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Economy => Economics => Topic started by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on January 30, 2024, 07:19:48 PM

Title: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on January 30, 2024, 07:19:48 PM

In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Faisal2202 on January 30, 2024, 07:35:53 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
I can't agree more with you, because leaders are who shape our future, and if we are talking about the leader (Prime Minister/President) of our country, region nation, etc. Then we should really not compromise on selecting the one who has real potential. But the big problem with developing countries like mine is, that people don't care much about these leaders, for example, there are elections on 8th Feb in our countries. And seat candidates are doing there best to convince people.

Some are saying we will give free electricity, some are providing Special rice (biryani), etc. (short-term beneficiaries) and people are getting attracted by these things even if they have short term benefits, They might give free electricity (like a few unit hundred unites maybe) they might give you some relaxation at the start, but giving votes to a leader who tries hard to give you short term benefit and after that, you don't get to see him/her, I don't think that's a true leader.

As there is a difference between leader and Boss, these are totally two different things, what we make here in our country is just boss not leader. I hope you know the difference b/w them.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Coyster on January 30, 2024, 08:16:27 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Bad leaders are corrupt and make bad policies, this invariably affects the life and standard of living of their citizens and it also reduces the productivity of small and medium scale businesses.

Having said that, just having a good leader alone is not enough to make your life comfortable, of course good policies would improve the standard of living and give businesses the platform to thrive, but the business owners and the citizens themselves also have to harness the resources and opportunites given to them. The fact remains that it is difficult to get a good leader these days, they are mostly corrupt and surrounded by corrupt individuals who are also part of the decision making process.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Zlantann on January 30, 2024, 08:47:47 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Leaders determine the success and failure of every institution. The reason why some countries are underdeveloped is because of poor leadership. It is the leader that coordinates the activities of people to achieve the goals of the organization. Followers will always follow the footsteps or direction of the leader, so we could say that bad leadership leads to bad followership. In my country, corrupt leadership is breeding corrupt citizens and this has caused underdevelopment. Almost all the nations of the world are corrupt but the poorest nations are usually the ones that have bad leaders.

A business will not prosper if the leaders are not knowledgeable. The leaders make decisions and these steps will determine the success or failure of the business. Successful leaders like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mike Zuckerberg, etc, portrayed extraordinary leadership skills which is why they were able to build successful businesses.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Churchillvv on January 30, 2024, 11:10:49 PM
Of course I agree with you, the life of a leader sometimes affects the lives of the ordinary citizens based on decision making system, if a good leader makes a good decision for his or her jurisdiction it betters the standards of living of the citizens that are being led vice versa.

now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader
I disagree with your choice of word.

This doesn't apply in every situation because here in my country the citizens can chose a different leader and another leader will emerge as winner and not can be done about it. so the word chose it what I disagree with instead let's say [because they have the right leader]. Here I my country external forces affect the national decision making, even to the extent of decided the leaders that will lead in an independent country ( Sovereign nation)  so the choice of its citizens doesn't count in this situation.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: jossiel on January 30, 2024, 11:47:32 PM
I agree about having a good leadership in a country really defines and helps the economics and stability of the country. And that is because with policies that they enforce and as well as the partnership that they're getting, it boosts the economic status of the country.

So, it affects the citizens with the opportunities that are coming and living comfortably but as an individual, I wouldn't let the government define my life and success and won't be dependent to them.

What I am trying to say, they're helping a lot of people's lives to become comfortable but at the same time our success depends on us.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: pinggoki on January 31, 2024, 08:31:23 AM
Bad leaders are corrupt and make bad policies, this invariably affects the life and standard of living of their citizens and it also reduces the productivity of small and medium scale businesses.

Having said that, just having a good leader alone is not enough to make your life comfortable, of course good policies would improve the standard of living and give businesses the platform to thrive, but the business owners and the citizens themselves also have to harness the resources and opportunites given to them. The fact remains that it is difficult to get a good leader these days, they are mostly corrupt and surrounded by corrupt individuals who are also part of the decision making process.
I do agree it's not enough with not just a good leader but understand that if that's the case, it's going to be a big step because a good leader has control over the stuff that needs controlling and as much as we want to underestimate the capabilities it provides, a good leader is like about 80% of life improvement if it ever happens and that's why the people that benefits from the misery of the people and bad leaders are doing all they can to make sure that no good leader ever goes up and lead the people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Natsuu on January 31, 2024, 10:47:39 AM
Good leaders and government policies set the stage for success by creating opportunities and stability. But at the end of the day, your personal choices and actions are a big part of your own success. It's like a teamwork between what's happening around you and what you decide to do

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: naira on January 31, 2024, 10:51:33 AM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Do you know South Korea leadership system? not far from the idea you discussed here. A handful of rich people and investors control the entire wealth system in the country, while the middle and lower classes cannot experience the benefits of prosperity equally. I do agree with appointing the right leaders, but if your benchmark is leaders who favor investors and the rich will only give rise to social inequality in society. A proper leader is a preacher who is able to side with all groups, does not differentiate between the social status of his citizens and sets rules and laws in a straight line. If you still think that leaders are trying to provide greater profits for investors and rich people, then you don't understand the justice system at all.

Why do I use South Korea as an example? That's for you to study and use as material for reflection about the government system that exists there.

Not a few South Korean citizens are now trying their luck in other countries because the level of economic competition can only stand strong if you are a rich person, businessman and also an investor with full support from the government.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: slapper on January 31, 2024, 02:31:59 PM
Let's examine leadership's superiority over management. You promote leadership as the key to organizational and economic success. While encouraging, this approach ignores the concrete drivers of economic progress. Leadership inspires vision, but without careful management, are we merely creating castles in the air?

Consider regional economic growth. It's simplistic to blame leadership. Economic policy, market dynamics, and investor confidence result from strategic planning and execution, not visionarism. You question if the right leader can make citizens, businessmen, and investors happy. Possible, though. However, this ignores the communal efforts needed to navigate modern economies. As citizens, businessmen, and investors, economic structures, regulatory frameworks, and global market forces determine our comfort, not the appropriate leader. Doesn't thinking differently seem naive?

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: iBaba on January 31, 2024, 02:37:45 PM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

I so much believe in right leadership as a panacea to the sustainable development growth of a a family, a community, a society and a country at large. Good Leadership brings about the creation of policies and when there are great policies put in place in a family or in a community level,  it grows to become a sustainable development growth and economic stability of that particular environment.

Why I kept on mentioning family is because leadership begin from home like charity would begin from home, as well. So, having a right leader starts from having the right person to be the family head and when there is a great family coordination, the economy of that family bolsters which also replicates to the community,state and the entire country.

This is why whenever we talk about selecting or electing a leader to lead the country, the first thing I do as a criteria check is to make sure that I look at the leadership style of that leader at his family level.

What are his knowledge about the financial management and how is he able to manage the finances of his own family, the expenditures and profits of his businesses and whether he's doing well as a business person or even managing is businesses in the right direction, are the Criterion that I use to judge whether we are going to have a good leader who drive a positive economy or not.

So, for someone like me, having a right leader is equivalent to having the a great economy in a country therefore it is imperative for us to know those who lead us and what are their knowledge on the economy and financial discipline.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: TheUltraElite on January 31, 2024, 02:40:46 PM
We are mostly talking in terms of government political leaders here. In which case most of politically biased and although I might agree with some of their actions some might not get my approval but that does not matter at all to the world - that is how the democracy works.

In the context of following a leader, I prefer to learn the good qualities that a leader has and continue on my own instead of following them. A good leader can only lead but unless they have power at hand they cannot change things for the greater good.

Most of the times political leaders are having to face different people from other countries, pressure from communities and attempt to stabilize all of them at the same time. It is not an easy job and I usually keep myself away from such.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: macson on January 31, 2024, 02:57:44 PM

Some are saying we will give free electricity, some are providing Special rice (biryani), etc. (short-term beneficiaries) and people are getting attracted by these things even if they have short term benefits, They might give free electricity (like a few unit hundred unites maybe) they might give you some relaxation at the start, but giving votes to a leader who tries hard to give you short term benefit and after that, you don't get to see him/her, I don't think that's a true leader.

agree with what you said that true leaders are those who focus on long-term goals, not short-term goals such as free rice, free electricity or free fuel. Short term benefits like that will only have an impact in the short term, in the long term there will be no results, in fact this could turn into a boomerang for the country's economy because it will only burden the national budget and not have any economic impact.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: tabas on January 31, 2024, 02:58:10 PM
One great example on how good leadership reflects the economy of a country is with Lee Kuan Yew. He's the former prime minister of Singapore and he's known not just on their country but in the entire world on how this small country became a first world country and reached to the top. Internal policies and love for the country really are one of the many qualities of having a good leadership and this guy doesn't just have those few factors but his brilliant mind helped a lot of citizens thrived to compete into the global economy.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Rockstarguy on January 31, 2024, 04:44:35 PM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Having a leader that is incharge of what is going on in a country matters a lot. The work of a president,  prime minister is not just something of occupying sits , this is a vital position that needs people who are competent and people who are problem solver. People are responsible for how the economy is. If the economy is bad that means it someone who made it to be so and if the economy is good it is also someone who made it to be so. We can use just a small family settings to see how a countries economy is. when the father of a family is not playing his role it affects other members of the family , this is the same way when a president is not doing well it will definitely affect  the family.

If you do research,  countries that are doing well in the world just take a look a the leaders from these countries you would notice that these re leaders with good thinking faculty that can help and improve the countries economy. That is why it is important when choosing leader it is good to go after someone who have the capacity.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Cryptoprincess101 on January 31, 2024, 04:54:19 PM

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

For sure a right leader can really bring positive development in the life of it's subjects or followers because he would make sure he have the interest of the masses at heart and wouldn't take decisions that would affect the followers negatively. A place where there is no good leaders you will find out that businesses or investors doesn't come to such area because they would be afraid of the leaders taking a decisions that would affect their businesses or investments.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: moneystery on January 31, 2024, 06:00:58 PM
One great example on how good leadership reflects the economy of a country is with Lee Kuan Yew. He's the former prime minister of Singapore and he's known not just on their country but in the entire world on how this small country became a first world country and reached to the top. Internal policies and love for the country really are one of the many qualities of having a good leadership and this guy doesn't just have those few factors but his brilliant mind helped a lot of citizens thrived to compete into the global economy.

Kuan Yew has become a legend in Singapore, he is one of the founders of the country of Singapore and he has a big role in Singapore's success today, it could be said that Singapore is the country with the strongest economy in Southeast Asia.

a president or prime minister has a big role in developing the country they lead to become prosperous with the policies they implement. I have also heard the term that even a genius person will find it difficult to be rich if he comes from a poor country with a dilapidated and corrupt government.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Cookdata on January 31, 2024, 07:19:16 PM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

When a country is facing economic whirlwind, just know that it's either there is an increase in insecurities problems, exportation and importation challenges, rise in inflation and energy cost and with these problems, the country will find it difficult to attract any foreign investment. That's why if you watch US campaigns, you will see these are few of the things that are been campaign on just to win the next election because only a good leader can put these things in good shape.

Without a good leadership, no country will operate in where they should be doing well. Look at Nigeria for example; January alone, the Naira has depreciated against the dollar by 25% and this was because of insecurity around the state capital, there has been multiple reported case of kidnapping in the capital, there has been a crazy increase in food inflation and yet our crude oil production has not been surplus which means shortage in exportation of crude oil and all has affected the purchasing power of Naira. Who suffered this? The citizens of course. This is why you need a good leadership in to get a good life.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: kentrolla on January 31, 2024, 07:23:52 PM
One great example on how good leadership reflects the economy of a country is with Lee Kuan Yew. He's the former prime minister of Singapore and he's known not just on their country but in the entire world on how this small country became a first world country and reached to the top. Internal policies and love for the country really are one of the many qualities of having a good leadership and this guy doesn't just have those few factors but his brilliant mind helped a lot of citizens thrived to compete into the global economy.

We could say he is the founder of Modern Singapore and the way he developed a tiny island without any natural resource and the best thing he worked in the best interest of nation and it's development they selected the leaders, ministers and important portfolio was given of merit basis rather than given to their own relatives like it's happening in Arab and African nations right now as that's what causes corruption and leads countries to disaster.  Lee Kuan Yew was indeed the leader which every developing and third world countries need.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Gozie51 on January 31, 2024, 07:40:02 PM

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

This is not debatable and the citizens know leaders but the problem is that they are short-changed by those in power to influence in power those they know are wrong and won't dance to the tune of the masses but to them the oligarchs, so they keep paying homage, allegiance to them and they keep feeding fat on the economy at the peril of the citizens who suffer the effects which come inform of nepotism, corruption, unemployment, economic hardship etc. These kind of situation are prevalent in third world countries.

A right leader creates environment for businesses to thrive through policy implementation that will encourage business development and economic growth across the people. They create infrastructure that will increase foreign investment and jobs will be created for the teaming youth population and that will indirectly reduce youth restiveness, reduce agitation and insecurity and foster peaceful coexistence between the people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: mindrust on January 31, 2024, 07:58:38 PM
Of course leadership is important. Take a look at Biden for example… Under his administration the United States did very poorly even though the stock market hit ATH lately. The last time the S&P500 was this high 3 years ago. That means the stock market index made nearly no profits in the last 3 years if you invested in it 3 years ago.

Biden strangles the oil industry, pushing useless electric vehicles which nobody wants. He also rejoined the Paris Climate Agreement which is also bad for the economy. That’s poor leadership.

Trump did the exact opposite of Biden when he was the president and till the Covid19 scam, between 2016 and 2020, the stock market went higher and higher and even after the covid19 crash in early 2020, the S&P500 was still at its ATH when he left the office in 2021. That was good leadership.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Furious 7 on January 31, 2024, 08:23:56 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
There is no argument about this because after all the leader is certainly in control of what is decided in a policy including building a good economy but on the other hand in this case the leader is actually not enough because after all when a leader who will definitely be followed by his subordinates sometimes not a few of the subordinates are actually more in control because of the lack of capture of the leader and only being at the top so that the role of the leader in this case is not only deciding well what policies should be taken in a regulation but looking thoroughly from the team or people under them because good leaders will be useless if their subordinates do not do the job properly and justly. Because good leaders will be useless if their subordinates do not do the job properly and actually become deviant.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Fortify on January 31, 2024, 08:26:17 PM

In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

It's obvious to anyone who's been in a professional or at least medium and higher size workplace that having the right leaders is needed to keep a company cohesive. Not only can they be the figure head of companies, but an effective company will need many decent leaders all throughout the chain and playing their respective roles. If you're running a food processing factory, you need to be as confident in the marketing team as you do in the hygiene team, that all the right steps are being taken to benefit the company. You also need a leader that is balanced, because being too kind or being too aggressive, or even too volatile, can lead to a unhappy or unproductive workplace for all.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: tabas on January 31, 2024, 09:18:34 PM
One great example on how good leadership reflects the economy of a country is with Lee Kuan Yew. He's the former prime minister of Singapore and he's known not just on their country but in the entire world on how this small country became a first world country and reached to the top. Internal policies and love for the country really are one of the many qualities of having a good leadership and this guy doesn't just have those few factors but his brilliant mind helped a lot of citizens thrived to compete into the global economy.
Kuan Yew has become a legend in Singapore, he is one of the founders of the country of Singapore and he has a big role in Singapore's success today, it could be said that Singapore is the country with the strongest economy in Southeast Asia.

a president or prime minister has a big role in developing the country they lead to become prosperous with the policies they implement. I have also heard the term that even a genius person will find it difficult to be rich if he comes from a poor country with a dilapidated and corrupt government.
He made his country prosperous and coming from being like a poor country when he stepped on that position and became their leader, he has a strong political will power to make his country great together with his people and he just did it. And that's why until now, Singapore is one of the richest country in the world and that's thanks to him and with the cooperation of everyone.

