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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: smelody on February 01, 2024, 04:46:05 AM

Title: Is skill key to success!
Post by: smelody on February 01, 2024, 04:46:05 AM
Skills and success complement each other. Although the opposite situation can be observed in the case of somewhere. Skill is the undoubtedly crucial component to success. It enables individual to perform tasks effectively. However success often required a combination of various factors like determination, perseverance, opportunity,and somewhere luck. Skill lays the foundation.

Most of the person getting unskilled but they are staying better position in a society or organization. By using muscle power, money and corruption, many people have settled in the important position of the country.

I think it is also a skill what do you call it ? It's a combination of various attributes that often leads to success. Maybe its depend on their faith. But you have to keep trying for success.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Majestic-milf on February 01, 2024, 05:49:27 AM
 Well there you go. You've answered your own question. For you to succeed in life, there has to be something you can offer, something that sets you apart and that's when you have a skill as it helps you to do whatever you are doing well.
You made mention of people not having to put too much work but find themselves in big positions in office as a skill, yeah that's true but something sets them apart from the one who has the talent and know how of that thing and you can tell from how they perform their duties. Today we see some half baked lawyers and doctors and what have yous in the society causing more harm than good simply because they didn't take out time to sharpen to work hard, I steady opting for the "smart" and  easy way out; sorting their way through school and if you check, they cant defend themselves when the going gets tough.
 For you to be good at something, you constantly work on it to perfect it and that becomes a skill, so instead of some individuals wasting their time perfecting the art of being lazy, always trying to cut corners, I feel the world would be much better if people spend their time bettering their ability to make the society a better one to live in.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: |MINER| on February 01, 2024, 08:40:03 AM
Success is not possible without skill.  Skills are important for success in life.  Each person in the society is skilled at different tasks.  Skill should be accompanied by patience and a hard-working mindset.  It is not enough to be good at a job, but to reflect that skill by working hard.  Moreover, many unskilled people are also in various good positions, this is also a kind of mental skill, although it sounds very funny.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Promocodeudo on February 01, 2024, 08:48:27 AM
Skills and success complement each other. Although the opposite situation can be observed in the case of somewhere. Skill is the undoubtedly crucial component to success. It enables individual to perform tasks effectively. However success often required a combination of various factors like determination, perseverance, opportunity,and somewhere luck. Skill lays the foundation. it's not always the sole determinant of success.

Most of the person getting unskilled but they are staying better position in a society or organization. By using muscle power, money and corruption, many people have settled in the important position of the country.

I think it is also a skill what do you call it ? It's a combination of various attributes that often leads to success. Maybe its depend on their faith. But you have to keep trying for success.

In the world we are in today, for anyone to succeed you must have something that you very good at, the services that you can render to people and been paid after with, the world is moving out from what we use to know like learning in the field of work, is not like that anymore, you must have a skill accompanied with ideas if not you can never be taken serious, some multinational companies roll out vacancies of jobs but the problem is if you been called to duty, can you discharge you duty accordingly in respect to your position, theoretical era has gone, what we have now is practical dispensation, this skills helps individual too personal to attain success fast without being employed by any company.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Ucy on February 01, 2024, 10:02:36 AM
Success in what exactly? Financial success or success in solving problems designed for a solver to solve? Talking of a problem solver, he/she needs to be uniquely talented (or so called skilled) in solving a particular problem better than anyone else. This is the important part of work humans are missing. They try to achieve success or solve problems with the wrong people and end up not succeeding in solving problems properly. So, people use the wrong solvers to solve problems & end up creating a messy and dysfunctional society. It's like part of a human body working together to make the whole body function properly, but imagine the hands are made to serve the roles of the legs while the eyes serve the role of ears, there will be serious problems for that body. Most likely the human won't walk properly and will be blind and deaf. The body will not succeed in this manner even if the whole parts are getting paid promptly and achieving financial success. This is basically how the world works today. Very little is based on merit even when they claim otherwise. Talented people aren't usually used for the right work, so the whole world becomes blind, deaf and dysfunctional. Ofcourse, money or the reward system is partly to blame for the mess. It attracts the wrong people to different roles/jobs. This wrong people are ready to cheat, bribe, decieve, kill, and do all manner of evil to get the jobs with attractive rewards. Maybe people should only get paid when they have actually succeeded in their works. For example, a cop may only get fully paid if the security situation in his area of responsibility is solved without issues. This should encourage them to work harder or get sacked, and competent/talented workers employed to bring success to the security situation.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Volimack on February 01, 2024, 10:41:50 AM
Skills are more important than formal education and intelligence to succeed in life. Some recent studies show that lack of skills can have a significant negative impact on physical and mental health. Social skills are of immense importance in increasing the quality of academic life, excellence in professional life and happiness in family life. Regardless of the type of job you are looking for big or small you must keep up with the times and it requires skills.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: uchegod-21 on February 01, 2024, 11:16:15 AM
Success is not possible without skill.  Skills are important for success in life.  Each person in the society is skilled at different tasks.  Skill should be accompanied by patience and a hard-working mindset.  It is not enough to be good at a job, but to reflect that skill by working hard.  Moreover, many unskilled people are also in various good positions, this is also a kind of mental skill, although it sounds very funny.
When you say success is not possible without skills, it all depends on your definition of skills. If it is about professional skills, there are most rich people who has no no skill but became rich through smartness. But if your definition of skill is the maneuver for survival, we can say everyone such as skill as survival skills.

