the technological world that has become increasingly modern, it allows many parties to try to find ways to benefit themselves at the expense of others or that means the possibility of hacking to take over investment assets is greater and usually if this happens then most likely the victim will lose all his money without a remainder and it is very difficult to achieve recovery.

And for the problem of physical businesses I understand that many competitors may be superior because the competition in the business world is quite tight but when it comes to physical businesses then maybe like you said that this is more often the result of mismanagement, it could be due to not having a qualified understanding or other things and if they go bankrupt then it doesn't mean they lose everything because surely at least there will still be some goods or products that can be utilized.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Crypto Library on February 02, 2024, 03:55:16 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Risk exists in all activities specially when any financial activity involves to it. To run a business, one must take risks. Business with profit and loss. Risk must be addressed in all cases. It is impossible to say for sure which business you will do because in all areas people are making gains as well as losses in all areas. So when you want to run a physical business, you first need to know what the demand for a product is like in your local area, and also look at how your competitors are doing there. It depends on everyone's personal opinion which one you can do well in. I hope you will do well in all offline and online businesses if you manage your business wisely.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Solosanz on February 02, 2024, 04:05:48 PM
I find it more risky to have a running online investment with high risk of not only hacking but also the irreversibility of transactions that could result in us losing all our asset. Physical businesses only major risk is mismanagement so it is more on human error which is the opposite of online investment operation.
Technically it's reversible because you're invest in a centralized site, irreversible is different to full control.

Nah, if mismanagement is the major risk, I believe many businesses are successful because most businessmen are hard worker and high knowledge. It's mostly comes from external where you can't control.

Robbery, black magic, beggars, mafias, scammed by own employees, people burn your company etc, that makes you need to take unnecessary losses.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: bestcoins1 on February 02, 2024, 04:29:42 PM
I find it more risky to have a running online investment with high risk of not only hacking but also the irreversibility of transactions that could result in us losing all our asset. Physical businesses only major risk is mismanagement so it is more on human error which is the opposite of online investment operation.

I don't know how you understand about online investment so that you start talking about such huge risks and then compare them with the risks of physical businesses managed by humans themselves. You need to know that every online investment is also managed by humans and usually it is the owner himself in a wallet that is well guarded, so even if there are bad things such as hacking.

I think this is just a disaster that can happen to anyone as long as their work is closely related to the internet, so every mistake always comes purely from the person himself and is a matter of risk. I think this is always present in all jobs so everyone just needs to understand it and try to be ready to deal with it if it happens in their work.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: sulendra12 on February 02, 2024, 10:48:57 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Both have similarity and it just depends on the person that manages a whole thing. There will always be a risk watching you by doing the business and you can't deny that. But, how they manage the risk for each person is varies and some people would find it really easy to tackle the problems and risk but the risk would find it really difficult.

Both could end you up to bankruptcy if you are not careful with anything surround you and you don't really specify what's the type of online investment are we talking about? Is it crypto, stock market, or online business? They are different.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on February 03, 2024, 02:51:50 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

In my opinion every single business possess a risk and you will be successful only in that field about which you know better, you can manage it easily, and you have experience in it. In business sometimes you will win and sometimes you will loss because a continues profit is rare in both online investment and physical business.

If a person is expert in carrying a physical business then he can get lots of profit by doing it otherwise if an unexperienced person initiate any type of business whether online or physical he will face large loss. But another suitable option is to get knowledge about both and then initiate both with little sum of money so in a case when bad days comes in any one business you can take profit from another one but the main thing is experience and management system that can help you to make profit.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: kryptqnick on February 03, 2024, 04:26:46 PM
I think that the risks don't have to do with it being an investment or a business. Investing in a random, highly volatile asset can be riskier than opening a small photo studio business, for instance. However, investing in something like gold is safer than starting out a business in an industry which you don't know and/or in a country where it's unsafe to do business.
But online investment is less time-consuming than running an actual business because you can just buy and hold an asset, but you really need to be involved to run a business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: |MINER| on February 03, 2024, 06:08:24 PM
There is no risk of going without any such work.  And if you want to do any work, you have to take risks.  No one can say with certainty that physical work or virtual work is better or worse.  If you can do well, you can do well in any business.  Many are facing investment losses in physical work while others are doing great.  Many people are victims of scams by investing in virtual work & many doing well.  Now tell me how to determine which one is good to invest in and which one is bad to invest in.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on February 03, 2024, 07:30:49 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Risk is risk in as much losses is involved, that is where risk management comes in, venturing in to any one as listed required you to have a good knowledge on how to manage the risk, it is this knowledge that differentiate individual on their choices of taking the risk. The risk you take in running physical business base on your understanding of the management can't be for Mr. A.  likewise person who have the knowledge of managing online business or investment. What you consider high risk to some with understanding of it management can be regards as low risk. In my opinion it's base on one understanding and management, no one is most preferable, is tide down to individual choices .

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: stadus on February 03, 2024, 07:58:09 PM
Both have actually high risks most especially if you are still a newbie in your investment. You are still prone to wrong decision making that would make your investment to fail instead of seeing it growing. However, if you know how to manage your investment, be it offline or online, you will find ways on how to overcome those risks, or at least minimize them.

While diversifying is a good idea, I believe it takes time to learn both investments and the amount of capital might be huge and hard to achieved. But if you are seeing potentials on them both, of course you will take the risk and do everything just to cater both investments and make them completely work.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: JayTrain on February 03, 2024, 09:00:16 PM
Investing in bitcoins exposes you to technological risks, such as hacking and errors in cryptocurrency management. On the other hand, a physical business entails risks like fires, thefts, and market changes. Each of these options has its unique challenges, and people have different preferences. For example, older individuals tend to be skeptical about cryptocurrency, while the younger generation embraces new and innovative concepts and may take risks.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Ryu_Ar1 on February 03, 2024, 09:52:12 PM
Investing in bitcoins exposes you to technological risks, such as hacking and errors in cryptocurrency management. On the other hand, a physical business entails risks like fires, thefts, and market changes. Each of these options has its unique challenges, and people have different preferences. For example, older individuals tend to be skeptical about cryptocurrency, while the younger generation embraces new and innovative concepts and may take risks.
In this context, we certainly realize one thing that all forms that we do whether it is when investing in bitcoin or even looking for other options such as doing business or any business all have risks that we certainly have to face in this case.

We can't miss this because after all risk is part of the process that we do in supporting life to be better, especially in terms of the finances we have.
All have their own uniqueness and the risks we will face will not be the same when in bitcoin or in other businesses in real life we do but the context remains the same that we must face the consequences and risks that we have in the end.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Davidvictorson on February 03, 2024, 11:25:29 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Just like in an online investment, there is also risk associated with a physical business which may be higher. For example the risk of fire, flood, other natural disasters. There's also the risk of theft, the risk of the governments demolishing your physical store. When compare to online business whose risk is not highly place. If you build your online business store to have the lastest and best security then you can even take of it. You can take your business all over the world any time any day but not so with the physical business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: poodle63 on February 04, 2024, 01:21:17 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Just like in an online investment, there is also risk associated with a physical business which may be higher. For example the risk of fire, flood, other natural disasters. There's also the risk of theft, the risk of the governments demolishing your physical store. When compare to online business whose risk is not highly place. If you build your online business store to have the lastest and best security then you can even take of it. You can take your business all over the world any time any day but not so with the physical business.
thats why online business thriving because it just doesn't all that thing required to set up physical store and the demand for it sometime just the same if not higher, since being available across the world, means you re open to higher amount of customers around the world and that only can be realized by having online presence which is online store.
nature is all about being efficient, like taking the most efficient path just how lightning made its way in solid object, like this one, if physical business that is setting up offline store just doesn't seem like a really good idea then I guess switching to online store would solve the problem also the risk accompanied by setting up online store aren't that huge, we can be reselling for zero risk but of course with lower profit.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: letteredhub on February 04, 2024, 03:38:53 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I say both are highly risky in the individual's respective perspective that are involved in either any one of the two.

A physical business owner will narrate to you the risk involved on the road or sea in terms of delivering their goods, with an accident or a mishap and the ship sinks all that goods are lost and money gone with it. There are possible armed robbers/burglary attack and many of the other risks op has mentioned.

While for an online investor in crypto are also embedded with couples of risk that we are all informed about so I would decide not to go into listing. But in all of those risks in the two different areas of doing business it all depends on the individual on how he manages these risks and play his own part in keeping himself away from making avoidable losses. And also being able to accept certain situations that may occur which may be beyond control. Risk is everywhere!

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on February 04, 2024, 05:46:36 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

All business are risky be it offline (physical) or online but it is necessary to study the business standards very well before starting to run a business. One should be able to know more about the business they are venturing in and shouldn't venture into a business because you have passion for it to passion ought to be involved but still knowing about ethics of the business is really very important.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 04, 2024, 07:32:53 AM
All business are risky be it offline (physical) or online but it is necessary to study the business standards very well before starting to run a business. One should be able to know more about the business they are venturing in and shouldn't venture into a business because you have passion for it to passion ought to be involved but still knowing about ethics of the business is really very important.
Our lives are full of risks and there is no place in the comfort zone for someone who is struggling to seek financial gain. Business requires strategy and intelligence is needed to read opportunities because when business there are many things you need to learn. Not everyone is born to be lucky with the business they run because not everyone's business potential can develop well and different people have different levels of success.

If we want to develop a business, we must be able to see opportunities and we must also see the potential in what business sectors are suitable for us to develop. That way we have a view before starting and know how to develop. Many people who fail in business and who are financially ready will start again even though they have failed, others have to stop because they don't have the capital to continue.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: icalical on February 04, 2024, 07:48:47 AM
For me running physical business is harder and are more risky compared to just doing online investment. Running a Physical Business required us to communicate and make relationship with people, and is involving many parties, for me working with other people is a lot harder because our business will be very dependent to their action and sometimes our reaction doesn't do much. With online investment, even if you said that it's a high risk of hack, our own action still significantly affect the trajectory of our investment, we can do our best to enhance the security of our investment so hacker will have difficulty hacking it.

All that being said, by running a physical business you are helping to run and grow the economy around you, employing people and help them to get a job. I always adore and amazed by people who can build their own business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 04, 2024, 11:50:06 PM
All business are risky be it offline (physical) or online but it is necessary to study the business standards very well before starting to run a business. One should be able to know more about the business they are venturing in and shouldn't venture into a business because you have passion for it to passion ought to be involved but still knowing about ethics of the business is really very important.
Our lives are full of risks and there is no place in the comfort zone for someone who is struggling to seek financial gain. Business requires strategy and intelligence is needed to read opportunities because when business there are many things you need to learn. Not everyone is born to be lucky with the business they run because not everyone's business potential can develop well and different people have different levels of success.

If we want to develop a business, we must be able to see opportunities and we must also see the potential in what business sectors are suitable for us to develop. That way we have a view before starting and know how to develop. Many people who fail in business and who are financially ready will start again even though they have failed, others have to stop because they don't have the capital to continue.

That's right,  I agree with you. It is clear that risks are everywhere and that is certain Whether investing online or offline in the job you have or the business you run, as well as your relationships, everything in life has risks. Sometimes there are also things where the risk cannot be avoided such as losses from the food business, this has risks that cannot be avoided, also with investment, in my opinion, the risk is there, but maybe it can still be minimized by having good knowledge. It is true that you say that a business needs a strategy to generate profits, whether from the process or marketing, but marketing is also an important thing in running a business. Many people run a business but are not good at marketing it, but this can be minimized by recruiting other people who are experts in marketing, even though it costs money, at least this is also for the good of the business being run.

Yes, it does need to be considered, because everyone has their own skills, some are experts in trade or investment as well as business, and in my opinion before that we have to like or love the business or business that you do, because in my opinion there are things that make us profitable but we don't like it and make us uncomfortable in running it. Therefore, loving what we do is also a requirement in order to make us comfortable running it. In my opinion, those who fail in their business but have enough money to start again should fix what they did wrong, because then of course the business they will run again can run well in the sense that the mistakes that have occurred will not be repeated again. And also with those who fail and quit their business it may indeed be due to inadequate financial factors, but even so maybe if they have a strong ambition in themselves they will return to the failed business by taking a loan action, in my opinion this is not wrong, although it is risky but this in my opinion is a step forward and indeed to be successful we must dare to step forward despite the risks.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: justdimin on February 05, 2024, 06:39:59 AM
In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.
I believe it's not just about the level or the number of risks involved when it comes to starting a business or making an investment, there are more factors one needs to consider when thinking of doing any of that either offline or online.