We could say he is the founder of Modern Singapore and the way he developed a tiny island without any natural resource and the best thing he worked in the best interest of nation and it's development they selected the leaders, ministers and important portfolio was given of merit basis rather than given to their own relatives like it's happening in Arab and African nations right now as that's what causes corruption and leads countries to disaster.  Lee Kuan Yew was indeed the leader which every developing and third world countries need.
He has made the salary of the officials with high salaries so that they won't be tempted to corrupt people's money and the government. And it worked for them and that's why they've become one of the greatest not just on their region but also in the whole world. The laws and the leadership that has been set by LKY did really helped the country thrived even until now.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Iroh on January 31, 2024, 10:33:40 PM

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Obviously, a good leader with a vision would equally bring about positive growth to citizens. Are you expecting anything contrary?
Look at leaders of nations of the earth today. Good and visionary leaders put in place policies that in turn bring about investors leading to economic growth.

Same with any organization. The head of any organization must have necessary qualities of good leadership including being innovative to be able to healthily compete and thrive amongst competitors in the market. Without an able leadership, the body would be unable to function effectively and is bound to fail sooner or later.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Smartvirus on January 31, 2024, 11:26:25 PM
Leaders remains an integral part of our societal development in a civilized world. It’s one way to ensure organization and coordination of resources for the popular collective interest of a people. It’s what has pushed the world to where we find it today, different from a time of savagery living.
That’s why, even within the smallest unit of the family, we’ve got a leader.

Good leaders could as well lead to a prosperous state or nation while, you could expect the reverse in a place where you’ve got bad leaders, leaders who remains self centered and sufficient.
It’s gravely exemplified in many nations respectively. It’s easier to follow and so, should a leader choose to better the life of his or her people, you would easily find the citizens following and the change of things for the better.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: oktana on January 31, 2024, 11:40:57 PM
It shouldn’t even be a topic because leadership already means that the leader is in front. If he goes the wrong direction, everyone behind him follows and goes the wrong direction. I recently gave someone an example on how the lives of people in a kingdom is in the hands of their King. If the king says go to war, they’ll be sorrow from deaths, if he establishes connection and peace with neighboring kingdoms then they’ll be joy. Same with political leaders. The economy isn’t just on its own, it is controlled and the leader has a big hand in it.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: letteredhub on January 31, 2024, 11:43:02 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
In life anything that is right is usually accompanied with a good and progressive results, in same vein having the right leader to man the leadership role of an organisation or a country will make for productive decision making that will affect the lives of citizens positively leading to a boom and flourishing economy. Leadership is a gift that not all men possesses and when the man without vision man a leadership position, policies will be on trial and errors which will lead to a crippling of the nation's economy or organisation growth stall. This is a typical example of the state of the economy in my country because men without vision has found their way to politica-cum-economic  leadership positions in the country.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: sekalitas on February 01, 2024, 06:27:14 AM

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

While no single leader can guarantee absolute comfort, their leadership style significantly impacts individual and societal well-being. Leaders prioritizing economic growth, safety, and equality foster conditions where citizens, businesses, and investors can thrive. Stable economies offer opportunities and prosperity, while safe environments ensure peace and security, vital for businesses and personal well-being. Leaders promoting social justice create fairer access, contributing to a more harmonious and comfortable society for all. Effective leadership remains a powerful force in shaping a better life, even though external factors influence the outcome. Therefore, I agree that the right leader can significantly improve our lives.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: retreat on February 01, 2024, 06:41:47 AM
I quite agree with you that a true leader should focus on economic growth with various policies that are pro-people and investors and able to bring political stability and security to his country. A leader must be able to provide his people with social justice and security stability which will provide prosperity and security for all parties, not just a few parties which will only create social inequality in society and will only burden citizens through irresponsible decisions.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: kasablings on February 01, 2024, 07:54:27 AM
Leadership is not an easy tasks anyway.a leader is meant to inspire the group of people or organization he leads.but not just being a leader is the leader bad or good cause a bad leader will always influence follower or the economy with bad ideas and bad leadership decisions.why a good leader can also influences with good innovations creativity, terms of government in my place when a bad leader emerges it shows and when a good on come you will also see the choosing the right leader in you country,state,organization matter.cause every person is a leader when is been giving to you.for example Osama bin laden a terrorist we all no is a leader that has is followers and he influences them with is bad ways so I believe every country organization show pray for a better leader for there economy to grow.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Volimack on February 01, 2024, 08:47:13 AM
Economic development of any country depends on good leadership. This is especially so because the core values of a nation are directly linked to equality and equal distribution of wealth. After influencing the leader to give the people their rightful rights to improve the economy. It is the responsibility of both the leader and the followers to adhere to ideals, philosophies and ethics themselves and to motivate followers to adhere to them and to extend them. He who excels in this task and whose words others follow and imitate becomes a successful leader.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: uchegod-21 on February 01, 2024, 11:41:27 AM
There's one thing about leadership. Even when we have 20 equals in a community. Immediately one person is pronounced a leader, there's actually more power, authority, motivation given to such a leader that will differentiate him from his equals.

The picture above reminded me about a photo I saw on facebook where a question was raised about a better leader. According to the image above, the leader is the one at the from who takes all dangers first before it reaches the group.
How about this picture below

Who do you think is a better leader. The one who leads from the front or the one who protects from behind?

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on February 01, 2024, 05:46:50 PM
One great example on how good leadership reflects the economy of a country is with Lee Kuan Yew. He's the former prime minister of Singapore and he's known not just on their country but in the entire world on how this small country became a first world country and reached to the top. Internal policies and love for the country really are one of the many qualities of having a good leadership and this guy doesn't just have those few factors but his brilliant mind helped a lot of citizens thrived to compete into the global economy.
Kuan Yew has become a legend in Singapore, he is one of the founders of the country of Singapore and he has a big role in Singapore's success today, it could be said that Singapore is the country with the strongest economy in Southeast Asia.

a president or prime minister has a big role in developing the country they lead to become prosperous with the policies they implement. I have also heard the term that even a genius person will find it difficult to be rich if he comes from a poor country with a dilapidated and corrupt government.
He made his country prosperous and coming from being like a poor country when he stepped on that position and became their leader, he has a strong political will power to make his country great together with his people and he just did it. And that's why until now, Singapore is one of the richest country in the world and that's thanks to him and with the cooperation of everyone.
I come from Indonesia and I also heard his story when I was in high school yesterday, currently our country will hold a general election and the next president will determine the direction of our country's economy, this is the reason why I always say choose the right leader, it's useful for making The economy in a country remains stable and increases, and to be honest, finding a leader like Kuan Yew is very difficult because he is hungry for positions and has succeeded in making his country minimally corrupt. He is a legend

It shouldn’t even be a topic because leadership already means that the leader is in front. If he goes the wrong direction, everyone behind him follows and goes the wrong direction. I recently gave someone an example on how the lives of people in a kingdom is in the hands of their King. If the king says go to war, they’ll be sorrow from deaths, if he establishes connection and peace with neighboring kingdoms then they’ll be joy. Same with political leaders. The economy isn’t just on its own, it is controlled and the leader has a big hand in it.
If we look at the current condition of countries that are at war, we can see how important it is to choose the right leader and love peace because the loss is not just one country but many countries will be affected, war really makes the economy difficult, especially for us as small citizens need a peaceful life with family

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Faisal2202 on February 01, 2024, 07:06:29 PM
agree with what you said that true leaders are those who focus on long-term goals, not short-term goals such as free rice, free electricity or free fuel. Short term benefits like that will only have an impact in the short term, in the long term there will be no results, in fact this could turn into a boomerang for the country's economy because it will only burden the national budget and not have any economic impact.
Thanks for agreeing with me, if we expand the horizon of leaders, we get to see many types of leaders, like in some sports teams, leader for a country, leader for a science group, leader in a company or startup, etc. There are different types of leaders but the purpose of all leaders should be the same, and that is to give long-term benefits not short term.

But some people or supporters of these leaders are dumb enough that they only seek short-term benefits, and they will make a person leader who will be giving them short-term benefits, and unfortunately, back in our time people of my country have no knowledge, but now they have knowledge but still can't support the leader they want.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: CageMabok on February 01, 2024, 07:59:57 PM

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
If this is for the good of every citizen, businessman and investor who enters the country, of course this will be highly approved by everyone in their respective regions. Moreover, currently it is very difficult to find a country leader who is truly good and can be truly honest about everything within the country itself. So as a good citizen, of course I really agree with that, but having a good leader is not easy at this time because every leader also has his own thoughts on managing his country. Although there are also citizens who do not think well of the thoughts of their own country's leaders simply because their concepts of thought are not the same.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Stepstowealth on February 01, 2024, 08:14:44 PM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively.
Only one person should not be responsible for making rules because there is always the human nature and tendency to make rules that will favor just them or their family members and close friends. A leader can think of some new rule, and then should bring it to people qualified to deliberate on it and make sure that it is a rule that favors everyone.

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Bad leaders will make bad economic policies and decisions. Nigeria is an example that is blessed, but bad leadership has always been our problem. It has made life uncomfortable, and business difficult to start and keep in operation.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: btc78 on February 01, 2024, 08:51:22 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Some people might argue that you do not need to have a leader in order to be successful because everything you need is just yourself and the resources you have but the thing is it is within your rights to have those resources given to you by the government or whoever is leading the region

A leader is needed to ensure that even if there is independence people are not just running in random directions but is actually uniformly aiming for the correct path

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: moneystery on February 01, 2024, 10:01:57 PM
Some people might argue that you do not need to have a leader in order to be successful because everything you need is just yourself and the resources you have but the thing is it is within your rights to have those resources given to you by the government or whoever is leading the region

A leader is needed to ensure that even if there is independence people are not just running in random directions but is actually uniformly aiming for the correct path

it's true, true success lies within ourselves, but the policies made by the government often make it easy or difficult for us to run a business. in my city, every businessman is required to have a permit from the regional head and it takes months to get it, if you want to if it's finished quickly then you have to pay a large amount.

often things like this actually make it difficult for us to try to build a business, so a wise head of state can make it easier for his citizens to do business.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: dothebeats on February 01, 2024, 10:51:31 PM
With the right leader, a lot of things will follow through. Economics is one thing, but quality of life and accessibility of public service is the best thing they can give. If everyone around me is doing well and I'm someone with a business, that will also follow suit as they have the means to buy stuff from me. If not, there will be times when my business will perform poorly, and has a high risk of closing. If you look at it on a single perspective, you will see that it will benefit you, but if it benefits a lot of people, in the long run, it will benefit you as well. A domino effect, if you may.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Lantind on February 01, 2024, 10:55:17 PM
I quite agree with you that a true leader should focus on economic growth with various policies that are pro-people and investors and able to bring political stability and security to his country. A leader must be able to provide his people with social justice and security stability which will provide prosperity and security for all parties, not just a few parties which will only create social inequality in society and will only burden citizens through irresponsible decisions.
It is indeed the obligation of every leader to improve the welfare of their people and issue policies that are beneficial to their people and must also provide their people with decent jobs so that economic growth can be evenly distributed rather than just issuing policies to a group of people and causing misery to many people.

If the government can be fair to the people they lead, there is very little chance of social inequality occurring in society. They can get what they need from government services and it will also improve the welfare of society, but if the government only thinks about a small group of people closest to them, there will certainly be a lot of chaos. that will arise in society.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Ben Barubal on February 01, 2024, 11:29:56 PM
   It is said, right, that if a country has a good leader who truly cares about his people, who are subordinate and not corrupt, the country he leads will surely develop, the economy they have will grow, and if there is any difficulty that happens, it will for sure be resolved. It's still his in the end.

   But if the leader of a country is greedy for power, greedy for money, and greedy for the rule of the country he is in charge of, it is certain that many people will suffer, the economy will collapse, and for sure there will be more corrupt officials in the government that he leads.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: doomloop on February 03, 2024, 08:59:51 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
There is no doubt about that. A good leader knows what steps they need to take to make things work in the best way for their followers, whether it's about an organization, a company, an economy, or a country, it's the leader and their leadership skills that can make it progress in the best way possible.

When we talk about a region or an economy, a leader would do things that will improve the overall economy, like finding ways for the region to make more money, increase the reserves and increasing the percentage of import and export of goods that can also generate money for them.

A good economic leader will also make sure that their country has the best quality of life for their people so that their people don't migrate to other places just to have a better quality life.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: harapan on February 04, 2024, 10:33:11 AM
I agree about having a good leadership in a country really defines and helps the economics and stability of the country. And that is because with policies that they enforce and as well as the partnership that they're getting, it boosts the economic status of the country.

So, it affects the citizens with the opportunities that are coming and living comfortably but as an individual, I wouldn't let the government define my life and success and won't be dependent to them.

What I am trying to say, they're helping a lot of people's lives to become comfortable but at the same time our success depends on us.

I agree with you.Leaders are responsible for shaping a country's needs they make important decisions for the good of the people and the society,they implement the rules and regulations that will contribute to economical growth  and sustainability.

In most cases,leaders are supposed to have the strongest effect on the people, but people say bad leadership can ruin and depreciate the working condition of the country and as a matter of fact even with the negative impact of a bad leader,one can still be successful because your success depends on you not the government or some leading figure.So in order to avoid such toxicity from your leader,step  up your game,own your life and live it up to your satisfaction.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: moneystery on February 04, 2024, 11:49:21 AM
   It is said, right, that if a country has a good leader who truly cares about his people, who are subordinate and not corrupt, the country he leads will surely develop, the economy they have will grow, and if there is any difficulty that happens, it will for sure be resolved. It's still his in the end.

   But if the leader of a country is greedy for power, greedy for money, and greedy for the rule of the country he is in charge of, it is certain that many people will suffer, the economy will collapse, and for sure there will be more corrupt officials in the government that he leads.

that's right, a corrupt leader will only bring suffering to all his citizens, look at how history happened, when former philippine president ferdinand marcos, former indonesian president soeharto and former nigerian president sani abacha led, their countries were really in chaos, the country's economy destroyed and many citizens have difficulty getting money because everything has been monopolized and strictly regulated by the elected president. meanwhile, in European countries, many of them are the most comfortable places and the people live in prosperity without economic difficulties, this all happens because their leaders are good.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Baperom on February 05, 2024, 08:41:16 AM
I think leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the direction and economic success of a country or organisation. A visionary and effective leader is able to inspire and guide his or her team or people towards achieving sustainable economic goals. Strong leadership can create a stable business environment, encourage innovation and increase productivity. In addition, wise economic policies and decisions from leaders can provide support for economic growth, create jobs, and improve people's welfare. Therefore, the close relationship between leadership and the economy is key to forming a solid foundation for achieving prosperity and sustainable growth.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: 0t3p0t on February 05, 2024, 11:12:32 AM
do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Of course having a good leader makes us comfortable as a citizen, businessman or an investor because stability in the country relies on his or her credibility as a leader. The reason why a specific country has stagnant economy is because after the political term of a good leader here comes a corrupt one that prioritize personal interest rather than continuing what needs to be improved and considered.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: icalical on February 05, 2024, 03:51:21 PM
I think everyone will agree that a good leader will affect economic condition of a countries and people,

But the real question is what constitutes a good leader?
In term of economy, should a leader have a really good understanding on financial and fiscal condition, or they can just pick a good person and appoint him as an economic minister to handle the economy, or a good leader should handle it by himself. There are also some aspects other than economic that determine wether a leader is good or bad.

