Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Economics => Topic started by: WinningJoy on February 03, 2024, 10:59:51 AM

Title: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 03, 2024, 10:59:51 AM
The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not

The truth is the current world financial system is rule based order, it is never fully fiat.
There are some kind of secret rule of inserting money that very little people and entities know.
If I not wrong, that system exist since 1940s.

But you should not care much for it is just waste of time.

All you need to know is the new financial system must not rule based order.
Whether it “replace/destroy” or “coexist”  the current rule based financial system or not, it just does not matter much because nothing can last forever.

So what is a non rule based financial system?
Well, it is a system that contain many smaller systems within.

The current cryptocurreny system is an example of that but that is not good enough for various reasons.

Most likely the current world war chaos conflict is all because of the current world financial system.

I do think the current conflict will only end when a new real non rule based financial system information/concept that many nations can agree appear.

But the sad part is not many of them willing to “invest” in me the one who is holding that sacred information.

Macro issue is very complicated with most of you so I should stop here.
If any of you want more information, then please contact me in private as soon as possible before I gone fully offline.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Read Only - New Global Currency Model/Paradigm Vision

The unlock password is depend on your level and ability !

For those who wish obtain license/permission then contact me as soon as possible.

The official timeline about the franchising process of this crazy good new global currency model will be revealed soon !

Best Regard,
Winning Joy

Big update: the demo version of the new digital currency concept what I was talking about can be see, read, check, test at website .

Feedback, discussion at .

Thank You,
Winning Joy
Vision Bodhi

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: franky1 on February 03, 2024, 11:11:29 AM
The truth is the current world financial system is rule based order, it is never fully fiat.
There are some kind of secret rule of inserting money that very little people and entities know.
If I not wrong, that system exist since 1940s.

FIAT is the money ordered into effect via laws of government..
i jokingly use the acronym Federally Instituted And Taxed

FIAT money is not suppose to be small community generated. its suppose to be the invention of government

every land mass is managed by a government and governments will always have laws. they will always want the main currency of the land to be theirs

the future will see people have choice but the main laws of minimum wage, tax, court fines, debt will be denominated in a governments fiat, whereby more community lead currencies will be secondary/side options. not replacing fiat

fiat currencies do change over time, we are no longer under the rule of royal assent, UK doesnt use sterling pounds(lb) and dollars are no longer backed by 'pieces of eight'(0.8oz of silver) nor backed by gold standard

the next era of fiat will be CBDC.
the era's of different forms of fiat change when the old rules no longer apply. when governments have changed policy so much over soo many decades that it becomes a mess to manage so they have to reset and create a new currency to fit the new culture of development

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: kryptqnick on February 03, 2024, 02:44:23 PM
Okay, a video that nobody has watched on a no-name channel that turns out to be just this post in a form of screenshots. The sad thing is that even though the post is pretty long, it's hard to know for sure what the op meant. Is it some sort of conspiracy theory about some secret rules and order that governs the world and economy? Or is it just the liberal international order (, which includes political and economic liberalism plus liberal internationalism. If it's the former, I don't care about it. If it's the latter, it sounds about right, but I don't think that it's the root of all current wars, unless it's meant in a general sense that countries which support the order are sometimes fighting against countries which oppose it.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: DrBeer on February 03, 2024, 03:13:08 PM
The problem is that without a set of rules and agreements, any system goes to pieces. This is especially susceptible to a financial system where there are a lot of players of different levels, classes and capabilities.
Without generally accepted rules, the world will slide into chaos and aggression. Yes, the rules are not for everyone and are not always beneficial, but these are compromises that allow us to maintain some stability. As you can see, failure to comply with agreements has led us to what we see in the world now. if you remove the rules, this process will intensify and there will be even more problems, because everyone will consider themselves "the only correct"

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: davis196 on February 04, 2024, 11:25:47 AM
So what alternative do you suggest? Returning to the gold standard? Dumping fiat money completely and going with Barter trading? Anything else? Barter trading sucks and going back to the gold standard is close to impossible, because there's not enough gold around the world and handle all transactions. Most of the gold on planet Earth is still underground and it has to be mined.
Rule based order? Why do you think that order, which is based on rules is something bad. We can't live in a society without rules. What would a financial system without rules look like? Will it look like total chaos? Who is going to benefit from a total chaos?

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Kelward on February 04, 2024, 11:54:02 AM

But the sad part is not many of them willing to “invest” in me the one who is holding that sacred information.

Macro issue is very complicated with most of you so I should stop here.
If any of you want more information, then please contact me in private as soon as possible before I gone fully offline.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

The subject of your topic is quite confusing and the content of the topic is likewise confusing to me atleast, could you elaborate more on what you mean by saying that the world financial system is rule based order, the new one does not? It doesn't make any meaning to me, could it be the reason why you asked that you should be contacted in private? It sounds suspicious to me that you should start a confusing thread and ask people that don't understand it to contact you privately, I think that it'll be better to conclude your topic here in the open.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 04, 2024, 12:01:54 PM
The problem is that without a set of rules and agreements, any system goes to pieces. This is especially susceptible to a financial system where there are a lot of players of different levels, classes and capabilities.
Without generally accepted rules, the world will slide into chaos and aggression. Yes, the rules are not for everyone and are not always beneficial, but these are compromises that allow us to maintain some stability. As you can see, failure to comply with agreements has led us to what we see in the world now. if you remove the rules, this process will intensify and there will be even more problems, because everyone will consider themselves "the only correct"

So what alternative do you suggest? Returning to the gold standard? Dumping fiat money completely and going with Barter trading? Anything else? Barter trading sucks and going back to the gold standard is close to impossible, because there's not enough gold around the world and handle all transactions. Most of the gold on planet Earth is still underground and it has to be mined.
Rule based order? Why do you think that order, which is based on rules is something bad. We can't live in a society without rules. What would a financial system without rules look like? Will it look like total chaos? Who is going to benefit from a total chaos?

There is different between "monopoly" vs "non-monopoly" in business.
That is the best example to help you understand the current issue.
The current world financial system is rule based orders which all nations, all groups must submit to.

If want less war, less chaos conflict and better fairer life for all then that "monopoly" financial system must become non-monopoly !
Rule is good for the society, it is not wrong but monopoly rule forever since 1940s is plain wrong !

Everything grow, thus the system must "upgrade" to be sustainable.

I am waiting and looking for entity who want to create new better financial system but not yet found one !

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: DrBeer on February 04, 2024, 01:02:03 PM
The problem is that without a set of rules and agreements, any system goes to pieces. This is especially susceptible to a financial system where there are a lot of players of different levels, classes and capabilities.
Without generally accepted rules, the world will slide into chaos and aggression. Yes, the rules are not for everyone and are not always beneficial, but these are compromises that allow us to maintain some stability. As you can see, failure to comply with agreements has led us to what we see in the world now. if you remove the rules, this process will intensify and there will be even more problems, because everyone will consider themselves "the only correct"

So what alternative do you suggest? Returning to the gold standard? Dumping fiat money completely and going with Barter trading? Anything else? Barter trading sucks and going back to the gold standard is close to impossible, because there's not enough gold around the world and handle all transactions. Most of the gold on planet Earth is still underground and it has to be mined.
Rule based order? Why do you think that order, which is based on rules is something bad. We can't live in a society without rules. What would a financial system without rules look like? Will it look like total chaos? Who is going to benefit from a total chaos?

There is different between "monopoly" vs "non-monopoly" in business.
That is the best example to help you understand the current issue.
The current world financial system is rule based orders which all nations, all groups must submit to.

If want less war, less chaos conflict and better fairer life for all then that "monopoly" financial system must become non-monopoly !
Rule is good for the society, it is not wrong but monopoly rule forever since 1940s is plain wrong !

Everything grow, thus the system must "upgrade" to be sustainable.

I am waiting and looking for entity who want to create new better financial system but not yet found one !

I heard you. But after reading your entire post, I come to the conclusion that you are contradicting yourself - on the one hand, you are talking about a monopoly (the modern financial system), on the other hand, you are talking about finding a new organization that will create a new system.. and that means new rules and.. .. new monopoly! :)

Plus, it seems to me that in the current situation it is quite difficult to call the financial system monoplized. At least I don’t see any manifestations of monopolization. Perhaps I missed something - I will be grateful if you point out to me the real facts of monopolization.

PS About wars as a consequence of “monopolization” is a dubious statement. I live in a country where a war has been started by a neighboring state since 2014, and I see and hear their real goals of action - the financial system was definitely never mentioned there, but only frankly idiotic fairy tales.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 04, 2024, 01:35:53 PM
The problem is that without a set of rules and agreements, any system goes to pieces. This is especially susceptible to a financial system where there are a lot of players of different levels, classes and capabilities.
Without generally accepted rules, the world will slide into chaos and aggression. Yes, the rules are not for everyone and are not always beneficial, but these are compromises that allow us to maintain some stability. As you can see, failure to comply with agreements has led us to what we see in the world now. if you remove the rules, this process will intensify and there will be even more problems, because everyone will consider themselves "the only correct"

So what alternative do you suggest? Returning to the gold standard? Dumping fiat money completely and going with Barter trading? Anything else? Barter trading sucks and going back to the gold standard is close to impossible, because there's not enough gold around the world and handle all transactions. Most of the gold on planet Earth is still underground and it has to be mined.
Rule based order? Why do you think that order, which is based on rules is something bad. We can't live in a society without rules. What would a financial system without rules look like? Will it look like total chaos? Who is going to benefit from a total chaos?

There is different between "monopoly" vs "non-monopoly" in business.
That is the best example to help you understand the current issue.
The current world financial system is rule based orders which all nations, all groups must submit to.

If want less war, less chaos conflict and better fairer life for all then that "monopoly" financial system must become non-monopoly !
Rule is good for the society, it is not wrong but monopoly rule forever since 1940s is plain wrong !

Everything grow, thus the system must "upgrade" to be sustainable.

I am waiting and looking for entity who want to create new better financial system but not yet found one !