If is true that skills drive the word, you might be definitely one skill away from becoming wealthy who knows. There are alot of skills such as digital skills and more. Most skilful people do not lack money. But it doesn't take only skills to be successful, you need a touch of smartness. You have to be smart in order to apply your skill in a productive way.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: God bless u on February 01, 2024, 11:32:51 AM
Success comes from luck. You must have seen in daily work that the laborer works the most, but they gets less money and those who work in AC or sit inside the heater room they get more money, then this success is due to luck, it is not due to hard work.

I am not saying that the person should do not work then money will come to him. But I mean that you see in your daily life the most richest people are not working.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: o48o on February 01, 2024, 12:30:12 PM
Skills and success complement each other. Although the opposite situation can be observed in the case of somewhere. Skill is the undoubtedly crucial component to success. It enables individual to perform tasks effectively. However success often required a combination of various factors like determination, perseverance, opportunity,and somewhere luck. Skill lays the foundation. it's not always the sole determinant of success.

Most of the person getting unskilled but they are staying better position in a society or organization. By using muscle power, money and corruption, many people have settled in the important position of the country.

I think it is also a skill what do you call it ? It's a combination of various attributes that often leads to success. Maybe its depend on their faith. But you have to keep trying for success.
Everyone has their own definition for success. It might be financial freedom, being richer than the next guy, for some it's power over other people, or being accepted, getting a job, being able to keep up daily routines, or writing a book, being famous, having a loving family. having a trophy wife, or for some it might be maintaining your spiritual values, being proud of what you do.

But let's say that in this case success means performing good at your work:

It's a combination of various skills. You can be best on something very specific, but if you lack something else, like unability to work in a group, or if you have a narcissistic personality disorder, it can make a workplace too toxic for you to fit in.

You can have insanely high IQ, but at the same time you aren't really functional, because you have serious byproducts from disorders, like severe version of ADHD and autism. In where high IQ just helps you keep you not drowning and maintaining a lifestyle where you are able to.

It might even not be because of you. You are skillful and it's your toxic workplace that's the problem. Others might put you down, steal credit from your work etc.