A good leader not only make the economic thrive but also will make the economic condition fair to everyone, and give the same chance and opportunity for everyone especially people who are not in fortune. And the goal is to make the economic gap between the richest and the less rich getting closer. 

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Captain Corporate on February 05, 2024, 03:57:47 PM
As someone who lives in a nation where economy is doing terrible due to bad leadership, I can definitely say that they are very connected. We could deny this as much as we want, hell even half of the nation does deny it, but that doesn't change the fact that economy of any nation depends on the leader, if the leader rules the nation in a way that focuses on something other than the economy then the economy will keep on being terrible for a long term. Some focus on military, some focus on expansion, some focus on building bigger stuff (like china real estate crisis) and very rarely one focuses on economy itself, leaders unfortunately want to leave something behind, and this costs the public.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: umbara ardian on February 05, 2024, 04:29:57 PM
Firstly, reducing entire countries' underdevelopment to solely "poor leadership" ignores historical, economic, and social realities. Colonial legacies, resource inequalities, and internal conflicts all contribute to complex development challenges. While leadership can certainly exacerbate or mitigate these issues, it's not the sole determinant.

Similarly, attributing business success solely to visionary CEOs like Gates or Musk overlooks the contributions of talented teams, strategic decisions, and market conditions. These leaders undoubtedly played pivotal roles, but their achievements were built upon the foundation of broader forces. Furthermore, leadership is not a static quality possessed by select individuals. It's a dynamic process involving learning, adaptation, and collaboration. Leaders can hone their skills through training, mentorship, and exposure to diverse perspectives. This ability to evolve and embrace new information is crucial in navigating complex challenges.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: livingfree on February 05, 2024, 04:33:27 PM
A good leader not only make the economic thrive but also will make the economic condition fair to everyone, and give the same chance and opportunity for everyone especially people who are not in fortune. And the goal is to make the economic gap between the richest and the less rich getting closer. 
I agree.

There is fairness in all sector that the leader sets for the country's economy to keep on moving forward and thrive. Because with global competition being tough, it's best to just focus on the goal of the country and on how to increase the benefits to everyone's livelihood.

The open opportunities that are given to citizens with fairness is also a big thing. This makes a lot of foreign investments to come in to them because they're seeing the light from the policies that a current administration is working on.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: $anounimus$ on February 05, 2024, 06:35:08 PM
I think leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the direction and economic success of a country or organisation. A visionary and effective leader is able to inspire and guide his or her team or people towards achieving sustainable economic goals. Strong leadership can create a stable business environment, encourage innovation and increase productivity. In addition, wise economic policies and decisions from leaders can provide support for economic growth, create jobs, and improve people's welfare. Therefore, the close relationship between leadership and the economy is key to forming a solid foundation for achieving prosperity and sustainable growth.
The prosperity of a country is clearly greatly influenced by a leader, that leader is not only able to maintain national stability but is also able to become a leader who has a strong influence at the international level. I really agree with your thoughts and I also need to add that the leader must also focus on strengthening the domestic economy so that the prosperity of his people can truly be realized. If the country's economy is strong then the bargaining power of the leader will also be very great.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Renampun on February 05, 2024, 06:50:41 PM
A good leader not only make the economic thrive but also will make the economic condition fair to everyone, and give the same chance and opportunity for everyone especially people who are not in fortune. And the goal is to make the economic gap between the richest and the less rich getting closer. 
I agree.

There is fairness in all sector that the leader sets for the country's economy to keep on moving forward and thrive. Because with global competition being tough, it's best to just focus on the goal of the country and on how to increase the benefits to everyone's livelihood.

The open opportunities that are given to citizens with fairness is also a big thing. This makes a lot of foreign investments to come in to them because they're seeing the light from the policies that a current administration is working on.

In the current international news, news continues to emerge about many countries competing with each other to get foreign investors into their countries because when foreign investment funds come in, the opportunity to create jobs is greater, just imagine how many people are currently unemployed, even employers have set an age limit for applicants.

Becoming a great state leader is difficult because we have to be able to choose the best decision from the best proposal or idea and it's not an easy decision, the stake is trust.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: livingfree on February 05, 2024, 08:52:36 PM
A good leader not only make the economic thrive but also will make the economic condition fair to everyone, and give the same chance and opportunity for everyone especially people who are not in fortune. And the goal is to make the economic gap between the richest and the less rich getting closer. 
I agree.

There is fairness in all sector that the leader sets for the country's economy to keep on moving forward and thrive. Because with global competition being tough, it's best to just focus on the goal of the country and on how to increase the benefits to everyone's livelihood.

The open opportunities that are given to citizens with fairness is also a big thing. This makes a lot of foreign investments to come in to them because they're seeing the light from the policies that a current administration is working on.

In the current international news, news continues to emerge about many countries competing with each other to get foreign investors into their countries because when foreign investment funds come in, the opportunity to create jobs is greater, just imagine how many people are currently unemployed, even employers have set an age limit for applicants.
That's true and that's why those countries that have a lot of foreign investors and taking in and welcoming many companies from off shore are the ones helping their citizens because they're creating more jobs and source of income not just for their people but for the country.

Those isolated countries or those that have a difficult laws about welcoming partnerships and foreign investors, they're being avoided by those companies. Also, the cost of operations is being considered by many of them. So, the cheaper the labor is, that's where the companies are going in.

Becoming a great state leader is difficult because we have to be able to choose the best decision from the best proposal or idea and it's not an easy decision, the stake is trust.
Don't worry, we don't have to think about it as that's not for us.  :D

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: red4slash on February 05, 2024, 09:51:24 PM
I think leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the direction and economic success of a country or organisation. A visionary and effective leader is able to inspire and guide his or her team or people towards achieving sustainable economic goals. Strong leadership can create a stable business environment, encourage innovation and increase productivity. In addition, wise economic policies and decisions from leaders can provide support for economic growth, create jobs, and improve people's welfare. Therefore, the close relationship between leadership and the economy is key to forming a solid foundation for achieving prosperity and sustainable growth.
The prosperity of a country is clearly greatly influenced by a leader, that leader is not only able to maintain national stability but is also able to become a leader who has a strong influence at the international level. I really agree with your thoughts and I also need to add that the leader must also focus on strengthening the domestic economy so that the prosperity of his people can truly be realized. If the country's economy is strong then the bargaining power of the leader will also be very great.
That is the importance of choosing a good leader because after all there must be a leader who can bring subordinates in this case the ministers / senators who are tasked with running the government well because however from the beginning the role of the leader becomes the most central figure in this case to maintain the stability and authority of a country.

But indeed in a case like this, of course we are aware that even though the role of the leader is an important condition but on the other hand, maintaining an order in the state is not enough just from a leader because all must contribute including from the citizens themselves. Even if the leader is great at organising a country but if in the end we as a society cannot obey the various policies carried out to support a country running well then this could also be a blunder in the end.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: wxa7115 on February 06, 2024, 03:38:30 AM
I think leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the direction and economic success of a country or organisation. A visionary and effective leader is able to inspire and guide his or her team or people towards achieving sustainable economic goals. Strong leadership can create a stable business environment, encourage innovation and increase productivity. In addition, wise economic policies and decisions from leaders can provide support for economic growth, create jobs, and improve people's welfare. Therefore, the close relationship between leadership and the economy is key to forming a solid foundation for achieving prosperity and sustainable growth.
The prosperity of a country is clearly greatly influenced by a leader, that leader is not only able to maintain national stability but is also able to become a leader who has a strong influence at the international level. I really agree with your thoughts and I also need to add that the leader must also focus on strengthening the domestic economy so that the prosperity of his people can truly be realized. If the country's economy is strong then the bargaining power of the leader will also be very great.
The power of political leaders is heavily restrained, in order to reach their position they need to make a lot of compromises along the way, to the point that if they reach a position of power they cannot take any of the actions they may have liked as now they are tangled in a web of interests they cannot escape.

So people need to stop thinking that a political leader will be the one to make a big difference on their lives, and instead they need to find ways to achieve this on their own.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Sebas.tian on February 06, 2024, 04:12:47 AM
Good leaders can make economic of a country to grow faster and remain stable, which we have seen in some developed countries where other undeveloped countries feel like going to seek for potential impart from their leaders so that they can improve in their economic to save their citizens destiny. Any country that is struggling in the area of economic in their country, check the type of leadership they have in that particular country either they are corrupt leaders or they forced themselves to such position that is causing failure to their economy system. I have seen many leaders informing their central bank to print more money to be in circulation to boost their economy and other things in the country.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: huu78 on February 06, 2024, 05:20:10 AM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Leaders determine the success and failure of every institution. The reason why some countries are underdeveloped is because of poor leadership. It is the leader that coordinates the activities of people to achieve the goals of the organization. Followers will always follow the footsteps or direction of the leader, so we could say that bad leadership leads to bad followership. In my country, corrupt leadership is breeding corrupt citizens and this has caused underdevelopment. Almost all the nations of the world are corrupt but the poorest nations are usually the ones that have bad leaders.

A business will not prosper if the leaders are not knowledgeable. The leaders make decisions and these steps will determine the success or failure of the business. Successful leaders like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Mike Zuckerberg, etc, portrayed extraordinary leadership skills which is why they were able to build successful businesses.

I think leading a country and building a business on a very different scale, I agree that bad leadership causes bad things, but even a good leader doesn't necessarily mean good followers, there are still things that are inversely proportional, although not all of them.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: naikturun on February 06, 2024, 07:22:38 AM
The leader becomes a reference for the followers for success, it can be seen from the performance of a leader, wherever it is, if the leader is good then the performance in that place will look good too.
but if it is bad then it will have a bad impact too.
I agree that leaders are one of the keys to success, of course coupled with the encouragement of each follower as well.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: cakravothy on February 06, 2024, 10:21:35 AM
leaders not only have good leadership that is good for the development of a region or country. because in your writing about leadership in government. but leadership alone is lacking must have high creativity so that the policies and regulations issued can develop a good business climate economy and the welfare of its people is well achieved.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: killerfrost on February 06, 2024, 05:31:18 PM
Everyone agrees a good leader can make or break a country's economy, but what makes a leader "good" with money? Is it like, having a brain the size of a financial textbook, or can they just hire a whiz-kid advisor and call it a day?

Some say a leader needs to be a financial guru, understanding every twist and turn of the economy. Sure, knowledge is power, but let's be honest, nobody knows it all. A good leader, even if they're not an economics whiz, knows how to build a strong team with diverse expertise. It's like having a rock band - you need a solid drummer, a killer guitarist, and maybe even a keyboardist for those fancy tunes.

Sure, a growing economy is cool, but it shouldn't just benefit the super rich, right? A good leader knows it's about fairness, making sure everyone gets a slice of the pie, not just the folks at the fancy tables. This means fighting income inequality, giving everyone a shot at success, and maybe even throwing some social programs into the mix to help those who need it most.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: DVlog on February 06, 2024, 06:21:43 PM
A charismatic leader can turn a nation into a super power. A leader needs to be brave, farsighted and diplomatic to build his nation. Without a leader a nation is like a unguided mob who don't know what to do. So for economic development leadership is important. Just look at how a country like japan became so well developed even they are low in natural resources. Malaysia and Vietnam can be a great example of that to show how leadership can change a countries economy.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: $anounimus$ on February 06, 2024, 06:25:33 PM
leaders not only have good leadership that is good for the development of a region or country. because in your writing about leadership in government. but leadership alone is lacking must have high creativity so that the policies and regulations issued can develop a good business climate economy and the welfare of its people is well achieved.
The leadership of a country also lies in the system adopted by the country itself, so the leader is also not very free in carrying out his duties to bring about real change for the prosperity of his people. In general, all leaders still want the people they lead to be prosperous, but policy really determines that success. I see that if a leader is able to revive the domestic economy, the country will be one step ahead and that leader will also have bargaining value in the eyes of other leaders.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: AVE5 on February 06, 2024, 06:36:33 PM
A leader is a significant value with the potential capacities to moderates, governs and implements organizational productive infrastructures.
A leader is an influencer who posseses reputable personalities because he stands to be the sole proprietorship to piloting the organization in achieving a desired goal as demanded.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Olatundespo on February 08, 2024, 01:33:57 AM
A good economic Leadership is the ability to guide, inspire, and influence others towards a common goal or vision. Effective leaders possess a combination of traits and  skill.
Should have a clear vision of where they want to go and are able to articulate it to others inspiring them to work the same objectives.

Effective communication is essential for leaders to convey their vision provide guidance listen to feedback and foster collaboration among team members how to transaction about business.

Leaders demonstrate honesty, transparency and consistency in their actions earning the trust and respect of their followers.Able to make timely and informed decisions, even in uncertain or challenging situations. while considering the input of others when appropriate.

Inspire and motivate others through their passion, and commitment to excellence encouraging team members to perform at their best.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: MegameSama on February 08, 2024, 01:50:42 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
I agree with this, great leaders produce great policies, great policies will benefit the majority of people. I am grateful to live in a country with a great leader, he was a carpenter who became president, but his ability to manage the country was extraordinary. The policy I like the most is the "one door" program. In the past, if we wanted to take care of permits, we had to visit a lot of rooms, it was too complicated, too many steps, but now just by saying what you need up front, the problem is resolved, money policies don't apply and it's very difficult because everything is done at "one door" . There are still many of his policies that side with the people, I am happy, but unfortunately this year he will finish his term as president. Hopefully our next president will be like him, at least continuing his good policies.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: arimamib on February 09, 2024, 11:52:15 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
I agree with this, great leaders produce great policies, great policies will benefit the majority of people. I am grateful to live in a country with a great leader, he was a carpenter who became president, but his ability to manage the country was extraordinary. The policy I like the most is the "one door" program. In the past, if we wanted to take care of permits, we had to visit a lot of rooms, it was too complicated, too many steps, but now just by saying what you need up front, the problem is resolved, money policies don't apply and it's very difficult because everything is done at "one door" . There are still many of his policies that side with the people, I am happy, but unfortunately this year he will finish his term as president. Hopefully our next president will be like him, at least continuing his good policies.
A leader who prioritizes streamlining bureaucratic processes and implementing policies that directly benefit the majority of people can indeed make a significant difference in the lives of citizens. The "one door" program you mentioned sounds like a fantastic initiative, simplifying procedures and reducing red tape for individuals seeking permits or assistance. By centralizing services and eliminating unnecessary hurdles, such policies not only improve efficiency but also enhance accessibility and transparency, ultimately benefiting society as a whole.

Continuity in policies that prioritize the welfare of citizens can contribute to stability and progress in the long term. Citizens to remain engaged and informed, advocating for leadership that upholds the values of inclusivity, accountability, and service to the people. Citizens can help ensure that their country continues on a path of positive development and prosperity by actively participating in the democratic process and holding leaders accountable.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 10, 2024, 06:15:13 PM
The problem most countries are having in regard to their economic system is bad leadership, bad leadership has affected many nation badly to the extent that some nations economic if faced with high level of inflation, politic around the world has done more harm than good to the economy of the world, most political leaders doesn't value people that are not in their cartel or people that was nominated to them by their political gods father, lack of technocratic in the system has brought so many lapses in governance, so if we must get it right in the aspect political office should be given on merit also the economic team of a country should be graded from time to time by the citizens for them to be effective.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Findingnemo on February 10, 2024, 07:10:28 PM
Let's assume a country which has the ideal leader of all qualities that you think is needed for a leader but the economic structure is poorly constructed and people under the government are corrupted then the country is going nowhere.