I heard you. But after reading your entire post, I come to the conclusion that you are contradicting yourself - on the one hand, you are talking about a monopoly (the modern financial system), on the other hand, you are talking about finding a new organization that will create a new system.. and that means new rules and.. .. new monopoly! :)

Plus, it seems to me that in the current situation it is quite difficult to call the financial system monoplized. At least I don’t see any manifestations of monopolization. Perhaps I missed something - I will be grateful if you point out to me the real facts of monopolization.

PS About wars as a consequence of “monopolization” is a dubious statement. I live in a country where a war has been started by a neighboring state since 2014, and I see and hear their real goals of action - the financial system was definitely never mentioned there, but only frankly idiotic fairy tales.

You should read or ask the people who know about the the secret of current world financial system.
If without a set of secret rule: you cannot have currency exchange rate (if all currencies are truly fiat then it is impossible).

To be more clear: all current currencies such as USD Euro Yen Rub GBP CAD, etc. are under a secret restricted rule.
That is a monopoly financial system.

The new one must not !
Which mean the new currencies must under different set of rules.

Reason of war is because the current financial system is outdated and the new one must appear, not yet found a new "perfect" financial system where nations, groups can agree on !

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 05, 2024, 03:15:04 AM
The New Full Digital Fiat Currency War Is About Persuade People To Use Your Unique Currency

The current currency war is all about physical asset such as natural resources, humans, land, etc.
And it is about coming to an end.

In my vision, a new currency war will begin and the goal objective is “persuade people to use your unique digital currency” or in another word it is about “untouchable asset” of thought, mind, feeling, trust, etc.

It should and must be the digital currency.

But it is not about nations vs nations but it will be about groups vs groups for the new international currency.

That new currency war will official begin in this year 2024 (whether need transition period or not, I do not sure yet).

Very little of you can see and understand my vision.
And more few people have faith and hope in me, such a dying society !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: karabiber on February 05, 2024, 06:04:13 AM
The problem is that without a set of rules and agreements, any system goes to pieces. This is especially susceptible to a financial system where there are a lot of players of different levels, classes and capabilities.
Without generally accepted rules, the world will slide into chaos and aggression. Yes, the rules are not for everyone and are not always beneficial, but these are compromises that allow us to maintain some stability. As you can see, failure to comply with agreements has led us to what we see in the world now. if you remove the rules, this process will intensify and there will be even more problems, because everyone will consider themselves "the only correct"

We need much longer for the current system to die. The depletion of natural resources and the loss of land will not end wars. On the contrary, it will lead to more wars. People live happily in order, but they prefer disorder in chaos. We need to change the monetary system in the world and explain the importance of digital money.

I don't think the future is far away and I expect digital currencies to replace fiat money in the near future. The important part here is that it is difficult to integrate digital money in an environment where world trade is very intense and fiat money is king. Destroying the fiat money system is the best way to do it, but it is governments that will do it, not people.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: retreat on February 05, 2024, 06:14:32 AM
You know that a system without anyone controlling it is just anarchy. We cannot run a system without someone controlling it, because there will definitely be a handful of people who try to disrupt and manipulate it. Yes, the majority of all of us here may slightly dislike how fiat currencies and banking are currently run, but that doesn't mean that we need to abolish them, because the current fabric of society requires that. Even Bitcoin which is said to be a decentralized digital currency, there is still a consensus and bitcoin core dev that regulates it, so the "non rule based financial system" that you say is just a dream.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 05, 2024, 06:15:03 AM
The problem is that without a set of rules and agreements, any system goes to pieces. This is especially susceptible to a financial system where there are a lot of players of different levels, classes and capabilities.
Without generally accepted rules, the world will slide into chaos and aggression. Yes, the rules are not for everyone and are not always beneficial, but these are compromises that allow us to maintain some stability. As you can see, failure to comply with agreements has led us to what we see in the world now. if you remove the rules, this process will intensify and there will be even more problems, because everyone will consider themselves "the only correct"

We need much longer for the current system to die. The depletion of natural resources and the loss of land will not end wars. On the contrary, it will lead to more wars. People live happily in order, but they prefer disorder in chaos. We need to change the monetary system in the world and explain the importance of digital money.

I don't think the future is far away and I expect digital currencies to replace fiat money in the near future. The important part here is that it is difficult to integrate digital money in an environment where world trade is very intense and fiat money is king. Destroying the fiat money system is the best way to do it, but it is governments that will do it, not people.

You cannot destroy the current fiat money system based on natural resources/asset !

The stupid will only think about "destroying" things,
while the smart people will think how to "co-exist".

In the end, the "peeps" have no voice in those things, that is the business of high level beings !

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 05, 2024, 07:50:09 AM
No Direct Talk Or Money Donation Mean This Society Is Not Ready For A New Real Fiat Currency

I open for direct talk but nobody, no any entities have gut or willing to have a conversation with me.

I also open to receive money donation, financial support but have not received any at all.

So what is the point of continue help this society, especially the global currency war conflict issue?
I do not see any reason, any desire to do it at all.

If you team, your nation collapse or vanish, that is your issue and your own mistakes.
All I can do is offering my help, my solution, my idea, my vision via fair trade !

I will gone and disappear soon within next few days.
I will do things that interested me and ignore the rest of this society like many other higher level beings Gods Deities.

All of you still have a very small time left to save yourself, to receive my help, my support.

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: hugeblack on February 05, 2024, 09:39:45 AM
If you consider Bitcoin a currency that is not based on rules, then you are wrong. All full nodes follow the Bitcoin protocol, which is a set of rules that are approved. Bitcoin, and just like all financial systems, have rules, but the beautiful thing about Bitcoin is that these rules are decentralized, so that no single person has the authority to change them, and anyone can Someone changes it, but once you change it, you need everyone's approval, otherwise you produce something new, which is altcoin.

You may not like the rules of the current financial system, but you are forced to use it while no one is forcing you to use Bitcoin.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Argoo on February 05, 2024, 09:47:51 AM
A person in this world can survive only in a society of his own kind, and a society can exist only when certain rules of conduct for members of this society are established in it. This applies to any area of human activity, including financial. It is foolish to even think that there will come a time when there will be no rules of conduct. Even in the animal world, such rules of behavior were, are and will always be.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 05, 2024, 09:50:54 AM
I think many of you have misunderstood my statement.
What I was talking is about the current financial currencies system of USD, Euro, Rub, Yuan, Yen, Won, Rupee, etc.

There is a big difference between 1 single rule based order vs many rule based orders.
If you have many rule based order currencies system, then you can choose.

While if you only have only 1 single rule based currencies system, you cannot choose !

The new one I wanted to talk is many rule based currency systems where people can choose from, especially the international transactions between people not from a same nation (same currency).

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Natsuu on February 05, 2024, 02:53:37 PM
If you consider Bitcoin a currency that is not based on rules, then you are wrong. All full nodes follow the Bitcoin protocol, which is a set of rules that are approved. Bitcoin, and just like all financial systems, have rules, but the beautiful thing about Bitcoin is that these rules are decentralized, so that no single person has the authority to change them, and anyone can Someone changes it, but once you change it, you need everyone's approval, otherwise you produce something new, which is altcoin.

You may not like the rules of the current financial system, but you are forced to use it while no one is forcing you to use Bitcoin.

Makes sense. Bitcoin's got rules but the cool part is they're decentralized  and no one person can just tweak them. Unlike the regular financial system that's kinda forced on you, using Bitcoin is your call. It's a whole different vibe where changes need everyone's nod, making it stand out from the usual currency scene

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Fortify on February 05, 2024, 08:27:47 PM
The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not

The truth is the current world financial system is rule based order, it is never fully fiat.
There are some kind of secret rule of inserting money that very little people and entities know.
If I not wrong, that system exist since 1940s.

But you should not care much for it is just waste of time.

All you need to know is the new financial system must not rule based order.
Whether it “replace/destroy” or “coexist”  the current rule based financial system or not, it just does not matter much because nothing can last forever.

So what is a non rule based financial system?
Well, it is a system that contain many smaller systems within.

The current cryptocurreny system is an example of that but that is not good enough for various reasons.

Most likely the current world war chaos conflict is all because of the current world financial system.

I do think the current conflict will only end when a new real non rule based financial system information/concept that many nations can agree appear.

But the sad part is not many of them willing to “invest” in me the one who is holding that sacred information.

Macro issue is very complicated with most of you so I should stop here.
If any of you want more information, then please contact me in private as soon as possible before I gone fully offline.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

People who spout nonsense like "we must not have order" are utter morons. Order means that you get road networks, internet access like the kind that powers this forum, it brings medicine and healthcare to the sickest people, it means police exist to at least try to enforce laws, it is what keeps power plants running so we're not all freezing to death in the middle of winter and it all revolves around having a functioning monetary system that can be trusted. The only people that are interested in seeing that not exist are leaches or people who contribute nothing to society but bad ideas. If you want to live in a country where chaos rules, then move to somewhere like North Korea where you will have absolutely nothing, or less than nothing.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: btc78 on February 05, 2024, 08:40:13 PM
I am trying my best to understand this post and it seems like you do not like our current system which is based on rules

Cryptocurrency have solved the issue of centralization and now many people are using it due to its decentralized nature but you said that that was not enough I wonder what else about crypto you would like to change in order to truly change the system

I also wonder why you must be contacted in private and what information could you hold that you can not disclose to everyone?

Will it threaten the government? This entire post is suspicious and overall secretive it is long but in the end you really do not learn a lot from it

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: DrBeer on February 05, 2024, 09:50:46 PM
You should read or ask the people who know about the the secret of current world financial system.
If without a set of secret rule: you cannot have currency exchange rate (if all currencies are truly fiat then it is impossible).

To be more clear: all current currencies such as USD Euro Yen Rub GBP CAD, etc. are under a secret restricted rule.
That is a monopoly financial system.

The new one must not !
Which mean the new currencies must under different set of rules.

Reason of war is because the current financial system is outdated and the new one must appear, not yet found a new "perfect" financial system where nations, groups can agree on !

It’s so good that there are so many people around who are well acquainted and know the rules of the world behind the scenes! :)
I take it you know this tricky and secret concept? I will be very glad to listen, I honestly admit that I am not familiar with the secret world schemes! No offense - please share what you know, what you are hinting at here, it’s really very interesting!