But you definitely need skills to be able to go anywhere as, anything you do in life requires skills.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: yazher on February 01, 2024, 12:33:02 PM
I say is not always skills but rather knowledge that benefits because this is the reason why people don't hit any dead end because they know exactly what they are doing based on what they have learned from others and also have read from different stories. while skills will not gonna make you successful forever because it has an expiration and most of the time, you are replaceable by someone more skillful than you. But when you have proper knowledge on how to be successful, your job doesn't matter to you as long as you are living the way you want by having the peaceful life that others are dreaming of while they are a millionaire because of their skills.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: kaka_Shipai on February 01, 2024, 12:41:06 PM
You need to be lucky also. Any successful person needs to be good at something but every person good at something can't be successful, So there is luck also that plays a vital role. You have to be there to grab the opportunity to make you skill work in the most efficient way.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Obim34 on February 01, 2024, 01:18:53 PM
Skills are more important than formal education and intelligence to succeed in life. Some recent studies show that lack of skills can have a significant negative impact on physical and mental health. Social skills are of immense importance in increasing the quality of academic life, excellence in professional life and happiness in family life. Regardless of the type of job you are looking for big or small you must keep up with the times and it requires skills.
Yes, the world has evolved to a point where education is not just what tends to make you outstanding or more successful. There are millions of people who graduates from same professions every year where as it is certain that the job opportunities for that particular profession can not meet up the number of laborers on that field so how are they meant to survive, this is where skill hops in either doing it independently becoming self employed or attaching it to one's certificate making a entirely positive difference from others giving a first choice acceptance in any job opportunity.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: odunybiz on February 01, 2024, 02:18:17 PM
Success comes from luck. You must have seen in daily work that the laborer works the most, but they gets less money and those who work in AC or sit inside the heater room they get more money, then this success is due to luck, it is not due to hard work.

I am not saying that the person should do not work then money will come to him. But I mean that you see in your daily life the most richest people are not working.

Although luck may be part but the most important key to success is information. Nothing makes you wealth like getting good information at the right time. Most rich people doesn't do hard labour but they stay key to good information that can bring them wealth.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Gozie51 on February 01, 2024, 03:01:02 PM

I think it is also a skill what do you call it ? It's a combination of various attributes that often leads to success. Maybe its depend on their faith. But you have to keep trying for success.

No I don't think it is all about faith because faith without work is amounting to nothing but frustration. You can't have only faith when you have not worked out something for yourself in expectation of the positive manifestation of the faith. Working out something is that skill that you have acquired that will lead you to success. You can't be in a revered office if you have not equipped yourself with very good skill that will make you be in high demand.

We don't have to rely on faith and wishing for miracle to happen when we have not prepared ourselves for the challenges ahead. So the ways to acquire these skills is to go to school and study some discipline where you can master the courses and become a professional in it or you can go into direct tutelage under a master who would put you through certain secrets of the process and with time you master it. Therefore, learn something, go to study and have a skill it will help in the future.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: passwordnow on February 01, 2024, 04:57:21 PM
Being corrupt isn't a skill. I don't like those powerful people that have became successful due to their dirty tactics. But you know, as we always say "what comes around goes around".
We've got only one life to live and we should live with it the best that we can as for the skills to success. I believe that each of us has his and her own path to success based on the gifts that we have. Yes, gifts and skills are like the same and if you haven't thought of it yet, you have to know what kind of gift you have. And that's going to depend on the likes of yours and what are the hobbies that makes you happy. You are fortunate if you can make money with your skills and that's your passes to success. Because there are many skilled and gifted people but they don't have much of a privilege and choice and didn't pursue that, so they've done it the traditional way just to survive and have forgotten the actual skills and talents that they've got before.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Ndabagi01 on February 01, 2024, 05:09:30 PM
Most of the person getting unskilled but they are staying better position in a society or organization. By using muscle power, money and corruption, many people have settled in the important position of the country.

Even so, what they can offer in that position is incomparable to what a skilled person can provide. You cannot manipulate the system simply because you have power, money, or fame. It will reveal itself over time unless you learn through the system and become a skilled individual while remaining in it. A person who is already working in an environment where his skill is required will quickly improve because he will be able to apply and practice it on a daily basis.

I think it is also a skill what do you call it ? It's a combination of various attributes that often leads to success. Maybe its depend on their faith. But you have to keep trying for success.

For the skill person, they must still have the necessary information to be able to apply their skill where it is most needed, and for the unskilled, they must simply have the necessary information to enter the system and develop their skill while learning through it. How cruel the world is to some people. Even if they have what they need, they still need the right information to enter where their skill is most needed. I mean, they need to have the right connections that will leverage their skill and provide a good return for their services.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: jrrsparkles on February 01, 2024, 05:57:38 PM
Not every skilled person is being successful and the best example is Nikola Tesla.