So, my point is it requires everyone's efforts to bring the growth financially because change in a scale that we are talking only possible when everyone is contributing to it and ofcourse someone who can show the right path for others indeed but you want to know the reality that kind of ruling will never be possible with the democracy.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: fullhdpixel on February 10, 2024, 08:28:23 PM
do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Of course having a good leader makes us comfortable as a citizen, businessman or an investor because stability in the country relies on his or her credibility as a leader. The reason why a specific country has stagnant economy is because after the political term of a good leader here comes a corrupt one that prioritize personal interest rather than continuing what needs to be improved and considered.
Having a good leader is not something the world has seen in a long long time. I guess the last good leader was Merkel from what I have seen but even she got a lot of hatred, so there doesn't seem to be any leader that made their nation better in a long time.

The whole world, no matter which nation, has been picking the leader that is least worst one, you look all candidates and you pick the one that is still bad, but just not as bad as the other ones. That is why it's quite difficult thing to do. I believe that the world is not really all that sunshines and rainbows, it has to be something that would get a lot of attention with time, but that will not be all that simple, it will certainly take some time for us to reach that level of leadership one day.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Olatundespo on February 11, 2024, 10:14:56 AM


what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

The base of the economy depend on a good leader who have enough knowledge about economics. Most of the develop country are potentially decision about economics. Those are intricately connected.

Effective leadership involves making decisions that impact the allocation of resources productivity and overall economic outcomes. Leaders must understand economic principles to make informed choices about investment resource and strategic planning. Economic conditions often shape the challenges and opportunities leaders face influencing their decision making processes and the success of their nations.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Renampun on February 11, 2024, 03:48:49 PM
Let's assume a country which has the ideal leader of all qualities that you think is needed for a leader but the economic structure is poorly constructed and people under the government are corrupted then the country is going nowhere.

So, my point is it requires everyone's efforts to bring the growth financially because change in a scale that we are talking only possible when everyone is contributing to it and ofcourse someone who can show the right path for others indeed but you want to know the reality that kind of ruling will never be possible with the democracy.

A good and firm leader will always have the right solution to deal with the problems in his country, even the saddest way, they will definitely use it to make the work program that he and his staff are running a success.
The easiest example we can see is Nayib Bukele, he is a highly respected presidente in El Salvador, many people oppose him, but he continues to have the best way to solve the problem, he even made Bitcoin one of the legal tenders in El Salvador, this is It was a tough decision but he succeeded in doing it and El Salvador has now gone down in history.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: tread93 on February 11, 2024, 08:23:12 PM

In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Oh I 100 percent agree that the right leader makes the largest impact! Look at Trump vs Biden Presidential terms and its night and day lol I mean this stuff is common sense though. I really hope that the USA gets Trump back! Biden has lost it.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: KingsDen on February 11, 2024, 10:55:24 PM
Let's assume a country which has the ideal leader of all qualities that you think is needed for a leader but the economic structure is poorly constructed and people under the government are corrupted then the country is going nowhere.

So, my point is it requires everyone's efforts to bring the growth financially because change in a scale that we are talking only possible when everyone is contributing to it and ofcourse someone who can show the right path for others indeed but you want to know the reality that kind of ruling will never be possible with the democracy.
We actually should not undermine the power of good leadership. A good leader with his team can turn a country that is not working to one of the best countries using the available resources and manpower. But in the other hand a bad leader can destroy the destiny and the future of an endowed country. That being said, we could also see a good leader leading a country very well while some citizens in the country are still extremely poor. A leader in the national status does not provide food in the kitchen of all her citizens rather he provides enabling environment for small scale businesses to strive in order to affect the whole economy positively.

Some of the leaders of the African countries are not doing the right thing while on power and yet they would still want to live forever being in the office. To a point they would share the whole political posts both appointed and elected positions to them and their character members and even to their generation such that the cycle of power and corruption revolves around them and in their neighborhood. This is the reason why African nations are not developing because their leaders are just in tandem with their foreign counterparts exploiting the nations in Africa.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: wxa7115 on February 12, 2024, 06:37:37 AM
Having a good leader is not something the world has seen in a long long time. I guess the last good leader was Merkel from what I have seen but even she got a lot of hatred, so there doesn't seem to be any leader that made their nation better in a long time.

The whole world, no matter which nation, has been picking the leader that is least worst one, you look all candidates and you pick the one that is still bad, but just not as bad as the other ones. That is why it's quite difficult thing to do. I believe that the world is not really all that sunshines and rainbows, it has to be something that would get a lot of attention with time, but that will not be all that simple, it will certainly take some time for us to reach that level of leadership one day.
If we are honest with ourselves that is what elections boils down to, very rarely you will find a good candidate to become the president of a country, since those candidates are filtered by those in power as they do not want a leader that has too many of their own ideas or they will become difficult to control.

So very often someone that is easy to control and manipulate is the one that ends up as the leader of a country, and it is obvious such a person cannot lead their country to any kind of greatness.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: cryptoknightt on February 12, 2024, 07:02:07 AM
Good leaders and government policies set the stage for success by creating opportunities and stability. But at the end of the day, your personal choices and actions are a big part of your own success. It's like a teamwork between what's happening around you and what you decide to do

Yes, but a good environment will influence the person to be better, different from a bad environment.
The decision is in your hands, but the environment has a big influence on a person's life.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Ucy on February 12, 2024, 09:13:11 AM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Economic growth with lots of bad consequences to the world can't be said to be Good Economic growth neither should you call the leader that creates the growth the Right Leader.
Such growth is bad for the world as it creates lots of problems. An Economic Growth that does not create problems is Good Economic Growth.  What nation on earth has that kind of economy? I can assure you none of them. Their economics grow like cancer that end up killing the body or its host. Besides, it's not sustainable and not healthy for people.

An economy grown by the right leader will grow in sustainable manner. No product of the economy will be harmful to consumers or the world.. There will be little to no waste as they will be used efficiently, recycled, reused, repurposed, etc. The natural resources or raw materials for making the products wont be mined more often and will last longer where they are sourced from . Money making won't be a priority or at the detriment of society.

By the way, a society that achieves a Good Economic growth will likely be living a really humble life. There will be no luxuries, no self-indulgence, no unnecessary products, etc. Things like vehicles will be shared while the owners right is respected. Abundant or excess foods will be givenaway for free.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: TheUltraElite on February 20, 2024, 02:17:05 PM
Good leaders and government policies set the stage for success by creating opportunities and stability. But at the end of the day, your personal choices and actions are a big part of your own success. It's like a teamwork between what's happening around you and what you decide to do
You cannot possibly be part of the team that decides the affairs of the country. You thus have very little role to play here and let the government decide how the country progresses. We tend to have our own opinions as to how the economy should grow and all but these are all short-sighted thoughts unable to see the big picture we make such comments and it seems as though the government is doing it wrong - they are not, still its tough to make the common people understand.

Yes, but a good environment will influence the person to be better, different from a bad environment.
The decision is in your hands, but the environment has a big influence on a person's life.
A good working government will influence the people whom they govern, and thus a good leader will leave an impression of the people they lead.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: MissNonFall9 on February 21, 2024, 04:56:14 PM
: All the revolutions that have happened from the Stone Age to today's modern age have happened at the hands of a leader. So I think there is no substitute for proper leadership for the economic development of a country. Because only a leader can show the right direction in the right path and bring it to the threshold of development.

So I would never want to say in this case that a leader has promised you or the people of a country how much development he will do and whether he did it later is not the main issue for me now. Since I am talking about leadership and economy, we have to admit that only a leader can lead a country, a nation or even a state to the path of economic progress through proper guidance or to keep the wheels of economic progress moving.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Claudeake on February 21, 2024, 10:45:30 PM
Leadership per se presupposes a triangular organizational structure of three social classes; the ownership class ( upper), the leadership class ( middle class/ managerial class), and the lower class ( working/ under class). The leadership class manages the establishment legally owned by the ownership and controls the lower class.
In economic growth and development perspectives, the establishment is governed by the middle class in accordance to a worded and articulated vision and mission statements within an ideological spectrum. Therefore, in any nation, an economic growth and development could be achieved through a cultured mind found among members of both ownership and leadership social classes.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Y3shot on February 24, 2024, 01:24:35 PM
A charismatic leader can turn a nation into a super power. A leader needs to be brave, farsighted and diplomatic to build his nation. Without a leader a nation is like a unguided mob who don't know what to do. So for economic development leadership is important. Just look at how a country like japan became so well developed even they are low in natural resources. Malaysia and Vietnam can be a great example of that to show how leadership can change a countries economy.
My country is another exam, the president is weak and have no good reasoning as a leader and it is affecting the country.  The country is going backward instead of things to turn out good.  Leadership means taking people along and if the leader doesn't have the strength it will draw the country backwards and the people will be affected. The great countries we see today I where they are because of good leadership. The kind of leaders a country has will determine if the country will move forward or not.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: southerngentuk on February 24, 2024, 03:31:19 PM
Making money and keeping folks happy are big goals, but a good leader knows it's not just about numbers. It's about creating a sweet spot where everyone feels good, things are fair, and the environment ain't taking a beating. It's like a juggling act, keeping all those plates spinning without dropping any.

Good leaders ain't just barking orders from their ivory towers. They're down-to-earth, listening to everyone's two cents, and making sure everyone feels like they're part of the crew. They're open to new ideas, like a fresh breeze on a stuffy ship, and they're always learning and adapting, never stuck in their old ways.

And let's not forget, actions speak louder than words. A good leader walks the walk, not just talks the talk. They set the example, show respect for the rules and the people they lead, and don't act like they're better than anyone else. They know leadership is a responsibility, not a free ride, and they carry it with heart and smarts, knowing their choices impact everyone's future.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: bangjoe on February 24, 2024, 05:47:08 PM
A charismatic leader can turn a nation into a super power. A leader needs to be brave, farsighted and diplomatic to build his nation. Without a leader a nation is like a unguided mob who don't know what to do. So for economic development leadership is important. Just look at how a country like japan became so well developed even they are low in natural resources. Malaysia and Vietnam can be a great example of that to show how leadership can change a countries economy.
My country is another exam, the president is weak and have no good reasoning as a leader and it is affecting the country.  The country is going backward instead of things to turn out good.  Leadership means taking people along and if the leader doesn't have the strength it will draw the country backwards and the people will be affected. The great countries we see today I where they are because of good leadership. The kind of leaders a country has will determine if the country will move forward or not.
For the purpose of the economy and the development of the country, it is necessary for leaders who dare to make changes and concrete movements to grow the country's economy, not harming entrepreneurs and not harming any party including the state itself in its political decisions to improve the country's economy, whether it is an authoritarian leader, a democratic leader, who has a charismatic nature, brave and others if the goal is to advance the country and the welfare of its people then it will be very possible to rise.
The power of the leader is born when how much he influences others so that they can have healthy politics for their goals.

Likewise, the wrong leader will be a big problem for a nation, especially one with few resources that will be a complement and will become a slave to other countries.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Renampun on February 26, 2024, 10:04:35 AM
Good leaders and government policies set the stage for success by creating opportunities and stability. But at the end of the day, your personal choices and actions are a big part of your own success. It's like a teamwork between what's happening around you and what you decide to do
Yes, but a good environment will influence the person to be better, different from a bad environment.
The decision is in your hands, but the environment has a big influence on a person's life.

I always teach this to my children, that they have to choose their circle of friends well, if they want to become someone useful in the future, because when they are friends with a drug user, they will definitely become like that, the impact of friendship really affects a person's personality and a firm, intelligent and strong leader is formed from a circle of great and tough friendships.
To become a leader in government, the conditions a person needs are integrity and consistency, therefore I really like leaders who are consistent with their words and also their leadership style. Our country has finished electing the president and vice president, I hope the leader whos newly elected person can be consistent in his campaign promises, this is all we want to feel as citizens, because the campaign promises are really sweet lol.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Marvelockg on February 26, 2024, 10:30:57 AM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
the rule of a leader in the growth of a person or nation can't be overemphasized. If a nation have good leaders that understand Thier rule and responsibilities, the citizens will have little or nothing to worry about.

Even from the home, if you have good parents that knows that the children needs good education, care and love, those children don't struggle much in life because Thier parents haven gone ahead of the children to see what they will encounter will stand in the gap to making things easier for the children. What is now the fate of those without good and responsible parent? They are the majority of people that are struggling in the street and society in general.

Generally, life becomes easier when you have the right leaders who knows what is expected of them and are meeting up with these expectations.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Mr. Magkaisa on February 26, 2024, 10:47:27 AM
          -  A good leader will surely develop the country he leads. And it is also sure that he will be loved by his constituents. Now, if a leader is corrupt, I am pretty sure that the economy of the country he controls will also collapse. And negatively affect his people.

Because a good leader in a country will always think of the well-being of his citizens, one of them is the focus on building infrastructure, or build, build, as it is called. Transportation, such as railway commuters and others.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: mirakal on February 26, 2024, 01:57:22 PM
         -  A good leader will surely develop the country he leads. And it is also sure that he will be loved by his constituents. Now, if a leader is corrupt, I am pretty sure that the economy of the country he controls will also collapse. And negatively affect his people.

Because a good leader in a country will always think of the well-being of his citizens, one of them is the focus on building infrastructure, or build, build, as it is called. Transportation, such as railway commuters and others.
A good leader creates the biggest potentials for his country’s growth and development. He sees the imperfection of his country as well as the flaws of his people. That will serve as his motivation to uplift his people and to properly perform his position. Hence, being a leader serves as a role model, and whatever he does to his country reflects on his countrymen. If he is responsible and respectful, his people will also serve respect to him. But if he is self-centered and have no clearer goals for his country, the economy will take downturn that will affect every individual under his leadership.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: WillyAp on February 26, 2024, 03:04:56 PM
Leadership is pretty important, that being said we also need to see reforms in law and juridical security as a necessary issue to develop.
Many countries have groups of families which will slow down changes.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: topbitcoin on February 26, 2024, 03:16:03 PM
So that we as a society can carry out our daily activities with a sense of security, starting from buying and selling, investing and working. So we need a country that is safe and comfortable, and it all depends on the national leadership or government of the country itself. And of course we all want leaders who are not only good, but also fair and impartial. A leader who prioritizes the welfare of society and the public interest above personal or group interests.

Bad leadership or government in a country, as well as many cases of corruption and other things, this can not only affect the welfare of society, but this can also affect the economic situation in that country. With the many corrupt practices in that country, this can make it possible for an investor to feel quite hesitant about investing there, because corrupt practices can really harm investors.
Talking about the economy covers many things, including the geopolitical conditions in the country, because economic policies depend on the political policy itself.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: itorai on February 26, 2024, 03:50:22 PM

In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
What's important to me is overall well-being, even if it's something i don't really care about.
For the right leader, i admit that it is a difficult thing to find, and when you get the right leader, it might be even better for the economic growth of a country. I think leaders should be wise, fair and responsible, because with a sense of responsibility they will work hard for the economic growth of their country.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: boty on February 27, 2024, 04:30:16 AM
         -  A good leader will surely develop the country he leads. And it is also sure that he will be loved by his constituents. Now, if a leader is corrupt, I am pretty sure that the economy of the country he controls will also collapse. And negatively affect his people.