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 06, 2024, 02:04:06 AM
I am trying my best to understand this post and it seems like you do not like our current system which is based on rules

Cryptocurrency have solved the issue of centralization and now many people are using it due to its decentralized nature but you said that that was not enough I wonder what else about crypto you would like to change in order to truly change the system

I also wonder why you must be contacted in private and what information could you hold that you can not disclose to everyone?

Will it threaten the government? This entire post is suspicious and overall secretive it is long but in the end you really do not learn a lot from it
The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not

The truth is the current world financial system is rule based order, it is never fully fiat.
There are some kind of secret rule of inserting money that very little people and entities know.
If I not wrong, that system exist since 1940s.

But you should not care much for it is just waste of time.

All you need to know is the new financial system must not rule based order.
Whether it “replace/destroy” or “coexist”  the current rule based financial system or not, it just does not matter much because nothing can last forever.

So what is a non rule based financial system?
Well, it is a system that contain many smaller systems within.

The current cryptocurreny system is an example of that but that is not good enough for various reasons.

Most likely the current world war chaos conflict is all because of the current world financial system.

I do think the current conflict will only end when a new real non rule based financial system information/concept that many nations can agree appear.

But the sad part is not many of them willing to “invest” in me the one who is holding that sacred information.

Macro issue is very complicated with most of you so I should stop here.
If any of you want more information, then please contact me in private as soon as possible before I gone fully offline.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

People who spout nonsense like "we must not have order" are utter morons. Order means that you get road networks, internet access like the kind that powers this forum, it brings medicine and healthcare to the sickest people, it means police exist to at least try to enforce laws, it is what keeps power plants running so we're not all freezing to death in the middle of winter and it all revolves around having a functioning monetary system that can be trusted. The only people that are interested in seeing that not exist are leaches or people who contribute nothing to society but bad ideas. If you want to live in a country where chaos rules, then move to somewhere like North Korea where you will have absolutely nothing, or less than nothing.

What I am trying to do and to share is end the current war chaos because of the current outdated monopoly currencies financial system.

I am not talking about rule is bad or rule is good for frankly to me a very high level beings, I can live in all the system including now.
But some low level could not, that is the primary reason why you have war since COVID 2019 !

You should read or ask the people who know about the the secret of current world financial system.
If without a set of secret rule: you cannot have currency exchange rate (if all currencies are truly fiat then it is impossible).

To be more clear: all current currencies such as USD Euro Yen Rub GBP CAD, etc. are under a secret restricted rule.
That is a monopoly financial system.

The new one must not !
Which mean the new currencies must under different set of rules.

Reason of war is because the current financial system is outdated and the new one must appear, not yet found a new "perfect" financial system where nations, groups can agree on !

It’s so good that there are so many people around who are well acquainted and know the rules of the world behind the scenes! :)
I take it you know this tricky and secret concept? I will be very glad to listen, I honestly admit that I am not familiar with the secret world schemes! No offense - please share what you know, what you are hinting at here, it’s really very interesting!

I do know and do have the vision of new concept that will not only go viral but will be used in the society for many hundreds years to come.
But I could not share it online for free due to lack of financial support from the rest of this society.

Now I am still thinking what I should do with that big vision, new concept about currency/money system.
Should I just leave and go away or trying to find a partner/team who with big resources can that help me to carry that project or whatever, etc.

If you want to send me financial aid, money donation so I can have a reason to disclose/reveal the read-only concept to either in private manner or through public:
Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Ethereum ETH

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Binance Smart Chain BNB

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

Please do it as soon as possible while I am still online for I will go soon due to lack of motivation.

Knowledge is power, even just listen/knowing my new unique concept will empower you, that is why I really want a fair trade instead of giving it for free !

Thank you

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 06, 2024, 07:13:34 AM
Top Elites, Controllers Willing To Spend Many Billions For War Chaos But Not Thousands For Solution

They the top elites, secret controllers are digging their own grave because they are willing to spend many billions if not trillions for war, chaos, conflict around the world but not thousands for new potential working solution that all nations all group can agree on, thus will begin new era.

Despite the fact that I was trying to talk, to contact, to request them but they all refused.

What should I do now?

Leave and let the destruction and the angry Gods Deities appear.

Mostly likely for I do not see, do not have any desire or motivation left to do anything.

Without my new vision, new concept, new wisdom of a new financial currency system that never seen/revealed before, all the current wars will continue forever until the total destruction of this civilization !

Just go and ask all the people who have knowledge about the current world situation, they will give you the answer similar to mine.

Life is always a 2 way street !

I won’t back down for not worth for me to sacrifice myself just to help all of the stupid corrupt human in this civilization !

It is better to leave than continue trying to help the stupid idiots ignorance who have moral below animals !

Leave it or take it, it is up to you.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 06, 2024, 09:43:59 AM
Invest To End Wars: $100 Become $1,000,000 In Few Days [48 Hours Offer)

This is a very special limited time offer, end at February 8th 2024 10 AM GMT .

I a self claim Messiah do hold that special solution to end war in Ukraine Gaza Myanmar, etc. and I do believe that is all what it take.

But now I am lacking of desire and motivation to release that special sacred information.

So I am seeking and want to have a fun game with all of you in this boring society.

For every $100 investment, you will able to receive $1,000,000 (1 million USD) in return.

The winning condition: My solution of new financial currency system is good enough to stop all the current wars.

To know more about me and my special ability talent, you can visit my current blog or my Youtube channel at .

If you want to become millionaire from just $100 in matter of days, then this is your crazy good opportunity.

Do you think how much money/reward for a person who with working solution to stop all current wars should receive?
I think it will be many billions if not trillions USD, Euro, Gold, Silver, etc.

That is why I have this crazy offer for all of you !

Minimum investment request: $100 USD.
Deadline: February 8th 2024, 10 AM GMT.

The date, time I will release my full vision, solution of new concept, new ideology of a new currencies system: February 10th 2024 (only if at least 1 player/investor join this fun investment game).

Time to know the result: by the end of this month February 2024 (I think 18 days is enough)

If you want to invest then you can send me the money and contact me if you want.
If you do not contact then the reward will be send back to the account you have made the investment.

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Ethereum ETH

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Binance Smart Chain BNB

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

For communication contact: various including this forum platform, my personal website or via email: messiahjoy @ protonmail . Com .

Telegram: or “MessiahJoy” .

Feel free to talk, contact me if you want.

Best Regard,
Winning Joy

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 07, 2024, 03:50:41 AM
The USA, EU, China, Elites People Have 24 Hours To Save Themselves From Total Collapse By God Order

This is a very serious warning and message to all of you, especially the USA, EU, China and the elites people.

Very soon I the real Messiah will release and reveal a new multi polar, non-monopoly currency financial system that completely separate with the current physical asset based currencies system such as the USD, Euro, Yuan, Yen, Rupee.

Now I am thinking about the demand, request, conditions and really want to get revenge on all beings, entities who did attacked me, who did really slow me down the process.

Money only have meaning when you need it. They are worthless when you already have it.

I am giving the USA, EU, China and the elites group 24 hours to save themselves from a total elimination by high level beings such as God/Deity order.

By default all the current USA, EU, China must disband and replace with new political GOV structure system.
All the elite people who did attacked me both direct or indirect via any method from ritual to real physical life to censorship my message also must gone, vanish as well too !

How you can avoid it?
Send me all the financial support you can within the next 24 hours from now. Then keep the proof of that financial support in case the world military or God(s) come to capture you (most likely do not need since they already have all the information of the current digital world).

The reason is talk now are meaningless, too many opportunity already.

You can send the money via:
Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Ethereum ETH

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Binance Smart Chain BNB

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

For communication contact: various including this forum platform, my personal website or via email: messiahjoy @ protonmail . Com .

Telegram: or “MessiahJoy” .

I am very serious with this message.

The official announcement about requirement, permission, license of the divine sacred new currency system will be made soon (if I chose to release it).

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Lord Of Lords
The King Of Kings

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: slapper on February 07, 2024, 07:42:13 AM
Rule-based since the 1940s, the global financial system has obscure methods only the privileged can access. Dismissing it as a waste of time belittles the massive impact these rules have on global economies. Your appeal for a non-rule-based system is intriguing, but your explanation is brief. A rules-free system with several smaller systems? Cryptologically intriguing. While a step toward decentralization, the cryptocurrency system lacks scalability, volatility, and governmental approval

To blame financial systems for world conflicts is a myth. Geopolitical tensions, resource scarcity, and ideological divisions further color this complicated tapestry. Your claim of a revolutionary idea nations would support is bold. Without information, it becomes fantasy. Your message suggests hidden information. True wisdom doesn't come from whispers or shadows. It requires careful study, debate, and the guts to confront the established quo. You must be transparent about your vision if you hold the key to a new financial paradigm

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 07, 2024, 01:50:13 PM
Rule-based since the 1940s, the global financial system has obscure methods only the privileged can access. Dismissing it as a waste of time belittles the massive impact these rules have on global economies. Your appeal for a non-rule-based system is intriguing, but your explanation is brief. A rules-free system with several smaller systems? Cryptologically intriguing. While a step toward decentralization, the cryptocurrency system lacks scalability, volatility, and governmental approval

To blame financial systems for world conflicts is a myth. Geopolitical tensions, resource scarcity, and ideological divisions further color this complicated tapestry. Your claim of a revolutionary idea nations would support is bold. Without information, it becomes fantasy. Your message suggests hidden information. True wisdom doesn't come from whispers or shadows. It requires careful study, debate, and the guts to confront the established quo. You must be transparent about your vision if you hold the key to a new financial paradigm

How much more clear and transparent can I do ?

I have said very clear that I am looking for a direct conversation with top world military/leader or big group/organization.

If they cannot talk then they should at least give me a sign by some amount of money donation.

I am not going to give/reveal everything for free just for others to steal my hard work and my sacrifice.

This is corrupt world so I must be vigilant and trust nobody !