The very first thing that comes to mind is to understand the niche you are getting into. You can't study electrical engineering and then get into retail business when you have the funds, similarly, you can't start an e-commerce website if you are not into that thing and have never done any research or have known anything about it before getting into the business. If you do that, you will most likely fail.

So, risks are present on both sides, but what's most important is your interest and understanding of the side you are getting into, and you can only succeed, in any of the two sides, if you know what you are doing despite the risks involved.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Litzki1990 on February 05, 2024, 07:03:04 AM
Whether you invest physically or virtually, you have to risk some money. Investing means putting money in a place and expecting to make a profit from it. When trading in businesses that are virtual, you might think that your money could be stolen, but if you can keep your personal information safe, there is not much risk of theft. What matters in virtual trading is whether you are able to trade correctly or how well you make trading decisions. If you follow others directly in this kind of trading, you will make a mistake, without following others directly, you can apply the right ideas from others in your trading, but it is better not to follow directly. 

On the other hand, there is a good chance of loss instead of profit in the physical business, because you invested money in a business but you could not buy and sell your products as expected, but you may suffer a loss, so both types of business must be considered somewhat risky. But you must take this risk in business because if you can't take this risk then the business is never for you.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: pusaka on February 05, 2024, 07:05:58 AM
Investing in bitcoins exposes you to technological risks, such as hacking and errors in cryptocurrency management. On the other hand, a physical business entails risks like fires, thefts, and market changes. Each of these options has its unique challenges, and people have different preferences. For example, older individuals tend to be skeptical about cryptocurrency, while the younger generation embraces new and innovative concepts and may take risks.
In this context, we certainly realize one thing that all forms that we do whether it is when investing in bitcoin or even looking for other options such as doing business or any business all have risks that we certainly have to face in this case.

We can't miss this because after all risk is part of the process that we do in supporting life to be better, especially in terms of the finances we have.
All have their own uniqueness and the risks we will face will not be the same when in bitcoin or in other businesses in real life we do but the context remains the same that we must face the consequences and risks that we have in the end.
Everything we do will definitely have risks, both big and small. We never have or do anything without risk.
In terms of investment, the risk will definitely be attached, but here we can minimize the risk by preparing as well as possible so that the risk we have does not result in things we don't want.
But for me, never run away from risk, because the greater the risk we take, the greater the benefits we will get later. It's just a matter of courage, because if we don't have great courage, then we will never dare to take risks.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: YUriy1991 on February 05, 2024, 08:38:08 AM
Regarding risks, everything has risks along the way and the problem is that if a disaster occurs at any time in running a business, whether the scale is large or small, it is beyond our ability to predict, but at least every business that is run, if the owner wants to insure it, either the building or something else, which if it does happen, we easily submit a claim for this incident according to the applicable regulations of the guarantor.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: bestcoins1 on February 05, 2024, 09:04:18 AM
All business are risky be it offline (physical) or online but it is necessary to study the business standards very well before starting to run a business. One should be able to know more about the business they are venturing in and shouldn't venture into a business because you have passion for it to passion ought to be involved but still knowing about ethics of the business is really very important.
Ethics in business must exist because now every businessman must be able to see who his competitors are and how he can create opportunities to develop his business for the better. That is why what you say is not at all wrong because every businessman must be able to know his own abilities in running a business even if the business is not seen as a passion for him. Because the main goal in doing business is to make money through profits which are achieved through their respective strategies, even though every businessman has already understood any risks.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Zanab247 on February 05, 2024, 11:06:27 AM
Quote from: YUriy1991
Regarding risks, everything has risks along the way and the problem is that if a disaster occurs at any time in running a business, whether the scale is large or small, it is beyond our ability to predict, but at least every business that is run, if the owner wants to insure it, either the building or something else, which if it does happen, we easily submit a claim for this incident according to the applicable regulations of the guarantor.
Risk is a something some people are avoiding in some investments not knowing that there is a something behind the risk that will turn their investment around for their favour if they can invest in the right time like when you take the risk to buy coins in the bear run and hodl to sell in the bull run to make more money.

 As long you know that, there are two things that involved in that business you are about to start, which are profits and loss but if you can take a good step to invest in that business you know very well that it will be difficult for the business to fail  before investing your money, you will not regret for taking such risk in that project.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Inwestour on February 05, 2024, 11:37:49 AM

Just like in an online investment, there is also risk associated with a physical business which may be higher. For example the risk of fire, flood, other natural disasters. There's also the risk of theft, the risk of the governments demolishing your physical store. When compare to online business whose risk is not highly place. If you build your online business store to have the lastest and best security then you can even take of it. You can take your business all over the world any time any day but not so with the physical business.
It is difficult to concentrate your entire business on the Internet, if you are engaged only in sales and do not sell your own goods, and you do not need a warehouse to store goods, then this is possible, but if you are a manufacturer, or buy goods in bulk, then you will not be able to limit yourself to just an online store . Online business has now become a very convenient tool for sales and it can definitely save a lot of money if you can eliminate the cost of rent and other associated costs. There are probably service companies that do not require office space and will receive the best benefits in this case.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: barisbilgili on February 05, 2024, 02:40:15 PM
Regarding risks, everything has risks along the way and the problem is that if a disaster occurs at any time in running a business, whether the scale is large or small, it is beyond our ability to predict, but at least every business that is run, if the owner wants to insure it, either the building or something else, which if it does happen, we easily submit a claim for this incident according to the applicable regulations of the guarantor.
There are many things that can minimize risk, perhaps one of which is making insurance for real life businesses and in online businesses, whether investing or trading, there are also many ways to minimize risk, such as studying more deeply before entering into it.
Indeed, basically everything that has the possibility of making a profit will not be separated from risk, it just depends on how we make a large or small percentage in facing that risk.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Natsuu on February 05, 2024, 02:43:58 PM
Well imagine running a physical store and  you've got risks like theft, fire and market ups and downs. Then think online investments, especially in crypto and you're dealing with hacking, lost passwords  and irreversible transactions. It's about balancing tangible and virtual risks and it depends on what you're comfortable with and how well you can manage those challenges

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: SOKO-DEKE on February 05, 2024, 03:12:49 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

Once someone ventures into any business without doing their own research and understanding the risks associated with business, failure will surely be their starting point. Some people's businesses easily collapse because they just venture into them without knowing anything about the business they started, but they just started it because they saw other people making money from it. Like in the cryptocurrency industry, for example, a lot of people end up in tears by losing their money in crypto, not in anyway, because they invest in some  project that they know nothing about but follow in the footsteps of other people blindly.


In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I don't think I can do any business that is associated with a lot of risk, whether physical or online. I will involve myself in it unless I know I can find solutions to the risks and make it less risky. Just look at the Bitcoin investment. It takes some risk too, but by doing the right things, all those risks will be minimized. For example, we know of hackers hunting for wallets to steal Bitcoin. The best thing to do is provide Bitcoin with proper security, storing it in non-custodial wallets that hackers can't do anything to, but by not giving it proper security, Bitcoin can be easily stolen.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 05, 2024, 03:42:03 PM
That's right,  I agree with you. It is clear that risks are everywhere and that is certain Whether investing online or offline in the job you have or the business you run, as well as your relationships, everything in life has risks. Sometimes there are also things where the risk cannot be avoided such as losses from the food business, this has risks that cannot be avoided, also with investment, in my opinion, the risk is there, but maybe it can still be minimized by having good knowledge. It is true that you say that a business needs a strategy to generate profits, whether from the process or marketing, but marketing is also an important thing in running a business. Many people run a business but are not good at marketing it, but this can be minimized by recruiting other people who are experts in marketing, even though it costs money, at least this is also for the good of the business being run.
Everyone was born with a different success because it is impossible for everyone to reach the same stage of success. But from what we do should be a reference that doing business or running any business must be based on the skills that are appropriate in their respective fields because they force running Something outside our ability will cause the business will not develop. There are many people who fail to do business because they do not have a love of work they do and often they work because the factors of the encouragement of others are not the job they like.

When we don't like the job, we will ignore the important things that need to be done and are often trapped by unwillingness. This often happens usually when parents force their children to continue their business, even though the child does not animate the business of his parents. But because it is forced so that children try to follow and in the end the business fails and must be closed.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: umbara ardian on February 05, 2024, 04:45:47 PM
In the fast-paced world of crypto, trying to swallow every detail whole is like chasing a runaway hamster – you'll end up exhausted and dizzy. Instead, let's build a mental fortress of critical thinking to navigate this ever-shifting landscape. Sure, knowledge is power, but prioritize the right kind. Instead of memorizing every token's whitepaper, focus on understanding core concepts like blockchain technology, security principles, and market dynamics. This gives you the tools to think critically and make informed decisions, even when faced with new information.

Remember, the crypto world is a maze, not a map. There's no single path to success, and the landscape is constantly changing. But with a sharp critical mind as your guide, you can explore with confidence, avoid dead ends, and find your own unique path to success.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Fatunad on February 05, 2024, 08:38:51 PM
That's right,  I agree with you. It is clear that risks are everywhere and that is certain Whether investing online or offline in the job you have or the business you run, as well as your relationships, everything in life has risks. Sometimes there are also things where the risk cannot be avoided such as losses from the food business, this has risks that cannot be avoided, also with investment, in my opinion, the risk is there, but maybe it can still be minimized by having good knowledge. It is true that you say that a business needs a strategy to generate profits, whether from the process or marketing, but marketing is also an important thing in running a business. Many people run a business but are not good at marketing it, but this can be minimized by recruiting other people who are experts in marketing, even though it costs money, at least this is also for the good of the business being run.
Everyone was born with a different success because it is impossible for everyone to reach the same stage of success. But from what we do should be a reference that doing business or running any business must be based on the skills that are appropriate in their respective fields because they force running Something outside our ability will cause the business will not develop. There are many people who fail to do business because they do not have a love of work they do and often they work because the factors of the encouragement of others are not the job they like.

When we don't like the job, we will ignore the important things that need to be done and are often trapped by unwillingness. This often happens usually when parents force their children to continue their business, even though the child does not animate the business of his parents. But because it is forced so that children try to follow and in the end the business fails and must be closed.
Just do your own ways of living and ways on how to make it better. You cant really just that make yourself able to reach out someones success to be similar but doesnt mean that you wouldnt really be doing such act.

Everything in life does have that corresponding risks on which you would really be needing to deal with. You cant really just that make yourself having a progressive life if you wont really be making such actions
on which it would really be just that right that you would really be making such move for you to be able to achieve something. You would really be needing to cope up on such risks so that you would
really be able to achieve such state but we know that not all people would really be loving on taking up such risks.

This is why we do see different peoples position when it comes to financial aspect because there are ones who do really love on taking risks and act according into it
and there are ones who do really have no plans on doing something at all.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 06, 2024, 05:34:43 AM
Just do your own ways of living and ways on how to make it better. You cant really just that make yourself able to reach out someones success to be similar but doesnt mean that you wouldnt really be doing such act.
It is certain that people will live their lives according to their own style because following other people's lifestyles may not necessarily provide maximum results. Especially if you imitate other people's lives in terms of developing a business because different people have different skills.

Everything in life does have that corresponding risks on which you would really be needing to deal with. You cant really just that make yourself having a progressive life if you wont really be making such actions
on which it would really be just that right that you would really be making such move for you to be able to achieve something. You would really be needing to cope up on such risks so that you would
really be able to achieve such state but we know that not all people would really be loving on taking up such risks.
Someone who does not dare to take risks is not suitable to be in the world of business or investment, they would be better suited to gardening or working in the government sector. If you want to be successful in business or investment, people definitely have to take risks because their comfort zone will not put them in the desired success. Overcoming risks is not easy, especially if someone does not have mature skills when running a business or investing and when people have knowledge, that is where we can minimize existing risks.