Because a good leader in a country will always think of the well-being of his citizens, one of them is the focus on building infrastructure, or build, build, as it is called. Transportation, such as railway commuters and others.
A good leader creates the biggest potentials for his country’s growth and development. He sees the imperfection of his country as well as the flaws of his people. That will serve as his motivation to uplift his people and to properly perform his position. Hence, being a leader serves as a role model, and whatever he does to his country reflects on his countrymen. If he is responsible and respectful, his people will also serve respect to him. But if he is self-centered and have no clearer goals for his country, the economy will take downturn that will affect every individual under his leadership.
Of course, every leader must have good potential so that they can carry out their leadership well and they will be able to make a good contribution to their country and must also have the goal of moving the country in a better direction.

Yes, of course they must make themselves role models to their subordinates by setting a good example and must act according to what they have promised. If they only think about the interests of their group and do not think about the community at large, their economy will certainly not be able to develop.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: nngella on February 29, 2024, 09:17:14 AM
There are research that conclude that there exists  a positive correlation between the leader of a country and its rule of law.  This means that when the leader is a "good" leader, then the rule of law of the country is leaning on the positive side.

Rule of law is defined as "a durable system of laws, institutions, norms, and community commitment that delivers four universal principles: accountability, just law, open government, and accessible and impartial justice."  Several studies suggest that rule of law fuels economic growth and development.

Hence, through the said channel, a good leader will result to positive rule of law which further fuel and propel economic growth and development.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Sarah_Jannat42 on February 29, 2024, 05:58:03 PM
Leadership is a universal subject. With proper leadership, it is possible to reach the goal easily. A leader always provides the right direction and necessary advice to achieve the goals. Leadership and economics are interrelated. Only a leader of a country can take it to the highest peak of development through proper planning and leadership. A right leader can attract everyone's attention and earn trust and all the investors or employees will trust the leader's leadership and feel very comfortable working with him so that the country's economy will become very prosperous. But in this case, it is recommended that the leadership should become competent and trustworthy. If the opposite happens, the economy will stagnate. So we can say that economy and leadership are closely related.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: bots1 on March 01, 2024, 10:19:28 AM
Indeed, choosing the right leader is very important for a country's progress. The right benchmark for the quality of a leader is how a leader can improve his country's economic progress. One example is improving the people's economy to become prosperous, bringing in as many investors as possible, making citizens' lives comfortable without being hit by fear of anything.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Russlenat on March 01, 2024, 10:52:56 AM
Indeed, choosing the right leader is very important for a country's progress. The right benchmark for the quality of a leader is how a leader can improve his country's economic progress. One example is improving the people's economy to become prosperous, bringing in as many investors as possible, making citizens' lives comfortable without being hit by fear of anything.
Unfortunately, putting the right leaders to lead our country is harder than it is since they all make good promises at the beginning but end up corrupt and even incompetent in the end. You’re just lucky if you have a president who has the passion to help the poor people and build projects to eradicate poverty, as some country’s leaders only focus on improving their wealth and satisfying their own personal interest, while leaving the people in continuous suffering due to mismanagement of the government.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: ndutndut on March 01, 2024, 12:00:47 PM
leaders not only have good leadership that is good for the development of a region or country. because in your writing about leadership in government. but leadership alone is lacking must have high creativity so that the policies and regulations issued can develop a good business climate economy and the welfare of its people is well achieved.
In essence, as a leader you must have a Leadership Mindset which has a foundation, namely philosophy and principles. especially the leader of a country who has enormous authority in all fields, especially in economic growth. So a leader does not just lead, he must also make good and fair policies so that his society is prosperous.

A great leader is a leader who is able to recruit his subordinates to become potential replacement leaders who can be better than himself. And a leader must be a visionary who has far-sightedness, so he knows the future direction of the country he leads, and must also be able to shape the nation's next generation. Therefore, a leader must try to build a system and prepare more human resources to achieve even better results for the country he leads in the future.

The conclusion is that a visionary leader not only thinks about when he becomes leader, but he also has to prepare his bride because of course bringing a country forward economically takes a long time, while the period of leadership as a country has limits.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: arufox on March 01, 2024, 01:30:29 PM
Boosting the rate of economic growth in a country or region requires a leader who can consider various factors such as the type of team, context, and goals to be achieved to determine the right policy. By understanding and adapting a leadership style that suits the situation, a leader can achieve the best results in boosting the rate of economic growth for his people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on March 01, 2024, 04:29:49 PM
The productivity and growth of any nation  begin with choosing a good leader, just as any building  without good foundation will collapsed so is bad leader to any economy because many things will not function properly leading collapse with bad leader.

It takes good leader with constructive idea to make good policy that will raise even a fallen economy back to life typical example Germany economy was down but was revive with 3 months with a good leader.
Simple senairo bad leader is like blind man leading blind the both will fall into a dip sea.

Only good leader can profile solution to difficult situation through its policy enforcing all valuable and helpful research work that lift any destroyed economy, good leader is a motivator and strength to any economy and citizens that has loss hope in their nation.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Princess Leah on March 01, 2024, 08:38:24 PM
Boosting the rate of economic growth in a country or region requires a leader who can consider various factors such as the type of team, context, and goals to be achieved to determine the right policy. By understanding and adapting a leadership style that suits the situation, a leader can achieve the best results in boosting the rate of economic growth for his people.
You're right, honestly it takes good leadership skill to command a country and help boost the economic growth of that country and all those factors you've mentioned are very important in helping a good leader achieve his goal in leadership,  a country with good leader and bad team or advisers could fail to achieve his goals.

 But if he's surrounded with good advisers and like-minded people around him, them it would help the country achieve the best results like you've mentioned earlier, a good leader would always be ready to listen to the people in his area of  command and ensure that he leads by example, that's especially is one of the qualities of good leadership.

 Countries where the leadership is poor and the government is bad, always find it difficult to grow, no offense to parts of Africa and Asia with bad leadership, we've seen how they suffer Inflations and economic crisis, due to poor leadership skills and bad government, however when their government start doing the right thing and put the affairs of the citizens first then they'll improve economically.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Y3shot on March 02, 2024, 09:50:01 AM
Indeed, choosing the right leader is very important for a country's progress. The right benchmark for the quality of a leader is how a leader can improve his country's economic progress. One example is improving the people's economy to become prosperous, bringing in as many investors as possible, making citizens' lives comfortable without being hit by fear of anything.
Improving a country economy is very easy when you have a good leader, but when you have a bad leader ruling it seems very difficult to even do the easiest thing. When the economy is doing well it tells who the leader is and how competent the leaders. When their is a bad leader in the system the economy dies off and their will be nothing that can be done about it. That is why it is important when it comes to the time of chosen leaders it should be what citizens needs not to take it for granted.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: jasonjm on March 02, 2024, 11:52:32 AM
A leader's economic reforms and policies will help the country to perform well. But, this is not necessarily true. Many countries have leaders (or should I call them rulers) who are corrupt and are more concerned about their own money than people's well-being. In underdeveloped countries, most of the cabinet members do not possess the required knowledge about the department they are heading, and the institution continues to burden the economy. The economic conditions in these countries are worse compared to the rest of the world. The citizens are also equally responsible for this.

A leader provides a vision for the country to flourish. He coordinates with all the concerned departments to engage in economic well-being and help the country in its Foreign Direct Investment and Exports. I also emphasize the fact that the members of his cabinet should be experts in the field so that they can manage the departments effectively.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: DanWalker on March 07, 2024, 07:05:22 PM
Good leaders and government policies set the stage for success by creating opportunities and stability. But at the end of the day, your personal choices and actions are a big part of your own success. It's like a teamwork between what's happening around you and what you decide to do

That's true. If a person is naturally good then he/she might be a good leader, but one can't be a good leader over a night, it takes time. The nature of a good leader mostly depends on the country's government rule and policies.

For example- You know according to CPI, Myanmar is the 14th most corrupt country in the world. It means most of the leaders are corrupted. They do not follow the government rules properly. They just think about their own well-being which is not right.
So in such a situation if any people come up with innovative activities and try to be successful those political leaders have obstructed their work, all civil people have to unite against such leaders.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: AYOBA on March 07, 2024, 09:30:22 PM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader
Unlike some other nations where their economies are operating so poorly and are not expanding well, the leaders of the country always make sure that they are keeping their people happy and that the country's economic position is progressing well. Additionally, a leader should constantly check in with those around them to make sure everyone has something to do on their own. Because that is the job of a nation's leaders, they are only chosen in order to provide some of the resources that the nation lacks and to ensure that the nation remains in a state of perfect peace, since most nations are at war with one another due to a lack of leaders.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: bots1 on March 08, 2024, 07:55:44 AM
Indeed, choosing the right leader is very important for a country's progress. The right benchmark for the quality of a leader is how a leader can improve his country's economic progress. One example is improving the people's economy to become prosperous, bringing in as many investors as possible, making citizens' lives comfortable without being hit by fear of anything.
Unfortunately, putting the right leaders to lead our country is harder than it is since they all make good promises at the beginning but end up corrupt and even incompetent in the end. You’re just lucky if you have a president who has the passion to help the poor people and build projects to eradicate poverty, as some country’s leaders only focus on improving their wealth and satisfying their own personal interest, while leaving the people in continuous suffering due to mismanagement of the government.
In this day and age, there are no perfect leaders, almost all countries whose leaders have personal interests rather than prioritizing their people. However, at least we must be able to choose existing leaders and be able to compare the candidates with each other starting from their track record as to who is better than the potential leaders. But be assured that if his leadership does not help the poor, the people will definitely demand him in various ways to bring down leaders who act unjustly towards their people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: WillyAp on March 08, 2024, 02:16:32 PM
In this day and age, there are no perfect leaders, almost all countries whose leaders have personal interests rather than prioritizing their people.

San Salvador seems to make a difference.
At least from the outside he looks pretty promising.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Davian144 on March 08, 2024, 02:58:49 PM
Improving a country economy is very easy when you have a good leader, but when you have a bad leader ruling it seems very difficult to even do the easiest thing. When the economy is doing well it tells who the leader is and how competent the leaders. When their is a bad leader in the system the economy dies off and their will be nothing that can be done about it. That is why it is important when it comes to the time of chosen leaders it should be what citizens needs not to take it for granted.

The leader of each country is the one who is most scrutinized when it comes to the good and bad of the economic sector in the country he leads. So it is important to choose a leader who is good in character and also good at managing the country so that he is able to manage his country's economy very well because that is how a country can progress and develop well. I also agree with the option you said because the leader is the first person that many people will look to when a country has made more progress in all sectors.

Likewise, when a country starts experiencing more problems and bad things, its leaders will also receive more scrutiny from all parties to find out what the basic causes are. So choosing a good leader is the duty of the citizens themselves by looking at and researching the character of the potential leaders who will lead the country through the general election.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Dailyscript on March 08, 2024, 03:20:36 PM
That is why it is important when it comes to the time of chosen leaders it should be what citizens needs not to take it for granted.
If it had been this way, that the citizens would successfully choose their leader when they vote, without the manipulation of the voting system, we would be seeing lots of good users because the citizens know what is best for them. Rather, the democratic system has been damaged to the extent that the common man has a lot of patriotic right to fight against the contingent when they ruin elections with their allies.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Tony116 on March 08, 2024, 05:40:50 PM
Indeed, choosing the right leader is very important for a country's progress. The right benchmark for the quality of a leader is how a leader can improve his country's economic progress. One example is improving the people's economy to become prosperous, bringing in as many investors as possible, making citizens' lives comfortable without being hit by fear of anything.
Improving a country economy is very easy when you have a good leader, but when you have a bad leader ruling it seems very difficult to even do the easiest thing. When the economy is doing well it tells who the leader is and how competent the leaders. When their is a bad leader in the system the economy dies off and their will be nothing that can be done about it. That is why it is important when it comes to the time of chosen leaders it should be what citizens needs not to take it for granted.

yes, a good leader can make the country beautiful. A good leader means a leader who has lots of good qualities, with the help of those qualities he can manage all the work. i agree with tou the economy of a country depends on a good leader. If the leader of the country involved in corruption or if he only thinks about his own well being then the country will face lots of problems. A good leader always tries to make his country more developed. It is also important for leaders to have the ability to create a vision and inspire others to follow it.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: bots1 on March 14, 2024, 12:58:47 PM
Indeed, choosing the right leader is very important for a country's progress. The right benchmark for the quality of a leader is how a leader can improve his country's economic progress. One example is improving the people's economy to become prosperous, bringing in as many investors as possible, making citizens' lives comfortable without being hit by fear of anything.
Improving a country economy is very easy when you have a good leader, but when you have a bad leader ruling it seems very difficult to even do the easiest thing. When the economy is doing well it tells who the leader is and how competent the leaders. When their is a bad leader in the system the economy dies off and their will be nothing that can be done about it. That is why it is important when it comes to the time of chosen leaders it should be what citizens needs not to take it for granted.

yes, a good leader can make the country beautiful. A good leader means a leader who has lots of good qualities, with the help of those qualities he can manage all the work. i agree with tou the economy of a country depends on a good leader. If the leader of the country involved in corruption or if he only thinks about his own well being then the country will face lots of problems. A good leader always tries to make his country more developed. It is also important for leaders to have the ability to create a vision and inspire others to follow it.
It cannot be denied that whether a country is good or not really depends on the figure of the leader. However, of course there is no perfect leader when leading a country, there are certainly weaknesses, but the most important task of a leader is to improve the welfare of his people starting from providing as many jobs as possible for the people, and being able to stabilize the prices of the people's basic needs so that the people will be prosperous and the country will be more developed.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Youngkhngdiddy on March 14, 2024, 04:38:49 PM
Improving a country economy is very easy when you have a good leader, but when you have a bad leader ruling it seems very difficult to even do the easiest thing. When the economy is doing well it tells who the leader is and how competent the leaders. When their is a bad leader in the system the economy dies off and their will be nothing that can be done about it. That is why it is important when it comes to the time of chosen leaders it should be what citizens needs not to take it for granted.
There’s no doubt that when a country has a good governance and reliable leaders they will be progress in that country, there’s no country that’s is poor they just have bad leaders who his mismanaging the country funds leaving the people in extreme poverty. Let’s take Argentina as a case study, their new president is doing a very wonderful job in Argentina. The president has been able to cut down the inflation rate  from 25.5% to 13.2% in just the space of 3 month. Argentina has also just recorded its 1st budget SURPLUS in 12years of $589m. The most interesting thing is that their president was just inaugurated 3 months ago. When there are positive changes in a country and the economy is blazing up, foreign investors will be attracted  to the country this will even bring economic prosperity to the country.
  Whereas a country with bad governance will just remain stagnant or steadily decline its economy leaving their countrymen in advent poverty. These poverty can lead to agitation from the people leading them to take laws into thier hands. Like I said earlier they are no poor country only corrupt leaders. We are seeing the effect of corruption in some of these countries, like the one we are currently seeing where a gang leader in Haiti forced its sitting Prime Minister to resign unless they was going to be a “ bloody revolution” as stated by the gang leader. This can only result when there’s bad governance and corruption in the country, the people are tired leaving life from hand to mouth, the can only hope for this kind of things, this is why the people in Haiti are seen praising the gang leader (Barbecue) for doing what he did.  Irrespective of what the Media will try to circulate, they can’t be any revolution if they were no exploitation and corruption from their leaders.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Neobanks on March 15, 2024, 03:33:06 AM
I agree about having a good leadership in a country really defines and helps the economics and stability of the country. And that is because with policies that they enforce and as well as the partnership that they're getting, it boosts the economic status of the country.

So, it affects the citizens with the opportunities that are coming and living comfortably but as an individual, I wouldn't let the government define my life and success and won't be dependent to them.