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: el kaka22 on February 07, 2024, 06:19:53 PM
Rich people will always be rich, in no matter what type of system we are in, it doesn't really matter because rich is a mindset. Of course there are some rich people who do not have rich mindset, for example kids of rich people, they grow up rich, and do not have that mindset easily, they end up with some troubles because they do not know the value, or some poor people who were never given a single chance, so it causes them some trouble.

Altogether, I think we should consider this as a way to make it work, and that should be the most important part. In capitalist USA, the rich are the rich because it's a capitalist system, in Communist Soviets, some people were still rich because they got powerful positions. If you want to be rich, you will find a way in every system.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 08, 2024, 03:34:21 PM
The Messiah’s Promise Will Be Delivered Within The Next 50 Hours

I am calling all of you to be prepare for the “world cure” of the present moment.

Now it is only matter of how I will delivery the sacred information of new currency system model/paradigm that make all nations accept !

It could be live streaming or semi-livestream or completely offline.
It could be either through hand written or machine typing or mix.

I have not yet decide.

Maybe I will have more information on tomorrow, maybe not.

You will see very soon.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 09, 2024, 01:43:05 PM
I The Messiah Do Receive Some Very Bad Signs Last 24 Hours, Thus The Solution Released Is Postponed

Within the last 24 hours, I the Messiah Buddha did receive some very signs.

As much as I want to help the rest of this world but I cannot let my family members get down in exchange for that process.

To be frank, what I was and are trying to do is completely go against my will power.

Even in the Gautama Buddha’s era many thousand years ago, there were also many bad evil beings exist and always trying to do harm as well.
So as the current modern era !

The very first condition for the new currency system model to be released was either:
- I receive enough money for travel to neutral democracy nation(s).
- I receive direct contact communication from the world top military.

Now none of those condition are met !

I do not have enough money (around $10,000 USD) to travel.
I also do not receive any real direct talk with world top military.

For all of that reason combine, I the real Savior Messiah Buddha have decided to postpone the new world currency system paradigm/model release till unknown date of the future.

If you really want to help the world to fasten the process, the please support me as much as soon as possible !

Also in the future, I am not going to giving any specific date of what I will do too.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: arimamib on February 09, 2024, 11:44:23 PM
Rich people will always be rich, in no matter what type of system we are in, it doesn't really matter because rich is a mindset. Of course there are some rich people who do not have rich mindset, for example kids of rich people, they grow up rich, and do not have that mindset easily, they end up with some troubles because they do not know the value, or some poor people who were never given a single chance, so it causes them some trouble.

Altogether, I think we should consider this as a way to make it work, and that should be the most important part. In capitalist USA, the rich are the rich because it's a capitalist system, in Communist Soviets, some people were still rich because they got powerful positions. If you want to be rich, you will find a way in every system.
Mindset can play a significant role in financial success, but it's overly simplistic to suggest that all rich people maintain their wealth solely through mindset, or that all poor people are unable to achieve wealth due to lack of opportunity or mindset. Mindset and attitude towards wealth accumulation can certainly influence the actions and decisions, they are just one piece of the puzzle.

The assertion that rich people will always be rich disregards the dynamic nature of socio-economic systems and the impact of external factors such as economic downturns, regulatory changes, and societal shifts. Even people with substantial wealth can face financial challenges or setbacks under certain circumstances. There may be instances of people achieving wealth in various systems.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Darker45 on February 10, 2024, 01:54:35 AM
You could have put this in a way that won't make you appear mentally ill.

Anyway, a rule-based order is way better than what we have now. Bitcoin is strictly based on rules. As a matter of fact, such approach is a kind of solution to the problematic status quo. What we currently have is actually a system that is dependent upon rulers. There may be rules, but these are always under the control of rulers. They can change, bend, abuse these rules at their whims.

A new one, like Bitcoin, must be immutable. Rules without rulers.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 18, 2024, 05:32:52 AM
For those who interested in new currency system paradigm model:

I The Messiah King Is Selling Read-Only Information Of New Currency System Model In Limited Time

Hello everybody,
I hope all the neutral entities, world military, special agents will send/forward this message/offer to all groups, entities as soon as possible for it is extremely important and in limited time.

Yesterday, I have reveal some of my core requirement and conditions to accept/franchise my great idea vision for the new currency system paradigm model.
I think most big group, nations, entities will going to miss and fail to that high standard.

But as I have said, I am going to give all of you a final chance to join this great new currency system and become the owner of 1 in many currencies at the very first time.

Now, I am offering selling the read-only information of new currency system paradigm model in limited time.

Please understand this is the read-only information so the price won’t be expensive.

After reading the information and fully know my vision for the currency system model, if you want to obtain the license permission then you have a chance to “deal” with me later (will bypass the high standard rules), the “price” and “condition” will be via negotiation.

The price: $20,000 USD/Euro.

Deadline 1: February 28th 2024.
Deadline 2: March 8th 2024.

Trading platform: both physical in-person meeting and digital cyber.

This offer and opportunity is opening for all beings, groups, entities no matter their background or who they are, including shadow leaders/government.

The reason there are 2 deadline is because I have not yet decide the final time of sharing/releasing the information of new currency system model yet.

Which mean all groups, entities will have 10 to 20 days period to decide and make their own choice of whether want to investing in this special limited time offer or not.

I willing to do this trade both via physical in-person meeting and digital cyber internet world and in almost big nations such as USA, Russia, China, Australia, France, United Kingdom, India, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, etc.
As long as I can touch down the land, I will willing to come but of course you guys must pay a huge appearance fees in advanced.

I have reveal my personal information and communication contact already so if any of you interested in this offer, then you can contact me.

Please understand this is the final offer for all groups, secret societies to obtain the license/permission of the new currency system paradigm model.

After the deadline gone, the very high standard requirement like I have revealed yesterday will be used.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha
The Lord Of Lords
The King Of Kings

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 20, 2024, 05:31:35 AM
I The Savior Is Looking For Partners To Do The New Digital Currency System Paradigm Project

There is a chance for everything so I want to try everything, I want to put all the possible offer and options for the rest of this society.

I the real Savior Messiah Buddha do have a new digital currency system paradigm that never seen before and 100% be accepted by most national government and the public people.

I have put the offer of selling on the table.
Now I want to put another offer of partnership for those who interested and want to make a new digital currency system that can become very popular and daily using.

Due to the sensitive of the information, I cannot reveal everything and cannot give detail content out here.

But one thing I can sure and guaranteed with you that my new digital currency system will co-exist with the current monetary currency system based on physical assets.
Because my new currency system model based on trust, fairness, equal and do not require any natural resources or physical assets.

And this new currency system will be 100% non-profit in term of money commercial.

That is why I cannot make money by selling anything but probably will only receive donation money from others for my works and my contribution to the society.

This is a very big large scale project which I cannot do it alone for it require certain technology, machine and basic resources like real company.

That is why I am looking for partner right now.

I can make many similar version of this new digital system model with slightly different features so there won’t be any limited in term of partnership quantity number.

All groups, all entities are welcome in this limited offer.

I do not have any specific deadline for this offer, but it must be in this lunar calendar (before either February 18th 2024 or March 8th 2024).

So if any of you interested in to do this great humanity project then please contact with me as soon as possible.

The detail and agreement will be discussed later via private communication.

Feel free to send this special offer to all groups, entities.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha


Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Ozero on February 20, 2024, 07:15:40 PM
Every society has its own rules of conduct. Even in the animal world they exist. I can’t even imagine how one can live without general rules of behavior. This results in permissiveness, when the strong do whatever they want in relation to the weak. But in this case, constant conflicts, wars, robberies, blood are inevitable...
No, rules are needed to prevent all this from happening. Here, even sometimes with established rules, lawlessness often occurs, even at the global level. I mean what Putin’s Russia, and not only it, is doing now.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 21, 2024, 04:49:36 AM
If You Want To Fasten The World Currency War Solution Release Then Please Support Me All You Can

If you want wars end and world peace then the best thing you can do is sending me the real Savior Messiah Buddha all the support while you can such as financial, connection communication.

What I am lacking now is desire, motivation to release the divine world peace solution the new currency system paradigm model that never seen nor exist in the history of this civilization.

Please understand that I willing to provide and offer all the options and offers but only when there are some real humans from this society accept, willing to listen to my voice.

I prefer the option of direct talk with top beings, to groups for a real direct talk or business rather than any kind of random money donation.
But if that could not occur then money donation is a way despite of the “ugly”.

I need about $9000 USD to pay of my personal debt and about $5000 for traveling to a neutral nation.

Frankly even if you guys give me all that money or even more than that, it is still about whether my solution is “work” or “not” but it is always better to have a new unique idea/vision than none.

So I really hope you can sending me the financial support you can (in case for whatever reason you guys cannot talk or do business with me directly).

Another option is “trade” with me the secret special human evolution guide.
Because I do not want to receive free money but always want a fair trade so it would be great for me to share some secret human evolution guide in exchange for money.

I accept both cryptocurrency or fast money transfer or bank wire transfer (you can use TransferWise service).

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 23, 2024, 01:11:44 PM
I Want To Release The New Currency System Model In The Most Fair Way To All Entities

Please understand what I am trying to do and archive is beyond most of your understanding about life.

I was asking for money not for personal using but just to have the best fair possible location, situation where all nations, all races, all religions are equal.
I just do not want any beings, entities can take advantage of it both in physical realm and spiritual realm.

I do not think $15,000 USD/Euro is a big money at all.

Of course I could “pause/postpone” the world solution releasing and try to make money via various ways but it will take a lot of time (several weeks at least).
But I still do have some hope about the existing of some good entities left in this society/civilization.

That is the reason I was willing to make few offers from direct selling to co-operating and a huge discount for my secret sacred human evolution guidance information.

I will only release for free in current terrible when I decide to total give up about everything.

Thank you,
The Savior

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 25, 2024, 11:14:49 AM
I am looking for $600-$800 USD to buy new domain hosting, laptop for the world solution release

I want to prepare for all the potential scenario(s).
If plan A or plan B do not occur then I should do plan C.

Now I do not have any personal domain hosting but I am using the free service(s) which is not good for personal contact or for the world solution the new currency system paradigm/model release.