This is why we do see different peoples position when it comes to financial aspect because there are ones who do really love on taking risks and act according into it
and there are ones who do really have no plans on doing something at all.
I agree with this view because not everyone has the same job because if that were the case then there would be no manual labor jobs or other jobs that rely more on labor. Everyone has different opportunities to achieve success and this can all be realized by practicing their skills to become better and mastering what they are doing.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: tygeade on February 06, 2024, 06:18:31 AM
Just like in an online investment, there is also risk associated with a physical business which may be higher. For example the risk of fire, flood, other natural disasters. There's also the risk of theft, the risk of the governments demolishing your physical store. When compare to online business whose risk is not highly place. If you build your online business store to have the lastest and best security then you can even take of it. You can take your business all over the world any time any day but not so with the physical business.
It is difficult to concentrate your entire business on the Internet, if you are engaged only in sales and do not sell your own goods, and you do not need a warehouse to store goods, then this is possible, but if you are a manufacturer, or buy goods in bulk, then you will not be able to limit yourself to just an online store . Online business has now become a very convenient tool for sales and it can definitely save a lot of money if you can eliminate the cost of rent and other associated costs. There are probably service companies that do not require office space and will receive the best benefits in this case.
I have a friend who does that, she doesn't hold any inventory at all, she is just a middleman basically, but she sells it like it's her own product. The place she had a deal with, agreed to put on her brand as well, so a company manufactures products, put on her brand and ships wherever she wants. All she has to do, is have a website, sell some stuff, and if she does sell something, she gets paid, then at the end of every month, pays the company who actually does the products.

This way, she makes a cut, and looks like it's her own product that way, meaning if she ever decides to change manufacturer, she could do that and just tell the new one to use her brand. That is the way you grow without spending much capital to start.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 06, 2024, 11:21:33 AM
That's right,  I agree with you. It is clear that risks are everywhere and that is certain Whether investing online or offline in the job you have or the business you run, as well as your relationships, everything in life has risks. Sometimes there are also things where the risk cannot be avoided such as losses from the food business, this has risks that cannot be avoided, also with investment, in my opinion, the risk is there, but maybe it can still be minimized by having good knowledge. It is true that you say that a business needs a strategy to generate profits, whether from the process or marketing, but marketing is also an important thing in running a business. Many people run a business but are not good at marketing it, but this can be minimized by recruiting other people who are experts in marketing, even though it costs money, at least this is also for the good of the business being run.
Everyone was born with a different success because it is impossible for everyone to reach the same stage of success. But from what we do should be a reference that doing business or running any business must be based on the skills that are appropriate in their respective fields because they force running Something outside our ability will cause the business will not develop. There are many people who fail to do business because they do not have a love of work they do and often they work because the factors of the encouragement of others are not the job they like.

When we don't like the job, we will ignore the important things that need to be done and are often trapped by unwillingness. This often happens usually when parents force their children to continue their business, even though the child does not animate the business of his parents. But because it is forced so that children try to follow and in the end the business fails and must be closed.

yes it's true, everyone has a different destiny,  maybe you can be successful with investing and I'm successful in business. everyone is unlikely to always get the same success because there are many things that can make us successful and it depends on ourselves, whether we want success or not, because if we really want success we must be able to try as much as possible to achieve the success we want in our own field. i agree with that, forcing to keep doing it is not good, because what is produced is likely to be less than optimal, do it with the basis of pleasure and love then the results can be positive.

It can happen because there are cases like that, and there are also people who don't like their work but because of their poor circumstances they try to adapt to the work they don't like in my opinion  if it's still on this one thing, the problem is adaptation even having a job that they like at first they need to adapt, to be able to survive,  it's just that they survive because they really like their job the same is the case with jobs they don't like if they can adapt then they can adjust themselves so that maybe it will make them comfortable.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Bitstar_coin on February 06, 2024, 11:33:44 AM
Base on my very little experience as an online investor,  the latter is more riskier.
Am sure when a proper survey is carried out base on this topic you will be surprise the number of people who are victims of wallet hack/drain.
The most difficult aspect of online hack/drain is that the victim is left with absolutely nothing, and it is very easy to get compromised online than offline.
So I would say, offline is less riskier than online.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: icebar on February 06, 2024, 04:01:38 PM
It is necessary to consider mitigated versus unmitigated risk while attempting to understand risk. Both businesses appear to include some danger, but the question here is how much risk-taking you can manage to make it manageable for you. You might have better security around your digital business or insure the real one. Consider how you can make things okay rather than the risk as it is.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 07, 2024, 08:19:05 AM
yes it's true, everyone has a different destiny,  maybe you can be successful with investing and I'm successful in business. everyone is unlikely to always get the same success because there are many things that can make us successful and it depends on ourselves, whether we want success or not, because if we really want success we must be able to try as much as possible to achieve the success we want in our own field. i agree with that, forcing to keep doing it is not good, because what is produced is likely to be less than optimal, do it with the basis of pleasure and love then the results can be positive.
The point is that success requires careful preparation and there are many things we need to achieve in carrying out the process. Everyone has a destiny line that needs to be fought for and usually this line is different, as long as we are able to see our own potential it will be much easier for us to develop ourselves. Business, investment or any job is just a tool for us to reach the stage of financial freedom and of course people's luck lines are different with maximum work levels and don't ignore the important things that drive our success.

It can happen because there are cases like that, and there are also people who don't like their work but because of their poor circumstances they try to adapt to the work they don't like in my opinion  if it's still on this one thing, the problem is adaptation even having a job that they like at first they need to adapt, to be able to survive,  it's just that they survive because they really like their job the same is the case with jobs they don't like if they can adapt then they can adjust themselves so that maybe it will make them comfortable.
Businesspeople are not born by themselves because there is a long process that they have to go through to be better prepared and know how to face risks. Forcing ourselves to run a business without our love for the work we do will only waste time. Parents don't need to direct their children to do the same business as them, but if they intend to inherit it, introduce the business they manage as early as possible and provide education to their children so that they are interested in the business. Because coercion will only make them less interested in running the business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Kriptogram14 on February 07, 2024, 08:37:15 AM
understanding risk requires thinking in terms of mitigated versus unmitigated risk. Both business seem to have risk associated, but the key here is to what degree can you take those risks so that it becomes bearable for you. You may insure the physical business or have a better security around your digital one. Think not on the risk as it is, but how can you make it ok.

Yes, in every business or business there is something called risk, we have to accept this, because when we are ready to enter the world of business, we also have to be ready to accept any risk, whatever the risk, because in business it is not possible to run smoothly, but there are risks. Separately, there are several ways to minimize risks in business, 1. Conduct research and identify sources of business risk, 2. Make mature and selective plans in choosing products, 3. Adjust to capital and look at market demand, 4. It's best not to rush. Hurry to make business decisions, 5. Regularly carry out evaluations, these are several ways to avoid business risks that we can take and learn for our future business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 07, 2024, 11:20:27 AM
yes it's true, everyone has a different destiny,  maybe you can be successful with investing and I'm successful in business. everyone is unlikely to always get the same success because there are many things that can make us successful and it depends on ourselves, whether we want success or not, because if we really want success we must be able to try as much as possible to achieve the success we want in our own field. i agree with that, forcing to keep doing it is not good, because what is produced is likely to be less than optimal, do it with the basis of pleasure and love then the results can be positive.
The point is that success requires careful preparation and there are many things we need to achieve in carrying out the process. Everyone has a destiny line that needs to be fought for and usually this line is different, as long as we are able to see our own potential it will be much easier for us to develop ourselves. Business, investment or any job is just a tool for us to reach the stage of financial freedom and of course people's luck lines are different with maximum work levels and don't ignore the important things that drive our success.

Yes, I agree with that, to be able to achieve success we have to do the best with what we do, because of course success can be obtained if we do our best. On the other hand, if we don't do our best it will produce something less than optimal. We hope that we can do our best to experience development in what we do and in ourselves too. Many people do business, but they tend to ignore the risks that exist, so that when they experience a problem they cannot overcome that problem, and this happens because of their lack of preparing everything well.

Of course, they can overcome this risk by preparing everything carefully. consider everything well, don't take action carelessly and don't consider it first, sometimes there are times when we have to dare to take risks, but of course this also has to be thought about and considered as well as possible, don't let mistakes happen that can ruin the business we are running. went bankrupt.

It can happen because there are cases like that, and there are also people who don't like their work but because of their poor circumstances they try to adapt to the work they don't like in my opinion  if it's still on this one thing, the problem is adaptation even having a job that they like at first they need to adapt, to be able to survive,  it's just that they survive because they really like their job the same is the case with jobs they don't like if they can adapt then they can adjust themselves so that maybe it will make them comfortable.
Businesspeople are not born by themselves because there is a long process that they have to go through to be better prepared and know how to face risks. Forcing ourselves to run a business without our love for the work we do will only waste time. Parents don't need to direct their children to do the same business as them, but if they intend to inherit it, introduce the business they manage as early as possible and provide education to their children so that they are interested in the business. Because coercion will only make them less interested in running the business.

That's right, there are many processes that have to be gone through, including running a business that can generate profits. To be able to make a profit from the business you run, of course there will be a process that has to be gone through, step by step it must be done carefully so that there are no risks that could be detrimental. running a business, even though there are risks, there is no harm in doing our best, because no one wants their business to fail, therefore doing our best is one way to avoid existing risks, or minimize them.

That's true, parents don't have to demand that their children run the same business, indeed if they continue their parents' business there is a possibility that they can be successful, but basically everyone has their own choices, so it's better if the child starts a business according to his wishes and hopes. Parents can encourage what their children do, by providing encouragement and advice. It is true that what you say is that coercion tends not to be well received, and also the results may be less than optimal.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Peanutswar on February 07, 2024, 02:26:11 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.
In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

Both aspects of investment have a risk that's why before committing an investment you need to make sure you have a plan. Only ignorant move you will release money to the thing you don't know how it works and how will run. In the first option if you want to make a business make sure you have checked what the people need, and want, because its easy to say theres a lot of stores right there which is common and you want to compete with them in that your target market is already scattered with your competitor instead make a business doesn't have yet in your community. If this grows you succeed if not you will seek another its could be a trial and error too. Not all business becomes successful.
In investment in online still the same you need to commit something with higher valuable to your target audience the difference is you change your platform into online with less hassle, most of the online now have security later so why not use this feature so you don't get bother if hacking.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Ahli38 on February 07, 2024, 02:41:49 PM
Base on my very little experience as an online investor,  the latter is more riskier.
Am sure when a proper survey is carried out base on this topic you will be surprise the number of people who are victims of wallet hack/drain.
The most difficult aspect of online hack/drain is that the victim is left with absolutely nothing, and it is very easy to get compromised online than offline.
So I would say, offline is less riskier than online.
If we talk about the comparison of which is more risky, the answer is, as you said, that the online sector is indeed much riskier. This is different from the offline sector, where the crime rate is actually much lower than in the online sector, where fraudsters even openly spread malicious links for victims to devour. Meanwhile, in the physical world, criminals will not dare to appear openly. It's just that theft in the real world also happens a lot, but perhaps not as much as happens in online businesses. Where we often see news that hackers drain millions of dollars from the victim's online wallet. Even those affected by hacking are usually not ordinary people but important people who have big projects. It's just that if we already know how to secure our assets online then that can reduce the risk. Unlike in the physical world, sometimes robbers can force their way into a shop that is equipped with tight security.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: moneystery on February 07, 2024, 02:57:26 PM
between building a business and investing, both have risks, but the risk can be lower if the person understands the business or investment he is working on. for example, when he builds a business he understands what risks are associated with his business and how he should behave towards it. and the same goes for investment, what things need to be done so that the investment can run more safely and not cause losses to him.

if he understands the risks in the business or investment he is running, he should be able to overcome the risks associated with what he is doing.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 08, 2024, 08:01:44 AM
Yes, I agree with that, to be able to achieve success we have to do the best with what we do, because of course success can be obtained if we do our best. On the other hand, if we don't do our best it will produce something less than optimal. We hope that we can do our best to experience development in what we do and in ourselves too. Many people do business, but they tend to ignore the risks that exist, so that when they experience a problem they cannot overcome that problem, and this happens because of their lack of preparing everything well.