What I am trying to say, they're helping a lot of people's lives to become comfortable but at the same time our success depends on us.
Leadership is the driving force to economy efficiency and sustainability of every nation because it takes a good leader to make a good economic decision that will foster development and bring good dividend to the citizen. If we articulated you will see that any nation that have bad economy most of the leadership of such nation are corrupt and greedy.
To have a better economy there must be transparency and integrity in those that are vested with the power to make decisions. Many part of the world mostly Africa sees leadership position as a business that they can buy with their money and as such all their interest will be centre on what they can get from the office instead of what they will do to boost the economy of the nation and alleviate poverty among the citizens.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: adiksau0414 on March 15, 2024, 06:48:09 AM
The impact of a leader on the lives of citizens, businessmen, and investors can be significant. A competent and effective leader can create policies that promote economic growth, stability, and opportunities for citizens, businessmen, and investors. Good leadership can lead to a stable and predictable business environment, encourage investment, create jobs, and improve the quality of life for citizens.

On the other hand, poor leadership can result in economic instability, corruption, lack of investment, and a decline in living standards for citizens. Political instability, weak governance, and unpredictable policies can deter businesses and investors, leading to economic stagnation and hardship for the population.

It is important to note that the impact of a leader on society is complex and multifaceted, and many factors beyond just leadership play a role in shaping the economic and social environment of a country. While a good leader can certainly contribute to a comfortable life for citizens, businessmen, and investors, other factors such as institutional strength, rule of law, economic conditions, and external factors also play critical roles in shaping the overall environment.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Alpha Marine on March 15, 2024, 08:21:40 AM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

Of course, I agree. It's not rocket science. A good leader brings political stability and political stability is like a gravity to investors if there's a market in the area. A good leader provides what is needed for a business to thrive. In a capitalist state, all the government has to do is create an environment where people can do business.

Good leadershcreatesate jobs and makes sure all sectors of the economy work well, it doesn't have to be perfect, but it'll work justly. Good jobs mean more money in the accounts of the citizens and since there's good governance, inflation would be reduced so it means they have more purchasing power for the people.
In my opinion, every country has what it takes to make life easier for its citizens, all they need is good and competent leaders who are ready to work for the country and not themselves.

Funny enough, a leader doesn't need to be an economist to make the economy of the country better. All they need is to understand how an economy works and know how to lead. They can hire the right people in strategic positions that would pilot the affairs of the state in different departments.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: BD Technical on March 15, 2024, 08:29:53 AM
One can never achieve leadership unless one has great skills in the economy of leadership.  To be a period leader, you must earn false profits and invest them in you.  You have to invest wisely because at present the price of bitcoin is increasing, if everyone invests in bitcoin then not everyone will be able to earn money.  Or if you can't profit, if you want to make a profit, check each one's skills and invest on other tokens, but you can choose your own leader by yourself. To achieve leadership, you have to invest a lot and make sacrifices, which are new markets.  Come or well any girl or.  70% if your copy is not possible if you have a good list of good quality or you do not invest in a good exchanger.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: AnonBitCoiner on March 15, 2024, 10:15:45 AM
It cannot be denied that whether a country is good or not really depends on the figure of the leader. However, of course there is no perfect leader when leading a country, there are certainly weaknesses, but the most important task of a leader is to improve the welfare of his people starting from providing as many jobs as possible for the people, and being able to stabilize the prices of the people's basic needs so that the people will be prosperous and the country will be more developed.

Actually handling of all activities of whole country is very difficult and these hardships can be understand by that person who act as a leader of a country. We are saying that government is not providing resources for us but we are not understanding that resources are numerous but people put all burden on the leader of a country without doing anything by himself.

There are large number of jobs but jobs requires skills and education whereas every individual don't possess it so instead of learning well everyone is in struggles to blame the leader. The prices of things is getting expensive because of limited amount so it can be reduces by increasing the quantity and a country can become prosperous if everyone becomes thankful for everything they have.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: kingmanbs on March 16, 2024, 10:56:47 AM
If every leader is given very strict laws in his country, then theft, robbery, bad deeds etc. will be less or will not happen in his country. 

 If the leadership of every country is good, its country will be very prosperous, if its leadership is bad, then the people of that country will also be bad.  Every leadership should be given fairly and no false shelter should be given so that everyone in their country can receive a fair trial.  If the leadership in his country is good, the people will behave in order, the word of their leadership will spread all over the world and criticism of them that they are running the country very well will be reflected in their actions.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Gormicsta on March 16, 2024, 11:42:54 AM
Let's examine leadership's superiority over management. You promote leadership as the key to organizational and economic success. While encouraging, this approach ignores the concrete drivers of economic progress. Leadership inspires vision, but without careful management, are we merely creating castles in the air?

Consider regional economic growth. It's simplistic to blame leadership. Economic policy, market dynamics, and investor confidence result from strategic planning and execution, not visionarism. You question if the right leader can make citizens, businessmen, and investors happy. Possible, though. However, this ignores the communal efforts needed to navigate modern economies. As citizens, businessmen, and investors, economic structures, regulatory frameworks, and global market forces determine our comfort, not the appropriate leader. Doesn't thinking differently seem naive?

If we want to achieve major and sustainable growth in the economy, we must take an extensive strategy that considers all of the issues involved. Social decisions, for example, can have an important influence on how the economy operates. Governments can take advantage of policy to encourage both companies and people to invest and develop, or to create obstacles to growth. Market conditions are another important issue that cannot be overlooked. Demand and availability, opposition, and other industry variables all influence the expansion of the economy. So, while leadership is important it is not the only factor that counts. So while leadership is important, a single component of the equation.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: EluguHcman on March 16, 2024, 12:32:48 PM
A leader is like a pioneer who has to stress out for the followers to be enjoy, it can be of political leadership to rule the people in an expected lawful and abiding manners to make everyone lives orderly and finding solutions to their needs.
And in a team work, a leader is the sharpened edge sphere  representing a group of persons to a certain goal.

A leader is ought to understand that unproductive times can not be recovered so should always be dedicated in striving to meet up with the goals according to a stipulated period of times scheduled on the tasks of reaching an entitled magnitude.

In a group of people with a leader, let us win First is a priority considerations even if there are disputes and understanding between teammates so it's the leaders mandate to disputes the teams differences of grudge and focus on how to achieve an aim before any other anxieties.
And every leaders must be aware that Power is given to be controlled in targets of achieving a team goal and not to be used for personalities.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: DrBeer on March 16, 2024, 12:40:26 PM
Improving a country economy is very easy when you have a good leader, but when you have a bad leader ruling it seems very difficult to even do the easiest thing. When the economy is doing well it tells who the leader is and how competent the leaders. When their is a bad leader in the system the economy dies off and their will be nothing that can be done about it. That is why it is important when it comes to the time of chosen leaders it should be what citizens needs not to take it for granted.

...and here we come to a very subtle discovery - "bad leaders" are chosen.... by the people themselves, the citizens of the country !  Unless it is a totalitarian one - it is the people who choose the "bad" or "good" ruler, and the government. So I do not understand the claims of many people, where they first choose populists, corruptors, just not very smart rulers, because they offer them a fairy-tale version of how under them all will live richly and happily, and "you don't have to do anything - just vote for me". At the same time, people themselves consciously refuse from the difficult paths that would really bring changes, which are offered by smart candidates ...

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: G_Besar on March 19, 2024, 02:09:39 PM
If every leader is given very strict laws in his country, then theft, robbery, bad deeds etc. will be less or will not happen in his country. 
Strict laws in a country are good, but there is absolutely no guarantee that bad things will not happen, such as theft, robbery and so on. Because the leader will definitely find a way to do the bad things he wants if he has the intention to do so, so the strictness of the law is also not a serious obstacle to prevent bad things from happening in a particular country. Because the only thing that can be a barrier to preventing bad things from happening in a country is an honest heart's intention not to want to do that thing.

If the leadership of every country is good, its country will be very prosperous, if its leadership is bad, then the people of that country will also be bad.  Every leadership should be given fairly and no false shelter should be given so that everyone in their country can receive a fair trial.  If the leadership in his country is good, the people will behave in order, the word of their leadership will spread all over the world and criticism of them that they are running the country very well will be reflected in their actions.
The overall benchmark is not just a leader, but also the voters of that leader in the country, because the leaders of most countries are definitely chosen by the people so it is the people who determine what their best choice is. Now choosing a leader must be filtered seriously and correctly because from this a good leader will be born, even though all of this is also based on a leader's heart in carrying out his leadership period for a country. Because there are also good leaders, but the people are not good and there must be something wrong with that leader.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Humblevirus on March 19, 2024, 02:37:50 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

No, I do not agree that it is the duty of a country president or someone else to make the citizens leave comfortable. I think these remain for us, and this can be done by hard work. If we work hard, we don't have to depend on our government before we get what we want and leave comfortable because thinking of it as if the leader is supposed to be the one is just as if you depend on your government and they may fail you if that is what you want, so it is better to figure things out on your own. Remember, your leaders also have children and relatives, so before they think of doing it for other people, they will do it for the people close to them.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: TEBTC on March 19, 2024, 07:54:55 PM
Off course there is a direct link between leadership and economic growth and development in any society

We in the third world can attest to to fact that the underdevelopment of Africa can be traced to the kind of leaders we have had so far

Leaders are those who lead and other follow so if you have a blind man as a leader, then your sure to fall into the pit

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: red4slash on March 19, 2024, 08:19:31 PM
If every leader is given very strict laws in his country, then theft, robbery, bad deeds etc. will be less or will not happen in his country. 
Strict laws in a country are good, but there is absolutely no guarantee that bad things will not happen, such as theft, robbery and so on. Because the leader will definitely find a way to do the bad things he wants if he has the intention to do so, so the strictness of the law is also not a serious obstacle to prevent bad things from happening in a particular country. Because the only thing that can be a barrier to preventing bad things from happening in a country is an honest heart's intention not to want to do that thing.

The point is that in this case there must be several things that must be considered because indeed when you want to advance a good state system it cannot only be done from a few people but it must be based on all parties because no matter how good the leadership is and no matter how good the rules are, things like that will not be a reference if the citizens do not have full awareness of the rules that are carried out so that it will be a detrimental thing in the end such as some damage due to theft and so on but on the other hand with some influential people and having a high leadership spirit I think it can be another consideration because the citizens who are followers certainly follow the example of the leader in the end.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Fortify on March 19, 2024, 08:54:40 PM
In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

There's nothing to agree or disagree about, the world needs leaders - at the very least to act as tie breakers between competing ideas. However there is a whole spectrum from terrible to fantastic, with a good leader knowing that there is something that they can improve on every single day. An interesting fact I remember reading one time, was that there are more psychopathic tendencies within leaders compared to other parts of society, but who knows if that is true. There is also an element out there who will move up the leadership ladder until they hit the limits of their incompetence. Either way, even average leaders can make a revolutionary difference in companies if they have a little bit of all the right ingredients.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 01, 2024, 04:11:38 PM
We in the third world can attest to to fact that the underdevelopment of Africa can be traced to the kind of leaders we have had so far
Africa has huge potential of growth but its leaders and how its governments work, has only led its people to the worse. But situations are similar in most countries as well just the extent might differ.

Leaders are those who lead and other follow so if you have a blind man as a leader, then your sure to fall into the pit
That is why we have elections to decide which among all the possible leaders do the public want as a majority? But that is a topic for another debate. I am of the opinion that the country can do what it wants with its politics and all but leaving those aside, our own personal growth is what we should focus on.

Like buying bitcoin at the proper time, keeping education ongoing, learning new skills to put to the test. Forget the government, develop your own self.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: tottong on April 01, 2024, 06:01:51 PM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

The leader is the highest authority who makes policies and a leader who has a careful vision will have a good impact, especially for the people in it. Leaders must be able to see the future and their ideas will make things easier for the people in them and if the leader does not have a vision in developing the country then don't expect the people in it to prosper.
It will be much easier for investors to enter to develop several sectors when it is easy for leaders to do so and regulations that are too strict will make investors think about entering that country.

The province where I live for example and there are investors who are trying to build a cement factory with binding cooperation, but because they have to meet demands that are too heavy, they finally have to decide not to continue. Even though construction had begun and prohibitions and opposition from various parties made them terminate the contract.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Briankimp1 on April 03, 2024, 11:26:46 AM
So, it affects the citizens with the opportunities that are coming and living comfortably but as an individual, I wouldn't let the government define my life and success and won't be dependent to them.

What I am trying to say, they're helping a lot of people's lives to become comfortable but at the same time our success depends on us.

You’re right but don’t you think, A good leader would make sure there’s a level playing field for everyone.
setting in motion a healthy economical environment for every class of society, which in turn will improve the lives of everyone under his/her leadership from the poor to the rich.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Bitco55 on April 03, 2024, 12:07:10 PM
There was a time when the economic system and politics in a country had nothing to do with each other. Then, John Maynard Keynes came up with his theory and suddenly the government became the backbone of a lot of Economies. Many Economists were against the theory propounded by John Maynard because they believed putting everything in the hands of the government was wrong. They believed individuals should make decisions and face the effects of those decisions and also government decisions weren't always all that.

The point I'm trying to make here is that government decisions affect the economy in this age, yeah? Whatever they say stands, so their leadership is very important. One of the most important under-looked stimulants of economic hardship is bad government that makes bad decisions for the country. And then, on the other hand, countries that enjoy good economies usually have good governments. I could give a few examples but that may not be in my place.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: slapper on April 03, 2024, 07:05:16 PM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

The leader is the highest authority who makes policies and a leader who has a careful vision will have a good impact, especially for the people in it. Leaders must be able to see the future and their ideas will make things easier for the people in them and if the leader does not have a vision in developing the country then don't expect the people in it to prosper.
It will be much easier for investors to enter to develop several sectors when it is easy for leaders to do so and regulations that are too strict will make investors think about entering that country.

The province where I live for example and there are investors who are trying to build a cement factory with binding cooperation, but because they have to meet demands that are too heavy, they finally have to decide not to continue. Even though construction had begun and prohibitions and opposition from various parties made them terminate the contract.
Supposedly, these are the people driving things forward, but too often, they're the ones holding everything back. A leader without a clear vision is useless. They're just going in circles, wasting everyone's time. But that vision can't just be some pie-in-the-sky nonsense; it's gotta be something people actually benefit from. If the average person's life isn't improving, the whole thing's a failure

Now, let's talk about this cement factory mess in your province. This is textbook overregulation strangling progress. Listen, I understand some rules are necessary, but when you scare off businesses, you're not just losing one company. You're losing jobs, you're losing money the community needs, you're losing the chance to actually improve. Leadership's gotta be smarter than that. They gotta figure out how to create a healthy environment for business, without tying everyone up in red tape. Enough with the fancy speeches, we need to see results

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: atookz on April 04, 2024, 07:01:53 AM

In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Yes, I agree because increasing economic growth requires policies, strategies and economic systems that are pro-community and designed systematically so that they can be comfortable. Therefore, to increase economic growth, leadership support is needed. Success and failure are greatly influenced by the leader's policies, namely how far the implementers plan, mobilize, motivate, direct and communicate in increasing economic growth. If the leader is not good, it will be very difficult for the economy to grow because the strategy and system will not work well.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: safar1980 on April 04, 2024, 01:20:58 PM
A Million Simulations,  ( Verdict for US Economy: Debt Danger Ahead
Bloomberg Economics ran a million forecast simulations on the US debt outlook. 88% of them show borrowing on an unsustainable path.