Apart from skill, I would say luck is also important for someone to reach what he has in his mind. But there is another saying fortune favours the brave while means if you are doing thing in the way it should be done then most likely you can see the results sooner or later.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: kotajikikox on February 02, 2024, 04:41:25 AM
No matter how skillful you are but if you have  a bad attitude then you will never succeed in life because remember that you are not the only one that has that skill and there is a competition behind that.
so learn your behavior and attitude first and then your skill before expecting to succeed.
I have seen a lot of people that is good to their work but have bad attitude that ended up being a loser in life.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: peter0425 on February 02, 2024, 07:01:32 AM
it is always skill is the key to success , we have seen those educated people being out performed by skilled people so I think it is skill that makes people succeed more than anything .
and also I have met so many skilled people that does not complete nor others never attended college but now very successful in life because of their skills.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Uhwuchukwu53 on February 02, 2024, 07:18:58 AM
Most of the person getting unskilled but they are staying better position in a society or organization. By using muscle power, money and corruption, many people have settled in the important position of the country.
When we consider success it's two kind, good success and bad success. Referencing of people who position themselves in position with curruption is not meant to be tag a success in an ideally society. Skill bring success no doubt but it depends on the skill and location where the skill most needed by the people.

No matter how skillful you are but if you have  a bad attitude then you will never succeed in life because remember that you are not the only one that has that skill and there is a competition behind that.
so learn your behavior and attitude first and then your skill before expecting to succeed.
I have seen a lot of people that is good to their work but have bad attitude that ended up being a loser in life.

This is very correct, when a man is deligent in his business  he become successful, no success when character is not a good one, attitude usher you more jobs where many employer will come after you even when other with the same skill are there.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: rodskee on February 02, 2024, 09:38:17 AM
Skill and education is a combination of how you will become more successful than just a simple success,
because those two fields will let you learn more what is best in life , education will teach you proper way to earn
and handle your money and skills will teach you to become more human than just a forma they will
work together for us to become much success.
it is always skill is the key to success , we have seen those educated people being out performed by skilled people so I think it is skill that makes people succeed more than anything .
and also I have met so many skilled people that does not complete nor others never attended college but now very successful in life because of their skills.
Correct in that mate, because now that we have technology available for everyone?
no wonder why Mark Zuckerberg and other genius become billionaire now.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: boyptc on February 02, 2024, 06:14:46 PM
Skills and success complement each other. Although the opposite situation can be observed in the case of somewhere. Skill is the undoubtedly crucial component to success. It enables individual to perform tasks effectively. However success often required a combination of various factors like determination, perseverance, opportunity,and somewhere luck. Skill lays the foundation. it's not always the sole determinant of success.

Most of the person getting unskilled but they are staying better position in a society or organization. By using muscle power, money and corruption, many people have settled in the important position of the country.

I think it is also a skill what do you call it ? It's a combination of various attributes that often leads to success. Maybe its depend on their faith. But you have to keep trying for success.
That's like being charismatic and if you think that's a skill, maybe or it's not really a skill but on how people look at you. Maybe it's a charm that's natural and not everyone can have it.

But let's have it with every individual, being skilled is a key to success. Look at the corporate world, they're hiring skillful people and those that are into business, they've got business skills.

And that's why every person that's skillful has their own way to achieve success based on how they work on it.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: boyptc on February 03, 2024, 04:12:50 AM
Skills and success complement each other. Although the opposite situation can be observed in the case of somewhere. Skill is the undoubtedly crucial component to success. It enables individual to perform tasks effectively. However success often required a combination of various factors like determination, perseverance, opportunity,and somewhere luck. Skill lays the foundation. it's not always the sole determinant of success.

Most of the person getting unskilled but they are staying better position in a society or organization. By using muscle power, money and corruption, many people have settled in the important position of the country.

I think it is also a skill what do you call it ? It's a combination of various attributes that often leads to success. Maybe its depend on their faith. But you have to keep trying for success.
That's like being charismatic and if you think that's a skill, maybe or it's not really a skill but on how people look at you. Maybe it's a charm that's natural and not everyone can have it.