What if that vision is correct then the question will be “how it going to appear on the public”.
I as the original creator have decide it is better to release it in a new specific domain website so that people can come and can recognize in a natural way.

It is always better to have a personal email domain rather than the free option of gmail or protonmail domain.

I also need a cheap new laptop for traveling (even just inside my city/nation).

So I the Savior is looking for about $600 to $800 USD/Euro at the moment.

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Ethereum ETH

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Binance Smart Chain BNB

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


Lumens XML


For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

For communication contact: various including this platform, my personal website or via email: messiahjoy @ protonmail . com .

Telegram: or “MessiahJoy” .

Feel free to talk, contact me if you want.

Thank you for reading,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on February 28, 2024, 01:25:46 PM
I am looking for $2500 - $9900 USD to travel to Singapore Malaysia for a fair world solution release

I want to do everything in the most fair way.

I want to release the world solution in a best fair neutral location as possible.

I need to prepare and ready for everything, especially become the “public” player.

I do not want any entities can take advantage of both physical realm and spiritual realm.

I really want to come to a neutral safe place where others can also come to see, to meet me in real physical in-person.

I want all of you can “witness” the historic moment in real life.

So I have decide to release the world solution, the long waiting new currency system paradigm/model in Singapore Malaysia, a place where both the “West” and the “East” can easily to access to, a place where you can easily find people from all races (black, white, yellow, red, etc.) , all religions (Buddhist, Islam, Christian, Taoism, etc.).

I have that desire to travel to a neutral nation(s) several months ago (which I have expressed via my blog article already).

All I need is maximum 10 days to do, to finish everything from scratch (the core information only need 24 hours).

For all of that reasons, I the real Savior is looking for $2500 to $9900 USD.

I never have this kind of confident like this about the world solution the new currency system paradigm/model, so I hope you (the reader) can support me on last time.

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Ethereum ETH

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Binance Smart Chain BNB

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


Lumens XML


For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

For communication contact: various way including this platform, my personal blog or via email: messiahjoy @ protonmail . com .

Telegram: or “MessiahJoy” .

Feel free to talk, contact me if you want.

It is now or never.
This is the final battle.
This is the final moment !

Thank you for reading,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 03, 2024, 01:47:43 PM
Please Contact Me Directly If You Want To Obtain Information Of New Digital Currency System Model

I have decide will only reveal the new information of new (digital) currency system paradigm/model to real human who can contact me directly.

I want to avoid all the potential bad scenario(s).

I willing to talk either in digital cyber internet environment or physical in-person.

The first step is have “gut” to talk first.
Then we will discuss about the requirement(s) or other things.

I have reveal my personal contact information already.

From email to blog website to messenger app to phone number.
You can try any method if you feel comfortable with.

Please do it as soon as possible if you serious about world peace or new currency system model paradigm.

I do not have any specific deadline but should be only in this month of March 2024.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 05, 2024, 07:49:13 AM
I The Savior Will Only Release The New Currency System Model For Free Via Live Streaming

The plan A and plan B are still available.
But there could be a chance no any entities have “gut” or enough power to contact me. Or there could be some secret hidden rules that “block” them to do.

So I the real Savior Messiah Buddha is trying and thinking for plan C of free releasing.

I think the best possible way to do the free release is via live streaming in a popular location where people can come and witness.

I still stick with 2 best possible locations in my opinion: Singapore Malaysia or Vietnam China.

I do not have any experience in via live streaming and do not even know what devices I should use so it will takes couple of days for me to do research and something like that.

But one thing for sure is I need some financial support to buy new smartphone, tablets, laptop for this route of live streaming.

So I really hope receive some support from the rest of you from this civilization.

Thank you,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 05, 2024, 03:01:49 PM
Please Understand All I Need Now Is Some Basic Necessary Tools, Conditions To Release World Solution

I am the most fair player in this game of life.
I do confident in my knowledge, wisdom and solution.

I have spent enough times to research and crafting many crazy solutions/strategies for almost all areas in life.

Now my final conclusion is the only thing can stop war and make world peace now is a new currency system model/paradigm !

But I want to get it done in correct manner whether “free” or “non-free” option.

I am not seeking for big money to buy car or house or any luxury items.

All I am looking and seeking now is some financial support that help me to buy basic necessary tools, conditions so that I can feel comfortable to release the world solution the new financial system paradigm/model.

Because after the releasing, I will become very rich because of my works, of my new unique information (if people recognize and accept my solution). Therefore, I do have any reason to seeking for big money just for “saving” account, not the way to do.

But for now, I really need some help from the rest of you.
Frankly I could seeking that money from people around me but that is now the correct way to do.

I need to rest of this civilization to ready, to support, to connect with me in this important moment because they are the one who was and are looking for the solution.

Please understand the situation and sending me all the financial support you can.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 06, 2024, 03:24:04 AM
All The Offer That Related To World Solution New Currency System Model Are Still Open Available

I The Savior Messiah want to remind all of you that all the current offers that related to the world solution the new currency system paradigm/model are now still open and available, they are:
- Direct selling license/permission.
- Read-only information.
- Direct co-operate to do business with.

I will only use the free option to release when in certain condition(s), now I do not have that condition(s) yet.

All the price/cost and requirement(s) are flexible, please contact me directly to have the lastest specific information for each offer type.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 06, 2024, 03:49:37 AM
I The Savior Messiah Is Seeking $2000 - $3000 USD To Buy Equipments For World Solution Releasing

The method the way I the Savior Messiah will release the world solution the new financial system paradigm/model in free mode are pretty much set and decided.

In free mode, for maximum privacy security, I will release via live streaming.

But now I do not have any laptop, tablet and any smartphone with high quality camera yet.

So I am seeking for about $2000 – $3000 USD to buy those equipement(s).

It is step by step, so I really hope to receive support from you who want world peace and/or witness historic moment or want to gain some hidden power/support from high level beings.

You can send me financial support via various ways:

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


Lumens XML


Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH
Binance Smart Chain BNB

Ethereum ETH

For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

Most likely I will do live streaming in Youtube and Twitter if have enough tools, resources.
Please help me immediately to speed up the world peace process.

Thank You Very Much,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 06, 2024, 08:14:29 AM
I The Savior Messiah Is Offering New Currency System Model Information License: Guaranteed Work

If you want to know how the new currency system paradigm/model should be, then I can help.

If you want to know a new currency type that can defeat gold, silver, oil, gas, then all you need is give me a chance to prove it.

I as the real Savior Messiah Buddha do have that big vision, wisdom, strategy of a brand new unique currency system model/paradigm.

Now I am offering selling that new currency system model/paradigm that guaranteed work, if it not work then you do not need to send me money.

Here are the offering information:
- 1 license/permission can only create 1 new currency in the new currency system model.

- Each group/secret society/organization is only allow to obtain 1 license.

- The price of the license is depend on the timing and the situation when you purchase.

- I the original creator and seller will direct sell the license/permission, not through any agent or middle man. I am the one who have final decision of agree to sell the information/license/permission to any group/organization.

Here is the price table at the moment (as of this offer writing):
The price structure will have 2 period: upfront before I reveal the information and after the purchase.

For the upfront:
- From now till the end of this lunar month circle on March 10th 2024: 8,888 USD/Euro (eight thousands eight hundreds and eighty-eight).

- From March 11th 2024 to March 20th 2024: 88,888 USD/Euro (eighty-eight thousands eight hundreds and eighty-eight).

- After March 20th 2024: 888,888 USD/Euro (eight hundreds eighty-eight thousands, eight hundreds and eighty-eight).

Minimum paying upfront is 8,888 USD/Euro.
The rest you can pay after receiving the “goods”.

For the later when your new currency up: 10 USD/Euro for any new unique user + 50% profit/rewards you may receive from any other group/organization. Pay monthly.

If the buyer from Europe then use Euro currency.
If the buyer from Americas then use USD currency.
If the buyer from the rest of the world then they can choose either Euro/USD.

Above table price could change so you need contact me to verify/confirm before the purchase.

I do accept both trading type of physical in-person and via digital platform.

Payment should be done in bank transfer or via stable coin of the current digital currency such as USDT or USDC or something like that.

If my currency system model/information do not work, do not benefit you then you do not need pay the money (except the working fees and the information fees of $ 8,888 USD/Euro).
I do not want troll and the entities who really interested in the new currency system model/paradigm won’t have any issue/problem of spend less than $10,000 USD/Euro to read a new potential working solution.

All the special agents, neutral entities are welcome to this offer as well, but please at least say is specific in advance so I can know the situation.

I the real Savior Messiah Buddha have reveal my personal contact information already, so you can contact me if you interested in above offer.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 07, 2024, 10:20:02 AM
I The Messiah Will Only Release The New Currency System Model For Free In Singapore Malaysia

I prefer the “paid” option of direct contact with humans rather than the “free” option of solo talking.

But if for some reason, there are not any beings/entities could not contact/do business with me directly then I have to do the “free” option of the world solution the new currency system paradigm/model releasing.

After considering carefully, I have decide the most fair location will be Singapore Malaysia.

But now I do not have enough funds for that trip so I cannot give you guys any specific date (even just week/month information I could not have).

You can sending me financial support if you want increase the chance/opportunity of world peace or just want to gain some hidden spiritual power or just for fun entertaining.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 07, 2024, 11:04:34 AM
I The Messiah Is Seeking For Sponsorship To Release World Solution New Currency System In Singapore

The method is set (live streaming).
The location is set (Singapore).
Now it is only about the timing.

I prefer the “paid” option, but I must prepare for the “free” option as well.

Now I the Messiah is looking for sponsorship to release the world solution the new currency system model/paradigm in Singapore.

I am looking for a round trip ticket to Singapore.
I am looking for a 5-6 days stay in a big reputation hotel/resort in Singapore.
I am looking for some decent equipment to do the live streaming.

If you can send me the “ticket confirmation” then is OK.
Other method is sending me financial support.

You can send me financial support via various ways:

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


Lumens XML


Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH
Binance Smart Chain BNB

Ethereum ETH

For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

Frankly I do not know how much money is should need right now for free option but that total number is probably around $10,000 USD.