The Congressional Budget Office warned in its latest projections that US federal government debt is on a path from 97% of GDP last year to 116% by 2034 — higher even than in World War II. The actual outlook is likely worse.
From tax revenue to defense spending and interest rates, the CBO forecasts released earlier this year are underpinned by rosy assumptions. Plug in the market’s current view on interest rates, and the debt-to-GDP ratio rises to 123% in 2034. Then assume — as most in Washington do — that ex-President Donald Trump’s tax cuts mainly stay in place, and the burden gets even higher.

How can these problems be solved taking into account leadership and economics?

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: tottong on April 04, 2024, 03:46:47 PM
Supposedly, these are the people driving things forward, but too often, they're the ones holding everything back. A leader without a clear vision is useless. They're just going in circles, wasting everyone's time. But that vision can't just be some pie-in-the-sky nonsense; it's gotta be something people actually benefit from. If the average person's life isn't improving, the whole thing's a failure

Now, let's talk about this cement factory mess in your province. This is textbook overregulation strangling progress. Listen, I understand some rules are necessary, but when you scare off businesses, you're not just losing one company. You're losing jobs, you're losing money the community needs, you're losing the chance to actually improve. Leadership's gotta be smarter than that. They gotta figure out how to create a healthy environment for business, without tying everyone up in red tape. Enough with the fancy speeches, we need to see results

Becoming a leader is not easy because we must have a vision and mission in developing the country. A leader has a big responsibility to ensure that his people live prosperously even though they have jobs in certain fields such as in ministries spread across all existing sectors.
Cement factories are a necessity in my area because infrastructure development is so rapid now and we have the raw equipment that can be processed, but they are not processed in our place.
Job absorption can also accommodate many people if a cement factory is built so that people have jobs. But unfortunately our government did not prioritize it so the cement factory failed to be built. That's why I say the government must have a clear vision in building because otherwise things that have almost been built will just disappear.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: TheUltraElite on April 21, 2024, 09:13:41 AM
You’re right but don’t you think, A good leader would make sure there’s a level playing field for everyone.
setting in motion a healthy economical environment for every class of society, which in turn will improve the lives of everyone under his/her leadership from the poor to the rich.
An ideal situation indeed, it does not always happen like that. Because politics need everyone to be close to happy otherwise your leadership fails and hence you end up appeasing everyone and in turn nobody actually develops in the right direction. While there are people who avoid all that bullshit and work like a one mad army to drive the nation in a certain development, they dont last long even though their work is revered among the next generations.

Its not always the Frostpunk game, I am afraid. ;D

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: boty on April 21, 2024, 11:50:44 AM
Strict laws in a country are good, but there is absolutely no guarantee that bad things will not happen, such as theft, robbery and so on. Because the leader will definitely find a way to do the bad things he wants if he has the intention to do so, so the strictness of the law is also not a serious obstacle to prevent bad things from happening in a particular country. Because the only thing that can be a barrier to preventing bad things from happening in a country is an honest heart's intention not to want to do that thing.
The point is that in this case there must be several things that must be considered because indeed when you want to advance a good state system it cannot only be done from a few people but it must be based on all parties because no matter how good the leadership is and no matter how good the rules are, things like that will not be a reference if the citizens do not have full awareness of the rules that are carried out so that it will be a detrimental thing in the end such as some damage due to theft and so on but on the other hand with some influential people and having a high leadership spirit I think it can be another consideration because the citizens who are followers certainly follow the example of the leader in the end.
Of course, this must be able to involve various groups in order to achieve satisfactory results for everyone, because if you only rely on a few people, of course it is very difficult to get results that satisfy everyone and to be able to implement the applicable rules, of course. Of course, existing laws must be able to be implemented indiscriminately so that when someone thinks about breaking an applicable rule they still remember the consequences that will be obtained if they violate the rule and leaders must be able to set a good example for their citizens so that the applicable rules can be implemented. carried out well and does not look at who breaks the rules, but as a leader you must look at the violations committed and provide sanctions in accordance with the applicable rules.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Ludmilla_rose1995 on April 21, 2024, 05:46:13 PM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?

No, I do not agree that it is the duty of a country president or someone else to make the citizens leave comfortable. I think these remain for us, and this can be done by hard work. If we work hard, we don't have to depend on our government before we get what we want and leave comfortable because thinking of it as if the leader is supposed to be the one is just as if you depend on your government and they may fail you if that is what you want, so it is better to figure things out on your own. Remember, your leaders also have children and relatives, so before they think of doing it for other people, they will do it for the people close to them.
OK, I respect your view that elected leaders in two regions have no obligation to make the lives of their citizens comfortable, but isn't the reason we elect a leader to make our lives comfortable?

with great resources and power, an elected leader of a region must be able to carry out his leadership well, let's take the example of Singapore or other strong countries such as China, we all know that these two countries have extraordinary leaders, have political conditions who is stable and one-hearted, and firm

prices of basic necessities, salary costs, exports/imports all come from the political decisions of an elected regional leader

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: red4slash on April 21, 2024, 09:35:50 PM
The point is that in this case there must be several things that must be considered because indeed when you want to advance a good state system it cannot only be done from a few people but it must be based on all parties because no matter how good the leadership is and no matter how good the rules are, things like that will not be a reference if the citizens do not have full awareness of the rules that are carried out so that it will be a detrimental thing in the end such as some damage due to theft and so on but on the other hand with some influential people and having a high leadership spirit I think it can be another consideration because the citizens who are followers certainly follow the example of the leader in the end.
Of course, this must be able to involve various groups in order to achieve satisfactory results for everyone, because if you only rely on a few people, of course it is very difficult to get results that satisfy everyone and to be able to implement the applicable rules, of course. Of course, existing laws must be able to be implemented indiscriminately so that when someone thinks about breaking an applicable rule they still remember the consequences that will be obtained if they violate the rule and leaders must be able to set a good example for their citizens so that the applicable rules can be implemented. carried out well and does not look at who breaks the rules, but as a leader you must look at the violations committed and provide sanctions in accordance with the applicable rules.
Therefore, the synergy between the leader and the people who are led must be in line because the vision and mission that the government will carry out will not work if in the end the community does not want to follow it and it is a difficult situation to do because after all every head must have different thoughts which will result in pros and cons in it but that's a good thing because with the pros and cons we can take the middle point as a conclusion so that the government can carry out its duties properly and the people who are led are not burdened with the regulations in the government that occur.

If in the end this system is developed, it is indeed possible that a country or government will advance in the end but indeed to create it requires considerable sacrifice in the end.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: topbitcoin on April 21, 2024, 11:44:41 PM
A Million Simulations,  ( Verdict for US Economy: Debt Danger Ahead
Bloomberg Economics ran a million forecast simulations on the US debt outlook. 88% of them show borrowing on an unsustainable path.

The Congressional Budget Office warned in its latest projections that US federal government debt is on a path from 97% of GDP last year to 116% by 2034 — higher even than in World War II. The actual outlook is likely worse.
From tax revenue to defense spending and interest rates, the CBO forecasts released earlier this year are underpinned by rosy assumptions. Plug in the market’s current view on interest rates, and the debt-to-GDP ratio rises to 123% in 2034. Then assume — as most in Washington do — that ex-President Donald Trump’s tax cuts mainly stay in place, and the burden gets even higher.

How can these problems be solved taking into account leadership and economics?

Leadership and policy are multi-faceted, making the question of how to solve this serious issue a significant one for the US economy, which is facing high debt levels. The problem cannot be avoided but can only be eliminated through proactive and coordinated actions.

To begin with, bringing the nation back to a sound financial footing requires strong leadership and a far-sighted vision. In their political agenda, leaders must view this problem as a crucial one and address its immediate solution. Additionally, economic policies that would ensure sustainable economic growth should be based on wisdom rather than populism. This includes enhancing the tax architecture so that citizens can enjoy better government revenues without any extra burden. Equally important in curbing the budget deficit is maintaining control over government spending.

The final step is to ensure that the decision-making process involves the local community. Government transparency and accountability, particularly in financial management, will help in gaining public trust and support for such necessary decisions.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: uneng on April 22, 2024, 03:46:39 AM
what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
I'm of the opinion that each person should be the leader of his own life. When you rely and put too much expectations on other people you end frustrating yourself. That is what happens in our countries nowadays where people put all their hopes on politicians, bosses, religious preachers as they were the final solution for their lives. And since expectations are never meet, they end frustrated, demotivated and grumpy towards everyone and everything.

And in third world countries it happens more frequently, because people are more dependent on leaders (especially on messianic figures who use manipulative tactics to gain power and influence). These countries are actually a good example of how trusting leaders doesn't bring comfort, welfare, prosperity and development. Instead of trusting leaders, people should trust themselves, or their true potential which can allow them to improve personal skills. That is how evolved socities conquered the positions they occupy right now.

Leaders have an important role of mediating a society, but that role is secondary when compared to the role each citizen should have as protagonist of his own life!

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Ojinga on April 24, 2024, 01:18:08 PM
Totally agree with you, because do you know the nation of Brazil took the International Monetary Fund(IMF) loan like many other nations?  However, Brazil paid the price by committing to going into technology for the next twenty years. While others who took the loans were dying in poverty, Brazil came up on top. Why? It's because their good leaders paid the price for the nation. Today, Brazil manufacturing cars, aircraft, etc. that nation has made a good sacrifice of twenty years during which they paid their debts and turned their country around today. I'm trying to tell you what some right leaders did to turn their citizen life's around for good. So definitely good leaders can make life as a citizen, comfortable.

So you also know what Singapore did? People talking about Singapore today. The country some forty~something years ago was one of the beggary countries of the world, they were so poor that poor nations called them poor! Their situation was so bad. So what did Singapore do to change their financial situation? Singapore began to invest heavily into the educational sector of their nation. The investment was so much that over time they began to break through in major areas of information technology (IT) and science. Today, Singapore is one the world's best and most viable economies. Why? It was because the good leaders made the sacrifice for the citizens. I'm trying to show to you what a right leader can make to a life as citizen. Their good ones at there but the bad ones won't let them come up to show case there changes and impact there good things to the citizens. Will still have one person, Nelson Mandela was incarcerated for the twenty~six years for the sake of the country's freedom. He paid the price that others were afraid to pay and became the greatest African leader in the world. So I totally agree with you the right leader can make a life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable for good.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: TEBTC on April 25, 2024, 03:18:15 PM
Leadership is the defining point of any organization, country etc leadership determine how organized a people are infact the difference between two states all boil down to leadership if those in leadership position lacks the charisma to pilot the affairs of a country, organization, corporation it will definitely reflect on the general productivity of the organization

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Freeesta on May 15, 2024, 06:46:00 PM
Do you think it is easy to be a leader? Of course, not everyone can be a leader! Every society must have its own leader, he can be formal (endowed with rights) and informal (one who leads people by virtue of his character, the ability to subjugate others). There are also several types of leadership in economics. Some people simply live by stealing from their state, engaging in corruption, and so on. And there are real professionals in their field who are able to govern the country, improve the economic system and propose ways of economic development. These are the kind of people that any state now needs.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Peanutswar on May 23, 2024, 02:06:22 PM
To become a successful community or economy you need to have a good leader, who leads to having a good trade with another country, can manage the peace between other country, and makes good decisions that make the economy more growth and people do not suffer in life. But if you face corrupt people in the government sure you can't see a good thing will happen in your community. First-hand experience with our country people face the same issue by generations until now there's no changes, people in my country easily deceived by those promises after they get the position they focus in themselves not for the people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Dailyscript on May 23, 2024, 04:01:50 PM
Do you think it is easy to be a leader? Of course, not everyone can be a leader! Every society must have its own leader, he can be formal (endowed with rights) and informal (one who leads people by virtue of his character, the ability to subjugate others). There are also several types of leadership in economics. Some people simply live by stealing from their state, engaging in corruption, and so on. And there are real professionals in their field who are able to govern the country, improve the economic system and propose ways of economic development. These are the kind of people that any state now needs.
Anybody can be a leader but not everyone can be a leader. This theory is simple but it is misunderstood by most persons because they do not understand what we mean here. Being a leader takes so much from a persons life as such individual will dissociate any form of distraction and maintain discipline in other to develop the characteristics of a good leader. Which means anybody can develop this character easily or through difficult situations and become a successful leader. But its not everybody that is willing to develop such character and maintain consistency. It takes the willingness and dedications of serious minded individual to do that.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: slapper on May 23, 2024, 04:03:03 PM
To become a successful community or economy you need to have a good leader, who leads to having a good trade with another country, can manage the peace between other country, and makes good decisions that make the economy more growth and people do not suffer in life. But if you face corrupt people in the government sure you can't see a good thing will happen in your community. First-hand experience with our country people face the same issue by generations until now there's no changes, people in my country easily deceived by those promises after they get the position they focus in themselves not for the people.
Take trade deals: its not just numbers, its about understanding cultures and building lasting relationships. Corruption can poison everything. When leaders chase personal gain instead of whats best for the country, things fall apart. Without honesty, accountability, and leadership that cares, no amount of trade will save an economy bleeding from corruption

Look at Singapore's transformation under Lee Kuan Yew: small port city to global powerhouse. That wasnt just trade, it was cracking down on corruption and relentlessly innovating. That's leadership that makes growth happen. Compare that to resource-rich countries going nowhere. Leaders talk change, but nothing changes. The difference? Leadership that puts people first, not their own pockets. A leader's legacy isnt their bank account, its their commitment to real progress and their resistance to corruption

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: N.O on June 07, 2024, 04:10:47 PM
Take trade deals: its not just numbers, its about understanding cultures and building lasting relationships. Corruption can poison everything. When leaders chase personal gain instead of whats best for the country, things fall apart. Without honesty, accountability, and leadership that cares, no amount of trade will save an economy bleeding from corruption

Look at Singapore's transformation under Lee Kuan Yew: small port city to global powerhouse. That wasnt just trade, it was cracking down on corruption and relentlessly innovating. That's leadership that makes growth happen. Compare that to resource-rich countries going nowhere. Leaders talk change, but nothing changes. The difference? Leadership that puts people first, not their own pockets. A leader's legacy isnt their bank account, its their commitment to real progress and their resistance to corruption
Economics of country depends on many criterias. Leadership matters a lot to give strength to the country but mostly politicians came in politics only for corruption. In my country, Chief Minister did a big scam and he took billion of dollars from the country 's money. If politician will do that kind of work ,progress will not happen and country will go down and down . People pay taxes from their income but government don't use this money on a constructive thing. But one I want to add , politics will be same kind as the kind of nation because they selected them as a leader.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: CK485 on June 10, 2024, 10:55:22 AM

Economics of country depends on many criterias. Leadership matters a lot to give strength to the country but mostly politicians came in politics only for corruption. In my country, Chief Minister did a big scam and he took billion of dollars from the country 's money. If politician will do that kind of work ,progress will not happen and country will go down and down . People pay taxes from their income but government don't use this money on a constructive thing. But one I want to add , politics will be same kind as the kind of nation because they selected them as a leader.

In the progress of a country, good, honest and fair leadership is very necessary to bring a country to achieve this, but in reality this is very difficult to realize because we don't know the criteria for the hearts of the leaders. At first glance, they look like they have the potential to become leaders, but after being elected, in reality This is far from what is expected, including law enforcement policies that need to take firm action to prosecute evil leaders and that is a good solution.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Casdinyard on June 10, 2024, 01:42:29 PM

In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
That's the thing, people are quick to dismiss the power of a government, thinking that a person's sole success lies in the effort that he puts in and the money he can make, but the thing is, you can make a million dollars today and still have your grandkids starve in the future, why? Cause the government's fucked that the economy you're in doesn't support a good economy, and even if you're able to succeed and finally get yourself or your immediate family out of poverty? What does that have to say about your grandkids? Your great grandkids?