Of course, they can overcome this risk by preparing everything carefully. consider everything well, don't take action carelessly and don't consider it first, sometimes there are times when we have to dare to take risks, but of course this also has to be thought about and considered as well as possible, don't let mistakes happen that can ruin the business we are running. went bankrupt.
Something that starts with knowledge will definitely give much better results because this is directly related to how to run a business or whatever we are doing. Taking risks must also be based on good knowledge because placing hope on luck is not much different from people who gamble. Therefore, taking risks must also consider several aspects, the ability to see potential, the ability to develop and how to respond when the business you are running is experiencing sales problems.

Once we have mastered these three, taking risks will feel easier, this does not mean that there are no challenges but that we know what to do when a problem occurs. Regarding risk, it doesn't only apply to business, but wherever we make money we definitely have to consider the risk because if we make the wrong decision it will be in vain in the process we go through.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 08, 2024, 11:00:26 AM
Yes, I agree with that, to be able to achieve success we have to do the best with what we do, because of course success can be obtained if we do our best. On the other hand, if we don't do our best it will produce something less than optimal. We hope that we can do our best to experience development in what we do and in ourselves too. Many people do business, but they tend to ignore the risks that exist, so that when they experience a problem they cannot overcome that problem, and this happens because of their lack of preparing everything well.

Of course, they can overcome this risk by preparing everything carefully. consider everything well, don't take action carelessly and don't consider it first, sometimes there are times when we have to dare to take risks, but of course this also has to be thought about and considered as well as possible, don't let mistakes happen that can ruin the business we are running. went bankrupt.
Something that starts with knowledge will definitely give much better results because this is directly related to how to run a business or whatever we are doing. Taking risks must also be based on good knowledge because placing hope on luck is not much different from people who gamble. Therefore, taking risks must also consider several aspects, the ability to see potential, the ability to develop and how to respond when the business you are running is experiencing sales problems.

Once we have mastered these three, taking risks will feel easier, this does not mean that there are no challenges but that we know what to do when a problem occurs. Regarding risk, it doesn't only apply to business, but wherever we make money we definitely have to consider the risk because if we make the wrong decision it will be in vain in the process we go through.

That's true, of course science or knowledge will also help us in running a business, because if you run a business without knowledge or knowledge it is the same as lighting a fire in a high tower, it will be difficult to succeed Risks that usually occur in something that is carried out including business, can occur intentionally but even so, this does not mean that we really want risks to occur, but sometimes we need to take risky actions for the progress of the business that is being carried out as well.
only people who have good self-confidence can take risky actions in business and I think people like this are not afraid of failure. by we can overcome the problems that occur well, we can indirectly take lessons from it, why the problem can occur, and think of ways so that the problems that occur do not happen again.

Sometimes there are people who take action without considering it first with the sentence "what later" this tends to end or result in bad things, and there are also those who consider it well with the sentence "what later", these two things are almost the same, but each has its own purpose and meaning. I often hear this from my friends who have businesses. If something is done that has the potential to generate profit (money), it should be considered as carefully as possible, so that the action taken is not taken carelessly, because that is not right. There are definitely risks, but they can be minimized if we do it well, by considering everything thoughtfully, taking this action, what kind of risk it is and how we should handle it, taking action like that, what the risk is and how to handle it, everything must be taken into consideration. well. then risks can be avoided or can be overcome easily.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: slapper on February 08, 2024, 02:25:07 PM
Yes, I agree with that, to be able to achieve success we have to do the best with what we do, because of course success can be obtained if we do our best. On the other hand, if we don't do our best it will produce something less than optimal. We hope that we can do our best to experience development in what we do and in ourselves too. Many people do business, but they tend to ignore the risks that exist, so that when they experience a problem they cannot overcome that problem, and this happens because of their lack of preparing everything well.

Of course, they can overcome this risk by preparing everything carefully. consider everything well, don't take action carelessly and don't consider it first, sometimes there are times when we have to dare to take risks, but of course this also has to be thought about and considered as well as possible, don't let mistakes happen that can ruin the business we are running. went bankrupt.
Something that starts with knowledge will definitely give much better results because this is directly related to how to run a business or whatever we are doing. Taking risks must also be based on good knowledge because placing hope on luck is not much different from people who gamble. Therefore, taking risks must also consider several aspects, the ability to see potential, the ability to develop and how to respond when the business you are running is experiencing sales problems.

Once we have mastered these three, taking risks will feel easier, this does not mean that there are no challenges but that we know what to do when a problem occurs. Regarding risk, it doesn't only apply to business, but wherever we make money we definitely have to consider the risk because if we make the wrong decision it will be in vain in the process we go through.

That's true, of course science or knowledge will also help us in running a business, because if you run a business without knowledge or knowledge it is the same as lighting a fire in a high tower, it will be difficult to succeed Risks that usually occur in something that is carried out including business, can occur intentionally but even so, this does not mean that we really want risks to occur, but sometimes we need to take risky actions for the progress of the business that is being carried out as well.
only people who have good self-confidence can take risky actions in business and I think people like this are not afraid of failure. by we can overcome the problems that occur well, we can indirectly take lessons from it, why the problem can occur, and think of ways so that the problems that occur do not happen again.

Sometimes there are people who take action without considering it first with the sentence "what later" this tends to end or result in bad things, and there are also those who consider it well with the sentence "what later", these two things are almost the same, but each has its own purpose and meaning. I often hear this from my friends who have businesses. If something is done that has the potential to generate profit (money), it should be considered as carefully as possible, so that the action taken is not taken carelessly, because that is not right. There are definitely risks, but they can be minimized if we do it well, by considering everything thoughtfully, taking this action, what kind of risk it is and how we should handle it, taking action like that, what the risk is and how to handle it, everything must be taken into consideration. well. then risks can be avoided or can be overcome easily.
Business knowledge isn't a luxury; it's your market armour. Firestarting without knowledge? We don't go there. We construct empires with wisdom, strategy, and foresight. You say risks? They're not simply road bumps; they're bravery signs. Not all risks are worthwhile, yet without them, you stagnate. Lack of corporate growth is the actual failure, not setbacks. Calculated risks with knowledge and confidence, not wild jumps into the unknown

Those who decide "what later"? A gamble, not a strategy. Every choice must be evaluated against knowledge. Not avoiding risks, but knowing which ones are worth dancing with. The smart move? Accept knowledge and control-related risk. That turns obstacles into opportunities

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Patrol69 on February 08, 2024, 02:36:39 PM
Directly following others or going to an exchange account for bot trading or copy-trading are not very reliable. We may think that investing in coins that are cryptographic is more risky than investing in businesses that have physical assets, but we are wrong. That's why our thinking is wrong because risk depends on your skills your success or failure will depend on what you are good at. If someone has a good understanding of crypto business then he should do crypto business or invest in crypto platform. On the other hand, if a person has his own expertise in physical business, then it would be a good decision to take up physical business. The idea that a person is successful in a particular business and I have to trade the business he has done in order to be successful is wrong. Whether the business is small or big, we have to be comfortable in any business. 
Directly following others will result in huge losses of money and recovery of those losses will be a very difficult matter for an investor.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Distinctin on February 08, 2024, 08:59:17 PM
Both have their own risks. We can’t expect that regardless if it’s online or offline, there are high chances to succeed over the other. Of course, one only gets real advantage if he is knowledgeable on the type of investment he decides to enter and take risk. If he has past experiences with that type of investment, that would be another great advantage, and most especially, if he has all the financial resources that is readily available and can afford it losing, then that will eventually lessen the risk which gives bigger opportunities to succeed whatever type of investment you chose.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: RockBell on February 08, 2024, 09:16:08 PM
between building a business and investing, both have risks, but the risk can be lower if the person understands the business or investment he is working on. for example, when he builds a business he understands what risks are associated with his business and how he should behave towards it. and the same goes for investment, what things need to be done so that the investment can run more safely and not cause losses to him.

if he understands the risks in the business or investment he is running, he should be able to overcome the risks associated with what he is doing.
They are both good and you will make money from both of them, but you can not avoid the risk, if you understand your business makes everything flow well for you because it is not necessary to even build a business, you can at the same time invest, instead of building for example now people that are into agriculture, you don't need to farm but you can invest by buying and keeping and when the time is right you can sell, and that one is even more preferably and less risky compare to farming that anything can happen, talk about erosion and maybe pest infection and other diseases. and there will be other examples that can be given, so with all this just shows that I will want to just invest than to just build and with the experience and what I have seen.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Dewi Aries on February 08, 2024, 09:34:37 PM
between building a business and investing, both have risks, but the risk can be lower if the person understands the business or investment he is working on. for example, when he builds a business he understands what risks are associated with his business and how he should behave towards it. and the same goes for investment, what things need to be done so that the investment can run more safely and not cause losses to him.

if he understands the risks in the business or investment he is running, he should be able to overcome the risks associated with what he is doing.

investment or business is something that has its own risks, in my opinion there are also many cases of failure in business and investing due to a lack of knowledge about what is being done. If we have a good understanding, serious problems probably won't occur, and even if there are problems with what we do, whether it's investment or business, we can handle them well because we have a good understanding of the related aspects. So even though there is a risk, it can be minimized by doing it well and considering everything as best as possible.

In my opinion, some people are unable to overcome the risks that occur, this is due to a lack of understanding about the movement being carried out, sometimes there are people who always experience risks but still do the same thing without correcting their mistakes and for the reason of trying their luck, according to In my opinion, if there is a problem with what is being done,  be it investment or business, then we should be able to understand the related aspects so that we can overcome the risks involved, then maybe there won't be any bad problems that will occur.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: freedomgo on February 08, 2024, 11:58:36 PM
Both are risky if you don’t have the necessary knowledge and experience that will make your investment works. Even if you are knowledgeable on your chosen investment but that is your first time to manage it, then the chances to lose is high and inevitable.

However, each type of investment can be learned in time if we have the patience and interest to study the investment. The problem with a lot of people is that they expect immediate profits when in reality, it takes time to see any business grows and prospers.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: radjie on February 09, 2024, 02:33:35 AM
All efforts that we will undertake in business clearly all have risks, even though there are differences in the risks that will be faced, at least establish yourself first because there will be obstacles or obstacles that we must be able to overcome.  The point is, don't give up easily when you experience failure in any business, because from there we can further perfect or correct it again in order to achieve success

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarissaLopez on February 09, 2024, 07:15:26 AM
Diversify. If you like offline business, go for it. That does not mean you can not invest online. Both are good, it depends on the nature of the work. But learn about what you want to do very well before you start.

running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.
Do not go for the ones that are risky like putting your coins on centralized exchanges, you can hold the coins on a cold wallet instead and have full control. Also go for a better coin like bitcoin and not shitcoins.

Yes when venturing into investment you should know which one is suitable and favourable to you,you can't go into something that will end up generating a total loss.
Even in business you can't really tell if the business will be a total loss or not.its all depends on your management skills and how you go about it.

Moreso any online investment might be having a high risk chances depending on what investment type but you need to hold your horses and making sure both physical business and online business turn out to be a Great achievement

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 09, 2024, 11:21:20 AM
That's true, of course science or knowledge will also help us in running a business, because if you run a business without knowledge or knowledge it is the same as lighting a fire in a high tower, it will be difficult to succeed Risks that usually occur in something that is carried out including business, can occur intentionally but even so, this does not mean that we really want risks to occur, but sometimes we need to take risky actions for the progress of the business that is being carried out as well.
only people who have good self-confidence can take risky actions in business and I think people like this are not afraid of failure. by we can overcome the problems that occur well, we can indirectly take lessons from it, why the problem can occur, and think of ways so that the problems that occur do not happen again.