I fully understand the entities who are looking/waiting for the world solution the new currency system model do not have any problem with that small amount of funds.

So I really hope can receive either ticket booking confirmation or some cash as soon as possible.

You can contact me if you want to support or more talk.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 08, 2024, 04:22:23 AM
All Of My Options For World Solution New Currency System Model Releasing Have Similar Requirement

I do have specific details of what is going on between all secret groups/organizations so it is a safe choice for me to give all the offer and options with similar requirement available to choose.

Whether any beings/entities ready/willing to obtain the license permission or want to do business with me or not, I will see.

Even the “free” option is also not really free but there is barrier in between.

The neutral entities, special agents or neutral referee group will probably choose the “free” option.

While the “players” group will choose the “paid” option.

I have my own standard and my own requirement.
I do very well know my stuffs, my knowledge wisdom, my power.

I think too big that is why I have skiped and refuse to making money but only focus on the world biggest issue the currency system.

Of course I can provide more new unique information for human development evolution but it won’t lead to world peace so it is just waste of time for me to do it.

All I can do now is waiting for the rest of you from this civilization to connect with me by sending me necessary support or obtaining my offers.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 09, 2024, 02:26:17 PM
Not Much Time Left So I Hope All Special Agents, Neutral Entities Work Quick And Hard

There is not much time left so I really hope all the world special agents, world military and neutral entities work quick and work hard to send forward all of my offers to all beings, groups, entities who interested in new currency system model which in my opinion the only way for world peace at the current present moment.

I want the final answer before March 15th 2024.
I think 10 days are enough !

Frankly the offer of new currency system model/paradigm was sent about 20 days ago already.

So about total 28 days.

I must make choice and decision quick, there is not much time left.
Waiting is not the solution !

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah King

I Prefer To Talk, To Deal Directly With Real Human Rather Than Solo Self Talk

I want and always prefer to talk, to deal directly with real human(s) rather than solo mono self talk/post on my own personal blog/website/forum.

What is the point of self talk/post without interact with real human(s) ?!

But if for whatever reason such as secret hidden rule or permission or level too low or any other reason then I will have to make decision of waiting or continue self talk.

I have set and put the barrier of some financial support requirement to indicate whether or not have any real human are listen to my voice, whether they want me to release/share the world solution the new currency system model or not.

There is no need to fear me in the illusion cyber internet, just talk to me directly !

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 11, 2024, 02:27:10 PM
If Both The Player Group & Neutral Entity Group Refuse To Support Then I Must Disconnect With You

All I can say is this: if both the player group(s) and the neutral entity group(s) refuse to send me the support I need for the world solution new currency system model paradigm then I have no choice but must disconnect with all of you.

The player group(s) are the most of you.
While the neutral entity group are the one who do not pick side, do not fight with any mortal human in general.

Without real listener, it is absolutely pointless and waste of time for talk about big things.

I am aware some of you are watching me closely but without real objective and goal, all the statistic number are meaningless !

If neither direct talk or some small amount of money cannot meet then it indicates that there is no real humans who ready to receive the blessing, the knowledge wisdom, the world solution at all !

Now I still have some little desire left to help the rest of this civilization.
But I won’t sure in the future.

The deadline is around March 15th 2024.

So I really hope all of you be quick and be smart.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Please Understand It Is Not About Money, It Is All About Connection Between Humans !

What I am looking for is not about money but it is all about connection between humans in real life.

I have revealed my personal information long time ago with my contact info.
So it is pretty easy to contact, to talk with me with just few click through cyber internet world or go to my current living city to meet me face to face.

Another option is sending financial support so I can know you guys are really want me to help but for some reason(s) (hidden rule or level too low or fear), thus could not contact me at the moment.

If no any entity have gut to do that then sorry I cannot help but must either wait longer time or totally ignore all of you.

I am a real God in human form.
I am going to take decision based on common sense of a real human God.

Thank you,
The Savior

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Fortify on March 11, 2024, 07:53:10 PM
The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not

The truth is the current world financial system is rule based order, it is never fully fiat.
There are some kind of secret rule of inserting money that very little people and entities know.
If I not wrong, that system exist since 1940s.

But you should not care much for it is just waste of time.

All you need to know is the new financial system must not rule based order.
Whether it “replace/destroy” or “coexist”  the current rule based financial system or not, it just does not matter much because nothing can last forever.

So what is a non rule based financial system?
Well, it is a system that contain many smaller systems within.

The current cryptocurreny system is an example of that but that is not good enough for various reasons.

Most likely the current world war chaos conflict is all because of the current world financial system.

I do think the current conflict will only end when a new real non rule based financial system information/concept that many nations can agree appear.

But the sad part is not many of them willing to “invest” in me the one who is holding that sacred information.

Macro issue is very complicated with most of you so I should stop here.
If any of you want more information, then please contact me in private as soon as possible before I gone fully offline.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Well only an idiot could sign off with that ending, but what you wrote was stupidity from the start. The most stable countries - politically, economically and socially speaking are those that have built up consistent sets of rules that are applied generally as equally as possible. Places where no matter how much money you have, you are not above the law although you may be able to pay off expensive lawyers who can navigate certain nuances that may not be available to people with smaller bank accounts. The banking system has been extremely effective to this point and allows for easy transfer of money around the world, although certain countries allow their banks to unfairly impose obscene and unrealistic fees that add friction to these transactions.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 13, 2024, 09:45:58 AM
All Offers Are Open To Negotiate About The Price, Requirement

All of my offers about everything including new currency system model or forbidden human evolution knowledge wisdom, etc. are open to negotiate about the price, requirement, conditions so feel free to contact me as soon as possible.

The reason is may not about the money but could be about “spiritual” barrier from your side or some kind of secret hidden rule which I not sure.

The Savior Messiah Buddha

I Trust The World Military & Neutral Entity Group But They Must At Least Connect With Me With Action

I do have trust on the world military and neutral entity group but all kind of BOT view, statistic number are absolutely meaningless, pointless.

I want either real talk with humans or decent amount of money donation.
I do think all of my request are very easy too meet.

It is all about the “will power”.

If you are from the neutral entity group then I do hope you guys gals can let me show off my final solution in the most fair way.

I am not alone in this civilization but I do not see any real connection yet.

I need to be very careful about everything.

Even the option of disconnect and waiting more time is also on the table (despite the fact I do not like it).

So I really hope all of you using common sense of human instead of relying on any other non-human stuffs.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 13, 2024, 03:26:12 PM
The Worst Case Will Be Either Totally Ignore This Society Or Put Hope In The Neutral Entity

There is a very high chance there won’t be any entity buying the “blind” potential new currency system model/paradigm or I won’t receive enough necessary support for the final world solution releasing.

What would I do in those case?
There will be 2 choices:
Choice 1: ignore this society or/and wait for real human contact me.

Choice 2: put hope in the neutral entity/referee group by writing the world solution like a product and hope them able to read then promote it to all top secret group of this society/civilization.

I do not see any other choice left in my current personal situation.

Depend on the situation, I will make final situation soon.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 15, 2024, 07:53:54 AM
New Personal Premium Email, Website, Project Is Up For All Of You Can Contact
Source, Full Content:

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 15, 2024, 10:28:06 AM
Why There Are Not Any Contact Or Support From This Civilization ?

I do not understand why there are not any either contact communication or support from the rest of this civilization.

Are they do not want world peace or at least a new game instead of current old stupid outdated game of life on Earth?

Are they lack of desire and motivation?

What I was request and asking are very little but I only receive nothing in return.
No contact or money donation.

OK, I will wait for more couple of days.
If I have to angry then prepare for the destruction and even more deadly orders than any other God(s) command !

The Messiah King

I The Savior Will Take At Least 5 Days Off From March 20th 2024

If the current situation still stay remain the same then I the Savior will take at least 5 days from from March 20th 2024.

It could be 5 to 10 days, I won’t sure.

There could be an announcement or not later around that date but most likely no.

During my those days off, I won’t care about what the hex occur around the world and won’t check the internet, won’t even turn off the computer.

Very disappointed with this society and civilization.

They are living without common sense of real human !

Thank You,
The Savior

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 15, 2024, 10:52:43 AM
Please Support Me Quick, I Want To Make Final Decision In The Most Fair Way

The truth is that if I have to release the world solution at the moment in this current personal situation, it is not good for it is the “forced” unnatural way.

I want have enough money to have full vision of the future for each scenario(s) so I can make the best possible decision.
You can understand this is some kind of “future vision” via “super sense” of human God.

Frankly even if you guys send me 10,000 USD/Euro right now, I won’t even sure should I buy new smartphone or laptop or using the current existing phone.

I won’t even sure whether should I travel to Singapore Malaysia or go to Laos Thailand or choose China, Vietnam as the location for world solution releasing.

But one thing for sure is if I do not receive enough support/do not have enough money then the only “forced” option is releasing the world solution in my current living location of Hanoi, Vietnam or nearby city.

I do not have enough money for traveling to any other nation.

In order to have the best possible solution, I really want to have the financial support from the rest of you.
I was even willing to trade the special human evolution course just for little money.

There is no time left for me to make money and I prefer to try to solve the world issue than the easy path of making money from low level beings in this current civilization.

If you want speed up the process of world peace or want to enter new era on Earth then please do it quick.

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


Lumens XML


Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH
Binance Smart Chain BNB

Ethereum ETH

For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

Thank You Very Much,
The Savior Bodhi

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 15, 2024, 02:44:54 PM
I Urgent Need $2000 USD To Buy New Phone Tablet Laptop For World Solution Release Via Live Streaming

The plan of puting hope and release world solution the new currency system model via a private live streaming is most likely will occur for I do not think any beings/entities have gut and enough power to contact me directly.

But I do not have enough money to buy new smartphone, tablet or laptop at the moment.

Thus I am looking for financial support of about $2000 USD right now.
In exchange, you will receive a invitation to that private live streaming.
Or you can use it as a “golden ticket” for any of my current offer or future offer, you will receive the “priority”.