But let's have it with every individual, being skilled is a key to success. Look at the corporate world, they're hiring skillful people and those that are into business, they've got business skills.

And that's why every person that's skillful has their own way to achieve success based on how they work on it.

whether skill is in personal endeavors, or relationships. However, success also depends on other factors such as determination, resilience, adaptability, and seizing opportunities. Combination of the skills and other qualities contributes to overall success.
Yes, all of those qualities are also factors for someone's success. And we all have to deal with our own successes in a way that's for us.

Someone's path of success can work with others but mostly don't work.

It's about those factors you've said and they're going to be combination of everything including hard work, patience and working smartly.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Natsuu on February 03, 2024, 09:08:41 AM
Skills are the foundation for success but it's not the whole story. Success involves more than just being good at something and it's a combo of grit, taking chances and sometimes catching a lucky break. In the real world, though, we see that not everyone in high places got there solely on skills. Some use power, money, and let's face it, a bit of maneuvering. So success is this mix of abilities, seizing opportunities and in some cases using unconventional strategies to make it to the top

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Pi-network314159 on February 04, 2024, 09:14:58 AM
Skill is the most important thing as a human being to succeed. Without skill it will be difficult to achieve your goals in life. And this skills comes in different forms which includes;
Musical skill. Writing skill. Programming skill. Software and hardware maintenance skills and many others. Having this skills gives you the opportunity to always get job at any given time.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Reatim on February 05, 2024, 08:14:55 AM
I am skilled person and not finished my degree but i cannot call my self as a complete successful person because there are still slot in me that have not been fulfilled .

For me it is either skill or education? but the most special part is that how we deal in life , using your skill in right manner or using your education in right attitude is better that any thing in the world.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: encryptogon on February 06, 2024, 06:22:35 PM
Skills are the key to success in this World. Theoretical knowledge is not needed in the World. If you have theoretical knowledge without any skills, you will not be as successful as a person with up-to-date skills. I give you an example from my personal experience. I am looking for a scholarship in the field of Microbiology and have skill sets for the same field, but as the research is now going to an advanced level, it is necessary for us to have some programming skills. If a person acquires these cross-subject skills, he will be given preference for the job. So, skills are needed for success.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: MissNonFall9 on February 22, 2024, 09:49:47 AM
Skill is the only key to success. Without skill, you can never rise to the top of success. But in this case unskilled person can acquire skills through hard work and practice. However, there may be exceptions, but they should not be counted as examples because they are pure luck.
But in this case, along with the skills, you have to have the mentality of hard work, have patience, and try to move forward even in various bad situations, otherwise, success is not possible.
Because trading has both ups and downs you have skills but sometimes you have to face downs. In that case, you need to have the power of patience to be able to re-trade or take any work forward. So skill means to me it's a combination of hard work patience struggle intention strategy.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: bitterguy28 on February 22, 2024, 10:57:32 AM
Skill is just part of the success but we need to have other attitudes like strong stand , we must have a Strong heart and we must ready to face everything towards your future .
Success is not only for single day and single chance , because we are obliged to make success together with care.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Roland_King on February 23, 2024, 02:43:35 AM
Building your own career without skill is never possible.  You must master any skill if you want to be successful.  I think every person has achieved success in life by taking their own skill very seriously.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Claymore2 on February 26, 2024, 02:32:29 AM
Success can feel like it's all about luck. Take a look around: the ones sweating it out often earn less than those in comfy offices. Hard work matters, but luck plays a part too. I'm not saying don't work, but let's face it, many of the richest folks aren't punching the clock every day.

Title: Re: Is skill key to success!
Post by: Sarah_Jannat42 on March 02, 2024, 05:08:26 PM
Everyone's only desire in life is to achieve success. So everyone is working day and night to achieve success, some are successful and some are unsuccessful because there is no combination of all that is required to achieve success. And in this case, the ability to coordinate all these necessary things to achieve success is a skill. Skills develop our workplace performance and thereby help shape our careers. So we can say skill is the only key to success.