Sometimes there are people who take action without considering it first with the sentence "what later" this tends to end or result in bad things, and there are also those who consider it well with the sentence "what later", these two things are almost the same, but each has its own purpose and meaning. I often hear this from my friends who have businesses. If something is done that has the potential to generate profit (money), it should be considered as carefully as possible, so that the action taken is not taken carelessly, because that is not right. There are definitely risks, but they can be minimized if we do it well, by considering everything thoughtfully, taking this action, what kind of risk it is and how we should handle it, taking action like that, what the risk is and how to handle it, everything must be taken into consideration. well. then risks can be avoided or can be overcome easily.
Business knowledge isn't a luxury; it's your market armour. Firestarting without knowledge? We don't go there. We construct empires with wisdom, strategy, and foresight. You say risks? They're not simply road bumps; they're bravery signs. Not all risks are worthwhile, yet without them, you stagnate. Lack of corporate growth is the actual failure, not setbacks. Calculated risks with knowledge and confidence, not wild jumps into the unknown

Those who decide "what later"? A gamble, not a strategy. Every choice must be evaluated against knowledge. Not avoiding risks, but knowing which ones are worth dancing with. The smart move? Accept knowledge and control-related risk. That turns obstacles into opportunities

why did you go there? I am only describing a business that is carried out without any knowledge or knowledge related to the business being carried out because if you run a business without knowledge it will be difficult to succeed, just like lighting a fire on a tower, it is very difficult to succeed. Every thing you do, of course there are risks, have you ever found a business that is not risky? In my opinion, there doesn't seem to be any. Everyone has their own risks. With the knowledge or knowledge we have, we can overcome the risks that exist and maybe it's good that they can be avoided.

It is true that every choice, action must be evaluated well, this is the same as considering it thoroughly. without considering it, we can only hope that a miracle will happen, where something done haphazardly must produce positive value, but that will not happen completely, because as you said it is more about betting, not strategy If the risk can be avoided, why should it be taken? I think risks can be avoided well if we have good knowledge and skills Of course no one wants to experience risks with what they do.
the same goes for investing. Investment or business certainly has its own risks and many people experience problems because of their lack of knowledge about what they are doing but what is good is that we must be able to learn lessons from the problems that occur by fixing them so that they don't happen again in the future.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: jaberwock on February 09, 2024, 01:25:04 PM
between building a business and investing, both have risks, but the risk can be lower if the person understands the business or investment he is working on. for example, when he builds a business he understands what risks are associated with his business and how he should behave towards it. and the same goes for investment, what things need to be done so that the investment can run more safely and not cause losses to him.

if he understands the risks in the business or investment he is running, he should be able to overcome the risks associated with what he is doing.
Investment is a risk if you are investing into something that can bankrupt, if you are investing into something serious then it's very difficult for it to go to zero, however if you start a business then it's quite likely that it could end up going to zero.

This is why I think it's quite important for people to know the difference, one could make you richer but also be zero while the other could make you richer but less richer while not going to zero. Obviously, you could also get poor and zero with investment as well if you invest into something silly, so if you prefer the investment route then you should end up doing something that would make sense, and in this case I would say investing into bitcoin would be good enough for people.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 09, 2024, 05:30:51 PM
We know that regardless of the prospect of any business or investment, understanding the risk involved in the business is an integral part of the consideration one should consider before venturing into the business and when it comes to bitcoin investment, it's very basic yo know that the major risk associated with it are just a few of the ones below which could either be issue relating to hacking, lost or misplaced seed phrase or possibly sending your crypto holding to the wrong address considering it irreversible nature.

In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

There is risk in every Business be it online or offline but the major thing is to identify the risk, sometimes it is very difficult to identify the risk that's involved in a business because of the over anxiousness of people to make money by all means, a business person with prospects thinks about the negative and positive affluence of their business, if you are into online business that's is defined I don't think that you will have anything to worry about, this is also applicable to physical establishments, to me what matters in this too is the knowledge and the research of the person that's us involved.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Abu-Naim on February 09, 2024, 08:18:17 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

All investments involves risk, learning how to manage the risk is the main thing that will make your business go fast because we know that the higher your risk, the greater the reward.

Physical investments is good and the risk is reasonable because it can be controlled or it can be seen and be managed by taking some major precautions to prevent all these risks involved.
While online investment risk is more volatile and it is easier to lose money online since you cannot see the risk but if you also take some precautions, you can manage the risk and get your reward.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: arimamib on February 09, 2024, 11:10:00 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

All investments involves risk, learning how to manage the risk is the main thing that will make your business go fast because we know that the higher your risk, the greater the reward.

Physical investments is good and the risk is reasonable because it can be controlled or it can be seen and be managed by taking some major precautions to prevent all these risks involved.
While online investment risk is more volatile and it is easier to lose money online since you cannot see the risk but if you also take some precautions, you can manage the risk and get your reward.
Risk management is an essential aspect of investment. Indeed, all investments carry some level of risk, and understanding how to effectively manage that risk is crucial for success. Physical investments, such as real estate or tangible assets, often come with risks that can be more easily identified and mitigated through measures like insurance, maintenance, or diversification. The tangible nature of these investments allows investors to assess and manage risks more directly.

Online investments, such as stocks, cryptocurrencies, or forex trading, can indeed be more volatile and carry different types of risks. The intangible nature of these investments can make risk assessment more challenging, as you rightly pointed out. With proper research, education, and risk management strategies, investors can still navigate online investments successfully. Whether investing in physical assets or online ventures, the key is to understand the risks involved, take necessary precautions, and make informed decisions based on your individual risk tolerance and investment objectives.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: poodle63 on February 10, 2024, 02:27:10 AM
All efforts that we will undertake in business clearly all have risks, even though there are differences in the risks that will be faced, at least establish yourself first because there will be obstacles or obstacles that we must be able to overcome.  The point is, don't give up easily when you experience failure in any business, because from there we can further perfect or correct it again in order to achieve success
this also needs meticulous planning so that the capital, resources, and time spent won't go to waste because fairly speaking there are people that are steel willed never giving up but they depleted their resources fast because they just follow the saying "just do it" without any meticulous planning.
this is also the reason why only very few business man out there could succeeds because starting out business is just that difficult and need to factor the fact that people are sometime lucky to have their business succeed, we can be spending time, resources, meticilous planning and capital to build our business and would still fail if we are unlucky enough.
having business is all about doing the right thing at the right time.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: blckhawk on February 10, 2024, 03:15:39 AM
The way that you worded those choices leaves us no way to weigh in on what's better since they both got a lot of risks involved in them, I'd rather go for the one that will give the most rewards which would be B. It's an online investment and I don't think that there's no way that I'll pass up on something that's high risk and high reward investment, sure it's prone to hacks or scams but the pay off for a little money wouldn't hurt and with a physical business, you're going to be spending more because you're going to need to hire people and save money for upkeep cost for the business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: MarjorieZimmermanGinger on February 11, 2024, 09:03:02 AM
Business knowledge isn't a luxury; it's your market armour. Firestarting without knowledge? We don't go there. We construct empires with wisdom, strategy, and foresight. You say risks? They're not simply road bumps; they're bravery signs. Not all risks are worthwhile, yet without them, you stagnate. Lack of corporate growth is the actual failure, not setbacks. Calculated risks with knowledge and confidence, not wild jumps into the unknown

Those who decide "what later"? A gamble, not a strategy. Every choice must be evaluated against knowledge. Not avoiding risks, but knowing which ones are worth dancing with. The smart move? Accept knowledge and control-related risk. That turns obstacles into opportunities
Priority scale and being able to see opportunities because business cannot just be run without considering other aspects. We often hear how people are thinking about taking risks, but this courage must be based on knowledge of what is being carried out. Without risk, we live in a comfortable zone, but we don't talk about the stage of accumulating wealth, because all forms of work definitely have their own risk impacts. Building a business based on emotions involves the risk of being wrong because we can never reach the negative effects that will arise.

Opportunities, reading market needs and having analytical skills to develop a business are quite necessary, so that the picture of the business we run has a level of success. When people want to learn there is nothing difficult because everything can be learned and if in someone's opinion the business is right then learn how to dominate the market, that way we know what kind of consumers we should target.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: dezoel on February 11, 2024, 05:34:33 PM
All efforts that we will undertake in business clearly all have risks, even though there are differences in the risks that will be faced, at least establish yourself first because there will be obstacles or obstacles that we must be able to overcome.  The point is, don't give up easily when you experience failure in any business, because from there we can further perfect or correct it again in order to achieve success
It's not the efforts but it was when we enter a business. Efforts are in fact a good thing because it simply means that we are working towards our success. Levels of risks can depend on our ranks or how long we are into the journey that we are trying to venture. If we are beginners we should start with lower risk because we still lacks in knowledge. We can gradually elevate our risk, the more experience or knowledge we gain.

Even though we are now established, obstacles are still there, though they are now new obstacles which can be tough but I'm sure we can always overcome them if we still repeat the same mindset we did before which is to never quit easily.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Yatsan on February 11, 2024, 05:52:41 PM
The way that you worded those choices leaves us no way to weigh in on what's better since they both got a lot of risks involved in them, I'd rather go for the one that will give the most rewards which would be B. It's an online investment and I don't think that there's no way that I'll pass up on something that's high risk and high reward investment, sure it's prone to hacks or scams but the pay off for a little money wouldn't hurt and with a physical business, you're going to be spending more because you're going to need to hire people and save money for upkeep cost for the business.
Eitherway, risk would be present and your job is to lessen that risk. As others haave said, diversification would be a better option if you're not sure of what to do in this situaation, than to choose one and go all out with it. Also depends on what's best to work for you considering circumstances, capital, and knowledge but for sure knowedge should be given priority. It may also help you decide if it is offline or online business you are planning. Seeking for knowledge is also determining your 'grounds'.  You'd be able to tell which one would be more likely to succeed and which one is in contrast with your ideal investment set up. You'd learn along the way and conclusion is more likely to be formed. Never be in a rush.

Common mistake of business owners, is to engage with things they did not even invested with their time, they just tend to follow what's new. Well, it does work sometimes but with appropriation. It is not only the business platform but also the process of actually managing it for a long run.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: tread93 on February 11, 2024, 06:02:24 PM
A physical location could still be hacked you have to remember just to have safeguards in place such as cyber insurance, you should also have an Endpoint Detection and Response cyber security solution to make sure you aren't vulnerable to ransomware. The same risks apply to an online business and of course the handling or BTC and crypto must be safeguarded extremely well because this is exactly what ransomeware groups are after!

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: naikturun on February 11, 2024, 06:52:28 PM
I think everything is risky, so it depends on the investor, which instrument he is more comfortable investing in, I think each sector has its own advantages and disadvantages.
so it depends on each person.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Lantind on February 11, 2024, 07:39:12 PM
I think everything is risky, so it depends on the investor, which instrument he is more comfortable investing in, I think each sector has its own advantages and disadvantages.
so it depends on each person.
To be able to avoid the risks that we will face in investing or trading, we must first be able to understand well the knowledge of investing or trading and it is true that what you say in these two things will certainly have advantages and disadvantages and if we have to choose between these two things Of course it would be better for us to understand correctly what we are going to choose and how to reduce the risks that we will get from these two things and we must also be able to solve any problems that we might get from investing or trading.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: GbitG on February 11, 2024, 08:48:30 PM
The way that you worded those choices leaves us no way to weigh in on what's better since they both got a lot of risks involved in them, I'd rather go for the one that will give the most rewards which would be B. It's an online investment and I don't think that there's no way that I'll pass up on something that's high risk and high reward investment, sure it's prone to hacks or scams but the pay off for a little money wouldn't hurt and with a physical business, you're going to be spending more because you're going to need to hire people and save money for upkeep cost for the business.
You are talking from a convenience viewpoint, and an individual thinking of starting a business or making an investment would indeed find doing it online much easier and cost-efficient, however, it doesn't guarantee that you will be successful in it because it depends on your understanding of both sides. If you aren't someone who has always been fond of online investments and businesses and you aren't someone who is into online stuff more than physical ones, you will barely be able to manage online stuff even if it's just an investment. So it's not just about convenience and cost-efficiency, it's also a matter of experience and knowledge about which side can have a higher success rate for you.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Egii Nna on February 11, 2024, 08:48:47 PM
Both have their own risks. We can’t expect that regardless if it’s online or offline, there are high chances to succeed over the other. Of course, one only gets real advantage if he is knowledgeable on the type of investment he decides to enter and take risk. If he has past experiences with that type of investment, that would be another great advantage, and most especially, if he has all the financial resources that is readily available and can afford it losing, then that will eventually lessen the risk which gives bigger opportunities to succeed whatever type of investment you chose.