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


Lumens XML


Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH
Binance Smart Chain BNB

Ethereum ETH

For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

For personal contact:
- Email:
talk @ visionbodhi . com
or speak @ visionbodhi . com
or info @ visionbodhi . com
or join @ visionbodhi . com .

- Matrix Channel: .
- Telegram: .

I have zero live streaming experience and never use any of those things so I need few days to test, to get used to before the official world solution releasing.

Best Regard,
The Savior Bodhi

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: dezoel on March 15, 2024, 04:31:28 PM
Having this type of logic or arguments do not really get the world to a better place, we do not need a new "system" because no matter what kind of system you build, if the people are still evil at the top, they will find a way to get to that top eventually.

We should focus on making the world a better place not with force, but with education and that only starts with politicians. In a world where people do not want to step over thousands to be better, will be a better world but even education system is built in a way that you fight with others to be at the top, that is not the point. Look at nations such as Finland, they realized long ago that they can't just battle kids against each other for better education, and they are doing much better thanks to it.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 16, 2024, 03:29:32 AM
Who is going to take responsible for refusing the real Savior Messiah ?

To all of you who have rejected me the real Savior Messiah Buddha,
prepare for the sudden collapse destruction and deadly orders from God(s), Deity(s)!

It is crazy and absolutely non-sense !
Instead of either a direct talk or financial support, all of them choose war chaos !

If they want war chaos, then fine, I am going to give them even more war chaos !

The final decision will be made soon and 99.99% is a complete disconnect, ignore until there is a real connection with me from a real human of this civilization.

If I choose to release world solution in current personal state/situation then all the current leaders from both the shadow and public will 100% instantly gone vanish.

Thank You,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 16, 2024, 03:19:42 PM
If I The Messiah King Was Forced To Release World Solution In Current Situation Then Prepare For The Destruction At The Top

No matter what happen, I will release the world solution within the next 15 days or so.

Now it is only the question of how I will going to do it and what will be my mood.

With the current state and personal situation, then I can say this: all of you better prepare for the real destruction from the top entities, that is because I am unhappy to do that things in that condition(s), an unnatural way.
Therefore, some high level entities must gone in exchange for that process.

And the current world and I do not have much time left to wait.
I was given enough time, offer and opportunity for all of you especially the top beings/entities already.

I want to finish everything.

That is law of karma and what will happen.
I release this message to give you final warning before I took actions.

Of course, there is a tiny chance (less than 1%) my solution will be wrong.

But I remind you this: I never given warning and hold any new knowledge wisdom for this long (usually share within 1 week) but this time is very different because I fully smell and confident in this final world solution vision which I am holding.

Frankly, I would even gambling “correct or die” world solution if any beings entities have guts to take that bet !

The Messiah King

All Other Non-World Solution Offers Will Be Delivered Later

My priority is the current world solution and the biggest issue the currency system, financial system.

If you obtain any other offers such as the special forbidden human God evolution knowledge wisdom then you can send me the fees now but I will only delivery send you the “product, service” later after I fully release the world solution.

To be honest, the chance for you able to obtain any of my offer(s) will be close to 0% after the moment I release everything to end the current world chaos.

So be quick, be smart !

The Savior

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 18, 2024, 02:17:33 AM
Open Ticket For The Messiah’s World Solution New Currency System Model Live Streaming Releasing

It is all about currency system.
Nations do not want to use USD, Euro, GBP, Yuan, Won, Rub, Rupee, Yen, etc.

People do not want to use cryptocurrency either.

Thus the only solution left is creating a new currency system and expect nations and the people would accept it, there is no any other option.

I as the real Savior Messiah Buddha have spent enough time to do research, crafted many ideas in the past but none of those success.

But this time is very different, I strongly believe this is the one people would love for this new unique idea, solution, vision is involved in all matters of life (not only the financial factor).

I want to releasing it in private mode but also want all the interested parties know it.
For that reason, I am choosing the private live streaming method.

Here is the information of that live streaming session:
Platform: Youtube.
Type: private.
Date: any day after March 20th 2024 (most likely within the next 10 days from now)
Ticket: open for qualified people/group/entities.
Open ticket offer deadline: March 21st 2024.

I will send the invitation live streaming link before couple of hours before the live streaming session but I will inform a specific time and a range date when I finally decide.

Who are the qualified people/group/entities?
The one who interested in new currency system model/paradigm.
It won’t be free but you need to send a small amount of donation in exchange, unless you are the official top national government/military.
If you want to obtain a private ticket then contact me:
For personal contact:
- Email:
talk @ visionbodhi . com
or speak @ visionbodhi . com
or info @ visionbodhi . com
or join @ visionbodhi . com .

- Matrix Channel: .

- Telegram: .

Then I think all human management groups will probably want to obtain the license/permission of my new vision for the new international currency system model.
And I have prepared for that scenarios already !

It will be a “bloodbath” and a real competition for sure.
Unless you obtain a cheap “blind” license/permission from me before that world solution releasing live streaming session happen.

There is no time left, so I will do it very quick.

Feel free to send this special message to all beings/groups who interested in new world currency system.

Best Regard,
The Messiah King

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 26, 2024, 03:48:25 PM
What Option Should I The Messiah King Choose Now ?

It is not easy but quite difficult to choose “how to finish” everything.

What option should I the Savior should choose now about the final world solution of new international currency system model ?
- Option 1: continue wait till a real human/entity who want to obtain a license/permission of my new currency model vision contact me directly.

- Option 2: make a “blind” bet of releasing without any request from the rest of this civilization.

- Option 3: disconnect and stay away of the current chaos affair and wait for the “better” moment (where I have real desire/motivation to release).

I still do not know why no any real official government or the military contact me to request my “potential” working solution that will bring world peace (at least for the present timeline) but they still prefer go war and cause chaos world wide.

I do not like option 3 unless completely lost desire and motivation.
So most likely it will be either option 1 or option 2.

I do prefer option 1 for it will be more natural way of life.
Even if I choose option 2 then who will able to “implementing” that big vision ?!

But I will only do that option 2 in a very strict conditions and will have to think very carefully since they are totally go against “law of karma” and mostly I won’t able/have other motivation to focus on human evolution teaching later after that point.

The Savior

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 27, 2024, 06:50:43 AM
I The Savior Is Seeking For About $5000 USD To Release The World Solution In Singapore

It seems no any entity want to either buy my “blind” offer or want to work/cooperate with me about the new global international currency model.

If I have to make a “blind” bet action of releasing the final world solution – a new international currency system model/paradigm then I want to do it in a neutral fair nation.

Due to my restrict visa/passport, the only nation I feel comfortable is Singapore.

It is for both physical realm and spiritual realm.
I do not want any beings/entities can take advantage of it.

But I need about $5000 USD for traveling to Singapore (including a round trip ticket, hotel, foods and other expenses).

The devices for the live streaming session has been bought and I will do real testing in the next couple of days if I decide to do the releasing in near future.

Cryptocurrency Account:
Bitcoin BTC

Litecoin LTC

BitcoinCash BCH

eCash XEC

Dogecoin DOGE

Tron TRX

Digibyte DGB


Lumens XML


Accept USDT and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH
Binance Smart Chain BNB

Ethereum ETH

For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

If you really want world chaos end and a new better future then you should support me immediately right now !

Thank You Very Much,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 28, 2024, 11:36:13 AM
There Will Be 2 Different Kind Of License For My New Currency System Model: Creating & Using

Before releasing the final world solution of new currency system model/paradigm, I want to make it clear that there will be 2 different kind of license permission:
1. Creating, Owning
Apply for beings/groups/entities.
By default, no any entity are allowed to create, own that brand new idea/vision.

2. Using
Apply for national level of nation.
By default, no any nation are allowed but they all need to seek the permission from me directly.

Which mean no any nation are allow to print endless local national fiat money currency until they seek the permission to use my new currency system model.

And the requirement(s) will be very difficult and mostly will require the destruction for the current national government system.

Some examples: the break up of some big national level government structure such as China, India, Russia, EU, USA.

I want to send that message to all neutral entities and all nations.
I want to make everything clear and maybe give some extra time to all of you (especially the current top entities).

If you want to avoid any kind of bad scenario for your nation or want to obtain the license of creating new currency model then you still have some couple of days left to contact and sending me financial support directly.

Thank You,
The Savior

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 29, 2024, 12:02:57 PM
I Will Make My Final Decision After The Easter Day March 31st 2024

Few days ago, I have share my current personal thinking.

I will going to wait for the next couple of day more to see whether any “good” and “smart” entity left who will want to either obtain a license/permission or cooperate with me about the new global currency system model/paradigm.

Therefore, I can only make my final decision next week after the Easter Day on March 31st 2024.

It is not easy for me to make my final decision.
If I was forced (against my will power) to release in Hanoi, Vietnam then prepare for the collapse of all current big nations and most of them will return to the state of 1940s.

If I have to find only reason to do the releasing in Vietnam then it is only because I want to protect my relative members but nothing else and frankly I extremely hate and disappointed with the current Vietnam Government & military for let the evil entity who inside the Vietnam GOV attacked me and “kidnap, blackmailed” my family member since 2020 but did nothing !

But most likely I will choose the option of a quick stop in either Thailand or Singapore or Malaysia to release the world solution. But this option will require financial support ($4000 - $5000 USD) from the rest of this society/civilization. Therefore, it will need more time.

Please understand that, most of my decision will only affect the “back-end” level but not about the public affair of low level mortal humans.

A very conflict and terrible situation.

But I have to make the choice soon.

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on March 30, 2024, 03:13:04 PM
A Blind License Of New Currency Paradigm Model Now Only Cost $6666 USD

The price for my “blind” license of new currency paradigm/model now only cost $6666 USD.

The new catch is: you can “transfer/sell” to any other entity later if you do not want to use it for yourself/your team.
And I do not care what the hex is that entity you want to sell/transfer for !

But there is only 1 slot.

I want a fair trade that is why I have put this super cheap offer on the table for I do strongly confident and believe many other entities will have to come and buy my license after it being published.

The deadline is for the next couple of days, no specific deadline, I will call off when I feel the time is up !