Talking about a more micro-approach when it comes to this right leader discussion, but I can definitely see how it pans out in the business world as well. I heard about a guy who instead of cutting corners and lay off his employees during the height of the pandemic, he stuck and invested in them, even giving them higher salaries which is severely criticized by businessmen and thought leaders all over the planet. Turns out he was right, and even amidst high attrition rates brought about by the pandemic, his company stood strong and remained up and running!

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Lantind on June 10, 2024, 05:16:11 PM
Take trade deals: its not just numbers, its about understanding cultures and building lasting relationships. Corruption can poison everything. When leaders chase personal gain instead of whats best for the country, things fall apart. Without honesty, accountability, and leadership that cares, no amount of trade will save an economy bleeding from corruption

Look at Singapore's transformation under Lee Kuan Yew: small port city to global powerhouse. That wasnt just trade, it was cracking down on corruption and relentlessly innovating. That's leadership that makes growth happen. Compare that to resource-rich countries going nowhere. Leaders talk change, but nothing changes. The difference? Leadership that puts people first, not their own pockets. A leader's legacy isnt their bank account, its their commitment to real progress and their resistance to corruption
Economics of country depends on many criterias. Leadership matters a lot to give strength to the country but mostly politicians came in politics only for corruption. In my country, Chief Minister did a big scam and he took billion of dollars from the country 's money. If politician will do that kind of work ,progress will not happen and country will go down and down . People pay taxes from their income but government don't use this money on a constructive thing. But one I want to add , politics will be same kind as the kind of nation because they selected them as a leader.
Having a leader who thinks about the interests of many people will certainly give strength to a country and will even make the country better in all fields, but if a country has a leader who only thinks about the interests of a group of people, of course the country will slowly lead to destruction and this cannot be improved as long as their leaders do not think about the fate of many people and to be able to make changes in this matter is not an easy thing to do and if they have awareness of what they are doing, of course it is very detrimental to many people but they never think about how the fate of their people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: odunybiz on June 10, 2024, 11:45:47 PM
To become a successful community or economy you need to have a good leader, who leads to having a good trade with another country, can manage the peace between other country, and makes good decisions that make the economy more growth and people do not suffer in life. But if you face corrupt people in the government sure you can't see a good thing will happen in your community. First-hand experience with our country people face the same issue by generations until now there's no changes, people in my country easily deceived by those promises after they get the position they focus in themselves not for the people.

In most Africa countries, their leaders are corrupt and they hardly do things well. I do always think of how we as member of the community can help to improve our economy. If our leaders has failed us, I believe we shouldn't fail ourself. We can still do something that can impact at least little growth to our economy

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: EarnOnVictor on June 11, 2024, 06:04:09 AM
The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
You have a point there, leadership is key, and it determines a lot in an economy as good policies and management will always shape the economy for the best. But do not also forget that "when the foundation is bad, what can the righteous do?" Many countries of the world are suffering bitterly not because they lack good leaders at present, but because of their bad foundation. The system is not working and the citizens are not even helpful with their selfish attitude.

In this situation, though, everything may still get back to normal over time, but it might take many leadership succession before it happens. People often compare the developed nations in this situation but not regarding the fact that they have a good foundation and their system is working. In this condition, the leaders who are not so serious may still put things right, which can't be compared to the first example. It now gets worse (if not worst) if a bad foundation and system are now cursed with bad leaders. This is what is happening in some African countries. This is indeed a sorry situation.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Chilwell on June 11, 2024, 09:06:22 PM
There was a time when the economic system and politics in a country had nothing to do with each other. Then, John Maynard Keynes came up with his theory and suddenly the government became the backbone of a lot of Economies. Many Economists were against the theory propounded by John Maynard because they believed putting everything in the hands of the government was wrong. They believed individuals should make decisions and face the effects of those decisions and also government decisions weren't always all that.

The point I'm trying to make here is that government decisions affect the economy in this age, yeah? Whatever they say stands, so their leadership is very important. One of the most important under-looked stimulants of economic hardship is bad government that makes bad decisions for the country. And then, on the other hand, countries that enjoy good economies usually have good governments. I could give a few examples but that may not be in my place.
Of course government of a particular country is directly related to how the economy of such country is been piloted. If governments have nothing related to the economy, then what are they govern?
When a particular country's Economy is in good condition, is the effort of the government. that's why central banks of a country is control by the government and all other commercial banks are receiving orders from central banks. That's also why government have a particular ministry called finance ministry and also have minister of finance.

Likewise, when the economy is unpalatable, it also the government that will be hold responsible. Government of a particular country can take different actions to boost the economy of the country, if he wants. there are also different ways by which the currency of a particular country is been given value and devalued. That's also why sometimes, you will be hearing that the government will be saying that the country is in recession. Government should make sure there local products are given value to.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: bots1 on June 15, 2024, 08:38:12 AM
If every leader is given very strict laws in his country, then theft, robbery, bad deeds etc. will be less or will not happen in his country. 

 If the leadership of every country is good, its country will be very prosperous, if its leadership is bad, then the people of that country will also be bad.  Every leadership should be given fairly and no false shelter should be given so that everyone in their country can receive a fair trial.  If the leadership in his country is good, the people will behave in order, the word of their leadership will spread all over the world and criticism of them that they are running the country very well will be reflected in their actions.
Enacting strict laws by a leader can indeed reduce crime in his country. However, its effectiveness depends on a number of factors, including law enforcement policies, fairness in the legal system, and other social and economic factors. Although providing strict punishments can be one way to reduce crime, attention is also needed to prevent crime, improve socio-economic conditions, and increase legal awareness in society.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: viananda2525 on June 15, 2024, 09:23:36 AM

You have a point there, leadership is key, and it determines a lot in an economy as good policies and management will always shape the economy for the best. But do not also forget that "when the foundation is bad, what can the righteous do?" Many countries of the world are suffering bitterly not because they lack good leaders at present, but because of their bad foundation. The system is not working and the citizens are not even helpful with their selfish attitude.

In this situation, though, everything may still get back to normal over time, but it might take many leadership succession before it happens. People often compare the developed nations in this situation but not regarding the fact that they have a good foundation and their system is working. In this condition, the leaders who are not so serious may still put things right, which can't be compared to the first example. It now gets worse (if not worst) if a bad foundation and system are now cursed with bad leaders. This is what is happening in some African countries. This is indeed a sorry situation.
Each country adheres to a different economic system, so this is the basic foundation for every citizen to comply with the rules of the game. The head of government is also very responsible for the economic condition of his country because all his decisions will have a big impact on his citizens and investors. A head of government who has firmness and makes policies that are right on target is certainly loved by the people, especially if there are breakthroughs that can make economic progress, making the country a rich country and its people prosperous. We can see how developed countries always strengthen bilateral relations in order to strengthen the economy through cooperation. Therefore, leaders play a very important role in maintaining the economy.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: uswa56 on June 15, 2024, 10:23:46 AM
Enacting strict laws by a leader can indeed reduce crime in his country. However, its effectiveness depends on a number of factors, including law enforcement policies, fairness in the legal system, and other social and economic factors. Although providing strict punishments can be one way to reduce crime, attention is also needed to prevent crime, improve socio-economic conditions, and increase legal awareness in society.
When a leader can properly implement the policies that have been made, of course the public will be happy to see this condition because if there is someone who violates the policy, it must be resolved thoroughly and this will certainly be able to reduce or even eliminate those who have plans to act in violation of government policy, when all If this can be carried out well, of course it will be easier for the community to improve their economic conditions and this will make the community prosperous and the community must also have legal awareness by not doing things that violate the policies made by the government.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: batang_bitcoin on June 15, 2024, 10:52:51 AM
Enacting strict laws by a leader can indeed reduce crime in his country. However, its effectiveness depends on a number of factors, including law enforcement policies, fairness in the legal system, and other social and economic factors. Although providing strict punishments can be one way to reduce crime, attention is also needed to prevent crime, improve socio-economic conditions, and increase legal awareness in society.
Law enforcements are the ones that will implement what's written on the law. In those countries that have rampant crimes, it's obviously that the law enforcement are even the ones that breaks the laws. And that's why citizens aren't obedient to them and much worse, they're being fed by the organized crime groups there that are taking territories to territories and they're also becoming a private army for those groups. Well, I can't speak a lot of it when I'm living in a good area where everything is fine although I can feel the price increase of every goods.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Fara Chan on June 15, 2024, 11:55:11 AM
In most Africa countries, their leaders are corrupt and they hardly do things well. I do always think of how we as member of the community can help to improve our economy. If our leaders has failed us, I believe we shouldn't fail ourself. We can still do something that can impact at least little growth to our economy
If the government is still corrupt or doesn't care about its own people, I think every citizen should feel free to do whatever can create economic growth for themselves, regardless of the rules of their own country. Because it would be very useless to follow and uphold state regulations if the leaders are still corrupt and don't care about the suffering of their own people. Apart from that, the people in that country also feel guilty when they have chosen a leader like that to lead their country at this time, even though a leader must be tenacious and wise enough towards the economic sector of his own people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Mrbluntzy on June 15, 2024, 12:43:11 PM

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Yes, I completely agree with you. If the leaders of a country are greedy old men who are only interested to be leaders because they only want the benefits they can secure for themselves and their families, then it will affect the country's economy. As a leaders, you will have to work towards archiving the goal expected by you and your followers which will help in boosting the economy.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Issa56 on June 15, 2024, 01:53:23 PM
Do you think it is easy to be a leader? Of course, not everyone can be a leader! Every society must have its own leader, he can be formal (endowed with rights) and informal (one who leads people by virtue of his character, the ability to subjugate others). There are also several types of leadership in economics. Some people simply live by stealing from their state, engaging in corruption, and so on. And there are real professionals in their field who are able to govern the country, improve the economic system and propose ways of economic development. These are the kind of people that any state now needs.
To be a leader, you have to have qualities before you can even think of being a leader because there are challenges, and you also have to know how to make decisions that will benefit the people you are leading, they will always be your concern. Take the president, for instance. If anything should happen, who do you think gets blame? Not other than the president. So before a person thinks of becoming a leader, they should first consider if they have the capacity to lead. Despite all the blames, the aim of the leader will be to provide a solution to whatever condition it might be, so test your qualities to know if you have the capacity. The majority of people think they have the capacity, but when they face some challenges, they allow themselves to be driven by emotion, and leaders don't make decisions based on how they feel or what people feel. That is how true leaders behave, make decisions based on how they feel or what people feel. That is how true leaders behave, and a lot of leaders now are only concerned with what they will get. Look at leaders like Mandella, who even went to jail just because of the freedom of their people.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: barisbilgili on June 15, 2024, 02:26:38 PM
In most Africa countries, their leaders are corrupt and they hardly do things well. I do always think of how we as member of the community can help to improve our economy. If our leaders has failed us, I believe we shouldn't fail ourself. We can still do something that can impact at least little growth to our economy
If the government is still corrupt or doesn't care about its own people, I think every citizen should feel free to do whatever can create economic growth for themselves, regardless of the rules of their own country. Because it would be very useless to follow and uphold state regulations if the leaders are still corrupt and don't care about the suffering of their own people. Apart from that, the people in that country also feel guilty when they have chosen a leader like that to lead their country at this time, even though a leader must be tenacious and wise enough towards the economic sector of his own people.
It cannot be denied that the leader of a country has a big influence on the economic development of its people and we can see in several developing countries in the world today that if the country's leader is corrupt then a country's economy will never progress.
And for the people, I think they have the right to take their own path to make themselves progress without expecting anything from the state because basically we have responsibility for ourselves without having to wait for help from anyone, even from the state.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: DubemIfedigbo001 on June 15, 2024, 06:48:43 PM

In general, leadership describes a close relationship between a leader and a group of people who are led because of common interests. Leadership is the central point and dynamist of the entire process of organizational activities. Leadership is absolutely necessary when there is cooperative interaction between two or more people in achieving organizational goals.

Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard in the theory of "Life Cycle Leadership" which was later renamed the theory of "Situational Leadership" (1969), argued that the essence of leadership is achieving goals through group cooperation. Leadership should be placed at the front followed by management. Why leadership must be placed first is because leadership basically reflects the leader's process of creating a vision, influencing the attitudes, behavior, opinions, values, norms, and so on of followers to realize that vision.

The figure of a leader is very important for the economic growth of a region because the rules he makes will boost the rate of economic growth when it occurs effectively. investors will also feel comfortable with the right leader because their trust in their funds is well maintained, now there are many examples of countries experiencing good economic growth because they chose the right leader

what about you, do you agree with the right leader can make your life as a citizen, businessman or an investor comfortable?
Leadership is a very important factor in the economic development of a country. If the leadership is right, the followers will adjust almost immediately. A corrupt system corrupts even the the honest followers because since they can't beat them, they'll  join since they're afraid of being kicked out or lose their sources of livelihood.

An honest and dedicated leadership system sets the standards that the followers may adhere to, thereby shaping all parastatals to the good leadership standards. Citizens adjust to any trend as quickly as possible because of their dependence on it.

Change starts from the top, if the head gets it right, the rest of the body follows suit

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Renampun on June 15, 2024, 07:10:55 PM

In most Africa countries, their leaders are corrupt and they hardly do things well. I do always think of how we as member of the community can help to improve our economy. If our leaders has failed us, I believe we shouldn't fail ourself. We can still do something that can impact at least little growth to our economy

Many developed countries today started from countries that had problems when they were first established, this is all because the government at the beginning did not have full influence and was still corrupt, but because the movement of the people was so large that those who became leaders were screened carefully so that those who led is someone who is truly the best, different from what happens in many countries on the African continent, the influence of countries that once colonized is still strong enough so that only leaders who are elected are greedy and greedy, besides that the citizens are given great fear to make them obey to the current government.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Obulis on June 15, 2024, 07:56:17 PM
There might not be an immediate direct positive impact by a Saint leader on an economic situation of a nation with rotten economic standards. Economic climate of a nation happen over a period of time that quick fix is not possible.

However a good leader should be able to adequately communicate their values and visions for the nation to common citizens understanding thereby making hope visible to at least speak on behalf of the present economic mess of their nation

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Furious 7 on June 15, 2024, 09:06:43 PM
However a good leader should be able to adequately communicate their values and visions for the nation to common citizens understanding thereby making hope visible to at least speak on behalf of the present economic mess of their nation

In this case, when the leader can dedicate and go all out in his work in building a country, I think even the impossible can become possible, including making a country that is in crisis turn into a better country than before.
Its just that something like this cannot be achieved by the leader alone because a great leader will always involve all fields to unite in order to make a change including the people because when the leader only struggles alone but is not followed by his people then it will not end well and vice versa so in this case it needs good synergy for a leader to be able to guide his people well and achieve a condition that is indeed beneficial for them in the future.

By looking at this it is important that in the end we must realize that being a leader is not as easy as imagined so that when we are not able to do it then we should undo the intention of becoming a leader but most cases that occur now are precisely those who dont have a leader's mentality can freely become officials in a country which in the end it actually makes conditions more complicated in the development of a country.

Title: Re: Leadership and Economics
Post by: Mate2237 on June 15, 2024, 09:36:49 PM
According to the Holy Bible, when a good leader that God fearing becomes the leader of the Nation then the people rejoice. A good leader creates a convenience environment for the citizens to do business without fear and tremble. When a good enter seat then money flow, inflation is reduced and everywhere is bright and beautiful.

But the leaders have now is the opposite of a good leader so the people are crying and business are crumbling. Most African countries leaders are the worst in the world. There is no sovereignty and there is no political will to develop their countries. But solemnly depends on oil.