Risk is also part of the struggle as far as investment is involved. Others say risk is also a step to take when you really want to get rich, because if you don’t take that risk, it will be very hard to get the money. Definitely,  if someone decides to pick a business or investment, the first thing to consider is the risk attached to the business, and having a bit of knowledge on that will ensure a high advantage for you in the business or investment he or she is trying to join.

I always say the higher the risks, the higher the profit, and the lower the risks, the lower the profit, so it is just a simple arithmetic. If you really need financial freedom, you have to understand the concept of investing in any type of business, which will include knowing the risks and the profit to gain from the investment and having some knowledge regarding the business and its investment to success in life.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: YUriy1991 on February 12, 2024, 09:24:17 AM
Both are risky if you don’t have the necessary knowledge and experience that will make your investment works. Even if you are knowledgeable on your chosen investment but that is your first time to manage it, then the chances to lose is high and inevitable.

However, each type of investment can be learned in time if we have the patience and interest to study the investment. The problem with a lot of people is that they expect immediate profits when in reality, it takes time to see any business grows and prospers.

Aggressive profits are always everyone's dream when trading, but currently many people fail, especially in trading, and this is almost the average for beginners who are very eager to make quick profits and fail to increase their estimated capital.

I think exactly as you said, whether in trading or other investments, knowledge and patience are the keys that must be implemented well in order to become a financial winner and that applies in any condition.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: terrific on February 12, 2024, 09:52:34 AM
The online investment that you don't know is the riskiest thing and many fall for this mistake. They think that investing is like that and it grows like mushrooms where they can earn quickly everywhere.
Still, nothing beats the traditional businesses if you're for that and not for high risk terms. While in online investments like Bitcoin, there is no need for a debate on this one as we all know how it works.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Huppercase on February 12, 2024, 10:54:20 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I have a little advice for you and this is it.

** Don't start a business you are not used to with your money, you will most likely failed in that business and you might not make anything because as a first time business person, you are bound to make some errors and mistakes because it's not everything they will tell you until you learn it on your own. So whether you are going online or offline, don't sleep on this advice.

The second advice is this, you should know that all business has risk whether it's online or offline, someone good at online will give you some advice to go for online but by the time you give it a try, it might not worth it or you may even regret trying it out. What you should do is to develop a interest in one area and try a little from it like a form of sample, study it and see if it's going to worth it or not before you push high amount of money into it. Just know that all business or investment involves risk.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Z390 on February 12, 2024, 11:10:51 AM
Failing or not succeeding is the problem with offline business and getting hacked or losing your assets due to your mistake is the issue with investment online, if that's the crypto investment side of thing, but honestly risk is risk, it depend on which one you can deal with, every business has their own risks, nothing is risk free in this world.

Just make a choice, because whatever you choose won't matter in the end, you can't escape from been tested by hardship, no man can escape this fact, that's why your hustle must be accepted as your greatest fear that you need to face and rule over.

How many times are you ready to lose? This is what makes you into a better business man, how far are you willing to go? What is losing or failure to you? If it's abomination you can't succeed, it's why I laugh at people who pray to never fail in whatever they are doing, and I like saying, they are simply praying to never win, because there is no winning without failures.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: pusaka on February 12, 2024, 11:32:35 AM
The online investment that you don't know is the riskiest thing and many fall for this mistake. They think that investing is like that and it grows like mushrooms where they can earn quickly everywhere.
Still, nothing beats the traditional businesses if you're for that and not for high risk terms. While in online investments like Bitcoin, there is no need for a debate on this one as we all know how it works.
Whether running a business online or online, there will always be risks, regardless of the form of business, whether investment or so on. And when talking about this, it will not be separated from the knowledge and experience we have.
But I want to warn when doing busines online, because in this era there are many forms of fraud, especially in the name of investment, even though it is a ponzi scheme or fraud. Some of the people closest to me have also experienced this and even cheated in quite a large amount.
Actually, I have warned them about this, but they insisted because at the beginning they got benefits that if you think about it, it doesn't make sense. When they make a bigger deposit, that's where they will lose money.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: terrific on February 12, 2024, 01:06:37 PM
The online investment that you don't know is the riskiest thing and many fall for this mistake. They think that investing is like that and it grows like mushrooms where they can earn quickly everywhere.
Still, nothing beats the traditional businesses if you're for that and not for high risk terms. While in online investments like Bitcoin, there is no need for a debate on this one as we all know how it works.
Whether running a business online or online, there will always be risks, regardless of the form of business, whether investment or so on. And when talking about this, it will not be separated from the knowledge and experience we have.
But I want to warn when doing busines online, because in this era there are many forms of fraud, especially in the name of investment, even though it is a ponzi scheme or fraud. Some of the people closest to me have also experienced this and even cheated in quite a large amount.
Actually, I have warned them about this, but they insisted because at the beginning they got benefits that if you think about it, it doesn't make sense. When they make a bigger deposit, that's where they will lose money.
I agree that they have both risks but for someone who's got a preference, you should know which works well for you.
People that are new in investments, they're the ones that are prone to investing into frauds and ponzi schemes and they will learn from their experiences.
But if they don't want to go to that route of experiencing it, then they have to listen to those people that have experienced it before and trying to help them how to avoid it.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: eightdots on February 12, 2024, 01:31:48 PM
The online investment that you don't know is the riskiest thing and many fall for this mistake. They think that investing is like that and it grows like mushrooms where they can earn quickly everywhere.
Still, nothing beats the traditional businesses if you're for that and not for high risk terms. While in online investments like Bitcoin, there is no need for a debate on this one as we all know how it works.
Whether running a business online or online, there will always be risks, regardless of the form of business, whether investment or so on. And when talking about this, it will not be separated from the knowledge and experience we have.
But I want to warn when doing busines online, because in this era there are many forms of fraud, especially in the name of investment, even though it is a ponzi scheme or fraud. Some of the people closest to me have also experienced this and even cheated in quite a large amount.
Actually, I have warned them about this, but they insisted because at the beginning they got benefits that if you think about it, it doesn't make sense. When they make a bigger deposit, that's where they will lose money.
I agree that they have both risks but for someone who's got a preference, you should know which works well for you.
People that are new in investments, they're the ones that are prone to investing into frauds and ponzi schemes and they will learn from their experiences.
But if they don't want to go to that route of experiencing it, then they have to listen to those people that have experienced it before and trying to help them how to avoid it.

There is risk in every investment. Our priority is to take precautions against all risks and act safely when investing. Sometimes, even if you take all precautions, certain risks may occur. As with everything, there are risks at every stage of investment.

It is obvious that people who are especially new to investing are more vulnerable to fraud. This is where experience comes into play and we understand how important it is to be knowledgeable and spend time in the market.

There is always risk, as knowledge increases, the amount of risk decreases.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Issa56 on February 12, 2024, 01:36:24 PM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

There is no business that doesn’t have risk, so if you are going into any business, then you should know there is a risk involved in it, whether it’s an online business or a physical business. If I am going to invest, then I will divide my money into three different parts before I start investing. I will invest some part in physical business, then I will also invest some part in online business, and then I will leave the remaining part as my reserve in case anything happens. I will have a backup, so I won’t have to start from the beginning. When you are venturing into any business, you should identify the risks involved in them so that you will be prepared in case anything happens that’s not really going to affect you.
Some people end up having some health challenges if their business fails due to shock, so you shouldn’t go beyond your limit just because you want to take a risk. If you notice the risk in your business is just too high, then try and leave it and venture into another business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: doomloop on February 12, 2024, 03:18:32 PM
Investing in bitcoins exposes you to technological risks, such as hacking and errors in cryptocurrency management. On the other hand, a physical business entails risks like fires, thefts, and market changes. Each of these options has its unique challenges, and people have different preferences. For example, older individuals tend to be skeptical about cryptocurrency, while the younger generation embraces new and innovative concepts and may take risks.
That's true, however, if we look closely and be honest about everything, there are more earning opportunities online these days than offline, and one can earn more money with less investment online while physical businesses and investments require more money and more effort and return of investment takes more time than it might take for online businesses or investments. Risks are present on both sides, and precautions must be taken for any business you start.

In my opinion, the severity of risks depends on a person's understanding of the area and niche they are getting into. A businessman managing businesses in the world will have a hard time starting an online business unless they hire specialists for it. Similarly, someone who has a better grasp on online stuff will barely be able to manage a physical business because of a lack of understanding.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on February 12, 2024, 05:03:06 PM
Whether running a business online or online, there will always be risks, regardless of the form of business, whether investment or so on. And when talking about this, it will not be separated from the knowledge and experience we have.
But I want to warn when doing busines online, because in this era there are many forms of fraud, especially in the name of investment, even though it is a ponzi scheme or fraud. Some of the people closest to me have also experienced this and even cheated in quite a large amount.
Actually, I have warned them about this, but they insisted because at the beginning they got benefits that if you think about it, it doesn't make sense. When they make a bigger deposit, that's where they will lose money.
     Risk attitude has more to do with the individual's psychology than with their financial circumstances. Some clients will find the prospect of volatility in their investments and the chance of losses distressing to think about. Others will be more relaxed about those issues. Risk tolerance is typically measured using questionnaires that estimate the ability and willingness to take risks. The responses of investors are converted into a score that may classify them under categories that characterize their risk preferences.
    So, for investors, the first thing they consider when they seek an investment opportunity, is not how much they can earn in the best case, but how much they will lose in the worst case. If the failure is beyond your affordability, you’d better call the possibility of bad things as the end of the game rather than the risk. We need to understand that the only risks that we can bear are meaningful. If you find that something may cause results that you have no chance to turn over, stay away from it as far as you can.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: arimamib on February 12, 2024, 05:40:23 PM
Investing in bitcoins exposes you to technological risks, such as hacking and errors in cryptocurrency management. On the other hand, a physical business entails risks like fires, thefts, and market changes. Each of these options has its unique challenges, and people have different preferences. For example, older individuals tend to be skeptical about cryptocurrency, while the younger generation embraces new and innovative concepts and may take risks.
That's true, however, if we look closely and be honest about everything, there are more earning opportunities online these days than offline, and one can earn more money with less investment online while physical businesses and investments require more money and more effort and return of investment takes more time than it might take for online businesses or investments. Risks are present on both sides, and precautions must be taken for any business you start.

In my opinion, the severity of risks depends on a person's understanding of the area and niche they are getting into. A businessman managing businesses in the world will have a hard time starting an online business unless they hire specialists for it. Similarly, someone who has a better grasp on online stuff will barely be able to manage a physical business because of a lack of understanding.
The internet has opened up a plethora of avenues for people to generate income. The accessibility and potential for scalability in online businesses can lead to quicker returns on investment compared to their offline counterparts. But both online and offline ventures carry their own set of risks. While online businesses may offer lower barriers to entry and potentially faster returns, they are not immune to challenges such as market saturation, technological disruptions, or cybersecurity threats. Offline businesses can offer stability in certain industries and markets, but they may require more substantial initial investments and longer timelines for ROI.

The key to navigating these risks effectively lies in understanding the nuances of the chosen industry or niche. Success in either domain hinges on a combination of market knowledge, strategic planning, and the ability to mitigate risks effectively. People can make informed decisions to maximize their earning potential while minimizing exposure to potential pitfalls by carefully assessing their strengths, weaknesses, and understanding of the chosen field.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: iamsange on February 12, 2024, 05:51:06 PM
Aggressive profits are always everyone's dream when trading, but currently many people fail, especially in trading, and this is almost the average for beginners who are very eager to make quick profits and fail to increase their estimated capital.
I think this is only experienced by beginners who are learning to trade, but for those who already understand how to trade by putting courage into buying coins like Bitcoin, it must be quite profitable now. Because just try to imagine those who dared to buy at $40K and now they are selling at $50K because the price of Bitcoin has passed $50K at this time. Obviously it was quite a favorable condition for them so beginners might still be affected by this in the future.