All the license will be hand written by me to the “qualified entity” (of course with their identification as well or just some nickname if they want), mostly all they need to do is show that proof to the “referee group”.

Feel free to contact me if you want and as soon as possible.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on April 01, 2024, 04:46:06 AM
Reasons I The Messiah Really Want To Release The World Solution New Currency System In Singapore

There is absolutely no point for me to travel to any nations without a real objective.

I want to travel to Singapore to write, to release the world solution of a new international currency system model/paradigm for various reasons:
- Singapore is a neutral nation where both side from the “West” and the “East” are happy to visit/travel to.

- I want to buy a new Singapore sim card mobile number so that I can use 2 sim cards from 2 different nations: Vietnam and Singapore to receive the communication/talk and accepting the bid from all entities so no any entity can take advantage of.

- I do not want to release world solution in a super corrupt nation of Vietnam, the corruption matter in this country is involved not only about money wealth matter but also about spiritual realm, the worst of worst !

- The internet connection in Singapore is reliable and very stable, strong enough for me to do any live streaming session that with the video quality of 4K. There is a high chance it will be a double live streaming session from both desktop computer and mobile decive.

- I want to be completely alone in a physical house/place when releasing the world solution so I can focus as much as possible.
Now I still living with my family members in Vietnam.

- Frankly I still unable to find any great location in my current living city to do the world solution releasing.

- I want to do other things for this society after releasing the new international currency system model such as books, apps, projects, knowledge wisdom for other purpose such as climate change issue, human development evolution.
If I was forced to do the releasing in Vietnam then there won’t be any other  enlightenment information from me the real Savior Messiah Buddha.

So I really hope receive necessary support from the rest of you as much as soon as possible for I want to finish it within the next 10 days or so.

Thank You Very Much,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Argoo on April 09, 2024, 06:31:45 AM
An example of the fact that everyone in our world must comply with previously established civilized rules of coexistence are the current actions of Russia, which is now openly ignoring them, waging a war of conquest for the third year, trying to destroy Ukraine. All states clearly lose from this, with the exception of authoritarian states such as North Korea, Iran and China. They are also already looking at how to grab a piece of neighboring territories for themselves, including in Russia, weakened by the war.

If we allow general rules of behavior to be ignored, no one, anywhere, will ever be able to feel safe. These rules are not dogma; they must change depending on the experience and achievements of mankind. But refusing them is not only stupid, but also deadly.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: TEBTC on April 09, 2024, 07:47:35 AM
The truth of the matter is that I don't see this rules based system changing in the nearest future because with the way the world economic system is structure it favour the power countries who will do everything with in there power to remain in that position

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on April 13, 2024, 04:17:59 PM
I Hope The Top Neutral Referee Group Can Send My New Currency Model Idea To All Interested Parties

Hello all,
I have just got back from Singapore few hours ago.
The job is done.
Now it is the waiting time.

I hope the top neutral entities or the referee group can send my new unique currency model idea to all the interested beings/entities/parties as soon as possible.

I am not going to release to the public yet for it won’t going to change anything for you need real product to test to check to see the real life result.

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on April 16, 2024, 04:28:00 PM
The Fastest Way To Stop All The Current World Conflicts Is Investing In My New Currency Idea

How to make the Russia, Israel stop war within 24 hours?
All you need to do is show them my brand new global currency model/paradigm idea then threating them (those nations) of either stop war immediately within 24 hours or not allow to receive the using license/permission !

I do not have any direct contact with those top leaders of those nations and their group.

If you want to end the stupid current physical deadly weapon war with animal behavior and enter the new war of real human intelligence, then all you need to do is investing or cooperating with me to make that new international currency project become reality as soon as possible.

My new international currency system have 2 purpose and objective:
1. Replacing all the national fiat currency money in all the international transactions between nations.

2. Become the primary currency for the digital platform.

Too big, too ambious, but I think that is how a real digital currency should be !

You must understand the potential of digital technology and how to ultilize to the highest potential if you want to have the winning product(here is international currency).

And I strongly believe, my new currency idea will outplay all kind of physical assets including gold/silver (even in case any beings/entities make rule of using physical gold/silver/oil to settle any business transactions).
Because the number of people who have some decent amount of gold/silver is less than 0.01% of total world population.

With the raise of technology media, people will know what type of currency they should be use.

I think the USA and the West should let the East play their own book of physical gold/silver.
The only finalwinning product is my new international digital currency vision !

Best Regard,
The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on April 21, 2024, 08:55:04 AM
I The Savior Is Looking For Financial Support To Do The New Global Currency Project

I the Savior Messiah Buddha have revealed the new international currency model version which in my opinion is going to take over the current global financial system once is published and be known, be appeared in the mainstream media (even just in the introduction article, does not need any kind of marketing).

I prefer to franchising, selling license rather than directly do any particular currency project based on that idea, vision for various reason especially related to financial issue matters and desire motivation.

But there is a chance no any beings/entity have enough spiritual power and talent that able to carry that great currency project.

For that reason I am looking for the connection (financial support) from the rest of you in this society civilization.

The amount of money I am looking is from 5 to 10 millions USD.

The deadline for this calling is April 28th 2024.

Cryptocurrency Account:

Bitcoin BTC



Litecoin LTC



BitcoinCash BCH



eCash XEC



Dogecoin DOGE



Tron TRX



Digibyte DGB






Lumens XML






Accept USDT, USDC and all other tokens via BSC BEP-20 or ERC ETH

Binance Smart Chain BNB



Ethereum ETH



For bank money transfer or any other method: contact me privately.

I prefer to receive money via bank wire transfer rather than cryptocurrency.

I know this is a crazy calling article but I still share this post for everything is possible and there is chance for all the scenarios.

Thank you,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on June 09, 2024, 02:28:44 AM
Read Only - New Global Currency Model/Paradigm Vision

The unlock password is depend on your level and ability !

For those who wish obtain license/permission then contact me as soon as possible.

The official timeline about the franchising process of this crazy good new global currency model will be revealed soon !

Best Regard,

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: pinggoki on June 09, 2024, 02:48:44 AM
Okay, a video that nobody has watched on a no-name channel that turns out to be just this post in a form of screenshots. The sad thing is that even though the post is pretty long, it's hard to know for sure what the op meant. Is it some sort of conspiracy theory about some secret rules and order that governs the world and economy? Or is it just the liberal international order (, which includes political and economic liberalism plus liberal internationalism. If it's the former, I don't care about it. If it's the latter, it sounds about right, but I don't think that it's the root of all current wars, unless it's meant in a general sense that countries which support the order are sometimes fighting against countries which oppose it.
You're probably on the right here because if we're basing on how OP posts, he's probably the kind that's unhinged and isn't thinking straight, that's the only thing that I can get out of this, I mean look at his closing remarks, Buddha as the savior when that's not even how it all works. Dude probably watched too many conspiracy videos to the point of not being able to think for himself anymore, it's probably for the best if people will just ignore whatever OP is saying because it doesn't make sense because he's either not good at speaking the English language that he's probably using a translator to directly translate what he's saying without the context that it might mean different once translated or he's a troll that just wants attention and what better way to do that than to look crazy right?

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on July 24, 2024, 02:11:44 PM
 Read Only – The Final Ultimate Currency War Solution, Human Development Strategy

This is read-only information document that will end the current currency war and open new chapter for humanity in this civilization. It is not only about currency matter but also contain the human development subject as well.

If any entity want to obtain license/permission or cooperate to do the project then contact me the original author directly as soon as possible.

Download Files (with passwords):

Thank you,
Vision Bodhi

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: Ozero on August 01, 2024, 04:22:14 AM
The Fastest Way To Stop All The Current World Conflicts Is Investing In My New Currency Idea

How to make the Russia, Israel stop war within 24 hours?
All you need to do is show them my brand new global currency model/paradigm idea then threating them (those nations) of either stop war immediately within 24 hours or not allow to receive the using license/permission !

You do not reveal the essence of your idea about a new financial system and a new currency, and therefore it is quite difficult to judge all this. I can only say that human civilization has existed for more than one millennium, and all this time people have been looking for an ideal financial system that would satisfy all claims regarding currency and its circulation in society. We have had a fiat system for a long time, and recently cryptocurrency has been added to it and this indicates the theoretical possibility that alternative financial systems may exist.

But you need to outline the essence of your idea, at least in general terms, otherwise it is unlikely that influential persons or relevant state bodies will be interested in it. And your opinion that allowing you to use your new financial system can stop such global wars as Russia’s war in Ukraine looks completely ridiculous. Putin and other crazy rulers have their own idea of the world order and ways to influence them.

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on August 01, 2024, 04:57:56 AM
The Fastest Way To Stop All The Current World Conflicts Is Investing In My New Currency Idea

How to make the Russia, Israel stop war within 24 hours?
All you need to do is show them my brand new global currency model/paradigm idea then threating them (those nations) of either stop war immediately within 24 hours or not allow to receive the using license/permission !

You do not reveal the essence of your idea about a new financial system and a new currency, and therefore it is quite difficult to judge all this. I can only say that human civilization has existed for more than one millennium, and all this time people have been looking for an ideal financial system that would satisfy all claims regarding currency and its circulation in society. We have had a fiat system for a long time, and recently cryptocurrency has been added to it and this indicates the theoretical possibility that alternative financial systems may exist.

But you need to outline the essence of your idea, at least in general terms, otherwise it is unlikely that influential persons or relevant state bodies will be interested in it. And your opinion that allowing you to use your new financial system can stop such global wars as Russia’s war in Ukraine looks completely ridiculous. Putin and other crazy rulers have their own idea of the world order and ways to influence them.

Some entity already read my information/idea and I even have a demo website version but all still in the private mode.
I may reveal/release that demo version to the public/you within next couple of days after all the settings are done/set since it is a quite complicated complex system but very easy to understand.

Updated: the demo version at .

Title: Re: The Current World Financial System Is Rule Based Order, The New One Must Not
Post by: WinningJoy on August 01, 2024, 05:39:29 AM
Big update: the demo version of the new digital currency concept what I was talking about can be see, read, check, test at website .
Feedback, discussion at

Thank You,
Winning Joy
Vision Bodhi