I think exactly as you said, whether in trading or other investments, knowledge and patience are the keys that must be implemented well in order to become a financial winner and that applies in any condition.
This is no longer wrong because in reality those who are always patient by risking capital and time will get quite significant profits as is happening now. Because Bitcoin itself has passed the price of $50K in a market that generally provides more profits for those who buy at lower prices. So knowledge and patience are two keys that everyone must have if they want to see real profits from the trading or investment they carry out before a big increase occurs.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Viscore on February 12, 2024, 09:07:40 PM
Both have their own risks, and it will be more risky if you decide to engage in an investment without prior knowledge and skills that are necessary to make an investment works. Whether its offline or online, you will definitely lose and waste your funds if you don't prepare yourself to manage and overcome those risks. With that, make sure to only invest on what you have understand, and never invest on certain investments wherein you don't have any knowledge or idea on how to make it work and profitable.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: poodle63 on February 13, 2024, 06:58:29 AM
so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

I have a little advice for you and this is it.

** Don't start a business you are not used to with your money, you will most likely failed in that business and you might not make anything because as a first time business person, you are bound to make some errors and mistakes because it's not everything they will tell you until you learn it on your own. So whether you are going online or offline, don't sleep on this advice.

The second advice is this, you should know that all business has risk whether it's online or offline, someone good at online will give you some advice to go for online but by the time you give it a try, it might not worth it or you may even regret trying it out. What you should do is to develop a interest in one area and try a little from it like a form of sample, study it and see if it's going to worth it or not before you push high amount of money into it. Just know that all business or investment involves risk.
i remember the saying that if we are really good at something we can always commercialize it, same thing with business, it might be better to start out from a hobby that we are really good at, something that not an average joe could do like basically building some IoT from microcontrollers or something like that and so on.
if we are good enough people will see the worth in us and eventually we can commercialize it, it will give us upperhand in the market if we are just really good than the average people, giving us better edge to start out busines and reduce that chance of bankrupty because we don't understand the field.
this is the reason why many people also find success from hobby because even at the hardest day of their business, they'd still see fun in it.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 13, 2024, 10:21:07 AM
Both have their own risks, and it will be more risky if you decide to engage in an investment without prior knowledge and skills that are necessary to make an investment works. Whether its offline or online, you will definitely lose and waste your funds if you don't prepare yourself to manage and overcome those risks. With that, make sure to only invest on what you have understand, and never invest on certain investments wherein you don't have any knowledge or idea on how to make it work and profitable.

Investment is closely tied to money and profits, therefore before investing of course we must have knowledge and skills related to investment whose aim is to avoid losses or risks. Even though there is definitely a risk, it can be minimized with good knowledge about investing. It's true that you said offline or online investment has its own risks. To overcome the risks that will occur, they can be avoided as long as we have good skills and knowledge.

but before that we must also pay attention to emergency funds, lest we invest but our finances are unstable. Try to invest when your finances are stable, you have sufficient income, one of them is your needs are met. because having an emergency fund is important to be able to overcome things that happen suddenly such as falling ill or having an accident or bankruptcy, by having an emergency fund this can be resolved, don't let the investment you make be disturbed and sell it at the wrong time so that it doesn't work. make a profit but make a loss. Therefore, before investing, I think you should have an emergency fund first. because investment is risky too, but not only investment, in my opinion everything is risky, but it depends on us, if we have good knowledge maybe the risks that will occur can be handled well.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Dailyscript on February 13, 2024, 06:12:37 PM
Failing or not succeeding is the problem with offline business and getting hacked or losing your assets due to your mistake is the issue with investment online, if that's the crypto investment side of thing, but honestly risk is risk, it depend on which one you can deal with, every business has their own risks, nothing is risk free in this world.

Just make a choice, because whatever you choose won't matter in the end, you can't escape from been tested by hardship, no man can escape this fact, that's why your hustle must be accepted as your greatest fear that you need to face and rule over.

How many times are you ready to lose? This is what makes you into a better business man, how far are you willing to go? What is losing or failure to you? If it's abomination you can't succeed, it's why I laugh at people who pray to never fail in whatever they are doing, and I like saying, they are simply praying to never win, because there is no winning without failures.
Naturally, the trend of business in this era is online. This is because you can reach a larger number of people from the comfort of your home. It is easy, faster, and more convenient for business owners to manage their businesses online. However, there is no business that doesn't have its own disadvantages. I don't like the fact that people have to choose between online and offline business, which is better. Every business owner has his own business pattern and strategy; he may choose to do his business online or offline. And he/she is aware of the risk involved in choosing any. But it doesn't stop them.

I believe every business owner or someone who wants to start a business should choose his own niche and not jump into business because people are flooding into those patterns. It will be smart for a new business owner to study each of those business owners before kick starting because both of them are complex in their own way. And anyone can be successful in any of the models. I would rather say most successful business owners have the knowledge to manage an offline and online business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Lanatsa on February 13, 2024, 07:19:14 PM

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

A. Running physical or online business, it would be always associated with risks. So better make yourself that accept into those things so that you wont
really be finding yourself that getting stressed about risks levels. Thing here is that you should really know about the basic security and other things
on which you could be able to avoid or lessen it somehow.

B. Hacking or anything that involves online will really be having those chances for it to happen.This is why it would really be totally on your responsibility
if we do speak about security of your assets. If you dont mind much or doesnt give out importance then for sure you would really be ending up

You should bare in mind that in every business or investment there's always a risks, this is why on the time that you are deciding on dealing up with
it, then you should be making yourself at least aware of it.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: terrific on February 13, 2024, 07:21:00 PM
There is risk in every investment. Our priority is to take precautions against all risks and act safely when investing. Sometimes, even if you take all precautions, certain risks may occur. As with everything, there are risks at every stage of investment.

It is obvious that people who are especially new to investing are more vulnerable to fraud. This is where experience comes into play and we understand how important it is to be knowledgeable and spend time in the market.

There is always risk, as knowledge increases, the amount of risk decreases.
While being aware of the risk, what we can do is to check all of certain risks that we're going to take and if we're able to mitigate it.
Risks are certain and we have the option to pursue it or not. If you're good with small amounts to take the risk, you'll definitely learn a lot from them.
But if you think that risks should be accompanied with larger amounts, I don't think that it should be done at first tries when you trade or invest.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: tygeade on February 14, 2024, 12:16:03 AM
There is no business that doesn’t have risk, so if you are going into any business, then you should know there is a risk involved in it, whether it’s an online business or a physical business. If I am going to invest, then I will divide my money into three different parts before I start investing. I will invest some part in physical business, then I will also invest some part in online business, and then I will leave the remaining part as my reserve in case anything happens. I will have a backup, so I won’t have to start from the beginning. When you are venturing into any business, you should identify the risks involved in them so that you will be prepared in case anything happens that’s not really going to affect you.
Some people end up having some health challenges if their business fails due to shock, so you shouldn’t go beyond your limit just because you want to take a risk. If you notice the risk in your business is just too high, then try and leave it and venture into another business.
This has to be something that will be dealt with a situation that has to be a bit different, and doesn't really have that way of thinking. All in all, there is a risk involved with trading and there are many people who are taking more risk than others and they may make more or make less or even lose money but they just juggle with the risks.

I think it's quite important to realize that we are going to end up with a trading that could cause a constant trouble to begin with as well. This should mean that if you are a trader then you are going to take the risks involved with it, there is really nothing that you could do to make it look normalized at all, it's just part of life and you just have to live with it as much as you can.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: pusaka on February 14, 2024, 11:13:52 AM
Whether running a business online or online, there will always be risks, regardless of the form of business, whether investment or so on. And when talking about this, it will not be separated from the knowledge and experience we have.
But I want to warn when doing busines online, because in this era there are many forms of fraud, especially in the name of investment, even though it is a ponzi scheme or fraud. Some of the people closest to me have also experienced this and even cheated in quite a large amount.
Actually, I have warned them about this, but they insisted because at the beginning they got benefits that if you think about it, it doesn't make sense. When they make a bigger deposit, that's where they will lose money.
I agree that they have both risks but for someone who's got a preference, you should know which works well for you.
People that are new in investments, they're the ones that are prone to investing into frauds and ponzi schemes and they will learn from their experiences.
But if they don't want to go to that route of experiencing it, then they have to listen to those people that have experienced it before and trying to help them how to avoid it.

There is risk in every investment. Our priority is to take precautions against all risks and act safely when investing. Sometimes, even if you take all precautions, certain risks may occur. As with everything, there are risks at every stage of investment.

It is obvious that people who are especially new to investing are more vulnerable to fraud. This is where experience comes into play and we understand how important it is to be knowledgeable and spend time in the market.

There is always risk, as knowledge increases, the amount of risk decreases.
Minimizing risk is something we can do before investing, but I think it can be done by people who have experience, while for people who do not or have not had experience they will tend to follow others rather than minimize risk, it happens because of their ignorance of what they are doing.
Someone who is experienced must already know what they can do and what they should not do, it must be in line with the experience and knowledge they have that is directly related to their activities.
Actually, there are now many platforms that can be used to learn, because now investment is widely talked about, it is no longer something taboo like before.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: slapper on February 14, 2024, 01:00:18 PM
Failing or not succeeding is the problem with offline business and getting hacked or losing your assets due to your mistake is the issue with investment online, if that's the crypto investment side of thing, but honestly risk is risk, it depend on which one you can deal with, every business has their own risks, nothing is risk free in this world.

Just make a choice, because whatever you choose won't matter in the end, you can't escape from been tested by hardship, no man can escape this fact, that's why your hustle must be accepted as your greatest fear that you need to face and rule over.

How many times are you ready to lose? This is what makes you into a better business man, how far are you willing to go? What is losing or failure to you? If it's abomination you can't succeed, it's why I laugh at people who pray to never fail in whatever they are doing, and I like saying, they are simply praying to never win, because there is no winning without failures.
Naturally, the trend of business in this era is online. This is because you can reach a larger number of people from the comfort of your home. It is easy, faster, and more convenient for business owners to manage their businesses online. However, there is no business that doesn't have its own disadvantages. I don't like the fact that people have to choose between online and offline business, which is better. Every business owner has his own business pattern and strategy; he may choose to do his business online or offline. And he/she is aware of the risk involved in choosing any. But it doesn't stop them.

I believe every business owner or someone who wants to start a business should choose his own niche and not jump into business because people are flooding into those patterns. It will be smart for a new business owner to study each of those business owners before kick starting because both of them are complex in their own way. And anyone can be successful in any of the models. I would rather say most successful business owners have the knowledge to manage an offline and online business.
Not about which is best. Which suits you. Personal strategy rules. Success doesn't merely come from niche selection. Understanding model nuances and complexity is key

Online isn't a mystical paradise of infinite reach and ease. In this visibility struggle, algorithms decide your fate. And offline? It's about providing actual experiences that screens can't match, not just brick and mortar. The actual winners? They blend, adapt, and evolve. They absolutely understand their market and audience. Masterful business owners, they conduct an orchestra of online and offline aspects

Ask yourself: Do you know your audience? Can you play both games? Flexibility nowadays isn't just desirable; it's required

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Out of mind on February 14, 2024, 01:42:42 PM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 18, 2024, 07:00:12 AM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.

It is true that in a business there are of course risks and risks exist in everything, not just business. but in my opinion the risk can be overcome by minimizing it by having knowledge and understanding about what is being done including business, therefore before starting a business we should be able to study aspects related to the business being carried out so that we can know what will happen including with the risks, and of course if we know about the risks then we will automatically look for ways to overcome them and it is impossible to just let it go.

In my opinion, risk is not an important thing, but rather something that definitely happens in everything we do, as you said in business, trade, gambling or others. The act of taking risks is of course sometimes necessary, especially in business, but even so, of course we have to consider it first, taking risks doesn't mean risking everything by not considering it first. Sometimes to be successful we have to take risks, which could result in losses. but the steps to progress and develop are definitely what every businessman wants.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: barisbilgili on February 18, 2024, 07:27:18 AM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.

It is true that in a business there are of course risks and risks exist in everything, not just business. but in my opinion the risk can be overcome by minimizing it by having knowledge and understanding about what is being done including business, therefore before starting a business we should be able to study aspects related to the business being carried out so that we can know what will happen including with the risks, and of course if we know about the risks then we will automatically look for ways to overcome them and it is impossible to just let it go.

In my opinion, risk is not an important thing, but rather something that definitely happens in everything we do, as you said in business, trade, gambling or others. The act of taking risks is of course sometimes necessary, especially in business, but even so, of course we have to consider it first, taking risks doesn't mean risking everything by not considering it first. Sometimes to be successful we have to take risks, which could result in losses. but the steps to progress and develop are definitely what every businessman wants.
I agree that there is no way to eliminate risk, however, we can only minimize risk with the knowledge that we can learn and understand what we are doing, be it business or anything else.

There is no business that escapes the risks that we will face, but we can also choose risks, namely risks that are worth it with all the possibilities that we will face so that in this way we will learn as much as possible to minimize them.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: IvugeoEvolutionCoin on February 18, 2024, 02:28:08 PM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.
We know that to get something good, we have to take risk. But if we can take risk for something good, then we will be successful. I have seen many people who dare to take risk while investing, as a result of which they do not achieve success by investing. To achieve success  For right time for right work we have to take risk but we can achieve success.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Zanab247 on February 18, 2024, 02:43:43 PM
I guess online business is more risk than normal business in my own observation, let me use BTC business as example, you can invest in BTC without knowing when the price will increase for you to earn from your BTC investment and, the only way you can earn from BTC and you will be satisfy is during the bull run which nobody know the actual time or date for the bull run.

There are some business you will invest huge amount of money in a good location and, you can predict what that business will bring to you in the nearest future exactly the date or time you predicted for the business which such thing will be difficult to be right with online business.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Dzwaafu11 on February 18, 2024, 06:50:58 PM
In our normal business we have risk also that are damn much which could range from fire outbreak, stealing, bad market, spoilage and lots of other factor that makes starting a physical business very risky and to have high possibility of yielding great loss.

These things you mentioned are not the real risk in a business. In my opinion, these things you mentioned here are just things that are happening to business after, but know that these are not risks if you are to mention risks that are involved in business because these are not risks you should put in your mind when making a business plan. These you should take as a risk are price falling after you have bought the goods you want to sell and some other risks that we all know in business, but as a businessman, putting these kings of calamity in your mind even if you have to start business will make you feel discouraged and you will do that business again.

so my question is, which is more risky?

A). Running a physical business that has a whole lot of risk associated with it or

B) running an online investment with high risk of hack that could result in you loosing all your asset.

Every business has a specific degree of risk attached to it, whether online or offline. On the other hand, if you look at it well, you can say that physical investment has limited risk when compared to online investment. The thing is that you should be the one to choose which one you will be able to take because the risk is not the same thing. What I mean is that you are the one who will choose the risk you will be able to take.

and both online and offline business risk are not the same. The thing is that you cannot compare someone who invests in meme coins or altcoins with someone who invests in bitcoin. The risk is not the same, and the same thing is true in offline business. You cannot compare someone who invests in live stock with someone who opens a provision store.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: topbitcoin on February 18, 2024, 09:07:42 PM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.

Success sometimes comes from big, bold steps. And that's why we have to be able to take risks. Stay focused and confident in every step we take, never hesitate and be afraid to take risks, because perhaps it is not difficulties that make us doubt and afraid to continue going further, but on the contrary it is uncertainty and unpredictability. Fear is what makes it increasingly difficult for us to go further. However, we must remember and ensure that every decision we take regarding the risks we face has gone through sufficient consideration, because if we don't do it at all it doesn't mean we are brave, but rather reckless.

On our journey to achieve success, apart from the challenges we have to face, we are also sometimes faced with uncertainty and other unexpected situations, which cannot be predicted in advance. Although it is quite important for us to remain calm and stick to our previous goals and dreams, don't let this uncertainty destroy our determination to look for opportunities.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Xampeuu on February 19, 2024, 07:05:42 AM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.
We know that to get something good, we have to take risk. But if we can take risk for something good, then we will be successful. I have seen many people who dare to take risk while investing, as a result of which they do not achieve success by investing. To achieve success  For right time for right work we have to take risk but we can achieve success.
The higher the risk, the higher the reward. However, taking risks cannot be done carelessly, remembering that we must have sufficient knowledge so that we can manage risks well. Sometimes risks are also related to psychology, where discipline must be enforced when we have created a portfolio, because if not, our goals will not be realized. I am sure that if we can manage risks well, then we will be successful

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Fara Chan on February 19, 2024, 08:56:47 AM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.
Business matters and risks really need to be straightened out because for everyone who wants to start a business well, of course there must be a plan that includes consideration of the risks that they can bear. Because daring to take risks by opening a business is indeed the mentality of profit fighters in the field they master, but as long as there is careful planning and the best methods, they have been mastered perfectly. I think a businessman like that will never be afraid of risks even though the way to deal with them may vary greatly from one person to another.

We know that to get something good, we have to take risk. But if we can take risk for something good, then we will be successful. I have seen many people who dare to take risk while investing, as a result of which they do not achieve success by investing. To achieve success  For right time for right work we have to take risk but we can achieve success.
All of this must have an appropriate balance between effort, time and also how to deal with the risk itself, because the meaning of being brave enough to take risks in business and investment is to always try and do it as well as possible so that you can reach a level of success. Because people who are too afraid of risks and think too much about risks that are quite scary will definitely never start anything in their lives because they are always hindered by the reasons for the risks. So there must be a balance that suits everyone who wants to start something in a good way.

The higher the risk, the higher the reward. However, taking risks cannot be done carelessly, remembering that we must have sufficient knowledge so that we can manage risks well. Sometimes risks are also related to psychology, where discipline must be enforced when we have created a portfolio, because if not, our goals will not be realized. I am sure that if we can manage risks well, then we will be successful
It is quite normal that if the risk is higher, the reward will also be higher because this is in accordance with the provisions of doing business or investing. But everyone also really wants to experience something more extraordinary, such as being able to get higher rewards with a level of risk that is not higher even though they have to do it for quite a long time. And usually when a person spends more time achieving success through several things, that's when his level of discipline will be truly tested by himself.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: GeorgeJohn on February 19, 2024, 09:28:14 AM
You cannot compare a manual business which is a physical business with online business and the secondly, you have to know that any business that you want to venture into it has a criterias and the also it dealt with list advantages and disadvantages so that whenever you venture into it you can be successful or not successful that is the ethics of business. So in normal circumstances a business you must take a risk and that risk is what we determine your sources and also you losing in a business because neither you make a profit in business or you get loss and the entrepreneurship according to its definition let us know that a risk taker is opportune to make profit at any point time and also multiply at any point in time due to it courage to take risk.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: EarnOnVictor on February 19, 2024, 11:22:09 AM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.
You do not reply directly to capture the OP, it's basically about the online and physical businesses. Risk is involved in all we do, I mean including those things we do that are not even related to money. We might be taking a risk unaware, so as long as we are living, we take risks daily, especially with the choices we make. This is why we can never be out of risk, but when it has to do with money, we should be reasonable with the risk we take, or else we will regret it. It's also worth saying that the OP didn't distinguish the risk very well in his write-up, the physical business has a very low risk compared to the online business, well, that's my opinion. Many risks are involved online and if you follow the due process, you will spend a whole lot of money more than others.

The money to secure your online business, for marketing, the licencing, tax and regulatory money, and some could be subject to renewal periodically which is mostly annually. These are some of what you would need money for, just to know what you are in for. But what if after all that, enough patronage did not happen as planned? Or your business is seized by the authorities as we often see, or even hacked for a huge ransom, or worse?

But the issue of physical business is lessened, though no business without its own issue.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Dailyscript on February 20, 2024, 01:36:57 PM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.
Risk is good but not to the extend of losing everything we have. These days ee should be very wise on what decision we take. So that we wont fall entirely in the process of taking risk. There are some risk that is worth it while some are not worth taking. You need to make some evaluation before finalising your decisions.

Imagine starting a business you know nothing about and you did not bother about making some enquiries about it that you wont consider as risk but stupidity. Why i say so is because it is difficult to raise capital to start a business compared to the past when it was a lot easier. So why would throw away your money into something at the end of the day no positive result all in the name of risk?

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: Fatunad on February 20, 2024, 01:56:42 PM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.
Risk is good but not to the extend of losing everything we have. These days ee should be very wise on what decision we take. So that we wont fall entirely in the process of taking risk. There are some risk that is worth it while some are not worth taking. You need to make some evaluation before finalising your decisions.

Imagine starting a business you know nothing about and you did not bother about making some enquiries about it that you wont consider as risk but stupidity. Why i say so is because it is difficult to raise capital to start a business compared to the past when it was a lot easier. So why would throw away your money into something at the end of the day no positive result all in the name of risk?
No risk No gain as well all know but its true and i do definitely agree into those points that we should only risks on the amount that we can only afford to lose and not on the amount that we would really be risking or putting up our life savings on such compromise on which we know that its not ideal or not really that recommended at all. On any investment or business then risks is there, this is why we do really make out some research and analysis to lessen up that risks and lessen up that potential huge losses. Its inevitable as we do all know but there would really be those people who would really be doing their very best to cope up with the risks and lessening it out via well analysis and research which we know that it would really be that totally different into each other.

If you cant bare up the risks then sit still and just wait up for things to move up. You would be just having those regrets that you havent done any move or actions and really just that deciding
to be idle.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: junder on February 20, 2024, 04:25:49 PM
It is true that in a business there are of course risks and risks exist in everything, not just business. but in my opinion the risk can be overcome by minimizing it by having knowledge and understanding about what is being done including business, therefore before starting a business we should be able to study aspects related to the business being carried out so that we can know what will happen including with the risks, and of course if we know about the risks then we will automatically look for ways to overcome them and it is impossible to just let it go.

In my opinion, risk is not an important thing, but rather something that definitely happens in everything we do, as you said in business, trade, gambling or others. The act of taking risks is of course sometimes necessary, especially in business, but even so, of course we have to consider it first, taking risks doesn't mean risking everything by not considering it first. Sometimes to be successful we have to take risks, which could result in losses. but the steps to progress and develop are definitely what every businessman wants.
I agree that there is no way to eliminate risk, however, we can only minimize risk with the knowledge that we can learn and understand what we are doing, be it business or anything else.

There is no business that escapes the risks that we will face, but we can also choose risks, namely risks that are worth it with all the possibilities that we will face so that in this way we will learn as much as possible to minimize them.

Because in my opinion we cannot avoid risk completely with certainty, but what is clear is that minimizing it can be with knowledge as you said, and also the skills possessed can make us do what is done will go well, therefore knowledge and skills are important in running a business or other business.

I agree with you, indeed all businesses or businesses certainly have risks and that is certain to happen, therefore before we run a business or business we should have the knowledge and skills related to the business or business being run. And in my opinion we can also indeed take lessons from existing risks, because it can also be used as a lesson for ourselves. Although in business sometimes have to take risks it does not mean taking steps without thinking about the risks or not considering them, even so of course we must be able to see and consider in advance the risks that will occur and think so that there is no risk that is too great that can bankrupt.

Title: Re: Coping with Risk.
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 21, 2024, 02:58:32 AM
It is of course true that there are risks involved in any business, and this must be accepted by all. And if you want to do business, you must face risks, it is also certain that if you don't take risks, you will never be successful. In any business and investment be it trading gambling etc place risk is the most important thing, if you don't take it you can never understand its taste. If you have to move forward in the future you must take huge risks and face many kinds of losses but don't stop, but you have to take risks and you will get success.
i learn from experience, just staying and not taking risk is also big mistake that people don't even realize, if they think their life is just at the bare minimum where it could only make ends meet they should start turning their life around, there are quite literally many paths to take and definitely every one of them will include hard work and taking risk, a person working blue collar job can be getting a degree through weekend class or online class and turn their life around working white collar job, thats what i mean with trying to go out of comfort zone, taking classes will definitely make change towards our current life but sometime its needed same with investing, do we just let our stablecoin reside in our wallet for few years meanwhile people are profitting just from trading it or just investing it to other project thats still growing?

sometime thats what in my mind and I feel it intrigues me toward working and striving for greater goal that is independence financially and also turning life around not just stuck like right now.